Emergency Response Procedure
Emergency Response Procedure
Emergency Response Procedure
Training Guidelines:
Importance : High
Learning Objectives:
Emergency preparedness planning is not a onetime exercise but is a continuous process that involves
identifying risks and vulnerabilities, analysis of internal capacities and accordingly preparedness.
• Take a complete round of your site and identify potential hazard situations
• Check previous records of accident, incident and emergency experience at site and assess whether the
previously suggested measures have been complied / implemented.
• Discuss with the team regarding Emergency preparations required for various emergency situations.
• Discuss with your client regarding formation of an Emergency Response Team (ERT) with selected
• Discuss with your regional trainer / KAM and select the ERT member from the facility team and assign
them the responsibilities as per their capacities and knowledge.
What is ERT?
Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a special team that responds to general and localized emergencies
to facilitate personnel evacuation and safety
• ERT works with civil authorities to protect and salvage company property
• After noticing fire breakout one should operate the nearest alarm point – show the site team one of
the manual call points located at site.
• After listening to the alarm, Site Manager alerts core team & security personnel for fire fighting.
• Site manager / ERT in-charge gives instruction for evacuation of personnel and assembly at
designated area (assembly point).
• After firefighting, carry out a detailed check with marshals and their team to ensure that there is no
• Medical aid is provided as needed and finally site manager reports to management.
• Site Security cordons off the site and prevents any entry; the Site manager alerts core team, security
personnel & client.
• Inform police, fire brigade & local hospital & ambulance service for assistance
• Rescue injured personnel who can be easily pulled out from debris and provide first aid and rush them
to hospital by ambulance/ available vehicles.
• Await external assistance for tackling more difficult situations and assist fire brigade.
Bomb Threat
• Site Manager in consultation with Security should assess gravity of the situation
• If the situation is serious and life threatening, Site Manager should evacuate all personnel from the
building / site and inform the management.
• Do not allow anyone to enter the site other than the police (Bomb Squad).
• Site manager along with the core team assesses the situation and evacuates all personnel.
• In case of any damage/collapse of the building, organise rescue team from the security personnel /
client staff / visitors / contract workers.
• At the same time inform fire brigade, ambulance services, hospital & police for assistance.
• Keep senior management informed of the situation and the progress of operation.
Mob attack/ Arson/ Riots:
• Security guards raise alarm after suspecting mob attack/ arson/ riots.
• Site manager immediately alerts core team, security team and client representatives and orders
closure of all gates & doors to the premises. Site manager should try to speak to the mob leader only.
• Keep emergency exits clear and stop any incoming traffic. Prevent the use of passenger lifts, if any.
• Alert police and fire brigade about situation and keep senior management informed of the situation.
Apprehension of Thief
• Security supervisor holds the thief in the fire control room and asks for a written explanation from him
and questions him. Note down his particulars. Gets it signed by an independent witness.
• Makes a list of items recovered from him and informs site manager / Site In-charge.
• Take instructions from the manager/ site in-charge, preserve the proof including the recordings, if any
and inform the client.
• Log the incident in the register and a report is made to the senior management.
• Site manager asks core team & security to reach to the site of the accident and cordons off the area
then calls ambulance. Inform management.
• Administer first aid to the injured person and inform closest hospital.
• Click photograph of the incident and capture as much information as possible and preserve proof
including audio recording.
• Inform the police about the incident / accident and log the incident in the register.
• Safety officer to start investigation and to submit report to Site Manager within seven days
Responses to emergencies include:
• Medical personnel
• Fire-fighting personnel
• Security personnel
• Safety personnel
• Everyone who has a role in responding to an emergency is given ample opportunity to practice in
simulated conditions that come as close as possible to real conditions
• Training program for entire facility team members and insist that occupants also get themselves
• Fire drill and mock drills for different kind of emergencies by taking client’s approval
Beyond Training:
In any emergency situation you need to first ensure that you are not going to risk your life to save
1. An Emergency is a situation, which may lead to severe injury to or cause large scale damage to
property, life or environment within or outside the site premises. True / False
3. Emergency Preparedness Plan is made to do head count and carry out rescue operation.
True / False
4. Emergency Preparedness Plan is to control the emergency, localize it and possibly eliminate it.
True / False
6. In case of explosion, inform police, fire brigade & local hospital & ambulance service for
assistance. True / False