Summary of API 576 PRD Highlights For The API Exam
Summary of API 576 PRD Highlights For The API Exam
Summary of API 576 PRD Highlights For The API Exam
API 576
PRV / PSV / Combination of PRV and PSV
4 Pressure-relieving Devices
Pressure-relieving devices PRDs protect equipment and personnel by opening at predetermined pressures and
preventing the adverse consequences of excessive pressures.
Pressure-relieving Devices
Youssef Maaty
- Pressure-relief Valve
- Direct-acting Pressure-relief Valve
- Pilot-operated Pressure-relief Valves
- Rupture Disk Device
- Pin-actuated Devices
Youssef Maaty
Process solids and contaminants such as coke, sand, or solidified products can sometimes plug various parts.
5.6 Galling
When galling of the metal in the guiding surfaces is not due to corrosion or foreign particles, it is often due to
valve chatter or flutter caused by improper piping at the valve inlet or outlet or by severe oversizing of the valve.
Galling may also occur if the system operates too close to the set pressure resulting in frequent relieving.
6.2.9 - re
as-received pop testing should be conducted prior to cleaning in order to yield accurate as-received pop testing
results that will help establish the appropriate inspection and servicing interval.
Q Pop testing in the as-received condition for valves in acid/caustic/toxic services can be accomplished by
- utilizing a pop test stand built on site in the area where the valve is installed
- or by contracting with a service supplier that has a portable test stand that can be brought on site.
utilizing a test stand but onsite in the area where the valve is installed
Q If the initial as-received pop testing valve open at a pressure higher than CDTP, the valve should be tested a
second time.
Youssef Maaty
If it then pops higher near the CDTP, the valve may not have originally popped at the CDTP because of deposits.
Q Pressure-relief valves that do not pop at inlet pressures of 150 % of CDTP should be considered as stuck shut.
If the initial pop is at a pressure lower than the CDTP, the spring may have become weakened
This as- is used in determining the inspection interval.
Youssef Maaty
Q As a default criterion for a valve being stuck shut, a number of companies use 150 % of the set pressure beyond
which the valve is classified as stuck shut if it does not pop and test is discontinued.
Q Normally, for ASME BPVC VIII valves [see ASME BPVC Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UG134(d)(1)]
The deviation of the as-found set pressure from the nameplate set pressure should:
- not exceed ±2 psi (±15 kPa) for pressures less than or equal to 70 psi (500 kPa)
- or ±3 % for pressures greater than 70 psi (500 kPa)
valve is set to pop at its CDTP, it should be checked for leakage. On the test block, it can be tested (oftentimes this
is 90 % of the CDTP)
9 Inspection Frequency
Unless documented experience and/or a RBI assessment indicates that a longer interval is acceptable
Test and Inspection Intervals
- a) 5 years for typical process services, and
- b) 10 years for clean (non-fouling)
Exam Question
32. A hydrostatic test is to be performed on the piping on the discharge side of a pressure relief device. Which of the
following is correct regarding blinding/blanking? Blinds should be installed between the pressure relieving device
discharge flange and the pipe flange
59- Pressure-relief valves are considered stuck if they fail to pop at the inlet pressure of what pressure of the CDTP? 150