Drug File
Drug File
Drug File
0.02-0.05 mg/kg every 10-20min until atropine effect is seen then q1-4h for at least 24hr.
• Adverse events: Tachycardia, palpitations, delirium, ataxia, dry hot skin, tremor, urinary
For asystole or for failure Epinephrine (0.1- 0.3mL/kg of a 1:10,000 solution, intravenously
or intratracheally) is given to respond to 30sec of combined resuscitation. The dose may be
repeated every 5 min
Adverse events:
Peripheral soft tissue damage if they extravasate from peripheral lines into the local tissues
• Adverse events: Tachycardia, ectopic beats, ventricular arrhythmias, tissue necrosis with
extravasation, vasoconstriction, gangrene of extremities, excess urine output (doses
<5µg/kg/min), oliguria (doses 10µg/kg/min).
• The drug crosses the placenta, and therefore a fetus with heart failure(secondary to
arrhythmia) can be treated by administering digoxin to the mother.
• The kidney eliminates digoxin, so dosing must be adjusted according to the patient'srenal
Digoxin in heart failure
• Rapid digitalization of infants and children in heart failure may be carried out
intravenously. The recommended schedule is to give half the total digitalizing dose
immediately and the succeeding two one-quarter doses at 12hr intervals later.
• Maintenance digitalis therapy is started approximately 12hr after full digitalization. The
daily dosage is divided in two and given at 12hr.The dosage is one quarter of the total
digitalizing dose
• Slow digitalization -patient not critically ill or initiation of a maintenance digoxin schedule
without a previous loading dose.full digitalization in 7-10 days
DLIS - elevate digoxin levels, so pretreatment digoxin levels can be obtained and
subtracted from treatment levels or samples can be run through a free-level filter to remove
DLIS before assay.
Check post-distribution levels (drawn at least 6-8hr post dose) at steady-state (2-4 wk) or if
ECG or clinical signs of toxicity. Check ECG, serum electrolytes, calcium, and magnesium.
• Dose is based on amount of digoxin ingested or estimated total body load based on post-
distributive serum concentration
Adverse events: Worsening of heart failure or atrial fibrillation, hypokalemia, facial swelling,
and redness.
Neonates and children: 0.1mg/kg IV (max dose: 2mg). If no response, repeat q 2-3min until
desired effect. May give by continuous IV infusion
• Adverse effects May precipitate acute opiate withdrawal. Duration of effect of many
opiates may be longer than naloxone requiring individualized naloxone dosing.
• Cautions:
Infuse slowly IV; variable oral bioavailability; chewable tablet most consistent. Must shake
oral suspension very well before use.
Certain disease states (renal failure, acute head trauma) may lead to imbalance between
free and protein-bound drug.
Fosphenytoin has advantages over the older formulation - it is water soluble, less irritating
after IV injection, and well absorbed after intramuscular injection
• Anticonvulsant
Maintenance dose
Potassium chloride
• Indications:
Sodium bicarbonate
• Alkali therapy may result in hypernatremia, skin slough from infiltration, increased serum
osmolarity, hypocalcemia, hypokalemia,
• Liver injury when oncentrated solutions are administered rapidly through an umbilical
vein catheter wedged in the liver
Calcium gluconate
• Uses - To relieve pain, lower raised temperature and reduce inflammation of soft tissue
injuries, also in NICU to close patent ductus arteriosus
• Who can't have it - Not to asthmatics, those with renal failure, gastrointestinal problems,
lupus, liver problems, low platelets (oncology) also caution with cardiac impairment.
Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)
The Most Commonly used medication both in hospitals and in the community
Infant Suspension
• Should only be used for comfort not to reduce fever - no evidence to show that it reduces
risk of febrile convulsions.
Midazolam /benzodiazapine
• Uses - Given to children with convulsions lasting > 5mins also a sedative for procedures,
pre med and anti epilepsy medication
NICE 2007
Pirmohamed, M., James, S., Meakin, S., Green C. (2004). Adverse drug reactions as cause
of admission to hospital: prospective analysis of 18 820 patients. BMJ, 2004.
Rashed, A., Wong, I., Cranswick, N., Tomlin, S., Rascher, W., & Neubert , A. (2012). Risk
factors associated with adverse drug reactions in hospitalised children: international
multicentre study. European journal of clinical pharmacology, 68 (5).
Nurse Prescribing, 2012 Jan; 10 (1): 48-9 (journal article - pictorial) ISSN: 1479-9189 Hoyle
JD; Davis AT; Putman KK; Trytko JA; Fales WD; Prehospital Emergency Care, 2012 Jan-Mar;
16 (1): 59-66 (journal article - research) ISSN: 1090-3127 PMID: 21999707
Mecklin M; Paassilta M; Kainulainen H; Korppi M; Acta Paediatrica, 2011 Sep; 100 (9): 1226-
9 (journal article - research) ISSN: 0803-5253 PMID: 21401718
Hammerman, Cathy; Bin-Nun, Alona; Kaplan, Michael; Seminars in Perinatology, 2012 Apr;
36 (2): 130-8 (journal article - review) ISSN: 0146-0005 PMID: 22414884