Budget Proposal - Cranky Codger 2011
Budget Proposal - Cranky Codger 2011
Budget Proposal - Cranky Codger 2011
I will start this proposal with the obvious - The United States Government is on a spending spree that is bankrupting this nation and enslaving our children and grandchildren to overwhelming debt. Democrats and Republicans alike will hate this proposal, because it is non-partisan and unbiased. The Dollar is being gutted, Treasuries are being diluted, and Inflation is soaring! The time has come for 'We the People' to step up to the plate and demand more from our elected representatives. We must demand that they be Frugal, Moral, and practice Integrity. This is our country - 'Let's Take It Back!!'
Where do we start?
Trust and Integrity:
The last few decades have been defined by moral and ethical failure in our Nation's leaders on both sides of the fence. The list is too long to put down here, but the press eats this stuff up and we see it in sensational headlines. It is sickening, disheartening, and sad. The citizens of this country are becoming jaded toward the escapades of our elected officials. They have been telling us for some time now that our Bonds are becoming worthless, and we do nothing, we turn our eyes and think that we are not affected by this complete lack of integrity on the part of our leaders in Washington D.C. . . . Bonds are a Promise, and Nations are supposed to keep their promises . . . Especially the United States of America - Our motto is, 'In God We Trust,' and that does mean something. Before we start cutting costs and programs, before we begin the reform process, we must have 'Integrity' from our leaders. If a politician is caught in a cover-up and telling lies to the people and the press - He needs to go NOW! We must have people in leadership that can be trusted.
We're all sick of egg-head PHD's talking way over our heads about the complicated economic crisis, and how difficult it will be to find solutions that are sustainable and workable in the complex machinery of wall street and our relationships in international economics. Blah! Blah! Blah! We need simple solutions as you will see in this document - not lectures and platitudes from a "Harvard Professor of Constitutional Law." It really boils down to this simple principle. Every family deals with this, in the real world. How much income do you have, and how will you allocate and spend it? There is another very simple principle at work here . . . If you borrow more money than you can pay back, there will be a day of reckoning - Sooner or Later - it is unavoidable. If you spend more money than you bring in . . . the money (debt) that exceeds you're income, is called a deficit. It will eventually lead to default if it is not reigned in.
sell Treasuries to make up for the deficit, that is only a stop gap measure to put off the unavoidable - Day of Reckoning. An economy based on borrowing and debt is a house of cards that will collapse in the wind. Before it all ends in collapse and calamity, there will be much suffering and pain - the effect on our lives and family is too hurtful to contemplate You don't need a degree in economics to understand this proposal, and it isn't 2,000 pages - It is really is a common sense approach, but it will take sacrifice, unity, and resolve to repair the damage and put our country back on track. If you have ever endeavored and endured a workout program you know the old adage is true . . . 'No
Pain - No Gain!'
We can sacrifice now and save our country, and our heritage for future generations, or keep on the same 'highway to hell,' and become a second rate third world nation like so many others before us.
America is special, we are a country that does good and wonderful things for the world. Who will take our place - Russia, China, Iran? I don't think so!!
We will see this happening by late 2012 and by late 2014, America could be another Greece. There isn't a lot of time for our economy and the time for action is now!! With those dire consequences in mind . . .
So What Can We Do? - What Should We Do? First thing to do, is Audit the System for Waste. Who will do this audit? We could convert some of our aggressive and astute IRS auditors to this task. They are already quite familiar with the process. Medical guidelines should be written by medical doctors - not government bureaucrats. The National Institute for Health must stop funding programs that have nothing to do with American Health - example: African Mens study on Genital Washing and
AIDS - cost $800,000.00 - The list goes on and on, our aggressive IRS agents can audit this waste and eliminate it!
Eliminate Cost-Plus contracts - they promote fraud and corruption and there is no incentive to lower costs and expenses. Promote Primary Care Physicians - General Practitioners and Internal Doctors should provide the majority of care: Specialists and Emergency Rooms are far more expensive. There are too many patients going to specialized care and emergency rooms, which is much more costly for taxpayers. Tort Reform: This one is huge - over $100 Billion are passed on in costs to patients every year. The Doctors lose and so do you. The winners in the present system are the lawyers. Frivolous lawsuits are driving up the cost of Medical Liability and we are losing physicians and medical staff due to the rising costs. The thing to remember with Tort Reform is that a very high percentage of politicians are lawyers, and they don't wish to stab their professional brothers in the back. I say tough luck, this one is way overdue, and it isn't handled in Obama-care. Allow all Health Insurance Companies to compete Nationwide. Pass legislation to fine and penalize any company that fails to pay a legitimate claim, or remove clients from their roles if they become sick or get hurt. Virtual Doctors for follow up visits, medication changes, and test results, take up a lot of physicians office time. These non-emergency visits could be handled on line in real time. The doctor would still be paid, the patient would
still pay their co-pay, although both at a reduced rate, and the savings would be huge. Virtual doctors are already saving millions in small test studies. Electronic Medical Records are used by fewer than 15% of doctors and only 25% of hospitals have electronic record systems. The VistA system has been in use for 7 million veterans for years now, and it efficiently streamlines patient records and history. The United States would save $80 billion per year using this system. Best Doctors 2nd Opinion Plan would save $312 Billion dollars that are wasted each year when patients are misdiagnosed. EMC Corporation consulted Best Doctors on 60 cases, in its first year of using the plan. 15% of the diagnosis were changed resulting in $500,000 in savings. E-Prescribe is an electronic prescription system that would prevent mistakes that result in 1.5 million injuries and 7,000 deaths each year from paper work errors. The cost of these errors in additional medical expenses is astronomical. Stop Unnecessary Treatments and Procedures. Tort reform will have a big impact on this one - since many tests and procedures are ordered as defensive medicine to reduce a physicians liability. Medical care should be reorganized in the way it is provided. A new model should be implemented that would use high quality and low cost care. Americans have more medical procedures performed than any other country, but our health is not any better. We must streamline the process. Medication Costs are higher in the United States. The General Accounting office has concluded that U.S. prices for the same medication are 32% higher than in Canada and 60% higher than prices in the U.K. This is inexcusable, and there is no reason we should pay higher prices for medications, especially in light of the fact that a high percentage of the prescription drugs are manufactured by American companies. In 2008 Medicaid costs for prescription drugs was $48.9 Billion dollars - We can do better than that. One of the deficits biggest drivers would be lower if Medicare could use its bargaining leverage to get drug companies to reduce their prices.
Medicares administrative costs are only 3 percent. That is far below the 10 percent average administrative costs of private insurers. So why not control healthcare costs for all Americans by allowing any family to opt in? That was the idea behind the public option. Raise Medical Insurance Rates for Congress. The Federal Employees Health Benefits Program insures about 8 million federal workers, including Congress. Congress pays premiums that are way too low (1.5%) by private sector insurance program standards (5% or more). They must set the example and raise the percentage they pay to an acceptable percentage that is similar to private sector programs. This is not so much for the cost savings, as it is to set an example and boost morale and trust among constituents.
Social Security
Social Security is financed through payroll deductions. Your employer pays 6.2% and you pay 4.2% or if you are self employed you pay the whole thing - 10.4% of your income. Social Security is not indexed like income taxes. Everybody pays the same rate - except for high income people. People with high incomes pay into Social Security on the first $106,800. Any income over $106,800 is exempt from Social Security tax. The idea behind this program is that high income people will not need the additional Social Security payout upon retirement. Social Security is used as a political pawn every time somebody comes up with a plan to alter it. The arguments are always partisan and vitriolic. Well, the solution is actually quite simple. 1st - Stop embezzling our retirement funds - not too many years ago Social Security had almost $2 trillion dollars in surplus money. This was just too good to pass up, so the Federal Government plundered this treasure trove and spent it in the General Fund. Now we hear that the system is broke and there is no money. Of course there is no money - It was spent - and now when we need the surplus, it isn't there. In the private business world this is called embezzling and people go to prison it's a crime.
2nd - Raise the Income Cap. If Social Security was collected on the first $156,800 of income instead of the first $106,800, there would be a drastic increase in revenue. The people making those high incomes, really would not be hurt all that much by this. 3rd - Inflation Index - Link the Social Security top cap to inflation, so the first $156,800 of income would index to the rate of inflation. If the government is successful fiscally in reducing inflation so also would the top rate be affected. Productivity Increase Income - We all must remember that productivity will increase when the economy improves, so Social Security Income will also increase, with increased productivity. Congress and the Executive Branch - Everybody pays into Social Security - Nobody is exempt - Make it Fair, I hear Obama harping on fairness all the time. Well let's really make it fair, everybody pays, there is no such thing as American royalty. While we are on the subject of Congress - They get paid $174,000 to work 123 days. That is full time pay for part time work. Let's extend the days that they work, until they work out this mess - We cannot let them continue to kick the can down the road and get by with it. Raising the debt ceiling and implementing phony cuts doesn't fix anything and the problem only grows. The weight is on our backs.
As my mentor the financial genius, Forrest Gump would say, "That's all I have to say about that!" - Enough said - It's Fixed.
Military: The Defense and Security of America is the primary role of the Government. We have the finest and best trained fighting force in the World. No other nation comes close. I have nothing but Pride and Respect for our fine men and women in the Armed Forces. I say give them the tools necessary and back it up with
the resolve to get the job done. War is an ugly business - there isn't anything nice about it. War is about Destruction and Killing. America must change the way we engage the enemy and commit resources. Our finest young men and women are not expendable resources. I believe in the old saying, "Talk softly, but bludgeon them with a Big Stick!" We need to stop fighting everybody else's battle. We must stop committing resources to protect people that don't really support us, or like us very much. Above all we must start minding our own business. I'm all for a pre-emptive military strike on Iran's Nuclear building capabilities, but we need to get in and get out. Hit them and hit them hard. We need to show these evil regimes who is boss, but stop hanging around to rebuild their country. By all of our war efforts in Iraq, we have strengthened Iran. Do you think the Iraqi's really are a big pro-America nation now, with close to a trillion dollars invested and thousands of American lives lost. No!, they really don't like us all that much. We are not earning the respect of the World. We are not gaining friends and influence by our actions. We are ridiculed as weak by our enemies for our rules of engagement. The Miranda act is not for the battlefield. If we are going to commit to a fight then we must fight until our enemy surrenders unconditionally. World War II was not won by negotiating with Hitler. It was won by defeating him. The time has come to show them who is boss, then move on. Stop depleting the resources of our great nation in long drawn out blood draining battles of attrition. We must stop being the cops for the United Nations, we can't afford it. The interests and safety of the United States must come first in our defense decisions. The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation. Barack Obama/Libya - Make sure that the President follows the War Powers Act and does not act unilaterally bypassing Congress and the Constitution. Security: We must secure our border with Mexico and enforce immigration laws. The drain on our economy with undocumented workers and services provided to illegal aliens is a financial disaster. The Federal Government must stop attacking the States, when they refuse to do the job, that they are mandated to do through the Constitution. The Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR for short, estimates that every household of legal citizens pays $1,117 dollars annually to support
costs from illegal immigrants [1]. This adds to a grand total of 113 billion dollars per year that the government pays because it allowed for about 13 million immigrants to cross the border. We pay their hospital bills, nearly 500,000 illegal immigrants
clog our prison systems, and 6 million children fill up our schools. If you are not paying that $1,117 dollars, then someone else is. Let's build a fence and only allow documented and approved workers through - Stop the Hemmorage!
Unemployment compensation is just going on and on and on. Hope is in short supply among the unemployed, especially the baby boomers. There is rampant age discrimination in all industries and the cycle seems to be self perpetuating. In fact it is beginning to look like unemployment is not as much a cycle as it is a structural problem. A temporary problem is becoming Permanent. 1. It started with a reduction in heavy manufacturing. Heavy handed environmental regulations over the last 30 years have strangled the economy and undermined competition. Heavy manufacturing has left America for greener pastures, where in most cases the work force is abundant and cheap and the environment isn't even considered. The environment is extremely important, but a balance must be reached. It doesn't do any good if we lose manufacturing, but the pollution continues somewhere else unabated and uncontrolled. 2. The Dot-com crash quickly followed, and no sooner did the waters begin to calm, when the housing crash exploded from the West heading in all directions, until Homeowners in America watched helplessly as their equity dissolved and the recession came crashing in with the force of a Tsunami. The Big Wall Street bailout resulted, but this flood of money had only a negligible effect on the average home owner and consumer. The bailouts actually were miserable failures - The rich got richer and the middle class became poorer. 3. Welfare is growing 2.3x faster than the defense budget. Government handouts must come only with strings attached. The free ride must stop, I'm not talking
about letting people starve to death. No, we must give people incentive to get off of welfare and unemployment, and become productive members of society. The Big Question is how do we do this? How do we fix a structural problem? How do we keep the boat afloat, while patching the leaks? Stop rewarding bad choices with Government subsistence. If you want the check then you must jump through the following hoops . . . Time Limit: Limit unemployment to one year, limit welfare to one year, unless there is a verifiable physical or mental disability that would render the recipient incapable of work, or would require a longer duration of time to retrain or rehabilitate. Drug Testing: Employers routinely test employees - with a dirty test resulting in dismissal or entering a drug rehab and counseling program. Why should publicly funded assistance be any different? Temporarily Suspend the Right to Vote: Yes, that's right - Voting for those that receive Government subsistence is a conflict of interest. If you want to vote then go to work. Report to a Government Job: There is honor in work, and the program must be designed to put people back into the workforce. There are plenty of public work projects that could involve the unemployed such as . . . Litter patrol, remove or paint over Graffiti, maintenance and repairs on public housing - Start up the WPA, Work Projects Administration, again to pursue infrastructure projects and improvements. Participants in this program would retain the right to Vote. This program would instill a work ethic and personal pride. Increase Penalties and Fines for those that employ illegal aliens, with increasing levels of fines for repeat offenders and business and professional license suspensions.
U.S. Citizenship must be a prerequisite for eligibility in Government unemployment or welfare programs. Occupational Training should be a requirement until the person on subsistence finds employment.
Interest on Debt:
Pass legislation that would require a balanced budget every year . . . No More Deficit Spending!! Stop the Ponzi Scheme . . . No more QE1, QE2, etc. Stop printing money to issue Treasuries that are purchased by the Federal Reserve. Mandate Fiscal Responsibility, Demand Fiscal Integrity. When private citizens are involved in fraudulent investment schemes like this - They end up in Prison!!
No more bailouts, No more too big to fail, Stop the lies and deceit - Stop raising the Debt Ceiling it's not a game that we can win!
Those things will stop the increase on the principal, but the interest will continue to accrue. What can we do about that? The Debt will continue to grow if we don't start paying it down. How in the world can we start whittlin' down this massive mountain of money we owe? It all seems so overwhelming!! The most effective answer to debt reduction is to grow the economy and thus increase revenue. Businesses must increase their competitive advantage at home and abroad for this to succeed. This countrys' present economic policies are like telling everybody to run to the stern of the Titanic, because the bow is sinking first. The ship is still going to sink, if we do not make serious structural repairs to stop the flooding. The old tug of war between increase Taxes or reduce Spending are not enough! Partisan politics and rivalry will never fix anything. Obama wanted to redistribute the wealth, but he is just redistributing scarcity. Our own government is practicing a Scorched Earth policy on ourselves. The Socrates Project: President Ronald Reagan implemented a program within the US intelligence community called the Socrates Project. It was directed by Michael Sekora. The Socrates Project examined competition worldwide, and determined that
we began losing our competitive advantage in the marketplace after World War II as a result of switching from technology-based planning to economic-based planning. This program enabled them to foresee America's present economic crisis, and identified methods to change direction and rebuild this country's competitiveness. President George Herbert Walker Bush, instead of completing and implementing the program - scrapped it for political reasons. Michael Sekora says, "It is now the time
to complete Ronald Reagan's great legacy and to return America to economic preeminence." I must say, I agree with Michael Sekora.
China has outmaneuvered the U.S. in the acquisition and use of worldwide technology. This is not technology that they developed, but they have put ours and other countries technology to good use. They are gaining a long term competitive advantage in the world marketplace. How have they done this, how have they developed into the next world superpower? China has followed an aggressive policy of technology-based planning. They have taken advantage of the failure in America's heavy manufacturing industries and the reduction in output of competitive goods and services.
There is a simple test of this marketing strategy that you can easily check out for yourself. Go to a local chain department store - WalMart, Target or any other. Walk down the aisles of the toy department and try to find anything they offer that is made in the U.S.A. You will be hard pressed to find more than one or two items out of thousands. The vast majority will be made in China, I was recently looking for a present for a Grandchild and was hard pressed to purchase an American made toy.
The political debate must include more than the usual issues. We should add in a technology based planning model, to address the problems of the debt burden and lagging economy. The U.S. government has inflicted businesses with repressive taxes and trade regulations, that are crushing innovation and destroying our competitive edge. Michael Sekora puts it succinctly with this statement, "The U.S.
government should move resolutely towards a reexamination of President Reagan's Socrates Project and so usher in the automated
innovation revolution in this country and a return to sustained economic prosperity and a revitalized American Dream."
Other Stuff
Other stuff is a great place to make some significant cuts: Remember those IRS auditors we talked about earlier in this program? Well, we're going to use more of them here. We can save a whole lot of money by removing, merging and streamlining redundant programs. You might be thinking, "Hey what about all of the people that are going to lose their government jobs!" Well that is an easy one - The jobs that go away can be taken up with something very simple . . . It's called Attrition - Yeah that's right people retire, get fired, or quit all of the time. We will use a great example of Attrition with the Post Office: The Post Office has 574,000 employees - 215,000 of those employees are due to retire in 5 years. Well we could absorb 50,000 of those jobs easily by going to 5 days of mail delivery instead of 6 days of delivery. You may notice that most of your mail on Saturdays, is junk mail anyway. Every branch of government could achieve drastic cost reductions through a hiring freeze and attrition. Zero Base Line Budget - This one is as huge as Attrition, No more automatic annual increases in Government programs. The budget is set by the actual cost of the program. The money will be allocated to the program based on the need and actual cost of running the program. Automatic increases inflate the cost and promote fraud to the taxpayer. We will be cheering on our IRS auditors again in this area of Government auditing. This one goes along with a Congressionally mandated Government Spending Cap. What about Public Works - Union and Prevailing Wage clauses drive up the cost of Public works projects. They add to the already massive cost of building bridges, building highways and improving infrastructure. The government should adopt a fair and competitive bid process that would cut many millions of dollars from these bloated projects.
Earmarks Have Got to Go! When a bill goes to the President, it should not have all of the earmarks tagged on. States and special interests add their pet projects to please certain groups of their constituents. Either the bill can stand on its own merits or it can't. It is that simple - stop the earmarks. Subsidies - I know, I'm stepping on a lot of toes here, and this is where my Libertarian bias comes in, but "Is it really the job of the Government to subsidize massive oil companies exploration efforts with tax breaks?" The answer is no, that is part of the cost of doing business. If you are politically left leaning, I'm sure you loved those last 2 line, but you aren't going to like this one . . . " It's not the Governments' Business to subsidize Solar, Wind, and Alternative Energy Either!" Private Industry will balance out with supply and demand. Companies make a profit based on the value that they bring to the market place. Subsidizing Farmers to grow corn for fuel, and paying farmers not to grow crops is a mistake. What did farmers do, before Government subsidies? Government Giveaways - If the President was really concerned about what is best for America and Americans, he would not be dipping into the Strategic Oil Reserve and blaming it on Libya, after all America is not a big customer of Libyan oil. He should not promise $40 billion dollars in aid, to finance the Arab Spring. We cannot afford these type of give-a-ways. They are costing us way too much, and they are not making America a better place. America must stop giving money to countries that hate us. It is not in our National Interest and the money will not buy their love and affection. The giveaways are past the redistribution of wealth - It has become the redistribution of newly printed money - that is rapidly becoming worthless. Poor financial stewardship on the part of our President and Congress must stop. Flat Tax or Fair Tax? - We need to work on a fair, and simplified system of taxation, the fair tax or a flat tax would make it easier for the government to plan their income and it would reduce the cost of enforcing a cumbersome and massive tax code. The tax code is thousands of pages long and only a savant with prodigious memory could contain it all. That also explains where the IRS auditor jobs would go, as mentioned earlier in this plan. Their talents and
training would not be wasted, as they could audit the government for waste, streamline inefficiencies, and reduce duplication of services. Stop Wasting Money on Stupid Programs: All of us sigh in disgust when we hear how a gazillian dollars were spent studying the color changes in moths wings between alpine and sub-alpine altitudes. We hear about so many stupid programs that are complete nonsense and are a complete waste of money. Is it really important to study why geriatric janitors working the night shift love to go home and watch re-runs of Gilligan's' Island, instead of going home to sleep? A few of our IRS auditors can help police and clean up this mess. Balance the Budget - This is one of the biggies that would be easy to pass as a Constitutional Amendment and would insure that the Government could no longer or ever again do business as usual and damage our future and economy the way they have for decades now. It's a No Brainer!!
Stop Tenure at Our Schools and Universities: The bastions of social justice and liberal thought processes have been indoctrinating our young people for a long time now. The professors at some of our institutions of higher learning, need to learn a lesson themselves. If you are a worthless egghead that spouts drivel all day, it should not take an act of God to remove you from your teaching position. There is no reason to guarantee a career for incompetents, just because they have put in a certain amount of time teaching. If a teacher becomes lazy in their teaching and stops performing the job they were hired to do . . . then they should get the boot, just like what happens to any worker in the private sector, when they don't measure up. The U.S. Government does not have any Constitutional Authority or mandate to provide education or to be in the business of controlling
education. Education is a State and local issue until President Jimmy Carter barely won approval from Congress to create a gargantuan bureaucracy that does nothing to improve the quality of education, but gobbles massive amounts of taxpayer's dollars. Then President Bush created, "No Child Left Behind," which strengthened the Dept. of Educations' stranglehold on our children's education. It's time to go back to the way it was for 200 years prior to the creation of the Dept. of Education. Let's get rid of this financial boondoggle, The Department of Education is just another Rube Goldberg contraption that makes a complicated and expensive mess. I find it sickening to see the Progressive agenda being taught as compulsory education to our Children. We must take back the institutions of education and control them at the local level. Institutions of higher education are miserably failing the students they educate. Having a college degree is becoming meaningless, unaffordable, and does not insure any value to obtain anything more than an entry level position. A bachelors degree is a big accomplishment. Acquiring a degree, is a big sacrifice in time and money, out of a students' life. Unless they receive a specialized degree in a field of study that has a large demand, it will not equip them with an advantage when entering the job market. The big Government School Loan industry is wasteful and straddles the student with massive debt, at a time when they are just starting out in their career and adult life.
The real object of this budget proposal is to get people to wake up to the facts.
Federal Debt has passed $15 Trillion Dollars, that means each CITIZEN has a debt of $48,400.00. The reality is actually much worse than this . . . The total unfunded liabilities of the United States are closer to $134 Trillion Dollars . . . That's $440,638.41 for each Citizen of the United States!! . . . The only way out with our present administration is the reckless printing of an unlimited supply of money.
America's largest creditor - China has an economy that will likely overtake the U.S. economy as the largest in the world, in the not too distant future. America is not just dead broke - we are deeper in debt than any other civilization in history. If we do not reverse the downward slide, the dollar will spiral downward into total collapse. We are moving toward the dollar being replaced by a single world currency. America as we know it will cease to exist. Bernanke is acting like a power mad counterfeiter. The presses are cranking out mountains of money 24/7 to feed the debt obsession of an out of control America. Bernanke is responsible for increasing the monetary base of this country from $851 billion to $2.03 Trillion in just two years and three months. That is an irresponsible 138% increase in America's monetary base. . . and it still continues. It is hard to believe what is happening to this country - the facts are the U.S. Federal Reserve is perpetuating the greatest money printing Ponzi scheme since the Weimar Republic in Germany. Many who read this proposal will think we are being alarmists and encouraging drastic action.