Cantilever Beam
Cantilever Beam
Cantilever Beam
4Mgl 3
Y N/m2
Page 22
BMSIT&M Department of Physics Engineering Physics Lab manual August-2020
• This is repeated up to 100 g in steps of 20 g every time and corresponding readings are
noted in the tabular column.
• The experiment is repeated by decreasing the load in the weight hanger in steps of 20 g and
the corresponding readings are taken and are tabulated.
• The depression or deflection of the cantilever beam ‘’, for load ‘M’ in kg is found out from
the tabular column.
• By using the breadth (b) and thickness (d) of the bar, the young’s modulus of the material of
the beam is calculated.
1. The pin has to be vertical before focusing
2. The beam must be parallel to horizontal scale of travelling microscope
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BMSIT&M Department of Physics Engineering Physics Lab manual August- 2020
X+20 X+80
X+40 X+100
4Mgl 3
Y N/m2
bd 3
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