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Intellectual stimulation is a topic that stems from the search for exploration,
challenge and individual development. However, there is lack of clarity about
the meaning of this elusive idea in the academic literature. The definition appears
to vary between disciplines and it is even more problematic if applied across
them. For intellectual stimulation, there are various definitions to choose from,
depending on the discipline applied. For example, Shahzad and Zareen (2011)
identified two definitions in transformational leadership and psychology that
are viable for this study: first, ‘as the degree of the people’s encouragement to
be creative in looking at old problems in new ways, by creating an environment
that is tolerant’. According to the second definition, intellectual stimulation
is ‘questioning old assumptions and the status quo’ (Hetland and Sandal,
2003). However, for this article the focus will be on the literature on education
with particular interest in the Higher Education (HE) context. The study of
intellectual stimulation is still scarce; and, there is a need to conduct more
research on its influence in the classroom environment (Bolkan, Goodboy and
Griffin, 2011). The concept is again usually linked to the role of teachers as In Search of
transformational leaders (Bolkan and Goodboy, 2010)(Bolkan, Goodboy and Intellectual
Griffin, 2011). Although, Bolkan and Goodboy (2010) verified that intellectual Stimulation:
stimulation has the ability to influence student learning, scholars have yet to Understanding
find out the mechanisms of that interaction. the Relationship
Since the lack of measurement of intellectual stimulation in the literature Between
(Bolkan and Goodboy, 2012), the transformational leadership includes the Motivation, Deep
students’ involvement in the process of intellectual stimulation, acknowledging Learning and
the benefits of deep approaches to learning (Entwistle, 1988). Specifically, Stimulation in the
Bolkan and Goodboy (2010) suggest that ‘teachers who promote intellectual Higher Education
stimulation empower students and promote both cognitive and affective learning’. Classroom
Nevertheless, the impact of intellectual stimulation on learning outcomes
enhancement depend on the role of intrinsic motivation. Based on an extensive
literature review, Wolters (1998) argued that intrinsically motivated students
persist in their tasks longer and adopt deep learning approach in their studies,
which also develop their critical thinking. In addition, the self-improvement
(which could be associated with intrinsic motivation) has been associated with
‘deep-processing cognitive learning strategies and self-regulation strategies (for
example, self-testing while reading and monitoring one’s understanding of class
lectures)’ (Bolkan, Goodboy and Griffin, 2011). Finally, intrinsic motivation has
been associated with ‘cognitive engagement and classroom performance by way
of self-regulation and the use of adaptive strategies for studying (for example,
elaborating on class material and organizing class notes)’ (Bolkan, Goodboy
and Griffin, 2011). Therefore, based on this review, the association between
intellectual stimulation and intrinsic motivation has the potential to develop deep
learning approach among students.
The research on deep and surface approaches mainly aims at the students’
basic approaches to their schoolwork (Entwistle, Hanley and Hounsell,
1979).Students who use a deep approach to learning look ‘for meaning in
the matter being studied ‘relating that ‘to other experiences and ideas with
a critical approach’, whereas students who apply a surface approach depend
on ‘rote-learning and memorization in isolation to other ideas’ (Duff, 2004,
p.57).Understanding the way students approach their studying can predict
their performance since research has revealed an association between deep
approach to learning and ‘higher quality learning outcomes’ (Prosser and
Trigwell, 1999, p.12). Further, there is a positive relation between the general
academic performance and the deep approach to learning (Duff, 2003).
Following this line of argument, the findings of Bolkan, Goodboy and
Griffin (2011) suggest that challenging students in the classroom may be the
Chowdhry, S. most influential aspect of intellectual stimulation when it comes to fostering
Osowska, R. intrinsic motivation, and imply that teachers who push students to know the
course material well and who help students to be the best they can be also
encourage students to improve their motives for studying. Furthermore, the
direct relationship between encouraging independent thought and students’
deep approach to studying is more important than the interactive learning style.
To find out the contributing causes of intellectual stimulation to learning,
there is a need to consider number of factors in teaching and learning practice
and contribute to related literature. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore
the association between intellectual stimulation, intrinsic motivation and deep
learning approach relative to the students’ perception.
Research Design and Context
The research took place within the first and third year engineering module which
uses a problem-based learning (PBL) method. A quantitative students’ feedback
is used in examining the relationship and association between the intellectual
stimulation, intrinsic motivation and deep learning
The study included 128 engineering students’ at ENU. The students were
from various departments at the university, and some students came as direct entry
through an international exchange programme. The module teaching included
face to face sessions and instructions on virtual learning environment (VLE).
To study the issue, the conceptual framework is formed with the use of:
student intellectual stimulation scale developed by Bolkan and Goodboy (2010),
the shortened experiences of teaching and learning questionnaire (SETLQ) (ETL
Project, 2005) and the manual for the use of the motivated strategies for learning
questionnaire (MSLQ) (Pintrich et all, 1991).
A quantitative feedback questionnaire collected data on the students’
perceptions of intellectual stimulation, intrinsic motivation and deep learning
approach. The feedback questionnaire included three core behaviours of intellectual
stimulation, i.e. interactive teaching style (ITS) with 4 questions, challenging
students (CS) with 3 questions, encouraging independent thought (EIT) with 3
questions and 4 questions on intrinsic motivation (IM). In addition, there were
9 questions on a deep learning approach (DLA) (Appendix 1). Parametric tests
determined a statistically significant correlation and a non-parametric test helped
in finding the measure of agreement between the intellectual stimulation, intrinsic
motivation and deep learning approach. The research used the statistical software,
SPSS 20.0 (academic version) to perform the data analysis.
A reliability coefficient of Cronbach’s alpha determined the reliability of the
questionnaire. Alpha reliabilities for the total scale and subscales are: summed
scale=0.90 (mean, M=87.51, standard deviation, SD=17.31); interactive
teaching style = 0.79 (M=14.40, SD=4.22); challenging students=0.86
(M=12.14, SD=4.06); encouraging independent thought=0.80(M=12.49, In Search of
SD=3.89); deep learning approach measurement); intrinsic motivation Intellectual
measurement=0.65(M=18.77, SD=4.13). The lower limit of Cronbach’s alpha Stimulation:
coefficient of 0.60 is acceptable (Hair et all, 2009). Therefore, the reliability Understanding
analysis shows a good consistency of the entire scale and the subscales of the the Relationship
measurement instrument. Also, a reliable measuring instrument is valid too. Between
(Gupta and Kapoor, 2007). There are acceptable number of questions in each Motivation, Deep
feedback questionnaire to collect all the relevant information needed to find the Learning and
effectiveness of the use of education technology tools in improving the students Stimulation in the
learning experience in the module. Data analysis determined the relationship Higher Education
between the intellectual stimulation, intrinsic motivation and deep learning Classroom
approach. The first research question (RQ) is
RQ1: Whether there is a relation between students’ perceptions of the intellec-
tual stimulation and the intrinsic motivation?
The aim of this RQ is to find if there is a relationship between the intellectual
stimulation and the intrinsic motivation measurements. To answer this RQ, the
correlation between the intellectual stimulation and the intrinsic motivation
variables is determined using Pearson’s product-moment correlation test, and
Kendall’s tau-b test determines the measure of agreement between the individ-
ual elements of IS and IM.
The second RQ is
RQ2: Is there a relation between the students’ perception on the intellectual
stimulation and the deep learning approach measurements?
The aim of this RQ is to find a relation between the intellectual stimulation and
the deep learning approach measurements. To answer this RQ, the students’
feedback data on Pearson’s product-moment correlation test and the measure
of agreement between the individual elements of IS and DLA is determined by
Kendall’s tau-c test.
Osowska, R. RQ1: Whether there is a relationship between students’ perceptions of
intellectual stimulation and intrinsic motivation?
To answer this RQ, the intellectual stimulation scale of Bolkan and
Goodboy (2010) is used to gather data on the students’ perception on
the intellectual scale. Similarly, MSLQ (Pintrich et all, 1991) is used
to gather data on students’ perceptions on the intrinsic motivation.
First, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient is used to
explore the correlation between the IS and IM scales. Table 1 reports
the correlation. The result shows a statistically significant (p=0.002)
and a weak positive correlation. Pearson’s product-moment correlation
coefficient is, r=0.371 with α=0.05 (-1≤ r ≤ 1; where -1 means a strong
negative correlation, 0 means no correlation and 1 means a strong
positive correlation). It showed that higher IS scale is associated with
higher IM scale.
Table 1: Correlation between the intellectual stimulation and the intrinsic
motivation using Pearson’s Product-Moment test
Intrinsic Motivation
Intellectual Pearson Correlation .371**
Sig. (2-tailed) .002
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 2: Correlation between the intellectual stimulation scale data and the In Search of
intrinsic motivation data using Kendall’s tau-b test Intellectual
ITS1 0.207 (P=0.046)
the Relationship
ITS2 Between
ITS3 Motivation, Deep
ITS4 0.229a (P=0.024) Learning and
Stimulation in the
CS1 0.281a (P=0.005)
Higher Education
CS2 0.265a (P=0.015) 0.208a (P=0.032) Classroom
EIT1 0.102a (P=0.046)
EIT2 0.218a (P=0.038)
a) p < 0.05
Therefore, IS and IM scales has a weak positive correlation, and IM3
shows a positive agreement with most of the elements of IS scale.
RQ2: Whether there is a relation between the students’ perception on the intel-
lectual stimulation and the deep learning approach measurements?
To answer this RQ, the data is gathered on the students’ understanding on the
intellectual stimulation scale (Bolkan and Goodboy, 2010). Similarly, SETLQ
(ETL Project, 2005) is used to gather data on students’ perceptions on the deep
learning approach. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient is used to
explore the correlation between the IS and DLA variables. The results show a
statistically significant (p=0.001) and a moderate positive correlation. Pearson’s
product-moment correlation coefficient is r=0.585 (α=0.05) (as shown in Table
3). It shows that higher IS scale is associated with higher DLA scale.
Table 3: Correlation between the intellectual stimulation and the intrinsic
motivation using Pearson’s Product-Moment test
Chowdhry, S. Second, Kendall’s tau-c test is used to find the measure of agreement between
Osowska, R. the individual elements of IS and DLA scales, as both are ordinal data type with
different number of response choices Kendall’s tau-c agreement coefficient for
pair of elements is shown in Table 4, with α=0.05 (-1≤ τ ≤ 1; where -1 means
a perfect disagreement, 0 means both variables are independent and 1 means
a perfect agreement). The result shows a statistically significant (p <α) and a
moderate positive agreement between most of the elements of IS and DLA
variables. It shows that except ITS2 and DLA9, all the elements of IS and IM
scales are in positive agreement with each other.
Table 4: Measure of association between the intellectual stimulation scale
data and the deep learning approach data using Kendall’s tau-c test
b) p < 0.05
Therefore, IS and DLA scales have a moderate positive correlation, and most of
the elements of both the scales have a weak positive agreement with each other.
The RQ1 results show a positive agreement of intrinsic motivation (IM3) with
intellectual stimulation (CS1, CS2, EIT1 and EIT2) (Appendix 1). Therefore,
the data suggests that to stimulate the students intellectually, they need to be
the Relationship
challenged to on how well they know the material (CS2). The course content
should test the students understanding (CS1), helping them to think deeply
Motivation, Deep
about the concepts taught in the class (EIT1) and come to their conclusions
Learning and
about the course content (EIT2). As a result of such a challenge, students get an
Stimulation in the
opportunity to understand the course content as thoroughly as possible (IM3),
Higher Education
which further intrinsically motivates the students. Therefore, the lecturers may
design learning activities that provide a challenging learning environment which
wants students to work hard, develop self-directed learning (SDL) (Krouk and
Zhuravleva, 2009) skills, think deeply about the ideas, construct new knowledge
and engage in a self-evaluation. There should be provision for adequate student-
lecturer interaction opportunities, to give timely feedback to the students. To give
feedback, a lecturer may also adopt verbal strategies such as asking questions,
summarising and suggesting alternatives (Savin-Baden, 2003). Similarly,
lectures may adopt interactive teaching methods based on the students’ different
learning styles, to encourage students to take part in the learning actively. For
instance, the teaching methods may use Kolb’s learning cycle (Lu, Jia, Gong
and Clark, 2007) to classify learners into four categories such as divergers,
assimilators, convergers and accommodators. These classes will further help
the lecturers in adopting suitable teaching strategies and, customise teaching
according to the students’ needs. For example, those identified as divergers prefer
hands-on exploration, followed by productive feedback and the assimilators
prefer lectures, experiments and the use of conceptual models to understand the
topic. As a result, it will help students to understand the course content and will
encourage them to take responsibility for their studies.
The RQ2 result shows that IS and DLA scales have moderate positive
correlation and most of the elements of both the scales show a positive
agreement among themselves. As a result, intellectually stimulating students
will encourage them to adopt deep learning approach. To intellectually stimulate
the students, lecturers may select interactive teaching styles by providing unique
learning activities to get the class involved with the course content (ITS1). The
unique learning activities can be designed according to the students learning
styles, are related to the real-life content (DLA2) and will help set off the
long chain of thoughts (DLA1). Secondly, lecturers may encourage students’
active participation in the classroom activities (ITS3) and encourage them to
see reasons behind the thing (DLA6) and make their conclusions about what
Chowdhry, S. they are studying (DLA4). Thirdly, the learning activities should get students
Osowska, R. involved in the learning process in a variety of ways (ITS4) and encourage them
to think critically about what they are learning (EIT3). As a result, it will help
students in developing skills of asking questions such as ‘What author exactly
meant (DLA8) and evaluated their reasoning to see if it makes sense (DLA3).
The new proposed teaching and learning strategy using intellectual scale are
shown in Table 5 below.
Table 5: Mapping of intellectual scale with teaching and learning activities
Intellectual Teaching & Learning activities
The new proposed teaching and learning strategy is implemented and students
feedback (Appendix 2) on their learning experience is as follows,
In Search of
the Relationship
Motivation, Deep
Learning and
Stimulation in the
Higher Education
Chowdhry, S. The figure 3 shows that 60.3% of students at least agreed that using Vernier
Osowska, R. Calliper and Micrometre to take mechanical measurements before making
engineering drawings on Computer Aided Engineering (CAD) software
improved their learning experience.
The figure 5 shows that 56.9% of students at least agree that opportunities to do In Search of
collaborative learning helped them in finding the design problem solution. Intellectual
the Relationship
Motivation, Deep
Learning and
Stimulation in the
Higher Education
Chowdhry, S. The figure 7 shows that 58.6% of students at least agreed that learning activity
Osowska, R. challenged them in the learning and understanding the module content.
The figure 9 suggests that 44.8% of students at least agreed that learning ac- In Search of
tivity encouraged them to adopt deep learning approach in understanding the Intellectual
module content. Stimulation:
the Relationship
Motivation, Deep
Learning and
Stimulation in the
Higher Education
Figure 11: Critical analysis of the concepts helped in constructing new knowledge
Chowdhry, S. The figure 11 indicates that 37.9% of students at least agreed that opportunities
Osowska, R. to do the critical analysis of the academic content helped them in constructing
new knowledge.
The result suggests that the new intellectual scale based teaching and
learning strategy is useful in intellectually stimulated the students and in
providing improved learning experience. The variety of the teaching methods
used considers different learning styles. It helped students to participate in the
learning actively, to do self-directed learning, perform critical analysis and
adopt deep learning approach in understanding the module content, and in the
construction of new knowledge.
The use of an Intellectual stimulation scale will help the institution
to specifically focus on the areas of teaching and learning such as students
learning styles, Kolb’s learning cycle and self-directed learning (SDL), to
provide students with an intellectually stimulating learning environment. To
use an intellectual stimulation scale as an evaluation criterion for teaching
and learning in the higher education institution, a separate questionnaire could
be designed to collect information on different elements of an intellectual
stimulation scale.
Taking this idea further, academic staff could organise workshops to raise
awareness about how to use the intellectual stimulation scale to improve
the students learning experience. The institutions may give new lecturer’s
information on the importance of providing students with an intellectually
stimulating environment during the induction training programme. Students’
union may also be encouraged to organise events to make students familiar
with the intellectual stimulation scale. Academic services may also help staff to
consider using an intellectual stimulation scale while designing and changing
their module descriptors to meet student needs better’ and increase levels of
intellectual stimulation in the classroom.
The aim of this study was to investigate the intellectual stimulation, intrinsic
motivation and deep learning approach relative to students’ perception.
In particular, the current study had three objectives: 1) to determine the
relationship between the students’ perceptions on intrinsic motivation,
intellectual stimulation and deep learning approach, 2) to find out what
intervention strategies lecturers can put in place to support students feeling
‘intellectually stimulated’, 3) propose recommendation for using ‘intellectual
stimulation’ as an evaluation criterion for teaching and learning in higher
education institutions and the engineering classroom. The study has found
a statistically significant, weak positive correlation between the IS and IM
scales. The IM3 element is in positive agreement with CS1, CS2, EIT1 and In Search of
EIT2 elements of the IS scale. Second, there is a statistically significant, Intellectual
moderate positive correlation between IS and DLA scales. Except ITS2 and Stimulation:
DLA9, all the elements of IS and IM scales are in positive agreement with Understanding
each other. Third, the students feedback suggests that implementation of the Relationship
the new intellectual scale based teaching and learning strategy is useful in Between
intellectually stimulated the students and helped them to actively participate Motivation, Deep
in the learning, to do self-directed learning, perform critically analysis and in Learning and
adopting deep learning approach in understanding the module content, and in Stimulation in the
construction of new knowledge. Higher Education
The main findings therefore are, to intellectually stimulate the students, Classroom
the learning activities should encourage them to engage in deep learning to
ensure that they really know the material well. The course content should
challenge the students, helping them to reflect deeply upon the concepts taught
in the HE class and draw their own conclusions about the course content.
In doing so, it will also intrinsically motivate the students and provide them
with an opportunity to understand the course content thoroughly. Therefore,
the lecturers should design the learning activities that facilitate a challenging
learning environment motivating students to, develop SDL skills, think deeply,
construct new knowledge and engage in the process of self-evaluation. By
acknowledging students learning styles, interactive teaching methods could
encourage students’ active participation in the learning. Furthermore, lecturers
should provide timely feedback to the students.
The research limits to the generalisability of this study to the modules
across the university are small sample size, lack of control groups and variables
present with intellectually stimulated and non-stimulated learning. However,
the results of the study will be transferable for the different departments across
the university in understanding the intellectual stimulation scale. Similarly,
it will further help in improving the teaching and learning practice in the
Collection of information on different elements of the intellectual
stimulation scale may help to find out the feasibility of using the intellectual
stimulation scale as an evaluation criteria for teaching and learning in higher
education institution
It implies that the educational institutions may make a strategy to
systematically ingrain the idea of IS scale in its courses. For instance, spreading
awareness among the academic staff about how to use the IS scale to improve
the students learning experience. The new lecturer’s induction training
programme can also incorporate information on using IS scale to enhance
the students learning experience. The departmental quality committees may
Chowdhry, S. encourage staff to consider the IS scale while designing and changing the
Osowska, R. module descriptors. The Students’ union could also contribute by organising
events to make students familiar with the intellectual stimulation scale.
A suggested further research is to compare the effect of setting in IST, CS
and EIT elements of intellectual stimulation scale in different modules in the
School of Engineering.
The authors would like to thank Dr Jacqueline Brodie for the helpful comments
on an earlier draft.
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Chowdhry, S.
Osowska, R.
APPENDIX 1: Quantitative feedback questionnaire
ITS1 Unique activities are used to get the class involved with the (1-Never ‘7-Al-
course material. ways)
ITS2 Exciting teaching techniques are used in class. 1234567
ITS3 Helps students get excited about learning through classroom 1234567
ITS4 Teaching stimulates students to help them get involved in the 1234567
learning process in a variety of ways
CS1 Challenges me to be the best student I can be. 1234567
CS2 Makes me work hard to ensure that I really know the material 1234567
CS3 Helps me realise that my hard work is worth it. 1234567
EIT1 Helps me think deeply about the concepts taught in class. 1234567
EIT2 Encourages me to come to my own conclusions about course 1234567
EIT3 Wants me to think critically about what we are learning. 1234567
DLA1 Ideas I’ve come cross in my academic reading often set off (1-Rarely true;
long chains of thought. 5- Usually true)
1 2 3 4 5
DLA2 In making sense of new ideas, I have often related them to 1 2 3 4 5
practical or real life contexts.
DLA3 I have been over the work I have done to check my reasoning 1 2 3 4 5
and see that it makes sense.
DLA4 I have looked at evidence carefully to reach my own conclu- 1 2 3 4 5
sion about what I am studying.
DLA5 When I have been communicating ideas, I have thought over 1 2 3 4 5
how well I have got my points across.
DLA6 It has been important for me to follow the argument, or to see 1 2 3 4 5
the reasons behind things.
DLA7 Concentration has not been usually been a problem for me, 1 2 3 4 5
unless I have been really tired.
DLA8 In reading for this course unit, I have tried to find out for my- 1 2 3 4 5
self exactly what the author means.
DLA9 I have not understood things well enough when studying, I 1 2 3 4 5 In Search of
have tried a different approach. Intellectual
IM1 In a class like this, I prefer course material that really challeng- (1-Not at all true Stimulation:
es me so I can learn new things. of me; 7- Very Understanding
true of me) the Relationship
IM2 In a class like this, I prefer course material that arouses my 1234567
curiosity, even if it is difficult to learn. Motivation, Deep
IM3 The most satisfying thing for me in this course is trying to 1234567
Learning and
understand the content as thoroughly as possible. Stimulation in the
IM4 When I have the opportunity in this class, I choose course 1234567 Higher Education
assignments that I can learn from even if they don’t guarantee a Classroom
good grade.