PET/CT in Brain Tumors
PET/CT in Brain Tumors
PET/CT in Brain Tumors
Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, California; and
Department of Radiology, Kaiser Permanente Woodland Hills Medical Center, Woodland Hills, California
increased vascular permeability. Thus, amino acid transport swelling and occurs hours to weeks after the completion of
is increased in tumor cells regardless of the phase of the cell radiation. This type of injury usually is reversible and has a
cycle, and this upregulation of transport does not depend on good prognosis. Early delayed injury involves demyelina-
breakdown of the BBB. An earlier study showed that amino tion, occurs weeks to months after the completion of radia-
acid transport into brain tumors does not depend on, but tion, and also is reversible. Late injury involves liquefactive
may be enhanced by, a breakdown in the BBB (58). Uptake or coagulative necrosis and usually is irreversible. Late
of 11C-methionine was significant in low-grade astrocytoma injury can occur months to years after the completion of
but not as high as in glioblastoma. However, 11C-methio- radiation. The pattern of radiation injury may vary from
nine uptake was even higher in meningioma (lack of BBB) diffuse periventricular white matter lesions to focal or multi-
than in glioblastoma. In contrast, 18F-FDG uptake is higher focal lesions. Radiation injury may also occur distant from
in glioblastoma than in meningioma. Therefore, transport the original treatment (61). Radiation necrosis is difficult to
across the BBB is not the rate-limiting step for 18F-FDG, differentiate from tumor growth on MRI and is especially
whereas transport across the BBB does appear to be the rate- challenging in early delayed and late injuries because recur-
limiting step for amino acid tracers such as 11C-methionine. ring tumor can occur along the same time lines.
Transport of the 18F-amino acid analog 3-O-methyl-6-18F- 18F-FDG PET. Early studies reported that 18F-FDG PET
fluoro-L-DOPA via sodium-independent, high-capacity amino had a sensitivity of 81%–86% and a specificity of 40%–
acid transport systems has been demonstrated in tumor cell 94% for distinguishing between radiation necrosis and
lines (59). tumor (62). In general, methods to define a cutoff SUV
were not reliable, because the relative use of glucose and
EVALUATION OF DISEASE STATUS 18F-FDG varied widely for brain tumors and was different
Radiation Necrosis from that for normal brain (41,63). Attempts to use the ratio
The actual incidence of radiation necrosis is not known of lesion to contralateral normal white matter or gray
because few studies have been performed on patients matter yielded poor results (40), although this finding was
treated with radiation only, and chemotherapy is known a subject of controversy because another group achieved
to increase the risk of radiation necrosis when both modal- good results using receiver-operating-characteristic analy-
ities are used (60). Now that stereotactic radiosurgery is sis (64). This difficulty with using the ratio approach to
used more extensively, and now that it has become standard diagnose recurrent tumor was due to the fact that an area of
practice to combine chemotherapy with radiation for high- treated brain has a wide range of background metabolic
grade gliomas, the incidence of radiation necrosis is likely activity and usually is of lower metabolic activity than nor-
to increase. The types of radiation injuries have been mal untreated brain. Recurring tumors can have a similarly
reviewed previously (Table 1). Acute injury involves tumor varied degree of metabolic activity that also can frequently
Characteristics of Radiation Injuries
coregistered MR images (Fig. 2). A series of 117 postradio- Evaluation of Recurrent Tumors
therapy patients demonstrated a sensitivity of 96% and spec- 18F-FDG PET. High 18F-FDG uptake in a previously
ificity of 77% in distinguishing recurrent tumor from radiation diagnosed low-grade glioma with low 18F-FDG uptake is
necrosis when such criteria were used (66). diagnostic of anaplastic transformation (Fig. 4). This increase
Much of the wide range of 18F-FDG PET performance in in 18F-FDG uptake is strongly prognostic. Twenty-eight pa-
evaluating radiation necrosis may be attributable to differences tients with low-grade glioma were studied with 18F-FDG
in the timing of PETafter radiation, in the type of radiation, and PET and followed for a mean of 27 mo (38). All 19 patients
in the type of tumor. 18F-FDG uptake was shown to vary with with tumors that were hypometabolic on PET were alive at
the timing after radiation treatment, and overlap of 18F-FDG the end of the follow-up period, whereas 6 of 9 patients
uptake between radiation necrosis and residual tumor could with hypermetabolic patterns on PET had died.
be considerable (67). The optimal time for performing 18F- 18F-FDG PET performs generally well in identifying grow-
FDG PET after radiation is not known (67). The general ing high-grade gliomas. In lesions that are equivocal on MRI,
recommendation is that, for the purpose of evaluating tumor 18F-FDG PET may have limited sensitivity (52). 18F-FDG
growth, 18F-FDG PET should not be performed less than 6 wk PET is generally not sensitive in identifying recurrent low-
after the completion of radiation treatment. grade tumors without anaplastic transformation (Fig. 4).
A potentially useful approach would be to use delayed Amino Acid Tracers. In contrast to 18F-FDG uptake,
imaging, because it apparently enhances the tumor–to– amino acid uptake has been shown to be increased relative
normal-brain uptake ratio (44). An attractive hypothesis is to normal brain tissue in most low- and high-grade tumors,
that, like normal brain tissue, necrotic tissue would show and radiolabeled amino acids might therefore be preferable
greater 18F-FDG excretion at delayed times than would for evaluating recurrent tumors (47). Initial research focused
tumor. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether this on 11C-labeled amino acids, particularly 11C-methionine (40).
approach can increase diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing However, because of the short half-life of 11C, the applicability
radiation necrosis from recurrent tumor. of this tracer is limited to facilities with on-site cyclotrons,
Other PET Tracers. Because amino acid tracers appear and the demand for 18F-labeled analogs has been increasing.
more sensitive than 18F-FDG PET in visualizing tumor, they The usefulness of 11C-methionine PET in 45 brain lesions
also have potentially better diagnostic performance than 18F- that did not show increased uptake on 18F-FDG PET was
FDG PET in evaluating radiation necrosis. However, the evaluated (70). Thirty-four of these lesions were at the initial
degree of amino acid uptake in radiation necrosis lesions is presentation, and 11 were being evaluated for recurrence.
not well known. 11C-Methionine has been available for 2 de- There were 24 gliomas, 5 metastatic tumors, 4 meningiomas,
cades, but few studies have been published on its performance 2 other brain tumors, and 10 benign lesions. 11C-Methionine
in differentiating radiation necrosis from brain tumor recur- demonstrated increased uptake in 31 of 35 tumors (89%
rence (60). In a study of 21 patients with brain metastases sensitivity). For 24 gliomas, 11C-methionine demonstrated
treated by stereotactic radiosurgery, 11C-methionine correctly positive uptake in 22 (92% sensitivity). All 10 benign brain
identified 7 of 9 recurrences and 10 of 12 radiation injuries (68). lesions (cysticercosis, radiation necrosis, tuberculous granu-
In rats, uptake of 18F-FET, 18F-FDG, and 18F-choline has loma, hemangioma, organized infarction, and benign cyst)
been compared in acute lesions caused by cerebral radiation showed normal or decreased 11C-methionine uptake (100%
injury (inflammatory cells) and in acute cryolesions (dis- specificity). 11C-Methionine was false-negative in cases of
ruption of BBB) (69). Both 18F-FDG and 18F-choline accu- intermediate oligodendroglioma, metastatic tumor, chordoma,
mulated in macrophages, a common inflammatory mediator and cystic ganglioma.
brain tumors, newly diagnosed or previously treated, were Time–activity curves demonstrated that the highest tracer
prospectively studied. The distribution of cases based on uptake in tumor and cerebellum generally occurred be-
the WHO histopathologic classification was as follows: 7 tween 10 and 30 min after injection. Tracer activity in the
patients had newly diagnosed glioma (3 grade II, 1 grade striatum did not peak until 50 min after injection. Thus,
III, and 3 grade IV), and 23 were previously treated with tumor uptake from 10 to 30 min after injection is near
surgical resection or radiation (original primary tumors: maximum and occurs sufficiently early to avoid peak up-
2 grade II, 3 grade III, and 15 grade IV; metastatic brain take in the striatum.
tumors: 1 breast, 1 lung, and 1 melanoma). All patients With the criterion that any tracer activity above the back-
were studied with 18F-FDOPA and 18F-FDG PET within ground level of adjacent brain be considered abnormal, 22
the same week. MRI studies of the brain were acquired in of 23 high- and low-grade tumors were visualized with 18F-
all patients within 1 wk before the PET scans. The FDOPA, with 1 false-negative finding occurring in a patient
accuracy of the imaging data was validated by histology with residual low-grade tumor (Fig. 6). All 3 patients with-
or subsequent clinical follow-up. out active disease (in long-term remission) lacked visible
patients in long-term remission and showed a low level of population of 51 patients to test these thresholds generated
uptake in 4 patients with radiation necrosis (specificity, 43%). from receiver-operating-characteristic analysis of the first
Thus, 18F-FDOPA was more sensitive overall than 18F-FDG 30 patients studied (Table 2). Three patients had newly diag-
in identifying tumors. 18F-FDOPA PET in gliomas demon- nosed gliomas (2 grade II and 1 grade III), and 47 patients
strated lower SUVs than did 18F-FDG. However, the con- were evaluated for recurrence (original primary tumors: 13
trast between tumor and normal tissue was higher than that grade II, 13 grade III, and 21 grade IV). One newly identified
with 18F-FDG because of the low 18F-FDOPA uptake in lesion was subsequently found to be benign reactive changes.
normal brain tissue. This higher contrast proved useful in Thresholds of 0.75 or 1.0 for T/S, 1.3 for T/N, and 1.6 for
detecting low-grade and recurrent tumors. For example, 8 T/W were used to test the sensitivity, specificity, positive
of 9 recurrent tumors were negative for uptake on 18F-FDG predictive value, and negative predictive value (Table 3).
PET but positive on 18F-FDOPA PET (Fig. 7). Of these 9 Although a T/S ratio of 0.75 resulted in a slightly higher
patients, 5 had low-grade and 4 had high-grade tumor. If only accuracy of 95% and sensitivity of 98%, a ratio of 1.0
high-grade tumors were considered, 18F-FDG sensitivity provided slightly lower sensitivity, 92%, but higher spec-
would be 78% (14/18), rather than 61% (14/23), in detecting ificity, 95% (Table 3). The latter ratio is clinically more
recurrent tumors, compared with 96% for 18F-FDOPA (22/ practical because it does not require quantitative measure-
23). 18F-FDOPA may thus help to detect low-grade and ment, is visually more obvious, and is still highly accurate
recurrent tumors with greater sensitivity than 18F-FDG. (accuracy of 93%, with positive predictive value of 98%
Standard visual analysis of 18F-FDOPA PET seemed and negative predictive value of 80%). The authors sug-
adequate in that it provided a high sensitivity in identifying gested using a T/S of 1.0 for first-line assessment and a T/S
tumor. However, the specificity was low because all radi- of 0.75 in inconclusive cases. In addition, one could use a
ation necrosis lesions had low but visible tracer uptake. T/S of 1.0 when clinical suspicion of radiation necrosis is
Combined use of MRI and 18F-FET PET yielded a sensi- the target volume in patients with meningiomas (87).
tivity of 93% and a specificity of 94%. Thus, the authors Information from 11C-methionine was found useful for de-
concluded that combined use of MRI and 18F-FET PET termining gross tumor volume.
significantly improves the identification of tumor tissue.
The predictive value of 18F-FET PET and MRI spectros- OTHER PET TRACERS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS
copy was compared in 50 patients with suspected diffused 18F-FLT PET
gliomas (83). Lesion-to-brain ratios greater than 1.6 for
18F-FET uptake were considered indicative of tumor. The The thymidine analog 39-deoxy-39-18F-fluorothymidine
(FLT) PET was developed as a noninvasive method to
results of MRI spectroscopy were considered positive when
evaluate tumor cell proliferation (88). Uptake of 18F-FLT
N-acetylaspartate was decreased in conjunction with an
correlates with thymidine kinase-1 activity, an enzyme
absolute increase of choline and an N-acetylaspartate–to–
expressed during the DNA synthesis phase of the cell cycle
choline ratio of 0.7 or less. The diagnostic accuracy in
(89). Thymidine kinase-1 activity is high in proliferating
distinguishing neoplastic from nonneoplastic tissue could
cells and low in quiescent cells. Phosphorylation of 18F-
be increased from 68% with the use of MRI alone to 97%
FLT intracellularly by thymidine kinase-1 results in trap-
with the use of MRI in conjunction with 18F-FET PET and
ping of the negatively charged 18F-FLT monophosphate
MRI spectroscopy. Sensitivity and specificity for tumor
(90,91). Although 18F-FLT appears to have limited sensi-
detection were 100% and 81%, respectively, for MRI spec-
tivity, uptake of 18F-FLT by tumors correlates with Ki-67, a
troscopy and 80% and 88%, respectively, for 18F-FET PET.
common proliferation index used ex vivo, as demonstrated in
Histologic studies did not reveal tumor tissue in any lesions
several extracranial cancers (92–96). 18F-FLT uptake has
that were negative on 18F-FET PET and MRI spectroscopy.
also been investigated in brain tumors, and similar correla-
Tumor was diagnosed for 97% of the lesions that were
tions have been observed (97–102). Thus, 18F-FLT has the
positive with both methods.
potential to monitor treatment response and to serve as a
prognostic marker.
PET-Guided Treatment
Because PET activity reflects tumor metabolic activity, 18F-Fluoromisonidazole PET
using PET to guide treatment seems to be a logical 18F-Fluoromisonidazole is a nitroimidazole derivative
approach. Studies using PET to delineate tumor volumes that has been developed as a PET agent to image hypoxia
for radiation therapy have been reported. In a study of 27 (103). Metabolites of 18F-fluoromisonidazole are trapped
patients with glioblastoma, dose escalation using an 18F- exclusively in hypoxic cells (104). Hypoxia in tumors is a path-
FDG PET–defined volume was investigated (84). Patients ophysiologic consequence of structurally and functionally dis-
were treated initially with standard conformal fractionated turbed angiogenesis along with deterioration of the ability
radiotherapy with volumes defined by MRI. 18F-FDG PET of oxygen to diffuse through tissues. Hypoxia is associated
was performed after an initial dose of 45–50.4 Gy. Patients with tumor progression and resistance to radiotherapy (105).
with tumors positive for 18F-FDG PET uptake were treated Investigation of brain tumors with 18F-fluoromisonidazole
with an additional 20 Gy to a total dose of 79.4 Gy based on PET demonstrated a correlation with perfusion at 0–5 min
volume as defined by 18F-FDG uptake plus a 0.5-cm margin. after injection, whereas late images at 150–170 min after in-
18F-FDG PET defined unique volumes for radiation dose jection were independent of perfusion and BBB disruption