Press Release - Lok Sabha
Press Release - Lok Sabha
Press Release - Lok Sabha
In the three days of the committee and after continuous discussions and deliberations we have
arrived at conclusions that states as follows:
● In our 3rd term we will bring bill to implement Uniform Civil Code across territory of
India but not applicable to STs registered under Government of India. This bill will be
brought after consultation with various stakeholders from different sections of the
● The Uniform Civil Code will aim to solve 6 principal issues – Divorce, Marriage,
Maintenance, Succession, Adoption and Guardianship.
● Uttarakhand UCC will be source of Indian Uniform Civil Code.
● The Uniform Civil Code ensures religious beliefs of each religion in accordance to
law mentioned in constitution are sacrosanct and cannot be implemented.
● Dr. Br Ambedkar’s dream to have a Uniform Civil Code for India will finally get
● The NDA government in this term will repeal Places of Worship Act,1991 and is
open for consultation to bring up new law.
● Article 137 states Judicial Review of judgements or orders by Supreme Court.
● This Act was passed without consultation, so it acts against democratic principle.
● This act does not fit to most monuments are 100 years older as according to ASI Act
of 1958.
● Section 5 of this act keeps Ram Janbhoomi as exception is not justified to all religions
and their alleged places of worship.
● For disputes sites of Gyan Vapi and Shahi idgah government is entitled to support and
will help with all resources so justice can prevail.
● In 2007 India signed United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People
under article 11[2] to protect
● We will make a committee under ASI to seek places of worship of communities who
have faced religious injustice in the past.
● This year CAA rules are enacted and will allow refugees to seek citizenship under the
● NDA government will not compromise with international law for sake of it
● NRC and NPR will be conducted through census in 2025 to ensure a registrar of its
● We will deport illegal Immigrants to their parent nation after census been conducted.
● After 2014 Indian government has granted more than 660 citizenships to Muslims
after they comply with rules of 1955 Citizenship Act.
● Through this act we will maintain Demographic changes at bordering areas to ensure
indigenous peoples rights.
● Indian government assures that citizenship of Indian Muslims will not be snatched
from them.
● Indian government has completed 70 % border fencing with nations sharing border
with northeast states and will ensure to complete it.
● For Indian Tamils residing in Sri Lanka, government is open for making rules in
citizenship in future.