INFS6790 Syllabus 2024spring
INFS6790 Syllabus 2024spring
INFS6790 Syllabus 2024spring
Spring 2024
Euisung Jung
(Please be sure to include your name, your class, and well defined subject in your email)
Office: Stranahan Hall -ST4032
Phone: 419-530-2342
Office Hours: M 3:00 – 5:00 pm, by appointment
Course/Catalog Description
In this course we will emphasize the integrative nature of business decision making with enterprise
systems. This course will provide students an overview of the fundamental business processes /
systems used to run organizations and how the increase in their system integration adds value,
improves productivity and increases growth. This will be done through a focus on enterprise system
implementation as well as process execution. Students will gain a deep appreciation for the role of
enterprise systems in managing processes from multiple functional perspectives. Also, students will
work on various hands-on exercises including configuration of a fictitious company and
implementation of business rules using an enterprise system.
Teaching Strategies
Lectures/Demonstrations: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered
in class. In addition, we will be using a variety of group in-class discussions. These will be used
to enforce your understanding of the concepts covered in the lecture and readings. There will be
9 homework assignments to assess your understanding of the material. The homework
assignments will cover both lectures and required readings outside of class.
Software: SAP ERP application (version 7.5) and Global Bike Incorporated (GBI) data set (which
can be accessed through Virtual lab or VLab)
Important Note on VLab system: You may access any software in our College of Business
Administration Computing public labs remotely via To access the VLab
system you will need to have an UTAD user id and password. If you are the first time user, please
contact COBI IT help desk at (Phone: 419-530-4607, Stranahan Hall
University Polices
Policy Statement on Non-Discrimination on the basis of Disability (ADA)
The University is an equal opportunity educational institution. Please read ‘The University’s Policy
Statement on Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Americans with Disability Act Compliance’.
Academic Accommodations
The University of Toledo is committed to providing equal access to education for all students. If you
have a documented disability or you believe you have a disability and would like information regarding
academic accommodations / adjustments in this course please contact the Student Disability Services
Office (
Dishonesty Policy
Please be advised that no form of academic dishonesty will be tolerated in this class. All of the
following offenses represent academic dishonesty: taking answers from or comparing answers
with another student during an exam, using any unauthorized aids during an exam, sharing your
computer assignment with another student, allowing another student to share his/her computer
assignment with you, or working with another student(s) on a computer assignment. In every
incident of dishonesty, full university and college policies on academic dishonesty will be applied.
NO EXCEPTIONS. This could result in a letter to your permanent file, immediate dismissal from
the course with a grade of ‘F’, or even stronger action. Please be aware of the university policy
located at
Academic Policy
1. Exams and quizzes are derived from both lecture and book materials. Therefore, lecture
review is required for success in this course
2. No makeup exams will be given.
3. The final exam will be administered in accordance with the University Examination
Calendar. There will be no make-ups given for the final exam. In general, you can expect a
failing grade in the course if you miss the scheduled final exam time. Exceptions to this
will be made only in strict accordance with UT policies.
4. Exams will start at the beginning of class.
5. It is your responsibility to drop or withdraw from this class. Please understand that I cannot
drop you from the class after the withdrawal deadline and incompletes (I’s) will only be
given when there are University approved extenuating circumstances.
- Attendance: Students are expected to attend all lecture and lab sessions. Students are further
expected to complete all assignments by their due date and take exams on the dates listed in the
- Readings: You are responsible for reading the assigned material before coming to class.
Some of the material may not be discussed in class and will be assigned as self-study.
- Exam Policy: There will be two examinations in multiple-choice, short-answer format. All exams
will be given in class during regularly scheduled class times. All exams are closed-book exams. I
will try to provide some exam review time in class or during an external review session.
Makeup exams will be given only in the case of an unforeseen, documented emergency or
for a significant reason approved in advance by the instructor. For a significant reason
known in advance, fill out a Make-Up Exam Request Form, and include supporting
documentation. Submit this to your instructor in person a minimum of one week before the
scheduled date of the exam. In case of unforeseen emergency, you must notify the Instructor via
email within 48 hours of the exam.
- Homework Assignments Policy: All assignments, exams, and quizzes must reflect individual
and original effort. The work you turn in must be your own work. Students will be required to
complete assignments independently. Late homework will not be accepted except the case of an
unforeseen, documented emergency.
- Assignments Guidelines: When submitting assignments, you must submit the electronic files to
the proper Black Board drop box. All blackboard submissions are required to check whether
the file can be opened. If the submitted file is corrupted or uncompleted, no grades will be
- Office Hours: You are encouraged to ask questions during online office hours or by email. If you
have a specific question or problem with assignment, please remember to bring a copy of your
error message and capture screen. Saying “it doesn’t work” is not sufficient for me to provide
help. You may also ask questions by email. If you want to see me outside the scheduled office
hours, please make an appointment by email. Please keep in mind that when you send a question
by email, you have to send it at least 24 hours earlier than due date/time. If you send an email
Saturday afternoon, it will not be answered by Monday morning.
- Collusion/Plagiarism: All material submitted in this course should represent original work. All
forms of collusion and/or plagiarism are unacceptable. Due to the nature of the assignment
material, collusion and/or plagiarism is easy to detect. Any form of cheating will earn a score of
zero for ALL parties involved. Further disciplinary measures may be used, as per Academic
Misconduct Procedures.
Evaluation Procedures
Grades will be earned based upon performance on exams, projects, homework assignments, and class
participation, using the following point scale:
- Homework: A number of lab exercises will be given during the semester. While
interaction among class members is encouraged during the course, these assignments are to
be individual efforts and are not to be done jointly. Unless otherwise noted, they are due at
the class period following the assignment.
- Presentation: Each team will be required to make a presentation during the course that
deals with a current topic in the area of ERP. A list of potential topics will be provided by
the instructor. The presentation should be 20 minutes long, should involve the use of
PowerPoint and possibly demonstrations. Each member of the team should participate in
the presentation.
- Research Paper Summary: In this assignment, each student will read and summarize a
current research paper from an established journal, MISQ, JMIS, and JAIS. The summary
should explain an aspect of the paper in your own words and evaluate the paper. Other
sources could be used as well, as long as including a copy and cite the source. The
summary will be presented in class.
The course grading scale is shown below. Contingent upon the overall class performance, the instructor
maintains the right to adjust the scale. Plagiarism and cases of copying/cheating may be reported for
disciplinary action and an ‘F’ grade will be awarded to those involved.
>=93% A
>=90% A-
>=87% B+
>=83% B
>=80% B-
>=77% C+
>=73% C
>=70% C-
>=67% D+
>=63% D
>=60% D-
<60% F
Schedule of Topics
Below is a schedule of topics. Please keep up on the readings. Note that the topics in this course can be
difficult to master without continuous, sustained, individual effort. It isto your benefit to allocate time for
experimentation and practice. Be prepared to try out ideas for yourself, and to use other resources such as
on-line help and other texts. Do NOT get behind since new concepts build upon earlier concepts. You
should be prepared to spend several hours every week doing exercises, programming assignments and
preparing for class.
Note: The topic schedule may vary as needed in order to best meet the needs of the class.
However, the exam dates are fixed.
Team Presentation
15 4/22
Exam Review
Final Exam (4/29 Monday, 7:15 pm –
Final Week
9:15 pm.)
Academic Integrity
Any copying activities in a quiz, or assignment will be dealt with most severity. It will result in a grade of F
in the course. Further, your name will be forwarded to the dean’s office for other appropriate actions. Both
the Code of Student Academic Conduct and Student Academic Grievance Procedure can be reviewed on
the College of Business Administration Website
Academic dishonesty: As a student taking coursework in this College, you have an obligation to maintain
the highest standards of ethical conduct. This involves avoiding acts of academic dishonesty. The reason
for requiring the highest standards of ethical conduct is to ensure fairness, honesty and integrity in the
evaluation of student performance. Evaluation of student performance should not be invalidated by students
intending or attempting to misrepresent the skill, achievement or ability of either themselves or others.
To achieve this purpose, the College has enacted a Code of Student Academic Conduct. This Code sets
forth specific types of academic misconduct which will not be tolerated. If there is any evidence of any of
these types of academic misconduct in this course, charges will be filed against the student or students
involved. Along with the Code, the College has also enacted a Student Academic Grievance Procedure.
The purpose of this grievance procedure is to provide the exclusive method by which a student can file a
grievance if he/she believes that the charge of academic misconduct is false or to grieve a final course
grade which he/she believes has been unfairly or erroneously assigned.
Both the Code of Student Academic Conduct and the Student Academic Grievance Procedure can be
reviewed on the College of Business Administration website