D&D 5e - The Book of Many Things

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Ou rxe Coven Oru rse Alr-Coven

Asteria ponders the magic, mystery, and mayhem of the Asteria wields the cards that rewrote her fate in this art
Deck of Many Things in this menagerie of moments by nouveau-inspired illustration by Cou pleofKooks.
Ekaterina Burmak.

Disclaimer:The gods offatetake no responsibiliiv ict c' 5 ;' .r,'1. .l'targes' deaths, cle'
620D3195000001 EN
bilitatingcurses,fendish ennities, impilsonmers- 5';'35;r 5;;'6v615 norforthe loss of
ISBN : 978-0-7869 -6917 -3 abiLty siores, experience points, mag)c items-..r3 :t .'...'.t or Èealth' resultingfrom
-i' : gs--t'o: tid vott expect?
First Printing: November 2023 the use of this book- Look, it's the Deck of lJa:r'

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Ravenloft' SpeLljammer' the dragon

DUNCEONS & DRACONS, D&D, Wizards ofthe Coast, Deck of Many Things, Dragonlance, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Creyhawk, Planescape'

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Piinted in China. 02023 wizards ofthe Coast LLC, Po Box 707, Renton' wA 98057-0707' USA. Manufactured by: Hasbro SA, Rue Emi e-Bo6chat 3l' 2800
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Chapter 18: Void........... 144
Drawing the Void 144
Playing a
Playing the
9 AdventureHooks........ ...........76 House of Cards.......
A Deck of Many Stories.............................. 9
SolarBastionPatronage......................78 Enteringand
Preparing to Use the Deck...................... 11 Si r Ja red ..........80 House of Cards
House of Cards Locations.. t47
Introducing the Deck............. ................... 12 Chapter I 1: Moon......... ...........81
The Deck in P1ay...... The Moonsralkers ......................... ............81
BossAugustus .............82 Chapter 19: Skull ................... 155
Chapter 3: Balance .................................16
Grim Harrow. ........155
Advantages of Using Cards.................
Card Sparks...
Usins the Moonstalkers in Your Adventure Hooks ..................... 159
Inspiration Hand.... .... Iš
86 The Grim Champions.............................160
Journey Spread.......................
Grim Champion of Bloodshed.......... 161
Encounter Deck................ .........................21 Chapter l2: Comet...................................89
Heralds of the Comet................................ 89
Grim Champion of Desolation ..........162
Chapter 4: Pllz2te..................................... 24 Grim Champion of Pestilence.... 163
Aspirant of the Comet........................... 91
Harrow Hound .....164
Hierophant of the Comet......................92
The Perfect Hand......................,............24
Initiate of the Comet..............................93 Chapter 20: Flames...... ......165
Unseen Order.......................................... 25
Sanctum of the Heralds........................93 Aurnozci, the Caged Worm...................165
Riddles ................ .,...,27
Advenrure Hooks...............
Omens of Apocalypse ..96 Hulgaz the Tempter................................. 169
Balance and Ruin......... ..........................29
Hulgaz........ ........................... 169
Surface of the Sun.................................30 Chapter 13: Star....................................... 98
Malaxxix the Shackler................. t77
Test of the Empty Moon........................ 31 The Sky of Many 'l'hin oc
r urr1tsr...................... ..98
.......................... 173

Magic Items in This 8ook.............. __......_32 2odiacAssociations............................101
Sudden Riches ................ 33 ZodiacPhenomena........... ........................... 175
Fate Hag......... ........................... 176
Magic Items....
Chapter 14:Jester................................... 106 Harrow Hawk ..,..,,..,.,...,...,...,... 77 7
Chapter 6: Rogue.......... .......... 40 t78
Magic Card Decks........... ........................... 180
Heroes of Destiny.......... 42 Exploring the Market.............................. 107
Rogues'Ga11ery 43
Ruin Spider
Ambitious Assassin... ...........................45 Talon Beast
Enchanting InfiItrator.........................,. 46 Chapter 15: Throne 784
Otherworldly Corrupter ........... 47 Introducing Harrowha1l.....
Veiled Presence......................................48 Exploring Harrowhall
The Princess and the Gardener...........186
8ehir................... ...116
Character Opt ions........................ 49 189
716 Cair Ophidian
Feat: Cartomancer...................... ................190
49 Harrowhal1Locations........
Heroes oi Destiny 50 Escaping the Ghost Trap
51 Gremorly's Ghost ....t22
Magic Card Decks......................
Chapter 8: Fates......... 5Z Chapter 16: Ruin 123 Master Tables
History of Gardmore Abbey 123 Magic Items in This Book....................... 32
Backgrounds. '"""""""" """""" 57 .....124 Monsters in This Book..-...,....................175
Ruined..... 5B Random Encounters
Heroes of Destiny...... ....-..-...................... ou Gardmore
Abbey Locations..................126 Sidebars
Treasures.... 67
Minotaur Archaeologist.......... ............126 Changes to the Deck..... 6

Supernatural Gifts................. ................ 62

Chapter 9: Knight..................................... 65

Heroes of Destiny...................................... 69
Drawing the Knight Card.......

, whose twenty-two chapters give you
. character options, magic items, spells,
''l::i' moflsters, ready-to-playadventures, DM
advice, and setting elements designed to be dropped
into your own campaign. And tf ing those chapters
together is a legendary magic item that every player
both dreads and longs for: the Deck ofl[anyThin¤s.
For decades, DMs have used this infamous deck
in their games, often s'ith erplosive results. Charac- t

ters have been whisked off to ertradime nsional pris- a

ons, slain by death itself. lost 1eve1s. and tarned the
enmity of powerful hends. ¤rt1 th6r' r't ais., :a:ne l
vast wealth or a strongholci ol ineir i\r r,. rtlr'l iflrl
time to reverse disaster. or sucide n,1 adlanitd in
level far beyond the other characte:s in tne gicup
The awesome po\\'ers of the DecA oi )Ian1 Things
have given it a reputation as a game breaker. -\n
encounter with the deck can speil the end of an oth-
erwise successful campaign. as the D\I's carefulll-
prepared stor1,'line and the plal'ers' lovingll'created
characters are scattered b1' the ri-inds of fate to the
corners of the multiverse.
But it doesn't have to be that u'ar'. \bu can tailor
the Deck of Many Things to \-our campaign. shaping
it to fit your needs and the tastes ofvour players'
You can stack the deck u'ith lori'ier-el effects that
prompt roleplaying instead of mechanical changes
or create a deck that has onll- good cards (or bad
ones!) in it. You can do ail this u-ithout losing the
wonder of the deck: its unique nature as a physical
Trln Dncr IN D&D
The Deck of Many Thin¤s is as old as D&D, but it's
object that players-notjust their characters can
had many variations over almost fifty years.
hold in their hands.
The deckfirst appeared in print in 1975, in the
This book will show you how to tailor the deck
pages of Greyhawk, the first supplement for the
for your game. This chapter presents a history of
DuncBols & Dnacoxs game. This earliest version
the deck throughout each edition of DuNcpoNs &
of the deck established mechanical effects associ-
Dnacoxs, then outlines the other chapters of this
ated with the various cards. The deck was assem-
book, which are grouped by theme: DM options,
bled with the face cards, aces, and jokers from an
character creation options, astrology-themed op-
ordinary deck of playing cards. There were only
tions, adventure locations, and finally adversaries
eighteen cards in the deck, and none of them had
and rivals.
names. But from the beginning, the deck was in-
tended to be represented by a physical object players
could hold.

cH.{PTER 1 i rrGol-
dragons-one white, one
AoveNcno DuNcsoNS & DBecoNs deck's equal balance of Positive and negative cards.
Around the same time, the
Cards" appeared kt Dun¤eon 19. This
Deck of Many Thin¤s were established. Here, the Randy Maxwell began as an urban
names of the cards first appeared, and the deck was the characters investigating a
expanded to twenty-two cards' These changes sig- guild's headquarters concealed a
naled the deck's transition from something inspired the god of thieves in the Forgotten Realms,
by playing cards to one inspired by the tarot; a tradi- the doors to the complex were insidiously trapped'
tional tarot deck also has twenty-two named cards Each of the twenty-two doors had one card from
known as the major arcana. The Dun¤eon Master's the Deck of Many Thin¤s built into it, so the door
Gulde also introduced the idea that there was more couldn't be opened without drawing the card'
than one version of the deck; there was also a more Moreover, the entire complex had been bolstered
common and less powerful version with only thir- against an array of methods the characters might
teen cards. have taken to avoid interacting with the cards' To
explore the dungeon, the characters had to draw ev-
ery single card from the deck. This quickly became
A different version ofthe deck appeared in 1983 in
a resource-management ptzzle: when the players
the pages of Dra¤on 77. "The Tarot Deck of Many
knew one of their number would be imprisoned by
Things," written by Michael Lowry, reimagined
the Donjon card, for example, or have their soul
the deck as a new magic item. The Tarot Deck
separated from their body by the Void card, horv did
of Many Thin¤s was a unique artifact created by
they proceed?
"the most powerful god of fate in the universe'" It
could be used to answer questions and reveal the Tnrnp Eo ITION
future in the way of traditional tarot, and each of its
seventy-eight cards had a unique effect when drawn'
In 1989, the Deck of Many Thin¤s expanded
again. "Luck of the Draw" in Dra¤on 148 explored
and the card names remained largely unchanged
the deck through a conversation between a pomp-
from the first and second edition versions. but there
ous wizard named Basil and his mercenary agent'
were two important differences. Tarot cards had be-
a warrior namedJared. In this story, author Robin
come much more familiar to players and were eas-
Jenkins offered answers for some of the deck's most
ier to find, so DMs were instructed how to build a
enigmatic questions: who made the deck, and why?
Deck of Many Thin¤s from tarot cards in addition to
Jenkins, through Jared, suggested the deck-or, playing cards. More importantly, the deck became a
more properly, decks, since the cards were rare but
minor artifact, formally representing ke."'- features of
not unique-were created by gods of luck dwelling
the deck from previous editions: it was a magic item
on the plane of Concordant Opposition (known now
that characters couldn't create on their or'vn'
as the Outlands) to test the greed of hapless adven-
turers. The cards were distributed throughout the Founrn Eprrro N
world by leprechauns, who were familiar with such
tests as custodians of the pots of gold at the ends of TWo versions of the deck were presented for the
rainbows. Jenkins's expansion of the deck was un- fourth edition of D&D. The first appeared in Dun-
official, but it was illuminating, since the Dun¤eon ¤eon t77 and was an artifact intended for heroes
Master's Guide detarled how the deck worked but of levels 17-20: the second appeared a year later in
didn't explain what the deck was or how it came the boxed adventure Madness at Gardmore Abbey
to exist. Those questions were left for individual (2011) and was aimed at levels 1-10.
Dungeon Masters to figure out-or simply leave But in the fourth edition of D&D, artifacts were
unanswered. more than just magic items that couldn't be dupli-
That same issue of Dra¤on also included the first cated; they had minds of their own and pursued
physical replica of the deck, illustrated by George secret purposes. The deck sought to sow chaos and
topple powerful leaders regardless of whether they
were good or evil. Characters who helped the deck
pursue these goals were rewarded with favorable
cards, while those who thwarted the deck were
forced to draw multiple and keep the worst.
also detailed the backs of the cards
A new origin for the forward but not
time. No design on the backs of the
confirmed in the deck
been mentioned before, but here it
was a gift from an mighty emperor. As
l'ooL l
the archfey predicted, the emperor was unable to
resist using the deck to cast his own future, and the
lMnEnn ro Go Nnxr
Each card in the Decft of Many Thin¤s has inspired
deck shattered his empire. The deck also gained
one chapter of this book. The chapters, in turn,
magical powers distinct from the cards' effects: wiz-
cover five broad themes.
ards, sorcerers, and warlocks could use the deck to
empower their spells. DuNcnoN MASTER TooLBox
'lhe Deck of Many Thin¤s was central to Madness
at Gardmore Abbey. Cards were scattered through- The first five chapters provide tools for DMs:
out the adventure, and the characters were charged Chapter 1: Fool. This chapter includes a history
with collecting them. Each card had unique powers. of the deck in D&D-illustrating both the deck's
so characters could enjoy using the cards before the importance and its ever-changing nature-and a
deck was fully assembled. But there was also a ran- sLlmmarv of the book's contents.
dom factor inspired by the use of tarokka cards in Chapter 2: Key. This vital chapter advises you on
the classic adventure Ravenloft. The DM could draw introducing the deck and using it in a campaign
cards from the deck to determine the identity of w-ithout breaking your game!
their patron, the location of each card, and the scene Chapter 3: Balance. Cards, including The Deck of
of the adventure's denouement. To facilitate this, the Mary-Things card set, can be used as a unique
adventure included another re-creation ofthe deck, randomizer. generating nonplayer characters, per-
with art by William O'Connor. (O'Connor's designs sonalitl- traits. encounters, and more; this chapter
also appeared when MacIc: Tnp GlrupnING drew show's r-ou horv.
on the Deck of Many Thin¤s for a set inspired by the Chapter 4:Puzzle. This chapter presents puzzles,
Forgotten Realms.) Like "House of Cards," Madness riddles, and traps inspired b1'the deck as well as
at Gardmore Abbey forced characters to interact advice on horv to use them in 1'our campaign.
with the Deck of Many Thin¤s, but it rewarded them Chapter 5: Gem. The tn-entr-t\\.o ne\\'magic items
with new powers instead of punishing them and in this chapter were each inspired b], a card from
blocking all efforts to escape the deck. the Deck of Manl, Things.

FrprH Eorrrox CHeBecrER CREATToN Oprloxs

The Deck of Many Thin¤s was revised yet again in Next are four chapters of character-focused content:
2014 for the fifth edition Dun¤eon Master's Guide.
O'Connor's art remained, and the thirteen-card ver- Chapter 6: Rogue. This chapter provides advice and
sion of the deck returned, but the deck was no lon- new magic items suited to bards, rangers, rogues,
ger an artifact and no longer sentient. This was the and other characters rvho prioritize their skills.
latest version of the deck in D&D until now. The "Rogues' Ga1lery" section presents treach-
The Book of Many Thin¤s explores and expands erous adversaries for when a player draws the
the deck. It isn't intelligent, but the original deck cre- Rogue card from the deck.
ated by Istus for Asteria and Euryale is so powerful Chapter 7: Sage. This chapter focuses on sorcer-
that it has countless lesser reflections throughout ers, warlocks, wizards, and other characters who
the multiverse, including versions with more, fewer, wield arcane magic. It includes the new Carto-
or different cards. mancer feat, new spells, and the Deck of Many
The deck has been in every edition of D&D, but More Thin¤s: the cards added to the Dec-k of Many
there is no single "best" version ofthe deck. It has Thin¤s over the centuries by mortal spellcasters.
always been changing, and it always will. When Chapter 8: Fates. New backgrounds in this chapter
you include the deck in your game, tailor it to your describe characters whose lives have been trans-
table so it does exactly what you want and need it to. formed by the Deck of Many Thin¤s or a similar
That's what D&D has alwavs done. effect. This chapter also includes character cre-
ation advice and magic items appropriate for cler-
Cuerucss ro rHE DEcK ics, druids, paladins, and other characters with a
t Two of ihe cards in the traditional Deck of Many Things connection to the divine.
have been renamed for this book. This doesn't change Chapter 9: Knight. Characters who draw the
the game effects ofthese cards. Knight card gain the service of an ally; this chap-
ldiot. This card has been renamed Puzzle, inspiring the
ter describes a new creature that answers that
puzzles, riddles, and traps found in chapter 4. call. DMs can also find advice on integrating allies
Vizier. This card has been renamed Sage, inspiring into an adventuring party. In addition, the chapter
the character options, spells, and magic items in includes character creation advice and new magic
chapter 7. items for barbarians, fighters, monks, and other
combat specialists.

JaRED waRNb Basrl op rse oEcÇ's MANY oANGERS.


G!., !' 1.,'

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. i


Chapter 15: Throne. When a character draws the

THn CTTESTTAL Surrn Throne card, they gain ownership of a small keep;
These four chapters are inspired by astrological this is that keeP, but it's not emPtY!
phenomena: Chapter 16: Ruin. Gardmore Abbey has collapsed
Chapter 10: Sun. This chapter describes knights of into ruin, but its ancient towers and underground
the Solar Bastion, who monitor the deck and pro- catacombs aren't entirely abandoned. At the sum-
tect innocent people from its dangers. mit lairs Mekkalath the dragon, and a Deck of
Chapter 11.: Moon. A ruthless thieves' guild called Many Thin¤s waits in his hoard.
the Moonstalkers strikes from a hidden lair, but its Chapter 17: Donjon. Victims of the Donjon card are
leaders hide a terrible secret. imprisoned in an extradimensional sphere, their
Chapter L2: Comet. A destructive comet called location all but impossible to discover. This chap-
the All-Consuming Star travels on a wandering ter details that massive techno-magical prison,
course through the multiverse. In its wake, it has which is collapsing slowly into ruin.
spawned an apocalyptic cult bent on bringing an Chapter 18: Void. Victims of the Void card have
end to all space and time. their souls whisked away to an unknown location,
Chapter L3: Star. This chapter details the Sky of leaving their helpless bodies behind. This chapter
Many Things, a zodiac of twelve constellations reveals where their souls go and provides DMs
that creates magical effects in the world as each with advice on handling sessions where a player
constellation rises and falls. might not be able to play their own character.

ApvswruRE LocATloNS AnvsR.saRrES aND Rrvers

The next five chapters include adventure locations: The final four chapters present new monsters and
the two people responsible for the deck's creation:
Chapter 14:Jester. A magical marketplace called
the Seelie Market is carried through the sky by a Chapter 19: Skull. Drawing the Skull card sum-
moonstone dragon. Among its many vendors is a mons an avatar of death, and those it slays are
nilbog fortune teller who will read a character's cursed with undeath for as long as the deck
future using his Deck of Many Thin¤s or let the exists. Over centuries, those undead have
character draw from it-for a price. banded together to find and destroy all Decks of
Many Thin¤s.
Chapter 20: Flames. This chapter describes unique
Fiends that can serve as antagonists in your cam-
paign, even if no one in your game has drawn the
Flames card to earn a devil's enmity.
Chapter 2L: Talons. This chapter includes new
monsters inspired or created by the deck.
Chapter 22zEuryale. The deck was created for
Asteria, a human warrior, and her sister-in-arms,
the medusa Euryale. Both still live, and they know
more about the deck than anyone. This chapter
chronicles their story.

UsrNG THrs Boor

To use this book, you'll need the fifth edition core
rulebooks (Player's Handbook, Dun¤eon Master's
Guide. arrd Monster Manual).
The adr-enture locations detailed in this book em-
brace the unpredictable nature of the Decft of Many
: Thin¤s. \losr don't have a predetermined path for

adventurers to take and aren't directed at charac-
ters of a parricular level. Instead, they have multiple
branching parhs and a broad range of challenges.
1 Some of the monsters encountered in a location
1 might not be pou'eriul enough to physically chal-
lenge the heroes. ri'hile other threats might be so
dangerous that adr enturers musr retreat and gain 1
or more levels on some other quest befbre returning.
Ifyou use one of these adrenture locations or cam-
rj paign elements. make it 1-our ou'n. Change it to fit
the unique expectations of1-our players. the require-
ments of your table. and Your otvn taste.

Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be
read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their
characters first arrive at a location or under a specific
circumstance as described in the text.

When a creature's name appears in bold type, that's

a visual cue pointing you to its stat block. Most of
the monsters mentioned in this book appear in the
Monster Manual,but The Book of Many Thin¤s
introduces many new monsters; a complete list
appears in chapter 21. Sometimes a monster men-
tioned in this book includes a suggestion for an
alternative chosen fr om Morden ka i ne n Presenls;
Monsters of the Multiverse, which you can use in-
stead ifyou have that book.
If a stat block appears in this book or Monsters
of the Multiverse, the text where the monster is in-
troduced tells you so. Likewise, spells mentioned in
this book are described in the Player's Handbook,
and magic items are described inthe Dun¤eon Mas-
ter's Guide unless the text directs vou to another
chapter in this book.

MExxauarx rHE oRAGoN MAKEs

Hrs LArR rN Gnnomoqe AeeEv.
il3r=- ?'::

DBcx op M.qltv Tnnvcs IS A coMPLEx

magic item, and introducing one to your
game can be challenging. This chapter ad-
' dresses numerous topics especially import-
ant to the Dungeon Master:
. The origin and nature of the deck
. Using a deck without disrupting your campaign
(more than you want to)
. Building a deck that contains only specific cards
. Integrating a deck's effects into your campaign
. How characters handle and use a deck in play
. New magical effects associated with each card
. Adventure seeds for characters who want to create
their own cards


The story of the Deck of Many Thin¤s began when
a human woman named Asteria bargained with
Istus, a god of fate, to save the life of Euryale, her
dearest friend. As part ofthis bargain, Istus created
a deck of twenty-two magical cards drawn from
constellations in the night sky, and she used thirteen
of these cards to change the destinies of Asteria
and Euryale. These cards formed the first Deck of
Many Thin¤s, an artifact with vast and unpredict-
able powers (the deck's origin is explored further in
chapter 22).
Thanks to the deck's divine origin and unusual
nature, it soon manifested in myriad lesser forms Decks of Many Thin¤s have claimed many lives.
throughout the multiverse. Some of these wondrous Those who draw the Skull must fight an avatar of
items had fewer cards-typically only the thirteen death, and those slain by this avatar rise again as
cards used in Istus's reading for Asteria. Occasion- Undead, doomed to exist as long as the decks do.
ally a deck manifested as something else entirely: Over the centuries, these Undead gathered to form
a circle of twenty-two doorways, or a die with the Grim Harrow a horde of merciless hunters trav-
twenty-two sides, each roll of which had the power eling the multiverse on a quest to find and destroy
to change an individual's destiny. every manifestation of the deck so they can end
Soon those inspired by the deck sought to create their doomed existence (see chapter 19 for more on
their own magical cards. Most of these efforts re- these beings). To combat these dangers, an angel
sulted in entirely new magic items, such as the Decft founded the Solar Bastion (see chapter 10), a be-
of Miscellany (see chapter 6) or the Deck of Wonder nevolent organization dedicated to protecting inno-
(see chapter 7). But occasionally, a legendary mage cent people from the decks and the many dangers
or a priest dedicated to the gods offate and destiny they pose.
succeeded in creating a new card that appeared The Grim Harrow and the Solar Bastion have
alongside the Deck of Many Thin¤s, and that card learned much about the original deck over the cen-
replicated throughout the multiverse; these new turies, but no one knows more about it than Asteria
cards make up the Deck of Many More Thin¤s, de- herself, who still travels the multiverse living out the
tailed in chapter 7. destiny loretold for her by Istus long ago.

:# J '4 x.
's9NtHl ANVN JO r)30
3Ha 3llrvSuf snrsr
But in your campaign, the deck might have a Starter Deck. This versl0n the Deck
different story. Perhaps the Deck of Many Thin¤s Thin¤s is meant for low-level characters, poten-
already existed when Istus used it to read Asteria's tially as low as 1st level: Comet, Fates, Fool, Key,
future, and it has another origin entirely' Perhaps Knight, Rogue, Ruin, Sage, Talons.
it was the creation of a powerful faerie trickster or Roleplaying Focus. Players who
made by gods of chance as a test for greedy mortals' playing and interacting with
Use the story that best suits your campaign. will get the most from this deck:
Flames, Knight, Rogue, Ruin,
Pnnpn BrNG
The power and unpredictability of a Deck of Many Comet, Fates, Fool, Gem,Jester, Key, Knight,
Thin¤s gives it the potential to wildly alter the Moon, Ruin, Sage, Star, Sun, Throne.
course of campaigns. In an instant, characters could Deck of Horrors. In this deck, perhaps found in
inherit a keep, shifting the campaign's focus to its Ravenloft or similar settings, harmful cards far
defense and maintenance; a character could become outnumber helpful ones: Balance, Comet, Don-
separated from the rest ofthe party, trapped in an jon, Euryale, Flames, Fool,Jester, Ptzzle, Rogue,
undetectable and unreachable prison; or characters Ruin, Skull, Talons, Void.
could instantly perish. While some groups embrace You can supplement these decks with cards
such surprising twists, others prefer to avoid major from the Deck of Many Mote ThinSs, detailed in
campaign upsets. chapter 7.
This book provides tools to help you use the deck
on your own terms. The following sections detail Tur DncK AS I{
two ways to head off potential complications before of
Traditionally, the effects created by the Deck
the characters draw their first card. "Customizing
Many Thin¤s are immediate. When a character
Your Deck" suggests strategies for stacking the
draws the Knight card, a fighter immediately ap-
deck with only cards that will be fun for your group'
pears and offers their service, and a character who
Meanwhile, "The Deck as Narrative" discusses
draws the Gem card might be literally showered
having cards foreshadow future events, rather than
with riches. While this suits some campaigns, you
triggering instantaneous effects, so you can incor-
can take a more narrative approach to the deck by
porate the effects into your campaign when the
having cards foreshadow future events that occur at
time is right.
a time of your choosing. When you use the deck in
The rest of this book also contains a wealth of
this way, drawing from it is less like pulling the lever
advice and tools that address the challenges posed
on a cosmic slot machine and more like allowing a
by specific cards. For example, the keep described
character to select a new story for themself without
in chapter 15 is perfect for any character who draws
being allowed to know that story ahead of time.
the Throne card. The three powerful fiends found in
With this narrative approach to lhe Deck of Many
chapter 20 make ideal enemies for those who draw
Thin¤s,you decide how to weave the events trig-
the Flames card. Chapter 18 includes a full map of
gered by cards into your campaign. For example, a
the Void's prison, as well as suggestions for working
character who draws the Knight card might meet
with players whose characters are imprisoned there'
a warrior along the side of the road, in a tavern, or
With these resources in hand, you'll be free to enjoy
even trapped in a dangerous dungeon; by freeing the
where the cards lead your characters.
warrior, the character earns the warrior's loyalty.
Cu STOMIZING YOUR DNCT A character who draws the Gem card might find a
rich store of jewels in their next treasure hoard, or
The easiest way to ensure the Deck of Many Thin¤s they might inherit great wealth when a relative dies.
doesn't radically alter your campaign is to limit the
cards you include, selecting cards appropriate for
the characters' level or that support the campaign's
theme. The number and effects of the cards pro-
vided in the Dun¤eon Master's Guide are sugges-
tions you can change as necessary. The deck has

Aurnozci (see
this a direct
demons have

Many Thin¤s doesn't answer this question; the an- Finally, the characters might simply be given a
swer is up to you and your players. deck by someone who wants them to have it. Rif-
When you take a narrative approach to the Decft flers, mischievous fey presented in chapter 21, are
of Many Thin¤s, don't put off card effects for too obsessed with the decks and constantly move them
long. It's okay for players to wonder for a session through the multiverse in a vain effort to manipulate
or two exactly when and how the effects will mani- destiny and complete a master plan only they under-
fest, and you can use that time to devise clever and stand. Alternatively, Asteria or Euryale, detailed in
memorable ways to interpret the effects and keep chapter 22, mighr give a deck to characters desper-
the players in suspense. For example, a beloved ate to change their destiny.
ally might come to hate a character who drarvs the
Rogue card, and that ally might conceal their hatred Tun DEcr IN PLAY
for several sessions before revealing it in a moment This section clarifies many things about how indi-
of sudden treachery. But new stories soon crot'd out viduals can use and handle a Deck of Many Thin¤s
the old, and players might not be impressed if a card u-ithout triggering its fantastic powers. New magical
takes too long to manifest. abilities for each card are also provided, allowing
characters rvho find only a few cards to engage with
INrnonucING THE Drcr this magic item in their adventures.
This book provides several ways to introduce the You'11 also find guidelines for characters who want
Deck of Many Thin¤s to !'our campaign. depending to create neu-cards for the deck's complement, the
on the interests ofyour players and the kind of story Deck of )'Ianl' )Iore Thin¤s.
you want to tell.
The mysterious faerie market described in chapter HeNprrsc rHE Cex.Ès
14 is home to a nilbog fortune teller named Odd- The Deck of )[an1 Things has the power to trans-
lewin who uses a Deck of Many Thin¤s to read the form anvone n'ho drau's from it. but to trigger its
future of his customers. This might be the first time effects. the individual handling the cards must state
that characters see the deck, and if they're willing to their desire to drarr'from it. as s'e11 as the number
perform a service for Oddlewin, he might let them of cards thef intend to dran-. Otherrvise. the deck's
draw from it. This is a good way to introduce the magical po\\'ers 1ie dormant. -\n1'one u,ho identifies
deck to low-level characters. a deck learns this about the deck in the process! per
Heroes of a more adventurous bent might explore the rules for identiff ing magic items,
the ruins of Gardmore Abbey presented in chapter This means that under normal circumstances,
16. The abbey has long been associated with the characters can handle a Deck of Many Thin¤s
deck, since an ill-fated draw caused a massacre of safely. A character u.ho finds a deck can look at it,
both the knights who defended the site and the army spread the cards out. and otherwise manipulate the
that besieged them. Now the ruins are home to Me- cards without triggering their effects. This is why
kkalath, a red dragon, and a Deck of Many Thin¤s folk are able to use decks as divinatory tools, plac-
lies in his hoard. Few adventurers are powerful ing cards before themselves to gain insight into the
enough to challenge Mekkalath directly, but where future or personal dilemmas without triggering the
might is insuffrcient, guile and cunning can prevail. cards'effects.
But accidents do happen. A curious stranger who
spots a deck, face down, might reach out to draw the
topmost card withoutrealizing the import of their
actions, spurring an adventure that draws the char-
le\lo *lnerc\ r'\re ;v,kck *01,4\e viD+.s acters' attention. While the decks aren't sapient and
have no thoughts or goals of their own, many people
t'f,r ut;",n o ut tVti*'w oo4*l-l fe l+
report feeling a compulsion to draw from decks
a'?vr|p{\at¤, t)1v04 mq 6xp¤rier1 {e w\rvl whenever they are near.
+tn\S Wcrrtdraus 1leck.,Ma'.i ltq \Norcl*
pr^or,/irle qor,t ititi,r irrsirlhf avd \usp\'ratroni
A Deck of Many Thin¤s typically appears not as indi
vidual cards, but as a collection of cards characters
can draw from. But this doesn't have to be true; you
-fr*t er\a can give each card a property as a standalone item,
so characters who find only one card can still enjoy
this famed item and use the card on adventures.
This approach 1S
a Deck of Many Thin¤s the object of a quest; as
the characters explore, each card they find grants
them a magical ability they can use in subsequent
adventures to find the cards that remain. Eventually
the heroes assemble the entire deck, which they
can then use in the traditional manner, drawing :
transformative cards from it in a fitting climax to
the campaign.
You can grant the following additional magical
properties to the cards of the Deck of Many Thin¤s:
Balance. As an action, you can brandish this card at
one creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself
and drain its life force. The target must succeed
on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 4d8
necrotic damage. You then regain a number of
hit points equal to the necrotic damage the target
takes. Once this property is used, it can't be used
again until the next dawn.
Comet. As an action, you can hold this card aloft
and call down a fiery meteor to a point you can see
within 120 feet of yourself. Each creature within a
20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, a creature takes 6d6 bludgeoning damage
and 6d6 fire damage, or half as much damage on : -a- ':=a.. Hrtri iltŠL:taTŸil
a successful save. Once this property is used, it ar;+t.:v*lia T#F HSLf tvERar

can't be used again until the next dawn.

Donjon. As an action, you can brandish this card at other creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls
one creature you can see within 30 feet of your- against the target for the duration. Once this
self. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Cha- property is used, it can't be used again until the
risma saving throw, or it vanishes, transported next dawn.
to a prison on another plane of existence. After 1 Flames. You can use this card to summon a devil.
minute, the target reappears in the space it left or The card is attuned to a specific devil with a
in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is oc- challenge rating of 8 or lower. As an action, you
cupied. Once this property is used, it can't be used can hold this card aloft and summon that devil,
again until the next dawn. which appears in an unoccupied space you can
Euryale. As an action, you can brandish this card at see within 30 feet of you. The devil is initially un-
one creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself friendly toward you and your companions. Roll ini-
and attempt to turn it to stone. The target must tiative for the devil, which has its own turns. The
succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, or DM has the creature's stat block. On each of your
it begins to turn to stone and has the restrained turns, you can issue a verbal command to the devil
condition. The affected target must repeat the sav- (no action required by you), and as long as you are
ing throw at the end of its next turn. On a success- holding this card, the devil obeys your commands.
ful save, the effect ends on the target. On a failed Otherwise, it is under the DM's control and acts
save, the target has the petrified condition (instead according to its nature-it might attack you if it
of the restrained condition) until it is removed by thinks it can prevail or try to tempt you to under-
the Greater Restoration spell or similar magic. take an evil act in exchange for further service.
it can't be used again After 1 minute or when the devil's hit points drop
to 0, the devil returns to the Lower Planes. Once
can this property is used, it can't be used again until
the next dawn.
Fool. As an action, you can brandish this card at
one creature you can see within 30 feet ofyour-
turn, the creature has advantage self. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
ability checks, and saving throws. saving throw, or for the next minute, the target




TxE OF THE Sorae

a.. .

can't cast spells or activate magic items, it has spoken commands. If 1,'ou issue no commands, it
disadvantage on all saving throws, and other crea- takes the Dodge action and moves to avoid dan-
tures have resistance to all damage it deals. Once ger. The deck defender reverts to a card early if it
this property is used, it can't be used again until drops to 0 hit points. Once this property is used, it
the next dawn. can't be used again until the next dawn.
Gem. This card holds one 6th-level spell (chosen by Moon. As an action, you can speak a command
the DM). As an action, you can brandish this card word while touching this card and transform into
and use it to cast the spell stored inside (spell at- a wolflike biped for 1 minute. For that duration,
tack bonus *9, save DC 17). Once this property is you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
used, it can't be used again until the next dawn. slashing damage, and when you hit a target with
Jester. As an action, you can brandish this card and a weapon or an unarmed strike, the target takes
use it to cast the Orfob lrresr'stible Dance spell an extra 1d6 force damage. Once this property is
(save DC 17), and you have advantage on Constitu- used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
tion saving throws to maintain concentration on it. Pszzle.As an action, you can hold this card aloft
Once this property is used, it can't be used again and magically disable each trap within 60 feet
until the next dawn. of you that isn't behind total cover. A trap, for the
Key. As an action, you can brandisl'this card and purpose of this property, includes any object or
use it to cast the Knock spell, with no sound made mechanism that would inflict a sudden effect that
by the spell. This property can be used five times, was intended by its maker to cause harm or incon-
and it regains all expended uses at dawn. venience. If the trap is the effect of a spell, such
Knight. As an action, you can throw this card to an as Alarm, that trap is suppressed for 10 minutes
unoccupied space on the ground within 60 feet of instead of being disabled. Once this property is
yourself while speaking a command word, where- used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
upon the card magically transforms into a deck Rogue. When you hit a target with a weapon attack
defender (see chapter 9 for its stat block) for up to while holding this card, you can deal an extra 6d6
1 minute or until you use an action to speak the force damage to that target. Once this property is
command word again, whereupon it transforms used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
back into a card. The deck defender obeys your

Ruin. As an action, you can brandish this card and might be able to craft a new card for the Deck of
use it to cast the Disinte¤rate spell (save DC 17). Many More Thin¤s.
Once this property is used, it can't be used again Anyone trying to make a card for the Deck of
until the next dawn. Many More Thin¤s must be at least 17th level. No
Sage. As an action, you can brandish this card and formula for these cards exists, so the character
use it to cast the Contact Other Plane spell. When must invent their own. While inventing the for-
you cast the spell in this way, your questions are mula for such a potent magic item should take a
answered by the mysterious figure depicted on the long time, even years, a character can work on this
card. Once this property is used, it can't be used project between or even on adventures. Characters
again until the next dawn. might research their new formula by traveling to
Skull. As an action, you can brandish this card and lost sites of ancient lore or locating others who have
use it to cast Splrlr of Death (see chapter 7) as a created cards of their own to learn how they accom-
6th-1eve1 spell (spell attack bonus *9, save DC 17). plished this.
Once this property is used, it can't be used again Once a character has invented the formula, they
until the next dawn. must acquire the magical ingredients typically
Star. As a bonus action, you can speak a command found only at great personal risk. Potential ingre-
word while holding this card aloft to gain advan- dients include magical inks made from crushed
tage on all saving throws you make for the next gemstones or the blood of legendary creatures,
10 minutes. Once this property is used, it can't be magical brushes or quills, and magical paper or
used again until the next dawn. other materials onto which the card must be painted
Sun. As an action, you can brandish this card and (such as a dragon scale or a piece of the tarrasque's
use it to cast the Sunbeam spell (save DC 17), carapace). Great artistic skil1 is also required, so the
projecting the light from the card's face. Once this creator might need to find a qualified artist or mas-
property is used, it can't be used again until the ter the needed techniques themself. Furthermore,
next dawn. the magical ritual that creates the card must be per-
Talons. As an action, you can brandish this card formed at a specific time, perhaps when a particular
and target one magic item you can see within 120 constellation is in the sky. Divine intervention from
feet of yourself. If the item isn't an artifact, its mag- a god of fate or destiny might be required.
ical properties are suppressed for 1 minute. Once While a character might be driven to create a new
this property is used, it can't be used again until card as a matter of personal pride or a testament to
the next dawn. the individual's magical prowess, consider reward-
Throne. As an action, you can speak a command ing a character who achieves this mighty goal with a
word while holding this card to gain advantage benefit like one or more of the following:
on Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) checks
Demiplane. Creating a card for the Deck of Many
for 1 minute. In addition, for that duration, you
More Thin¤s simultaneously creates a demiplane
can use this card to cast the Command spell (save
inspired by the new card. The card's creator has
DC 17) as an action. Once this property is used, it
complete control over this demiplane and can
can't be used again until the next dawn.
make it their permanent home.
Void. As an action, you can brandish this card and
Exclusive Membership. Card creators are pow-
attempt to banish up to three creatures you can
erful masters of magic who form a secret cabal.
see within 120 feet of yourself. If the target is from
Once a year, they gather at a predetermined site
a different plane of existence than the plane you're
to socialize, scheme, and decide the future of the
on, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma
saving throw or be banished, returning to that
Immortality. A character who adds a card to the
other plane. Once this property is used, it can't be
Deck of Many More Thin¤s stops aging and can't
used again until the next dawn.
die of old age until their card or the Deck of Many
AÈorxc ro rHE Dncr More Thin¤s to which it belongs is destroyed; then
all their missing years suddenly catch up to them
Over many centuries, a few dozen individuals have (probably killing them instantly).
managed to create their own unique cards, expand- Wodd Walking. Adding a card to the deck allows
ing the deck. These cards, known as the Declr of the creator to travel to any world where their
Many More Thin¤s, can manifest throughout the card has manifested as part of a Deck of Many
multiverse alongside the twenty-two original cards, More Thin¤s.
and the magical powers of the Deck of Many More
Thin¤s are detailed in chapter 7. Characters can't
craft a Deck of Many Thin¤s, but in your game, they

{r{A="iriq }


, variety of gameplay elements. Throughout
. its history, DuNcpoNs & Dn.q.cows has re-
lied on dice to do everything from creating
encounters with wandering monsters to inspiring
whole adventures. But Tfie Deck of Many Thin¤s
card set and other card decks provide an alternative
way to get random results. Hor.r, is drawing from a
deck of cards different from rolling dice? And how
can Dungeon Masters make interesting use of those
This chapter addresses some of the unique ran-
domizing elements cards can provide, even for a
game that already has iconic random number gener-
ators close at hand.

IJsrNc Canos
Whether you're using The Deck of Many Thin¤s
card set, oracle cards like tarokka cards or tarot
cards, or a deck of plafing cards, you can do things
with cards that would be difŸcult or even impossible
to do using dice:
Archetypes and Imagery. When interpreting 71re
Deck of Many Thin¤s card set and oracle cards,
you can lean on the cards'imagery, not just num-
bers and words. A card's artwork can generate
meaning for that card bevond whatever this book
any undesired results: simply leave those cards
or any other text might tell 1.ou it means. Cards
from Macrc: THp G.q,rHeRtnc also work well for out of the deck.
inspiration since they feature amazing fantasy art Eliminate Repetition. You can prevent repeti-
in addition to symbols. Ordinarl, playing cards' tion in a deck by removing cards once they've
been drawn.
suits, one-eyed jacks, and other markings can be
assigned additional meanings.
Position and Orientation. You can assign meaning
to a card's position or orientation in addition to
Choose from a Hand. Many card games rely on
its numeric or symbolic value. For example, in
dealing hands of cards. You can use hands to rep-
a tarot card spread, each card's intrinsic mean-
resent a limited set of options in a situation, such
ing changes depending on whether that card is
as possible leads to pursue or actions to take. This
is a fun way to offer players choices without over- upright or reversed (top oriented downward), or
whelming them with too many options. where it lies in relation to other cards in a spread.
Customizable Results. Drawing from a deck of Stacked Deck. You can ensure certain outcomes by
cards is equivalent to rolling on a table of possible stacking the deck with cards placed in a specific
results. But when using cards, it's easy to prevent order. Ifyou have duplicates ofyour cards, you can
use multiple copies to make a given card more
likely to be drawn.



Equipped crcaftre ge6 +01+3.

Equip I 'f'

?';::e*+ il:E ful€6tc: Txe GtlrxEsrnlc caŠ05 ?Ÿ BritL* itsaz r:u.-n.:

5i; i¤E TJaEq ,1rv1, PeOrLt. CR 5'-LŠ'tOag

Unusual Numbers. Using cards instead of dice al- a divinatory meaning, that meaning could inform
lows you to choose from a set number of options the NPC's name, personality, or goals.
that doesn't correspond to the number of sides on
a typical die or combination of dice, such as odd Ior,q, Dncrs
numbers of options. Consider building multiple custom decks to keep on
hand for quick inspiration. Depending on the cards
The rest of this chapter is devoted to examples of
you have available, you might build decks of specific
how you can use these properties of cards to en-
rich your D&D game. If you're interested in further characters, creatures, events, spells, treasures, or
possibilities, the reference book that accompanies anything else you need.
The Deck of Many Thin¤s card set also presents
a method for using the deck to generate adven-
Frrrnn ScnNrs
tures, as well as advice on using them for in-game Use cards to fil1 in the narrative of your game. For
fortune-te11ing. example, you might ask each player to draw a card
at the beginning of the session; then, you or the
CenÈ Spanrs player (or both ofyou working together) can use
those cards as brainstorming material, setting the
You can use the visual elements of cards as a quick
scene at the start ofthe session or describing an
source of inspiration. Here are three methods to
event that occurred during a period of downtime
spark your imagination.

NoNPLAYEn C-Ha RACTERS e Cnnos Merr.rl

Qulcr Sparks" and "Journey
When you need to create a nonplayer character, ret cards based on
draw a card and let it inspire distinctive features of rence book that
the NPC. For example, if the card depicts a person, describes m
the NPC might resemble that person. If the card
features symbols, perhaps the NPC's clothing or
jewelry incorporates those symbols. If the card has

{,H\Pt!R1 F\I,.\\T}

between adventures. Alternatively, you can draw Card EfFect

cards during the session to help you generate story ester Take the Disengage action as a bonus

beats during an ongoing adventure. (or Joker action.

INsprBATroN HeNn
Key As a bonus action, teleport, with anything
You can use Tfte Deck of Many Thin¤s card set (or Q W) you are wearing or carrying, up to 30 feet to
(or an equivalent deck built from twenty-two play-
a sPace you can see.
ing cards) to give players alternative ways to use
Knight As a reaction, impose disadvantage on the
(or J W) attack roll ofa creature you can see.
Draw a number of cards equal to the number of
players and place the cards face up on the table Moon As a bonus action, regain one expended
where everyone can see them. Whenever a plal'er (or Q &) lst-level spell slot or a single use ofan
gains inspiration, they must pick a card and later ability that can be used a certain number of
use the effect shown on the Inspiration Cards table times per day.
at the appropriate time. The p1a1-er then draws a Puzzle Cain advantage on a saving throw.
new card for the communal hand and shuffles the (or 2 *)
used card into the deck.
s Rogue Cain advantage on an attack roll.

(or I !F)
lrusptnlrloN CARDs
Card Effect
Ru in As a bonus action, impose disadvantage on
Bala nce When you deal damage to a creature, im- 1or K *) all ability checks ofa creature you can see ..#. lt
until the end of its next turn. +*
(or 2 *) mediately spend 1 Hit Die to heal yourself.
Sage Take the Help or Search action as a bonus '!
Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier,
and regain a number of hit points equal to
(orA ¤) actlon.
Sku ll As an action, surround yourself with a
the total (minimum l).
Comet As a bonus action, select one creature as
(orl*) shroud ofdeath. Until the start ofyour next
turn, any creature that ends its turn within 5
(or 2 &) your chosen loe. That creature has vulnera-
feet ofyou takes ld6 necrotic damage.
bility to damage you dea and resistance to
all other damage. and it has disadvantage Sta r Cain advantage on an abiLity check.

on its attack rolls against any creature other (or J

than you. Thrs effect ends when any crea- Sun As a reaction, when a creature makes a

ture other than you dea s damage to the (or K melee attack that hits you, that creature has
ta rget.
the blinded condition untilthe end of your
next turn.
Don jon As an action, you are transported to an
As a bonus action, reduce the speed ofone
1or A *) empty demiplane unti the end of your next Ta I ons

turn. You can't affect or be affected by any- 1or A *) creature within 5 feet of you to 0 until the

thing on the plane you left until you return. start ofyour next turn.
*. ';
You return to the same sPace you left or, if +a Throne As a reaction, when you take damage, the
that space is occupied, to the nearest unoc- ¤4 (or K lirt
) creature that dealt the damage has the
cupied space. frightened condition until the end of its
next turn. You are the source of its fear.
Euryale When a creature makes a saving throw, it
(o, Q {*) has disadvantage on that saving throw. Void As a reaction, when you take damage, gain

Fates Reroll a single d20 roll you've iust made. 1or K *) resistance to that damage uniil the start of

(or A W) You must use the second roll. your next turn.

Flames When you deal damage to a creature, that

(or Q *) creature takes an extra ld6 fire damage
IxsprnauoN FoR THE
Fool As a reaction, when you take damage, you Another way to use the inspiration deck is to make
cause the creature that dealt it io have the
its effects available to monsters and villains. In this
(or Joker
variant, each time a player expenŠs inspiration, the
with '") prone condition.
DM also draws a card from the deck' Rather than
Cem Take an additional action on your turn.
adding it to the communal hand, you keep that card
(or 2 W) secret until you play it on behalf of one of the char-
acters' opponents.

You can play your inspiration cards soon after Bomou C,tBo, RBwenÈ on
drawing them or save them for use in major en-
Once the situation presented by the top
counters. Note that saving your cards might make
been resolved, the player can flip over
players more reluctant to use inspiration, worrying
card. Then it's up to you to
they need to conserve it for later encounters. Your
either a reward or a ruin
players are likely to follow your example, so if you
ers resolved the day's top card. If
want them to use their inspiration cards freely, you
that have a different meaning when they'ie
should do so as we1l.
versus upside down, ignore the cards'

JounNnv SpnEAD Rnwl.Bos

The journey spread is a means of making long jour- When determining rewards, here are some effects
neys more interesting. In this method, you place to consider:
cards in a particular arrangement (a spread) and in- Friendly Aid. The characters encounter another
terpret them based on their meaning, position, and traveler or a friendly local resident who offers
orientation. You can use ?fie Deck of Many Thin¤s them food, shelter, information, or other assis-
card set, tarokka cards, a tarot deck, or any other tance. The card can inspire both the characteris-
f- cards you can readily assign symbolic meanings to. tics of the person they meet and the nature of the
This method works best for a journey you expect to aid that person provides.
last at least as many days as you have players. Ready Foraging. The characters have abundant
You can improvise encounters, other challenges, food and water for this day and don't need to
and rewards based on cards as they're revealed, or consume any of their rations. They eat well that
you can build a smal1 deck in advance with fewer night, and each character begins the next day with
cards, then prepare notes on possible encounters inspiration.
and rewards based on your chosen cards. Reduced Travel Time. The characters find a short-
For each day ofthejourney, 1ay out two cards face cut that reduces the time needed to reach their
down, one overlapping the other, to form a journey destination by a day. Remove the last pair of cards
spread (see diagram 3.1). This gives everyone at the from the spread.
table a visual representation of the journey and the Treasure. The characters find treasure inspired by
characters' progress toward their destination. the card as they overcome the day's challenges.
If the card doesn't seem appropriate, use the
Top CanÈ: Tnn CHlrrnNcn treasure tables in the Dun¤eon Master's Guide to
At the beginning of each day of a journey, a player determine the treasure instead.
flips over the top card to determine what happens
that day. (Players should take turns at this.) Use that RurNs
card's imagery or symbolic meaning to inspire a When determining ruins, the following effects are
choice or challenge the characters will face that day. broadly appropriate:
The card could represent a site the characters come Encounter. The characters' failure leads to a diffr-
across on their journey, like a ruined tower or a fork cult combat encounter. Use the card to help you
in the road, or a situation the characters are asked decide what kind of creature is encountered.
to resolve. You decide the scope of the decision the Exhaustion. The stress of overcoming the chal-
characters must make. You can ask them to make a lenge exhausts the characters. Each character
simple choice ("Do you want to take the path along gains 2 levels of exhaustion.
the edge of the cliff or climb down the ravine to walk Extra Travel Time. The characters' journey is
along the bottom?"), to make a single ability check extended by 1 day. Use the card, as well as the
(use the Typical DCs table inthe Dun¤eon Master's
Guide), or to navigate their way through a small dun-
geon or an encounter (which might involve multiple
ability checks or even combat). Let the character
of the player who flipped the card be the focus of
the day's events and make any required ability
checks (though another character can help, at your
Whatever choice challenge
card represents, the characters' finish a long
while dealing with that situation
you read the bottom card.

c:{€F1"!:n 3 i B€1-AN†r

Dlv r Dlv z Drv 3

*ra+aear 3.:: Ax i< :,t:=,-t cF 1.a j *i:=.;i; 3p* g,li:

J-9y*stiE,"- SpBraÈ Exauprn and leeches, a sudden rainstorm making a river

impassible, a broken backpack strap, lost or moldy
Here is an exampie of hor.r, you might interpret cards
rations, blistered feet, sunburn once the rain has
from Tfte Deck of Many Thin¤s card set in a journey
cleared, and so on. For each hindrance you devise,
spread, with interpretations informed by the card
have one character (starting with the character
descriptions in the reference book:
of the player who flipped the card, then rotating
Day 1 Challenge: Sage (Upright). The Sage card through the party) make a DC 10 Constitution
suggests an opportunity to gain insight or advice. saving throw.
Perhaps the characters come to a promontory Day 2 Reward or Ruin: Fool. If the characters suc-
that allows them to see the surrounding terrain ceed on the majority of these saving throws, they
for many miles. Ask the character who flipped the stumble across a treasure: a Hat of Dis¤ur'se or a
card to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception or Sur- similar item used to fool or deceive. The reversed
vival) check to choose the best path. Fool card implies disappointment or lost inno-
Day 1 Reward or Ruin: Comet. Comets are har- cence; if they fail most of the saving throws, they
bingers of doom. If the character succeeds on the gain 2levels of exhaustion.
Wisdom check and chooses the better path, the Day 3 Challenge: Donjon (Upright). This card can
characters'travel time decreases by a day, but describe literal or metaphorical imprisonment.
their path is lined with omens that foretell terrible Perhaps the characters happen upon an eccen-
events when they reach their destination. If the tric's zoo, where monstrous animals are held in
character fails the Wisdom check and picks the cruel captivity. The characters might decide to
worse path, the characters are troubled by nighr avoid the place entirely. Or they could free the
mares that portend a disastrous future, preventing monsters-hopefully avoiding the hungry ones-
them from finishing a long rest that night. and confront the zoo's enraged owner.
Day 2 Challenge:Jester (Reversed). When re- Day 3 Reward or Ruin: Gem. If the characters
versed, this card can represent misfortunes piling overcome the challenges of the menagerie, they
up in a way that might be humorous if it weren't discover valuable treasures there; if not, they must
so disastrous. Imagine the worst possible day of face one additional trap or monster that uses the
hiking through the wilderness, and describe the appearance of treasure as bait, such as a mimic.
litany ofhorrors the characters face: biting insects

CL{..!F'TER 3 I ts.ALANCiE
ExcouNTEn Decr You can also designate single

Using cards to generate random encounters is a dy-

namic alternative to rolling on encounter tables. You
can customize an encounter deck and remove cards
as you draw them so they don't repeat. You can also
alter the encounter deck as characters explore an
area, adding cards to the deck to reflect changing You can include special cards in
circumstances and weaving the encounters into a deck to add twists to encounters, AS

narrative. allies, additional adversaries, or goals the adven-

The following system is derived ftom Miniatures turers must accomplish. If you include special
Handbook (2003). cards, a typical encounter deck of about twenty
monster cards should also include three or four spe-
How Ir lMonrs cial cards.
Construct a deck of'about twenty cards that each Friend Card. A friend is a creature that helps the
represent a creature (see the "Constructing Your characters fight the other creatures in an encounter.
Deck" section below). When an encounter occurs, The friend might be the sole survivor of another
shuffle the deck and draw a number of cards equal adventuring party, a solitary traveler or recluse, or
to the number of characters in the party. Use one a benevolent monster like a flumph or an angel. The
or more of these cards to build the encounter, using friend might have information about the adventure
the guidelines in the "Choosing Monsters" section location or the creatures that dwell there.
below. When the encounter is over, discard the When you draw a friend, set it aside. Then draw
cards of any monsters that were killed, so they won't two additional cards and determine which foes
be drawn again. the characters will face. The friend appears in the
encounter with the other creatures, fighting on the
CoNsrnucrrNG Youn Dncr side ofthe characters; you can let the players deter-
An encounter deck consists primarily of cards rep- mine what the friend does on each of its turns.
resenting monsters. You can use cards from The A friend's challenge rating should be 1 or 2lower
Deck of Many Thin¤s card set, oracle cards, playing than the level of the characters.
cards, cards from Mncrc: THp GaftrpnlNc, or even
index cards with your handwritten notes. Any kind
of card works as long as each card can correlate
with a specific monster. You can also add special
cards for unusual events, as detailed below ?l rr i,lr pi,i 5 ar ( alw a\$ {r', ert si - *1., ap e t\
CsoosrNc MoNsrrns
Choose ten to fifteen monsters with challenge rat-
ings ranging from about halfthe leve1 of the charac-
ters to 2 higher than their level. Usually you should
include only one of the most powerful monsters, and Lutker Card. Alurker is a sneaky, wandering op-
you can include multiple copies of weaker monsters
so they're more likely to be encountered.
Groups. A group is a collection of creatures that
might be encountered together. Identical creatures
always form a group, but you can also form groups
using other criteria. A group might be based on a
shared creature type, such as Undead or Fiend, or
might consist of creatures that often work together,
such as gnolls and hyenas. Whenever you draw two


A parn or DrspLAcER a¤asys rN a oaRK FoREsr


The twins could be a pair of displacer beasts or construction similar to the ruin they're searching
a fire giant with two pet he11 hounds (with the two for. Draw a replacement for the goal card, and
hell hounds represented by a single card). Because shuffie the goal card into the deck. You might allow
you're more likely to draw both twin cards when the the goal to elude the characters twice before they
encounter deck has thinned out, the twin encounter fina11y reach it.
should make for a climactic battle. Each twin should Another way to handle a goal is to omit the goal
have a challenge rating about equal to the charac- card from the deck at the beginning of the session
ters' level. and shuffle it in when the characters reach a partic-
"Draw Two" Card. When you draw this card, dis- ular milestone. For example, suppose the goal is to
card it and draw two more. Don't return this card to defeat a gnoll fang of Yeenoghu responsible for raid-
the deck. You can also include a "draw three" card ing nearby vi11ages. There might be four ordinary
or even a "draw four" card. gnolls (minions of the fang of Yeenoghu) in the en-
Noncombat Encounter Cards. You can add counter deck. Once the characters have killed three
cards to represent creatures you don't expect the of the minions, shuffle the goal card in. That way,
characters to fight, such as a peaceful stegosaurus, the characters always meet the minions first.
or scenes the characters might find, like a mysteri- The goal card might also be one of a pair of twin
ous statue. When you draw one of these cards, de- cards, which both increases the chance that charac-
cide whether to use it as the encounter or to build an ters will find it later in their exploration and ensures
encounter using the remaining cards. that a specific creature (the other twin card) is al-
GoaI Cards. You can also include one or more ways encountered with the goal.
cards in an encounter deck to represent goals for
the characters as they explore a region. For exam- EvorvrNG THE ENcoUNTER DECK
ple, a goal card might represent an ancient ruin the Evolving your encounter deck fosters a sense of
characters are seeking. When that card appears, the progress, creating a rough narrative arc as the ad-
adventurers find the site. A goal card could also rep- venturers explore aflarea. You can evolve the deck
resent a creature the characters are searching for. to make encounters progressively harder, or you
You don't want a goal to show up right away. If can change the flavor of encounters, such as adding
you draw a goal card earlier than you want, give creatures from a particular environment.
the adventurers only a hint of the goal's presence: One way to accomplish this is to build two encoun-
perhaps the monsters they encounter are hunting ter decks. Draw cards from the first encounter deck,
the same creature, and its tracks can still be found. and when you remove cards from that deck, replace
Or the encounter might take place within an ancient those cards with an equal number of random cards

ct{€P"iER 3 I R€i.AHttl
from the second deck. This method is particularly Sauprn ENcoUNTER DECKS
effective if the second deck has a markedly different
These sample decks, best suited for 4th- to 6thlevel
theme. You might start with an encounter deck fea-
turing mostiy dungeon scavengers, like rats and car-
rion crawlers, then slowly add in cards from a deck
made up of Undead creatures and cultists.
Alternatively, you can use special cards such as
noncombat encounter cards to tell you when to
begin shuffling in cards from the second deck. For
the same group are assigned cards with the same
example, adventurers exploring a sylvan woodland
face value (for example, all bandits are represented
might encounter mostly elves and Fey, but you might
by king cards), but not all monsters with the same
include a noncombat encounter card representing
value are a group (the owlbears, for example, hunt
the party's discovery of a scorched clearing. After
alone). This makes it easier to see when you've
that encounter, you can start shufEing in cards
drawn multiple cards that form an encounter.
representing gnolls and hyenas the cause of the
You can use these decks as examples for building
your own. You can use them separately when the
Ifyou have a goal card (see the "Special Cards"
characters are traveling through suitable terrain, or
section above), you don't want the adventurers to
you can combine them (see "Evolving the Encounter
reach the goal too early; don't put that card into the
Deck" above), so characters who are exploring a for-
deck until the characters defeat one or more crea-
est (using the forest encounter deck) slowly discover
tures from the second deck. At that point, shuffle the
the vile demonic influence corrupting the place as
goal card into the second deck.
you shuffle in cards from the corrupted lands en-
counter deck.

Fonesr ErucouNTER DEcK

Card Creature Group Card Group
8 A*
* Druid (friend) Gold dragon wyrmling (friend)

T" ^¤
VA Ochre jelly (lurker) 2

-q' K * Bandit x4 118 Bandits Q

,ir Nothic (twin) 2

e+ Nothic (twin)
"* 2

a¤ Owlbear 3 t0 $ Cult fanatic 2 Cultists

a& Owlbear 3 -

{fI += l* Ettercap 2 Spiders 16 ¤¤ x4

Cultist 118 Cultists
Ÿ, , & Swarm of insects (spiders) 2 Spiders l0 & Maw demon,. I
-.* I Gnoll fang ofYeenoghu
- , ¤¤ Giant spider x2 9t
Spiders 4 C nolls

Giant spider x2 1 Spiders 9 W Gnoll pack lord
o,x A Giant boar 9 & Gnoll C nolls

8 & Ankheg (lurker) S W Vrock

7*¤ Displacer beast (twin) 7 W Harpy

7* Displacer beast (twin) i ¤' Harpy

6* Worg x2 (lurker) 5 W Manticore 3

5* Pegasus 2 - 5 W Deathlock'r- (twin)

5 *t Pegasus 2 5 ,& Ghoul x2 (twin)

4 S Shambling mound 5 - 4 W Gibberi

3 {b VamPiric mist'k 3 3 qp Treant (noncombatencounter)

Itiverse. o

alt{4.iiTER 3 i ¤ALAru-{-,E
' .-



,, and traps themed to the Deck of Many Thin¤s
for Dungeon Masters' use.
This section presents two puzzles designed to invite
group participation and challenge characters (and
players) of any stripe. Each ptzzle can be included
in your campaign as presented or customized to fit
the needs of a specific adventure.
The following information appears in each puzzle:
Difficulty. Eachprzzle is classified as easy or me-
dium. The harder the ptzzle, the more likely the
players will need hints to solve it.
Puzzle Features. This section presents an overview
of the puzzle's features and how to interact with
the puzzle.
Solution. This section explains how the puzzle
is solved.
Hint Checks. This section suggests hints that char-
acters might use their skills to reveal. Provide one
or more of the hints if the characters get stuck. If
a character has proficiency in a hint's associated
skill, share that hint if that character asks for help.
Customizin g lhe P uzzle. This section explore s how
to integrate the puzzle into your adventures, alter
its diffrculty, or make other adjustments.

A statue ofa halfling, her brow knitted in concen-

tration, is seated at a stone table before you. She
I aqc(' ltY.Atei o'"1 ;ig1":."f i1'1'1v,51 p, holds her empty palms close to her chest, her fingers
ta,t\htlt fcr srx trtov'rs i-:iiti)\i'-1. cupped slightly. A single playing card, the Rogue, lies

tc flat on the table. Suddenly, the statue speaks:

{u,ryalr. l",aitr rc\nittq(l tT\e i-c aA'\.
"Siill searching for the perfect hand) rind the four
missing cards and bring them here. The treacherous
Rogue is poised to backstab the Sage. The haughty
Sage, full of disdain, won't deign to be next to the Jest-
er. The foolish Jester does a headstand while gazing at
Tsn PBnFECT HeNn the faraway Knight. The loyal Knight stands beside the
Difficulty: Easy Sage. Behind the Jester, the impassive Fates hang like

This sorting puzzle can be used to indicate the bats from the sky."
presence of a hidden treasure or secret passage. It
fits well in a dungeon, a haunted manor, or an aban
doned gambling den.

cHArrER "t I PtJzzI-!]

Pvzzt-B FnerunBs Missin¤ Pieces. You can choose where the
The statue speaks whenever anyone approaches, ing cards are located. For example, the characters
repeating the message each time. might need to decode a map or navigate a maze to
The card on the table is a nonmagical version of *!a,.-i,

the Rogue card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s.The '*


four other cards mentioned in the statue's mes-

sage-Sage,Jester, Knight, and Fates-are each
located in a different area nearby.
Grooves in the statue's palms are perfectly sized puzzle is to make acquiring the cards more chal-
to hold the cards. Each card can fit into the palms lenging once they've been found, perhaps by requir-
either upright or reversed (upside down). ing the characters to defeat monsters or overcome a
test of skill.
SorurroN Startin¤ with a Full Hand. To make this przzle
The characters must find the four missing cards, easier and quicker, place all five cards on the table
then return here. Using the clues in the statue's in front ofthe statue so the characters can begin in-
message, all five cards must be arranged in the cor- terpreting the clues right away.
rect order and orientation (upright or reversed) in
the statue's hands. Diagram 4.1 shows the solution. UxsnnN OBÈnn
A hollow thud emanates from the statue if the Difficulty: Medium
cards are arranged incorrectly in its hands. Once
This guessing game requires characters to use de-
the cards are placed in the correct arrangement, the
ductive reasoning to determine the correct sequence
statue slides aside, revealing a secret door.
of four cards. They must use a game board and six
stacks of cards on a table to make their guesses.
Give the players a copy of Unseen Order Handouts 1
and2, then read the following boxed text aloud:

A long table fills the center of this chamber. On the ta-

ble is a peculiar game board carved with a grid of rect-
angular grooves, four per row. Each row is numbered
X!!i,!r 5n*r E*eor *ssrli* Fa;rs one through ten on its left side, and on the right side
i SrvE;::s *j {QrvsnserJ
of each row are four small glass orbs. Beside the game
*i,tLelq 4.:: Tes i:seprcr ii€il- ;f r?7L[ ¤*L.u: rr:r.:
board are ten stacks of playing cards. Each stack has
four copies of the following six cards: Comet, Cem,
HrNr CnBcrs Moon, Skull, Star, and Sun.
Any character can make these ability checks to re- A ghostly goblin in jester garb manifests on the far
ceive a hint: side ofthe table. She holds out four cards, faces hid-

Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10. For the cards den, between her fingers. She then intones a riddle:
to face the directions indicated in the statue's Guess my hand and win the game.
instructions, some must be placed in the statue's Place your guess and l'll tell you plain:
hands upside down. Right card, right spot? An orb turns red!
Wisdom (Insight) DC 10. The statue's message ex- Right card, wrong spot? Blue instead.
plains the proper order in which to sort the cards.
Ten guesses, no tricks, good luck to you.
Wisdom (Perception) DC 10. Grooves in the stat-
Guess it right in six or less,
ue's palms would perfectly fit a fanned hand of
five cards. Win an extra prize, woohoo!

CusrourzrNG THE P v zzt-r

Characters must use deductive reasoning to arrange
a group of objects in the correct order. It's not im-
portant that the objects be cards-they couldjust as
easily be statuettes or paintings on the wa1l. As long
as the characters are given enough clues to correctly
arrange the objects without having to guess, this
puzzle can take any number of forms.

Puzzry Fnerunrs Objective. The characters must guess which cards
The cards on the table are nonmagical versions of are in the ghost's hand and in what order.
those from the Deck of Many Thin¤s.If the charac- Rules. To make their first guess, the characters
ters struggle to understand the riddle, the ghost can must place four cards into the empty slots of the
explain the rules more clearly: first row on the board. The ghost's hand might
consist of four different cards, or it might include
two or more copies of the same card. If a card in
that row is the correct card in the correct slot, the
orb next to that row turns red. Ifa guessed card is
I fl one of the cards in the ghost's hand but is in the
wrong slot, an orb turns blue. The characters can

oŸ use this information to make another guess by
placing four more cards in the next row down.
Winning the Game. There are ten rows for cards,

3 t,
C* meaning the characters have ten chances to cor-
rectly guess the ghost's hand. If they guess the
hand in fewer than ten tries, they win a treasure
ofyour choice. Ifthe characters find the solution
in six or fewer guesses, the ghost tells them of an
4 *** even greater treasure buried at a distant adven-
ture location.
Losing the Game. If the characters fail to deduce
the ghost's hand in ten guesses and want to try
again, the ghost selects a new hand, and the game
q.J starts over.

Other Materials. You don't need cards to use this

tl puzzle; you can use paper, a red pen, and a blue pen.
7 t; Write down the puzzle's solution on a piece of paper,
and fold the paper so the players can't see it.
Give the players a copy of Unseen Order Handout
LJ 1 or a sheet of grid paper. Ask them to write their
guess in the first row of empty boxes, writing the
card names or drawing symbols like those provided
I in Unseen Order Handout 2, the symbol key. Se-
cretly compare their guess with the solution. In the
fl1 empty circles next to their guess, color one circle
1O red for each correctly guessed card in the correct
position, and color a circle blue for each correctly
guessed card in the wrong position.
ŸraŠnau 4.:: Uurrst **tgn i.i:ilr=r;.

Svuaol l(rv

&\ffiIYo..1, qp;DJ6

L Ir,+ xooG*+\no
l\4ooN Puzztr RoCUE Ru rN Snc E S ru rr Srnn Sur'r Talorus Tundrus Voro

Ÿr+*tn* 4.;: ljrusaru *RIER ljnN.t*Ÿr ?



Soru'rroN \Mnv Usn RrooLES?

The answer to this puzzle can be determined only
Riddles are a staple of the fantasy adventure genre. i'
through logic. Diagram 4.4 illustrates one possible Used judiciously, riddles neatly illustrate the won-
hand the ghost might have (Moon, Sun, Sku1l, and
drous, whimsical, and often dangerous nature of
Gem, in that order) and how the game might play
a fantasy world. A good riddle can challenge all
out. You can devise alternate solutions by selecting a maflner of adventurers novice or vetefan, weak or
different hand of four cards. strong-and can make the reward at the end of the
adventure feel well earned.

\ \ L G aa .
Riddles can be used to do any of the following:
Provide an opportunity for the characters to

2 q7 * \ + .I .
engage with a creature that's too strong to de-
feat in combat
Reward clever characters who overcome a chal-
0 L + \ aao .
lenge with brains instead of brawn
Make a villain, an area, or an object seem more

L oaoo
+ q7 o q7
interesti n g or mysterious
4 However, using too many riddles can slow gameplay.

+ o L q7 oooo
Use them thoughtfully and sparingly. Especially
tricky riddles should entail worthwhile rewards. Be
wary of using riddles found online, especially if play-

L + o oooo
ers can access the internet during the session.
ro UsE Rrnorns

r-:n*!t€s +.j, L.ir"ierex Cqa** Selut:*** {[r.ar:plE]
Puzzle-loving antagonists and mischievous mon-
sters are the most common ways to introduce a
riddle. Here are some suggestions for how to incor-
porate riddles into adventures:

HrNr CHncrs Creatures. Not every adversary wants to engage in

Any character can make the following ability check mortal combat. Certain creatures might delight
to receive a hint:
in a battle of wits. The reward for answering a
creature's riddle might be a smal1 treasure, a bit of
Charisma (Persuasion) DC 10. If asked politely, the helpful magic, or permission to pass through the
ghost provides an example of how the game might monster's lair unscathed. If combat is inevitable,
play out. Show the players diagram 4.4. Choose a the answer to a monster's riddle might reveal use-
different solution for the actual puzzle. ful information like the monster's secret weapon
or hidden weakness.
CusrourzrNG THE Pvzzrn
Items. Few things are more enticing than a rare
As long as the basic rules of the game remain the
item with magical properties hidden behind a
same, the puzzle can take any number of forms, in-
riddle. Items have the added benefit of being
cluding differently shaped tokens or game figurines
portable, allowing the characters to ponder a
such as chess pieces.
confounding curio during short rests or while trav-
Increasin¤ the Difficulty. You can make this puz-
eling. Sand-combing adventurers might find an
zle more difficult by increasing the number of cards
incomprehensible message in a bottle that, when
in the ghost's hand or by adding more possible
decoded, reveals itself to be a treasure map. The
cards to choose from. Each new variable makes the
inscrutable runes carved onto a cursed bow might
game much harder; consider increasing the number
hold the key to undoing the weapon's evil magic.
of guesses the characters can make.
Locations. Mystical grottoes, forgotten temples,
and secret hideouts might all be locked behind be-
RrÈorns fuddling riddles. A lich might enchant the statues
A riddle is a verbal przzle. Riddles can be simple outside her innermost sanctum to ask a magical
or complex, brief or protracted, and low stakes riddle before opening the way. The strange poem
or deadly. This section includes basic guidance on a tombstone could be a clue to the whereabouts
for DMs who want to design and use riddles in

cr{€}TEr{ 4 i pLIZZT-E
WnrrrNc Rroorps 7. A glowing eye that blinks all month, a wander-
ing light to guide the wolf's hunt.
Writing new riddles for your group can be fun and
satisfying as long as the players don't guess the
8. Though always shiny, in daylight I hide. At
night, I'm one of many spread far and wide.
right answer in seconds or, conversely, rip their hair
out in frustration. Here are some tips:
9. Clutch your purse, call the guards, but don't
turn your back. My dagger is its sharpest when I
Reinforce a Theme. A good riddle is related to sneak, then attack.
something the characters are currently dealing 10. Dwarven queens might choose stone; ogre
with. A tricky beholder, for example, might pose kings make do with bone. Wood or leather,
riddles whose answers all have something to do whatever's your pleasure-after all, I'm only as
with eyes or orbs. strong as whoever calls me their own.
Give Three Clues. A strong riddle provides multiple 11. Upon my head a serpent's nest, my friend and
clues about the answer; three is a good number. sister loved me best. Istus made the deck for us,
To vary a riddle's diffrculty, you could split the and all its secrets we keep in trust.
clues up, providing the first clue initially-, then the 12. Aimless wanderer, nonsense ponderer-I've
second and third ifthe characters ask for a hint. been called it all. Some think my wit is a bit
Rhyming. Though it's not always possible or neces- amiss, but if you ask me, ignorance is bliss!
sary to give a riddle rhythm and rh1''me. doing so 13. I'm the cosmic paintbrush whose stroke fades
is a good way to help the characters remember the fast. From afar I grant wishes; up close I destroy
riddle. Rhyming words can also be clues, indicat- all in my path.
ing which part of the riddle is most important. 14. Savior of kidnapped nobles and champion of
Guesses and Time. Give characters plenty of time my liege, I'11 fight loyally for my kingdom on foot
to guess a riddle's answer. and let them make mu1- or on steed.
tiple guesses. In the game. characters might have 15. My opposite is discord, and fairness is my
hours or days to ans\ver a particularly challenging friend; when you walk the tightrope, you pray
riddle. In the real world. 1'ou could pose a riddle you have me, from end to end.
near the end of a game session, allowing your 16. I'm the fina1 claimer of kingdoms, the true prof-
players to ponder guesses before reconvening. iteer of war. But each city I inherit crumbles till
(Remind them of the clues at that time.) there's nothing more.
Hints. For a high-stakes riddle, consider preparing 17. I'll consume anything but contain nothing.
one or two hints for characters who are stumped. Where there's emptiness, I am there. If you see
To earn a hint, a character might have to succeed me, despair.
on a DC 10 Intelligence (Investigation) check. 18. Most are well hidden, though adventurers can
always find one. It's a criminal's worst fear, and
TWnNry-TWo Rrporns a despot's secret weapon.
Here are twenty-two riddles you can use in any cam- 19. Found in crown, in dirt, or in humble ring-just
paign. Each riddle's answer is the name of a card a pebble, really, but a splendid thing.
from the Deck of Many Thin¤s: 20. I'm an expert in arcane knowledge, as smart as
anyone in college. I've the answer to every ques-
1 in daylight, my gray cloak flies high. At night,
tion, but you'll pay for my erudition. Who am I?
you huddle by my side. I destroy. I dance; I forge
21. I snatch; I rip; I slash; I grip. I'm the daggers
swords, I eat plants.
wielded by every bird above, from fiercest grif-
2 I have teeth yet cannot bite. I have no blade,
fon to most graceful dove.
yet I'm worth more to most adventurers than
22. The prosperous believe we smile on them; the
any knife.
doomed beg for reprieve. But no one can outrun
3 It can be as large as a nation or as small as a
us or the destines we weave.
rock, as intangible as words or as solid as a box;
sometimes life-threatening, often just a play-
Rloole ANswens
thing, but always befuddling.
Here are the answers to the twenty-two riddles:
4. I'm a royal servant wielding words instead of l. .l7.
Flames 9. Rogue Void
blades-a painted courtier, my smile never 2. Key
Throne 18. Donjon
fades. Wielder of guile, often reviled. .l9.
3. Puzzle 11. Euryale Cem t
I'm the grim orb atop one's neck. Your own you 4. Jester Fool 20. Sage '!t
'l3. Comet t
wish whole; your enemy's wrecked. My form in- 5. Skull 2l. Talons
spires dread, yet without me you're dead. 6. Sun 14. Knight 22. Fates
7. Moon I 5. Balance
I arrive every day and leave every night. Though
8. Star 16. Ruin
you can't look right at me, I'm a welcome sight.

PTER 4 i PUZZLE "=*"_

Tnap Roous
Traps can be as puzzling as any riddle or maze,but
they're far deadlier! This section includes a collec-
tion of trap rooms: dungeon chambers loaded with
hazards to test adventurers'wits and fortitude. A
trap room is a group of traps designed to work in
tandem. Taken separately, each element of a trap
room might be only a minor setback for the char-
acters, but when combined, those elements form a
unique and memorable challenge.
Trap rooms aren't likely to be found in just any ;.'
abandoned manor or forgotten temple; elaborate
contraptions like these appear in dungeons de-
signed to guard truly valuable treasures and to pun-
ish overcurious adventurers.
Each of the trap rooms described below includes
a range of suggested character levels to match that
room's difficulty. Each entry also includes informa-
tion about the trap room's features and a diagram '":

illustrating its design. You can use the trap guide-

lines in lhe Dun¤eon Master's Guide to adjust these
traps' severity.

Bar.excn AND RurN

Mechanical Trap, Deadly (5th-10th Level)
*;r:p:,lq 4.5: Saraxca ror+* Šurr.l

A narrow wooden beam spans the length ofthis Beraucn Bnau

h u nd red -foot- lon g,
fty-foot-wide cham ber. The beam
fi The balance beam is difficult terrain. A creature
crosses a twenty-five-foot-deep pit filled with slowly that ends its turn on the beam or that is on the beam
iurning, bloodstained gears. The chamber's side when it tilts must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
walls, each 25 feet from the balance beam, are made throw to keep its balance. If the walls are magne-
tized (see below) and the creature is wearing metal
of smooth metal sheeting.
armor or holding metal equipment, the creature has
disadvantage on this save. A creature that fails the
The most obvious way to cross the room is to walk save by 4 or less slips, landing on the beam, and
along the beam. But there's a hidden danger: a pres- has the prone condition. A creature that fails this
sure plate beneath the beam's closest end causes save by 5 or more falls into the gear pit (see "Gear
the metal walls to emit a strong magnetic field. Pit" below).

Furcnuu MecNnrrc Welrs

Stone pillars set at regular intervals appear to hold When the balance beam's weight is on the pressure
up the beam. But the pillar beneath the beam's cen- plate, the metal walls emit a magnetic field. Any
ter is a fulcrum (like the center of a seesaw), which creature wearing metal armor or holding metal
gives the beam a nearly indiscernible tilt. A creature equipment who isn't on the beam is pulled to the
that examines the beam and succeeds on a DC 15 nearest metal wal1 and sticks to it, taking 11 (2d10)
Intelligence (Investigation) check notices the tilt. bludgeoning damage. Any creature stuck to the wall
When the characters enter the room, the beam's has the restrained condition until the magnetic field
weight rests on the far end. When any amount of deactivates. Removing pressure from the plate-
weight is placed on the stretch of beam between the such as by putting more weight on the opposite end
characters and the fulcrum, unless a counterweight of the beam-deactivates the magnetic field. If the
is placed on the opposite side, the end of the beam whole party has access to flight, you can make the
sinks a few inches and presses on a hidden pressure trap suitably challenging by removing the pressure
plate. If all the weight is removed from the beam plate and having the magnetic field toggle on or off
at once, the beam remains in whatever position it in 1-minute intervals or whenever a creature ends
was last in. its turn on a different side of the pit from where ir
started. A character wearing metal armor or holding

Sunmcr oF THE Sutt At the far end of the rightmost hall, a large golden
key is mounted on a sword rack. At the end of the
middle hall is a pedestal shaped like a bird's upraised
talon holding a silver orb. The wall at the end of the
leftmost hall is molded into the shape of a large skull
whose nose cavity looks like a keyhole.

Characters must use the large key to unlock the

skul1 door. The silver orb is an enticing treasure, but
it's out of the way, and every second of delay means
more time spent under the ceiling's heat.
Each hallway is 15 feet wide and 100 feet long.
The ceiling is 50 feet high, and the brick walls are
40 feet tall.

Sur{ D-q.rdesr
The blazing light that fills this trap room deals dam-
age to every creature in the area. On initiative count
20 (losing ties), each creature in the area takes 5
(1d10) radiant damage.

TaroNs Pnpnsrer
The silver orb, which is 1 foot in diameter, can't be
removed while the talons clutch it. The pedestal is
*la**,tn 4.&: ¤uararr *p l*r 3:+ trapped. Touching the silver orb causes the talons
to snap closed. A creature that tries to take the orb
metal equipment who flies across the hall while takes 11 (2d10) slashing damage and has the grap-
the wal1s are magnetized is pulled to the wa1l and pled condition (escape DC 15) as the talons grab
stuck to it. hold of it, releasing the orb. The talons have an AC
of 19, 10 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy-
Gnan Prr
chic damage.
Whenever a creature falls into the pit or ends its
With a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception)
turn there, that creature must succeed on a DC 17
check, a character can spot the pressure plate that
Dexterity saving throw or take 55 (10d10) bludgeon-
activates the talons through a narrow slit on the
ing damage and have the prone condition. A crea-
east side of the pedestal. A character can disable the
ture that is prone on the gears can't use movement pressure plate with a successful DC 13 Dexterity
to stand up without first using an action and a Tiny
check using thieves' tools, which causes the talons
object to jam the gears below it. Those gears remain
to open. A Medium or Small creature grappled by
jammed until the end of the character's turn, where-
the talons can't reach this pressure plate.
upon the Tiny object tumbles loose, fa1ls through
Undamaged, the silver orb is a valuable art object
the gears, and is lost.
worth 500 gp.
SuBracn oF THE SUN Ovnnsrznn Ksv
Ma¤ical Trap, Dan¤erous (1st-4th Level) This gold key is 4 feet long and weighs 100 pounds.
One round after it is removed from the sword stand,
it comes to life, revealing itself to be a living object
Thick vines cover the walls of this high-ceilinged (use the flying sword stat block). The key does
chamber. The chamber splits into three long, parallel everything it can to return to its stand, attacking
hallways separated by brick walls that don't quite anyone who tries to stop it. If the key is destroyed by
reach the ceiling. The ceiling emits a scorching, reducing it to 0 hit points, it must be repaired (such
fiery light. as with the Mendin¤ spell) before it can be used in
the skull door.


Srull Doon
The oversized key fits the skull sculpture's nose.
Inserting the key and turning it clockwise unlatches
the door, which swings inward.

The plants that cover the walls are fragile from the
scorching light and not helpful for climbing. A char-
acter must succeed on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
check to climb the walls.

TBsr oF THE Elrprv Mooll

Mechanical Trap, Setback (1st-4th Level)

ln the center ofthis square dungeon chamber, the

floor drops into a massive silver bowl. Shallow stone
channels in the floor slope toward the bowl. Sewer
pipes iut from the ceiling over each channel.
A portcullis in the north wall blocks the way for-
ward. Above the portcullis, a large glyph depicts a

waxing crescent moon, its right edge illuminated by

the faintest sliver of light. A large iron lever juts from
the floor to the right of the portcullis.

3;r.':=ar-: *.;: T=;'r *r r+i: f,uprv Sl*+r;

Adding suffrcient weight to a hidden scale beneath
the bowl opens the portcullis.
When the lever is pulled, a mechanism in the floor
Mnrar Bowr pushes the button that deactivates the Immovable
The bowl is 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep and Rod. The weight of the bowl causes the moon glyph
weighs 2,000 pounds. Its smooth texture and shape to glow like a half moon. Simultaneously, valves
make it difficult terrain. A creature that enters the open within the sewer pipes, releasing four oozes
bowl or ends its turn inside it must succeed on a DC (see "Monsters" below) and a flood of water that
15 Dexterity saving throw or have the prone condi- pours from each pipe, down the channels on the
tion. The bowl is impossible to climb out of without floor, and into the bowl. The pipes release 1,000
assistance such as rope or magic. The bowl's lip is pounds of water every minute. After 2 minutes. the
flush with the floor, but the bowl wobbles slightly bowl is full. After 4 minutes, several inches of water
if pushed. cover the floor, and enough water has poured into
the room to illuminate the moon glyph; at this point,
WE,rcnr Scarn AND MooN Grvpn the flooding stops and the portcullis opens.
Hidden beneath the bowl is ao Immovable Rod
that separates the bowl from a large weight scale MoNsmBs
just below it. The rod can be detected with the De- When the lever is pulled, four ochre jellies are re-
tect Ma¤ic spell. Deactivating the rod (see "Lever" leased, one slithering from each pipe and crawling
below) causes it to fal1 away, dropping the bowl along the ceiling to drop on the characters. Each
onto the scale. The rod can't be recovered from ochre jelly weighs 500 pounds.
this room.
Transmutation magic connects the scale to the UttosR Pngssune
moon glyph above the portcullis. As more weight is Canny characters might realize that shoving enemies .:;
placed on the scale, the moon glyph above the port- into the bowl is a quick way to resolve the trap. Spells
cullis gets fuller and glows brighter. When a total such as Telekinesis or Levitate could also feasibly add
pressure to the scale beneath the bowl.
of 4,000 pounds of pressure is applied to the scale,
the glyph is fully illuminated, like a ful1 moon, and
the portcullis opens. The portcullis remains open as
long as the moon glyph remains full.

cn€PTER .1 i PUZT-L!,
e i-i€p;iliE 5


to whoever draws it. This chapter provides ad-
vice for DMs on how to integrate this sudden
wealth into your game. It also presents new
magic items associated with and inspired by the
Deck of Many Thin¤s. :,

Macrc IrEus rN THrs Boor

The Magic Item by Name table presents all magic
items in this book.

Mlcrc lrrus BY NAME
Magic ltem Rarity Chapter
Antimagic Armor Very rare 9

Armor of Fungal Spores Uncommon 9

Armor of the Fallen Uncommon 9

Arm o r of Wei ghtl essn ess Uncommon 9

Baleful Talon Very rare 5

Blasted Goggles Uncommon 20

Bloodrage Creataxe Uncommon 9

B I o o dse eker Am m un iti on Very rare 9

Boomerang Shield Uncommon o

Bow of ConJlagration Ra re 9

Bow of Melodies Very rare 9

Breastplate of Balance Ra re 5

Card Sharp's Deck Uncommon 6

Clockwork Armor Very rare 9

Crown of Whirling Comets Very rare 5

Deck of Dimensions Very rare 6 Magic ltem Rarity Cha pter

Deck of Many More Things Legendary 7 Glimmering Moonbow Rare 5

Deck of Miscellany Uncommon 6 Cloomwrought Armor Rare 9

Deck of Oracles Rare 8 Crasping Whip Rare 9

Deck of Wild Cards Very rare 6 Hammer of Runic Focus Very rare 9
Deck of Wonder Uncommon 7 House of Cards Uncommon 8
Donjon's Sundering Sphere Rare 5 Jester's Mask Legendary 5

Dried Leech Uncommon 9 Plate of Knight's Fellowship Uncommon 5

Euryale's Aegis Legendary 5 Ring of Puzzler's Wit Uncommon 5
; Fabulist Cem Uncommon 5 Rod of Hellish Flames Very rare 5

Fate Cutter Shears Very rare 8 Rogue's Mantle Rare 5
Fate Dealer's Deck Varies 8 Ruinous Flail Rare 5
Ra re 9 Sage's Signet Varies 5

Fool's Blade Very rare 5 Shield ofthe Tortoise Uncommon o

Forcebreaker Weapon Very rare 9 Shrieking Creaves Ra re 20

Txe Gru cARo LEADs rtrsrenra



Magic ltem Rarity Chapter GEM Sr o Es

Skull Helm Very rare 5 d6 M oment

Sling of Ciant Felling Uncommon 9 o n of he pa rty S patrons d an d

Spindle of Fate Legenda ry 5 will bequeaths all their wealth io the characters.
Starshot Crossbow Ra re 5 2 The party is hired by a disguised dragon who offers
Stonemaker War Pick Very rare 9 them part of its hoard as payment.
Sun Staf Ra re 5 3 A character falls through a crevice and discovers a

Sword ofthe Planes Legend a ry 9 massive deposit of glittering ore.

Tel esco p i c Tra nspo rter Legend a ry l3 4 The party finds a map in an old bottle that leads to
Ttdecaller Trident Very rare 9 a buried treasure chest filled with ancient coins.
Voidwalker Armor Ra re 5 5 The local merchants' guild, enamored with the

Warrior's Passkey Ra re 5
party's exploits, offers to sponsor the characters.

Weapon of Throne's Command Very rare 5 6 The characters are invited to participate in a grand

Winged Ammunition Uncommon 9

talent competition. Despite the odds, one of the

Wraps of Unarmed Prowess

characters wins.
Varies 9

DsarrNc wrrrr-W-rerrrr
SuÈÈrN Rrcsns Characters accumulate wealth over the course of
The wealth promised by the Gem card need not ap-
their adventures-sometimes, a lot of wealth! These
pear spontaneously at the characters' feet. Instead,
riches might come slowly over a long adventuring
the card might be an omen foretelling a future event.
career or in a sudden stroke of good fortune, such as
The Gem Stories table provides suggestions for
when a character draws the Gem card from a Deck
incorporating the Gem card's effects into your cam-
of Many Thin¤s. Regardless, wealth poses special
paign's storyline.
challenges to your campaign.

aTFIAPTER 5 i Cr.ii{
Avoro rnn Pnorrr Morrvn B,q.rnrur TeroN
If your characters are motivated primarily by money, Weapon (Da¤¤er), Very Rare
wealth can threaten the entire campaign. After all, You gain a *1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
when mercenaries have all the money they'd ever made with this hooked, obsidian dagger.
need, why should they risk life and limb any more? When you hit a creature with this magic weapon
Avoid this problem by ensuring your characters and ro11 a 19 or 20 on the attack ro11, the creature
develop strong personal reasons to continue to ad- must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw as
venture, even ifthey begin their adventuring careers the dagger flares with sickly light. The creature
in the pursuit of wealth. Perhaps they want revenge takes 6d6 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half
on a despicable villain, they enjoy exploring, or as much on a successful one. If this damage reduces
they crave the respect of their peers. Money won't the creature to 0 hit points, the creature disinte-
provide any of these things, though it might make it grates into dust.
easier to overcome obstacles along the way.
BnnesrprerE oF BALANCE
Powpn CAN"r BB Boucsr Armor (Breastplate), Rare (Requires Attunement)
Characters who come into a lot of wealth might try
This burnished copper breastplate looks as if it
to buy magic items that make them more powerful.
were made of interlocking gears. Merchant's scales
Remember, you decide what magic items, if any, can
are emblazoned across the chest.
be bought and sold in a settlement. You don't have
The armor has 4 charges. You can use the charges
to provide access to magic items too powerful for
in the following ways while wearing the armor:
the characters. Expendable magic items, like scrolls
and potions, are a good compromise; they're useful Equalize. When you or a creature you can see
but have fewer long-term effects on your campaign. within 60 feet of yourself is about to ro11 a d20
If an item sti1l proves to be too powerful, you don't with advantage or disadvantage, you can expend 1
have to provide access to it again. charge and take a reaction to prevent the roll from
being affected by advantage or disadvantage.
Spnrao rHE WEALTH Expunge Imbalance. As a bonus action, you can
Wealth can transform people's lives; you just have expend 2 charges to cast the lesser Restoration
to give the characters good reasons for spending spell from the armor.
their gold. Friends and loved ones, for example, can
benefit from their largess, especially ifthese allies The armor regains 1d4 expended charges
.:: : are experiencing hard times. If characters are at- daily at dawn.
tached to a settlement and its inhabitants, improving
a neighborhood or the whole settlement can quickly
expend their new wealth. {]*cws *r
But an ally shouldn't simply approach characters 1vH;¤iituŸ {*xc:;
and ask for money; instead, make the ally's finan-
cial needs part of a story. For example, if a dragon
destroys the castle ofajust ruler and devours the
ruler's family, characters might be expected to hunt
down the dragon, but wealthy ones can pay for the
castle to be rebuilt and buy enough diamonds to cast
Resutection for the ruler and their entire family.

Macrc Irnus
This section contains twenty-two magic items, each
inspired by a different card from the Deck of Many
Thin¤s. Some items emulate a card's effects, while
others draw inspiration from a card's iconogra-
phy or name.

Mecrc Irnrr DrscnrprroNs

The following magic items are presented in alpha-
betical order.

CnowN op Wnrnrrxg CoN{nrs
IVondrous ltem, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
This delicate silver tiara is decorated with stel-
lar iconography. While you wear the crown, the
gems on the tiara's points detach and closely orbit
_r'our head.
The crown has 6 charges for the following proper-
ties, which you can use while wearing the crown:
Star Flight. As a bonus action, you can spend 1
charge to gain the power of flight for 10 minutes.
For the duration, you gain a flying speed equal to
your walking speed, and you can hover. While fly-
ing, you glow faintly with starlight.
Starlight Strike. As an action, you can spend any
number of charges to launch bolts of frigid star-
light. You launch a number of bolts equal to the
number of charges spent, and you can direct the
bolts to target one creature or several, so long as
all creatures are within 120 feet of you and you
can see them. The bolts automatically strike their
targets, and each bolt deals 2d4 cold damage.
Whirling Hail. As an action, you can spend 3
charges and cast the lce Slorm spe1l (save DC 16).
The crown regains 1d6 expended charges {tr<yttt': .1*s;s
daily at dawn.

DoN3oN's SuNonnrNG SPHERE EunyerB's ABcrs

Wondrous ltem, Rare (Requires Attunement)
A r mo r (S h ield), Le¤enda ry (Requ ire s At tu ne m e nt)
This marble-size crystal sphere glows with extra- This gleaming brass shield bears a relief of the leg-
planar energy. endary medusa druid Euryale.
As part of attuning to this item, you press the crys-
While wielding this shield, you gain the follow-
tal sphere to the hilt of a nonmagical melee weapon ing benefits:
of your choice, magically attaching the sphere to the Blessing of Euryale. You have resistance to poi-
weapon. The weapon becomes a magic weapon with son damage and are immune to the petrified
a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While wield- condition.
ing this weapon, you gain the following benefits: Petrifying Heraldry. As a bonus action, you can
make the front of the shield flare with a medusa's
Dimensional Anchor. You have advantage on
petrifying magic, causing the relief's eyes to glow
saving throws against spells or effects that
would send you to an extradimensional space, a brightly. Choose one creature you can see within
30 feet ofyou. The creature must succeed on a
demiplane, or another plane of existence against
your wil1. DC 20 Constitution saving throw. or it has the
restrained condition as its body turns to stone.
Isolating Smite. When you hit a creature with this
The restrained creature must make another DC
weapon, you can force the creature to make a DC
20 Constitution saving throw at the start of its
16 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the
next turn. On a failed save, the creature has the
creature is banished to a harmless demiplane
petrified condition for 24 hours. On a successful
until the end of its next turn. When the banished
save, the restrained condition ends. Once this bo-
creature returns, it reappears in the space it left or
the nearest unoccupied space if that space is oc-
nus action is used, it can't be used again until the
cupied. Once this property is used, it can't be used next dawn.
again until the next dawn. Spellcasting. While wielding the shield, you can
use an action to cast one of the following spells
When you end your attunement to the sphere, the from it: lesserResloration, Locate Creature, or
sphere harmlessly detaches from the weapon, Transport via Plants. Once you use the shield to
and the weapon reverts to a nonmagical piece of cast a spell, the shield can't cast that spell again
equipment. until the next dawn.

CHAFTER 5 i GEh{ 35
Feeurrsr Gnrd
Wondrous ltem, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
This glittering red gem is commonly found embed-
ded in a ring or brooch.
While wearing the gem, you gain the follow-
ing benefits.
Counterfeit Coins. You can use your action to mag-
ically create a pile of coins, worth no more than
100 gp total, in an unoccupied space within 10
feet of yourself. The pile must appear on a surface
that can support it. After t hour, the coins vanish,
regardless of where they are. Once this action is
used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.
Illusory Fashion. As a bonus action, you can mag-
ically change the appearance of your clothing
and armor. You can change the style, color, and
apparent quality of what you're wearing, or you
can make it appear as if you were wearing differ-
ent garments entirely. In either case, the changes
wrought by this magic fail to pass physical

Foot's Braon
Weapon (Any Sword), Very Rare (Requires
This weapon appears ordinary, but it bears strong Jesrt*'s Masx
illusion magic that allows its wielder to skillfully de-
ceive opponents.
You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rol1s
of magic ammunition when you make a ranged
made with this magic weapon. While wielding it,
you also gain the following benefits: attack r.r,ith it. The ammunition created by the bow
vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.
Fool's Feint. As a bonus action, you can feint, choos- While r,r,ielding this magic bow, you can use a bo-
ing a creature within 5 feet of you as your target. nus action to enter a semi-incorporeal state until the
Until the start ofyour next turn, you have advan- start of your next turn. While semi-incorporeal, you
tage on attack rolls against the target. Once this have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slash-
bonus action is used, it can't be used again until ing damage. Once this bonus action is used, it can't
the next dawn. be used again until the next dawn.
Misdirect. When a creature within 60 feet of you
targets you with an attack ro11, you can use your .]rsrnn's Mesr
reaction to require that creature to make a DC 15 Wondrous ltem, Le¤endary (Requires Attunement
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the by a Bard, Sorcerer, or Warlock)
attack instead targets another creature ofyour This colorful, harlequin domino mask is edged with
choice that is within the attacker's reach. Once pearls. While wearing this mask, you gain the fol-
this reaction has been used, it can't be used again lowing benefits:
until the next dawn.
Charismatic Focus. You can use the mask as a
GrrvrrurnrNG MooNBow spellcasting focus. You gain a +3 bonus to any
spe1l attack rolls and spel1 saving throw DCs that
use Charisma as the spellcasting ability.
Marvelous Escape. When a creature hits you with
an attack rol1, you can use your reaction to dis-
appear in a puff of smoke and colorful sparkles.
You take no damage and instead teleport, along
with anything you are wearing or carrying, to an
unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of

J-ourself. Once this reaction is used, it can't be
used again until the next dawn. Wondrous ltem, Rare (Requires Attunement)
TopsylTurvy. When you roll a 1 on a d20, you can
This dark, hooded mantle of thick cloth is infused
treat the ro11 as if you rolled a 20 instead. Once
this property is used, it can't be used again until
the next dawn.

Prern oF KNTGHT'S FELLowsHrp

.1rmor (Plate), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
This gleaming set of silver-and-gold plate armor
never tarnishes.
While wearing this armor, you can use a bonus
action to summon the spirit of a warrior to your aid.
The spirit's corporeal form manifests in an unoccu-
pied space of your choice within 30 feet of you, and that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have
it uses the knight stat block. The spirit disappears advantage on the first melee attack you make be-
rvhen it drops to 0 hit points or after 1 minute, fore the end of the turn.
rvhichever comes first. Willful Enmity. You can cast the Antasonize spell
The spirit is an ally to you and your companions. (save DC 15; see chapter 7) from the mantle. Once
In combat, the spirit shares your initiative count the mantle has cast the spe11, it can't cast the spel1
but takes its turn immediately after yours. The again until the next dawn.
spirit obeys your commands (no action required by
1-ou); if you don't issue any commands, the spirit
RurNous Frerr
takes the Dodge action and uses its movement to Weapon (Flail), Rare (Requires Attunement)
avoid danger. This ash-gray flail is cold to the touch. You gain a
Once this bonus action is used, it can't be used +1 bonus to attack and damage ro1ls made with this
again until the next dawn. magic weapon, and it deals double damage to ob-
jects and structures.
RrNc oF PuzzLr'R's Wrr Additionally, when you hit a creature with this
Rin¤, Uncommon weapon, you can force the creature to make a DC
This gold ring bears a fluorite stone and is en- 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
chanted to sharpen the wearer's mind. creature has the poisoned condition for 1 minute.
The ring has 3 charges and regains 1d4 1 ex- The poisoned creature takes 2d4 necrotic damage
pended charges daily at dawn. When you make an at the start ofeach ofits turns. The creature can re-
Intelligence check, you can expend 1 charge to grant peat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
yourself advantage on the check. ending the effect on itself on a success. Once this
property is used in this way, it can't be used again
Roo or Hprrrss Frarrans until the next dawn.
Rod, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a
Spellcaster) Sacr's SreNnr
Glowing cinders orbit the flanged head of this Rin¤, Varies (Requires Attunement by a Spellcaster)
black iron rod. This gilded ring bears a beautiful engraving and is
This rod can be used as an arcane focus. Whiie imbued with powers of keen wisdom and foresight.
holding this rod, you gain the following benefits: While wearing this ring, you can use an action to
cast the Au¤ury spell from the ring. Once you use
Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire and
the ring to cast the spe1l, the ring can't cast the spell
necrotic damage.
Searing Rebuke. You can cast the Hellish Rebuke
spell as a 4th-level spell(save DC 16) from the
rod. Once rod to cast the spell, the rod
can't until the next dawn.
Surge a spell that
deals fire or necrotic damage, once
the rod
to deal the maximum damage
Once this property is used, it
from the ring, it until
until the next dawn.
next dawn

Sace's Srcruer Battle Foreknowledge. When you ro11 initiative, you
Rarity Spells
can expend 1 charge to add or subtract your profi-
ciency bonus from the total ro11.
Very rare Enl a rge / Redu ce, Poly m o rph
Doom Foretold. As an action, you can expend 2
Very rare Aura of Vitality, Mass Cure charges to target a creature within 30 feet of
Wounds yourself and invoke that creature's doom. While
Lion Very rare D estr u cti v e \x/ a v e, Fireb a I I the target is on the same plane of existence as
Serpent Rare Fear, Hex
you, you can sense the direction to its location,
and you know the direction of its movement if it's
Songbird Rare Charm Person, Hypnotic Pattern
in motion. Additionally, once per turn when you
\Volf Very rare Freedom of Movement, Pass
deal damage to the doomed creature, you can roll
without Trace 1d6 and add the number rolled to the damage ro11.
These benefits persist for t hour or until you tar-
Srurr Hnvr get another creature with this effect.
Wondrous ltem, Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Twist of Fate. When a creature within 60 feet of you
makes a saving throw or an attack ro11, you can
While wearing this skull-shaped helm, you have re-
use your reaction to expend 3 charges and alter
sistance to cold, poison, and necrotic damage.
the outcome, turning a failed saving throw into a
Additionally, while wearing the helm, you can
successful one, a missed attack roll into a hit, or
cast Spmf of Death (see chapter 7) from it without
vice versa.
requiring material components. Once you use the
helm to cast the spell. the helm can't cast this spell The wand regains 1d6 expended charges
again until the next dawn. daily at dawn.

Sprxorn oF FATE Srensnor Cnossnow

Wand, Le¤endary (Requires Attunement) Weapon (Any Crossbow), Rare (Requires
This wand is shaped like a drop spindle wrapped Attunement)
in red thread. The wand has 6 charges that can be This crossbow is crafted from blackened wood, and
used for the following properties: its limbs bear pearl inlays depicting constellations.
i¤ You ignore the loading property with this crossbow.
If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it pro-
duces its own, automatically creating one piece of
magic ammunition when you make a ranged attack
with it. The ammunition created by the weapon van-
ishes the instant after it hits or misses a target. The
crossbow has 3 charges and regains 1d3 expended
charges daily at dawn.
Constellations. The crossbow is decorated with
three constellations. As a bonus action, you can tap
5=ttlotg sr F,rrg one of the constellations to invoke it, expending 1
charge and producing one of the following effects:
Balance. The next time you hit a creature with a
ranged attack ro11 using this crossbow before the
end ofyour next turn, you or another creature of
your choice within 30 feet of you can regain hit
points equal to 1d8 plus your proficiency bonus.
Flames. Until the end of your next turn, when you
hit a creature with a ranged attack ro11 using
this crossbow, the attack deals an additional 2d8
fire damage.
Rogue. Until the end ofyour next turn, you have the
invisible condition, and anything you are wearing
or carrying is also invisible.

Sum Srapr
Staff, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Cleric, Druid,
or Wizard)
\reins of sunstone run through this wooden staff.
This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff
that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with it. When you hit with an attack ro11 using 1tl,'. *r *a'*
: r*c s-cxg y

this staff, the target takes an extra 1d8 fire damage.

SolarFocus. You can use the staff as a spellcast-
ing focus. While holding the staff, you can reroll a
number of damage dice up to your proficiency bonus
rvhen you use a spell slot to cast a spell that deals
fire or radiant damage. You must use the new rolls.
Once this property is used, it can't be used again un-
til the next dawn.
Sunny Glow. As a bonus action, you can cause the
staff to glow with sunlight. While glowing, the staff
sheds bright light in a 1S-foot radius and dim light
for an additional 15 feet. The light lasts until you use
another bonus action to extinguish it.

VorÈwarrER ARMoR
Armor (Studded Leather), Rare (Requires
This black studded leather armor bears a red sheen. Wennron's Passrpy
While wearing this armor, you can use a bonus Wondrous ltem, Rare (Requires Attunement)
action to summon a projection of yourself in an This silver skeleton key is warm to the touch. While '*

unoccupied space within 30 feet of yourself. The holding the key in its key form, you can use an ac-
projection is a translucent copy of you that has im- tion to cast the Knock spell from the key.
munity to all damage and conditions, and you can Transformin¤ the Key. While holding the key. 'j#,§z;
make attacks and cast spells with a range other you can use a bonus action to transform it into a -:a1{){.
:i;tr 1

than self as if standing in the projection's space. The magic longsword. You are considered profrcient with ',:I!F
projection disappears at the end ofyour turn. Once the sword, and you have a +1 bonus to attack and
r-ou use this bonus action, it can't be used again un- damage rolls made with it. On a hit, the sword deals '
til the next dawn. 1d10 force damage. The item remains in its sword
Curse. This armor is cursed, and attuning to it form until it leaves your grasp or you use another
extends the curse to you. As long as you remain bonus action to revert it to its key form.
cursed, you're unwilling to part with the armor. If you end your attunement to the item while
Taking it off fails to end the curse. While cursed in it's in its sword form, it automatically reverts to
this way, you feel disconnected from your body, con- its key form.
tinuously hearing whispers that call for you to join
them. Whenever you finish a long rest while cursed, WnepoN oF THRoNE'S CoMuaNo
vou must make a DC 11 Charisma saving throw. Weapon (Any Martial Weapon) Very Rare (Requires
On a failed save, your soul is drawn from your body Attunement)
and trapped in an object on a different plane of ex- This weapon is bedecked in ornate gold filigree and
istence. The object and location of this object are deep-blue and maroon jewels. You gain a *1 bonus
chosen by the DM (but might be the House of Cards; to attack and damage ro11s made with this weapon.
see chapter 18). While your soul is trapped in this Additionally, you gain proficiency in the Intimidation
way, your body is inert and doesn't age or require and Persuasion skills if you don't already have it.
sustenance. Destroying the object frees your soul; Spellcastin¤. The weapon has 5 charges. You
otherwise, only a Wish spell can restore your soul to can use a bonus action and expend 1 or more of its
your body. charges to cast one ofthe
16): Command (1
Compulsion (4 I (4 charges), or
Dominate Person (5
The weapon charges
daily at dawn.

- w, 'W*

eF.{ÄüT§it *


hidden threats. This chapter includes magic
:.i card decks geared toward resourceful, sub-
tle, and skill-focused characters, as well as
character creation ideas inspired by the Rogue card.
Then, this chapter presents tools and advice to ad-
judicate what happens when a character draws the
Rogue card, including advice on how the villain en-
ters the story, suggestions for their motivations, and
a rogues' gallery of stat blocks that can represent ,&;

this antagonist.

Macrc Can» DEcrs

The following decks are presented in alphabeti-
cal order.

Cenn SuaBp's Drcr

Wondrous ltem, Llncommon
The cards of this deck shimmer around the edges.
While holding this deck. ]-ou can use the following
Deadly Deal. As an action. you can use this deck to
make a ranged spel1 attack by throwing a spectral
card and using Dexteritl' for the attack rol1. The
card has a range of 120 feet and deals 1d8 force
damage on a hit.
Spray of Cards. As an action. ].ou can shuffle the
deck and cast the Spray of Cards spell at 3rd
level from the deck (spel1 save DC 15; this spell is the card's location, along with any equipment you
described in chapter 7). Once the deck has cast are wearing or carrying, appearing in the closest
the spell, it can't cast the spell again until the unoccupied space to the card. After you teleport in
next dawn. this way, or after 8 hours, the card returns to the
deck, and the mark on it fades.
Dncr oF DTMENSToNS Riffiing Portal. As an action, you can expend 3
Wondrous ltem, Very Rare (Requires Attunement)
charges to cast the Arcane Gafe spell from the
The backs of the cards in this deck are decorated deck. The deck vanishes, and fluttering cards cre-
with intricate designs representing different planes ate the spel1's portal rings. When the spe1l ends,
of existence. The deck has 6 charges. While holding the deck reappears in your possession.
it, you can expend 1 or more of its charges to use the Shuffiing Stride. As a bonus action, you can ex-
following properties: pend 1 charge to throw a card from the deck to an
Marked Card. As a bonus action, you can expend 1
unoccupied space within 60 feet of yourself and
charge to draw a card from the deck and place it teleport, along with any equipment you're wearing
in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. The or carrying, to that space. The card then vanishes
card then becomes marked with an invisible sigil. and returns to the deck.
Once within the next 24 hours, as an action, you The deck regains 1d6 expended charges
can speak the marked card's name and teleport to daily at dawn.

Decr op Mrscnrr,ANrr The face of each card bears an illustration of a
\Vondrous ltem, Uncommon different item or set of items. As an action, you can
This wooden box contains a set of thirty-two parch- draw a card ofyour choice from the deck and throw
it to the ground in an unoccupied space within 5 feet
ment cards.
of yourself. When the card hits the ground, the card
DecÇ or Mrscellnruv permanently transforms into the item or set of items
depicted on its face. An altered deck of real-wodd
Card ltem
playing cards can simulate the deck, as shown on
3 , Wooden abacus the Deck of Miscellany table.
4 ,:p Four vials of perfume
Dncr oF \MrLD Cexos
5Š 5 days' worth of rations
Wondrous ltem, Very Rare
5 :¤' lron pot
This deck of heavy vellum cards hums with the
7 ,,@. Disguise kit magic of the Elemental Chaos.
8 :& Window (up to 5 feet wide and 5 feet high), The magic of the deck functions only if cards are
which you can place on a vertical surface up to 5
drawn at random (a deck of real-world playing cards
feet thick and which allows you to look through
can simulate the deck). As an action, you can draw
a random card from this deck and throw it to make
the su rface
a ranged spell attack, using Dexterity for the attack
9 .* Manacles
roll. The card has a range of 30 feet. On a hit, it
l0 S Ten sheets ofparchment deals 1d4 slashing damage and imposes a magical
5 LY I hree daggers effect determined by its suit, as detailed in the Deck
of Wild Cards table. The card immediately returns
4 W Four flasks ofoil
to the deck after it hits or misses a target.
5 # Five silk robes

6¤ Forgery kit
7 ry Quarterstaff
8 ry Fishing tackle
9 qS Leather pouch containing 18 gp
l0W l0 crossbow bolts
3* Three books, written in Common, about random
historical events
4 0 Canvas tent

5* 50 feet of coiled silk rope

6 {, Two crowbars
7* Healer's kit
8* Eight gems worth 5 gp each
9t Lamp
l0 t l0 feet ofiron chain
3* Three spears
4* Steel mirror
5* l5-foot wooden pole
6 {t Burlap sack
7 {t Two sets of fine clothes
8 tt Shovel
9t Light hammer
l0 {D Ten arrows

Sr*i* *r ¤J$Eilsir&5

Decx or Wruo Clnos RocuE Desrr ru res
d4 Suit Effect Card Heroic Tie
I * The card explodes in a burst offire. The Balance Your family is connected to an organization that
(Rods) target and each creature within 5 feet seeks justice and opposes lyranny.
of it must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Comet A powerful member of a thieves' guild or spy
saving throw or take 2d8 fire damage. network opposes you at every turn.
2 ,$. The card shoots streaks of lightning.
Donjon Someone important to you is imprisoned, but
(Coins) The target must make a DC l5 Dexterity you believe they're innocent.
saving throw. On a failed save, the target
Euryale You committed a terrible trespass and have a
has the blinded condition until the end of
bounty on your head.
your next turn, and each creature within
Fates An important individual owes you a favor; what
l0 feet ofthe target takes 1d5 lightning
did you do to earn it?
Flames A Fiend threatens someone dear to you.
3 q¤ The card covers the target in a thick layer
Fool Your friend since childhood is optimistic to a
(Cups) of ice. The target takes 1dl0 cold damage
and must succeed on a DC l5 Constitu- fault and often conned or exploited.

tion saving throw or have the restrained Cem Someone searches for the same treasure you do,
condition until the end ofyour next turn. and disaster will strike if they find it first.

este r Hardships bring out your optimism-which is

4 Q The card unleashes a sharp, concussive lucky, since you seem to attract unfortunate

(Swords) blast. The target and each creature within eve nts !

5 feet of it take ld6 force damage and Key You've had an unexpected crisis. Did you solve it
must succeed on a DC l5 Strength sav- quickly, or did you hesitate and risk dooml
ing throw or have the prone condition. Knight An ally who is a member of a helpful organiza-
tion passes you information or exerts influence
Hrnons oF Dnsrrxy on your behalf in subtle ways.
The Rogue Destinies table provides narrative ideas Moon Your life is an idyllic story, except for something
inspired by the Decft of Many Thin¤s that players that makes you wonder if any of it is true.
can use as prompts while developing characters. Puzzle You have part ofa riddle that leads to a great
The entries in this table are geared toward char-
treasure or momentous secret.
acters who rely on cunning, skills, and versatility,
Rogue Someone important to you isn't who you think
but any character's story can benefit from the ideas
presented here. When using this table to help shape they are.
your character's story, you can either choose entries Ru in You lived a life of luxury until someone in power
that speak to you or randomly pull cards ftom The took it away. Will you get revenge)
Deck of Many Thin¤s card set until you feel your Sage A mage or magical creature takes an interest in
character's story is complete. you, offering you advice-for a price.
The prompts in the table include personality traits,
Skull You've defied certain death so many times that
relationships, and events. Most describe your char-
it doesn't seem like coincidence anymore.
acter's past, but some foretell something in your
character's future instead. These events might be a Sta r You overcame a hardship imposed by your life
mystery to your character, shared only between you circumstances, transforming your position en-
and your DM, or perhaps your character learned tirely or turning the situation to your benefit.
about these events through omens or a reading from Sun A divine spellcaster or divine emissary provides

,1,f"t"":t'11'1 , ::r,..:.:rj&
you with guidance, whether you want it or not.
A precious object was stolen from you.
Throne You are secretly the heir to great power, but
those who usurped that power want you dead.
\o';r de;r\u'1 ;loesur'f lele rth\,ae
Void Someone you care for is lost; although others
\bur *tor'{'t or\+{.b\1/\(. Corr:lle r \f have written them off, you believe they're still
r41ore' likc Š ,.. iššio ,),4ilellqe, alive somewhere.

42 CHAPTER 6 i ]i†CUE
Foup vrrLarNs pLAv a GAME

a ri.'::':t. 1


the card changes, either because ofa revelation

RocuES' Ga.ILERY the villain receives about the character or because
When a character draws the Rogue card, a new vil- the deck reshuffies reality to spin the character's
lain's presence-if not their identity is revealed to actions into something harmful.
the characters. Who is this villain, and why are they
an enemy? Here are a few options for how a Rogue The Rogue card's magic might provide a glimpse
villain can enter your campaign: of the future, but it can also manipulate reality in
large or small ways. If the character who drew the
Impostor. An acquaintance isn't who they appear card has a secret or has performed some action that
to be. This nefarious individual might be using an would turn a friend into an enemy, the deck might
assumed identity, or the villain could be a shape- ensure an ally gets that information, turning the ally
shifting monster or possessed by a malevolent against the character. Alternatively, the deck might
spirit. The person the characters thought they change reality so that a bandit leader the character
knew might never have existed, or that person arrested suddenly has a cousin seeking revenge,
might've been killed or abducted. or the spirit of a wicked cultist the character slew
New Arrival. A person the adventurers have never returns to torment the character by possessing a
met enters the story as an antagonist, with a dear friend.
motivation that sets them against the character
who drew the card. This villain is new to the char- Tnn RocuE's MorrvATroN
acters and might even have been created by the
Why does this new villain oppose the character who
reality-altering power of the deck.
drew the Rogue card? This question is just as im-
Turncoat. The villain is someone the characters portant as who the villain is. The Villainous Motiva-
know and have had positive dealings with. The
tions table offers sample goals for your new villain.
villain's attitude toward the character who drew

cr{AEl'!rR $ il+OGUfl
Vr r-r-lr Nous Morrverrorus Tnn RocuE's LArR
d5 Motivation This villain resides in a place of power and safety,
I Eliminate the character and take their place. whether that's a hidden thieves' guildhall or a lavish
2 Use the character as the key to unlocking immense manse. The lair is filled with clever defenses to dis-
power, perhaps as a ritual sacrifice. orient, weaken, and kill intruders.
The villain's challenge rating increases while the
3 Claim a treasure from the character, or take the
villain is in this lair:
character's wealth and holdings for themself.
4 Avenge a harm caused by the character or someone Ambitious Assassin. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
the character represents.
Enchanting Infiltrator. Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Otherworldly Corrupter. Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)
5 Prove iheir superiority by bringing the character to
Veiled Presence. Challenge 22 (41,000 XP)
ruin in a public and inescapable fashion.
6 Use the character to solve a greai mystery and then Larn Acrrous
claim credit. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) while in
its lair, the villain can take one of the following lair
actions; the villain can't take the same lair action
Rocun Srer Br,ocrs two rounds in a row:
This section offers four stat block options for the
Distraction. A shrill sound fi1ls the lair. Creatures
antagonist created when the Rogue card is drawn.
that can hear it must succeed on a DC i5 Consti-
Each is a legendary creature. These stat blocks can
tution saving throw or lose concentration.
represent a new NPC that enters the story, an exist-
Snares. Hidden snares target up to three creatures
ing NPC who reveals their true identity, or someone
the villain can see in the lair. Each creature must
transformed into an enemy by the deck's magic.
succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or
Each stat block represents an appropriate antag-
have the grappled condition (escape DC 15) and
onist for campaign arcs in a particular tier of play.
the restrained condition until it escapes or the
You can change the creature type and other features
snare holding it is destroyed. Each snare has AC
of these stat blocks to customize the antagonists for
11, 10 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy-
your campaign. For example, you could change the
chic damage.
veiled presence's creature type to Humanoid and
Traps. Traps target up to two creatures the villain
frame this villain's fantastical abilities as arising
can see in the iair. Each target must succeed on
from powerful treasures the villain has amassed.
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be struck by a
Alternatively, you could make this villain a Fiend,
trap. The villain ro1ls a number of d6s equal to its
change the damage dealt to necrotic, and give the
proficiency bonus, and struck targets take damage
villain a frightful aspect rather than a theme of di-
equal to the total. The damage is bludgeoning,
vine judgment. Descriptions of these sample villains
piercing, slashing, fire, or poison, chosen by the
are below.
villain when the villain uses this action.
Alrnrrrous AsSASSTN
RBcroNar Errncrs
Appropriate for tier 1 play (levels 1 to 4), the am-
The region containing a villain's lair is warped by
bitious assassin is a Humanoid who might be a
their presence, creating one or more of the follow-
charming manipulator or a ruthless ki11er.
ing effects:
ENcnaNrrNe INFTLTRAToR Corruption Abounds. While within 3 miles of the
An antagonist for tier 2 play (levels 5 to 10), the lair, creatures that aren't members of the villain's
enchanting infiltrator is a Fey that beguiles and organization have disadvantage on ability checks
misdirects. that rely on the Insight, Perception, and Persua-
sion skills.
OrllrnwoRLDLY C onnuprBn
Potent Toxins. When members of the villain's orga-
A challenge for tier 3 play (levels 11 to 16), the other-
nization deal poison damage while within 3 miles
worldly corrupter is a horrific Aberration that infects
ofthe lair, they ignore the target's resistance to
or impersonates a host.
poison damage.
Vrrrnn PnrsrNce Ifthe villain dies, these effects fade over the course
The ultimate threat created by the Rogue card, the of 1d10 days.
veiled presence is a Celestial for tier 4 play (levels
17 to 2O). This being descends from an Outer Plane
to bring cosmic wrath upon the characters.

[1Y e Ar pl. L, q9 {a r e 0 SS ¤ v.tt
4 t al a d,',t e n* ut' t ;t

lQ{\Y\hevt+, iq f4rti 0Prrilov. Llnasuq ViliaiLrs

+\nrD^c))n a rŸ\t)d\.,1 t\t,11 *olVe ol.Tal(,d w\f\N,

wl,n\sp eriut 4, Ve qu\l u q e vt cla artvy evtt;I

'>ol,/ed.Tesperale lor sawe peace a'rtr)
Qtrie'1- lri a \ttt-<,1 ta'{er,.1 SolVotl.

Aunrrrous AssASsrN RrecrroNs

Small or Medium Humanoid, Typically Neutral Evil Uncanny Dodge.When an attacker the assassin can see hits
the assassin with an attack, the assassin halves the attack's
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) damage against it.
Hit Points 9l (lad8 + 28)
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft. LecEruDARY AcloNS
The assassin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
'10 (+0) 18 (+a) ls (+2) 18 (+a) 1a gl the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
t6 (+3)
used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn.
Saving Throws Dex +7, lnt +7 The assassin regains all spent legendary actions at the start
Skills Deception +9, Perception +5, Stealth +.l0 of its tu rn.
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened Cunning. The assassin escapes nonmagical restraints and ends
Senses blindsight'10 ft., passive Perception 15 the grappled condition on itself, then moves up to its speed
Languages Common, thieves'cant, plus any one language without provokin g opportunity attacks.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 Stab (Costs 2 Actions). The assassin makes one Poison
Blade attack.
Legendary Resistance (2/Doy). lfthe assassin fails a saving Vanishing Escape (Costs 3 Actions), The assassin creates a
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. sudden distraction, such as a cloud of disorienting smoke
or flas!, of dazzling light, filling a 10-foot cube within 5 feet
Ac T oNs ofthe assassin. Each creature ofthe assassin's choice in that
area takes 9 (2d8) psychic damage, and the assassin has the
Multiattack. The assassin makes two Poison Blade attacks.
invisible condition. This invisibility lasts until the end of the
Poison Blode. Melee or Ranged Weapon ANtack: +7 to hit, reach assassin's next turn.
5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit:6 (1d4 + 4) piercing dam-
age plus 5 (ldl0) poison damage.

ENcHn NTTNe INrrr.rnAToR
Small or Medium Fey, Typically Neutral Evil

Armor Class 18 (Veiled Presence)

Hit Points (2ad8 + a8)
Speed 40 ft.


l0 (+0) 20 (+5) l s (+2) 20 (+s) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Int +9

Skills Deception +12, Perception +7, Stealth +13
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception l7
Languages Common, thieves' cant, plus any one language
Challenge ll (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

Legendory Resistonce (3/Day). lfthe infiltrator fails a saving

throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Veiled Presence. The infiltrator's AC includes its !(isdom
modifier, and the infiltrator can't be targeted by divination
magic or features that would read its mind or determine its LrceruDARY AcrroNS
creature type.
The infiltrator can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
actio n can be
of another creature's turn.
Multiotiack. The infiltrator makes two Poison Blade attacks actions at the start
and can use Beguiling Whisper.

Poison Blade, Melee or Ranged V/eapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach

5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d4 + 5) piercing dam- moves up to
age plus ll (2d.I0) poison damage. attacks.
BeguilingWhisper. The infiltrator magically whispers to a crea-
ture it can see within 30 feet of itself. The target must succeed
on a DC l7 Wisdom saving throw or have the stunned condi-
tion due to fear or delight (the infiltrator's choice) until the end
itself in its space, then teleports,
of the target's next turn, after which the target is immune to
to an
this Beguiling Whisper for 24 hours.

RrncrroNs must 17 Wisdom saving

Uncanny Dodge.When an attacker the infiltrator can see hits on a failed save, or half
the infiltrator with an attack, the infiltrator halves the attack's one. The invisibility
damage against it.
,- tr


OrnnnwoRLDLy C onnuprpn \
Small or Medium Aberration, Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) lr

Hit Points 217 (29d8 + 87) '{
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.


12 (+l) 22 (+6) 16(+3) 22 (+6) l8 (+a) 20 (+5) -!*f

Saving Throws Dex +.l2, lnt +.I2 Š

Skills Perception +10, Stealth +18
Damage Resistances psychic
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Common, thieves'cant, telepathy 120 ft. *
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6

Alien Mind. Magic and other features can't determine the cor-
rupter's creature type. lfa creature tries to read the corrupter's
thoughts, that creature must succeed on a DC 20 lntelligence
saving throw or have the stunned condition for I minute. The
stunned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end ofeach
ofits turns, ending the effect on itselfon a success.
Legendory Resistance (3/Day). lfthe corrupter fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Spider Climb. The corrupter can climb difficult surfaces, in- Rrncrrorus
cluding upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an Uncanny Dodge.When an attacker the corrupter can see hits
ability check. the corrupter with an attack, the corrupter halves the attack's
damage against it.
Multiattack. The corrupter makes three Whispering Blade at- LecrnDARY AcrtoNs
tacks and can use Debilitating Touch. The corrupter can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Whispering Blade. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: l0 (ld8 + 6) piercing used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn.
damage plus l4 (4d6) psychic damage. lf the target is a crea- The corrupter regains all spent legendary actions at the start
ture, ii must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or be of its turn.
unable to speak until the start ofthe corrupter's next turn. Cunning. The corrupter escapes nonmagical restraints and
Debilitating To u ch. f he co rru pter's squ irm
g tentacle lashes
i n
ends the grappled and restrained conditions on itself, then
out at a creature the corrupter can see within 30 feet ofitself. moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks
The target must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw Stab (Costs 2 Actions). The corrupter makes one Whispering
or have the paralyzed condition until the end ofits next turn, Blade attack.
after which the target is immune to this Debilitating Touch
Amorphous Escape (Costs 3 Actions). The corrupter dissolves
into a shifting mass of flesh, tentacles, eyes, claws, and
for 24 hours.
mouths. Up to two creatures the corrupter can see within 20
feet of itself must make a DC 20 lntelligence saving throw,
Boruus Acrrorus
taking 18 (4d8) psychic damage on a failed save, or halfas
Chonge Shape.fhe corrupter magically transforms into any much damage on a successful one. This transformation lasts
creature that is Small or Medium, while retaining its game until the end of the corrupter's next turn. While transformed,
statistics (other than its size). This transformation ends if the the corrupter has advantage on attack rolls, attack rolls made
corrupter is reduced to 0 hit points or uses a bonus action against it have disadvantage, and it can move through spaces
to end it. at least I inch wide without squeezing.

Multiattack. The veiled presence makes two Blade of Judgment
attacks and can use Revelation.
Blade ofJudgment, Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: l0 (ld6 + 7) piercing
damage plus 27 (6d8) radiant damage. lf the target is a crea-
ture, it must succeed on a DC 22Charisma saving throw, or on
its next turn, it can either move or take an action, but not both.
Revelotion. The veiled presence reveals a glimpse of its other-
worldly nature to a creature it can see within 30 feet of itself.
The target must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw or
have the paralyzed condition until the end of its next turn, after
which the target is immune to this Revelation for 24 hours.

Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker the veiled presence can
see hits the veiled presence with an attack, the veiled presence
VBrlnp PnBsnNcn halves the attack's damage against it.
Small or Medium Celestial, Typically Lawful Evil
Lec pN DARY AcrroNs
Armor Class 20 (natural armor) The veiled presence can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
Hit Points 300 (a0d8 + from the options below. Only one legendary action option can
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. (hover) be used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn.
The veiled presence regains all spent legendary actions at the
STR DEX coN rNT WrS CHA sta rt of its tu r n.
u (+2) 2a $7) l6 (+3) 24 (+7) 20 (+5) 22 (+6)
Flash Step. The veiled presence magically teleports, along with
Saving Throws Dex +'I4, int +14 any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 40 feet to an
Skills Perception +.l2, Stealth +2.l unoccupied space that it can see.
Damage Resistances radiant, necrotic Stab (Costs 2 Actions). The veiled presence makes one Blade of
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened J
udgment attack.
Senses truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 22 Searing Radiance (Costs 3 Actions). The veiled presence magi-
Languages all cally emanates dazzling light in a l0-foot-radius sphere cen-
Challenge 2l (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7 tered on itself until the end of its next turn, during which time
attack rolls against it have disadvantage and it has advantage
on attack rolls. The sphere moves with the veiled presence.
When another creature starts its turn in the light or enters
the light for the first time on its turn, that creature must
make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8)
radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.

{:f{,*'}Tril 7


,: knowledge, foresight, and skill. In that vein,
1; this chapter explores the arcane possibilities
'' held within a deck of cards. It begins with op-
tions for arcane characters, including a feat, spells,
and background ideas suggested by the deck that
add arcane flavor to your character's story.
The chapter concludes with two magic items. The
Deck of Many More Thin§s consists of cards cre-
ated by spellcasters trying to add new cards to the
Deck of Many Thin§s. The Deck of Wonder is a less
powerful-and iess dangerous-version of the more
famous deck, appropriate for lower-level characters.

CnanacrER OprroNs
This section contains a feat and spells for charac-
ters who combine cards and arcane magic, as well
as narrative prompts to help you create your charac-
ter and guide their story.

Fnar, CenrouANCER
Cartomancers use cards as a focus for arcane
power. Talk to your DM to see if this feat is available
lor you in your campaign.

Prerequisite: 4th Level, Spellcastin§ Feature
You have learned to channel your magic through a
deck of cards. You can use a card deck as your spell-
be a level for which you have spell slots. The card
casting focus, and you gain the following benefits:
remains imbued with this spell for 8 hours. While
Card Tricks. You learn the Prestidi§itation cantrip the card is imbued with the spell, you can use a
and can use it to create illusions that duplicate the bonus action to flourish the card and cast the spell
effects of stage magic. When you use Prestidi§i- within. The card then immediately loses its magic.
tation in this way, you can conceal the verbal and
somatic components of the spe1l as ordinary con- SpBrrs
versation and card handling. This section contains spells DMs can make avail-
Hidden Ace. When you finish a long rest, you can able to characters and creatures in their campaigns.
choose one spell from your class's spell list and The Spells table lists these spells, ordered by 1evel;
imbue that spe1l into a card. The chosen spell it also notes each spell's school of magic, whether it
must have a casting time of 1 action, and it must requires concentration, whether it bears the ritual
tag, and which classes have access to it.
Spe lls
Level Spell School Conc, Ritual Class
2nd Spray ofCards Con juration No No Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
3rd Antagonize Encha ntment No No Bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
4th Spirit of Death Necromancy Yes No Sorcerer, warlock, wizard

ANreeoNrzn The spirit is an ally to you and your companions.
kd-Level Enchantment In combat, the spirit shares your initiative count
and takes its turn immediately after yours. It obeys
Casting Time: 1 action
your verbal commands (no action required by
ffi!::;: Range:30 feet
you). If you don't issue the spirit any commands, it
Components: V S, M (a playing card
takes the Dodge action and uses its movement to
depicting a rogue)
avoid danger.
Duration: Instantaneous
At Hi¤her Levels. When you cast this spell using
You whisper magical words that antagonize one a spell slot of 5th level or higher, use the higher
creature of your choice within range. The target level wherever the spell's level appears in the reaper
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed spirit stat block.
save, the target takes 4d4 psychic damage and must
immediately use its reaction to make a melee attack Spnev oF CARDS
against another creature ofyour choice that you can 2nd-Level Conjuration
see. If the target can't make this attack (for example, CastingTime: I action
because there is no one within its reach or because Range: Self (15-foot cone)
its reaction is unavailable), the target instead has Components: V, S, M (a deck of cards)
disadvantage on the next attack ro11 it makes before Duration: Instantaneous
the start ofyour next turn. On a successful save, the
You spray a 1S-foot cone ofspectral cards. Each
target takes half as much damage only.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 2d10 force
a spell slot of 4th leve1 or higher, the damage in-
damage and has the blinded condition until the end
creases by 1d4 for each slot level above 3rd.
of its next turn. On a successful save, a creature
Sprnrr oF DEATH takes half as much damage only.
4th-Level Necromancy At Higher Levels. lVhen you cast this spell using
a spell slot of 3rd ier.el or higher, the damage in-
Casting Timq 1 action
creases by 1d10 for each slot level above 2nd.
Range:60 feet
Components: V S, M (a gilded playing card worth Hrnons oF DESTTNY
at least 400 gp and depicting an avatar of death)
Duration: Concentration, up to t hour The Sage Destinies table provides narrative ideas
inspired by the Deck of Many Thin¤s that you can
You call forth a spirit that embodies death. The use while developing your character. The entries in
spirit manifests in an unoccupied space you can see this table are geared toward spellcasters, but they
within range and uses the reaper spirit stat block. can enrich any character's story. When using this
The spirit disappears when it is reduced to 0 hit table, you can either choose the entries that speak to
points or when the spell ends. you or draw cards from the deck.

Rrepnn Sprnrr Acrrorus

Medium Undead, Neutral Multiattock. The spirit makes a number of Reaping Scythe at-
tacks equal to halfthe level ofthe spell (rounded down).
Armor Class ll+ the Ievel of the spell (natural armor)
Hit Points 40 + 10 for each spell level above 4th
Reaping Scythe, Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) modifier to hit (with advantage), reach 5 ft., the creature
haunted by Haunt Creature. Hit:1d8 + 3 + the spell's level ne-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA crotic damage.
15 (+3) 15 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
Borrrus Acrrorus
Damage lmmunities necrotic, poison Haunt Crcatute. The spirit targets a creature it can see within
Condition lmmunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, l0 feet of itself and begins haunting it. While the target is
paralyzed, poisoned haunted, you and the spirit sense the direction and distance to
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 the target if it is on the same plane of existence as you. Addi-
Languages understands the languages you speak tionally, ifthe target starts its turn within 10 feet ofthe spirit,
Challenge Proficiency Bonus equals your bonus the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against
your spell save DC or have the frightened condition until the
lncorporeol Movement. The spirit can move through other crea- start ofthe target's next turn. The target remains haunted until
tures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. lf it ends its it dies, the spirit disappears, or the spirit uses this action again
turn inside an object, it is shunted to the nearest unoccupied
space and takes ldl0 force damage for every 5 feet shunted.

Cl.iA PT'ER 7 I ¤AGE


Slce Drsrrrurrs
Card Heroic Tie
Macrc Ceno Dncrs
This section presents two decks of magical cards.
Balance You were once a member of an order dedicated
to keeping magical artifacts out ofthe hands of Dncri oF MANy Monn TnrNcs
those who would abuse their power. Wondrous ltem, Lesendary
Comet A seer predicted you're destined for immense Over the centuries since the first Decft of Many
power. Do you seek this power or reject it? Thin¤s was created, many have sought and failed
Donjon Your dreams include visions of an imprisoned
to replicate it. But some have created new cards.
These forty-four additional cards are known co1-
extraplanar entity.
lectively as the Dec-k of Many More Thinss. (More
Euryale You wish to learn powerful magic to protect your
information on creating new cards for this deck ap-
loved ones from harm. pears in chapter 2.)
Fates Your magical studies are driven by a desire to Like the Deck of Many Thinss, the Deck of Many
manipulate reality. More Thin¤s manifests differently on various
Flames Your magical ability stems from a gamble you
worlds. While it can include fewer or different cards,
made with a Fiend-thou gh you're not sure if it frequently appears with a Deck of Many Thinss
as part of a combined deck of sixty-six iliuminated
you won or lost.
cards. The combined deck is usually protected by
Fool You use your arcane prowess to con unsuspect-
a box or pouch. The forty-four cards of the Deck of
ing individuals.
Many More Thin¤s bear similar imagery to those in
Cem You carry a seemingly ordinary item stolen from the Deck of Many Thinss and have potent magical
a powerful archmage, and it causes inexplicable effects, which are detailed later in this description.
things to happen around you. Notably, cards from the Deck of Many More Thinss
are more likely to be beneficial, though about a third
Jester You come from a long tradition of wild mages,
even if your own powers are different.
of them are stil1 dangerous.
Before you draw a card, you must declare how
Key Your spellbook manifests as a deck of cards.
many cards you intend to draw and then draw them
Knight Your family of renowned warriors judges you on randomly. Unless a card allows you to draw addi-
your martial talents (or lack thereof). tional cards, any cards drawn exceeding this num-
Moon A loved one is cursed, and you're determined to ber have no effect.
break that cu rse. As soon as you draw a card, its magic takes effect.
Puzzle You Iive for the pursuit ofarcane secrets and
You must draw each card you declared no more
than t hour after the previous draw. Unless a card
lost legends.
states otherwise, if you fail to draw the chosen
Rogue Someone you trust is actually a monster, such
number, the remaining number of cards fly from the
as a dragon or a hag, in disguise. deck and take effect simultaneously.
Ruin A fortune teller warned that you're destined to Unless it is the Fool or the.|ester card, a drawn
cause great destruction, which you're trying to card immediately takes effect, fades from existence,
avoid. and reappears in the deck, making it possible to
Sage You use a divinatory card spread to decide which draw the same card multiple times.
The DM can use the physical cards provided in
spells to prepare each day.
The Deck of Many Thinss card set to build a com-
Skull You seek a way to cheat death.
bined Deck of Many Thinss and Deck of Many More
Star Your spells and magical abilities take on the ap- Thin¤s, including whichever cards they desire. Alter-
pearance of playing cards. natively, roll on the Deck of Many More Things table
Sun Agents ofthe Solar Bastion (see chapter 10) below to randomly determine what cards are drawn.
once saved your life. Aberration You gain telepathy within a range
Talons You seek to reclaim a stolen magical artifact.
of 90 feet.
Beast. You immediately transform into a random
Throne You began your arcane scholarship as an ap-
Beast with a CR of 5 or lower. Your game statistics-
prentice to a court magician.
including your ability scores, hit points, and possible
Void You've glimpsed another plane of existence, but actions-are replaced by the Beast's game statistics,
no one believes you. You strive to prove them and any nonmagical equipment you're wearing or
wrong. carrying melds into your new form and can't be
used. Any magic items you're carrying drop in an
unoccupied space within 5 feet of your new form.
\E- Ÿ}{€FTEI{ ? | ¤AGŠ
You remain transformed in this way for 2d12 days; Campfire. You immediately gain the beneflts of
nothing can alter your form while you're under the finishing a long rest.
effects of this card, but the Wish spell can end the Cavern. You gain a climbing speed equal to your
transformation early. When you revert to your nor- walking speed. You also gain the ability to move up,
mal form, you return to the same state you were in down, across vertical surfaces, and along ceilings,
when you initially transformed. while leaving your hands free.
Book You gain the ability to speak, read, and Celestial. You sprout a pair of softly luminescent,
write 1d6 + 2 languages of your choice. feathered wings from your back and gain a flying
Brid¤e. You gain the ability to cast the Ime S/op speed ol 30 feet.
spell 1d3 times. Use your Intelligence, Wisdom. or Construct. A homunculus appears in an unoccu-
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (your choice). pied space within 5 feet of you. The appearance of
the homunculus is determined by the DM, and the
Dscx or MlNv Mone Tsrrucs homunculus treats you as its creator.
d'100 Card d l00 Card Corpse. You immediately drop to 0 hit points,
0l Aberration 35 Monstrosity have the unconscious condition, and must begin
making death saving throws. Spells and other mag-
02 Balance'. 36 Moon,.
ical effects that restore hit points have no effect on
03 Beast 37 Ooze
you until vou are stabilized. Ifyou fail three death
04 Book 38 Path saving throrvs. lrou die and can be resurrected only
05 Bridge 39 Pit by the i{is.h spell.
05 Cam re pfi 40 Plant Crossroads. Ro11 a d20. Ifthe ro11 is even, you age
07 Cavern 41 Priest 1d10 1'ears. If the roll is odd, you become younger by
1d10 1'ears. to a minimum of 1 year. This effect can
08 Celestial 42 Pri so ner
be undone on11- b1-the ffisfi spell, divine interven-
09 Cometr' 43 Puzzler,
tion, or similar magic.
l0 Construct 44 Ri ng
Door. You gain the abilitl'to cast the Gate spell
ll Corpse 45 Rogue'r- 1d4 times. requiring no material components. Use
12 Crossroads 46 Ru in't your Intelligence. \\-isdom. or Charisma as the spell-
l3 Donjon'! 47 Sage,. casting abilitl' (1-our choice).
14 Door 48 Sh ield Dra¤on. A dragon egg appears at your feet and
immediatel-,- hatches into a dragon wyrmling. The
l5 Dragon 49 Ship
type of dragon is chosen by the DM. The wyrmling
l6 Elemental 50 Sku ll'.
views you as its parent and is staunchly loyal to you
17 Euryale,. 5t 5tatt and your a1lies.
l8 Expert 52 Stairway Elemental. \bu become immune to one of the
I9 Fates'! 53 Sta r,r- following damage types (choose immediately
20 Fey 54 Statu e upon drawing this card): acid, cold, fire, lightning,
21 Fiend 55 Sun'.
or thunder.
Dxpert. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, to a
22 Flames,. 56 Talons,.
maximum of 22.
23 Fool,t 57 Tavern
Fey. Afey crossing opens into the treywild, and
24 Cem't 58 Temple you're immediately puiied through it, disappearing
25 Ciant 59 I hronex in a flash of rainbow-colored light. You draw no
26 Humanoid 60 Tomb more cards.
27 Jester'. 6t Tower The fey crossing appears as a shimmering fractal
of light above the deck, and it remains open for 1
28 Key" 62 Tree
minute after the card is drawn. The precise location
29 Knight,r 63 U ndead
in the Feywild to which the fey crossing leads is de-
30 64 Void,. termined by the DM.
3l 65 Warrior Fiend. A powerful Fiend appears in a nearby un-
32 66 Well occupied space and offers you a deal. The precise
33 67-00 Roll again nature of this deal is up to the DM, but usually the
Fiend offers some material reward in exchange for
you and your allies completing a task for the Fiend.
,lFound in Ihe Deck of Many Things asdepicted in the The Fiend is indifferent to you and can be bargained
Dungeon Master's Cuide with; it keeps its side of any bargain it makes,
though it might twist the wording of any agreement

to suit its purposes. If attacked, or if negotiations restrained condition until the chains are
fail and you refuse the Fiend's offer, it returns to its or you are freed. While you have this condition, you
home plane. can't cast spells, and any magic items you're wear-
Giant. You immediately grow 2d10 inches in
height, and your hit point maximum and current hit
points both increaseby 20.
Humanoid. You can immediately choose to stop
drawing from the deck, regardless of how many ¤rate spell destroys the chains instantly,
cards you initially declared. Another creature can also free you by succeeding on
Lance. A1l your ability scores increase by 1, to a a DC 30 Dexterity check using thieves'tools.
maximum of 20. Rin¤. A rare or rarer magic ring appears on your
Ma¤e. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, to a finger. If you have the attunement slots available,
maximum of 22. you're automatically attuned to the ring when it ap-
Map. At any time you choose within 1 year of pears. The DM chooses the ring.
drawing this card, you can mentally name or de- Shield. A rare or rarer suit of magic armor that
scribe an object or individual that is familiar to you. you are proficient with appears in your hands.
You immediately know the location of the object The DM chooses the armor. If you lack proficiency
or individual, as well as the distance between you with any armor, your base AC instead now equals
and the object or individual, even if the object or ]l + your Dexterity modifier while you aren't
individual is on a different plane of existence. If you wearing armor.
named an individual, you know if they are alive and Sllip. You gain proficiency in three skills chosen
any conditions they have. If you named an object, by the DM.
you know if it is broken or not. If you named a magic Sfaff A rare or rarer magic rod, staff, or wand ap-
item that has charges, you know how many charges pears in your hands. The DM chooses the item.
it has remaining. Stairway. You can choose to either decrease
Maze. You gain 1d3 levels of exhaustion. your number of declared draws by two or receive a
Mine. A pile of 2d6 gems (each worth 5,000 gp) rare or rarer wondrous item, which appears in your -t

and 1d10 chunks of precious ore (each worth 2,500 hands. The DM chooses the item.
gp) appears at your feet. Statue. You immediately have the petrified con-
Monstrosity. A Large or larger Monstrosity with a dition as your body is transformed into marble.
challenge rating of 10 or less (chosen by the DM) ap- The petrification lasts until you are freed with the
pears in an unoccupied space within 15 feet of you. Greater Restoration spell or similar magic.
The creature is hostile toward you and attacks im- Tavern. Your Charisma score increases by 2 to a
mediately. The creature disappears when it is killed maximum of 22.
or when you are reduced to 0 hit points. If there isn't Temple. A deity or entity of similar power be-
enough space for a Large or larger creature to ap- comes bound to aid you. At any point in time be-
pear, this card has no effect. tween drawing the card and when you die, you can
Ooze. A gelatinous cube immediately appears use your action to call on this entity for divine inter-
in your space and engulfs you. The gelatinous cube vention, and the entity is bound to answer. The pa-
is hostile and remains until it is destroyed. If there rameters and nature of this intervention are chosen
isn't enough space for the gelatinous cube to appear. by the DM. If you die without having used this in-
this card has no effect. tervention, the deity fulfills its obligation by casting
Path.Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. the Resurrecfrbn spell on you. Once the entity has
Pit. Apit opens beneath you. You plummet
3d6 x 10 feet, take damage from the fall, and have
the prone condition.
Plant. You gain the ability to cast Speak with
Plants without using a spell slot; you must finish

:l !







{*=5r r&*rr :xs #rce *r ij*ruy llocr l*r**Šs

54 CII.{PTER 7 i ¤ACE
Tree.Your skin immediately becomes rough, like Decx or Woruoen
tree bark. Your base AC now equals 15 + your Dex-
terity modifier while you aren't wearing armor, but
Card Card Title

you have vulnerability to fire damage. This transfor- A& Chancellor,r

mation can be undone only by the Wish spell, divine t( &, Day
intervention. or similar magic.
Undead. Somewhere on the Material plane, a
a & Night

revenant rises. This revenant blames you for its l& Dawn

existence and relentlessly hunts you to exact its 2& Dusl<'Y

revenge. The revenant exists until either 1 year A& Destiny'L-
passes, the revenant kills you, or you use a Wish
KW Crown
spell to banish it permanently to the afterlife.
Wation Your Strength score increases by 2 to a aW Lock
maximum of 22. JW Champion
Well.You learn three cantrips of your choice from
2 ¤¤ Coin'.
any spell list.
A* Vulture'.
Drcr oF WoNDER l( * Chaos
Wondrous ltem, (Jncommon
a qf Order
Created in the image of the Deck of Many Thinss,
this deck of ivory or vellum cards bestows an assort- J* Beginning

ment of minor benefits and penalties on those who 2 4i MYstery'r-

draw from it. Most (75 percent) of these decks have A* lsolation'r-
only thirteen cards, but the rest have twenty-two.
Before you draw a card, you must declare how
KŠ End

many cards you intend to draw, then draw them ran- a* Monster
domly. Any additional cards drawn have no effect. J¤ Knife
Unless a card states otherwise, as soon as you draw
2* Justice'r
a card from the deck, its magic takes effect. you
must draw each card you declared no more than 1 Joker Student'.
hour after the previous draw. If you fail to draw the (with'")
chosen number, the remaining number of cards fly Joker Mischief
from the deck and take effect simultaneously. (without rM)

Unless it is the Mystery card, a drawn card imme-

,r-Found only in a deck with twenty-two
diately takes effect, fades from existence, and reap- cards.
pears in the deck, making it possible to draw the
Crown. You learn lhe Friends cantrip. Use your
same card multiple times.
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as the spellcast-
You can use an altered deck ofplaying cards
ing ability (your choice). If you already know this
to simulate the deck, as shown in the Deck of
cantrip, the card has no effect.
Wonder table.
Dawn. This card invigorates you. For the next 8
Be¤innin¤. Your hit point maximum and current
hours, you can add your proficiency bonus to your
hit points increase by 2d10. Your hit point maximum
initiative ro11s.
remains increased in this way for the next 8 hours.
Day.You gain a +1 bonus to saving throws. This
Champion. You gain a +1 bonus to weapon attack
benefit lasts until you finish a long rest.
and damage rolls. This bonus lasts for 8 hours.
Destiny. This card protects you against an un-
Chancellon Within 8 hours of drawing this card,
timely demise. The first time after drawing this card
you can castAu¤ury once as an action, requiring
that you would drop to 0 hit points from taking dam-
no material components. Use your Intelligence,
age, you instead drop to t hit point.
Wisdom, or Charisma as the speilcasting ability
Dusk. This card supernaturally saps your energy.
(your choice).
You have disadvantage on initiative rolls. This effect
Chaos. You gain resistance to one of the follow-
lasts until you finish a long rest, but it can be ended
ing damage types (chosen by the DM): acid, co1d,
early by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic.
fire, lightning, or thunder. This resistance lasts for
End. This card is an omen of death. you take
1dl2 days.
2d10 necrotic damage, and your hit point maximum
Coin. Five pieces of jewelry, each worth 100
is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
gp, or ten gemstones, each worth 50 gp, appear at
This effect can't reduce your hit point maximum
your feet.
below 10 hit points. This reduction lasts until vou

finish a long rest, but it can be ended early by a Re- Monsten This card's monstrous visage curses
move Curse spell or similar magic. you. While cursed in this way, whenever you make
Isolation. You disappear, along with anything you a saving throw, you must ro11 1d4 and subtract the
are wearing or carrying, and become trapped in a number rolled from the total. The curse lasts until
harmless extradimensional space for 1d4 minutes. you finish a long rest, but it can be ended early with
You draw no more cards. You then reappear in the a Remove Curse spell or similar magic.
space you left or the nearest unoccupied space. Mystery. You have disadvantage on Intelligence
When you reappear, you must succeed on a DC 11 saving throws for t hour. Discard this card and
Constitution saving throw or have the poisoned con- draw from the deck again; together, the two draws
dition for t hour as your body reels from the extradi- count as one ofyour declared draws.
mensional travel. Night. You gain darkvision within a range of 300
Justice. You momentarily gain the ability to bal- feet. This darkvision lasts for 8 hours.
ance the scales of fate. For the next 8 hours, when- Otden You gain resistance to one of the following
ever you or a creature within 60 feet of you is about damage types (chosen by the DM): force, necrotic,
to ro11 a d20 with advantage or disadvantage, you poison, psychic, or radiant. This resistance lasts for
can use your reaction to prevent the ro11 from being 1d12 days.
affected by advantage or disadvantage. Studeflt. You gain proficiency in Wisdom saving
Knife. An uncommon magic weapon you're profi- throws. If you already have this proficiency, you in-
cient with appears in your hands. The DM chooses stead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma
the weapon. saving throws (your choice).
Lock. You gain the ability to cast Knock ld3 Vulture. One nonmagical item or piece of equip-
times. Use your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma ment in your possession (chosen by the DM) disap-
as the spellcasting ability (your choice). pears. The item remains nearby but concealed for a
Mischief,, You receive an uncommon wondrous short time, so it can be found with a successful DC
item (chosen by the DM), or you can draw two addi- 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the item isn't re-
tional cards beyond your declared draws. covered within t hour. it disappears forever.

{i-{A,ttrTŠtr &

froma Deck of Many Thin¤s gains the
chance to rewrite the events of their life.
This card is an example in miniature of
the deck, which transforms the lives of everyone
who dares to draw from it. But fate and destiny are
powerful concepts; when a character tries to change
their destiny, they're meddling with powers usually
reserved for deities. This chapter is filled with char-
acter options, treasure, and other ideas linked to the
concepts of fate and destiny. It's primarily aimed at
clerics, druids, and paladins who have a connection
to the gods, especially gods of fate and destiny, such
as the Greyhawk deity Istus, who created the orig-
inal Deck of Many Thin¤s; Savras in the Forgotten
Realms; the Dragonlance deity Gilean; and the el-
ven deity Labelas Enorath.
The chapter begins with two backgrounds repre-
senting adventurers whose lives have gone through
sudden reversals of fortune-falling from a great
height or rising from tragedy. trollowing them is
a selection ofpersonality traits and life events in-
spired by the Deck of Many Thin¤s. These traits
and events reflect the influence of fate and destiny
on your character. Finally, this chapter presents a
collection of magic items and supernatural gifts:
charms bestowed by the gods or other great powersr
inspired by the Deck of Many Thin¤s and the con-
cept of fate.
Regardless, you left the daily miseries of your old
BecrcRouNDS life behind in favor of a life of adventure and excite-
ment. Your old debts have been paid, responsibilities
This section presents the rewarded and the ruined
you thought inescapable are behind you, or you sud-
backgrounds for characters whose lives have been
denly possess rare and unusual skills unknown to
upended by an event ofgreat significance whether
ordinary folk.
by drawing from a Deck of Many Thin¤s or in some
other transformative way. Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion
Languages: One ofyour choice
Re weRDED Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set of your choice
You were living a dif&cult life before your destiny (such as playing cards or three-dragon ante cards)
suddenly changed through a miraculous turn of Equipment: A bottle of black ink, an ink pen, five
good fortune. Perhaps a benevolent deity gave you sheets of paper, a gaming set (matching your cho-
precisely what you most desired. You might have sen proficiency), a signet ring, a set offine clothes,
stumbled across a Deck of Many Thin¤s and drawn and a pouch containing 18 gp
a card with a potent, positive effect. Or maybe you
inherited a modest fortune from a distant relative
Fnerune, FonruNn's Fevon
you didn't know you had. Your unexpected good fortune is reflected by a
minor boon. You gain the Lucky, Magic Initiate, or
Skilled feat (your choice). Your choice of feat reflects

escape a hopeless situation, the Star card increased
an ability score to its current value, or a tr&'s,h spell
cast after drawing the Moon card transformed your
character from a peddler to a fledgling sorcerer in-
fused with magic and new knowledge and ski1ls. If
you're making a character at higher than 1st level,
magic items they have could have been granted by
the Key or Sun card.
:h Su¤¤ested Characteristics. Your character's
A aHARŠarg& tviril fHE
perspective on life has changed thanks to their new
* gBARESi) *Arr{GŠf}rJ N Ÿ
GTiS ¤tJRPRI*IIJG destiny. The Rewarded Personality Traits table
GeŸB N-.$iS. suggests traits you might adopt for your character
and cards from the Deck of Many Thin¤s that might
have prompted this trait.

Rewnnoeo PensorullrrY TRArrs

d6 Personality Trait
I A safe home is a foundation on which anything else
car be ouilt. (Key. Throne)
2 I was eievated to heights I could never otherwise at-
tain, and I won't waste my fortune. (Star, Sun)
3 I try to be a source of inspiration and joy to others.
Life is never as bad as you think! (Euryale, Jester)
4 Courage and boldness can carry the day when all
else fails. (Comet, Knight)
5 My good fortune means I can lift others up as well.
(Cem, Moon)
6 Having the righi answers is the first step to solving
the transformation that changed your life. An en- any problem, no matter how dire. (Fates, Sage)
counter with a genie who gave you three wishes
might have resulted in magical powers represented Rewarded Trinkets. When you make your char-
by Magic Initiate. If you paid off all your family debts acter, you can ro11 once on the Rewarded Trinkets
with a fortuitous round of three-dragon ante, you table instead of on the Trinkets table in lhe Plaver's
might be Lucky instead. Alternatively, you could use Handbook for your starting trinket.
the Skilled feat to reflect whatever trial you endured
to secure your new destiny and to model the knowl-
Rewenoeo Tnrruxers
edge and abilities imparted to you by whatever force d6 Trinket
transformed your life. 1 A perfumed silk scarf from an admirer
2 A crystal bead that glows like a candle in the dark
Rewarded characters have varied histories, but
3 A letter of introduction and invitation from an influ-

they have one thing in common: they were down on ential person in a far-offcity
their luck before their lives abruptly turned around. 4 A motto or symbol whose meaning eludes you,
They might have given up all hope of a happier 1ife, etched on a piece ofyour equipment
only to suddenly get a second chance. A rewarded 5 A crisp playing card that never seems to tear or soil,
character has often spent many years struggling to depicting the card that affected you
escape painful circumstances. Now, extricated from 6 Half a medallion designed to be rejoined to its other
the (sometimes literal) prison that was their former half
life, they throw their cares to the wind and become
adventurers. RurNnÈ
If your character's life was changed by a Deck of
Many Thin¤s, consider which card was responsi- Everything was going so well! You had a life of
ble. Perhaps the Fates card undid a tragic mistake luxury, love, and comfort when you suddenly lost it
your character made 1n their youth. The Gem card all. Perhaps you were framed for crimes you didn't
could have wiped out debts incurred over a lifetime. commit and lost your reputation, fortune, and ca-
Maybe the Sage card provided the advice needed to reer. Maybe a rampaging dragon or another monster

wiped out everything you had in a single calamitous SUS¤ested Characteristics. Risi n g above misfor-
afternoon. Or you might have sought out a Deck of tune shapes one's perspective. The Ruined Person-
Many Thin¤s, hoping to make your successful life ality Traits table suggests traits you might adopt for
even more glorious-only to draw a destructive card your character (and ruinous cards that might have
that changed your destiny forever. prompted this trait).
Your desperation has driven you to the career of
adventurer. You don't seek out dark dungeons and Rurrueo PensoxllrrY TRArrs
their monstrous inhabitants for excitement and d5 Personality Trait
glory; you do it because every other path is closed I l've changed from my past, and I work to live up to
to you. But you have risen high on fortune's wheel my new path. (Balance, Throne)
once before, and with luck and fortitude, you could
2 Every moment is a gift I refuse to squander.
do so again.
(Euryale, Skull)
Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Survival 3 Now that l've overcome having nothing, I can sur-
Languages: One ofyour choice vive anything. (Fool, Ruin, Talons)
Tool Proficiencies: One gaming set of your choice
(such as playing cards or three-dragon ante cards)
4 I know enemies are set against me, and I always
prepare for the worst. (Flames, Rogue)
Equipment: A cracked hourglass, a set of rusty
manacles, a half-empty bottle, a hunting trap, a 5 I interpret every event as part ofa Iarger pattern I

gaming set (matching your chosen proficiency), just haven't worked out yet. (Puzzle, Star)
a set oftraveler's clothes, and a pouch con- 6 I must make up for so much time l've already lost.
taining 13 gp (Donjon, Void)

Fr,anunr' Srrrr SraNÈrNc Ruined Tiinkets. When you make your char-
You have weathered ruinous misfortune, and you acter. you can ro11 once on the Ruined Trinkets
possess hidden reserves others don't expect. You table instead of on the Trinkets table in the Play-
gain the Alert, Skilled, or Tough feat (your choice). er's Handbook.
Your choice of feat reflects how you've dealt with the
terrible loss that changed your life forever. If you've C*lqlr:rqg vi:* iHa kursas BAii{*¤šutu¤
kept your senses sharp for every opportunity and 11ii"! i::alRea 3*i1T *AR0¤*,r.
climbed your way out of misery by seizing the tini-
est scrap of hope, choose Alert. Ifyou've redoubled
your efforts to reclaim what was once yours, choose
Ski1led. If you've stoically persevered through your
misfortune, select Tough.

Burrorxc A RUTNED Cnenecrrn

Ruined characters were on top of the world before
misfortune struck. Many were wealthy. Others
come from modest backgrounds, but they were
surrounded by friends, family, and loved ones. They
might have been famous, or simply never encoun-
tered serious hardship before. Some were born to
privilege or rose to prominence through trickery or
a false reputation. Now a Deck of Many Thin¤s-or
another calamity-has knocked them down like a
house of cards.
If your character's life was ruined by a Deck of
Many Thin¤s, consider which card was responsible.
Perhaps your character was imprisoned for years
by the Donjon or Void card, and now everyone
they knew has died. Maybe your character drew
the Rogue card, and the person closest to them-a
spouse, child, or parent-turned against them. A
devil unleashed by the Flames card might have
destroyed their life. The Ruin or Talons card might
have stolen the character's material goods or sad- :

dled them with vast debt.


Ru ttt Eo Tnr N rErs

HrnoES oF DnsrrNy
d5 Trinket
The trated Destinies table provides narrative ideas
I A rusted scrap of a once-beloved family heirloom inspired by the Deck of Many Thin¤s that you can
2 Aland deed, but all the names and markings that use as prompts while developing your character.
once tied it to you have faded into obscurity The entries are geared toward characters who rely
3 A bauble once imbued with powerful magic on faith, conviction, or fate-particulady clerics,
4 A battered playing card with a hole pierced in it, its druids, and paladins-but any character's story can
face depicting the card that affected you
benefit from them. When using this table, you can )
choose the entries that speak to you or randomly
5 A yellowed Humanoid tooth that whispers eerily
puli cards ftom The Deck of Many Thin¤s card set.
when placed under a pillow
The prompts can be personality traits, relation-
6 A keepsake from someone you were once close to ships, or events. Most are described as part ofyour
but who is now your enemy character's past, but they might foretell events in

Fnreo DesrrrulEs
Card Heroic Tie Card Heroic Tie
Balance You were trained by an organization that op- Moon You are most comfortable at night, and all your
poses a deity or another powerful cosmic force. greatest successes have taken place then. You
also bear a silvery, crescent-shaped birthmark.
Comet You were born under a sign associated with Puzzle Your studies led you to a scrap ofprophecy or
cataclysm, and every attempt to glimpse your the memoir of a prominent figure, which calls
future reveals ill omens. your be iefs irto qrestion.
Don jon A religious organization imprisoned you, per- Rogue A devout individual whom you looked up to re-
haps because of a crime you committed against vealed themself to be false, a disciple of a power
that faith or because the leaders considered you opposed to your beliefs.
the servant ofa rival power.
Euryale You or your family are watched by secretive fig- Ru in You were once a favored adherent of a religious
ures. They usually keep hidden, but you've seen order, but you've been cast out in disgrace.
they wear an unknown symbol.
Fates You made a choice in your past that haunts you. Sage An otherworldly being whispers advice to you in
Whatever the consequences, it's not clear you dreams or visitations, taking on different guises
made the right choice. and speaking through others.
Flames A powerful figure opposed to your beliefs vexes Skull You were returned to life through resurrection
your life; even your triumphs seem to serve this magic, divine intervention, or a mysterious cir-
being's ends. cumstance you don't yet understand.
Fool What could have been one of the happiest mo- Star When you adopted your current beliefs, your life
ments in your life turned into a tragedy. changed dramatically for the better.
Cem You inherited land containing the ruins of a tem- 5un While you never placed much stock in the be-
ple where a coveted relic was hidden. liefs you were taught, adhering to them saved
you from a catastrophe.
You were brought up to believe in a prophecy lalons You have a well-used holy symbol from someone
of impending doom, but you perceive potential you looked up to, and you feel uncertain anytime
and hope where others expect disaster. you're without it.
Key An inflexible person with power over you threat. lhrone You were born to a family of divinely favored
ened to bring about disaster, but your decisive folk, and they have big expectations for you.
action prevailed.
Knight The defenders of a religious organization such Void Your soul, or a loved one's, is doomed to be
as a druid circle, paladin order, or temple watch taken by a Fiend, a powerful Undead, or another
over wicked power.

your character's future. Consider how much your
character knows about the destinies detailed in the
table; these events might be a mystery to your char-
acter, shared only between you and your DM. Or
perhaps your character learned about these events
through omens or the readings of a fortune teller.

The following section presents magic items and su-
pernatural gifts that resonate with the cosmic forces
of fate and destiny.

Mecrc Irnlrs
This section presents magic items in alphabet-
ical order.

Wondrous ltem, Rare (Requires Attunement)
The illustrations on this deck of oracle cards move
or change subtly when viewed indirectly. When you
finish a long rest, you can spend 10 minutes consult-
ing the cards for an omen of the coming day. Rol1 a
d20 and record the number ro11ed. Once in the next
8 hours, immediately after a creature within 60 feet
of you makes an ability check, an attack rol1, or a
saving throw, you can use your reaction to discard
the d20 roll; the creature must use the number you
rolled in place of its ro11.
Additionally, while holding the cards, you can cast
Divination from them. Once this property is used, it
and you gain a bonus to spell attack rolls and to
can't be used again until the next dawn.
your spel1 save DC. The bonus is determined by the
Farn CurrER SHEARS deck's rarity.
Weapon (Da¤¤er), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) In addition, while you're holding the deck, you can
draw a card as an action to expend and ro11 one of
The blades of these pruning shears bear many nicks
your Hit Dice and add the deck's bonus to the num-
and dents but still cut cleanly. The shears function
ber rolled. One creature you can see within 30 feet
as a magic dagger. The weapon has the following
of you either takes radiant damage or regains hit
points (your choice) equal to the total.
Ever Sharp. When you hit with an attack us-
ing the shears, the target takes an extra 1d6 Housn oF CARDS
force damage. Wondrous ltem, Uncommon
Sever Threads. When you hit a creature with the This deck of cards is decorated with geometric
shears, you can cut that creature's fate. Until the shapes that have a protective motif. While you're
target finishes a long rest, attack rolls against it holding the deck, you can use an action to shuffle
score a critical hit on a ro11 of 19 or 20 on the d20. it and cause the cards to deal themselves out and
One this property is used, it can't be used again transform into a shelter made of cards. The shelter
until the next dawn. can be shaped however you desire, but it must fit in
a 4O-foot cube centered on a point within 30 feet of
Farr DBaTER'S DECK, +1, +2, oR +3 you. The shelter has one door and up to four win-
Wondrous ltem, Rare (+1), Very Rare (+2),
dows, and only you can open or close them. It has
Le¤endary (+3) (Requires Attunement by a Cleric or a floor and a roof, and it maintains a comfortable
Paladin) temperature inside.
The backs of these cards are inscribed with glyphs The shelter has AC 15, 50 hit points, and immu-
representing the Inner Planes, the Outer Planes, or nity to poison and psychic damage. The shelter lasts
the holy symbols of various deities. While holding for 24 hours, until you dismiss it as an action, or
this deck, you can use it as a spellcasting focus, until it is reduced to 0 hit points. When the shelter's

duration ends, it transforms back into a deck of Cnanu oF RurN
cards and appears in your hand. Once the deck has Supernatural Gift (Charm)
transformed into a shelter, it can't be used again un-
As an action, you can touch a nonmagical object, or
til the next dawn.
a section of a larger nonmagical object, that fits in
SupnnNeruRAL Glrrs a S-foot cube. The target is reduced to dust. Once
used three times, the charm vanishes from you.
This section presents magical charms inspired by
the Deck of Many Thin¤s. See the Dun¤eon Mas- Cnanu oF THE CouBr
ter's Guide for more information on charms. Supernatural Gift (Charm)

CneBlr oF BALANCE As an action, you can force a creature you can see
Supernat ural Gift (Charm)
within 60 feet of you to focus on you. For 1 minute,
creatures other than you and the target are invisible
When a creature you can see within 60 feet of you to the target. The effect ends if any creature other
damages you, you can use your reaction to deal an than you damages the target or forces the target to
amount of force damage to that creature equal to make a saving throw. Once used three times, the
half the damage you took. Once used three times. charm vanishes from you.
the charm vanishes from you.
Cn-q.nu oF THE Dor.tSoN
CHenu oF EURyALE Supernatural Gift (Cham)
Supernatural Gift (Charm)
You can cast Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, requiring
As an action, you can unleash a petrifying wave of no spe11 components and using your Intelligence,
magic from your eyes in a 3O-foot cone. Each crea- Wisdom, or Charisma as the spellcasting ability
ture in that area must make a DC 15 Constitution (your choice). Once used three times, the charm
saving throw. On a failed save, a creature has the vanishes from you.
petrified condition for t hour. On a successful save,
a creature is partially turned to stone and has the Cnanrr oF THE Farrs
restrained condition. A restrained creature can re- Supernatural Gift (Charm)
peat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending
You can tug on the threads of fate to tweak cir-
the effect on itself on a success.
cumstance in your favor. After you make an ability
Once you use this charm, it vanishes from you.
check, an attack roll, or a saving throw, you can ro11
Cnenu oF MANy TnrNcs a d10 and add it to the total, potentially turning fail-
Supernatural Gift (Charm) ure into success. Once used three times, the charm
vanishes from you.
You are infused with a burst of magic from a
Deck of Many Thin¤s. As an action, you can
touch a willing creature other than yourself i1*:-:ss *;- 11+*cs

and bestow the effect of a single randomly

determined card from the deck upon the
target. Once you use this charm, it van-
ishes from you.

''.: ::_-






OoorEwrlt rHE NILBoG


Cnenlr oF THE FreuBs of bludgeoning damage equal to the number of gems

Supernatural Gift (Charm) created. On a successful save, a creature takes half
As an action, you can summon two bearded devils. as much damage. The gems remain after the effect
The summoned devils appear in unoccupied spaces ends, and each one is worth 10 gp. Once used three
within 60 feet of you, obey your commands, and times, the charm vanishes from you.
can't summon other devils. The devils take their
Cnanur oF THEJns:rnn
turns immediately after yours on the initiative count.
Supernatural Gift (Charm)
A summoned devil remains for 10 minutes, until
it or you die, or until you dismiss one or both sum- You can cast Iasfia's Hideous Laushter, requiring
moned devils as an action. Once used three times, no spe1l components and using your Intelligence,
the charm vanishes from you. Wisdom, or Charisma as the spellcasting ability
(your choice). Once used three times, the charm
Cnanlr oF THE Foor vanishes from you.
Supernatural Gift (Charm)
Cnenu oF THE KEy
You can cast Major Imase, requiring no spel1 com-
Supernatural Gift (Charm)
ponents and using your Intelligence, Wisdom, or
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (your choice). As a bonus action, you can touch a nonmagical me-
When you cast the spel1 in this way, it lasts its fu11 lee weapon and imbue it with magic for t hour. For
duration with no concentration required. Once used the duration, the weapon deals an extra 1d8 force
three times, the charm vanishes from you. damage on a hit and deals double damage to objects
and structures. Once used three times. the charm
Cuanvr or rHE GEM vanishes from you.
Supernatural Gift (Charm)
As an action, you create a spray of 4d10 gems in a
Cnenu oF THE KNrcHr
Supernatural Gi ft (Charm)
30-foot cone originating from you. Each creature
in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving As an action, you can summon two neutral good
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes an amount knights that are Celestials instead of Humanoids.

in unoccupied spaces within normal hit points. Once used three times, the charm
you and act as your allies. They take their vanishes from you.
turns immediately after yours on your initiative
count. The knights remain for 10 minutes, until they Cnenrr oF THE SrAR
or you die, or until you dismiss one or both of them Supernatural Gift (Charm)
as an action. Once used three times. the charm van- You can cast Enhance Ability, requiring no spell
ishes from you. components and using your Intelligence, Wisdom,
or Charisma as the spellcasting ability (your choice).
Cnenu oF THE MooN When you cast the spell in this way, it lasts its full
Supernatural Gift (Charm) duration with no concentration required. Once used
As an action, you make a minor wish. When you do, three times, the charm vanishes from you.
you create the effects of a spell of 5th level or lower.
The spell takes effect as part of this action and Cnlnu oF THE SUN
requires no spe1l components. Your Intelligence, Supernatural Gift (Charm)
Wisdom, or Charisma is the spellcasting ability for You learn the Li¤ht cantrip if you don't already know
this spell (your choice). Once you use this charm, it it. You can cast Sunburst, requiring no spell compo-
vanishes from you. nents and using your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Cha-
risma as the spellcasting ability (your choice). Once
Cnlnu oF THE Pvzzm used, the charm vanishes from you, and you unlearn
Supernatural Gift (Charm) the Li¤ht cantrip gained from this charm.
You can cast Hypnotic Pattern. requiring no spell
components and using your Intelligence, Wis- Cnenlr oF THE TaroNs
dom, or Charisma as the spellcasting ability (your Supernatural Gift (Charm)
choice). Once used three times, the charm van- As an action, you can cast Dispel Ma¤rb, requiring
ishes from you. no spell components and using your Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma as the spellcasting ability
Cnenu oF THE Rocun (your choice). If you successfully end any spells with
Supernatural Gift (Charm) it, you gain 1d6 temporary hit points for each spell
You can cast Mislead, requiring no spe1l compo- level ofthe highest-level spe11 ended. Once used
nents and using your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Cha- three times, the charm vanishes from you.
risma as the spellcasting ability (your choice). When
you cast the spell in this way, it lasts its full duration Cnenlr oF THE TsnoNr
with no concentration required. Once used three Supernatural Gift (Charm)
times, the charm vanishes from you. You can cast Mordenkainen's Ma¤nificent Mansion,
requiring no spell components and using your Intel-
Cuannr oF THE SAGE ligence, Wisdom, or Charisma as the spellcasting
Supernatural Gift (Charm) ability (your choice). Once used three times, the
You can cast Divination, requiring no material com- charm vanishes from you.
ponents and using your Intelligence as the spellcast-
ing ability. Once you cast the spell three times, the CneBu oF THE VorÈ
charm vanishes from you. Supernatural Gift (Charm)
You can cast Banishmenf, requiring no material
CrreBrra oF THE Srurr components and using your Intelligence, Wis-
Supernatural Gift (Charm) dom, or Charisma as the spellcasting ability (your
As a bonus action, you can transform into a deathly choice). Once used three times, the charm van-
apparition. Your game statistics are replaced by ishes from you.
those of a wraith, except for your alignment and
personality; your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Cha-
risma scores; and your passive Wisdom (Perception)
score and languages. You don't have the wraith's A cqrc r{,C¤tVeii /.1 t,l'ti,.f\r{., {fŸ\iti
Create Specter ability. Your equipment vanishes *,'in:,t
{ ato ul o u,5't; \: Cfi i; vtcLq i q'11,\ t
when you transform but returns when the transfor-
The transformation lasts for 1 minute.
trlpt:rlr1, T* t1,l'.s iiart,, T aly;t\re
your wraith form is reduced to 0 hit points, or irt(t ,,r:A{t ar:ii \,:er *-?rii\t.
you use a bonus action to end it. If the wraith
is reduced to 0 hit points and there is still dam-
over, the remaining damage applies to your

{:* iq PTE it I


from a Deck of Many Thinss gains the
' , service of a loyal warrior. This chapter in-
cludes advice for DMs on how to introduce
this helpful nonplayer character into the ongoing
story of your campaign, as well as general advice
about including helpful allies in a game without
overshadowing the player characters. The chapter
also introduces a new creature that can be the sum-
moned knight: a Construct made of playing cards
't whose abilities scale with those of the characters.
'l In addition to DM advice, the chapter includes
material for characters who live by their skill in
combat: a collection of magic items and background
elements inspired by the Deck of Many Thinss.

Macrc IrEurs
This section introduces new magic items a DM can
include in a campaign.

Meglc Irnu DnscBrpuoNs

The following magic items are presented in alpha-
betical order.

ANuuaerc ARMoR
Armor (Light, Medium, or Heavy), Very Rare (Re-
quires Attunement)
While wearing this armor, you can use your reaction
to give yourself advantage on a saving throw you
make against a spell. Once this property is used, it
Anuon oF THE FalrnN
can't be used again until the next dawn.
Armor (Medium or Heavy), Uncommon (Requires
In addition, while you wear this armor, you can
use it to castAntima¤ic Field, requiring no spell While wearing this armor, you can use it to cast
components. Once this property is used, it can't be either Speak with Dead or Animate Dead. Once the
used again until the next dawn. armor has cast a spell in this way, it can't cast either
spell until the next dawn.
Anuon oF FuNGAL SpoRES Your soul keeps this armor together. If you die
Armor (Medium), Uncommon while you are attuned to the armor, the armor is
While wearing this armor, you can take a bonus destroyed.
action to make the armor emit poisonous spores,
which fill a lO-foot-radius sphere centered on
yourself. Each creature in that area must succeed Armor (Li¤ht, Medium, or Heavy), fLncommon
(Requires Attunement)
on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have the
poisoned condition until the end ofyour next turn. This armor has 5 charges. While you wear it. you
Once this property is used, it can't be used again can use a bonus action to expend 1 or more charges
until the next dawn. to cast one of the following spells from the armor,
targeting yowself:Jump (1 charge) or Levitate ,*pm** cr
(2 charges). Fuo-*,tl 5qo*Es

This armor regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges

daily at dawn.

Weapon (Greataxe), Uncommon
You gain a *2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this magic greataxe while you have half
your hit points or fewer.

Weapon (Any Ammunition), Very Rare
Ranged attack rolls made with this ammunition
have advantage against any creature doesn't have all
its hit points.

BoounnaNc SHTELD
Armor (Shield), (Jncommon (Requires Attunement)
You can make a ranged weapon attack with this
magic shield. It has a normal range of 20 feet and a
long range of 60 feet, and it uses your Strength or
Dexterity for the attack ro11 (your choice). If you're
proficient with shields, you are proficient with
¤*w os
attacks made using this shield. On a hit, it deals i4;,i-oc:rs
1d6 slashing damage. If you throw the shield, it
reappears in your hand the instant after it hits or
misses a target.

Bow or CoNrracnATroN
Weapon (Any Bow), Rare (Requires Attunement)
Ammunition fired from this bow blazes brightly.
When you hit with an attack ro11 using this bow, the
target takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. Ifthe target
is a flammable, nonmagical object, it catches fire,
taking 1d6 fire damage at the start of each ofyour **x:*;x *r
turns until a creature uses an action to extinguish rsg F,q rir+
the flames.

Bow or MBroorns
Weapon (Any Bow), Very Rare (Requires
This bow has multiple strings and resembles a
lyre or small harp. By strumming the strings while
setting an arrow to the bow, you imbue the arrow
with magic.
You can play one of the following melodies
when you use the bow to make a ranged weapon #
attack. You must choose to do so before you make
the attack ro11, and you can play only one melody
per attack.
Melody of Precision.If you're proficient in Per-
formance, you gain a fl bonus to the attack ro11. If
you have expertise in Performance, you gain a +2
bonus instead.

Melody of Reverberation The melody you strum larger structure offorce, this weapon shatters a
echoes loudly. On a hit, the target takes extra thun- 20-foot-cube portion of it.
der damage equal to your Charisma modifier.
GroolrwnoucHT ABrrron
CrocrwoRKARMoR Armor (Light, Medium, or Heavy), Rare (Requires
Armor (Heavy), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Attunement)
The outside surface and internal joints of this armor This intricate grayscale armor was forged in the
whir with interlocking gears, drawing on the ordedy Shadowfell and is infused with that plane's gloom.
magic of the plane of Mechanus. While you're wearing this armor, you have advan-
The armor has 4 charges. If you make a d20 ro11 tage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the
while wearing this armor, you can expend 1 charge frightened condition on yourself.
to change the number rolled to a 10. The armor re- This armor has 3 charges. You can expend a
gains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn. charge to cast lhe Calm Emotions spell (save DC 15)
from the armor. This armor regains 1d3 expended
DBrnn Lnncn charges daily at dawn.
We apon (Any Am munition), [Jncom mon
This leech has been dried and imbued with a mote GnasprNc'Wllrp
of animating magic. If you hit a creature with a Weapon (Whip), Rare
ranged attack roll using this ammunition, the leech You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
springs to life and sinks its teeth into the target, made with this magic whip. When you hit a creature
dealing 1d4 piercing damage at the start of each of or object that is Large or smaller with this whip, you
the target's turns. If the leech deals at least 10 dam- can pull that creature or object 5 feet toward you
age or the target dies, the leech fal1s off. A creature, instead of dealing damage.
including the target, can use its action to detach the
leech. Once a leech is no longer attached to its tar- HetruEn oF RuNrc Focus
get, the leech dies and is no longer magical. Weapon (Warhammer), Very Rare (Requires
FrywnoucHTARMoR This magic hammer has 3 charges. As a bonus
Armor (Light, Medium, or Heavy), Rare (Requires action, you can expend 1 charge and slam this ham-
mer on the ground, creating a 15-foot-radius circle
This colorful, flowery armor was forged in the of glowing runes centered on the point of impact.
Feywild and is infused with that plane's capti- While you're inside that area, your hammer glows
vating magic. with matching runes, and you gain a +3 bonus to
While wearing this armor, you have advantage attack and damage rolls made with this hammer.
on saving throws you make to avoid or end the The rune circle disappears after 1 minute, when you
charmed condition on yourself. create another rune circle, or when you dismiss the
This armor has 3 charges. You can use an action rune circle as a bonus action. This hammer regains
to expend a charge to cast the Compulslbn spe11 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
(save DC 15) from this armor. The armor regains
1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. SrirnrÈ oF THE ToBrorsn
Armor (Shield), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
Fonc rnnn.q.KE R'WEApoN
While you are wielding this shield, you gain a +1
Weapon (Any Weapon that Deals Bludseonins Dam-
bonus to AC. This bonus is in addition to the shield's
a¤e), Very Rare
normal bonus to AC.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls Curse. This item is cursed. Attuning to it extends
made with this magic weapon. the curse to you until you are targeted by a Remove
This weapon was crafted to destroy structures Curse spell or similar magic. You cannot discard
made of force, such as those created by Forcecase the shield, and remain attuned to it, as long as you
or Wall of Force. Striking aLarge or smaller struc- are cursed. As long as you are cursed, you are slug-
ture of magical force with this weapon automatically gish. Your speed is halved. When you roll initiative,
shatters that structure. Ifthe target is a Huge or treat the roll on your d20 as a 1. You can't change
your initiative by any means.

ŸHAr"rli& 9 I KNr{]HT
SrrNe op GreNr FnruNe $xrri* or
Weapon (Slin¤), Uncommon txr I**rs:sE
When you hit a Giant creature with a ranged attack
roll using this magic sling, the creature must suc-
ceed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or have
the prone condition.

SroNnuerER WAR PrcK

Weapon (War Pick), Very Rare (Requites
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rol1s
made with this magic war pick. It has the following
special properties:
MeId into Sfone. You can cast the Meld into Stone
spell from this war pick. Once this property is
used, it can't be used again until the next dawn'
Petfification The war pick has 1d6 + 1 charges'
Ifyou score a critical hit against a creature that
has fewer than 100 hit points. you can expend 1
charge from the war pick to have that creature
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature has the petrified condition
LaY$rR aF
for 8 hours. When the war pick has no charges re-
*.uarc Focus
maining, it loses this ProPertY.

SwoBp oF THE PraNes

Weapon (Any Sword), Le¤endary (Requires
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
made with this magic sword.
This sword can tear the fabric of reality, creating
a temporary rift between planes. You can use your
action to choose a different plane of existence from
the one you're on and slice through an unoccupied
space within 5 feet of yourself, creating a rift to that
other plane. The rift can be up to 10 feet high and
10 feet wide, and it lasts for 1 minute. Once this
property is used, it can't be used again until the
next dawn.
You can specify a target destination, such as the
City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire or the
palace of Dispater on the second layer of the Nine
Hells, and the rift opens in or near that destination
(DM's discretion). If you are trying to reach the City ¤w*er *s
of Brass, for example, the rift might appear on the
Street of Steel, before the Gate of Ashes, or facing
the city from across the Sea of Fire, at the DM's
Anything that enters the rift is instantly trans-
ported to the other plane, appearing in the unoccu-
pied space nearest to the rift.

TIÈncurun TnrorNr Krulcsr DesrrNles
Weapon (Trident), Very Rare (Requires Attunement) Card Heroic Tie
You gain a f2 bonus to attack and damage rolls Balance Someone-or something-wronged you in your
made with this magic trident. You also have advan- past. You seek revenge.
tage on attack rolls made with this weapon while
Comet You've been promised an inheritance if you can
make a name for yourself as a hero.
This trident has 3 charges. You can expend 1
charge to cast Control Water (save DC 15) from the Donjon You're stranded far from home and intend to
trident or 3 charges to cast Tsunami (save DC 15) fight your way back.
from it instead. The trident regains 1d3 expended Euryale A year of solitude gave you clarity and led you
charges daily at dawn. down the path of the warrior.
-WrNcnÈ Fates A fortune teller foresaw that you would find your
calling in a life of battle.
We ap on (Any A m mu n it io n), Unco m mon
Flames When the heat of battle takes over, you barely
Ranged weapon attack rolls made with this am-
recognize yourself. This scares you.
munition ignore half and three-quarters cover. In
addition, attacking at long range doesn't impose dis- Fool Friendly (or not-so-friendly) competition with a

advantage on ranged weapon attack rolls made with rival has spurred you to adventure.
this ammunition. Cem You seek a fabled magic weapon or magic suit of
armor. You won't rest until you find it.
Wneps oF UNARMED PRowESS, t1, +!, oR +3
Wondrous ltem, Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), V67y Jester You feel like a laughingstock but believe you'll

Rare (+3) make something of yourself on the battlefield.

While you're wearing these cloth wraps, your l(ey Someone close to you was kidnapped. You hope
unarmed strikes are considered magical for the to find and rescue them.
purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to Knight You used to be a squire to a brave knight, but
nonmagical attacks and damage, and you gain a bo- that knight died in combat.
nus to the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed Moon Your dreams are haunted by the screams of
strikes, determined by the wraps' rarity. those you couldn't save in battle.

Hnnons oF Dnsuxy Puzzle Unpredictability is a hallmark of your fighting

style. You keep enemies on their toes.
The following table provides narrative ideas in-
Rogue Tales of your past heroic deeds might be some-
spired by the Decft of Many Thin¤s that players can
what exaggerated.
use as prompts while developing their characters.
The tables' entries are geared toward warriors- Ruin lfhen you lost everything, you realized the only
particularly fighters, barbarians, and monks-but thing you could rely on was your martial skill.
any character's story can benefit from the ideas Sage Descended from a family of sorcerers, you were
presented here. When using this table to shape your the only one not to show magical aptitude.
character's story, you can either choose the entries Skull You had a near-death experience, and you be-
that speak to you or randomly pull cards from The
lieve you saw yourself going to the Nine Hells.
Deck of Many Thin¤s card set.
Star You're chasing notoriety, hoping for folk to sing
ofyour deeds for years to come.
Sun You once belonged to a small but mighty militia.
Cr,e ct'fl"ie Wio:t 1";'a;-e7!it',i:" :teir: o{ tt Sometimes, you miss the regimented structure
\,uŠl't"iDl^'s jlnr,ie q l; aiis;or,re r. i,t [) r\i.¤ re,ŸSa',^, \,'.t,t
i ofthat life.
to;1 firJh+. filort1 lawe r.,rc rjro,,j r/ro+'!Ves,
ot\^,1' Talons When monsters attacked your hamlet, you
lt u* -tn c-t1' r e o{fe ri r,r li r; 5š rr efi.i !t r} ;l et Te r --
i vr I
found you had a way with weapons.

prr1,1.?pS a lou,c\tvtt, l'o itr a{teF-le;l, or ttlcl,rniti* Throne You honed your martial skills as a bodyguard to
an important political figure.
I'e;ire fo prove \DL\r r\Š\\t/i\\rr-< \,!ršr,trrj,
Void Slaying monsters is a welcome distraction to the
t\el i iitl,vtt to lro*a51- o"fr,,ie rs growing emptiness inside you.
.:ll r. ir..r"-ii, .-' 1ri,:r.¤!**Št!:lr:
to krrills ,,tr:F.. I r .r .. .r j. t - . r. :. i..r .,i-¤lti,iiiutiau3:t:i'.
ifla;i irra'1fe. , a l\+ie

6vi;l 1.

Vr*, to r-l'oVe r,rtLf i'a-fhe r !!iroittr,j

ŸI{AllTE& I i K}iIG}i'f
, :,lt

DnawrNc If the ally is someone the characters already know,

the fortune teller might hint at the ally's appear-
THE KNTCTT:I CNNO ance or name.
This section provides advice for DMs whose char- Arrv
acters draw the Knight card from a Deck of Many
Thin¤s, as well as general advice about including * T
allies who fight alongside the characters. Finally, i
the knight summoned by the deck is reimagined as i

a loyal Construct: the deck defender. i


Tlln KNTGHT AS NennarrvE DEVICE This ally hopes to find someone or something in
a place the characters are going to. The object
The Dun¤eon Master's Guide details how the non-
the ally's quest is of utmost importance-such as a
player character summoned by the Knight card of
family member, a lost heirloom, or afl ingredient for
a Deck of Many Thin¤s appears. But as discussed
an obscure ritual. The ally remains with the char-
in chapter 2, the cards of the Deck of Many Thin¤s
acters until the ally can emerge safely from danger
can instead be interpreted as narrative directions
with the person or item they're seeking. If the ally
that point the way to a future event. In this case, the
is seeking a magic item hidden deep in a dungeon,
Knight card could portend a friendly warrior whom
for example, the ally helps the adventurers complete
the character will soon meet and who could be-
their mission after finding the item.
come a loyal a1ly.
The fortune teller might hint at the person or
When the Knight card is used as a narrative de-
thing the ally is seeking.
vice in this way, the ally it brings isn't magically
summoned or compelled to obey the characters; the Sruorous Arrv
deck has merely foretold the ally's imminent arrival.
Consider what motivates this ally to accompany r
the party. This ally could be new or familiar to the , and someone who

characters, and the ally might be repaying a favor or i out.

pursuing goals of their own. Š

Several kinds of allies are described below, each This ally wishes to study a particular dungeon,
with a different reason for accompanying the party. region, or creature. The ally might be a historian,
Guidance on when the ally might depart is also pro- planar explorer, botanist, or zoologist. Because the
vided. An ally who befriends the characters might
Knight card usually summons a warrior, a studious
linger in the story long after the ally's personal goals ally might be a bit of a surprise for the characters
have been accomplished (especially if the players
someone they dismiss as unrelated to lhe Deck of
enjoy that NPC). If you're using Ifie Deck of Many
Many Thin¤s until the scholar draws a weapon and
Thin¤s card set to foretell the future, boxed text for ably defends themself in battle. The studious ally
each ally provides dialogue a fortune teller might remains with the characters as long as there are
use to tell characters of the ally's imminent arrival. more secrets to learn; when the characters leave the
Whatever type of ally you choose, the party should region the ally is interested in, the ally amiably parts
encounter this ally soon after drawing the card- ways with them.
within a few days or even sooner. A fortune teller might divine the region or topic
Grerspur Arrv the studious ally is interested in, giving the charac-
ters a direction when they want to seek the ally out.
VeNcnpur Arrv
l *
4 Š i

This ally is grateful to the characters; perhaps the i

characters saved the ally's life or helped the ally in *t

a significant way. This is an especially good way to
This ally shares a common enemy with the charac-
bring back an a1ly the characters liked but left be- ters. The ally had someone or something taken from
hind in their adventures. The ally accompanies the them by a terrible monster or villain someone the
characters until the ally considers their debt repaid,
perhaps by saving a character's life.

characters also oppose or soon will. Now, the ally Frrr rrrn Gaps
hopes to slay that villain or bring it to justice, accom- One way to avoid overshadowing the characters 1S
panying the characters until this task is done. to create an ally who has skills and abilities that
The fortune teller might be able to divine who this complement the party's. Healing, tracking, and
common enemy is, even if the characters haven't yet proficiency with thieves' tools (to disarm traps and
encountered that foe. unlock doors) are common examples of such ski11s.
A group without magical healing isn't going to com-
RuxNrxc Arrrns plain when an NPC cleric joins their party, so long
Allies are an important part of any adventuring as the cleric focuses on healing!
party's career. However, whenever an ally joins the Similarly, you can give an ally abilities that bolster
party for a significant amount of time, it's important or otherwise support the characters without dealing
the ally doesn't overshadow the player characters. damage on their own, such as the Bless spell or
Here are some ways to keep the party feeling like Bardic Inspiration. Perhaps the ally prefers to use
heroes, even when the cast of characters grows. the Help action, and if a character's ability check or
attack succeeds with the ally's help, the ally grants
Ler PraynRS TAKE Cnencn an additional benefit. These tactics keep the spot-
Consider letting your players control the ally. This
light on the characters, with the ally providing valu-
can be a great way to keep more players involved if
able support.
the party splits; when any player's usual character
isn't present in a scene, they play the ally instead. LrltIr AN ALLy's PnesBNce
It's helpful to give the ally a couple of distinguishing In larger parties, adding an ally can slow down
personality traits or mannerisms-such as greed, a combat. Consider having the ally tag along for only a
love of beer, or a favorite expression*to make it eas- session or two, or limit the encounters they appear
ier to roleplay the ally on a moment's notice. in. Maybe the ally helps the characters in only a
If you don't want the players to have the ally's certain region or part of town and then leaves to at-
character sheet or stat block, you can ask them what tend to other duties. The important thing is that the
they'd like the ally to do and fulfill their requests. ally is available when the characters want them and
The ally might be eager for instruction, dutifully retreats into the background when the characters
carrying out orders in the heat of battle. This is es- don't want or need the help.
pecially useful for allies who serve as the bodyguard Consider ways the ally could help the characters
for a wizard character or who partner with a rogue off-screen. The ally could defend the characters'
character to help the rogue perform sneak attacks. base of operations from intruders while the charac-
In this case, you can explain the ally's capabilities to ters are off adventuring. Or the ally might complete
the players so that the party can best use the ally. tedious side quests for the characters, gather valu-
able loot or information, or resolve old problems the
Kerp Arrrrs Lnss PoweRFUL characters have forgotten about or left behind.
Players can feel undervalued if an ally is outper-
forming their characters. While an overly powerful Dncr DnrrNorn
ally is fine on rare occasion, the players should
Deck defenders are Constructs made of large, in-
still feel like their characters are the true heroes of
tricately folded playing cards. You can use a deck
the story.
defender when a character draws the Knight card,
If you're building the ally as if it were a character,
substituting the defender for the friendly ally the
keep the ally 1 or 2 levels below the characters. If
you're using a monster stat block instead, make sure
card usually summons.
Created from the multifaceted magic of a Deck of
its hit points and damage output aren't outpacing
Many Thin¤s, a deck defender obeys the commands
the characters', and be wary of powerful monster
of the character who drew the Knight card. It can
abilities, skill proficiencies, and spellcasting.
assume multiple shapes. When summoned, a deck
defender first appears in its protective guardian
form, bearing a folded sword and shield. The char-
Scvn*t1tlrte, bt;,{ ?ati,45 dtatt ,;.)\t1"1
acter who summoned the deck defender can fold
b'il*¤{t' {oftujtto,15 .t)a,\9,
\vi f1,1,s \r,a,o;1- it into the more threatening berserker form or the
nimble acrobat form. as desired.
'Ÿriqli\{,t)'€5 ali\¤.s hyd r/ets frte.ql;.
No matter what form a deck defender takes, its
fiutl tV,,aLtalh bu.r it\let ,,$at\ tyeqt$al!\
d'w a r 4 e { r t>,1r, *Vt e r s, 1-\,a c+ d a (rn' f {y, 0t *(

ll., c {r i e rt d sliit V 9 an'v, t *s rn,, an

1 I r, si{,il .


Dncr DnrrNprn Fragile. lf the deck defender is reduced to 0 hit points, it col-
lapses into ahaphazard pile of nonmagical playing cards and
M ediu m Co nstru ct, U n a li gned
can't be resurrected or reconstructed.

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Acrrorus

Hit Points 5 + five times your level (the deck defender has a
number of Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your level) Multiattock, The deck defender makes a number of attacks
Speed 30 ft. equal to half its proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Poper Cut, Melee Weapon Attack: PB + 3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX coN INT IYIS CHA larget. Hit:7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
'15 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 3 (-4) 10 (+0) 1 (-5)
Reckless Strike (Berserker Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
Damage lmmunities poison PB + 3 to hit (with advantage), reach 5 ft., onetarget. Hlt:10
Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, (2d6 + 3) slashing damage, and attacks made against the deck
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned defender until the start of its next turn have advantage.
¤enses blindsight 60 ft. (can't see beyond this radius),
passive Perception i0 BoNus AcrtoNs
Languages understands one ofyour Ianguages but can't speak Swift Step (Acrobot Form Only). The deck defender takes the
Challenge Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your Dash or Disengage action.
- Proficiency Bonus

Allied Knight.ro.. orffire based

(Guordion Form only)' when a creature the deck
on the character who drew the Knight .rra. wh"r.'th; ;Š'; "" \'::"^':'on see attacks a target other than the deck defender
fender stat block refers to "you," it refers t" thrt .h;;;;;.' 1:f rslot'can
ano within 5 feet of the deck defender, the deck defender im-
Folded Versatility, After finishing a long rest, you can refold the poses disadvantage on the attack roll.
deck defender's shape, changing it to acrobat form, berserker
form. or guardian form.

CHAt,.IER 9 i KNt*riT

Hrs cHAprER DETATLS tnp Sor-aR B.lsrroN,

a benevolent organization that protects the
multiverse from the chaos wrought by the
Deck of Many Thin¤s. The chapter includes
a description of the organization and a map of its
headquarters. It also explores how DMs can intro-
duce the Solar Bastion to their campaigns, and how
characters might join the Solar Bastion or other-
wise become entangled in the group's operations
across the multiverse.

Tnn Soren BesrroN

The Solar Bastion is an elite organization with
extensive resources and a benevolent agenda. Its
members style themselves as knights, though the
organization doesn't grant them noble titles.
Founded by Hilarion, a solar angel, the Solar
Bastion uses the sun as its symbol. Typically, this
symbol is styled to evoke the Sun card in a Deck of
Many Thin¤s, reflecting both the knights' origin and
their mission in the multiverse. Sometimes knights
wear this symbol openly on their gear, but more
often they keep a sun-shaped pin hidden under a col-
lar or lapel or carry a nonmagical copy of the Sun
card to identify their allegiance when necessary.

The Solar Bastion monitors the Deck of Many
Thin¤s in all its manifestations throughout the
Provide Aid and Counsel. When they find a Deck
multiverse, warns and protects those who find it,
of Many Thin¤s in the hands of hapless mortals,
and minimizes the damage it causes when found.
knights of the Solar Bastion do everything they
Knights of the Solar Bastion also strive to protect
can to warn and assist the deck's owners. They
people from other dangerous magic, such as cursed
make sure the owners understand the rules
magic items and evil artifacts. The knights often
of drawing cards, the wide range of possible
provide aid with all sorts of magical mishaps, haunt-
effects, and the dangers of keeping a Deck of
ings, and monstrous infestations.
Many Thin¤s long enough to draw the Grim Har-
The Solar Bastion has hundreds of members and
row's attention (the Grim Harrow is detailed in
a vast fortune, but its mission spans the multiverse,
chapter 19).
so its resources are constantly stretched thin; the
Research the Deck of Many Things. When they
Solar Bastion welcomes assistance from adventur-
aren't actively pursuing copies of the Deck of
ers sympathetic to its goals.
Many Thin¤s, knights of the Solar Bastion try to
MoNrrqn rHE DECK learn all they can about the origin and purpose of
Most of the Solar Bastion's activity revolves around the cards. They know much of the deck's history
monitoring Decks of Many Thin¤s. The knights (as described in chapter 2), including multiple
strive for the following goals in their pursuit of contradictory accounts of its creation. Sorting
that effort: through the conflicting legends and determining
the truth about the Deck of Many Thin¤s is a

cHAPTER io I suN
, but not one that most members of MnunnBSHrP

the group have any real hope of achieving.

Track Riffiers. The Solar Bastion knows that Fey Knights of the Solar Bastion are battle-hardened
veterans who operate independently across the mu1-
called riffiers (see chapter 21) often manipulate
tiverse. When word reaches the organization that
events to put Decfts of Many Thin¤s into the hands
a Deck of Many Thin¤s has appeared, the nearest
of mortals. Thus, one way to monitor the location
knight investigates, but every knight has the magi-
of the cards is to keep track of rifflers. Knights of
cal means to contact the Solar Bastion's headquar-
the Solar Bastion use divination magic to find and
ters and request help. Even so, it's rare for knights
spy on these creatures, though the knights directly
to work together outside their headquarters.
interfere only if it's clear the rifflers have a Deck of
Many Thin¤s in their possession. RncnurrrrnNr
Warn of the Grim Harrow. The Solar Bastion is on As they travel across the multiverse, knights of the
the lookout for the Grim Harrow: Undead that pur- Solar Bastion frequently encounter other individu-
sue Decfts of Many Thin¤s across the multiverse als whose goals and interests align with their own.
(see chapter 19). Knights of the Solar Bastion try
These encounters offer opportunities for adventur-
to reach those who come into possession of a deck ers to become involved with the work of the Solar
before the Grim Harrow does. to warn them of Bastion or even become knights themselves.
the threat the Undead present. They also some- Because the knights'resources are spread thin,
times take action against the Grim Harrow, but the Solar Bastion welcomes assistance. A knight
they know they're no match for the leaders of that might recruit help for a mission that's too diffrcult to
organization. handle alone, but more often a knight opportunis-
Find Asteria Again. Hilarion, the Solar Bastion's tically joins forces with adventurers, offering help
leader, encountered Asteria (see chapter 22) once with the party's efforts as long as their goals align.
when she infiltrated the organization's headquar- Often, the adventurers in these arrangements have
ters, and the angel managed to learn some of what no knowledge of the knight's true allegiance, and
Asteria knows about the deck's origins. Convinced the knight rarely explains the Solar Bastion's pur-
that she is key to learning the truth about the pose unless that information is relevant.
deck, the organization seeks Asteria across the
Characters who prove themselves competent and
multiverse. good-hearted might earn an invitation to become
Prevent the Deck's Misuse. As a rule, knights of knights themselves. If the characters express in-
the Solar Bastion don't use force to wrest Decks terest, the knight brings them to the Solar Bastion
of Many Thin¤s from those who possess them.
headquarters. The only requirement for becoming
However, they may break this rule if they discern
a knight is swearing an oath to the knights'leader,
that a deck's owner plans to use it for an evil or promising to uphold the organization's goals.
destructive purpose. In particular, they oppose the Occasionally, knights of the Solar Bastion take in
efforts of the Heralds of the Comet (described in orphaned children and people in similarly desperate
chapter 12), who seek to use the original Deck of situations. These people might become squires to
Many Thin¤s to destroy the multiverse. the knights, accompanying them on adventures and
Col,rser CunsBs AND WTcKED MAGrc learning the order's ways, although Hilarion dis-
Decks of Many Thin¤s are notoriously resistant to courages this practice, preferring to,see such folk re-
divination magic that would reveal their locations, turned to stable circumstances. Squires who prove
so knights travel widely in pursuit of even faint
their worth can count on being accepted as knights.
leads. Inevitably, many of these leads turn out to
In addition to the knights who actively pursue the
goals of the Solar Bastion, the order's eponymous
be the effects of curses and corrupt magic. Rather
than ignore these situations, knights endeavor to headquarters is staffed with a variety of scholars,
protect those affected by curses, destroy cursed researchers, diviners, and retired knights who train
magic items, and contain evil and destructive arti- active members.
facts so they can't cause further harm or be used for LBeonnsHrp
wicked ends. The founder and sole leader of the Solar Bastion is
The Solar Bastion's headquarters has a vault a neutral good solar angel named Hilarion. Hilarion
that holds at least one evil artifact the organization was once the trusted lieutenant of a lawful good
was unable to destroy, hiding it so it can't be put to
deity, and when a mighty cleric of that deity drew
use (which artifact this might be is up to you).
the Void card from a Deck of Many Thinss, Hilarion
of the vault's location and contents is re- led the effort to retrieve and restore the cleric's soul.
The quest proved so harrowing that Hilarion's faith
eroded, and when the quest was complete, the angel

0 I slr\r
Sornn BesrroN KNrcHr
Medium Humanoid (Paladin), Typically Neutral Cood

Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)

Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60)
chose to establish the Solar Bastion rather than re- Speed 30 ft.
turn to his god's service.
A powerful and immortal Celestial, Hilarion sees STR DEX coN INT wts CHA
no reason for additional tiers of leadership in the l8 (+a) l0 (+0) l7 (+3) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 17 (+3)

organization All members of the Solar Bastion

Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +7
report directly to him, and the knights are largely
-6. History +6
Skills Arcana
self-directed in choosing missions. Hilarion and Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, frightened
the rest of the organizatiot represent a pool of Senses passive Perception 13
resources knights can draw upon during their mis- Languages Common plus any one language
sions, rather than a top-down leadership structure. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4

In Hilarion's view, the goals of the organization are

Aura of Protection.fhe knight and each ally within l0 feet of it
most important, not personal loyalty to him or obey-
have advantage on saving throws. This trait is suppressed while
ing his rules. the knight has the incapacitated condition.
That said, the knights of the Solar Bastion rec-
ognize the value of wisdom and experience. They Acrrorus
respect the oldest knights' authority, whether those Multiattack. The knight makes three Sunspear attacks.
knights are active or retirees who serve as trainers Sunspear. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.
in the citadel. No formal hierarchy confers authority or range
ft., one target. Hit: l4 (3d6 + 4) radiant dam-
on these knight-elders, but in practice they wield sig- age, or 21 (5d6 + a) radiant damage if the target is a Fiend or
nificant influence over less experienced knights. an Undead.

Solar Flare (Rechorge 5-5).fhe knight unleashes a blaze of

Soren BRsrroN KNrcnt brilliant energy that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on
The Solar Bastion knight presented here is an ex-
ample member of the organization.
Customize this stat block to suit individual knights
and differentiate them from each other. For exam-
ple, knights u,iho track the Grim Harrow through
lhe multiverse might resemble rangers instead
ol paladins.
In addition, SirJared, detailed at the end of the
chapter, can serve as a model for knights with a
lower challenge ratin g.

:' .,:l:ir,', l.t
4,. :.,::.l,ryen..i.¤ i¤i:ifryi¤ii:i..|.:'::' : r

Srnrr;auuER F{ARBoR
A docking area in the southeast part of the Solar
The Solar Bastion's eponymous headquarters is a
Bastion offers a place for spacefaring spelljamming
fortified town built on a metal disk that orbits close
vessels to moor (see Spelljammer: Adventures in
to a small sun in a little-known reach of the Material
Space for more information about travel through
Plane. The face of the disk on which the Solar Bas-
tion is built faces the sun, so the sun is always high
space). Hilarion keeps a wasp ship-a lightweight
spelljamming vessel that can be crewed by as few
in the sky above it.
as five sailors-in the harbor, but there's room for a
Map 10.1 shows the major features of the Solar
few more vessels depending on their size. Knights
Bastion, including the following locations.
sometimes borrow Hilarion's vessel to pursue
Dorrru oF THE SUN rumors concerning a Deck of Many Tfiln¤s when
Hilarion's residence is a gleaming white dome that teleportation isn't a safe option. Knights who have
suggests both a lofty temple and a majestic palace spelljamming vessels of their own also dock them
in its architecture and furnishings. Sun shines here when visiting the Solar Bastion, but the docks
through a circular window in the top of the dome, are seldom full.
and Hilarion can usually be found seated on a
TnerNrNc Yano
throne beneath that shaft of sunlight.
In the center of the Solar Bastion is a large train-
A permanent teleportation circle is inscribed in
ing yard where visiting knights hone their combat
the floor before the throne, aliowing anyone who
and magical skills. They mostly fight against each
knows the circle's sigil sequence and lhe Teleport
other under the watchful eyes of retired knights, but
or Tbleportation Circle spell to teleport directly to
occasionally a knight brings a particularly horrific
the dome. The throne also allows anyone seated on
it to cast the Sendrn¤ spell using the throne. Hilar- monster-typically a powerful evil Undead or Aber-
ion uses this feature to communicate with knights
ration-to the fortress so knights can work together
to learn how to defeat it.
across the multiverse, but the angel allows knights
or even some visitors to use this magic. Lrnnany TowBn
The Dome of the Sun is said to have a hidden vault Across the Solar Bastion from the Dome of the Sun,
beneath it. One or more evil artifacts are rumored the graceful spire of the Library Tower rises higher
to be stashed in this vault to keep them from being than the Towers of Day. Inside the library, a ramp
used for malevolent ends. It's generally believed that winds up from the ground floor through vast ranks
Hilarion is the only being who knows how to access of shelves holding tomes, scrolls, and other reposito-
the vault, but knights of the Solar Bastion suspect ries of learning. Scribes and scholars tend the place,
traps, other angels, or perhaps heavenly Constructs sorting and indexing the volumes while making cop-
protect the vault as well. ies of particularly valuable resources. A tremendous
Townns or DAY amount of lore concerning Decks of Many Thin¤s is
stored in this tower, much of it annotated by schol-
Seven tall watchtowers ring the edge of the Solar
ars attempting to sift fact from legend.
Bastion. In addition to offering a clear view of the
entire fortress, the towers are equipped with mag- AnrrseNs AND SERvTcES
ical devices that give their sentries the ability to The Solar Bastion attracts skilled makers of weap-
detect threats approaching the bastion and even to ons and armor. Weavers, tailors, healers, jewelers,
peer into other planes of existence. Knights of the
booksellers, and other merchants also cater to the
Solar Bastion usually stay in one of the Towers of fortress's inhabitants and visitors.
Day while visiting the fortress, and while they're
there, they also serve as sentries. Each tower typ- AnvnNruRE HooKS
ically holds at most a few such visiting sentries as
The Solar Bastion offers many opportunities for
well as a captain, usually an older knight retired
driving adventures in your campaign, whether or
from field duty who resides there permanently. Over
not a Deck of Many Thin¤s appears. Use these ideas
time, the captains have customized their towers to
to inspire adventures that feature the knights of the
suit their personal hobbies and research interests.
Solar Bastion; the nonplayer characters named here
North Towen The tower nearest the Dome of the
also appear in the Solar Bastion Contact table be-
1S imbued with magic that makes it SCTVC AS a
low, and the stat block for SirJared is presented at
of north pole for the fortress. Compasses point
the end of the chapter:
that tower, giving those in the bastion a com-
reference for cardinal directions. Common Foes. The Heralds of the Comet (see
chapter 12) identify both the characters and the
Solar Bastion as threats and begin stirring up



XNrcxrs or rxe SoraR EasrroN ARE always


t public sentiment against both groups. A knight of Gundra's retirement. Or it might be the soul Hi-
the Solar Bastion traveling through the area, Sir larion tried to rescue before founding the Solar
Howart, is thrown into jail and threatened with Bastion centuries ago.
execution. Can the characters rescue him without Suspicious Gains. The characters acquire a num-
harming villagers led astray by a malevolent cult? ber of identical emeralds worth 1,000 gp each.
Haunted Riders. SirJared, a knight of the Solar After spending some of them, the characters are
Bastion looking for signs of the Grim Harrow (see approached by Haddick, a researcher working for
chapter 19), has come across a different threat: the Solar Bastion, who believes the gems came
skeletons or wights riding warhorse skeletons. from a draw of the Gem card from a Deck of Many
Jared recruits the characters to help protect the lo- Thin¤s. Haddick asks the characters to help trace
cal populace from these haunted riders and follow the origin of the emeralds and, if the deck is re-
the riders back to their lair. sponsible, determine if this sudden wealth was
SleepingVillage. The characters come to a vil- used for evil ends.
lage where everyone is asleep-except Theira, a
knight of the Solar Bastion, who has been trying Soren BesrroN PernoNecB
to break the curse upon the place. Theira asks the TŠsha's Cauldron of Everythin¤ presents rules for
adventurers for help, as a Deck of Many Thin¤s and examples of group patrons: individuals or or-
has been spotted at a traveling market many days ganizations that serve as patrons to an adventuring
away, and she's eager to track it down. party. The Solar Bastion can function as a group pa-
Soul Prison. The charrcters find a small sculpture tron, offering resources while sending adventurers
that radiates magic. Further investigation reveals on missions that further the organization's goals.
the sculpture contains the soul of a person who
drew the Void card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s. Soren Besrrox Prnrs
The effort to identify the soul leads the adven- With the Solar Bastion as your group's patron, you
turers to Gundra, a retired knight of the Solar gain the following perks.
Bastion, who long ago gave up searching for the Ma¤icofthe SolatBastion. Knights of the Solar
soul. The soul's identity is up to you. It might be Bastion cast any spell available to them on your be-
someone close to Gundra, whose loss prompted half without charge. See the Solar Bastion knight

stat block in this chapter for an example knight's Sorln Blsrloru Corurncr
spellcasting abilities. Some knights may have other d5 Contact
spells they can cast, at the DM's discretion. The 'I Restless Retiree. Cundra, an ancient dwarf, served
knight provides any costly material components
the Solar Bastion in the field for over a century be-
needed for the spell, as long as you demonstrate
your need and are in good standing with the Solar fore retiring. She lives in the Solar Bastion now and
Bastion. In extreme circumstances, your group can relentlessly drills the knights she trains. She clearly
appeal to Hilarion for more powerful magical assis- misses working in the field.
tance, including the Resurrection spell. 2 Grumpy Veteran. Howart, an older human, has
Equipment. You can purchase common magic mentored many young adventurers, but most were
items from your Solar Bastion contact. The DM de- smart enough to listen to his advice ... unlike you
termines the available stock or can call for a group lot, who seem to think you know everything.
Intelligence (Investigation) check to ascertain if the
Solar Bastion's network can locate a desired item.
3 Busy Supervisor. Theira, afrazzled elf, has so many
irons in the fire, so many projects to keep track of!
The DC for this check is 10 in a city, 15 in a town,
and 20 in a village. If the check fails, 1d8 days must Of course you're not imposing, she says, but can
pass before you can search for the same item again you get quickly to the point, please)
in that community. 4 Distracted Researcher. Haddick, a middle-aged
The DM sets the price for a common magic item halfling, spends most of her time in the Library
or determines it randomly:2d4, 10 gp, or half Tower at the Solar Bastion. Even when she's not at
as much for a consumable item such as a potion the library, or when she's talking to you, it's pretty
or scroll. clear that her mind is still there, focused on her lat-
Research. The Library Tower in the Solar Bas-
est subject of research.
tion is a vast repository of knowledge that can help
you unearth hidden secrets. If you communicate 5 Lonely Knight. Jared, a human knight of the Solar

with your Solar Bastion contact or visit the Library Bastion with a distinguished career, has traveled
Tower in person, you have advantage on ability the multiverse alone so long he's become isolated
checks to research lore related to the Deck of Many and unsure of himself in social situations. He wants
Thin¤s and other topics of interest to the Solar Bas- to help but needs encouragement to regain his nat-
tion (including evil artifacts, curses, and other topics u rally friendly demeanor.
at the DM's discretion). 6 Hilarion. The solar speaks to you directly, via the
Sending spell or after summoning you to the Solar
Soren BasrroN Coxracr
When adventurers have the Solar Bastion as a pa- Bastion.
tron, one member of that organization-typically a
knight-serves as the party's primary contact, re- Soran BasrroN Spncrarrsrs
laying messages to and from Hilarion and the other Because they usually work alone, knights of the So-
knights. Ro1l or pick from the Solar Bastion Contact lar Bastion tend to be jacks-of-al1-trades who know
table to determine the nature of your primary con- a little about a lot of things. As an adventuring party
nection to the organizalion. sponsored by the Solar Bastion, you instead provide
specialized skills and have considerable freedom to
pursue your specializations, as long as your efforts
help to further the Solar Bastion's overall goals.
The Solar Bastion Member Roles table suggests
r llte jJrlariorr. roles you might fill in the Solar Bastion and the
))e tleis stra\Ei:ttc the Torrrf, backgrounds frequently associated with each role.

Solln Bnsrloru MeN,laen Rolrs

Role Backgrounds
Counselor Charlatan,entertainer,noble
Curse-breaker Acolyte, folk hero, hermit, soldier
lnvestigator Criminal,sage,sailor
Researcher Cuild artisan, sage
Tracker Outlander, urchin

Soren BesrroN Qursrs
In service to the Solar Bastion, most of your time
is spent in pursuit of the organization's goals' The
Solar Bastion Quests table presents examples of
missions your contact might send you on.

Solln BlsrtoN Qursrs 1

d8 Quest
I Aid and Counsel. Your contact has learned another
group ofadventurers has discovered a Deck of Many
Things. Find them before they draw from it, and
warn them of its dangers-or help them get out of
the mess their draws bring upon them.
2 Research. A rare tome said to describe early en-
counters wirh Decks of Many Things is thought to lie
in the hoard ofa dragon. Retrieve it!
3 Track Rifflers. Rifflers (see chapter 2i) have been
active in a remote countryside. Find out if they have
a Deck of Many Things, and ensure they don't give it
to a hapless mortal.
4 Stay Ahead of the Grim Harrow. Riders of the Crim
Harrow (see chapter 19) are terrorizing a village as
they search for a Deck of Many Things. Figure out
where they're going, and get there before they do!
5 Find Euryale. Rumors of a reclusive medusa are
spreading through a city. There's a slim chance
the medusa could be Euryale, who could lead the
knights to Asteria. Determine the medusa's identity
and secretly follow her trail, if any, to Asteria.
6 Prevent Misuse. A hierophant of the Heralds of the SrnJenno
Medium Humanoid. Neutral Good
Comet (see chapter 12) has acquired a few cards
from the original Deck of Many Thlngs. Ensure the Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield)
complete artifact doesn't fall into her hands. Hit Points 90 (,l2d8 + 36)
7 Combat a Curse. After plundering a dragon's hoard, Speed 30 ft.

adventurers attract constant ill luck. Make sure wts

the treasure isn't cursed; if it is, ensure they aren't l8 (+a) l2 (+l) l7 (+3) 13 (+l) 1a @2) l7 (+3)
spreading the curse as they spend the gold.
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +6
8 Contain an Evil Artifact. The blights and ruination
Skills Arcana +4, Athletics +7, Persuasion +6, Survival +5
befalling a region suggest someone there is casting Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, frightened
spells from the Book of Vile Darkness or perhaps Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Halfl ing
wielding the Wand of Orcus. Do whatever is neces-
Challenge 5 ('1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
sary to stop this person, and bring the evil artifact
back to Hilarion so it can be contained.
Multiattack. jared makes three Longsword attacks.
Longsword.-Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Jared is a wandering knight who makes an excellent
contact for groups that have Solar Bastion patron target. Hit:8 (ld8 + 4) slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) radiant
damage. On a roll of l9 or 20, jared scores a critical hit.
age. A former mercenary, Jared credits Hilarion
with helping him change his ways and use his skills REecrroNs
for good instead of gold, but he feels unworthy of Protect AIly. When a creature Jared can see attacks a target
organization and has grown lonely after so long other than Jared that is within 5 feet of him, Jared imposes dis
from the Solar Bastion. advantage on the attack roll.

,10 ISUN
CHAPTätr. ] I



a thieves' guild of evil lycanthropes that Dun-
geon Masters can use in any D&D setting as
i criminals, rival treasure hunters, or potential
patrons. Characters who draw the Moon card from a
Deck of Many Thin§s might cross the Moonstalkers'
path, since that card grants wishes that the Moon-
stalkers want to acquire.

A giant rat scurries into the sewers, clutching a
magic ring between its yellowed teeth. A woman
with a hidden moon tattoo picks the pocket of a
benevolent official at a gala. A monstrous hybrid of
human and wolf follows adventurers beyond the city
limits, hoping to pilfer the wizard's spellbook.
No job is too despicable for the Moonstalkers, so
long as the price is right. Those who have heard of
the guild believe it disbanded years ago. Only those
with strong criminal ties know the Moonstalkers
are still operating and how to find them.
The Moonstalker guildhall is in a large city, but
enchanted doors in the guildhall access other settle-
ments during different phases of the moon. For in-
stance, in a Forgotten Realms campaign, you might
set the guildhall in the city of Neverwinter, with the
phase-based doors connecting to Waterdeep, Port
Nyanzaru, Baldur's Gate, and elsewhere.
They've keep a low profile and have successfully re-
Hrsronv built the organization stronger than before.
At the guild's inception, the Moonstalkers had
three bosses: Delour, a halfling wererat; Augustus, Cunnsxt Goars
a human werewolf; and Pyrite, a dwarf wereboar. Gold motivates the Moonstalkers to perform morally
Delour was excommunicated from a local gang for bankrupt work that others won't do. Delour is eager
attempting to usurp leadership. When he encoun- to expand into protection rackets, gambling rings,
tered Augustus and Pyrite, similarly lost and alone, extortion, kidnapping, arson, and murder for hire.
he took them in. Augustus isn't opposed to this, but he's preoccupied
Delour and his new companions were determined with personal matters.
to make a name (and fortune) for themselves. They Both bosses agree the Moonstalkers need to bol-
founded a thieves' guild, turning candidates into ster their ranks with powerful lycanthropes in case
lycanthropes upon initiation, and named this guild they're discovered and raided again, and so they can
the Moonstalkers. seek revenge on the officials who raided their old
Less than ayear after the guild's establishment, guildhall.
local offrcials uncovered the Moonstalkers. Many
Moonstalkers died in the resulting battle, and Py- IrrrponreNT MEMBERS
rite was disintegrated. Delour and Augustus fled Here are some of the Moonstalkers' most powerful
l with the survivors to a larger city and started anew. and respected members.

Boss Aucusrus
Augustus is a hulking human werewolf of few
words. He shares leadership of the guild with Boss
Delour and has a knack for planning heists. Guild
members consider him a brutal but fair leader.
Some perceptive guild members-like Kathra Bit-
terwind-have noticed he's become more reclusive
recently, and when he does appear, he's restless.
Augustus is a natural-born lycanthrope, born to
werewolf parents. His parents were slain by mon-
ster hunters when he was young, and he traveled
from town to town for most of his life, fleeing when-
ever townsfolk discovered his true nature.
Delour and Pyrite accepted Augustus in a way
he'd never experienced before. When the three of
them created the Moonstalkers guild, Augustus
relished his new life of crime. But over time, his
passion has faded. The riches they gathered mean
nothing to him now. The violence grates on him, and
he no longer empathizes with Delour's fantasies of
revenge. Instead, Augustus secretly longs to end his
curse and integrate into society.
Only a tr4llsfi spell can end Augustus's curse. He
has ordered Wanewort, a night hag, to find anyone
with access to that spe1l and plans to offer anything
in his power in exchange for undoing his curse. And
if bargaining doesn't work, there's always blackmail.
(See the "Using the Moonstalkers in Your Cam-
paign" section later in this chapter for more details.)

Boss Aucusrus Bite (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:26 (5d8 + 4) piercing damage. :1,
M ed i u m M o nstrosity, N eutra I !:
lf the target is a Humanoid, it must succeed on a DC l5 Con-
Armor Class l3 stitution saving throw or be cursed with lycanthropy. While ':'
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60) cursed in this way, the target retains its alignment, languages,
Speed 30 ft.; 40 ft. in wolf or hybrid form and equipment but otherwise uses the werewolf stat block,
excluding actions that require equipment the target doesn't
STR DEX coN INT wts CHA have. During any night when there's a full moon in the sky, the
18 (+a) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 1a $2) l s (+2) l2 (+l) target becomes an NPC under the DM's control and remains
so until the night ends. A Remove Curse spell or similar magic
Saving Throws Str +8, Dex +7 ends this curse.
Skills Perception +10, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +7 Claw (Wolf or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to
Senses passive Perception 20 hit, reach 5 ft., one tatget. Hit:2'l (5d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Languages Common, thieves' cant (can't speak in wolf form)
lf the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 16 Strength
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
saving throw or have the prone condition.

Regeneration. Augustus regains 10 hit points at the start ofhis Magic Longsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
turn. lf he tal<es damage from a silver weapon, this trait doesn't Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:28 (4d'l0
function at the start ofhis next turn. Augustus dies only ifhe + 6) slashing damage.
starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
BoNus Acrrons
Special Equipment. Augustus wields a +2 Longsword.
Chonge Shape. Augustus polymorphs into a wolf-humanoid
Acrrorus hybrid, a wolf, or his humanoid form. His statistics, other than
his speed, are the same in each form. Any equipment he is
Multiattock. Augustus makes any combination of two Bite,
wearing or carrying isn't transformed. He reverts to his human-
Claw, or Magic Longsword attacks.
oid form if he dies.
CunningAction Augustus takes the Dash, Disengage, or
Hide action.

FTER 11 I trüON

Boss Drroun
Delour the wererat is a sly trickster and consum-
mate thief who rules the Moonstalkers alongside his
friend Augustus. Delour's honeyed words and cal-
culating mind make him dangerous. He can smile
and shake someone's hand while simultaneously
plotting to ruin that person.
Expanding the guild's activities beyond thiev-
ery was Delour's idea. He studies other criminal
syndicates and their methods of getting rich. He
considers protection rackets, smuggling, and arson
to be low-hanging fruit, with extortion, kidnapping,
and murder for hire being more complex challenges
the guild can take on as it grows in power. His only
real fear is exposure; the bigger and more active the
Moonstalkers become, the more likely they are to
attract the attention of law enforcement or adventur-
ous do-gooders. The sting of the guild's flight from
its first home is still fresh in Delour's mind.
Indeed, Delour never forgets a slight. He is ob-
sessed with getting revenge on the officials who
raided the original guildhall and killed Pyrite, who
was like a brother to Delour. Though Delour is
perfectly willing to backstab most people, he treats
Augustus with utmost respect. If he discovers Au-
gustus's plot to become human and leave the Moon-
stalkers, he would consider it the ultimate betraval.

Boss DrrouB Acrrorus

Small Monstrosity, Lawful Evil
Multiattack, Delour makes any combination of three Bite,
Shortsword, or Hand Crossbow attacks.
Armor Class l4
Hit Points ll0 (20d6 + a0) Bite (Rat or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Auack: +8 to
Speed 25 ft.; 30 ft. in rat or hybrid lorm hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:26 (5d8 + 4) piercing damage.
lf the target is a Humanoid, it must succeed on a DC l4 Con-
STR DEX coN INT wts CHA stitution saving throw or be cursed with lycanthropy. !(hile
l2 (+l) l8(+a) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 1a $2) l6 (+3) cursed in this way, the target retains its alignment, languages,
and equipment but otherwise uses the wererat stat block, ex-
Saving Throws Dex +8, lnt +7 cluding actions that require equipment the target doesn,t have.
Skills Deception +11, Perception +10, Sleight of Hand +g, During any night when there's a full moon in the sky, the target
Stealth +8 becomes an NPC under the DM's control and remains so until
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20 the night ends. A Remove Curse spell or similar magic ends
Languages Common, thieves' cant (can't speak in ralform) this curse.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) proficiency Bonus +4
Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:11 (2d6 + 4) pierc-
Evasion. lf Delour is subjected to an effect that allows him to
ing damage plus l0 (3d6) poison damage.
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, he
instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw Hond Crossbow (Humonoid or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged
and only half damage if he fails, provided he doesn,t have the Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 301120 ft., one target. Hli: 11
incapacitated condition. Qd6 + \ piercing damage plus t0 (3d6) poison damage.
Nimbleness. Delour can move through the space of a Medium
BoNus AcrroNs
or larger creature.
Change Shape. Delour polymorphs into a rat-humanoid hybrid,
Regeneration, Delour regains 10 hit points at the start of his
a Medium giant rat, or his humanoid form. His statistics, other
turn. lf he takes damage from a silver weapon, this trait doesn,t than his size and speed, are the same in each form. Any equip-
function at the start of his next turn. Delour dies only if he ment he is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. He reverts to
starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn,t regenerate. his humanoid form if he dies.

Cunning Action Delour takes the Dash, Disengage, or

Hide action.

Kannna BrrrpnwrNo casts illusions that disguise Moonstalker members.
The human werevulture Kathra Bitterwind (see Occasionally she provides a member with a Ha§ Eye
chapter 21 for the werevulture stat block) is the necklace, allowing her to see what they see so she
trusted lieutenant of both Boss Augustus and Boss can provide real-time guidance during a mission.
Delour. Unlike most members, Kathra was already She reports to the bosses, but they give her ample
a lycanthrope when she joined the guild, and she rein to pursue her own endeavors and delegate
quickly clawed her way to the top by proving her un- tasks to guild members. Wanewort has special
wavering loyalty to its leaders. lair actions she can use while in the Moonstalkers'
Since the bosses spend most of their time at the guildhall (see area 11).
Moonstalkers' guildhall, plotting and negotiating Wanewort has ten imps as companions. They
with powerful clients, most guild members spend spend almost all their time in the form of house
far more time with Kathra than they do with either cats, not out of secrecy, but because Wanewort
Delour or Augustus. She trains members and leads prefers them that way. Guild members never see
high-priority assignments, always expecting her ac- her without one of these cats in her arms, twining
complices to deliver the same professional precision around her legs, or following in her wake. She pam-
she does. She has a short temper and no patience pers these imp-cats like spoiled children.
for new recruits, but she rarely loses her cool when Augustus has asked Wanewort to find someone
it counts. who can cast the tr4lls.h spell, but he hasn't told her
why. She has developed a ritual that alerts her
WaNE,won'r whenever someone draws the Moon card from a
Wanewort the night hag performs rituals that help Deck of Many Thin§s, anywhere in the world. She
the guild pu1l off its schemes. She uses divination figures this is less dangerous than contacting spell-
magic to scope out locations for future heists and casters powerful enough to cast the lzüsft spell.

Most Moonstalker dealings occur in abandoned
warehouses, the homes of members, or shadowy
taverns. If the bosses choose to meet with a client in
the guildhall, either they're looking to impress the
client or they see the client as potentially dangerous
and want backup in case negotiations break down.
I In either case, Moonstalkers usually blindfold visi-
tors before leading them to the guildhall.
The entrance to the guildhall is located beneath
a Moonstalker-owned tavern in a large city. Moon-
stalkers enter a storage room through the building's
-f' back door, from which they can descend a stone
'.9 staircase to the guildhall's crescent antechamber.

Wanewort has also created four magical doors

iui r* that connect to other cities during different phases
.. of the moon. Each leads to a Moonstalker-owned
building in that city.

Furr Mooxs
,i tsir: Every Moonstalker learns how to embrace and man-
age the bestial impulses of their lycanthropy as part
:H+ of their training. Still, the full moon makes it diffi-
cult for many members to maintain self-control-
and more importantly, to remain covert. For this
reason, all Moonstalkers lock themselves in the
guildhall on the night of the full moon. Many of the
guildhall's walls sport long scratch marks from par-

ticularly restless nights.

FP 11 MCüi.;i
Gurr»nert Fnerunns 3, JeIr
The guildhall has the following features:
In addition to holding captives, these jail cells are
used to hold Moonstalkers who become particularly
Ceilings. Ceilings are 10 feet high unless the text feral during the full moon. As a result, the walls of
says otherwise. these jail cells are lined with deep claw marks.
Doors. The doors are made of thick, sturdy wood. A A prisoner from a rival thieves' guild (use the spy
locked door can be opened with a successful DC stat block) is locked in one ce1l; Kathra Bitterwind
20 Dexterity check using thieves' tools, or forced visits occasionally to interrogate the prisoner.
open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athlet-
ics) check. 4, AuprrNCE HALL
Illumination. Magical moonstones in the ceilings A carpeted dais stands at the northern end of this
shed bright light in all rooms. The Dispel Ma§ic room. Large oil paintings of the guild's three origi-
spell can turn off a moonstone's glow. nal bosses hang from the walls. The bosses use this
Protection from Serying. Wanewort's hag rituais room for important aflnouncements and initiation
prevent locations or creatures in the guildhall ceremonies. Lower-ranking Moonstalkers don't
from being targeted by the Scryrn§ spell. come through this area without good reason.
Treasure. Each oil painting is worth 250 gp.
GurrnueLL LocATroNS
5, Srupv
The following locations are keyed to map 11.1.
A moonstone chandelier casts a soft. bluish-white
I, CnrscrNT ANTECHAMBER glow over this room's oaken table and chairs. The
The curved southeast wa11 of this room has one bosses use this elegant meeting room to plan future
permanent door, which leads to the guildhall's tav- heists and to meet with guests they wish to impress.
ern entrance. Across from it stands a double door
guarded by two werewolves and two werevultures
6, Guano Post
Two wereboars stand before the northern doors,
(see chapter 21 for the werevulture stat block). This
guarding the vault. They question anyone passing
room's ceiling is 30 feet high.
toward the bosses' rooms or Wanewort's den.
The walls to the left and right of the entrance bear
The double door is locked. It can be opened with
small bas-reliefs of a new moon, a waning moon,
one ofthe keys from the bosses'rooms.
a half moon, and a waxing moon. When the moon
reaches one ofthese phases, the corresponding 7, Icv Veurr
symbol glows and a magic door appears beneath it, The floor and walls of this chilly room are covered
linking to a matching door in a different city. The with slick ice, making them difEcult terrain. Any
door disappears when its phase of the moon ends. creature unaccustomed to icy environments that
On the nights of full moons, when all Moonstalk- moves along the floor or walls must make a DC 8
ers lock themselves in the guildhal1, most convene Dexterity saving throw at the end of its turn. On a
in this spacious chamber. failed save, the creature has the prone condition.
This room's ceiling is 30 feet high.
2, CourroNs
This vault holds much of the Moonstalkers' gold
This common room is where Moonstalkers mingle,
and treasure, but not all of it. The bosses spread
prepare for missions and receive orders. When the
their wealth across similar vaults in the five cities
characters first visit, five wererats sit at a table,
they can access.
playing a game of cards. One hopeful initiate accom-
A youngwhite dragon named Rahaskardon
panies them: a human bandit who has yet to prove
prowls this room. The dragon obeys the bosses and
her mettle.
Wanewort, guarding the Moonstalkers' treasure
against intruders.
Moorusrelxen Smr Blocx Ao;usruerurs
Treasure. This room contains coins, gems, and
To turn a generic lycanthrope stat block into a Moon-
stalker stat block, make the following adjustments.
art objects worth a total of 9,000 gp. It also contains
Skills. Moonstalkers are proficient in Dexterity two uncommon magic items, one rare magic item,
(Stealth and Sleight of Hand) checks. and one very rare magic item of your choice.
Longuages. Moonstalkers can speak thieves' cant.
Bonus Actions. Moonstalkers can use a bonus action 8, Srrnrxn ro rHE FerrrN
to Dash, Disengage, or Hide. This room has a small shrine with a headstone me-
morializing Boss Pyrite and other guild members
who died when the Moonstalkers' o1d guildhall was
raided. An inscription on the headstone promises
in the names of both Delour and Augustus.

Boss Drroun's Quenrnns 12, Scnvrue Poor
A magic hearth flickers with white, heatless flame A large scrying pool takes up much of this room.
on the south wall of this room. Paperwork full of Wanewort uses it for her Scryin§ spells. Anyone
notes and detailed schemes sits atop a desk, along- who looks at the pool while Wanewort is scrying
side a tiny portrait of Delour, Augustus, and Pyrite sees the same creature or location that she does.
painted soon after the guild was founded. When not actively being used to scry, the pool's
Boss Delour (see the stat block earlier in this surface shows a reflection of the moon in its cur-
chapter) spends most of this time in this well-kept rent phase.
room. He keeps his key to area 7 beneath his pillow
whenever it isn't on his person. 13, Anrronv
The wereboar in charge of the armory keeps it
10, Boss Aucusrus's Quanrnns stocked with daggers, cloaks, thieves' tools, grap-
An owlbear rug stretches across this room's floor. pling hooks, and other equipment the Moonstalkers
Stuffed animal heads are mounted on the walls. don't want to hide at their homes. The wereboar can
Boss Augustus (see the stat block eadier in this usually be found here, maintaining this equipment.
chapter) passes much of his time in this impressive
room. He keeps his key to area 7 and the key to his 14' BanB,tcr
chest in the mouth of a mounted deer head when- When a Moonstalker needs to spend the night at the
ever these keys aren't on his person. guildhall instead of their home, they can sleep in
Chest. A wooden chest sits beneath the bed in the bunk beds at this barrack. Two werewolves and
this room. It can be unlocked with a successful DC three wererats are currently sleeping here.
18 Dexterity check using thieves' tools. It contains
mementos from towns Augustus lived in before Usrxc THE MooNsTALKERS
founding the Moonstalkers: worn carpenter's tools,
a quilt, a tavern mug, and a locket from an admirer.
Treasure. Augustus wields a +2 LonEsword.He Here are some ways you can use the Moonstalkers
usually takes the sword with him when he leaves the to augment your campaign.
room, but if he's resting here or has left the sword
behind for some reason, it's leaning against the wall
near his bed. The most direct use of the Moonstalkers is for them
to steal something belonging to the characters or
11, WaNnwoRT's DEN someone close to them. The characters might strike
Ten imps who have adopted the form of cats of vari- a deal with the guild to get their treasure back or
ous colors strut, creep, or sleep around this 30-foot- infiltrate the guildhall to retrieve it.
tall, circular room. Wanewort, a night hag, spends Alternatively, if the characters are looking to steal
much of her time here as we1l. something (for instance, as part of an adventure
In addition to a cauldron and the witchy ingredi from Keys from the Golden Vault), Moonstalkers
ents typical of a hag's lair, this room is crowded with might try to secure that same item for a different
litter boxes, scratching posts, cat trees, feather toys, employer. In this case, the Moonstalkers act as ri-
hand-knit kitty clothing, and catnip. vals trying to beat the characters to the prize. This
Wanewort has access to the following lair actions provides an incentive for characters to move quickly
while she is in the Moonstalkers'guildhall: and not spend too much time planning or resting.
Ghostly Passage. Until initiative count 20 on the BancRrNrNG FoR A WrsH
next round, Wanewort can pass through solid
wa1ls, doors, ceilings, and floors as if they weren't If your characters have access to lhe Wish spell-
there. She takes 1d10 force damage if she ends for example, because they've drawn the Moon
her turn inside an object. card from a Deck of Many Thin§s Boss Augustus
Open and Shut. Wanewort targets any number makes them an offer they can't refuse. The charac-
of doors that she can see, causing each one to ters could also be drawn into this story if a noncom-
close. She can choose to lock a door as it closes. batant draws the Moon card and becomes a target
Wanewort can also use this lair action to unlock for the Moonstalkers.
open 1o cked doors. Wanewort's ritual tells her the name and location
of anyone who draws the Moon card. She also has
Treasure. A Glimmerin§ Moonbow (see chapter contacts looking for anyone who can cast the tr4lr'sft
sits atop a high shelf 1n this room spell on their own. Once she has a target, she re-
sorts to one of three tactics:

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C1{AFT'ER 11 ] MCC§
Extortion. Wanewort scries on the character and Perhaps the Moonstalkers extort the characters or
uses her imps to spy on them. She uses the Moon- refuse to divulge key information unless the charac-
stalkers' contacts to discover any unscrupulous ters do their bidding. Maybe the Moonstalkers offer
or embarrassing activities in the character's past, so much money or such enticing magic items that
then threatens to expose them. the characters find collaboration hard to refuse.
Invitation. Wanewort uses her hag magic to com-
municate with the character in a dream. She JorNrNe rHE GUrLD
explains she works for a man who has many mag- Those hoping for guild membership (sometimes
ical treasures and powerful connections, and he called "crescents") must complete three jobs for the
wants an audience with the character. She gives Moonstalkers to be initiated into the guild. Cres-
the character a meeting point and time, at which cents can work together, in which case the mission
point one of her imp-cats leads the character to counts for all of them. Each job is more difficult
Augustus. She doesn't tell the characters about than the last, and the final job always requires the
the Moonstalkers. crescent to take a life, usually the life of a guard or
Kidnapping. Wanewort sends a team of Moonstalk- witness to the crime. The Moonstalkers then reward
ers to kidnap the character or the party. She's the crescent with lycanthropy, initiating them as
more likely to attempt this with a low-level char- a full member. Here are examples of missions the
acter or noncombatant who drew the Moon card Moonstalkers might assign a crescent, in order of
than with high-level characters who can cast the increasing difficulty:
t4zrsh spell on their own. Pick a Pocket. The character must steal a signet
IfAugustus is confident he can best the characters ring, holy book, or document from an important
in a fight, he meets them alone somewhere other figure at a high-profile event like a speech or a
than the guildhall. But if he needs backup, he meets gala. But the event has more guards than ex-
them in the guildhall's audience hall, where Moon- pected; someone tipped off the victim.
stalkers can rush in at a moment's notice. Collect Deadly Ingredients. Wanewort tasks the
Augustus explains his condition as a natural-born character with collecting an ingredient for her rit-
werewolf and asks the character to wish for the uals, from either a dangerous grove or someone's
end of his curse. He might offer them riches, magic garden. Identifying the substance requires skill,
items, or favors. He explains that wishes can go and it might be poisonous or spoil quickly, so the
wrong; by trading their wish for concrete benefits, thief must hurry to deliver the goods on time.
the character can let him shoulder the risk. Infiltrate a Vault. The character must delve into a
The Moonstalkers have many magic items stored dungeon, a holy crypt, or a noble's treasury and
within their hoards. If the character with a wish steal a particular item. All sorts of monsters might
demands something Augustus doesn't have, he can lurk in such a place, from Undead to inhabitants of
order the guild to steal it. Ifthe character refuses to the Underdark, but they aren't all hostile, and the
trade their wish, Augustus threatens to expose the character might be able to sneak past them.
character's secrets or have the character killed. Stage an Ambush. An old enemy of the Moonstalk-
Delour might catch wind of this plan and con- ers-one of the offrcials that drove them from their
sider it a betrayal of the Moonstalkers, himself, and original home-is traveiing nearby. The character
Pyrite. This could spark a violent schism within is ordered to ambush and capture the target. Once
the guild or prompt Delour to secretly approach the official is brought to the guildhall and the
the characters and attempt to use their wish for bosses get a chance to gloat, the character is ex-
himself-probably to resurrect Pyrite or get his pected to kill the official.
long-delayed revenge. Crescents who complete three missions are congrat-
'WonrrNG'wrrH ulated by the bosses, who then determine what type
THE MooNSTALKERS of lycanthrope the crescents will become. With a
The Moonstalkers don't always do their own dirty ceremonial bite from another Moonstalker, the cres-
work. When a mission is too time-consuming, cents become fu1ly initiated guild members.
challenging, or simple, the guild assigns it to other A full member of the guild doesn't have to spend
criminals or to aspiring guild members. Even if your all their time at the guildhall, but they do need to be
characters aren't evil, they might find themselves ready to respond to any assignments they receive.
working for or alongside the Moonstalkers on an If you're looking for inspiration for Moonstalker
job. Perhaps both groups have a mutual enemy. missions, consider using heists from Keys from the
Maybe the Moonstalkers learned the characters Golden Vault.
will be delving into a particular dungeon and ask
party to retrieve a specific piece oftreasure.

fHAPTfift ] 2


This chapter details the Heralds of the
Comet, an apocalyptic sect that plans to use
the original Deck of Many Thin¤s to bring
about the end of all things. It describes key leaders.
members, and roles in the group and presents a
map of the group's headquarters. A section at the
end of the chapter describes celestial signs, omens.
and prophecies related to the end of the world and
explores how these can enliven your campaign. This
chapter is intended for the Dungeon Master, though
characters might have a connection to the cult as
ex-members, or as friends or relatives of members.

HEnarDS oF THE Corupr

The Heralds of the Comet is a secret organization
with a sinister agenda. Believing the multiverse is a
flawed creation, members of this cult look forward
to the end of all worlds and planes of existence.
Low-ranking members anticipate a new creation,
a multiverse made right in the wake of the old cos-
mos's destruction, but the leaders secretly believe
the end really is the end; after the multiverse's de-
struction, only a formless void will remain.
The Heralds of the Comet is best suited for use as
an antagonist in an adventure or a campaign. How-
ever, individual members aren't necessarily villains
and might share short-term goals or friendly rela-
tionships with heroic characters. The 'Adventure
Hooks" section in this chapter explores possibilities
Coming Destruction. The destruction of the world
is imminent, and people should prepare for it by
for how characters might interact with the cult.
severing their connections to the things of the
TnNnrs world. This includes relationships, possessions,
wealth, and worship of the gods, who are doomed
The teachings of the Heralds of the Comet are
to be destroyed alongside mortals.
revealed only in part to aspirants and in more de-
New Creation. After the destruction of the world, a
tail to initiates. Only the group's leaders know the
new creation will take its place, and the elect will
full doctrine.
inhabit a perfect paradise.
FuNneurNTAL TENETS Harbinger of Doom. A huge comet will signal the
The cult's basic tenets are shared with anyone who beginning of the end. Other signs also appear
expresses an interest in learning about the group's among the stars, the clouds, the seas, and world
beliefs. Such folk, known as aspirants, are taught events, revealing the future to those who know
the following: how to interpret them.
Divinatory Deck. Divinatory readings using cards
Flawed Creation. Suffering isn't an accident, a flaw modeled after the original Deck of Many Thin¤s
in a divine plan, or purely the work of evil gods. are an important way to gain insight into the fu-
It's evidence that the whole of creation is funda- ture and the fate that awaits the world.
mentally flawed and already unraveling.

cr{€}''iEn l? I ci}},ilET
AnclNa Mr\,rsnnsHrP
Those who undergo a rite of initiation, which in-
The Heralds of the Comet is a sma11, close-knit
cludes a solemn oath of secrecy, learn deeper truths
community. Through the process of severing their
that build upon the basic tenets ofthe group:
ties to the doomed world, members become entirely
Preexistent Souls. The souls of mortal beings have dependent on the group and its leaders for social
always existed and aren't part of the flawed cre- interaction, material support, and the fulfillment of
ation that is passing away. Souls dwelled in the spiritual needs. The core tenet held by initiates-
Void before the creation of the multiverse, but now that they alone are destined to survive the apocalyp-
they are imprisoned within the multiverse. They tic end of all things and populate the new creation-
must be set free from the multiverse lest they be creates a worldview where all that matters is the
destroyed along with it. Heralds of the Comet.
Lost Causes. Those who don't accept the teach-
ings of the Heralds of the Comet are doomed to Rrcr.urrlrrNr
destruction, and they deserve pity. Initiates are The Heralds of the Comet seeks recruits to swell the
taught to warn outsiders to ready themselves for group's ranks. Initiates believe they have a moral
the coming destruction. Many initiates are fun- imperative to rescue as many people as possible
damentally kindhearted and try to help outsiders from the coming destruction of the multiverse, so
when they can, but they ultimately come to believe they see recruitment as an act of mercy. However,
most outsiders are lost causes. too attached to the they quickly learn that most people dismiss their
world as it is. concerns and ridicule their beliefs, so they expect a
All-Consuming Star. The comet that presages low success rate in their recruitment efforts.
the end is called the All-Consuming Star. It is a The group's carefully crafted recruitment message
manifestation of the Void that moves through the has its appeal: all your suffering and all the bad
multiverse, devouring worlds and entire planes. things in the world are proof that the world is unrav-
The end of all things will be the culmination of the eling and most importantly, none of it is your fault.
All-Consuming Star's work. Those drawn to this message are called aspirants.
Enlightening Divination. Divinatory card read- Each aspirant meets regularly with an initiate men-
ings don't simply reveal the future; they open the tor, who teaches the aspirant the fundamental tenets
mind to the presence of the All-Consuming Star, of the Heralds of the Comet and performs divinatory
helping initiates liberate themselves from the card readings for them. These readings purport to
world's grasp. help the aspirant work through personal issues, but
the readings all point to the same conclusion: the
Esorrnrca world is dying, and the Heralds of the Comet offers
The leaders of the Heralds of the Comet, the the only way to endure its destruction. Aspirants are
hierophants, reserve a few secret doctrines for sometimes calledJesters, in reference to the card of
themselves, believing only the most enlightened that name, while outsiders are called Fools.
souls are prepared to hear these harsh truths: Aspirants are encouraged to give generously to the
Imperfect Gods. The gods aren't perfect and can't Heralds of the Comet to support its work. They're
also encouraged to cut from their lives any people
create perfection, and imperfect things (by defini-
tion) don't last forever. The only true perfection is who might hold back their progress toward enlight-
the Void, and the only future is the Void. enment. Aspirants thus gradually come to see the
Feeding the All-Consuming Star. The rites of Heralds of the Comet as their sole source of truth
the Heralds of the Comet, including divina- and friendship.
tory card readings, lend psychic energy to the INrrrerrou
All-Consuming Star, hastening the completion of The Heralds of the Comet performs its rite of ini-
its mission. tiation once or twice per year, depending on the
Deck of Many Things. The magic contained within availability of would-be initiates and the appearance
the cards of the origin al Deck of Many Thinss
of a suitable omen of doom. When an omen appears
is key to the destruction of the multiverse. Per- (see the "Omens of Apocalypse" section at the end
forming a reading with this Deck of Many Thinss of this chapter), the hierophants bring the aspirants
won't simply reveal the future; it will determine
deemed ready to a sanctum for initiation (see the
the future, setting a date for the arrival ofthe "Sanctum of the Heralds" section).
All-Consuming Star. The hierophants of the Her- The rite takes place overnight. The aspirants,
alds of the Comet intend to use the deck to foment who are sleep deprived, hungry, and thirsty, are
un ravel ing ol creation.
led through a series ofexperiences that narrate
the group's version of the history of the multiverse,

12 lcŸr!{El'
featuring imagery drawn from the cards of a Deck
of Many Thin¤s. Through the course of this narra-
tive, the initiates learn more of the group's secret
teachings and the symbolism used in divinatory
card readings. At the rite's conclusion, the initiates
receive a vision of the All-Consuming Star.
As part of this initiation, new members of the Her-
alds of the Comet shed their old identities and take
on new names. Initiates also donate all their pos-
sessions to the group, which uses its accumulated
wealth to provide for the basic needs of its initiates,
and they take solemn vows of secrecy that prohibit
them from discussing their initiation rite or dis-
closing the arcana ofthe group to outsiders. In the
symbolism of the Deck of Many Thin¤s, initiates are
sometimes called Knights.
Initiates who participate in the rites together
speak of themselves as a single "brood" and remain
especially close-knit. This brood is the only family
that remains to initiates. Broods are numbered in
the group's annals, and in the formal context of ritu-
als, an initiate might be identified by their flew name
and brood number: for example, 'Aphe11is, Initiate of
the Twenty-Sixth Brood."

The leaders of the Heralds of the Comet are called
hierophants-literally "revealers of the sacred" be-
cause of their role in revealing the All-Consuming
Star to initiates.
The archierophant of the Heralds of the Comet is AsprneNT oF THE Counr
Basil, the Sage of Sages, founder of the group and Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
the architect of its belief system. While serving a for-
Armor Class I I
gotten king in an insignificant realm, Basil became
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
fascinated with the original Deck of Many Thin¤s. Speed 30 ft. \:
He convinced his king to send a hero in search of :il
it, then invited himself to the hero's expedition and STR DEX CON INT wts cHA
betrayed her to acquire the deck. He rashly drew 13 (+l) l2 (+l ) 12 (+l) ll (+0) l0 (+0) 13 (+l) il

a card, and his soul was imprisoned in the Void. I

Senses passive Perception 10 ,il
To Basil, it was a revelatory experience. He wasn't
Languages Common plus any one language
merely in the Void; he learned the truth of the Void's !
Challenge l/2 (.l00 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
relationship to the fabric of creation. To this day, he 1t:
remains obsessed with the Deck of Many Thin¤s, Hunger of the Void.When the aspirant is reduced to 0 hit !:.
but now his obsession has a larger goal: unleashing points, its body and everything it is wearing or carrying, ex-
the power of the All-Consuming Star so all creation cept for magic items, are sucked into a void and destroyed. ',,

Creatures in a l5-foot-radius sphere centered on the aspirant i

can return to the Void.
must make a DC ll Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a !i

creature takes l0 (3d6) necrotic damage and is pulled 10 feet i:

Exlvrprn MnNasnns
straight toward the aspirant's space. On a successful save, a
The stat blocks in this chapter represent members creature takes half as much damage only. i
from each level of membership. Sinister Devotion. The aspirant has advantage on saving throws
against the charmed and frightened conditions.
AsprnaNr oF THE Courr li
Aspirants aren't yet initiated into the mysteries of Acrrorus n.
the Heralds of the Comet, but they are firmly in the Speor. Melee or RangedWeapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
group's clutches, both socially and metaphysically. If range20l60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1dG + 1) piercing damage, or
an aspirant is killed, the hapless individual is drawn 5 (ld8 + l) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a
into the Void and devoured, body and soul. melee attack.

HrrnopHeNT oF rnr Conarr
The number of hierophants is fixed at twenty-two on
any one world, one for each card in a Deck of Many
Thin¤s. As a group, hierophants are sometimes
called Sages, but each hierophant is also identified
with a particular card. When a hierophant dies, the
remaining leaders choose an initiate to fill the posi
tion, preferring initiates from the oldest broods.
A new hierophant undergoes a rite similar to the
rite of initiation, but only the other hierophants
are present. As the cosmic narrative unfolds, the
new hierophant is inducted into the esoteric se-
crets of the group's leadership. The rite concludes
with a mind-shattering vision of the Void. which
hierophants understand to be the formless nothing-
ness that preceded the creation of the cosmos and
will endure past its destruction.
The leaders of the Heralds of the Comet,
hierophants are powerful warlocks with mighty
spells at their disposal. They can commune with the ¤-
alien mind of the All-Consuming Star, blast enemies
with beams of eldritch energy, and conjure manifes-
tations of this entity to devour their foes.

HrnnopHANT oF THE Couer

Medium Humanoid (Warlock), Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 153 (.I8d8 + 72)
Speed 30 ft.


l2 (+l) 13 (+l) l8 (+a) 15 (+2) l7 (+3) 20 (+s)

All-ConsumingStar (Recharge 5). The hierophant conjures a

Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +9
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +9, Persuasion +9, Religion +6
manifestation of the All-Consuming Star: brilliant light and
Damage Resistances psychic haunting screams that fill a 20-foorradius sphere centered on
Senses truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 13 a point the hierophant can see within 60 feet of itself. Each
Languages Common plus any two languages, telepathy 60 ft. creature within the sphere has the blinded and deafened con-
Challenge ll (7,200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 ditions. Each creature that enters the sphere for the first time
on a turn or starts its turn there must make a DC l7 Wisdom
Comet'sVoice (1/Day), The hierophant can cast Contact Other saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 27 (6d8) psy
Plane, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability. chic damage and has the incapacitated condition until the start
ofits next turn. On a successful save, a creature takes halfas
Magic Resistonce. The hierophant has advantage on saving
much damage only. The manifestation persists untilthe hi-
throws against spells and other magical effects.
erophant dies, has the incapacitated condition, uses a bonus
Thought Shield.fhe hierophant's thoughts can't be read by any action to end the effect, or uses this action again.
means unless the hierophant allows it.
Spellcasting. The hierophant casts one of the following spells,
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spellsave DC 17):
At will'. Detect Thoughts, Mage Hand, Thaumaturgy
Multiattack, The hierophant makes two Herald's Axe attacks or
1/day each: Dimension Door, Mass Suggestion
three Comet Blast attacks.
Herald's Axe, Melee We apon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one BoNus Acrrorus
target. Hit: ll (ldl2 + 5) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) ne Star's Hunger, The hierophant targets one creature within 30
crotic damage. feet of the center of its All-Consuming star. The target must
Comet Blost. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range ft., one succeed on a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 30
target.Hit: 15(2dl0+5) forcedamage. feettowardthecenteroftheAll-ConsumingStar.

}r€PTER 12 i CŸ}"{ET
Iuirrarn oF THE Comnr
Once initiated into the Heralds of the Comet, mem-
bers learn magical divination practices that give
them glimpses into the future.

Assocrarno CnnarunES
in addition to the stat blocks for members of the
Heralds of the Comet, consider using any of the fol-
lowing creatures as associates of the group:
Aberrations. Various star spawn in Mordenkainen
Presenfs; Monsters of the Multiverse (star spawn
grue, star spawn hulk, star spawn larva mage,
star spawri maflgler, and star spawn seer) could
be manifestations of the Al1-Consuming Star sent
or conjured to aid the Heralds of the Comet. Virtu-
ally any Aberration could fill the same role, such
as an aboleth, a beholder, or a mind flayer.
Humanoid Cultists. The cultist and cult fanatic
stat blocks can fill out the ranks of aspirants and
initiates. Since members of the group are drawn
from all walks of life, virtually any Humanoid stat
block can serve the same purpose, from common-
ers and thugs to nobles and mages.
Warlocks. The wadock of the Great Old One (see
Monsters of the Multiverse) could represent a less
powerlul hierophant.

INrrrarn oF THE Counr Saxcruus oF THE HnnarÈs

Medium Humanoid (Wailock), Any Alignment
Most meetings of the Heralds of the Comet involve
Armor Class l2
broods of initiates gathering in private homes to
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30) read divinatory cards and look for signs of impend-
Speed 30 ft. ing cataclysm. Rites of initiation, though, take place
in sanctums: remote headquarters like the one
STR DEX coN INT wts CHA shown in map 12.1. A sanctum is a temple, meeting
l2 (+l) 1a (+2) 16 (+3) ll (+0) l3 (+l) l7 (+3)
place, and residence for one or more of the group's
Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5
hierophants, as well as for initiates who serve as
Skills Arcana +2 caretakers. A sanctum is typically located a few
Senses passive Perception 11 miles outside a major city, allowing the group to
Languages Common plus any one language meet in private while still enabling the residents to
Challenge 4 (.l,,}00 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 get to and from the city in an hour or two.

Magic Resistance. The initiate has advantage on saving throws SaNc'run LocanroNs
against spells and other magical effects.
The building shown in map 12.1 is a large house
AcrroNs built in front of a natural cave opening, donated to
the Heralds of the Comet by a wealthy aspirant. The
Multiottack, The initiate makes two Comet Strike attacks.
first floor of the house includes a luxurious living
Comet Strike. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft
room, a kitchen and spacious dining room, and a
or range 120 ft., one target. Hit: l4 (2d,l0 + 3) force damage.
large bedroom suite on the first floor. The second
Spellcosting. The initiate casts one of the following spells, us- floor (not shown on the map) has more bedrooms
ing Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spellsave DC 13):
and a study.
At will: umaturgy
M age H a nd, Tha Antechamber. At the end of the hallway leading
1/day each: Dimension Door, Divination, Enthrall
north to the bedroom suite, an ornate stained-
Re RcrroNs glass window depicts the All-Consuming Star as
it is shown on the Comet card in a Deck of Many
Moment of Foresight (1/Day). When hit by an attack roll, the
initiate can force the attacker to reroll it and use the new roll,
Thin¤s. In the northwest corner ofthe house, an an-
possibly causing the attacl< to miss. techamber serves as a place where aspirants gather
before the rite of initiation begins. Arcane imagery

;'la.i: j;:: :.r:-i :-i|a{+i:1

decorates the room's walls and pillars, and each to fill most of the chamber with a manifestation
card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s is represented of the ravenous entity. Those who dare enter the
in images that surround the cave entrance in the chamber risk being devoured when the manifesta-
west wall. tion appears.
Cave. The winding cave is mostly natural, but the
cult members have widened the narrow passages ApvnNruRE HooKS
and shored up the crumbling cave wa1ls with ma- The Heralds of the Comet offers opportunities for
sonry. Stalactites hang from the ceilings, but most adventures in any campaign. As an apocalyptic sect
of the stalagmites have been cleared to allow easy pursuing the destruction of the multiverse, it's best
passage. A few natural columns remain. Two nat- suited for an antagonistic role. Under certain cir-
ural pools are incorporated into the initiation rite: cumstances, however, the cult could act as a short-
new initiates bathe in the larger pool and then drink term patron or an ally for an adventuring party. This
from the smaller pool, whose cold and bitter waters section offers suggestions for adventures involving
are said to make them more receptive to the vision the cult, followed by ideas for how you might use
that awaits them in the f,nal chamber. the Heralds of the Comet to drive the action of an
The path through the cave descends steadily as it entire campaign.
winds away from the entrance; the final chamber's
floor is about 25 feet lower than the floor of the HrnerÈs AS AN Aovrnsanv
house. Metal disks are embedded in the wall ap- Use these ideas to inspire adventures that feature
proximately every 8 feet along the path. These disks the Heralds of the Comet as an antagonist:
are illustrated with icons of the cards of a Deck of Awakened Destruction. The Heralds of the Comet
Many Thin¤s, which serve as symbolic reminders of acquires magic that allows it to unleash a pow-
the group's teachings as initiates move toward the erful force of destruction: a natural disaster, a
final revelation of the All-Consuming Star. rampaging monster, or a magical catastrophe. Per-
Manifestation Chamber. The final chamber is haps the characters learn of the group's plans be-
off-limits to all. In the climactic moments of the initi- fore the destruction begins and can prevent it, or
ation rite, a hierophant uses the All-Consuming Star maybe they're called upon to stop it after it begins.
action (see the hierophant of the comet stat block)

ME "I'
Common Criminals. The characters have re-
sources the Heralds of the Comet wants: a magic
item or artifact, or simply wealth. Some initiates,
convinced they are robbing wicked people to ben-
efit the greater good, are sent to steal from the
Cultic Isolation. Someone the characters care
about cuts off contact with them. When the char-
acters investigate, they learn the person has been l

initiated into the Heralds of the Comet and now

associates only with other initiates. The only way
the person will talk to the characters is if the
characters show (real or feigned) interest in be-
coming initiates themselves. Perhaps the person
has information or a magic item the party needs;
if it's an item, the person might have given it to the
group's leaders.
Public Enemies. A hierophant stirs up public sen-
timent against the characters in retaliation for
the characters'unwanted interest in the cult's
business. The hierophant claims the characters :

are forces of instability and blames them for all

manner of misfortunes and societal ills. Even
people with no ties to the Heralds of the Comet
begin shunning the characters. The hierophant's
rhetoric escalates until the local populace is ready
to drive the characters out of town.
Staged Omens. The Heralds of the Comet recruits
members most successfully in times of fear and
unrest. When pronouncements of celestial omens Ee::r,:x= 3r=+= *r 5ec*s
aren't enough, a hierophant decides to sow unrest
by hiring mercenaries to trouble the region, sum- under attack from bandits, disapproving aristo-
moning monsters to the outskirts of town, or start- crats, or dangerous monsters and the initiates
ing destructive fires. The hierophant then points seek help defending the place and its residents.
to these events as signs of the world's unraveling. InsideJob. A newly inducted hierophant is appalled
to learn the cult's secret teachings. While posing
HrnerÈs AS A PATRoN oR AN Arry
as a devout leader, the hierophant asks the charac-
Characters who work with the Heralds of the Comet
ters to help bring down the organization.
might befriend helpful members. But eventually the
Prophetic Research. The characters find an an-
characters learn the cult's true agenda andrealize
cient inscription in a long-forgotten ruin foretelling
they're partially responsible for the group's success.
a dire calamity that's imminent. As they seek
Use these ideas to inspire adventures that feature
information about this prophecy, they are di-
the Heralds of the Comet as a patron or ally:
rected to a local expert on apocalyptic writings-a
Heroes Foretold. When the characters arrive in a hierophant of the Heralds of the Comet. The hi-
new town, they're hailed as heroes whose arrival erophant shares research into related prophecies
was foretold. The Heralds of the Comet is active in but remains guarded about the group's beliefs.
this town, and its divinatory card readings portend The hierophant might sponsor the characters'
a forthcoming conflict between a terrible monster efforts to explore more ruins to learn about this
and mighty champions. Initiates do all they can to looming disaster.
help the characters prepare to face the monster. Useful Pawns. A hierophant hires the characters
Innocent Victims. Several initiates run a hospital to acquire magic for the Heralds of the Comet.
on the outskirts of a city, where they care for those There's no obvious indication the group will use
who are ignored by society. The initiates view this magic for destructive or evil purposes, and
these people as casualties in the slow unraveling the pay is good. Only when the hierophant comes
of the multiverse and try to ease their suffering across a clue to the location of the original Deck of
while subtly spreading the teachings of the Her- Many Thin¤s does it become clear that the cult's
alds of the Comet. But the hospital has come intentions aren't benign.

CI-{.4}tTI& 12 I CA}rlET'
Ounxs or ApocALYPSE Warnings could also be natural (or supernatural)
indicators of what is coming, just as a red sunrise
Modern science can explain astronomical events is often an indicator of coming storms. Subtler
like comets, meteor showers, and eclipses, but these warnings might need special understanding to be
explanations don't necessarily hold true in D&D. interpreted propedy; they are often meant to encour-
Instead, these phenomena might be supernatural age people to seek out the wisdom of the gods from
events loaded with portents of divine wrath or im- prophets or seefs.
pending doom. Warnings leave fear and uncertainty in their wake.
Whether or not you introduce the Heralds of the An individual might take desperate measures to
Comet to your campaign, an apocalyptic event can persuade others to take such a warning seriously,
set the stage for a campaign. An apocalyptic event or seize property and goods from others to prepare
is preceded by an ominous warning of the event, fol- for the disaster to come. The resulting chaos creates
lowed by a calamity, the prophesied disaster. an opening for opportunistic evil organizations to
increase their activities at a time when law enforce-
Wn nNrucs ment and governments are stretched thin. A whole
Warnings are the first stage of an apocalypse. A campaign could take place in the shadow of an
warning can involve a divine voice or a messenger apocalyptic comet, before the disaster it foretells
i: telling people that the end is near. that punish- even comes to pass.
ment is coming unless they change their ways, or Once the warning has been delivered, can the
that they are heading down a path with disastrous calamitv it foreshadows be averted? Typically, the
consequences. answer is 1'es that's the point of giving a warning.
The Apocalyptic Warnings table provides ideas for If the people who receive the warning appease the
warnings that foretell disaster. gods, repent oftheir evil ways, turn aside from their
self-destructive course, or send heroes to destroy
Apoclr-vprrc WARNTNGS the source of the disaster, the apocalypse is averted,
d12 Warning and life can return to normal.
1 A large star or comet appears in the night sky, shed. Sometimes the coming disaster can't be averted;
ding as much light as the full moon. the warning is the prelude to an inevitable cata-
clysm. This can be a good way to radically trans-
2 A constant stream of meteors is visible in ihe sky,
form your campaign. For example, if the characters
even during the day, always moving in the same
survive disaster only to see their world destroyed,
d irection.
they might seek refuge in the stars of a Spelljammer
3 The sky turns sickly green or bruised purple. campaign or among the many planes.
4 The water of a river or a lake or along a coastline
turns to blood, acid, or blue sand. CelaMrrrES
5 All creatures born on a particular day (including If warnings are the introduction, calamities are the
livestock and wild animals) have a common feature, main event. The calamity could be a freak disaster
such as incandescent eyes, a fiery halo, or brightly or a natural consequence of actions people have
glo*ing blood that is visible through the skin.
taken. Perhaps the world goes through cycles of
i prosperous times and calamities that span centu-
r 6 Locusts, cicadas, wasps, spiders, or snakes swarm
ries. In any event, when the calamity arrives, it's no
in unimaginable numbers.
, longer a question ofaverting the catastrophe, but
' 7 Earthquakes shake the ground with increasing fre- of surviving it. The Apocalyptic Calamities table of-
quency and strength. fers ideas for ways a great calamity could unfold in
8 A warning message in countless languages appears your campaign.
all over a city's walls. A calamity could also be a sort of cosmic test,
intended to weed out the unworthy or select great
9 A hermit who is a local legend comes to town and
heroes for some future purpose, or it could be an
delivers a warning.
unfortunate side effect of some cosmic catastrophe,
l0 A dead angel falls from the sky in a fireball that such as a war between gods or the collision of two
strikes the earth, leaving a charred skeleton with planes of existence.
burnt wings and a scorched trumpet. A cataclysmic event (with or without a warning)
ll Everyone has the exact same dream, in which a dis- can serve different functions in your campaign.
embodied presence delivers a warning.
12 All children simultaneously stop what they're doing
and convey the same warning in unison.

Apoclr-vprr c Clllru rrl es
d12 Calamity
I The tarrasque awakens. (A kraken, an empyrean, or
another titan might also serve as an agent ofapoc-
alyptic wrath.)
2 A deadly plague that's resistant to curative magic
sweeps the land.
3 A prolonged drought leads to terrible famine.
4 A volcano (or chain ofvolcanoes) erupts.
5 A large asteroid crashes into the world.
6 A vast sinkhole opens, swallowing a city into the
Underdark or one of the Lower Planes, or releasing
hordes of Fiends.
7 The gods are stripped oftheir power and are forced
to occupy mortal forms.
8 The world is drawn into another plane of existence.
9 The gods war among themselves or against incredi-
bly powerful alien beings.
l0 Magic goes awry, creating random zones of wild
magic (where casting any spell of lst level or higher '
causes a roll on the Wild Magic Surge table in the
Player's Handbook) and dead magic (like an Anti-
magic Field spell on a larger scale).
ll The corpse of a slain god falls to the earth.
12 Every Dragon is consumed with unthinking rage
and unleashes devastation on those living nearby. I

It might set the stage for a campaign focused on

people struggling to survive in the wake of this
catastrophe. Alternatively, your campaign could be
about rebuilding society after the disaster, prompt-
ing survivors to question beliefs and actions that led
to such overwhelming destruction.
In the middle of a campaign, a disaster like this
signals a major shift. If the apocalypse is preceded
by warnings, the campaign might first focus on the
characters' efforts to avert the catastrophe; then on
mitigating the disaster; and finally on surviving, re-
building, or escaping to another world.
A similar shift can happen with a catastrophe at .*.
the end of a campaign. In this case, the apocalypse
should feel like the logical outgrowth of events lead-
ing up to it-perhaps even the result of actions taken
by the characters!
A anursro-puRpLE s(y aNo a

I r41d;lq tlttaqrw w"*\,1tl,tr c)ads

occastcvall,l , tcut \noye{r\l:\ vteVe(
¤\4ot(llt, to warran* tht a70caily*e

c;+€prŠlt i 3 Še


Many Thin¤s, she drew constellations
from the sky to create each card. This
chapter presents these consteilations,
known as the Sky of Many Things, complete with
magical effects created by the constellations as well
as a zodiac that might influence the destiny of those
born under its signs.
The latter part of the chapter, intended for the
DM, includes details and rules for observatories:
locations that facilitate stargazing and astronomi-
cal studies.


Azodiac is a series of constellations that appear to
rotate around the night sky in time with the chang-
ing seasons. Many people use the alignment of zo-
diac constellations to explain personality traits, mys-
terious phenomena, or other patterns. This section
presents a zodiac called the Sky of Many Things. It
was from this zodiac that Istus, god of fate, drew the
original Deck of Many Thin¤s.
If you're a player, the Sky of Many Things might
inspire your character's backstory, starting from the
moment that character was born. If you're a DM,
this zodiac can inspire countless adventures themed
around prophecy and fate, or it could be a starting
point for a zodiac of your own creation.

ZoÈtrc SrcNs Maruv Srans, Mlr.rv Wonlos

ln the settings of D&D, most stars in the night sky are
A zodiac sign is a mythological entity associated suns, planets, or other distant objects, all ofwhich
with a constellation in a zodiac. For the Sky of Many exist in pockets of vacuum called Wildspace. A group
Things, a creature is said to be "born urrder" a zo- of associated celestial and planetary objects is called
diac sign if its birthday occurs during the period a Wildspace system. Wildspace systems exist on the

when that sign's constellation is most prominent in Astral Plane-an infinite void that surrounds all worlds
ofthe Material Plane.
Different !(ildspace systems drift about the As-
tral Plane. Creyspace is the system of the Creyhawk
campaign setting, for example, and Realmspace en-
compasses Toril and the neighboring planets of the
Forgotten Realms. Clownspace, Krynnspace, Xaryxis-
pace, and countless other !(ildspace systems populate
the Astral Plane.
Some stars in D&D aren't ordinary astronomical
phenomena-they're far stranger things: the remains
ofdead gods, the domains ofevil entities, or vast cos-
mic civilizations. Stargazers who spin tales about the
prominently 1n the sparkling lights in the night sky might be surprised at
sign's constellation, how accurate their stellar myths really are.


common myths and beliefs about it, and omens as- to this sign often end up adopting leadership roles.
sociated with creatures born under that sign. The But leadership takes many forms-a child born un-
I signs are presented in their order within the zodiac. der the Throne might head a large family, run a pro-
fessional guild, or rise to prominence in a temple.
The Watcher: Most Prominent in Midwinter Krv
Dim stars form the eyes and teeth of the Skull, also The Chitd: Prominent in Late Sprin¤
known as the Watcher. This constellation looms Many artists' interpretations of this constellation
near the horizon throughout the year, then fi1ls the show a child holding a silver Key in one hand. The
center of the sky during the depths of winter. Its in- child's smile suggests benign curiosity. As this il-
scrutable expression suggests a skeletal face gazing lustration suggests, the Key is often associated with
upon-or grinning at-the other constellations of great power in humble (or even hapless) hands.
the zodiac. Omen oflnsi¤ht. Those born to the Key are des-
Omen ofDeath. Those born under the Sku11 tined to travel to unexplored places, break taboos,
are regarded as harbingers of mortal doom or fatal and question assumptions long held dear. They are
misfortune. Many experience tragedy at a young guides and scouts, researchers and archaeologists,
age. Professions associated with this sign include revolutionaries and thieves.
coroner, executioner, exorcist, grave robber, and
mortician. FretrBs
The Lovers; Most Prominent in Early Summer
Tempers and passions flare under the Flames,
The Merchant; Most Prominent in Late Winter
also known as the Lovers. The stars that form the
A scale made of stars represents the Balance. The constellation suggest embracing figures or, in more
constellation's brightest star forms the fulcrum on chaste circles, a pair of hands pressed palms to-
which the plates of the scale rest. Many illustrations gether. In mythological stories, the Lovers are bored
of the Balance show a venerable trader standing be- by the Talons and would rather make tragic deals
hind the scales. with the Gem. When portrayed as a person, the
Omen ofFair Treatment. Those born under the Flames takes up with the Rogue, contributing to the
Balance are fated for a life of equal measure weal belief that opposites attract.
and woe; every misfortune they endure is eventually Omen of Passion. Children born under the
balanced by good tidings. Many Balances live up to Flames are destined to arouse strong emotions in
their birth sign's moniker by becoming traders or other people-be it love or anger. They are artists,
merchants. counselors, and religious figures.
Secn KNrcnr
The Wise One; Most Prominent in Early Sprin¤ The Dra¤on Slayer; Most Prominent in Midsummer
In early myths, this staff-carrying constellation aim- The Knight soars overhead during high summer-
lessly wandered all over the sky. His restlessness the final month of the Righteous Quartet. The prom-
abated only after he settled a dispute between the inence of these stars coincides with sunny weather
Balance and the Throne. and summer storms-times of tranquility and war,
Omen oflma¤ination Those born under the devastation and prosperity.
Sage are destined to solve a particulady obstinate Omen ofValon Children born under the Knight
problem or unravel a confounding mystery. This are destined to embark on and succeed in a great
leads many Sages to an adventuring life, but they quest. In adulthood, they take up the adventuring
also find plenty ofpuzzles to solve as engineers or lifestyle and befriend other thrill-seeking heroes.
physicians, or in law enforcement careers. There's no more loyal friend than one born under
the sign of the Knight.
The Everlastin¤; Most Prominent in Midsprin¤ Eunvnrs
The Throne's prominence marks the beginning The Gardener; Prominent in Late Summer
of the Righteous Quartet, four months commonly When the legendary druid Euryale appears on the
associated with honor, goodwill, and righteous horizon, farmers sow their final late-season seeds
feelings. The Everlasting's stars lead the way, her- and prepare their other fields for harvest. Euryale's
alding the life and energy usually associated with constellation was created at the same time as the
wafmer months. first Dec.k of Many Thinss. Artistic renditions of this
Omen of Promise. Powerful rulers hope to see constellation often show Euryale's hair as a tangle
an heir born under the Throne, as individuals born of snakes and wildflowers.

CH:TP:I'ER i3 i ST€R


.4;: Txe SÇv or MaNv TxrNes

Omen of Dedication Those born under the sign mysterious instigator of the Knight's adventure, the
of Euryale are fated for intense personal relation- source of the Sage's wanderings, or the silent shad-
ships that prove their value when hardship comes. owy companion of the Jester.
They find careers as caregivers or in other occupa- Omen ofAbundance. The Gem is a sign of good
tions that allow them to work closely with another fortune, and those born under this constellation are
person, as a squire assists a knight. blessed with a prosperous future. While most born
under the Gem hope for material wealth, abundance
Rocus can take many forms, including a large family or a
Ni¤ht's Ed¤e; Most Prominent in Early Autumn grand collection of inherited objects.
Like a skilled bandit, the Rogue slinks onto the
night sky without drawing attention to herself. By TeroNs
the time leaves are turning color and evenings are The Elder; Most Prominent in Late Autumn
getting colder, Night's Edge already looms high Many societies see the herald of winter as a dour
overhead, dagger in hand. Legend has it that in her constellation. In some folklore, the Talons is a stern
haste to steal from Euryale, the Rogue failed to no- grandparent of the Knight or the Flames. When one
tice the valuable Gem right behind her. of these younger signs commits a grievous error
Omen ofBetrayal. Those born under the Rogue despite ample warning, the Elder chides the youth
are destined to be betrayed by someone close to while taking the blame. In other tales, the Elder is
them, or to betray first in an act of self-preservation. a usurper of the Throne and seeks to gain power by
They pursue trades that reward shifting loyalties, manipulating the Rogue or scheming with the Skull.
such as con artists, courtiers, or politicians. Omen oftross. Children born under this sign are
sometimes distinguished by a wrinkled brow, sup-
Gnrra posedly a mark left by the Talons themselves. These
The Genie; Most Prominent in Midautumn children are destined to lose everything-or to
Different cultures might view this constellation cause an equally devastating loss for another. They
as a diamond, ruby, or sapphire. The Genie ap- can be found in occupations that involve taking and
pears in countless zodiac legends, typically as the hoarding, such as loan shark, smuggler, and burglar.



Jnsrrn ZoÈtxc AssocreuoNS
The Nilbo¤; Most Prominent in Eaily Winter
The CommonZodiac Associations table summa-
The Jester dances atop the other zodiac members, rizes astrological beliefs about the Sky of Many
portending the start of winter. Good cheer and wry Things. The first three columns list the names of
sorrow occur in equal measure when the Nilbog is the zodiac's constellations, their nicknames, and the
involved, and many winter holidays are celebrated time of year they appear most prominently in the
under his mischievous grin. night sky. The next three columns denote the birth-
Omen ofChaos. While those born under other stone, creature, and color associated with each of
signs find a hint of their future in the stars, the fu- the twelve signs.
tures of those born to the Jester are unknowable. The Ability Score column suggests individuals
These people tend to be agents of chaos, and they born under a specif,c sign are believed to have
can be found in any occupation. characteristics related to this attribute. People born
Coutrtott Zoottc Assocrarro rus
Sign Nickname Prominence Birthstone Creature Color Ability Score
Skull The Watcher Midwinter Onyx lmP Black, white Constitution
Bal ance The Merchant Late winter Quartz Fish Orange lntelligence
Sage The Wise One Early spring Carnet Sphinx Purple I ntel I igence
Th rone The Everlasting Midspring Ruby Dragon Cold Charisma
Key The Child Late spring Opal Cat S ilve r Wisdom
Flames The Lovers Early summer Moonstone U n icorn Pin k Charisma
l(n ight The Dragon Slayer Midsummer Diamond Criffon Blue Stre ngth
Eu ryale The Cardener Late summer Emerald Basilisk Creen Wisdom
Rogue Night's Edge Early autumn Jet Rat B lack Dexterity
Cem The Cenie Midautumn Blue sapphire Whale lndigo Strength
Talons The Elder Late autumn J
ade Owlbear Yellow Constitution
ester The Nilbog Early winter Pearl Coose Red Dexterity

CI{;{FTER } 3 gT€R
under the Balance, for example, might be referred Zoorlc Pneruoueua
to as shrewd or cunning, a sign of their high Intelli- d12 Effect
gence score.

I Skull. The unliving surge with renewed zeal. Un-

ZoÈti:c PnnNounNa dead in the region gain 13 (3d8) temporary hit
I points daily at dusk.
The constellations of the Sky of Many Things can
I impose powerful magical effects. These zodiac
2 Balance, Each creature in the region intuitively

I phenomena can be benign or harmful, temporary or knows the immunities, resistances, and vulnera-
permanent, isolated or far reaching. A zodiac phe- bilities of any creature it sees in the region.
nomenon might sweep over an entire planet once in 3 Sage, Emotions are muted in the region, but
a generation, or it might occur monthly in a remote minds open to new ideas. Creatures in the re-
village. The DM decides when and where zodiac gion have advantage on Charisma checks made
phenomena occur as well as their impact on the af- to improve the attitude of oiher creatures in the
fected region. regi o n.
TheZodiac Phenomena table lists effects and 4 Throne. The resolve of the law-abiding is bol-
brief encounters associated with the constellations
stered, while rebels are emboldened to pas-
of the Sky of Many Things. You can use the effect
sionately pursue their causes. Creatures in the
associated with the zodiac constellation most prom-
region are immune to the frightened condition.
inent in the game's current time of year, or you can
choose randomly by rolling on the table. The follow- 5 Key. A creature can unlock an object in this
ing are examples of events that might correspond region simply by touching it, even if the lock is
with a zodiac phenomenon: magical.

. A season changes, with a new constellation rising 6 Flames. Emotions in the region become more

to prominence. intense. Whenever a creature in the region tries

. One or more planets align inside a given to alter the attitude ofanother, a failed Cha-
constellation. risma check always results in the latter creature
. Darkness falls on a moonless night. turning hostile if it wasn't hostile already.
. The characters take a long rest. 7 Knight. Spectral knights routinely fly across the
. A character peers through an observatory's sky. Whenever the characters are outdoors and
telescope. become embroiled in combat in the region, one
. The clouds break, revealing the stars above.
or more knights descend from the sky to help
. A creature casts a divination spe11.
them, provided none of the characters is evil.
Each round on initiative count 20 (losing initia-
tive ties), the knights deal 9 (2d8) force damage
to each ofthe characters' enemies. After the
battle, the knights bow, then disappear.
8 Euryale. Natural vegetation in the region grows
poisonous thorns. A creature that enters or
ends its turn in difficult terrain caused by this
vegetation must succeed on a DC l2 Constitu-
Ÿn n\4\t** uri.,r¤'1 r'vr {eeitaq asvec:,.ailt1 tion saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison dam-
lonel'7, t'li searc'n +,V,e tk\ lor trta+ age. lf this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit
points, the creature instead has I hit point and
d\*rt vt* 4reLn 7ta,r o{ t,ur\alt': has the petrified condition until that condition
co,,.*tellat\oE. fr\ad thr{, qo w\a1t¤t
is removed by the Creater Restoration spell or
\\t.t'e i e ; rlL4i lrl +ii¤ l;rl::f,\'ct-5f , r similar magic.
tezl lt*e a'{h ho{^e with r,rq t\s+¤r. 9 Rogue. Sneaks find their efforts easier in the
region. Creatures in the region make Dexterity
(Stealth) checks with advantage.
l0 Gem. At midnight on a clear night, the stars ap-
pear to multiply tenfold, then rain down to the
ground as minuscule silver meteorites. ln all,
100 gp worth of silver falls harmlessly from the
sky, scattered throughout the region.

IO2 CH€?TER i3 i S]'AR

d12 Effect Aberrations are much more likely to appear within
6 miles of the observatory.
I Talons. Some magic is suppressed in the region.
Clear Nights. The weather around the observatory
Common magic items, cantrips, and lst-level
is always cool and calm. During the day, fog cov-
spells don't function within ihis area.
ers the area within 6 miles of the observatory,
12 Jester. Misfortune besets people in the region. making the area heavily obscured. At dusk, the fog
Whenever a Humanoid in the region makes an clears, unveiling a cloudless night sky.
ability check or an attack roll and rolls a I on the Communal Dreaming. Creatures that fall asleep
d20, it has the incapacitated condition until the within 6 miles of the observatory share the same
end of its next turn, as it is magically overcome dreamscape. While dreaming, creatures can see
with laughter. and interact with other sleeping creatures' dream
forms, but they can't harm or otherwise affect one
another's physical bodies.
OesrnvanoRrES Constellation Lines. At night, stars visible from the
Observatories are structures that help astronomers observatory are connected by faint, silver lines
and stargazers observe the cosmos. This section in- that demarcate the constellations.
cludes rules and adventure ideas the DM can use for Timeless Materials. The observatory was built to
an observatory in any campaign. withstand the test of time and buttressed with
The simplest observatories are flat platforms fortifying magic. The observatory and structures
on tall hills, sometimes with upright stone slabs within 6 miles of the observatory never erode or
with holes carved into them to aid in stargazing. A degrade from natural causes.
well-appointed observatory could boast resources
such as complex telescopes, libraries, mechanical Exeuprn Ossnnvanony
clocks, and magical divinatory aids. Map 13.1 shows an example of a midsize observa-
An observatory can serve a variety ofroles in tory. This observatory is staffed by 2d4 scholars who
adventures. Its air of occult mystery makes it an en- study the stars and provide visitors with information
ticing place to explore, and the kinds of people and and counsel. Use the mage stat block to represent
monsters attracted to an observatory-sages, eccen- these scholars, if necessary.
trics, and space travelers-make it a great location Despite their meager resources, the astronomers
for roleplaying and combat encounters. who work at this remote observatory don't charge
adventurers for most services. Instead, the scholars
OnsnnvaroRY LocerroNs
might request a favor, such as clearing out a local
For optimal stargazing, an observatory is typically monster den or collecting a rare magical ingredient
situated at a high elevation, such as a mountain from a nearby mountaintop. In return, the scholars
peak or a coastal bluff. Astronomers prize a clear, allow the characters to use the observatory as a tem-
dark sky, so many observatories are built in the wi1- porary base and grant the characters access to the
derness. Such locations are often isolated, and the observatory's amenities, as described below.
staff that work in these remote locales are famous
for eccentricities born out of extended loneliness AsrnoxourcAl CLocK
and isolation. That said, a particularly well-equipped The front door of the observatory leads into the
observatory can employ magic to cut through the building's ground floor. Suspended from the ceiling
firelight and smoke created by a nearby settlement, is a clockface ten feet across, surrounded by slowly
enable quick travel for astronomers and supply wag- turning gears. Slender metal chains descend from
ons, and communicate with far-off individuals. the gears through small holes in the floor to a sub-
terranean waterwheel. Since this observatory is on
RncroNer Eprecrs
Observatories are places ofwonder that bridge the
known world and the cosmos, so observatories and can see th
their environs are often affected by supernatural
forces. You can apply one or more regional effects to
an observatory to make the place feel otherworldly,
or you can invent a new regional effect ofyour
own. These regional effects don't affect the chal-
lenge rating of monsters encountered around the
Alien Hot Spot. The observatory is an alluring
destination for alien stargazers. Extraterrestrial

a hilltop with no access to running water, attendants PraNBm.nruu
use a Decanter of Endless Water to fil1 an elevated The domed ceiling of this windowless chamber
basin that feeds the waterwheel. As the wheel ro- is permanently enchanted to show the stars and
tates, the chains connected to it move the clock planets overhead, night or day. Four comfortable
gears, which in turn control the hands and dials on couches allow visitors (or astronomers seeking a
the clock's face. nap) to watch the stars in peace. Using a crystal
This clock can tell not just the time of day but also orb in an adjacent room, resident astronomers can
the times for sunrise and sundown, the phase of the change the illusion to simulate the view of the night
moon, and the position of the zodiac. The observa- sky from any point on the planet at any time of year.
tory charges visitors a fee to see the clock and have
a scholar interpret it for them. This is the observato- TnrrponreuoN CTRCLE
ry's primary source of income; since demand is low, Spellcasters who cast the Teleport or TEleportation
funding is a perpetual struggle. Clrcle spell can use the sigil sequence inscribed on
Adjoining chambers accommodate the obser- this permanent teleportation circle.
vatory staff. Stairs ascend from the clock room to
the library.
The massive mechanism here is a priceless ?ele-
LrsBenv scopic Transporter (described later in this chapter).
The library on the second floor of this observatory The astronomers who work at the observatory are
holds books of extraterrestrial esoterica, plus as- extremely proud of their telescope and regale any
tronomical references like star charts, almanacs, visitor with the long tale of how it was designed, fl-
and maps of Wildspace systems. Unusual items nanced, and fina11y constructed-at great cost. This
of celestial import, such as fallen meteorites and story always ends with a suggestion that visitors
flora collected from alien worlds, are also kept here should help address the observatory's perpetual fi-
for study. nancial woes with a modest donation.


L-lap EE¤ QY

,¤T AR
Tnrnscopn Tnevnr
Certain magical telescopes allow their users to not
only view the stars, but also travel among them. Of
course, as with most types of powerful technology,
the use of such a device comes with significant
risks. The following magic item is one example of a
telescope that enables interstellar travel.

Wondrous ltem, Le¤endary
This enormous telescope allows you to view distant
celestial objects, including stars, Wildspace sys-
tems, and Astral Sea phenomena like the cities of T:i
deities or the petrified husks of dead gods.
After spending t hour calibrating the telescope,
you can attempt to travel to the planet or celestial
body at which the telescope is currently pointed.

At the end of the hour, make a DC 17 Intelligence ei
(Arcana) check. On a successful check, you and rt
el' 1:

eight other willing creatures touching the telescope,

along with everything all travelers are wearing and
carrying, safely teleport to unoccupied spaces at
the intended destination. On a failed check, a mis-
hap occurs instead. The DM rolls on the Telescope
Travel Mishaps table to determine the mishap or
chooses a mishap that's good for the campaign.
? g

Telescope Tnevel MrsHlps

d5 Mishap
I The travelers appear adrift in the Astral Sea.
2 The travelers appear on a different plane of exis-
:a : 3 g :
tence, determined randomly or chosen by the DM.
3 Excess cosmic energy overloads the telescope,
causing it to explode. Each creature within 60 feet
of the telescope takes 8d6 necrotic damage. Any
Humanoid who survives this damage is trans-
formed into a different kind of creature, as if it had
been subject lo the Reincarnate spell.
4 A creature from the Astral Sea (such as a githyanki
knight) appears within 60 feet of the telescope. The
DM decides its attitude.
5 The travelers appear on a different planet or celes-
tial body in the Wildspace system nearest to their the Donjon card fr

we target destination. isked away to an extra
the Donjon Sphere, d
6 The travelers arrive at their intended destination,
dungeon drifts in the
but they each appear coated in harmless slime. m n feat. H
ady-if s
rty. rh
SO a ch
a way ho me. A
Pafty could i nstead
d use
{H,*!rrrR l4

'.'' Hrs cHAprER TNTRoDUCES Spprrp Ma.Rrer, n

11, traveling Fey marketplace that DMs can add
:: to their campaigns. Seelie Market can appear
' anywhere nature has made its mark, from for-
est glades to rocky canyons. Here, characters rub el-
bows with wondrous Fey and purchase magic items
through unusual means. The market's resident for-
tune teller, Oddlewin the nilbog. introduces a Deck
of Many Thin¤s to lowlevel adventurers.

Srnrrn Menrnr
Attentive travelers might notice a shimmering, flra-
jestic dragon soaring above the clouds. A wagon
caravan trails behind the dragon, attached to it by
a magical harness. Usually the dragon disappears
behind a cloud, taking its strange caravan with it,
and is seen no more. But sometimes the dragon
makes a gentle, spiraling descent into a forest or
another secluded area. Those who seek it out dis-
cover a bustling market where fey folk peddle fruit,
haggle over bargains, and seal sinister deals. This is
Seelie Market.
To determine how the party first learns of Seelie
Market, you can ro11 on the Seelie Market Introduc-
tions table or choose the most fitting option.

SEEITE Mlnrer lNrnooucrroNs

d6 lntroduction
1 A strange trail of toadstools leads offthe beaten
path into the nearby woods.
Pazrodine, a moonstone dragon with a peaceful
2 A pixie beckons you to follow her, promising you a
demeanor, oversees Seelie Market. A consummate
sight beyond your wildest dreams.
traveler, she is always searching for fey crossings,
3 A man stumbles from the forest. He doesn't speak, which she uses to travel between the treywild and
but his arms are full of delicious-looking fruit. the Material Plane. Moonstone dragons are detailed
4 The party hears chattering voices and the music of further in Fizban's Treasury of Dra¤ons.
panpipes coming from a secluded area. Pazrodine never stays in one place for long, and
5 ln the distance, the party sees a descending dragon she wants to see all the wonders the Feywild and
Material Plane have to offer. Curious Fey asked to
pulling a caravan of wagons.
join her caravan, and before long, she had a menag-
6 A dragon's gentle voice calls out to the characters in
erie of merchants accompanying her on her travels.
their dreams, giving them directions to the market Pazrodine came to view these Fey merchants as her
but no further details. children. Their eagerjoy helps the dragon see the
multiverse from new perspectives.

r*6 R. 74 JESTER
'' *':ilg: ."'.1,. ,,

fu4*i, r4.r: Šqqrit ir'laR{e r

Vnxnons AND CunnnNcv Fev Fnurr Errects

The market's vendors are an eclectic mix of goblins, dl0 Effect
Fey, and awakened Beasts and Plants. Vendors 1 Every l0 minutes, the creature must eat another fey
don't accept coins or other typical currency. Instead, fruit or make a DC l0 Constitution saving throw,
these merchants demand performances, answers to gaining I level of exhaustion on a failed save. Magic
riddles, favors, or other intangibles. that ends the charmed condition cures the cravings,
which otherwise end after I hour.
ExproRrNG THE Menrur 2 The creature turns a sickly green and has the poi-
The following locations appear on map 14.1. soned condition for I hour.

Fnurr Srnrrs 3 The creature can't deliberately lie for 24 hours.

4 The creature can't understand any language for the
Scattered throughout Seelie Market are stalls brim-
next 8 hours.
ming with ripe apples, apricots, grapes, mangoes,
and other delicious fruit. 5 The creature turns into a faerie dragon, as if by
Goblins native to the treywild run these stalls, aTrue Polymorph spell that has a duration of24
calling out to visitors and tugging at their clothing to ho u rs.
get their attention. The vendors explain that while a 6 Regenerative bark covers the creature's skin, grant-
piece of fruit might look ordinary, it has wondrous ing the effects of a Barkskin spell for 24 hours.
and (mostly) beneficial properties.
7 fhe creature and anything it is wearing or carrying
When a creature eats a fey fruit, ro11 on the Fey
become invisible for 24 hours. This invisibility ends
Fruit Effects table below. If you have Tasha's Caul-
early immediately after the creature attacks or casts
dron of Everythin¤,you can also use effects from the
Magic Mushroom Effects table and the Primal Fruit a spell.

Effects table. A creature affected by a fey fruit can't 8 The creature gains the benefits of a Speak with Ani-
be affected by fey fruit again for 24 hours. Ifa fey mals spell for 8 hours.
fruit isn't consumed within 24 hours of its purchase, 9 The creature gains 4d4 + 4Iemporary hit points.
its magic expires and it rots. The merchants relate
l0 The creature sprouts dragonfly-like wings, gaining a
this information to anyone who buys a fruit, always
flying speed of30 feet for I hour.
downplaying potentially negative side effects.

Ÿi{AFTER 14 l.jE¤TER
PnrcB Renn BrnÈs
Characters must give a lock of their hair to buy a

fey fruit. The goblin vendors don't specify what they

need the hair for, but they give the hair to Granny Cacophonous squawking comes from a stall marked
Goosefinger, the hag who runs the doll shop (see the by a pennant reading "Merriweather's Beautiful Bird-
Antique Dolls section), in exchange for jewelry. ies." A dryad hurries from birdcage to birdcage, feed-
ing an array of feathered friends. "Now, now, settle
CeBo CorrncroB down," she yells to an exceptionally loud parrot.

"Come one, come all!" A satyr wearing a velvet cloak

Merriweather the dryad showcases her collection
beams at you from a stand full ofcard decks. He of birds from this stand. She has owls, chickadees,
waves with a dramatic flourish, and a set of cards ap- hawks, hummingbirds, and more; thanks to spend-
pears in his hand ... or did he pull it from his sleeve) ing time in the Feywild, they all have fanciful color-
ation and sing unusual melodies. Some sit in cages,
while others hop around on open-air perches or fly
A satyr named Hugo Clovenhorn sells card decks around Merriweather.
from this stand, performing card tricks as he talks.
He might pause a conversation to pull a card from Pnrcn
behind a character's ear or to sneeze and send a Merriweather gives a character one of her birds if
flurry of cards spewing onto the table. the character serenades that bird with a song. A
Hugo stocks multiple reguiar playing card decks character who wants a particular bird can approach
featuring illustrations of treywild and Material Plane that bird and make a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal
locations the market has visited. He also might Handling) or Charisma (Performance) check. On a
have an uncommon magic card deck for sale, such successful check, they earn that bird's affection, and
as a Card Sfrarpis Decft (see chapter 6), a Deck of Merriweather gives that bird to the character. She
Wonder (see chapter 7), or a House of Cards (see will give only one bird to each character, but if char-
chapter 8). acters fail to serenade a bird, they can keep trying
with different birds until they succeed.
Hugo gives a deck of playing cards to anyone who Me:rcsueKrNc wrrH Hueo
can pull off a flawless card trick. A character at- Merriweather has always admired Hugo Cloven-
tempting to impress Hugo must perform their trick horn, but she hasn't acted on her feelings out of
and succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) concern he doesn't feel the same way. Characters
check. Each character can attempt this check once. acting on Hugo's request to get an introduction to
If the characters want to purchase a magic card Merriweather can tell she reciprocates his feelings
deck, Hugo requires one of them to beat him in by succeeding on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check,
a card game; the party gets only one try. To play and they find it easy to get her to visit him. Many
against Hugo, a character attempts three DC 15 methods might work, including conveying his inter-
checks: one Intelligence (Investigation) check, one est in meeting her, pickpocketing something of hers
Wisdom (Insight) check, and one Charisma (De- and placing it by Hugo's card stand, or fabricating a
ception) check. A character who's proficient with reason for Merriweather and Hugo to meet.
playing cards has advantage on these checks. If the
character succeeds on one or no checks, Hugo wins. STcoNpHAND TRTNKETS
t, If the character succeeds on two or more checks,
l the character wins and is rewarded with one of the
A lean dog with long, pointed ears sits in the middle
uncommon decks of magic cards listed above.
If a character loses the game, Hugo doesn't ac- ofa giant rug, surrounded by trinkets. The dog looks
cept any more challengers from the party. He does, up to you and smiles, his tongue lolling out of his
however, offer the party an alternative way to earn a mouth. "secondhand bargains," he barks. "Best deals
deck of magic cards he has in stock. He explains he arou nd l "
has always admired Merriweather the birdkeeper
(see "Rare Birds"), but he has never mustered the
courage to strike up a conversation with her. He Secondhand items and other useless trinkets lie
asks the characters to get her to come over and talk neatly arrayed across a giant rug. They belong to
to him. If the characters succeed, he gives them the Clawson Blink, a blink dog that gained the ability to
magic card deck, but if they fail, he immediately speak Common from a helpful druid long ago.
calls off the effort.


Clawson has ten items from the Trinkets table Each of Lavender's scrolls is no bigger than a hu-
of the Player's Handbook for sale. He also has 1d4 man thumb. Thanks to her minuscule handwriting,
items he markets as "today's secondhand steal," characters will need a magnifying glass to read one.
highlighting them to any visitors. You can determine They can purchase a magnifying glass from the An-
these items by rolling on or choosing from the Sec- tique Doll Emporium, and Lavender directs a char-
ondhand Steals table. acter there if an adventurer comments on her small
SecoruoxlND STEALs
d8 Secondhand Steal
Lavender takes voices as payment. A character loses
1 A pair of small, rose-tinted glasses with round
their voice for 10 minutes when they buy a 1st-leve1
scroll, t hour when they buy a 2nd-level scroll, and 1
2 A droopy potted plant in an old boot day when they buy a 3rd-level scroll; these durations
3 A rusty metal goblet shaped like a frog opening its are cumulative for characters who purchase multi-
mouth to the sky ple scrolls.
4 A wide-brimmed, palm-frond sunhat that has been
Whenever a voiceless character tries to speak or
vocalize, they burp tiny bubbles instead. Lavender
chewed on
can mimic that character's voice perfectly for the
5 A utensil shaped like a fork on one end and a spoon
duration of the effect, and she delights in doing
on the other so. A Remove Carse spell or similar magic ends
6 A thick, sun-yellowed book on seasonal agriculture this effect.
written in Halfling
7 A well-used squeaky toy in the shape ofa garden
FonruNn -Tnrr,rNc
gnome with a red hat A silver-colored tent stands near the market's center,
marked with a banner bearing a colorful jester's hat
8 A glass statuette ofa rust monster
surrounded by the words "Oddlewin's Tent of Many
Pnrcr Fortunes."
Clawson's rules are simple: a buyer can take any When the characters walk through the flaps into
item from the rug, so long as they replace it with an the tent, read or paraphrase the following text:
item of similar value. What counts as "similar va1ue"
is up to Clawson. He's a very particular dog with Warm light glows from a single lantern in this oth-
very particular tastes, and he cares about an item's erwise dark tent, illuminating canvas walls deco-
oddity or unusual story more than its usefulness.
rated with patchwork iconography of comets, keys,

Spnrr Scnorrs knights, and more.

A small goblin sits cross-legged on the ground,
wearing a blue hat and a lopsided smile. A stack of
A table bears an assortment of little jars filled with
ivory cards lies before him. "Took you long enough!"
tiny scrolls. A pixie no bigger than a human hand
the goblin says, beckoning you to sit.
sits on a cushion beside the jars, using a small quill
and inkwell to write on a scroll. She looks up at you
This goblin is Oddlewin, a fortune teller. The ivory
through horn-rimmed glasses. "Can I help youl"
deck before him is a Deck of Many Thin¤s that he
uses to read people's fates. The symbols on the
Lavender Shasphene is a studious and impatient tent's walls represent the deck's cards.
pixie merchant who se11s Spe1l Scrolls from this 1it- Oddlewin is a nilbog, a goblin possessed by a
tle table. She has five Spe11 Scrolls for sale. trickster spirit. If Oddlewin is slain, the trickster
spirit flies from the tent to possess another goblin,
Llve ru DER's SpEr-r- Scnolls who strolls back in and acts just as the old Oddlewin
Spell Level Spell Scroll did, using Oddlewin's stat block.
lst Cure Wounds, Faerie Fire
Characters who succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence
(Investigation) check notice Oddlewin casts multiple
2nd Moonbeam,ProtectionfromPoison
shadows on the ground and the walls of the tent.
3rd Antagonize-)' These shadows are of Small and Medium size, and
some have distinguishing features like horns, but
'.This spell appears in chapter 7.
their features are otherwise unclear. They seem to


move independently of Oddlewin's actions, but they FonruNn FurprnunNr
remain connected to his feet. Look for ways to incorporate the characters' for-
Oddlewin's Deck of Many Thin¤s is a nine-card tunes into your campaign. A character's shadow
set containing the Comet, Fates, Fool, Key, Knight, returns to them when the fortune comes to fruition,
Rogue, Ruin, Sage, and Throne cards. He stole letting that character know this is the moment Odd-
this deck from a riffler in the Feywild many years lewin foresaw.
ago (rifflers are presented in chapter 21). Oddlewin Here are some suggestions for fortune outcomes:
doesn't declare the number of card draws when he
Comet. If the character keeps a candle, torch,
uses the deck for fortune-telling, so the cards' magi-
lantern, or other flame or source of light in their
cal effects don't activate.
vicinity as often as possible, that light eventually il-
Pnrcr luminates a Ba¤ of Holdin¤ or another uncommon
Oddlewin will read any character's fortune if the magic item in a hidden place.
character agrees to lend him their shadow. He tells Fates. The character sees a terrible fate befall an-
the character their shadow will return to them when other person. Ideally the character witnesses this
the fortune comes true. A firm handshake with Odd- alone or is the first to see it. For example, they
lewin seals the deal. might see a villain slaying an important NPC,
a village being burned to the ground, or a cata-
For.ruNB-TnLLTNG strophic storm on the horizon.
To read a character's fortune, Oddlewin draws a sin- Fool. An innocent-looking person or creature seems
gle card from his nine-card deck and places it on the to need the characters' help but is a hungry mon-
ground in front of him. The corresponding symbols ster in disguise. This might be a hag disguised as
on the tent's canvas wal1s glow briefly. After Odd- a child, a werewolf in wolf form whimpering and
lewin speaks the card's fortune, the character feels feigning injury by the side of the road, or a group
a chill run up their spine as their shadow gains a life of zombies made to look like starving travelers by
of its own-untying itself from the character, leaping a nefarious necromancer's Seemrn¤ spell. If you're
to Oddlewin, and joining the nilbog's other shadows. rsing Mordenkainen Presenfs: Monsters of the
Oddlewin then removes that card from the deck for Multiverse, the monster might be an oblex.
any subsequent readings for the party. Key. During a long rest, the character experiences
a dream that gives them insights on their current
Fo nru ru es quest. This could be a prophecy telling them
Card Fortune where to go next, a vision of someone who can
Comet "Carry a lit flame with you at all times. You will assist the party, or a wise figure who receives and
be rewarded with wondrous treasure."
answers questions in a manner similar to the Div-
ination spell.
Fates "You are fated to witness a terrible catastrophe.
Knight. An NPC offers the party assistance at a
Take solace in knowing there is nothing you can
crucial moment. This could be a champion jump-
do to stop it." ing into combat when it looks like the characters
Fool "someone who seems helpless will call for your might fail, a noble helping the party avoid a sticky
aid. Do not trust them." situation with the law, or someone offering the
l(ey "A dream will bring answers to the questions characters a place to stay. This NPC asks for
you seek." nothing in return and, if treated fairly, might even
continue to help the party.
Knight "Someone will offer you their services in a time
Rogue. Someone from the character's past appears,
of great need. Trust them."
bent on reveflge. This could be someone from
Rogue "A foe is hunting you. They seek vengeance and the character's backstory, someone the character
shall arrive soon." wronged on a previous quest, or a relative of some-
Ruin "You will soon lose something you hold dear." one the character killed or brought to ruin. This
Sage "Cive advice freely and often. lt will save an- person might seek revenge in combat or through
other's life in the near future, earning you their
social sabotage.
Ruin. Something of value to this character that isn't
on their person is stolen by burglars or a recurring
Throne "Creat responsibility shall be thrust upon you.
villain. Alternatively, someone close to this charac-
Only you will know if you are ready." ter is kidnapped or killed.

c}{.dPT.ER i4 I JESTER
Small Fey (Coblinoid), Chaotic Neutral

Armor Class 13 (leather armor)

Hit Points 2l (6d6)
Speed 30 ft.

DEX coN INT wrs cHA

8 (-1) 14 (+2) l0 (+0) l0 (+0) 16 (+3) ls (+2)

Sage. If the character heeds this fortune and starts

Skills Performance +4, Stealth +6
giving out unsolicited advice, that advice eventu- Condition lmmunities charmed
ally saves someone's life, either by keeping that Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
person from venturing into harm's way or by warn- Languages Common, Coblin, Sylvan
ing them against a disastrous financial decision. Challenge 2 (450 XPi Proficiency Bonus +2
That person then helps the character in gratitude.
Fottune Teller. Oddlewin can cast lhe Augury spell as a ritual,
Throne. The character is given a leadership posi-
using cards as the material component.
tion on the council of a village, a guild, or an orga-
nization. Alternatively, a young creature-such as Nilbogism. Any creature that attempts to damage Oddlewin
must first succeed on a DC l2 Charisma saving throw or have
an owlbear cub or a griffon hatchling-is left in the
the charmed condition until the end ofthe creature's next turn
character's care after the death ofits parent. The creature must use its action praising Oddlewin.
Oddlewin can't regain hit points, including through magical
DnewrNc FRoM THE DECK healing, except through his Reversal of Fortune reaction.
Though Oddlewin doesn't offer this option un-
prompted, a character can cajole Oddlewin to let AcrroNs
them declare a card draw from his Decft of Many Fool's Scepter. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Thin¤s and pull a card from the deck. Oddlewin se- target. Hit:5 (ld6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
cretly enjoys seeing the chaos creatures bring about Cloud of Cards, Oddlewin conjures magical cards that slash
by drawing from the deck. He allows each character at the air in a 5-foot cube within 60 feet of Oddlewin until the
to draw one card. start of Oddlewin's next turn. A creature that starts its turn
If you'd like to make the party work harder for in the cube or that enters that area for the first time on a turn
their card draw, Oddlewin can ask them to find Mus- takes l0 (4d4) slashing damage.
tardseed, a rambunctious young sprite who recently Spellcasting. Oddlewin casts one of the following spells, using
ran away from Seelie Market. If the characters Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 12):
find Mustardseed and bring him back, Oddlewin Atwill Mage Hand, Tasha's Hideous Laugh|er
will let each of them draw a card from his Deck of
Many Thin¤s. Borrtus Acrrorus
Mustardseed has wandered through a nearby Nimble Escape, Oddlewin takes the Disengage or Hide action
fey crossing into the Feywild, but the details of his
predicament are up to you. Once the characters find
= and follow his trail, they might discover he's been Reversal ofFortune. ln response to another creature dealing
damage to Oddlewin, Oddlewin reduces the damage to 0 and
captured by ettercaps or fomorians.
,j regains 9 (2d8) hit points.

When Seelie Market lands, its vendors gather
rocks, leaves, and sticks to make an enormous
Shelves of antique dolls stand in the shade of a sickly nest for Pazrodine. (See the "Pazrodine" section at
green awning. Hunched over a small worktable is a the beginning of this chapter for more information
wizened woman with warts, bedraggled gray hair, about the dragon.) She rests here while the mar-
and sallow, green skin. She hums a haunting tune to ket operates.
hersell peering through a magnifying glass to paint a Pazrodine senses when theft occurs in Seelie
Market. She makes her way to the perpetrators
tiny pair of lips on a half-finished porcelain doll'
and neutralizes the situation nonviolently, usually
by using her Dream Breath. Once troublemakers
Granny Goosefinger, a green hag, makes and sells come to, Pazrodine politely but firmly asks them to
rlolls here. Some dolls are made of porcelain, others leave the market. Those who object are flown out in
of cloth. All have round, beady eyes and perfectly her clutches.
painted smiles. Granny Goosefinger also has three If anyone comes to visit Pazrodine at her refuge,
magnifying glasses, one spyglass, and ten mir- she greets them and happily answers their ques-
rors for sale. tions about the market. The dragon has a soothing
If any characters gave their hair to a merchant at voice and demeanor.
the market's fruit stands. the party might see their
hair already glued atop the heads of some of the Lern AcrIoNs
dolls, perhaps crafted in the characters' own like- The entire Seelie Market is Pazrodine's lair. Pazro-
nesses; Granny Goosefinger works fast. Though she dine's challenge rating is 22 (41,000 XP) when she's
puts most of the hair the goblins give her toward encountered in Seelie Market.
decorating the dolls, she saves a bit for Scryin¤ On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties) while
spells or evil hag magic. in her lair, Pazrodine can take one of the following
Granny Goosefinger refers to the characters in lair actions; she can't take the same lair action two
cloying terms like "dearie" or "my sweets." There's a rounds in a row:
calm, collected wickedness behind her smile. Banish into Dream. Pazrodine targets a creature
she can see within 120 feet of herself and at-
tempts to send that creature to a dream p1ane. The
A character who wishes to buy a doll or a glass
target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
object must trade Granny Goosefinger three days'
throw or be banished to a harmless demiplane
worth of good dreams. She seals this bargain by
until initiative count 20 on the next round. While
having the character prick their finger with one of
there, the target has the stunned condition. When
her sewing needles.
the effect ends, the target reappears in the space it
A character who pays this price is plagued with
left or in the nearest unoccupied space.
nightmares of haunted dol1s for 3 days. Every time
Overwhelm the Senses. Pazrodine targets up to
the character finishes a long rest during that period,
three creatures she can see within 30 feet of her-
they must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On
self. The sounds, sights, and scents of the market
a failed saving throw, the rest restores none of the
intensify for these creatures, overwhelming them
character's Hit Dice. A Remove Curse spell or simi-
with bright colors, echoey chatters, and sweet
lar magic ends this effect.
smells. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Wis-
dom saving throw or have the incapacitated condi-
tion until the end of its next turn.
Whirlwind of Fruit. Fey fruit flies out from
a loVe ?^?'.tbši\yat S'ne aql :f. att nearby carts, creating a whirlwind of fruit in a
k)t1ls6/, sprrits, irt *he Ves+ o{ wau\s" 10-foot-radius, 30-foot-high cylinder centered on
a point within 60 feet of Pazrodine until initiative
Or\( ?at',,at ra{ol\ ar0i5,\Ÿi\'? r Paq count 20 on the next round. When a creature en-
'as a.'t\sit wh.tieve r a ,avi. ters the whirlwind's area for the first time on its
turn or starts its turn there, it must make a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw taking 11 (2d10) blud-
geoning damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one.

c1{A}TEli 14 i .jE3rr.Ii.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 20 ft., one tar-
PeznoprNn get. Hit: l0 (ld8 + 6) bludgeoning damage. lf the target is a
C a r ga nlu n D ra go n (M nst e), La wfu I N e ut I
) a oo o n ra
creature, it must succeed on a DC 21 Strength saving throw or
have the prone condition.
Armor Class 20 (natural armor)
Hit Points 330 (20d20 + Breoth Weapon (Recharge 5-6). Pazrodine uses one ofthe fol-
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. lowing breath weapons:
Dream Breath. Pazrodine exhales mist in a 90-foot cone. Each
creature in that area must succeed on a DC 2l Constitu-
22 (+6) l8 (+a) 23 (+5) 20 (+5) 22l+6) 25 (+8)
tion saving throw or have the unconscious condition for l0
minutes. This effect ends for a creature ifthe creature takes
Saving Throws lnt +.l2, Wis +.l3, Cha +.l5
damage or someone uses an action to wake it.
Skills Perception +13, Persuasion +15, Stealth +ll
Moonlight Breath. Pazrodine exhales a beam of moonlight
Condition lmmunities charmed .l20-foot
,l20 in a line that is l0 feet wide. Each creature in that
Senses truesight ft., passive Perception 23
area must make a DC 2i Dexterity saving throw, taking
Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
60 (lldl0) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much
Challenge 2l (33,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
damage on a successful one. l

Guardion of the Morket. Pazrodine can sense when an item is Spellcasting. Pazrodine casts one ofthe following spells, re-
stolen from Seelie Market. She knows the distance and direc- quiring no material components and using Charisma as the
tion to stolen items, as if by the Locate Object spell. spellcasting ability (spell save DC 23):

Legendary Resistance (3/Doy). lf Pazrodine fails a saving throw, ALwill: Faerie Fire
she can choose to succeed instead.
2lday each: Calm Emotions, Dispel Magic, lnvisibility
1/day each: Mass Cure Wounds, Revivify
LpcEN DARY AcrroNs
Multiattack, Pazrodine makes one Bite attack and two
Pazrodine can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Claw attacks.
options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
Bite, Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach l5 ft., one tar- and only at the end ofanother creature's turn. Pazrodine re-
gel. Hit:17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) radi- gains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
ant damage.
Tail. Pazrodine makes one Tail attack.
Claw. MeleeWeapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach l0 ft., one tar- Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Pazrodine uses Spellcasting.
get. Hit:13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage.

CHAPTE]1 1.1, iJESTER I i.)

{"H,cilTril. l5


! card from a Deck of Many 71un¤s gains
ownership of a keep. But how big is the
keep, and what are its defenses and lay-
out? What lives in the keep now, and what must the
characters do to secure it? This chapter, intended for
DMs, presents Harrowhall, a castle plagued by an
evil necromancer, as an example of such a keep. The
Throne card doesn't need to appear in your game
for Harrowhall to be useful; exploring the haunted
castle makes an excellent single-session adventure,
especially for characters in need of a place to recu-
perate between adventures.

A character who draws the Throne card from a
Deck of Many Thin¤s has a fleeting vision of a keep

surrounded by a dry moat. Fog swirls across the

grounds, and the castle appears abandoned by its
; owners. Instead of courtiers and guards, spectral
figures appear behind narrow windows, and a huge
serpentine creature slithers through its courtyard.
Nevertheless, the stone walls are tall and undam-
aged, and an astronomical observatory boasting
several telescopes surmounts the second floor of
the inner structure. Harrowhall would make a fine
stronghold for a group of adventurers, but it won't be
easy to claim. plenty of incentive for altruistic heroes to explore
Place Harrowhall in a location appealing to the the site and put an end to the schemes of a ghostly
characters but also useful to your ongoing cam- necromancer, but if the characters have been talking
paign. For example, the keep might be near a big about building a headquarters, they can drive off
city the characters like to visit, but also close to a the ghosts that haunt Harrowhall and claim it for
crossroads that ensures travelers could appear at their own.
the castle's gate at any time. The keep might have
always been in this location, avoided by locals HnnnowHALL s Sronv
Years ago, awizard named Gremorly drew the
Throne card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s, gaining
ownership of a small castle called Sovereign's Keep.
Gremorly was a necromancer and misanthrope
who had little patience for the living; he resolved to
use the keep to create and house a ghostly army he
would use to seize power. Gremorly performed a
ritual that turned Sovereign Keep into a ghost trap:
anyone who dies within the castle walls rises as an
incorporeal spirit, trapped within the castle. Then,
he waited. When adventurers came to investigate

the seemingly abandoned keep, Gremorly murdered Gremorly is trying to break his ritual with a new
them and trapped their ghosts. But fortune recently one that takes 3 hours to complete. The other
turned against Gremorly when a behir entered the ghosts know his plan and inform the characters of
keep seeking a nest. It slew Gremorly, who became it. If the characters can't free the spirits in 3 hours,
a victim of his own ritual. the new ritual fails disastrously, causing the entire
Gremorly is now one of the many ghosts that castle to collapse.
haunt the keep. Locals have renamed the keep Har- More Behirs. The behir has attracted a mate to its
rowhall, as they dread the spectral figures moving nest. Alternatively, you can supplement the behir
through the fog there and the fierce lightning storms with its spawn: less powerful versions of the crea-
that erupt without warning. (The behir is the source ture that are Large instead of Huge.
of this lightning, but the locals don't know that.) More Actions for Gremody. Give Gremorly legend-
ary actions and lair actions.
AoyusrrNc FoR Penrv Lnvnr
Harrowhall is designed to be a challenge for four ExproRrNG HeBnowHALL
8th-1eve1 characters who explore the keep in a sin- Keep the following information in mind while the
gle session. Decrease the challenge for characters characters explore the haunted keep.
lower than Sth level. Conversely, increase the chal-
lenge for groups with more than four characters, GHosr Tnep
with characters higher than 8th level, or that revisit Gremorly's ritual forces any Humanoid who dies
the keep over multiple sessions. within the keep to return as a ghost that's unable
DrcnnesrNG THE CnarruNcn to pass beyond the keep's walls. The ritual can be
broken by disassembling, moving, or destroying all
If Harrowhall is too challenging for your group, but
you want the characters to have a keep, you can use
three ritual rods, which the necromancer placed in
the armory (area 3), the kitchen (area 7), and the ob-
these strategies to decrease the diffrculty:
servatory (area 15). Each rod is protected by a Glyph
Temporary Hit Points. When the characters agree of Wardin¤. Once the ghost trap is broken, all the
to aid a group of ghosts, those ghosts grant each ghosts in the keep can leave except Gremorly, who
character 1d4 + 19 temporary hit points, in a remains to haunt the observatory.
manner similar to a 4th-1eve1 casting of the False
Z/e spell. SrnE Erpncrs
Fewer Monsters. Reduce the number of shadow When the characters first arrive at Harrowhall, a
demons and phase spiders in the keep, using the thick and unsettling fog covers the grounds and
rules for encounter building inthe Dun¤eon Mas- many of the castle's rooms. The fog is a side effect of
ter's Guide to create an appropriate challenge. the ritual. As long as Gremody's ritual remains in ef-
Weaker Construct. The stone golem in area 4 can fect, the keep remains cold, foggy, and inhospitable.
be replaced with a clay golem, a shield guardian,
TneppBn Guosrs
or another weaker Construct.
Three groups of adventurers who dared to explore
Ghostly Allies. When the characters battle the be-
hir, their ghostly allies harry and distract the crea-
Harrowhall were killed by Gremorly and are now
trapped in the keep. Fate's Devout are in the dining
ture, giving it disadvantage on attack rolls and giv-
ing the characters advantage on their attack rolls.
hall (area 6), the Spellseekers are in the eastern
Gremody at Rest. If the characters end Gremorly's bedrooms (area 10), and the Gloved Hand are in the
ghost trap ritual, he immediately departs for his crypt (area 14). Each group can be customized to fit
your campaign; for example, Fate's Devout might
eternal rest, along with most of the other ghosts.
serve a prominent deity of fate in your setting, the
INcnpesrNG THE CnerrrNcn Spellseekers might be Red Wizards of Thay, and the
If Harrowhall isn't sufficiently challenging for your Gloved Hand might be Harpers.
group, here are ways to make it more diffrcult: The ghosts all hide from Gremorly. Although
they know of the necromancer and the presence of
Deadly Gloom. The keep's ghostly gloom affects
other ghosts, they have forgotten most of what they
the characters as they explore. Characters in the
knew in life, recalling little beyond the mission that
keep have disadvantage on death saving throws,
brought them to the keep. The ghosts aren't hostile
and all forms of healing (including finishing short
and act as allies to characters willing to help them.
and long rests) restore only half as many hit
Destroying the ghosts is diffrcult, as they remain on
points as usual.
the Border Ethereal and can't affect-or be affected
Countdown. Introduce a countdown to keep the
by anything on the Material Plane The ghosts de-
characters from taking too many short rests.
fend themselves the characters attack them.

cHAP-r'Ep- 15 I 'i'l{RCi\t¤
Bnnrn HannowHALL LocerroNs
A behir has made its nest in the keep's watchtower Harrowhall has held up well in the centuries since
(area2), but the monster hunts throughout the keep. its creation, apart from a few missing stones and
Characters might spot it at any time, and it might shattered windows due to recent neglect.
test their strength in a brief encounter before re- The following areas in Harrowhall are keyed
treating to attack again later. Ifthe characters take to map 15.1.
their time and the adventure needs more excite-
ment, the behir could attack and fight to the death.
The behir knows the corridors of the keep so well A 30-foothigh wall borders Harrowhall, surrounded
that it can move through a 10-foot-wide space, as by a 20-foot-wide, 1S-foordeep, dry moat. The draw-
well as any door in the keep, without squeezing. bridge is down, and the portcullis is up. Read or
paraphrase the following if the characters get close
HennowHALL Fnerunrs enough to see into the moat:
Unless otherwise stated, Harrowhall has the follow-
ing features: The bottom of the dry moat is littered with bones as
well as complete skeletons, many still wearing rusted
Ceilings. Rooms in the keep have 10-foot ceilings.
Light. Most rooms in the keep have windows, so armor or tattered robes.
they are brightly lit during the day and dimly lit at
night. Torches are mounted along the keep's inte- Gremorly dumped the corpses of those he killed
rior walls, but they aren't 1it. into the moat. A character who examines these
Scrying Barrier. Before putting his necromantic remains and succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Percep-
plans in motion, Gremody placed runes around
tion) check notices some skeletons have matching
the keep's outer walls that block certain kinds of emblems on their clothing or gear, perhaps indicat-
divination magic. Creatures outside the keep's ing the bearers belonged to the same organization.
exterior walls can't scry into the keep. However, Ifyou have decided the dead adventurers belonged
creatures inside the keep can scry inside it or be-
to well-known organizations iike the Harpers or Red
yond the walls. This effect lingers even if Gremor-
Wizards of Thay, the symbols of those groups can
ly's ritual ghost trap is dismantled.
be found among the corpses. I

Treasure. Gremorly left treasure on the bodies cantrip. Knocking the rod over by throwing an ob-
of his victims to lure more people into the castle. ject at it triggers the explosive runes.
Searching the corpses uncovers 750 gp, 50 pp, and
a jeweled ring worth 250 gp. 4, Countveno
Crossin¤ the Moat. The characters can use the This open-air courtyard connects the keep's en-
drawbridge to cross the moat. They can instead trance to various other buildings on the grounds.
clamber through the moat with more time and ef- SfaŠIes. These stables contain saddles and other
fort. No check is required, but it's a grisly detour, equipment hanging on the walls, but no animals; the
and the moat is difficult terrain. behir ate Gremorly's horse.
Portcullis. The portcullis is up, and nothing pre- Statue. A Large statue of Istus, a god of fate and
vents entry to the keep. The mechanism to lower the creator of the first Deck of Many Thin¤s, stands
the portcullis is in area 2. Were the portcullis to be in the center of the courtyard. She's depicted as a
dropped, lifting it manually would require a success- solemn-faced woman holding a spread of cards.
ful DC 22 Strength (Athletics) check. The statue is a stone golem intended to protect
Scalin¤ the Walls. The castle's walls are high the keep for its rightful owners who might be the
and difficult to climb. Creatures trying to climb the characters, thanks to the magic of the Deck of Many
walls must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) Thin¤s. But Gremorly's ghostly presence has con-
check or fall. fused the golem, and it doesn't recognize the charac-
ters as the keep's new owners. If the characters ap-
2,'WercnrowER proach the golem, it frees itself from its plinth with
Any furniture that once stood in this room has been a deep cracking sound and attacks until destroyed.
ground to splinters by the behir that has claimed Ho'uvever. if the characters destroy Gremorly's ghost
this tower as its nest. The behir isn't here when the and this golem is sti1l intact, it becomes their ally
characters enter the keep; it prowls the keep, look- and defends this courtyard on their behalf.
ing for a fresh meal.
Stairs ascend 30 feet to a second floor that is even 5, Cnvpr ENrneNcE
with the keep's battlements. This upper room is This room is mostly empty. One outer wall has a
filled with levers and pulleys that control the draw- stained-glass window. Stairs lead to the crypt below
bridge and portcullis mechanisms. A creature can If the characters haven't encountered the Gloved
use an action to raise or lower the drawbridge or the Hand (area 14) yet, they hear the faint echo of an ar-
portcullis in area 1. gument coming from below.

3, Anvronv 6, DrNruc Herr

This room is fi1led with shortswords, crossbows, Read or paraphrase the following when the charac-
shields, and maces placed here by the folk who ters reach this room:
owned the keep before Gremorly.
Ritual Rod. Set into a metal tripod in the center A long, oaken dining table spans this room, and an
of the room is a 3-foot-long metal rod decorated with empty fireplace sits in one corner. Cobwebs stretch
runes and glowing with necromantic magic. The
across the room's large window. Floating above the
entire assembly weighs 8 pounds. This is one of
dining table are the ghostly figures of ihree dwarves:
three rods Gremorly set up to turn Harrowhall into
a ghost trap. If the rod is removed from its tripod or one wearing vestments and two in sturdy armor. They
destroyed, the necromantic energy fades and the rod murmur to each other in somber tones.
becomes nonmagical. The rod and tripod assembly
has AC 19, 5 hit points, and immunity to poison and
In life, the three ghosts were an adventuring party
psychic damage.
known as Fate's Devout. Wielding divine magic,
The rod is protected with a Glyph of Wardin¤; if
they traveled across the realm to carry out Istus's
anyone comes within 5 feet of the rod or anything
will. They came to this keep because they heard it
touches it, explosive runes on the rod fill the room
was holy to Istus, but Gremorly killed them.
with acid. All creatures in the room must make
The ghosts are alarmed by the unholy magic gath-
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d8 acid
ering in the keep's chapel (area 11), a side effect of
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Gremorly's ghost trap ritual being unsupervised for
on a successful one. Once the glyph has gone off, or
so long. They want to purify the chapel and escape
if it is dispelled, the ritual rod can be safely moved,
the keep, but they're afraid of Gremorly. When the
destroyed, or disassembled. The glyph doesn't acti-
z characters arrive, the ghosts are debating their
z vate if the rod is moved without anyone touching it
next course of action, which is made diff,cult by the
or approaching it, such as by using the Ma¤e

fact that the ghosts remember only the most recent Gremorly gloats over attuning himself to a Staff of
events clearly. Witherin¤.
The leader of Fate's Devout is Moira Stonehearth, A food bowl on the floor is inscribed with Gus's
who was a priest in life. The other members are name. In addition, a Potion of Growth has rolled un-
Gunter Granitefist and Ragar Onyx. When the three der the bed.
notice the characters, Moira asks for aid. She tries
to be warm and friendly, but her imprisonment in
9, THnoNr Roorra AND SrUDY
Huge stained-glass windows grace the wal1s of this
Harrowhall has damaged her memory. She ex-
plains that none of the ghosts can escape the keep room. Its vaulted ceiling is 20 feet tal1. Thrones,
each inscribed with a character's name, sit at the far
or pass on due to a ritual performed by a powerful
end of the room in a semicircle. A small room to the
necromancer who lives here. Moira doesn't know
west is for private meetings and is furnished with a
Gremorly's name or that he is dead. She knows the
couch, chairs, and cabinets.
keep holds other ghosts but knows nothing else
Two helmed horors-one in the southeast cor-
about them.
ner and one in the southwest-stand guard in the
Moira asks the characters to go with her and her
companions to the chapel and defend them from the throne room. While motionless, they look like ordi-
nary suits of armor, but when the characters enter
evil magic there while they attempt to reconsecrate
the room, the horrors animate and attack. Like the
it. She hopes reconsecrating the chapel to Istus will
golem in the courtyard, these constructs guard the
break the ritual and allow the ghosts to move on, but
keep on behalf of its rightful owners but the pres-
it won't. Moira can teach the consecration ritual to
ence of Gremorly's spirit confuses them. If the char-
anyone who speaks Dwarvish. but she offers only if
acters defeat Gremorly and these helmed horrors
asked. Teaching the ritual takes an hour. See area
have not yet been destroyed, they become allies to
11 for more on performing the consecration ritual.
the characters and defend this room on their behalf.
These dwarves know the location of the chapel
(area 11) and can lead the characters there ifthe Treasure. If a character drew the Throne card
characters agree to help. Otherwise, the ghosts from a Deck of Many Thin¤s, a golden circlet rests
won't leave the dining hal1. on that character's throne. This circlet has the pow-
ers of a Helm of Telepathy. Orre of the cabinets in
7' KrrcneN AND PeNrBv the study includes twelve bottles of rare wine, each
This room has several ovens and cupboards full worth 25 Cp.
of old pots, pans, and utensils. A pantry at one end
holds rotted supplies.
10' EesrnnN BEDRooMS
Ritual Rod. A second ritual rod, identical to the Read or paraphrase the following when a character
one in the armory (area 3), stands in the center of opens the door to one of the bedrooms:
the kitchen. This rod is also protected by a Glyph of
Wardin¤, but if triggered, the explosive runes deal A sparse bedroom contains a bed with a moth-eaten
cold damage instead of acid damage. blanket and a side table. Levitating a few inches off
Treasure. Acharacterwho succeeds on a DC 15 the bed is a cross-legged ghost wearing light robes,
Wisdom (Perception) check or spends half an hour
seemingly meditating. The ghost's eyes snaP open.
searching the pantry finds an AlchemyJu¤ among a
"We have visitors," the ghost calls out. "And they
few bags of spoiled flour on the floor.
are alive." Before long, five other ghosts pass through
8,'WnsrnnN BEDRooMS the walls of the room, dressed in similar attire. They
These bedrooms are mostly empty, save for bedside look at you curiously.
tables and musty beds. The sole inhabitant of these
rooms is Gus, Gremorly's old black cat, who was
killed by the behir and now is a Tiny ghost. Gus is In life, the six ghosts were a group of traveling
friendly to anyone who offers him food, even if he scholars called the Spellseekers. Two of the Spell-
can't eat it, and he follows the characters as they seekers were human, one was a dwarf, one was an
explore the keep, meowing whenever doing so won't elf, and two were dragonborn. Their leader, a drag-
alert an enemy. (Gus might be old, but he stiil knows onborn ghost named Patrin Umbyrphrax, calmly
how to hunt.) asks the characters what brings them to the keep.
Treasure. Gremorly slept in the southernmost Patrin explains that he and his colleagues sought
bedroom. A diary on the bedside table details his life a book called Explorin¤ Arcanum, known to be in
and wicked agenda. Several references to a book ti- the possession of a necromancer named Gremorly.
tled Explorin¤ Arcanum make it clear the ghost trap Rather than granting their request and letting them
ritual can be found in that book. In one passage, read the book, Gremorly killed them and trapped

C-l{€PTER 15 I THRŸ1}-I
¤rconn Froon

Gnouxo froon -.,,'1



foiar: :5.: ; i1n*a*wxail

them as ghosts with a ritual. Patrin remembers Shadows fill the corners of the room; a light source
little-his memory is fading due to his Undead sta- that usually provides bright light provides only dim
tus-but he is certain the details of the ghost trap light within the chapel, and a light source that nor-
ritual could be found in Explorin¤ Arcanum, which mally provides dim light is useless.
he last saw in the keep's library. The Spellseekers Reconsecratin¤ the Altaa The corruption of this
don't know any other details of the ghost trap ritual, chapel persists even if Gremorly's ritual is broken.
nor do they know that Gremorly is dead. But the members of Fate's Devout-the ghostly ad-
Patrin knows where the library is and offers to venturers in the dining hall (area 6)-know a ritual
guide the characters to it. He warns them it's home to purify the place. They tried it once but were at-
to a nest of phase spiders, which travel the Ethereal tacked by "unholy beings" and fled. If the characters
Plane and can destroy ghosts. Patrin te1ls the char- bring Fate's Devout back to the chapel, they'll try
acters that if they defeat the phase spiders, they can this ritual again, asking the characters to protect
get the book and use it to break Gremorly's ritual, them from harm.
releasing the ghosts trapped in Harrowhall. The three ghosts gather around the altar, chant-
ing an ancient prayer in Dwarvish. They must
11, CnepEr stay on the Material Plane for the duration of the
This chapel is dedicated to Istus, the god of fate who ritual. Shortly after the ghosts begin praying, three
created the first Deck of Many Thin¤s. Gremorly's shadow demons seep from the corners of the
ghost trap ritual has persisted so long without his room. The demons attack the ghosts, but a demon
supervision that necromantic energies have begun that's attacked by a character shifts its focus to that
to gather in the chapel, corrupting it. character. When two shadow demons are killed, the
A statue of Istus, surrounded by a web of multicol- remaining one flees. After 3 rounds, if all the ritual's
ored threads, stands behind an altar in the southern participants are still chanting, the ritual succeeds,
part of the room. The altar emits a pulsating dark and the necromancy suffusing the chapel vanishes.
haze; anyone who touches the altar takes 17 (5d6) If a ghost is reduced to 0 hit points, a character
necrotic damage and must succeed on a DC 15 Con- trained in the ritual can replace the fallen ghost, but
stitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. the character must stand adjacent to the altar and

use their action each round for the remainder of These are the ghosts of the Gloved Hand, profes-
the ritual to chant the necessary incantations. If the sional thieves who tried to rob Gremorly's keep. The
ritual fails, surviving members of Fate's Devout can necromancer killed them, and they've been arguing
try again, but they might need further help from the over who is to blame ever since. They're not sure
characters, as three participants are required. how long it has been, as they can barely remember
anything before they arrived at the keep. Their only
12, BercoNv solace has been watching the behir kill Gremorly.
This balcony overlooks the keep's rear courtyard. If They know his ghost is trapped here, too.
the characters have not yet encountered the behir, The ghosts initially ignore the characters, but they
it is lurking between the kitchen and throne room notice if the characters take dramatic action to gain
when they emerge. Characters must succeed on a their attention. Kilea Ondren, the ghost of the tief-
DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check to avoid being ling woman who led the Gloved Hand, explains the
surprised by the behir when it attacks. The behir group's predicament. (Her subordinates blame each
fights to the death, defending its hunting grounds. other for their deaths, and they interrupt constantly.)
The members of the Gloved Hand know nothing
13' Lrsnanv
about the ghost trap ritual and have no advice about
Three phase spiders lair in this room and attack
how they might be freed. The ghosts know that Gre-
any creature that enters.
morly mostly kept to the observatory before he was
This spiderweb-covered library contains hun-
eaten by the behir, and that's where his ghost can
dreds of books in genres ranging from history and
probably be found.
religion to speculative fiction. Gremorly added his
impressive personal collection to the library, includ- 15, Ossnnveronv
ing many rare tomes on necromancy, but most of This room has a domed glass ceiling and contains
the books were here when he arrived. The patches three large standing telescopes, each covered in
of webbing on the floor are difEcult terrain. These dust. A large, round table in the middle of the room
webs burn up instantly when touched by flame. but bears old, faded maps that depict the Sky of Many
flames could also set the library on fire. Things (see chapter 13). A staff leans against the
Explorin¤ Arcaflum. Once the characters deal table, and a book lies atop it (see the "Treasure" sec-
with the phase spiders, they-or the Spellseekers tion below).
from area 10-can search for Explorin¤ Arcanum. Ritual Rod. A third ritual rod, identical to the one
a book from Gremorly's collection that includes the in the armory (see area 3), stands in the northwest
ritual he used to make his ghost trap. Characters corner of the room. This rod is also protected by
can find the tome with 10 minutes of careful search- a Glyph of Wardin¤, but if triggered, the explosive
ing. The book explains how the ritual rods must be runes deal fire damage instead of acid damage.
placed and how to safely move them; any character Gremody's ghost (see the accompanying stat
who reads this ritual can move or dismantle the rit- block) haunts the observatory. He appears as a
ua1 rods without triggering their Glyphs of Wardin¤. translucent human figure wearing trousers, shoes,
a long coat with wide sleeves, and a wizard's hat.
14' Cnvpr
He has a long beard and bushy eyebrows, and he
Three ghosts bicker in this small crypt. Read or
carries a ghostly staff. Gremorly has forgotten the
paraphrase the following when the characters enter
circumstances of his death and goes about his busi-
the crypt:
ness as if he were stil1 alive. He moves from one
telescope to another, occasionally consulting the
Angry shouts echo through this subterranean room. astronomical charts on the table or checking the rit-
Two ghosts dressed in matching black outfits pace in ual rod. He doesn't notice the characters unless they
the air, pointing at each other. The human ghost says, interact with him or the ritual rod. If the characters
"You were supposed to stab him in the back while I
draw his attention, he snickers with glee. "More fod-
der for my ghost army," he says, raising his staff. "I
distracted him!"
hope you've made peace with your gods." Gremorly
"Well, it's not so easy to stab someone when you're
fights until he is destroyed.
being eaten by zombies!" retorts the halfling ghost. Treasure. The staff Gremorly holds is a spectral
A tiefling ghost holds its severed head in its hands. reflection of his real Statr of Witherrn¤, which leans
"The only thing worse than being dead," it says against the table. Gremorly's spellbook lies on the
wearily, "is being dead with the two of you." table with the maps. It contains numerous spells,
about half of which are necromancy spells, includ-
ing al1the spells in his stat block.

Fl€ PT']iR
be its steward so he can protect it and share its
EsceprNG THE Gnosr TneP knowledge with others.
When all three ritual rods are dismantled or de- Gus. If any of the characters showed the ghost cat
stroyed, the ritual that traps the ghosts in Harrow- any affection, Gus remains in the keep. He uses
hall ends. The thick fog that surrounds the keep his Horrifying Visage ability to scare rodents and
lifts, and the ghosts can depart' A few might offer other pests to death, eating their ghosts and de-
to remain, depending on their interactions with the positing their physical remains on a character's
characters: pil1ow He refuses to venture beyond the keep's
grounds, but-between naps-defends the keep
Kilea Ondren. Kilea's subordinates continue
squabbling as they fade into the afterlife, but Kilea against all intruders.
remains. She says she sees promise in the keep *t¤a,i:5Ši:-.*:r:f'r.r:
r':_:r:-iiiiirl_ 'r+:l':r:- i!':;{rl

and the characters, and she wants to help rebuild

and protect the place. Kilea offers to serve as the
keep's groundskeeper and protector, lingering es- h\nost cats are )t^5+ at s\ueL"f,
pecially in the cryPt. w\\tc\4\(vbtt\t, and plarl{ul its t\neir
Moira Stonehearth. If the chapel hasn't been re- liV\vtq U>,avt?erp{^{+t. Yt',rt1Ale a',nd A
consecrated, Moira stays to teach the characters
the ritual to end the corruption there. Either way, alwotl' adoYtr-fi one, v u* \,nt teP*
she wants to ensure the chapel never falls into the trY\'t'c1 *o |f,u.nt turYale'S ka\r.
wrong hands again, and she offers to safeguard it
and act as the keep's resident priest.
Patrin Umbyrphrax. Most of the Spellseekers
move into the afterlife, but Patrin remains. He's
amazed at the library's collection and asks to

Fell Necromancy. Cremorly targets one creature he can see

, GntrMoRLY's Grrost within 50 feet of himself. The target must make a DC l6 Con-
: Medium tJndead, Neutral Evil
stitution saving throw, taking 61 (7d8 + 30) necrotic damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. ln F."
Armor Class l2
addition, Cremorly regains 9 (2d8) hit points. sJ',.
Hit Points 82 ('i5d8 + l5)
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hoveQ Possession (Recharge 6). One Humanoid Cremorly can see
within 5 feet of himself must succeed on a DC l5 Charisma sav-
STR DEX coN INT wls cHA ing throw or be possessed by him; Cremorly disappears, and
7 (-2) 1a (2) l2 (+l) 18 (+a) 12 (+l) i7 (+3) the target has the incapacitated condition and loses control
of its body. Cremorly can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or
Saving Throws lnt +8, Wis +5 oiher effect, excePt ones that turn Undead, and he retains his
Skills Arcana +8, HistorY +8 alignment, lntelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, the charmed and frightened conditions' He otherwise uses the
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks target's game statistics, but Cremorly doesn't gain access to
Damage lmmunities cold, necrotic, poison the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.
r;-: Condition lmmunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, The possession lasts until the target drops to 0 hit points,
,.'":,t grappled, paralyzed, petrifi ed, poisoned, prone, restrained Cremorly ends it as a bonus action, or Cremorly is turned or
..:,; ' Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception l1 forced out by an effect likethe Dispel Evil and 6ood spell. When
'": :. Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Ciant the possession ends, Cremorly reappears in an unoccupied
' Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 space within 5 feet of the target. The target is immune to this
Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw
Ethereal Sight. Cremorly can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane or after the possession ends.
when he is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.
Spellcasting. Cremorly casts one of the following spells, using
lncorporeal Movement. Cremorly can move through other lntelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15):
. creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. He takes 5
Atwill Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
, (ldlO) force damage if he ends his turn inside an object.
2lday each: Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic
Legendary Resistance (3/Day),lf Cremorly fails a saving throw, l lday Slow
he can choose to succeed instead.
Boruus Acrtorus
AcrroNs Ethereal Step (Rechorge 4-6). Cremorly teleports up to 30 feet
Multiottack, Cremorly makes three Withering Strike attacks. to an unoccupied space he can see.
WitheringStrike. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
targel. Hit: l9 (3d'l2) necrotic damage.

ror) C11€PTER }5 i Ti{RONE

r:! i:-i I !. i i:


individuals who draw the card to lose their
wealth. This chapter, intended for the DM,
reinterprets this card as physical ruins to be
explored: the ruins of Gardmore Abbey.
This adventure location was first described in
Madness at Gardmore Abbey, a boxed adventure for
D&D's fourth edition. In that adventure, Gardmore
Abbey was located in the Nentir Vale, and the site
had ties to the minotaur empire below Thunderspire
Mountain. You, however, can situate the ruin and
the fortified hill it sits atop anywhere in your cam-
paign world. The layout of Gardmore Abbey was
inspired by a real fortress atop the French island
Mont-Saint-Michel, so you might place the ruins on
a similar island accessible only by a narrow path
that's underwater at high tide.
Regardless of where you place Gardmore Abbey,
you can use the site to introdrce a Deck of Many
Thin¤s to your campaign. The deck lies in the hoard
of Mekkalath, a powerful dragon, who nests in the
ruins. Few heroes are brave enough to face Mek-
kalath in battle, though resourceful characters can
obtain the deck in other ways. But once the deck is
in their possession, their troubles havejust begun.

Hrsronv or
GenovroRE Aesev
A thousand years ago, minotaurs built a temple The captain of the order sealed the minotaur ruins
to Bahamut and other gods of good under a tow- to keep them secret.
ering hill. But a cult dedicated to the demon lord As decades passed, a village grew within the for-
Baphomet inflltrated the temple, and its members tress's outer wall, and the knights became a local
gradually took over the temple's leadership. When power. They warred against wicked foes, including
the cultists revealed their worship of Baphomet, the followers of the serpent god Zehir and an infamous
minotaurs dedicated to Bahamut rose up to reclaim hobgoblin warlord, whose infernal stronghold they
the temple. After a bloody conflict, the survivors sacked, carrying away many trophies including a
fled, leaving the temple abandoned. Deck of Many Thin¤s. The legendary magic item
Hundreds of years later, monastic knights chose was hidden in the vaults and warded with powerful
the hill for their order's home and began building a spells to prevent its detection and theft.
defensive structure atop the site. A massive wa1l sur- But five hundred years ago, a vengeful army laid
rounded much of the hill, leaving only its impassible siege to the abbey. The outcome of the battle was
western face unguarded. The knights built an abbey, sti1l in doubt when the captain of the abbey, Havarr
a bamack, a memorial hall, and more at the summit Nenlast, drew from the Deck of Many Thin¤s in an
of the hill, and dug catacombs in which to bury the attempt to turn the tide. When he drew the Skull
order's honored dead. While excavating these cata- card, the terrifying Undead created by that card (see
combs, the knights discovered the minotaur temple. chapter 19) detected the deck at last. Within min-
utes, more Undead arrived at the abbey and began

cli€PTEli is j e'Jrr"l
slaughtering everyone in their path. Havarr and the have the opportunity to return another day, with a
other knights of the abbey were killed, along with new plan to defeat Mekkalath and obtain the deck.
most of the invaders, and the deck was scattered.
Centuries passed. Refugees from the besieging ReNoou ENooUNTERS
army settled in the ruined village on the hill's lower Use the Ruin Encounters table for characters travel-
slopes, but in time they returned home. Mekkalath, ing the slopes of the hill or its surroundings.
a young red dragon, claimed the catacombs under
the abbey as his lair. Adventurers reassembling the Rurn Erucou NTERs
scattered deck killed a beholder trapped in the ab- 1d'r2 Encounter
bey's watchtower, but Mekkalath drove the adventur-
I Animals-such as a brown bear, giant owl, or pack
ers off and seized the deck.
of 2d5 wolves-attack, made vicious by the effect
Eventually Mekkalath outgrew the vaults. Eager
to show off his glory, he moved his hoard which of Baphomet's temple deep under the hill.
now included a Deck of Many Thin¤s-to the surface 2 2d4 minotaur archaeologists (their stat block ap-
ruins. The hill was gradually transformed by his pears in this chapter) explore the hill, looking for
magical nature, birthing lava flows. plumes of flame, artifacts and places to dig.
and clouds of smoke. 3 ld6 minotaur infiltrators are performing a bloody
A short time ago, a comet streaked across the sky rite to Baphomet; if there are six, one is their
above the abbey, signifying fell portents. The com- leader, Brusipha (both stat blocks appear in this
et's otherworldly energy brought the slain beholder
chapter). lf discovered, the minotaurs attack to
back as a death tyrant and drew the attention of mi-
conceal their activity from outsiders.
notaur scholars hoping to uncover the ancient tem-
ple beneath the abbey. Individuals throughout the 4 1d3 displacer beasts, pets ofthe green hags, are

multiverse who seek a Deck of Many Thin¤s now on the prowl; alternatively, use yeth hounds from
look to the ruins of Gardmore Abbey. Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse.
5 A plaintive howl echoes over the hill. Characters
ExproRrNG THE RurNs who succeed on a DC l2 Wisdom (Perception)
Adventurers might come to the ruins of Gardmore check identify the source as the collapsed bell
Abbey for many reasons. They might be hired by tower in the Feygrove, where a young displacer
minotaur archaeologists to serve as guards or trou- beast is trapped.
bleshooters. They might be hunting Mekkalath, 6 A green hag from the coven hidden in the Feygrove
whose depredations threaten everyone for hundreds is on a mysterious errand. lf she detects the adven-
of miles around his lair. They might be drawn by the turers before they spot her, the hag uses lllusory
foreboding comet that recently streaked over the
Appearance to conceal herselfas a dryad and in-
site. Scholars remember the keep's connection to
vites the characters to the Feygrove, then returns to
the Deck of Many Thin¤s; anyone seeking the deck
her coven and sets a trap for the characters.
could be drawn to the abbey, heedless of danger.
The site is a sandbox that encourages exploration, 7 Vegetation on the hillside has grown into a hedge
roleplaying with multiple factions, and potentially maze due to the magical influence of Baphomet's
pitting them against each other. The minotaurs temple. Navigating the maze requires I hour and a

aren't aggressive, and their camp can serve as a successful DC l8 Wisdom (Survival) check.
home base for characters who approach them peace- 8 Mekkalath's presence prompts a fiery eruption.
fully. A githyanki delegation based in a tower in the Creatures in a 5-foot-radius, 20-foot-high cyli nder
village might see the characters as a path to earn- must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or
ing Mekkalath's goodwill. Heroes might confront l7 (5d5) fire damage.
the death tyrant trapped within the abbey's tower,
9 1d3 fire elementals drawn from the Elemental
draw it into a fight with Mekkalath, or ignore it com-
Plane of Fire by Mekkalath's aura wander the hill.
pletely. Stubborn angels, salamander servitors, and
a trio of hags all create further complications. t0 Spiders from the Feygrove are on the prowl; they
The threats on the hill span a wide range of include 2d4 giant spiders plus either 1d3 phase spi-
diffrculty; low- and moderate-level characters will ders or 1 ruin spider (see chapter 21).
need to rely on diplomacy, stealth, and trickery to il A lone githyanki warrior hunts for tonight's meal.
claim the deck, while high-level characters might 12 A red slaad, dropped here by the comet that re-
stride boldly into Mekkalath's lair and challenge the cently overflew the site, searches the hill for any
dragon directly. Most monsters infesting the ruins
way to lift the wards around the watchtower.
of Gardmore Abbey won't pursue characters who re-
treat from the hill to tend their wounds. Characters


Rurxs or GrnnHoRE Anrrv



lolnr r&.:: Šurr.tE *r G*e*-x*cs Aanev

C}]APTER 16 I RUIN rr5
Assnv LocanloNS
The ruined abbey is too expansive to be completely
detailed here. Instead, an overview ofeach area Mr Nornun Anc HeEoLo cr sr
summarizes the terrain and any threats to be found Medium Humanoid, Any Alignment
there. Create speciflc encounters based on the ac-
ArmorClass 11 (natural armor)
tions your characters take, using the monsters listed Hit Points l8 (4d8)
and adding additional ones as you think appropriate' Speed 30 ft.
Two maps are provided: map 16.1, an overview of
the entire ruined abbey, and map 16.2, a more de- STR DEX CON INT wrs CHA
tailed map of Mekkalath's lair at the top of the hil1. 12 (+l) l0 (+0) (+0)
11 13 (+l) l2 (+l) ]0 (+0)

Ournn AnexooxnÈ Skills Arcana +3, History +5, Perception +5, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 15
V-rryec-..n, 4ND RulN_ryÈ Ktnp Languages Common
The ancient remains of a 3O-foot-high stone wall Challenge l/4 (50 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

stand along three sides of the hill, ending at the im-

Labyrinthine Recoll.fhe minotaur can perfectly recall any path
passibly steep and rugged western slope. The wall it has traveled.
suffered damage from the siege centuries ago but is
otherwise intact, if overgrown. AcrroNs
Within the wall, on the northeast side of the hill, Gore, MeleeWeapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
are the ruins of an abandoned village that was de- Hit:4 (1dG + 1) piercing damage. lf the minotaur moved at
stroyed during the siege. Signs of the siege remain: least l0 feet straight toward the target immediately before it
catapult stones lodged in buildings and heat-cracked hit, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6) piercing damage, and if the
target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC
stone walls blackened with soot. At one end of the
11 Strength savingthrow or be pushed up to 10 feet from the
village, near the shattered main gate, stand the ru- minotaur and have the prone condition.
ins of a keep. ! -i :!.! ! | i! rrlil rt..t!lllr::: ::l

r.rf- CH€PTEi{ lG i RLiI-i\i

Medium Humanoid (Minotaur, Warlock), Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 40 ft.


18 (+a) ll (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+l) 16 (+3) l6 (+3)
Medium Humanoid, Typically Chaotic Evil Saving Throws Wisdom +5, Charisma +5
Skills Deception +5, Perception +7, Religion +3
Armor Class l3 (natural armor) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + l6) Languages Abyssal, Common
Speed 40 ft. Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

STR DEX CON INT wrs CHA Demonic Ritual. Brusipha can spend 3 hours performing a
l8(+4) ll (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-t) l6 (+3) l0 1.61 ritual that summons 1d3 + 1 barlguras or I hezrou. She must
sacrifice a Medium or larger living creature to Baphomet during
Skills Deception +2, Perception +7, Religion +1 this ritual, and the ritual can be performed only at night. The
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 demons vanisr at dawn.
Languages Abyssal, Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 Lobyrinthine Recall, Brusipha can perfectly recall any path she
has traveled.
Labyrinthine Recall.The minotaur can perfectly recall any path
it has traveled.
Multiattack. Brusipha makes two Eldritch Blast attacl<s
Acrrorus Ee=:= Eldtitch Blost. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft., one
Gore. MeleeWeapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. target. Hit:8 (ldl0 + 3) force damage.
Hit;8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage, or 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing
'?"Ÿl Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
damage while enlarged. lf the minotaur moved at least l0 feet
Hit:8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (ld8) necrotic damage.
-'f:". straight toward the target immediately before it hit, the target
lf Brusipha moved at least l0 feet straight toward the target
*ffi takes an extra 4 (1d8) piercing damage, or 9 (2d8) piercing
immediately before she hit, the target takes an extra 4 ('ld8)
damage if the minotaur is enlarged. lf the target is a creature, it
piercing damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed
must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed
on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet
up to 10 feet from the minotaur and have the prone condition.
from Brusipha and have the prone condition.
Mattock, MeleeWeapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach l0 ft., one tar-
lncite the Hunters (Rechorges after a Short or Long Rest).
get. Hit: l0 (ldl2 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 17 (2d12+ 4)
Brusipha allows each ally within 30 feet of herself that has the
bludgeoning damage while enlarged. lf the target is a creature
Unerring Tracker trait to mal(e one weapon attack as a reaction
and the minotaur is enlarged, the target must succeed on a DC
against the target ofthat ally's Unerring Tracker.
Strength saving throw or have the prone condition.
t. Spellcasting. Brusipha casts one ofthe following spells, using
Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For I minute,
| , the minotaur magically increases in size, along with anything it Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 13):

. ..r is wearing or carrying. While enlarged, the minotaur is Large, At will: P resti d i gitati o n, Sp e a k with An i m a I s
,, doubles its damage dice on Strength-based weapon attacks 1/day each: Bestow Curse, Command, Crown of Madness
(included in the attacks), and makes Strength checks and
Strength saving throws with advantage. lf the minotaur lacks Boruus Acrrorus
the room to become Large, the minotaur doesn't change size. UnerringTrocker, Brusipha magically creates a psychic link with
one creature she can see. For the next hour, Brusipha knows
BoNus Acrrons the current distance and direction to the target ifit is on the
UnerringTrocker. The minotaur magically creates a psychic link ' ',r. same plane of existence. The link ends if Brusipha has the inca-
with one creature it can see. For the next hour, the minotaur pacitated condition or uses this ability on a different target.
knows the current distance and direction to the target if it is
on the same plane of existence. The link ends if the minotaur REncrroNs
has the incapacitated condition or uses this ability on a differ- Baphomet's Blessing, When Brusipha reduces a hostile creature
ent target. to 0 hit points, she gains 8 temporary hit points.

The village isn't empty, however. Two dozen mino- might impress him, Azima might ambush them.
taur archaeologists (their stat block appears in this If the characters slay Mekkalath, Azima and her
chapter) recently arrived and set up a camp among followers return to the Astral Plane after swearing
the ruins. These archaeologists seek to excavate the vengeance on the characters.
minotaur temple said to 1ie beneath the hi1l.
Accompanying the archaeologists are two domes- Fnvcnovs
ticated gorgons used as beasts of burden and six The southeastern side of the hill once held flourish-
minotaur infiltrators (their stat block appears in ing gardens: an idyllic refuge in an otherwise mar-
this chapter) devoted to Baphomet who are posing tial environment. When the abbey was destroyed,
as laborers. Their leader, Brusipha (her stat block three dryads settled in the abandoned gardens.
appears in this chapter), intends to let the archaeol- Their presence concentrated magical energy from
ogists find the temple; then she'll murder them and the Feywild that transformed the gardens into a
seize the site for her cult. The cultists meet in the mystical faerie grove. But a generation ago, a coven
ruined keep, which the archaeologists consider too of three green hags snuck into the grove, slew the
unsafe to explore. None of the archaeologists sus- dryads, and took their place, using their Illusory
pect Brusipha or her followers. Appearance ability to impersonate the dryads when
The minotaur archaeologists aren't violent and necessary. The hags keep a pack of six displacer
have no weapons, but they're equipped with the beasts as hunting animals and pets (alternatively,
tools necessary to dig to the temple. Their unoffrcial you can use yeth hounds from Mordenkainen Pres'
leader is Tauriano, a mild-mannered professor of ents: Monsters of the Multiverse).
archaeology at a far-off university. The archaeolo- The hags use the Feygrove as their base while
gists are unsure how to proceed with their mission; pursuing bloodthirsty schemes against enemies
Mekkalath is only the most obvious of many dan- both real and imagined. They avoid Mekkalath
gers. They might hire the characters as scouts or when possible, but when forced to interact with the
guards. While they won't fight on the characters' dragon, they placate him with obsequious flattery
behalf, they might loan the use of their gorgons or and treasure plucked from their victims' corpses.
help characters who've earned their trust by tricking The hags lair in the Whispering Wood, a circular
or distracting Mekkalath, perhaps by creating a trap copse oftrees around a natural spring, where the
into which the dragon could be lured. Feywild's magic is strongest.
In addition to the Whispering Wood, the Feygrove
Wrzlno's Townn holds an ancient holy well called the Font of Ioun,
At the north end of the village stands a square tower once sacred to the knights who dwelled here. Those
once inhabited by the wizardVandomar. He's long who drank directly from the font received visions
dead, and the tower's floors have collapsed; all that of the past and future from this god of knowledge.
remains is a fifty-foot stone shell with a precarious Good characters who drink from the font might re-
staircase winding up its interior wall. ceive a vision; ro11 on the Visions of Ioun table below.
The tower recently became the base of a
githyanki delegation: three githyanki warriors Vrsror.rs oF louN
and their leader, Azima, a githyanki knight (a1- 'ld6 Vision
ternatively, Azima might be a githyanki gish from I Minotaurs dig beneath the hill and build a temple to
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multi' Bahamut and other gods.
verse). One githyanki is always on guard, with
2 Minotaurs clad in the garb of a bestial cult summon
another armed, armored, and awake nearby. One
demons and slay other minotaur priests in a horrific
githyanki is usually asleep, and one is usually out
blood bath.
hunting for food, exploring the hill, or-in Azima's
case-negotiating with Mekkalath. 3 Monks and knights travel to the hill and construct
The group came to Gardmore Abbey to forge an the abbey at its summit.
alliance with Mekkalath, whose power would tip 4 Knights defeat a hobgoblin warlord and bring back
the balance in a war on the Astral Plane. Mekkalath a Deck of Many Things and other trophies.
prefers sitting on his hoard and terrorizing the coun- 5 As an army besieges the abbey, a knight draws the
tryside, but he respects the ancient ties between red Sl<ull card from a Deck of Many Ihlngs. Skull-headed
dragons and githyanki and has given the group per- Undead appear and massacre everyone they see.
mission to visit him and continue negotiating.
Azima and her warriors are indifferent to the
6 A huge red dragon emerges from the catacombs
beneath the abbey to make his lair atop the hill.
characters at first, but she is desperate to earn
Mekkalath's goodwill. If the characters attract the Among his treasures is a Deck of Many Things.
dragon's ire or display wealth and magic items that

Beyond the hags, the Feygrove is home to many
other dangers. The overgrown trees are the den of
countless giant spiders and several phase spiders.
A errxvaNÇr EMBAssY MAKEs
Among these are deadly ruin spiders (see chapter CAMP rN txE rvrzano's towen.
21 for this stat block), creatures altered by the magic
of a Deck of Many Thin¤s. t
A bell tower once stood high on the slope above
the Feygrove, but the tower has collapsed. For cen-
turies the massive iron bell has lain in the ruins,
covered with grass and barely discernible. Recently,
a young displacer beast (or displacer beast kitten
from The Wild Beyond the Witchli¤fir) erploring the
bell accidentally tipped it over and got caught inside.
The creature is now trapped and houling misera-
bly, its cries echoing and ampiified b1-the be11 into
an otherworldly groan. Other displacer beasts in
the grove take delight in the creature's misfortune,
while the howling has attracted the notice of hun-
gry spiders. Characters willing to free the creature
might befriend it or return it to the hag-s tbr a favor.

On the southern end of the hill stands a tal1 spire
with a commanding view of the surrounding'ter-
rain. When Captain Nenlast drew from rhe Deck of .'

Many Thin¤s, a wave of energy from the Far Realm

uprooted the spire from regular space and time and
transformed everyone inside into deadl1- -\berra-
tions. But wards placed by the knights long before
kept the Far Realm's magic confined ri'ithin the
tower, which became a pocket dimension u'ith no
escape. The Abemations were trapped in the tou,er,
unable to leave until the Far Realm energies dis-
persed and the tower stabilized in the presenr.
More than a century ago, adventurers investigat-
ing the abbey found a way inside the watchtou'er.
They siew the Aberrations' beholder leader and dis-
pelled the Far Realm magic that isolated the spire.
Time once again began to affect the watchtou'er,
though nothing remained alive within its u,alls. .,i I .

Recently, a fell comet streaked through the sk1-

above the abbey. As it did, lingering traces of the
Far Realm energy woke again. The dead beholder
was reanimated as a diabolical Undead known as
a death tyrant. This creature, and other Far Reaim
Aberrations that fell from the comet, still hunt
within the tower. But the knights'protective magic
hasn't failed entirely; the creatures within the watch-
tower are trapped inside until someone or some-
thing frees them.
The watchtower is in better physical shape than
the rest of the abbey. It was protected from time's
ravages during the centuries it was trapped in a
pocket dimension. The spire still has wooden floors
and a ceiling. The circular stairs within are weak- @
ened and precarious but mostly intact. The cham-
bers within the tower are home to four red slaadi
(an equal number of star spawn manglers from DnecoN's Roosr
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse
The summit of the hill was once crowded with build-
might replace or supplement the slaadi). The top
ings. Al1 but a few were destroyed in the siege of the
of the watchtower, however, is the domain of the
abbey centuries ago, and the remainder were badly
death tyrant.
damaged. Mekkalath's arrival caused additional de-
None of the Aberrations within the watchtower
struction: the red dragon's magic triggered volcanic
can leave it, thanks to the ancient knights' protective
activity that left the area riddled with flaming pits,
spells, but characters might agree to remove these
rocky outcroppings, and rivers of lava. His magic
wards as part of a deal with the death tyrant. A char-
also opened portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire,
acter who is aware of the wards and able to perceive
bringing salamanders and fire elementals to the
them (for example, via the Detect Ma¤ic spell) can
hilltop. The dragon's domain, shown in map 16.2, is
permanently remove them with the Dispel Ma¤ic
the most dangerous part of the ruins by far.
spell (DC 16). Alternatively, anyone can attempt to
A hidden stair steep, long abandoned, and
remove the wards by performing a 1-hour ritual
choked with rubble and undergrowth leads up the
outside the watchtower and succeeding on aDC 27
western side of the hil1. This secret staircase can be
Intelligence (Arcana) check. Removing these protec-
found with t hour of searching and a successful DC
tive spells allows the Aberrations inside the tower
18 Wisdom (Perception) check. Flying creatures can
to leave, something they're all eager to do. Physical
spot the staircase more easily, gaining advantage on
damage to the watchtower volcanic activity, for
the check. Climbing the steps requires no checks,
example, spreading from Mekkalath's lair could
but it takes t hour to clear a path and scramble over
also break the wards and release the creatures
the largest chunks of rubble. Climbers risk encoun-
trapped within.
tering hostile creatures as they traverse the stair-
The death tyrant is desperate to escape the
case, and if Mekkalath takes to the air, he's likely to
watchtower and promises anything to characters
spot them.
who reach the tower's summit. The tyrant keeps
The stairs ascend to the Ha1l of Glory, formerly a
the strict letter of any promise it makes, but as it
lavish trophy room and memorial to fallen knights.
cares nothing for living creatures and respects only
The roof has fallen in, and the walls are mostly
power, characters who try to direct it against Mek-
rubble; it is home to a troop of eight salamanders
kalath might regret their decision. For example, the
brought from the Elemental Plane of Fire by Mek-
death tyrant might agree to attack the dragon, then
kalath's magic. The salamanders serve Mekkalath,
start by slaying the peaceful minotaurs and turning
patrolling the hill and performing errands for him.
them into its zombie minions. Mekkalath is aware of
A stairway in the back of the hall descends to the
the death tyrant, and if it escapes, Mekkalath soon
vaults but is filled with lava.
moves to destroy this potential rival and secure his
A ruined barrack lies on the south side of the
dominance over the hill. Such a battle might last
area. Like most of the other buildings, the roof is
long enough for daring characters to infiltrate Drag-
gone and the walls are mostly rubble. The stron-
on's Roost and abscond with treasures from Mekka-
gest fire elemental (or a fire elemental myrmidon
lath's hoard.
frolm Mordenkainen Presenfs: Monsters of the
Multiverse) dwells here, along with a few more fire
elementals as minions. Rubble blocks another stair-
way descending to the vaults.
At the north end of the summit stands a gate-
house. The gatehouse's stone roof and walls are in-
tact, though the massive double door has collapsed.
/\ death *yrant \tar;{As a rod tlra4oul The gatehouse is home to two devas, angels in
Now thd*'s a {v41n+ r'd l\ko to seL\ service to Bahamut who've guarded the abbey since
its founding. They couldn't stop the siege or the
(f'"lrr jotil4. ?kase I'on't ac*ualltl Undead lured by the Deck of Many Thin¤s, but they
remained in the ruins until Mekkalath rose from the
s*art tta\s $q\nt, \ oa vn\a,tn-7 pe rish .J
vaults below and drove them out. The angels refuse
to abandon their posts and are content to wait as
long as it takes for Mekkalath to depart.
The remains of the abbey's temple-surrounded
by fires, smoke, and slow-moving lava streams-
serve as Mekkalath's lair. This adult red dragon
is an awesome sight, resting on a massive pile

16 | RUrN
of coins, jewels, and precious objects. From this to various gods, memorials to the knights' many
vantage, Mekkalath can see almost anywhere on exploits, and secret tombs for knights who betrayed
the hilltop; only the gatehouse, with its stone roof, the order and were hidden in shame. While Undead
blocks his vision. Salamanders from the Hal1 of are the most likely type of creature found in the
Glory visit frequently to serve Mekkalath's every de- catacombs, a variety of Underdark creatures could
sire. When he is hungry, the dragon hunts a vast re- have dug their way into these tunnels, such as drow,
gion around the hill. He has yet to encounter anyone troglodytes, or an umber hulk.
able to stop him. A staircase in the ruined temple de- Beneath the catacombs lie the vaults that hold the
scends to the catacombs but is choked with rubble. abandoned minotaur settlement, centered around
Among Mekkalath's hoard is a Deck of Many a temple to Bahamut and other good gods that was
Thin¤s. If the characters reach the hoard by defeat- corrupted to the worship of Baphomet. Stairways
ing the dragon in battle or through stealth-perhaps descend to this level from the old barrack and hall
while the dragon is distracted by food, the githyanki atop the hill, and a winding tunnel leads west from
embassy, or an escaped death tyrant the treasure the vaults to the base of the hill. While the stairs
should also include one rare or very rare magic are choked with lava and rubble, this tunnel would
item for each character, chosen to suit their needs still be navigable if its entrance on the hill's slope
and desires. were uncovered, a project that would take several
individuals a day to complete. Worship of Baphomet
CerecouBs AND Vaurrs has iured demons to these halls, but shrines to good
Two underground levels within the hill are currently deities might be protected by angels or Constructs
inaccessible, but characters or the minotaur archae- such as iron golems, stone golems, a shield guard-
ologists might eventually reopen them. ian, or helmed horrors. Additionally any of the sub-
The uppermost level is a winding network of cata- terranean creatures in the catacombs might have
combs the knights used to bury their honored dead. advanced farther into the vaults. If Baphomet cult-
The entrance is through a stairway descending from ists return to the vaults, they would soon summon
the temple (now Mekkalath's lair), but the stairs are further horrifying evils.
choked with rubble. The catacombs include shrines

: Rsssr
fu{ap ;6.:: Ÿqas*ry's Šcosr

' :'i:l':l HIS cHAprER,

:r a dungeon called the Donjon Sphere. You
l, can use this dungeon to describe the fate of
' a character who draws the Donjon card from
a Deck of Many Thin¤s. This chapter also includes
suggestions for other ways adventurers might end
up in the Donjon Sphere, as well as advice for how
to continue a campaign or keep it on track if the
party gets split up.

Tue DoNyott SpHEnE

The Donjon Sphere is a metal sphere that drifts
through the Astral Sea. Centuries ago, an unknown
species of intelligent beings built the sphere to
capture and contain specimens from across the
cosmos. They used strange magic to peer into the
minds of their captives and observe them in sim-
ulated environments, curious to understand the
minds of these alien creatures. When the first Decft
of Many Thin¤s was created. the Donjon card was
linked to the sphere, sending prisoners there.
The collective distress of the sphere's prisoners
ultimately attracted the attention of a group of feyrs:
Astral Sea monsters that feed on creatures' night-
mares. The feyrs infiltrated the Donjon Sphere and
wrought havoc, forcing the sphere's stewards to
abandon it. After devouring the nightmares of every-
one left inside the sphere, the feyrs moved on.
Since then, the Donjon Sphere has drifted
A character with a Deck of Many Thin¤s can de-
through the Astral Sea. Automated systems keep
duce the Donjon Sphere's location by spending 8
the vessel working and on course, and Constructs
hours studying the night sky and using the cards as
called detention drones bring in a steady supply of
a divination tool. Afterward, the character must suc-
fresh specimens. However, swaths of the sphere
ceed on aDC 22Intelligence (Arcana) check to de-
have fallen into disrepair or outright mayhem. For
new arrivals, many brought by a Deck of Many
termine the sphere's coordinates in the Astral Sea.
On a failed check, the character fails to calculate
Thin¤s, the anarchy means it's never been easier to
the sphere's location but can try again the next day,
wriggle free of the dungeon's crumbling wards and
reducing the DC ofthe check by 1 for each consec-
traps. However, this same chaos still makes banish-
ment to the sphere extremely perilous.
utive attempt. Other methods of finding the sphere
are detailed in the 'Adventure Hooks" section below.
FrNnrxc rHE SPHERE Once the sphere is located in the Astral Sea, the
characters must reach it, probably using teleporta-
The Donjon Sphere is too small to be observed from
tion magic or a spelljamming vessel.
any planet's surface without a telescope or magical
aid, but clues to the sphere's whereabouts can still ApvrNrunE HooKs
be found among the stars. Certain powerful organizations know the Donjon
Sphere's location:

'Jr cHAPTER 17 i DONJO§*
Asteria's Aid. The famous paladin Asteria, detailed
in chapter 22, keeps track of each Deck of Many
Thin¤s and those who've suffered from their many
hazards. She approaches the party after a charac-
ter draws the Donjon card and disappears. Asteria
knows the pain of losing a friend to unjust impris-
onment and offers to help. She draws a replica of
the teleportation circle inside the sphere. If the
party can flnd someone able to cast the Teleport
spell, they can safely teleport into the sphere.
Observatory Assistance. Scholars at a nearby ob-
servatory-such as the one described in chapter
13-spot an unidentified celestial object drifting
across the night sky with their telescope. The
observatory calls for brave adventurers to use its
teleportation device to investigate.
Solar Bastion Rescue. Hilarion, the angelic leader
of the Solar Bastion (see chapter 10), recently sent
a trio of knights to investigate the Donjon Sphere,
but the knights failed to return. After learning that
one of the characters recently drew the Donjon
card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s, Hilarion offers
to transport the party to the sphere to save their
friend-and, hopefully, the missing knights.

The Donjon Sphere's hollow interior is divided into
several nested layers, as shown in map 17.1. A com-
1ln! r?.r' *ol:*l! SpHs=a
plex web of metal tunnels and gears, navigable only
by the sphere's specially programmed detention amplify the invisible energy radiated from the
drones, separates the layers. sphere's power core. This effect can't be perceived
by most creatures, but the energy collected is vital to
Ouren Sunpacs the sphere's continued operation.
The outer surface of the sphere is perfectly smooth,
made from hundreds of panels of rare space metals. DoN;oN Conn
When debris or attackers mar the surface, repair The penultimate layer of the Donjon Sphere is de-
drones replace the damaged panels within hours. scribed in detail on the following pages.
A SO-foot-wide circular hatch just off the sphere's
equator is the only surface entrance. This hatch Powrn Conr
opens and closes automatically for detention drones The center of the Donjon Sphere is a massive mol-
leaving and entering the sphere. ten ball created by the planar portal in area 33 of
The ends of a sharp spindle protrude from each the Donjon Core. This ball of fire generates power
of the sphere's poles like antennae. Each spindle si- used throughout the sphere.
phons excess energy from the sphere's power core,
creating an energy shield that obscures the struc- RUNNTNG THE SpuEnn
ture from most divination magic and traditional As a DM, your flrst challenge is getting all the char-
means of observation. acters to the Donjon Sphere; your next challenge is
getting them out.
GrroBp LenynrNrn
A three-dimensional maze of brassy metal separates SplrmrNc THE Penry
the sphere's surface from its inner levels. This so-
One way to get sent to the Donjon Sphere is to draw
called Gilded Labyrinth delays escape. Few escap-
the Donjon card from a Deck of Many Thin¤s. When
ees last long in the maze before they're recaptured
this happens, only the character who drew the card
by the sphere's detention drones, which know every
is banished to the sphere. But splitting the party
inch of the complex.
can be challenging for your table, since it's diffi-
In addition, like the wrinkles of a brain, the Gilded
cult to keep all players engaged when one or more
Labyrinth's countless reflective surfaces and edges

CHr{?TER 17 | nON.ION
characters aren't present for a scene. How can the Mlnxs oF THE Dott;ott
DM make this work? d6 Curse
Here are some ideas for keeping the entire table I The character can't stop shivering.
engaged if the party splits up, whether you're using
the sphere or some other adventure location:
2 The character's vision is limited to a 5-foot-wide
line pointing in a single direction.
One-Session Side Adventure. Perhaps the 3 The character gets nauseous near windows or
campaign's main adventuring party is reunited doorways. lfthe character moves through such a
through the efforts of an entirely different set of
threshold, the character has disadvantage on sav-
heroes. Have your players all use new characters
ing throws for I minute.
for a one-session adventure in which they rescue
the separated character or otherwise overcome 4 The character is plagued by nightmares of metal
the obstacle that has divided the main party. constructs.
Simulacrum for a Session. When strange magic is 5 The character is disoriented by wide-open spaces
at play, a figment of the separated character might and has no sense ofdirection outdoors.
appear. Maybe a clone from an alternate dimen- 5 While in sunlight, the character has disadvantage
sion offers to help the party rescue the missing on attack rolls.
character. Perhaps the Donjon Sphere's simula-
tion chambers (area 25) can be used to project a
simulacrum of the imprisoned character.
Temporary Character. Ask the player of a sepa- The Donjon Sphere has the following features.
rated character to play a new character who joins
the main party for one or two sessions. Does the
CBrrrNcs, LrcrrrlNG, AND IMarrs
imprisoned party member have friends or family Ceilings in the Donjon Sphere are 10 feet high.
who'd help rescue their kin? Perhaps the new Magic panels in the ceiling radiate dim light.
character has special knowledge of the adventure The walls, which contain most of the sphere's ma-
location or a personal quest to accomplish there. chinery, are covered in panels of smooth, invulnera-
ble metal sheeting.
More advice on this topic, and how to accommodate
a player who suddenly can't piay their usual charac- DBrnNrroN DRoNES
ter, can be found in chapter 18.
As the Donjon Sphere drifts about the Astral Sea,
EsceprNG THE Spnnnn its systems send mechanical scouts called detention
drones to nearby worlds to acquire new captives.
The "Donjon Core Locations" section later in this
Detention drones are Constructs that follow their
chapter includes a variety of areas where prisoners
ancient programming mindlessly and unerringly.
could be found; in particular. a trapped character
A detention drone is hostile to creatures without
is likely to be found in one of the stasis pods (area
key cards (see the "Doors and Key Cards" section)
5) oE ifthey resisted the detention drones, one of
but indifferent to a creature with a key card and any-
the isolation chambers (area20). Alternatively, the
one accompanying them, unless attacked. Detention
character might have escaped already and be found
drones don't carry key cards and can't open locked
wandering in the sphere.
doors, but they can travel through maintenance
If it would better fit your group, a trapped charac-
shafts (see the "Maintenance Shaft" section). After
ter can mysteriously reappear after a few in-game
2d4 days of service, a detention drone must spend
hours or days, rejoining the party on their own.
24 hours resting in a rewinding station (such as
Those who return from the sphere in this way never
those in areaT) before it can resume service.
remember how they escaped nor do they return
Detention drones vary in size, strength, and
wholly unchanged. Use the following curse, the
shape, though most are shaped like some kind of
Mark of the Donjon, to represent the transformation
mechanical animal or plant. You can use the game
of a character who escapes the Donjon Sphere un-
statistics for any Construct to represent a detention
der mysterious circumstances.
drone; see "Drone Patrols" below for suggestions.
Menr oF THE DoN.JoN All detention drones have a flying speed of 30 feet,
A character who inexplicably reappears after spend- the ability to hover, and the following action option:
ing time in the Donjon Sphere gains a lingering Detention Orb.fhe drone launches a tiny orb of magical force
curse called a Mark of the Donjon. Determine the at a creature it can see within 30 feet ofitself. The creature
character's mark by rolling on the Marks of the Don- must succeed on a DC l5 Constitution savingthrow or be en-
jon table. A Mark of the Donjon lasts until removed cased in the orb, which expands to a sizejust large enough to
contain the creature. While encased, the creature doesn't need
by a Remove Curse spell or similar magic.
to breathe, eat, or drink, and it doesn't age. Nothing can pass


through the orb, nor can any creature teleport or use planar
tr.avel toenterorexitthe orb. As a bonus action, the drone can
move the orb and its contents up to 30 feet in any direction. A
successful casting ofthe Dispel Magic spell on the orb (DC 15)
destroys it. The orb otherwise remains intact until the drone
spends an action to end the effect orthe drone is destroyed. A
drone can have only one detention orb active at a time; if the
drone creates a detention orb when it already has one active,
the first orb disappears, freeing the creature inside-

DnoNn Pernors
Small groups of detention drones patrol the Donjon
Sphere looking for escapees or intruders. When
the text indicates that a drone patrol can be encoun-
tered in a location, ro11 on the Drone Patrols table
to determine the number and types of the drones in
the patrol, or choose an encounter you like.

Dnorue Pnrnols
d5 Patrol Composition
1-2 1d6 quadrones
3 1d4 suits of animated armor
4-5 2 helmed horrors
6 I shield guardian
†=r:*:;oru C*e*=
Doons AND KEY CenÈs
Doors in the Donjon Sphere are made of the same
space metals as the outer surface. A magical sensor
above each doorway detects movement within 10 SrcBrr DooBs
feet, which causes the door to open until no more -\ number of secret doors are hidden in the Don-
movement is detected. jon Core. A character who searches a wall where
Some doors are color coded and require a key a secret door is located and succeeds on a DC 20
card to open. A creature carrying the appropriate \\-isdom (Perception) check finds minuscule bumps
key card can open a locked door by standing within :l
along the wall's surface. Pressing these bumps :l
10 feet of the door and uttering the command word causes the door to slide open. ,i

"open" in Infernal. Doors that require key cards to


unlock are color coded on map 17.2 and called out

in the text. The color of the door indicates the type The Donjon Sphere's creators spoke and wrote
of key card necessary to unlock it. Key cards come Infernal. All instructions, labels, and other visible
in three colors: text in the sphere are in this language. The doors
Red Key Cards. The sphere's workhands carried respond only to Infernal. Creatures native to the
red key cards, which open red doors. sphere presume anyone communicating with them
Blue Key Cards. High-ranking stewards and tech- in a language other than Infernal is a trespasser,
nicians carried blue key cards to access delicate though drones ovedook the offense if the offender
machinery or important research data. A blue key' has a key card or is accompanied by a creature
card unlocks blue and red doors. that does.
Yellow Key Cards. Only the chief engineers carried
yellow key cards, which grant access to the obser- Mecrc rN THE Sprrrnu
vatory, damselfly bay, and inner core. A yellow key No spell other than Wish can be used to leave the
card unlocks yellow, blue, and red doors. Donjon Sphere or transport a character from one
part ofit to another. Effects that banish creatures
Casting a Knock spell on a red door's lock sup-
to other planes of existence don't work inside the
presses the lock for 10 minutes, casting a Knock
sphere. A creature that attempts to cast a spell or
spell on a blue door's lock suppresses the lock for 1
use a magic item or artifact to teleport from the
minute, and casting a Knock spell on a yeilow door's
sphere hears a &t1lfrzzing in its head as the ef-
z lock suppresses the lock until the start of the cast-
fect fails. The exception to this rule is magic that
er's next turn.
allows transit to the Border Ethereal, such as the

Cr{APTER 17 i D0NJt}i{
Etherealness spell. A creature that enters the Bor- 2, Poor
der Ethereal from the Donjon Sphere is returned to
A young aboleth named Th'kogga is contained
the sphere upon leaving that plane.
in the 80-foot-deep pool of water here. Aware of
Magic that summons creatures or objects from
the room's controls but unsure how they operate,
i other planes, or that allows contact with beings
l Th'kogga attempts to charm any creature that
. from other planes, functions normally inside the
comes within 30 feet of the pool, then urges that
Donjon Sphere, as does magic that involves an ex-

thrall to help it escape.
tradimensional space. Any spells cast within such
An invisible seal, like that created by the Wall of
an extradimensional space are subject to the same
Force spell, covers the poo1. A detention drone or a
restrictions as magic cast in the Donjon Sphere.
creature with a blue or yellow key card can use an
While characters are in the sphere, those who re-
action to flip the lever on the south wall to disable
ceive spells from deities or otherworldly patrons
or reenable the seal. Buttons around the lever con-
continue to do so.
i trol the pool's salinity, temperature, and automatic
MeTNTnNANCE SHerrs cleaning systems. If these controls are tampered

! with, Th'kogga's pool becomes unlivable; if forced to

I Rectangular shafts, labeled area9 on map 17.2, remain there, the aboleth dies in 2d4 days.
! allow detention drones to move throughout the
sphere. Each shaft is protected by an iron grate, 31 ENc_lNBERls
which has AC 19, 15 hit points. and immunity to poi-
Quenr ERS
The sphere's chief engineer used this chamber as an
! son and psychic damage. A detention drone within
offrce, a workshop, and living quarters.
I 10 feet of a grate can use an action to transmit a sig-
The metal drawers along the south wa11 contain
nal that shifts the grate aside. A drone that enters an
books inscribed with complex diagrams and techni-
open shaft can travel to any other shaft entrance in
! cal instructions written in Infernal. One thick tome,
i the Donjon core in 1d4 minutes.
titled Elevator Manual, contains the glyph sequence
I Any creature other than a detention drone that at-
to bypass the lock on the elevator in area 19. An-
tempts to travel from one shaft entrance to another
other manual, titled Control Gems, describes how
must make a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) check. On a
the sphere's creators employed the slaad control
failed check, the creature gets lost in the shafts for
gems in area 32 to contain the power of the elemen-
2d4 hours before reemerging at a random shaft en-
tal portal in area 33.
trance in the Donjon core.
Treasure. Scattered among the equipment are
DoNyoN CoRE LoceuoNs a blue key card, a set of tinker's tools, and five star
rose quartzes worth 50 gp each.
Prisoners are kept in the Donjon core. The fol-
lowing locations are keyed to map 17.2.The arca 4' Sresrs Coxrnors
described in this map is spherical; hallways leading On the north wall of this room are three levers in
off one edge of the map connect to other hallways on the upright position. Each lever controls the power
the opposite side. to three blocks of stasis pods in area 5, which the
windows along the south wall of this room overlook.
At the center of this octagonal chamber's floor is 5, Sresrs Poos
a permanent teleportation circle etched in stone. The doors to this chamber are red.
Many newcomers to the sphere arrive via this circle, Nine massive metal containers filI this sterile
including creatures that draw the Donjon card from chamber. Each contains ten coffrn-like, crystalline
a Deck of Many Thin¤s. The teleportation circle can stasis pods, which slide in or out of their container.
be used only to enter the sphere, not to leave it. Each stasis pod contains an unconscious Humanoid
The door to the south has been punctured with a prisoner in a state of magical suspended animation.
jagged hole big enough for Medium characters to
Most of these prisoners are commoners, but if you
squeeze through. Metallic rubble blocks the tunnel want to introduce a particular NPC to help the party
that leads north. or serve as an antagonist, that individual could be
One round after the circle is activated, a drone pa- trapped in one of these pods. A character who drew
trol arrives from area 7 to escort any new arrivals to the Donion card from a Deck of Many Tftln¤s could
the stasis pods in area 5. Huge prisoners are taken also be trapped here.
to massive stasis pods in area 18 instead. Prisoners A stasis pod can be unlatched only from the out-
who put up an especially strong resistance might be side. Each stasis pod is big enough to hold aLarge
taken directly to an isolation chamber in arca 20. creature and has AC 11, 15 hit points, and immunity
to poison and psychic damage. If a living creature is

cllAP'i'ER 17 ŸOI{.JCN
closed stasis pod for 1 minute, tunnel diffrcult terrain. To the south, the tunnel
has the unconscious condition and is in slopes upward to the Gilded Labyrinth.
While in stasis, the creature doesn't require
or drink, and it doesn' age. If the creature 11, AncsIVE ANTE HAMBER
is removed from the stasis pod or the stasis pod's The fine chairs, desks, and shelves that once fur-
power is shut off, the creature regains conscious- nished this spacious antechamber have all been torn
ness after 1 minute or once it takes damage. to shreds. A character who searches for tracks and
The pods in the southwest corner were ruined succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check finds
when an umber hulk burst from its malfunctioning large scrapes along the walls from the umber hulk
stasis pod. It smashed the pods around it in a rage, that escaped area 5. The door in this chamber's
then burrowed through the wall, creating area 10. north wall is red.

6, MITNTENANCE Hen 12, Ancsrvn

The door at this hall's north end is red. Shelves full of massive the walls of
A locked yellow hatch in the floor in an alcove off this two-story archive. A spiral staircase in the
this hallway covers a ladder that connects to area 31 room's center connects to the archive's upper level.
below. The hatch is a yellow door. The books contain records on all prisoners inducted
into the facility before the sphere's stewards fled.
7, DnoNr CoNTaTNMENT The archive is occupied by Ganakki, a greefl
This chamber houses inactive detention drones. slaad that appears as a pallid halfling scholar.
Repair bays cal1ed rewinding stations line the Ganakki yearns to transform into a gray slaad and
wal1s. Each rewinding station, which can hold one believes it can find the key to its metamorphosis
detention drone at a time, is a Large object with AC somewhere in the Donjon Sphere. The party can
11, 40 hit points, and immunity to poison and psy- learn much about the sphere from the slaad-includ-
chic damage. ing, possibly, a means of escape. However, Ganakki
Once per day, a drone patrol whose service time won't ieave the archive. Ganakki has a red key card.
is almost expired comes here for rewinding. If en-
gaged in combat, these drones have the unconscious 13' RurNnÈ Ro
condition after Ld4 * 1 rounds. A closed portcullis divides this area from area 6.
The lever in area 16 can raise the iron bars.
8, PnororYPE LAB This hall was once a trap room featuring a bal-
Metal plates, chains, cogs, and pipes are strewn ance beam that spanned a pit of grinding gears (see
about the oversized bays in this chamber. Each bay the Balance and Ruin trap room in chapter 4). When
contains a prototype detention drone in a different a spelljamming ship from area 23 crashed into the
state of assembly. eastern side of the hall, the trap was destroyed. The
Only one prototype drone is functional, though it nonfunctional gears are difficult terrain.
is inactive. A character with tinker's tools can spend A secret door is concealed in the northeast corner
10 minutes repairing the drone and make a DC 15 of this room.
Intelligence (Investigation) check. On a successful
check, the drone's gears start winding, and it jerks
14' Cn,q.ss Srrn
to life. The drone, which calls itself Prototype WX- Rubble and metal wreckage cover the ground of this
401 and resembles a human-size pitcher plant (use ragged fissure. The ceiling is 20 feet high, and its
the tridrone stat block), is friendly toward the char- magical light panels have been destroyed, leaving
acter who repaired it and follows that character's this area in darkness.
l instructions to the best of its ability. It lacks the De- When escaped prisoners tried to fly the damselfly
tention Orb action of other detention drones. ship in area 23 to safety, they crashed it midway
through the launch bay, causing a chain of explo-
Sserr sions that destroyed this area. A thick wall of debris,
These access tunnels are used by detention drones not shown on the map, blocks off the western half of
throughout the sphere. See "Donjon Sphere the crash site.
for more information.
14a, DeTtsELFLY WnBcrecn
ER HULK TUNNNT Pieces of a destroyed ship lie scat-
tered about the crash
hulk created this tunnel after freeing
ful salvage (worth 500 gp) can be
a malfunctioning stasis pod in area 5.
bits of metal and low ceilings make the

14n, Sunvrvon Caup 16, OesnRVATroN Roovr
Two Solar Bastion knights (see chapter 10) set up
This room is reached by ascending stairs. The win-
camp here after losing a companion to a large drone
dow in this chamber overlooks the trap room below.
patrol. These knights came to explore the Donjon
A lever on the south wall controls the portcullis
Sphere and its connection to the Dec,k of Many
north of area 73.
Thin¤s. The knights are as follows:
Knight Emerist Verigo. Emerist is the leader of this 17, TnesH Drsposer
mission and is a lawful neutral human. Emerist The eastern door to this chamber is blue.
blames herself for the failure of the mission, and Wide chutes along the edges of this room's floor
the death of the third member of her party, Baerj, connect to the crusher (area 28), allowing for easy
weighs heavily on Emerist's conscience. disposal of waste materials.
Knight Hielyo Anguld. Hielyo is a new member A flumph named Bimbi hovers uncertainly,
of the Solar Bastion, and this is their first official steeling itself to go down a chute to the crusher. It
mission on the order's behalf. They are a 1awfu1 clutches a blue key card in its tentacles. Upon seeing
good dragonborn ofblue dragon ancestry. Despite the characters, Bimbi sighs with relief and explains
the quest's many hardships, Hielyo remains brave it's searching for fresh brains to feed its friend, a
and optimistic. Hielyo wants to destroy the sphere, mind flayer imprisoned in an isolation chamber
which has caused so much grief for so many. (area 20b). "I used to find brains in the brain room,"
The knights are initially indifferent to the charac- Bimbi burbles. "But I knocked over some jars there,
ters. If made friendly, they are willing to u.-ork with and the brains came to life!" If the characters agree
the party to escape the sphere. Emerist and Hielyo to clear the "brain monsters" out of area 21, the
can tell the party about the secret doors between flumph gives them its key card.
areas 19 and22a, though the knights don't know
18, MassIVE SrASrs PoDS
how to operate the elevator in area 19. Thev also
offer the party a Spel1 Scro11 of Comprehend Lan- These large halls provide access to stasis pods built
¤ua¤es and a Chime of Openin¤ u.ith -1 charges into the walls, each one larger and stronger than the
remaining. The Chime of Openin¤ can be used to ones in area 5. Each can hold a Huge creature and
open key card-locked doors like the Knock spell, has AC 12, 50 hit points, and immunity to poison
as described in the "Doors and Ke1'Cards" section; and psychic damage. Closed pods can be opened
when used this way, one use of the chime is equiva- with a blue or yellow key card.
lent to one casting of the Knock spel1.
18e, IMpstERN PoDs
14c' LasyRrNTH ENrnaNcE This room's western door has been destroyed. The
This rough tunnel connects to the Gilded Laby- corpse of an unarmed frost giant lies in a heap next
rinth above. to a smashed stasis pod. A character who succeeds
on a DC 10 Wisdom (Survival) check finds deep
15, MnTILLURGY LAB claw marks in the wa11s leading to area 18b, just like
The doors leading into the northeast and southwest those in area 11.
ends of this chamber are both red. A blue door is in the northeast corner.
Alien minerals and samples of rare ores line the 18s' CnNTRAL PoDS
shelves of this metallurgist's laboratory. An ad-
A half-eaten chuul corpse lies near a broken stasis
vanced detention drone (use the shield guardian
pod in this room. Claw marks mar the walls to-
stat block) stands in the room's corner. This Con-
ward area 18c.
struct doesn't have a control amulet and can't be
controlled like other shield guardians; it attacks any 18c' SoUTHERN Pons
creature that enters the room without displaying a Two monstrous corpses lie on the floor of this room:
key card. It has the Confusion spell stored. an especially large owlbear and the umber hulk that
A secret door in an alcove in this room's northeast broke the pods and killed the frost giant, chuul, and
corner leads to area 17. owlbear in the other rooms. After breaking a second
Treasure. A set of smith's tools can be assembled pod in this room, the umber hulk met its match. The
from the 1ab equipment. On the shelves is a total of umber hulk's slayer, a remorhaz with 113 hit points
30 pounds of rare space metals (worth 300 gp) and remaining, stands in the center of this room, gath-
a fully charged Cube of Force. ering its wits after its long stasis. When it sees the
party, it attacks viciously, assuming the characters
to be its imprisoners. The remorhaz relentlessly
chases its opponents throughout the sphere.

19, Ernveron Rootu
The northern door to this chamber is yellow.
The round platform in the center of this room is
a mechanical elevator, which connects to area 27
above and area 32 below. A character who succeeds
on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check spots a
panel on the east wall that, when pushed, reveals a
secret door.
A lever on the wall controls the elevator's opera-
tion. On the wall to the lever's right is a card slot. On
the lever's opposite side protrudes a circular mech-
anism with three interlocking dials, each with a set
of alien glyphs around the circumference. The lever
won't budge unless a yellow key card is inserted into
the card slot or the three dials are set to the correct
sequence of glyphs. The sequence can be found in
the tome Elevator Manual in area 3.
Once the elevator is activated, it takes 2 rounds
for the elevator doors to close and 1 minute to reach
area27 or 32. After 5 minutes in either area, the ele-
'a vator returns to this room.
A secret door is hidden in the eastern wall.

20, IsoreuoN CHAMBERS

Each of these metal chambers has a blue door. A
slot for food delivery near the base of each door can
be opened from the hall without a key card.

20a, DneÈ Necl

The desiccated remains of a spirit naga lie in this
chamber. If the remains are disturbed, they rise as a
bone naga and attack.

20a, Qz-IR'KTAN
.f The mind flayer in this room, named Q'zar'ktan,
recently established a symbiotic relationship
with Bimbi, the flumph in area 17. Bimbi brings
Q'zar'ktan preserved brains to eat. In exchange,
Q'zar'ktan allows the flumph to harmlessly siphon
some of the mind flayer's mental energy. Q'zar'ktan,
morose and resigned to its fate in this dungeon, is
initially indifferent to characters. It tells them about
its predicament and mentions that the flumph hasn't
stopped by in a while.

20c-8, Etr.rprv CHalrsnns

These chambers are empty.

20r' MncoNrns
A myconid adult named Cluzong and two myconid
sprouts have sprung up from the corpse of a svirf-
neblin prisoner in the corner of this damp cell. Hav-
ing known nothing else, the myconids regard this
cell as their home and have no desire to leave. They
are indifferent to visitors.


SpxgpE aREN'r coNrENy to REMATN THERE.


! ::

2l. BnerN CneMsBn 22, lMonrERS' CHAMBERS

The door to this chamber is red. These sparse living quarters contain desks, beds,
A strange, silver machine rests betu'een a pair and shelves. Red doors connect areas 22b, 22c, and
of metal chairs in the center of this room. Shelves 22d to area 22a and the hallway to the west.
lining the wal1s hold potion bottles and glass jars.
many of which contain brains suspended in colorful 22e' CorrlruNAl Roon 1
liquid. Glassware on one shelf has been knocked A long metal table frl1s the center of this meeting
room. Skeletal remains of three escaped prisoners
over, covering the floor in broken g1ass.
Bimbi the flumph (area 17) accidentalll-spi11ed are slumped on the tab1e. The remains rise as three 4'l
many of the jars here; the resulting alchemical skeletons that attack anyone who enters the room.
stew mutated three of the brains in this room. The
now-floating brains (use the grell stat block) attack
A secret door is hidden in the northeast corner. i

22s, Otrv Froon

any creatures that enter the area.
Spilled, flammable oi1 makes a 10-foot square of
Two helmet-like contraptions, one per chair. dan-
this room's floor difŸcult terrain.
gle from silver cords attached to the machine in
this room's center. When the machine is activated 22c' GrowrNG ORB
as an action while two creatures wear the helmets, A glass orb wrapped in tattered oilcloth lies in
the creatures instantly switch bodies (an unrvilling one corner of this room. When uncovered, the
creature can make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw, orb shines light as if affected by the Continual
causing the machine to fail on a successful sar-ing FYame spell.
throw). Each creature retains its personality and
memories but exchanges all game statistics (its stat 22n, PnrsoNER's RnuerNs
block or character sheet) with the other creature. Skeletal remains of an escaped prisoner lie in
Both creatures have the stunned condition for 1 a corner of this chamber. Among the prisoner's
minute as they adjust to their new bodies. gear are a suit of leather armor, a morningstar, a
Treasure. Among the bottles and jars on the red key card, and ajournal. Thejournal describes
shelves are a Potion of Greater Healin¤ and a Potion how the prisoner escaped area 13 via a secret
of Vitality. door and found some equipment in area 16 before
coming here.

CH;\P It,¤ i7 i ilŸNjON

's Orrtcn from area 26.If the room isn't affected by an illu-
stands in one corner of this room. sion, the doppelgangers assume the forms of nonde-
to the steward who acquired it before the script Humanoids cloaked in silvery robes.
abandonment, the golem attacks any crea-
ture that enters the room. 26, OnsnRVATroN Rootrr
The top drawer of the desk in this room contains a Wide windows along the east walls of
yellow key card. this elevated room overlook the adjacent simula-
tion chambers; the windows aren't visible from the
23' DaUSELFLY BAY chambers below. A chaotic evil riffier (see chapter
The door to this chamber is yellow. 21) named Turner is in the room, trying to figure out
A dragonfly-shaped spacecraft ca1led a damselfly the controls; Turner has a blue key card.
ship was once docked here. Some prisoners at-
tempted to use the ship to leave the Donjon Sphere,
SruurerroN CoNTRoLS
Beneath each window is a magical console that
but they crashed during the launch. The wreckage
resembles a wide desk with a slanted top. Each
of the damselfly ship is scattered about area 14.
console has AC 14,25 hit points, and immunity to
24, EscePE PoD poison and psychic damage.
A creature with a blue or yellow key card can
Three metal platforms in this bay once held escape
use an action at the console to activate one ofthe
pods, only one of which remains: it resembles a
following spells, targeting the simulation chamber
large coffin made of semitranslucent orange crystal.
to which the console is closest. The spe11's area is
One Medium creature or two Small creatures can
restricted to the dimensions of the simulation cham-
fit inside the escape pod. If the pod's door is closed,
ber in which it is cast. Each spell can be cast once
a creature inside the pod can use an action to pull
per simulation chamber per day:
a lever, causing the stanchions holding the pod in
place to collapse, a hatch in the ceiling to open, . Create Food and Water
and a pulse of energy to propel the pod through a . Major Ima¤e
narrow tunnel and out of the Donjon Sphere, leav- . Mira¤e Arcane
ing the pod adrift in the Astral Sea. The entire se- . Sleep (cast as a 4th-level spell)
quence takes 3 rounds after the lever is pulled.
27, OssnRVAToRY
25, SIUULATIoN CneNrenns An alcove at one edge of this chamber holds a plat-
The sphere's creators used these rooms to create form for the elevator to area 19.
simulations of the natural environments of prison- A massive telescope protrudes from the center
ers. Normally large and empty, the rooms can be of this room, its lens aimed through a hole in the
filled with whatever illusions the experimenter in ceiling that extends all the way through the Donjon
area 26 chooses. Windows look down on the two Sphere. A complex array of levers that lines the
chambers from area 26,but those windows aren't telescope can rotate the Donjon Sphere to al1ow the
visible from the simulation chambers. The two telescope to change its field of view. This telescope
chambers are connected by a corridor that extends is a Telescopic Tšleporter (see chapter 13). One or
under area 26. The doors to this connecting corri- more characters could use it to escape the Don-
dor are blue. jon Sphere.

25e, WnsrERN STMULAToR 28, CBusnnn

This simulation chamber contains four mimics Waste from area 17 above arrives here to be pul-
trained to play along with whatever illusion magic verized by sloped grinding gears. Suffciently
is cast on the room from area 26. As long as the ground-up materials fall through a screen to a con-
mimics have SCCNE to take part 1flt they cooperate veyor belt that transfers them to the forge in arca 29.
taking on the roles of whatever furniture,
fixtures, or other domestic trappings best suit the Coruvevons
If the room isn't affected by an illusion, the Conveyor belts connect areas 28-3,1, allowing the
assume the forms of two metal chairs, a ta- steady transfer of materials between parts of the inner
a bed. core. Each round on initiative count 20 (losing ties),
the conveyors move anything on them 40 feet in the
RN SIMULATOR direction indicated on map 17.2.
evil doppelgangers occupy this room
take on a variety of disguises to
illusion magic is cast on the room

A creature that enters a space of crushing gears power core. Opening off one of the corridors is a cir-
for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there cular chamber that holds a platform for the elevator
takes 27 (5d10) bludgeoning damage. in area 19,
As an action, a character with thieves' tools can
29' Foncn try to remove a control gem, doing so with a suc-
Crushed waste and scrap metal are transferred to cessful DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. ,A'1-
this forge to be melted down and poured into molds. ternatively, a character can remove a gem by force,
Two fire elementals tend the forge. They're friendly taking an action and making a DC 15 Strength
to anyone with a yellow key card, indifferent to those (Athletics) check. On a failed check, the pedestal
with a blue or red key card, and hostile to anyone unleashes an arc of lightning that deals 14 (4d6)
without a key card. lightning damage to the character who attempted to
The vat of molten metal here is 20 feet deep. remove the gem
A creature that enters the vat for the first time For each control gem removed, the portal in area
on a turn or starts its turn there takes 27 (5d10) 33 becomes less stable, which in turn affects the
fire damage. sphere's power core. The lights throughout the
facility start blinking, and the sphere fi1ls with the
30, SUUTFLER sounds of hissing steam and groaning metal. These
A drone patrol monitors this area at all times. effects intensify with each control gem removed.
Conveyors transport glowing-hot metal plates If two gems are removed, the power core at the
from the forge to this large sorting area, r'vhere ma- heart of the Donjon Sphere implodes after 2d8
chinery rotates, flips, and folds them into smaller hours. This is reduced to 1d4 hours if three gems
forms before they're sent on to area 31. are removed, and to just 1d4 minutes if all four gems
The machinery forms a shifting maze of hazards. are removed. Replacing all four gems before the
Any creature other than a detention drone that ends power core implodes resets the time limit.
its turn anywhere in this area must make a DC 14 If the power core implodes, the planar portal in
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save. the crea- area 33 expands to the size of the Donjon Sphere.
ture takes 11 (2d10) bludgeoning damage plus 5 The prison and all its contents are transported to
(1d10) fire damage, is lifted above the convel.or b1. the Elemental Plane of Fire, then the portal col-
the machinery, and has the grappled condition (es- lapses on itself and disappears.
cape DC 13).
31, RncoNSTRUCToRY The massive metal doors to this room are yellow.
The Donjon Sphere constantly repairs itseif. Neu, A portal to the Elemental Plane of trire floats in
metal plates, iron bars, and other construction this room, reduced to a fiery orb six inches in diam-
materials are fabricated in this automated factor1.. eter by the control gems in area 32. The portal floats
Finished materials are removed from here into the between two black, triangular pillars that channel
maintenance shaft network, where they're handled energy from the portal to the power core at the
by detention drones. heart of the sphere.
A creature that ends its turn in this area must
Prexen PoBr,tr
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. Small and
The portal in the center of this chamber is sur-
smaller creatures have advantage on this save. On
rounded by a powerful energy field. A creature that
a failed save, the creature takes 22 (4d10) slashing
comes within 15 feet of the portal for the first time
damage as automation moves it through the main-
on a turn must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
tenance shaft network; the creature ends its turn
throw, taking 55 (10d10) force damage on a failed
inside a random maintenance shaft somewhere on
saving throw, or half as much damage on a suc-
map 17.2 (DM's discretion).
cessful one.
32' CoNrRoL GEMS Additionally, a creature that fails this saving throw
or touches the portal is caught in its energy fie1d.
At each corner of this rectangular set of corridors The creature is ejected from one of the sphere's
is a circular room that contains a slaad control gem poles (50 percent chance of either) at a speed of 1
mounted in a filigreed contraption atop a metal ped- mile per round; once free of the sphere, the creature
estal. The gems control the planar portal in area 33, can move normally using the rules for movement in
which in turn generates the Donjon Sphere's fiery the Astral Sea.

cI{€PTER 17 I DC NJ r]¤

{hi,cpŠilft ls


dreaded draw from a Deck of Many Thin¤s.
The individual who draws this card is con-
signed to a terrible fate: their body collapses
while their soul is imprisoned in a far-off object. .T' ajlti=t:.jr-i I
This poses challenges for the DM. the party, and the "+_,:8, .:.

imprisoned character's player. Where has the soul

been taken? How does the party recover it? And
what is the character's player to do while their char-
acter is inactive?
This chapter presents the House of Cards, a dun-
geon in a remote demiplane created when the Void
card is drawn. This is where the character's soul is
used as bait to lure the rest of the characters to the
lair of a predatory monster. This chapter begins with
advice for DMs and piayers facing the challenges
posed when a single character is separated from ev-
eryone else. This situation can be handled in many
ways, and DMs can choose an approach that suits
their players and their campaign. .,":**¤ffiŠ;*.',

DnawrNG THE VotÈ CeBo

When a character draws the Void card, the House of
Cards is called into existence in its own demiplane.
The character's soul is transported there, trapped
inside a porcelain mask in the lair of a breath
drinker, a monster presented in this chapter. If the
characters can obtain the mask, they can reunite
the soul of their fellow adventurer with that charac-
Another approach, which avoids those chal-
ter's body.
lenges, is for the player to continue playing their
You don't have to use the House of Cards if you
original character on a desperate quest to rescue
want the soul of the Void's victim to be trapped in
their own soul.
a location that's part of your ongoing campaign.
Regardless of where the soul is trapped, you should PrevrNc A TEMPoRARY Cnenecrnn
keep the character's player engaged until their char-
acter is rescued-which could take several sessions. Playing a new character for a brief period can be
One approach is for the player to play a temporary fun and liberating, giving the player a chance to
character. Many players are eager to try out new experiment with new class features in a iow-stakes
character ideas; ifyour player has a backup charac- environment. For example, a player who has avoided
ter in mind, the problem is solved. But some players spellcasting so far might want to give a cleric or
are reluctant to swap characters. Iftheyjoined the wizard a try.
game to play a particular character, they might not The player should determine who their character
have fun playing a different one. Even if the player is and why the character suddenly appears when
has no reservations, making a new character and the party interacts with a Deck of Many Thin¤s.
gracefully integrating that character into the party Consider linking the character to one of the factions
can take time. below to connect them to the party's adventures:

Established Ally or Organization. The temporary Preyrxc rHE SAME CHARACTER
character is someone the adventurers know. If
the characters have powerful contacts, this is the A character who falls victim to the Void card doesn't
perfect opportunity for one ofthose contacts to have to collapse into a coma; instead, they could
repay a favor to the adventurers by lending their have one chance to save themselves, with time
support. Perhaps a beloved a1ly has expressed a running oul.
desire to come on adventures before. Temples, This approach revises the effect of the Void card;
governments, guilds, and other societies the party the character loses their soul but not their capac-
has previously dealt with can all provide allies to ity to think and act. At first, the effects of the card
help the adventurers in their hour of need. might seem minor, and it might not be clear exactly
Herald of the Comet. The temporary character is what has happened. The character might grow
an agent of the Heralds of the Comet (see chapter lightheaded or briefly fall unconscious, for example.
12), a group that seeks the original Deck of Many But upon awakening, the character feels a profound
Thin¤s for its own purposes. While the leaders emptiness and sense of loss. Everything feels dis-
of this apocalyptic cult are nihilists intent on the tant and muted, as if their thoughts and feelings
destruction of the multiverse. manv 1ou-er-ranking were trapped behind glass. Soon, the seriousness of
members believe the organization has altruistic in- the problem becomes clear.
tentions and works for the greater good. This par-
Sour Loss
ticular herald seeks insight that might be found
The soulless character has disadvantage on Wis-
within the House of Cards.
dom (Insight) checks. Any effects that perceive, af-
Solar Bastion Agent. The temporan.character
fect, or manipulate a creature's soul that are used on
is an agent of the Solar Bastion (see chapter 10)
the character fail automatically.
who has been tracking the part1,'s Deck of Many
Thin¤s. This character is eager to help recover the Dn'rBnronATrNG Vnssnr
lost soul; after all, the Solar Bastion rvas founded Whenever the soulless character finishes a long
in response to a mortal being imprisoned by the rest, the character gains 1 level ofexhaustion that
Void. The character understands some of the can't be removed until the soul is restored. The
Void's workings and can assist in opening the way character grows more listless and withdrawn as the
to the House of Cards. exhaustion builds.
Making a new character takes time. Place an en-
INsrrNcrrvE DRAw
counter with a Deck of Many Thinss at the end of a The soulless character feels a pull toward what
session so the player whose character has been im-
they've lost. If you're using the House of Cards, the
prisoned can make a temporary character between
character senses that a Deck of Many Thinss can
sessions. A player who is happy with an iconic com-
bring them where they need to be.
bination of background and class might be able to
put together a character during a short break with
the help of online tools. Ifyou need the neu'charac-
ter immediately, you can turn to stat blocks; the ban- The Deck of Many Thinss creates the House of
dit captain, berserker, cult fanatic, knight. priest, Cards-this demiplane dungeon doesn't exist until
and spy are great places to start. In this book, con- the Void card is drawn. The soul of the character
sider the initiate of the comet (see chapter 12) or who draws the card is trapped in a porcelain mask
Solar Bastion knight (see chapter 10). that resembles that character's face. The mask waits
in a bound void within the House of Cards (area 23),
where an entity from the Far Realm known as a
fnd the sudden removal oftheir breath drinker preys on any who come to rescue the
taking a character out of pl trapped soul.
the player, use the option that
same character. Before ENrnnrNG AND LnavrNc THE HousE
rd, consider taking the While the House of Cards exists, spells such as
about to happen,
Plane Shift can access it if the caster knows where
wit h a tem porary
they're trying to go. But the Deck of Many Thinss
can also provide access to the dungeon. A creature
touching the deck from which the Void card was
drawn knows the House of Cards can be accessed
in the lollowing ways:

CHAPT]:R 18 ] V†IN



. ;sq


ExrnaNce or rxE llouse or Canos

Life Force. As an action, a creature touching the Damaging the cards causes more copies to shuffle
deck can command the House of Cards to open. out and replace the damaged cards, making it im-
The deck absorbs life energy, giving the creature possible to tunnel through surfaces. Unless other-
5 levels of exhaustion. These levels can be distrib- wise noted, ceilings are 20 feet high in rooms and
uted among up to five willing creatures touching 10 feet high in corridors.
the deck. Then each creature touching the deck is Doors. Visible doors are single large cards; they are
transported to area 1 ofthe House ofCards. as strong as reinforced iron, with AC 19, 50 hit
Spell Energy. If a creature touching the deck points, and immunity to poison and psychic dam-
casts a spe1l that teleports one or more targets, age. The card face displayed on each door corre-
instead ofthe spe1l's usual effect, each creature sponds to the room the door opens to.
touching the deck is transported to area 1 ofthe Lighting. Unless a location specifies otherwise,
House of Cards. rooms and corridors are lit by ambient dim light.
Secret Doors. Secret doors are made of many
Houss oF CARDs Fnerunns small cards that shuffle out of the way when the
The House of Cards has the following features: door is opened. Creatures can locate a secret door
by examining or physically searching the door's
Construction. The surfaces are composed of cards space and succeeding on a Wisdom (Perception)
of various sizes from the Deck of Many Thin¤s. check. The DC is 15 unless otherwise specified' In
Unless otherwise noted, the cards don't sit flush; corridors accessed only by secret doors, the backs
the walls, floor, and ceiling are irregular but not of those doors are obvious.
difficult terrain. All the cards except for the Void
card are visible throughout the House of Cards.

Housr op CanÈs LocerroNs formation with a Dexterity or Intelligence check
(their choice) using jeweler's or mason's tools, or by
The following locations are keyed to map 18.1.
making an attack with a melee weapon. Compare
I' ENrnaNcr the creature's ability check or attack ro11 total to the
Gem Shards table.
A gem of the listed value falls to the floor. If the re-
room is made sult indicates thunder damage, a terrible shrieking
of Many accompanies the cracking crystal. Each creature
patterned backs, in the room must make a DC 15 Constitution sav-
Four large cards that ing throw, taking the indicated damage on a failed
m the chamber: Rogue to the save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
After the gem formation yields a total of 3d6 gem
Cem to the south, and Flames
fragments, it goes silent, turns dark gray, and can't
center of the room's floor, a card
create any more gems.
Key glows brightly.
Gru Sulnos
Characters who enter the House of Cards appear Attack Roll or
Check Total Thunder Damage Gemstone Value
in this room, standing on the glou'ing Ke1'card in
the floor. 5 or lower 33 (6dr0) lo gp
Key. The Key card in the floor fills the room with t0-14 22 (4d10) 5o gp
bright light. Anyone touching the card knon-s it can 15-19 il (2dr0) 100 gp
be used to return home: any'character ri'ho touches 20-24 s (rdr0) 500 gp
it and uses an action to activate it lanishes. 1ear.
25-29 1,000 gp
ing the demiplane and reappearinq' in the closest
30 or higher 5,000 gp
unoccupied space to where thel'u'ere betbre they
appeared in the House of Cards.
3, Foor
Void Entrance. The entrance to the \-oid cham-
ber (area 23) is hidden in this room. benearh the Key
card. A character who examines the glori'ing Ke1- The face of the Fool card silently jeers from the walls
card and succeeds on a DC 22 \\risdom t Perception) of this room, and shimmering fields of light hang in
check discovers the card could srvir-e1. but the card the air, reflecting those within like fun-house mirrors.
doesn't move. The only way to rotate the card and
A door to the west shows the Cem card, while a door
reveal what lies beneath it is to use the Chime of
to the east displays the Sun card.
Openin¤ from the Key room (area 18) on it. This
reveals the Void card beneath-the onil' such card
in the entire dungeon. A creature that steps onto the Though they reflect like mirrors, the shimmering
Void card is teleported to area 23. fields aren't physical objects and can't be broken.
Reflections. Reflections in this room take on a
2' Gru life of their own, taunting the creatures who cast
them. A creature that converses with its own reflec-
card walls are smooth and resemble tion must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw
or take 5 (2d4) psychic damage.
es the center of the chamber, filling
rainbow glow and faint chiming
gemstone formation con-
laying the Fool card stands
P, rlewiplane lan wL a vtondertul place ta
er-showing only the
Many Things-is to es|$?e thr tat*Ÿ,lt ct *l,st w\t^l-r\{ffse*
l ?rov\del, if isvr't ht.anted Vu1 a \tunqr\
VarRaalvn aberrat\ott, at rcurse.
This room is brightly lit by the gem formation's light.
Gem Formation. The crystal formation doesn't
just change color; it constantly changes from one
type of gemstone into another. As an action, a
creature can try to carefully remove pieces of the

4' SUN 6' DoNyoN

Thick vines cover every wall in this chamber, which Chains drape this room, bird cages of black metal
splits into three parallel hallways separated by hang from the ceiling, and larger cages and iron maid-
walls that don't quite reach the ceiling. The ceiling ens stand on the floor. A door to the north bears the
emanates a scorching, fiery light throughout the Talons card, while another to the west bears the Fates
entire area. card. A door to the south shows the Moon card.
At the east end of the southernmost hall, a comical-
ly oversized golden key is mounted on a sword rack. A chain devil lurks among the chains and cages
At the east end of the middle hall is a pedestal shaped that fill this room. Characters who succeed on a
like bird's talons clutching a polished silver orb. The DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check spot the devil.
east end of the northernmost hall is a door illustrating The devil attacks when a creature approaches it,
tries to move past it toward the Talons door, or tries
the Moon card, in the center of which is an exaggerat-
to open the Fates door; the devil uses its Animate
ed keyhole. A door to the west displays the Fool card.
Chains ability to attack foes with the chains drap-
ing the room.
This room is a version of the Surface of the Sun Ca¤es. As a bonus action on its turn, the chain
trap in chapter 4, but it differs from that trap in the devil can throw a Small or Medium creature re-
following ways: strained by it or by an animated chain into one of
the cages in the room, whereupon the cage's door
Hotter Ceiling. Characters inside the room take 11
slams shut and locks. Each cage is made of iron and
(2d10) fire damage each round, instead of 5 (1d10).
has AC 19, 50 hit points, and immunity to poison
Moon Door. The door from the trap in the final hall
and psychic damage. A character can pick the cage's
depicts the Moon, not a skull.
lock with a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
Shorter Halls. The three halls in this trap are far
thieves' tools. A character who succeeds on a DC
shorter than those in the trap in chapter 4.
20 Strength (Athletics) check bends the cage's bars
5' MooN enough to escape.
Treasure. The chain devil has a set of Dimen-
sional Sfiacftles hanging from its belt and might use
ln the center of this roughly rectangular chamber is a
them on an incapacitated enemy.
deep, silver, bowl-shaped depression. Shallow stone
channels in the floor slope toward the bowl. Sewer 7, TeroNs
pipes jut from the ceiling over each channel.
This cavernous chamber smells like an animal's
den. Two talon beasts (see chapter 21) lair here.
A portcullis in the north wall blocks a door bearing
They try to steal the characters' magic before dart-
the image of the Donjon card. On the stone arch ing away to feed.
above the portcullis, a large glyph depicts a waxing Doors. The door to the west wall shows the
crescent moon, its right edge illuminated by the faint- Balance card. The door to the south shows the
est sliver of light. Next to the portcullis, a large iron Donjon card.
lever juts from the floor.
B' BereNcr

Like the Sun room (area 4), this chamber is an elab- A narrow wooden beam spans the length ofthis
orate trap. It is based on the Test of the Empty Moon
chamber, from the west door, which bears the image
trap from chapter 4, with these differences:
ofthe Star card, to the east door, which bears the
Northern Door. A door stands behind the portcullis image ofthe Talons card. The beam crosses a twenty-
to the north; this door leads to area6.If the char-
five-foot-deep pit filled with grinding, blood-stained
acters entered through this door, the portcullis
gears. The walls are metal cards devoid of grip.
blocks their way.
Southern Door. The door leading to area 4 is
locked, but it can be unlocked from this side. A1- Like the Sun and Moon rooms (areas 4 and 5), this
ternatively, the characters might unlock it from chamber is an elaborate trap. See the Balance and
area 4 using the key in that room. Ruin trap in chapter 4 for complete details. This
trap differs from the one described there in the fol-
lowing ways:

ŠsŠm ¤Šws¤$ffi #$ flsmms
5 Feet

L4,1a 1S.1:Txe ij**sr,:r Caqa:

Shorter Beam. The room and beam aren't as 1ong. 10' Ferns
East to West. When the part1, enters, the weight Each of these three octagonal chambers is home
is on the east side of the room. Any weight on to a fate hag (see chapter 21) . The hags all appear
the west side of the beam causes it to lower, to be the same human woman in different stages of
depressing the pressure plate that activates the life. Each hag offers a boon to one character who an-
metal walls. swers a question truthfully. The hags are indifferent
to the characters and attack only in self-defense.
9, Sran 7Oa: Future. The future fate hag appears as an
older woman. The flrst time a character tries talking
A swirling starlight glow hovers above the floor here. to her, she asks what the character fears most. If
The door in the east wall is the Balance card, and the the character answers honestly, the hag grants that
door in the west wall is the Rogue card. The chamber character the Charm ofthe Sa¤e (see chapter 8).
7Ob: Presenf. The present fate hag appears as an
is colder than other areas you've visited in the House
adult woman. The first time a character tries talking
of Cards.
to her, she asks what the character desires most. If
the character answers honestly, the hag grants that
The starlight glow is a conduit to a living star (see character lhe Charm of the Fates (see chapter 8).
the "Variant: Servants of Living Stars" sidebar in 7Oc: Past. The past fate hag appears as an adoles-
chapter 21 for examples). A creature that spends cent girl. The first time a character tries talking to
10 minutes concentrating on the glow can contact her, she asks what the character regrets most. If the
the star and ask it questions as if using the Contact character answers truthfully, the hag grants them
Other Plane spell, including all the risks associated the benefit of either a Greater Restoration spell or a
with that spell. A character who examines the star- Ileal spel1 (the player's choice).
light glow and succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence (Ar- Doors. A door to the south bears the face ofthe
cana) check intuits its purpose and property. Jester. The east door shows the Donjon. A secret
Secret Doon A secret door in the south wall leads door in the north wall leads to the Star room (area
to the Fates room (area 10). This door is easily visi- 9); it is easily visible if approached from the corridor
ble if approached from the corridor to area 10. to area 9.

CH€PTER ]8 i VŸI1}
11,.fnsrrn carried by the target (50 percent chance ofeither ifthe creature
has both) is partly degraded by rust, rot, or dry cracking. The
armor or shield takes a permanent and cumulative -i penalty
This room is plastered with Jester cards, and the floor to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an AC of l0 or a shield
is scattered with soft cushions. The door to the north that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed. Hitor Miss:The card is
bears the Fates card. A section of wall-cards shuffles
aside, admitting a gnome-like man before shuffling
Successfully casting the Dispel Ma¤r'c spell (DC 15)
nullifies all the corridor's traps for 1 minute.
closed. "Hello!" the newcomer says brightly. "You're
uninvited, but if you answer my riddle, or better 13' Srulr
yet tell me one of your own, you can make yourself
at home!" The cards that form this room depict the painted
skulls ofvarious creatures. The door to the east shows
The gregarious little man is Bindle, a riffier (see the Sage card; the door to the west shows the Ruin
chapter 21). He introduces himself and offers the card. A spectral, skeletal figure swathed in robes of
party his card: a nonmagical Jester card. shadow coalesces in the center ofthe chamber. lt
Riddles. Bindle asks the characters a riddle of says, in a dry, whispering voice, "Face me alone and
your creation or one from chapter 4. Alternatively,
prevail, and the path to wisdom opens. Fall, and you
the characters can ask Bindle a riddle of their own.
If the characters answer Bindle's riddle or ask one, fall forever."
Bindle is delighted and allows them to stay in his
room. With Bindle's blessing, the characters can The creature here is an avatar ofdeath as created
rest here whenever and for as long as they wish. by the Skull card from a Deck of Many Tfirn¤s (see
If the characters refuse to participate in Bindle's the Dun¤eon Master's Guide for the avatar's stat
riddle game, he flees and brings some of the dun- block). The first creature that replies to the avatar,
geon's other inhabitants (such as the talon beasts in attacks it, or tries to open or damage the Sage
area 7 or the spies in area 15) here to attack them. door becomes bound to the avatar, and the avatar
Treasure. Ifthe characters continue to trade attacks the bound creature. If any other creature
riddles with Bindle, answering at least one of his takes hostile action against the avatar or restores hit
own while also asking one or more, the nonmagical points to the bound creature, a new avatar appears
Jester card he gave them gains a magical prop- and is bound to the creature that intervened. All
erty (see the "Effects of Single Cards" section in avatars must be defeated before the Sage door can
chapter 2). be opened. The avatars fight until destroyed. Once
Secret Doon A secret door leads south to area 12. defeated, they don't reappear even ifthe adventurers
pass through this room again.
12' RUIN
Escapin¤ the Room. The Sage door can't be
opened or damaged by any means until all avatars'
This irregular corridor's floor is uneven and leads to of death in the room are destroyed. Spells such as
a door displaying the Skull to the east and another Gaseous Form or Dimension Door can be used to
showing the back ofa card to the west. The Ruin card bypass the door, but it won't open from the other
is repeated on many of the cards that form the walls. side as long as an avatar is in this room.

14, Sacn
The floor of this corridor is difficult terrain.
Secret Doon A secret door in the north wall leads A luminous figure shimmers in the air. lts blank face
to theJester room (area 11) and is easilyvisible from
floats above its humanlike torso, which fades into
this side.
nothing just above the waist. "Welcome," it intones
Traps. The ten Ruin cards in the room's walls are
in a melodious voice. "You have faced death to find
magical traps. Whenever a creature starts its turn in
the hallway or uses its movement, action, bonus ac- wisdom, and I honor your achievement. I shall answer
tion, or reaction here, one of the traps in the hallway one question to steer you on your way."
triggers. When that occurs, one of the Ruin cards
flies toward the creature and makes a Ruinous
The apparition is an extension of the Sage card.
Card attack:
It answers one question posed to it as if the asker
Ruinous Cord. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 60 ft., were using the Divination spell with no chance of a
the creature that triggered the attack. Hit:22 (d10) necrotic
random reading. The apparition respects the spirit
damage.ln addition, any nonmagical armor or shield worn or


"-¤1t¤*¤i.!a'i:at,,i,:ril:ir.:r' .,r;.:n.fr:i'.ii:r:iri:;::::lli:rii.i::l.irp.::r':-i:1i:

of the question asked; it doesn't twist its answers or 17, Puzzr-a

waste an answer on a frivolous question asked with-
out thought.
A stone pedestal in the center ofthe room holds a
If asked about how to retrieve a soul from the
House of Cards, it answers, "The Rogue guards the bloodstained basin. A simple copper knife with a

Przzle, beyond which hides the Key. But the lock razor edge rests on the side ofthe basin. !(ords are
itself lies beneath your first steps." inscribed on the basin's rim.

15, RocuB
This room has the only path to the Key room (area
18), and it also provides a way to reach the Knight
This massive chamber is dotted with thick, irregular
room (area 19) without passing through the Flames
columns of stacked cards, which make it difficult to room (area 20).
see far into the room. Rogues leer from the room's Secref Doors. The secret doors in this room
card faces. The door to the east is the Star card, while can't be located without a True Seein¤ spell or sim-
the door to the south shows the back ofa card. The ilar magic.
door to the west displays the Puzzle card. Basin. The inscription on the basin reads, "Once
for reward, twice for compassion, thrice for salva-
tion." A character cut by the copper knife who bleeds
Three of the columns in this room. colored in a into the basin takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage, and
lighter blue tone on the map, are illusions. Within their hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
them hide a number of creatures equal to the num- equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts un-
ber of characters in the party. each identical in til the character finishes a long rest. This effect is a
appearance to one character or to an ally accompa- property of the basin; the knife is nonmagical.
nying the party. The creatures use the spy stat block After a character bleeds into the basin, the secret
with the following changes: thel'are neutral evil trey door leading north to the Throne room (area 16) is
who speak all languages knou-n to the characters revealed by a glowing outline. Repeating the bleed-
in the room. These creatures can see through the ing process within 10 minutes, whether by the same
illusory columns as if the columns were ghostly creature or a different one, reveals the secret door to
images; casting Dispel l'Iagic on an illusory pillar area 19. If repeated again, it reveals the secret door
causes it to vanish. to area 18.
The Fey try to kill the characters and fight to the
death. They use hit-and-run tactics to launch at- 18' KBv
tacks, ducking behind and hiding within illusory col-
umns when possible to create the impression that A raised pedestal bearing the Key card stands before
they vanish.
the entrance. A silver chime floats above the pedes-
Secret Door, A secret door in the west wall leads
tal's surface, rotating slowly and ringing softly.
to the Throne room (area 16). This door is easily vis-
ible when approached from the corridor to area 16.
This is a safe room where the characters can rest.
16' TnnoNr
Treasure. The object above the pedestal is a
I Chime of Openin¤.It is inscribed with a small key
st"pt ascend to a dais that holds and the following phrase in Common: 'At the begin-
I ning, I open the end." When a character carrying

i made of cards.

* A
the chime moves toward area I, they hear a faint
ringing that grows louder the closer they get to the
The first creature that sits on the throne gains the Key card depicted in that room. Once they're in area
Charm of the Throne supernatural gift (see chapter 1, anyone in that room can hear the sound.
8). While the charm lasts, however, the creature has
disadvantage on Charisma checks and expects its 19, Kxrcnr
every command to be quickly obeyed. This charm
can be bestowed only once, and it can be removed
A being composed of golden light and clad in plaie
with the Remove Curse spell.
armor rests on one knee in the center of the room.
SecrefDoors. There are two secret doors: one
behind the throne, which leads to area 15, and one Chains of shadow wrap around its neck, wrists, and
in the south wall, which leads to area 17. The door waist, binding it to the floor. A door to the south
behind the throne is easily visible when approached shows the Flames card.
from the corridor to area 15.

The figure is a lawful good knight and is a Celestial 21, Eunvern ,'
instead of a Humanoid. It implores the characters
to free it, offering to protect and aid them while they
A snake-haired woman in a flowing robe stands at the
explore the House of Cards. The knight is incapable
center of the room, scowling. She is surrounded by
of breaking its own chains.
The chains holding the knight have AC 19, 30 hit similar visages on the Euryale cards around the walls,
points, vulnerability to radiant damage, and immu- while a door to the north displays the Comet card.
nity to poison and psychic damage. They can be bro- "Oh good, heroes," she sneers, the final word drip-
ken as an action with a successful DC 20 Strength ping with contempt. "Shall we get this over withl"
(Athletics) check. They have no locks, but a spel1 of
3rd level or higher that creates bright light destroys
the chains if they are within the bright light's radius. The medusa here answers to the name Euryale,
Secret Doon A secret door to the north leads to and though she expects to be attacked, she doesn't
lhePrzzle room (area 17). This door is easily visible initiate battle. This isn't the same Euryale described
when approached from the corridor to area 17. in chapter 22.Ifthe characters refrain from attack-
ing and show her courtesy or at least respect, she
20, FreuBs lets them pass unharmed.
Dyin¤ Curse.If the medusa is killed, any charac-
ter who targeted the medusa with an attack or spe1l
This lavishly appointed study smells of subtly sweet
that deals damage is cursed; the cursed character
incense, and soft music plays from no obvious source.
has disadvantage on ability checks and saving
A large Flames card on the south wall is framed like a
throws made with their highest ability score (if the
fireplace. The illustrated fire dances and crackles, giv- character has their highest ability score in more
ing off pleasant warmth. A door to the north bears the than one ability, the DM should choose one). The
Knight card, while a door to the west bears the Euryale curse can't be broken while the House of Cards
card. A door to the east shows the back ofa card. exists. Otherwise, a Remove Curse or similar
magic ends it.
A handsome human man dressed in rich robes sits
in an overstuffed chair, reading a book. 22' CouBr

The reader is Avalion, a glabrezu in human shape. A being composed of swirling dust and ice hovers at
He greets the characters amiabiy and offers the the far end of the room. lt booms in a hollow voice,
hospitality of his study, inquiring about their busi "Prove yourself in single combat and be rejuvenatedl"
ness. Whether or not they're forthcoming, Avalion
knows they're here for a sou1, which he offers to help
them find. The creature is an elemental composed of comet ice
If the adventurers agree to his help, Avalion se- and dust. It uses the stat block of an air elemental
lects one willing character to receive the Charm of but also has immunity to cold damage. If a single
the Flames (see chapter 8), marking that character's character defeats the elemental unaided, that char-
skin with an infernal rune. If the character whose acter immediately gains the benefits of finishing a
soul has been lost is adventuring with the party, long rest.
Avalion selects that character. So long as the charac-
23' Voro
ter has the charm, Avalion knows their location and
The only way to reach this chamber is to teleport
can communicate telepathically with them. He then
here from area 1.
directs the characters to the Puzzle room (area 17),
telling them "the key can be found from there." If
the adventurers already have the Chime of Openin¤ A swirling veil of faint, silvery mist encircles an other-
from area 18, he laughs and says, "You already have wise empty, silent, dark void. A single spot of gleam-
everything you need." ing light hangs in the center ofthe space in the form
If the characters try to leave without agreeing to
of a white, porcelain mask shot through with golden
his help, he politely informs them he can't allow that
cracks that resemble veins.
and urges them to reconsider. If they continue trying
to leave or ifthe adventurers penetrate his disguise
and take action against him-he assumes his true This room is the heart of the House of Cards. The
form and attacks. mask contains the soul of the character who drew
the Void card. The mask is guarded by a breath
drinker (see the accompanying stat block). The

A ponceratN MAsK FLoars wrrHrN THE voro
ar rHE HEART op rxE llousE or Canos.


breath drinker has the invisible condition when the CoNcrusroN

characters arrive and attacks as soon as they ap-
V proach the mask. The breath drinker focuses its at-
The adventure in the House of Cards concludes
when the mask is placed on the face of the soulless
tacks on anyone trying to claim the mask, grappling
character or ifthe soulless character dies before
and dragging them away as it feasts on their soul.
their soul is returned.
Gravity. The void has no gravity, and creatures
When the mask is placed on the face of the soul-
and objects simply hang in space. A creature can
less character, the House of Cards tumbles down,
hover and move by thought with a flying speed of 30
and the entire demiplane collapses. The adventurers
feet, or by using its own flying speed if it has one.
return to where they were before they entered the
Misty Boundary. Mist encircles the void, replac-
House of Cards, or in the nearest unoccupied space.
ing walls, floor, and ceiling. Anyone who moves
If the soulless creature dies before the mask is
through the mist vanishes and reappears on the
placed on their face, the House of Cards collapses
opposite side of the void; for example, a character
as described above, and the soulless character
moving through the south wall appears adjacent to
is slain forever. Not even a Wish spell can return
the north wall.
them to life.
Mask. The mask's features resemble those of the
character who drew the Void card from the deck,
Oprroru: Mlsx Bour.ro
and it is a perfect fit for that character. A creature
lnstead of dissolving, the mask could endure with the
that tries to take the mask must make a DC 15
character's soul remaining bound to it. ln this case,
Charisma saving throw; this save is made with dis- the character must wear the mask to function. lf the
advantage if the breath drinker is alive. On a failed mask is removed, the character's body has the inca-
save, the mask slips from the creature's grasp but pacitated condition until the mask is returned to the
remains in its space, where another creature can character's face.
try to take it. When the mask is placed on the face
: of the soulless character, the character's soul is re-
turned and the House of Cards collapses (see "Con-
clusion" below).
BnnerH Dnrxrnn
Medium Aberration, Typically Chaotic Evil re

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)

Hit Points 157 (2,id8 + 63)
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)


5 (-3) l8 (+a) 16 (+3) I I (+0) l s (+2) 20 (+s)

Saving Throws lnt +5, Wis +7

Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9, Survival +7
Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage lmmunities poison, radiant
Condition lmmunities grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
prone, restrained
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge l4 (1,l,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5

lncorporeal Movement. The breath drinker can move through

other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. lt
takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
Radiant Absorptior,r. When the breath drinker is subjected to
radiant damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a num-
ber of hit points equal to the radiant damage dealt.

Multiottock. The breath drinker makes two Enervating Claw ;
attacks. lt can also use Drink Breath.

Enervating Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., .

one creature. Hit:12 (2d6 + 5) necrotic damage, and if the tar- ,.,
get is Large or smaller, it has the grappled condition (escape
DC l8). The target must succeed on a DC l8 Constitution sav-
ing throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the target '

Bnnlrrl Dnrxrnn finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
point maximum to 0.
Breath drinkers are Aberrations that invade
Drink Breath. The breath drinl<er targets a creature that has the
multiverse from the Far Realm. They drift through
incapacitated condition or that the breath drinker is grappling
reality like living voids, remaining unseen while and that isn't a Construct or an Undead. The target must make ,
searching for souls to consume. When they strike, a DC l8 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target
breath drinkers consume a victim's personality and takes 36 (8d8) necrotic damage, and its Charisma score is
identity, ultimately drawing out and devouring the reduced by ld6. This reduction lasts until the target finishes
unfortunate being's soul. Breath drinkers avoid a short or long rest. lf this reduces the target's Charisma to 0,
the target dies. Until the breath drinker dies, the dead target
necrotic energy because it amplifies the void at the
can't be returned to life by any means short of divine inter-
core oftheir existence, rapidly causing the creatures
vention. On a successful save, the target tal(es half as much
to devour themselves. necrotic damage only. On a successful or failed save, the breath
Cunning stalkers, breath drinkers are usually so1- drinker regains a number of hit points equal to the necrotic
itary. Occasionally they serve powerful Far Realm damage dealt.
entities or Elder Evils, consuming life and souls for lnvisibility. The breath drinker has the invisible condition. This
their masters. The first breath drinker manifested in invisibility ends immediately after the breath drinker hits or
the multiverse when the Void card was first drawn misses with an attacl< roll or uses Drink Breath.
from the original Deck of Many Thin¤s.

e f"!.,e.PT!:.Š 1S


: doomed Undead that seek the Deck of Many
:' Thin¤s in all its forms so they can destroy it
i' and end their own existence. But as the Decl<
of Many Thin¤s has multiplied through the multi-
verse, the Grim Harrow's goal has become increas-
ingly difficult. Nevertheless, this menace scours the t.
multiverse for any version of the deck, destroying
anyone or anything that gets in the way. Consisting
of Undead creatures of varying strength-from
shadows and carrion birds to powerful champions
of violence and despair the Grim Harrow is an an-
tagonist for campaigns of all levels, whether a Deck
of Many Thin¤s appears in your campaign or not.
Intended for Dungeon Masters, this chapter de-
scribes the Grim Harrow's motives and methods.
as well as the dreadful demiplane that serves as the
creatures'home. Stat blocks for ser.eral members of
the Grim Harrow appear at the end of the chapter.

TrrE Gnru F{ennow

When the Skull card is drau-n from a Deck of Many
Thin¤s, an avatar of death appears. he1l-bent on
slaying its summoner. In this \\:a]-. the infamous
deck has claimed many mortal souls.
These souls don't pass peacefully into the afterlife,
nor do they simply vanish. Marked by the avatar of
death, these souls instead rise as evil Undead linked
to the deck. For centuries, these Undead aimlessly
wandered the multiverse, until a grim champion be- Goars
gan seeking out its fellow victims and forged those it The Grim Harrow's primary purpose is to destroy
found into a force it called the Grim Harrow. Even- al1 copies of the Decft of Many Thin¤s.Its members
tually, the Grim Harrow found a faerie demiplane believe destroying the decks will end the doom that
called the Gardens of Delight. Desiring a home base binds them to an Undead existence, allowing all
for their effort to destroy Decks of Many Thin¤s, the the victims of the avatar of death to truly die at last.
Undead killed or drove off all who dwelled there and This thesis, however, can be proven only by the final
claimed the gardens as their own. destruction of all the decks-a nigh impossible task
Over time, the necrotic magic of the Grim Harrow since the decks manifest on worlds throughout the
corrupted the Gardens of Delight, warping the demi- infinite multiverse.
plane into the Gardens of Decay. As the demiplane The Grim Harrow seeks any information regard-
became bound to the Grim Harrow, so too did the ing decks, those who've had a deck, and those who
hunt's members become bound to the demiplane. know the decks' secrets. These foul menaces are
The Grim Harrow uses the magic of the gardens wary of agents of the Solar Bastion (see chapter
to search the multiverse for Decks of Many Thin¤s. 10), as well as rifflers (see chapter 21), strange trey
When these Undead find signs of a deck, their har- who are drawn to the decks. Members of the Grim
N rowing hunts begin anew, and woe to those who get Harrow search for tools that might help them in
between them and their prey!

their mission, including powerful magic items, rare New arrivals are spotted by the grim champions
spells, and depositories of ancient 1ore. or their lieutenants, who seek out potential hunters
Since making the Gardens of Decay their home, and coerce them into service through temptation or
the creatures of the Grim Harrow can leave it only the threat of violence. The ideal candidate for the
for limited periods (see the "Gardens of Decay" Grim Harrow is intelligent enough to pursue leads,
section later in this chapter for more information), powerful enough to claim the deck from anyone
so they seek out ordinary mortals or unusual ex- who resists, and obedient enough to do what the
traplanar allies to be their agents on other worlds. grim champions tell it. But this combination is rare,
The leaders of the Grim Harrow-fearsome Undead so the grim champions must often settle for imper-
cal1ed grim champions select privileged servants fect servants.
to leave the gardens on harrowing hunts or other The most common recruits to the Grim Harrow
key missions. Between hunts, most members of the are revenants, specters, wights, and wraiths.
Grim Harrow wallow in misery within the gardens, Ghosts and mummies are also counted among the
tormented by their own hateful existence. group's members, and the lieutenants of the grim
champions are typically death knights, liches,
o'w and vampires. If you have access to Mordenkainen
Most members of the Grim Harrow are souls slain Presenfs.' Monsters of the Multiverse, sword wraiths
by the avatar of death (as summonedby a Deck and deathlocks make excellent additions to the
of Many Thin¤s). However, not all such souls are Grim Harrow.
deemed worthy of joining the group.
Upon dying at the hands of the avatar, souls ap-
pear in the Gardens of Decay, a demiplane detailed The Grim Harrow keeps a close eye on the pla-
later in this chapter. The souls are permanently nar portals contained in a glass tower within the
bound to this demiplane and take on the form of evil Gardens of Decay known as Death's Aperture (see
Undead such as shadows or ghouls. Many of these the "Glass Arboretum" section below). The Grim
creatures wander the demiplane, pursuing their Harrow travels via Death's Aperture while pursuing
cruel compulsions. a Deck of Many Thin¤s or the organization's other

interests. These missions are known as harrowing GennnNs oF DECAY FnerunBs
hunts, or simply hunts.
The leader of a hunt is handpicked by one of the Unless otherwise noted, the areas within the Gar-
grim champions and is usually the most powerful dens of Decay have the following features:
Undead on the hunt, although sometimes a weak Brink of Death. Creatures within the Gardens of
but clever Undead is given command over powerful Decay have disadvantage on death saving throws.
but less intelligent ones. On rare occasions-usual1y If a Humanoid dies within the gardens, it rises
when the Skull card has been drawn and the Grim as a shadow in the Glass Arboretum in 1d4 days
Harrow has a chance to destroy a copy of the Deck unless it is raised from the dead before then. A
of Many Thin¤s-one of the grim champions leads creature turned into a shadow in this way can't be
the hunt themself. returned to life by any means.
The leader of the hunt rides a mount-typically a Fettered Souls. If a creature bound to the Gardens
warhorse skeleton or nightmare, but sometimes a of Decay travels to a different plane, that creature
more unusual creature. The hunt is also served by vanishes after 24 hours, reappearing in the Gar-
flocks of harrow hawks (see chapter 21) that func- dens of Decay where it left or in the nearest unoc-
tion as spies and messengers, along with harrow cupied space.
hounds (this stat block appears later in this chapter) Weather. The sky above the Gardens of Decay is
who find and track prey. perpetually overcast. There is no sun or moon,
Once the hunt begins, the Undead move as quickly and the lighting never changes.
as possible to complete their mission.If a Deck of
Many Thin¤s is present, the hunt tries to kill who- GannrNs oF DECAY LocarroNs
ever has it, then destroy the deck or, failing that, The following locations appear on map 19.1.
return the deck to the Gardens of Decay. If the deck
isn't the immediate object of the hunt, the members Grass AnnonBr:uu
of the hunt spread out, seeking anyone who might've A strangely vibrant beacon of colors and iridescent
encountered the deck. After centuries of activity, the 1ight, the Glass Arboretum sits at the heart of the
Grim Harrow has visited many worlds throughout Gardens of Decay. At first it appears to be a lush
the multiverse and has contacts and agents every- conservatory filled with vivid flowers and verdant
where. Many of these informers don't know who or trees. but closer inspection reveals that the plant life
what the Grim Harrow really is; they know only that is entirely artificial, constructed entirely of beautiful,
the hunters are terrifying and will ki1l anyone in fragile glass sculptures.
their way. Hunters seeking the deck periodically re- Death's Aperture. A 20-foot-ta11 octagonal tower,
establish their authority over these contacts through know.n as Death's Aperture, rises above the glitter-
fear or bribery, collecting any intelligence they have ing landscape of the Glass Arboretum. One side
concerning the Deck of Many Thinss and related of the tower holds the tower's entrance. The other
topics, such as the Solar Bastion (see chapter 10), seven sides are dominated by luminescent, stained-
Heralds of the Comet (see chapter 12), and rifflers glass windows. These windows depict colorful,
(see chapter 21). ever-shifting fractals that periodically coalesce into
Because the Undead are bound to the Gardens scenes from worlds throughout the multiverse. Each
of Decay, the hunt must end after 24 hours. At that window is a planar portal to the world currently
time, any Undead on the hunt vanish, reappearing in visible in the window. Usually these images are
the Gardens of Decay. There, they report to the grim random, but when someone in the multiverse draws
champions and await the next hunt. the Skull card from a Deck of Many Thinss, one of
the windows shows a scene depicting the unfortu-
GennuNs oF DEcey nate individual and opens a portal to that individu-
a1's location.
The Gardens of Decay is a dreadful realm over-
flowing with deathly energy. Once a beautiful faerie At the center of Death's Aperture is a bottomless
realm called the Gardens of Delight. the demipiane well that churns with dark smoke. When a grim
was conquered and corrupted by the Grim Harrow. champion wishes to punish a trespasser or an in-
The plane's titular gardens are wide expanses of competent minion, they throw the unfortunate crea-
corrupted land, each representing a different means ture down this well, and it is never seen again.
of death. At the center sits the Glass Arboretum, Morswrr.rc Gnovr
which holds Death's Aperture the demiplane's pri-
Mothwing Grove is an eerily quiet forest of stout
mary entry and exit point. trees shrouded in mist. The scent of rain hangs

' CT{APTER 1g i ¤KUL]-

heavy in the grove, but rain never actually falls here, The red mud and boggy terrain of Scarlet Mire are
and the air is supernaturally stagnant. caused by the glut of decaying bodies beneath the
In addition to the demiplane's standard features, marsh's surface. Crawling claws skitter through the
Mothwing Grove has the following feature: marsh, grasping at any who pass through. Scarlet
Mire is also inhabited by roving bands of wights.
Consuming Emptiness. Whenever a creature
The Rowena. The jagged prow of a half-sunken
that isn't Undead finishes a long rest within the
galleon juts from the heart of the marsh. Scrawled
Mothwing Grove, that creature must succeed on
lettering on the ship's side reveals its name as the
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or have its hit
Rowena. Wynemar Brack, the Grim Champion
point maximum reduced by 5. This reduction lasts
of Bloodshed (this stat block appears later in this
until ended by the Remove Curse spell or similar
chapter) captured this ship on a hunt centuries ago
magic. If this effect reduces the creature to 0 hit
and hoped to sail it through the Astral Sea, escap-
points, it dies.
ing the demiplane's pull, but the demiplane's magic
The grove gets its name from the unusual will-o'- brought the entire ship back instead. Wynemar
wisps that inhabit it. These will-o'-wisps-thought holds court here, attended by her first mate, a death
to spawn from the lonely and fractured souls of the knight named Lord Gallien, along with other lieu-
grove's other Undead inhabitants adopt the shapes tenants and lesser Undead.
of moths or butterflies, and flitter through the thick
mist. This grove is also home to flocks of harrow Wrurnnno VrNnvano
hawks (see chapter 21). Many of these hawks are Withered Vineyard is a place of plague and illness.
in the Grim Harrow's employ, serving as spies and Rows of crops stand blight-gorged and decayed. The
scouts for hunts. few fruits that spawn from the shriveled plants are
Ma¤tubo. At the center of Mothwing Grove stands gray and wrinkled, breaking open to reveal maggots
a wide banyan tree swaddled in the pale vines of a infesting their cores.
strangler fig. This tree is an ancient entity named In addition to the demiplane's standard features,
Magtubo. (Use the treant stat block for Magtubo, Withered Vineyard has the following feature:
but its type is Undead instead of Plant.) Magtubo Sickly Air. The Withered Vineyard is contaminated
has lived in the Gardens of Decay since before the with toxic spores. A creature that spends 1 minute
Grim Harrow came; it remembers the faerie forest in the vineyard must succeed on a DC 15 Constitu-
that used to be here, which it once tended. If anyone tion saving throw or have the poisoned condition
asks, Magtubo tells the story of the Grim Harrow's for 24 hours. A creature that succeeds on this sav-
arrival and slaughter of the Fey that dwelled here, ing throw is immune to the vineyard's toxic spores
but otherwise the tree remains silent, avoiding the for 24 hours.
notice of the grim champions.
When not leading a hunting party,Jyn Corvis, Hungry insect swarms ravage this section of the
the Grim Champion of Desolation (this stat block demiplane. Undead that inhabit the Withered Vine-
appears later in this chapter), can usually be found yard for extended periods of time sometimes trans-
lounging among Magtubo's roots, planning the form into hulking masses of rotting foliage (use the
Grim Harrow's next moves. vine blight stat block, but these creatures' type is
Undead instead of Plant).
Scenrnr Mrnn Ilouse ofRot. A ramshackle farmhouse known
Scarlet Mire is a putrid swamp soaked in unspeak- as the House of Rot stands atop a squat hill in the
able violence. It was here that the blink dogs that center of Withered Vineyard. Sickly blue paint peels
dwelled within the Gardens of Delight were slaugh- off the farmhouse's moldering wood walls, and the
tered, and where they rose again as Undead harrow holes in its slate roof are knitted over with cobwebs.
hounds (this stat block appears later in this chap- Inside, the bones of Humanoids litter the floor,
ter). Rancid red sludge bathes the land, and the cloy- picked clean by worms.
ing, metallic taste of blood suffuses the air. The House of Rot serves as the home of Aleron,
In addition to the demiplane's standard features, the Grim Champion of Pestilence (this stat block
Scarlet Mire has the following feature: appears later in this chapter). Twin banshees
named Alegara and Melisma watch over the house
Blood-Soaked. Scarlet Mire is sodden with gore,
in Aleron's absence. They welcome visitors, sizing
rendering it difficult terrain. Additionally, crea-
them up as potential meals while offering trays of
tures in Scarlet Mire that aren't Undead have dis-
rotting appetizers and cups of moldy tea.
advantage on initiative rolls.


Ganorns oF Dncrv

llnnnnru Umnvlno


¤11nur t{nn

Ll,rn ;1.r; Gan*ei*s cr †ecly

AÈvENTURE Hoors to close in, Oddlewin hides the deck among the
characters' belongings and flees, sending the har-
The Grim Harrow includes both weak and pou'erful rowing hunt in pursuit of the characters.
Undead, and it serves as an antagonist organization Redemption. Asteria (see chapter 22) believes the
for adventurers of every level. The threat it poses Grim Champion of Desolation might be someone
turns any Deck of Many Thin¤s into a ticking time she knew from her youth, and if she's right, she's
bomb. The following are examples of u'a1's the hunt certain that person can be returned to the path of
might come for characters: good. Asteria asks the adventurers to infiltrate the
Countdown.Larrel, a youngwoman who recently Gardens of Decay to learn that champion's true
inherited her father's merchant wagon. hnds a identity. If the champion is who Asteria suspects,
Deck of Many Thin¤s among the wagon's contents. Asteria wants the characters to bring the cham-
She travels the roads trying to sell her father's pion out of the garden to a place where she can
goods, ignorant ofthe dangers the deck attracts. confront the champion.
Jared, a knight of the Solar Bastion (see chapter Unwitting Pawns. The characters are recruited to
10), enlists the characters to find Laurel before the search for a Deck of Many Thin¤s by a wealthy
Grim Harrow does. When the adventurers reach patron, Lord Verin Oakley, who claims descent
her, however, they learn she has sold the deck. and from a famous knight who once owned this deck.
a harrowing hunt has alreadl'begun. Verin insists he has an ancestral claim to it, and
Oddlewin in Danger. Oddlewin is a fortune teller he is willing to pay handsomely. Verin sends the
in Seelie Market (see chapter 14). He is being characters on all manner of adventures, always
hunted by a revenant and fled the market to avoid looking for any sign of the deck. But when they
endangering his friends there. He enlists the char- finally locate it and return it to him, they learn
acters to protect him, offering magical trinkets Verin is an agent of the Grim Harrow and hopes to
and the opportunity to draw from his Deck of attain vampirism or another form of immortality
Many Thin¤s. But when the Grim Harrow begins as a reward for handing over the deck.

ll,l -'..r

ii THr
- GBru CHauproNS
,he Grim Harrow is led by three powerful entities
GBrru CHauproN oF DrsorarroN
Jyn Corvis, a former adventurer, might have been
]1 the first person to draw the Skull card from a Deck
il *ith the title of grim champion. Each champion
a terrible facet of death. Jyn Corvis, Grim of Many Thin¤s and be slain by the avatar of death.
il "mbodies
jl Champion of Desolation, is the oldest and most EvenJyn doesn't know for sure, as that was so long
il powerful of the three and embodies all-consuming ago that she's forgotten almost everything about her
:1. She 1ed the Grim Harrow to the Gar- former life. Jyn's existence over so many centuries
"othingness. has left her in tortured misery, and now nihilism is
dens of Delight long ago and is the nominal leader
of all the Undead in the demiplane. The other two all that drives her. More than any other member of
.hampions-Wynemar Brack, Grim Champion of the Grim Harrow, Jyn is desperate to destroy the
];' deck and end her painful existence. If she could,
Bloodshed, and Aleron, Grim Champion of Pesti
lence rivalJyn for power and together can oppose she'd take the entire multiverse with her.
her. The fact that the three champions rarely agree The Grim Champion of Desolation rides a malev-
! on anything is a major check on the group's power. olent draconic beast with pale, leathery wings and
i Instead of the Grim Harrow acting as a unified emaciated skin; this mount uses the wyvern stat
,:rce, each of the three champions usually pursues block, but it is an Undead instead of a Dragon. An
i their own interests, seldom cooperating or sharing eerie, hollow silence heralds the champion's arrival.
intelligence or resources.
Gnru CHauproN oF PnsrrrBNcn
i GRrM CHAMPToN oF BLooDSHED Aleron was once a tiefling adventurer, but unlike
Wynemar Brack was once a farmer, but mercenar- so many victims of the Dec,k of Many Thin¤s,he
ies in a local war razedher fields and sacked her vil- never drew the Skull card. Instead, when one of his
lage. In desperation, she yielded to the clever patter allies drew the card and faced the avatar of death,
of a traveling fortune teller and drew from a Deck Aleron came to his a1ly's aid. A second avatar of
of Many Thin¤s. The avatar of death slew her in a death appeared, and Aieron was slain; soon after,
flash. That was many centuries ago, and Wynemar his Undead corpse crawled from Withered Vine-
is now a powerful and bloodthirsty Undead com- yard, tainted with plague. Aleron resents his fellow
mander of the Grim Harrow. Undead in the Grim Harrow, considering himself
Wreathed in searing fire, Wynemar embodies the better than al1 of them and unjustly condemned to
havoc of violence and war. She rides a flaming steed the Gardens of Decay for an act of altruism.
that uses the nightmare stat block but is an Undead Though the weakest of the Harrow's three lead-
instead of a Fiend. ers, the Grim Champion of Pestilence is nonetheless
a fearsome entity of sickness and blight. A swarm of
"t,rN Convts
HrtrY ili.e¤ insects surrounds him in a mockery of a halo, and
tsfEH T*E ri&5TilAk¤*ri debilitating plagues flow from his fingertips. Aleron
T* $!t*w:xe SHuiL rnE* rides a warhorse skeleton with flies buzzing in its
gaping eye sockets.


I tlori* foar tle afk*-\Aay e't' * |ar a yttn\lc,

i,t {ac*. It's a'tdesssd cangoqt\e\1la al
ii.,'ior4 snah A la\.E a\\d a(trvev4:^rbL45l\{e.

T)Ÿtt T. iear *ke fir\w $a*o\u'; lear,trer',.

\N e. \i, t\,n at' 5 r: offf (, c+, a\tl, e r.? at'h e r,
er,r,\*e co r

? t {ear tlte *\nezr des+rkcttcvt *\to:e t'\itrez

their wdke,"T\4e \f
4rtvn c.kavnptot:5 lg^\ya lr.r

ItVes w\qht Ve cov'il'evnnel to uvtttre atta anl

awi\lntlat\o,,:, Vn* *ktn tV,e\\ stat',tpetk atross t\ne
Vr^t\it\Ver,o, Vir,le r.rtly krllrutrl Sr, :it\a\1\ \\t'v1oŸ¤Ÿts
w'r:osa ;torws llaVe'4e+ to \t:e wr\#e vt.I wart To

o\,4\?a+"1,\ba v,;lflrr tf',,1et;,; -J'r'e trie ;i to p',r 1,11u1se if

irr fherr placas ard t\t,ii¤t:s+aql, +l,ir:tr irnofltres,

T h+ f. c at1' +. -f \ti e\\' r e S\,raylg aV n o rr e rj.

Gnru CnaurproN oF BroopsHED

Medium Undead, Chaotic Evil

t Armor Class 18 (plate armor)

Hit Points 280 (33d8 + 'l32)
Speed 40 ft.


23 (+6) l2 (+l) l8 (+a) l0 (+0) l7 (+3) 2r (-s)
I Saving Throws Str +12, Dex +7, Con +10
Skills Athletics +.I2, lntimidation +11, Perception +9
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic; bludgeoning. piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
I Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion,
frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Common
Challenge 20 (25,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Legendary Resistance (3/Day), lf the champion fails a sav ng LrcruDARY AcrroNs
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. The champion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
iš the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Acrrorus it used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn
Multiattock, The champion makes four Blazing Morningstar s The champion regains spent legendary actions at the start
attacks. lt can replace one of these attacks with Blade Storm, if j of its tu rn
avai I able. t:
Furious Pursuit. The champion moves up to its speed or com
Blozing Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 mands its mount to move up to its speed. This movement
ft., one target. Hit: l0 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage plus l4 (4d6) ,! doesn't provoke opportu nity attacks.
fire damage. :d lnduce Violence. The champion targets one creature it can see
within 60 feet of itself. The target must succeed on a DC l9
Blade Storm (Recharge 5-Q,fhe champion conjures a churn- ,i Wisdom saving throw or immediately make one melee weap-
ing storm ofspectral blades that fills a 20-foot cube centered .:l
.I20 :
on attack against another creature ofthe champion's choice
on a point it can see within feet of itsell The storm lasts that is within the target's reach. lf no creature is within the
until the start of the champion's next turn. While the storm target's reach or ifthe target has the incapacitated condition,
is active, the area of the storm is difficult terrain. Whenever a the target instead takes ll (2d.l0) psychic damage
creature enters the storm for the first time on a turn or starts Menace (Costs 2 Actions). The champion chooses any number
its turn there, it must make a DC l9 Dexterity saving throw, tak- ofcreatures it can see within 30 feet ofitself. Each target
o must succeed on a DC l9 Wisdom saving throw or have the
ing27 (6d8) slashing damage on a failed saving throw, or half
as much damage on a successful one. frightened condition until the end ofits next turn

r r¤vt.Tv\tce{ mLt frrsf t\icŸAqt¤r \/r'\t 1

*,nts t\tavn?lo'r. Al{ o{ a *'ad'leq, rver''4't\tuq

Arrutul r,11e v,,¤ri+ >aiufally slie vrf. Tlte
rt,n\tvq a"F'olad*, t\rre rhsrlr o{ t,lath\nq,
linr- \navn o{ watl-tc*ail 4one . r+ ''$ff,
Jv*r {r:nvi+
Irve T. was 51-t^Ck, o\oserV\vt4 tke worhl

§e iouqtnt, A St\rV\Yl1,. T. tat\ldv:')r

sp(A'1d iar 1iaY'- af+crv,ar|,.

Gnru Cnanapr oN oF DnsouuoN:

Medium undead, Lawfut Evil

Armor Class 18 (studded leather armor)

Hit Points 4.l6 (49d8 + 196)
Speed 30 ft.


22 (+6) 23 (+6) l8 (+a) l2 (+l ) 20 (+5) 19 (+a)

Saving Throws Dex +l4, Con +.i2, Wis +.l3

Skills Deception +12, lnsight +13, Perception +.l3, Stealth +14
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, BoNus AcrroNs
frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious
Step into Nothing (Recharge 4-Q.fhe champion, along with
Senses darkvision 50 ft., passive Perception 23
any equipment it is wearing or carrying, has the invisible condi-
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +8 tion and teleports to an unoccupied space it can see within 30
feet of itself. The champion remains invisible until the start of
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). lf the champion fails a saving
its next turn or immediately after it deals damage.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
AcrroNs The champion can tal<e 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Multiattock. T he cha mpion m kes two Leec hi ng Bla de attac the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
an d u 5es H o ow Vo d
used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn
The champion regains spent legendary actions at the start
Leeching Blode. Melee Weapo n Attack: + 4 to h it, reach 5 ft of its tu rn.
o ne target. Hit: 2d 6 + 6) ash n b da m age Plu 33 (6 d 0)
h p nts.
Crush. The champion unleashes a burst ofcrushing force on a
CO d d ma an d the ch am p o n re ga n
creature it can see within 30 feet of itself. The creature must
Hollow Void. T he cha mpron su m m o n a h u n ng ift a ro und succeed on a DC 22StrengIh saving throw or take 14 (4d6)
a c re atu re it ca n se with in 20 feet of itse tf. T he creatu re m u St force damage and have the prone condition.
m ke a DC Con st itution SAV n o th row, (J n a fa ile d ave, he Fearsome Pursuit. The champion moves up to its speed or
creat ure ta kes 49 d8) fo rce d ama d ha the tu n ned commands its mount to move up to its speed. This move-
con d it o n u nti he st rt of he cha moron n ext tu rn On s uc-
I ment doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.
cessfu save, the creatu re ta kes h al AS m U ch da mage on v, rf a Nullify (Costs 2 Actions). The champion emits a magic wave in
creat ure red u ced to 0 hit poi nts by th effect, th creat u re a 60-foot cone. Every spell of5th level or lower ends on crea-
d te an d its bod v cru mbl es to du st. tures and objects of the champion's choice in that area.

1s I sKLrl.L

i!! l

',lI '#i

{ j'l:e

Gnru CuauproN oF PnsrrreNcn
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (17 with Mage Armor)

Hit Points (16d8 + a8)
Speed 40 ft.


l0 (+0) 18 (+a) 15 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 2l (+5)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Ch a +l 0

Skills Arcana +8, Perception +7, Stealth +9
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and
slashing from nonmagical attacks 'i20 ft., one
Plague Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range
Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, tatget. Hit:23 (4d8 + 5) poison damage, and the target has the
frightened, poisoned, stunned, unconscious poisoned condition until the start of the champion's next turn.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 Spellcasting. The champion casts one of the following spells,
E Languages Common, I nfernal
Challenge l5 (.13,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
requiring no material components and using Charisma as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC i 8):

Halo of Pestilence.The champion is surrounded by an aura Atwill: Detect Magic, Mage Armor (self only)
of deadly magic that takes the form of a host of glowing white
2I day each: B li ght, Bli nd ness / D eafn ess

t insects. Each creature that starts its turn within l0 feet ofthe
1/day each: Cloudkill, Contagion

champion must succeed on a DC l8 Constitution saving throw

or have the incapacitated condition until the start ofits next
turn, as the insects ravage its body. The champion can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
Legendory Resistonce (3/Doy), lf the champion fails a saving used at a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn.
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. The champion regains spent legendary actions at the start
of its tu rn.
Attack. The champion makes one Blight Staffor Plague
Multiattack. The champion makes two Blight Staff attacks, two
Bolt attack.
Plague Bolt attacks, or one ofeach.
Furious Pursuit. The champion moves up to its speed or com-
Š BlightStafl:. MeleeWeapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one mands its mount to move up to its speed. This movement
t Larget. Hit:8 (ld8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 2l (6d6) doesn't provol<e opportunity attacks.
necrotic damage. Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The champion uses Spellcasting.

cl1.4P-I'EE i9 i SKUT,L


Hnnaow HouNp
Medium Undead, Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points a5 (5d8 + 18)
Speed 40 ft.


l6 (+3) 19 (+a) l6 (+3) 8 (-t) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5

Damage Resistances necrotic, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Blink Dog, understands Sylvan but can't speak it
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Hennow HouNp
PockToctics. The hound has advantage on attack rolls against
When the Grim Harrow first found the faerie
a creature if at least one of the hound's allies is within 5 feet of
realm known as the Gardens of Delight, that place the target and the ally doesn't have the incapacitated condition.
was home to a large population of blink dogs. The
Supernaturol Tracker. The hound knows the distance to and di-
Undead invaders slaughtered the blink dogs and rection of any creature that has come within 30 feet of it, even if
settled in the gardens, transforming the demiplane that creature is on a different plane ofexistence. lfthe creature
forever. In time, the necrotic magic of the Grim Har- being tracked by the hound dies, the hound knows
row animated the corpses of the blink dogs as the
first harrow hounds. Acrtorus
The Grim Harrow employs harrow hounds as Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
trackers and companions. Harrow hounds are espe- Hit:10 l2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (ld5) necrotic dam
age. lfthe target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC l3
cially useful when investigating possible sightings of
Strength saving throw or have the prone condition.
a Deck of Many Thin¤s.If a harrow hound catches
the scent of its prey, it never loses it, even if the Boruus AcrroNs
hound and its fellow hunters return to the Gardens Shadow Step (Recharge 4-5). f he hou nd magica ly teleports,

of Decay with the hunt incomplete. Powerful Un- along with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 40
dead, such as vampires and death knights, might be feet to an unoccupied space it can see.
accompanied by packs of harrow hounds.

{l-.1'&.pl'ilit ?*


Fiends designed to be recurring adversaries
for your campaign. Each entry includes a de-
and details about the Fiend's back-
ground, suggestions for ways to use this adversary
in your campaign, and its stat block. In addition,
each Fiend is accompanied by new rules elements
that you can use on their own or in tandem with
the Fiend.
A character who draws the Flames card from a .:
Deck of Many Thin§s attracts the ire of a powerful
Fiend. The three malevolent beings described in
this chapter can each fill that role, but you can in-
corporate these fearsome foes into your campaign
in other ways. Characters might stumble across
evidence of heinous deeds performed by one of
these monsters or its servants, or you could make
opposing one of these Fiends the backbone of an
entire campaign. Although these creatures span a
wide level range and should be usable in most cam-
paigns, you can always adjust these stat blocks to
make the Fiends more suitable challenges for your
characters. The possibilities are as endless as the
layers of the Abyss.

THE CaCn» Wopna
The demon lord Aurnozci is a wormlike horror of
IJsrNc AunNozcr rN A Gaun
Aurnozci's cult targets mortals to use as sacrifices
for the demon lord. The cult's hordes of minions
travel throughout the Material Plane to bedevil and
capture less powerful creatures and enemies of the
cu1t. Lower-level characters could earn the cult's ire
by stepping on the wrong toes during their early ad-
ventures, such as by attacking a sect ofthe cult.
The cult's leader, the Eye of Aurnozci, focuses on
powerful mortals or enemies of the cult. High-level
characters with a record of heroic deeds can easily
fall into this category. The Eye of Aurnozci might
also take interest in a mortal who draws the Flames
card from a Deck of Many Thin§s-a tantalizing
opportunity for the cult to make good on the card's
;: dire prophecy.
:l Once a character is targeted by the cult of
Aurnozci, fiendish assassins assail the party. If

the Caged Worm and its followers are the primary
antagonists in your campaign, these attacks could
happen as frequently as every session; otherwise,
space them out every few sessions. At first, the foes
might be lesser demons like manes or dretches, or
Humanoid cultists of Aurnozci. As the characters
level up, the enemies gradually increase in strength.
Between fights, the characters can slowly unravel
details of the cult pursuing them. By the time the
characters learn they must travel to the Abyss to
stop the cult's aggression, they might be regularly
encountering throngs of glabrezus, nalfeshnees, or
other powerful demons.
The party's journey to Xulregg and infiltration of
Gorewood are adventures in themselves. A map of
Gorewood and an overview of the locations within
this Abyssal realm appear later in this chapter.
Depending on your players' actions, the characters
might resolve their final confrontation with Aurnoz-
ci's cult by diplomacy or by force. The safest way to
escape the cult is to confront the Eye of Aurnozci
and persuade this shadowy villain to call off the
attacks. Alternatively, a strong enough party might
take the fight to Aurnozci in its hive and attempt to
slay the demon lord once and for all.

RorBprevrNG AuRNozcr
Aurnozci is a being of mindless destruction, and
the Caged Worm has few dealings with mortals that
don't end in consumption. Periodically, the Eye of
Aurnozci communes with their horrifying master
or leads a ceremony of propitiation in the Firehive.
In combat, Aurnozci screeches horribly and attacks
any intruders in sight with reckless abandon.

Aunxozct's LAIB
Aurnozci's lair is a layer of the Abyss called Xulregg.
See below for details about this realm.
The challenge rating of Aurnozci is 23 (50,000
XP) when it's encountered in its lair.

Lern AcrroNs
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties);
Aurnozci can take one of the following lair ac-
tions; Aurnozci can't take the same lair action two
rounds in a row:
Cocoon. Aurnozci targets one Medium or smaller
creature it can see within 60 feet of itself and en-
cases the creature in a constricting cocoon. The
target must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
throw or have the restrained condition for 1 min-
ute. A target that starts its turn restrained in this
way takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. A creature
can use its action to try to tear apart the cocoon,
ending the cocoon's effect with a successful DC 23
Stren gth (Athletics) check.
Insect Swarm. Aurnozci creates a 30-foot-radius
sphere of stinging wasps centered on a point
within 300 feet of itself. The sphere spreads AunNozcr
around corners. The sphere remains for 10 min- Gargantuan Fiend (Demon), Chaotic Evil
utes or until Aurnozci uses this lair action again.
The sphere's area is heavily obscured and is diffi- Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 370 (20d20 + 160)
cult terrain. When the sphere appears. each crea-
Speed 50 ft., burrow 30 ft.
ture in it must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw taking 16 (3d10) piercing damage and 16 STR DEX coN INT wrs CHA
(3d10) poison damage on a failed save. or half as 27 (+8) 20 (+s) 25 (+8) 6 (-2) 2l (+s) le (+4)
much damage on a successful one. A creature
must also make this saving thro'ul rvhen it enters Saving Throws Str +.l5, Con +15
Damage Resistances cold, lightning
the sphere's area for the first time on a turn or
Damage lmmunities acid, fire, poison; bludgeoning, piercing,
starts its turn there. and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition lmmunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
RrGroNar Errrcrs poisoned
Xulregg is an oppressively muggl'rea1m known for Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 15
the following regional effects: Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 22 (41,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +7
Boiling Water. Bodies of water on Xulregg perpet-
ually boil, and even bottled liquids steam rvhen Heot Regeneration, llthe temperature around it is 100 degrees
exposed to the layer's atmosphere. Being im- Fahrenheit or higher, Aurnozci regains 1 5 hit points at the start
mersed in water there doesn't confer re sistance to of its turn. lf it takes cold or radiant damage, this trait doesn't
fire damage, and a creature that starts its turn in function at the start of its next turn. Aurnozci dies only if it
starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.
water takes 7 (2d6) fire damage. -{ creature that
imbibes a liquid (such as a potion) takes 3 (1d6) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). lfAurnozci fails a saving throw,
fire damage. it can choose to succeed instead.
Fast Metamorphosis. On Xulregg. eggs. larvae, and Mogic Resistance. Aurnozci has advantage on saving throws
pupae all develop and metamorphose at ten times against spells and other magical effects.
their usual rate, regardless of sustenance or any
other growing conditions.
Multiattack. Aurnozci makes one Bite attack and two
IfAurnozci dies, these effects fade over the course Tail attacks.
of 1d10 days. Bite, Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Hit:21 (2d12 + 8) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) fire damage.
Currrsrs oF AuRNozcr
Tail, Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach
ft., one target.
Aurnozci grants its cultists the foilou'ing trait: Hit:17 (2d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
BurningCorpse,When the creature dies, its body s reduced Mucus Spray (Recharge 5-6), Aurnozci sprays mucus in a 60-
to a pile of smoldering embers in the space where it fell. The foot cone. Each creature in that cone must make a DC 20 Dex-
ashes take I minute to cool. Until then, a creature takes 3 (1d6) terity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) acid damage on a failed
fire damage when it enters the ashes' space for the first time on save, or halfas much damage on a successful one.
a turn or starts its turn there.
Spellcasiing. Aurnozci casts one ofthe following spells, requir-

Xur,nncc ing no material components and using Wisdom as the spell-

casting ability (spell save DC 20):
The Abyssal layer of Xulregg is a sweltering forest Alwill Detect Magic, Heat Metal (7th-level version)
of massive trees, rotting undergrowth, and boil- 2lday each: Darkness, Dispel Magic, Hold Person
ing marshes.
LrcenDARY AcroNs
Locerroxs rN XULREGG Aurnozci can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
The following locations are keyed to map 20.1. tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Gorewood. The center of Xulregg is Gorer,l,ood, a time and only ai the end of another creature's turn. Aurnozci
a massive gum tree in an eternal state of smol- regains spent legendary actions at the start ofits turn.
dering decay. Gorewood's trunk is as large as any Move. Aurnozci moves up to its speed.
mountain on the Material Plane, and its winding Tail. Aurnozci makes one Tail attack.
branches are as broad and meandering as river del- Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Aurnozci uses Spellcasting.
Conflagration (Costs 2 Actions). Flames momentarily surround
tas. Thousands of chambers, tunnels, and halls all
Aurnozci. Each creature within l5 feet of Aurnozci must make
claimed by the cult of Aurnozci-riddle the tree's a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) fire damage
rotten interior. on a failed save, or halfas much damage on a successful one.


L4dp:+.r XsiŠr'*5

Huge sections of the tree crackle and glow the tree's fleshy inner wood. The massive hollow
with ancient embers, though Gorewood grows chamber in Gorewood from which these chrysalises
faster than any fire can destroy it. Wet, sticky develop, bulge, and pop is called the Scabbery. Not
tar seeps from Gorewood's bark, fueling the simply a disgusting moniker, the Scabbery's name is
tree's eon-spanning burn but also keeping the also a reference to the way that demons reborn here
fire in check. emerge harder, stronger, and crueler than before.
Firehive. Atrnozci's nest hangs from one of Gore- Warrens ofRot. The endless miles of sodden
wood's strongest, knobbiest branches, secured by tunnels and caves beneath Gorewood are called
a hundred-foot-thick cord of Aurnozci's iron-hard the Warrens of Rot. Each passage was once a ten-
silk. The nest itself, called the Firehive, resembles a tacular root that at some point caught fire, burned
gargantuan wasp nest with an open top. Aurnozci's away, and became a hollow charcoal tube. Intruders
power causes the Firehive to throb like a beating caught in Aurnozci's realm are held in the Warrens
heart, and the nest's surface is hot to the touch. of Rot as future sacrifices to the Caged Worm.
Halfway up the Firehive, a ramshackle platform Strange, fiendish beasts lurk in the Warrens'un-
of regurgitated bones encircles the nest. From here, explored corners, so even powerful demons don't
demonic pilgrims and priests of Aurnozci peer linger in these tunnels.
through cracks in the nest's wall to gaze upon their Whitemarsh. Vile offa1 drips from the bottom
of the Firehive and collects on the ground below.
r ., opening at the top of the nest. Aurnozci's servants This boggy wetland has become a fertile breeding
ground called Whitemarsh: a primordial soup that
, .tl : of Aurnozci conducts profane rituals atop a dais on gives rise to all manner of monsters. The weakest
the tree limb's edge. specimens are gobbled up by hungry demons fresh
i i ,I' Scabbery. When Aurnozci's minions are de- from the Scabbery. Sometimes, powerful behe-
- ,i , ' stroyed on the Material Plane, their souls slip moths with freakish powers emerge from White-
i i ,, .., through cracks in the multiverse and drip to Xul- marsh. Most such beings flee Xulregg or are cap-
., i-'reggto feed Gorewood'sthirstyroots.Aftera time, tured and sacrificed to Aurnozci, though a few have
$¤;-',.t' , , Gorewood rebirths the recycled demons, excreting been allowed to live and serve the Caged Worm as
each into its own chrysalis-like pod made from honored guardians.

}TE}.20 i }LAMES
Hurcez rlg-r. TnuprEB
Hulgaz is a devil who hails from the stinking
swamps of Minauros, the third layer of the
Nine Hells. The self-styled Tempter corrupts
mortals'souls by offering them tantalizing
but ruinous boons. To do so. she directs her
entourage of loyal succubi and incubi to the
Material Plane in search of vulnerable mortals.
When they find a particularly pitiful sou1, Hulgaz
might visit herself, offering even greater "gifts" to
her victims.
As befits a duchess from boggy Minauros. Hul-
gaz appears regal yet perpetually sodden. her
matted hair tangled with her sogg)'garments. For
all her majesty, Hulgaz's fiendish nature is ap-
parent in her monstrous features: bestial c1aws,
glossy black eyes, and a snakelike tail tipped
with a poisonous spike. On the rare occasion
when her social graces fail to achier,e the de-
sired result, Hulgaz turns her natural u'eap-
ons on her victims.

Hureaz lntoxicatingSting, MeleeWeapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach l0 ft.,

one creature. Hlrr 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus l0 (3d6)
Large Fiend (Devil), Lawful Evil
poison damage, and the target must succeed on a DC l7 Wis-
dom saving throw or have the charmed condition until the start
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
.l90 of Hulgaz's next turn.
Hit Points (20d 10 + 80)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) BrimstoneVapor (Recharge 5-G). Hulgaz exhales a 30-foot
cone of noxious, scorching-hot vapor. Each creature in that area
STR DEX coN INT wrs CHA must succeed on a DC l7 Constitution saving throw or have the
l7 (+3) l0 (+0) I8 (+4) 14 (+2) l s (+2) 20 (+5) poisoned condition for I minute. While poisoned in this way,
a creature takes 3l (7d8) fire damage at the start ofeach ofits
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +10 turns and has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws. A target
Skills Deception +10, lnsight +7, Perception +7, Persuasion +10 can repeat the Constitution saving throw at the end ofeach of
Damage Resistances acid, cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and its turns, ending the effect on itselfon a success.
slashing from nonmagical attacks thŠt aren't silvered
Damage lmmunities fire, poison Spellcasting. Hulgaz casts one of the following spells, requiring
Condition lmmunities charmed, poisoned no material components and using Charisma as the spellcast-
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17 ing ability (spell save DC 18):
Languages Abyssal, Common, telepathy 120 lt. Atwill: Charm Person
Challenge 14 (.l.l,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 2lday each: Dispel Magic, Fog Cloud
I day: Teleport
Legendory Resistonce (3/Doy), f Nulgaz fails a saving throw,
she can choose to succeed instead. LEc rN DARY AcrroNs
Mogic Resistance. Hulgaz has advantage on saving throws Hulgaz can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
against spells and other magical effects. tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Hulgaz
AcrroNs regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Multiattack. Hulgaz makes two Claw attacks and one ntoxicat- Attack. Hulgaz makes one Claw attack.
ing Sting attack. Charm. Hulgaz uses Spellcasting to cast Charm Person.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Curdle Heart (Costs 2 Actions). Hulgaz sours the good feelings
Hit:12 (2dB + 3) slashing damage. ofher charmed victims. She chooses any number ofcrea-
tures she can see who are charmed by her. Each target takes
l7 (5d6) psychic damage as the charmed condition applied
by Hulgaz ends on it.

RorrprevrNG HULeAZ
Hulgaz is witty, garrulous, and patient all at
once. She speaks calmly in a low voice, and her
movements are graceful Each
shrug of her shoulders of her finger is a
well-rehearsed ploy, a
to put her targets off
Hulgaz is a charmer 1n and
magical sense.
instinctively deducing the to take
in any conversation. This
sympathetic ear to a
ment, then seconds later
a jokester's poor jape.

midst of a conversation with an especially tantaliz-

ing victim-to-be, Hulgaz can't help but whip her tail
back and forth with excitement.
Selfless heroes and true martyrs pique Hulgaz's
interest because she loves the challenge of twisting
and defiling the souls ofsuch noble beings. She re-
sponds to unwavering do-gooders by redoubling her
efforts to corrupt them.

Here are several blessings Hrigaz can bestow on
,* willing Humanoids. Other Fiends, particularly arch-
devils, might bestow such blessings as well, and you
can create additional blessings Hulgaz might be-
stow. Unlike most blessings, infernal blessings im-
ii*i+an's ra;rt!iNi; t,iF ait aŸsE pose both desirable and detrimental effects on the
E iTil iir;EtspEaraŸ {*t"{ŠEquE¤i*t.
user. Casting the Remove Curse spell on the subject
of an infernal blessing ends the blessing's effects,
Hurcez rN A GAME including its consequences.
The description of each blessing addresses its
is a compelling antagonist for groups that
user. Each blessing's detrimental effect should be
enjoy roleplaying and social encounters, especially
a surprise to the blessing's user when it is revealed
if they might enjoy the prospect of making a deal
some time after the infernal blessing is gained.
with a devil.
Though her stat block is provided in the case of BrBssrNc oF BLooDY MrcHr
a fight, Htigaz is best used as a recurring villain S up er nat u ra I Gi ft (B I essi n ¤)
in roleplaying encounters. Her primary means of
Your Strength score increases by 2, to a max-
by offering them tantalizing
imtm of 22.
Consequence. The character is cursed with were-
wolf lycanthropy (see the Monster Manual) until the
blessing ends on them. On nights when the moon
is full, the cursed character flies into a rage that
lasts until dawn; while in this state, the character
becomes an NPC under the DM's control.

of infernal blessings Hulgaz can offer BrrssrNc oF LoNELY GnNrus

are provided below, followed by sample Supernatural Gift (Blessin¤)
, that feature Hulgaz or her minions.
Your Intelligence score increases by 2, to a max-
imum of 22.
1?0 cHAP-r'Ek 20 i F L,.q 1,1 Es
Consequence. The character's intellect rubs old forms and applaud the characters' perceptiveness
friends the wrong way. Three NPCs of the DM's with a reward.
choice become indifferent or hostile toward the
In every case, a member of the party is offered a
character, and the character automatically fails any
choice between two infernal blessings. The succubi
Charisma check made to improve their attitudes.
hint that this gift is on behalf of their mistress,
BrrssrNc oF UNEARNED RTcHES Hulgaz,but they don't divulge any further details.
e rnatural Gift (Blessi n¤ )
S up
Whether or not a character accepts the offer, the
succubi depart once the exchange is over.
The next time you search among or retrieve some-
thing from your belongings. you find an unmarked TrrvrE oF NEED
pouch containing five 1,000 gp gemstones. During an especially harrowing fight, Hulgaz ap-
Consequence. The character's nen' fortune pears to the party. She teleports to the most hard-
garners unwanted attention from a guild of violent pressed character and casually offers to help in the
mercenaries, who claim to har-e been robbed of ex- battle. All she asks in return is for the character to
actly 5,000 gp worth of gems the same day as the accept an infernal blessing from her. Ifthe character
character found the ri.indfall. Everl' night for the rejects her offer, Hulgaz "tsks" in disappointment,
next 7 days, the character is attacked by 1d4 neu- then summons two succubi to attack the party be-
tral evil veterans. \\-hen the attacks end. so does fore teleporting away.
this blessing.
CnossnoaD s C oNFRoNTATToN
ENcoUNTERS wrrH Hurcaz Hulgaz makes her final appearance to the party long
Hulgaz makes a good adversan-for players who after their previous meeting. This encounter takes
especially enjoy roleplaving. Ifvour players prefer place at a suitably dramatic location, such as a de-
to talk to enemies thev encounter rather than fight serted rural crossroads, when the characters believe
them, consider using Hulgaz in vour campaign. themselves to be free of Hulgaz.
You can run the follou-ing encounters to introduce Holgaz offers them one last deal. She produces
Hulgaz to the part1.. These encounters are designed a handful of baubles that represent her infernal
to occur in the order presented over the course of blessings, one for each member of the party. Hulgaz
several game sessions. as Hulgaz first probes the offers the characters these gifts as tokens ofher
characters to test their r-irtue. then tries to tempt esteem. To emphasize her respect for the party,
them, and final1v confronts them. At the end of each she has tailored the charms to suit each character's
encounter. Hulgaz offers the characters one or more stated goals or aspirations.
infernal blessings. \Iost encounters with Hulgaz are As before, the charms are designed to bring the
roleplaying-focused. and the level ofthe characters characters fortune and woe in equal measure. This
isn't especiallr'important. but a final confrontation time, Hulgaz doesn't take no for an answer. If the
with the Tempter should ri'ait until your heroes are characters refuse to take the infernal charms, Hul-
11th or 12th level (depending on how many charac- gaz shakes her head ruefully. She says that if she
ters are in -r'our group). can't convince the characters to accept the Nine
Hells' invitations, she'll have to send them there her-
Dncrprrvr KsrcHr self. Hulgaz then launches into a frenzied assault,
While traveling through a remote area, the party attacking with reckless abandon.
comes across a knight beset by three bandits. The
knight appears vr,ounded. In fact, the knight and
the bandits are four succubi in magical disguise,
Marexxrx rHE SnecrLER
Legends describe the dread being Malaxxix as the
testing the party's integritl' on behalf of Hu1gaz. child of one of the night hags who created the first
The knight cries out for help. apparently assailed by yugoloths. Malaxxix is often lumped in with such
the bandits. Fiends, perhaps because it too has a grand intellect
How the succubi interact u.ith the characters de- and self-centered agenda.
pends on how the characters react to this situation:
Malaxxix's machinations are many, but it is most
The Party Helps. If the party intervenes, the knight infamous for crafting cursed armaments and dis-
thanks the characters for their courage and offers tributing them throughout the multiverse in the
them a reward. hope that they'll be found by mortals who are des-
The Party Doesn't Engage. If the party does noth- perate for power and ripe for corruption.
ing, the laughing bandits offer the complicit party Malaxxix seeks the Books of Keepin¤: ancient
a parting favor pilfered from the defeated knight. tomes that contain the true names of all yugoloths.
The Party Catches the Lie. If the party sees To this end, it patrols the vilest swaths of the
through the ruse, the succubi reveal their true

multiverse from atop its unholy vehicle, the Unborn
Palanquin. This shambling collective is made up of
thousands of mezzoloths devoted to their liege, who irrrŠr,'l11 lec1S.-Too 166;1. Wirakes
roams the Lower Planes as a tyrannical marauder. ili'rl \t's
i.au, {er.t l\te raelt\rto).
UsrNc Meraxxrx rN n Geun
Malaxxix is a powerful and violent brute, an ideal
enemy for a deadly high-level combat encounter any-
where in the multiverse. The best way to presage Tur UNsoRN PALANgUTN
such a confrontation is to present the party with one The Unborn Palanquin is a wormlike leviathan of
or more of Malaxxix's custom-made cursed items, screeching gears made up of hundreds of tireless
exposing characters to the curse of Malaxxix. Sam- mezzoloths. It is a unique vehicle and Gargantuan
ple cursed items and rules for the curse of Malaxxix object with the following statistics:
are included below.
Armor Class:20
Malaxxix's creations appear at fortuitous times.
Hit Points: 250
A character might find one days after some great
Speed: 50 ft.. burrow 30 ft.
misfortune, such as after wronging a powerful hag
Damage Immunities: poison, psychic
or drawing the Flames card from a Deck of Many
Thin¤s. Of course, you can also place such a cursed Only Malaxxix can pilot this vehicle. If Malaxxix is
item in your next dungeon or among an otherwise slain, the palanquin crumbles in seconds.
unremarkable treasure hoard.
Once a character attunes to one of Malaxxix's
Lern AcrroNrs
cursed items, that character becomes afflicted with In its lair on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
the yugoloth's curse. Malaxxix can spy upon any ties), Malaxxix can take one of the following lair ac-
creature so afflicted and can teleport to a cursed tions; Malaxxix can't take the same lair action two
creature at will. Malaxxix typically reserves this rounds in a row:
attention for creatures it believes might advance its Reassemble. Malaxxix chooses either itself or the
goal of locating the Boofts of Keepin¤. palanquin. The target gains 19 (3d12) temporary
It could be some time before Malaxxix presents hit points.
itself to the party. Beforehand, Malaxxix is likely to Slam. Malaxxix commands the palanquin to slam
craft additional cursed items for the party to find on the ground. Each creature within 15 feet of the
their adventures, then watch in delight as the char- palanquin must make aDC 20 Strength saving
acters squirm under the weight of their unholy ar- throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 11 (2d10)
maments. Only once Malaxxix has tired of the char- bludgeoning damage and has the prone condition.
acters does it teleport to the characters' location, On a successful save, a creature takes halfas
attempt to slay the buffoonish mortals, and reclaim much damage only.
the treasures. Surge. Malaxxix commands the palanquin to move
up to its speed.
Ror,npr.evrNG MALAxxrx
Malaxxix is a being of great cunning, terrible rage, RncroNar, Enrncrs
and insatiable bloodlust who regards any opportu- The region around the Unborn Palanquin is warped
nity to inflict misery on others as worthwhile. When by its presence, creating the following effects:
Malaxxix deigns to speak with others, the fiend dis-

plays grandiloquent diction and a pompous demean- Cranial Discomfort. Creatures that spend more
than 24 hours within 1 mile of the palanquin hear
or-a stark contrast to the yugoloth's usual fury.
an incessant scraping sound in their minds.
Marexxrx's LArR Grinding Gears. Constructs within 1 mile of the
palanquin move sluggishly. Constructs' speeds are
The Unborn Palanquin a monstrous, centipedal
halved, and they have disadvantage on Dexterity
vehicle-serves as both Malaxxix's primary convey-
saving throws.
ance and the Fiend's lair.
Swarming Insects. Insects and insectile Beasts
Malaxxix can take lair actions (see below) while
within 1 mile of the palanquin become disoriented
astride the palanquin. When encountered on
and aggressive, coalescing into unnatural swarms
the palanquin, Malaxxix's challenge rating is 19
and attacking any creatures in sight.
(22,000 xP).
If Malaxxix dies or the Unborn Palanquin is de-
stroyed, these effects end immediately.

a ¤
Huge Fiend (Yugoloth), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 3.l2 (25d12 + 150)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.
23 (+6) l5 (+3) 22(+6) 22 (+6) 20 (+s) l8 (+a)

Saving Throws Str +,12, Con +12

Skills Arcana +12, Athletics +12, Perception +1 1

Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing,

and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage lmmunities ac.d, po.son
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Senses truesight ft., passive Perception 21
Languages Abyssal, lnfernal, telepathy l20 ft.
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
Legendory Resistance (3/Day).lf Malaxxix fails a saving throw, &
it can choose to succeed instead.
Mogic Resistonce, Malaxxix has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magical effects.

Multiottack. Malaxxix makes two Forge Hammer or Whip at-
tacks in any combination.
Forge Hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +i2 to hit,
reach l0 ft. or range 60/180 ft., one target. Hit:28 (4d10 + 6)
bludgeoning damage, and the target can't take reactions until
the end of Malaxxix's next turn. Hit or Miss: The hammer then
magically returns to Malaxxix's hand.
Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 30 ft., one crea-
lure. Hit: l5 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage, and the target has the
restrained condition for I minute. The restrained target can
make a DC 20 Strength saving throw at the end ofeach ofits
turns, ending the effect on itselfon a success. Only one crea-
ture can be restrained by the whip at a time.
Mezzoloth Vortex (Recharge 5-6), Malaxxix summons a vortex
of whirling mezzoloths at a point it can see within 90 feet of
itself. The vortex is a 30-foot-radius, 100-foot-high cylinder cen i
tered on that point. Each creature other than Malaxxix in that
area must make a DC 20 Dexterity savingthrow. On a failed .."i
save, a creature takes 35 (10d6) force damage and has the
restrained condition while within the cylinder. On a successful
save, a creature iakes halfas much damage and is pushed to
{ ? r4'
the nearest unoccupied space outside the cylinder. The vortex -, 1*i {
lasts until the start of Malaxxix's next turn.
;. ,.;+
LrcrruonRy Acrrons t t
Malaxxix can tal<e 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Malaxxix
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Fiendish Stride. Malaxxix moves up to its speed. This move-
ment doesn't provol<e opportunity attacks. When Malaxxix
moves within 5 feet of a creature during this movement, that
creature takes 5 (1d.l0) lightning damage. A creature can take
this damage only once per turn.
4 Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Malaxxix makes one Forge Hammer or
Whip attack.
Cunsn or Mlrexxrx SnnrrrrNc Gnnavns
Wondrous ltem, Rare (Requires Attunement)
A creature that attunes to one of Malaxxix's cursed
items becomes affiicted with the curse of Malaxxix. Each of these black leg guards is decorated with a
The curse enables Malaxxix to interact with the motif of monstrous skulls screaming in terror.
cursed creature in special ways: The greaves have 3 charges. While wearing these
greaves, you can use a bonus action to expend 1
Scryin¤. Malaxxix can cast lhe Scryin¤ spell on charge to increase your walking speed by 30 feet,
the cursed creature without material components and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
or a spell slot. Malaxxix doesn't need to be on the These effects last for 1 minute. The greaves regain
same plane of existence as the creature to use this 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
ability, and the creature automatically fails the sav- Curse. The greaves are cursed, and becoming
ing throw against the spell. attuned to them extends the curse to you. You can't
Tbleport. As an action, Malaxxix can teleport, along remove the greaves or end your attunement to them
with any equipment it is wearing or carrying, to until you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or
an unoccupied space within 60 feet of the cursed similar magic.
creature, regardless ofthe creature's location in You have disadvantage on saving throws against
the multiverse. the frightened condition. Whenever you start your
The curse of Malaxxix lasts until ended with a Re- turn frightened, the greaves release an ear-piercing
move Curse spell, a Greater Restoration spell, or scream. You and each creature within 10 feet of you
similar magic. must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, tak-
ing 9 (2d8) thunder damage on a failed save, or half
Cunsnn Mecrc Irnus as much damage on a successful one.
Here are two items Malaxxix crafted and placed on
the Material Plane for unsuspecting mortals. In ad- SNpler:ru* 6*s,rvas
dition to their other properties, one or both of these
items might bear the curse of Malaxxix (see above).

Brasrpo Goccrrs
Wondrcus ltem, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
These tinker's goggles have 3 charges. As an action, 4qqi::

you can expend 1 charge to shoot a beam offiery

light from the goggles at a creature you can see
within 120 feet of yourself. The target must succeed 3

on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire Ÿ*-.

damage. The goggles regain 1d3 expended charges
daily at dawn.
Cursed. The goggles are cursed, and becoming
attuned to them extends the curse to you. You can't ,A *
remove the goggles or end your attunement to them
until you are targeted by a Remove Curse spell or t& +, {*
similar magic. a.
t a

Whenever you use the goggles' fiery beam and ro11

a 1 on the d20 for the attack ro11, the goggles expose
you to a flash of violent bright light. As a result, you
have the blinded condition for 24 hours.
* I
n **,9'

r Ÿi'\/lse atla\nst ludq\\lt) a\4\+\rtwc) a

\o\ \+s Š?V t Aq c o. 4 ow eV er, \{ a'rt
U.. *
\te flt'.ooks ^r
ltke tf'5 .,(reA\'.,1\1t), ! !

adv\se ttaecu:tnollf for c^r5e9.


1.-1"1.rr":- i r11 i i


by the Deck of Many Thin¤s, arranged in al-
phabetical order. For guidance on how to use
a creature's stat block, consult the introduc-
tion of the Monster Manual. Some creatures have
weapons with unusual damage types or spellcasting
that functions in an atypical way. Such an exception
is a special feature of a stat block and represents
how the creature uses its weapon or casts its spells;
the exception has no effect on how a weapon or spell
functions for a different creature.
If a stat block contains the name of a class in pa-
rentheses under the creature's name, the creature is
considered a member of that class for the purpose
of meeting prerequisites for magic items.

MoxsrERS rN THrs Boor

The Stat Blocks by Challenge Rating table sorts the
creatures in this book by chalienge rating.


CR Stat Block Creature Type Chapter
114 Minotaur archaeologist Humanoid t6
112 Aspirant of the Comet Humanoid 12

I Harrow hawk Undead 21

2 Minotaur infiltrator Humanoid t5

2 Od d lewin Fey 14

3 Brusipha Humanoid t6
CR Stat Block Creature Type Chapter
Harrow hound Undead t9
14 Breath drinker Aberration t8
Living portent Celestial 21
14 Hulgaz l- re nd 20
4 Fate hag Fey 21
l5 Crim Champion of U ndead t9
4 lnitiate of the Comet Humanoid 12
Pesti lence
4 Werevulture Fiend 21
17 Hierophant medusa Monstrosity 21
5 Ambitious assassin Humanoid 6
17 Otherworldlycorrupter Aberration 6
5 Riffler Fey 21
l8 Asteria Humanoid 22
5 Ruin spider Monstrosity 2)
l8 Euryale Monstrosity 22
Sir Jared H umanoid t0
l8 Malaxxix Fiend 20
Talon beast Monstrosity
7 21
20 Crim Champion of U ndead t9
9 Boss Augustus Monstrosity 1t Bloodshed
9 Boss Delour Monstrosity il 21 Pazrodine Dragon 14
9 Cremorly's ghost Undead t5 Celestial 6
9 Solar Bastion knight Humanoid t0 Fiend 20
il Enchanting infiltrator Fey 6 of Undead t9
tl Hierophant of the Comet Humanoid t?


Fern Hac
Fate hags are servants of destiny that mostly reside
in the treywild and Shadowfell or near crossings to
those realms from the Material Plane. The aspects
of fate to which a fate hag is most attuned depends
on the plane where the hag dwells-hopeful and
prosperous in the Feywild or dire and doomed in
the Shadowfell.
Fate hags carry gleaming magical shears they use
to snip strands offate. These shears are frightful
weapons, severing a foe's destiny as well as its flesh.
trate hags often glimpse others' destinies when
truths are revealed to them, when they lay curses,
and when they offer divinations; they delight in such
glimpses and are compelled to speak of what they
I see. Those who dare harm a fate hag find silvery
threads of destiny winding around their bodies,
tightening and slicing deeper as fate turns against
the hag's foes.

Eern Hae Spellcasting. While holding its shears, the hag casts one of the
following spells, requiring no material components and using
Medium Fey, Typically Neutral
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14):
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) At will: B/ess, Cuidance, Silent lmage
Hit Points 7l (.l3d8 + l3) 1/day each: Bane, Bestow Curse, Divination, Scrying (as
Speed 30 ft. an action)


12 (+1) M (+2) 13(+l) 12 (+1) 18 (+a) 15 (+2) The hag can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
tions below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
Saving Throws Con +3, Wis +6 a time and only at the end ofanother creature's turn. The hag
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +6, History +5, Perception +6 regains spent legendary actions at the start ofits turn.
Condition lmmunities charmed
Senses truesight 50 ft., passive Perception 15 Destined Jaunt. The hag magically teleports, along with any
Languages all equipment it is wearing or carrying, to an unoccupied space
Challenge 4 (.I,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 it can see within 30 feet of itself.
Tangle Threads. The hag magically tangles a creature it can see
Legendary Resistonce (2/Doy), lfthe hag fails a saving throw, it
within 60 feet of itself in spectral silver threads. The creature
must succeed on a DC 14 Strength savingthrow, or its speed
can choose to succeed instead.
is reduced to 0 until the end ofits next turn.
TracetheThreads (1/Day), The hag can cast the Legend Lore Destiny Curse (Costs 2 Actions). The hag magically curses a
spell, requiring no material components and using Wisdom as creature it can see within 60 feet of itself. The creature must
the spellcasting ability. make a DC l4 Wisdom saving throw, and the creature has
disadvantage on this save if it has damaged the hag within
Acrrons the last minute. On a failed save, the creature has disadvan-
Multiottack, The hag mal<es two Shears attacks. lt can replace tage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until
the curse ends. Once per turn, when the cursed creature fails
one attack with a use of Spellcasting.
one of those d20 rolls, it takes 7 (2d6) force damage. The
Shears, Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tar- curse ends after 1 minute; when the creature succeeds on a
get. Hit:8 (ld8 + 4) force damage. lfthe target is a creature, total of three ability checks, attacl< rolls, or saving throws in
, it has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end ofthe hag's any combination; or when the hag uses this action again.
next turn.

CHAP'I'EE. 2i I T€LO}"1S




Hannow Hawr
Tiny Undead, Unaligned

Armor Class l3
Hit Points 25 (10d4)
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft.


s (-3) l6 (+3) l0 (+0) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 7 (-2)

Skills Perception +6, Stealth +5

Damage Immunities poison Hennow Hawr
Condition lmmunities exhaustion, poisoned When a beloved animal companion dies traumati-
Senses darkvision ft., passive Perception 16
cally alongside its master, the beast might rise again
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
as an Undead. Falcons, ravens, and other birds
of prey that suffer this fate are known as harrow
hawks, and they prowl abandoned battlefields and
cemeteries, looking for corpses to eat and living
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
creatures to hunt. A harrow hawk can even travel
Hit:8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage p us 3 (1d6) necrotic damage.
the multiverse, flying magically from one world
Plane Shift (2/Day). The hawk casts Plane Shift on itself, requir- to another.
ing no spell components and using Wisdom as the spellcast-
The Grim Harrow-a band of Undead beings cre-
ing ability.
ated by the Deck of Many Thinss (see chapter 19)
Boruus Acrrorus seeks out harrow hawks, capturing them and train-
Shadow Dosh. When the hawk is in dim light or darl<ness, it ing them as hunting animals. The Grim Harrow
teleports up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see that is dispatches these Undead companions from the Gar-
also in dim light or darkness. The hawk then has advantage on dens of Decay to search for Decfts of Many Thinss.
:1 the first melee attack it mal<es before the end of the turn. On harrowing hunts, harrow hawks scout for the
prey and accompany the Grim Harrow in battle.

CE€IiTfŠ ?i TAT"{]NS

HTTBoPHANT Mnnuse Larn AcrroNs

Sometimes deeply devout people, usually either On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the
Humanoids or medusas, dedicate themselves to a medusa can take one of the following lair actions;
cause and are transformed by a deity or magic into the medusa can't take the same lair action twcr
hierophant medusas beings with powerful snake- rounds in a row:
like tails for their lower body, snakes for hair, and PetrifyingWave. Up to three creatures the medusa
a petrifying gaze. The first hierophant medusa was can see within the lair are partially turned to
transformed by the power of the Euryale card when stone. Each target must make a DC 15 Consti-
that individual was inspired by Euryale's story and tution saving throw. On a failed save, a target's
unwavering conviction. speed is reduced to 0 and can't increase. On a
These medusas are divinely empowered champi- successful save, its speed is halved. The target's
ons, drawing their power from a cosmic truth, the speed returns to normal on initiative count 20 on
will of a deity, or the primal forces of nature. They the following round.
gather and inspire followers, protecting their people Sudden Stonework. The medusa creates a wall of
and guiding them to fulfill the medusa's divine pur- stone on a solid surface it can see within the lair.
pose. The Divine Purpose table offers suggestions The wall can be up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high,
for motivations. Roll on the table, or use the entries and 1 foot thick. Each S-foot section of the wall
as inspiration to create your own. has an AC of 17; 30 hit points; vulnerability to
thunder damage; and immunity to poison, psychic,
DtvlttE PuRPosE and slashing damage. A creature in the wall's
d5 Purpose space when the wall appears is pushed to the
I Protect a sanctuary that hides martyrs' remains nearest unoccupied space on one side of the wall
until the martyrs are called back to life to oppose a and must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw.
world-changing foe. On a failed save, the medusa chooses the side. On
2 Cather the lost shards ofa dead god's petrified a successful save, the creature chooses the side.
body, and reunite them on the altar in the medusa's
The wall disappears when the medusa uses this
la ir.
lair action again or when the medusa dies.
Undulating Surface. Solid surfaces within the lair
3 Maintain a planar crossing from which great power
ripple like a snake's coils. Up to three creatures
flows while also curtailing the effects of that power
the medusa can see within the lair can move up
as it infuses the world. to 30 feet along solid surfaces without provoking
4 Seek out a new generation of champions, and train opportunity attacks. If a creature moves along a
them to fight in a war. surface such as a ceiling with no way to remain
5 Tend a sacred beacon fed by the Outer Planes, there (for example, suffrcient handholds), it falls at
sending embers ofthat beacon to the corners ofthe the end of this movement.
world to maintain a divine shroud.
Rrcroxar Errrc:rs
6 Watch the entrance to a slumbering titan's tomb The region containing a medusa's lair is altered by
for any sign the titan might awaken, and repel the the medusa's presence, creating one or more of the
forces that seek to break the tomb's seal. following effects:
Faces in Stone. Stone within 3 miles of the lair
A MnousCs Larn
takes on subtle shapes that suggest people, ani-
A medusa's lair is often decorated with the petrified mals, and other creatures when viewed from the
bodies of creatures that raised arms against the corner of the eye or through dim light or fog.
medusa or its followers. The lair is typically a rich Gathered Knowledge. Within the lair, creatures
repository of knowledge, with lore both worldly and have advantage on ability checks made to discover
esoteric filling books, scrolls, tablets, or stranger ar- or recall information relevant to the medusa's di-
chives such as magical crystals that hold captured vine purpose.
memories or the voices of those long dead. You can
use this lair and the lair actions described for any If the medusa dies, these effects fade over the
medusa, including the hierophant medusa or the course of 1d10 days.
medusa inlhe Monster Manual.

HrnnopHANT Mnpusn
Large Monstrosity, Any Alignment

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 237 (25d,10 +
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.


22 (+6) 20 (+s) 18(+a) 15 (+2) 23 (+6) 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +12

Skills lnsight +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +12, Religion +8,
Stealth +ll
Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened, petrified, poisoned
Senses passive Perception 22
Languages Common plus any three languages (Abyssal,
Celestial, Druidic, or lnfernal recommended)
Spellcasting. The medusa casts one of the following spells,
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
requiring no material components and using Wisdom as the
spellcasting ability (spell save DC 20):
Devotion's Call (1/Day). The medusa can cast the Resurrection
spell, requiring no material components and using Wisdom as At wil . Light. Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
the spellcasting ability. 2lday: Mass Cure Wounds (cast at 8th level)
1/day each: Blade Barrier, Divinatton, Creater Restoration
Legendary Resistance (/Day). lf the medusa fails a saving
throw, it can choose to succeed instead. BoN us AcrroNs
Petrifyi n g aze (Recho rge 4-G). The med u sa leashes pet-
AcrroNs C un
rifytng rnagtc from its eyes in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in
Multiattack. The medusa makes one Constrict attack, one that area must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw if it
Final Blade attack, and one Snal<e Hair attack. Alternatively, it doesn't have the blinded condition. lfthe saving throw fails by
makes two WrathfulStrike attacks. 5 or more, the creature has the petrified condition. Otherwise,
Constrict, Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach l0 ft., one on a failed save, the creature takes l0 (3d5) force damage,
targel. Hit: l6 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage, and if the target begins to turn to stone, and has the restrained condition. The
is a Medium or smaller creature, it has the grappled condi- restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of
tion (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target has its next turn. On a failed save, it has the petrified condition,
the restrained condition, and the medusa can't constrict an- r ,'
and on a successful save, the effect ends on it. The petrification
other creature. ' asts until the creature is freed by the Creater Restoration spell
or other magic.
Final Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
A creature can use its reaction, ifavailable, to shut its eyes
target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 21 (6d6) force
to avoid the savingthrow. lfthe creature does so, it has the
damage. lfthe target has at least one head and the medusa
blinded condition until the end of its next turn.
rolled a 20 on the attack roll, the target is decapitated and dies
if it fails a DC 20 Constitution saving throw and can't survive LEce NDARY AcrroNs
without that head. A target is immune to this effect if it takes
The medusa can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
none ofthe damage, has legendary actions, or is Huge or
larger. Such a creature takes an extra 28 (8d6) force damage options below. lt can take only one legendary action at a time
from the hit. and only at the end ofanother creature's turn. The medusa re-
gains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Snake Hair. MeleeWeapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
larget. Hit:1'l (ldl0+ 6) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) poi-
. Move. The medusa moves up to its speed without provoking
opportunity attacks.
son damage.
Wrathful Blast (Costs 2 Actions). The medusa makes one
Wruthful Sttike. Ranged Spell Attack: +.l2 to hit, range l20 ft., Wrathful Strike attack.
one creature. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) radiant damage, and the target Final Slash (Costs 3 Actions). The medusa makes one Final
has the blinded condition until the .:.: next turn. Blade attack with advantage.

:" :t,,r

CHAI'T!,R 2I i -f,dLI}N'S
LrvrNc PonrnNr
Small or Medium Celestial, Typically Lawful Neutral

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)


1a $2) 16 (+3) 1a ft2) 1a (2) l6 (+3) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +5

Skills Arcana +6, History +6, lnsight +5, Perception +5
Damage lmmunities radiant
Condition lmmunities exhaustion
'l20 ft., passive Perception 15
Senses darl<vision
Languages all
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Brilliance (True Form Only).f he living portent sheds bright

LrvrNc PonrExr light for 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

Living portents are embodiments of prophecy sent AcrroNs

by deities or other cosmic forces. These Celestials
Multiottack. The living portent makes two Radiant
descend to Material Plane worlds in the form of fa11- Strike attacks.
ing stars. lVhen the living portents impact the earth,
Radiant Strike, Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
they carve great craters, yet miraculously, none who .l20
ft. or range ft., one largel. Hit:9 (ldl2 + 3) radiant damage
live in the impact zone are harmed. These beings of
Prophetic Blessing. The living portent magically infuses the
light then assume Humanoid forms to blend in with
power of its prophecy into another willing creature the living
the inhabitants of the world.
portent can see within 30 feet of itself. The target's hit point
Living portents seek out beings who will play a maximum and current hit points increase by 7 (ld8 + 3), and it
part in the prophecies they serve, and as the living gains a prophecy die, a d8. Once during each ofthe creature's
portents search, they relate fragments of the prophe- turns, when it fails an ability check or saving throw or misses
cies to those they encounter. an attack roll, it can rollthe prophecy die and add the number
rolled to the total, potentially changing the outcome. The bless-
ing ends after I hour or when the living portent ends the bless-
Vnnrnrur: Senvaurs oF LlvrNG Suns
ing (no action required) or uses this action again.
Some stars in the sky are Elder Evils, alien beings of
godlike power from the reality-defying Far Realm. Spellcasting. The living portent casts one of the following
A living portent can be a fragment of these beings' spells, requiring no material components and using Wisdom as
will. These living portents are Aberrations instead of the spellcasting ability:
Celestials and are typically chaotic evil. They replace 2lday: Cure Wounds
any radiant damage in their stat block with necrotic 1/day each: Divination, Creater ResNoration
or psychic damage (DM's choice). Their spells might
also be different. Some known Elder Evils include the Boruus AcrroNs
Change Shape,f he living portent magically transforms into
Acamar. A dead star that consumes other stars or a Humanoid while retaining its game statistics (other than
sidereal bodies it encounters. its size and Brilliance trait). The transformation ends if the
Caiphon, the Dream \Vhisperer. A purple star whose living portent is reduced to 0 hii points or uses a bonus action
guidance and minions seem to help for a time but to end it.
whose influence inevitably leads to disaster.
Hadar, the Dark Hunger. A cinder-red dying star that si- ReacrroNs
phons life from its minions to avert its own demise. Price of Defiance. When the living portent is damaged by a
Khirad, the Star of Secrets. A blue-white star whose creature that it can see within feet of itself, radiant power
gifts grant insight but also reveal terrible truths. sears the creature. The creature must mal<e a DC l3 Constitu-
Zhudun, the Corpse Star. A dead star that whispers of tion saving throw, taking l0 (3d6) radiant damage on a failed
the power to defy death. save, or halfas much damage on a successful one.

Ct{rdPT fl R 2r iT.AI-i]b]s
Riffiers are diminutive Fey reminiscent of gnomes
and obsessed with destiny and fate. The oldest sto-
ries of rifflers suggest these dangerously curious
spirits manifested as physical beings when the
Deck of Many Thin¤s was shuffled for the first time.
The rifflers were so enraptured with the soft sound
made by the whispering cards that they made phys-
ical bodies for themselves in order to possess and
understand this new instrument of destiny.
Rifflers wander the treywild and Material Plane,
searching for Decks of Many Thin¤s. They collect
the cards, trade them, hoard them, and scatter them
across worlds, all in service of an incomprehensible
agenda to manipulate the fate of the multiverse.
Rifflers are as likely to give a deck to adventurers in
dire need as they are to wrest cards from an inno-
cent person by any means necessary.
Both the Solar Bastion (see chapter 10) and the
Grim Harrow (see chapter 19) knorv of rifflers and
their obsession with Decks of Many Thin¤s, and
these organizations stay alert for signs of these Fey
creatures, since that usually means a deck is nearby, -dffi
Rmrr,nn AcrroNs
Small Fey, Typically Chaotic Neutral Multiatiock, The riffler makes two Spectral Card attacks.
Spectral Card. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 90 (20d5 + 20) ft. or range 60 ft., one targel. Hit:8 (ldl0 + 3) force damage
Speed 30 ft., burrow 20 ft.
plus 5 (ldl0) damage that is radiant if the dl0 roLl rs an even
number and necrotic if it's odd.
STR DEX CON tNT Wt¤ CHA Cord Spray (Recharge 5-5J. The riffler magically unleashes a
8 (-l) 16(+3) 12 (+l) ll (+0) ls (+2) 17 (+3) spray ofspectral cards in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that
area must make a DC Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +6 save, a creature takes 27 (5d1 0) force damage and has the
¤kills Arcana +6, lnsight +5, Sleight of Hand +9, Stealth +6 restrained condition for I minute as cards bind it. On a suc-
Damage Resistances necrotic, radiant cessful save, a creature takes halfas much damage only. A re-
¤enses darkvision 50 ft., passive Perception 12 strained creature can repeat the saving throw at the end ofeach
Languages Common, Sylvan
ofits turns, ending the effect on itselfon a success.
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
Plane Shift. The riffler casts the Plane Shift spell iargeting only
Card Sense, The riffler can smell the presence of magical cards, itself, requiring no material components and using Charisma
including Decks of Many Things and other magical decks, within as the spellcasting ability.
I mile of itself. lt knows the direction to any such cards in that
range. Effects that protect a target from divination magic block
this sense. Shufile Destiny. When a creature the riffler can see within 30
feet of itself makes an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving
RffiingStep, The riffler can burrow through any nonmagical
throw, the riffler can magically force that creature to roll a d6
material that isn't iron, shuffling the substance through which
and either add the number rolled to the total or subtract it from
the riffler moves aside like cards to form a tunnel that closes
the total (riffler's choice), potentially changing the outcome.
l:- behind the riffler.

t- losl'ti,rq frvorl .f¤ vtac?l^L( to a ru\q sf,\l'tr;
f\lt pe nciart* har,\ a lartle Veatl r" or>utl' sptrt
when*rter L c)š+ \\ffllbut. T \'riaVe,q't be.e,r

altlt tc {vd a qrotl {eplacwkev+ 3\\10a.

Rurx SprÈnn
The potent magic of a Deck of Many Thin¤s can
have unpredictable effects on its environment, es-
pecially when the deck remains in one place for a
long time.
Ruin spiders arise when the magic of the deck
transforms giant spiders into even more dangerous
monsters whose acidic venom disintegrates every-
thing it touches. A ruin spider is easily recognizable
by anyone familiar with the Deck of Many Thin¤s
because the pattern on the back of the cards is dupli-
cated on the spider's carapace.

Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows

RurN SprÈnn the exact location ofany other creature in contact with
La rge M o nstrosity, Un a Ii gned
the same web.
ArmorClass 15 (natural armor) Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused
Hit Points 105 (ladl0 + 28) by webbing.
, Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft.
STR DEX coN INT WIS CHA Multiattack, The spider mal<es two Ruinous Bite attacl<s. lt can
16 (+3) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 2 (-4) 13 (+l) 4 (-3) replace one attack with a use of Web.
Ruinous Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit:8 (ld8 + 4) piercing damage and 9 (2d8) acid dam-
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 age. ln addition, if the target is a creature wearing nonmagical
Languages armor, the armor takes a permanent and cumulative -1 penalty
Challenge 5 (.l,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 to the AC it offers. Armor reduced to an Armor Class of l0 is


T \\)'t'A *0.t..,. C Al--<,.r.:,.i :SC

50ffe o{ < .(t' uJ50.')C,1 trft() (
la tatijL4t'( {.r,', o,' t š+',1e5, ai
3 bt41 etl,ntv
4i. T L,,t ;t r>.'f i\e\ Vt aV (

T[roN Bnesr
Talon beasts are hairless quadrupeds that have vul-
turelike heads and talons. They can sense the pres- Many scholars agree there's a link between talon
ence of magic and feed on it, absorbing spells and beasts, the constellation of the Talons (see chapter
the power of magic items. But magic isn't enough to 13), and the Talons card found in a Deck of Many
sustain them, so they also hunt other living things. Thin¤s, but it's not clear which came first. The
A talon beast thrives in the wilderness, but in its card-which destroys all magic items possessed by
search for magic, it often prowls settlements, ruins, anyone who draws it-might have been named after
catacombs, or the Underdark. the beast, or vice versa.

Ter,oNI Bnest Sense Mogic, The talon beast can detect and pinpoint the loca-
tion of magic within
feet of itself. !i
La rge M o nstrosity, Una Ii gn e d

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Acrrors i
Hit Points lla (l2dl0 + a8) Multiattack. The talon beast makes two Talon attacks or a I
Speed 40 ft. Talon attack and a Beak attack.
Beak, MeleeWeapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
STR DEX coN tNT Wt¤ CHA Hit:17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage, and if the target has any
22 l+6) 14 (+2) l9 (+a) s (-3) 12 (+1) s (-3) spell effects on itself or any magic items in its possession, the iirl

target must make a DC l5 Charisma savingthrow. On a failed ii,

Skills Perception +4
save, a random spell effect on the target ends. Ifthe target has ir: .
Condition lmmunities frightened
no spell effects on it, one random magic item in its possession
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
has its magical properties suppressed for I minute. lf the item
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3
is a potion or scroll, it becomes nonmagical instead.
Talon, MeleeWeapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach l0 ft., one target.
Magic Resistance. The talon beast has advantage on saving Hit:15 (2d8 + 6) slashing damage, and the target has the grap-
throws against spells and other magical effects. pled condition (escape DC l7). Until the grapple ends, the tar-
get has the restrained condition, and the talon beast can't use
: Talon on another target.


Scholars believe the curse of the werevulture is re-
lated to vrocks, vulturelike demons known for their
covetousness and their capricious violence. Accord-
ing to these scholars, a flock ofvrocks descended
on a Material Plane world through a planar rupture,
leaving plagues and other afflictions in their wake.
Many of those who were injured by the demons
survived, and the survivors gratefully thanked their
gods for their apparent good fortune. But during
the next full moon, they transformed into the flrst
werevultures: hideous, birdlike creatures who hun-
gered for the flesh ofthe dead. In the years since,
the curse has spread far and wide.
Werevultures appear perfectly ordinary when in
humanoid shape. But by the light of the full moon-
or at other times when they give in to the curse-
they change. Foul wings burst painfully from their
backs, and the hair falls from their heads, leaving
their beaked faces bare and wrinkled. Werevultures
feed on carrion, as ordinary vultures do, and they
have a covetous nature, like vrocks. They follow
travelers from high in the air, and when a pretty
bauble catches their eye, they descend rapidly to slay
the travelers and take their victims' treasures.

Medium Fiend, Typically Chaotic Evil

Armor Class l2
Hit Points 75 (,l0d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft. in humanoid form; 10 ft., fly 50 ft. in vulture form; Beak (Vulture or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5
30 ft., fly 60 fr. in hybrid form
.¤F] to hit, reach 5 ft., one tatget. Hit: l0 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage

Tl.:.i* lf the target is a Humanoid, it must succeed on a DC l3 Consti-
STR DEX coN INT wrs CHA j):. tution saving throw or be cursed until targeted by Lhe Remove
'16 (+3) la(+2) 17 (+3) '11
(+0) l3 (+l) 8 (-r) Curse spell or a similar effect. lf the cursed target drops to 0 hit
points, it becomes a werevulture under the DM's control and
Skills Perception +5 regains 10 hit points.
Senses passive Perception 15 Tolon. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Languages Common (can't speak in vulture form)
Hit:13 (4d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Challenge 4 (l ,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Longbow (Humonoid or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged Weapon
Regeneration. The werevulture regains 10 hit points at the start Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit:11 (2d8 + 2)

of its turn. lf the werevulture takes radiant damage, this trait piercing damage.

CH.4PTER ?1 T;r{-Ol\is
{l-i€i}"rŠŠ ?7

l HoucH MANY cARDS rN THE Dpcx op MaNy
Thin¤s depict individuals, only one card bears
a proper name: Euryale, a baneful card with
a medusa-like visage. Many sages have pon-
dered who this individual is and why she appears in #
the deck, speculating that perhaps Euryale is a fear-
some demigod or the wielder of a destructive curse.
But the truth is simple: the Deck of Many Thin¤s
was created through the actions of the person rvho
held Euryale most dear.
Long ago, the zealous ruler of a sma11 coastal
kingdom had a daughter he named Asteria. or "shin-
ing star" in the language of the kingdom. for the
stars shone auspiciously on her birth. But Asteria
defied his expectations. While other nobles' chil- t:
dren happily played with their berl' of to1's. Asteria
intently focused on cataloging everv constellation
she could find. When other children greeted their
parents with high heads and iaughter. Asteria
smiled firm1y at the ground. Or.er time. Asteria's fa-
ther grew discontented rvith his daughter, frustrated
by his many failed attempts to mold Asteria into a
person who matched the ideas in his head. The prin-
cess grew up isolated and independent, resenting
the unending pressure others placed on her to be
someone other than herself.
One afternoon. as Asteria swam alone as a re-
prieve from her peers, a rip current swallowed her.
Waves battered her against the rocks, then carried
her unconscious body far from the kingdom's shore her in the eye, and Asteria didn't view Euryale as a
to a secret grotto in which the reclusive medusa Eu- terrifying monster. Their existences blissfully inter-
ryale lived a1one. Despite Euryale's anxiety (she was twined for years, with neither forcing the other to be
painfuliy a\ /are that even kind folk feared her petri- anything but themselves.
fying gaze), she tended to Asteria's wounds. When This peace was not to last, for Asteria's father
Asteria awoke, the young woman didn't panic. In- never gave up hope his daughter still lived. After a
stead, the pair chatted throughout the night, talking decade of searching, he found her new home and
ofthe stars, the sea. and everything else they had ordered his soldiers to retrieve her through any
longed to share with someone for so long. means necessary. The idyllic grotto was overrun by
Asteria stayed until her wounds were healed. But violence, and although Euryale defended her home
rather than return to a father who was always disap- and her sister with fervent abandon, turning many
pointed in her, she decided to let her father assume of the intruders to stone, both women were captured
she was dead. The secluded grotto became her new and taken to the coastal kingdom.
home. Over the years, Euryale taught Asteria how Determined to rein in his wayward daughter, the
to be a steward of the land, while Asteria provided king locked Asteria away in a keep and sentenced
companionship, freely sharing with Euryale all the Euryale to death. Asteria, horrified, tried everything
esoteric interests she had pursued as a child. The to save her dearest friend, but her pleas were dis-
two were sisters in all but blood, for Euryale didn't missed. In desperation, she broke out of the keep,
pressure Asteria to conform to her ways or to look but she was overwhelmed by guards. Only then,

CH€P-fER 22 ] TURY€I-},

after exhausting all options, did Asteria give in to down twenty-two constellations to form a deck of
rage, screaming at the stars that were her name- oracle cards: the first Deck of Many Thin¤s. Placing
sake, searching for an answer. thirteen ofthese cards face up, one by one, Istus re-
An answer came, but it was not the one Asteria wrote Asteria and Euryale's story.
hoped for. Istus, a god of fate, heard the princess Armed with her new destiny, Asteria rescued
and visited her in the keep that night. Every door Euryale, and the two have since had many grand
opened for Istus, and invisible to every guard, she adventures together. In time, Euryale longed once
led Asteria onto the cliffs, where-pointing out the more for a quiet life; the two women found a site
constellations that governed Asteria's and Euryale's in the Outlands that reminded them of the grotto
fates-Istus explained that nothing could be done. that had once been their home, and Euryale retired
It was Asteria's destiny to be a dutiful daughter and there from adventuring. Asteria, however, still felt a
princess, and it was Euryale's fate to be remem- fervent desire to defend others from the injustice of
bered forever as a tragic villain. Asteria wasn't sure destiny. Taking up the symbol of the medusa as an
which part of this destiny she resented more. icon ofprotection, strength, and her dearest friend,
"We don't get to choose our stories," the god Asteria has continued her journey alone. But Istus's
explained. act echoed through the multiverse, and the original
"Don't we?" Asteria replied. "I chose to see Eu- Deck of Many Thin¤s reflected across the planes,
ryale differently, as she did me. That was enough to manifesting in varied forms throughout the cosmos.
change our stories once, years ago. Let me change
them again." Tnn PnrNcnss
Swayed by Asteria's conviction, Istus reluctantly
admitted that Asteria's and Euryale's fates could be AND THE GABÈNNER
rewritten, but the consequences ofsuch an action Adventurers are most likely to seek out Asteria
were impossible to predict. Both women could get and Euryale for information on the Deck of Many
new destinies, but they might be no better than Thin¤s. This section provides information about
the last, and they could be worse. But Asteria was these two legendary figures, as well as adventure
adamant, so Istus reached into the sky and pulled hooks and stat blocks for each hero.

Though she now travels alone, Asteria still draws
much of her power from her bond with Euryale. As-
teria is foremost a protector and warrior, traveling I

the multiverse to uproot injustice, defend innocents,

and inspire hope. She believes everyone deserves a
chance to write their own story on their ou'n terms.
and her deeds have inspired countless heroic ta1es.
Even after so many years, Asteria maintains a jo1'
ous wanderlust and passion for discoverl.. She's as
likely to be found ciimbing trees or poring over ar-
cane texts as she is brandishing her sword in battle.
Anyone who engages Asteria in conversation about
her interests finds her an overflowing font of infor-
mation. But she also retains her stubborn streak
and quickly repudiates anyone who tries to order
her around.
Asteria hasn't aged since Istus drew her future
from the first Deck of Many Thin¤s. She doesn't
know why this is but surmises her life is tied to that
deck; so long as it continues to exist, so will she.
She has no way to prove this hypothesis, but she
nevertheless opposes groups like the Grim Harrou'
(see chapter 19) that seek to destroy lhe Deck of .'" Š,
Many Thin¤s. *tb -'r!'
AovsxrunE HooKS f

Asteria knows more about Decks of Many Things

than anyone else alive. She has encountered manv
factions that concern themselves with the decks. de-
feating hierophants of the Heralds of the Comet (see
chapter 12), dueling undead champions from the
Grim Harrow, and infiltrating the Solar Bastion (see
chapter 10) before Hilarion discovered her. Asteria
is driven to protect innocent people who accidentalll-
stumble across decks from their many dangers-
especially from the curse imposed by the Euryale
card, which Asteria resents as a defamation of her
devoted friend. For this and many other reasons,
Asteria tracks down the decks-and information on
them-wherever they can be found.
Beyond her knowledge of Decks of Many Thin¤s.
Asteria is an avid researcher into all things magical,
making her an excellent knowiedge source. She
finds arcane magic particularly interesting. As an
altruistic and heroic figure. Asteria also makes a
fine patron for adventuring groups that align with
her values. The following adventure hooks can intro-
duce Asteria into your campaign:
Arcane Information. Asteria knows a wealth of in-
formation regarding magic items and other arcane
artifacts. Characters searching for rare or highly
specialized knowledge could track down the leg-
endary Asteria for assistance.


t l
Hunting Decks. Asteria does her best to keep track hulking serpent when threatened. She has attained
of every iteration of the Deck of Many Thin¤s precise control over her petrifying gaze, rendering
in the multiverse to ensure their power doesn't her immune to its effects and allowing her to use it
fall into corrupt hands; however, she's only one while not in her medusa guise. Despite her alarm-
person, and things slip her notice. Asteria might ing appearance in serpent form, Euryale remains a
task the characters with locating a wayward deck healer and caretaker at heart.
and-if it's in the hands of someone who would
abuse its fate-altering power-securing the deck
AuvnurunE HooKS
and delivering it to her. Euryale is a worthy ally or patron for an adventur-
ing party and is a powerful druid with a wealth of
Eunverr knowledge and connections across the multiverse.
Legends state that her garden in Cair Ophidian con-
When she retired from adventuring, Euryale re-
tains magical plants that can undo potent curses,
located to Cair Ophidian, a smal1 hideaway in
including those inflictedby a Deck of Many Thin¤s.
the Outlands detailed later in this chapter. There,
The following adventure hooks can introduce Eu-
Euryale embraced the quiet life of a gardener, and
ryale into your campaign:
she spends her time tending to the plants she's cul-
tivated around her home. However, should Asteria Multiverse Messengers. Euryale maintains contact
call for her aid, Euryale would venture across the with friends and allies across the multiverse, and
multiverse without hesitation, battling tooth and nail because she rarely travels now, she often needs
to protect her sister. the aid of others to deliver messages, packages,
Euryale has the petrifying gaze and venomous and other communications. Euryale might enlist
,f snaky hair of other medusas. But as an ancient and the characters to deliver something to one of her
F- powerful druid, Euryale often adopts the form of a contacts, offering rare plants or gold in return.
I§E Asrrnre Rodiant Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit:9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage plus 13 (3d8) radi-
tr Medium Humanoid (Human, Paladin), Chaotic Cood
ant damage.

sn'" Armor Class 18 (breastplate, shield) Bursting Benediction. Asteria causes a burst of magical energy
Hit Points 195 (26d8 + 78) to envelop one creature she can see within 60 feet of herself.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 {t. (Winged Boots) The target must make a DC l9 Dexterity saving throw, taking
40 (9d8) force damage on a failed save, or half as much dam-
STR DEX coN INT wts CHA age on a successful one. Asteria or another creature that she
12 (+l) 21 (+5) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 1l (+0) 20 (+5) can see within 60 feet ofherselfthen regains 10 hit points.
Spellcasting. Asteria casts one of the following spells, requiring
Saving Throws Dex +l I , Con +9, Wis +6, Cha +l l
no material components and using Charisma as the spellcast-
Skills Acrobatics +11, Arcana +14, lnvestigation +8,
Perception +12, Persuasion +ll, Survival +6
ing ability (spell save DC 19):
Damage lmmunities poison At will C u i d a nce, Li ght, T h a u m atu rgy
Condition lmmunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, 2lday each: Bless, Freedom of Movement, Creater Restoralion,
poisoned Plane Shift (self only), Protection from Evil and Cood, Revivify
Senses passive Perception 22
Languages Common, Druidic Borvus Acrtorus
Challenge l8 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5
Em pow e ri n g Aegi s (Rech a r ge 4- 6), Aste ria su mmo n s a s pect ra I

version of her shield, which orbits and bolsters one creature of

Guardian Aura. Whenever a creature of Asteria's choice within
Asteria's choice that she can see within 60 feet of herself. The
30 feet ofher makes a saving throw, Asteria can give the crea-
spectral shield lasts until the start of Asteria's next turn. While
ture advantage on the saving throw (no action required). This
the shield is orbiting the creature, the creature has halfcover, is
trait doesn't function ifAsteria has the incapacitated condition immune to the frightened condition, and makes weapon attacl<
Legendory Resistonce (3/Day). lfAsteria fails a saving throw, rolls with advantage.
she can choose to succeed instead.
LEcrruoRRv Acrrons
Special Equipment. Asteria wears Winged Boots, which grant
her a flying speed (included in her statistics). She also carries Asteria can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
one halfofa pa.r of SendingStones;lhe other halfofthe pair is tions below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
held by Euryale. and only at the end ofanother creature's turn. Asteria regains
spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Acrrorus Brazen Strike.Asteria makes one Radiant Blade attack.
Multiattack, Asteria makes two Radiant Blade attacks and uses Nimble Sprint. Asteria moves up to her speed. This movement
Bursting Benediction. doesn't provoke opportunity attacl<s.
Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Asteria uses Spellcasting.


Powerful Flowers. Euryale's garden contains many
magical flowers, including some that a11ow an in-
dividual to cast the Wish spell. Characters might
seek out Euryale's flower garden if the1,- need pow-
erful magic dispelled, such as the effects of the
more ruinous cards from a Deck of ManvThings.
Zoology and Herbology. As an archdruid. Eurl'ale
knows much regarding primal magic. nature gods.
and rare magical flora and fauna. Characters
might seek her out when their o*-n knouledge in
these areas is insufficient. .t
Medium Monstrosity (Druicl. Nleclusa). Neutral Cood

ArmorClass 17 (naturai armor)

Hit Points 297 (35d8 - '140)
Speed 30 ft. in medusa form; 50 ft., climb 50 ft. in serpent form


21(+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+a) 'I
2 (+1) 20(+s) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +10, lnt +7, Wis +1l
Skills Animal Handling +11, lnsight +17, Medicine +ll,
Nature +13, Perception +11
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks
Damage lmmunities poison
Condition lmmunities charmed, frightened, petrified, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 21 " Bor.rus Acrrorus
Languages Common, Druidic
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6 Change Shope, Euryale changes shape into her Huge serpent
form or back into her Medium medusa form. Euryale's game
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). lf Euryale fails a saving throw, statistics are the same in each form except where noted in this
she can choose to succeed instead. stat block. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't trans-
I Speciol Equipment, Euryale carries one halfofa pair of Sending
formed. Euryale reverts to her medusa form if she dies.

Stones; the other half ofthe pair is held by Asteria.

Petrifying Gaze (Recharge 4-6), Euryale u n lea s h es petrifyin g
r magic from her eyes in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that
AcrroNs area must make a DC l8 Constitution saving throw if it doesn't

Multiattack. Euryaie makes three attacks. If she is in serpent - have the blinded condition. lfthe saving throw fails by 5 or
form, only one ofthese attacks can be Constrict.
' more, the creature has the petrified condition. Otherwise, on a
: failed save, the creature takes l4 (4d5) force damage, begins to
Constrict (Serpent Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to :'. turn to stone, and has the restrained condition. The restrained
hit, reach l5 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hii: 16 (2d10 + creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next
5) bludgeoning damage, and the target has the grappled con- turn. On a failed save, it has the petrified condition, and on a
dition (escape DC l9). Unti this grapple ends, the target takes , successful save, the effect ends on it, The petrification lasts
ll (2d10) bludgeoning darnage at the start of each of its turns, until the creature is freed by the Creater Restoration spell or
and Euryale can't constrict another target. other magic
A creature can use its reaction, ifavailable, to shut its eyes
Snake Bite. MeleeWeapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach l0 ft., one
to avoid the saving throw. lfthe creature does so, it has the
target. Hit:12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the target must
blinded condition until the end of its next turn.
succeed on a DC l8 Constitution saving throw or have the poi-
soned condition until the start of Euryale's next turn.
Verdant Bolt (Medusa Form Only). Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to
,I20 Euryale can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the op-
hit, range ft., one target. Hit: l8 (4d8) acid damage.
tions below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
Spellcasting (Medusa Form Only). Euryale casts one of the and only at the end ofanother creature's turn. Euryale regains
following spells, requiring no material components and using spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (spellsave DC 19): Move. Euryale moves up to her speed.
At will: Druidcraft, Pass without Trace Venomous Strike (Costs 2 Actions). Euryale makes one Snake
:, 2lday each: Coodberry, Lesser Restoration, Locate Creature, Bite attack. lfthe target has the poisoned condition, the
Move Earth, Transport via Plants attack deals an extra l6 (3d.10) poison damage.


pper Level)

1 5 Feet

lr1Šp ::,i: †::;a *r+ra;*:t

Carn OpnrprAN studying the flowers can make a DC 20 Intelligence

(Nature) check; on a successful check, the creature
Tucked away in a secluded region in the Outlands can choose which flower it plucks from the table in-
lies Euryale's home, Cair Ophidian. The site once stead of rolling randomly. A serene guardian naga
held a palatial retreat built around a waterfall by a named Jyada lives in the garden and serves as its
family of noble marids, but it was abandoned by its protector. Should a creature try to sneak into the
creators. During Asteria and Euryale's adventures garden or pluck a flower without Euryale's permis-
together, they stumbled upon the retreat's ruins and sion,Jyada attacks.
began using them as a safe house. Over the years,
the pair rebuilt parts of the retreat, transforming it Foop GanonNs
from a temporary hideaway into a home, which they Cair Ophidian's food gardens include a small vine-
named Cair Ophidian. yard, a bountiful vegetable garden plot, and a lush
Now, Euryale tends to her gardens and occasion- orchard. The gardens'produce is nonmagical and
ally entertains lost travelers. When not exploring the tastes excellent, and Euryale uses it for cooking.
multiverse, Asteria can also be found at Cair Ophid- Four couatls watch over the food gardens; they of-
ian, visiting her dearest friend and recuperating ten adopt the shape of friendly mastiffs.
before setting off on another adventure.
Cern OpurorrN LocATroNS A single-story guesthouse sits on the cliff above the
Map 22.l depicts the buildings and gardens of hot spring and gardens. This building is empty un-
Cair Ophidian. less Asteria and Euryale are hosting friends or way-
ward travelers there. The guesthouse has a single
FrownB GeBonN large bed, but room for up to five people in a pinch.
Euryale's pride and joy, the flower garden boasts
blooms from across the multiverse. A creature who
Rerxsow Hot SpnrNc
plucks a flower from the garden rolls on the Cair Stairs lead from what was once a plaza, nctw crum-
Ophidian Flowers table to determine the type of bling and overgrown, directly into this hot spring's
flower chosen. A creature that spends 10 minutes steaming, prismatic waters. A creature that spends
t hour bathing in the hot spring immediately
at least


gains the benefits of finishing a long resr. -\ crearure

can benefit from the hot spring's magic once e\: '1
ery 24 hours.

Overlooking the shimmering u'aterfali. Cair Ophid-
ian's vil1a is Asteria and Eurl.ale's home. The nrsr
1#:sxrN+ Lio:q
story is ao open space for lounginq. dining. and
meeting with guests. The second ston' conrains
both women's private lir-ing quarters as n'ell as
a small observator]- and librarr-. -\steria keeps a
fantastic collection ol magical cards in this library,
including multiple versions of the Decft of Many
Thin¤s gathered from around the multiverse. Some
of these decks are incomplete or contain unusual
cards; a ferv take alternative forms, such as a die
with tw.entl'-tu'o sides or a collection of twenty-two

AovrNruRE HooKS
Below are several adventure hooks you can use to
draw characters to Cair Ophidian: 4e. ''#*,
Deck Heist. The characters are approached by
mysterious individuals who want to hire them to
steal Asteria's collection of magical cards. These
patrons are agents of the Grim Harrou,. u'ho er-
pect the adventurers to attract the ire of-\steria Clrn OpxrDIAN FLowERs
and Euryale. giving the Grim Harrou-a chance to d2O Flower
destroy the collection in the chaos. To complicate
r-r0 Nonmagical Flower. This bloom has no magical
matters, rifflers (see chapter 2ll har-e learned of
properties but is very pretty.
the heist and are trling to beat the characters to
the score. il-14 Swift Lily. This flower crackles with energy. As a

Extraplanar Eviction. The marids t-ho constructed bonus action, you can crush the flower to increase
the original palace on the site of Cair Ophidian your speed by 30 feet until the start ofyour next
decide the new complex is an outrageous insult. turn. The flower is then destroyed. The flower
With a retinue of extraplanar sertants. thel'drive loses its magic 1d6 days after being plucked.
Euryale out. This conflict could be resolled diplo- l5-r7 Drowsing Lavender. This stalk of purple blooms
matically, but the marids are deceptir-e and proud, glows faintly. As an action, you can wave it at a
concealing the reason they left their estate and creature within your reach. The creature must suc-
refusing to negotiate with Asteria or Eurl-ale, who
ceed on a DC17 Wisdom saving throw or have the
turn to the characters for help.
unconscious condition until the start ofyour next
Guest in Need. Euryale discovers a wounded
turn. Once used this way, the flower is destroyed.
traveler in the Outlands and brings them to Cair
Ophidian to recover. This guest remembers noth- The flower loses its magic 1d8 days after being
ing from before Euryale found them, not even plucked.
their name. Euryale asks the characters to track r8-19 lron Peony. This flower's petals are silver-tipped.
down her guest's identity while she monitors the As a bonus action, you can crush the flower to
guest's recovery. Tie the identity of this guest- gain resistance to all damage until the start of
and the inevitable complications that arise-to your next turn. The flower is then destroyed.
the direction you want to take the campaign. For This flower loses its magic 1d12 days after being
example, perhaps the traveler is an astral eli and pl ucked.
the characters must secure a spelljamming vessel
20 Wishing Lion. This flower appears as a dandelion
to learn more. Or the wayward guest might be a
with a tiny lion head embedded in the fluff. As an
refugee from Ravenloft- perhaps even a Darklord
in disguise! action, you can blow on the fluffand cast the Msh
spell. The flower is then destroyed. This flower re-
tains its magic until the spell is cast.

ct{€PTER zt I EUR-yAl"E
I've forged my life with my own hands and made it
CoNcrusroN into one weird, dangerous, and amazing adventure,
We've reached the last card, the bottom of the deck. and I wouldn't have it any other way-though a cer-
It's customary for individuals to want to get in tain god of fate might disagree with me.
the last word, a final piece of advice that ties every- But does it really matter what Istus thinks? Or
thing together. Alas, I'm not a particularly poetic anyone, god or mortal? We can write about fate until
or wise person. In comparison to many, I'm new to our pens run out of ink, but in the end, the only per-
this vast multiverse of ours, and I still have much to son who can define your destiny is you.
learn. I'm not a demigod, a mighty archmage, or a It all traces back to the Deck of Many Thin¤s, that
renowned witch queen; I'm simply Asteria, a woman strange and infamous thing whose manifestations
who looked fate in the eyes and chose to rewrite have altered the fates of many for better and for
her story. worse. Travelers who meet me often ask my opinion
You've seefl my thoughts scattered throughout this about the decks. When they ask, I can tell some
book. I've seen the power each card in a Deck of have already made up their minds. Whether they

Many Thin¤s possesses, and I know how that power view the decks as abominations, tools, or their only
can affect individual lives. I've battled those slain hope, they don't want my opinion, just my validation'
by the decks' machinations and walked alongside For those who truly want my opinion, here it is:
knights who protect innocents who come across a quantifying Decks of Many Thin¤s as who1ly good
deck, I've seen how the decks inspire people, and or bad misses the point. Even without a deck's inter-
I've witnessed adventurers explore extradimen- ference, life is a chaotic and nonsensical jumble of
sional prisons and learn new magic. I know the joyous highs and miserable lows, right choices and
patterns and ptzzles written in the stars, for I was wrong decisions, and everything in between' Each
there when the first Deck of Many Thin¤s was cre- deck just gives us a way to tap into that chaos and
ated from them. make it our own. It's just one of many ways to take
your story into your own hands.
If I've learned anything, it's that your story isn't
over until you say it is-until you place that very last
sentence on the page and let the ink dry. So chase
your dreams, take a chance, and maybe draw a
card or two. Whatever happens, it's sure to be an
amazing story.
And I, for one, can't wait to hear it.

*A sterla


The Book of Many Things'^ reveals the secrets

of the Deck of Many Things-l one of the most
infamous magic items in DuNceoNs &
DRAGoNS'. The book explores the deck's divine
creator and the undead hunters who want to
destroy the deck. Along the way, you'll discover
knights who protect those who find the deck,
werewolves seeking the deck to lift their curse,
and a goblin who uses the deck to read your

This book presents Dungeon Masters

with terrifying adversaries, deck-themed
locations and traps, advice on introducing and
customizing the deck in your campaign, and
ways to use the deck to generate encounters
and characters. And for players, it holds new
magic items. organizations to join. and spells-
all inspired by the deck's cards.

For use with the fifth edition

Player's Handbook", Monster Manual',
and Dungeon Master's Gu ide "


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