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Abstract— This paper introduces a new tuning technique for the controller [2], [3]. Since only a capacitor bank needs to be
PID control scheme that is adopted for regulating the magnitude connected to the stator terminals, the SESRIG provides a good
and frequency of the wind energy conversion system (WECS) quality ac source with little harmonic distortion to the stator
output voltage which presents interesting control demands and load. Another advantageous feature of the SESRIG is that
exhibits intrinsic non-linear characteristics. The developed
independent control of the voltage and frequency can be
technique is stem from blending the ant system optimization
method with Takagi Sugeno fuzzy system approach. The achieved easily. Even with a wide variation in speed, the
optimum relationship between the PID controller gains and the generator frequency can be maintained reasonably constant by
parameters of fuzzy modules is explored using Ant system rotor resistance control, while the voltage can be controlled by
algorithm; hence a satisfactory dynamic performance of the varying the excitation capacitance. The rating of the rotor
WECS is obtained. resistance controller is small compared with the generator
rating; hence, the cost saving is quite significant.
Keywords-Takagi - Sugeno fuzzy control; PID control; Ant Fuzzy control and tuning methodologies have emerged in
system optimization; Wind energy conversion systems
last years as promising ways to approach nonlinear control
I. INTRODUCTION problems and to deal with difficulties of conventional PID
In the world of today there is a need for alternatives to the controllers [4]. The area of auto-tuning of PID controller using
large coal and oil fired power plants. Renewable energy is one fuzzy systems has attracted many authors [5][6]. However, a
way to go, and in particular wind turbines have proven to be a common bottleneck encountered in fuzzy controller design is
solution [1]. The arrival of the new power devices that derivation of fuzzy rules is often difficult and time-
technologies, new circuit topologies and novel control consuming, and relies on expert knowledge. To overcome this
strategies are contributing to the success of the wind disadvantage, many automatic methods for fuzzy system
generation technology. design and optimization algorithms have been proposed, such
In wind energy standalone generation systems, the as neural fuzzy systems [7]and evolutionary fuzzy systems [8].
frequency and the magnitude of the terminal voltage for the Recently, the social inspired optimization algorithms
Self Excited Induction generators (SEIG) vary with load even become a successful alternative for the conventional tuning
when the rotor speed is maintained constant. An increase in method to adapt the PID controllers. Using these new
the rotor speed due to the increase of wind speed will result in methods, the global optimal or suboptimal solutions of the
a proportionate increase in frequency, often accompanied by optimized control scheme are found. These algorithms are
severe overvoltage and excessive current. adopted by many researchers for tuning PID controller in its
Although the slip-ring machine is more expensive and classical and intelligent forms. One such approach is Ant
requires more maintenance, it permits rotor slip-power control System Optimization (ASO) which is founded on the foraging
when driven by a variable-speed turbine. When a grid behavior of ants and their indirect communication based on
connection is permissible, the slip-ring machine may be pheromones see for instance [9]. ASO has been applied to
operated as a double-output induction generator (DOIG) using several combinatorial problems such as job scheduling,
the slip-energy recovery technique. In the case of Self Excited routing optimization in data communication networks and
Slip Ring Induction Generator (SESRIG), the system cost can
telephone networks [10].
be further reduced by the use of a simple rotor resistance
One of the widely used methods for optimizing a fuzzy This paper is organized as follows: section II shows the
logic controller is to modify the rule base using this self- main feature of the control characteristic for SESRIG used in
organizing algorithm automatically according to previous the proposed standalone WECS. Takagi Sugeno fuzzy tuner
responses until the desired control performance is achieved. for PID controller is presented in section III. Section IV
Many works studied this problem such as [11], [8] and [12]. In introduces ant system optimization algorithm for optimal
[11], a tracking control problem is assumed to develop a self parameter determination for Takagi Sugeno fuzzy systems.
tuning PID control scheme with application to antilock The proposed control strategy is applied to WECS in section
braking system via combinations of fuzzy and genetic V. Finally, a conclusion is set in section VI.
algorithms. While in [13], the approximation of analytical test
function is performed using ant colony algorithm to tune the II. SESRIG VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY CONTROL
parameters of Takagi Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy rule base. The Normalized equivalent circuit of the steady state model of
authors simplified their work by assuming constant SESRIG can be proposed as seen in Fig. 1 [14]. Where a is per
consequence part instead of the ordinary linear function unit frequency (actual frequency/base frequency), b per-unit
consequent part of T-S fuzzy system. In [12], incremental speed (rotor speed/synchronous speed) corresponding to base
fuzzy PID controller is used which is slightly different from frequency, C excitation capacitance per phase, E1 air-gap
the T-S fuzzy PID controller where, the scaling factors for voltage per phase referred to base frequency, R1 & R2 stator
input/output Macvicar-Whelan based fuzzy system are and rotor winding resistances per phase. RL stator load
addressed in the ant colony optimization framework. In T-S resistance per phase. V1 Load voltage per phase, X1& X2
fuzzy systems design, one challenging design task is the Stator and rotor leakage reactances per phase, Xc Excitation
determination of the parameters of the consequent part. In this capacitive reactance per phase and XL Load reactance per
paper, ASO is employed to design the consequent part of a phase.
Takagi Sugeno fuzzy PID controller. The paper presents
design procedures for a model free T-S fuzzy PID controller.
Three independent T-S fuzzy systems are combined to tune
different gains of PID controller. The optimum relationship
between the PID controller parameters and the parameters of
T-S fuzzy modules is explored. Using Ant system algorithm,
the parameters of each T-S fuzzy system are optimally
Figure 1 Normalized equivalent circuit of SESRIG[14]
determined. The idea is to start with a tuned, conventional PID
controller, replace it with an equivalent Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy
PID controller and eventually fine-tune the T-S fuzzy tuner. Figure 1 Normalized equivalent circuit of SESRIG[14]
This is relevant whenever a PID controller is possible or
For convenience, all of the machine parameters, except the
already implemented.
excitation capacitance, are expressed in per unit. The solution
In the proposed T-S Fuzzy Ant System PID, structure of T-
of the SEIG equivalent circuit have been developed using
S fuzzy system is well adapted via defining the optimum various methods. Among them, the nodal admittance method
parameters of its consequence part. Once new rules are [15], is considered very simple and easy to follow, hence it
generated, the PID controller parameters are calculated from will be adopted in this paper. The main feature of the control
the defuzzification process. This paper has two main characteristic for SESRIG used in standalone WECS is
contributions. Firstly, a PID controller has been designed for deduced in this section by performing laboratory experiments
WECS using a blending tuning mechanism namely Takagi – on 1.1 KW machine. The effect of changing the external rotor
Sugeno fuzzy Ant system algorithm. Secondly, a satisfactory resistance with constant excitation capacitance and vice versa
closed loop performance is achieved with respect to the on the output terminal voltage and frequency at loading
conventional ZN frequency response tuning method. The conditionispresented.Fig’s. 2 &3 show the effect of changing
objective of Ant System Optimization in this paper is to the external rotor resistance with constant excitation
improve both the design efficiency of Takagi – Sugeno fuzzy capacitance at loading conditions (RL = 8 p.u) on the SESRIG
systems and its performance to get optimal PID parameters. In output terminal voltage and frequency.
this paper the voltage and frequency control of a three phase
SESRIG is investigated by varying the external rotor
resistance and the excitation capacitance using the proposed
Ant Takagi Sugeno Fuzzy PID controller.
Figure 2 Terminal Voltage (V1) versus Rotor Speed (b) at different external
resistance (Rx) at RL= 8 p.u.
Figure 5 Terminal voltage (V1) at rated frequency as the rotor speed varies at
different excitation capacitance (RL=8)
Δ𝜏 𝑖, 𝑗 = Δ𝜏(𝑖, 𝑗)
𝑘=1 Figure 9 Schematic Diagram for the system configuration
In [17], since no electrical dynamics is involved the SESRIG
was approximated as a first-order delayed system, the Figure 10 Dynamic Response of the voltage as the rotor speed increases from
parameters of the proposed transfer function were determined 1.2 to 1.3 p.u at RL= 4 p.u. with the proposed and the traditional control
using the open-loop step response method. Proper tuning of
the PI controller is required in order to give satisfactory
dynamic performance of the proposed standalone WECS.
Hence, same approximation for SESRIG performed in [17]
will be adopted in this paper.
Among different traditional tuning methods, the Ziegler-
Nichols (ZN) technique has been very influential. The idea is
to start the proposed algorithm with ZN PI gains then enhance
the dynamic response of the closed loop system according to
the performance index in (3) via the steps of the algorithm.
Finally, the algorithm will reach to the optimal parameters of
the PI controller that can be used in controlling the voltage and
the frequency of the standalone WECS.
Figure 11 Dynamic Response of the frequency as the rotor speed increases
B. Closed Loop Control Simulation Results from 1.2 to 1.3 p.u at RL= 4 p.u. with the proposed and the traditional control
This section contains the results of three simulation
experiments using MATLAB/SIMULINK environment to
study the dynamic response of SESRIG based standalone
WECS with Takagi Seguno Fuzzy based Ant System PI closed
loop control. For the sack of comparison, the results with ZN-
PI controller designed in [17] are also presented. Firstly the
response for changing the rotor speed (b) while the stator load
resistance kept constant is presented. Secondly the response
for changing the stator load resistance (RL) while the rotor
speed (b) kept constant is studied. Thirdly the response for
changing the rotor speed (b) followed with a change in the
stator load resistance (RL) is introduced. Fig’s. (10-15) show
the dynamic response (output voltage and frequency) of the
standalone WECS subjected to the proposed and traditional
control method. The proposed PI controllers (ASTSFPI) after Figure 12 Dynamic Response of the voltage as the load increases from 4 to 4.3
a short transient time restored both the output terminal voltage p.u at b= 1.2 p.u. with the proposed and the traditional control
and frequency to the reference value (i.e. 1 p.u.) with
reasonable overshoot and zero steady state error irrespective of
changing the rotor speed and the stator load resistance. As
seen from the following figures, the proposed control method
outperforms the traditional control method.
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