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Date: May,2017




Approved by Board of Examiners

Dr. Abrham Gebre __________________ ________________

Advisor Signature Date

Dr. Esayas G/Youhannes _________________ ________________

External Examiner Signature Date

Dr. Futsum Tesfaye __________________ ________________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

__________________ _____________
Chairman Signature Date

I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is my Original work and all sources of materials used for
the thesis have been duly acknowledged.
Name: Drsane yohannes
Signature: ____________________
Place: Addis Ababa science and technology university
Date of submission: June, 2017

This research is not an output of a single individual. It was made possible with the help of many
organizations and people. I wish to express my gratitude to all those who helped me in the
completion of this research.
I am very indebted to my advisor, Dr. Abraham Gebre, Addis Ababa university Institute of
technology, for whom I bear high respect and appreciation for his indispensable constructive
ideas, sharp critic, insight, guidance and patience. For me the study could not have been
My special appreciation goes to my dearest family for their endless love, comfort and
encouragement throughout my life can never be repaid. Additional thanks to my friends and
students whose humor, enthusiasm and encouragement have been a continual source of
Last but not least, I express my deep appreciation and gratitude to the staffs of Civil Engineering
Department for their kindly support in the course of the study.

List of notations
Ac Area of concrete per unit width
Ap Gross Area of profile steed per unit with
Ap2 Area of profile steed deck for lower part from center to center width
ASR Area of transverse reinforcement steed
ap punching load dimension
b the mean width of dock
bt unit width of slab
bc the effective width of slab
bo the mean width of dock grove
Cp critical perimeter for punching
d the depth of Ribbed slab
dR The depth of longitudinal reinforcement
dp effective depth of composite slab
Ecm second modules of elasticity of concrete
Es modulus of elasticity of steel
Ea Modulus of elasticity of decking
fctd the design tensile strength of concrete
fctk the characteristic cylinder tensile strength of concrete
fsk the characteristic cylinder tensile strength of transverse Reinforcement bar
fcd the design compressive straight of concrete
fyp Guaranteed minimum yield strength
hf the thicknesses of floor finish
hc the thickness of concrete for composite slab
Icm second moments of area of the unreinforced composite slab
Iuc untracked second moment of area
Icc cracked second moment of area
Ii second moment of area for Ribbed slab
Ip second moment of area for profile sheet
iRd the basic shear strength
L span length

Lp the length of mead point from one end
Ls one fourth of the span
MRd Design moment resistance of concrete
Msd design moment
Mk The maximum applied moment at mid span due to sustained characteristic loads
Mcr cracking moment of the section
Mpa plastic resistant moment capacity of profiled sheet
MpRd Design moment resistance of profile sheeting
n modular ratio
Qk Variable load
Qsd design point load
tp thickness of profile sheeting
Vsd Design shear
Vc shear resistance by concrete
Vpa characteristic resistance to vertical shear
VRd Design resistance of vertical shear
W unit Action
X The depth of the stress block
Z moment Arm
r reinforcement ration
gvs safety factor for longitudinal shear
gap safety factor for flexor
si the deflection due to the theoretical cracking moment mcr acting on the uncracked
transformed section
sii the deflection due to the balance of the applied moment over and above the cracking
value and acting on a section with on equivalent stiffness of 75% of the cracked value smax the
deflection of fully cracked section

List of abbreviation

DD = Design dead Load

DL =Design Live Load
EBCS= Ethiopian Building Code Standard
Kg = Kilogram
L = Span length of a beam
NAP = Position of Neutral axis
PNA =Plastic Neutral Axis
RC =Reinforced Concrete Structure
RCF =Reinforced concrete frame
S = Spacing of reinforcing bar
tp = thickness of profile decking

List of table

Table 1 Structural properties of profile sheeting.........................................................................19

Table 2 Summary of cost output 4m span for ribbed structure.....................................................25

Table 3 Summary of cost output 4.5m span for ribbed structure..................................................26

Table 4 Summary of cost output 5m span for ribbed structure.....................................................27

Table 5 Summary of cost output 5.5m span for ribbed structure..................................................28

Table 6 Summary of cost output 6m span for ribbed structure.....................................................29

Table 7 Summary of cost output 6.6m span for ribbed structure..................................................30

Table 8 Summary of cost output 7m span for ribbed structure.....................................................31

Table 9 Summary of cost output 4m span for composite slab structure.......................................32

Table 10 Summary of cost output 4.5m span for composite slab structure..................................33

Table 11 Summary of cost output 5m span for composite slab structure.....................................34

Table 12 Summary of cost output 5.5m span for composite slab structure..................................35

Table 13 Summary of cost output 6m span for composite slab structure ....................................36

Table 14 Summary of cost output 6.5m span for composite slab structure..................................37

Table 15 Summary of cost output 7m span for composite slab structure.....................................38

Table 16 Total summery of cost output........................................................................................38

List of Figures
Fig 1 Visualization of the thesis progress steps.............................................................................4
Fig 2 section of composite slab.......................................................................................................8
Fig 3 pre-cast slab construction....................................................................................................10
Fig 4 connection detail for composite and RC frame beam........................................................11
Fig. 5 typical floor plan.................................................................................................................12
Fig 6 model of precast section.....................................................................................................16
Fig 7 section of profile steel sheeting .........................................................................................20
Fig 8 span and cost comparison of ribbed and composite slab...................................................39

Table of Contents
List of notation.................................................................................................................................ii
List of abbreviation.........................................................................................................................iv
List of table......................................................................................................................................v
List of
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 General objectives .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2.2 Specific objectives ......................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Significance research ........................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Scope .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 The study design and methodology ...................................................................................... 4
1.6 Organization of the thesis .................................................................................................... 5
2.Literature Review......................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Composite and pre cast beam slab ....................................................................................... 8
3. Analysis and design .................................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Analysis and design of ribbed and composite slab ............................................................ 12
3.1. Analysis and design of ribbed slab .................................................................................... 12
3.1.1. Load at different stages on pre-cast beam slab ........................................................... 12
3.1.2 Materials selection ....................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Design for composite slab having 4 m span length ........................................................... 19
3.2.2 profiled steel sheeting as shattering ............................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Composite slab ............................................................................................................. 21
4. Design output and Discussion................................................................................................... 25
4.1 Design output ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.2 Discussions ......................................................................................................................... 43
5. Conclusion and Recommendation ............................................................................................ 44
5.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 44
5.2 Recommendation ................................................................................................................ 44
References ..................................................................................................................................... 45
Annexes......................................................................................................................................... 46


This paper investigates the economical advantage of composite slab over pre cast beam slab. The
structural design was done by SAP software and the cost analysis was calculated. nine different
models were taken by varying column spacing for each of the cases. The comparison was done
on G+2 building . This paper doesn't consider height of building.
The result of the research showed that ribbed slab structure has lesser cost up to 7m column
spacing . For column spacing greater than 7m composite slab has lesser cost.


1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Housing is one of the basic human needs next to food & clothing. However fulfilling this basic
need becomes so difficult in the developing countries because building cost of houses is highly
rising to the extent of which could not be afforded by low class citizens. This is also true areas
like Addis Ababa

Thus, providing low cost houses for such citizens is vital, by providing different construction
methodology such as composite slabs and pre cast beam slab, which can reduce the time taken to
construct and the cost of other inputs such as material and labor.

Appropriate cost-effective technology should make most effective use of available resources
and result in the maximum overall benefits to the society at minimum costs. Cost-efficiency
is one of the most crucial points of low-cost housing. It can mainly be achieved by
standardization of building elements and reducing the number of different items needed.
and the use of special tools to produce these standardized elements maximize
productivity, resulting in lower cost per unit.
Through intelligent dual-usage of building elements as building part and as formwork the
construction costs are reduced. In the construction process, the amount of wasted materials
for formwork can be reduced as well the time for building and dismantling formwork.

Composite construction is particularly competitive for medium or long span structures where a
concrete slab or deck is needed for other reasons, where there is a premium on rapid
construction, and where a low or medium level of fire protection to steelwork is sufficient ( R. P.
Johnson 1994)

1.2 Objective
1.2.1 General objectives
• To evaluate the economic advantage of composite slab over ribbed slab for low cost houses.

1.2.2 Specific objectives

• To indicate the extent of composite slab economical advantage to that of ribbed slab.
• To determine economical column spacing for composite slab to that of ribbed slab.

1.3 Significance research

The result of the research could be used for low cost housing construction in order to decrease
the cost of the house without losing structural capacity of the building.

1.4 Scope
The scope of the study has been limited structural analysis for composite and ribbed slab with
different column spacing and Cost Analysis conducting for the two slab cause than comparison
was made

1.5 The study design and methodology
The research will make about building structure specially floor slab, which begins with
conceptual literature study and internet serving to develop structure suitable data collection
mechanism. The literature also acquired the primary as well as secondary data . The general
methodology following throughout the research in the following diagram.

Data Collection
Literature review
Tas • Books
Composite slab data • Journals
• Material cost • Previous research works
• Labor cost • Internet

Task 4
Task 3 Analysis and design Ribbed as well as
composite slab structure for different
Ribbed slab column spacing using SAP
• Secondary data from AAHDPO Develop template and excel sheet
format for structural and cost analyze

Task 5
Present the result of the output
Analyze and discuss the output

Task 6

Present conclusion
Present recommendation

Fig 1.3 Visualization of the thesis progress steps

1.6 Organization of the thesis
This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter one introduction under is genera, Objective of the
research, significance, scope of thesis, the stud design and methodology and Organization of
the thesis were include

Chapter two discusses literature review stated about Economical advantages of pomposity and
ribbed slab

Chapter three focus on Analysis and design consideration and design example of composite
and ribbed slab

Chapter four discusses about output of analysis and design

chapter fire describe about conclusion and recommendation of the thesis with relate other


2.Literature Review
The concept of composite structures of steel and concrete, like composite slabs, beam and
column discusses using composite structure of steel and concrete will save construction time of
building, this loss of income from capital may be 10% of the total cost of the building ; that is,
about one third of the cost of the structure. The construction time is strongly influenced by the
time taken to construct a typical floor of the building.

Even more time can be saved if the floor slabs are cast on permanent steel formwork that acts
first as a working as a working platform, and then as bottom reinforcement for the slab. This
formwork, known as profiled steel sheeting , has long been used in most regions where the
sheeting is readily available, such as Europe, Australasia and Japan. These floors span in one
direction only, and are known as composite slabs. where the steel sheet is flat, so that two-way
spanning occurs, the structure is known as a composite plate.

Buildings of composite slab decking can be positioned on the structure by crane and the
individual sheets then installed by hand. Using this process, crane time is minimal, and in excess
of 400 m2 of decking can be installed by one team in a day, depending on the shape and size of
the building footprint. The use of the decking as a working platform speed the construction
process.( R.P. Johnson 1994)

Composite construction is considerably stiffer and stronger than many other floor systems. So
the weight and size of the primary structure can be reduced consequently, foundation size can be
reduced. (SCI No p300)

One of the primary concerns of cost-in-place system is they usually require the use of formwork
and shoring while curing, which results in increases in construction and duration over typical
composite construction.(Nathan jondewit, M.S.C. 2012)

The only way to maximize production of housing would be making optimum use of the available
resources and stretch them to the maximum extent possible, through adoption of a technology
appropriate to the present circumstances.

Appropriate cost effective technology should make most effective use of available resources and
result in the maximum overall benefits to the society at minimum cost. Cost efficiency is one of
the most crucial points of low cost housing. It can mainly be achieved by standardization of
building elements and reducing the number of different items needed. Prefabrication and the use
of special tools to produce this standardized element maximize productivity, resulting in lower
cost per unit. (Matheas Kebede, M.S.C 2009)

Economical advance using profaned deck is achieved due to speed in construction. They
notified normally 2.5 to 4m spans can be handed without propping ( sijaria et al. 2014)

Composite structural system because of the lesser magnitude of the bean and forces and
moments compared to an R.C system one can use lighter section in a composite stricter thus, it
reduces the self weight an cost of the structural components. This downward reaction and
bending moment in other two directions for composite structural system is less . under
earthquake consideration because of inherent ductility perform better that a RC structure
(shweta A. Et al 2014)

Performed structural analysis and design for steel-concrete composite frames and stated that
short to medium span (6m to 12m) composite floor beams perform quite well and are rarely
found to transmit annoying vibrations to the occupants and particular care is required for long
span beam more than 12m. They also stated that steel-concrete composite beams are highly
efficient and economic with bay sizes in the range of 6m to 12m (Liew and Richard Jat Yuen

Economic advantage of fabricated beams that they can be designed to provide the required
moment and shear resistance along the beam span in accordance with the loading pattern along
the beam. They concluded that steel-concrete composite tapered beams are found to be
economical for spans up to 20 m. (Brian Uy and J.Y. Richard Liew 2003)

building frames with column spacing between 9 to 10m and greater than this span along both
axes, steel-concrete composite construction has economical advantages than reinforced concrete
construction and 9 to 12 and greater than this storeys, again, steel-concrete composite

construction has economical advantages than reinforced concrete construction in our
Bergene Bassa M.S.C 2016)

2.1. Composite and pre cast

ca beam slab
a) Composite slab

Composite slab consists of a profiled steel sheet which is dimple at the surface and an upper
concrete topping which are interconnected in such a manner that horizontal
horizont shear force can be
transferred at the steel concrete interface

Typical example of composite slab construction is shown in figure below

Fig 1.1 section of composite slab

Advantages and disadvantages of composite slab

The advantages of composite slab

Simplicity of construction.
Acts as stay-in-place
place formwork and offers an immediate working platform.
Lighter construction than a traditional concrete building.
Less on site construction.
Acts as slab
b reinforcement.
Ease of transportations and installation.
Street tolerances achieved by using steel member's manufacturers under controlled
factory condition to established quality procedures.

greater resistance with less weight.
cost redaction; both in terms of labour costs and prices, as there is no need for props, and
in terms of material, as less concrete is used, which in turn means a lighter structure and
less waste

Some of the disadvantages are

High cost of materials the necessary fire protection system.

Not available of material locally.
Prior to concreting, the steel deck panels must be clean from dirt, debris, oil and foreign

b) Pre-cost beam slab

Pre-cost beam slob is made of pre-cost reinforced concrete beam together with hollow concrete
blocks are laid between supports and used as permanent formwork for an in-situ concrete

Slab depths typically vary from 75 to 125mm. and rib widths from 125 to200mm. Rib spacing of
600 to 1500mm can be used. The overall depth of the floor typically varies from 300 to 600 mm
with overall spans of up to 15m if reinforced, longer post tensioned. The use of ribs to the soffit
of the slab reduces the quantity of concrete and reinforcement and also the weight of the floor.
the saving of materials will be offset by the complication in formwork and placing of
reinforcement. however, formwork complication is minimized by use of standard, modular,
reusable formwork, usually made from polypropylene or fiberglass and with tapered sides to
allow stripping or lead hollow block between the rib (

Typical examples of pre-cost beam slob shown in figure below

Fig 1.2 pre-cast slab construction

Advantages and disadvantages of pre-cost beam slab

Advantages of pre-cost beam slab

Simplicity in construction
Used as temporary formwork
Act as fire and sound proof
Light weight
Attractive soffit appearance if exposed
Economical used as formwork

Disadvantages of pre-cost beam slab

Concrete casting is not workable as composite slab

It is not strong enough to use all type of building


3. Analysis and design

The analysis was done for two cases, for the composite slab and ribbed slab, without changing
reinforced concrete frame structure for both cases. For each case nine G+2 buildings having the
same floor plan has been taken. The nine buildings that are used in the analysis are got by
varying the column spacing with 0.5m starting from 4m up to 8m. The connection detail for
composite slab with RC beam section is shown in the fig 3.1.

Fig 3.1 connection detail for composite slab with RC frame beam

3.1. Analysis and design of ribbed and composite slab
Sample design of ribbed and composite slab with building dimension of 10m width by 24m
length and with 4m spacing have showed for other span design templates have prepared see on
Analysis of frame structure was conducted using SAP version 18 as an input of earthquake zone
two and sub soil class B. Analysis and design attach on annex


Fig. 3.2 typical floor plan

3.1. Analysis and design of ribbed slab

3.1.1. Load at different stages on pre-cast beam slab
Stag 1
At placing of pre-cast beam
Dead load
Weight of pre-cast element = 0.08 x 0.12 x 25 = 0.24kg/m2
Stag 2
At block laying

Dead load
Weight of pre-cast element = 0.24kN/m2
Weight of concrete hollow block = 1.64 x 0.04 x 12 = 0.787kN/m2
Total = 1.16kN/m2
Live load
The live load to be considered at this stage is the weight of block layer which is assumed to be
80kg person
Job = 80 x 10/1000 = 0.8kN
The load is applied at mid span to create the maximum deflection
Stag 3
When concrete casting
Dead load

Weight of pre-cast element = 0.24kN/m2

Weight of concrete hollow block = 0.787kN/m2
Weight of fresh concrete =( (0.08 x 0.1) +1/2 x 0.03 x (0.08+0.24) + 0.6 x 0.06) x 25
Total = 2.25kN/m2
Live load

The live load to be considered at this stage is the weight of one mason and one daily labor, who
support the mason.

Stag 4

Operation stage
Dead load

Weight of pre-cast element = 0.24 kN/m2

Weight of concrete hollow block = 0.787 kN/m2
Weight of dry concrete = 1.22 kN/m2

Floor finish terrazzo = 23 x 0.02 x 0.6 = 0.28 kN/m2
Ceiling plastering = 23 x 0.02 x 0.6 = 0.28 kN/m2
Partition load = 1.8KN/m2 x 0.6 = 1.2 kN/m2
Total = 4.0 kN/m2
Live load

Qj = 2 KN/m2 for domestic and residential activities

= 2 x 0.6
= 1.2 KN/m2

3.1.2 Materials selection Concrete C25

. .
fcd = = = 11.33
fctd = = = 1.0Mpa

Ecm = 29Gpa Steel
The design strength of steel in tension and compression is given by

fcd = = = 434.78

Es = 200Gpa

3.1.3 Load combination considered

COMBO1 = 1.3G +1.6Q……….. For ultimate limit state

COMBO2 = G+Q………………. For serviceability limit

3.1.4 Design example for per-cast beam slab having 4m span length
The cross-section to be analyzed
Assuming 2 Ø12 reinforcement for tension and 1 Ø10 for compression
B = 120mm H = 260mm
d = 55mm h = 180mm
As = 226.19mm As’ = 78.5mm

At stag 1
At placing of pre-cast beam
G = 0.24kN& Q = 0
h = 28cm
d = h-2.5cm = 25.5cm
b = 12cm
wd = 1.3 x G + 1.6 x Q
wd = 1.3 x 0.24 = 0.312
M= = = 0.624kN-m

Nominal strength, Mn,exp can be found experimentally

Mn, exp = Mn,cb + ∆M

Where Mn,exp is experimental nominal strength

Mn, cb is moment resist by concrete block
∆M is moment resist above concrete block

( )
Mn, exp = but p = wd x L = 0.312 x 4 = 1.248

= = 0.832………………ok

But check for compression and buckling resistance of top reinforcement

Fig 3.3 model of precast section

fs = ξsEs
ξs = ξcm d- x by similarity of triangle
Cc = Ts or 0.8x x b x fck = Asfs by equilibrium of force
0.8xxbxfck = As x [ecu x Es(d-x)]
From the equation x can solved then by similarity of triangle can get the value of ξs, which able
to compeer with ξy of steel, to know whether the failure do to compression of concrete or tension
of steel.
The ultimate moment of the precast block that failure can occurs, may be found
Mn,cb = Cc x Z or
Mn,cb = Ts x Z
∆M = Mn, exp - Mn,cb
∆M = Cs x h
= ts x h
Cs = ∆M/h
Now using the value of Cs should be checked against compression and Bulking resistance
$% (&'()
0.8x x b x fck = x (!"# (

0.8x2 x120x20 = 226.2 x (0.0035x200000x(55-x)) by quadratic equation

x = 37.73 using similarity of triangles
). * .
ξs = ).)
= 0.0016 < 0.0017 = y

Cc = 0.8 x C x b x fck
= 0.8 x 37.73 x 120 x 20
= 72.44kN
Z = d-0.4c
= 60-0.4x37.73
= 44.91mm
Mn,cb = Cc x Z
= 72.44x0.045
= 3.26kN-m
∆M = Mn, exp- Mn,cb
= 0.832kN-m - 3.26kN-m = -2.43
Negative sign shows that applied action very much lesser the capacity of pre-cast concrete. there
for no need to check upper reinforcement against compression and buckling resistance.
At stage 2 and 3 the pre-cast beam supported two places at middle by props, the span length
became short, so no need a calculation

At stage 4
Operational stage
Reinforcement require for flexural
Load combination
+ = 1.3 . + 1.61
=1.3 x 4.0+1.6 x 1.2
= 7.12
M ).
max = = = 14.24

d = 300- 25 – 5 = 270mm or 0.27m

23456/8 2 . / .
m= &
= . )
= 40.34 ≈ 40

Ks = 2.72
:% 3 .) ∗ .)
Ast = = = 138.216
& . )

Use 2∅ 10 (157.08mm2) bottom reinforcement

2∅ 10 reinforcements are just sufficient for the span of 4m check for shear
). ∗
Maximum shear force Vsd = = 14.24 (KN)

Concrete shear resistance
Vc = 0.25 fad K1 K2 bwd
Where K1 = 1+50p = 1+50 x = 1.242
. )∗ .

K2 = 1.6-d = 1.6 -0.27 = 1.33

Vc = 0.25x103x1.242 x1.33x0.12x0.27=13.384
Vc < Vsd
There for sear reinforcement is required
When inclined stirrups are used the shear resistance of the stirrups may be calculated as:
Vs = Avd fyd (Sinx + cosx)
By using S300 diameter 6 bars
Av = 2x = 56.55mm2 d = 27 fyd = 260.87 X= 51.34
*. ∗ )∗ * . ) (?@A . BCD? . )
Vs =

Vs = 27,992.42 = 27 .99 KN/mm2 >Vsd (14.24) … ok

Serviceability requirement of working stage
Deflection at working stage
3 F
Si = L2

Sii =
.) $K LM (&' )

Mcr = 1.7 fctkZ

for Kx = 0.224 x= 0.06
For Kz = 0.908 Z = 0.245
* ∗* N ∗ N
Ii = + + 5.9x 157.1 x 2202

Ii = 764.1x107 mm4 = 641 x 106mm4

* ( OP
Z= = 2.67x106 mm3

Mcr = 1.7x1.5x2.67= 6.811 (kN-m)

. O
Smax = x 40002 N(
( .) ). . '* ))

Smax = 65.14mm

*. O
Si = 5/48 x 40002 O
= 0.611mm
Q *
( . '*. ) O
Sii = 5/48 x 40002 (
( .) R ). '* ))

Sii = 33.98
Si + Sii = 34.59 < 66.51 …. Ok

3.2 Design for composite slab having 4 m span length

Table 3.1 Structural properties of profile sheeting
Nominal Design profile weight Area of steel Height of Moment of
2 2
thickness thickness (KN/m ) (mm /m) neutral ONS inertia
(mm) (mm) (mm) (cm4/m)
0.9 0.86 0.10 1178 30.34 54.80
1.00 0.96 0.11 1313 30.33 61.80
1.10 1.06 0.12 1445 30.33 68.80
1.20 1.16 0.13 1578 30.32 76.00

Assume using 0.9 thick profile sheet

Yield strength fyp = 280 N/mm2
Design thickness tp = 0.86mm
Effective area Ap = 1178mm2/m
Second moment of Area Ip= 0.548mm4/m
Characteristic plastic
Moment of resistance Mpa = 4.92 KNm/m
Distance of centroid above base e = 30mm
Distance of plastic neutral axis
Above base ep = 30.34 mm
Characteristic resistance to
Vertical shear Vpa = 49.2 KN/m
For resistance to longitudinal shear M = 189 N/mm2
K = 0.08 N/mm2
Ju.Rd = 0.23N/mm2

Fig 3.4 section of profile steel sheeting

3.2.2 profiled steel sheeting as shattering

Density of concrete (wet) = 2400 kg/m3
(dry) = 2350kg/m3
Dead load = (1.747 + 0.1) x 1.30 = 2.4 kN/m2
Live load = two person having average weight of 70 kg
140 x10m/s2 = 1400 N/m2 = 1.4kN/m2
Load combination = 1.3 qk + 1.6Qk
= 2.40 + 2.44 = 4.64kN/m2
Assume the width of the beam is 20cm and prop is provide at the middle of the span, so the
affective length of the spans is
' ') 3730
Le = = 2
= 1865mm

Flexural and vertical shear

The maximum design bending moments are
Sagging Msd = 0.0959x 4.64 x 1.862 = 1.54 KNm/m
Hogging Msd = 0.0625 x 4.64 x1.862 = 1.00 KNm/m
The design resistance is MRd =4.92/1.1 = 4.47 kNm/m …. Ok
Vertical shear
Vsd = 0.56 x 4.64x1.87 = 4.8 kN/m
VRd = Vpa/f = .
= 44.7 kN/m ….. ok

δ max =
The maximum deflection

.* . *
δ max =
. .

δ max = 2.61
But the is lower the 1/250...…… ok

3.2.3 Composite slab

Flexure and vertical shear
- Dead load
Assume the total slab depth is 115 mm
b, using Com Flor 70 the depth of sheeting is 70 mm so average depth of concrete we be
45+27.5 = 72.5mm
• Wight of concrete = 1.7 kg/m2
• weight of profile = 0.1 kN/m2
• weight of flooring = 0.28 kN/m2
• weight of partition = 1.2 kN/m2
Total = 3.28 kN/m2
live load
• for domestic and residential activities Qk 2kN/m2
load combination considered
COMBOl = 1.3G+6Q = 1.3 x3.28 +1.6x2 = 7.464 kN/m2
moment on the a unit width of slab is
T ). * . )
Msd = = = 13.96 kN m/m
bending resistance
= 1178 x = 299.85
U .
Ncf = Ap x

= =
C& .
X = 26.47mm

his is less tan thickness of concrete
The depth of composite slab is 115-30.34 = 84.66
Mp.Rd = Ncf (dp )
*. )
= 299 .85 x ( 84.66 - ) = 21 .42 kN m/m ….ok

Vertical shear resistance

T ). * . )
Vsd = = = 14.43

As shown in the figure

bo= 138mm b= 300mm dp = 84.66mm
the area Ap2 = 0.86 x 136 = 116.97 = 117
LW )
XD∗&Y . .**
P= = 0.01

Kv = 1.6 – dp = 1.6 - = 1.52
. CZJ .
jRd = = 0.25x = 0.25

Vv.Rd = x 84.66x0.25x1.52x (1.2+40p) = 23.61 kN/m….. ok

Longitudinal shear
Longitudinal shear is checked by both the ‘m-k’ and partial interaction for case ‘m-k’ method is
Where b = 1000 mm m=184 N/mm2
Dp= 84.66mm k= 0.053 N/mm2
Ap = 1178 mm2/m fvs = 1.25

VlRd = bdp [ 8\% + _` = 18.76…..ok

Local effects of point load and punching shear

point load (Qsd) = 2x1.6 = 3.2 on any area 50mm2
2kN Imposed loads is used for category A in EBC 51
Assume that thickness of floor finish is 50 mm then the data are
Bp= Qp = 50mm, hf = 50mm, hc = 60 mm dp = 84.66
And TRd = 0.25 N/mm2, kv = 1.52m, p = 0.01

There for punching shear

Cp =2 a hc + 2(2dp+bp-2hc)+ 2bp+8hf = 2936 .80 mm

Vp.Rd= cphciRd Kv (1.2+40p) = 106.84…. ok
Local bending
the load distribution width (bm&am) width wise and span wise respectively
am= bm = ap+2 (hf+hc) = 520.00
The most adverse situation for local sagging bending is when the load is
at mid span, so Lp is 1.93m
There for the width of slab (be) is
be= bm + 2Lp c1 − e = 2.45
The sagging moment per unit width is
' Y/
Msd = Qd Lp = 0.95 kN m/m ….. ok

Which is below the resistance of the slab 21.42 kNm/m

Transverse sagging moment
The transverse sagging moment is given by equation
Xf'XG . ' .
Msd = Qd = 3.2 x ( ) = 0.58 kN m

The moment per unit width is

Msd = .
= 1.12

The depth of Reinforcement dR = 45 – 6/2 = 42

. )∗ .
The force At yielding Fy = = 61.46

The depth of the concrete stress block is

X= = 5.42

The lever arm (2) = dR - = 54.29

Transverse sagging moment resistance

MRd = 61.46 x 0.0543 = 3.34 kNm/m ….. Ok

If the span to depth ration is less than 32 no need of to calculate the deflection because the
deflection is not excessive
Span/ dp = = 45.71 so some calculation is need

Un cracked second moment of area (Icu) is

XgCN XgC ( h' ) XGgYN XGgY gY 2
+ + + (ht-xu - ) + Ap (dp – xu )2 +Ip
Icu =

Cracked second moment of area (Icc) is

X CN X CN 86 ( )
+ + +Ap (dp-xc)2 +Ip
Icc =

The mean value of secant modulus (Ecm) of concrete for C 25 is 29 (EBC 52)
The mean value of modular ration is = = 7.24

Icu = 15.2 x 106

Icc = 5.4x 106
The mean value of second moment of area (Im) is
. B .
Im = = 10.3 x106 mm4/m

The mid span deflection (j ) is

T Q. . )
δ =
$HG . .
= = 5.54

U .
Hence < …… ok


4. Design output and Discussion

4.1 Design output
After analysis and design of slab and frame structure of ribbed and composite taken then cost
comparison table are prepare for future references, which present manly the cost for different
span length stetted as 4m, 4.5m, 5m, 5.5m, 6m, 6.5m, 7m, 7.5m and 8m.

During cost analysis the material and labor cost only considered without overhead and profit
because mostly overhead and profit cost are different from firm to firm.

Table 4.1 Summary of cost output 4m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 16.90 30420.00
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40896.00
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 35.84 64512.00
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 446.88 178752.00
Total summary 314580.00
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 139.86 3496.50
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 1877.74 46943.58
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 655.00 16375.00
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 3834.51 95862.75
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1698.40 42460.00
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 0.00
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 601.95 15048.70
Total summary 220186.53
Grand total 534766.53

Table 4.2 Summary of cost output 4.5m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 19.39 34906.50
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 37.89 68206.32
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 505.68 202272.00
Total summary 346289.37
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 179.82 4495.50
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 1927.73 48193.25
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 704.97 17624.25
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4172.32 104308.00
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1481.03 37025.75
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 579.49 14487.25
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 523.00 13075.00
Total summary 239209.00
Grand total 585498.37

Table 4.3 Summary of cost output 5m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 20.21 36375.30
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 39.94 71899.92
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 564.48 225792.00
Total summary 374971.77
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 191.81 4795.25
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 1982.69 49567.17
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 745.69 18642.25
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4587.73 114693.25
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1542.68 38567.00
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 498.65 12466.25
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 680.89 17022.25
Total summary 255753.42
Grand total 630725.19

Table 4.4 Summary of cost output 5.5m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 28.99 52179.75
1.02 Column m 1800.00 23.64 42558.30
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 47.10 84773.52
1.04 Slab m 400.00 686.88 274752.00
Total summary 454263.57
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 225.91 5647.68
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2261.30 56532.60
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 828.43 20710.84
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4068.25 101706.19
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1946.49 48662.25
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 1256.25 31406.31
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 550.14 13753.53
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 949.63 23740.63
Total summary 278419.39
Grand total 732682.96

Table 4.5 Summary of cost output 6m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 39.60 71282.70
1.02 Column m 1800.00 25.78 46398.15
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 53.61 96500.16
1.04 Slab m 400.00 779.52 311808.00
Total summary 525989.01
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 215.78 5394.60
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2240.85 56021.27
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 552.89 13822.34
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 1480.03 37000.74
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 5176.50 129412.57
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 1771.64 44290.95
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 269.40 6734.91
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 1767.90 44197.50
Total summary 292677.38
Grand total 818666.39

Table 4.6 Summary of cost output 6.5m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 49.61 89291.93
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 28.99 52178.40
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 64.83 116689.68
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 922.32 368928.00
Total summary 627088.01
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 346.32 8658.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2306.50 57662.50
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 611.08 15276.92
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 1545.39 38634.66
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 6832.54 170813.57
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 1711.00 42775.11
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 2385.25 59631.13
Total summary 333820.75
Grand total 960908.76

Table 4.7 Summary of cost output 7m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 61.33 110396.93
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 31.43 56572.65
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 68.52 123342.48
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 1101.48 440592.00
Total summary 730904.06
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 410.26 10256.40
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2986.84 74671.00
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 504.95 12623.82
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 1684.45 42111.18
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 5303.28 132581.96
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 6226.63 155665.72
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 216.11 5402.73
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 4321.59 108039.81
Total summary 433312.81
Grand total 1164216.86

Table 4.7 Summary of cost output 7.5m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 78.44 141183.00
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 39.08 70349.18
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 77.35 139230.00
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 1296.48 518592.00
Total summary 869354.18
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) F 6mm Kg 25.00 459.54 11488.50
2.02 b) F 8mm Kg 25.00 3025.94 75648.62
2.03 c) F 10mm Kg 25.00 676.73 16918.14
2.04 d) F 12mm Kg 25.00 1751.14 43778.40
2.05 e) F 14mm Kg 25.00 5757.21 143930.24
2.06 f) F 16mm Kg 25.00 6963.71 174092.65
2.07 g) F 20mm Kg 25.00 230.91 5772.78
2.08 g) F 24mm Kg 25.00 4744.93 118623.25
Total summary 590252.58
Grand total 1459606.75

Table 4.7 Summary of cost output 8m span for ribbed structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 98.56 177404.18
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 46.80 84236.85
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 82.95 149301.36
1.04 Slab m2 400.00 1478.88 591552.00
Total summary 1002494.39
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) F 6mm Kg 25.00 532.80 13320.00
2.02 b) F 8mm Kg 25.00 4804.06 120101.53
2.03 c) F 10mm Kg 25.00 444.24 11106.00
2.04 d) F 12mm Kg 25.00 2094.35 52358.70
2.05 e) F 14mm Kg 25.00 6218.61 155465.31
2.06 f) F 16mm Kg 25.00 8052.27 201306.71
2.07 g) F 20mm Kg 25.00 266.44 6660.90
2.08 g) F 24mm Kg 25.00 5434.70 135867.38
Total summary 696186.52
Grand total 1698680.91

Table 4.6 Summary of cost output 4m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 19.39 34906.50
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 36.25 65251.44
1.04 Slab m2 600.00 446.88 268128.00
Total summary 409190.49
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 1877.74 46943.58
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 1747.33 43683.29
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 2270.94 56773.39
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1327.24 33181.01
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 528.97 13224.13
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 523.00 13075.10
Total summary 206880.49
Grand total 616070.98

Table 4.7 Summary of cost output 4.5m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 19.39 34906.50
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 37.89 68206.32
1.04 Slab m2 600.00 505.68 303408.00
Total summary 447425.37
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 1940.03 48500.67
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 389.45 9736.26
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4041.06 101026.43
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1638.20 40954.88
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 159.48 3986.98
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 601.95 15048.70
Total summary 219253.91
Grand total 666679.28

Table 4.8 Summary of cost output 5m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 21.35 38422.80
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 39.94 71899.92
1.04 Slab m2 600.00 564.48 338688.00
Total summary 489915.27
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2100.64 52516.04
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 754.33 18858.30
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4081.75 102043.63
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1502.79 37569.68
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 496.28 12406.99
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 677.34 16933.50
Total summary 223394.64
Grand total 713309.91

Table 4.9 Summary of cost output 5.5m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m
1800.00 21.34 38412.00
1.02 Column m 1800.00 22.72 40904.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 44.18 79524.72
1.04 Slab m 600.00 686.88 412128.00
Total summary 570969.27
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2169.68 54241.99
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 823.07 20576.64
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4507.54 112688.53
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1244.79 31119.66
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 953.48 23836.98
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 846.68 21166.88
Total summary 242463.80
Grand total 813433.07

Table 4.10 Summary of cost output 6m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m
1800.00 24.26 43666.88
1.02 Column m 1800.00 23.52 42342.30
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 49.90 89824.32
1.04 Slab m 600.00 821.28 492768.00
Total summary 668601.50
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2223.38 55584.60
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 883.22 22080.58
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 4965.84 124145.95
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1562.03 39050.70
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 598.91 14972.87
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 701.61 17540.37
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
Total summary 273375.07
Grand total 941976.56

Table 4.11 Summary of cost output 6.5m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m
1800.00 35.84 64505.48
1.02 Column m 1800.00 24.68 44432.55
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 58.53 105351.12
1.04 Slab m 600.00 922.32 553392.00
Total summary 767681.15
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2330.91 58272.77
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 671.97 16799.37
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 5696.66 142416.55
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1379.23 34480.68
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 1038.35 25958.76
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 42.43 1060.81
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 2041.61 51040.13
Total summary 278988.94
Grand total 1046670.08

Table 4.12 Summary of cost output 7m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m
1800.00 47.78 86011.20
1.02 Column m 1800.00 25.78 46398.15
1.03 Beam m 1800.00 62.13 111825.36
1.04 Slab m 600.00 1101.48 660888.00
Total summary 905122.71
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) Φ 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0.00
2.02 b) Φ 8mm Kg 25.00 2374.83 59370.67
2.03 c) Φ 10mm Kg 25.00 717.57 17939.28
2.04 d) Φ 12mm Kg 25.00 5839.97 145999.19
2.05 e) Φ 14mm Kg 25.00 1442.58 36064.47
2.06 f) Φ 16mm Kg 25.00 1068.04 26700.89
2.07 g) Φ 20mm Kg 25.00 45.39 1134.82
2.08 g) Φ 24mm Kg 25.00 2421.10 60527.50
Total summary 287209.32
Grand total 1192332.03

Table 4.12 Summary of cost output 7.5m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 57.52 103538.25
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 31.81 57254.4
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 66.35 119422.8
1.04 Slab m2 600.00 1296.48 777888
Total summary 1058103.45
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) F 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0
2.02 b) F 8mm Kg 25.00 2267.04 56675.9825
2.03 c) F 10mm Kg 25.00 639.21 15980.3
2.04 d) F 12mm Kg 25.00 5982.49 149562.288
2.05 e) F 14mm Kg 25.00 1668.42 41710.5
2.06 f) F 16mm Kg 25.00 1228.15 30703.655
2.07 g) F 20mm Kg 25.00 325.64 8141.1
2.08 g) F 24mm Kg 25.00 2511.27 62781.75
Total summary 365555.5755
Grand total 1423659.026

Table 4.12 Summary of cost output 8m span for composite slab structure

No Description of work unit Rate Quantity Amount
1.01 Footing m3 1800.00 67.71 121881.375
1.02 Column m3 1800.00 38.68 69632.55
1.03 Beam m3 1800.00 80.75 145355.76
1.04 Slab m2 600.00 1478.88 887328
Total summary 1224197.685
2. Reinforcement bar
2.01 a) F 6mm Kg 25.00 0.00 0
2.02 b) F 8mm Kg 25.00 2267.04 56675.9825
2.03 c) F 10mm Kg 25.00 639.21 15980.3
2.04 d) F 12mm Kg 25.00 5982.49 149562.288
2.05 e) F 14mm Kg 25.00 1668.42 41710.5
2.06 f) F 16mm Kg 25.00 1228.15 30703.655
2.07 g) F 20mm Kg 25.00 325.64 8141.1
2.08 g) F 24mm Kg 25.00 2511.27 62781.75
Total summary 365555.5755
Grand total 1589753.261

Table 4.13 The total summery of cost output

Total cost for ribbed with Total cost for

Item No Span Length(mm) time value of money composite
1 4 535338.70 616070.98
2 4.5 586124.82 666679.28
3 5 631400.03 713309.91
4 5.5 733466.89 813433.07
5 6 819542.32 941976.56
6 6.50 961936.87 1046670.08
7 7 1165462.51 1192332.03
8 7.5 1461168.45 1423659.03
9 8 1700498.40 1589753.26

cost of frame structure

800000.00 ribbed slab
composite slab
4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
column spacing

Fig 4.1 span and cost comparison of ribbed and composite slab

4.2 Discussions
Figure 4.1.shows the effect of column spacing on the cost of composite and ribbed slab. There
was considered nine building structure from composite
composite and ribbed slab during analysis, that was
L=4m, L=4.5m, L=5m, L=5.5m, L=6m L=6.5m, L=7m, L=7.5m and L=8m length however
shown in Fig.4.1,
.1, the cost of ribbed slab increasing at increasing rate after 5m column spacing
but composite slab cost is increase at decreasing rate after 5.5m of column spacing , the cost of
ribbed slab become greater after 7m
7 column spacing.


5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
A study on the effect of cost on structure of Building by change the column
spacing was presented and discussed. In composite slab frame the cost
increase with at decreasing rate as compeer ribbed slab. From the result, the
following conclusions are drawn.
• The weight of composite slab is less than ribbed one but within these
building height and span length the effect of weight on cost is less
because of most of structural members within minimal limit
requirement. In our country ( Ethiopia) the cost of steel sheet is very high
so within this span using ribbed slab is economical with that of
composite but the span length greater than 7m composite slab is
• The result of the research showed composite slab economical for long span. In
case of composite slab frame has a property of concrete and steel this
make the frame light and strong so the cost of the building decrease
while height and span increase.

5.2 Recommendation
This study is made only on the theoretical or analytical bases, further studies
can be done in the laboratory and also a comprehensive study of cost saving in
buildings by considering all factors, such as cost factor of height of the building
and for large span case.

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1 SAP analysis data

2 Design template for composite slab, ribbed slab and footing

Footing Group 1

Ultimate load, Ps (Kn) 460.00

Mx (Kn-m) 0.46
My (Kn-m) 2.49
Column width, a (m) 0.30
Foundation depth, fd (m) 2.50
Allowable bearing capacity for factored loads, s (Kpa) 330
Footing Dimension, L * b (m) 1.30 1.30
Depth, D (m) 0.45 1.5 - 2 times column size 1.5*0.3

Footing Area, Af (m2) 1.69
D - 0.035-
Effective depth, d (m) 0.403
bar dia.
Own Weight of Footing, Wc (Kn) Af*D*gc 19
Unit weight of soil, gs (Kn/m ) 15.00
Af*(fd -
Soil Weight , Ws(Kn) 52
Total load on footing, PT (Kn) Ps+Wc+Ws 531
Checking Bearing pressure (Kpa) 314 PT/A
ps/A(1+(6*Mx)/(b*Ps)+ (6*My)/(L*P
Max. soil pressure, Qmax. (Kpa) 280
< Qult
Min. Soil pressure, Qmin. (Kpa) 264 ps/A(1-(6*Mx)/b-(6*My)/L) >0.0
Tensile strength of conc., fctd (Mpa) 1.04 0.35*(fc)^0.5/1.5
Allowable punching resistance of concrete, Vup(Kn/m2) 307 0.25*fctd*(1+50P)*(1.6-d) *10^3
Allowable wide beam shear resistance of concrete, vud
307 0.25*fctd*(1+50P)*(1.6-d)*10^3
Punching Shear, Vp (kn) 305 Ps-((a+d)^2*Qact)
Punching Shear Stress, Vup (Kpa) 269 Vp/(4(a+d)*d)
Wide beam Shear, Vwp (Kn/m) 26 (Ps/Af)*(L/2-d-a/2)
Wide beam Shear stress (Kn/m2) 66 Vwp/(b*d)
0.25*(Qmin + 3* Qmax)*((L-
Max Design Moment, Md(Kn-m) 35
K 213 (Md/d^2)
(Fyd-SQRT(Fyd^2 - (4
rho (%) 0.049 500
Diameter of Steel, (mm) 12 435
Single Area, as (mm ) 113.14 22/7*dia.^2/4
Area of Steel required, Asd (mm2) 221 p*b*d
Minimum Reinforcement, As,min.(mm ) 621 (0.6/fyd)*b*d
Provided Area of steel, As (mm ) 621 MAX(required,designed)
Spacing, S (mm) 182 as*b/(As)


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