The Role of Democratization
The Role of Democratization
The Role of Democratization
ISSN: 2988-0122
This study presents an overview of the role of innovation in creating differentiation through marketing
strategies among food SMEs in Makassar City. This study was conducted with a qualitative and explorative
approach. Informants in this study are MSME business actors. The sampling technique was carried out by
snowball. Data was collected using in-depth interview techniques. Then the data were analyzed
descriptively qualitatively with data reduction techniques, displaying data and drawing conclusions. The
results of the study show that innovation and marketing are interrelated in supporting the sales of MSME
products. Innovation is also a differentiator between one MSME and other MSMEs. Innovation can be done
through a marketing strategy.
Keywords: Innovation, Differentiation, Marketing Strategy
Product innovation and marketing are closely related to each other(Luchs & Swan, 2011;
Marxt & Hacklin, 2005). During the process of new products entering the market, a different
marketing strategy is needed than before(Paul & Martin, 2007). There is no doubt that innovation
plays a very important role in today's market. In globalization, competition and new forms of
technology are constantly increasing(Martin et al., 2017). Companies must be able to adopt
activities and strategies for utilizing existing knowledge in the production process to satisfy
customers(Zhang et al., 2015). Therefore, innovation in an organization is a fundamental
aspect(Hogan & Coote, 2014). Improvements in a product or service, market expansion or even
repositioning of an organization in the market are all related to innovation practices(Hogan &
Coote, 2014)
Innovation is an integral part of competitiveness and it is transversal to the organization,
related not only to new products or processes but also to organizational practices and marketing
strategies.(Gunday et al., 2011). Innovation is seen through different perspectives from
researchers with different backgrounds related to business and administration(Gupta et al.,
2016). For example, in terms of marketing innovation, it is perceived from two different
viewpoints: on the one hand, economists view innovation types from a creation and development
standpoint and marketing scholars consider innovation from a trade and market
standpoint.(Gupta et al., 2016)
In addition, innovation capabilities facilitate changes in managerial processes and value
creation. Innovative companies can continuously improve the customer value proposition in
meeting customer expectations(Zhang et al., 2015). Innovation activities and marketing strategy
have a strong relationship, companies with innovation capacity will pursue opportunities where
customers actively participate in value creation by creating an atmosphere conducive to
innovation(Ngo & O'Cass, 2013). Additionally, network competence – which consists of building
lasting relationships with customers and collaboration between supply chain partners – nurtures
the environment for innovation.(Zhang et al., 2015)
Business actors need to use strategies in marketing especially in the midst of the
emergence of increasingly competitive online business players based on information technology.
The informants in this study are MSME actors in Makassar City. The sampling technique for this
study used the snowball sampling technique, namely the number of informants will continue to
increase until the information is considered sufficient and saturated(Sekaran & Bougie, 2013).
Data analysis
After the data is obtained in the field, then the data will be checked for validity using the data
source triangulation technique. The next step, qualitative data was analyzed in three stages,
namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion(M. . Miles et al., 2014).
Things that need to be considered by MSME actors are in handling marketing strategies(Murray
et al., 2002). Careless, unstructured and unsequential marketing decisions will lead to informal,
spontaneous and reactive marketing activities. As stated by one of the SMEs
"I only market my products in streams, I market according to customer demand, so far I
haven't tried any new innovations, both products and marketing strategies...." (SMH,
informant 2)
Based on this information, it can be said that MSME marketing in Makassar City develops
following the MSME life cycle in responding to demand for new products and markets, while
meeting consumer needs. The MSME marketing strategy is carried out based on experience in
business processes(Gilmore et al., 2001). So the formation of maturity and depth of knowledge is
the key for MSME business actors to continue to develop(Ariescy et al., 2021).
Innovation Source
Results in the field show that ideas or sources of innovation come from customers, knowledge
and experience of MSME business actors. The close relationship between business actors and
customers becomes a source of new ideas and stimulates business actors to try and implement
them. As stated by SY.
"Our customers, sometimes give input to add variations in our products" and for us, what's
wrong with trying it ...."
Innovations originating from customers, sometimes MSME business actors tend to only develop
one product prototype for certain customers and for customer needs only ((Ariescy et al., 2021).
Sometimes SMEs have difficulty assessing whether this new prototype solution can expand new
Innovation as Differentiator
Data in the field shows that innovation is the difference between one MSME and one MSME even
though they sell the same type of product. As stated by MI
"My product may be the same, but my product has advantages with similar products, and
I also market products with various strategies"
Investment in marketing differentiation is fundamental to achieving competitive advantage,
which will result in better performance(Martin et al., 2017). Then, superior marketing
competence has a positive effect on the company's innovation capacity(Zhang et al., 2015).
Marketing capabilities can enhance an organization's ability to identify market needs and trends,
to analyze their potential and consequently adjust the direction of innovation(Ngo & O'Cass,
Innovation requires technical and marketing skills (the Abernathy-Clark model); requires
knowledge of the components that go into the manufacture of products as well as knowledge of
the interrelationships between the two, also known as architectural knowledge (Henderson-Clark
model); requires holding complementary assets if necessary as well as the ability to protect its
innovations through patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, tacit knowledge, causal
ambiguity (Teece model). Innovation also follows the evolution of technology as a life cycle as well
as the evolution of technology in the market(Milreu et al., 2015).
Innovation and marketing are interrelated in supporting the continuity of MSME businesses. The
MSME marketing strategy in Makassar City develops following the MSME life cycle in response to
demand for new products and markets. The design of the innovation follows the aspects of
product, process, organization and marketing innovation. The source of MSME innovation comes
from customers, experience and knowledge of business actors. Innovation is also a differentiator
between one MSMEs and other MSMEs.
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UMKM Dalam Meningkatkan Daya Saing. Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Ekonomi Manajemen,
6(1), 418–432.
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