Vaishnava Etiquette - Final
Vaishnava Etiquette - Final
Vaishnava Etiquette - Final
A devotee’s lifestyle should conform to the principle of “SIMPLE LIVING AND HIGH
There are many rules and regulations guiding a devotee’s life but the purpose of all
of them are to help him to “ALWAYS REMEMBER KRSNA AND NEVER FORGET
General Etiquette
1. One must offer respectful obeisances to superiors like the Supreme lord, his
Guru, Senior Vaishnavas, other devotees at the moment, parents or senior
2. Never commit any theft
6. Do not shower praises on yourself. Instead, praise the lord and his devotees
7. Touching someone with your feet is offensive. If one does so accidentally, one
should touch the other person’s body gently and then touch one's head. This
removes the offence
8. Books, beads and kartals should not be kept on the floor or in any unclean
9. One should not touch any sacred object with one’s feet. If one does so
accidentally place the object on one’s head to remove the offence
10.Sacred items like beads, books kartals etc should not be taken to the
11.One should not waste Krsna’s energies like water, electricity etc.
One should also put off the lights, air conditioners, fans and other electric
appliances when not in use. One should also not waste other items like soap,
toothpaste, food etc.
General Hygiene
4. Brush your teeth, scrape your tongue and rinse your mouth
7. One should wash hands with water after passing stool, or urine or putting hands
or fingers in mouth, eyes, nose or ears.
8. One should try to use the right hand only for eating and drinking.
9. Nails should be clipped short and kept clean. Nail biting is an unhealthy habit.
10. It is best to sleep on one’s back or on one’s left side but never on the
11. It is best to rise early in the morning and go to bed early at night.
12. Before resting for the day dedicate your activities of the day, with the
following prayers.
kāyena vācā manasendriyair vā
buddhyātmanā vānusṛta-svabhāvāt
karoti yad yat sakalaṁ parasmai
nārāyaṇāyeti samarpayet tatbuddyatmana vanusrta
“Whatever I have done with my body, said with my words, thought with my mind,
perceived with my senses or comprehended with my intelligence, I offer unto the
supreme lord, Narayana.”
Appearance and Dress
Behaviour in Class
1. The temple where deities reside is a temple so treat every house where there
are deities as a temple.
2. One should not enter the temple in an unclean manner.
3. Do not extend your feet in front of the deities when you are sitting in a
4. One should avoid sitting with our back to the deities.
5. One should not sit before the deities holding one’s ankle, feet, knees or elbow.
6. One should not pass gas in a temple room.
7. One should not fall asleep while sitting before deities.
8. Do not play or run around in the temple room.
Offering Obeisances
1. Talk loudly.
2. Quarrel with anyone.
3. Chastise or criticise anyone.
4. Speak harshly to anyone.
5. Speak in an angry tone.
6. Praise a materialistic person.
7. Speak ill names.
8. Criticise demigods.
9. Speak a lie.
Honouring Prasad