Policy Certificate 1726620240719000001
Policy Certificate 1726620240719000001
Policy Certificate 1726620240719000001
Mr L Gorgeon
U 31 80 King George St
Dear Lenny
This certificate contains important information about your cover. Please take a few moments to check that the details we have on
record for you as at 19/07/2024 are correct.
For more information on this cover, please review the Private Health Information Statement that can be found at
privatehealth.gov.au, otherwise contact us.
For more information on this cover, please review the Private Health Information Statement that can be found at
privatehealth.gov.au, otherwise contact us.
Payment details
You have chosen to pay your premium via direct debit from the following Commonwealth Bank
Payment method Account name: Lenny Gorgeon
BSB number: 063097
Account number: xxxxxx958
Your fortnightly deduction $107.30 every 2nd Thursday
Your next deduction will be $214.60 on 26/07/2024 which will bring you in line with your regular
payment cycle.
Your next deduction
Should you need to use your cover before your adjusted payment date, chat to us online at
hbf.com.au or call us on 133 423.
You have selected to be reimbursed by direct credit to the following Commonwealth Bank
Your HBF benefit Account name: Lenny Gorgeon
BSB number: 063097
Account number: xxxxxx958
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HBF Health Limited ABN 11 126 884 786
Rebate details
You’re not currently registered for the Australian Government Rebate on private health
Your rebate insurance, so your premium might be higher than it needs to be. Register your details in myHBF,
and if you’re eligible, a rebate will be directly applied to your health cover payments.
If you’re happy that everything is correct, there’s nothing else you need to do. However, if any of the details are incorrect, please
call us on 133 423 or log in to hbf.com.au/myHBF to update.
Lastly, we wanted to remind you to give us a call before undergoing any significant treatment or being admitted to hospital. To
ensure there are no surprises along the way, we’ll check if there’s any waiting periods, restrictions or out-of-pocket costs that apply
to you.
Best regards
Your HBF team
Your privacy
HBF Health Limited (HBF) complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) to ensure that your personal (including sensitive) information (Information) is protected. HBF will use
the Information collected to process payment of your health insurance premium. We may not be able to perform this function or only perform it to a limited extent if
you do not provide us with your Information. We may disclose your personal information to financial institutions or your employer.HBF collects, uses and discloses your
Information in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available at hbf.com.au or on request by calling HBF on 133 423. Our Privacy Policy contains further
information about how HBF handles your Information. This includes information on how you can access and/or seek the correction of your Information that we hold
about you as required by law and make a complaint about the way your Information is being handled by HBF and how HBF will deal with your complaint. If you have
any questions about how HBF handles your Information, please contact our privacy officer by writing to GPO Box S1440, Perth WA 6845 or by telephone on 1300 883
HBF Health Limited ABN 11 126 884 786
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