1364 Part 3 2002
1364 Part 3 2002
1364 Part 3 2002
ahiw3qwch’l Rwa-hTa
Indian Standard
( Fourth Revision)
ICS21 .060.20
@ BIS 2002
This Indian Standard ( Part 3 ) ( Fourth Revision ) which is identical with ISO 4032:1999 ‘Hexagon
nuts, style 1 — Product grades A and B’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization
( ISO ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Bolts, Nuts and
Fasteners Accessories Sectional Committee and approval of the Basic and Production Engineering
Division Council.
IS 1364 was originally published in 1960 and first revised in 1967. Subsequent to the publication of
1967 edition, many changes had been agreed upon at international level which have been reflected
in IS 1367 series of standards covering ‘Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners’.
Accordingly, second revision was published in 1963 splitting the standard into 5 parts covering hexagon
head bolts, hexagon head screws, hexagon nuts, hexagon thin nuts ( chamfered ) and hexagon thin
nuts ( unchamfered ).
The third revision of this standard was published in 1992 by adoption of ISO 4017:1988. This fourth
revision has been made by adoption of latest version of ISO 4032 published in 1999. The remaining
parts of the standard, that is, Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 and Part 5 are also being revised by adopting the
corresponding latest editions of ISO Standards published in 1999.
The Committee also decided to publish Indian Standard on ‘Hexagon nuts, Style 2 — Product grades A
and B’ as Part 6 of IS 1364. The Part 6 will supersede 1S/1S0 4033:1979 on its publication.
In 1967 version of this standard, the widths across flat dimensions for Ml O and Ml 2 size fasteners
were specified as 17 mm and 19 mm respectively. However, in the 1983 version, these widths across
flat dimensions were brought in line with ISO 4032: 1979 and specified as 16 mm and 18 mm
respectively for Ml O and Ml 2 size fasteners. Recognizing the difficulty of immediate changeover to
new width across flat dimensions, the Committee decided to permit width across flat dimensions as
per 1967 version, that is, 17 mm and 19 mm for Ml O and M12 size fasteners till 31 December 1994.
Now it is expected that the entire fastener industry would have switched over to new width across flat
dimensions and from 1 January 1995 no old width across flat dimensions shall be permitted.
The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as Indian Standard without
deviations. Certain terminology and conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian
Standards. Attention is drawn especially to the following:
a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear referring to this standard, they should be
read as ‘Indian Standard’.
b) Comma ( , ) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards, the current practice
is to use a point ( . ) as the decimal marker.
In this adopted standard, reference appears to certain International Standards for which Indian Standards
also exist. The corresponding Indian Standards which are to be substituted in their place are listed
below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:
IS 1364( Part 3 ) :2002
ISO 4032:1999
International Corresponding Indian Standard Degree of
Standard Equivalence
ISO 724:1993 IS 4218 ( Part 3 ) :1999 ISO General purpose metric Identical
screw threads : Part 3 Basic dimensions ( second revision)
The concerned Technical Committee has reviewed the provisions of the following ISO Standards referred
in this adopted standard and has “decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this
ISO 8839:1986 Mechanical properties of fasteners — Bolts, screws, studs and nuts made
of non-ferrous metals
‘Hexagon nut - IS 1364( Part3)/1S04032 - M12 -8’ in p/ace of ‘Hexagon nut - ISO 4032- M12 -8’
The packaging of hexagon nuts shall be in accordance with IS 1367 ( Part 18 ) : 1996 ‘Industrial
fasteners — Threaded steel fasteners — Technical supply conditions : Part 18 Packaging ( third
revision )‘.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
( iii )
IS 1364 (Part 3) :2002
ISO 4032:1999
( Fourth Revision)
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of hexagon nuts, style 1, with threads from Ml.6 up to
including M64, with product grade A for threads u’ s Ml 6 and product grade B for threads d > Ml 6.
If, in special cases, specifications other than those listed in this International Standard are required, they should be
selected from existing International Standards, for example ISO 724, ISO 898-2, ISO 965-1, ISO 3506-2 and
1s0 4759-1.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of 1S0 and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 225:1983, Fasteners — Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Symbols and designations of dimensions.
ISO 898-2:1992, Mechanica/ propetiies of fasteners — Pati 2: Nuts with specified proof load values — Coarse
ISO 965-1:1998, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — Tolerances — Pafl 1: Principles and basic data.
ISO 3506-2:1997, Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners — Part 2: Nuts.
ISO 4759-1 :—2), Tolerances for fasteners — Part 1: Bolts, screws, studs and nuts — Product grades A, B and C.
ISO 8839:1986, Mechanica/ properties of fasteners — Bo/ts, screws, studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metaLs.
ISO 8992:1986, Fasteners — Genera/ requirements for bo/ts, screws, studs and nuts.
3, To be published.
. .—
3 Dimensions
Figure 1
IS 1364 (Part 3) :2002
ISO 4032:1999
Table 1 — Preferred threads
Dimensions in miliimetres
s nom. =max. 3,20 4,00 5,00 5,50 7,00 8,00 10,00 13,00 16,00 18,00
min. 3,02 3,82 4,82 5,32 6,78 7,78 9,78 12,73 15,73 17,73
Thread (d) M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64
Pa 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
~ max. 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0
min. 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3
25,9 32,4 38,9 45,4 51,8 60,5 69,1
24,0 30,0 36,0 42,0 48,0 56,0 64,0
33,3 42,8 51,1 60 69,5 78,7 88,2
1< min. I 26,75 I 32,95 39,55 50,85 60,79 71,3 82,6 93,56 104,86
max. 14,8 18,0 21,5 25,6 31,0 34,0 38,0 45,0 51,0
min. 14,1 16,9 20,2 24,3 29,4 32,4 36,4 43,4 49,1
Ii?w min. 11,3 13,5 16,2 19,4 23,5 25,9 29,1 34,7 39,3
Thread (d)
w 0,40 0,60
Ml 8
min. 0,15 0,15 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 (),3 (),3
da max. 4,0 15,1 19,5 23,7 29,1 35,6 42,1 48,6 56,2 64,8
min. 3,5 14,0 18,0 22,0 27,0 33,0 39,0 45,0 52,0 60,0
dw min. 5 19,6 24,9 31,4 38 46,6 55,9 64,7 74,2 83,4
e min. 6,58 23,36 29,56 37,29 45,2 55,37 66,44 76,95 88,25 99,21
max. 2,80 12,8 15,8 19,4 23,8 28,7 33,4 36,0 42,0 48,0
min. 2,55 12,1 15,1 18,1 22,5 27,4 31,8 34,4 40,4 46,4
t)lw min. 2 9,7 12,1 14,5 18 21,9 25,4 27,5 32,3 37,1
IS 1364 (Part 3) :2002
ISO 4032: 1999
See Table 3.
rhread Tolerance 6H
Mechanical Property d < M3: as agreed d < M24: A2-70, A4-70 Materials
>roperties classa specified in
M3==[I=M39:6,8,1O M24 < d = M39: A2-50, A4-50 ISO 8839
d > M39: as agreed d > M39: as agreed
International 1s04759-1
a For other property classes see ISO 898-2 for steel and ISO 3.506-2 for stainless steel respectively.
5 Designation
A hexagon nut, style 1, with thread Ml 2 and property class 8 is designated as follows:
IS 1364 (Part 3) :2002
ISO 4032:1999
[2] 1S04015:1979, /-/exagon head bo/ts– Product grade B — Reduced shank (shank diameter approximately
equal to pitch diameter).
[8] ISO 4035:1999, Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) — Product grades A and B,
[11 ] ISO 41 62:—4), Hexagon bolts with flange — Small series — Product grade combination A/B.
[12] 1S0 4775:1984, Hexagon nuts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats — Product
grade B — Property classes 8 and 10.
[13] ISO 7411:1984, Hexagon bobs for high-strength structura/ bo/ting with large width across f/ats (thread /engths
according to ISO 888) — Product grade C — Property classes 8.8 and 10.9.
[14] ISO 7412:1984, Hexagon bolts for high-strength structural bolting with large width across flats (short thread
length) — Product grade C — Properfy classes 8,8 and 10.9.
[15] ISO 7413:1984, Hexagon nuts for structural bolting, style 1, hot-dip galvanized (oversize tapped) — Product
grades A and B — Properly classes 5, 6 and 8.
[16] ISO 7414:1984, Hexagon nuts for structural bolting with large width across flats, style 1 — Product grade B —
Property c/ass 10.
[17] ISO 7417:1984, Hexagon nuts for structural bolting, style 2, hot-dip galvanized (oversize tapped) — Product
grade A — Propedy class 9.
[18] ISO 8673:1999, Hexagon nuts, sty/e 1, with metric fine pitch thread – Product grades A and B,
[19] ISO 8674:1999, Hexagon nuts, sty/e 2, with metric fine pitch thread — Product grades A and B.
[20] ISO 8675:1999, Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) with metric fine pitch thread — Product grades A and B.
[21 ] ISO 8676:1999, Hexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread — Product grades A and B.
[22] lS08765:1999, Hexagon head bolts withmetric finepitch thread -Product grades Aand B.
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications maybe reproduced in any form without
the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the
standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. Enquiries relating to
copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), INS.
Review of Indian Standards I
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are ,1
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. BP33(0115 ).