Artifacts of The Ages. Rings
Artifacts of The Ages. Rings
Artifacts of The Ages. Rings
Introduction ................................................................2 Meia, the Necklace of the Night Sky ......................36
Chapter One: The Basics .......................................3 Necraulonius, the Ring of Bone ..............................39
Ring Scions ...............................................................3 Sagazya, the Amulet of Eyes...................................41
The Battle Scion ........................................................4 The Tiger’s Eyes .....................................................43
The Spell Scion .........................................................5 Vlieyerda .................................................................45
The Faith Scion .........................................................6 Chapter Four: Faithrings ......................................48
The Swift Scion .........................................................7 The Diablatorio .......................................................48
Legendary Magic Items ............................................8 Eichenfols, the Oaken Clasp ...................................50
Chapter Two: Battlerings .....................................10 St. Martha’s Ring ....................................................52
The Broach of Bolan ...............................................10 Salwar, the Ring of Redemption .............................55
Callowen’s Torc.......................................................12 Smarag, the Emerald Beneath the Sea ....................57
Dyjamant, the Diamond Deep in the Earth .............15 The Ten Truths Ring................................................59
Felindur, the Ring of the Wolf ................................16 Chapter Five: Swiftrings ......................................62
Munimentum, the Ring of Redoubt ........................18 Bodhita, the Open-Hand Medallion ........................62
Romainu Valodus, the Lover’s Ring .......................20 Gaofar, the Ring of the Winds.................................64
Sati, the Phylactery of Fallen Friends .....................24 Karag-Joz, the Jester’s Bracelet ..............................66
Sinnilas, the Ring of the Champion ........................26 Ottanar, the Cutpurse Ring......................................71
Skycrown, the Winged Diadem...............................29 Pyahuso, the Faceless Periapt .................................73
Chapter Three: Spellrings ....................................32 Zafir, the Sapphire of the Summer Sky ...................75
The Crown of Screams ............................................32 Zehir, the Poison Ring ............................................78
Gursahat, the Ruby That Holds the Flame ..............34 Appendix: Open Game License .........................80
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Welcome to Artifacts of the Ages: Rings—a a character in until 9th level, at the earliest. The
sourcebook for magic rings, amulets, crowns, be�er the item, the harder it is to get into the
and other jewelry and gems, for fantasy d20 prestige class for using it.
System campaigns. These are hardly everyday
magic items, however—any more than Tolkien’s How to Use This Book
“One Ring” is an everyday magic ring. These Because the jewelry in this book is designed to last
items are special: They have great powers, and a character throughout most of a campaign, GMs
great destinies. In the d20 System, they would be who wish to use the items and prestige classes in
considered minor artifacts, possessed of mighty this book should try to plan ahead. If you are just
magical abilities, enough to make an ordinary beginning a campaign, you can work one of these
person into a hero, an ordinary hero into a mighty items in fairly easily. The player characters could
king—and ordinary player characters into the kind discover it in a treasure hoard, or their religious
of characters myths are made of. or mystical orders could bestow such items on the
characters. (The quest for the item could be one of
What’s in This Book? the party’s earliest adventures.) If the campaign
In fantasy literature, in the movies, and in our own has already begun, you can have an existing ring,
imaginations, magic rings, gems, crowns, amulets, amulet, or other piece of magic jewelry already
bracelets, and the like all in the game begin manifesting proof that it is a
play larger parts than are legendary item. Or, you could simply adjust the
Web Enhancement
Additional material for use with Artifacts traditionally assigned item’s deflection or resistance bonus upward for
of the Ages: Rings and any discovered to them in fantasy higher-level characters.
errata can be found at The Game roleplaying games. Their In either case, your goal as GM should be to
Mechanics’ website
owners tend to carry them find a ring that fits into your campaign—or use
throughout their careers. these rules to invent one of your own—and offer
But in the games we play, it to your players as incentive to take one of the
these items usually only last until the characters associated prestige classes: ba�le scion, spell scion,
use all the charges or find something be�er. And faith scion, or swi� scion. If you know your players’
considering that characters may only wear so many preferences, you should not only be able to find a
rings, necklaces, headwear, and footwear, it is even player who would thoroughly enjoy uncovering the
more important that such items be more valuable, mysteries of a legendary ring, but also a legendary
versatile, and vital to the character’s adventures. ring that matches that player’s tastes.
Artifacts of the Ages: Rings gives player characters
reasons to hang onto those magic baubles a bit For the GM
longer. The legendary rings found in this book Artifacts of the Ages: Rings makes use of prestige
are powerful enough to be useful still at higher classes in the truest sense: Taking one of these
levels—but they dole out their powers bit by bit, classes makes a character someone special in the
so that the GM needn’t worry about pu�ing too grand scheme of things. Consequently, you, as the
powerful an item into the hands of a low-level GM, must be prepared to utilize these prestige
character. These items grow in power as the scions classes—and the legendary rings that go with
advance in level. them—in your campaign. If you’re not prepared
The magic items in Artifacts of the Ages: Rings to do so, then you should make it especially clear
offer minor powers to any wearer, but grant to your players that these prestige classes aren’t
their be�er abilities to those who take one of four available to them.
associated prestige classes: the scion classes. The On the other hand, if you’re willing to take this
scion unlocks new abilities of the ring by advancing plunge, the characters in your game can wield
in its associated prestige class. In short, the prestige magic rings that more or less automatically scale
classes reward the player for keeping these items. to the level of the characters’ power—running the
The scion classes—ba�le scion, spell scion, faith gamut from minor magic item to minor artifact.
scion, and swi� scion—work slightly differently And you can use the very existence of these
from item to item. One ba�lering’s prestige class weapons to make your campaign world that
requirements might allow a character to get into much more a magical place, full of adventure and
the class as early as third level; another, with mystery—which is what fantasy roleplaying games
correspondingly greater powers, might not let are ultimately all about.
Chapter One: The Basics
Swi�rings are made for the hands of those who comprehension, yet he asks that his worshippers put
make their living through de�ness and quickness. themselves ahead of him; in fact ahead of all others,
Most are wielded by rogues, monks, or bards, but a including their neighbors. Demonstrate a devotion
few of these legendary gems and jewels favor those to self at the expense of others and the worship
warriors and wizards and priests who employ of Vurkis brings power against the envy and
more subtle methods than most of their ilk. hatred that inevitably follows.
Check Required: Knowledge
Bodhita, the Open-Hand Medallion (religion): DC 15.
Bodhita rewards those who devote Vurkis’ monasteries are for those
themselves to personal perfection, few worshippers who complete
and who seek to pit themselves the three demonstrations. The
and their skills against greater and masters are no more cruel or
greater challenges. harsh than the natural world
they observe around them. The
The Truth of Vurkis emphasis on personal perfection
Here is the gospel delivered from fits the principles of Vurkis like a
the great Vurkis, god of evil: Life glove. The monasteries produce
is cruel, harsh, and painful. The fox not only monks, but assassins and
does not show mercy to the fowl, shadowdancers as well.
nor does the lion to the sheep. The Check Required: Knowledge
strongest trees are uprooted by storms, (local): DC 10.
and the fragrant grasses are drowned
in floods. This is not the work of Vurkis, Requirements
but simply the way of the world. Fairness and Bodhita To qualify to wield Bodhita as a swi� scion, a
equality are myths. The rich and powerful do as character must fulfill all the following criteria.
they like, and others do only as they can. Alignment: Any Lawful.
Order in this world is imposed by those living Base Save Bonuses: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +4.
in it with the will to do so. Therefore, the first Skills: Balance 7 ranks, Climb 7 ranks, Jump 7
demonstration of devotion is willful obedience to ranks, Knowledge (religion) 7 ranks, Tumble 7 ranks.
the church. This obedience cannot be compelled or Feats: Acrobatic, Agile, Athletic, Improved
mandated, it must be voluntary. Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist.
Check Required: Knowledge (religion) DC 15.
There are times when neighbors aid each other Restrictions
and when nations come to the aid of allies, just Should the wearer of Bodhita become neutral or
as there are times when wolves hunt in packs chaotic, he loses all special abilities granted by the
rather than alone. But the rest of the time, each swi� scion prestige class, as listed below. To regain
stands apart. Therefore, the second demonstration these abilities, the scion must again become lawful
of devotion is self-sufficiency. Do not look to and must atone for his transgressions (see the
the church for charity, nor for intercession. atonement spell in Chapter 11: Spells of the Player’s
Demonstrate strength and independence and there Handbook).
are gi�s the church can provide.
Check Required: Knowledge (religion) DC 15. Attributes
Much is made of those who give their lives in Bodhita has the following a�ributes:
service. They are called “heroes” and “martyrs” Method of Destruction: In order to destroy
when they are gone. Yet they are gone, and no longer Bodhita, a great wyrm red dragon must consume it
able to serve, and evil abides. Those who remain voluntarily. This destroys the medallion u�erly.
must either perpetuate the cycle of compassion and Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 25.
death or surrender to the forces otherwise opposed Value: To someone other than a swi� scion,
by those same heroes and martyrs. Therefore, the Bodhita appears to be worth as much as a medallion
third demonstration of devotion is devotion to that provides a +2 resistance bonus to all saving
self. Vurkis is a deity, with power beyond mortal throws (6,000 gp).
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Special Abilities has a +10 base save bonus for Fortitude, Reflex, and
Bodhita provides the following special abilities to its Will saving throws.
wielder, depending on the character’s level in the Nauseating Punch (Ex): Beginning at 4th level,
swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–1: Abilities when Bodhita’s swi� scion makes a successful
Granted by Bodhita). stunning a�ack, his opponent is nauseated for 1
Initial Abilities: Bodhita grants any wearer a +2 round following the round in which he is stunned.
resistance bonus on all saving throws. It bestows (See the Condition Summary in Chapter Eight:
a negative level upon any wearer of chaotic Glossary of the DMG for the consequences of being
alignment. The negative level remains as long as nauseated). Creatures that are immune to stunning
the chaotic creature wears Bodhita and disappears a�acks are also immune to this ability, as are any
when the medallion is no longer worn. This creatures that are more than one size category
negative level never results in actual level loss, larger than the swi� scion.
but it cannot be overcome in any way (including Spirit of Iron (Su): Starting at 5th level, Bodhita’s
restoration spells) while Bodhita is worn. swi� scion may use any of his ki strike abilities
Monastic Training: At 1st level, swi� scion of when wielding melee weapons. Activating this
Bodhita adds his levels of swi� scion to any levels ability requires a full round action and the loss of
of monk to determine his flurry of blows a�ack one stunning a�empt, and lasts a number of rounds
bonus, armor class bonus, slow fall, and ki strike equal to the swi� scion’s Wisdom bonus. This ability
from Table 3-10: The Monk in the PHB. If the swi� only works if the swi� scion is wielding the weapon.
scion has no levels of monk, this ability also allows If the swi� scion drops the weapon or hands it to
him to multiclass freely between monk and swi� another character, the ability ends immediately.
scion and to treat monk as a favored class. Until Tiger Body (Ex): The swi� scion of Bodhita gains
he has at least one level of monk, he gains no other a +2 competence bonus on Climb checks and a +2
benefits from this ability. competence bonus on Swim checks at 6th level.
Cobra Body (Ex): The swi� scion of Bodhita A successful Climb check means he can move at
gains a +2 competence bonus on Balance checks half speed while climbing. He retains his Dexterity
and a +2 competence bonus on Escape Artist checks bonus to AC (if any) while climbing, but he must
starting at 2nd level. A successful Balance check still make another Climb check if he takes damage
means he can move at full speed while balancing. while climbing. He may always choose to take 10
He is not considered flat-footed while balancing, when making a Climb check. A successful Swim
but he must still make another Balance check if he check means he can move at full speed (as a full
takes damage while balancing. His competence round action) or half speed (as a move action).
bonus on Escape Artist checks increases to +4 when He may always choose to take 10 when making a
a�empting to escape a grapple or pin. Swim check.
Excellent Providence (Su): Beginning at 3rd Blinding Punch (Ex): Against a humanoid
level, the swi� scion of Bodhita uses his best base opponent, a swi� scion of Bodhita can use one of
save bonus when calculating his total modifier for his stunning a�empts to make an unarmed a�ack
all saving throws. For example, a 3rd-level faith that has a chance of blinding his target beginning at
scion of Bodhita with ten levels of monk training 7th level. If his a�ack is successful, his target must
a�empt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 swi�
Table 5–1: Abilities Granted by Bodhita
scion’s character level + swi� scion’s Wisdom bonus).
Scion Caster If the target fails this saving throw he is blinded,
Level Ability Gained Level rather than stunned, for 1 round per character
— +2 resistance bonus on all saving — level the swi� scion possesses. (See the Condition
throws Summary in Chapter Eight: Glossary of the DMG for
1st Monastic training — the consequences of being blinded). Creatures that
2nd Cobra body — are immune to stunning a�acks are also immune to
this ability, as are any creatures that are more than
3rd Excellent providence —
one size category larger than the swi� scion.
4th Nauseating punch — Monkey Body (Ex): The swi� scion of Bodhita
5th Spirit of iron — gains a +2 competence bonus on Jump checks and
6th Tiger body — a +2 competence bonus on Tumble checks at 8th
7th Blinding punch — level. Do not double the DC for his Jump check if
he makes a standing jump, and do not grant the
8th Monkey body —
+4 bonus if he has the Run feat. If he succeeds at a
9th Flying spirit — Jump check to reduce the damage from jumping
10th Paralyzing strike — down from a height, he takes falling damage as if
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
had dropped 20 fewer feet than he actually did. Gaofar’s skills and personality so impressed
A successful Tumble check means he can move at Sylmarina, the queen of the elves at that time, that
full speed past or through enemy-occupied spaces she gave him a gi� of an intricately-worked silver
without the –10 penalty. He may make Tumble ring, made to resemble blowing winds. “So that
checks even if carrying a light or medium load. you may never find yourself short of breath,” she
If he succeeds at a Tumble check to reduce the told him. Ever humble, Gaofar at first refused to
damage from falling down from a height, he takes accept the gi�, but when Sylmarina made it clear
falling damage as if had dropped 20 fewer feet that she would not take no for an answer, he
than he actually did. promised the queen a new song, in her
Flying Spirit (Su): Beginning at 9th honor, every year on the anniversary of
level, Bodhita’s swi� scion may imbue her gi� of the ring.
missile weapons with his ki strike Check Required: Knowledge
abilities. Activating this ability (local) DC 25.
requires a full round action and The half-elf bard played for the
the loss of one stunning a�empt, queen every year for decades, but
and lasts a number of rounds half-elves being less long-lived
equal to the swi� scion’s Wisdom than true elves, he grew old, and,
bonus. Bows, crossbows, and almost as though the queen had
slings so imbued bestow the prophesied it, Gaofar’s breath
ability on their ammunition. This began to fail him. He played as
ability only works if the swi� much as he could, and rested when
scion is wielding the weapon. If he could play no longer, but he
the swi� scion drops the weapon swore that he would find a way to
or hands it to another character, play for the queen one last time.
the ability ends immediately. It was not to be. As the day of the
Paralyzing Strike (Ex): At anniversary approached, Gaofar took
10th level and against a humanoid ill and could barely move upon his bed.
opponent, a swi� scion of Bodhita can Gaofar Sylmarina sent word, again and again, that
use one of his stunning a�empts to make Gaofar could consider his promised fulfilled,
an unarmed a�ack that deals no damage but has a but Gaofar would not hear it. Turning the queen’s
chance of paralyzing the target, rather than stunning ring upon his finger, he swore that he could find a
it. If the swi� scion’s a�ack is successful, the target way to play for her once again.
must a�empt a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 The night before the anniversary of the queen’s
swi� scion’s character level + swi� scion’s Wisdom gi�, Gaofar quietly passed away, leaving the ring
bonus). If the target fails this saving throw, he is lying next to his recorder beside his bed. The queen
paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. (See the Condition herself came to see to his funeral arrangements, but
Summary in Chapter Eight: Glossary of the DMG for when she picked up the ring she had given him
the consequences of being paralyzed.) Creatures that she felt his spirit stirring within, and felt compelled
are immune to stunning a�acks are also immune to to take up the old bard’s recorder. To Sylmarina’s
this ability, as are any creatures that are more than surprise, she began to play a beautiful, haunting
one size category larger than the swi� scion. melody—one she had never heard before, on an
instrument she had never learned!
Gaofar, the Ring of the Winds Check Required: Knowledge (local) DC 25.
Among elves and half-elves, the legend of the bard When the song ended, Sylmarina knew that
Gaofar is a source of great pride. The ring that bears Gaofar had somehow willed his essence into the
his name is regarded as equally prestigious, for, as ring she had given him. She named the ring a�er
the stories go, it is imbued with the bard’s spirit. the bard, and kept it with her for many years,
donning it and taking up the bard’s recorder
The Song of Gaofar whenever she found herself missing his charm
In the Age of the Old Kings, a half-elf bard named and wit. In time, she granted the ring to a young
Gaofar arrived among the elven glades, and though half-elf bard who showed suitable promise and
he was reluctant to discuss his background, the elves told him its story, so that he should show it the
accepted him as one of their own. This was due reverence it deserved. As the centuries have gone
mainly to his skill with the recorder, for Gaofar’s by, the ring Gaofar has become a true legend among
songs could elicit nearly any emotion, and he was bards, prized for not just its powers, but for the
not stingy with his talents. The bard would perform skill and love that went into it.
at the drop of a hat, and asked nothing in return. Check Required: Knowledge (local) DC 25.
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Requirements speed by 30 feet at will, up to double her base speed.
To qualify to wear Gaofar as a swi� scion, a Compelling Presence (Ex): At 1st level, the scion
character must fulfill all the following criteria. of Gaofar gains a +4 enhancement bonus to her
Race: Elf or half-elf. Charisma.
Skills: Move Silently 5 ranks, Perform (wind Music on the Wind (Su): Adventure Hook
instruments) 5 ranks. At 2nd level, the scion of The heroes are camping in the wilds
when they hear a plaintive voice calling
Feats: Persuasive. Gaofar is able to conceal a to them, seemingly from nowhere. “My
Spells: Able to cast arcane spells from the bard message among the notes friends, the trolls have captured me and
spell list. of any song that she plays mean to eat me. I am in their cave, on
Special: Bardic Music: The prospective scion of on a wind instrument, and the hillside. Please come to my aid.” The
heroes can see a hill in the distance, and
Gaofar must have the bardic music special ability. to send that message to a when they investigate, they do indeed
spot up to 1 mile distant find trolls dwelling in a cave—and the
Restrictions per her scion level. Others shredded and broken remains of a bard’s
Should the scion of Gaofar cease performing music along the path from the equipment. Among the trolls’ treasure is a
silver ring, stained with fresh blood.
for more than one month, he loses all special scion to the destination
abilities granted by the swi� scion prestige class, might catch snippets of
as listed below. To regain these abilities, the scion the music as it passes by, but the message does not
must perform before a crowd of at least 20 elves become clear until it reaches the destination. The
or half-elves. destination must be familiar to the scion or it may
be a specific individual, provided the individual is
Attributes in range, even if he is not in a location familiar to the
Gaofar has the following a�ributes: scion. The message can only travel where wind can
Method of Destruction: Gaofar may be travel—it cannot pass through walls, for example—
destroyed only by slicing the ring in two with a and it travels at a maximum rate of 1 mile per hour.
legendary blade of elven origin, such as Swi� or The message can be no more than 25 words long.
Sure (the legendary Glen-Blades; see Artifacts of the The scion may use this ability a number of times per
Ages: Swords and Staves). day equal to her Charisma bonus.
Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 25. Silver Tongue (Ex): When the scion of Gaofar
Value: To someone other than a swi� scion, reaches 3rd level, she gains a +20 bonus on
Gaofar appears to be worth as much as a ring of Diplomacy checks made against elves or half-
expeditious retreat (3,600 gp). elves, and a +10 bonus on Bluff checks made
against creatures of any race, provided the Bluff
Special Abilities check involves convincing the creature of the
Gaofar provides the following special abilities to its truth of her words.
wielder, depending on the character’s level in the Wind Wall (Sp): At 4th level, the scion of Gaofar
swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–2: Abilities may cast wind wall a number of times per day
Granted by Gaofar). equal to her scion level divided by 2. The wind wall
Initial Abilities: Anyone who wears Gaofar, persists for a number of rounds equal to the scion’s
whether its scion or not, may increase her base land class level, but the scion can extend this duration, if
she so desires, by playing a wind instrument. With
Table 5–2: Abilities Granted by Gaofar a successful DC 20 Perform (wind instrument)
check made each round a�er the spell’s normal
Scion Caster duration ends, the scion may extend the duration
Level Ability Gained Level for another round. If the scion fails this check, the
— Expeditious retreat 1st wind wall immediately ends.
1st Compelling presence 3rd Delay Spell (Ex): At 5th level, the scion of
2nd Music on the wind 3rd Gaofar may delay the effect of any spell with a
verbal component (including spells cast by other,
3rd Silver tongue 5th
even opponents) by making a Perform (wind
4th Wind wall 5th instruments) check, with a DC equal to 15 + the
5th Delay spell 5th spell’s level. If the caster is unwilling to allow the
6th Air bridge 7th spell’s effect to be delayed, the scion must make a
7th Control winds 9th Perform (wind instruments) check opposed by the
caster’s Spellcra� check. If the scion fails at either
8th Capture spell 9th
type of check, the spell’s effect take place as normal.
9th Silence spells 11th If the scion herself is casting the spell she wishes
10th Wind tunnel 13th to delay, she can use this ability as a free action. If
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
someone else is casting the spell, the scion must components. By making a DC 25 Perform (wind
ready an action to delay the caster’s spell effect. instruments) check, the scion creates a 30-foot
The scion can delay the effect of the spell for as radius zone around herself in which spells with
long as she continues to play her wind instrument. verbal components may not be cast, unless the
She may only take move actions while she does so. caster succeeds at a level check, with the DC equal
If the target of the spell leaves the spell’s range or to the scion’s Perform (wind instruments) result.
is killed, the spell dissipates harmlessly. Otherwise, This effect lasts for as long as the scion continues
the spell’s effects apply as the caster intended, to play her wind instrument. The scion can use this
though if the target has moved (but is still within ability once per day.
range), the spell’s effects center on the target’s new Wind Tunnel (Su): At 10th level, the scion of
position (which may affect spells such as darkness, Gaofar may transform creatures into air and store
for example). them in Gaofar until they are needed. The scion may
Air Bridge (Sp): At 6th level, the scion of Gaofar store a number of creatures equal to half her scion
may grant other creatures the ability to walk on level, and no single creature’s Hit Dice can exceed
air, as the air walk spell. The maximum number of the scion’s character level. Only willing creatures
creatures the scion may affect is equal to her scion may be stored in this fashion. Once stored, they can
level. They may use this ability so long as the scion remain in the ring for a number of hours equal to
plays a wind instrument; she may need to make a the scion’s Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Storing or
Concentration check in some cases, depending on releasing a creature requires a full-round action for
the circumstances. The scion may use this ability each creature. The creature can be no farther than 20
once per day. feet from the scion when initially stored, and when
Control Winds (Sp): When the scion of Gaofar released, appears at any spot within 20 feet of the
reaches 7th level, she may cast control winds once scion, as designated by the scion. Released creatures
per day. may act immediately, on the scion’s turn.
Capture Spell (Ex): At 8th level, the scion of
Gaofar may make a Perform (wind instruments) Karag-Joz, the Jester’s Bracelet
check to capture a spell with a verbal component It is said by scholars that the legendary bracelet of
in Gaofar. Successfully doing so nullifies the jesters, otherwise known as Karag-Joz, was created
spell’s effects and stores the spell until the scion by the gods in an a�empt to bring mirth and
releases it again by making another Perform mischief to an unsmiling world.
(wind instruments) check as a full-round action.
The DC for this check is 15 + the spell’s level. If Everyone’s a Comedian
the spell does not target the scion or her gear, but Despite the rumors to
does target another character, another the contrary, Venatian
character’s gear, an item, or a square, was one of the best
the DC increases by +5; if the spell entertainers in Liberty.
has no target at all, the DC He made monarchs
increases by +10. ti�er with glee with
The scion of Gaofar his irresistible wit,
may capture a number brought the fairest of
of spell levels equal to ladies to tears with his
the scion’s levels at any melancholy ballads,
one time. (For example, and impressed the
a 9th-level swi� scion of unwashed masses
Gaofar could capture and with acrobatic stunts that
store three 3rd-level spells, had only been seen in the
or two 4th-level spells and lands of the Far East. He was a
one 1st-level spell, or one 9th- man of the world, a minstrel without
level spell, and so on.) When the compare, and he came to Liberty to show
scion releases a spell, she has the option of the northern scum how emotions could—or,
le�ing it dissipate harmlessly, or casting the spell rather, should—be manipulated.
herself (even if it is not a spell on her spell list). In Yet on his opening night he was upstaged by a
the la�er case, she makes all the choices for the spell, local performer. A youth of no more than half his
and the spell’s caster level is equal to her scion level. age, a whelp who refused to acknowledge that he,
Silence Spells (Ex): When the scion of Gaofar Venatian, was to be treated with the proper respect
a�ains 9th level, she may completely nullify that his station deserved, exhorted the intoxicated
spellcasters’ ability to cast spells with verbal crowd to clear the stage of his obvious superior. He
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
was booed off the stage by a drunken mob, carried enchanted bracelet on the night of the tournament
bodily over the crowd like a mannequin, and if Venatian could guarantee that he would, against
dumped unceremoniously in a rubbish heap. He all odds, win the competition. Venatian, convinced
swore that revenge, the sweet nectar of the unjustly of his own superiority and driven nearly insane by
wronged, would be his! his passions, agreed to their terms.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20. Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 30.
Venatian’s foe was known in Liberty’s bars The night of the tournament came, and the
and taverns as Ryzard of All Smiles. His name most gi�ed of the land’s performers sang, danced,
was no accident, for it was said that he could quipped, and played for the unruly crowds that
make even the newly dead smile and weep tears packed into Tymdrin’s House of Fortune. The
of happiness. Ryzard had come from the south judges, chosen from amongst the Old Quarter’s
several years before Venatian considered Liberty most esteemed purveyors of entertainment, sat
as a potential venue, and in a short time he was sternly and observed the show before them. The
one of the most anticipated performers in the event lasted nearly a week, and many tales are told
city. The secret to his immeasurable success was of the festivities that shook the walls and li�ed the
unknown to all but a few, and they would not roof of Tymdrin’s hall. It was unsurprising to the
give up the information so easily. masses that the two contestants who remained
At every turn Venatian a�empted to upstage his a�er such stiff competition were none other than
youthful counterpart, but his endeavors were met Venatian and his hated enemy, Ryzard of All Smiles.
with only marginal success. Much of the populace Many of those who were there recall the contest
loved and respected Ryzard, and Venatian was that followed with li�le effort, although some of
merely an unwelcome guest. Without work, his the exhibition’s highlights were lost in the laughter,
money dwindled. His ego, once as large and hungry tears, and awe brought by such exceptionally
as a dragon’s desire, suffered painfully. His pitiful gi�ed performances. Ryzard did as well as he was
a�empts at supplanting Ryzard of All Smiles as able to, but his mood was as noticeably depressed
Liberty’s favorite performer were met with gales of as the bareness of his wrist. The bracelet had been
mocking laughter and bushels of ro�ing produce. It stolen, and Venatian was ecstatic in his superiority.
was more than any ordinary man could bear. Ryzard withered beneath the polite applause that
Of course, Venatian was no ordinary man. Using he was given by the lukewarm audience, while
all of his guile, and not the least of his remaining Venatian, once again the best performer in all the
gold, he learned from a harbor strumpet that lands, swooned with his own self-importance.
Ryzard’s power lay in an enchanted silver bracelet Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20.
strung heavy with trinkets. The thing dangled Ryzard did not last long a�er his bracelet was
openly from the upstart’s wrist like a strand of stolen from him. He, like Venatian, had grown
tinkling fairy beads, and Venatian vowed that too a�ached to fame, and his life was empty and
he would see Ryzard’s fortunes vanish with the meaningless without it. He turned to drink, and
offending jewelry if it were the last thing he did. when his money ran out, he turned to singing
When luck finally came calling, he was willing to in the streets of Liberty for a few scant coppers
acquiesce to any deed, no ma�er how demeaning, with which to buy his rotgut. The cold nights
so that he might see his foe vanquished. and harrowing memories grew too much for the
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 25. poor lad, and he was eventually found in an alley,
In time it was announced that there was to be stabbed and bloody.
a Tournament of Talents held at none other than Venatian’s fortune is no less tragic, though he
Tymdrin’s House of Fortune in the city’s Old doubtless deserved it. His esteem in the eyes of
Quarter. All manner of bards, minstrels, actors, the city was short-lived, though he maintained
dancers, and mummers made their way to Liberty a modest degree of comfort for some years.
to take part in this highly-anticipated event. When it was reported that Ryzard had been
There were few doubts as to who would win the found murdered, rumors began to circulate that
exchange, but the gambling was intense and the Venatian was to blame. He vehemently denied
stakes were high. such allegations, even as they were compounded
Few be�ors saw the bi�er Venatian as capable by a rumor that he had bought the favor of those
competition for Ryzard of All Smiles, and a scant who sat in judgment of Tymdrin’s Tournament
handful of these canny criminals knew that such of Talents. Evidence eventually surfaced that
a long shot could lead them to a huge payoff. implicated him beyond a measure of a doubt,
These criminals contacted Venatian and made and he was arrested. The populace cried from the
him an offer he wouldn’t, in all his dreams, refuse. streets for his blood, and Venatian’s last dance was
They would relieve Ryzard of All Smiles of his performed at the end of a swaying hemp rope.
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
As for the bracelet, there is no record. It was lost, Table 5–3: Abilities Granted by Karag-Joz
taken by the thieves of Liberty and sequestered Scion Caster
away in some unknown place. Level Ability Gained Level
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 15. –– +5 competence bonus to Perform 5th
The Jester’s Bracelet is formed by many links of checks
silver, and it hangs with more than a dozen unique Distinctive noise ––
charms. The largest of the charms function as
1st Bard’s wisdom ––
bells, and these constantly chime with an alluring
melody as the wearer of Karag-Joz moves about. Lesser charm 7th
Though it is traditionally a bracelet, Karag-Joz can 2nd Greater charm ––
also be worn as an anklet. Lesser charm 7th
Jester’s Wit ––
3rd Lesser charm 7th
To wear Karag-Joz as its swi� scion, a character
must fulfill the following criteria. Only fools rush in +1 ––
Alignment: Any chaotic. 4th Greater charm ––
Base Save Bonuses: Will +4. Lesser charm 7th
Skills: Perform 8 ranks.
5th Lesser charm 7th
Special: Must have access to the bardic music
class ability. 6th Greater charm ––
Lesser charm 7th
Restrictions Only fools rush in +2 ––
The scion of Karag-Joz must always retain the 7th Lesser charm 7th
chaotic aspect of his alignment. If his alignment
8th Greater charm ––
should change, any and all abilities gained through
the use of Karag-Joz’s charms will be lost until such Lesser charm 7th
time as his chaotic tendencies are restored. 9th Lesser charm 7th
Only fools rush in +3 ––
Attributes 10th Greater charm ––
Karag-Joz has the following a�ributes.
Lesser charm 7th
Method of Destruction: Karag-Joz can only be
destroyed if all of its charms are removed. If a charm
is removed from the bracelet, the scion of Karag-Joz countersong, fascinate, inspire courage, and inspire
cannot use the power granted by that charm until it confidence as if he were an 8th level bard. He does
is recovered and rea�ached to the bracelet. not, however, gain access to other uses of bardic
Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 30. music, such as suggestion or inspire greatness, until
Value: To any character other than its swi� scion, he achieves the appropriate level in his bard class.
Karag-Joz appears to be a bracelet that grants a +5 Distinctive Noise (Ex): Due to the incessant
competence bonus to Perform checks (2,500 gp). jingling of the bracelet’s charms, anyone who
wears Karag-Joz suffers a –5 penalty to all Move
Special Abilities Silently checks.
Karag-Joz provides the following special abilities Lesser Charms (Sp): The lesser charms of Karag-
to its wielder, depending on the character’s level Joz allow its scion to activate minor magical effects.
in the swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–3: At each new level, the bracelet’s scion chooses a
Abilities Granted by Karag-Joz). single lesser charm. From that point forward, he
Initial Abilities: When worn, the pleasant may use that charm a number of times daily as
ringing of Karag-Joz’s bell-like charms grants indicated in the charm’s entry. Unlike Karag-Joz’s
anyone who wears it a +5 competence bonus to greater charms, the results of these lesser charms
Perform checks. do not involve random effects. Lesser charms
Bard’s Wisdom (Ex): When using the bardic are smaller than their greater counterparts, each
music class ability, the wearer of Karag-Joz adds being about the size of a pea. As they are all part
his swi� scion levels to his bard levels when of Karag-Joz, they lose their magic if they are
determining the music’s results. These additional somehow removed from the bracelet.
levels only affect the effects of the bardic music that Charm of Alacrity (Sp): The charm of alacrity is in
is a�empted, not the minimum bard level needed the shape of a star, struck from a piece of silver.
to activate it. For example, a 5th level bard who Karag-Joz’s scion can use the charm to cast haste
is also a 3rd level swi� scion of Karag-Joz can use once per day.
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Charm of Defeat (Sp): Carved from ivory into the contorted body of a physical performer tied into
shape of a small skull, the charm of defeat allows the a whimsical knot. If invoked, the charm grants
scion of Karag-Joz to cast bane three times per day. Karag-Joz’s scion a competence bonus equal to his
Charm of Fools (Sp): By utilizing the charm of fools, swi� scion level to all Balance, Escape Artist, Jump,
the bracelet’s scion can cast touch of idiocy upon his and Tumble checks.
foes two times per day. Made of bronze, this charm Charm of Avoidance (Su): The charm of avoidance
has been cra�ed to resemble a jester’s cap. consists of a miniature bunch of golden bananas. If
Charm of Madness (Sp): By using the charm of invoked, the charm provides the scion of Karag-Joz
madness, Karag-Joz’s scion can cast confusion once with a dodge bonus to his armor class equal to his
per day. The charm itself is a small disk carved level in the swi� scion prestige class. This dodge
from stone and etched with spiraling pa�erns that bonus takes the form of pratfalls, slips, and other
seem to move of their own accord. fortunate accidents that somehow prevent the scion
Charm of Mirth (Sp): The charm of mirth from being hit by his aggressors.
resembles a pair of puckered lips. The charm Charm of Fortune (Su): The charm of fortune is a
allows the bracelet’s wearer to cast hideous laughter small gem-shaped bell that is constructed from
three times per day. a piece of fine crystal. When activated, the charm
Charm of Rainbows (Sp): This charm is fashioned of fortune provides the scion of Karag-Joz with a
from steel in the familiar shape of a rainbow. Chips financial windfall equal to ten times his scion level
of different gems, such as rubies, emeralds, amber, in gold pieces. The wealth need not be in the form
and sapphires, have been carefully inlaid on one of gold coins; coins of other denominations and
side to give the rainbow’s bands their color. When materials, as well as gems, can be substituted, so
used, the charm of rainbows can cast color spray long as their gold piece value equals that which
three times per day. is granted to the scion. The wealth appears in the
Charm of Sorrow (Sp): The charm of sorrow form of a lucky coincidence: a donation from an
resembles a small disembodied head, its face anonymous admirer, a pouch of coins found on the
contorted in an expression of abject grief. When sticky floor of a tavern, or a forgo�en debt that is
used by Karag-Joz’s scion, the charm of sorrow allows finally repaid. Unlike Karag-Joz’s other charms, the
the casting of crushing despair once per day. charm of fortune can only be used once per week.
Charm of the Bear (Sp): By using the charm of the Charm of Life (Sp): The charm of life resembles a
bear, Karag-Joz’s swi� scion can cast bear’s endurance tiny infant cast in silver. When used, the charm can
twice per day. The copper charm resembles a cure 5 points of damage for every level that the
tro�ing bear. character possesses in the swi� scion prestige class.
Charm of the Bull (Sp): Made to look like a Charm of the Performer (Su): The charm of the
minotaur’s head, the charm of the bull allows the performer resembles a pair of tiny bronze masks,
bracelet’s scion to cast bull’s strength twice per day. one smiling and the other weeping. When activated
Charm of the Cat (Sp): Shaped like a perfect cat’s by Karag-Joz’s scion, the Charm of the Performer
paw, the charm of the cat allows the scion of Karag- increases his Charisma by an amount equal to his
Joz to cast cat’s grace twice per day. level in the swi� scion prestige class.
Greater Charms (Varies): At every even level, the Only Fools Rush In (Ex): Fools are known to
swi� scion of Karag-Joz awakens one of the bracelet’s leap before they look, taking rash actions that o�en
greater charms. The charm that is awakened is get them into trouble. Beginning at 3rd level, the
chosen by the scion at the time of the level increase. scion of Karag-Joz gains a +1 bonus to all initiative
Greater charms can be activated once per day, and checks that he makes. This bonus increases to +2 at
their effects last a number of minutes equal to the 6th level, and to +3 at 9th level.
scion’s class level (unless otherwise noted). The Jester’s Wit (Ex): A swi� scion of Karag-Joz
greater charms of Karag-Joz are roughly grape-sized, of 2nd level or higher with 10 or more ranks
and all are rendered useless if they are somehow in Perform (comedy) can break a tense or evil
removed from the bracelet. mood through the use of jokes, wi�y insults,
Whenever a greater charm is activated, the and sarcasm. This ability can be used to boost
bracelet’s scion must roll on Table 5–4: Wondrous the morale of his allies, distract opponents, and
Effects of Karag-Joz. The effects of this roll are improve the a�itudes of non-player characters.
applied immediately, and they have a duration of Using jester’s wit counts as one daily use of the
1d6 hours unless otherwise specified. Removing bardic music class ability.
the bracelet will not cancel a wondrous effect If used to boost the morale of his allies, jester’s
before it expires. wit merely enhances the scion’s use of the inspire
Charm of the Acrobat (Su): The charm of the courage ability. To be affected, an ally must be able
acrobat is cast from platinum, and resembles the to hear and understand the scion, and the effect
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
lasts for 5 rounds. This grants the scion’s allies a is allowed a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ scion’s
+1 morale bonus to resist charm and fear effects, level + scion’s Cha modifier), and success indicates
as well as a +1 morale bonus to a�ack and damage that the scion’s scathing wit has no effect. If the
rolls. These bonuses stack with the bonuses saving throw fails, the opponent is overcome by a
provided by the bard’s inspire courage ability. fit of laughter that lasts a number of rounds equal
When used to distract opponents, Karag-Joz’s to the scion’s level. The subject can take no actions
scion must make a joke at his opponent’s expense. while laughing, but is not considered to be helpless.
To be eligible, an opponent must be able to hear and Opponents who succeed at this saving throw cannot
understand the scion. Creatures with an Intelligence be affected by further uses of the jester’s wit ability,
score of 2 or lower are not affected. The opponent and may lash out in anger at the scion.
Table 5–4: The Wondrous Effects of Karag-Joz
d% Wondrous Effect
01–05 No effect.
06–09 The shoes, boots, or other footwear worn by the scion are affected by a create water spell. This produces
two gallons of pure water within the scion’s shoes, as well as 1d10 small fish, which immediately spill out
of the affected footwear and onto the ground. Until his shoes are dried, the scion suffers a –2 penalty to all
Move Silently checks due to sloshing. A scion with no shoes is unaffected.
10–15 All clothing that the scion is currently wearing is suddenly dyed with vertical red and yellow stripes. This ef-
fect is permanent.
16–21 The scion’s voice becomes high-pitched and comic. This provides a +2 circumstance bonus to some Per-
form checks, such as those involving comedy, singing, or impersonation. It also grants a –2 penalty to Bluff
and Diplomacy skill checks, as well as a –4 penalty to Intimidate skill checks.
22–26 The scion is affected by a spell of invisibility with no save. This spell only affects the scion’s upper body,
leaving his ankles and feet visible. This provides the scion with partial concealment, and any attacks made
against him have a 40% miss chance (instead of the normal 50% miss chance for being completely invisible).
27–30 The scion is suddenly overcome by an insatiable hunger. He must eat a meal’s worth of food, and is fatigued
until he does so.
31–35 Anyone within ten feet of the scion is affected by a grease spell.
36–41 The scion grows a fanciful beard and/or moustache, which is waxed, curled, and quite stylish. The facial hair
remains until shaved or trimmed, and is grown regardless of the scion’s gender. If the scion already pos-
sesses facial hair, it is replaced by the more fanciful style.
42–45 A strong breeze accompanies the scion wherever he goes. The winds kick up small amounts of dust, and
can blow arrows and other missile weapons off course. This provides the scion with a +2 deflection bonus to
his armor class versus missile weapons.
46–50 The scion’s sweat becomes sticky and sweet like honey, attracting small vermin such as ants, gnats, and
sugar bees. In locations where such insects are abundant, the scion suffers a –2 penalty to all saves and
checks due to distraction.
51–55 The scion of Karag-Joz begins to reek of strong perfume. This grants creatures that track by scent a +10
bonus to Survival checks when they are tracking the scion.
56–60 The scion’s hair and fingernails grow 1d10 inches. This result lasts until the scion cuts his fingernails or hair.
61–65 The scion’s bladed weapons, if any, become lodged in their sheaths or scabbards. A DC 20 Strength check
allows the scion to draw his weapons.
66–70 Any containers worn by the scion, such as backpacks, pouches, sacks, and the like, open immediately, and
any containers that were already opened are likewise fastened shut.
71–74 Anyone within ten feet of Karag-Joz’s scion is able to hear his surface thoughts as if they were under the
effects of a detect thoughts spell.
75–80 A small copper coin appears within each of the scion’s ears, causing a –2 penalty to all Listen checks until
they are removed. The coins are normal copper pieces with standard value.
81–86 Small globes of brilliant light dance around the scion, similar to the effects of a dancing lights spell.
87–92 Soothing music emanates from Karag-Joz. The scion, as well as anyone within a five foot radius, is affected
by a lullaby spell (no save).
93–95 Any gold carried by the scion is turned into lead, while any lead carried by the scion is turned into gold. The
effects of this result are permanent.
96–100 The scion becomes fuzzy and indistinct as if he were under the effects of a blur spell.
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Jester’s wit can also be used to improve the It wasn’t long before Dorace weaseled his way
a�itudes of non-player characters. The target NPC is deeper into the ranks of the Guild. A thug he’d
allowed a Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ scion’s level been before, but a thief he’d since become. No one
+ scion’s Cha modifier). Failure indicates that the liked the fellow, but his skill at cu�ing purses was
NPC’s a�itude improves by one category. Whether without question. He’d never grow wealthy slicing
or not a non-player character resists the jester’s wit, purse strings or emptying pockets, but he exhibited
he cannot be affected by it a second time. an uncanny skill when it came to separating the
common folk from their wealth without them being
Ottanar, the Cutpurse Ring the wiser. In time he came to be relied upon by the
O�anar, the greedy cutpurse ring, seems to have Guild as a whole. Some said that Sepris himself had
a mind of its own, and it switches hands as his eyes on Dorace, for the man’s talent was now
o�en as one of Liberty’s strumpets does. beyond question. He was chosen for special
errands, the sort that required a delicate
Driven By Greed touch and the patience of a priest.
Dorace never admi�ed how he Dorace had cultivated both qualities,
had come across the ring. It was reveling in his new-found popularity.
a one-of-a-kind score, that ring, His rise in power did not go
and he took much delight in unnoticed. Others, once favored
showing it off to his mates in the for their own thieving talents,
Dancing Kegs Tavern. As to how had been displaced by Dorace in
he’d go�en the thing, no one his witless rise to power. Their
was sure. It was likely that he’d lips curled as they spoke of him,
stolen it from someone. Lacking spi�ing insults and epithets into
that, a flash of cold steel in one their wine. “How’s a slug like
of Liberty’s back alleyways, Dorace rise up from the gu�er
followed by a splash of warm like that?” they asked one another,
crimson and a gurgled scream, wagging their heads. “It ain’t
seemed much more probable. natural. He ain’t nothin’ but a spiker.
Dorace had never been a competent Always was, always will be.”
thief, but he’d a gi� for knife work These talks didn’t always end in insult
that rivaled the denizens of any of the and empty insinuation. It only took a li�le
city’s aba�oirs. Whoever had owned the ring Ottanar while before Dorace’s rivals were pondering
previously was probably ro�ing face-down in his simple steel ring and the role it may have
a filthy gu�er near the docks. It was Dorace’s pride played in his ascent through the Guild hierarchy.
and joy, and he wore it like a badge of honor. That ring, it seemed, was the catalyst that had led
“Twas a gi�,” he admi�ed one evening over a them to their current plight. Before he’d found it
glass of spirits. “Oh, aye, a gi�. A special honor, – or before it had found him, if his stories were to be
and mine alone.” He nodded for emphasis, his believed – Dorace had been a nobody. Now, he was
thick black hair spilling over his sunken, guilty the most respected cutpurse in all of Liberty, and at
eyes. None would disagree with him on this their expense. In the shadows of the Dancing Kegs
ma�er, for no one wished to stick their neck out Tavern, they decided that, fair means or foul, Dorace
over a plain steel ring of dubious monetary value. was going to have to lose that ring.
Leaning closer, holding his le� hand close to his Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 30.
breast, Dorace confided, “It speaks. Whispered to Dorace wasn’t easy to get close to anymore,
me that I was its chosen master, it did.” but his rivals kept on his heels day and night. It
Crazy. That’s what they thought of him and his seemed that he knew something was amiss, for he
blasted ring. They were tired of the stories, too; sick o�en looked over his shoulder as if expecting to be
of hearing tall tales about the thing, but not sick taken from behind. Edgy and not a bit unnerved,
enough to kill Dorace and be done with it. He still the conspirators continued shadowing Dorace.
had some use to the Guild, especially lately. His Each secretly decided to keep that ring once their
skills grew, and with them his value to the higher- deed was done. It was a small price to pay for
ups. Perhaps the ring had something to do with all the trouble that Dorace had caused. Each had
it? The question had been raised, but no one knew reasoned, incorrectly, that their other companions
the answer. In those early days, no one really cared would not desire such a simple, inelegant piece of
to find out, lest they be trapped in a one-sided ornamentation.
conversation with Dorace and his steel ring. When the time came, they struck. Dorace, taken
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20. in the dark, lashed out blindly, wounding one of
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
his a�ackers and killing a second. The remaining the ring only as a desirable prize, and such is the
two cut him down like winter wheat, and then way that O�anar o�en changes hands.
simultaneously reached for his steel ring. Neither
rogue wished to relinquish his personal claim upon Attributes
the item, and the fighting began anew between O�anar has the following a�ributes.
men who, moments before, were staunch allies. As Method of Destruction: If placed into its own
they fought to their mutual deaths, the remaining dimensional pocket, O�anar will cease to exist.
conspirator stole away with the ring clutched Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 35.
tightly in his bloody palm. None remain who can Value: To any character other than its swi�
put a name to the man. scion, O�anar appears to be a ring of knocking (5,400
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 25. gp).
In the end, the ring has never stayed for long
around any one finger. Dorace was merely a single Special Abilities
host in a long succession of them, a means to an O�anar provides the following special abilities to
end for a mystical artifact that is as fickle as the its wielder, depending upon the character’s level
Lady of the Fates herself. Consisting of a plain in the swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–5:
steel band without mark or seam, O�anar is only Abilities Granted by O�anar).
a�ractive insofar as it is unusual. Initial Abilities: O�anar allows anyone who
wears it to cast knock once per day when the proper
Requirements command word is spoken.
To wear O�anar as its swi� scion, a character must Dimensional Pocket (Su): O�anar’s swi� scion
fulfill the following criteria. can open or close a small dimensional space
Alignment: Any non-lawful. anywhere upon his person at will. The pocket can
Skills: Escape Artist 4 ranks, Sleight of Hand 6 be made to appear up a sleeve, in the cuff of a boot,
ranks. or in an actual pocket inside a cloak, vest, or jacket.
Special: The scion of O�anar must have stolen it This pocket can initially hold a single object of fine
from its previous scion. size, such a coin, a key, or a potion. When the ring’s
scion reaches 3rd level, the size of the dimensional
Restrictions pocket increases so that it can accommodate one
To remain the scion of O�anar, a character must item of diminutive size. It enlarges again at 5th
indulge in personal the� at least once per week. level, allowing a tiny object to be stored there. The
The value of the goods stolen each week must utility and variable location of the dimensional
equal at least 100 gold pieces, and the scion cannot pocket allows the ring’s scion to slip small items
willingly return the items to their former owner into it unseen. When used in conjunction with
(though he can be forced to return them by a third Sleight of Hand, the pocket grants a +2 bonus to the
party). If the scion is unwilling or unable to meet scion’s check when palming items.
this restriction, the ring will cease to function for Fingerblade (Ex): When he reaches 2nd level
him until such time as he returns to his larcenous as O�anar’s scion, a character can use a mental
ways. Lacking this eventuality, O�anar will a�empt command to activate a small concealed blade
to a�ract another likely scion that might succeed within the ring. This blade is tiny, and allows the
at stealing it from its current master. The potential scion a +2 equipment bonus to Sleight of Hand
scion, unaware of the ring’s “calling,” will perceive checks made when cu�ing purses. It can also
be used to cut bonds, which is reflected in a +2
Table 5–5: Abilities Granted by Ottanar equipment bonus to Escape Artist checks made
Scion Caster when tied or bound. In a pinch, the blade can also
Level Ability Gained Level be used as a weapon, dealing 1d2 damage on a
–– Knock 3rd successful melee a�ack. When the blade is used in
1st Dimensional pocket (fine) –– such a way, the scion is considered to be unarmed
in regards to a�acks of opportunity.
2nd Fingerblade ––
Shrink Item (Sp): At 2nd level, O�anar allows its
Shrink item 5th scion to cast shrink item three times per day. This
3rd Create distraction –– ability is most o�en used in conjunction with the
Dimensional pocket (diminutive) –– ring’s dimensional pocket, allowing the scion to
4th Improved fingerblade 3rd hide objects that would normally be considered
too large. If the ability’s effect expires before the
“Who? Me?” –– shrunken item is removed from the pocket, it will
5th Dimension pocket (tiny) –– revert to its normal size as soon as it is removed.
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Create Distraction (Su): At 3rd level, the scion Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 35.
can use O�anar to distract a potential mark. The It was not long before the Dedewe realized
target of the spell is permi�ed a Will save to resist that they could not hope to win their secret war
this ability’s effect. On a failed save, the subject without the aid of opportunistic humans. The most
of this ability automatically fails any Spot checks, promising of these were stolen from their families
such as those made to detect the scion’s a�empt at as infants and raised by the Dedewe in their
thievery, whether or not the a�empt is successful. shadowy, formless cities. These orphaned humans
The save DC of this ability is equal to 10 + ½ the learned the art of deception, stealth, and intrigue as
character’s scion level + his Charisma modifier. children. They acted as the Dedewe’s double agents
Improved Fingerblade (Ex): At 4th level, the in the kingdoms of men, aiding the Faceless ones
ring’s fingerblade becomes even more effective when and furthering their plots of world conquest.
used to cut purses or escape bonds. Of these human spies, which the
The equipment bonus of the blade Dedewe called the Shemandu, the
increases to +4 in both instances. greatest and most gi�ed was known
Furthermore, the blade gains a magical as Eberi. Eberi was a dark-skinned
enhancement bonus of +1 when used human woman who craved power as
as a melee weapon in combat, though its much as her Faceless masters did. She
base damage is still only 1d2. excelled in their service, and with her
“Who? Me?” (Su):: At 4th level, the successes came increased responsibility
scion of O�anar grows adept at avoiding and reward. One of these rewards was
blame for his actions. If the ring’s scion Pyahuso, forever a�er known to the
is caught red-handed whilst pilfering world as the Faceless Periapt. Pyahuso
items, O�anar can give the scion’s provided Eberi with powers that
lamest excuses a veneer of legitimacy, nearly rivaled her Faceless masters,
allowing him to refute any charges and with it she became the undisputed
brought against him by the authorities. leader of the Shemandu.
This is reflected in a +4 competence Eberi served her masters well, but was
bonus to Bluff checks. eventually overcome by her own desire
for personal power and gain. She took
Pyahuso, the Faceless Periapt to selling her services to the very humans
The Faceless Periapt was formed ages ago to that the Dedewe sought to overthrow. The
aid the spies of a long-forgo�en realm bent Faceless sensed that Eberi was growing
on the subjugation of men. beyond their control and they ordered her to
Pyahuso return home. When she refused to come to her
Created by the Faceless to Enslave Mankind masters, members of the Shemandu were sent
It was many centuries ago that the Dedewe, known to recover her. With the aid of Pyahuso, she managed
to humanity as the Faceless, came to covet the evade capture, and ventured out into the world in
lands of men. Long were they of limb, tall were an a�empt to retain her freedom.
they of form, and slight were they of frame, with Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 30.
white skins and large, black eyes. Their flesh was Eberi lived in fear of the Dedewe and their
malleable like the clay of the earth, and they could minions. She came close to being caught on several
assume any likeness that they wished. For a time, occasions, but each time she managed to avoid her
the Dedewe walked amongst mankind as if they hunters. Her flight, in the end, was a vain effort—
were their brothers and friends, observing all that the Shemandu captured her and took her back
they could. In time, they became greedy for what to the Dedewe for judgment. The Faceless ones
they saw. still considered Eberi to be a valuable asset, and
The Dedewe perceived humanity as weak. The they loathed to kill her outright for her rebellion.
most covetous amongst these enigmatic creatures Instead, they gave the woman one more chance to
placed themselves above their kin and demanded prove her loyalty.
that mankind be li�le more than slaves to their The Dedewe had spent several decades
people. Through a series of subtle plans and placing spies and imitators within the ranks of
machinations, the Dedewe insinuated themselves the kingdom of Riago. Their plans had nearly
deeper into the kingdoms of men. Though they come to fruition, and Dedewe impostors had
were few, they strove to assume positions of power replaced several of Riago’s nobles. Eberi’s task
by supplanting those men that occupied them. was to infiltrate Riago’s royal family and aid in the
Slow was the task, yet the Dedewe were as patient assassination and subsequent replacement of the
and cunning as spiders. nation’s ruling monarch. There was li�le doubt that
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
she would face execution if she refused, so Eberi from harm. If the scion ignores this restriction,
agreed to her masters’ demands. Pyahuso denies its scion access to its abilities
Through guile and deception, as well as the indefinitely. These powers can be restored, but
magic provided by Pyahuso, Eberi assisted a only if the scion a�empts to make some sort of
Faceless imposter in killing the rightful monarch restitution for her transgressions.
of Riago. With the Dedewe fraud securely on the
throne, Eberi continued to lend her assistance in Attributes
maintaining his secrecy. Her previous rebellious Pyahuso has the following a�ributes.
behavior was still fresh in the minds of the Method of Destruction: To destroy Pyahuso, the
Dedewe, and in their opinion she knew far too periapt’s head-shaped gem must be reworked by
much. In return for her loyal service, they revealed a skilled cra�sman into the natural likeness of the
Eberi’s role as a spy to the people of Riago. She artifact’s current or (if she is dead) former scion
was captured, and Pyahuso was taken from her (Cra� [gemcu�ing] DC 30).
before her execution. Therea�er, the periapt passed Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 35.
from the knowledge of men, even as the Dedewe Value: To any character other than its swi�
continued to press their will upon the peoples that scion, Pyahuso appears to work in a manner similar
they secretly ruled. to a ring of mind shielding (8,000 gp).
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 30.
Pyahuso is a milky white gem that is strung upon Special Abilities
a thin platinum chain. The gem has been carved to Pyahuso provides the following special abilities
resemble a smooth and featureless human head. to its wielder, depending on the character’s level
in the swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–6:
Requirements Abilities Granted by Pyahuso).
To wear Pyahuso as its swi� scion, a character must Initial Abilities: Anyone who wears the Faceless
fulfill the following criteria. Periapt is immune to the spells detect lies and discern
Race: Any humanoid. alignment, and any a�empts to magically discern
Alignment: Any non-good. her alignment automatically fail.
Skills: Bluff 7 ranks, Disguise 7 ranks, and Move Facial Alteration (Su): At 1st level, Pyahuso’s
Silently 5 ranks. scion gains the ability to alter her facial structure
in order to imitate the likeness of anyone whose
Restrictions face she has studied. Such a facial transformation
Pyahuso’s scion is not permi�ed to kill characters includes hair color, eye color, skin tone, facial hair,
that she knows to be doppelgangers, and must do and other distinguishing marks, and grants a +4
everything in her power to keep such creatures circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. It takes the
scion a move action to alter her face. The scion can
Table 5–6: Abilities Granted by Pyahuso use this ability a number of times per day equal
Scion Caster to 3 plus her Constitution modifier. A scion that is
Level Ability Gained Level killed or knocked unconscious while using facial
–– Immune to detect thoughts, 3rd alteration reverts to her normal facial type.
discern lies, and any attempt to Natural Deceiver (Ex): Pyahuso eventually
magically discern alignment increases its scion’s propensity for lies and deceit to
1st Facial alteration –– supernatural levels. At 2nd level, this results in a +4
2nd Natural deceiver +4 –– competence bonus to all Bluff checks. The lies told
by the scion are so believable that even she believes
3rd Body alteration ––
that they are true, and she gains an identical bonus
Frightening countenance –– to any Will saves made to resist spells such as zone
4th Size alteration –– of truth. Every third level, the combined bonus
5th Change gender –– provided by this class ability increases by +2.
Body Alteration (Su): The scion of Pyahuso gains
Natural deceiver +6 ––
the ability to alter her entire body in order to more
6th Partial transformation –– closely imitate others when she a�ains 3rd level.
7th Shapechanger subtype –– She can make herself 1 foot taller or shorter, and
8th Change shape –– can become up to half her normal body weight
Natural deceiver +8 –– heavier or lighter. Altering her body in such a way
provides an additional +4 circumstance bonus to
9th –– –– Disguise checks, and this stacks with the bonus
10th Polymorph 16th granted by the facial alteration class ability. It takes
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
the scion a move action to alter her body. The scion be a�empted a number of times per day equal to 2
can use this ability a number of times per day equal plus the scion’s Constitution modifier. The scion can
to 3 plus her Constitution modifier. A scion that is remain in his new form until he chooses to assume a
killed or knocked unconscious while using body new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but
alteration reverts to her normal body shape. the scion will revert to her natural form if killed or
Frightening Countenance (Su): Once Pyahuso’s knocked unconscious. A true seeing spell or ability
scion a�ains 3rd level, she can quickly alter her facial reveals the scion’s natural form. When using the
structure in order to intimidate, disorient, or frighten change shape ability, Pyahuso’s scion gains a +10
her foes. As a free action, three times per day, she circumstance bonus to Disguise checks. This bonus
may contort her face into a frightening visage. This does not stack with the bonuses provided by the
functions as a scare spell, and a Will saving throw facial alteration or body alteration class abilities.
(DC 10 + ½ scion’s level + scion’s Cha modifier) on Polymorph (Su): At 10th level, Pyahuso’s scion
the part of the target can negate the effects. gains the ability to transform into another form
Size Alteration (Su): Once its scion reaches of living creature 2 times per day. This functions
4th level, Pyahuso allows her to alter her size by as the polymorph spell, with some exceptions. The
one level down. For example, a Medium-sized assumed form cannot have more hit dice that the
scion can reduce himself to Small-size. The scion’s class level, to a maximum of 10 HD at 10th
transformation is not instant, and requires at least level. The transformation is a supernatural ability
one minute to complete. While she is altering her and lasts as long as the scion wishes to remain
size, Pyahuso’s scion cannot perform any strenuous in her new form. A change in form cannot be
activities. If interrupted, she can resume her dispelled, but the scion will revert to his natural
normal size, but will take 1 point of temporary form if killed or knocked unconscious. A true seeing
Constitution damage as a result. The scion can spell or ability will reveal the scion’s natural form.
use this ability a number of times per day equal
to 2 plus her Constitution modifier. A scion that Zafir, the Sapphire of the Summer Sky
is killed or knocked unconscious while using size Once given to Lod, the father of the gods, as a
alteration will revert to her normal size. symbol of fealty, Zafir virtually overflows with the
Change Gender (Su): At 5th level, Pyahuso’s power of the winds and the sky.
scion can switch her gender. Regardless of which
gender she is naturally, the scion is now considered Breath of the Wind Princess
to be biologically male or female (depending on When the Ba�le of the Eight Gods had finally
her current gender). The scion is only fertile in her ended, and the surviving deities had begun to
natural form, so a female scion who has changed take stock of what was le� of the world they had
her gender to male cannot father children, though made and fought for, Lod, the father of the gods,
she can still conceive them when in female form. decided to hold a feast. At this feast, those lords
A change in gender cannot be dispelled, but the of the world still loyal to the gods would present
scion will revert to her natural gender if killed or themselves and swear their fealty to him. Countless
knocked unconscious. mighty beings came before Lod at the feast and
Partial Transformation (Su): Beginning at 6th swore their lasting devotion to the father of the
level, Pyahuso’s scion gains precise control over the gods. Many brought impressive gi�s as a symbol
shape of her body. This allows her to make subtle of their lasting allegiance.
alterations to her physiology, such as growing When the Elemental Lords stood before Lod and
claws (+4 competence bonus to Climb checks), the other gods, they each reached deep inside their
extending webbing between her fingers and toes own bodies, pulling forth one perfect gem each: a
(+4 competence bonus to Swim checks), enlarging ruby from the Flame Duke and his wife, a bright,
her ears (+4 competence bonus to Listen checks), shining diamond from the three Earthen Kings,
or making her hands or wrists thinner in order an emerald from the Deep Lady and her consorts,
to escape bonds (+4 competence bonus to Escape and a sapphire from the Wind Princess and her
artist checks). Only one partial transformation can brothers. As one, they laid these items at the feet of
be a�empted at a time, and it takes a move action the father of the gods. And then they explained....
to complete such an alteration. Each of these stones represented the heart of
Shapechanger Subtype (Ex): Once Pyahuso’s one of the four elements from which Lod had first
scion reaches 7th level, she gains the shapechanger made the world. Literally, they were the hearts of
subtype so long as she possesses the periapt. the first elementals, passed down from generation
Change Shape (Su): Pyahuso’s scion gains the to generation, like crowns from one regent to the
ability to assume the shape of any Small or Medium next. By giving these gems to the father of the gods,
humanoid at 8th level. Such a transformation can they acknowledged him as their ruler. So long as
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Lod held the hearts of the Elemental Lords, he held Attributes
dominion over fire, earth, water, and air. Zafir has the following a�ributes:
Check Required: Knowledge (religion) DC 30. Value: To someone other than a swi� scion, Zafir
Lod bore the gems for eons, and thus mastery appears to be worth as much as a sapphire of feather
over the elements—until his renegade son, Vurkis, fall: 8,500 gp.
in an a�empt to rebuild his lost power, stole Method of Destruction: Zafir may be destroyed
the four elemental gems away from his father. only by removing it from all contact with air for
For a time, the god of evil ruled the elementals, an entire year (by submerging it, for example, or
corrupting countless numbers of them with his by burying it), at which point it becomes nothing
unholy ways. But a�er a time, and with the aid of more than worthless, bri�le, discolored crystal.
Sem, Apon, Ilaia, and Osai—the gods of strength, Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 25.
the sun, swi�ness, and healing—the elementals
were able to rescue the four gems from Vurkis’s Special Abilities
clutches, freeing their people from his cruel power. Zafir provides the following special
Check Required: Knowledge (religion) DC 25. abilities to its wielder, depending
But Vurkis proved a clever and formidable foe, on the character’s level in the spell
and though they got the rings from him they were scion prestige class (see Table 5–7:
unable to return them to Lod. The gems were lost Abilities Granted by Zafir).
to all, even the elementals, for countless millennia. Initial Abilities: Anyone who carries
Tales surfaced, again and again, of priceless Zafir, whether its scion or not, benefits
gems with power over fire, water, earth, and air, from a continuous feather fall effect,
appearing mysteriously in the hands of powerful which triggers whenever the character
kings, warriors, wizards, and priests. The gems falls (rather than voluntarily jumps). The
would serve their owners for a time, then vanish character can also command the feather fall
again, reappearing hundreds of years later. effect to activate when he jumps, if he so
Sometimes they would pass from hand to hand, desires.
but never for more than a few generations. Air Mastery (Su): At 1st level, the scion of Zafir
Always, every time, some elemental creature gains a spatial awareness when ba�ling airborne
appeared to reclaim the gem—usually creatures. Such creatures take a –1 penalty on
just a short time before an enigmatic a�ack and damage rolls against the scion.
stranger, dressed all in yellow and black Rising Wind (Su): At 2nd level, the scion of
(and claiming to be a priest) arrived to Zafir may raise or lower himself on a cushion of
inquire about the gem’s whereabouts. air, moving up or down by as much as 20 feet
And though everyone knew of it, Zafir
per round as a move action. The scion may also
everyone felt somehow constrained from maintain a certain height off the ground with
remarking that yellow and black were the this ability, but a�acking with a melee or ranged
favorite colors of the god of evil—until well a�er the weapon confers a cumulative –1 penalty on a�ack
mysterious figure had departed. rolls (to a maximum of –5). A full round spent
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20. stabilizing allows the scion to return again to a –1
Requirements Gust of Wind (Sp): When the scion of Zafir
To qualify to wield Zafir as a swi� scion, a a�ains 2nd level, he is able to produce a gust of
character must fulfill all the following criteria. wind, as the spell, three times per day, as a standard
Alignment: Neutral action. His caster level is the same as his class level.
Base Reflex Bonus: Ref +5. Windform (Su): At 4th level, the scion of Zafir
Skills: Balance 8 ranks. may become misty and insubstantial for a total of
Feats: Mobility. 1 minute per day per scion level. All of the scion’s
Special: Test of Winds: The prospective scion of equipment becomes insubstantial as well. In this
Zafir must live for a month at least 200 feet above form, the scion gains damage reduction 10/magic,
the ground, and his dwelling for this entire time and becomes immune to poison and critical hits.
must be open to the air, and no more than 10 feet However, the scion cannot a�ack in this form or
in diameter. For example, he could dwell atop a use supernatural abilities. The scion can fly at a
200-foot stone tower, so long as the top had no roof. speed of 10 feet (with perfect maneuverability), and
Further, the dwelling can have walls of any material, can pass through small holes or narrow openings,
provided they have windows that cover more area including mere cracks.
than the material they are constructed of, and those Flight (Su): When the scion of Zafir reaches
windows remain open at all times, in all weather. 5th level, he may fly at a speed of 60 feet, with
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
good maneuverability, for 2 minutes per day per Table 5–7: Abilities Granted by Zafir
scion level. His speed is reduced to 40 feet if he is Scion Caster
wearing medium or heavy armor, or carrying a Level Ability Gained Level
medium or heavy load. While flying, the scion can –– Feather fall 1st
a�ack and use abilities as normal, and may charge,
1st Air mastery —
but may not “run.”
Windspeed (Su): At 6th level, the scion’s speed 2nd Rising wind 3rd
when traveling in the air increases by 30 feet, to a 3rd Gust of wind 3rd
maximum of twice the normal movement rate for 4th Windform 5th
the scion’s mode of flying. While flying, the scion
5th Flight 5th
also gains a +2 bonus on a�ack rolls and a +2 dodge
bonus to AC and Reflex saves. (Any condition that 6th Windspeed 5th
makes the scion lose his Dexterity bonus to AC, if 7th Perfect flight 7th
any, also makes the scion lose dodge bonuses.) 8th Fresh air —
In addition, three times per day, the scion may 9th Suffocate 9th
make one extra a�ack per round with any weapon
10th Whirlwind —
he is holding, at his full base a�ack bonus (plus
any modifiers appropriate to the situation). The
scion must be making a full a�ack action to use occupies, or if the scion moves the whirlwind into
this ability. or through the creature’s space.
Perfect Flight (Ex): At 7th level, the scion’s Large or smaller creatures might take 2d8
maneuverability while flying increases to perfect. damage when caught in the whirlwind, and
Fresh Air (Su): When the scion of Zafir a�ains may be li�ed into the air. An affected creature
8th level, he produces his own supply of air; must succeed on a Reflex save (DC 22) when it
he effectively no longer needs to breathe. This comes into contact with the whirlwind or take
renders him immune to various gases and airborne the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a
poisons, and allows him to travel in water without second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held
the risk of drowning. suspended in the powerful winds, automatically
Suffocate (Su): At 9th level, the scion of Zafir taking the indicated damage each round. A
may cause the air around him in a 40-foot radius creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each
to become too thin to breathe. Living creatures in round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still
this area with 3 or fewer Hit Dice are immediately takes damage but can leave if the save is successful.
slain (no save). Those with 4 to 6 HD are allowed The save DC is Strength based.
a DC 22 Fortitude save to avoid being slain; Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot
success means that the creature takes 1d4 points move except to go where the scion moves the
of Constitution damage instead. Creatures with 7 whirlwind, or to escape the whirlwind. Creatures
to 10 HD take 1d4 points of Constitution damage; caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act
a successful Fortitude save (DC 22) halves the normally, but must succeed on a Concentration
damage. Creatures with more than 10 HD take 1 check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell.
point of Constitution damage, and a successful Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4
Fortitude save negates the damage completely. penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on a�ack
This zone of thin air persists for as long as the rolls. The whirlwind can have as many as
scion of Zafir concentrates on it. (This requires a creatures trapped inside at one time as will fit
move action.) Creatures in the area who do not exit inside the whirlwind’s volume. The scion can
the zone must make a new save every round, at the eject any carried creatures whenever he wishes,
start of their actions. Creatures immune to poison, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens
or those who need not breathe, are immune to this to be.
effect. Holding one’s breath does not negate this If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it
effect in any way. creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is
The scion may utilize this ability once per day. centered on the whirlwind and has a diameter of
Whirlwind (Su): When the scion of Zafir reaches 25 feet. The cloud obscures all vision, including
10th level, he can summon forth a whirlwind, once darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away
per day, moving it around for up to 10 rounds have concealment, while those farther away have
before it dissipates. The whirlwind is 5 feet wide total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must
at the base, 30 feet wide at the top, and 50 feet succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell
tall. A creature might be caught in the whirlwind level) to cast a spell.
if it touches or enters the square the whirlwind
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Zehir, the Poison Ring costly war that raged for years, claiming thousands
Long has it been said that the king of assassins of lives. During the strife that ensued, Endros hired
wore a ring that was as hollow as his heart was himself out to both sides of the conflict, playing
black. one against the other for his own financial gain and
malevolent amusement.
A Murderer’s Heirloom Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 25.
Known as the king of assassins, Endros Proceus When the war ended, Endros retired to a palatial
proudly claimed that he had killed more men than estate with his ill-go�en gains. He married into
the gods themselves. He was a master of poisons, a prestigious family and sired several children.
and his skills in the domain of toxins and venom Even as a family man, he continued to wear his
were unsurpassed. The toxins concocted by Endros hollow ring as a memento of the life he had lived.
ran the gamut from simple paralytics Though he doubtless grew bored in his
that would leave a victim helpless new existence, it is yet unclear if
for a few moments, to deadly he ever le� his self-imposed
poisons that could end a man’s retirement in search of a bit
life before he took a single step. of lethal entertainment.
The assassin king’s calling When he finally died at
card was a hollow ring, the ripe old age of ninety-
wherein he always stored a three, he was remembered
poison of his own devising. as a loving husband, devoted
Endros constantly father, and wi�y host. His ring
endeavored to increase was sold at auction, purchased
his own immunities to by an anonymous bidder, and of
poison. He introduced small its current whereabouts, none are
amounts of common toxins certain.
into his body, gradually Check Required
Required: Knowledge
building up his resistance (history) DC 20.
to them. The self-proclaimed Zehir is a large gold ring capped by
king of assassins kept a nest a purple star sapphire. The stone is set
of adders as pets, and he was atop a small panel that swings on a pair
known to thrust his bare arm into of cleverly-hidden hinges. When properly
the midst of the writhing snakes for the manipulated, the ring will open to reveal a
entertainment of party guests. small compartment that looks to be larger than
Endros was also a master of disguise. So great it should be, given the ring’s dimensions. Finding
was his skill at impersonation and illusion that the hidden compartment within the ring requires a
some speculated that he was not a single man at all, DC 25 Search check.
but a group of like-minded killers who served the
same homicidal agenda. These rumors were never Requirements
proven, and Endros merely laughed when curious To wear Zehir as its swi� scion, a character must
guests broached the subject. fulfill the following criteria.
Check Required: Knowledge (history) DC 20. Alignment: Any non-good.
Above his other eccentricities, Endros Proceus Skills: Cra� (alchemy) 9 ranks, Sleight of Hand
vehemently claimed that he killed for sport, even 9 ranks.
as his coffers filled to overflowing with blood Feats: Weapon Focus (dagger, dart, or hand
money. The challenge of a contract was worth crossbow).
more to him than any number of gold coins. He
frequently refused contracts that he judged too Restrictions
elementary for his finely honed skills, even when Anyone wishing to remain the scion of Zehir must
the offered reward was gratuitous in the extreme. regularly expose himself to the toxins that the ring
“Take your money and leave my sight,” he told produces. Once per month, as well as every time
one potential client. “Your offered contract is so the ring’s scion gains a new level in the swi� scion
insultingly easy that I’m tempted to kill you myself prestige class, he must ingest, or appropriately
and be done with it.” apply, the most potent poison that the ring can
Endros was eventually contracted to poison produce. He gains a saving throw as normal for
a country’s ruling monarch and much of the the poison, and any bonuses that the ring would
royal family. The combined assassinations were grant apply to this roll as normal. Failure to follow
stunningly successful, and the event sparked a through with this procedure will cause the ring’s
Chapter Five: Swiftrings
Table 5–8: Abilities Granted by Zehir Detect Poison (Sp): Upon gaining 1st level as
Scion Caster Zehir’s swi� scion, a character gains the ability to
Level Ability Gained Level cast detect poison at will.
–– Save against poison +1 3rd Poison Use (Ex): When applying poison to a
1st Detect poison 3rd blade, Zehir’s swi� scion never risks accidentally
poisoning himself.
Poison use –– Save Against Poison (Su): Zehir’s ability to
2nd Save against poison +2 6th protect its scion against poison increases with
3rd Create poison 1/day –– level. At second level, the resistance bonus against
New poison type (injury) –– poison provided by the ring increases to +2. This
bonus increases by an additional +1 every even
4th Save against poison +3 9th level therea�er, peaking at +5 when the ring’s swi�
Increased toxicity (1d6) –– scion reaches 8th level.
5th Create poison 2/day –– Create Poison (Su): When its swi� scion
New poison type (Ingested) –– reaches 3rd level, Zehir gains the ability to create
a single dose of poison within the ring’s hidden
6th Save against poison +4 12th
compartment once per day. This poison has a save
Increased toxicity (1d8) –– DC equal to 10 plus the scion’s class level. Hence,
7th Create poison 3/day –– a 3rd level scion’s poison will have a save DC of
New poison type (inhaled) –– 13. At 3rd level, the poison created by Zehir can
only be introduced into a victim through a wound
8th Save against poison +5 15th
or other injury. Poison created by the ring inflicts
Increased toxicity (1d10) –– 1d4 primary and secondary damage to either
9th Create poison 4/day –– Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. The scion
New poison type (Contact) –– chooses which one of these a�ributes the poison
will affect when it is created. At 5th level, and
10th Poison immunity ––
every two levels therea�er, Zehir’s swi� scion can
use the ring to create an additional dose of poison
powers to be lost to the scion. Indeed, a scion of per day.
Zehir denied its powers suffers a negative penalty The venoms created by Zehir have a relatively
equal to his normal bonus to all Fortitude saves short shelf life. As such, they retain their potency
against poisons. for only 12 hours.
New Poison Type (Su): When the ring’s swi�
Attributes scion achieves 5th level, he can use the ring to
Zehir has the following a�ributes. manufacture ingested poisons. At 7th level, the
Method of Destruction: Zehir can be destroyed ring’s repertoire evolves further, allowing its scion
by soaking it in a vial of antidote for a fortnight. to create inhaled toxins. Finally, at 9th level, Zehir
Each day, the antidote must be replaced with can create contact poisons.
a fresh supply. On the end of the fourteenth Increased Toxicity (Su): Poisons created by
day, Zehir will become useless, its toxic magic Zehir become increasingly virulent as its swi�
destroyed. scion advances in level. At 4th level, the amount
Check Required: Knowledge (arcana) DC 25. of damage inflicted by the ring’s manufactured
Value: To any character other than its swi� poisons increases to 1d6 points of primary and
scion, Zehir appears to be merely a ring of poison secondary a�ribute damage. At 6th level, poisons
resistance +1 (1,000 gp). become even more toxic, inflicting 1d8 points of
primary and secondary a�ribute damage. When
Special Abilities the ring’s scion reaches 8th level, the poisons he
Zehir provides the following special abilities to its creates will inflict 1d10 points of primary and
wearer, depending upon the character’s level in the secondary a�ribute damage.
swi� scion prestige class (see Table 5–8: Abilities Poison Immunity (Su): When Zehir’s swi�
Granted by Zehir). scion reaches 10th level, he develops a complete
Initial Abilities: Zehir provides anyone who immunity to all poisons.
wears it with a +1 resistance bonus against poisons.
Appendix: Open Game License
Designation of Product Identity:
The Game Mechanics company name and logos, all artwork, trade dress, and graphic design elements; all characters, weapons, artifacts, spells, effects, creatures, gods,
place names and geographical locations, organizations, fictional histories and historical events, plots, stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue. This
does not include elements that already appear in the d20 System Reference Document and are already Open Game Content by virtue of inclusion there.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material
including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation,
abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly
display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such
content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor,
and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity”
means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue,
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations;
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equip-
ment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by
the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by
a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Dis-
tribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this
License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License
itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game
Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original
Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agree-
ment with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunc-
tion with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark.
The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open
Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Con-
tributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial
order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach.
All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Artifacts of the Ages: Swords and Staves Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors JD Wiker and Rich Redman.
Artifacts of the Ages: Rings, Copyright 2003, The Game Mechanics, Inc.; Authors JD Wiker and Gary Astleford.