Public Finance Multiple Choice Questions
Public Finance Multiple Choice Questions
Public Finance Multiple Choice Questions
2. Adam Smith 3. It is a study of the finances of the general public and their
pattern of spending
3. Franco Modigliani
4. It is a study of the direct and indirect taxes in an economy
4. Sir Arthur Lewis
7. The organization of society under the two central tenets of 9. A form of political association in which two or more states
private ownership rights and voluntary trade is the hallmark of: constitute a political unity with a common government, but in
which the member states retain a measures of internal
1. Mixed Economic System
autonomy is generally referred to as:
2. Capitalist System
1. A Union
3. Socialist System
2. A Federation
4. Fascist System
3. A Democracy
8. Which one of the following would best describe the study of
4. An Autonomous Region
“Public Finance”?
10. According to Prof. Seligman, Which of the following are the
1. It is the social science that describes the factors that
three main principles on the basis of which revenue sources
determine the production,
(such as taxes) should be divided between the different layers of
distribution and consumption of goods and services
2. It is the study of the role of the government in the
1. Principles of Efficiency, Effectiveness and Economy
economy. It is the branch of economics
which assesses the government revenue and 2. Principles of Economy, Decentralisation and Necessity
government expenditure of the public authorities
3. Principles of Autonomy, Necessity and Surplus
and the adjustment of one or the other to achieve
desirable effects and avoid undesirable 4. Principles of Efficiency, Suitability, and Adequacy
11. Maximum Social Advantage is achieved,
3. It is the application of statistical and mathematical
theories to economics for the purpose 1. at the point where the marginal social benefit of public
of testing hypotheses and forecasting future trends expenditure and the marginal
social sacrifice of taxation are equated
4. It is a branch of economics that studies the behavior of
individuals and firms in making 2. at the point where the marginal social benefit of public
decisions regarding the allocation of limited resources. expenditure is higher than the
marginal social sacrifice of taxation
3. at the point where the marginal social benefit of public 2. John Maynard Keynes
expenditure is lower than the
3. Karl Marx
marginal social sacrifice of taxation
4. Hugh Dalton
4. at the point where the marginal social benefit of public
expenditure and the marginal 15. Tax revenue sharing between the federal and sub-national
social sacrifice of taxation are zero governments is aimed at
correcting which of the following type of imbalances?
12. An economic system where the state owns the means of
production and attempts to direct 1. Vertical imbalances
economic activity towards politically identified goals are
generally referred to as: 2. Horizontal imbalances
18. Which of the following is an imprest placed at the disposal of 21. Under the system of federal finance, a Government should be
the President of India to autonomous and free about
facilitate Government to meet urgent unforeseen expenditure the internal financial matters concerned. This principle is
pending authorization from referred to as:
1. Principle of Equity
1. Consolidated Fund
2. Principle of Uniformity
2. Public Funds
3. Principle of Fiscal Access
3. Prime Ministers Relief Fund
4. Principle of Independence
4. Contingency Fund
22. The system of assigning the source of revenue to the Central as
19. Which of the following articles of the Indian Constitution well as State
provides for the creation of the Governments is generally referred to as
Consolidated Fund of India?
1. Public Finance
1. Article 371
2. Distributive Finance
2. Article 366
3. Unitary Finance
3. Article 266
4. Federal Finance
4. Article 271
23. The principle of federal finance which envisages that the
20. The role of Government would be highest in which of the resources should be distributed
following type of economy: among the different states of the federation so that each state
receives a fair share of revenue
1. Free market economy
is referred to as
1. Principle of Equity 3. Inefficiencies of public organisations and corruption
3. Principle of Fiscal Access 27. A country’s repayment obligations of principal and interest for a
particular year on its
4. Principle of Independence
external debt as a percentage of its exports of goods and
24. Taxes are levied to services (i.e., its current receipt) in
that year is generally referred to as:
1. Provide general benefits to the People
1. Real burden
2. Encourage people on unnecessary spending
2. Money burden
3. Accumulate funds for the Government for future use
3. Debt-service ratio
4. All of the above
4. Export Earnings Ratio
25. In a federation differences exist in the per capita distribution of
income and wealth and 28. A one-time tax on all wealth holders with the goal of retiring
the volume of trade among different states. Such an imbalance public debt is generally
existing among different subnational referred to as
governments are referred to as
1. Indirect Tax
1. Vertical imbalances
2. Capital Levy
2. Horizontal imbalances
3. Orthodox Tax
3. Diagonal imbalances
4. Socialist Tax
4. Criss-cross imbalances
29. Which of the following are the causes of public debt of a
26. Which of the following factors contribute to public debt of a country?
1. War or war-preparedness, including nuclear programmes
1. To undertake public welfare
2. To cover the budget deficits on current account
2. Urge for economic growth
3. To undertake public welfare schemes 4. Productive Debt
4. All of the above 33. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with regard to
the burden of public debt of a country?
30. Compulsory loans are superior to voluntary public borrowing in
which of the following 1. If the public debt is taken for productive purposes it will
contexts? not be a burden on the economy.
1. In the context of an inflationary situation 2. If the public debt is taken for unproductive purposes, it
will impose both money burden and real burden on the
2. In the cases of deflationary situation
3. When the interest rates are very low
3. In case of Internal Debt, the direct money burden on the
4. When the Government has a huge fiscal deficit economy is huge as transfer of wealth happens within
the community
31. Which of the following scheme provided for compulsory
deposits by certain class of tax payers? 4. In the case of External debt, the amount of repayment of
interest and principal represents the direct money burden
1. Compulsory deposit scheme (income-tax payers) act, on the community
34. Public Debt means
2. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Deposit Scheme (PMGKDS),
2016 1. Borrowing by a Government from abroad and does not
include borrowing from within the country
3. Both A and B
2. Borrowing by general public, private individuals or
4. None of these association of individuals from the Government which
32. Deadweight debt refers to which of the following form of Public they need to repay to Government under the prescribed
Debt? terms and conditions
44. A fund created by the government and gradually accumulated 47. Which of the following is NOT a method of debt redemption by
every year by setting aside a part of current public revenue in the Government?
such a way that it would be sufficient to pay off the funded debt
1. Repudiation of Debt
at the time of maturity is called
2. Buyback of Government bonds
1. Consolidated Fund
3. Payment of Terminable Annuities
2. Equity Fund
4. Issue of Treasury Bills
3. Credit Fund
48. In which of the following situations, any direct money burden on
4. Sinking Fund
the society is least likely?
1. Raising and repayment of internal debt public borrowing and public borrowing in each country is
2. Raising and repayment of external debt
4. Public Debt has become a powerful tool of developmental
3. Raising and repayment of internal debt taken for
monetary policy as management of public debt is used as
unproductive purposes
a method to influence the structure of interest rates.
4. Raising and repayment of long term debt from external
51. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with reference
to the burden of public debt?
49. Which of the following would refer to the self-liquidating form
1. An internal debt has no direct money burden since the
of public debt?
interest payment on debt and the imposition of taxation
1. Internal Debt to pay interest to the lenders is simply a transfer of
purchasing power from one to another
2. External Debt
2. Internal debt involves direct real burden to the
3. Productive Debt community as it involves redistribution of aggregate
4. Short-Term Loan income leading to inequalities in the distribution of
income and wealth.
50. Which of the following is NOT TRUE with reference to public
finance? 3. The direct money burden of external debt is the interest
payment as well as the principal repayment (i.e., debt
1. According to Classical Economics Public Financing is highly servicing) to external creditors
unproductive on the assumption that full employment,
inelasticity of money supplies and unproductive nature of 4. An external debt has no direct money burden since
public expenditure interest payment on debt and the imposition of taxation
to pay interest to the foreign country accelerates export
2. Voluntary Public Borrowing has a disincentive effect earnings
whereas taxation does not have a disincentive effect and
as such taxation is preferable to voluntary public 52. Which of the following could be a purpose for raising public
borrowing loans?
3. In modern times public borrowing is most extensive and 1. Financing economic development esp. in under-
intensive meaning that almost all countries resort to developed countries.
2. Financing the public sector for expanding and 4. Productive Debt
strengthening the public enterprises.
55. Public Debt has a secular tendency to go up in every country.
3. War, arms and ammunition financing Which of the following are reasons contributing to such a trend?
53. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT with reference 2. Increasing trend in Financing for Economic Development
to the classification of public debt?
3. Undertaking of Welfare Schemes by the Government
1. Internal debt refers to the public loans floated within the
4. All of the above
country, while external debt refers to the obligations of a
country to foreign governments, foreign nationals or 56. Which of the following refers to market borrowing by
international institutions Government?
2. Public debt raised and used to finance a war is 1. Sales to the public of government bonds, treasury bills in
unproductive because it does not create an asset, it is a the capital market
dead weight debt or a useless burden on the community
2. Issue of national savings certificates
3. Redeemable debt refers to a debt which may not be
redeemed at all but on which the government promises 3. Issue of National Plan Bonds
to pay the interest regularly 4. Collection of deposits at State owned Post Offices
4. A funded debt is short term debt undertaken for 57. Expenditure incurred by the Government on building durable
creating a temporary asset and the government assets, like highways, multipurpose dams, irrigation projects are
normally makes arrangements for repayments through in the nature of
current revenue
1. Capital Expenditure
54. Treasury Bills fall under the category of
2. Revenue Expenditure
1. Funded Debt
3. Transfer Expenditure
2. Unfunded Debt
4. Unproductive Expenditure
3. External Debt
58. Which of the following describes the situation where revenues 4. Non-Distributive Expenditure
and expenditures are equal during a given period?
61. With increase in urbanization and industrialization, the role of
1. Public Debt Government started:
3. Canon of Elasticity 73. Expenditure on defence, interest payments, law and order
maintenance and public administration expenses are generally
4. Canon of Maximum Social Benefit
treated as:
70. Deepening of Government activities refers to:
1. Productive Expenditure
1. Increase in the existing activities of the Government
2. Unproductive Expenditure
2. Taking up additional activities by the Government
3. Growth-oriented Expenditure
3. Privatization of the activities of the Government
4. Progressive Expenditure
4. Dilution of Government Share in the Public Sector
74. Developmental expenditure refers to
1. Revenue Expenditure incurred for meeting current
71. Principle of Maximum Social Benefit was propounded by which
expenses of the Government
of the following economists?
2. Capital Expenditure incurred for creating long-term assets
1. Keynes
of the Government
2. Marshall
3. Expenditure which is incurred on activities directly
3. Dalton related to economic development
2. the increase in the expenditure of a country 2. Tax Effect, Expenditure Effect, Consumption Effect
3. the increase in the public debt of a country 3. Displacement Effect, Concentration Effect, Inspection
4. the increase in investment of a country
4. Consumption Effect, Labour Effect, Income Effect
76. Multiplier in Macro economics refers to which of the following:
79. Which of the following occurs when all taxes and other revenues
1. A factor of proportionality that measures how much an
exceed government expenditures for a year?
endogenous variable changes in response to a change in
some exogenous variable 1. Public Debt
82. According to Peackock Wiseman hypothesis, A discontinuity in 85. The Forward Markets Commission (FMC) merged with which of
the growth pattern which produces expenditure peak during the following regulatory bodies?
social disturbances is referred to as:
1. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
1. Displacement Effect
2. Reserve Bank of India
2. Concentration Effect
3. Life Insurance Corporation of India
3. Inspection Effect
4. Securities and Exchange Board of India
4. Substitution Effect
86. According to the Pension Fund Regulatory & Development
83. Audit of the Accounts of the Insurance Regulatory and Authority Act , the head office of the Pension Fund Regulatory
Development Authority of India is the responsibility of the: and Development Authority shall be located at:
2. Chartered Accountants appointed by the Government of 2. The head office of the Authority shall be at such place as
India the Central Government may decide from time to time
4. Pension and Insurance Fund Regulatory Authority of India 4. Insurance and Pension Fund Regulatory Authority of India
94. The Central Office of the Reserve Bank is located in which of the 97. The Regulatory body established under an act of Parliament and
following cities in India: assigned with the functions to regulate the issue of Bank notes
and keeping of reserves with a view to securing monetary
1. New Delhi
stability in India and generally to operate the currency and
2. Chennai credit system of the country to its advantage; to have a modern
monetary policy framework to meet the challenge of an
3. Calcutta increasingly complex economy, to maintain price stability while
4. Mumbai keeping in mind the objective of growth:
96. The regulatory body established under an act of Parliament to 1. Statutory Bodies
provide for the establishment of an Authority to promote old 2. Regulatory Bodies
age income security by establishing, developing and regulating
pension funds, to protect the interests of subscribers to schemes 3. Constitutional Bodies
of pension funds is called:
4. Executive Authorities
1. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
99. Forward Markets Commission (FMC) was established under
2. The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development which of the following Act of the Parliament?
1. Forward Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1952
2. Forward markets commission (FMC) Act 1992 3. Chartered Accountants appointed by the Government of
India from the Panel of Auditors prepared by the CAG of
3. Finance Act 1992
4. Securities and Exchange Board of India Act 1994
4. Chartered Accountants appointed by the CAG of India
100. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
103. The Regulatory body established under the Act of
India is established under:
Parliament to protect the interests of investors in securities and
1. Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956 to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities
market is:
2. General insurance business (nationalization) Act, 1972
1. Reserve Bank of India
3. Insurance Act, 1938
2. Securities and Exchange Board of India
4. Insurance regulatory and development authority of India
Act, 1999 3. National Stock Exchange of India
101. FORWARD MARKETS COMMISSION functioned under 4. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
which of the following administrative ministries?
104. The Reserve Bank of India was established:
1. Ministry of Home
1. In 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve
2. Ministry of Agriculture Bank of India Act, 1934
3. Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation 2. In 1950 in accordance with the provisions of the Reserve
Bank of India Act, 1950
4. Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public
Distribution 3. In 1950 in accordance with the provisions of the Finance
Act 1950
102. Audit of the Accounts of the Pension Fund Regulatory
and Development Authority is the responsibility of the: 4. In 1945 in accordance with the provisions of the Finance
Act 1944
1. Comptroller and Auditor General of India