b) A four-noded quadrilateral element has coordinates 1(10, 10), 2(50, 10), 3(60, 60) and 15
4(10, 40). If the element nodal displacement vector is given by {u1,v1,u2,v2,- - - -}{0,
0 ,1, 2, 0, 1.5, 1, 0} mm, determine (i) the x & y coordinates of point P which has
r = 0.5 and s = 0.5 and (ii) displacements u & v of the point P and (iii) stresses at point
P for plane stress condition. Take E = 200GPa and μ = 0.25.
6 a) Explain Iso-parametric, sub-parametric and super-parametric elements. 06
b) Derive the strain displacement and stiffness matrix for a four noded quadrilateral 14
isoperimetric element
UNIT - 5
7 a) Explain consistent and lumped load vectors. Distinguish through examples. 06
b) Determine the eigenvalues for the stepped bar as shown in Fig. 4 by using consistent 14
mass matrices