1510191135021st Sandeep Rani
1510191135021st Sandeep Rani
1510191135021st Sandeep Rani
ISSN No. : 2394-0344 Remarking : Vol-2 * Issue-2*July-2015
Allah, the one who could reach Him and save become a victim of Pir‟s everyday sexual pleasures.
us” (Durrani 1999, 143). There is a powerful character in the novel, Cheel, who
In this corrupt social system, Heer, a girl of pays silent service in the haveli, indirectly bore a
fifteen, is married to Pir Sain, a man of her father‟s physical abuse, as her long, unmoving posture to
age only for social status. It appears as a kind of keep watch over the activities in the haveli, led ants
contract to gain the honor and dignity in the enter her body through her feet and rot up her body
community. As Heer‟s mother is very happy at this that led her painful death. “Her presence was likened
marriage because she thinks the dignity of her family to the dead who would not speak except on Judgment
would be restored by this marriage. She says, day” (Durrani 1999, 51). It becomes unbearable when
“We are extremely lucky. After your father‟s Pir Sain‟s cruel eyes goes to his own little daughter,
death, people didn‟t think we were worth Guppi and tries to molestrate her. Heer tries to
anything. Your marriage will restore our escape her daughter by offering other girls to Pir Sain.
dignity in the community. Your sisters marry In this novel, we see that women are allowed
well and your brother will get a good girl and to read only Arabic version of Quran. Guppi is
a good job. Our status will improve permitted to read only Arabic Quran. She does not
tremendously…..” ( Durrani 1999, 25). even understand the single word of Quran. As she
But the marriage proves a curse for Heer. Pir questions about it to her mother, Heer and says,
sain abuses her body on the very first night of their “….I don‟t understand Arabic. How can I
marriage. Afterwards, he controls her mind and soul commit myself to Allah without knowing what
and Heer is forcibly adapted to a life which no human I commit to? How can I make a promise
being can bear. She is confined in the four walls of the without knowing what to keep? Allah knows
haveli. At the age of fifteen, she is thurst with the that I don‟t understand what I read” (Durrani,
responsibility of the household, where a slight mistake 1999, 104).
could call upon the wrath of Pir, at times kicking her, It becomes clear from Guppi‟s statement that
beating or inflicting abuses upon her. She gradually women don‟t understand what Quran says about
realised that Pir was a hypocrite, who concealed his them. They are deprived of the real meaning of it.
heinous crimes under the name of Allah. The “green Thus, the novel tells about the power of religious
chadder embroidered with the ninety-nine names of leaders in a society of illiterate people. Tehmina
Allah”(1999,44) that Pir wore over his shoulder is Durrani has successfully exposed the mullahs and
symbolic. It reflects the way Pir covered his crime and maulvis of Pakistan in black magic and makes the
misled people in the name of the divine. innocent people their followers. But when someone
Through the character of Pir Sain, Tehimna tries to point a finger at them, he or she is subdued by
shows the dark and secret lives of religious leaders saying that the accuser is guilty of Blasphemy.
who use Islam to attain power and exploit the weak. Thus Blasphemy is a serious comment on
Sain proclaimed himself a chosen one who has the the challenges faced by Muslim societies in general
power to communicate with Allah because of his holy and Muslim women in particular. The shattering
ancestry. Such religious leaders are shown to be identities of Islamic values and the deterioration of
imposters, who exploit people in the name of Allah. emotions in it are a commentary not on Islam but on
Toti, the supernatural woman in the novel who meets the struggle of Muslim against all that is contrary to
Heer, reveals to her that the „Shrine‟ was constructed what Islam stands for. Though it seems unbelievable
by the British, to control the people of their area, yet it remains a reality which is done under the
making the shrine a prosperous business, tormenting disguise of religion in our rural societies.
the people and making them suffer in the “hell they References
had created” (Durrani 1999,89). Thus power makes 1. Durrani, Tehmina. Blasphemy: A Novel. New
these religious leaders savages feeding upon their Delhi: Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
prey, religion being only a veil to cover up their 2. Hussain, M. (1998, november 22). “Blasphemy –
mistakes. After Taslima Nasrin‟s Lajja
It is not only Heer to be exploited and 3. Tehmina Durrani‟s.” Organiser.
violated physically, sexually and mentally by Pir Sain. 4. Majid, Anouar. (2005).‘The Politics of Feminism
There are many other women characters who become in Islam’. In Saliba, Therese | Allen, Carolyn |
victims in the hands of him. All female characters Howared, Juditha. Gender, Politics And Islam.
have no individual personality of their own self. Every India. Orient Longman Private Limited.
female servant in and around the haveli and Pir‟s 5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/patriarchy.
wives have to obey him. They are never permitted to 6. www.sawnet.org/books/authors.php?durrani+teh
think about their true identity and chastity. They mina