Short Communication
Abstract Rodents account for 40 per cent of living high number of genera) `threat-spots' for rodent conser-
mammal species. Nevertheless, despite an increased vation. A few regions, mainly drylands, are singled out
interest in biodiversity conservation and their high as important areas for rodent conservation but are not
species richness, Rodentia are often neglected by con- generally recognized in global biodiversity assessments.
servationists. We attempt for the ®rst time a world-wide These are the remaining forests of Togo, extreme
evaluation of rodent conservation priorities at the genus `western Sahel', the Turanian and Mongolian±Manchu-
level. Given the low popularity of the order, we rian steppes and the desert of the Horn of Africa.
considered it desirable to discuss identi®ed priorities Resources for conservation must be allocated ®rst to
within the framework of established biodiversity prior- recognized threat spots and to those restricted-range
ity areas of the world. Two families and 62 genera are genera which may depend on species-speci®c strategies
recognized as threatened. Our analyses highlight the for their survival.
Philippines, New Guinea, Sulawesi, the Caribbean,
China temperate forests and the Atlantic Forest of Keywords Biodiversity, conservation priorities,
south-eastern Brazil as the most important (for their rodents, threatened genera, world ecoregions.
Ó 2001 FFI, Oryx, 35(2), 158±165
Rodent conservation priorities 159
Table 1 Threatened rodent genera and their geographical range. Monotypic families are in bold.
Table 1 (Continued).
1996, 1998) for conservation planning than presently the very few specimens known and/or very restricted
allowed by continually updated species lists (e.g. ranges.
Groves & Flannery, 1994; Rickart et al., 1998; da Silva, We mainly followed Olson & Dinerstein (1997) for the
1998). At this level, it is also possible to identify, and identi®cation and nomenclature of major world ecore-
thus emphasize the conservation importance, of an- gions. We list major environmental threats (as deduced
cient, species-poor lineages that contribute heavily to by Olson & Dinerstein, 1997 and Statters®eld et al., 1998)
the diversity of the order at the expense of more for each ecoregion with particular attention to those
recent, speciose clades (Vane-Wright et al., 1991; Kra- considered of importance to rodents (G. Amori and
jewski, 1994). In fact, the extinction of a member of the S. Gippoliti, in preparation).
genus Rattus cannot be considered of equal importance
to the loss of the only species of the family Hydroch-
Results and discussion
aeridae. This simple phylogenetic criterion is not
entirely satisfactory because it undervalues the role The present assessment provides a ®rst global frame-
of rodents in natural ecosystems (Power et al., 1996), work to direct scarce resources towards the conservation
but paucity of ecological studies make objective of phylogenetically distinctive and apparently threat-
assessment on a global scale impossible at the present ened members of the order Rodentia.
time. It is auspicious, however, that the preservation of In the present analysis 62 genera are recognized as
major terrestrial biomes by existing protected area threatened and 45 as potentially threatened (Tables 1
systems serves to guarantee protection for most rodent and 2). Also, two monotypic families, Pedetidae and
species. Dinomyidae, appear to be threatened. The Oriental
region has the highest number of threatened and
potentially threatened genera (21 and 13, respectively,
see Table 3). Some areas are clearly singled out as threat
The systematics followed are those reviewed in Wilson & spots for rodent conservation (see Table 4). The Philip-
Reeder (1993). We considered as threatened species those pines (excluding Palawan) have six threatened endemic
classi®ed by IUCN (1996) as Critically Endangered (CR), genera and two potentially threatened genera, ®ve of
Endangered (EN) and Vulnerable (VU); threatened gen- which occur in the Luzon faunal division. The highland
era as those having all extant species listed by IUCN and lowland forests of New Guinea have ®ve threatened
(1996) as threatened (see also Rylands et al., 1997) or, endemic genera and one potentially threatened genus.
possibly, extinct; potentially threatened genera as those Sulawesi has four threatened endemic genera. China's
having all extant species listed in the threatened (CR, EN temperate forests have four threatened genera (one
and VU), Lower Risk (Conservation Dependent and Near non-endemic) and two potentially threatened genera.
Threatened) and Data De®cient categories. The latter In the Neotropics, the most important threat spot is
subdivision has been included because we feel that the represented by the Atlantic Forest of south-eastern
endangered status of many little-known rodent taxa is Brazil, where four threatened genera and one potentially
presently undervalued. threatened genus (all endemic) are found. Four threat-
We included in the threatened genera category a few ened genera occur in the Caribbean, two of which
taxa omitted in the 1996 IUCN Red List, because of are restricted to Hispaniola. Among Afrotropical
Table 3 A summary of the number of species, threatened species, extinct species, and threatened and potentially threatened genera
of rodents by each zoogeographical region.
Table 4 Priority ecoregions identi®ed in this work, major conservation threats and respective endemic threatened and potentially
threatened rodent genera.
Threatened Potentially
Ecoregion (by zoogeographical region) genera threatened genera Major threats
Palearctic region
Southern Europe and Middle East Myomimus Chionomys Deforestation and habitat
montane forests Dinaromys fragmentation
Central Asian deserts Cardiocranius Steppes are under pressure from sheep
Euchoreutes farming, agriculture and increasing human
Selevinia population
Japan evergreen forest Glirulus Deforestation and tree plantations
Oriental region
Western Himalayan temperate Eupetaurus Euglacomys Remaining forests in the region are
forests threatened by increasing logging,
agriculture expansion and fuelwood
Palawan moist forests Palawanomys Deforestation rate is increasing
Philippines moist forests Abditomys Carpomys Deforestation on much of the
Anonymomys Celaenomys Philippine Islands (i.e. western Visayan)
Archboldomys is severe
Sulawesi moist forests Hyosciurus In the last 20 years Sulawesi has lost
Eropeplus 67% of lowland and montane forest
North-east India and Myanmar Biswamoyopterus Deforestation and habitat degradation
hill forests
Nansei Shoto archipelago forests Tokudaia Diplothrix Deforestation and introduction of exotic or
domestic predators
Lesser Sunda dry and monsoon forests Papagomys Forest clearance
South-west China temperate forests Trogopterus Aeretes Agriculture expansion and timber
Chaetocauda Proedromys harvesting
Afrotropical region
Western Sahel Felovia Habitat degradation as a result of
Southern African region grassland Pedetes Overgrazing of the highveld by domestic
Mystromys livestock
Eastern subdesert and dry bushland Pedetes Heliophobius Increasing agriculture
Central Togo Leimacomys Severe reduction and fragmentation of
Congolian coastal forests Myosciurus Zenkerella Deforestation
Ethiopian Highlands Megadendromus Stenocephalemys Deforestation and overgrazing
Horn of Africa desert Ammodillus Microdillus Habitat degradation as a result of
Madagascar dry forest Hypogeomys Cutting and burning of forests
Madagascar moist forests Gymnuromys Brachyuromys Deforestation and introduction of exotic
rodent species
Nearctic region
Mexican pine±oak forests Zygogeomys Deforestation and expansion of the
elevational range of the larger and more
aggressive Pappogeomys gymnurus
Table 4 (Continued).
Florida conifer and broadleaf forests Podomys Drier upland habitats area is declining for
urban and agricultural development
Neotropical region
Brazil Atlantic forests Abrawayaomys Blarinomys Urbanization, agricultural and logging
Phaenomys expansion
Northern Andean forests and Yungas Anotomys Chibchanomys Agricultural conversion, land clearing and
Dinomys Lenoxus logging
GalaÂpagos Islands Nesoryzomys Competion with other introduced rodents
Greater Antillean moist forests Isolobodon Mysateles Deforestation and introduction of exotic
Plagiodontia species (such as domestic cat)
Pantanal ¯ooded savannah Kunsia Carterodon Conversion to pasture and cash crops
and cerrado Juscelinomys
Monte Province and Patagonian Tympanoctomys Dolichotis Grazing, petroleum and mining activities.
steppe and grassland Loss of grassland caused by the introduction
of non-native species (such as Lepus
europaeus and Mustela vison)
Central Andean region Chinchilla Overgrazing and uncontrolled hunting
Australian region
New Guinea forests Macruromys Xenuromys Introduction of non-native mammals and
Mayermys hunting for food
Solomon moist forests Solomys Introduction of non-native mammals and
hunting for food
Northern Australia and trans-¯y Xeromys Coastal vegetation is under pressure caused
savanna by the introduction of ungulates
Sandy Australian deserts Leporillus Increasing abundance of predators because
of the presence of exotic prey species such
as rabbits and mice
ecoregions, the Ethiopian highlands hold the greatest cies in our knowledge of biodiversity patterns in
number of threatened genera. groups other than mammals and birds. Two conserva-
As would be expected, most of the recognized tion strategies are required to maintain rodent diversity
crucial areas for rodent diversity conservation are also at the genus level at least. In most of the ecoregions
acknowledged to be of global relevance for biodiversity considered, charismatic vertebrates may act as `um-
conservation. The present study, however, identi®es brella' species for funding active conservation of large
some regions which are unrecognized in recent global tracts of natural habitat (Caro & O'Doherty, 1999) so
biodiversity studies (Olson & Dinerstein, 1997; Stat- offering a concrete chance of maintaining entire as-
1 ters®eld et al., 1998). This is the case of the semidesert semblages of native rodents including threatened
regions of central Asia, of the `western sahel', and of endemics (Lynam & Billick, 1999). However, especially
`central Togo' remnant forests, whereas the Horn of in the case of restricted-range or island taxa (i.e.
Africa desert is recognized by Olson & Dinerstein Nesoryzomys, Zygogeomys, etc.) no alternatives exists to
(1997) only. These results partly agree with Mares the implementation of species-speci®c strategies
(1992) conclusion for South America that mammal including research, creation of protected areas, control
diversity, and thus their conservation importance, has of exotic species, translocation and so on (Dowler et al.,
been badly neglected in the drylands. Future research 2000). Funding of speci®c conservation projects for
should clarify if these anomalies underline real pecu- these genera is the ®rst step to maintaining the
liarities of the Rodentia or, alternatively, real de®cien- exceptional diversity of rodents on our planet.
Biographical sketches