DLL Math6 Q1 W1
DLL Math6 Q1 W1
DLL Math6 Q1 W1
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies
The learner adds and subtracts simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with regrouping, solves routine and non-routine problems involving addition and/or
subtraction of fractions using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools, and creates problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition/or subtraction of
(Subject Matter) FRIDAY
Adding Similar Fractions Subtracting Similar Fractions in Adding Dissimilar Fractions in Subtracting Dissimilar Fractions in
in Simple or Mixed Forms Simple or Mixed Forms with Simple or Mixed Forms without Simple or Mixed Forms without
with Regrouping Regrouping Regrouping Regrouping
III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages
2.Learner’s Materials Mathematics 6, pp.203- Mathematics 6, pp.207-211 Mathematics 6, pp.212-215 Mathematics 6, pp.216-219
Pages 207 Activity Book in Mathematics 6, pp. M6NS-Ia-86 M6NS-Ia-86
Activity Book in 65
Mathematics 6, pp. 65
3.Textbook Pages
from Learning Resources
(LR) Portal)
B.Other Learning Strips of paper, scissors,Scotch tape
Resources Flash cards/Sheets,Activity Sheets
A.Review Previous Lessons
Mental Computation Mental Computation Mental computation
Find the message Strategy – Game: Pass It On Give me two numbers which
Relay on Giving the Direction: Match column A with Mechanics will make my statement true.
simplest form. Column B to form the message. 1. Form 6 groups with equal
number of members. 1) My sum is 17, my difference
a. The teacher forms 6 Column Column B 2. Write on the flash is one.
groups with equal A cards/sheets the fractions.
number. 1) 5/8 + A. 5 3/4 Direction: Give the LCD of 2) My sum is 13, my difference
3/8 each pair of fractions. is 3.
b. The teacher flashes 2) 1 ¾ + B. 8 2/3 ½ and ¼ 2/3 and ½
cards which contain 2¾+1 2/3 and 1/6 4/5 and ¾ 3. My sum is 12. my difference
fractions, e.g.: 6/10, ¼ 3/5 and 9/10 ¼ and 1/6 is 8
9/10, 9/18, 2/6, etc. ¼ and 9/16 2/5 and 5/6
3) 3 5/9 M. 1
4) My sum is 50, my difference
+ 2 1/9 +
c. Pupil 1 answers the 3. The teacher flashes the is 0.
first question, followed cards or sheets. First pupil
4) 2 1/7 H. 4 1/2
by the next pupil. This writes his answer on the 5) My sum is 17, my difference
+ 3 9/7 +
goes on until all the board, then goes back. The is 13.
2 1/7
pupils have answered. next pupil waits for the teacher
5) 1 4/12 U 8 4/7
to flash the card before he
+ 3 2/12
d. The group with the write his answer on the board.
most correct answers 6) 5 3/15 Y. 12 1/3 this continues until everyone in
wins. + 7 2/15 the group has answered the
question. The highest scorer
group wins.
___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___
1 2 3 4 5 2
B. Establishing purpose for A. Find the difference. A. Find the total.
the Lesson Write an equation A. Find the sum in lowest terms.
for each short story. 1) 1 6/8 – 7/8 = 1) 1/5 + 2/5 =
1) 5 7/15 + 2 8/15 + 3 1/15 = 2) 12 ¼ - 4 ¾ = 2) 1 1/6 + 2 ¼ + 2 1/9 =
1. rode 5/10 km., walk 2) 6 1/8 + 2 5/8 + 3 3/8 + 1 1/8 = 3) 4 1/6 – 3 5/6 = 3 ¼ + 2 ¼ + 1 1/12 =
2/10 km., went how far 3) 1 5/6 + 2 5/6 + 4 1/6 + 5 5/6 = 4) 1 3/10 decreased by 7/10 = 4) 1 1/10 + 2 1/5 + 3 ½ =
in all? 5) Take away 12/13 from 4 5) 6 1/5 + 1 ½ + 2 1/10 =
B. Complete each table. 3/13= B. Do addition of fractions along
2. painted 3/8 of the the path according to the arrows
fence before lunch, Add 5/6 to: B. Subtract 7/9 from the until you get to the end. You
painted 4/8 after lunch. following: should get to the same final
How much was 7 1/6 1 3/6 8 5/6 3 2/6 9 9/6 answer.
painted? 15 2/9 3 4/9 20 30 3/9
3. One package
weighed 7/16 kg. A Add 2/9 to: 2/5
second package
weighed 5/16 kg. How 8 13/9 1 11/9 4 8/9
many kilogram in all? Reference:
Lesson 65, pp.65
Activity Book in Mathematics 6
by Amber De Jesus
6=A 8=C
9=K 16 = N
a. How do
you add
fractions with
G. Finding Practical
Find the total Solve: Direction: Solve for the answer Solve for the answer.
Applications of
to the problem:
concepts and skills in 1) Cooking: ¾ cup brown Last month, Arnold weighed 37 3/8 If your neighbor shared to you 2/5
daily living sugar and ¾ cup white kilograms. However, he got sick so he Mother went to market to buy 3 of a whole pizza pie, and you set aside
sugar. How many in all? now weighs 36 5/8 kilograms. How 1/6 kilos of ground beef and 12 the 2/6 for your youngest brother and
many kilograms did he lose weight? 1/5 kilos of ground pork. How you ate the rest, how much pizza pie
a. 2) Harvest: 3 ¼ many kilos of ground meat did did you eat?
cavans of rice, 1 ¾ mother buy in all? Is it good to share to somebody
cavans of corn, what we have, like food for example?
and 2 5/8 cavans why?
of mongo. What
is the total
H. Making
Generalizations & What are the steps How do you add dissimilar What are the steps in subtracting
Abstractions about the in adding similar How do you subtract similar fractions without regrouping? dissimilar fractions without
fractions with fractions with regrouping? Mention regrouping?
regrouping? the steps.
I.Evaluating Learning
Find the sum. Reduce the Solve for the difference.
answer to simplest form, if Solve for the difference. Find the sum.
necessary. 1) 4/5 – 1/3 =
1) 4 3/12 – 2 7/12 = 1) 1/5 + 1/9 + 1/6 = 2) 2/5 – 3/10 =
1) ¼ + ¾ = 2) 12 3/15 – 2 8/15 = 2) ½ + 5/8 = 3) 3 7/8 – ½ =
2) 2/8 + 3/8 + 4/8 = 3) 3 3/8 + 2 ¼ = 4) 6 6/7 – 2 ¼ =
3. 4/12 + 2/12 + 5/12 =
3) 16 4/17 – 11 9/17 = 5) Take away 10/25 from 15/10, what
4) 6 1/3 + 1 1/7 + 3 1/12 =
4) 2 1/7 + 3 4/7 + 5 6/7 = 4) 12 9/16 – 11 15/16 = 5) 1 1/6 + 2 ¼ + 1 1/7 = is the difference? _____
5) 6 3/16 + 3 9/16 = 5) 13 6/20 – 3 11/20 =
J. Additional activities A. Find the total. Follow-the-Arrow sub-traction of
A. Find the sum in lowest A. Find the difference. Fraction Puzzle. Do the subtraction of
for application or terms. 1) 1/5 + 2/5 = fraction along the paths according to
remediation 1) 1 6/8 – 7/8 = 2) 1 1/6 + 2 ¼ + 2 1/9 = the arrows until you get to the end
1) 5 7/15 + 2 8/15 + 3 1/15 2) 12 ¼ - 4 ¾ = 3 ¼ + 2 ¼ + 1 1/12 =
= 3) 4 1/6 – 3 5/6 = 4) 1 1/10 + 2 1/5 + 3 ½ = 5
2) 6 1/8 + 2 5/8 + 3 3/8 + 1 4) 1 3/10 decreased by 7/10 = 5) 6 1/5 + 1 ½ + 2 1/10 = 2/5
1/8 = 5) Take away 12/13 from 4 3/13 = - 1/2
3) 1 5/6 + 2 5/6 + 4 1/6 + 5 B. Do addition of fractions along
5/6 = the path according to the arrows - 1/4
B. Subtract 7/9 from the following: until you get to the end. You
B. Complete each table. should get to the same final - 1/4
Add 5/6 to: 15 3 4/9 20 30
2/9 6/9 3/9 - 1/2
7 1/6 1 3/6 8 5/6 2/5 -
+ 1/4 5/10
+ - 5/10
1/2 - 1/2
Add 2/9 to: 5/12
8 13/9 1 11/9
+ 1/6
VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
requires additional
acts.for remediation who
scored below 80%
Prepared by :
Teacher III Checked by:
Master Teacher II
Head Teacher III