Scitranslmed Aap8373
Scitranslmed Aap8373
Scitranslmed Aap8373
Humans can precisely sense the position, speed, and torque of their body parts. This sense is known as proprio-
ception and is essential to human motor control. Although there have been many attempts to create human-
mechatronic interactions, there is still no robust, repeatable methodology to reflect proprioceptive information
from a synthetic device onto the nervous system. To address this shortcoming, we present an agonist-antagonist
myoneural interface (AMI). The AMI is composed of (i) a surgical construct made up of two muscle-tendons—an
agonist and an antagonist—surgically connected in series so that contraction of one muscle stretches the other
and (ii) a bidirectional efferent-afferent neural control architecture. The AMI preserves the dynamic muscle rela-
tionships that exist within native anatomy, thereby allowing proprioceptive signals from mechanoreceptors within
both muscles to be communicated to the central nervous system. We surgically constructed two AMIs within the
residual limb of a subject with a transtibial amputation. Each AMI sends control signals to one joint of a two-degree-
of-freedom ankle-foot prosthesis and provides proprioceptive information pertaining to the movement of that
joint. The AMI subject displayed improved control over the prosthesis compared to a group of four subjects having
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information through activation of cutaneous stretch receptors; un- A3 and A4). In each AMI, each muscle was mechanically linked to
fortunately, translation of this approach has been a major hurdle. Re- its partner via a tendon, which passed through a synovial canal, har-
generative peripheral nerve interfaces have emerged as a means of vested from the amputated ankle joint at the time of amputation.
stifling neuroma formation, preventing phantom pain, increasing One synovial canal was anchored to the medial flat of the tibia for
the number of independent neural control targets, and conveying cu- each AMI and served as a biological pulley for that AMI, enabling the
taneous sensory information (26, 27). Targeted muscle reinnervation tendon to slide relative to the anchored sheath such that force pro-
has a strong track record of improving controllability of myoelectric duction in one muscle caused stretch in the other. The AMI muscles
prostheses but is not designed to close the control loop with proprio- were surgically coapted (connected via suture) with each muscle set
ceptive sensation (28, 29). Prosthetic hardware has also seen dramatic at its resting tension, such that the default sensory state of each AMI
improvement in recent years (29–35), including substantial improve- reflected a neutral joint position.
ments to myoelectric control architectures (20, 27–29, 34, 36). At about 1-year postoperation, ultrasound imaging was used to
As a methodology of improving efferent (neural pathways that re- interrogate motion of each AMI during volitional cyclical movement
lay commands from the central nervous system to a muscle or other of the phantom limb. Movement commands were communicated to
end organ) prosthetic control and providing afferent proprioceptive the subject in terms of phantom limb motion (“dorsiflex your ankle”),
sensation, we present an agonist-antagonist myoneural interface rather than activation of a specific muscle (“contract your tibialis
(AMI). An AMI is made up of an agonist and an antagonist muscle- anterior”). Fascicle strains were estimated from ultrasound video,
tendon connected mechanically in series: When the agonist con- recorded from the antagonist muscle as the subject volitionally con-
tracts, the antagonist is stretched and vice versa (37, 38). The purpose tracted the agonist. Electromyography (EMG) was simultaneously
of an AMI is to control and interpret proprioceptive feedback from recorded from the contracting agonist. Ultrasound fascicle data
a bionic joint. This approach was first validated in several experiments showed physiologically relevant strains (up to 16%) in the antago-
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Fig. 1. Agonist-antagonist myoneural interface. (A) Two AMIs were surgically constructed within the left leg residuum of a patient to enable control of prosthetic Downloaded from on August 12, 2024
subtalar and ankle joint movements. Prosthetic subtalar and ankle movements are shown in (A1) and (A2), and (A3) and (A4), respectively. In (A1), the prosthetic subtalar
joint everts (arrow) when the peroneus longus contracts, stretching the tibialis posterior; in (A2), the subtalar joint inverts (arrow) when the tibialis posterior contracts,
stretching the peroneus longus. In (A3), the prosthetic ankle joint dorsiflexes (arrow) when the tibialis anterior contracts, stretching the lateral gastrocnemius; in (A4),
the ankle joint plantar-flexes (arrow) when the lateral gastrocnemius contracts, stretching the tibialis anterior. Dashed arrows indicate muscle contraction and stretch.
(B) Ultrasound strain and EMG data for the subtalar AMI, showing coupled motion when the peroneus longus is stretched during volitional contraction of the tibialis
posterior [inversion movement (A2)]. The correlation coefficient of these two signals is 0.94. (C) Ultrasound strain and EMG data for the ankle AMI, showing coupled
motion when the tibialis anterior is stretched during volitional contraction of the lateral gastrocnemius [plantar flexion movement (A4)]. The correlation coefficient of
these two signals is 0.91. (B) and (C) are representative traces from subject A (n = 5 trials per motion). EMG values are normalized to calibrated maxima for each muscle.
stretch relationships within the AMI. In free space, where no external limited functional difference between sensations of intended and ac-
torques are applied to the prosthetic joints, the efferent control system tual joint motion.
is designed to ensure that movement of the prosthesis is reliably syn- Before beginning the experiments, we found that by tuning con-
chronized with these natural afferent sensations; in this way, there is troller gains, we could adjust sensitivity of the prosthesis to make it
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Fig. 2. Volitional control of joint position and impedance. (A) Schematic showing how subject A activates the AMI muscle associated with his intended motion. This Downloaded from on August 12, 2024
activation is recorded as EMG and generates a movement command for the motors within the prosthesis. The subject can stiffen a prosthetic joint by simultaneously
coactivating both the agonist and the antagonist muscles within the AMI associated with that joint. Afferent signals describing prosthetic joint movement are communicated
to the patient’s nervous system via muscle spindle response to differential stretch relationships within each AMI muscle. (B) Average performance maps for volitional
control tasks (n = 100 samples from subject A, n = 350 samples from group T). The scores for each metric are presented by target area; the location of each rectangle
within the axis represents the target area in joint space, ranging from full plantar flexion (PF) to full dorsiflexion (DF) and from full eversion (EV) to full inversion (IN). The
shade of the rectangle indicates the subject’s score in that target area, where lighter shades are indicative of better performance. (C) Representative sample traces of joint
position (angle), EMG, and ankle stiffness during free-space volitional control experiments for subject A (n = 100 total samples) and one subject from group T (subject T2,
n = 50 total samples). Dashed vertical lines divide the trial into segments by target motion, indicated by the text at the top of each segment. The shaded region of each
plot represents the portion of that trial in which the subject was instructed to stiffen the joint. The range of ankle angles shown is the full range of the prosthetic ankle:
from 15 degrees of PF to 10 degrees of DF. The range of subtalar angles shown is the full range of the prosthetic subtalar: from 15 degrees of EV to 15 degrees of IN. Ankle
and subtalar angle plots show target position (black) and actual position (purple). The ankle EMG plot shows signal recorded from the lateral gastrocnemius (light blue)
and the tibialis anterior (dark blue). The subtalar EMG plot shows signal recorded from the tibialis posterior (light green) and the peroneus longus (dark green). EMG values
are normalized to calibrated maxima for each muscle. Stiffness values are normalized such that a value of 1 represents coactivation of the tibialis anterior and the lateral
gastrocnemius at each muscle’s calibrated maximum.
Clites et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaap8373 (2018) 30 May 2018 4 of 13
more or less reactive to muscle activity than the phantom limb. If the target locations consistently more difficult than others (Fig. 2B; per-
gains were too high, our subject described movement of the prosthesis formance metrics for each individual subject are reported in table S1).
as “jumpy.” Conversely, if they were too low, he described the pros- Path nonideality indicates the distance in angle space traversed
thesis as “sluggish” and “nonresponsive.” Once the gains were well by the prosthetic joints during the initial movement of the prosthesis
tuned, movement of the prosthesis and perceived movement of the from the rest angle to the target angle (task 1), normalized to the
phantom limb came into alignment. Control subjects having tradi- ideal distance from the rest angle to the center of the target square.
tional unilateral transtibial amputation (group T), using the same pros- Better performance in this metric is indicated by a lower score. Sub-
thesis under identical conditions, did not report similar sensations. ject A’s path nonideality score was 1.65 compared to an average score
Despite ample gain adjustments and tuning, none of the control sub- of 2.7 (±0.45) for subjects in group T. This represents a 39% im-
jects felt that motion of the prosthetic joints closely matched sensation provement in performance. The average path nonideality score for
in the phantom limb. One subject (subject T2) specifically attributed the intact limb cohort was 1.68 (±0.87), and the score for subject A’s
this discrepancy in part to an unintended simultaneous antagonis- unaffected limb was 1.56.
tic cocontraction during volitional activation of muscles within his Time in target indicates ability to hold the prosthesis in the tar-
residuum. All subjects in group T described a perception of limited get window and is reported as the total time for which each subject
motion throughout their phantom joint space. maintained the prosthesis within the target during the 3-s hold task
Independent control of joint position and impedance (task 2). Better performance in this metric is indicated by a higher
For all subjects, volitional control experiments were carried out after score. Subject A’s time in target score was 2.04 s compared to an aver-
about 1 hour of tuning and free control of the device. These experi- age score of 1.53 s (±0.30) for subjects in group T. This represents a
ments evaluated each subject’s ability to independently modulate 33% improvement in performance. The average time in target score
prosthetic joint position and impedance while performing volitional for the intact limb cohort was 2.16 s (±0.33), and the score for subject
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Subject A and all subjects from group T were instructed to walk as (T3) consistently plantar-flexed beginning before toe-off, and the
naturally as possible and to avoid active volitional movement of the degree of plantar flexion lessened as the subject moved through the
prosthesis. Instructions were carefully designed and delivered uni- swing phase. Late swing plantar flexion was defined as the maximum
formly with intent to be clear, concise, consistent, and free from bias. plantar flexion angle achieved between 80 and 100% of the swing
While ascending stairs, subject A (n = 10 trials) first reflexively plantar- phase. Subject A averaged 11.9 degrees of plantar flexion compared
flexed the prosthetic ankle as the prosthesis left the ground and then to 2.3 (±3.2) degrees of plantar flexion in group T. Summary data are
dorsiflexed during swing to appropriately position the foot before reported in Table 1.
placing it on the step (Fig. 4A and movie S3). He described these
actions as automatic. These behaviors were not observed in subjects Control architecture: Prosthesis in the loop
from group T (n = 32 trials). Late swing dorsiflexion, defined as the The final set of experiments was designed to evaluate whether FES
maximum dorsiflexion angle achieved between 80 and 100% of the can provide usable torque information from the prosthetic device to
swing phase, was calculated for each trial, and comparisons were a subject having AMIs. To close the control loop around the pros-
made as above. Subject A averaged 7.3 degrees of dorsiflexion com- thesis, afferent feedback of prosthetic joint torque was provided to
pared to 7.0 (±3.8) degrees of plantar flexion in group T. Summary subject A through stimulation of the AMI muscles (Fig. 5A). In re-
data are reported in Table 1. sponse to torque measured on the prosthesis, microprocessors on
While descending stairs (prosthetic leg leading), subject A exhib- the bionic leg commanded artificial stimulations to the antagonist
ited plantar flexion in late swing to prepare for foot-ground contact muscle within each AMI, controlling the force borne on the mechan-
(Fig. 4B and movie S3). This behavior is fundamental to normalized ically coupled agonist. To validate this feedback modality in isola-
stair-descent gait (42, 43). Late swing plantar flexion was not appre- tion, stimulation was first applied to the tibialis anterior—the muscle
ciable in three of the four subjects from group T. The fourth subject linked to prosthetic dorsiflexion—in absence of the prosthesis. Subject
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he learned to control the joints in a more predictable way. Upon fur- constructed in his transtibial residuum. This subject (subject A) showed
ther questioning, he revealed that his connectedness with any prosthe- improved stability and motion path efficiency in free-space volitional
sis was directly linked to the “sensation he received from it.” Although control tasks, as compared to the cohort of four subjects having tradi-
this subject was pleased to be able to feel the device moving, which he tional transtibial amputation (group T). While ascending and de-
perceived through shifts in momentum and vibrations carried through scending stairs, subject A also demonstrated reflexive swing-phase
his socket, he noted that these sensations were only present while the behaviors that were absent in group T. In addition, we characterized
joints were in motion. In his words, “I can feel it in the passage from a methodology for closed-loop torque control with afferent proprio-
point A to point B, but once it’s at point B, or once it’s resting at point ceptive feedback of joint torque from a prosthetic limb in persons
A, there’s no sensation.” Subject T3 described “not really trusting” the having one or more AMIs. This feedback improved performance on
device. Universal to the correspondence of subjects from group T was torque control tasks.
a distinct lack of ownership of the prosthesis or emotion associated One possible explanation of performance gaps between subject
with controlling it. The discrepancy in experience between subject A A and group T during volitional control tasks is a lack of fine con-
and group T may highlight the fundamental role of natural afferent trol over residual muscle activation in the latter group. Several of the
sensation in prosthesis embodiment (44–47). subjects in group T described involuntary cocontraction as a prom-
inent source of efferent control difficulty; accompanying volitional
activation of a muscle in the residual limb is a consistent unintended
DISCUSSION contraction in that muscle’s antagonist. Consequently, these subjects
Proprioceptive sensation pertaining to a synthetic appendage was re- must increase the volitional activation of their agonist to overpower
flected onto the nervous system of a subject with two AMIs surgically the unintended antagonistic activation. This likely played a role in a
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perception that EMG output was binary (on or off) and in the instability tion is the result of an effort to stabilize the residual limb within the
that plagued all subjects in group T while attempting to generate prosthetic socket during the swing phase of gait. However, increased
graded volitional movement commands during the volitional control levels of involuntary cocontraction have also been observed in upper-
experiments. extremity amputees during volitional control tasks (50–52). We posit
Cocontraction during gait in patients having unilateral lower- that these complications may be attributed, at least in part, to limita-
extremity amputations has been documented in several independent tions of the traditional clinical amputation procedure and rehabilitation
studies (48, 49). In these studies, it is hypothesized that cocontrac- protocol. Because the muscles in the residual limb of all subjects in
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group T are anchored at fixed lengths, the dynamic muscle relation- electrodes that are fixed in place on the muscle to deliver repeatable
ships that exist within a biological limb with intact anatomy are bro- stimulation (16, 17). In addition, it is worth noting that stimulation
ken. These relationships are fundamental to fine motor control and of residual muscles may also improve performance during torque-
functional joint stability (30, 53–55) and play a significant role in re- control tasks in persons with traditional amputation; however, the
ciprocal reflex inhibition (56–58). In their absence, traditional inhib- mechanism behind any potential improvement resulting from such
itory reflex arcs may be disrupted, which would increase unintended an approach, which would involve stimulating muscles that are fixed
antagonistic coactivation, and have a profound impact on a patient’s isometrically, would fundamentally differ from the agonist-antagonist
ability to generate independent and separable muscle commands. relationships that drive perception within the natural limb.
The AMI has the potential to resolve this limitation by restoring the Another key difference between the experiences of subject A and
agonist-antagonist muscle relationships that are essential to appro- group T is rooted in their subjective descriptions of their relation-
priate reflexive muscle activation and by providing feedback of move- ship with the prosthesis. Subject A felt an immediate and lasting
ment commands in the form of proprioceptive sensation. Supported connection with the device, whereas subjects in group T described
by ultrasound data and patient testimonials, it is our hypothesis that a distinct disconnect. On the basis of their accounts, we believe that
dynamic agonist-antagonist stretch relationships in the residuum of the difference in embodiment is attributable to two primary factors,
subject A provide a proprioceptive affirmation of muscle activity namely, (i) robustness and intuitiveness of efferent control and (ii)
within his residuum; each time he seeks to move his phantom limb, reliability of afferent feedback. It is our position that each correctly
subject A receives confirmation of correct muscle activation as stretch executed volitional or reflexive behavior, reinforced by natural pro-
receptors within the AMI muscles send signals to his brain. prioceptive sensation, has the potential to deepen the relationship
Swing-phase adjustments to joint position and impedance play a between human and machine. In this way, a bionic system that in-
critical role in the adaptation of gait to varying terrains (42, 43), and tegrates more completely with a patient’s sense of self has the poten-
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within the residuum. This approach is built upon an expanded under- 47 years), time since amputation (range, 1 to 24 years), and body
standing of what comprises a “neural interface” to incorporate not only mass index (range, 24 to 33 kg/m2). For more details about these
synthetic components but also biological tissues (26, 65). Because of subjects, see the “Subject selection (group T)” section in the Supple-
the inherent capacity of muscle tissue to amplify efferent neural sig- mentary Materials.
nals and mechanoreceptors within muscle and tendon to communi-
cate afferent proprioceptive information to the nervous system, these Surface electrode placement and EMG processing
native biological transducers are ideally suited to act as the bidirec- EMG was recorded via bipolar surface electrodes, placed acutely
tional interface between the nerve and the prosthesis. The AMI was over each of the four target muscles: lateral gastrocnemius for plan-
designed with the intent of optimizing this biological interface. The tar flexion, tibialis anterior for dorsiflexion, tibialis anterior for in-
results presented herein demonstrate the potential of such a bionic version, and peroneus longus for eversion. An identical electrode
system to improve functional outcomes and embodiment when com- placement protocol was followed for all experimental subjects. For
pared with a traditional approach to amputation. further details, see the Supplementary Materials.
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