SITHCCC031-Prepare Vegetarian and Vegan Dishes: Student Pack

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SITHCCC031-Prepare vegetarian and vegan

Student Pack
What is the purpose of this document?

The Student Pack is the document you, the student, needs to complete to demonstrate competency.
This document includes the context and conditions of your assessment, the tasks to be completed by
you and an outline of the evidence to be gathered.

The information includes the following:

 Information related to the unit of competency.

 Guidelines and instructions to complete each task and activity.
 A student evaluation form

Student Evaluation Form

These documents are designed after conducting thorough industry consultation. Students are
encouraged to evaluate this document and provide constructive feedback to their training organisation
if they feel that this document can be improved.

Link to other unit documents

 The Student Pack is a document for students to complete to demonstrate their competency. This
document includes context and conditions of assessment, tasks to be administered to the
student, and an outline of the evidence to be gathered from the student.
 The Unit Mapping is a document that contains information and comprehensive mapping with the
training package requirements.
 The Unit Requirements is a document that contains information related to the unit of
competency for the Training Organisation staff and students.

Please note:
Before completing this assessment, you must have been deemed competent on the following Pre-
requisite units:

Unit: SITXFSA005– Use hygienic practices for food safety

Unit: SITHCCC027– Prepare dishes using basic methods of cookery
Assessment Plan

Evidence number/ Task Assessment method/ Type of evidence/ Task name

Assessment task 1 Knowledge Test
Assessment task 2 Skill Test

Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 1 - Knowledge Test

The purpose of this checklist
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The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the
assessment task before undertaking it.

Section 1: Information for Students

 Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
 Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
 Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
 Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
 Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix - Appendix A
and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).
 Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the
 Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this assessment
 The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.
 In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an
assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and
compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an
extension to submit your assessment work.
 The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the
due date.

Section 2: Reasonable adjustments

I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as
provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct
☐ I do require reasonable adjustment.
Please tick the above ONLY if you require a reasonable adjustment.

Declaration (Student to complete)

 I confirm that the purpose and procedure of this assessment task has been clearly
explained to me.
 I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the
assessment process.
 I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have
the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.
 I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the

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Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.

 I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements
for this assessment.
 I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ______________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Knowledge Test
Assessment type

 Written Questions

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

 This is the first (1) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
 The Knowledge Test is comprised of eleven (11) written questions
 You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor.
 You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the
required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task
 You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your
Trainer/Assessor when your results are available.

Applicable conditions:

 All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means
you can refer to your textbook during the test).
 You must read and respond to all questions.
 You may handwrite/use a computer to answer the questions.
 You must complete the task independently.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your written
skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.

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 This assessment task may be completed in:

☐ a classroom
☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.

 Your trainer/assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Instructions for answering the written questions:

 Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions.

 You will be required to answer all the questions correctly.
 Do not start answering questions without understanding what is required. Read the
questions carefully and critically analyse them for a few seconds; this will help you to
identify what information is needed in the answer.
 Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts
and critical thinking.
 Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do
not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality.
 You must write your responses in your own words.
 Use non-discriminatory language. The language used should not devalue, demean, or
exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race,
religion, sexual preference or age. Gender-inclusive language should be used.
 When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write
your answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source.

Purpose of the assessment

This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s knowledge essential to prepare vegetarian
and vegan dishes in a range of contexts and industry settings and knowledge regarding the

 Knowledge of the culinary terms and trade names for ingredients used in standard recipes
for vegetarian and vegan dishes, relating to:
 convenience products:
 meat substitutes
 dairy substitutes
 egg substitutes
 fresh products
 Knowledge of the contents of date codes and rotation labels for stock
 Knowledge of the characteristics of different vegetarian and vegan dishes:
 appearance and presentation
 balance
 colour
 contrast
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 contemporary variations
 freshness and other quality indicators
 taste
 texture
 Knowledge of the characteristics of ingredients used in preparing vegetarian and vegan
 Knowledge of the accompaniments and sauces for vegetarian and vegan dishes
 Knowledge of the historical and cultural origin of different vegetarian and vegan dishes and
 Knowledge of the cookery methods for vegetarian and vegan dishes listed in the
performance evidence
 Knowledge of the food safety risks associated with raw egg products and alternative egg
 Knowledge of the mise en place requirements for vegetarian and vegan dishes
 Knowledge of the appropriate environmental conditions for storing food products to:
 ensure food safety
 optimise shelf life
 Knowledge of the safe operational practices using essential functions and features of
equipment used to produce vegetarian and vegan dishes.

Task instructions

 This is an individual assessment.

 To ensure your responses are satisfactory, consult a range of learning resources and other
information such as handouts, textbooks, learner resources etc.
 To be assessed as Satisfactory in this assessment task, all questions must be answered

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q Answer the following questions regarding the culinary terms and trade Satisfac
1: names for ingredients used in standard recipes for vegetarian and vegan tory
dishes: respons
1.1 Outline the culinary terms and trade names for ingredients (listed in the e
table) used in standard recipes for vegetarian and vegan dishes relating to Yes ☐ No ☐
convenience products:

Culinary terms and Trade Definition (1-2 sentences each)

Meat substitutes
Tofu Tofu is a plant-based choice that packs a
protein punch. Half a cup has over 11

Tempeh Made from fermented soybeans, tempeh

has even more protein than tofu.

Seitan Seitan is another good non-meat protein

source that takes on the flavour of any
seasonings you add.

Dairy substitutes

Almond milk
Because it is simple to produce,
inexpensive to purchase, and widely
regarded as delicious, almond milk is a
popular milk substitute.

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Soy milk Soy milk is for people who are intolerant

to dairy foods or looking to cut calories.

Soft cheese Replicating the texture of soft cheese is

easy. There are many plant-based
versions of soft cream cheese on the
market, usually made using soy or
coconut milk.

Egg substitutes

Flax eggs flax egg is a vegan egg substitute that you

can make with ground flax seeds and
water. It works well for baking recipes that
need eggs as a binder1. To make one flax egg,
you need one tablespoon of ground flax
seeds and three tablespoons of
water. Mix them together and let them sit for
about 15 minutes until they become gel-like .
You can use this mixture to replace one egg
in your recipe.
Chia eggs A chia egg is a vegan egg substitute
made by mixing chia seeds and water to
form a gel-like mixture. It can be used to
bind ingredients in baking recipes that
call for one or two eggs.

1.2 Outline the culinary terms and trade names for ingredients (listed in the
table) used in standard recipes for vegetarian and vegan dishes relating to
fresh products:

Culinary terms and Trade Definition (Single sentence each)


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Aromata’s Fresh vegetables like carrots, turnips,

onions, and herbs impart aroma to the

Blanching (v.)
To plunge into boiling water, remove after
a moment, and then plunge into iced
water to halt the cooking process, usually
referring to vegetable or fruit

A la grecque (adj.) Served in the Greek style of cooking, with

olive oil, lemon juice, and several
seasonings, often referring to vegetables

Q Answer the following questions regarding the contents of date codes and Satisfac
2: rotation labels for stock: tory
2.1. Identify three (3) contents of date codes. respons
• Best-before e
Yes ☐ No ☐
• Use-by dates

• Expired date

2.2. Identify three (3) contents of rotation labels for stock.

• 1. Name of the food/drink

• 2. Date prepared or opened

• 3. Use by date

Q Satisfac
3: Explain the characteristics of the different vegetarian and vegan dishes tory
mentioned in the table below: respons
Dishes Yes ☐ No ☐
Vegan sausage rolls
Appearance and  Vegan sausage rolls contain Quorn
presentation:  Golden brown
The miniature version can be served as a
 balance buffet or party food
 colour
 contrast

Contemporary variations Preheat over at 220oC else it can affect its


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Freshness and other quality Smell, taste and appearance


Taste The vegan sausages come in three flavours:

bratwurst, spicy, and sweet

Texture Light, flaky and airy texture.

Vegetarian sausage rolls

Appearance and  Vegetarian sliders are stuffed with
presentation: flavorful pickled fennel, roasted
portobello mushrooms, and a creamy
 balance harissa sauce.
 colour
 Golden brown
 contrast
The miniature version can be served as a
buffet, party food, or starters.

contemporary variations
Preheat the oven at 220oC or gas mark 7 else,
it can affect its flakiness

freshness and other quality Smell, taste and appearance


taste Salty and spicy

Light, flaky and airy texture.

Lemon Pesto Vegetable Skewers

Appearance and
presentation:  Sliced vegetables are marinated with
pesto, lemon juice and olive oil for a
 balance healthy
 colour
 Green, red or based on the veggies
 contrast
Served as a starter or healthy salad. It's an
easy recipe that provides a flavorful
vegetarian or vegan option.

contemporary variations When the grill is hot and ready, add the
skewers and cook them for about 5-8 minutes
per side, or until the veggies begin to soften
and the edges begin to brown.
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freshness and other quality Taste, smel

taste Spicy
Smoky and grilled

Q Satisfac
4: Answer the following questions: tory
4.1. Outline the characteristics of ingredients used in preparing e
vegetarian dishes in the table listed below: Yes ☐ No ☐

Ingredients Characteristics (30-50 words)

Arborio rice Arborio rice is Italian short-grain rice.
The rounded grains are firm, creamy,
and chewy when cooked compared to
other rice varieties due to their higher
amylopectin starch content
a class of vegetables that includes
beans, peas and lentils — are among
the most versatile and nutritious foods.
Legumes are typically low in fat,
contain no cholesterol, and are high in
folate, potassium, iron and magnesium.

4.1. Outline the characteristics of ingredients used in preparing vegan

dishes in the table listed below:

Ingredients Characteristics (30-50 words)

Coconut milk Coconut milk is an opaque, milky-
white liquid extracted from the
grated pulp of mature coconuts.
The opacity and rich taste of
coconut milk is due to its high oil
content, most of which is
saturated fat.
Chia Chia seeds are the edible seeds of
Salvia Hispanic, a flowering plant
in the mint family (Lamiaceae)
native to central and southern
Mexico, or of the related Salvia
columbariae of the southwestern
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United States and Mexico.

Chia seeds are oval and grey with
black and white spots, having a
diameter of around 2 millimetres
(0.08 in).

Q Satisfac
5: Answer the following questions: tory
5.1. Outline the accompaniments and sauces for vegetarian dishes listed in e
the table below. Yes ☐ No ☐

Dish Accompaniments Sauces

Penne pasta pie  Cheesy Garlic Bread Marinara sauce
 Sautéed Zucchini

Eggplant Parmesan  Garlic bread Tomato sauce


5.2. Outline the accompaniments and sauces for vegan dishes listed in the
table below.
Dish Accompaniments Sauces
Vegan Spinach Salad Maple Balsamic Dressing Avocado sauce

Sesame Sweet Green Onions soy sauce


Q6: Satisfacto
Answer the following questions: ry
6.1. Discuss the historical and cultural origin of the vegetarian dishes Yes N
and products listed in the table: ☐ o

Dish and products History and cultural origin (30-50


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Pasta Some historians believe pasta

originated in Italy; most are convinced
Marco Polo brought it back from his
epic voyage to China. The earliest
known pasta was made from rice flour
and was common in the east. In Italy,
pasta was made from hard wheat and
shaped into long strands.

Noodles Noodles made from wheat dough

became a prominent food for the
people of the Han dynasty. The oldest
evidence of noodles was from 4,000
years ago in China.

6.2. Discuss the historical and cultural origin of the vegan dishes and
products listed in the table:

Dish and products History and cultural origin (30-50



Tofu Tofu has been around for thousands of

years. Originating in China, it was most
likely created during the Han Dynasty.
Legend has it that a Chinese cook
accidentally curdled soy milk when he
added nigari seaweed and thus created
what we now know as tofu.

Almond milk First brought to Southern Europe more

than 1,000 years ago and, more recently,
to California in the 19th century, there
are numerous records of almond milk as
a common ingredient in Christian and
Islamic cultures in the Middle Ages.

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Q7: Outline the cookery methods for vegetarian and vegan dishes. Satisfacto
Cookery Explanation (20 words minimum) response

Boiling is the process of cooking a product completely submerged in a

rapidly bubbling, highly agitated liquid. Typically, only specific vegetables
Boiling: and starches should be boiled.

To braise is to cook, typically after some initial browning, while covered in

a tiny amount of liquid. The lid is necessary to stop evaporation and
Braising: allow the dish to keep its juices and the flavours of the ingredients used
as seasonings. Between 150 and 200°C is the ambient temperature.

and  To deep-fry food, you must completely submerge it in hot oil or
shallow fat, which cooks it to a crisp golden colour.
Shallow frying is a method in which you fill a shallow pan with oil, let it
bubble and heat up, and place the food in the pan, ensuring that the food
sizzles as soon as it hits the pan
 Poaching is a moist heat cooking technique that involves
immersing food in a liquid and heating it at a low temperature.
This method cooks various fruits, vegetables, and delicate
When food is poached, the proteins in the meal can break down without
losing moisture.

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Steaming is a moist-heat cooking technique. Yes N

☐ o
Boiling water turns into steam, transferring heat to the food and cooking
Steamin ☐
it. With steaming, which differs from boiling food immersed in water, the
g food is kept separate from the boiling water but comes into touch with
the hot steam.
Grilling cooks food quickly by using radiant heat. Grilling equipment will
often have an open grate with a heat source beneath the food. Foods
Grilling must be flipped over to cook on both sides, and grill marks from the hot
rack or grate are prefered.

Blanching is the process of temporarily and partially cooking anything,

typically in water, but occasionally using another method, such as French
fries in deep oil/fat.
g For blanching in water, submerge the item in cold water, boil it, simmer it
for a short time, and then plunge it into cold water.
For even browning, roasting is done inside an oven using indirect heat
that cooks from all sides. This slower style of cooking coaxes flavours
Roasting from veggies.

The stewing method's fundamentals apply to any cubed beef, hog, veal,
Stewing: lamb, or fowl that is being prepared.
You can stew a whole chicken cut into 4 or 8 pieces. Stewing is similar to
other cooking techniques, including cooking in liquid, such as braising
and poaching, because it uses moist heat.

Answer the following questions regarding food safety risks associated with y response
Q8: raw egg products and alternative egg products: Yes No ☐

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8.1 Discuss the food safety risks associated with raw egg products in 20
words minimum.

If eggs are not handled, kept, or processed safely, there may be health
hazards. Some eggs might contain bacteria that can lead to severe food
poisoning (diarrhoea and vomiting).
Through cracks that are occasionally too small to see, bacteria from dirt or
chicken droppings on the shell's exterior might penetrate the egg. Bacteria
can develop after they're within the egg, raising the risk of these diseases.
Uncooked (raw) or barely cooked eggs are frequently associated with food
poisoning. These meals frequently come in the form of:
 Aioli, egg butter, and salad dressings.
 hollandaise and bearnaise sauces

8.2 Discuss the food safety risks associated with alternative egg products in
20 words minimum.

Unwanted ingredients in some egg substitutes include vegetable oil,

thickening cellulose gum, and maize oil, which transport vitamins like beta
carotene and other fat-soluble nutrients. Additionally, check the calorie count.
The alternatives can have as few as 15 calories per serving or as many as 60.
(a whole egg has about 80 calories).
Compared to one large egg, which has roughly 65 milligrams of sodium, the
majority have higher sodium content, ranging from 80 to 120 milligrams per
serving. Customers pay significantly more for the alternatives.

Q9: Satisfactory
Answer the following questions regarding mise en place requirements for response
vegetarian and vegan dishes. Yes No ☐

9.1. Discuss the mise en place requirements for vegetarian and vegan dishes
using 20 words minimum.
 Have your recipe handy and develop a plan.

 Gather all your ingredients, utensils, and equipment needed.

 One by one, wash, cut, dice, chop and measure all your ingredients.

 Place them into appropriately sized dishes, bowls, and containers for
easy grabbing.

 Set your ingredients around your cooking station for better


9.2. What are the requirements for setting up a mise en place? Write your
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answer in 20 words minimum.

Reviewing recipes and ensuring that all relevant supplies and tools are
present is known as "mise en place." In the food industry, the concept of mise
en place is widely used and is just as crucial as the recipe itself.

Simply reading the instructions, comprehending them completely, and

preparing yourself for the work at hand is mise en place. If you bought
equipment and ingredients that needed to be assembled, you'd want to
practice a variant of mise en place called "reading the directions first" for
best results.

Q10: Satisfactory
Answer the following questions regarding appropriate environmental response
conditions for storing food products to ensure food safety and optimise shelf Yes No ☐
life. ☐

10. 1 What are the appropriate environmental conditions for storing food
products to ensure food safety? Write your answer using 20 words minimum.
 Place hot food on shallow plates or divide it into smaller parts to help
it cool as quickly as possible.

 Cold foods must be stored at or below 5°C.

 Food that has been frozen should be kept at or below -15°C.

 Check that the freezer, refrigerator, or cool room can retain food at
the proper temperatures. Make that the thermometers are reading

 Don't put very hot food into the refrigerator.

 Wait until steam has stopped rising from the food before putting it in
the fridge.

 Only air-sealed containers should be used to store food. These

containers must be labelled with a use-by date.

10.2. How can you optimise the shelf-life of food products? Write your answer
using 20 words minimum.
 All dairy-based food items must be immediately returned to the fridge
or a freezer after consumption. Pasteurised milk should be kept

 Keep commonly used items near the top of the shelf for easy access.
This will limit the cool air loss when the refrigerator door is opened.

 Place washed fresh herbs in zip lock containers and freeze them.

 Ensure that your food storage containers are clean, in good shape,
and exclusively used to store food.

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 Cover the food storage containers with tight-fitting lids, foil, or plastic
film to prevent contamination.

Q11: Satisfactory
Answer the following questions regarding safe operational practices using response
essential functions and features of equipment used to produce vegetarian Yes No ☐
and vegan dishes. ☐

11.1 Discuss the safe operational practices using essential functions and
features of equipment used to produce vegetarian and vegan dishes. Write
your answer using 20 words minimum.

1. Never wear loose clothing or jewelry.

2. Do not turn the unit on unless all guards are in place.
3. Keep the equipment's power cord away from stove burners or other
heat sources.
4. Always unplug the unit before cleaning
5. Do not operate unattended.
6. If you experience any problems with your appliance, unplug it
immediately from the electrical outlet.

11.2. Identify one (1) piece of commonly used equipment when preparing
dishes using deep frying. Explain this piece of equipment:

Safe operational practices (Any Five)

1) Before emptying the oil, turn off the deep fryer and the gas or electric
power source.

2) Whenever possible, let the oil cool. When the temperature is 40°C or
above, avoid draining the oil.

3) Ensure that the deep fryer is only drained and cleaned by qualified

4) Verify that the filter or filtration bin is clean and change the filters as

5) Ensure that all spills are cleaned up immediately and that the
workspace is dry and oil-free.

How does it function? (20 words minimum)

 Add oil as the manufacturer instructs.
 Connect the electric deep fryer inside or turn it on. Ensure the cord is
out of the way so you won't accidentally snag it and tip the fryer.

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 While the oil is heated, cover the fryer.

 Put food in the deep fryer.

Features of the piece of equipment (20 words minimum).

 A deep fryer is used in restaurants to cook food by submerging it in
hot cooking oil.

 Using deep-frying equipment, you can cook food in hot oils or fats.

 They swiftly and efficiently prepare delicacies like crispy chicken

fingers and other things.

Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 2 – Skill Test

The purpose of this checklist

The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The
trainer/assessor must review the checklist with the student before the student attempts the
assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the
trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the
requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the
assessment task before undertaking it.

Section 1: Information for Students

 Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this
 Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be
 Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.
 Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.
 Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered
during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix - Appendix A
and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).
 Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the
 Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this assessment
 The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.
 In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an
assessment can be granted by the trainer/assessor. Evidence of the compelling and
compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an
extension to submit your assessment work.
 The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the
due date.

Section 2: Reasonable adjustments

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I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as
provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct
☐ I do require reasonable adjustment.
Please tick the above ONLY if you require a reasonable adjustment.

Declaration (Student to complete)

 I confirm that the purpose and procedure of this assessment task has been clearly
explained to me.
 I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the
assessment process.
 I confirm that the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have
the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.
 I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the
Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.
 I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue and/or other arrangements
for this assessment.
 I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ______________________________________

Student Signature: ___________________________________

Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Skill Test
Assessment type

 Skill Test - Prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

 This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
 This assessment task is a Skills Test.
 This assessment task consists of four (4) practical demonstration activities.
o Activity 1: Selection of ingredients according to food preparation list and standard
o Activity 2: Selection and preparation of equipment
o Activity 3: Portioning and preparation of ingredients.
o Prepare, plate and present two portions of each dish ordered by the customer and
present them
 You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your

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trainer/assessor when your results are available.

 You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competence in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:

 This skill test is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test).
 You will be assessed independently on this assessment task.
 No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
 As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills,
techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
 Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task

Resubmissions and reattempts:

 Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
 The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
 For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.


 This assessment task may be completed in:

☐ a classroom
☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.

 Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with further information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to
prepare vegetarian and vegan dishes in a range of contexts and industry settings.
 Skills to locate information in standard recipes to determine food preparation requirements
 Skills to locate and read date codes and rotation labels on food products.
 Skills to label vegetarian and vegan food items.
 Skills to calculate the number of portions
 Skills to determine cooking times and temperatures.
 Skills to evaluate quality of ingredients and finished dishes and make adjustments to
ensure a quality product
 Skills to adjust taste, texture and appearance of food products according to identified
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 Skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production.
 Skills to manage own speed, timing and productivity.

Task instructions

 This is an individual assessment.

 The purpose of this assessment task is to assess student’s ability to ability to select and
prepare ingredients, and to use relevant equipment, cookery and food storage methods.
 This task will take place in an operational commercial kitchen. This can be:
o an industry workplace; or
o a simulated industry environment, such as an industry-realistic training kitchen
servicing customer.
 The trainer/assessor will take on the role of Supervisor.
 The trainer/assessor must ensure that the student has access to the following in the
simulated or workplace environment.
o Food preparation list (Appendix C)
o Standard recipes book. (Appendix D)
o Equipment list (Appendix E)
 The student must use the templates provided to document their response.
 The student must follow the word-limits specified when completing the templates.
 The trainer/assessor must assess the student based on the performance checklists

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Assessment Task 2: Skill Test

Skills Test:

This assessment task requires you to prepare and cook various vegetarian and vegan dishes following
standard recipes.

This assessment will be completed in two (2) phases.

Phase 1 requires the student to select and prepare ingredients and equipment before the beginning of
service i.e., mise en place. The following activities will be completed during this phase:

 Activity 1: Selection of ingredients according to food preparation list and standard recipes

 Activity 2: Selection and preparation of equipment

 Activity 3: Portioning and preparation of ingredients.

Phase 2 requires the student to cook and present the recipes. During this phase, Activity 4 will be

In this activity, the student would prepare and cook various vegetarian and vegan dishes following
standard recipes using the different food products and cooking methods specified in the table/Recipes
(Appendix D).

Vegetarian and vegan Types of products to use Cooking method


Mushroom fajitas with Fresh vegetables and fruit Poaching

avocado hummus
Fermented vegetables Roasting

Grains and pulses


Vegetable risotto Fresh vegetables Roasting

Dairy products Boiling

Arborio Rice Braising

Frozen vegetables Blanching


Squash, sage & sourdough Dairy products Poaching

Dried vegetables Roasting

Fresh vegetables Braising

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Vegetarian enchiladas Dairy products Grilling

Pulses Boiling

Fermented vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruit

Vegan potato casserole Fresh vegetables Braising

with “minced meat “
Butter alternatives Stewing

Minced meat

Plant-based milk/cream

Vegan Mac and Cheese Silken tofu Boiling

Cashew milk (to make it nut-free, use Poaching

soy milk, oat milk or even a creamy
coconut milk)

Fresh vegetables

Vegan Fried ‘Chicken’ and Firm Tofu Deep and shallow frying
Flax Egg

Layered Chia Pudding with Chia

Fruits and Tofu
Plant-based milk

Cashew cheese/flakes

Fresh fruits

Tofu emulsion

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Activity 1: Selection of ingredients according to food preparation list and standard recipes
This activity requires you to select ingredients based on the food preparation list and standard recipes.
The following documents are given in the appendix:
 Food preparation list (Appendix C)
 Standard recipes book. (Appendix D)
To complete this activity, you are required to complete the steps below.
Step 1: Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list (Appendix C - provided at the
end of this assessment) and standard recipes (Appendix D - provided at the end of this assessment) to
ensure readiness and prepare customer orders on time.

Further, you need to calculate the ingredient amounts required according to food preparation
requirements established in the food preparation list and standard recipes.

You must record the calculated ingredients using the food preparation list (Template 1). An example of
calculations is provided in Template 1.

Step 2: After calculation of the ingredient amounts, you are then required to identify and select
products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation

Following are the quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements against which the ingredients are to
be checked:

 Quality and freshness requirements:

 Its odour must be pleasant and fresh which is the first thing that should be checked.
 It must not have freezer burn and its packaging must not be damaged.
 The expiry dates and storage methods must be checked to ensure that it is safe for use.
 Follow stock rotation requirements.
 Locate and read date codes and rotation labels on food products
 Check expiry dates of the products.
 Select items based on the first in first out (FIFO) basis.
When checking the products and ingredients for quality, you must tick against each recipe in their
respective columns for freshness and stock rotation requirements using (Template 1).

Step 3: Check perishable supplies for spoilage or contamination prior to preparation.

 Conduct temperature checks according to food safety procedures.

 Check all perishable supplies for quality:
 currency of best by or use by dates
 freshness
 size
 weight

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Template 1: Food preparation list

Recipes Number Estimated Ingredients Quantity Meet the quality Does not meet Specify
of quantity requirements the quality corrective
serves of dish to requirements action – if
recipe be sold taken
yields during
the day

Mushroom 4 5 Avocado, stoned, peeled and 1  

fajitas chopped
avocado Chickpeas, drained and rinsed 400g can  
Garlic clove, crushed 1  

Zest and juice 1 lemon 1  

Tomatoes, deseeded and diced 2  

Red onion, cut into thick rounds 1  

Flat mushrooms thickly sliced 2  

Olive oil 2 tbsp  

Fajita spice mix 2 tsp  

Tortillas 4  

Shredded Little Gem lettuce and  

Tabasco sauce, to serve

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Vegetable 4 3 Small onion 1  

Olive oil 2  

Arborio rice 1½  

Stock vegetable/chicken/beef 3 cups  

Carrot 1  

Broccoli 1  

Corn ½ 

Parmesan cheese 60 g  

Black pepper Season to  


Freshly ton basil or chopped garnish  


 

 

Squash,  
sage &
sourdough Butternut squash 1 whole  
Olive oil 2  

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4-6 serves Butter 1  

Sage Bunch of  

Onion 1  

Garlic cloves 2  

Dried chilli flakes 1 tsp  

Lemon zest 1/2  

Sourdough breadcrumbs 100g  

Milk 200ml  

Eggs 2  

Double cream 50ml  

Grated parmesan 25g  

Pumpkin seeds handful  

 

Vegetaria  
enchiladas Olive oil 1  

Serves 4
Chopped onion 2  

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Carrots grated 280g  

Chilli powder 2-3tsp  

Chopped tomatoes 2cans  

Wholemeal tortillas 6 small  

Low fat yogurt 200g  

Vegan 6 Hard boiling potatoes 1kg  

casserole Butter 2  
Onion 1  

Garic 1 clove  

Minced meat 500g  

Tomato & soy sauce 2tbs each  

Wheat flour 1tbs  

Rosemary, nutmeg, thyme 1tbs each  

Cheese 75g  

Oil 2  

Water 2 tbs  

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Fresh parsley Handful  

Salt & pepper According to  


Vegan 8 Raw cashews 1½  

Mac and

Lemon juice 3 tbs  

Water ¾  

Sea salt 1½  

Yeast ¼  

Chilli powder ½  

Garlic powder ¼  

Turmeric ¼  

Spicy brown mustard ½  

Shell pasta of choice 16 ounces  

 

Vegan 2 Firm tofu 500g  

‘Chicken’ Oil 1tbs  

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and Gravy All purpose flour ½  

Cornstarch 1tbs  

Salt 1 tbs  

Smoked paprika ½  

Garlic 1 cloves  

Flax seed meal 2 tbs  

Water 6tbs  

Breadcrumbs ½ cup  

Onion powder, black pepper, salt ½ tbs 

Layered 6 Unsweetened coconut milk 1 14ounce Can  

Pudding Fat free Greek yogurt 1 cup  
with Fruits
and Tofu
Pure maple syrup 2 tbs  

Vanilla ½  

Chia seeds ½  

Berries 2 cubs  

Coconut 6 tbs  

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 

 

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 1

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Confirmed food production requirements from  

food preparation list (Appendix C - provided
at the end of this assessment) and standard
recipes (Appendix D - provided at the end of
this assessment) to ensure readiness and
prepare customer orders on time.

Calculated the ingredient amounts required  

according to food preparation requirements
established in the food preparation list and
standard recipes.

Identified and selected products and other  

ingredients from stores according to recipe,
quality, freshness and stock rotation

 Checked for the following quality and

freshness requirements:

 Its odour must be pleasant and

fresh which is the first thing

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that should be checked.

 It must not have freezer burn

and its packaging must not be

 The expiry dates and storage

methods must be checked to
ensure that it is safe for use.

 Followed stock rotation requirements.

 Locate and read date codes

and rotation labels on food

 Check expiry dates of the


 Select items based on the first

in first out (FIFO) basis.

 Checked perishable supplies for

spoilage or contamination prior to

 Conducted temperature checks

according to food safety

 Checked all perishable supplies

for quality:

 currency of best by or
use by dates

 freshness

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 size

 weight.

 Not satisfactory
The student’s performance was:
 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Observer signature

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Activity 2: Selection and preparation of equipment

This activity requires you to select and prepare equipment, such as knives, trays, cutting boards and any other equipment used to prepare the
required dishes.

The equipment is listed in the Equipment list (Appendix E).

To complete this activity, you are required to complete the steps given below.

Step 1: Select type and size of equipment suitable to each dish and its requirements.

 Analyse the preparation requirements and the cooking methods to be used for each dish based on the information given in the Recipe
(Appendix D).

 Select type and size of equipment suitable to each dish.

Step 2: Determine the equipment safety and hygiene requirements according to manufacturer instructions.

 Analyse the manufacturer specifications/Operations Manual.

 Determine the equipment safety and hygiene requirements from the operations manual.

Step 3: Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.

 Analyse the manufacturer specifications/Operations Manual.

 Determine the procedure to assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment.

 Assemble equipment safely and clean before use.

Step 4: Further, document the following information based on outcomes of Step 1 – Step 3 using Template 2.

 Knives and equipment selected for each dish.

 Safety requirements for handling the knife.

 Hygiene requirements for the knives and equipment selected.

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Template 2: Equipment required.

Equipment required

Vegetable and Equipment required Safety measures Hygiene requirements

vegan dishes (Two)

Mushroom Assemble by Clean board

fajitas with Food processor manufacture
avocado instructions
hummus Large skillet
No equipment
Knife & chopping unattended.

Vegetable No equipment Clean surface

risotto Knife unattended.
Clean all vegetables, cleaned
Boling pot chopping board


Chopping board

Squash, sage & No unattended Use clean utensils &

sourdough bake Baking tray equipment
Follow manufacture
Spatula instruction while using
any euipment or oven

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Vegetarian No unattended Use clean utensils &

enchiladas Knife equipment equipment

Cutting board Proper work

Saucepan Right temperature



Vegan potato Right equipment Clean hands

casserole with Baking dish
“minced meat“ Working well Use clean & washed utensils

Measuring spoons&

Vegan Mac and Oven mitts Clean hands

Cheese Pot
Right temperature Use clean & washed utensils

Baking dish


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Vegan Fried Right equipment Clean hands

‘Chicken’ and Saucepan
Gravy Working well Use clean & washed utensils
Large skillet

Layered Chia Right equipment Clean hands

Pudding with Knife
Fruits and Tofu Working well Use clean & washed utensils
Chopping board


Measuring cup

Speed blender

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 2

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Selected type and size of knives and other  

equipment suitable to each dish and its

 Analysed the preparation

requirements and the cooking
methods to be used for each dish
based on the information given in the
Recipe (Appendix D).

 Selected type and size of knife and

equipment suitable to each dish.

Determined the equipment safety and  

hygiene requirements according to
manufacturer instructions.

 Analysed the manufacturer

specifications/Operations Manual.

 Determined the equipment safety and

hygiene requirements from the
operations manual.

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Safely assembled and ensured cleanliness of  

equipment before use.

 Analysed the manufacturer

specifications/Operations Manual.

 Determined the procedure to

assemble and ensure cleanliness of

 Assembled equipment safely and

clean before use.

 Not satisfactory
The student’s performance was:
 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Trainer/ Assessor signature

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Activity 3: Portion and prepare ingredients.

This activity requires you to portion and prepare ingredients. The ingredients must be prepared:

 For each dish given in the food preparation list. (Appendix C)

 In accordance with the recipe (Appendix D)

To complete this activity, you are required to complete the steps given below.

Step 1: Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.

 Determine the sequence of steps to cook the required dishes.

 Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions.

Step 2: Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

 Determine the sequence of steps to cook the required dishes.

 Sort and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing.

Step 3: Ensure ingredients for vegetarian and vegan dishes are prepared and stored to avoid contact with animal products.

Step 4: Clean and cut ingredients as required using basic culinary cuts according to culinary standards.

Step 5: Minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items prepared.

 Portion and prepare ingredients based on the quantities calculated in Activity 1 to minimise waste.

Step 6: Determine the quality checks including the following to be completed for each dish:

 Required cooking temperature.

 Taste requirements

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 Texture requirements

Step 7: Further, document the following information based on outcomes of Step 1 – Step 6 using Template 3.

 Food production steps in sequence.

 Ingredients according to food production sequencing.

 Weight or measurement of ingredients.

Template 3: Portion and prepare ingredients.

Vegetarian Production step Ingredients according to food Weight or

and vegan production sequencing measurement of
dishes ingredients

Mushroom Gathered all ingredients

fajitas with
avocado Follow standard recipe


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Squash, sage
& sourdough

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Vegan potato
with “minced

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Vegan Mac
and Cheese

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Vegan Fried
‘Chicken’ and

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Layered Chia
Pudding with
Fruits and

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 3

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Weighed and measured ingredients and  

create portions according to recipe.

 Determined the sequence of steps to

cook the required dishes.

 Sorted and assembled ingredients

according to food production

 Weighed and measured ingredients

and create portions.

Sorted and assembled ingredients according  

to food production sequencing.

 Determined the sequence of steps to

cook the required dishes.

 Sorted and assembled ingredients

according to food production

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Ensured ingredients for vegetarian and vegan  

dishes are prepared and stored to avoid
contact with animal products.

Cleaned and cut ingredients as required using  

basic culinary cuts according to culinary

Minimised waste to maximise profitability of  

food items prepared.

 Portioned and prepared ingredients

based on the quantities calculated in
Activity 1 to minimise waste.

Determined the quality checks including the  

following to be completed for each dish:

 Required cooking temperature.

 Taste requirements

 Texture requirements

 Not satisfactory
The student’s performance was:

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 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Trainer/ Assessor signature

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Phase 2: Cook dishes using correct preparation techniques and cooking methods

Customer orders:

Customer orders

Customers Dishes No. of serves Special dietary


Sam Mushroom fajitas with avocado 2


John Vegetable risotto 2

Robin Squash, sage & sourdough bake 2

Anna Vegetarian enchiladas 2 Celiac disease

Michelle Vegan potato casserole with “minced 2

meat “

Stuart Vegan Mac and Cheese 2

Daniel Vegan Fried ‘Chicken’ and Gravy 2

James Layered Chia Pudding with Fruits and 2 Diabetic


Description of the phase:

This phase is in continuation of Phase 1.

After completion of the mise en place, you are then required to prepare and cook various vegetarian and vegan dishes following standard recipes and
as per the customer requirements.
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During the completion of this phase, the student and trainer/assessor must adhere to the instructions provided.

Instructions for trainer/assessor:

 This task must be completed in a commercial kitchen or a simulated work environment

servicing customer.

 A simulated work environment in this context means a space that has been set up with all
the equipment and facilities used in a commercial kitchen.

 Please refer to the (Appendix E) for the list of equipment, resources, organisational
specifications, and cleaning material to utilise in the process of preparing and cooking
various vegetarian and vegan dishes according to the industry standard.

 The trainer/assessor must discuss the customer orders specified after this section.

 The trainer/assessor must discuss time constraints and deadlines for completing this task.

 The trainer/assessor must observe the student during the completion of the activities and
assess them in accordance with the performance checklist provided.

Instructions for the student:

The student must:

 Meet the time constraints specified by the trainer/assessor.

 Reflect the required quantities to be produced.

 Follow procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing

 Meet customer requests and dietary requirements.

 Take into consideration the special customer requirements and adjust the ingredients
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 Follow the recipes provided in Appendix D.

 Use the following preparation techniques and cooking methods for the dishes specified.

Vegetarian and Types of products to use Cooking method

vegan dishes

Mushroom fajitas Fresh vegetables and fruit Poaching

with avocado
hummus Fermented vegetables Roasting

Grains and pulses


Vegetable risotto Fresh vegetables Roasting

Dairy products Boiling

Arborio Rice Braising

Frozen vegetables Blanching


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Squash, sage & Dairy products Poaching

sourdough bake
Dried vegetables Roasting

Fresh vegetables Braising



Vegetarian Dairy products Grilling

Pulses Boiling

Fermented vegetables

Fresh vegetables and fruit

Vegan potato Fresh vegetables Braising

casserole with
“minced meat “ Butter alternatives Stewing

Minced meat

Plant-based milk/cream

Vegan Mac and Silken tofu Boiling

Cashew milk (to make it nut- Poaching
free, use soy milk, oat milk or
even a creamy coconut milk)

Fresh vegetables

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Vegan Fried Firm Tofu Deep and shallow

‘Chicken’ and Gravy frying
Flax Egg

Layered Chia Chia

Pudding with Fruits
and Tofu Plant-based milk

Cashew cheese/flakes

Fresh fruits

Tofu emulsion

 Follow the portion control procedures:

 Ensure all portions are of a consistent standard and size.

 Portions are evenly distributed and tastefully presented on the plate.

 Correct garnish is served with each food item.

 Follow the procedures for Food safety practices when handling and storing food. Refer to the
“Food Safety program” provided along with this unit.

Activity 4: Prepare, plate and present two portions of each dish ordered by the customer and present them

This activity requires you to prepare, plate and present two portions of each dish ordered by the customer.
When preparing the dishes, you must:

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 Follow food safety practices when handling and storing different food types (Refer to the food safety program – Provided as separate document
with this assessment)
 Follow procedures for portion control given in the instructions.
 Work within commercial time constraints and deadlines (To be discussed by the trainer/assessor)
 Meet the special customer requests as per the customer order.
 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation as required considering the following factors:
Changing accompaniments and garnishes to maximise eye appeal:

 balance
 colour
 contrast
 Changing plated food for practicality of:
 customer consumption
 service
 wiping drips or spills.
You must cook dishes according to the standard recipes and cooking methods specified in the instructions and present dishes.
When cooking and presenting dishes for each customer order, your trainer/assessor will observe you against the key elements given in Checklist 1.
You must also read checklist 1 and ensure that you perform in accordance with the key elements/requirements for cooking and preparation of dishes.
After completion of the customer orders, you must also:
 Complete Template 4. You must include the following for each dish prepared during the customer orders:
o Cooking method used for each dish.
o Accompaniments added.
o Food quality adjustments made, if any.
 Complete Template 5. You must include the following for each dish prepared during the customer orders:
o Sauces and garnishes used.
o Visual evaluation of dish presentation and any adjustments made.
o Environmental conditions to store prepared food.

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Checklist 1: Observation checklist: For assessor use only:

Elements Customer Customer Customer Customer Customer Custome Custome Custome

order 1 order 2 order 3 order 4 order 5 r order 6 r order 7 r order 8

Follow standard recipes to select and use        

relevant cookery methods according to

Use knives and other equipment safely and        

hygienically according to manufacturer

Select and add accompaniments suited to        

the dish.

Make food quality adjustments within scope        

of responsibility.

Present dishes attractively on appropriate        


Add sauces and garnishes according to        

standard recipes.

Visually evaluate dish and adjust        

presentation as required.

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Store prepared food items in appropriate        

environmental conditions.

Clean work area and dispose of or store        

surplus and re-usable by-products according
to organisational procedures, environmental
considerations, and cost reduction initiatives.


Assessor/Trainer sign off:


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Template 4: Vegetarian and vegan dishes cooked, and methods used

Work Completion:

Vegetarian Cooking methods used for Accompaniments added (If Food quality adjustments made, if any
and vegan each dish any)

Mushroom Sauté No
fajitas with no

Vegetable Baking No
risotto no

Squash, Baking No
sage & no

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Vegetarian baking No
enchiladas no

Vegan Baking No
potato no
casserole Shallow & deep frying vegetables

Vegan Mac Baking No

and no

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Vegan Shallow or deep frying No

Fried No
and Gravy

Layered Frozen No
Chia No
with Fruits
and Tofu

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Template 5: Presentation

Food presentation

Dishes Sauces and Visual evaluation of dish Environmental

garnishes used presentation and any conditions to store
(If any) adjustments made prepared food

Mushroom fajitas No No Keep storage areas

with avocado clean, dry & pets free
Store potentially
hazardous food at 5
degree c or colder
-check it with

Vegetable risotto No no Don’t store food in

warm or humid area or
in direct sunlight if this
could spoil the food or
make it unsafe.

Squash, sage & No no 5 degree c or colder or

sourdough bake above 60 degree c to

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avoid the temperature

danger zone.

Vegetarian no You can store them in

enchiladas the refrigerator for 3-4
No days or the freezer for
up to 3 months.

Make sure let them

cool completely before

Vegan potato No no Store in an airtight

casserole with container in the
“minced meat“ refrigerator for up to 5
days. Or in the freezer
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up to 3 months.

Vegan Mac and No no In sealed container in

Cheese the refrigerator for 5
to 6 days. Also can be
freeze it in a freezer
safe bag or container
up to 3 months.

Vegan Fried No No Check temperature

‘Chicken’ and danger zone,
Chicken & gravy in
food safe container,
covers & packaging to
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protect them from

contamination &

Layered Chia No no It can last up to five

Pudding with days in the
Fruits and Tofu refrigerator when
stored properly in an
airtight containers.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist: Activity 4

This task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
assessment task, the participant needs to
(Comment and feedback to students)
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

Follow food safety practices when handling  

and storing dishes (Refer to the food safety
program – Provided as separate document
with this assessment)

Followed procedures for portion control given  

in the instructions.

Worked within commercial time constraints  

and deadlines.

Met the special customer requests as per the  

customer order.

Visually evaluated dish and adjusted  

presentation as required considering the
following factors:

 Changing accompaniments and

garnishes to maximise eye appeal:

 balance
 colour
 contrast
 Changing plated food for practicality
 customer consumption
 service
 wiping drips or spills.

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Followed standard recipes to select and used  

relevant cookery methods according to

Used knives and other equipment safely and  

hygienically according to manufacturer

Selected and added accompaniments suited  

to the dish.

Made food quality adjustments within scope  

of responsibility.

Presented dishes attractively on appropriate  


Added sauces and garnishes according to  

standard recipes.

Visually evaluated dish and adjusted  

presentation as required.

Stored prepared food items in appropriate  

environmental conditions.

Cleaned work area and dispose of, or store  

surplus and re-usable by-products according
to organisational procedures, environmental
considerations, and cost-reduction initiatives.

 Not satisfactory
The student’s performance was:
 Satisfactory

Feedback to student:

Student signature

Trainer /Assessor signature

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