5 - Occupational Health Eng
5 - Occupational Health Eng
5 - Occupational Health Eng
Code of Practice
CoP 5.0 - Occupational Health Screening and
Medical Surveillance
Version 4.0
July 2024
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2. Training and Competency ..................................................................................................................... 4
3. Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................................. 5
3.2. General Requirements for Occupational Health Screening: .................................................. 7
3.3. General Requirements for Medical Surveillance:....................................................................... 7
3.4. Types of Occupational Health Screening and Medical Surveillance .................................. 7
3.5. Medical Records and Medical Confidentiality: ............................................................................ 8
4. Record Keeping ....................................................................................................................................... 10
5. References................................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Document Amendment Record ......................................................................................................... 12
Appendix 1: Specified Occupations Requiring Medical Screening ..................................................... 13
Appendix 2: Hazardous Materials or Exposures Requiring Medical Surveillance .......................... 28
Appendix 3: Sample General Health History Questionnaire.................................................................. 54
Appendix 4: Sample Employment Medical Examination Form.............................................................. 58
Appendix 5: Sample Seafarers Certificate of Medical Fitness.............................................................. 61
(a) This Code of Practice (CoP) applies to all employers and places of business within the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi. If requirements of this document conflict with requirements set
by another regulatory authority, employers are required to follow the more stringent
(b) This CoP identifies specific requirements for occupational health screening/fitness to
work and medical surveillance for employees performing any of the job duties found
in Appendix 1 or exposed to chemicals/materials listed in Appendix 2 of this CoP.
(c) Occupational health screening shall be undertaken with regards to the potential
exposures expected related to the employee’s occupation and before an employee is
exposed to a hazardous work environment.
(d) Medical surveillance shall be undertaken after a risk assessment and/or occupational
hygiene assessments have been undertaken to assess the extent of the exposure and
after other control measures implemented to control exposure to an acceptable level
using the principles of risk management and the hierarchy of control.
(a) Employers shall ensure that EHS training complies with the requirements of:
(c) Employers shall ensure all relevant employees and contractors covered by the
requirements of the CoP are informed of the requirements of occupational health
screening and medical surveillance.
(d) Employers shall inform all employees of the requirement of Section 4.0 of this CoP and
their right to medical record protection and medical confidentiality.
(e) Employers shall ensure that person(s) responsible for development and
implementation of Occupational Health screening and medical surveillance programs
are competent to do so.
3.1.1. Employers
(a) Employers shall undertake their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the
general requirements of ADOSH-SF – Element 1 – Roles, Responsibilities and Self-
Regulation Section 3.2.5
(b) Every employer shall be responsible for performing a risk assessment in accordance
with ADOSH-SF – Element 2 – Risk Management to determine the risks associated to
job tasks and determine the requirements of their occupational health and medical
surveillance program.
(c) Employers shall maintain medical records and medical confidentiality in accordance
with Section 4.0 of this CoP.
(d) Employers shall arrange for medical surveillance of employees that have been or it is
reasonably practicable to believe they have been exposed to a hazardous material if:
(i) the material is listed in Appendix 2 and the degree of risk to the health of the
employee is significant; or
(ii) the employer reasonably believes that:
1. an identifiable adverse effect may be related to exposure;
2. the health effect may happen under the work conditions of the employee;
3. a valid biological or technical technique or test is available to detect the
signs of the health effect or a valid biological monitoring procedure is
available to detect the material or its metabolite; and
4. other Federal or Local legislation/regulations requires such surveillance
to be conducted.
(e) If the medical surveillance relates to an occupation listed in Appendix 1 the employer
(i) arrange for the medical surveillance to be done by a DOH (Department of Health
– Abu Dhabi) licensed physician under the supervision of a DOH licensed
Occupational Medicine Specialist; and
(ii) ask the physician to give the employee and the employer a medical surveillance
report which includes a description of the effects of the material or exposure on
the employees' health and the need, if any, for remedial action or treatment; and
an explanation of the report.
(f) Employers with occupational health screening and medical surveillance programs shall
use an employee general health history questionnaire to collect, at a minimum, the
following information (see Appendix 3 for sample questionnaire):
(g) employers shall communicate the results of the occupational health screening and/or
medical surveillance to the employee. This includes:
(i) informing employees of all findings and provide them with a copy of medical
exam report;
(ii) providing any follow up treatment for employment related health problems, if
(iii) counselling and education about relevant occupational hazards; and
(iv) provide follow up health education to ensure employee understands the health
risks of his/her occupation and/or lifestyle habits.
(h) the employer, or employer provided insurance (if included), shall pay all associated
costs for the occupational health screening and medical surveillance. Employees shall
not be held responsible for any costs associated with these programs, including time
required to undertake the programme/screening or surveillance tests or any other
associated travel costs which shall be provided by the employer.
3.1.2. Employees
(a) Employees shall undertake their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the
general requirements of ADOSH-SF – Element 1 – Roles, Responsibilities and Self-
Regulation Section 3.2.7.
(b) Employees shall participate in any medical surveillance program or occupational health
screening program if their job tasks or a risk assessment indicates the exposure
warrants such screening or surveillance and as required by their employer.
(c) Employees have a right to decline to take part in occupational health screening or
surveillance programs but shall be informed of the consequences by the employer or
a qualified physician and evidence of the decision shall be recorded in writing along
with the employee’s, employer’s and physician’s signatures.
(d) Employees shall report to any place required for the screening or surveillance to be
conducted as advised by their employer.
(e) Employees shall report any adverse effects or symptoms associated with their work
or exposure to a particular hazard at work to the employer or supervisor which shall
be recorded in writing and investigated.
(f) Employees have a right to request copies of their records or risk assessment results
and an explanation of the results in a language they understand through the use of a
(a) For occupations listed in Appendix 1, or any high-risk activities as determined by the
risk assessment (refer to 3.1.1(b)), occupational health screening and medical
examinations shall be conducted to determine:
(i) if employees are medically and physically able to perform the assigned duties
without substantial risk of harm to themselves, others, or the job to be
performed (fitness for duty examinations); and
(ii) to identify pre-existing medical conditions which may be aggravated by
workplace hazards or exposures.
(b) Employers shall also include employees in the occupational health screening program
if it is reasonably practicable to believe that:
(d) The employer shall pay all of the associated costs for the occupational health
(a) Medical surveillance programs shall be based on the results of the risk assessment as
required by Section 3.1.1(b) and/or the results of an occupational hygiene survey
which warrants such surveillance based upon exposure assessment results.
(b) In the absence of industrial hygiene and exposure data, a qualified occupational
physician licensed by DOH shall make a decision on the placement of employees into
the medical surveillance program based on knowledge of the workplace processes, job
requirements, exposures and occupational history of the employee.
(c) Data collected from medical surveillance shall be evaluated at a minimum annually to
determine if the workplace is causing or contributing to employee’s injuries or
illnesses due to occupational exposures. When data suggests that there is a link,
control measures shall be implemented to reduce the risk to as low as reasonably
practicable as well as additional medical surveillance if warranted.
(a) Medical records shall be maintained in a secure location where only medical personnel
or medical program managers have access to the records.
(i) in the event that employers do not have medical personal or a medical program
manager, medical records may be maintained at a HAAD licensed medical facility;
(ii) the employer may assign an OSH staff member or other employee the duties of
maintaining medical records and ensuring records are secure.
(b) At no time may medical records be provided to Human Resources, management, or any
other representative of the entity as a means to evaluate:
(c) Medical records shall not be provided to any person or party outside the employer or
employer approved medical provider without the written consent of the employee.
(d) Medical record data may be used to evaluate the health of employees in general, guide
employer sponsored wellness programs, or determine funding of employee sponsored
wellness programs. When used for these purposes, the employer shall:
(i) remove any data that could be used to identify an employee; and
(ii) ensure data of a single employee is not provided as standalone data.
(f) Employee can request a copy of their medical records and a copy shall be provided
within five (5) working days. Employees may not be charged for receiving a copy of
their medical records.
(g) Employees and medical professionals that have access to employee medical records
shall not discuss the contents of the records, or the health of employees to anyone
not associated with providing medical care to the employees.
(a) The employer shall maintain an accurate record of each employee undergoing medical
surveillance or screening. The employer shall assure that this medical record is
maintained for the duration of employment and for a period of 30 years thereafter.
(b) All records must be retained if they are part of an external investigation or legal
• UAE General Civil Aviation Authority. Civil Aviation Regulations. Part II. Chapter 5
• Palmer K, Cox, R and Brown, I. Fitness for Work the Medical Aspect 4th Ed. Oxford
University Press. Oxford Medical Publications. 2007
• ILO. Guidelines for Conducting Pre-Sea and Periodic Medical Fitness Examinations
for Seafarers (2007)
• Health and Safety Executive (UK). The Medical Examination and Assessment of
Divers (MA1). Available at URL: http://www.hse.gov.uk/diving/ma1.pdf
(2) Aviators (Air Crew-pilots, Flight Crew-cabin attendants, Flight Despatcher etc.)
(3) Health Care Workers (Physicians, Nurses, Nursing Assistants, Dentist, Therapists –
physiotherapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, Technicians – ECG,
respiratory, radiographer, laboratory, radiology, sterilization)
(5) Emergency Responders (fire fighters, police, civil defense, ambulance personnel,
hazmat emergency responders etc.)
(6) Sea Farers (Marine Skippers / Captains, Boat Masters and Seaman etc.)
Periodic Medical: 45 years and older: Medical every 5 years till age 65 years
Chest x-ray
Chest x-ray
Chest x-ray
Results of Investigations: To be provided to Candidate / Employee
Chest x-ray
Initial Medical
Standard Requirements
Pre-placement exam Yes1
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Termination exam No
Periodic exam No
Termination exam No
Examination includes No
special emphasis on
these body systems
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Evaluation of ability No
to wear a respirator
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Termination exam No
Exam includes emphasis on
Examination includes the neurological system and
special emphasis on Skin noting any
these body systems abnormal lesions and
Evidence of skin
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Employee counselling No
re: exam results,
conditions of
increased risk
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Termination exam No
Additional tests if No
deemed necessary
Termination exam No
Additional tests if No
deemed necessary
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Standard Requirements
Termination exam No
Additional tests if No
deemed necessary
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Urinary and blood inorganic
Other required tests mercury
others determined by
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Emergency/exposure No
examination and tests
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Emergency/exposure No
examination and tests
Termination exam No
Examination includes No
special emphasis on
these body systems
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Other required tests Yes – if deemed necessary
– estimated red cell and
plasma cholinesterase
activity at end of work day
after exposure
Evaluation of ability Yes
to wear a respirator
Additional tests if No
deemed necessary
Termination exam No
Termination exam No
Chest x-ray No
Pulmonary function No
test (PFT)
Employee counselling No
re: exam results,
conditions of
increased risk
Standard requires medical and work history focused on special body systems, symptoms,
personal habits, and/or specific family, environmental or occupational history.
No examination required if previous examination done within specified time frame (e.g., 6
months or 12 months) and provisions of standard met.
Additional physician review: Provisions for referring employees with abnormalities to a
specialist as deemed necessary by examiner.
May require specific protocol.
Height _______
Date of Birth (d/m/y) ____ / _____ / _____ Weight: ___ Kg
From To Occupation WORK EXPOSURE (Check box if yes)
2 Chemicals Noise
PERSONAL HISTORY - Do you suffer from or have you had? – (Check box if yes)
Breathlessness Renal Colic Bone Complaint Lost work time due to migraines
Mother Son(s)
Brother(s) Daughter(s)
Allergy Tuberculosis Epilepsy
Average weekly consumption of alcohol: ___________________ units
Daily consumption of tobacco: ________ per day
per week
Exercise type: ___________ Minutes per day _________ Recreational Drugs: Yes No
Information on Medications taken on a regular or occasional basis over the past two years.
I have not taken any medications over the past 2 years or List as requested below …
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
List all Chronic Health Problems, Hospitalizations and Surgeries that you have experienced:
I have not had any chronic health problems, hospitalizations, nor surgeries or Complete information below …
Current status related to each health issue
Date Problem / Hospitalization/Surgery
& date of any surgery performed
Yes No
Have you ever had active pulmonary TB? No Yes; if ‘yes’ give date _____________
Was it treated and for how long? No Yes Treated for ____ months
(TB) Have you had a BCG vaccine? No Yes; if ‘yes’ give year : ______________
Have you had a TB skin test (Mantoux)? No Yes; if ‘yes’ give date _________ & Result _____
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Have you had the vaccine for Measles/Mumps/Rubella? No Yes; if ‘yes’ give date ________
Tetanus / Diphtheria Have you had a booster for Tetanus / Diphtheria? Never Yes, in the year _____________
Chicken Pox / Varicella Have you had the Varicella vaccine? No Yes - Date of each dose ________ & _________
Please check to make sure you have completed all questions on the two pages of this form.
Your medical information cannot be evaluated unless all questions are completed or marked “unknown”.
I affirm that the information and responses I have provided are accurate and true to the best of my
Date (dd/mm/yy):_________________________
This report is to be completed by a licensed Medical Physician who performs complete physical exams as
a part of his/her practice. Please assess and describe all abnormal findings, including past surgeries,
serious and chronic conditions and indicate all current treatments.
Family Name First Name Gender: Age Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI
________________ ________________ Female
____ _______ _________ ____
PULSE / min
BLOOD PRESSURE Systolic /Diastolic mmhg
Page 2 of 2
Please complete the requested information, based on your findings during the health history and physical exam on this
individual ability to:
Ability to stand and walk continuously for 8 - 12 hours per day.
Previous surgery
Yes No
Temporarily unfit, but likely to become fit after recovery from the medical problem identified in the examination result.
From a medical aspect, I estimate he / She may be fit for work in __________ weeks.
Note: This form is valid for a period of six months from the date of signature
Seafarer’s Name:
I certify that the above mentioned seafarer has undergone a medical examination in
compliance with the above regulation and I have found him/her fit for UNRESTRICTED
seafaring in the following category:
I confirm that:
• His/her hearing and eyesight are satisfactory for the duties to be performed,
• His/her color vision is satisfactory ,
• He/she is fit / for lookout duties.