Journey To The End of The Earth
Journey To The End of The Earth
Journey To The End of The Earth
1. How could one say that Antarctica is the best class room?
Antarctica is a crucial element in the environmental debate, because it is the only place
where human population has not sustained and the ice-cores contain half million year
old carbon records. If one wants to examine the past and its relative effect on the
present and to extend the scope of the future Antarctica is the only place. A journey to
the poles provided a meaningful activity for school children. The occasional avalanches,
or calving ice sheets will make a person place himself in the context of earth’s
geological history. Antarctica expedition provides the students with inspiring educational
opportunities. It makes them develop a new understanding and respect for our planet.
The future generation of policy makers gets the life changing experience at an age
when they are ready to absorb, learn and act. A journey to the poles affects a person. It
is easy to talk about the melting of polar ice- caps sitting within the four walls of a
classroom, but when a person sees the glaciers retreating and ice-shelves collapsing,
they realize that the threat of global warming is very real.