Steering - Suspension and Undercarriage Module
Steering - Suspension and Undercarriage Module
Steering - Suspension and Undercarriage Module
MODULE: 352-13-B
DOT Department of Transport
ECAS Electronically controlled air suspension
ECU Electronic Control Unit
HMU hand metering unit
KPI King-Pin Inclination
LIN Local Interconnect Network
MIG Metal inert gas
OEM Original engine manufacturer
RCU Remote control unit
SAI Steering Axis Inclination
1.1. Explaining functions of the steering systems...........................................8
1.2. Analysing characteristics of steering system............................................8
1.3. Types of steering systems..................................................................................8
1.4. Components of mechanical steering system.............................................11
1.5. Functions of components of steering system............................................12
1.6. Steering column....................................................................................................17
1.7. Four- wheel steering............................................................................................20
1.8. Steering geometry...............................................................................................22
1.9. Center point steering..........................................................................................29
1.10. Ackerman Layout...............................................................................................29
1.11. Ackerman layout................................................................................................30
1.12. Toe-out –on turns...............................................................................................31
1.13. Power assisted steering...................................................................................32
1.10 Operation of components of full power steering system.....................43
1.11 Clutch and brake steering system................................................................46
2.1. Safety on Various steering system components: -..................................54
2.2. Removing and refitting Hydraulic Steering components......................54
2.3. Disassembling steering system components............................................54
2.4. Inspecting steering components for damage............................................54
2.5. Assembling steering system components..................................................55
1.1. Safety procedures................................................................................................60
1.2. Steering system services...................................................................................60
UNIT B13.4: DIAGNOSING STEERING SYSTEM FAULTS............................61
1.1. Testing and adjusting steering system........................................................61
1.2. Power steering diagnosis...................................................................................61
UNIT B13.5: MAINTAINING SUSPENSION SYSTEM.........................................63
5.1. Operating principles of suspension components.....................................63
5.2. Testing suspension components....................................................................65
6.1. Purpose of heavy equipment frame..............................................................97
6.2. Types of heavy equipment frames................................................................98
6.3. Locating types of heavy equipment frames...............................................99
UNIT B13.7 ALIGNING AND MAINTAINING THE FRAME............................101
7.1. Safety procedures during frame alignment.............................................101
7.2. Forces acting on the frame.............................................................................101
7.3. Types of frame damage...................................................................................102
7.4. Frame damage categories..............................................................................103
8.1. Types of undercarriage....................................................................................109
8.2. Components of undercarriage.......................................................................111
8.3. Functions of undercarriage components...................................................112
9.1. Safety procedures..............................................................................................124
9.2. Operation of undercarriage components..................................................125
9.3. Maintaining undercarriage..............................................................................125
UNIT B13:10 MAINTAINING UNDERCARRIAGE................................................134
10.1. Troubleshooting undercarriage faults......................................................135
10.2. Testing undercarriage....................................................................................136
10.3. Using measuring tools and procedures...................................................138
MACHINE SYSTEM............................................................................................................139
11.1. Components of the tracked steering system........................................140
11.2. Operation of tracked steering system.....................................................140
MACHINE SYSTEM............................................................................................................140
12.1. Disassembling steering components........................................................140
12.2. Inspecting steering components for.........................................................141
12.3. Assembling steering components..............................................................141
UNIT 13.13 DISCUSSING WHEELS AND TYRES................................................141
13.1. Purpose of tyres................................................................................................142
13.2. Identifying components of wheels.............................................................142
13.3. Identifying types of tyres..............................................................................147
13.4. Merits of tubeless over tubed tyres..........................................................153
13.5. Types of tyre terminology.............................................................................156
14.1. Safety procedures pertaining to the task...............................................164
14.2. Removing wheel from machine..................................................................164
14.3. Using tools and equipment for tyre repairing.......................................165
14.4. Disassemble a wheel assembly..................................................................165
14.5. Using tools and equipment for tyre repairing.......................................165
14.6. Assemble a wheel assembly........................................................................165
14.7. Install wheel back to the machine.............................................................165
UNIT 13.15 MAINTAINING WHEELS AND TYRES..............................................166
15.1. Observing Safety procedures......................................................................166
15.2. Removal procedures: -...................................................................................166
15.3. Inspection procedures: -................................................................................167
15.4. Maintenance procedures...............................................................................167
15.5. Carrying out tyre mending...........................................................................168
UNIT B13.16 DIAGNOSING WHEELS AND TYRE FAILURES..........................169
This Module will equip you with knowledge, skills and appropriate
attitudes to maintain and repair steering systems, suspension and
undercarriage systems, wheels and tyres effectively and efficiently.
This module is expected to be covered within a period of 250 hours. The
250 hours will include studying the actual module and carrying out all the
activities given
During the course of study of this module, assessments shall be
administered as follows:
1. Two assignments per each term amounting to a total of six (6)
2. Two (2) tests in each of the first two terms amounting to a total of
four (4) tests
3. One (1) mock examination prior to Teveta Summative examination.
Unit outcomes
Automobiles are controlled by a steering system. Steering system
provides the directional change for the movement of an automobile and it
maintains in a position as per the driver’s decision without much strain on
him. The steering system allows the driver to guide the vehicle along the
road and tum left or right as desired. The wheels are changed from their
straight ahead ·position for turning the vehicle to one side. It is obtained
by mounting the steering wheel assembly suitably on the axle.
The safety of any automobile mainly depends on the performance of the
steering and braking systems. Many of the accidents are happened due to
the driver’s negligence, improper job of inspecting, repairing or
maintaining the steering system. These problems can be avoided by
knowing thoroughly about steering system. So, the knowledge about this
system is very important to operate the vehicle in a safe mode.
1.3.1. Mechanical
Cars and trucks built before the 1950s had manual steering systems,
meaning that the effort needed to turn the steering wheel and the front
wheels was supplied by the driver. Steering wheels were larger in
diameter and steering gearbox ratios tended to be higher to help reduce
driver effort, but turning the wheels still required a lot of muscle power,
and drivers could become quickly fatigued when conditions required them
to turn the wheels often.
Hydraulic power sheerings mainly use hydraulic fluid and the pressure
that is generated through this hydraulic fluid helps the driver in steering
the wheels. In EPHS the customary drive belts and pulleys that drive a
power steering pump are replaced by a brushless motor. It is driven by an
electric motor and thus also reduces the amount of power that needs to
be taken from the engine otherwise. The third category is electric power
steering. In this kind of system, an electric motor replaces the hydraulic
pump and a fully electric power steering system is established. The
electric motor is either attached to the steering rack or to the steering
column. The very important component is the electronic control unit that
controls the steering dynamics.
High pressure acting on the control valve assists the driver when turning
the front wheels. Power steering fluid is stored in a reservoir. Proper fluid
level in the reservoir is maintained when the fluid returns from the
steering gear at much lower pressure. Hydraulic power steering systems
continuously pump fluid and are susceptible to engine speed — high
revolutions per minute equal high-pressure output, lower revolutions per
minute equal low-pressure output. To maintain constant pressure, a power
steering pump uses a bypass valve to maintain constant pressure no
matter what the engine speed.
The operator determines the machine’s turning radius by using one of the
methods to steer the tractor in a circle. The circle made by the widest
point of the machine’s undercarriage forms the turning circumference.
The distance straight from the edge of the circumference to the center of
the circumference is the tractor’s turning radius. Not all track-type
tractors are capable of performing all of the steering methods.
2. Worm and Sector: -In the worm and sector steering gear, the worm
on the end of the steering shaft meshes with a sector mounted on a
sector shaft. When the worm is rotated by rotation of the steering
wheel, the sector also turns rotating a sector shaft. Its motion is
transmitted to the wheel through the linkage. Note that 6the sector
shaft is also known as pitman arm shaft, pitman shaft, roller shaft,
steering arm shaft, cross shaft.
Fig. 1.3. Worm and sector steering gearbox
An adjusting nut or plug is provided for adjusting the end play of the worm
3. Worm and Roller: -In the worm and roller steering gear, a two-
toothed roller is fastened to the sector or roller shaft so that it
meshes with the threads of the worm gear or shaft at the end of the
steering shaft or tube. When the worm shaft is turned is it causes
the roller to move in an arc so as to rotate the roller shaft, and at
the same time turn on the pin connecting it to the shaft. The roller is
mounted on a ball bearing. The worm shaft is mounted on bearing
designed to resist both radial and end thrust. This type of steering
gear is widely used on American passenger cars.
6. Cam and double lever steering gear: -In the cam and double lever
steering gear, a special worm called a cam, replaces the worm used
in two types just described above. The cam is cylindrical in shape,
its actuating part being a groove of variable pitch made narrower at
the cam centre than at the end. This provides non-reversibility in
the centre part of the cam where most of the car steering takes
place. The twin levers are mounted on the cross shaft and are
located so that the studs engage the cam from the side. When the
cam is turned, the studs move along the cam groove to cause the
lever to swing through an arc, and thus turning the cross shaft.
7. Worm and ball bearing nut steering gear: -In the worm and ball
bearing and steering gear, a ball nut is mounted on the worm of the
steering shaft. The warm and the nut have mating spiral grooves in
which steel balls circulated to provide a frictionless drive between
the worm and nut. Two sets of balls are used, with each set
operating independently of other. A ball return guide is attached to
the outer surface of the nut. When the steering shaft is turned to
the left or right, the ball nut is moved up and down by the balls
which roll between the worm and nut. A sector gear mounted on the
sector shaft meshes with the ball nut, so that it gets motion by the
ball nut.
8. Cam and roller steering gear: -In the cam and roller steering gear a
cam meshes with the roller. As the cam rotates, the roller is
compelled to follow the cam and in doing so causes the rocker shaft
to rotate, thus moving the drop arm. The counter of cam is designed
to mesh with the arc made by the roller so maintaining a constant
depth of mesh depth of mesh and evenly distributing the load and
wear on the mating parts.
9. Cam and peg steering gear: -In the cam and peg steering gear
attached to the rocker arm is a taper peg which engages in the cam.
When the cam rotates, the peg moves along the groove causing the
rocker shaft to rotate.
10. Rack and pinion steering gear: -In the rack and pinion is
mounted on the end of the steering shaft. It engages with a rack
which has ball joints at each end to allow for the rise and fall of the
wheels. The roads connect the ball joints to the stub-axles. The
rotary movement of the steering wheel turns the pinion which
moves the rack sideways. This movement of the rock is converted to
the wheels.
Fig. 1.11. Rack and pinion steering gearbox
Steering lock
Modern vehicles are fitted with a steering lock which is an anti-theft
device. It is fitted to the steering column usually below the steering wheel.
The lock is combined with the ignition switch and engaged and
disengaged either by a mechanical ignition key or electronically from the
vehicles electronic control unit.
Collapsible joints
A common device to enhance car safety is the collapsible steering
column. This is designed to collapse in the event of a collision to protect
the driver from harm. The column can collapse after impact with a
tolerance ring inserted between the inner shaft of the steering column and
the external housing. The wavelike protrusions on the circumference of
the tolerance ring act as a spring to hold the two parts in place in normal
driving conditions. At a specific level of force, for example in the event of
a collision, the tolerance ring allows the inner shaft to slip inside the
housing, so the column can collapse, absorbing energy from the impact.
Universal joint
The steering universal joint coupling, or simply steering u-joint, is a small
but important part of the steering system. In most cars with an
intermediate steering shaft, there are two u-joint couplings. The top u-
joint connects the intermediate shaft to the steering column. The lower u-
joint connects the intermediate shaft to the steering rack; see the
diagram. To accommodate the steering tilt and telescope function, as well
as for crash safety, the steering shaft must rotate at an angle.
The steering shaft u-joint must transfer the steering force from the
steering wheel to the steering rack at an angle, without resistance or play.
A faulty u-joint can cause looseness or seizing felt in the steering wheel. A
vehicle with a bad steering u-joint is unsafe to drive.
Fig.1.15. Universal joints
The steering u-joint has four needle bearings packed with grease and
sealed. It's a maintenance-free unit. In many cars, it can last for the
lifetime of the vehicle. The most common problem with the steering u-
joint is when the grease in one of the needle bearings dries out or when
moisture causes corrosion. In most cases, this problem happens to the
lower steering shaft u-joint, as it's located inside the engine bay.
A worn-out steering u-joint can also cause a rattling noise in the steering
when driving on rough roads. Of course, these symptoms can also be
caused by other problems in the steering system. A failed steering u-joint
or other problem with the steering system make the vehicle UNSAFE. If
you are experiencing these symptoms, have your vehicle checked out as
soon as possible.
1.7. Four- wheel steering
In an active four-wheel steering system, all four wheels turn at the same
time when the driver steers. In most active four-wheel steering systems,
the rear wheels are steered by a computer and actuators. The
rear wheels generally cannot turn as far as the front wheels.
Fig.1.16. Four-wheel steering arrangement
Twin steering
One major advantage of twin-steer trucks is that they help
distribute weight better over the axles. This allows you to carry
more weight in one trip, which increases efficiency
and productivity without violating traffic laws.
Steering angles
The steering angle is defined as the angle between the front of the
vehicle and the steered wheel direction
Camber angle - Camber is the inward or outward tilt of the wheel at the
top. It indicates the amount which the centre line of the wheel is tilted
from true vertical, measured in degrees. The outward tilt of the wheel at
the top, from vertical, is termed as Positive camber, and the inward tilt of
the wheel is termed as Negative camber. Positive camber locates the
centre of the tyre foot-print closer to the intersection which the steering
axis makes with the road.
The need for camber was originally forced on vehicle designers in order to
relieve stress on the wheel bearings and related parts. Incorrect camber
causes wear to tyres, wheel bearings, king-pins and ball-joints. Unequal
camber will cause the vehicle to pull to one side. If there is a difference in
camber the vehicle will pull to the side with the most positive camber,
providing the road itself is not cambered. Maximum tyre life is obtained
with zero average running camber, as both sides of the tread contact the
road with equal force.
The effect of excessive negative caster is to cause road wander and loss
of directional stability because the turning forces of the negative caster
might be sufficient to overcome the other inherent directional forces.
When a vehicle has positive caster, the front wheels are actually being
pulled along the road by the vehicle. This provides automatic straight-line
steering and stability. The front wheels roll in a straight-line. Positive
caster also aids steering axis inclination in providing steering wheel return
ability or self-centring. The vehicle must be steered into a turn by turning
the steering wheel, but the steering wheel should return automatically to
the central position if released. Together positive caster and steering axis
inclination achieve this.
Included angle - One original reason for the use of camber was to
reduce the leverage effect on the stub axle when a tyre struck a bump or
pothole. When this occurred, the forces tended to turn the wheel forcing
the vehicle to swerve and sending a shock to the steering wheel. When
both camber and steering axis inclination are used in combination, the
line through the centreline of the kingpin, and the line through the centre
plane of the tyre, will intersect more closely at the road surface. This
position greatly reduces the effect of leverage. The angle between the
centreline of the kingpin and the centre plane of the tyre is called included
Some manufactures apply this principle to diagnose the bend on the stub
axle. But if the wheel alignment equipment cannot measure included
angles, or the manufacturer has supplied the included angle specifications
only, and not SAI specifications, calculations must be made by the
mechanic. The specifications for steering axis inclination only apply when
the camber is as specified. If the camber is incorrect, the steering axis
inclination will appear to be incorrect even though nothing is bent. When
apparent camber wear occurs on a heavy vehicle, the measurement of
included angle is a necessity.
Toe-in vs Toe-out
Toe, also known as tracking, is the symmetric angle that each wheel
makes with the longitudinal axis of the vehicle, as a function of static
geometry, and kinematic and compliant effects. This can be contrasted
with steer, which is the antisymmetric angle, i.e. both wheels point to the
left or right, in parallel (roughly). Negative toe, or toe out, is the front of
the wheel pointing away from the centreline of the vehicle. Positive toe,
or toe in, is the front of the wheel pointing towards the centreline of the
Incorrect toe causes the most serious tyre wear. The wear appears as a
furthered edge scuff across the tread of both front tyres.
Fig.1.23. Toe-in/toe-out action
Turning angle
Turning angle, also called steering angle, is the angle of each front wheel
at full lock. It is the maximum number of degrees, both left and right,
through which the front wheels can be turned from the central position.
Correct adjustment of this angle is important, as the full lock angle of both
front wheels should be the same, and neither tyre should rub on the
chassis or any steering or suspension components. Too large a steering
angle will allow interference; while too small an angle will increase the
turning radius and thus reduce manoeuvrability of the vehicle. Turning
angle should be measured when a wheel alignment is performed or when
a new front axle or spring is fitted. It is adjusted by various types of
steering stops.
Centralised steering
When a steering box is centralised, it has equal number of turns from the
central position to full lock, both left and right. If it is not centralised, the
vehicle will be unable to make a U-turn in the specified radius to the side
with least number of steering wheel turns. This is caused by the steering
box coming to the end of its internal travel before the steering arms touch
the steering stops. If the vehicle is fitted with power steering, another
problem may arise if the steering box is not centralised. The hydraulic
valve operating the power steering may incorrectly sense that the vehicle
is turning a corner, which will result in corresponding hydraulic assistance
causing the vehicle to pull to one side. Consequently, it is important that
the steering box be centralised before a wheel alignment is started.
Oversteer - If the rear wheels have the greater angle, the car overseers,
sometimes turning into a corner more sharply than the driver anticipates,
opposite steering lock is needed to correct the oversteer.
Axle correction - This section has been included to ensure that heavy
vehicle mechanics are aware of the precautions involved in axle
corrections. Unlike most light vehicles with independent suspension,
which often have adjustable camber and caster, the front I-beam front
axle of a heavy vehicle must be bent if some wheel alignment angles are
to be altered.
Some manufacturers do not agree with axle bending while others prefer to
call the bending of front axles as “axle correction”. However, it seems that
if a wheel alignment shows that a vehicle has either camber or caster that
is definitely the cause of steering or tyre wear problems, very little can be
done except to replace the axle or correct it by bending. If a front axle is
to be bent, it is imperative that the following instructions are observed:
1. The axle must only be bent between the kingpin and the spring,
never between the springs.
2. The axle must only be bent cold
3. Correct equipment must be used
4. Correction must be done” in vehicle” to reduce the risk of over
5. The operation must only be performed by a competent operator.
6. The operation must be done only with the permission of the vehicle
owner after a thorough analysis of wheel alignment measurements,
tyre wear history and vehicle usage.
1. Bending of axle is not recommended as a regular practice and
should only be undertaken in special circumstances. Frequent
bending in both positive and negative directions could lead to loss of
strength and possible fatigue failure of the axle beam.
2. Never bend the axle beam between the spring seats, as the spring
seats on the axle beam will not be parallel with each other. This will
put an extra stress on the spring shackles, pins and bushings, which
can lead to a shortened service life of these components.
3. Never use heat when performing axle correction, or suspension or
steering components. To prevent heat treatment of the
components, bending must only be done cold but be aware that the
ductility of the material will limit the amount of bending. If the
ductile limit is exceeded, the component may break.
In a four-wheel vehicle, the front two wheels are mounted on the axle and
the axle, in turn, is fixed to a turntable having a single pivot. When the
front wheels are turned, the whole front axle is turned about the central
pivot. In this case, also the perpendiculars of all the wheels meet at a
point during any turn, so that the turning is safe and wheels roll freely.
In case of conventional rigid axle suspension, the main axle beam ensures
the movement of stub axle in the horizontal plane only, there is no
vertical deflection of the suspension and hence there is no change in the
effective track-rod length. In case of Independent suspension, the two
stub axles can move up or down independent of each other due to which
distance between ball-joint ends of the two track rod arms is continuously
varying. Here three-piece track rod is used, the centre portion being called
relay rod is used, which is connected at one end to the idler arm
supported on body structure and to drop arm of steering gear at the other
end through ball joints.
The typical steering system, in a road or race car, has tie-rod linkages and
steering arms that form an approximate parallelogram, which skews to
one side as the wheels turn. If the steering arms are parallel, then both
wheels are steered to the same angle. If the steering arms are angled,
this is known as Ackerman geometry. The inside wheel is steered to a
greater angle then the outside wheel, allowing the inside wheel to steer a
tighter radius. The steering arm angles as drawn show 100% Ackerman.
Different designs may use more or less percentage pro-Ackerman, anti-
Ackerman, or Ackerman may be adjustable.
When a vehicle is turning, the inner front wheel needs to turn at a
different angle to the outer because they are turning on different radii.
The Ackermann steering mechanism is a geometric arrangement of
linkages in the steering of a vehicle designed to turn the inner and outer
wheels at the appropriate angles. This model is fully parameterized,
allowing customization and component sizing.
This centre point is termed as the instantaneous centre, since its actual
position is constantly changing as the front-wheel angular positions alter
to correct the steered vehicle’s path. Since both rear wheels are fixed on
the same axis but the front-wheel axles are independent of each other,
the instantaneous centre must lie somewhere along an imaginary
extended line drawn through the rear axle.
The original Ackermann linkage had parallel set steering arms. Both
steered wheels then swivelled at equal angles, so the intersecting
projection lines did not meet at one point as can be seen from the
diagram given below.
It can be seen that if both front wheels were free to follow their natural
paths, they would converge and eventually cross each other. Since the
vehicle must move along a single mean path, both wheel tracks would be
in continuous conflict with each other and this could only be resolved by
tyre slip and tread scrub.
The modified Ackermann linkage has steering arms that are inclined. This
arrangement makes the inner wheel to swivel about its kingpin slightly
more than the outer wheel. This enables the projected lines drawn
through the stub axles to converge at a single point somewhere along the
rear-axle projection.
Fig. 1.27. Side-pivot steering with parallel-set track-rod arms
When a heavy vehicle is moving in a straight line, the front wheels should
be parallel to one another. But if they remain parallel on corners, the tyres
will be forced to slip on the road, resulting in squeal and abnormal tyre
wear. This is the result of the outside wheel travelling further on a curve
than the inside wheel. Therefore, to avoid this undesirable action, the
outside wheel should steer through a smaller angle than the inside wheel
when cornering. This arrangement results in the front wheels toeing out
on turns.
The type of steering control valve commonly used on heavy vehicles for
all types of power assisted steering systems, whether the valve is
internally or externally mounted, are either of the two or four-way three
position open centre spool valve design. When the steering valve is in
neutral position, the ports to the steering cylinder are open. In this
position the oil from the steering pump enters the inlet port of the valve
and flows out through the outlet port back to the reservoir. The booster
cylinder is normally of the double acting design. To allow the mechanical
steering gear to turn the wheels, the oil from one side of the cylinder must
be released and redirected.
1. When the steering control valve and the booster cylinder are
located within the steering gearbox, the power steering system is
called; Integral Power-Assisted steering system.
2. When the control valve is located within the steering linkage, it is
called Semi-integral Power-Assisted steering system. In the semi-
integral power-assisted steering arrangement, the control valve is
bolted to the steering gearbox, the piston rod for the booster
cylinder is attached to the pitman arm and the cylinder is itself
attached to the vehicle frame. The other end of the pitman arm is
connected to the drag-link.
3. When the control valve and booster cylinder are located within the
steering linkage, the system is called Linkage Power-Assisted
steering System.
The main difference between the Linkage power steering system and the
Semi-integral power steering system is that on the linkage type the
steering control valve is either an integral part of the drag-link or the
control valve and booster cylinder are one unit.
When the steering wheel is turned to take either the left or right turn,
rotation of the steering shaft will move control valve to one end. When the
valve is moved to one end, it restricts oil flow to one chamber of the
cylinder and communicating this chamber to the reservoir while the
opposite chamber widens its communication with the pump, increasing
the hydraulic force. The build-up of hydraulic force in the active side of the
cylinder chamber, will move the piston to the opposite end assisting in the
steering effort. The hydraulic force will assist the manual effort in moving
the steering linkages.
Lock limiters
Power assist steering boxes used on heavy vehicles (integral type power
assisted steering system equipped with recirculation ball steering gear
box) are fitted with steering lock limiters. The purpose of lock limiters is
1. Prevent excessive strain imposed on steering linkages when the
steering action is approaching the full-lock position.
2. Protect hydraulic components from very high-pressure peaks. High
pressure peaks may damage seals on the piston or control valve.
Lock limiters consist of conical valves with extended stems located in the
sector shaft end cover. The angular movement of the sector shaft
operates each valve as it approaches the steering lock position. Towards
the lock position, the valve stem is pushed to open a passage releasing
the hydraulic pressure in the cylinder chamber. The excess oil is then
permitted to return to the reservoir through the control valve housing.
Therefore, any further rotation of the sector shaft will be achieved
manually without any hydraulic assistance until the maximum lock is
During operation, the Gerotor will deliver an amount of oil to the cylinder
in proportion to the applied steering effort turning the road wheels a given
amount and stop until an extra effort is applied. The sleeve is fitted over
the spool. The two are constructed with ports which get aligned when the
steering wheel is turned providing passage for oil to flow from the steering
pump to the Gerotor section. Ports in the steering control valve permit the
oil to pass and fill the pockets formed by the Gerotor gears. Rotation of
the rotor forces the oil trapped in the pockets to flow out to the metering
sleeve and spool assembly where it is transmitted to the respective side
of the cylinder.
Oil under pump pressure will then flow through the lower holes in the
sleeve, into the left-hand grooves in the spool, and to the three charging
pockets in the gerotor. The three discharging pockets of the gerotor force
the oil into the body; through the fourth row of holes in the sleeve into the
spool groove, and out of the spool groove through the fifth row of holes in
the sleeve to the steering circuit.
Fig. 1.36. Schematic view of oil flow in a right-hand turn
Oil returning from the steering circuit enters the steering control valve
through one port in the metering section. It then passes through holes in
the sleeve, into the spool groove, out through the upper hole in the sleeve
to the return port and back to the reservoir.
When the steering effort is relieved, the centering springs move the
sleeve and spool back to port misalignment position. This action stops oil
flow through the control valve. At least three ports of the rotor are filled
with oil at every one time.
Arrangements that use two cylinders, one on each wheel, have the four-
cylinder hoses connected in opposite arrangement. This arrangement
achieves steady piston movement because the two cylinders work
together. When steering is in neutral, the oil gets trapped in the hydraulic
lines developing hydraulic lock which is necessary to hold the steering
road wheels in a steered position.
When the engine is not running, meaning that the oil pump is not
operating or has failed, the presence of the Gerotor makes possible the
wheels to turn though with increased steering effort. Rotation of the
steering wheel turns the rotor in the Gerotor generating a vacuum in the
pockets of the rotor. The vacuum draws oil from the reservoir transferring
it to the cylinder while oil from the cylinder returns to the reservoir
through the control valve. The oil is changed over in circulation.
Metering section
The metering section consists of a:
1. commutator and
2. bi-directional gerotor element, which contains an orbiting rotor and
a fixed stator.
The commutator rotates at orbit speed with the rotor and channels the
fluid to and from the rotor set and the valve section. The rotor
incorporates unique sealing vanes:
1. between the rotor and stator
2. reduce leakage across the metering section.
3. these are spring and hydraulically forced into sealing contact
The operator must rotate the steering wheel in the direction of the
steering manoeuvre.
1. The initial rotation of the steering wheel rotates the input shaft
which tends to rotate the drive link and rotor set through the torsion
bar centering spring.
2. Rotation of the rotor set and spool which are coupled by the drive
link is resisted by the cylinder pressure required to overcome the
steering forces.
3. As the input shaft is rotated relative to the spool the centering
spring is torsionally deflected.
4. Axial shift of the spool is inducted by the ball which is captive in the
spool and engaged in the helical groove provided in the input shaft.
5. When the spool is axially displaced within the body fluid channels
are selected connecting the engine driven pump to the intake side
of the rotor set via the commutator.
6. The exhaust side of the rotor set is connected, through the
commutator to one side of the cylinder while the other side of the
cylinder is connected to the reservoir.
7. Further axial displacement of the spool results in increased system
pressure to provide the level of pressure required.
8. A portion or all of the hydraulic fluid at the required pressure from
the engine-driven pump, depending upon the speed of steering, is
directed to the cylinder via the metering section, using cylinder
movement to accomplish the steering manoeuvre.
One design for measuring the torque applied to the steering wheel
has a torque sensor – a torsion bar at the lower end of the steering
column. As the steering wheel rotates, so does the steering column,
as well as the upper end of the torsion bar. Since the torsion bar is
relatively thin and flexible, and the bottom end usually resists being
rotated, the bar will twist by an amount proportional to the applied
torque. The difference in position between the opposite ends of the
torsion bar controls a valve. The valve allows fluid to flow to the
cylinder which provides steering assistance; the greater the "twist"
of the torsion bar, the greater the force.
Operating the control valve directs the flow of fluid to one side of
the piston or the other, and controls the amount of flow to the
piston. The control valve is connected to the steering wheel such
that turning the steering wheel operates the control valve. During
straight-ahead driving the steering wheel is centered.
The hand metering unit (HMU) has two main sections: control
section, and pump or metering section. These two sections work
together to send pilot oil to the steering control valve. Oil from the
pilot pump section goes through inlet into the control section of the
HMU. When the steering wheel is turned, the control section sends
the oil to and from the metering section and also to and from the
steering control valve. The metering section is a small hydraulic
pump. It controls (meters) the pilot oil that goes to the steering
control valve. As the steering wheel is turned faster, there is an
increase in the flow of pilot oil to the steering control valve. This
increased flow causes the main valve spool to move farther. As the
spool moves farther, more oil can flow from the steering pump
section to the steering cylinders, and a faster turn is made.
7. Pressure relief valve - A directly-operated relief valve consists of
two operating ports, a ball poppet, and a tension spring. The tension
spring loads the ball poppet against the valve seat, giving the valve
a normally closed operating status. When hydraulic pressure acting
on the ball poppet is sufficient to overcome the spring pressure, the
ball unseats and permits fluid to spill back to the reservoir,
bypassing the circuit, and dropping circuit pressure. When system
pressure returns to normal, spring pressure once again loads the
poppet onto the valve seat. Directly-operated relief valves may be
adjustable. A screw located behind the tension spring permits
adjustment of the valve opening pressure.
8. Steering wheel/STIC control lever - A steering wheel and the
system it connects to primarily controls the direction of a vehicle. It
converts rotational commands of the driver into swivelling
movements of the vehicle's front wheels. Hydraulic joysticks offer
the simplicity of controlling pilot-operated valves directly, and
without electronic controls that can add cost to systems. This makes
them most attractive for smaller machines where the close
proximity of pressurized hydraulic fluid is not objectionable.
When the equipment has to make a hard turn, the steering clutch is
disengaged and the brake is applied, forcing the track to stop turning or
slow down depending on the amount of brake application. Power flows in
through the pinion and bevel gear set to drive a coupling that is
connected to the yoke assembly. The clutch and brake can be controlled
by either a pedal or lever. On some track-type equipment, two steering
pedals or two steering levers may be used to control spring-applied,
hydraulically released clutches. The clutch outer drum also incorporates
the brake drum. To execute a slight turn, the operator partially
disengages the clutch on one track to slow it, causing the equipment to
turn slightly because of the unequal track speeds.
The pedal-steer clutch control system uses the top valve to control the left
side of the equipment and is shown in the hold position. Pressure flows
into both control valves; no pressure is directed to the clutch from the left
control valve in this position. The oil is diverted to the right-side control
valve, where it flows past the spool to the right-side steer clutch,
disengaging it. The right control valve spool is depressed, allowing oil to
flow to the steer clutch. This design allows only one clutch to be
disengaged at a time. The flow of oil to the left steer control valve is sent
to the right-side control valve where it flows through the right control
valve spool to the steering clutch. These control valves are designed so
that each also functions as a pressure reducing valve. This allows the
operator to get feedback from the pedals; when the pressure increases,
the combination of the spring pressure and oil pressure tries to move the
spool to the right against an inner spring.
Fig.1.38. Clutch and brake components
Instead of using levers, modern equipment usually features fingertip
steering controls that use electro-hydraulics to control the flow of oil to
the steer clutch brake assembly. The assembly is lubricated and oil cooled
with oil that is circulated through an oil cooler with a pump. The steering
clutches are applied by hydraulic pressure, and the brake is applied by
spring pressure and released with hydraulic pressure. When the operator
activates the controls for a hard turn, the steering clutch is fully
disengaged and the brake is applied. The systems are designed to apply
the brakes automatically when hydraulic pressure is lost.
Two basic designs of pinion drives are used on off-road equipment. The
first has the drive assembly located in the differential housing while the
second type has the final reduction incorporated into the outer end of the
final drive. The pinion drive is possibly the most common of all the final
drives used on off-road equipment. Most manufacturers use pinion drives
on the majority of small track equipment, such as bulldozers. This drive
utilizes a single gear reduction and is often called a bull-type final drive.
The spur gear and pinion drive design are commonly found on smaller
equipment; it has the advantage of containing all the gears in the
differential transmission case, making it more compact and cost-effective
to service and maintain because only one lubrication system is necessary.
This design is quite popular on small tractors as the power is transmitted
in a straight line to the wheel ends, minimizing cost by requiring fewer
parts. The axle shafts generally have two tapered roller bearings mounted
to the shaft to carry the weight of the machine and absorb end thrust;
they connect to the final drive gears by splines on the axle shaft ends. The
bearings are generally located at either end of the axle shaft facing each
other. Bearing preload can be altered either by shimming or by an
adjusting nut with a locking mechanism to maintain the proper preload
Note: The more planets there are, the higher the capacity of the gear set.
Fig.1.39. Planetary gearset
The planetary differential steer system uses a drive planetary that sends
torque to a planetary on each end of the assembly. The left planetary set
is called the steering planetary; the set on the right is called the
equalizing planetary. Power to the assembly can be sourced from either
the transmission or a steering motor, which can drive the steering
planetary. When the operator activates the steering controls, the
hydraulic steering motor receives power from the equipment’s closed-loop
hydraulic system.
Steering motor
Steering motors are designed in different forms depending on machine
manufacturer. Steering motors operate just like any other hydraulic
motor. Steering motor output is controlled by a steering control lever,
which determines the direction and speed of the steer motor. During a left
turn, the steering motor rotates the steering planetary ring gear in the
opposite direction of the planetary carrier. Any input from the steer motor
results in a change in speed and direction of the steering planetary ring
gear and causes speed differences between tracks. The steering motor
turns the steering planetary ring gear in the opposite direction, forcing the
steering planets to turn in the same direction as the ring gear.
Fig.1.40. Steering motor position
Reference materials:
Angelo, S. ‘et al’, (2018). Modern Diesel Technology: Heavy
Equipment Systems. New York. USA.
Erich J. Schulz, (1983), Diesel Equipment II. McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Gus W, Owen, C., Sean, B. (2018). Fundamentals of Mobile Heavy
Equipment. Burlington, MA.
Heizler H, (2006). Vehicle and Engineering Technology. Butterworth-
Manufacturers manuals and bulletins
Scott A H, (2015). Heavy Duty Equipment Technology: A Systems
Approach (Automotive Diesel and Heavy Duty). Pearson Education.
Sean, B. (2014). Modern Diesel Technology: Heavy Equipment
Systems, 2nd Ed. Delmar, Cengage Learning
Sean, B. (2015). Heavy Duty Truck Systems. 6th Edition. Boston.
Unit outcomes
1. Clean all components
2. Inspect all bearings and seals
3. Check condition of worm and roller
4. Check general condition of the steering box
5. Check splines on rocker shaft and drop arm
6. Check condition of rocker arm shaft bushes
Reassembling procedure
1. Lubricate bearings on the worm
2. Install worm in the housing
3. Fit end cover and adjust bearing preload
4. Install rocker/roller assembly into the housing
5. Fit the cover, adjust end float, either by shims or screw
6. Fit drop arm on rocker shaft observing marks
7. Tighten nut to correct specification
8. Fill oil to correct level.
Critical adjustments
The worm and sector gears have bearings as well as thrust washers or
spacers that are used to adjust internal clearances. The input shaft and
sector gear output shaft also have adjustment plugs, screws or shims for
adjusting worm bearing preload and gear mesh preload. Accurate setting
of these critical adjustments is essential because excessive clearances
can make the steering feel loose, while insufficient clearances may cause
the steering to bind or wear prematurely.
This is a hydraulic component that directs fluid flow in hydrostatic steering
system to control heavy duty machine direction using a steering wheel.
Disassembly procedure
1. Clean the valve using the correct solvent.
2. Mark the housing parts.
3. With valve turned upside down and fixed in a fixture,
4. Using the correct wrench remove the cap screws,
5. Remove the end cap,
6. Remove the gerotor set,
7. Observe all safety procedures.
8. Turn the housing.
9. Using a soft hammer and a punch:
10. Punch out the control sleeve assembly.
i. Remove the centering pin to remove the control spool.
ii. Remove the bearings.
1. Clean component parts.
2. Check control sleeve for wear,
3. Check spool valve for wear,
4. Check housing for:
i. Scores
ii. Wear and
5. Cracks.
6. Using compressed air, blow out dirt from oil passage ways.
7. Check gerotor set for wear.
Reassembly procedure
1. Lubricate all component parts using hydraulic oil.
2. Replace all seals and O-rings.
3. Assemble in the reverse order from disassembly.
Observe the marks on the housing for correct reassembly.
Bevel gear:
If you have to dismantle the bevel gear is bolted to the bevel gear shaft.
To replace remove the cover. After the cover is removed take off the
steering clutch arms, trunnions then disconnect the brake linkage, remove
the bevel gear guard [dog house] remove cap screws from the steering
clutch drums, push and prise the drums to the centre of the bulldozer.
1. You can wash and clean out the steering clutches and brakes if oil,
grease etc. creeps in.
2. There are two drain plugs under the clutch housings.
3. Wash when machine is cool and not hot. Use non-flammable liquid;
remove small covers from the back of the transmission case directly
behind each clutch.
4. Fill each so each clutch is approximately 4” of fluid.
5. Don’t release the steering clutches but move the machine forward
and back about 25 meters each time say 3 to 4 times.
6. Then drain the fluid and see repeat if it doesn’t clean.
7. Use clean fluid then operate the machine back and forth engaging
the steering and apply release brakes as well. Repeat if dirt drains
8. Tie the steering clutch lever back and release clutches so fluid can
drain out.
9. Make sure you lubricate release bearing and replace drain plugs
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
At the end of the unit, you will be able to:
1. Testing and adjusting steering system
2. Diagnosing steering faults
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
The suspension is the assembly that links axles to the vehicle frame.
The automobile frame and body are mounted on the front and rear axle
not directly but through some form of springs and shock absorbers. The
suspension assembly dampens road shocks transmitted to the frame by
the wheels. Thus, the suspension system includes springs, shock
absorber and their mountings. The suspension system of a motor
vehicle is divided into the rear-end suspension and front-end
An ideal suspension system would allow the vehicle body to travel along
the road without any of the three basic suspension movements which are:
1. Bounce; (a vertical movement of the complete vehicle)
2. Pitch; (a rocking chair action from front to rear)
3. Roll; (a movement about a longitudinal axis produced by centrifugal
force when cornering)
The tyres deflect and absorb small irregularities of the road but larger
bumps and potholes are absorbed by suspension springs. As the wheels
rise and fall with the road contours, the springs should absorb much of the
movement and the chassis should then move much less than the wheel.
Springs are designed to prevent shocks from the road surface
irregularities and vibration of the wheels from reaching the vehicle body
directly. They also help enhance the tires’ road-holding ability. On heavy
vehicles, springs connect the vehicle body and chassis to the axle. Most
cars are not designed with separate body and chassis assemblies.
Springs work on the principle of being deformed and then return to their
original shape. The basic purpose of a spring is to absorb bumps and
irregularities in the road, hence providing a degree of safety for the
payload and comfort for the operator.
A spring that could absorb road shocks rapidly and return to its static
position slowly without over expanding would be ideal and most suitable
for any suspension; but to date such a spring has not been developed, nor
is there a spring that is equally effective under loaded and unloaded
conditions. As a compromise, that is, to have a stiff suspension for the
loaded condition and a soft suspension for the unloaded condition,
numerous types of springs have been designed.
1. Coil springs - Coil springs are made of spring steel rods formed
into spirals. As the sole function of the coil springs is to lighten
shocks, the springs can be made softer to provide a comfortable
ride. Coil springs used on independent front suspension units are
usually designed as McPherson strut. Independent I-beam
suspension on heavy vehicles do not use strut unit in the assembly.
2. Leaf springs - Leaf springs are bent blades of spring steel that can
flex freely. They are stiffer, and provide a rougher ride. However,
Leaf springs are reliable, of simple structure and durable hence
commonly used on light and heavy trucks. As well as supporting
vehicle mass and load, cushion the chassis from road shocks leaf
springs maintain axle spacing and alignment.
They are highly acceptable because of their variable spring rate design,
which provides good handling and steering under all loaded and unloaded
conditions. They have proved less subject to breakage and they weigh
less than a multi-leaf spring of the same load range. In addition, their
brake torque and weight transfer are about 40 percent better than that of
a multi-leaf spring. Another way to improve front wheel handling and
steering is with the use of a two-stage spring rate suspension. In this
design, the main and the second leaves are about one-third longer toward
the rear than the third leaf. A second spring slipper bracket is bolted
above, but close to the end of the third leaf.
When the vehicle is under light load, or not loaded, there is a gap between
the inside of slipper bracket and the main leaf, and the sprung weight is
transferred from the frame rail to the spring eye and outside spring slipper
bracket. Nearly all spring deflection is through the main and second
leaves. Under a load, the main leaf comes to rest against the inside
slipper bracket, thereby reducing the overall length of the spring; the
spring weight is now transferred from the frame rail to the spring eye and
the two slipper brackets.
Non-steel springs
1. Rubber springs - Rubber springs (or rubber blocks) may be used
as either a helper for the main spring or as a main spring itself.
Rubber springs are designed to stiffen in proportion to an increase
in load. Rubber main springs often have alternate rubber blocks and
steel plates bonded together or may be solid rubber moulded in a
variety of shapes according to the design characteristics of the
Fig.5.6. Rubber springs
The basic air suspension system consists of an air compressor and
levelling valves as well as a number of air bags (air springs). The air
supply for the system is provided by a compressor which pressurizes a
reservoir to approximately 1400 kpa. The air is piped in parallel to the
inlet ports of the levelling valves. The outlet ports of the levelling valves
are connected with hoses to the air bags. A safety valve is fitted between
the compressor and reservoir and a non-return valve is fitted to the
reservoir inlet.
The levelling valves work independently and control the volume and
pressure in the air bags, thus maintaining a constant static chassis height,
even with an offset load. The constant static height of the chassis to axle
beam is kept in the mid-stroke position of the air bag and ensures that full
suspension travel is available whether the vehicle is empty or has a full
payload. A delay device is incorporated in the levelling valve to ensure
that air volume and pressure is adjusted only according to load and not
suspension travel.
The levelling valve is bolted to the vehicle frame. The actuating lever arm
is fastened to the axle through an adjustable rod. There is one levelling
valve for each air bag or the two left-and the two right-hand air bags (on
tandem axles) are connected in parallel to one levelling valve.
When two or more axles are used with air suspension system, load-
sharing is achieved by interconnecting all the air bags on one side of the
suspension system. When the load is increased on one axle, the air
pressure rises in that air bag and this increased pressure is transferred to
the other air bags on the same side of the vehicle. This equalizes the load
on the axles. Unless special isolator valves are used, air bags on both
sides of the vehicle must not be interconnected. If they were
interconnected, body roll would be increased and vehicle stability and
handling would suffer. When two front air bags controlled by one levelling
valve, the pressure is transmitted to both through an isolator valve. This
valve allows compressed air to pass to or exhaust from each air bag, but
only permits sufficient flow between the air bags to equalize the static
pressure and ensure roll stiffness.
The bearing retainer with wear rings is bolted to the piston rod or piston.
The later has several orifices and one check valve. The orifices, however,
are not in the same plane. They are arranged in a spiral around the piston
rod or piston to control the flow rate. When the cylinder is installed, filled
with oil, and charged with dry nitrogen to about 200 psi (1378 kpa), the
piston rod or piston extends to a specific distance.
During operation, when a tyre rolls over an obstacle, the wheel is forced
upward and its motion is directly or indirectly transmitted to the piston rod
or piston, forcing it up also. At the same time the pressure between the
bearing retainer and cap structure or ball returner increases, and as a
result the oil inside the piston rod or piston is forced through the orifices
and check valve and into the low-pressure area, damping the upward
movement of the tyre.
When the upward force ceases, the gas and oil pressure, along with the
unsprung weight, forces the piston rod or piston downward. This increases
the oil pressure between the piston rod or piston and the cylinder walls; at
the same time the oil and nitrogen pressure above the bearing retainer
decreases. This dampens the extension of the piston rod or piston
because the check valve closes and the oil must pass through several
orifices. As the piston rod or piston further extends, the orifices, one after
the other, close off.
Air suspension
An increasing number of heavy-duty trucks and trailers are equipped with
air spring suspension systems. These suspensions may be fully
pneumatic (all air springs) or combination air/leaf spring suspension. The
air bag or air spring suspension system provides a smooth shock- and
vibration-free ride with a pre-set constant frame height. Using it in
combination with steel leaf springs helps it to overcome some of its
Air suspensions have been used as the rear suspension on highway
tractors and on trailers for many years, but more recently they have
gained acceptance on the front steer axle of trucks. The key to making air
springs possible on front axles is to dampen the spring oscillations
effectively so that steering control is not compromised. This is achieved
on current systems by combining the air spring with steel or composite
leaf springs and shock absorbers.
Adaptive suspension
The air springs on the suspension system can either take the place of
mechanical leaf-type springs or be used in conjunction with them. Air
springs minimize road shock transfer to the truck frame, the cargo, and
the driver/operator. The air spring suspension system adjusts to load
conditions automatically, providing a low rate suspension with light or no
loads and a high rate suspension with heavier loads. The term adaptive
suspension is often used to describe this feature. The primary
disadvantage of the air springs is a zero ability to dampen suspension
oscillations. For this reason, they use auxiliary dampening mechanisms
such as shock absorbers. In this section, we will take a look at both fully
pneumatic and combination air/leaf spring suspensions. Some features of
air spring suspensions include the following:
1. Front pivotal bushing controls chassis roll and axle alignment while
permitting vertical up or down spring travel.
2. Suspension brackets attach to the frame by welding or bolting.
3. Trailing arms are steel box beams.
4. The axle connection is a seat assembly, which is welded as part of
the beam and U-bolted.
5. The air suspension circuit incorporates a pressure protection valve
so the leaks in the suspension system do not siphon the chassis air
Air circuit
Moving the height control lever charges and discharges air to the air
springs. To prevent rapid cycling, a delay mechanism is built into most
height control valves.
In a neutral position, the lever is parallel to the ground, and that means
the air suspension should be properly inflated to level the vehicle. No air
can pass through the valve. When the lever is moved off its horizontal
position, it meters or exhausts air from the air bags it supplies, depending
on whether it is moved up or down. However, when the vehicle is being
driven, a hydraulic delay feature dampens random inputs from typical
road shock (bumps and potholes) to keep the valve from rapid cycling
between opening and closing. This is known as a delay feature.
The air used in most air suspensions on trucks and trailers is regulated to
a value lower than chassis system pressure. This means that the first
device in a suspension circuit is a pressure regulator. Different values are
used that vary according to OEM and application, but 90 psi (620 kPa) is
typical. Most regulators are combined with a pressure protection check
valve used to prevent the suspension system from siphoning chassis air in
the event of a serious leak.
Air Springs
The air springs or air bags used in air suspension systems are of either the
reversible sleeve type or the convoluted type. The most common type of
air spring in use today on trucks and trailers is the reversible sleeve type.
Fig.5.10. Air springs
Solenoid valve
1. Activated by the ECU to control bellow pressure precisely
2. Composite body design for durability and low weight
3. Durable design allows for a specified one million activations
4. Comes with three fixation points to support stacking
Pressure sensor
1. Measures bellow pressure on air suspended axle
2. Piezoresistive measurement principle enables high measuring
3. Operates within a pressure range of 0bar to 16bar
4. Designed to perform within a temperature window of -40°C to 100°C
Height sensor
1. High linearity leading to very high measurement precision
2. Converts measurement results into electric signals to transmit to
3. Supports flexible positioning inside the vehicle
Traction help
1. Detects imminent traction-loss
2. Temporary load transfer through maximized utilization of
permissible axle loads
3. Available as automatic feature
4. Enables switch from 6x4 to 6x2 axle configuration
1. Provides the ability to raise the rear of the tractor chassis above ride
2. Allows for quick and easy unloading of liquid goods
Different driving levels
1. Different levels of vehicle height adjustable through lifting and
2. Flexible pre-set done according to specific OEM requirements
3. Manually adjustable via dashboard switch during driving
4. Adjusts vehicle height automatically depending on speed
Shock absorber
A shock absorber is designed to damp oscillations quickly in order to
improve riding comfort. When a wheel strikes a bump or drops into a
pothole, the suspension spring will be deflected from its normal position
and will rebound or bounce. This can result in the vehicle, spring and
wheel assemblies bouncing until the spring settles down. To prevent this
undesirable rebound or bounce, shock absorbers are fitted between the
chassis and the suspension. The shock absorber (also called spring
damper) controls the rate at which the spring compresses or stretches on
bump or rebound therefore, limits the oscillation of the spring. Without
damping, the natural oscillation of the spring could result in unsafe and
intolerable ride quality, poor vehicle handling and damage to the load.
Springs gain energy when compressed or extended and this energy must
be dissipated before the spring can return to its normal state. Without the
damping of a shock absorber, this energy is dissipated by spring
oscillation; with shock absorber damping, this energy is converted into
heat. This energy conversion is achieved inside the shock absorber by oil
being squeezed through a series of orifices or valves.
The valve design determines the control which the shock absorber has
over the spring; hence determining ride quality and vehicle handling.
There are two groups of valves; bump and rebound. Each group
normally has at least three stages of operation thus; slow, medium and
fast. This relates to the vertical speed of suspension travel. These stages
are progressive with no switching on or off at each stage. Each group of
valves has a code which is the determining factor in how the shock
absorber behaves at various vertical suspension travel speeds and is a
measure of the size of the hole through which the oil is squeezed.
Principle of operation:
Telescopic shock absorber employed in Automobiles use a special fluid as
working medium for shock dampening. In this type of shock absorber, the
damping effect is generated by the flow resistance caused by the fluid
being forced to pass through an orifice (small hole). The fluid is moved by
the absorber piston.
1. Classification by operation:
i. Single-action shock absorber
Damping occurs only when the shock absorber is
No damping force is generated when it is compressed.
ii. Multiple-action shock absorber - Damping occurs both
when the shock absorber is extended and when it is
compressed. Currently, most shock absorbers used on cars
are of this type.
2. Classification by construction:
i. Twin-tube shock absorber - The cylinder is divided by
working chamber (inner cylinder) and a reservoir chamber
(outer cylinder)
ii. Mono-tube shock absorber - This is a shock absorber
with only a single cylinder.
Anti-roll bars
Ant-roll bars include; stabilizer bar, sway bars and anti-sway bars.
The purpose of anti-roll bars is to prevent too great a difference in spring
travel. The chassis, body and load of a vehicle tend to lean (roll) out when
cornering due to centrifugal force and an anti-roll bar is fitted to reduce
this effect. Anti-roll bars are designed to twist when the vehicle leans out
during a turn.
The bar affects only the roll of a vehicle and has no effects on the springs
when the complete axle moves vertically. However, if one wheel hits a
bump, deflecting the suspension at that side, the bar is twisted, increasing
the stiffness of the spring on that side.
Fig.5.13. Anti-rolls bars
Torque arms
When torque arms are used, they locate the axle in the longitudinal
direction. When a Panhard rod is used, it locates the axle housing in the
transverse direction. Torque arms may also be used to prevent leaf spring
distortion and axle hop when accelerating and braking.
Axle beams
An axle beam is the component joining together the wheels on each side
of a vehicle. It allows the road wheels to revolve while transmitting the
weight of vehicle and its load to those wheels. Axle beams may be square,
round or rectangular and are classified as “live” or “dead”. A live axle is
a type of beam axle in which the shaft (or, commonly, shafts connected to
move as a single unit) also transmits power to the wheels; a beam axle
that does not also transmit power is sometimes called a dead axle. Both
can carry the load of the vehicle and supply braking and steering if
Fig.5.15. dead vs Live front-end axle beams
Ball joints
A ball joint is a metal ball stud mounted in a socket. Ball joints connect the
steering knuckle to the two control arms. Apart from providing pivot for
the steering knuckles when the wheels are turned, ball joints bear vertical
as well as lateral loads. A tapered stud of the ball joint fits into the tapered
hole in the steering knuckle and is secured with a castle nut.
The springs sometimes contract and expand more than permitted and can
cause damage to other components when the wheel goes over a large
bump or hole. The spring bumpers protect the frame, axles, shock
absorber, etc., when the springs compress and expand more than
Fig.5.17. Bumpers
Independent Suspension
In vehicles having and independent suspension system, the right and left
wheels are not connected directly by an axle. The suspension is fitted to
the body and the frame in such a way that both wheels can move
independently without affecting each other.
The independent suspension system is commonly used with the front
wheels of passenger cars and small trucks and, more recently, with the
rear wheels of passenger cars as well.
Most wheel alignment data supplied by the manufacturer is given with the
chassis to ground clearance at a specified height. This height is usually
with the vehicle unloaded, although some manufacturers prefer the
vehicle to be weighted with the equivalent of four passengers to settle the
suspension. The reason for this is that loading the
vehicle will affect both the camber and caster angles. There are other
checks that can be carried out during road tests to determine steering and
wheel alignment faults. These include checking that the vehicle travels
straight ahead without pulling to the left or right, and also that the same
is true while braking. Any abnormal noise from the steering and
suspension components, and unusual movement of the steering wheel,
may also signify a fault. If any of the above problems occur, then wheel
alignment must be checked, together with any suspected faulty
Wheel alignment is checked using special calibrated equipment. Before
the vehicle wheel alignment is checked, it must be placed on a level
surface and turn plates should be positioned under the front wheels. The
equipment is attached to the vehicle’s wheels by the technician and the
measuring heads are then centred. When the equipment is switched on,
the laser projects a line on the opposite head and measuring scale. By
reading off the measuring scale on each measuring head the technician is
able to determine if the wheel alignment is correct. If adjustment to the
wheel alignment is required, the technician will adjust the suspension or
steering to set the wheel to the correct manufacturer’s setting.
The readings are then checked again when all settings have been
adjusted. The steering and suspension settings that can be checked by
the equipment are:
1. Wheel toe (toe-in or toe-out)
2. Wheel camber (negative and positive)
3. Wheel caster (positive and negative)
4. Wheel set back (alignment of wheel axle).
1. Use a suitable cleaning solution to clean all parts.
2. Dry all parts with compressed air.
3. Inspect
i. Pins, cap screws, U-bolts, bushings, and shackles for excessive
wear, distortion, and cracks. And check threads for any
ii. Spring brackets for looseness, wear, cracks and twists and
Spring service
1. Inspect the springs for broken or fatigued leaves
2. Check the condition of the centre bolt
3. Measure the bushing wear
4. Lubricate the leaves
5. Replace the spring:
i. Eye bushing(s)
ii. Centre bolt
iii. The spring rebound clips and bolts
iv. Rubber bushings
Reassembling procedure
1. Reassemble in the reverse order of disassembly.
2. Note safety procedure at all stages
Bushing replacement
1. To replace a worn bushing while the spring is assembled and
fastened to the axle
2. Raise the vehicle frame and support it on stands
3. Use the installation tool to remove bushings and
4. Replace with new one
5. Lower the vehicle
Air suspension
1. Check air spring general condition
2. Check for any sign of puncture, cut or blown out
3. Check the air hoses for breakages or damage
4. Check fittings for cracks or damage
5. Check the connecting rod links between the air ride levelling valve
and axle
Replacing air bags
1. Chock vehicle wheels
2. Drain air from the system
3. Disconnect pipe lines
4. Unscrew the air spring securing bolts
5. Raise vehicle frame
6. Remove air spring and replace it with new one
Hydropneumatic spring
1. Check for external damage
2. Check for leakages of air
3. Check condition of ball stud pins and bushings for wear.
1. Refer to service manual when checking and charging cylinder with
Nitrogen gas.
2. Top up cylinder with oil using a special pressure gun.
Installation is precisely the reverse procedure
After installation;
1. Fill the cylinder to the recommended oil level
2. Charge both cylinders with nitrogen as per service manual
Shock absorbers
Most types of suspensions need a device, the shock absorber, to reduce
suspension spring oscillation.
Shock absorber service
1. Shock absorber serviced consists of regular checks and of replacing
worn or damaged components
i. Check for fluid leaks
ii. Check for deteriorated or worn rubber bushings, grommets,
broken mounting
iii. Check reservoir tube or shield for external damage
iv. Check absorber alignment.
2. Check the operation of shock absorber:
i. Remove the shock absorber from vehicle
ii. Position it upright while one end rest on the surface
iii. Compress the shock absorber within 6mmm of the end of its
iv. Turn the rod about ¼ of a turn
v. Extend it to within 6mm of full extension and rotate it again.
vi. If there is excessive resistance to rotation in either position,
The piston rod is bent or the piston or pressure tube is
Air line failure is a failure of the tubing which connects the air bags or
struts to the rest of the air system, and is typically DOT-approved nylon
air brake line. This usually occurs when the air lines, which must be routed
to the air bags through the chassis of the vehicle, rub against a sharp
edge of a chassis member or a moving suspension component, causing a
hole to form. This mode of failure will typically take some time to occur
after the initial installation of the system, as the integrity of a section of
air line is compromised to the point of failure due to the rubbing and
resultant abrasion of the material. An air line failure may also occur if a
piece of road debris hits an air line and punctures or tears it, although this
is unlikely to occur in normal road use. It does occur in harsh off-road
conditions but it still not common if correctly installed.
Air fitting failure usually occurs when they are first fitted or very rarely in
use. Cheap low-quality components tend to be very unreliable. Air fittings
are used to connect components such as bags, valves, and solenoids to
the air line that transfers the air. They are screwed into the component
and for the most part push-in or push-to-fit DOT line is then inserted into
the fitting.
Compressor failure is primarily due to leaking air springs or air struts. The
compressor will burn out trying to maintain the correct air pressure in a
leaking air system. Compressor burnout may also be caused by moisture
from within the air system coming into contact with its electronic parts.
This is far more likely to occur with low specification compressors with
insufficient duty cycle which are often purchased due to low cost. For
redundancy in the system two compressors are often a better option.
In Dryer failure the dryer, which functions to remove moisture from the air
system, eventually becomes saturated and unable to perform that
function. This causes moisture to build up in the system and can result in
damaged air springs and/or a burned-out compressor.
ECAS problems
The ECAS computer can, using pre-programmed criteria to detect a fault,
disable the system into "Hard Fault Mode" which lowers the vehicle to the
suspension bump-stops, leaving it usable with radically reduced
performance until repaired.
Many enthusiasts use diagnostic devices such as laptop and hand
computers running specially developed software to clear spurious faults
and avoid the need for repair. Some manipulate the sensors to set the
vehicle to a particular ride height at all times by adjusting the lever ratio
on the height-sensing devices, or a supplementary ECU to "fool" the
system. Leaks in the system, often due to main seal wear caused by
excessive duty cycle, can cause premature compressor failure.
Electrical – Problems with the height sensors, air spring solenoids, module
control circuit, compressor relay, compressor or vent solenoid. These can
be isolated by using the system’s self-diagnostic procedures (if available)
and various volt/ohm checks. Service consists of replacing the faulty
component or wiring, or readjusting the height sensors.
The dryers that are installed on most systems do not have an indicator
that will show when it is saturated and no longer able to absorb water. An
additional dryer with a moisture indicator can be added to the original
equipment dryer. It can be installed in the supply line and placed in a
position where a periodic check can be made.
Table 5.1. Suspension troubleshooting guide
The suspension is the assembly that links axles to the vehicle frame.
The automobile frame and body are mounted on the front and rear
axle not directly but through some form of springs and shock
The suspension assembly dampens road shocks transmitted to the
frame by the wheels.
The suspension system of a motor vehicle is divided into the rear-
end suspension and front-end suspension.
An ideal suspension system would allow the vehicle body to travel
along the road without any of the three basic suspension
Suspension operating terms include the following: -
1. Suspension travel
2. Spring rate
3. Spring oscillation
4. Spring/un-spring masses
The most common leaf spring designs are:
– Semi-elliptical
– Quarter-elliptical
– Single-leaf
– Multi-leaf springs
Non-steel springs are;
1. Rubber springs
2. Compressed air springs
3. Hydro pneumatic suspension springs
To meet the requirements of higher performance of air suspensions
in a cost favourable way and to take full benefit of the potential of
air suspensions, an electronically controlled air suspension system
(ECAS) for trucks and buses has been developed and introduced into
the market.
A shock absorber is designed to damp oscillations quickly in order to
improve riding comfort.
Ant-roll bars include; stabilizer bar, sway bars and anti-sway bars.
When torque arms are used, they locate the axle in the longitudinal
An axle beam is the component joining together the wheels on each
side of a vehicle.
A ball joint is a metal ball stud mounted in a socket.
The springs sometimes contract and expand more than permitted
and can cause damage to other components when the wheel goes
over a large bump or hole.
In vehicles having a rigid axle suspension system, the right and left
wheels are connected by a single axle which itself is fitted to the
body and the frame via springs (leaf spring or coil springs).
In vehicles having and independent suspension system, the right
and left wheels are not connected directly by an axle.
The front-end suspension is more complicated than the rear end
suspension, because the front wheels not only move up and down
with respect to the vehicle frame, but also swing at various angles
to the vehicle frame for steering.
Under normal conditions, it is not necessary to check the wheel
alignment at every service interval, although it must be checked
during the pre-delivery inspection.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
The frame is not totally rigid structure since it is designed to combine both
strength and flexibility. It is important that all loads and stress are
transmitted correctly into the frame and at the same time, the frame must
be able to flex slightly.
This flexibility is necessary as it provides for a more even spread of forces
from “hang-on” components such as spring brackets.
The frame supported by the suspension is the main part of any motor
vehicle structure. It bears:
1. The engine and its accessories
2. The transmission
3. The cab
4. The body and
5. The working attachments as well as the payload.
The frame should be able to absorb the full engine torque, the braking
effort from the suspension and the shock load, strain and stress. It must
be sturdy but flexible enough to absorb the stress, strain and shock
vibrations that roll like waves throughout the structure.
Load bearing - The truck frame is designed for both strength and
deflection. To ensure that the vehicle is adequate for the intended
operation and that the installation does not adversely affect chassis
durability, some understanding of the terms related to frame design is
Basic terminology:
1. Section modulus: is an indication of the frame strength made on
the basis of the height, width, thickness and shape of the frame side
rails. Frames with deeper or wider flanges have increased section
2. Yield strength: is a measure of the steel strength used in the
frame. The yield strength is the maximum load measured in pounds
per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kpa) that may be placed on a
material and the material will still return to its original shape.
3. Resisting bending moment: The resisting bending moment
(RBM) is calculated by multiplying the section modulus by the yield
strength. Stronger frames have higher RBMs. The RBM is the most
accurate indication of a frame’s strength.
4. Applied moment: The applied moment is a measurement of a
specific load placed in a certain location on the frame. The applied
moment is based on a stationary vehicle.
5. Bending moment: The term bending moment means that a load
applied to the frame will be distributed across a given section of the
frame. This load tends to distort the frame at the point of heaviest
load concentration.
6. Area and safety factor: The frame area is the total cross section
of the frame rail in square inches. The safety factor is the amount of
load that can be safely absorbed by the truck frame members. The
safety factor is the reaction of the applied moment to the RBN.
When the applied moment and the RBM are the same, the frame
has a safety factor of 1.
Unit outcomes
Safety precautions
1. Ensure you have proper PPE,
2. Clean work place and machine before you commence work,
3. Place firefighting equipment in place,
4. Clear the exit route,
5. Park machine on a level ground and chock wheels,
6. Remove battery negative [ground] cable,
7. Use stands when supporting vehicle frame,
8. Use the right tools for the job,
9. Be conversant with all safety rules and regulations,
10. Be conversant with workshop, operators and maintenance
11. Carryout pre-inspection checks of entire machine before you
commence work.
Frame damage
– Exceeding the gross vehicle weight rating
– Uneven load distribution
– Improper fifth wheel settings
– Using the vehicle for purposes for which it was not originally
– The use of special equipment for which the frame was not designed
– Improper modification of the frame
Frame alignment
1. A heavy commercial vehicle may have handling and steering
problems as well as excessive tyre wear.
2. Normally a wheel alignment will be performed but sometimes, even
though the wheel alignment is performed correctly, the problem still
3. The frame must be checked for trueness to locate the cause.
4. If the frame is not true, the suspension units will not be in the
correct position relative to each and to the centreline of the vehicle.
5. If the frame is found to be out of true, the problem must be
corrected before carrying out another wheel alignment.
Pre-alignment inspection
Before performing a frame alignment, the following must be inspected
and if necessary, corrected to prevent false results from being obtained.
1. Tyre inflation
2. Tyre and rim to be identified
3. Wheel alignment
4. Visual inspection for frame damage
5. Visual inspection of axle housings
6. Wheel-bearing adjustment
7. Vehicle to be in the straight-ahead position
8. Ride height.
Interaxle alignment
1. If there is any misalignment between multiple rear axles, the vehicle
will not steer straight and, for this reason alone, the complete axle
group should be checked for alignment.
2. Interaxle alignment must also be checked after axle housing or
suspension component replacement.
3. A suggested procedure is as follows:
i. Perform a pre-alignment inspection identical to that for frame
ii. Select reference points each side of the frame, or clamp a
straightedge across the frame.
iii. On both sides of the vehicle, measure the distance between
the two straightedges as shown on the figure 1;
a) B1 – C = X1,
b) B - C = X,
c) B1 – D1 =Y1
d) B – D = Y
1. Although chassis frames are very strong, care must be taken when
lifting or moving them, to avoid anything that may scratch, cut, or
damage an exposed frame assembly.
2. Cushion all chain hoists or cable slings with a section of heavy hose.
3. If the frame rail is raised with a jack, place a block of wood between
the jack and the frame rail.
1. Previously when reassembling chassis components previously
assembled with Huck fasteners, it is often unrealistic to install new
Huck fasteners because of accessibility.
2. If you are replacing Huck fasteners with bolts, ensure that their
hardness is consistent with the original fasteners.
– This will usually, but not always, be equivalent to an SAE
grade 8 fastener.
• Additional reinforcement of the chassis frame to support additional
loading or to concentrate a load, should not be made until it has
been fully verified that all other vehicle components, such as the
brake system, steering system, suspension system can properly and
safely carry and support the increased loading.
Clamp the sill into position as that dictates the shape of the repair section
needed to be made. The photograph below shows a square being used to
position the new sill at a right angle to the top of the chassis.
Making a template
Cardboard pizza boxes are an ideal source of material for making
Card behaves in a very similar way to sheet steel - it is very difficult to
bend into a compound curve. The advantage over steel is it is very easy to
cut, so if you get it wrong you can quickly make another template.
Seam welding
1. Any chassis part should be fully seam welded. Butt joint the repair
panel as an overlap joint would trap water and rust.
2. Distortion isn't really an issue in a thick folded panel like this one, so
the seam weld could be made quickly.
1. The lower part of the chassis and the suspension mounting has been
positioned using a really simple chassis jig.
2. Jigs are essential for positioning suspension mountings. Once
welded some suspension mountings on a vehicle without a jig, and
while everything was pretty close the vehicle sagged to one side.
Use a jig to re-drill the holes and make the car perfect.
1. A hardened steel frame weld that fails by cracking cleanly through
the center of the weld profile often does so because the incorrect
filler wire (electrode) has been used.
2. A weld that fails by cracking clean to the sides of the weld profile
often does so due to crystallization caused by overheating.
– Crystallization usually means that the welding procedure has
been performed too rapidly.
1. When cutting a frame, use a pencil or soapstone to make all lines,
points, or other marks.
2. Try to avoid the use of a scriber or tool that will scratch the surface
of the frame rail.
3. Use a machinist’s square to project all points from the webs to the
upper flanges and to measure inboard from the outside face of the
frame rails. Cobalt high-speed drills are superior to conventional
high-speed drills for drilling hardened frame rails.
4. Drills should be sharpened to give 150 0 included angle with 70–150
lip clearance.
A drill usually drills to a fractional oversize. The best method of
drilling a frame rail is to use this method:
– Drill pilot hole.
– Drill to 1/8-inch under the nominal required hole size.
– Taper ream to the exact nominal required hole size.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
Ground pressure
1. The reason why the tracked type excavator can operate in difficult
conditions and the wheeled type excavator has problems is the
ground pressure of the machines. The ground pressure puts the
weight of the machine in relation to the area that makes contact
with the ground. If you look at the wheeled type excavator you can
see that the contact area is relatively small.
2. That means that we have high ground pressure, or in other words: a
lot of weight on a small area, which leads to the wheels sinking into
the ground when the conditions are soft or muddy.
3. If you look at the tracked type excavator you can see immediately
that the contact area is much larger.
4. The larger contact area distributes the weight of the machine which
is why we have a lower ground pressure.
5. This lower ground pressure prevents the excavator from sinking in
soft or muddy conditions. Keep in mind that this does not mean that
the tracked type cannot sink at all.
Some loader tractors do not have oscillating tract roller frames; instead,
the front of the tract roller frame is bolted to the tractor frame. Such a
mounting gives the tractor loader greater stability.
The average flange and thread angle surface is tapered about 40◦ since
any belt will run toward the greater diameter. Therefore, track chain
aligns with the front idler when the tractor moves in the straight – ahead
or reverse direction, and does not come into contact with the inside or
outside idler flanges. The centre of the idler is machined to accommodate
the seals and the bearings.
i. The bearings may be of the roller, tapered roller or bushing design.
ii. The seals used may be of the duo – cone, metal con floating seal or
bellows mechanical seal design.
The idler shaft is fastened through a bolt or pin to the left and right- hand
idler bracket (block). The guide plates and shims allow a lateral
adjustment of the front idler.
3. Drive sprockets
i. The purpose of the drive sprockets is to transmit rotary motion to
the track chains by pulling the chains in clockwise or counter clock
wise rotation on the sprockets, rolling the tractor on the track links
in a forward or reverse direction.
Only alternate teeth engage with the track bushings, and since the
sprockets are of the hunting tooth design (an uneven number of teeth), a
particular sprocket tooth engages with a track bushing on every second
sprocket revolution. Only after several track revolutions will the same
bushings and teeth again engage.
i. The sprockets are one- piece steel cast and may be splined (tapered
or straight splines) to the sprocket or planetary carrier shaft.
ii. On the other hand, the sprocket hub may be splined to the sprocket
or planetary shaft, in which case either a one-piece sprocket ring is
bolted to the sprocket hub or individual sprocket segments are
bolted to it.
Sprocket arrangement
Fig. 8.2. Coil spring recoil mechanism and hydraulic track adjuster
To remove the track tension:
1. Turn the relief valve one complete turn counter clockwise.
This will allow the grease (which may be under high pressure)
to flow into the vertical slot into the unthreaded area, and out
of the vent hole.
2. To tighten the track chain, tighten the relief valve, fasten a grease
gun to the filter valve, and then pump grease into the fitting.
i. The grease flows past the first and second check valves to the
front of the track piston seal.
ii. As pressure rises, the track adjusting head, the cylinder
retainer, and the track adjusting cylinder are forced to the right,
moving the front idler and tightening the track chain.
1. Assume the recoil cylinder is a rebuilt one and the right-hand side is
charged with nitrogen to a pressure of 1500 psi (10,335 kpa).
2. The piston and piston rod would be resting against the piston rod
3. To retract the piston and rod and bring it to the required installation
length, grease is pumped through the grease fitting into the area in
front of the piston until the piston rod has retracted to the specified
4. The recoil cylinder is then installed, and fasted to the front idler and
track frame bracket.
5. Track rollers
The purpose of the track rollers is to transfer the tractor or carrier weight
evenly unto the track links, to reduce rolling friction, and to guide the
track chain.
i. Two types of track rollers are used:
a. The single flange and
b. The double flange.
ii. The track roller halves are steel forged, welded, machined to the
required internal dimensions, and then heat-treated.
The flanges are manufactured to an angle of approximately 4° to assist in
guiding the track links onto the track roller tread surface.
i. Bushings or tapered roller bearings support the track roller housing
on the track roller shaft.
ii. Some track rollers use locating dowels to position the track roller
shaft and prevent it from rotating should the roller body mounting
cap screws become loose.
iii. Most track rollers use oil as a lubricant and for this reason the track
roller shaft must have one or two reservoirs.
iv. The track roller shaft must be centre-drilled and must have several
partly cross-drilled passages to provide lubricant to the seal and or
the bushings and thereby prolong the shaft, bushing, and seal life.
7. Track chains
1. The purpose of the track chain is to transform drive sprocket
rotation into linear motion and thereby roll the tractor or carrier in a
forward or reverse direction.
2. It also serves as the mounting pad for the track shoes.
3. The track chain is a combination of individual left- and right-hand
links joined through the track pins and bushings to form a chain.
4. The track chain ends are joined through a master pin (master link
and bushing) to become an endless chain.
Chain link
1. The overall design of all track chains is the same notwithstanding
the varying sizes of the tractors and carriers and the relatively
larger or smaller track pins and bushings or the lighter or heavier
construction of the track links.
2. Track pitch, which is the distance measured between the centre of
one-track pin and the centre of the adjacent pin, is the most
important factor in the track chain design.
3. Furthermore, the track pitch and sprocket pitch must match to
ensure smooth track rotation, as well as to reduce wear on the pins
and bushings and sprocket teeth. Since wear accelerates when the
pitches do not match.
1. The track links are forged with a massive strut and heavy body
to increase strength and minimize fatigue, and then hardened to
increase resistance to wear.
By slightly curving the front of the shoe downward and the rear of
the shoe upward (when the track chain is straight, the adjacent
track shoe overlaps at the front and the shoe at the rear under
By positioning the governor bar as for forward as possible over the
link pin bores.
To reduce turning resistance of loader tractors and carriers and
thereby prolong the undercarriage life, a double or triple grouser
(also called multi-grouser), with or without the centre relief hole, is
Shoe Description
MODERATE SERVICE Work best in low to medium abrasion conditions
SHOES (SINGLE- and low to moderate impact conditions
GROUSER SHOES) All-purpose shoes recommended for any general
Provide good penetration and traction while
resisting wear and bending
CENTER HOLE SHOES Work best in applications where packing causes
(MODERATE AND the track to tighten, accelerating pin and bushing
SHOES) Recommended for applications where large
amounts of debris tend to pack in the track
Reduce extrudable packing between the shoe and
the bushing due to sprockets that punch out dirt
and debris
Also available for Double-Grouser and Chopper
MULTI-GROUSER Work best in applications that require less
SHOES penetration and traction
Recommended for applications that require better
turning capability and less ground disturbance
Feature two or three short grousers instead of one
tall grouser, low usage on medium-size track-type
EXTREME SERVICE Work best in moderate to high impact conditions
SHOE (SINGLE- Recommended for applications where the links
GROUSER SHOES) outlast the shoes
Have more hardened wear material than
moderate service shoes
SELF-CLEANING, LOW Work best in soft underfoot conditions. Should not
GROUND PRESSURE be used in highly abrasive or high-impact
SHOES conditions
Recommended for applications where flotation is
a problem (LGP only)
Separate from one another as they move around
the sprocket and idler, allowing dirt and debris to
fall out
CHOPPER SHOES Work best in applications where debris tends to
stick in the shoes
Recommended for landfills, transfer stations and
demolition applications
Feature a full-length grouser to resist bending,
diagonal side grousers for increased chopping
ability, and a large trapezoidal center hole for
increased material extrusion
Table 8.4. Track shoe designs
Grouser designs
1. Dozers
2. Excavators
In the construction equipment industry, the term undercarriage is
commonly used as a collective term for the lower travelling units.
We have two main types of travelling units, the wheeled type and
the tracked type.
There are two designs of track-type undercarriages – the tractor and
the crawler types.
Basically, two kinds of tract-type undercarriages are used on crawler
carriers: the tractor type and the crawler carrier type.
Components of the undercarriage are:
1. Rear sprocket guard
2. Track chain
3. Sprocket
4. Carrier rollers
5. Track rollers – single and double flanged
6. Idler
7. Track roller frame
8. Track adjuster – mechanical/hydraulic
9. Equalizer bar
10. Links
11. Pins/bushing
12. Master pin
13. Master link
14. Track shoe
15. Track roller bogies (elevated sprocket)
16. Rock ejector
Track-adjusting and recoil mechanism are bolted to each track
frame and coupled to the front idler yoke.
The purpose of track adjuster is to adjust the track chain so that a
specific tension between the drive sprocket and front idler can be
maintained when worn track bushings and pins or worn sprocket
teeth reduce the tension.
The purpose of the recoil mechanism is to act as the counter force
to the track-adjusting mechanism.
Four types of recoil mechanisms and adjustments are used;
– Coil spring recoil mechanism and mechanical track adjustment
– Coil spring recoil mechanism and hydraulic track adjustment
– Staked cone spring plates and hydraulic adjuster
– Nitrogen gas recoil mechanism and adjuster
Crawler carrier undercarriage design
1. The overall design of the crawler carrier undercarriage is similar
to the tractor undercarriage, although the design of the
components differs.
2. This is because the main purpose of the carrier undercarriage is
to support the carrier weight and to provide a stable.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
When performing routine maintenance, inspect the complete track and
undercarriage for signs of abnormal wear, leaking rollers or idlers, and
misaligned, loose, or missing parts. Should you find any loose track shoes,
you should check the torque on all the shoe bolts. Any bolts not meeting
specifications should be retightened to the prescribed torque.
Shop Repairs
Repairs made to tracks and track frames in the maintenance shop are
usually limited to replacing roller or idler seals and bearings or repairing a
hydraulic track adjuster. On occasion, you may find a roller or track that is
badly worn and requires replacement.
NEVER replace components of the track or track frame without consulting
the wear limitation charts in the manufacturer's service manual.
Track removal
Steps for the removal of the track are as follows:
3. Remove the track from the carrier rollers and idler - Slowly move
the tractor forward or backward away from the loose ends of the track.
Make sure no one is in the way of the tractor or the loose end of the track
when it falls off the sprocket or front idler.
4. Move the tractor off the track - Place a plank at the rear of the
track. The plank should be about the same thickness as the track, yet
narrow enough to fit between the track frame and guards, and long
enough so that the entire tractor can rest on the plank.
After removing the tracks, always see that the tractor is securely blocked
while repairs are being performed. Anytime a track is removed,
thoroughly inspect the track frame components for excessive wear and
misalignment. Removal, disassembly, and replacement vary by model and
manufacturer. Consult the manufacturer's service manual for exact
Replacing tracks - To replace the tracks, back the tractor off the plank
and onto the new tracks so the drive sprocket properly meshes with the
track rail. Continue backing until the tractor is just ahead of the rear end
of the track. Then place a bar in the track and help the track climb over
the sprocket, carrier rollers, and idler as the tractor is driven forward.
When the track comes together, install the master pin and any locking
device. Once the track is together, adjust the track tension using the
manufacturer's recommended procedures.
Take care not to damage the roller flanges or to endanger your fingers as
you push/ lift the roller into position. Align the shaft retainer, and the roller
shaft, then install the cap screws and tighten them to the recommended
1. Disassembly
i. Thoroughly clean the track carrier roller extension.
ii. Remove the inner retainer cap screws and screw the pusher cap
screws into the threaded holes of the retainer, or use a hydraulic
puller arrangement to pull the bearing retainer, seal retainer, and
seal from the shaft and body.
iii. Remove the seal assembly from the seal retainer and remove the
seal ring from the inner bearing retainer. When employing the
puller screw method, use a soft face hammer and tap on the
retainer to ease removal.
iv. Remove the outer bearing retainer cap screws, the retainer, and
2. Inspection
If the roller body flange tread surfaces are worn, the bearing cups are
loose in their bores, or the weld is cracked, the roller body must be
replaced or rebuilt.
i. Check the shaft for warpage and cracks, and for wear at the seat
of the bearing cones.
ii. Check mechanical seal sealing surfaces for nicks, scratches, and
iii. Check the seal spring assembly: - bellow for cracks, spring for
strength, and guide dowels for damage.
3. Reassembly
The procedure for serving a track roller having roller bearings or tapered
roller bearings parallels that previously outlined for the track carrier roller.
1. Disassembly
i. Remove the shaft plug.
ii. Remove the left- and right-hand retainer (lock) rings.
iii. Using two pry bars, pry the collar straight from the shaft ends.
iv. Lift the metal floating ring seal and the toric seal rings from the
collar and bushing assembly.
v. Remove the cap screws which secure the bushing assembly
(iron bushing) to the roller body.
vi. Place the roller assembly onto the press bed so that the roller is
supported by its flange.
vii. Press on the shaft to force the bushing assembly from the roller
viii. Repeat this procedure for the other side.
2. Inspection
i. Clean the shaft, the two bushing assemblies and the two rollers.
ii. Inspect and measure the shaft for wear and to determine if it is
bent or damaged.
3. Bearing replacement
If only the bearings are to be replaced,
i. Position one bushing assembly face down, onto the press bed so
that the bushing supports the assembly.
ii. Place an adapter onto the bearing and press out the bearing.
iii. With the hacksaw, saw off the locating pins and with a file smooth
the bushing surface.
iv. Clean the bushing, and align the bearing holes with the bushing
v. Press the bearing into the bushing so that the bearing flange rests
firmly against the bushing.
vi. Install two pins into the holes to secure the bearing to the bushing
vii. Check for nicks and burrs at the seal counter bore surface.
viii. Remove any that are present with a scraper or emery cloth.
ix. Clean all components and dry them with compressed air.
4. Reassembly
i. Install the O-ring seal to each bushing assembly (without
twisting or rolling them).
ii. Using the specified lubricant or an anti-seize compound,
lubricate the inner bore of the track roller and the outer surface
of the bushing assembly.
iii. Position the roller onto the press bed.
iv. Align the bushing assembly by using the special assembly tool,
or by inserting three guide pins into the bushing holes and into
the holes of the roller body.
v. Press the bushing assembly into the roller body until it rests
firmly against the roller body shoulder.
vi. Install and tighten the cap screws to the specified torque.
vii. Turn the track roller over 180°, lubricate the bearing and shaft.
viii. Insert the shaft into the roller body – do the same for the other
bearing assembly.
ix. Install and torque the cap screws to the specified torque.
x. Measure the shaft end play.
xi. Clean the metal floating ring seals using the recommended
cleaning fluid or alcohol, and examine the sealing surfaces.
xii. Install the new toric seals, but make sure the sealing rings are
not twisted and that they rest firmly in the relief of the seal
xiii. Using fingers, install the assembly by pressing on the outer side
of toric seal ring to force it into the bushing assembly counter
xiv. Repeat these steps to position the other half of the floating ring
seal into the counter bore of the collar.
xv. Before placing the collar onto the collar, again clean both
sealing surfaces with a lint-free cloth and alcohol to remove any
minute particles or finger prints.
xvi. Discharge one drop of oil onto the cloth and lubricate both
sealing surfaces.
xvii. Place the collar onto the shaft and position the lock ring.
xviii. Repeat these steps precisely to install the other floating ring
Do not use any kind of lubricant on toric seal rings.
E. Lubrication
The final step before installing the track roller is to lubricate the track
1. Screw the special nozzle into the shaft end.
2. Position the roller shaft horizontally, i.e. the flat side or the pin
groove in the shaft facing upward so that the shaft holes align
with the reservoir holes.
3. Pump oil into the roller until air flows out from around the threads
of the nozzle.
4. Remove the nozzle and install the plug to the specified torque.
1. Procedure
i. Clean the track.
ii. Remove the track shoes (on some tracks you need only to
remove the bolts and nuts from the links on one side of the track
iii. Simultaneously press out one pin and one bushing from one side
of the track link, and then press out the bushing from each of
the other links.
iv. Clean all pins and bushings in solvent, once they are removed.
v. Inspect the links, pins, bushings, seals and spacers for wear.
vi. Reassemble and press the pins and bushings into the links.
vii. Reinstall the track shoes.
When a one piece or ring drive sprocket is used and the inside frame is
either rigidly fastened to the tractor frame or pivot fastened to an
individual shaft in front of the drive sprocket, replacing the drive sprocket
is a relatively simple and quite procedure.
1. Procedure
i. Split the track.
ii. Remove the lock from the sprocket from the sprocket nut.
iii. Remove the nut.
2. Inspection
i. Clean the splines.
ii. Check the splines on the final drive shaft for wear.
3. Reassembly
i. Lubricate the splines.
ii. Place the sprocket onto them, and drive it or press it into
iii. Install the sheet metal washer and then the nut.
iv. Hold the sprocket by applying the brakes or by wedging a block
between a sprocket tooth and the side frame.
v. Tighten nut to the specified torque using a socket torque
multiplier and torque wrench.
vi. Lock the nut by bending the washer against one flat of the nut.
All of which cause accelerated wear to the rotating components, the roller
frame must be removed and serviced.
Reference materials
Erich J. Schulz, (1983), Diesel Equipment II. McGraw-Hill Book Co.
Manufacturers manuals and bulletins
Unit outcomes
To reduce undercarriage wear, the weight of the tractor and attachments
must be evenly distributed onto the track rollers and track chains.
Maintenance should include:
Track Adjustment
If the tracks are adjusted too tightly, there will be too much friction
between the pins and bushings when the track links swivel as they travel
around the sprocket and front idler. This friction causes the pins,
bushings, links, sprocket, and idler to wear rapidly. Friction in a tight track
also robs the tractor of needed horsepower.
Tracks that are too loose fail to stay aligned and tend to come off when
the tractor is turned. As a result, the idler flanges, roller flanges, and the
sides of the sprocket teeth wear down. A loose track will whip at high
tractor ground speed, damaging the carrier rollers and their supports. If
loose enough, the drive sprockets will jump teeth (slide over track
bushings) when the tractor moves in reverse. Should this happen, the
sprocket and bushings will wear rapidly.
The track pins and bushing are hardened and require no lubrication. Many
rollers and idlers are equipped with lifetime seals that are factory
lubricated and sealed. However, track rollers, carrier rollers, and idlers
equipped with grease fittings must be lubricated on a scheduled basis that
is set by the manufacturer.
ONLY use a hand-operated grease gun on these fittings and pump only
until resistance is felt. Further pumping will damage the seals.
1. Procedure
i. Drive the tractor a short distance in a forward direction, then
stop engine.
ii. Tighten the track chain, but stop doing so as soon as the packed
build-up starts to squeeze from between the track bushing and
sprocket teeth (or you should stop as the track chain is almost
straight between the carrier roller and front idler).
iii. Measure from the front idler yoke to any fixed point on the track
roller frame.
iv. Reduce the track tension by bleeding grease into the cylinder for
a nitrogen recoil mechanism, or by using the track adjusting
v. Force the front idler rear ward by placing a track pin (or any
large pin) between one sprocket tooth and the track link.
vi. Drive the tractor in a reverse direction until the track pin is on
vii. Drive the tractor forward to remove the inserted pin.
viii. Tighten the track until the front idler has moved forward
12.7mm less than the distance measured when the track chain
was tightly adjusted.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
At the end of the unit, you will be able to:
Unit outcomes
At the end of the unit, you will be able to:
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
1. The automobile wheels support the total weight; the tyres must be
large and strong enough to support the vehicle on the road.
2. Resist the strains created during turning, automobile control,
acceleration and braking occur through the tyres and their contact
on the road surface. The traction, the force required to make the
tyre slip on the contact patch, is the same on the wheel in all
directions whether it is accelerating, cornering, braking, or any
combination of these.
3. Transmit the driving torque for propelling and breaking torque for
4. The tyre must absorb, by deflecting, part of the shock from road
The well in the base of the rim is sufficiently deep to hold the beads
of the tyre for mounting or demounting. The portion of the rim
where the tyre sits have 5 degrees taper due to which, as the tyre is
inflated, the beads are forced up the taper providing a wedge fit,
and a good seal is obtained with tubeless tyres.
1. Most light alloys are better conductors of heat than steel, so that
they transfer any heat generated by the tyre or brake more quickly
to the wheel-disc for dissipation to the air stream.
2. Light-alloy wheels are more expensive to manufacture than
pressed-steel wheels.
3. Aluminium-alloy wheels are cheaper than magnesium alloy wheels.
4. Light-alloy wheels are used for better appearance and lighter
5. Usually an aluminium alloy is preferred for passenger cars and
trucks, and a magnesium alloy for sports and racing cars.
The wheel-rim profile used for both light alloy wheels and steel rims is
Wheel mountings
Car wheels
Commercial-vehicle wheels
A tyre is made from rubberized fabric piles over a rubber liner and the
edges of the piles are wrapped around a wire bead, which holds the tyre
to the wheel rim. The fabric piles are covered with a rubber compound
tread and a different rubber compound for the side walls. The tyre is cured
in a mould to vulcanize the parts into a single unit and form the tread
Major components
The carcass, beads, side walls, and tread are the major components of a
tyre cover.
Cross (bias) - and radial-ply tyre features - Many textile cords are
crisscrossed and embedded to provide strength to the cross-ply tyre in the
rubber. These cords are arranged in layers, usually referred to as plies,
which perform two jobs.
1. Firstly, they have to make the walls strong enough to contain the
air pressure and yet leave them as supple as possible for deflection.
2. Secondly, they have to support the tread.
Radial plies perform only one job that is to make the wall of the tyre
strong enough to contain the air pressure. They do not support the tread.
So, they do not require to be crisscrossed, instead are laid readily
following the natural profile of the tyre. This provides a simple but strong
wall, which is desirable. To support the tread, a layer of rayon or steel
cords forming a belt is placed underneath it. The sole purpose of this belt
is to brace the whole of the tread firmly flat down and open on to the
road. The greatest difference in tyres lies in the cord material and the way
it is put into the tyre.
The cross-bias cord angle runs from 30O to 40O. This provides a cross-
cord side wall, which gives required strength to transfer acceleration and
braking torque. The tyres have gone from four-ply to two-ply construction.
The strength of the ply is the result of the weight of the cord rather than
the number of plies. Two-ply tyres are as strong as four ply tyres, because
the tyre cord denier is larger than used in four ply tyres. Two-ply tyres run
cooler, are more flexible to absorb shock from road irregularities, and
apply greater self-aligning torque to the steering system after a turn.
Bias-ply allows the tyre to squirm as it moves through the tyre foot print
or contact patch. The tread is pushed together as it goes into the foot
print. This stores energy in the rubber. As it comes out of the root print,
the tyre rapidly expands and goes beyond the neutral point into a
stretched position. Closing and opening of the tread as it moves through
the contact patches is one of the major causes of normal tyre wear.
Radial-ply belted tyres have been built having radial ply cord angles
run from 88O to 900 and the belt cords run from 120 to 200. The radial cord
provides a soft side wall, which produces a softer ride than belted bias
tyres. The belt (steel wires, Fiberglass, or rayon) around the radial cords
holds the tread shape through the contact patch or foot prints. Radial
belted tyres, as a result of a lower slip angle, provide more cornering
power and less wear than bias belted tyres. These tyres produce a harsh
ride at low speed, require a high steering effort, especially when parking
and are expensive.
The steel-belted radial tyre has less tread flexing so it rolls easier,
thereby improving fuel consumption. With the radial belted tyres, loss of
tyre-to-road adhesion occurs suddenly, with little warming, especially on
wet surfaces.
Tyre tread
In a pneumatic tyre a cushion of air trapped between the well of the wheel
rim and the toroid-shaped casing known as the carcass supports the
wheel load. The tread, a thick layer of rubber compound, is wrapped
around the outside of the tyre carcass to protect the carcass from damage
due to tyre impact with the irregular contour of the ground and the
abrasive wear as the tyre rolls along the road. During rotation of the
wheel the tread provides driving, braking, cornering and steering grip
between the tyre and ground. Tread grip may be defined as the ability of
a rolling tyre to continuously develop an interaction between the
individual tread elements and the ground. Tyre grip must be available
under a variety of road conditions such as smooth or rough hard roads,
dry or wet surfaces, muddy tracks, fresh snow or hard packed snow and
ice, and sandy or soft soil terrain. The main function of a tyre tread
pattern is:
i. To provide a path for drainage of water trapped between the tyre
contact patch and the road, and
ii. To provide tread to ground bite when the wheel is subjected to both
longitudinal and lateral forces under various driving conditions.
Tread bite
Bite is obtained through a tread pattern, which divides the tread into
many separate elements, and each element has a reasonably sharp well-
defined edge. As the wheel rotates these tread edges engage with the
ground providing tyre to ground interlock and also develop frictional
forces during transmission of tractive or braking forces. Following are the
major features of tread pattern that control the effectiveness of the tyre in
wet weather:
1. Drainage grooves or channels.
2. Load carrying ribs.
3. Load bearing blocks.
4. Multiple micro slits or sipes.
Tread ribs
Circumferential ribs provide a supportive wearing surface for the tyre and
also become the walls for the drainage grooves. Lateral ribs provide the
optimum bite for tractive and braking forces whereas circumferential ribs
control cornering and steering stability. For both longitudinal and lateral
directional stability, ribs may be arranged diagonally. Also, it may be in
the zigzag circumferential form to improve the wiping effect across the
tread surface under wet conditions. It is desirable to have the tread
pattern with many narrow ribs than a few wide ones for better road grip.
Tread blocks
The consequences of both longitudinal and lateral drainage channels,
used for effective drainage of water at speed, is that the grooves encircle
portions of the tread forming isolated island blocks. These blocks provide
a sharp wiping and biting edge where the interface of the tread and
ground meet. To improve their biting effectiveness for tractive, braking,
steering and cornering forces, these forces are required to be resolved
into diagonal resultants and to achieve this the blocks are sometimes
arranged in an oblique formation. A limitation to the block pattern concept
is due to inadequate support around the blocks, which causes the rubber
blocks to bend and distort under severe operating conditions. Bar shaped
tread blocks, arranged in a herringbone fashion, have proved to be
effective on rugged ground.
Sometimes one end of the knife cut intersects the side wall of a drainage
groove. In some designs the tread patterns use the sipes arranged at a
similar angle to each other, where the zigzag shape provides a large
number of edges pointing in various direction. Other designs set sipes at
different angles to each other so that these sipes are effective for the
wheel pointing in whichever way and for the ground reaction forces
operating in whatever direction. Sipes or slits are almost closed in their
free state, but as they enter into the contact patch area the ribs or blocks
distort and open up. In this open position, the sipe lips scoop up small
quantities of water that still exist underneath the tread. This wiping action
produces some biting edge reaction with the ground. If the sipes are
smaller in size and more in number, they are more effective for road
griping. The sipes with normal spacing on a tyre tread are ineffective on a
pebbled road surface as several pebbles exist between the pitch of the
sipes, collecting water between these rounded stones, so that only a few
of the stones are subjected to the wiping edge action of the opened lips.
Therefore, to improve the wiping process there should be many more
wiping slits, which is very difficult to manufacturing with the present
1. Construction
2. Cross ply (bias-ply)
3. Radial ply
4. Tubeless tyre
The tubeless tyre constitutes an outer cover and instead of the inner tube
an unstretched rubber lining is bonded to the inside of the cover wall. The
rubber lining continues under the beads dredges of the cover to join up
with the outer side-wall rubber. The bead portion of the tyre makes an
effective air-tight seal between the tyre and the rim. The taper rim seats
on each side of the well base and adjacent to the rim flanges, and assists
initial sealing between the bead and the wheel rim during inflation of the
tyre. Car and commercial vehicle rims have taper angles of 5 O and 15O
In this layout, the tyre valve is generally positioned in a hole formed in the
well base of the rim. Car valves are sealed by rubber grommets, whereas
commercial vehicle valves have -all-metal threaded system and is secured
to the rim by nuts.
Truck tyres
Truck tyres designed for steered axles normally use circumferential zigzag
ribs and grooves so that very good lateral reaction on curved tracks is
available. On the other hand, the drive axle tyre is designed so that tread
blocks have adequate grooving for optimum traction grip under both dry
and wet conditions. Some of these tyres also incorporate provision for
insertion of metal studs for severe winter hard packed snow and ice
1. Air retention - In the tubeless tyre, the inner lining does not
stretch unlike ordinary inner tubes, and the cover wall itself resists
air passage, therefore air loss is very much slower. The tyre bead
and the rim also provide seal between them so that no leakage of
air around the tyre rim is allowed.
2. Safety - The tubed tyres can suddenly puncture without warning.
With a tubeless tyre, if a tyre is ruptured a slow loss of air takes
place giving enough time to take care of the problem.
3. Ride comfort - The tubeless tyre is lighter than the inner tube and
tyre, giving less unsprung-mass reaction on the vehicle’s suspension
system, which reduces wheel bounce.
4. Tyre cooling - When there is no inner tube, the heat generated in
the compressed air is dissipated to atmosphere directly through the
metal rim. The inner tube being relatively poor conductor of heat, a
greater temperature builds up in tubed tyres.
5. Wheel assembly balance - A commercial-vehicle tubeless tyre
does not incorporate a tube flap, loose flange, and lock-ring. In this
case the tyre bead fits concentric to the taper wheel rim. This layout
provides a better-balanced assembly.
6. Assembly of tyre to wheel - There is no chance of the inner tube
being nipped or punctured during assembly as only the cover has to
be fitted over the wheel rim. Also, there is no danger of loose
components flying off during inflation of tubeless tyre due to
distortion or carelessness.
Pneumatic tyre
1. Supports the vehicle load,
2. Cushions the wheel against small road shocks,
3. Transmits driving and braking forces between the wheel and the
road surface, and (of) converts steering effort into directional
Tyres may be broadly divided into tubed and tubeless constructions, and
cross-ply and radial-ply constructions.
Inner tubes
The inner tube of a tyre is a flexible tube container, which when inflated
with compressed air expands until it bursts unless the expansion is
restrained by the tyre, acting as a casing.
The inner tube then takes the shape of the tyre cover, which protect it and
contains this trapped pressurized air over long periods.
The tube is manufactured from extruded rubber sheets, which are shaped
on a former and cured (vulcanized) in a steam-heated mould to the cover
shape. The tube is constructed to about 10% undersize. To provide an
outlet or inlet to the tube interior, a valve stem is sealed to the inside
circumference during vulcanization.
Tyre valves - A tyre contains the air under pressure, which supports the
vehicle load. The tyre valve permits air under pressure into the tyre
chamber (formed between the casing and the rim) when required, and
releases this air for adjustment of pressure or when removal of the tyre is
necessary. The valve stem easily accepts a high-pressure air-line adaptor
or a pressure-testing gauge.
Valve operation
The valve assembly has a core-pin, which is fixed to a valve seat. This pin
passes through an internally parallel sleeve and the outside of the sleeve
is attached to a tapered seal. When the core assembly is screwed into the
core housing, the tapered seal prevents any air leakage between the core
housing and the valve sleeve. The return-spring normally holds the valve
in the closed position, so that compressed air pumped into the tyre is
Today's load range/ply ratings do not count the actual number of body ply
layers used to make up the tyre's internal structure, but indicate an
equivalent strength compared to early bias ply tires. Most radial
passenger tyres have one or two body plies, and light truck tyres, even
those with heavy-duty ratings (10-, 12- or 14-ply rated), actually have only
two or three fabric plies, or one steel body ply.
In all cases, when changing tyre sizes or converting from one type of size
to another, it is important to confirm that the Load Index in the tire's
service description of the new tyre is equal to or greater than the Load
Index of the original tyre and/or that the new tyre's rated load capacity is
sufficient to carry the vehicle's gross axle weight ratings.
Passenger tyres
Since most P-metric passenger tyres are manufactured in the standard
load range, they will have nothing branded on their sidewalls or may be
branded standard load and identified by an SL in their descriptions, as in
P235/75R-15 SL.
Extra load - P-metric tyres will be branded extra load, and identified by
an XL in their descriptions, as in P235/75R-15 XL.
Light load - P-metric tyres will be branded light load, and identified by an
LL in their descriptions, as in P285/35R-19 LL.
Note: Only P-metric sized tyres with 45-series aspect ratios or lower may
be manufactured in a light load configuration. Light load tyres are
designed to carry less weight than standard load tyres and have been
developed for specific applications — typically when relatively large tyre
sizes are used as Original Equipment (O.E.) on relatively small cars or for
Track and Competition DOT tires used for racing applications.
P-Metric Passenger Vehicle Tyres
Maximum Load
Load Ranges Abbreviated
Light Load LL 35 psi (240 kPa) *
Standard Load Nothing or SL 35 psi (240 kPa) *
Extra Load XL 41 psi (280 kPa) *
*In an effort to internationally harmonize load ratings and
ranges, recently introduced and future LL, SL and XL P-
metric sizes will use ISO/Euro-metric maximum load
pressures of 36 or 42 psi
Table 13.1. P-metric passenger vehicle tyres
ST-metric sized special trailer service tyres will be branded with their
load range (load range D or LRD) on their sidewalls and list their
appropriate load range letter in their descriptions as ST205/75R15 LRD.
This provides a harsher ride reducing ride comfort unless the body is
further isolated from the suspension. The availability of lower aspect ratio
tyres over the years was as follows: 1950s — 95%, 1962-88%, 1965-80%
and about 1968-70%. Since then for special applications even lower
aspect ratios of 65%, 60%, 55% and even 50% have become available.
High Profile - High profile tyres have a longer contact path between the
road and your vehicle frame.
Sectional Height - The measurement of the tyre from side to side. The
measurement is the tyre's section height, and also referred to as the tire's
series, profile or aspect ratio. The higher the number, the taller the
sidewall; the lower the number, the lower the sidewall. We know that this
tire size's section width is 225mm and that its section height is 50%
of 225mm
Sectional Width - Found where the sidewall and tread meet. A tyre's
section width, also known as cross section width, is the measurement
of the tyre's linear width from sidewall to sidewall.
10 degrees Upto 120 km/h Upto 150 Over 150 km/h
12 degrees Upto 135 km/h Upto 160 Over 160 km/h
13 degrees and Upto 150 km/h Upto 175 Over 175 km/h
above km/h
All sizes Upto 180 km/h Upto 210 Over 210 km/h
Table 13.6. Ply ratings
DOT Markings - Each tyre has an imprinted DOT code on the sidewall.
DOT stands for the Department of Transportation and the code is made of
numbers and letters - they indicate the place and date of the tyre’s
manufacture. The DOT number has four digits. The first two digits indicate
the calendar week in which the tyre was produced, for example 32. The
year of production comes next. So, 3214 indicates a tyre from the 32th
week of 2014.
Load index - This is a code that ranges from 0 to 279 that quantifies the
maximum weight a tyre can bear at the speed indicated by the speed
symbol. The tyre's load index relates to its maximum carrying capacity
(in kg). The load rating of the tyre is found on the sidewall, just to the
right of the diameter. For example, a tyre with a load index of 91 can
carry 615kg of weight.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
Reference materials
Gus W, Owen, C., Sean, B. (2018). Fundamentals of Mobile Heavy
Equipment. Burlington, MA.
Heizler H, (2006). Vehicle and Engineering Technology. Butterworth-
Manufacturers manuals and bulletins
Sean, B. (2014). Modern Diesel Technology: Heavy Equipment
Systems, 2nd Ed. Delmar, Cengage Learning
Sean, B. (2015). Heavy Duty Truck Systems. 6th Edition. Boston.
Unit outcomes
1. The vehicle should be jacked on a flat hard surface and not on soft
or uneven ground.
2. The wheels are checked for damage and the parking brake is
applied and ensured effective.
3. Axle-stands with a jacked-up axle should always be used,
4. Personnel should not lean against a jacked-up vehicle.
5. The valve core must be removed completely to deflate the tyre
before removing the wheel from the vehicle or the tyre from the
6. The outer clamping nuts should not be loosened or unscrewed on
divided wheel rims.
7. Care must be taken not to distort flanges and lock-rings during
dismounting of tyres.
1. The parts of the rim that come into contact with the tyre bead
should not distort or damage in anyway.
2. Any accumulation of rust on the flange gutter and rim base is
removed. These surfaces are cleaned with a wire brush and emery
cloth if necessary, and then repainted with epoxy-resin paint if
3. The tyre case is examined inside and outside for any damage or
manufacturing defects.
4. The cover beads are wiped with a clean dry rag and then the cover
beads, flange, and rim are lubricated.
5. The sizes of wheel, tyre and valve for tubeless, and the wheel, tyre,
flap (if fitted) and valve for tubed assemblies are checked for
6. The stud holes are checked for any damage or elongation. Cracked
rims and stud-attachment naves with wheels should not be used.
7. The split flanges and lock-rings used with truck wheels and rims
should not be distorted and should be of the correct size and type.
Reference materials
Unit outcomes
Diagnose tyre failure
1. Cracking or Cuts
2. Excessive Worn Tread
3. Bulges
4. Excessive Vibration
5. Tyre Separation
6. Wavy Tyre walls
7. Side wall damage
8. Misalignment
9. Inflation pressures
Reference materials