world as a whole.
The word philosophy is derived from the Greek
words philia (love) and sophia (wisdom) and Philosophy seeks to combine the conclusions of
means “the love of wisdom.” the various sciences and human experience into
some kind of consistent world view.
Pythagoras was said to have been the first man
Philosophers wish to see life, not with the
to call himself a philosopher; in fact, the world
specialized slant of the scientist or the
is indebted to him for the word philosopher. It
businessperson or the artist, but with the
is said that when Leon, the tyrant of Philius,
overall view of someone cognizant of life as a
asked him of who he was, he said, “a
Philosopher” and he likened the Philosopher to
spectators at ancient games. Philosophy is the logical analysis of language
and the clarification of the meaning of words
Before that time the wise men had called
and concepts.
themselves a sage, which was interpreted to
mean those who know. Pythagoras was more Certainly this is one function of philosophy. In
modest. He coined the word philosopher, which fact, nearly all philosophers have used methods
he defined as one who is attempting to find out. of analysis and have sought to clarify the
According to him, men and women of the world meaning of terms and the use of language.
could be classified into 3 groups: Some philosophers see this as the main task of
philosophy, and a few claim this is the only
1. those that love pleasure
legitimate function of philosophy.
2. those that love activity and
Philosophy is a group of perennial problems
3. those that love wisdom. that interest people and for which
philosophers always have sought answers.
Philosophy presses its inquiry into the deepest
Philosophy is the study of general and problems of human existence. Some of the
fundamental problems, such as those philosophical questions raised in the past have
connected with existence, knowledge, values, been answered in a manner satisfactory to the
reason, mind, and language. majority of philosophers. Many questions,
Philosophy is the rational attempt to formulate, however, have been answered only tentatively,
understand, and answer fundamental and many problems remain unsolved.
questions. “What is truth?”
NATURE OF PHILOSOPHY “What is the distinction between right
and wrong?”
Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and What is life and why am I here?
criticizing our most deeply held conceptions Why is there anything at all?
and beliefs.