Biological Hazards (1) Edited
Biological Hazards (1) Edited
Biological Hazards (1) Edited
Biological hazards are acquired from disease-causing microorganisms and the poisonous
toxins they may produce. Biological hazards are by far the most dangerous foodborne hazard in
the food service and food retail businesses. These include harmful microorganisms seen only
under the microscope (bacteria, viruses, parasites, molds, and yeast) and the biological
substance prion molecule. Other living organisms, such as insects, rodents, farm animals,
domestic pets, birds, fish, and plants, also transmit diseases to human beings. Even healthy
people are sources of pathogenic microorganisms. Food handlers who do not wash hands
frequently and properly and do not practice personal hygiene are the most common carriers.
Most foodborne and waterborne illnesses in food establishments are due to disease-
producing microorganisms. How to control them is the primary objective of food and water
safety. Many of these pathogenic microorganisms seriously affect the health of an individual
and some may even cause death, which is why safety measures should be taken to prevent
their growth and toxins production. Effective control of these microbiological growth and their
multiplication. Knowledge about the signs and symptoms associated with a foodborne disease,
its onset and duration, and the implicated food will help both the consumer and food handler
report illness cases and develop preventive measures.
A foodborne illness is generally classified as a foodborne infection, intoxication, or toxin-
mediated infection. Awareness of how different microbes cause a foodborne illness will help in
understanding how microbes contaminated food.
Types of Microorganisms
1. Beneficial Microorganisms
• Are found in food production. (e.g., used in making bread, beer, yoghurt and
2. Harmful Microorganisms
• Harmful microorganisms spoil food and cause diseases.
Microbial Forms
▪ Bacteria consist of only a single cell (unicellular)
▪ Bacteria reproduce through “binary fission” when one cell divides to form two new cells
▪ All bacteria exist in a vegetative stage
▪ Some bacteria has the ability to form a sport where they can survive in an adverse or
extreme conditions “spore forming bacteria”
▪ Bacteria are “photosynthetic”, they have the ability to make their own food through the
use of the sunlight, and thus bacteria also gives off oxygen.
▪ An average bacterium measures 1 micrometer
Classification of Bacteria:
1. Spoilage Bacteria – where they breakdown foods so they look, taste and smell
bad. Thus, food is undesirable to eat and unacceptable.
2. Pathogenic Bacteria – are disease causing bacteria that can make people ill if
they or their toxins are consumed with foods.
Shapes of bacteria:
1. Coccus or Cocci – spherical shaped bacteria
2. Bacillus or bacilli – rod shaped bacteria
3. Spirilla - spiral shaped bacteria
Stationary Phase
Lag Phase
▪ Bacteria grows best at a slightly acidic and slightly neutral environment (pH
4.6 to 7.5)
▪ Some bacteria can develop a “spore” such as acidophilic bacteria, where it
could grow And multiply in an acidic environment
▪ Bacteria such as E-Coli can grow in unpasteurized apple that has a pH value of
0 4.6 7.0 12 14
• Temperature Danger Zone – temperature range 41F-140F (5C-60C). Food
borne bacteria grow and reproduce.
• Temperature Abuse –foods that have not been to a safe temperature or kept
at the proper temperature
• Psychrophilic bacteria – grow within the temperature range of 32⁰F(0⁰C) –
70⁰F (21⁰C) (spoilage organisms)
• Mesophilic bacteria – grow at temp. 70⁰F(21⁰C) – 110⁰F(43⁰C)
• Thermophilic bacteria – grows best above 110⁰F (43⁰ C)
Bacteria differ in their oxygen requirement.
▪ Anaerobic bacteria – cannot survive when oxygen is present because it is
toxic to them. Anaerobic bacteria grow well in vacuum packaged foods
or canned foods where oxygen is not available.
▪ Aerobic bacteria – need oxygen to grow
▪ Facultative anaerobic bacteria – can grow with or without free oxygen but
have a preference
▪ Microaerophilic organisms – can survive in a very little amount oxygen
How to Control Oxygen to Control the Growth of Microorganism
1. Bacteria grow in different oxygen requirement, it is difficult to control this
2. Bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium perfringens live
without the presence of oxygen, it is important to cool foods in a shallow pan.
Moisture is important factor in bacterial growth. The amount of water available for
bacterial activity.
• Water Activity level – is the measure of the amount of water that is not
available for bacterial to grow. ( 0- 10)
• Potentially hazardous foods (PHF) – foods that have a water activity level of
.85 or higher
How to Control Moisture to Control the Growth of Microorganism
1. Lower the amount of moisture in food through freezing, dehydrating, adding
sugar or salt.
NOTE: **Bacteria remain alive and become potentially hazardous when moisture is
Range of aw Microorganisms generally Foods generally within this range
inhibited by lowest aw in this
1.00-0.95 Pseudomonas, Escherichia Highly perishable (fresh )foods canned
,Proteus ,Shigella ,Klebsiella fruits ,vegetable ,meat , fish, and milk
,Bacillus ,Clostridium ;cooked sausages ;bread ;food
perfringens,some yeasts containing up to app.40% sucrose or 7%
sodium chloride.
0.95-0.91 Salmonella, Some cheese, cured meat (ham), some
Vibrioparahaemolyticus,C. fruits juice concentrates, foods
botulinum, Serratia, containing 55% sucrose or 12%sodium
Lactobacillus, Pediococcus , some chloride.
molds, yeast
0.91-0.87 Many yeast (Candida Torulopsis, Fermented sausage (salami); sponge
Hansenula), Micrococcus cakes; dry cheese; margarine; foods
containing 65% sucrose (saturated) or
15% sodium chloride.
0.87-0.80 Most molds(mycotoxigenic Most fruit juice concentrates;
Penicillia),S.aureus, most sweetened condensed milk; chocolate
Saccharomyces, Debaryomyces syrup, maple and fruit syrups; flour and
rice; pulses containing 15-17% moisture;
fruits cake ; country-style ham, fondants
and high- rations cakes
0.80-0.75 Most halophilic bacteria Jam, marmalade ,marzipan ,glazed fruits
mycotoxigenic Aspergilli some marshmallows
Bacillus cereus It is a facultative anaerobic, spore Bacterial Vomiting Type :( 30mins- 6 Vomiting Type: Improperly Food must be
forming bacterium that has been Intoxicatio hrs.) and/or Diarrheal Type: associated with stored (cooler or cooked and, if not
associated with two very different n or Toxin- (8 to 16 hrs. and last for 12- starchy food (rice, hot-held) food. consumed
types of illnesses. Depending on the mediated 14hrs) potatoes, and immediately, held at
toxin produced by the bacteria onto Infection • Nausea pasta products) 60°C or higher. Food
food, illness can either be associated • Abdominal cramps Diarrheal Type: must be cooled
with diarrhea or vomiting. The milk, meat, rapidly below 5°C
diarrheal illness is due to a toxic- vegetables and fish prior to storage.
infection while the vomiting type is
due to intoxication.
Clostridium It is an anaerobic, spore-forming Bacterial Intense abdominal pain and The Improperly Food must be
perfringens bacterium that is one of the most Toxin- diarrhea (8to 22hrs.) microorganisms is cooled (in the cooked and cooled
commonly reported causes of mediated widely distributed temperature rapidly. It must be
foodborne illnesses. Especially for Infection in food, especially danger zone for reheated only once.
food that have been temperature spices, meat dishes more than 4hrs.) If not consumed
abused. Clostridium perfringens containing gravy. and then not after the first
causes illness due to a toxic- infection reheated heating, it should be
where the ingested cells properly. discarded.
produce a toxin in the human
intestinal tract.
Clostridium It is an anaerobic, spore-forming Bacterial Fatigue, headache, dizziness, Food with a pH Ingestion of food Discard damaged
botulinum bacterium that causes foodborne Intoxication visual disturbance, inability greater than 4.6 that were not cans. Do not can or
intoxication due to improperly heat to swallow, difficulty in that are not heat vacuum package
processed foods, especially home speaking and respiratory properly heat processes foods in a food
canning ones. The microorganism processed, correctly and
produces a neurotoxin which is one paralysis (12 to 36hrs. packaged packaged retail establishment.
of the most toxic biological Duration of the illness is anaerobically (can anaerobically.
substances known to humans. This several days to years.) vacuum pouch),
toxin can be destroyed if the food is and held at 41°F.
boiled for about 20mins.
However, botulism still occurs
because people do not want to boil
food that has already been cooked.
Nonspore Forming Foodborne Bacteria
Not capable of producing a spore structure; they are always in the vegetative state. Compared to spore-forming bacteria that are in the spore state,
vegetative cells are easily destroyed by proper cooking.
Campylobacter It is considered by many food Bacterial abdominal pain, and slight to Found in raw milk Transferred Cook raw meats
jejuni scientists as the number one agent Infection severe watery, bloody and raw chicken. from raw meat properly. Do not use
that causes foodborne illnesses. diarrhea (2-5 days) to other foods raw or
This microaerophile infection- by cross- unpasteurized milk.
causing microorganism is unique contamination, Thoroughly clean
compared to most other foodborne most often food food contact
pathogens because it can only contact surface, surfaces and hands
tolerate 3 to 6% oxygen for growth. such as cutting after handling raw
boards, or the food.
food handler
Escherichia coli The Shiga toxin- producing E. coli Bacterial Severe abdominal pain, raw milk and Usually Cook hamburger
group of bacteria includes any E. coli Intoxicatio nausea, vomiting, bloody ground beef transferred to patties or ground
capable of producing shiga toxin. n or Toxin- diarrhea, HUS (hemolytic foods like beef meat until well done
These bacteria include 4 mediated uremic syndrome), kidney through contact (at least 68°C)
strains of foodborne pathogens Infection failure, and death. (12 to with the or until all its juices
enterotoxigenetic E. coli, 72hrs. And last from 1-3 intestines of is of a clear color. Do
enteropathogenic E. coli, days.) animals. not use raw milk
enterohemorraghic E. coli and Transmission products. Make sure
enteroinvasive E. coli. A particular can also occur if that employees
type of enterohemorraghic E. coli employees are practice good
0157: H7 is a facultative anaerobic carriers and if personal hygiene.
bacterium that can be found in the they do not
intestines of warm blooded animals. observe proper
Illness can due to an infection and hand washing
toxic- infection and is particularly after going to the
serious in infants because it can bathroom.
cause kidney failure and bloody
Listeria It is a facultative anaerobic Bacterial Nausea, vomiting, head ache, Raw meat, raw Can occur by Cook foods
monocytogenes bacterium that causes foodborne Infection fever, chills, and backache. poultry, dairy cross- thoroughly. Practice
infection. It can survive under many Complications from products (cheese, contamination. good personal
condition, even in high-salt food. listeriosis can be life ice cream, raw Also, foods that hygiene.
Unlike other foodborne pathogens, it threatening for pregnant milk), raw are not cooked
can also grow at refrigerated women, or the at risk vegetables and properly can
temperatures below 5°C. Listeriosis, population, such as the seafood. contain live cells.
the illness caused Listeria young, elderly and those with
monocytogenes, usually causes weakened immune systems.
gastrointestinal symptoms in a (1 day- 3 weeks and the
healthy adult. However, disease duration of the disease
complications, such as septicemia, depends on when the
meningitis and encephalitis can be treatment is administered to
life threatening for people with the patient.)
weakened immune system.
Salmonella spp. It is a facultative anaerobic Bacterial Abdominal pain, headache, This Transmission to Cook foods
bacterium that frequently causes a Infection nausea, vomiting, fever, and microorganisms foods occur thoroughly. Practice
foodborne infection. Like E.coli, diarrhea (6 to 48hrs. exists in many through cross- good personal
Salmonella can be found in the And last from 2-3 days.) foods, especially contamination hygiene, and clean
intestinal tracts of warm blooded raw meat, poultry from raw foods and sanitize food
animals. products, dairy (especially contact surfaces
products, pork, poultry), from after they come in
milk, chocolate, food contact contact with raw
and cream-filled surfaces (cutting foods
desserts. boards) or from
food handlers.
Shigella It is a facultative anaerobic Bacterial Diarrhea, fever, abdominal Ready- to-eat Water Practice good
bacterium that causes about 10% of Infection cramps, fatigue, and salads (e.g., potato, contaminated by personal hygiene
foodborne illness in the U.S. it is dehydration (1 to 7 days and chicken), dairy fecal material and wash foods with
frequently found in the intestines of the duration of the disease products, and raw and handled potable water supply
humans and warm blooded animals depends on when treatment vegetables. unsanitarily by (suitable for
and can cause an infection or toxic – is administered to the food workers are drinking).
infection. A common illness caused patient.) common
by Shigella is bacillary dysentery. transmission
Staphylococcus It is a facultative anaerobic Bacterial Severe nausea, acute Cooked ready-to- Cross- Practice good
aureus bacterium that produces a very heat- Intoxicatio n abdominal pain, vomiting, eat foods, salads, contamination personal hygiene.
stable toxin as it grows on food, an and diarrhea, (1 to 6hrs. And meat, poultry, from the Keep ready-to-eat
example of intoxication. This last from 1-2 days.) custard, high-salt worker’s hands foods out of the
bacterium can grow on cooked foods foods like ham, is the most temperature danger
that are re-contaminated by food and dairy common way the zone. Avoid handling
workers through mishandling products. microorganism of food
them. S. aureus bacterium does not with bare hands.
Vibrio spp. There are 3 species within the Vibrio Bacterial Diarrhea, abdominal cramps, raw, under Transmission to Cook seafood
group of bacteria that have been Infection nausea, vomiting headache, processed, other foods by properly. Avoid
implicated in foodborne infections. fever, and chills. (2 to 48hrs. improperly cross- consumption of raw
They include Vibrio cholera, Vibrio Its duration is from 2-3 days, handled, contamination is seafood.
parahaemolyticus, and Vibrio but can last longer.) contaminated fish of great concern. Practice good
vulnificus, all of which are resistant to and shellfish Most illnesses personal hygiene
salt and are common in seafood. are caused by
eating raw or