Even if the ancient masters were unaware of it, learning from them can raise a
person's IQ. Thinking back on what they had to say, which we have received through
their writings and other materials gathered by writers and historians, may be very helpful
to us in today's technologically advanced civilization.
We could benefit a lot from them, including how they live simply and selflessly and are
honest, sincere, and hardworking. We may begin with any of these, but an intriguing
thing to note is that comprehending even one of their tenets—as long as it's the right one
—can inspire us common people to move on. The fact that this activity may be completed
remotely without risk of brainwashing is also rather intriguing. Raise our IQ.
understanding is a process that is impartial and unaffected by one's personal opinions.
The ability to acquire new things or comprehend circumstances and difficulties is referred
to as intelligence. The I.Q., or intelligence quotient. is the outcome of measuring intellect
using psychologically constructed exams for abstract reasoning, reading comprehension,
mathematical aptitude, and other areas. But none of these or the academic disciplines like
physics or math were specifically addressed in the old masters' technique. They made no
pretense of improving the student's capacity for thinking. Rather, they attempted to
concentrate on helping the pupil learn how to think clearly. They obviously realized that
someone in need of assistance was a student, professional, or just an average individual
moving about with their head jumbled. He wouldn't be in the ideal frame of mind to
understand issues, weigh alternatives and situations, and then take appropriate action. His
overall abilities would increase by aiding him.
How many times have we told ourselves that we should be able to think more clearly if
we could only tidy up the clutter inside of us? We have all probably given this some
thought at some time in our lives, and for some of us, it has made moving forward
difficult. Have you ever considered the possibility that we neglect our most basic and
deep ideas, which may be the root cause of most of our own intellectual difficulties? That
if we could only get rid of some pointless "wandering thoughts," everything would just
fall into place and make sense? One of the greatest mysteries of ancient knowledge is the
solution to these questions, which the wise men of old knew. They were aware of the
mind's capacity for self-cleaning as well as believing in it. In short, they understood that
there exists an incorruptible aspect of our existence in the subconscious's darkest
recesses. This portion may occasionally become tainted by a multitude of disorganized
thoughts or may be continuously hidden from view by false beliefs and viewpoints, but it
is never tarnished by them. There is always a quiet period when we can see what is going
through our minds, even for the most insane people. The old wise men sought answers by
looking outside of themselves. They looked inside at that point, realizing that the
instruments they would employ are their own brains. The old wise men understood that
their brains were their instruments, much as modern explorers and scientists in the Artic
area keep their tools immaculate and well-maintained to obtain the finest results from
their observations and tests. Like a microbiologist who maintains dust-free microscopes
and slides, ancient sages understood that their minds should be free from the filth of
prejudices to be impartial while formulating their inquiries and, just as crucially, when
analyzing the findings of their research. The wise men concluded that there is nothing
empty or force-like hiding their ideas. It is not energy emanating from outside them. They
said that because it is immune to fluctuations in the energy source's wavelength, it cannot
be classified as energy. It doesn't alter and it stays pure. It was referred to as the "pure
essence of mind." It is referred to as the kundalini in Sanskrit. While less effective, the
essence of mind technique is a safer way to increase one's I.Q. In hindsight, Hitler, who
experimented with traditional wisdom, misapplied the Kundalini technique. We don't
worry about the who, what, when, or how of studies and hypotheses since our lives are so
hectic. We're looking for outcomes. and swift. How would knowing this improve my IQ?
and elevate my I.Q. and make me a better student, a loving spouse, or a caring wife,
among many other lovely and beneficial things. will provide? What then is the mind's
ultimate essence? Its name suggests that it is pure, virginal, and untouched.
Intellect is good at its core and drawn to what is morally upright. The essence of a
person's intellect is what defines him, just like the essence of vanilla defines vanilla. The
essence of mind functions in the actual world as a clearing house for good, bad, and stale
checks before the bank pays them or cancels them. The drawee bank will pay the check if
it is a good check. Payment will be rejected if the check you have is stale or defective.
Starting with the junk in the attic is one method we use to clean our houses for the
summer. Things that we no longer need are thrown away. The house is no longer a fire
hazard as a result. Like that, the one-step path to increased I.Q. is to clear our thought
processes by discarding the mental debris that has gathered within us. The essence of
mind is more like a sounding board where we assess if our beliefs and ideas are worthy of
us rather than a trash can where we discard our mental trash and other ideas that no
longer appeal to us.
The nature of the intellect is immutable. Emotions, mood, or sentiments have no effect on
it. Even though our thoughts evolve, our convictions develop, and our concepts shift, they
always stay the same from the moment of our birth. Some have drawn comparisons
between it and the lotus flower, which never gets muddy even though the plant may
flourish in murky conditions. In its most basic form, this is the mind. It's only a short hop
to a higher IQ when we finally understand it. Our minds will be clearer. We will see
things clearly if there is no clutter above. Once worthless ideas vanish, we will be
mentally clear to address our issues and other daily tasks. Alternatively, perhaps we
should just practice being grateful for what we currently have.