Environmental Law
Environmental Law
Environmental Law
Guidelines issued in respect of the authorisation of petrol filling stations intended to regulate only the handling and storage
of petroleum products and not the erection of filling stations
Where MEC refused to authorise construction of filling station, such decision was taken for a reason not authorised by the
empowering provision and was therefore invalid. Sasol Oil (Pty) Ltd and another v Metcalfe NO [2006] 2 All SA 329
Issue of compliance notices and directives in respect of proposed development of property
Respondents not entitled to merely ignore the notices without raising a proper legal challenge thereto. Khabisi NO and
another v Aquarella Investment 83 (Pty) Ltd and others [2007] 4 All SA 1439 (T)
Landfill site
Environmental authorisation
An appeal under sections 35(3) and (4) of the Environment Conservation Act 73 of 1989 against a decision of an
officer or employee exercising delegated authority in an application for an environmental authorisation under
section 22, involves a complete rehearing and a fresh determination of the merits of the application
Appeal authority is free to substitute his own decision for the decision under appeal. Astral Operations Ltd t/a
Country Fair Foods and others v Minister for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development
Planning (Western Cape) and others [2022] 3 All SA 1 (SCA)
Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998
Regulation 52(a)
Prohibition against being in possession of east coast rock lobster the carapace of which is less than 65mm long.
Cameron v S [2005] 3 All SA 18 (SCA)
Marine protected area
Criminalising of fishing
Customary law rights
Status of customary law
Whether the appellants proved that they were exercising customary rights of access to and use of marine resources when offence was
Whether the Marine Living Resources Act 18 of 1998 extinguished those rights
Whether the appellants' conduct was unlawful
Exercising a customary right to fish, not unlawful. Gongqose and others v Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and
others; Gongqose and others v S [2018] 3 All SA 307 (SCA)
Mining, Minerals & Energy
Regulations for Petroleum Exploration and Production
Application for review and setting aside on ground that Minister of Mineral Resources was not authorised to make such
Court rejecting submission that a 2008 amendment to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28
of 2002 resulted in the Minister of Mineral Resources no longer having the power to make regulations regarding
the management of the environmental impact of petroleum exploration and production. Treasure Karoo Action
Group and another v Department of Mineral Resources and others [2018] 3 All SA 896 (GP)
National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Section 24
Failure to consider and apply provisions in approving building plans an irregularity. Self and others v Munisipaliteit van
Mosselbaai and another [2006] 2 All SA 518 (C)
Remedies available where provisions of National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 are breached
Although court is able to grant appropriate relief under section 32(1), constitutional relief may not be granted where
commonlaw remedies are not proven to be inadequate. Hichange Investments (Pty) Ltd v Cape Produce Company
(Pty) Ltd t/a Pelts Products and others [2004] 1 All SA 636 (E)
Prohibition of hunting of captivebred lions
Publishing of regulations by Minister of critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and protected species as provided
for in the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004
Minister's decision found to be irrational and prohibition lifted. SA Predator Breeders Association and others v Minister
of Environmental Affairs and Tourism [2011] 2 All SA 529 (SCA)
Protected environment
Mining activities
Review of consent
Sections 3 and 4 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act 3 of 2000
Sections 3(2)(b), 4(1), 4(2) and 4(3) prescribe either adherence to direct audi alterem partem principles or public participation
In casu, impugned decisions were set aside, and the third respondent's application for written permission to conduct commercial
mining in the protected environment in terms of section 48(1)(b) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas
Act 57 of 2003 was remitted to the Ministers for reconsideration. Mining and Environmental Justice Community Network of
South Africa and others v Minister of Environmental Affairs and others [2019] 1 All SA 491 (GP)
Right in section 24 of Constitution to safe environment and to have environment protected
Operation by municipality of waste disposal site in contravention of environmental legislation and required norms and
prescripts constituting breach of duty of care and violation of section 24 of Constitution
Declaratory relief and structural interdict to ensure compliance with court's order warranted by municipality's conduct.
South African Human Rights Commission v Msunduzi Local Municipality and others [2021] 3 All SA 939 (KZP)
Rights to explore for shale gas using hydraulic fracturing
Objections against applications
Potentially adverse environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing and the lack of proper regulation. Minister of Mineral
Resources v Stern NO and others and a related matter [2019] 3 All SA 684 (SCA)
Section 24
Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108
Environmental rights are recognised as fundamental, justiciable human rights
Environmental considerations be accorded appropriate recognition and respect in the administrative processes in
our country. Director: Mineral Development, Gauteng Region and another v Save the Vaal Environment and
others [1999] 2 All SA 381 (A)
Section 24 of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998
Any activities specified by the Minister of Environmental Affairs require environmental authorisation before they may be
commenced with
Construction of coalfired power station
Department of Environmental Affairs obliged to fully assess climate change impacts of a proposed coalfired power
station before environmental authorisation could be granted
Section 24O(1)(b) of the National Environmental Management Act expressly requires, as a peremptory requirement, the competent
authority considering an application for an environmental authorisation to take into account all relevant factors. Earthlife Africa
Johannesburg v Minister of Environmental Affairs and others [2017] 2 All SA 519 (GP)
Seismic survey operations by oil company
Interim interdict
Applicants satisfying court that they had established a prima facie right; a reasonable apprehension of irreparable and
imminent harm of the right if the interim interdict was not granted; that the balance of convenience favoured the
granting of the interim interdict; and that they had no other satisfactory remedy. Sustaining the Wild Coast NPC v
Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy [2022] 1 All SA 796 (ECG)
Negative environmental impact of construction of road as way of necessity
Stage at which such considerations become relevant. Jackson NO and others v Aventura Ltd and others [2005] 2 All
SA 518 (C)
Unlawful possession of perlemoen
Appeal against conviction
Resolution of dispute dependent on credibility of witnesses
No reason to interfere with trial court's credibility findings. Prinsloo en 'n ander v S [2002] 3 All SA 320 (C)