Trahair, N. S.
Trahair, N. S.
Trahair, N. S.
Abstract: This paper develops a simple advanced method of designing steel members against out-of-plane failure, in which reduced
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elastic moduli are used in an out-of-plane buckling analysis to model the effects of high moment, residual stresses and geometrical
imperfections on yielding. The reduced moduli are derived from the basic beam and column strength curves of the Australian steel code
AS4100 in 1998. The strengths predicted for simply supported beams in uniform bending are exactly the same as those of AS4100, while
those for simply supported columns are extremely close. The strengths predicted for simply supported beam-columns with equal and
opposite end moments are a little higher than the less conservative predictions of AS4100, and are very close to the basic beam and
column strengths when these are plotted against a consistent generalized slenderness. The strengths predicted for simply supported beams
under double curvature bending are somewhat less than those of the AS4100 method of design by buckling analysis, while those for
beams with central concentrated loads acting at or away from the centroid are very close, and those for end restrained beams under
uniform bending and for sway columns are generally a little higher. While the method has been developed from and compared with the
Australian code AS4100, it may be modified for any other modern code for the design of steel structures. It may be more widely applied
to two-dimensional frames with in-plane loading, as part of a simple method of advanced analysis in which separate assessments are made
of the in-plane and out-of plane strengths.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2004兲130:1共64兲
CE Database subject headings: Beams; Beam columns; Columns; Buckling; Steel; Residual stress.
Beam Strength
Nominal Strength
The AS4100 共SA 1998兲 nominal lateral buckling moment strength
M b of a compact I-section beam is given by
Fig. 1. Basic beam and column strengths of AS4100
M b ⫽␣ m ␣ s M px (1)
in which M px ⫽ f y S x ⫽major axis full plastic moment in which
冉 冊 冉 冊
f y ⫽yield stress and S x ⫽plastic section modulus; ␣ m ⫽moment 2
modification factor which allows for nonuniform moment distri- 1 M M
␥ IM ⫽0.9⫺ while ⭐1.0 (6)
butions (␣ m ⫽1.0 for uniform bending兲; and ␣ s ⫽slenderness re- 1.2 M px M px
duction factor which allows for the effects of elastic buckling, in which M⫽bending moment at the cross-section.
initial crookedness and twist, and residual stresses, and which is These values of ␥ IM are shown in Fig. 2 and compared with
given by 共Trahair 1993兲 simplified versions ␥ IE , ␥ IG 共Trahair 1993兲 of the approximations
␣ s ⫽0.6 再 冑冋冉 冊 册 冎
M px
M yz
⫹3 ⫺
M px
M yz
⭐1.0 (2)
used by Trahair and Kitipornchai 共1972兲 for the influence of re-
sidual stresses 共i.e., without initial crookedness and twist兲 on the
inelastic lateral buckling of I-beams in uniform bending. The dif-
in which M yz ⫽elastic buckling moment of a simply supported ferences between ␥ IM and ␥ IE and ␥ IG are due to the effects of
beam in uniform bending given by initial crookedness and twist. When the values of ␥ IM given by
冑 冉 冊
Eq. 共6兲 are used in Eq. 共5兲, then the AS4100 basic strengths
2 EI y 2 EI w shown in Fig. 1 are obtained. This suggests that nominal strengths
M yz ⫽ GJ⫹ (3)
L 2
L2 which are consistent with the design procedures of AS4100 can
be predicted for other beams with different loading and restraint
in which E and G⫽Young’s and shear moduli of elasticity; I y , J, conditions by using an inelastic buckling analysis with reduced
and I w ⫽minor axis second moment of area, the uniform torsion moduli ␥ IM E and ␥ IM G obtained using Eq. 共6兲.
section constant; and the warping section constant, respectively;
and L⫽length of the beam.
The variation of the dimensionless AS4100 basic beam
strength M b /M px with the modified slenderness 冑 (M px /M yz ) is
shown in Fig. 1.
M I⫽ 冑 2 ␥ IM EI y
冉 ␥ IM GJ⫹
2 ␥ IM EI w
冊 (4)
equal to M b so that
M b ⫽M I ⫽␥ IM M yz (5)
Fig. 2. Reduced elastic moduli factors for beams and columns
Fig. 5. Effect of end restraints on uniform bending beam strength Fig. 6. Effect of end restraint on unbraced column strength
This is because elastic restraints are more effective for inelastic equal to N cy so that
beams with reduced values of E I than for elastic beams. It may be
concluded that the AS4100 method of design by buckling analysis N cy ⫽N I ⫽␥ IN N y (15)
is a little conservative for beams with elastic end restraints. The variation of ␥ IN obtained by this method with the value of
N cy /N Y is shown in Fig. 2 and compared with the corresponding
variation of ␥ IM with M b /M px for beams. It can be seen that
Column Strength these variations are quite similar. The close approximation for ␥ IN
Nominal Strength ␥ IN ⫽0.98⫺0.57共 N/N Y 兲 ⫹0.59共 N/N Y 兲 2 ⫺0.99共 N/N Y 兲 3
The AS4100 共SA 1998兲 minor axis flexural buckling nominal (16)
compression strength N cy of a fully effective 共against local buck- in which N⫽axial compression at the section is also shown in Fig.
ling兲 I-section column is given by 2.
N cy ⫽␣ c N Y (11) When the approximate values of ␥ IN given by Eq. 共16兲 are
used in Eq. 共15兲, then the close approximations to the AS4100
in which N Y ⫽A f y ⫽squash load in which A⫽cross-sectional area; basic strengths shown in Fig. 1 are obtained.
and ␣ c ⫽slenderness reduction factor which allows for the effects
of elastic buckling, initial crookedness, and residual stresses, and
which depends on the type of cross-section 共there are five groups Elastic End Restraints
of these in AS4100兲 and on the modified slenderness The effectiveness of the inelastic buckling method of predicting
c ⫽ 冑 共 N Y /N y 兲 (12) the nominal strengths of columns with elastic end restraints has
been investigated for an unbraced column with an elastic restraint
in which against minor axis end rotation acting at the free end.
N y ⫽ 2 EI y /L 2 (13) The elastic buckling load of such a column is given by
is the elastic minor axis flexural buckling load of the column. The 2 EI y
variation of the dimensionless AS4100 basic column strength N yr ⫽ (17)
共 kL 兲 2
N cy /N Y with the modified slenderness c for the central cross-
section group is shown in Fig. 1. in which the elastic effective length factor k satisfies
␣ RL
Reduced Elastic Moduli ⫽ tan (18)
EI y k k
The nominal column compression strength N cy may also be ob- in which ␣ R ⫽stiffness of the elastic restraint.
tained by making an inelastic lateral buckling analysis using an The inelastic buckling of such a column may be analyzed by
inelastic modulus E IN ⫽␥ IN E which is reduced below its elastic using the finite element computer program PRFELB 共Papangelis
value E to allow for the effects of initial crookedness and residual et al. 1993, 1998兲. Inelastic buckling predictions for 250UB37.3
stresses in reducing the elastic flexural buckling load N y to the section columns 共BHP 1998兲 with ␥ IN ⫽0.6 obtained using 20
nominal strength N cy . The reduction factor ␥ IN may be obtained elements are shown in Fig. 6.
by setting the inelastic buckling load Also shown in Fig. 6 are the dimensionless nominal strengths
N cy /N Y of AS4100 obtained by using a method of design by
2 ␣ IN EI y buckling analysis. It can be seen that the inelastic predictions of
N I⫽ (14)
L2 the column strengths are a little higher than the values of AS4100.
Beam-Column Strength
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Nominal Strength
The general design rules of AS4100 共SA 1998兲 for a beam-
column under axial compression and in-plane bending can be
used to formulate a lesser nominal out-of-plane moment strength
M on of
M on ⫽M b 共 1⫺N/N cy 兲 (19)
although a more accurate and economical expression can be de-
rived from a higher tier design rule for beam-columns which are Fig. 7. Strengths of beam-columns in uniform bending
without transverse loads and which are fully effective against
local buckling.
␥ IM N ⫽
␥ IN ⫹␥ IM 共 N Y /N 兲共 M /M px 兲
1⫹ 共 N Y /N 兲共 M /M px 兲
(20) 冉 冊 冉
M yz
⫽ 1⫺
Ny 冊冉 1⫺
Nz 冊 (26)
N x ⫽ 2 EI x /L 2 (23)
is the in-plane column elastic buckling load. Conclusions
Elastic lateral buckling occurs when M and N satisfy 共Vachara-
jittiphan et al. 1974; Trahair 1993兲 This paper develops a simple advanced method of designing steel
冉 冊 冉 冊冉 冊冉 冊
members against out-of-plane failure, in which reduced elastic
M N N N moduli are used in an out-of-plane buckling analysis to simulate
⫽ 1⫺ 1⫺ 1⫺ (24)
M yz Nx Ny Nz the effects of high moment, residual stresses and geometrical im-
in which perfections on yielding. The reduced moduli are derived from the
basic beam and column strength curves of the Australian steel
共 GJ⫹ 2 EI w /L 2 兲 code AS4100 共SA 1998兲. The method is verified by comparing its
N z⫽ (25)
共 I x ⫹I y 兲 /A predictions of member strength with those of AS4100.
tional and consistent than the simpler AS4100 method of allowing N Y r ⫽ reduced column squash load;
for load height by using empirical effective length factors. N z ⫽ column elastic torsional buckling load;
The strengths predicted for end-restrained beams under uni- Q ⫽ beam transverse load;
form bending are generally higher than those of the AS4100 S x ⫽ major axis plastic section modulus;
method of design by buckling analysis, because the AS4100 pro- x, y ⫽ cross-section principal axes;
cedure is based on the relative stiffness of the elastic restraints y Q ⫽ distance of load below centroid;
compared with that of the elastic beam, and so under-estimates z ⫽ distance along a member;
the relative stiffness compared with that of the inelastic beam. ␣ c ⫽ column slenderness reduction factor;
Similar differences were found for end-restrained unbraced col- ␣ m ⫽ moment modification factor;
umns. ␣ R ⫽ restraint stiffness;
The strengths predicted for simply supported beam-columns ␣ s ⫽ beam slenderness reduction factor;
with equal and opposite end moments are significantly higher ␥ IE , ␥ IG ⫽ inelastic modulus reduction factors;
than the more conservative predictions of AS4100, and a little ␥ IM , ␥ IN ⫽ beam and column inelastic modulus reduction
higher than the less conservative predictions. The strengths pre- factors;
dicted are very close to the basic beam and column strengths ␥ IM N ⫽ beam-column inelastic modulus reduction
when these are plotted against a consistent generalized slender- factor; and
ness. c ⫽ column modified slenderness.
While the method has been developed from and compared
with the Australian code AS4100, it may be modified for any
other modern code for the design of steel structures.
The method may be more widely applied to two-dimensional
frames with in-plane loading, as part of a simple method of ad-
Broken Hill Proprietary 共BHP兲. 共1998兲. Hot rolled and structural steel
vanced analysis in which separate assessments are made of the
products, Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd, Melbourne, Australia.
in-plane and out-of plane strengths.
Galambos, T. V. 共1968兲. Structural members and frames, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Kim, S. E., and Chen, W. F. 共1996a兲. ‘‘Practical advanced analysis for
Notation unbraced steel frame analysis.’’ J. Struct. Eng., 122共11兲, 1259–1265.
Kim, S. E., and Chen, W. F. 共1996b兲. ‘‘Practical advanced analysis for
The following symbols are used in this paper: braced steel frame analysis.’’ J. Struct. Eng., 122共11兲, 1266 –1274.
A ⫽ cross-sectional area; Papangelis, J. P., Trahair, N. S., and Hancock, G. J. 共1993兲. ‘‘Computer
E ⫽ Young’s modulus of elasticity; analysis of elastic flexural-torsional buckling.’’ J. Singapore Struct.
E I ⫽ inelastic Young’s modulus; Steel Soc., 4共1兲, 59– 67.
E IN ⫽ column inelastic Young’s modulus; Papangelis, J. P., Trahair, N. S., and Hancock, G. J. 共1998兲. ‘‘Elastic
flexural-torsional buckling of structures by computer.’’ Comput.
f y ⫽ yield stress;
Struct., 68, 125–137.
G ⫽ shear modulus of elasticity;
Standards Australia 共SA兲. 共1998兲. ‘‘AS4100, Steel structures.’’ Standards
G I ⫽ inelastic shear modulus; Australia, Sydney, Australia.
h ⫽ 冑 (I w /I y ); Trahair, N. S. 共1993兲. Flexural-torsional buckling of structures, E & FN
I w ⫽ warping section constant; Spon, London.
I x , I y ⫽ second moments of area about x, y axes; Trahair, N. S., and Bradford, M. A. 共1998兲. The behaviour and design of
J ⫽ torsion section constant; steel structures to AS4100, 3rd Australian Ed., E & FN Spon, London.
k ⫽ effective length factor; Trahair, N. S., and Chan, S. L. 共2003兲. ‘‘Out-of-plane advanced analysis
L ⫽ member length; of steel structures.’’ Eng. Struct. 25, 1627–1637.
M ⫽ applied moment; Trahair, N. S., and Kitipornchai, S. 共1972兲. ‘‘Buckling of inelastic
M b ⫽ nominal member moment capacity; I-beams under uniform moment.’’ J. Struct. Div. ASCE, 98共11兲, 2551–
M I ⫽ inelastic buckling moment;
Vacharajittiphan, P., Woolcock, S. T., and Trahair, N. S. 共1974兲. ‘‘Effect
M m ⫽ maximum bending moment; of in-plane deformation on lateral buckling.’’ J. Struct. Mech., 3共1兲,
M oa ⫽ M ob /␣ m ; 29– 60.
M ob ⫽ maximum moment at elastic buckling; Wongkaew, K., and Chen, W. F. 共2002兲. ‘‘Consideration of out-of-plane
M on ⫽ nominal out-of-plane moment capacity; buckling in advanced analysis for planar steel frame design.’’ J. Con-
M os ⫽ modified value of M ob ; str. Steel Res., 58, 943–965.