Hsslive-Xi-Zoology-03-Structural Orgnzn
Hsslive-Xi-Zoology-03-Structural Orgnzn
Hsslive-Xi-Zoology-03-Structural Orgnzn
ii)Compound Epithelium
Compound epithelium is made of more than one
layer (multi-layered) of cells and thus has a
limited role in secretion and absorption.
2. Adipose tissue:
It located mainly beneath the skin. The cells of
this tissue are specialised to store fats.
• The excess of nutrients which are not used
immediately are converted into fats and are
stored in this tissue
• Bones have a hard and non-pliable ground
substance rich in calcium salts and collagen
fibres which give bone its strength
• The bone cells (osteocytes) are present in the
spaces called lacunae
• Cockroaches are brown or black bodied • Head is triangular in shape It is formed by the
animals that are included in class Insecta of fusion of six segments
Phylum Arthropoda. • Head shows great mobility in all directions
• Bright yellow, red and green coloured
due to flexible neck
cockroaches have also been reported in
tropical regions. • The head capsule bears a pair of compound
• Their size ranges from ¼ inches to 3 inches eyes
(0.6-7.6 cm) and have long antenna, legs and • A pair of thread like antennae arises from
flat extension of the upper body wall that membranous sockets lying in front of eyes.
conceals head. • Anterior end of the head bears appendages
• They are nocturnal omnivores that live in forming biting and chewing type of mouth
damp places throughout the world.
The abdomen in both males and females
consists of 10 segments.
Abdomen in female:
✓ In females, the 7th sternum is boat
shaped and together with the 8th and
9th sterna forms a brood or genital pouch
whose anterior part contains female
gonopore, spermathecal pores and
collateral glands.
Abdomen in male:
✓ In males, genital pouch or chamber lies at ❖ It starts with mouth.
the hind end of abdomen bounded
❖ The mouth opens into a short tubular
dorsally by 9th and 10th terga and pharynx, leading to a narrow tubular passage
ventrally by the 9th sternum. It contains called oesophagus.
dorsal anus, ventral male genital pore
❖ This in turn opens into a sac like structure
and gonapophysis. called crop used for storing of food.
✓ Males bear a pair of short thread like anal
❖ The crop is followed by gizzard or
style, which are absent in female. proventriculus.
✓ In both sexes, the 10th segment bears a pair of
❖ It has an outer layer of thick circular muscles
jointed filamentous structures called anal cerci.
and thick inner cuticle forming six highly
chitinous plate called teeth.
❖ Gizzard helps in grinding the food particles.
The entire foregut is lined by cuticle.
❖ A ring of 6-8 blind tubules called hepatic or
gastric caecae is present at the junction of
foregut and midgut, which secrete digestive
❖ A pair of salivary gland is present near crop
b) Midgut:
❖ At the junction of midgut and hindgut is Respiratory system
present another ring of 100-150 yellow ❖ The respiratory system consists of a network
coloured thin filamentous Malpighian of trachea, that open through 10 pairs of
tubules. small holes called spiracles present on the
❖ They help in removal of excretory products lateral side of the body.
from haemolymph. ❖ Thin branching tubes (tracheal tubes
c)Hindgut: subdivided into tracheoles) carry oxygen from
❖ The hindgut is differentiated into ileum, colon the air to all the parts.
and rectum. ❖ The opening of the spiracles is regulated by
❖ The rectum opens out through anus the sphincters.
❖ Exchange of gases take place at the
Circulatory system tracheoles by diffusion.
Reproductive system
• Cockroaches are dioecious and both sexes
have well developed reproductive organs.
• The male and female cockroach can be
identified by the difference in their
morphological features . This phenomenon is
called sexual dimorphism
15. Observe the diagrams given below 19. Bone: Osteocytes :: Cartilage:………
(HSE-Aug-2018)(2) (HSE-Model 2018)(1/2)
20. Identify the figures A and B. Write any one
characteristic features of each A and B