English For Non-Native Speakers

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Inglés para Hispanohablantes

Mauricio Mateo
Cel. 61-22-32-46-08

Este libro electronico ha sido escrito como producto de mis años enseñando
inglés. Pretende ser una herramienta para las personas que toman mi curso de
inglés off line, aun asi, otras personas que quieran aprender inglés pero que no
cuenten con mucho tiempo para hacerlo verán que este libro electronico les podrá
ser de utilidad. Este libro electronico te permitirá aprender desde como dar y pedir
información básica en inglés hasta como escribir un ensayo o una carta formal.

Como mi objetivo no es solo enseñarte el lenguaje formal si no también otros

registros, en este libro encontrarás textos escritos en lenguaje informal, vulgar y
literario. El vocabulario y la gramatica han sido tomados de diferentes fuentes que
podrás encontrar en la bibliografia, aunque se debe aclarar que en la mayoria de
los casos se ha preferido para las explicaciones gramaticales se ha usado la
gramatica descriptiva y no la gramatica normativa.

Este libro se divide en 20 unidades, cada una compuesta de 7 lecciones. También

encontrarás ejercicios de comprensión de lectura, de producción oral y de
producción escrita los cuales pueden ayudarte a mejorar tus habilidades


1. Personal pronouns
2. Verb to be/adjectives
3. Negative and interrogative form of the verb to be/wh-questions
4. Plural
5. Indefinite article
6. Demonstrative
7. Comparative

8. Definite article
9. Possessive adjective
10. Have/has got
11. There is/there are
12. Prepositions
13. At, on, in / Possessive pronouns
14. Superlative

15. Present simple

16. Negative and interrogative form of the present simple
17. Reflexive pronouns
18. Adverbs of frequency
19. Possessive case/ Personal object pronouns
20. Hour
21. Comparative of equality

22. Modal verbs (can, could, may)

23. Modal verbs to express advice (should, must) /had better
24. Modal verbs to express obligation (have to/musn’t) /needn’t
25. Modal verbs to express prohibition (musn’t) / not to be allowed/ to be forbidden
26. Some/any
27. Expression of the quantity
28. Containers

29. Past simple

30. Negative and interrogative of the past simple
31. Past simple of the verb to be
32. Used to
33. There was/there were
34. Modal verbs in the past simple/ Personal object pronouns (indirect object)

35. Going to in the past simple

36. Future simple

37. There will be/ Modal verbs in the future simple
38. To be going to
39. Substitution personal object
40. Present continuous and present simple for the future
41. Adverbs
42. Future simple, going to and present continous

43. Subjunctive present

44. Subordinated conjunctions
45. Personal object pronouns (two objects)
46. Imperative
47. Indefinite pronouns
48. Relative pronouns
49. Compararative and superlative of advebs

57. Conditional type 0

58. Conditional type 1
59. Conditional type 2
60. Shortenings
60. Infinitive
62. Gerunds
63. Past participle

50. Present continuous

51. Stative verbs
52. Past continuous
53. Phrasal verbs
54. Future continuous
55. Relative pronouns II
56. Connectors of addition and contrast

64. Present perfect

65. Never, already, yet, ever, since, for
66. Past perfect
67. Slang
68. Future perfect
69. Relative pronouns III

70. Other comparative forms

71. Prepositions of movement

72. Connectors of cause and effect
73. Neither, either, both / Exclamations
74. Synonims
75. Would rather/would prefer
76. Like, as / Modal verb might
77. Comparative and superlative II

71. Present perfect continuous

72. Order of the adjectives
73. Past perfect continuous
74. Slang III
75. Future perfect continuous
76. Countable and uncountable
77. Plural of compound nouns /Collective nouns

78. Conditional type 3

79. If only, as if, as though
80. Wish clauses
81. Formal English
82. Modal verbs with have
83. Gerund composed/ Polite questions
84. Would vs used to /to be used to, to get used to

85. Purpose clauses

86. Question tags /So do I/ neither do I
87. None of, all and whole/ Enough/ such as, each/every /Rather/ Quite
88. Formal English II
89. One/ Demonstrative II
90. Definite and non-definite clauses
91. World builging

92. Passive voice of the simple tenses

93. Passive voice of the progressive tenses
94. Passive voice of the composed tenses
95. Passive voice of the continuous composed tenses
96. Newspaper English
97. Passive voice of the modal verbs
98. Passive voice with two objects/ Passive voice (reporting information)

99. Direct speech/ Indirect speech
100. Indirect speech with questions/ reported speech
101. Reported speech with special introductory verbs
102. Have/get something done
103. Formal English III
104. Mixed conditionals
105. American English I

106. Prepositional regency

107. Verbal predication
108. Adjective regency
109. Expressions that are not as in Spanish
110. Modal verbs III
111. Special future structures
112. American English II

113. Was/were able to/ would rather have/ would prefer to

114. Passive voice (advanced points) / Other passive structures/ Special uses of
the passive voice
115. Interpreting and comparing
116. Very formal English
117. Connectors of cause and propose II
118. Participle clauses
119. Lenguage of persuasion/ Hypotesing
120. Range of grammar structures

134. Phrasal verbs

135. Special uses of if
136. Invertion
137. Literary English
138. Literary English II
139. Enphasis
140. Connecting words / Complex sentences and adverbial clauses


El idioma tiene 26 vocales.

Letter Name

La letra “Ñ” no existe en inglés.


Las consonantes b, c, d, f, k, l, m, n, p, q, t, w, x, e y se pronuncian igual que en


La “G” en las silabas “ge” y “gi” se pronuncial como una I griega vibrda.

La “h” al inicio de palabra se pronuncial como jota.

La J siempre suena como una I griega vibrada.

La R siempre suena como la erre en “Rata”

La V suena como una b vibrada.

La Z suena como una ese vibrada.

Las consonants dobles se pronuncian como una.

Swimming /suiming/ not /suimming/


Las vocalese en inglés no tienen una pronunciación especifica, asi que debes
aprenderte su pronunciación palabra por palabra. Para fines practicos, te
sugerimos aprenderte la table de abajo en lo que aprendes la pronunciación de
cada palabra.

/a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/ /ə/ /y/

A E I O Wh -er U
Ee Oo -our
Ey -w
-Y -o

La E final de palabras polisilabas es muda.


La terminación “ture” se pronuncial /chia/.

Culture /Kolchia/

La Th se pronuncial como de en las palabras the, this, that, these y those. En los
demás casos se pronuncial como la zeta Española.

Think /θink/

La terminación “tion” se pronuncial /shion/.

Nation / Neishion/

En la combinación wr se pronuncial como R.

Write /rait/

La combinación Tw se pronuncial /tu/.

Twenty /tuenti/

La Sh se pronuncial como la equis en Xola.

Shop /shop/

En la combinacion S + consonante solo se pronuncial el sonido de la ese.

Spoon /spun/

En la combinación Kn solo se pronuncial la / N/.

Know / Nou/

La terminación -ed se pronuncia como T.

Liked /laikt/

La termianción -ded se pronuncia /did/

Needed /nidid/

La terminación -ted se pronuncia /tid/

Wanted /guantid/

La terminacion -re se pronuncial /er

Centre /senter/

La terminacion -ble se pronuncial /bol

Possible /posibol/

En inglés cuando una palabra termina en consonante y la siguiente en vocal el

sonido se junta.

What a beautiful woman = /uata biutiful woman/

Good afternoon = /godafternun/

Por su puesto esto no es una explicación exaustiva de la pronunciación del inglés,

sin embargo esta te ayudará a pronunciar la lengua, sobre todo en las primeras
También hemos decir que no hemos usado el alfabeto fonetico internacional y la
que la pronunciación que es usada en este libro es una que se aproxima o más
posible a los sonidos del español a fin de hacer tu aprendizaje lo más facil posible.

Similitudes con el español

Alrededor del 60 por ciento del vocabulario más comun del inglés tiene raices
Latinas. Entonces, hay varias reglas que te pueden ayudar a aprender el
vocabulario del inglés más facilmente.

Regla Español Inglés

La terminación “dad”
pasa al inglés como “ty” Universidad University
La terminación “cion”
pasa al inglés como Nación Nation
La terminación “ancia”
pasa al inglés como Ambulancia Ambulance
La terminación “ence”
pasa al español como Conferencia Conference
Palabras terminadas en
“ico” y “ica” pasa como Música Music
La terminación “ante” y
“ento” pasan al inglés sin Interesante Interessant
e. Talento Talent

La terminación “uro” y Futuro Future

“ura” pasa al inglés como Aventure Adventure
La terminación “ia” pasa Autonomía Autonomy
al español como “y”.
Las terminaciones “ivo” e Activo Active
“iva” pasan al inglés
como “ive”

Estas reglas tienen exepciones, pero pueden hacer que tu aprendisaje sea más

First Unit
Welcome to
En esta unidad aprenderás a:

 Saludar
 Dar y pedir datos personales
 Deletrear tun ombre
 Comparar


 Alphabet
 Pronunciation
 Personal subject pronouns
 Verb to be
 Plural
 Indefinite pronouns
 Demonstrative
 Comparative

Tips seccion

Desde este punto, es necesario que escuches grabaciones para el nivel A1 de

inglés. Puedes conseguirlas en librerias de idiomas o en internet. Asegurate que
sean para el nivel A1 y que tengan el simbolo CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.

Para mejorar tu lectura y adquirir vocabulario, por el momento solo te

recomendamos leer tus lecciones del libro.

Para mejorar tu producción oral, por el momento solo repasa en privado o con
alguien las preguntas que vienen en el libro.

Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante, aprende la lista de verbos que
viene en los anexos del libro.

First Lesson
Welcome to England

1. Good morning, my name is Miguel and this is my wife María.

2. We live in London now with our children.
3. My son’s name is Gabriel. He’s a pupil.
4. My daughter’s name is Daniela. She’s a doctor.
5. We love living in this beautiful city.


First [ferst] primero, Lesson [leson] lección, welcome [guelkom] bienvenido, to [tu] a,
England [ingland], Inglaterra, Good morning [gud morning] buenos dias, my [mai], mi(s),
name [neim], nombre, is [is] es/está, and [and] y, this is [dis is] ella es, wife [waif] esposa,
to live [tu lifv] vivir, now [nau] ahora, in [in] en, with [guit] con, our [auer] nuestr@(s),
children [children] niños, son’s name [sons neim] nombre de mi hijo, pupil [pupil]
estudiante, daughther’s name [dodas neim] nombre de mi hija, to love [tu lofv], beautiful
[biutiful], hermoso, country [kountri], país. @

Primera lección

Bienvenido a Inglaterra

1. Hola, mi nombre es Miguel y ella es mi esposa María.

2. Vivimos ahora en Londres con nuestros hijos
3. Mi hijo se llama Gabriel. (Él) es estudiante.
4. Mi hija se llama Daniela. (Ella) es doctora.
5. Nos gusta mucho vivir en esta bella ciudad.

Personal subject pronouns

Personal subject pronoun Pronombre personal

I Yo
You Tú
He Él
She Ella
It -
We Nosotros
You Ustedes
They Ellos

El inglés tiene los mismos pronombres personales que el español (yo, tú, él, ella,
etc.) más uno extra (it) el cual se usa para:

a. Substituir todo lo que no es humano

Where is the cat?
It is on the table

b. Frases impersonales
It’s cold

c. Con el clima y la hora.
It is raining
It’s 2 o’clock

En inglés no existe el pronombre usted, en su lugar se usa you.

Exercise 1

Llena cada espacio en blanco con el pronombre personal que le corresponda.

1. _____ am Miguel.
2. _____ are María.
3. _____ is from Mexico.
4. _____ are the Smiths.
5. _____ is my dog.
6. _____ am happy.
7. _____ are my cousins.
8. _____ is Joana.
9. _____ are the new neigbours.
10. _____ is American.

Exercise 2

Usando el vocabulario de los países que viene al final del libro, llena los siguientes
espacios en blanco.

1. Hello, ________ Miguel. I’m from ________. (Mexico)

2. Jane, this is Francois. _______ from _______. (Francia)
3. Hello, _____ Vlabimir. I’m from _______. (Rusía)
4. Where are Eduardo and Laura. ________ from _________. (Italia)
5. Hello, ________ David and this is Ann. ________ from _____. (Estado
6. Are you from Australia?. No, I’m from _____. (España)
7. Hello, _____ Thomas. I’m from _____. (Alemania)
8. João, this is Ana. ________ from _____. (Brasil)
9. Are Steve and Katherin from Japan. No, ________ from _____. (Canada)
10. Hello, _____ Li. I’m from _____. (China)


Escriba una breve presentación de tí. (50 palabras)




Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

What’s his name?

My name is ______________.

Where is he from?

I’m from ______________.

What does he/she do?

I’m a/an ______________.

British Culture

The United Kingdom (el Reino Unido), cuyo verdadero nombre es The United
Kingdom of the Great Britain and the North of Ireland (Reino Unido de Gran
Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte) está conformado por cuatro países: Ingland
(Inglanterra), Scotland (escocia), Wales (Gales) y The north of Ireland (El norte de

La isla más grande se conoce como Great Britain (la gran Bretaña).

La capital del Reino Unido es Londres (London), sin embargo, cada país tiene su
capital, asi la capital de Escocia es Edinburg, la Capital de Wales es Cardiff y la
capital de Irlanda del Norte es Belfast.

Second lesson

1. Good morning, we have today a new pupil with us. Gabriel, can you
introduce yourself?
2. Good morning, my name is Gabriel and I’m from Mexico. I’m 10 years old
and I speak English and Spanish. This is a photography of my family.
3. My father is tall, strong and old.
4. My mother is short, young and beautiful.
5. My sister is slim and blond.
6. That’s it.
7. Thank you very much Gabriel for your presentation.
8. You’re welcome.

Good morning [gud morning] Buenos dias, to have [tu hafv] tener, today [tudai] hoy,
new [niu] nuevo, can [kan] poder, to introduce yourself [tu introdius yorself] presentarse,
to speak [tu spik] hablar, English [inglish] inglés, Spanish [Spanish] español, French
[French] francés, photography [fotografi] fotografia, father [fada] padre, tall [tol] alto,
strong [strong] fuerte, old [old] viejo, mother [moda] madre, short [short] estatura baja,
young [young] joven, blond [blond] rubio, That’s it [dats it] eso es todo, Thank you very
much [θenkiu fveri moch] muchas gracias, your [yor] tu, presentation [presenteishion]
presentación, You’re welcome [yor welkom] de nada.

Segunda leccion


1. Buenos dias, hoy tenemos un nuevo estudiante con nosotros. Gabriel

puedes presentarte.
2. Buenos dias, me llamo Gabriel y soy de México. Tengo 10 años y hablo
inglés y español. Esta es una foto de mi familia.
3. Mi papá es alto, fuerte y viejo.
4. Mi mamá es de estatura baja, joven y guapa.
5. Mi hermana es delgada y rubia.
6. Es todo.
7. Muchas gracias Gabriel por tu presentación.
8. De nada!

Verb To be

El verbo “to be” es el equivalente al inglés de los verbos ser y estar.

Recuerda que en inglés es obligatorio el uso del pronombre personal, entonces es
imposible deci “am Roger”,

La contracción de “is” con un sustantivo es posible expeto con aquellos que

terminan es ese.

Dog’s is big

Short and long for of the verb to be

Usamos la “long form” en textos formales.

Para todos los demás casos se ocupa la “short form”


En inglés los adjetivos no tienen genero ni plural. Por lo tanto,

“We are fast” puede significar tanto “somos rapidos” como “somos rapidas”

Happy Feliz Sad Triste

Strong Fuerte Weak Debil
New Nuevo Old Viejo
Young Joven Old Viejo
Tall Alto Short Chaparro
Hot Caliente Cold Frio
Big Grande Small Pequeño
Cheap Barato Expensive Caro
Long Largo Short Corto
Beautiful Bonito Ugly Feo

Fast Rapido Slow Lento
Light Claro Dark Obscuro
Slim Delgado Fat Gordo

Negative form of the verb to be

Para hacer la forma negativa de la forma larga del verbo to be, solo agregamos
not antes del verbo.
Para la forma corta, agregamos “aren’t despúes de you, we, you they. I am not
se contrae en I’m not.

Personal Subject Long form Short form

I I am not I am not
You You are not You aren’t
He He is not He isn’t
She She is not She isn’t
It It is not It isn’t
We We are not We aren’t
you You are not You aren’t
They They are not They aren’t
Las formas cortas del lado inzquierdo son menos comunes.

Exercise 1

Usando la forma a firmativa y negative del verbo to be, llena los siguientes
espacios en blanco. (Usa la forma corta)

1. I _____ Daniel.
2. He_____ from France.
3. They _____ the Smiths.
4. It _____ my dog. (not)
5. You _____ María.
6. I _____ strong. (not)
7. You _____ my children.
8. She _____ Ana.

9. They _____ the new neigbours. (not)
10. He _____ Mexican.

Exercise 2

Usando el vocabulario de los adjetivos que viene al final del libro, llena los
siguientes espacios en blanco.

1. I’m ________ (fuerte)

2. You’re _____ (hermosa)
3. He’s _____ (joven)
4. She’s _____ (delgada)
5. My dig is _____ (grande)
6. The car is _____ (nuevo)
7. My son is _____ (alto)
8. We’re _____ (frio)
9. You’re _____ (altos)
10. They’re _____ (rapidos)


Escriba un pequeño texto para una pagina de citas donde digas como es la pareja
que estas buscando. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

How are you?

I’m ______________.

How’s your family?

My family is ______________.

Third lesson
The new neighbours

1. Good morning!
2. Good morning!
3. What’s your name?
4. Miguel, and you?
5. Roger!
6. Nice to meet you, Roger!
7. Nice to meet you too!
8. Where are you from, Miguel?
9. I’m from Mexico, but I’ve just moved to London.
10. And what do you do, Miguel?
11. I work as English teacher at British Counsil.
12. That’s wonderful. I’m sorry but I have to go. Have a nice day!
13. Have a nice day too!

Neighbour [neiba] vecino, Good morning [gud morning] buenos dias, what’s your name
[uats yor neim] como te llamas, yours [yors] (el) tuyo, Nice to meet you [nais tum it yu]
gusto en conocerte, nice to meet you too [nais tum it y utu] igualmente, where are you
from [uer ar yu from] de donde eres, I’m from Mexico [aim from meksokou] soy de
Cambirdge, I’ve moved [aifv syost mufv] recientemente me he mudado, what do you do
[uat du yu do] a que te dedicas, to work [ty guerk] trabajar, as [as] como, Spanish
[Spanish] español, teacher [ticha] maestro, a [a] un/una, school [skul] escuela, by any
chance[bai eni cheins] de casualidad, why [uai] por que, to ask [tu ask] preguntar, me [mi]
me, that [dat] eso, because [bicous] porque, you have [yu jafv] tienes, the [da]
el/lo/la/los/las, same [seim] mismo, uniform [iuniform] uniforme, than me [dan mi] que yo.

Tercera leccion

Nuevos vecinos

1. Buenos dias!
2. Buenos dias!
3. Como se llama?
4. Miguel, y usted?
5. Roger
6. Mucho gusto!
7. Igualmente!
8. De donde es, Miguel?
9. Soy de México pero acabo de mudarme a Londres.
10. Y a que se dedica?
11. Soy maestro de inglés en el British Counsil.
12. Es maravilloso. Una disculpa pero tengo que irme. Que tenga un buen dia!
13. Igualmente!

Interrogative form of the verb to be

For building the interrogative form in English, we only put the verb at the
beginning of the sentence. This rule is not used with the present simple and the
past simple. See page 51 and 87.


a. When we ask a question, we cannot answer with just a yes or No, it sounds
like when in Spanish is answer “a, si” or “no with sarcasm”.
For translating the “si” or “no” of the Spanish we must say “Yes, I am” or “No,
he isn’t.
b. The negative answer uses always the short form.
c. The No is pronounced / No/.


Wh-questions, in Spanish “particulas interrogativas”, are used to ask for more

specific information.

They are put before the verb.

Interrogative form Is he Bryan?

Interrogative form with wh-question How old is Bryan?

Wh-question Meaning

What Que

How Como

When Cuando

Where Donde
A donde

Why Por que

Who Quien(es)

A quien

How old Cuantos años (de edad)

How far Que tan lejos

How much Cuanto

How often Que tan seguido

How long Cuanto tiempo

cuantos años

How many Cuantos

Which Cual (cuando das opciones)

What time Que hora

A que hora

Where … from De donde

Whose De quien

How tall Cuanto mides

Exercise 1

Usando las wh-questions, llena los siguientes espacios en blanco.

11. ____ is Daniel ________.?

12. _____ is the concert?
13. _____ is this?
14. _____ is your name?
15. is your favourite colour, green or red?.
16. _____ is the film?
17. _____ is your birthday?
18. _____ is your country? It’s big.
19. _____ are you? I’m 27.
20. _____ children do you have?

Exercise 2

Completa el siguiente dialogo con tu información personal.

1. Hello!
2. Hello!
3. What’s your name?
4. ________________. And you?
5. I’m John.
6. Where are you from?
7. ________________________. And you?
8. I’m from England.
9. What do you do?
10. _______________________. And you?
11. I’m a teacher.
12. How old are you?
13. _______________________. And you?
14. I’m 25.
15. See you!
16. See you!


Escriba una carta para un trabajo donde te presents.



Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

Where are you from?

I’m from ______________.

What languages do you speak?

I speak ______________.

British Culture

La lengua inglésa es la segunda lengua más hablada del mundo por numero de
hablantes, solo despúes del Chino, y es la lengua official del Reino Unido, Estados
Unidos, Australia y nueva Zelanda. También es la lengua co-oficial de Canada,
India, de Taiwan y de algunos países que conforman el Commonweat.

El la principal institución de difusion de la lengua y cultura inglésa del mundo es el

British Counsil, el cual tiene centros alrededor de todo el mundo.

Forth lesson
Making new friends

1. Hello, María
2. Hello, Ann, how are you?
3. I’m fine. And you?
4. I’m fine. Thank you!
5. María, when’s your birthday?
6. It’s on 3rd February. (on the third of February)
7. I’ll buy you a nice present! And when were you born?
8. I was born in 1994 (nineteen, ninety four)
9. So, how old are you?
10. I’m 29 years old
11. You look younger.
12. Thank you!
13. Well, godbye!
14. Goodbye!

Hi [jai] hola, birthday [birtdei] cumpleaños, February [februari] febrero, to congratulate
[kongratuleit] felicitar, day [dai] dia.

Quinta leccion


1. Hola, María
2. Hola, Ann, ¿como está?
3. Muy bien, y tu?
4. Bien
5. María, ¿cuando es tu cumpleaños?
6. Es el tres de febrero.
7. Le compraré un lindo regalo. Y ¿cuando nació?
8. En 1994
9. Entonces, ¿cuantos años tienes?
10. Veinti nueve años.
11. Luce más joven.
12. ¡Gracias!
13. Bueno, ¡adios!
14. ¡Adios!


1. When is his birthday?

2. When was he born?
3. How old is he?
4. What’s his telephone number?


General rule -s Cat Cats

S Bus Buses
X Box Boxes
Z -es Quiz Quizzes
Ch Church Churches
Sh Crash Crashes
O Potato Potatoes
Consonant + y -ies Country Countries
F -ve Wolf Wolves
Fe Knife Knives
Us -i Cactus Cacti
Is -es Oasis Oases

Irregular Plural

Singular Plural

Man Men Mouse Mice Tooth Teeth

Woman Women Fish Fish Medium Media

Child Children Sheep Sheep Datum Data

Person People Duck Duck Penny Pence

Foot Feet Goose Geese

Exercise 1

Escriba los siguientes numeros.

1. 21 _________________________________________________________.
2. 101 ________________________________________________________.
3. 3300_______________________________________________________.
4. 57500_______________________________________________________.
5. 43 _________________________________________________________.
6. 61 _________________________________________________________.
7. 946 ________________________________________________________.
8. 11 _________________________________________________________.
9. 2179________________________________________________________.
10. 81357 ______________________________________________________.

Exercise 2

Escriba el plural de las siguientes palabras.

1. Bus _______________.
2. Country _______________.
3. Box _______________.
4. Wife _______________.
5. Peach _______________.
6. Cactus _______________.
7. Tomato _______________.
8. Tesis _______________.
9. Church _______________.
10. Flash _______________.


Escriba una carta donde le preguntes a un amigo por correspondencia donde le

digas: cuando es tu cumpleaños?, cuando naciste?, cuantos años tienes? Y ¿cual
es tu numero telefonico?.




When is your birthday?

It’s on ______________.

When were you born?

I was born in ______________.

How old are you?

I’m ______________ years old.

What’s your telephone number?

It’s ______________.

_____ plus _____ is _____ _____ times _____ is _____

_____ divided by _____ is _____ ____ minus ____ is ____

British Culture

En inglés no se utilizan los numeros cardinales para decir la fecha de tu

cumpleaños. En su lugar se utilizan los numeros cardinales.

En lugar de decir “mi cumpleaños es el 4 de abril” dirías “mi cumpleaños es el

cuarto de abril (My birthday is on forth of April).

Fifth lesson
At bank

1. Good afternoon. How can I help you, sir?

2. May I open an account, please!
3. Certainly, sir. What’s your name?
4. Simon Smith.
5. Can you repeat your last time?
6. Sure, Smith. S-M-I-T-H, Smith.
7. What’s your address?
8. 25, Brooke Lane, Marsh town
9. What’s your telephone number?
10. It’s 276690 (two, seven, double six, nine, oh)
11. What’s your nacionality?
12. I’m American.
13. What do you do, Mr. Smith?
14. I’m a lawyer.
15. Can you sign here, please?
16. Sure!
17. Here you are. Your account is open.
18. Thank you!
19. You’re welcome!

To help [tu jelp] ayudar, you [yu] lo, sir [sar] señor, to open [tu open] abrir, account [akaunt]
cuenta, please [plis] por favor, certainly [sertanly] Seguro (formal), could [kud] podria, to
repeat [ripit] repetir, last name [last neim] apellido, please [plis] por favor, Right [right] muy
bien, address [adres] direccion, town [taun] pueblo, telephone [telefon] telefonico, sorry
[sorri] perdon, to repeat [tu ripit] repetir, it [it] lo/la (todo lo que no sea humano), sure [shor]
seguro (informal], what do you do? [uat du yu du] a que se dedica, lawyer [louya], tu sign
[tu sign] cantar, here you are [jia yu ar] aqui tiene, open [open] abierto, you’re welcome
[your guelkom] de nada.
Cuarta leccion

En el banco

1. Buenas tarde. Puedo ayudarle?

2. Quiero abrir una cuenta, por favor
3. Seguro, como se llama?
4. Simon Smith
5. Puede repetirme su apellido, por favor.
6. Sí, Smith, S-M-I-T-H, Smith
7. Cual es su dirección?
8. 25, Brooke Lane, Marsh town
9. Su telefono?
10. Es 216690
11. A que se dedica señor Smith?
12. Soy abogado.
13. Puede firmar aqui.
14. Sí
15. Aqui tiene, su cuenta está ya abierta.
16. Gracias!
17. De nada!


1. Where is he?
2. What’s his name?
3. What’s his adress?
4. What’s his telephone number?

Indefinite Article

Singular Plural
Affirmative It is a cat They are some cats
Negative It is not a cat They are not any cats
Interrogative Is it a cat? Are they any cats?

Usamos “a” para decir un/una.

A Boy

A House

A University

“A” se convierte en “an” cuando va enfrente de una palabra que comienza con
sonido de vocal.

An apple

An hour

Exercise 1

Escriba a/an en el espacio segun corresponda

1. _____ cat
2. _____ bed
3. _____ apple
4. _____ umbrella
5. _____ orange
6. _____ horse
7. _____ hour
8. _____ eagle
9. _____ chair
10. _____ horse

Exercise 2

Traduce las siguientes oraciones a inglés americano.

11. Un camión _______________.

12. Un país _______________.
13. Un aguila _______________.
14. Un hijo _______________.
15. Una inglesa _______________.
16. Un hogar _______________.
17. Un jitomate _______________.
18. Una hormiga_______________.
19. Una pluma_______________.
20. Una vaca _______________.


Escriba un dialogo donde dos personas esten en un banco. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What’s your name?

My name is ______________.

What’s your address?

It’s ______________.
What’s your telephone number?
It’s ______________.
What’s your e-mail address?
It’s ______________.

British Culture

Los numero telefonicos se dan numero por numero. Asi una persona dirá
1,2,4,5,8,9,3,6 en lugar de 12-45-89-36.

El uso de sir y madam puede traer dificultades ya que no se ocupan igual que en
español. Por regla general sir y madam solo se utilizan cuando se habla con
alguién en una tienda, en un hotel, cuando un mesero se dirigé a un cliente, o
cuando se ofrece un servicio.

En inglaterra las personas solo tienen un apellido.

Sixth lesson
At zoo

1. Children, we’re seeing today the most dangerous animals in the world.
2. That animal is an elephant. Elephants live in Africa.
3. Those animals are monkeys, they live in Africa too.
4. This is a tiger, it lives in Asia.
5. Father, what animal is that?
6. Which one?
7. That which is walking into the lion’s cage.
8. That’s a cat.

Zoo [zu] zoologíco, we´re seeing [guir sing] vamos a ver, today [tudei] hoy, dangerous
[dengerus] peligroso, animal [enimal] animal, elephant [elefant], to live [tu lifv], Africa
[eifrica] africa, monkey [monki] mono, too [tu] también, tiger [taiga] tigre, asia [eishia]
asia, which one [uich uan] cual, which [uich] cual, to walk into [guok θrau] caminar, lion
[laion] león, cage [keich] jaula, cat [kat] gato.

Sexta leccion

En el zoologico

1. Niños, hoy vamos a ver a los animals más peligrosos de el mundo.

2. Este es un elefante.
3. (Él) vive en Africa.
4. Esos son monos, los monos viven en Africa tambien.
5. Este es un tigre. Los tigres viven en Asia.
6. Señorita Anderson, que animal es ese?
7. Cual?
8. Ese que está caminando en la jaula del leon.
9. Ese es un gato.


1. Where are they?

2. What animals live in Asia?
3. Who’s Miss Anderson?
4. Which animal is in the lion’s cage, a dog or a cat?


The demonstratives are words that indicate the distance in what someone or
something is.

Este Ese/aquel
Singular This Esta That Esa/aquella
Esto Eso/aquello

Plural These Estos Those Esos/aquellos

Estas Esas/aquellas

The interrogative and negative form are built as it were the verb to be.

This is not a ball

Are these your shoes?


We use the demonstrative to ask about something.

What’s this? –This is a table.

Exercise 1

Completa los espacios en blanco usando los demostratives.

1. What is ________? It’s a dog.

2. What is ________? It’s a cat. (lejos)
3. What are ________? They’re rabbits.
4. What are ________? They’re lions. (lejos)
5. What is ________? It’s a dog.
6. What is ________? It’s a bird. (lejos)
7. What are ________? They’re rabbits.
8. What are ________? They’re lions. (lejos)

Exercise 2

Escriba en inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. Este es un ratón. ______________________________________________.

2. Esas son hormigas. ____________________________________________.
3. Esta es una ballena. ___________________________________________.
4. Esos son unos caballos. ________________________________________.
5. Estas son jirafas. ______________________________________________.
6. Esa es una Tortuga. ___________________________________________.
7. Estos son tiburones. ___________________________________________.
8. Ese es un pez. ______________________________________________.


Reescriba el dialogo usando animales.



Contesta las siguientes palabras:

What’s your favourite animal?

My favourite animal is ______________.

Do you like dogs/cats/rabbits …?

Yes, I do (sí)/ No, I don’t (no)

What pet do you have?

Yes, I do (sí)/ No, I don’t (no)

Seventh lesson

1. My boyfriend is taller and slimmer than yours. And he’s more extrovertive
and and nicer.
2. Yes, but my boyfriend is smarter and more handsome.
3. So whart? My boyfriend is funnier and more hard-working.
4. I don’t care because my boyfriend is going to be a big company’s sales
5. But your boyfriend is in prison!
6. Maybe, but, it doesn’t mean he’s not more comprensive and kinder than
your boyfriend.

Boyfriend [boifriend] novio, nice [nais] agradable, but [bot] pero, so what [so uat] y que,
really [rili] realmente, don’t care [don’t keir] no me preocupa, is going to be [is going tu bi]
va a ser, sales manager [seils manaya] gerente de ventas, important [important}
importante, company [kompani], prison [prishon] carcel, maybe [meibi] tal vez/quisaz, he
will be [ji guil bi] él será, as soon as [es sun es] tan pronto como, to leave [tu lifv] salir.

Septima leccion

1. Mi novio es más alto y más delgado que el tuyo. Y es más extrovertido y

más agradable.
2. Sí, pero mi novio es más inteligente y más guapo.
3. Y que, mi novio ss más chistoso y más trabajador.
4. No me importa porque mi novio va a ser gerente de ventas en una gran
5. Pero tu novio está en la carcel!
6. Sí, pero, no significa que el no sea más comprensivo y más amable que el


1. Who is speaking?
2. How’s his boyfriend?
3. Where does he work?
4. What will he be?


El comparative se utiliza para indicar que algo o alguién es más que otra cosa
u otra persona o para indicar que algo o alguién es menos que otra cosa u otra

General rule +er Fast Faster

CVC Double consonant Hot Hotter
+ er
Y (two syllables) Er --> ier Happy Happier
Two or more More Intelligent More intelligent

Irregular Comparative

Adjective Comparative

Bad Worse

Far Farther (for distance)

Further (for everything else)
Good Better
Little Less
Many More
Older/Elder (when we refer to knowing or experience)

Exercise 1

Contesta las siguientes oraciones usando el comparativo.

1. We’re ________ (tranquilo) than her.

2. I’m ________ (trabajador) than you.
3. You’re ________ (grosero) than them.
4. They’re ________ (responsable) than you.
5. He’s ________ (educado) than us.
6. I’m ________ (comprometido) than her.
7. She’s ________ (valiente) than me.
8. I’m ________ (flojo) than us.
9. It’s ________ (amable) than you.
10. You’re ________ (presumido) than them.

Exercise 2

Traduce las siguientes oraciones.

1. Soy más amistoso que ella

2. Es más timida que nosotras.
3. Eres más compresiva que ellos
4. Ellos son más divertidos que ustedes
5. Él es más educado que nosotros
6. Soy más grande que ella.
7. Ella es más cariñosa que tú
8. Argentina no es tan calida como Brasil.
9. Ella es más fria que ustedes
10. Ellos son más comprometidos que nosotros.


Escriba un texto donde compares a los miembros de tu familia.



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Are you taller than your dad?

Yes, I am (sí)/ No, I’m not (no)

Are you friendlier than your other people?

Yes, I am (sí)/ No, I’m not (no)

Are you funnier than your other people?

Yes, I am (sí)/ No, I’m not (no)

Are you happier than your other people?

Yes, I am (sí)/ No, I’m not (no)

Are you faster than your friends?

Yes, I am (sí)/ No, I’m not (no)

The Family
En esta unidad aprenderás a:

 Describir a una persona

 Decir donde están los lugares de la ciudad
 Decir como llegar a un lugar
 Decir como es tu casa


 Definite Article
 Possessive
 Have/has got
 There is/there are
 Prepositions
 Possessive 2
 Superlative


1. Just hear this poem!

2. “Roses are red
3. The sky is blue
4. Mountains are brown like the brown of your eyes”
5. What a small poem!
6. Mm, that’s the reason you should never show a work in progress.
7. Don’t get angry! Let’s play a game?
8. What would you like us to play?
9. Let’s play chess.
10. I don’t like chess.
11. Do you want to play football?
12. Yes, I like playing it a lot.

Poetry [poetry] poesia, to hear [jir] oir, rose [rous] rosa, red [red] rojo, sky [skai] cielo, blue
[blu] azul, mountain [mountain] montaña, brown [braun] café, like [laik] como, your [yor] tu,
eye [ai] ojo, small [smol] pequeño, poem [poem] poema, raison [rison], never [neva], to
show [tu shou] mostrar, work [guork] trabajo, progress [progress] progreso, to get angry
[ptu guet engri]enojarse, let’s [lets] vamos a, to play [tu plei] jugar, game [gueim] juego,
football [futbol] football, a lot [a lot] mucho,

Octava leccion
1. Escucha este poema.
2. “Las rosas son rojas
3. El cielo es azul
4. Las montañas son cafés como el café de tus ojos”
5. Que poema tan corto!
6. Mm, por eso nunca debes mostrar un trabajo en progreso.
7. No te enojes. Vamos a jugar un juego.
8. Que quieres que hagamos?
9. Vamos a jugar ajedrez.
10. No me gusta el ajedrez. Mm, quieres jugar football?
11. Sí, el football es mi deporte favorito.


1. What colour is the sky?

2. Which colour is the roses, white or red?
3. Does he like chess?
4. What’s his favourite sport?

The Article

Articulo definido Definite Article

Lo The

“The” se pronuncial /da/. Cuando “the” está antes de una palabra comenzada por
sonido de vocal se pronuncial /di/.

The cat /da kat/

The ocean /di ouschean/

No usamos el articulo definido:

1. Cuando hablamos en general (solo para sustantivos plurales)

Lions live in Africa
The lions of the circus are funny

2. Con el nombre de titulus cuando mencionamos el nombre de la persona.

King Roger is good
But The King is good

3. Con las palabras breakfast, lunch and dinner y el nombre de comidas.

I have dinner at seven
I like Enchiladas

4. Con los colores, juegos, deportes y dias de la semana.

Red is a good colour.
Chess is boring.
I like football
Moday is my favourite day

Escriba el articulo donde falte.

1. _____ King Richard.

2. _____ whales live in the sea.
3. _____ Green.
4. _____chess is boring.
5. _____football is my favourite sport.
6. _____Enchiladas is delicious.
7. _____black is my favourite coulour.
8. _____Monday isn’t my best day.
9. _____King Richard.
10. _____Doctor Rhoder.

Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones.

1. El sol es Amarillo. ___________________________

2. El doctor está aqui. ___________________________
3. El café está aqui es negro. ___________________________
4. Los peces del acurio son dorados. ___________________________
5. Las nubes son blancas. ___________________________
6. El sol es Amarillo. ___________________________
7. Las naranjas son naranjas. ___________________________
8. La rosa de la mesa es morada. ___________________________
9. El basketball es un deporte. ___________________________
10. Las plantas son verdes. ___________________________


Busca en internet un collage y describalo usando los adjetivos y los colores. (50



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is ________

What’s your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is ________

What’s your favourite meal?

My favourite meal is ________

What’s your favourite game?

My favourite game is ________

What’s your favourite day of the week?

My favourite day of the week is ________

British Culture

John Donne (1572-1631) fue un poeta inglés que es conocido por ser el máximo
exponente de los poetas llamados metafisicos los cuales empleaban el conceit
que era un tipo de metafora en la cual el autor combinaba palabras o imagenes
incongruentes con el fin de sorprender o desconcertar al lector.

Otro poeta importante fue Roger McGought quien fue uno de los poetas conocidos
como los “Liverpool poets”, quienes fueron de los poetas más importantes de la
decada de los 60.

The family

1. Who’s this?
2. Who, the blond man?
3. Yes.
4. He’s my dad.
5. He’s very tall.
6. Yes, and my brother too.
7. Who are the women in orange?
8. They’re my cousins and my mum and the girl in red is my grandma.
9. And who’s the man in black?
10. He’s my uncle and the woman next to him is my auntie.
11. And who’s the child with the broken trousers?
12. It’s me.

Family [family] familia, man [mn] hombre, dad [fada] padre, tall [tol] alto, brother [broda]
hermano, orange [oranch] naranja, cousin [kasin] primo, black [blak] negro, uncle [onkol]
tio, next to [neks tu jim] junto a el, auntie [aunti] tia, boy [boi] niño, broken [broken] roto,
trousers [trousas], it’s me [its mi] soy yo.

Novena lección
La familia

1. Quien es?
2. Quien, el hombre rubio?
3. Sí
4. Es mi papá
5. Es muy alto
6. Sí, y mi hermano también
7. Quienes son las mujeres de naranja?
8. Son mis primas y mi mamá.
9. Y el hombre de negro?
10. Es mi tio y la mujer que está junto a el es mi tia.
11. Y quien es el niño con los pantalones rotos?
12. Soy yo.


1. How is his dad and brother?

2. Who is in red?
3. Who’s next to his uncle?
4. Who’s the boy with the broken trousers?

Possessive Adjective

A possessive is a word that indicates that some one or someone belongs to

another person or thing or for indicate relationship.

My /mai/ Mi(s)
Your /yor/ Tu(s)
His Su (de él)
Her Su (de ella)
Its Su (de it)
Our /auer/ Nuestro/a/s
Your Su (de ustedes)
Their /der/ Su (de ellos/ellas)


A difference of the Spanish, the same form of the possessive for the plural

My car

My cars

In all the other cases, it is used on the same

Escriba el posesivo que falte en el espacio adecuado.

1. ________ dad is tall. (mí)

2. ________ mum is beautiful. (su) (de ellos)
3. ________ brothers are smart. (su) (de ellas)
4. ________ sister is funny. (tu)
5. ________ cousins are fast. (sus)
6. ________ uncle is old. (nuestro)
7. ________ auntie is young. (su) (de él)
8. ________ grandma is strong. (mis)
9. ________ grandma is tender. (su) (de ustedes)
10. ________ sons are weak. (sus) (de ella)

Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones.

11. Mi novio es alto. ___________________________

12. Su casa es verde. ___________________________ (de mi perro)
13. Tu sobrino es nuevo. ___________________________
14. Su novia es inglesa. ___________________________ (de él)
15. Nuestro nieto es jovén. ___________________________
16. Tu sobrina es bonita. ___________________________
17. Su bisabuela es francesa. ___________________________ (de ellos)
18. Sus casas son naranajas. ___________________________ (de mis gatos)
19. Su hija es joven. ___________________________ (de ellos)
20. Su amigo es Mexicano. ___________________________ (de ustedes)


Imagina que estas en tu escuela y te pide tu maestra que presentes a tu familia.

Has un pequeño texto donde describas a tu familia. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

How are you?

How your is family?

What coulour is your hair/eyes?

How’s your mouth/ Nose?

British Culture

Apesar de que actualmente en el Reino Unido existen diferentes tipos de familia,

pasasando desde la familia tradicional hasta la familia homoparental, la familia
donde el papá y la mamá viven juntos sigue siendo el tipo de familia más comun
en el Reino Unido.

En pormedio los Britanicos tienen 1.9 hijos.

At museum

1. This is the David. It was built by Miguel Angello. Look at how well the
sculptor has recreated the details of the human body and how well he’s
made the head, the nose and the ears. Simply, perfect.
2. Dear, what do you think?
3. I think the way he made the arms, the hands and the fingers is well in, but I
didn’t like the way he made the legs and in the knees, they a bit ugly.
4. I believe you’re right. There comes Ted.
5. He’s not Ted, Ted has got brown hair and his girlfriend hasn’t got black hair.
6. You’re right.
7. I’m bored, let’s go for a burger.

Museum [miusmium] museo, to build [tu bild] construer, sculptor [skultor] escultor,
perfectly [perfecli] perfectamente, to recreat [tu recrieit], recrear, ear [ir] oreja, simply
[simpli] simplemente, perfect [perfekt] perfecto, dear [dir] querida, you think about it [tu
θing] tu que piensas, way [güei] forma, arm [arm] brazo, hand [jand] mano, finger
[finga] dedo, should’ve [shudfv] debio haber, effort [efort] esfuerzo, leg [leg] pierna,
knee [ni] rodilla, grandma [grandmoda] abuela, you’re right [yur raight] tener razon, to
come [tu kom] venir, hair [jeir] cabello, children [children] hijos, dog [dog] perro, so
many [so meni] tantas, question [kuestion] pregunta, nothing [noθing] nada, bored
[bort] aburrido, let’s go [ lets gou] vamos, burger [burga] hamburguesa.

Decima lección
En el museo

1. Este es el David, fue hecho por Miguel Angello. Miren lo bien que el escultor
a recreado los detalles de el cuerpo humano y lo bien que ha hecho la
cabeza, la nariz y las orejas, simplemente perfecto.
2. Que piensas, querida?
3. Pienso que la manera en la que ha hecho los brazos, las manos y los dedos
está bien, pero el debio haber puesto más esfuerzo en las piernas y las
rodillas, parecen las piernas y las rodillas de una abuela.
4. Si, tienes razon. Ese es Ted?
5. Quien? El hombre que viene con la mujer de cabello largo negro?
6. Sí
7. No, Ted tiene el cabello café y su novia no tiene el cabello negro.
8. Estoy aburrida, vamos por una hamburguesa.


1. Is he Tom?
2. Does Tom have black hair?
3. Do they have children?
4. Do they have a cat?

Have/has got

Informal Formal
You’ve got You have
You haven’t got You do not have
You don’t have
Have you got? Do you have?
Yes, I have Yes, I do
No, I haven’t No, I don’t
She’s got She has
She hasn’t got She does not have
She doesn’t have
Has she got? Does she have?
Yes, she has Yes, she does
No, she hasn’t No, she doesn’t

Escriba la forma correcta del verbo have/has got en el espacio.

1. I __________ brown hair.

2. Michelle _________ fine lips.
3. You _________ black hair.
4. He _________ curly white hair.
5. They _________ small eyes.
6. She _________ wavy brown hair.
7. You _________ a small nouse.
8. It _________ big ears
9. María _________ small mouth.
10. We _________ straight black hair.

Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones.

21. Mi frente es grande. ___________________________

22. Su cara es pequeña. ___________________________ (de mi perro)
23. Tu diente es nuevo. ___________________________
24. Su cuello es largo. ___________________________ (de él)
25. Nuestro cuerpo es moreno. ___________________________
26. Tu mano es grande. ___________________________
27. Su rodilla es pequeña. ___________________________ (de ellos)
28. Sus brazos son fuertes. ___________________________ (de mis gatos)
29. Su pie es pequeño. ___________________________ (de ellos)
30. Su codo está limpio. ___________________________ (de ustedes)


Escriba una descripción de tu pareja ideal para una pagina de citas. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Have you got boyfriend/girlfriend?

Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

Have you got children?

Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

Have you got brown hair?

Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.

Has your mom got fine lips?

Yes, she has/ No, she hasn’t.

Has your dad got big ears?

Yes, he has/ No, he hasn’t.

British Culture

El Museo Británico (The British Museum) es el museo más importante del Reino
Unido. Fundado en el año 1753, fue el primer useo natural del mundo. Cuenta con
más de ocho millones de objetos de todos los continentes que van desde la
prehistoria hasta la modernidad. Su sección del Antiguo Egipto es la más
importante del mundo después de la del Museo Egipcio de El Cairo. La entrada al
museo es gratuita.
Otros museos importantes son el Museo de la Ciencia y el Museo de Historia


1. Excuse me, is there any bank near here?

2. Yes, there’s one on Thomson street.
3. How can I arrive at there?
4. Go up to Johnson street, then, turn left, you will see a supermarket.
5. Walk across the street and go to the bus stop.
6. Catch the red bus and get off in Greenwich park.
7. Go straight ahead and turn right on the theatre. Walk 2 blocks more and you
arrive at Thomson street. You can’t miss it.
8. Thanks very much!
9. That’s okay.

Direction [direkshion] dirección, bank [bank] banco, road [rod] calle, to get [tu guet]
llegar , to go up [tu gou op], then [den] luego, to turn left [tu torn left] dar vuelta a la
izquierda, cinema [sinema] cine, to walk across [guok akros] atravezar, street [stit]
calle, to go [tu gou], bus stop [bus stop] parada del camion, to wait for [tu wueit for]
esperar (a) , bus [bus] camion, to get down [guet daun] bajar(se), park [park] parque,
to go straight ahead [tu gou straigt ajed] ir(se) todo derecho, to recognize [tu rikonaiz]
reconocer, Chinese [chainis] chino, restaurant [restaurant] restaurante, you can’t miss
it [yu kent mis it] no hay pierde, thanks very much [θenkiu] muchas gracias, that’s okay
[dats okei] no hay de que.

Decima primera lección

1. Disculpe, hay un banco cerca de aqui?

2. Sí, hay uno en la calle Thomson.
3. Como puedo llegar?
4. Vaya a la calle Johson, luego de Vuelta a la izquierda, va a ver un teatro.
5. Cruce la calle y vaya a la parade del camion.
6. Espere el camion y baje en Greenwich park.
7. Camine todo derecho y va a llegar a la calle Thomson. No hay pierde.
8. Muchas gracias
9. De nada


1. Where is there a bank?

2. What wil he see?
3. Where does he have to get down?
4. Wat are there in Thomson road?

There is/ there are

Usamos “there is” y “there are” para decir “hay”

Usamos “there is” para los sustantivos sigulares y “there are” para los sustantivos

Exercise 1

Escriba la forma correcta del verbo to be en los espacios en blanco.

1. There _____ a school in my neighbourhood.

2. There _____ a lot of hotels here.
3. There _____ a hospital on the corner. (not)
4. _____ there a city near here?
5. There _____ two restaurants in this street.
6. There _____ an airport in the city. (not)
7. There _____ a port in the beach.
8. Are _____ there museums in the town?
9. There _____ several coach stations. (not)
10. There _____ a park next to the avenue.

Exercise 2

Traduce al español las siguientes oraciones.

1. Hay una universidad. ___________________________

2. ¿Hay un castillo en el parque?. ___________________________
3. No hay un banco. ___________________________
4. Hay mercados en la calle. ___________________________
5. Hay un centro comercial. ___________________________
6. Hay casas. ___________________________
7. Hay una plaza. ___________________________
8. ¿hay una iglésia?. ___________________________
9. Hay un cine. ___________________________
10. No hay monumentos en la avenida. _________________________


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas como llegar a tu casa desde el

aeropuerto de tu ciudad. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What is there in your neighbourhood?

There is/are _____ in my city.

Is there any famous place in your neighbourhood?

Yes, there are/ No, there aren’t

What is there in your city?

There are _____ in my city.

Is there any famous place in your city?

Yes, there is/ No, there isn’t

What are they?

British Culture

Como lo habíamos dicho antes en inglés británico no se utiliza “sir” or “madam”

cuando se dirige a alguien en la calle, en un restaurante o en un hotel.
Cuando atraviesa un rio una ciudad, se utiliza go down para indicar que algo está
hacia el rio y go up para decir lo contrario.
Recuerda que en el Reino Unido, un pueblo se considera como “city” si cuenta con
una catedral.

A new home

1. Dear parents,
2. We finally have found a house. It’s in Westminster neighbourhood, it’s small,
but it’s got all mod cons and a garden. This week we seat the furniture. The
table and the chairs fitted perfectly in the kitchen but the problem was the
sofa that was too big to fit in the living room. Also, the window of the
bathroom was broken, I’ll fix it as soon as I’ve got time. Something good that
has got this house is that it’s not very far from my new office, so I can go
there on foot.
3. I miss you,
4. Your son Miguel

Home, weet home [jom, suit jom] hogar, dulce hogar, Dear [dir] querido(s), parents
[parents] padres, It has been [it jas bin] ha sido, difficult [dificult] dificil, to believe [bilifv]
creer, we’ve already found [guifv alredi faund] al fin hemos encontrado, house [jaus]
casa, neighbourhood [neigbourjud] colonia, all [ol] tod(s), all mod cons [ol mod kons]
con todos los servicios, garden [garden] jardin, week[guik] semana, move lorry [mufv
lorry] camion de mudanza, could [kud] podria, to seat [tu sit] acomodar, furniture
[fornichia] mueble(s), table [teibol] mesa, chair [cheir] silla, to fit [tu fit] encajar, living
room [lifving rum] sala, window [guindou] ventana, bathroom [batrum] baño, broken
[broken] roto, I’ll have to [ail jafv tu] tender que, fix [fiks] arreglar, as soon as [as sun
as] tan pronto como, the good thing [da gud θing], office [ofis] oficina, so [so] asi que,
can [kan] puedo, on foot [on fut] a pie, to miss [tu mis] extrañar.

Decima segunda lección
Un nuevo hogar

1. Queridos padres,
2. Ha sido dificil pero creo que ya encontramos casa. Está en la colonia
Westminster, es pequeña, pero tiene todos los servicios y tiene un jardin.
Esta semana metimos los muebles. La mesa y las sillas entraron perfecto
en la cocina pero el problema fue el sillon que era demasiado grande para
caber en la sala, y la ventana del baño estaba rota, la arreglaré en cuanto
tenga tiempo.
Lo bueno es que la nueva oficina esta muy cerca de la casa, asi que irme
3. Los extraño.
4. Miguel


1. Where is the house?

2. What rooms does the house have?
3. Is the house near the house?
4. How does he get to his office?


Inglés Español Inglés Español

Behind Atraz On the edge of En la orilla
Near (to) Cerca Above Mas alla de
Around Alrededor On the top of En la cima de
Between Entre On the right A la derecha
Among Entre (cuando son 3 o On the left A la izquierda
mas cosas)
Next to Junto a Ahead Todo derecho
In front of En frente de/ A fuera Past Pasando
de (lugar)
Al otro lado de
Opposite En frente de (cuando Inside Adentro
hay algo enmedio que
los separa)
Cerca (que lo
By podemos ver o esta Outside Afuera
muy cerca de
Far (away) Lejos Upstairs Arriba
On the corner En la esquina Downstairs Abajo
Over Sobre (sin contacto) Under Abajo/debajo
Against Contra

In, On At

Usamos on:

a. Para indicar que algo está sobre una superficie.

The Glass is on the table.

b. Con las expresiones “on the first, second…. Floor”

He lives on the second floor.

c. Con los medios de trasporte.

We’re on the bus.

Usamos at:

a. Con tiendas, negocios y lugares publicos.

We are at Bucher’s.
We are at Supermarket

b. Con el nombre de edificions y construcciones cuando se menciona su


I’m at stadium Azteca. But I’m in the stadium.

c. Con los lugares de trabajo y centros educativos.

I work at Coca Cola.

I study at UNAM.

d. Con las expresiones “at home” y “at work”

En todos los demás casos usamos “in”.

Exercise 1

Escriba la preposición correcta en los espacios en blanco. (varias opciones son


1. The cat is _____ the table.

2. There is a sofa _____ the living room.
3. There is a forest _____ the city.
4. The kitchen is_____ the door.
5. There are two beds _____ my room.
6. There is a house _____ the house.
7. There _____ the garden.
8. The restroom is _____ the stairs.
9. There is a swimming pool _____ garage.
10. There is an attic _____ my room.

Exercise 2

Traduce al inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. Hay una araña sobre mi cabeza. ___________________________

2. Hay un museo en la orilla del mar. ___________________________
3. Hay una unidad habitacional junto a mi casa. ______________________
4. Hay un pueblo más alla de las montañas. __________________________
5. Hay un sillón grande a la izquierda de la sala. _______________________
6. Hay un comedor entre la cocina y la sala. __________________________
7. Hay un atico en la cima de mi recamará. ___________________________
8. Hay un comedor a la derecha de la ventana. ________________________
9. Hay un sillón chiquito en el sotano. ___________________________
10. Hay un departamento lejos de mi casa. ___________________________
11. Hay una araña sobre mi cabeza. ___________________________


Escriba una carta para una agencia de vienes raices donde que tipo de Vivienda
quieres y que tiene que tener. (50 palabras)



How’s your haouse?

My house is _____.

What rooms has it got?

It’s got _____.

What is there in your room?

In my room there is/are _____.

Is there near your house?

Near from my house there is/are _____.

In what floor do you live.

I live on the _____ floor.

British Culture

Wentsmister es una de las colonias más importantes de Londres. Está llena de

atracciones turísticas y monumentos históricos. En este lugar es donde se
encuentra el palacio de Buckingham, lugar de residencia de la reina del Reino

Whose is this?

1. Is this my pen?
2. No, it’s mine. Where’s yours?
3. I don’t know, I let it on my chair but it’s not.
4. Have you looked for it in your schoolbag yet?
5. Yes, but only my pencil, my case and my rubber are there.
6. Why don’t you ask Sally if she can lend you hers?
7. No, she´s busy, also, I haven’t taken back her pen to her.

Whose is this [jus is dis] de quien es, pen [pen] lapis, to let [tu let] dejar, table [teibol]
mesa, pencil [pensil] lapis, case [keis] lapicera, rubber [roba] goma, schoolbag [skulbag]
mochila, to ask [tu ask] preguntar, to lend [tu lend] prestar, busy [bizi] ocupado, to give
back [tu gifv back] regresar.

Decima tercera lección
De quien es?

1. Es esta mi pluma?
2. No, está es la mia.
3. Donde esta la tuya?
4. No se, la deje encima de la mesa pero ya no está.
5. Ya buscaste en tu mochila?
6. Sí, pero solo está mi lapiz, mi estuchera y mi goma.
7. Porque no le pides a Sally que te preste la suya?
8. No, porque está ocupada y no le he regresado la suya.


1. Is the pen him?

2. Where was his pen?
3. What are there in his school back?
4. Does he have a computer in his school back?

Possessive Pronouns

Personal pronoun Possessive pronoun

I Mine
You Yours
He His
She Hers
It *its own
We Ours
You Yours
They Theirs

*It no tiene un pronombre posesivo. La frase “its own” es usado en su lugar.

Usamos el posesivo con la estructura “a/the/this + possessive”

He is a friend of her (es un amigo de ella)

En todos los demás casos se usa igual que en español.

Exercise 1

Escriba la pronom possessive correcto en el espacio en blanco.

1. This chair is _____. (mia)

2. Those pens are ________. (nuestas)
3. That sharpener is ________. (suyas) (de ellas)
4. These pencils are ________. (tuyos)
5. This colour is _____. (suyas) (de ustedes)
6. Those rucksacks are ________. (suya) (de él)
7. That notebook is ________. (mia)
8. These cases are ________. (suyas) (de ellos)
9. This chair is _____. (tuya)
10. Those rubbers are ________. (suyas) (de ella)

Exercise 2

Traduce al inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. Esta hoja es mia. ___________________________

2. Este borrador es mio. ___________________________
3. Ese pizarrón es mio. ___________________________
4. Esta engrapadora es mia. ___________________________
5. Esos marcadores de textos son mios. ___________________________
6. Estas grapas son tuyas. ___________________________
7. Este diurex es mia. ___________________________
8. Esa regla es mia. ___________________________
9. Estos correctores son mios. ___________________________
10. Estas tijeras son mias. ___________________________


Rescriba el dialogo cambiando los possessive pronouns y los objetos. (50




Contesta las siguientes preguntas en inglés.

1. Whose this pen?

It’s _____________
2. Whose those books?
It’s _____________
3. Whose that pencil?
It’s _____________
4. Whose this ruler?
It’s _____________
5. Whose these rocksacks?
It’s _____________

The biggest and the smallest

1. The most ancient animals in the planet are the turtles and the crocodiles,
which ancestors lived on earth much earlier than dinosaurs.
2. The fastest animal at present is the leopard, but only on land because in the
sea the sharks are the fastest. The biggest shark is the whale shark which
can measure until 20 metres.
3. Among the birds, the crows are the most intelligent, they can resolve
problems that only a dolphin could resolve.
4. And the most dangerous predator is the cat, which can hunt more than 100

Ancient [ancient] antiguo, planet [planet] planeta, turtle [torcol] tortuga, crocrodile
[krokodail] cocodrilo, whose [jus] cuyo, ancestor [ancestor] antepasado, to live [tu
lifv] vivir, earth [eart] tierra, much [moch] mucho, early [erli] temprano, dinosaur
[dainosaur] dinosaurio, at present [at present] actualmente, leopard [leopard]
leopard, only [onli] solo/solamente, land [land] tierra, sea [si] mar, shark [shark]
tiburon, whale [ueil] ballena, which [uich] el cual, to meseure [meshur] medir, length
[lengt] longitude, bird [bird] pajaro, crown [kraun] cuervo, to resolve [tu risolfv]
resolver, problem [problem] problema, dolphin [dolfin] delfin, predator [predator]
depredador, to hunt [tu jont], species [spicis] especie.

Decima cuarta lección

1. Los animales más antiguos en el planeta son las tortugas y los cocodrilos,
cuyos ancestros vivieron en la tierra mucho antes que los dinosaurios.
2. El animal más rapido en el presente es el leopard, pero solo en la tierra
porque en el mar los tiburones son los más rapidos.
3. Entre las aves, los cuervos son los animales más intelligentes, ellos pueden
resolver problemas que solo un delfin podria resolver.
4. Y el depredador más peligroso es el gato, que puede cazar más de 100


1. What are the most antiens animals?

2. What is the fastest animal in the sea?
3. Is the white shark the biggest shark?
4. What is the most dangerous predator?


General rule +est Fast Fastest

CVC Double consonant Hot Hottest
+ est
Y (two syllables) Er --> iest Happy Happiest
Two or more Most Intelligent Most intelligent

I’m the fastest (soy el más rapido)

You’re the funniest.
He’s the most intellifent.

Irregular Superlative

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Many More Most
Little Less Least
Far Farther Farthest
Further Furthest
Old Older Oldest
Elder Eldest

Exercise 1

Escriba el superlativo del adjetivo dado en los espacios en blanco.

1. The eagle is _____ (powerful.) bird.

2. The tiger is _____ (big) cats in the world.
3. The spider is _____ (poisonous) insects.
4. The crocodile is _____ (strong) reptiles.
5. The rabbit is _____ (soft) pets.
6. The donkey is _____ (smart) mammals.
7. The camel is _____ (resistent) animals in the desert.
8. The bee is _____ (known) insects.
9. The scorpion is one of _____ (poisonous) insects.
10. The Kangaroo is one of _____ (fast) animals.

Exercise 2

Traduce al inglés las siguientes oraciones.

1. La galllina es el animal más cobarde ___________________________

2. El mosquito es uno de los insectos más comunes
3. La oveja es el animal más suave ___________________________
4. El gallo es el animal más ruidoso ___________________________
5. El pingüino es una de las aves más conocidas _______________________
6. El pulpo es el animal marino más conocido
7. El toro es uno de los animales más fuertes
8. El zorro es el can más inteligente ___________________________
9. La cebra es el animal más rapido ___________________________
10. La mosca es el insecto más comun ___________________________


Haz un articulo para la revista de tu escuela donde digas cuales son los animales
más grandes, fuertes, conocidos, etc. de tu país. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What is the biggest animal, the bear, the lion or the elephant?

I believe bears/lions/elephants are __________ animals.

What is the funniest animal, the cat, the dog or the hamster?

I believe cats/dogs/hamsters are __________ animals.

What is the strongest animal?

I believe _____ are __________ animals.

What is the smarter animal?

I believe _____ are __________ animals.

What are the most common animals in a zoo?

I believe _____, _____ and _____ are __________ animals in a zoo.

Third Unit

En esta unidad aprenderás a:

 Hablar de tus gustos

 Decir tu rutina
 Decir la hora
 Hablar del clima


 Present simple
 Personal object pronouns
 Possessive case
 Reflexive pronouns
 Hour
 Comparative of equality

Vocabulary and reading tips

Desde este punto es importante que leas la lista de verbos irregulares que viene al
final del libro.

Para mejorar tu lectura, por el momento solo te recomendamos leer tus lecciones
del libro.

Dairy routine

1. Mister Smith lives in a house in the outer London.

2. At workdays, Mister Smith leaves from his job at five o’clock and he goes to
the Waterloo station where he catches the train to the suburbs.
3. When he arrives at home, he watches the television. He usually watches a
film or a documentary on the BBC.
4. After that, he has something for dinner and do the washing-up.
5. Before going to bed, Mister Smith puts on his pyjama and brushes his teeth.
6. At the weekend, Mister Smith takes German lessons in the morning and
meets his friends in the afternoon.

Good evening [gud ifvning] buenas noches, mister [mista] señor, at workdays [guork deis]
entre semana, to leave [tu lifb] salir, from [from] de, job [shyob] trabajo, o’clock [o klock] en
punto, train [trein] tren, to get [tu guet] llegar, home [jom] casa, to have dinner [tu jafv dina]
cenar, to dothe washing-up [to du da washing op] lavar los platos, to turn on [tu turnon]
prendar, documentary [dokumentari] documental, sometimes [somtaims] algunas veces,
film [film] pelicula.

Decima quinta lección
Rutina diaria

1. Entre semana, El señor Smith sale de su trabajo a las 5 en punto y se dirige

a la estación Waterloo donde toma el tren a los suburbios.
2. Cuando llega a su casa, lee un libro o ve la televisión.
3. Usualmente ve una pelicula o un documental en la BBC.
4. Despúes de eso, cena algo y lava los trastes.
5. Antes de dormir, el señor Smith se pone su pillama y se lava los dientes.
6. El fin de semana, el señor Smith toma clases de alemán en la mañana y se
ve con sus amigos en la tarde.


1. What does he get to his house?

2. What does he do when he arrives at home?
3. What does he do after having dinner?
4. What does he do at the weekend?

Present Simple

To Eat To go To play To fry

I Eat Go Play Fry
You Eat Go Play Fry
He Eats Goes Play Fry
She Eats Goes Plays Fries
It Eats Goes Plays Fries
We Eat Go Play Fries
You Eat Go Play Fry
They Eat Go Play Fry

Usamo el presente simple para:

1. Para hablar de estados permanentes.

Tina lives in London.

2. Para hablar de acciones que se repiten o que son habituales.

The Mornarca Butterflies always come in summer.
I go to the bed at 11.

3. Para hablar de leyes naturales

Water boils at 100 centigrade

4. Para hablar de itenerarios y horarios.

The film starts at 7:00.
The train leaves at 9:00.

5. En comentarios deportivos.
Chicarito passes the ball.

6. Para hablar de la historia de un libro, una pelicula, etc.

Harry Potter is the story about a child who is magitian.

En todos los demás casos se usa como en español.

Exercise 1

Escriba la forma correcta del verbo dado en los espacios en blanco.

1. I _____ (wake up) early.

2. It _____ (arrive) at his work.
3. We _____ (come back) early.
4. You _____ (get up) early.
5. He _____ (work) in a company.
6. I _____ (have) dinner.
7. He _____ (take) a shower.
8. You _____ (study) a lot.
9. They _____ (go) to the bed.
10. She _____ (leave) early.

Exercise 2

Llena las siguientes frases con el verbo que le corresponde. (varias opciones son

1. It __________ the T.V.

2. I __________ the disches.
3. He __________ the dog.
4. We __________ listening to music.
5. I __________ books.
6. He __________ exercise.
7. You __________ dinner.
8. I __________ Spanish.
9. She __________ videos.
10. You __________ the shopping.


Imagina que te has ido a vivir a otro país. Dile a un amigo tuyo cual es tu rutina
allá (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What do you do at workdays?

I _____ at workdays.

What do you do in the afternoon?

I _____ in the afternoon.

What do you do when you arrived at home?

When I arrived at home I _____.

What do you do at the weekend?

I _____ at the weekend.

What do you do in your free time?

I _____ in my free time.

British Culture

La estación Waterloo es la estación ferroviaria más grande y concurrida del Reino

La BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) es la televisorá y estación de radio más
importante del Reino Unido. A pesar de ser del gobierno, la BBC es considerada
por los británicos como una institución imparcial. La BBC cuenta con servicios
especiales para cada país del Reino Unido.

A bad moment

1. Hi, what’s your name?

2. My name’s Karen, and you?
3. My name’s Mike, do you like Coldplay?
4. Yes, I do, but I prefer Oasis.
5. What another band do you like?
6. I love listening to The Beatles.
7. Do you like classical music?
8. No, I can’t stand it.
9. What about Rock and Billy?
10. I’m crazy about it.
11. Would you like to go dancing with me?
12. Of course, just let me finish the exam.

After classes

13. There’s a good night club on the corner.

14. I love that place, mm, but, now, I’d like to go the square, there’s a concert
15. Ok, let’s go!

Bad [bad] mal, moment [moment] momento, hi [jai] hola (informal), to like [tu laik] gustar, to
prefer [prefer] preferir, band [band] banda, a lot [a lot] mucho, to listen to [tu lisen tu]
escuchar, classical [klasikal] clasico, to find [faind] hacerse (parecer), boring (boring)
aburrido, to love [tu lofv] encantar/amar, to want [guant] querer, go dancing [gou dancing]
ir a bailar, of course [of kours] por supuesto, just [shyust] justo, to let [tu let] dejar, to finish
[finish] terminar, exam [eksam].

Decima sexta lección
Un mal momento

1. Hola, como te llamas?

2. Me llamo Karen, y tu?
3. Mi nombre es Mike, te gusta Coldplay?
4. Sí, pero prefiero Oasis.
5. Que otra banda te gusta?
6. Me gusta mucho escuchar a los Beatles
7. Te gusta la musica clasica?
8. No, me choca.
9. Y el Rock and Billy?
10. Me encanta.
11. Quieres ir a bailar conmigo?
12. Sí, solo dejame terminar el examen.


1. What’s her name?

2. Does she like Coldplay?
3. What does she prefer?
4. Does she like Rock and Billy?

Affirmative form Negative form
I eat pizza I do not eat pizza
I don’t eat pizza
He eats meal He does not eat pizza
He doesn’t eat pizza

We make the interrogative form by adding do or does (for he,she, it) in front of the
personal pronoun.

Affirmative form Interrogative form form Answers

You eat pizza Do you eat pizza? Yes, I do
No, I don’t
He eats pizza Does he buy pizza Yes, he does
No, he doesn’t

Exercise 1

Escriba la forma correcta del verbo dado en los espacios en blanco. Recuerda
hacerlo en la forma negative.

1. I _____ (like) art.

2. It _____ (love) this novel.
3. We _____ (not mind) the music.
4. You _____ (like) this painter.
5. He _____ (hate) that song.
6. I _____ (not like) the piano.
7. He _____ (be crazy about) French architecture.
8. You _____ (like) this esculture.
9. They _____ (like) this tail.
10. She _____ (can’t bear) literature.

Exercise 2

Llena las siguientes frases con el verbo que le corresponde. (varias opciones son
posibles) Recuerda que la respuesta debe estar en forma negativa

1. It __________ the guitar.

2. I __________ the theatre.
3. He __________ the song.
4. We __________ bass.
5. I __________ books.
6. He __________ write.
7. You __________ drumms.
8. I __________ dance.
9. She __________ these videos.
10. You __________ paiting.


Imagina que te has ido a vivir a otro país. Enviale una carta a un amigo donde le
digas que es lo que te gusta de ese país. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What do you love doing?

I love _____.

What do you like watching?

I like watching _____.

What don’t you mind doing?

I don’t mind _____.

What don’t you like eating?

I like eating _____.

What can’t you stand?

I hate _____.

British Culture

Debido a que nuestro studio se centra en el inglés britanico, sería una Buena idea
que escucharas bandas como Oasis, Jamiroquai y Doves debido a que en estas
se puede ver claramente el acento del inglés britanico. Otras bandas britanicas
famosas son Coldplay y Los Beatles.

Entre los escritores britanicos más famosos se encuentran William Shakespear,

cuya obra más famosas fue “Hamblet”, y Roger Dikens.

On the telephone

1. Hello!
2. Hi! , Sahara, how are you?
3. Hi! Cathy, I’m fine, thanks, what about you?
4. I’m fine. Thanks!
5. Do you fancy going to a party on Saturday?
6. I can’t. I’ve got a meeting.
7. Do you continue going out with Ted?
8. Yes, I do.
9. He loves you very much.
10. And I love him a lot too.
11. What does he do?
12. He’s a musician and he’s very well. He plays the guitar and the piano.
13. That’s great!, I’m sorry but I have to go. See you!
14. Bye!

Hello [jelou] bueno, party [pari] fiesta, guitar [guitar] guitarra, piano [piano] piano, musician
[miusishian] musico.

Decima septima lección
Hablando por telefono

1. Bueno!
2. Hola, Sahra, como estás?
3. Hola, Cathy, bien y tú?
4. Bien. Gracias.
5. Quieres ir a una fiesta el sabado?
6. No puedo. Tengo una cita.
7. Sigues saliendo con Ted?
8. Sí.
9. Él te quiere mucho.
10. Y yo lo quiero a él.
11. A que se dedica?
12. Es musico y es muy Bueno. Él toca la guitarra y el piano.
13. Que padre, lo siento pero tengo que irme. No vemos!
14. Adios!


1. Who calls?
2. Does she love him?
3. What does he do?
4. What does he play?

Personal Object Pronouns

Personal Pronoun Personal Object pronoun Pronombre de bjeto

I Me Me
You You Te
He Him Lo
She Her La
It It Lo/la (de it)
We Us Nos
You You Los/las (de ustedes)
They Them Los/las (de ellos/ellas)

Usamos los pronombres de objeto de la misma forma que en español.

To with the verbs

A diferencia del español, en inglés no usamos (to) con el objeto directo cuando
nos referimos a seres vivos.

I bath my dog. (baño a mi perro)

No I bath to my dog.

Exercise 1

Escriba el personal object pronoun correcto en los espacios en blanco.

1. I see _____. (te)

2. He watches _____. (la) (it)
3. We listen to _____. (los) (ellos)
4. You lie _____. (me)
5. He sees ____. (nosotros)
6. I heard _____. (la) (ella)
7. It smells _____. (los) (ustedes)
8. You touch ______. (lo) (it)
9. They call _____. (nos)
10. She loves _____. (lo) (él)

Exercise 2

Sustituye las siguientes frases como en el ejemplo.

I see John. I see him.

1. The dog smells the cat. ________________________.

2. You lie your husdand. ________________________.
3. He sees María. ________________________.
4. I hear John and Daniel. ________________________.
5. We listen to the radio. ________________________.
6. He waches the TV. ________________________.
7. You touch the cows. ________________________.
8. They call you and me ________________________.
9. She loves John. ________________________.


Rescriba el dialogo cambiando las personas, los objetos y los pronombres de

objeto. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

Do you like watching the T.V.?

Do you like listening to Shakira?

Do you like listening Pavaroty?

Do you like listening to rock bands?

British Culture

Apesar de su reputación de ser un país con mucha Lluvia, el Reino Unido tiene
una tasa de presipitación igual similar a los ddemás países europeos.

Los veranos en el Reino Unido son calidos y los inviernos son frios. Sin embargo,
la nieve es infrecuente.

A friend’s letter

1. Hi, Laura, I hope you’re fine. I write you this letter because you asked me
how the climate was here in UK.
2. Well, the climate here is very different from the climate in México. It’s very
hot in spring and rainy in summer, I always have to carry an umbrella and a
raincoat to not get wet. In autumn, the climate is cold and windy and in
winter it’s freezing. If you come here in that season take a big jacket with
3. I hope this information is useful for you. Drop in on me soon.
4. Love,
5. Daniela

Life [laif] vida, to write [tu rait] escribir, life [laif], country [kountri] pais, only [onli] solamente,
open [open] abierto, climate [climeit] clima, hot [jot] calor, spring [spring] primavera, rainy
[reini] lluvioso, summer [soma] verano, to carry [tu carri] llevar, umbrella [ombrela]
paraguas, raincoat [reinkot] impermeable, autumn [otom] otoño, cold [kold] frio, to be
windy [tu bi guindi] hacer aire, winter [winta] invierno, freezing [frising] helando, to hope [tu
jop] esperar, to drop in on [tu drop in on] visitar, Love [lofv] con amor.

Decimo octava lección
Una carta de una amiga

1. Hola, Laura, espero que este bien. Te escribo esta carta porque me
preguntaste como era el clima aqui.
2. Bueno, hace mucho calor en primavera y llueve en el verano. Siempre
tengo que cargar un paraguas y un abrigo. En otoño, hace frio y en invierno
hace mucho frio.
3. Espero que esta información te sea util. Visitame pronto,
4. Con amor,
5. Daniela


1. Who is this?
2. What’s the climate like up there?
3. What’s the climate like down there?
4. Are they happy?

Adverbs of frequency

An adverb of frequency is a word that indicates how often something happens.

Adverb of frequency Meaning

Always Siempre
Almost always Casi siempre
Usually Normalmente/ Usualmente
Frequently Frecuentemente
Quiet often Bastante Seguido
Often Seguido
Sometimes A veces
Seldom Rara vez
Rarely Raramente
Hardly ever Dificilmente, casi nunca
Never Nunca

Exercise 1

Usando el vocabulario del clima, llena los espacios en blanco con la palabra

1. Mexico is _______. The temperature is 20..

2. France is _______. The temperature is 5.
3. Brazil is _______. The temperature is 30.
4. Italy is _______. The windy always blows..
5. Germany is _______. The temperature is 20.
6. England is _______. The temperature is 8.
7. United States is _______. The temperature is 16.
8. China is _______. It always rains.
9. Australia is _______. The temperature is 35.
10. Swissland is _______. The temperature is -20 degrees.

Exercise 2

Traduce las siguientes oraciones.

1. El clima está bien. ________________________________.

2. El clima de Londres es nevoso. ________________________________.
3. La niebla es obscura. ________________________________.
4. La lluvia es fuerte. ________________________________.
5. Esta nublado. ________________________________.
6. El sol es amarillo. ________________________________.
7. La nueve es gris. ________________________________.
8. El clima está con niebla. ________________________________.
9. El viento es rapido. ________________________________.
10. Esta soledado. ________________________________.


Escriba un articulo para una revista donde digas como es el clima de tu país (50



What’s the climate like in spring in your country?

It’s __________ in spring in my country.

What’s the climate like in summer in your country?

It’s __________ in summer in my country.

What’s the climate like in autumn in your country?

It’s __________ in autumn in my country.

What’s the climate like in winter in your country?

It’s __________ in winter in my country.

What climate do you like?

I like _____ climate.

Nineteenth lesson
A busy timetable

1. Hello!
2. Hi, Ivon!
3. Hi, María. How are the things in London?
4. Fine, but l’m very tired, I’ve got lots of things to do here.
5. What do you usually do?
6. At workdays, I always wake up at seven and I get up at 6:30 to do exercise.
After that, I take a shower and have breakfast. While I’m on the bus to work
I often listen to music. Then, I get to the job and I’m there till 6. Then, I come
back to my house and I read a book. After that, I go to bed.
7. I see, I have to open the door. I’ll call you later. Bye!
8. Bye!

Timetable [taimteibol] horario, to wake up [tu gueik op] despertarse, after that [after dat]
despúes de eso, to take a shower [tu teik a shogua] bañarse (en la regadera), at workdays
[at guorkdeis] dias lavorales/entre semana, train [trein] tren, to wear [tu guer] vestir, pink
[pink] rosa, dress [dres] vestido, white [guait] blanco, shirt [shirt] camisa, dark [dark]
obscuro, green [grin] verde, tie [tai] corbata, suit [suit] traje.

Decima septima lección
Un horario ocupado

1. Bueno!
2. Hola, Ivon!
3. Hola, María. Como están las cosas en Londres?
4. Bien, pero estoy muy cansada.
5. Por que?
6. Porque tengo muchas cosas que hacer.
7. Que haces?
8. Entre semana, siempre me levanto a las cinco para hacer ejercicio.
Despúes de eso, me baño y desayuno. Mientras estoy en el camión para el
trabajo siempre escucho musica. Luego, llego al trabajo y estoy ahí hasta
las 6. Luego, regreso a mi casa y veo una pelicula. Despues de eso me
9. Ya veo. Tengo que colgar porque tengo que abrir la puerta. Te llamo al rato.
10. Adios!


1. What time does she wake up?

2. What does she do in the bus?
3. What does she do after work?
4. What time does she go to bed?

Reflexive verbs

Personal pronoun Verb Reflexive pronoun

I Cut Myself
You Yourself
He Himself
She Cuts Herself
It Itself
We Ourselves
You Cut Yourselves
They Themselves

We use the reflexive pronouns when:

1. We want to indicate that the action of the verb falls in the subject.

2. When we want to say that we enjoy doing something alone, that we can do
something without help or alone.
I like going to the cinema by myself.

A difference to the Spanish, most verbs in English do not require a reflexive


Compare I wake up. Not I wake up myself.

Even so, English use the reflexive with children, animals and when the person was
cannot do it alone.

My child dress himself

My dog cut itself

After the accident, he couldn’t wake up himself.

3. To translate “el mismo, yo mismo, etc”

He wrote the book by himself.

Exercise 1

Usando los adverbios de frecuencia, llena los espacios en blanco con la plabra

1. I _____ wake up early. (a veces)

2. He _____ arrives at his work. (nunca)
3. We _____ come back early. (siempre)
4. You _____ get up early. (seguido)
5. He _____ work in a company. (frecuentemente)
6. I _____ have chicken for dinner. (dificilmente)
7. He _____ has a shower. (rara vez)
8. You _____ study a lot. (siempre)
9. They _____ go to bed. (normalmente)
10. She _____ leaves early. (raramente)

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones.

1. The car of the neighbour. ___________________________.

2. Houses’s windows. ___________________________.
3. It’s Anns. ___________________________.
4. The bone of the dog. ___________________________.
5. It’s a book of history. ___________________________.
6. My dad’s friend’s house. ___________________________.
7. The animals of farm. ___________________________.
8. The car of the my brother’s girlfriend. ___________________________.
9. The animals about zoo. ___________________________.
10. The car of Victor. ___________________________.


Imagina que te acbas de mudar a un país extranjero. Escriba una carta tu major
amigo donde le digas que es lo que haces en un dia normal en tu nuevo país.



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What time do you wake up?

I wake up at It’s __________.

What time do you take a shower?

I have the shower at __________.

What time do you leave from your house?

I leave from my house at __________.

What time do you come back?

I come back at __________.

What time do you brush your teeth?

I brush my teet at __________.

Twentieth lesson
What’s the time?

1. What time is it, Daniela?

2. It’s quarter past eleven, why?
3. I have to leave at midday. John, Sahra, are you staying here?
4. No, we aren’t. Our coach leaves at quarter to one.
5. What time are you going to the work, Daniela?
6. At one and a half.
7. Do you catch the bus to go to your job or you I take the Tube?
8. The Tube.
9. I’m coming back to my house by taxi, would you like a ride to the Tube
10. Yes, please.
11. So, let me ask the app taxi.

What time is it [uat taim is it] que horas son, match [match] partido, to start [tu start]
empezar, work [guork] trabajo, here [jia], taxi [taksi] taxi, to give a ride [tu gifv a raid] dar un
aventon, to hurry up [tu jorri op] darse prisa, if not [if not] si no, to be late [tu bi leit] llegar

Vigesima lección
Que horas son?

1. Que horas son, Daniela?

2. Son 11:15, por que?
3. Tengo que irme a las 12.
4. John, Ann, se van a quedar?
5. No, nuestro autobus sale al cuarto para la una.
6. A que horas te vas a tu trabajo, Daniela?
7. A la una y media.
8. Tomas el camión para ir a tu trabajo o te vas en metro?
9. Tomo el metro.
10. Me voy a ir a mi casa en taxi, quieres que te de un aventon a la estacion del
11. Sí, por favor.
12. ENtonces, vamonos.


1. What is the time?

2. What time does the match start?
3. What time does Daniela leave?
4. What time does the train leave?


En el Reino Unido existe un sistema para decir la hora unico.

8:00 it’s eight o’clock (we use o’clock when the hour has not got minutes)

En el lenguaje informal la palabra “o’clock” se omite.

8:05 It’s five past eight (we use past with minutes from 1 to 29 , except with 15)

8:15 it’s quarter past eight (we use quarter past with 15 minutes)

8:30 it’s eight and a half (we use and a half with 30 minutes)

8:35 It’s twenty-five to nine ( we use with the minutes from 31 to 59, except 45)

8:45 It’s quarter to nine (we use quarter to with 45 minutes)

Around (como a las) (más formal)

About (como a las)

Exercise 1

Escriba la hora con la forma britanica.

1. 5:00. ___________________________________
2. 11:00. ___________________________________
3. 6:04. ___________________________________
4. 12:00. ___________________________________
5. 11:40. ___________________________________
6. 7:15. ___________________________________
7. 3:00. ___________________________________
8. 11:00. ___________________________________
9. 8:30. ___________________________________
10. 4:45. ___________________________________

Exercise 2

Completa la oración.

1. The underground closes _______________________. (1:00)

2. The helicopter comes back _______________________. (5:35)
3. The bus arrives _______________________. (6:00)
4. Train leaves _______________________. (2:05)
5. The couches leaves _______________________. (5:40)
6. The tram leaves _______________________. (7:05)
7. The aeroplane flies _______________________. (3:15)
8. I cycle _______________________. (9:50)
9. The taxis leave _______________________. (8:15)
10. The ship arrives _______________________. (4:30)


Escriba una carta a un amigo por mensaje donde le digas cual es tu rutina
diciendole la hora exacta en la que haces tus actividades. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What time do you get up?

I get up __________.

What time do you go to school?

I go to school __________.

What time do you have lunch?

I have lunch at __________.

What time do you have dinner?

I have dinner at __________.

What time do you go to bed?

I go to the bed at __________.

British Culture

En el Reino Unido existen tres sistemas para decir la hora. El reloj como lo
conocemos nosotros, el reloj de 24 horas, utilizado en horarios de trenes, cines,
etc, y el sistema británico que es el que acabamos de ver.
Los restaurantes cierran a las 5 de la tarde.

Twenty first lesson
At the shopping centre

1. Elizabeth, what do you think about these shoes?

2. They are very beautiful, but they’re not as beautiful as these ones.
3. What do you think about this red dress?
4. It’s very elegant and it’s as cheap as this grey.
5. What do you think about this pink skirt with this light pullover.
6. They look perfect.
7. Ok, I’ll take them, and for my husband I’ll take this white shirt and this green
tie. Let’s to pay.

To think [θhink] pensar, dress [dres] vestido, grey [grei] gris, shoe [shu] zapato, to be right
[tu bi raight] tener razon, Did you hear the news [did yu jir da nius] ya te enteraste,
pregnant [pregnant] embarazada, again [aguein] otra vez, Though [θoug] aunque, if I had
[if ai jad] si tuviera, money [moni] dinero.

Vigesima primera lección
En el centro comercial

1. Elizabeth, que piensas de estos zapatos?

2. Son muy bonitos, pero no son tan bonitos como estos.
3. Que piensas que este vestido rojo?
4. Es muy elegante y es tan barato como este gris.
5. Que piensas de esta falda rosa con este sueter ligero.
6. Se ven perfextos.
7. Ok, me los llevaré, y para mi esposo me llevaré wsta camisa y esta corbata.
Vamos a pagar.


1. How are the shoes?

2. What colour are the trousers?
3. How are they?
4. How many children does Paula have?

Comparative of equality

Usamos la estructura “as … as” para decir “tan … como”.

I am as happy as you.

He is as well as her.

Usamos la esctructura “as much … as” para decir “tanto … como”.

She can drink as much alcohol as a man.

Usamos la estructura “as many … as” para decir “tantos … como”.

She has got as children as you.

Exercise 1

Haz oraciones usando las palabras que te dan. Usa el comparative of equality.

1. These shoes _____________________________trainers. (good)

2. Those socks _____________________________ gloves. (old)
3. These trousers _____________________________shorts. (new)
4. That costume _____________________________jacket. (black)
5. This T-shirt _____________________________ shirt. (solf)
6. That dress _____________________________trousers. (beatiful)
7. These high heels _____________________________shoes. (bad)
8. That shirt _____________________________poullover. (hot)
9. This sweatshirt _____________________________pullover. (dirty)
10. Those jacket _____________________________ costume. (new)

Exercise 2

Traduce las siguientes oraciones al inglés.

1. Esta corbate es tan larga como la otra.

2. ________________________________________.
3. Este boton es tan nuevo como este.
4. ________________________________________.
5. Este sombrero es tan nuevo como está gorra.
6. ________________________________________.
7. Esta bufanda es tan corta como está corbata.
8. ________________________________________.
9. Esta falda es tan bonita como este vestido.
10. ________________________________________.
11. Estos jeans son tan baratos como este pantalón.
12. ________________________________________.
13. Esta sueter es tan viejo como está chamarra.
14. ________________________________________.
15. Estos tennis son tan buenos como estos zapatos.
16. ________________________________________.
17. Esta gorra es tan roja como este sombrero.
18. ________________________________________.


Escribir un articulo donde digas que es lo que visten en tu país en las diferentes
estaciones del año. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What do you usually wear?

I usually wear __________.

What kind of clothes do you like?

I like __________ clothes.

What do the people of your country wear?

They were __________.

What do you wear in summer?

I weat __________ in summer.

What do you wear in winter?

In winter, I wear __________.

British Culture

La falda esconsa, conocida como kit, es un símbolo de los países de escosia y de

irlanda. Se utiliza en situaciones importantes como en bodas, conferencias.
Otro símbolo de escocia es la gaita.

Forth Unit

En está unidad aprenderás a:

 Hablar de las reglas de tu país

 Dar consejos
 Decir cual es tu comida favorita
 Decir lo que comen en tu país


 Modal verbs
 Partitive
 Containers
 Expressions of quantity

Twenty-second lesson
What’s the weather like today?

1. Mummy, can we go to the park today?

2. I’m not sure.
3. Why not mummy?
4. Because It’s cool outside and you haven’t done your homework yet.
5. But I haven’t got much. And I promise you I do it as soon as we come back.
6. Yes, but it’s late and it’s dangerous we’re outside as late.
7. But, mummy, it’s harly 6 o’clock, and there are a lot of policemen.
8. Yes, but look at that clouds, they’re grey, it could rain.
9. But mummy, it’s autumn! It couldn’t rain, and if it rains, we can cover under
the slide or we can run to the tram station.
10. Ok, put on your coat and hurry up because you have to do your homework.

Mum [mom] mamá, park [park] parque, to be sure [tu bi shor] estar seguro, homework
[jomwork] tarea, to promise [promais] prometer, as soon as [es sun es] tan pronto como,
late [leit] tarde, only [only] solo, to look at [tu luk at] mirar, cloud [claud] nuve, winter
[guinta] invierno.

Vigesima segunda lección

El clima

1. Mamá, Podemos ir al parque?

2. No estoy segura
3. Por que no, mamá?
4. Porque hace frio afuera y todavia no has terminado tu tarea.
5. Pero no tengo mucha, y prometo que la hare en cuanto volvamos.
6. Sí, pero es tarde.
7. Pero son apenas las 6.
8. Sí, pero mira las nuves, estan grises, podría llover.
9. Pero mamá, es otoño, no puede llover.
10. Sí, pero podría.


1. What does he want?

2. What does he has to do?
3. What time is it?
4. What season is it?

Can, could, may, might

En inglés hay tres verbos para traducer el verbo “poder” del español. Estos verbos
son can, may y might.

Capacidad Permiso Probabilidad

Can Yes Informal 100
May No Formal 50
Might No Very Formal 30
Could No Formal (with conditions)

Exercise 1

Haz oraciones usando las palabras que te dan. (sigue el ejemplo)

Park/run/in/the. You can run in the park.

1. Baker’s/you/buy/in/the. ____________________________________.
2. Read/in/the/library ____________________________________.
3. Greengroser’s/the/in ____________________________________.
4. Butcher’s/the/in ____________________________________.
5. Park/in/the (inormal) ____________________________________.
6. Bookshop/the/books/in/buy ____________________________________.
7. ¿Puedo ir al baño? (formal) ____________________________________.
8. Swimming pool/the/in/swim ____________________________________.
9. Run/in/the/forest ____________________________________.
10. Take/sweets/some (informal) ____________________________________.

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones.

1. Can I go to the bathroom? (formal) _______________________.

2. Might you speak louder? _______________________.
3. He could speak Spanish. _______________________.
4. She may play the guitar _______________________.
5. It might rain (muy seguro) _______________________.
6. ¿Can we come? (formal) _______________________.
7. He could speak English _______________________.
8. Ustedes pueden
9. Ella puede
10. ¿Ellos pueden ir? (informal) _______________________.


Rescriba el dialogo cambiando las personas, el clima, la estacion y la hora. (50



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What can you do in winter?

I can __________ in winter.

What can’t you do in your school?

I can’t __________ in my school.

Can you swim?

Yes, I can/ No, I can’t

Can you run resolve difficult maths problems?

Yes, I can/ No I can’t

Might it rain today in your city?

Yes, it might/ No, it mightn’t

Twenty-third lesson
At doctor’s

1. Good morning! How can I help you?

2. I feel very awful.
3. What do you have?
4. I’ve got a terrible headache and fever.
5. Do you have runny nouse?
6. Yes, I do.
7. Let me check your temperature. Mm, your temperature seems a little hight.
It looks you have the flu, take this medicine and an aspirin each 6 hours.
8. Thank you, doctor.
9. And one more thing, you’d better not to leave to the street without a pullover
if you don’t want to get worse.

In the opposite consultory

10. What sintoms do you have?

11. I’ve got stomach ache and diarrea.
12. It must be an infection. You need an injection a day for 5 days and you’ll feel
13. Thank you, doctor.

Madam [madam] señora, to tell [tu tel] decir, problem [problem] problema, boyfriend
[boyfriend] novio, I’ve tried [ifv traid] he intentado, to continue [tu continiu] continuar, to try
[tut rai] intentar, to look for, to be sorry, time, to be over, see you, next, week.

Vigesima tercera lección
En el doctor

1. Que tiene John?

2. Me siento muy mal.
3. Deberias ir al doctor.
4. Tienes razón.
5. Buenos dias! Como puedo ayudarlo?
6. Me siento muy mal.
7. Que tiene?
8. Tengo dolor de cabeza y fiebre.
9. Tiene escurrimiento nasal?
10. Sí.
11. Dejeme ver su temperatura. Mm, su temperatura parece un poco alta. Debe
tener influenza, tome este medicamento y una aspitina cada 6 horas.
12. Gracias, doctor.
13. Y una cosa más, será mejor que no salgas a la calle sin sueter si no quieres


1. What does he have?

2. Does he have fever?
3. Has he taken an aspirin?
4. What had he better look for?

Modal verbs to express advice

Should No tan fuerte You should drink Tal vez un amigo

less te da ese

Had better Fuerte You’d better Tal vez un doctor

drink less te dice que tu
salud esta en

Must Muy fuerte You must drink Tal vez un doctor

less te dice eso ya
que estas

Exercise 1

Usando must, should, shouldn’t o had better, rellena os espacios en blanco.

1. I ____________ take an aspirin if she’s got headache. (bajo)

2. It ____________ eat better, it’s almost in the bones (medio)
3. They ____________ go to hospital because they’ve broken their leg. (alto)
4. You ____________ do drink less or you’re going to get drunk (medio)
5. We ____________ go to the doctor, he’s cut his finger off. (alto)
6. I ____________ take a tea if she’s got stomach ache. (bajo)
7. He ____________ go to the GP, he’s got very high fever. (medio)
8. You ____________ go to the dentist if you have tootache. (bajo)
9. He ____________ go to the doctor, she’s got a very strong infection. (alto)
10. She ____________ take a medicin against the diarrea (bajo)

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones.

1. You should do exercise. (alto) _______________________.

2. He’d better sleep more. (medio) _______________________.
3. I’d better drink less (bajo) _______________________.
4. You’d better play more. (medio) _______________________.
5. She must eat heltier. (bajo) _______________________.
6. I should be early (alto) _______________________.
7. She must relax. (medio) _______________________.
8. We’d better go. (bajo) _______________________.
9. He should work less. (alto) _______________________.
10. You must go to the doctor. (bajo) _______________________.


Rescriba el dialogo cambiando los sintomas. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

How often do you get sick?

I __________ get sick.

What are the most commons illness that you have?

The most common illness in my country are __________.

What do you take when you have headache?

I take _________ when I have headache.

What should a person who has stomach ache take?

He should take __________.

What should a person who has diarrhae take?

He should take __________.

British Culture

El Reino Unido tiene un servicio de salud universal muy bueno. Cuando las
personas están enfermas, pueden ir al GP (general practioner) que es el doctor
que tienen asignado o pueden ir con un doctor particular, cosa que no resulta una
mala opción teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de personas que atendienden al
servicio publico de salud.

Twenty-fourth lesson

1. Mum, can I meet with my friends?

2. Which friends?
3. With my school friends.
4. Ok, you can meet them, but you have to help me to do the housework.
5. Ok, mum, what do I have to do?
6. You have to make your bed and tidy your room. I’ve already done it.
7. So, help me to mop the floor of the dinning room and to clean the bathroom
8. Do I have to do the wash the clothes?
9. No, you don’t have to do it, but you have to walk the dog and tidy the garage
and hurry up because your dad can get any time.
10. Ok, mum, I’ll stay home better.

Friend [friend] amigo, what [guat] lo que, to tidy your room [tu tidi yor rum] recoger tu
cuarto, to clean [tu klin] limpiar, floor [flor] piso, to wash the dishes [guash da dishes]
lavar los trastes, to do the washing-up [du da guashing op] lavar los trastes, to walk the
dog [tu guok da dog] pasear al perro, to stay home [tu stei jom] quedarse en casa.

Trigesima cuarta lección

1. Hijo, si quieres salir con tus amigos, tienes que ayudarme con el quehacer.
2. Ok, mamá, que tengo que hacer?
3. Tienes que tender tu cama y trapear el piso. Tienes que limpiar también el
4. Tengo que lavar los trastes?
5. No, no tienes que hacerlo, pero tienes que pasear al perro y acomodar la
6. Ok, mamá, me quedo en la casa.


1. Does he have to tidy his room?

2. Does he have to clean the floor?
3. Does he have to do the washing-up?
4. Does he have to walk the dog?

Modal verbs to express obligation

Modal verb Uso Significado

Must Obligación interna o Tener que
moral (tu solito te Deber
bligas a hacer algo)
Have (got) to Obligfación externa Tener que
Has (got) to (alguién o algo te
obliga a hacer algo)

Have to (nothing happen if I do not follow them)

Mustn’t (bring a negative consequence)

Modal verb Uso Significado

Have not got to No tener que
(haven’t to) Sin obligación
Has not got to
(haven’t to)
Needn’t No tener que
No necesitar (no
hay razón)

Exercise 1

Usando must, have to, don’t have to, doesn’t have to y needn’t, rellena los
espacios en blanco.

1. I ____________ do exercise, I’m a bit fat. (interno)

2. It ____________ eat better, it’s almost in the bones (externo)
3. They ____________ study hard, they’re very brains. (sin obligación)
4. You ____________ drink less or you’re going to get drunk (externo)
5. We ____________ go, if we don’t want. (sin obligación)
6. I ____________ be late if I don’t want to have problems. (interno)
7. He ____________ study for the test. (externo)
8. You ____________ eat less if you don’t want to get fat. (interno)
9. We ____________ work, they’re on holiday. (sin obligación)
10. She’s thinking she ____________ eat less to not get fat (interno)

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones usando los modal verbs to express obligation.

11. You have to do exercise. (interno) _______________________.

12. He don’t have to sleep more. (externo) _______________________.
13. I must drink less (sin obligación) _______________________.
14. You don’t have to play more. (interno) _______________________.
15. She don’t have to eat heltier. (externo) _______________________.
16. I must be early (sin obligación) _______________________.
17. She don’t have to relax. (externo) _______________________.
18. We must go. (sin obligación) _______________________.
19. He have to work less. (interno) _______________________.
20. You don’t have to go to the doctor. (externo) _______________________.


Escriba un reglamento para tu salón de clase o lugar de trabajo. (100 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What do you have to do in your house?

I have to __________.

What do you have to do in your workplace?

I have to __________.

What do you must do?

I must __________.

What don’t you have to do in your house?

I don’t have to __________.

What don’t you have to do in your job?

I don’t have to __________.

Twenty-fifth lesson
At hotel

1. Welcome to Bristol’s Palace, what can I do for you?

2. How much does the room cost?
3. It cost 50 pounds per night.
4. Ok, I’d like a room, please!
5. Certainly, sir, what’s your name?
6. Simon Hall
7. Would you like a double or single room?
8. Single, please!
9. How many nights?
10. Two please.
11. Could you show me an identification, please.
12. Certainly, here you are my passport.
13. Thank you, sir, Here you are your key, sir.
14. Thank you. Excuse me, are there any regulations that I have to follow?
15. Yes, it isn’t allowed to come in the swimming pool after 8.
16. Ok, what else?
17. The guest can’t make parties in their rooms
18. Ok, and are pets allowed?
19. Yes, they are.
20. So, let me bring my tiger from the cage.

Hotel [jotel] hotel, palace [palas] palacio, double [dobul] doble, single room [singul rum]
habitacion individual, night [naigt] noche, key [ki] llave, regulations [reguleichions], to follow
[tu folou] seguir, to be not allowed [its not alout] no estar permitido, swimming pool [siming
pul] alberca, guest [guest] huesped, party [parti] fiesta, pet [pet] mascota, to bring [tu bring]

Vigesima quinta lección
En el hotel

1. Bienvenido al Bristol’s Palace, que puedo hacer por usted?

2. Quiero un cuarto por favor.
3. Seguro, como se llama?
4. Simon Hall
5. Quiere una habitación doble o una habitación individual?
6. Individual, por favor.
7. Cuantas noches?
8. Dos, por favor
9. Aqui tiene su llave, señor.
10. Gracias, disculpe, hay algun reglamento que deba de seguir?
11. Si, no está permitido nadar en la alberca despúes de las 8.
12. Ok, que más?
13. Los huespedes no pueden hacer fiestas en sus cuartos.
14. Ok, se permiten las mascotas?
15. Sí.
16. Entonces, dejeme traer mi tigre de la jaula.


1. Where is he?
2. What does he want?
3. Does he want a singe room?
4. Are pets allowed?

Modal verbs to express prohibition

Modal verb Ejemplo Significado

Can’t You can’t be without shoes in No poder
your aunt’s house
It’s not allowed It’s not allowed to park here No se permite
It’s forbidden It’s forbidden to throw trash Esta prohibido
Mustn’t You musn’t feed the animals of No debes
the zoo

Exercise 1

Usando can’t, it’s not allowed to, it’s forbidden y musn’t, rellena los espacios en

1. I ____________ be here, it’s a private party. (no poder)

2. Your dog ____________ come in to the museum (ilegal)
3. ____________ to park here. (no se permite)
4. You ____________ camp hier. (ilegal)
5. We ____________ go to the party. (no poder)
6. ____________ come in with pets. (no se permite)
7. He ____________ do the test. (no poder)
8. You ____________ feed the animals. (ilegal)
9. He ____________ drink in the stret. (no se permite)
10. ____________ make noise in this area (esta prohibido)

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones usando los modal verbs to express prohibition.

1. You musn’t sleep here. (no poder) _______________________.

2. It’s not allowed to drink alcohol. (esta prohibido) _____________________.
3. I can’t come in in the evening (no deber) _______________________.
4. It’s forbidden to come in with children. (no se permite)
5. She musn’t park here. (no poder) _______________________.
6. It’s now allowed to fish in this area (esta prohiido)
7. She musn’t sell in this place. (no poder) _______________________.
8. We can’t go. (no se permite) _______________________.
9. He musn’t smoke. (no poder) _______________________.
10. It’s forbidden to make campfires. (no se permite)


Escriba un reglamento para tu escuela. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What is allowed in your country?

It’s allowed __________.

What is forbidden in your country?

It’s forbidden __________.

What musn’t you do in your country?

You musn’t __________.

British culture

Cuando vayas a Gran Bretaña, tal vez te ofrescan el Full English breakfast, un
desayuno que consiste en huevos, tocino, salchichas, jitomates asados y aveces
frijoles con salsa de tomate y riñones, y un té o café. También, existe el continental
breakfast, que consiste en pan, bolleria y café o simplemente un té o un café.

Twenty-seventh lesson
At restaurant

1. Good evening, can I take your order?

2. I’ll have a plate of beef with vegetables, please.
3. And you madam?
4. I’ll have the fish with rice, please.
5. Would you like something to drink?
6. Do you have red wine?
7. Yes, we have. Do you want a cup?
8. Yes, please.
9. And you? Madam?
10. I’d like a beer.
11. Certainly, madam.


12. Can I offer you a dessert?

13. No, thank you. Excuse me, may we have the bill, please?
14. Here you are, sir.
15. Do you accept credit card?
16. Of course, sir, Visa or Master Card.
17. Here you are!
18. Here you are your ticket.
19. Thank you!
20. Don’t mention it!

Good evening [gud ifvning] buenas noches, plate [pleit] plato, spaguetti [spagueti]
espagueti, tonight [tunaigt] esta noche, roast [roust] rostizado, chicken [chiken] pollo, beef
[bif] carne de res, to boil [tu boil] hervir, vegetable [fveishtabol] vegetal, fish [fish] pescado,
rice [rais] arroz, wine [guain] vino, there’s no red wine left [der isnt red guin left , beer [bir]
cerveza, mineral water [mineral guata] agua mineral, to offer [tu ofer] ofrecer, dessert
[desert] postre, bill [bil] cuenta, to accept [asept] aceptar, credit card [credit card] tarjeta de
credito, I’ve forgotten [aifv fortoten] he olvidado, wallet [gualet] .

Trigesima septima lección
En el restaurante

1. Buenas noches, que van a ordenar?

2. Yo quiero un pato de res con vegetales, por favor.
3. Y usted señora?
4. Quiero el pescado con arroz, por favor.
5. Para beber, que les gustaria?
6. Tiene vino rojo?
7. Sí, desea una copa?
8. Sí, por favor.
9. Y para usted señorita?
10. Quiero una cerveza.
11. Ensegudia, señorita.

Más tarde

12. Puedo ofrecerles un postre?

13. No gracias.
14. Disculpe. Puede traernos la cuenta, por favor?
15. Aqui tiene señor.
16. Aceptan tarjeta de credito?
17. Sí, Visa o Master Card.
18. AQui tiene.
19. Aqui tiene su recibo.
20. Gracias.
21. De nada.


1. What does the woman order?

2. Do they have red wine?
3. Do they accept credit card?
4. Who pays?

The Partitive

Usamos siempre some o any cuando hablamos de:

1. Liquids

I’d like some more coffee

2. Meals

I eat some spaghetti

3. Small things

I’m eating some peanuts.

4. Powder

Could you give me some more sugar?

5. Things that we can divide

Pass me some pizza.

Cuando una oracion es afirmativa usamos some y cuando una oracion es negative
o interrogative usamos any.

Cuando hablamos en general usamos “the” en lugar the some o any.

Exercise 1

Usando some, any o nada, rellena los espacios en blanco.

1. I drink ____________ water.

2. We don’t have ____________ chicken for dinner. (not)
3. You eat ____________ fruit salad.
4. They drink ____________ tea.
5. Would you like ____________ beef?
6. He eats _____ apples and _____ pears.
7. You drink ____________ wine.
8. Does he have ____________ milk?
9. She hasn’t got ____________ meat for dinner. (not)
10. Would you like ____________ sugar in your coffee?

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones que esten mal usando some o any. Algunas
oraciones están bien.

1. You don’t eat some bread. _______________________.

2. He doesn’t drink some alcohol. _____________________.
3. I don’t want any salt. _______________________.
4. I don’t drink some beer. _______________________.
5. I eat some watermelon. _______________________.
6. He has any meat for dinner. _______________________.
7. She drinks some chocolate. _______________________.
8. We can eat some cake. _______________________.
9. He doesn’t eat some pork. _______________________.
10. I don’t drink any wine. _______________________.


Escriba una carta para un amigo donde le digas que es lo que comen en tu país.
(100 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What do you eat?

I eat __________.

What do the people eat in your country?

They eat __________.

Do you eat fast-food?

Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

What do you eat at the weekend?

I eat __________ at the weekend.

What’s your favourite meal?

My favourite meal is __________.

British Culture

El platillo típico de Inglaterra es el “Fish and Chips”, el cual consiste en papás a la

francesa con pescaditos, normalmente envueltos en una hoja de periódico.

Twenty-sixth lesson
List of ingredients

1. Son, did you find all what I told you at the shop?
2. Yes, I did.
3. Ok, let’s start. Bring the bowl and put sugar on it, hey!, don’t put much
sugar, if not, the cake is going to be too sweet.
4. Ok, mum, what else do I add?
5. A cup of flour.
6. There isn’t much.
7. Don’t worry we’ve got more on the cupboard.
8. What else do I add?
9. A few eggs, half bar of butter, half kilo of chocolate and a bit of salt.
10. Done!
11. Ok, now, we only add enough milk and it’s done. Now, just one hour in the
oven and we’re going to have a delicious cake.

Twenty-sixth lesson
Lista de ingredientes

1. NO le pongas mucha azucar, sino, va a estar muy dulce.

2. Ok, mamá, que más le pongo?
3. UNa taza de harina.
4. Ya no hay muha.
5. No te preocupes, tenemos más en la alacena.
6. Que más le agregamos?
7. Unos cuantos huevos y un poco de sal.
8. Listo!
9. Ahora, solo le agregamos suficiente leche y listo.
10. Ahora una hora en el horno y vamos a tener un delicioso pastel.

Expressions to express quantity

A lot of Mucho/muchos (+)

Lots of
Much Mucho (-) (?)
Many Muchos (-) (?)
A little (for) Un Poco de
A bit (inf)
A few Unos cuantos/pocos
Too + adj
Too much + singular noun Demasiado
uncountable noun
Too many + plural noun Demasiados
Enough Suficiente
Plenty of Bastante/suficiente (bastante
pero no exagerado)
Quite Bastante

Exercise 1

Usando las expression to express quantity, rellena los espacios en blanco.

11. I drink ____________ tea. (mucho)

12. We have ____________ meat for dinner. (bastante pero no exagerado)
13. You eat ____________ fruit. (algo de)
14. They drink ____________ water. (mucha) (negative)
15. Would you like ____________ beef? (bastante)
16. He’s got ____________ apples and pears. (pocos)
17. You drink ____________ wine. (un poco de)
18. Does he have ____________ vegetables? (demasiados)
19. She has ____________ chicken for dinner. (poca)
20. I don’t want ____________ cream in my coffee. (demasiada)

Exercise 2

Corrige las siguientes oraciones que esten mal usando las expressons to express
quantity. Algunas oraciones son correctas.

11. You don’t eat a lot of bread. _______________________.

12. He doesn’t drink too much alcohol. _____________________.
13. I don’t want too many salt. _______________________.
14. I don’t drink enough beer. _______________________.
15. I eat a lot of watermelon. _______________________.
16. He eats a lot of fruit. _______________________.
17. She drinks too much chocolate. _______________________.
18. We can eat few cake. _______________________.
19. He doesn’t little pork. _______________________.
20. I don’t drink lots of wine. _______________________.


Imagine that a doctor has given to you a diet. Write what you can eat and the
quantities. (100 palabras)




Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

How much bread do you eat a week?

I eat __________ a week.

How much water do you drink a day?

I drink __________ of water a day.

What do you eat?

I eat __________.

Does in your country use kilos or pounds?

We use __________.

British Culture

La cerveza es la bebida más tomada en el Reino Unido, solo después del té.

Twenty-sixth lesson
Doing shopping

11. Love, what do we need for lunch?

12. We need a bag sugar, 4 loaves of bread and a carton of milk.
13. Do we need any coffee?
14. No, we don’t.
15. What else?
16. We need a half kilo of ham, a bottle of mayonese, a lettuce and some
tomatoes for the sanwiches of dinner.
17. Ok, and for breakfast?
18. We need apples, pears, oranges , bananas, a dozen of eggs and a bar of
19. What else?
20. That’s it

In the checkout

1. Good morning, sir, have you found everything you were looking for?
2. Yes, how much are they?
3. 10 pounds and a penny.
4. Here you are!
5. Have a nice day, sir.

Twenty-sixth lesson
Comprando la despensa

1. Amor, que necesitamos para la comida?

2. Necesitamos una bolsa de azucar, cuatro panes y un carto de leche.
3. Necesitamos café?
4. No.
5. Que más
6. Necesitamos medio kilo de jamón, un frasco de mayoneza, una lechuca y
jitomates para los sanwiches de la cena.
7. Ok, y para el desayuno?
8. Necesitamos manzanas, peras, naranjas, platanos, una docena de huevos
y una barra de mantequilla.
9. Es todo?
10. Sí.


1. Does he speak French?

2. What language does he speak?
3. What happens to him?
4. What kind of book is he learning with?


We do not some/any with words which express a specific quantity.

Pound Libra
Kilo Kilo
Bag Bolsa
Bunch Racimo
Dozen Docena
Piece Pieza
Slice Rebanada
Loaf Pan individual
Bar Barra
Packet Paquete
Littre Litro
Glass Vaso
Cup Copa
Bottle Botella
Cartoon Caja de
Bowl Tazon

Some, any and no

We can use some with the meaning of (algun).

We can see some deer if we go to the forest.

We can use any with the meaning of (cualquier)

I can go there any day.

We use No:

a. with the meaning of (ningun); the verb must be in affirmative form.

Say: I can go no day of next week.

Don’t say: I can’t go no day of next week.

b. To replace a negative sentence with any not

Exercise 1

Usando las proportional sentences haz oraciones.

1. I/run/I/get slim. ________________________________________________.

2. You/study/I/get slim. ___________________________________________.
3. I/walk/I/good/feel. _____________________________________________.
4. We/eat/I/chocolate/bad/feel. _____________________________________.
5. I/think/it/I/get angry. ____________________________________________.
6. she/swim/easy/become. ________________________________________.
7. I/drink/I/good/feel. _____________________________________________.
8. he/sleep/I/bad/feel. ____________________________________________.
9. I/eat/I/vegetables/I/good/feel. ____________________________________.
10. you/practice/I/undersand. _______________________________________.

Exercise 2

Usando las proportional sentences, corrige las siguientes oraciones. Algunas

oraciones son correctas.

1. The more I run, the fastest I’m. ___________________________________.

2. The most you study, the more you know ___________________________.
3. The more I walk, the more the knee hurts me. _______________________.

4. The most chocolate we eat, the bader we feel. _______________________.
5. The more I think of it, the more I get angry. _________________________.
6. The more she swims, the easier it becomes. ________________________.
7. The more water I drink, the goodest I feel. __________________________.
8. The more he sleeps, the better he feels. ____________________________.
9. The more vegetables I eat, the more delicious it becomes. _____________.
10. The more I practice, the more simple it becomes. ____________________.


Hace un pequeño anuncio para una escuela donde digas que lenguas puedes
aprender, el costo del curso y los horarios. (50 palabras)



Contesta las siguientes preguntas:

What languages do you speak?

I speak __________.

Do speak a regional language?

Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

What languages are spoken in your country?

In my country __________ is/are spoken.

What languages would you like to learn?

I’d like to learn __________.

Would you like to learn a regional language?

Yes, I would/ No, I woudn’t

British Culture

En el Reino Unido se hablán 4 idiomas: inglés, escoses, irlandés y gales, sin

embargo, el inglés es el único que es oficial.
El inglés tiene raices Latinas, francesas y germanicas.

Fifth Unit
The Past

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about your routine in the past

 To talk about what you did in your last holidays
 To talk about how you were when you were young
 To talk about the place where you grew up
 To talk about your past plans


 Past simple of the verb to be

 There was/there were
 Past simple
 Modal verbs in the past simple
 Adverbs
 Going to in the past simple
 Personal object pronouns (indirect object)
 Used to
 Too, too much, too many, enough

Tips seccion

Desde este punto, es necesario que escuches grabaciones para el nivel A1 de

inglés. Puedes conseguirlas en librerias de idiomas o en internet. Asegurate que
sean para el nivel A2 y que tengan el simbolo CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
También ve caricaturas para niños.

Para mejorar tu lectura y adquirir vocabulario, por el momento solo te

recomendamos leer tus lecciones del libro.

Para mejorar tu producción oral, por el momento solo repasa en privado o con
alguien las preguntas que vienen en el libro.

Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante, aprende la lista de verbos
irregulares que viene en los anexos del libro.

Thirty first lesson
Happy birthday!

1. William Shakespeare, the great writer, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in

2. He studied at school of his town and had a very good life until his father was
accused of illegal commerce and was sent to prison.
3. When he was 18 years old, he married Anne Hathaway with whom had
three children.
4. His work “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” more known as
Hamblet continues being today one of the most important literary works of
all the times.
5. William Shakespeare died in 1616 and was buried in the Church of the Holy

Great [greit] gran, Writer [raita] escritor, to be born [tu bi born] nacer, accused [akiust]
acusado, illegal [iligal] illegal, commerce [komers] comercio, get married [guet merriet]
casarse, whom [jum] quien, tragedy [trayedi] tragedia, prince [prins]principe, Denmark
[denmark] Dinamarca, literary [literari] literario, to be buried [tu bi burit] ser enterrado, Holy
[joli] santa, trinity [triniti] trinidad.

Trigesima primera lección
¡Feliz cumpleaños!

1. William Shakespeare, el gran escritor, nacio en Stratford-upon-Avon Upon

avon en 1564.
2. Estudió en la escuela de su pueblo y tuvo una vida muy feliz hasta que su
padre fue acusado de Comercio ilegal y fue enviado a prisión.
3. Cuando tenía 18 años se casó con Anne Hathaway con quien tuvo 3 hijos.
4. Su obra la tragedia de Hamlet príncipe de Dinamarca mejor conocida como
Hamlet continúan siendo hoy una de las obras literarias más importantes de
todos los tiempos
5. William Shakespeare murió en 1616 y fue sepultado en la Iglesia de holy


1. Where was Shakerspeare born?

2. Who did he marry with?
3. What is one of the most important literary work?
4. When did Shakerspear die?

Past simple

To call To travel To drop To play To fry

I Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
You Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
He Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
She Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
It Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
We Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
You Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried
They Called Travelled Dropped Played Fried

We make the negative form by adding did/didn’t in front of the verb.

Affirmative form Negative form

I called you I did not call you
I didn’t call you

We make the interrogative form by adding did in front of the personal pronoun.

Affirmative form Negative form Answers

I called you Did you call me yesterday? Yes, I did
No, I didn’t


We use the past simple to translate the “preterito perfecto” and the “preterito
imperfect” of the Spanish.

I went to school Yo fui a la escuela

Yo iba a la escuela


Escriba tu biografia. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Where did you go in your last holidays?

How was it?

What did you do in your last holidays?

With whom did you go?

How long were you there?

Thirtieth second lesson
An unforgetable trip

1. Dear mum and dad,

2. Yesterday I came back from Cancún. It was a fantastic trip, I did lots of
things and I met lots of nice people.
3. The first day I was there, I went to the beach. I swam and snorkelled all the
day. It was incredible. I got tan too.
4. Next day, I visited Chichenitza; it’s an amazing place. I went up to the top of
the pyramid and took some photos.
5. The last day, I went to a Mexican restaurant and ate Enchiladas, it was
delicious. Yesterday, I came back.
6. I hope to see you soon because I brought you some pretty gifts I’m sure
you’ll love them.
7. Lots of love,
8. Sahra

Letter [leta] carta, to go up [tu gou op] subir, pyramid [pairamid] piramide, photo [foto] foto.

Trigesima segunda lección
Una carta

1. Queridos mamá y papá,

2. Ayer regrese de Cancún.
3. Hice muchas cosas y conocí a muchas personas.
4. El primer día que estuve ahí, fui a la playa. nade y snorkelie.
5. El siguiente día, visité Chichénitzá; es un increible lugar. subí a la cima de
la pirámide y tomé algunas fotos.
6. El último día, fui a un restaurante Mexicano y comí enchiladas, estaban
7. Ayer regresé, espero verlos pronto por qué les compre unos regalos, estoy
segura de que les van a gustar.
8. Con amor,
9. Sahra


1. Where di she come from?

2. What did she do on the beach?
3. What did she do last day?
4. Who did write the letter?

We make the negative form by adding did/didn’t in front of the verb.

Affirmative form Negative form

I called you I did not call you
I didn’t call you

We make the interrogative form by adding did in front of the personal pronoun.

Affirmative form Negative form Answers

I called you Did you call me yesterday? Yes, I did
No, I didn’t


Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le digas que es lo que hiciste/no hiciste en tus
vacaciones pasadas. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Did you go to an exotic place in your last holidays?

Did you stay in a resort?

Did you eat something new?

Did you go with your friends?

Did you have fun?

Twenty-nine lesson

1. What time is going to get my auntie, mum?

2. She should be already here, look, there she comes.
3. Hello, aunt! how are you?
4. Fine, thank you, and you?
5. Pretty fine.
6. Look at how tall you’re, last time I saw you, you were very short. I remember
when you were a child, you were a little ugly and look at the handsome man
you are today.
7. Aunt!
8. You were very naughty, you very much liked bothering the neighbour’s cat
till he scratched you, ho, ho, I remember how you went with your mum to tell
her the cat had scratched you.
9. Aunt!
10. And you were a bit fat. I remember you like a lot the sweets. You always told
to your mum to take you to the sweet shop and when she didn’t take you,
you got angry very funnily.
11. Aunt!
12. What do you want, dear?
13. I want to introduce my girlfriend to you.

Long time no see you [long taim] hace mucho que no te veia, last time [last taim] la ultima
vez, a bit [a bit] un poco, handsome [jandsom] guapo, to bother [tu boder] molestar, tail
[teil] cola, until [ontil] hasta (que), to scratch [skratch] arañar, chubby [chobi] gordito, sweet
[suit] dulce, to introduce [tu introdius] presenter, girlfriend [gerlfrend] novia.

Vigesima Novena Lección

1. Hola, tia como estás?

2. Bien y tu?
3. Bien, gracias, y usted?
4. Bastante bien
5. Mira lo alto que estas, la ultima vez que te vi estabas muy chiquito.
6. Recuerdo que cuando eras niño, estabas un poco feo y mira el hombre tan guapo
que eres hoy.
7. Tia!
8. Eras muy travieso, te gustaba mucho molestar al gato del vecino hasta que te
rasguño, jo, jo, recuerdo como fuiste con tu mamá a decirle que el gato te habia
9. Tia!
10. Y estabas un poco gordo. Recuerdo que te gustaba mucho comer dulces.
Siempre tenias uno en la mano.
11. Tia!
12. Que pasa cariño?
13. Quiero presentarte a mi novia.


1. Who’s tha woman?

2. How is he?
3. How was he when he was a child?
4. What did he always have?

Past simple of the verb to be

I was (yo era/fui/estaba/estuve)

You were (tú eras/fuiste/estabas/estuviste)


Imagina que te encuentras una foto de tu familia de hace 10 años. Describa a las
personas que esten en la foto. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

How were you when you were a child?

What were you like?

How was your neighbourhood?

What were your friends like?

Where you noisy chubby, fast, strong, etc?

Thirty third lesson

1. Tell us, grandpa, how were you when you were young?
2. When I was young, I was very different from I’m today.
3. I used to be taller and more adventurous. I could walk miles without getting
tired because I was very strong because I did a lot of exercise.
4. And what was the grandma?
5. You know, she was very attractive, she had a wavy brown hair I liked a lot.
She didn’t have wrinkles and she had fine nose. Also, she had some
beautiful face with small brown eyes, fine eyebrows, a small mouth and fine
6. And how were you?
7. I was taller than today. I had curly black hair and I didn’t have mostache and
I was of medium weight.
8. And what happened?
9. I found out the junk food.

Youghsters [youngstas] jovenes, adventurous [adfvenchiurus] aventurado, cheerful

[chirful] alegre, to smile [tu smail] sonreir.

Trigesima tercera lección

1. Dinos abuelo, cómo eras cuando eras joven?

2. Cuando era joven era muy diferente a como soy hoy.
3. Era más fuerte y más aventurero.
4. Podía caminar fácilmente millas y podía fácilmente correr más rápido que
5. Y cómo era la abuela?
6. Ya sabes ella era muy hermosa, ella tenía un cabello café que me gustaba
7. Ella era muy una ella era una persona muy alegre, ella siempre sonreía y
hacía a los otros alrededor de ella se sintieran felices
8. El problema era que tenía que dejarla en su casa antes de las 10.
9. Y a qué hora la llevabas a su casa a las 10:00 de la mañana.


1. How was he when he was young?

2. What could he do?
3. How was the grandma?
4. What was she like?

Modal verbs in the past simple

Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form

I could run faster I could not speak English Could you speak
I couldn’t speak English German?
I had to wake up early I didn’t have to wake up Did you have to wake up
early early

The most of the modal verbs do not have a past form; the only modal verbs that
have a past form are can (could) and have/has got to and must that become (had).


Un amigo te ha enviado un mesaje preguntandote por tus vacaciones. Escriba le

un mensaje donde le digas que pudiste/no pudiste hacer en tus vaciones por el
clima. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Could you cycle when you were a child?, Could you play the guitar?, Could you
speak English?, Did you have to do the washing up?, What time did you have to do
your bed?, Did you have to wake up early?


Adjective Adverb
Strong Strongly
Happy Happily
Gentle Gently

1. General rule says that we build an adverb by adding –ly to the adjective.
Strong becomes strongly

2. When an adjective ends in “consonant + y”, we change the “y” for “ily”
Happy becomes happily

When the adjective ends in –le, we change the “e” for “y”.
Gentle becomes gently

Irregular adjectives

Adjective Adverb
Good Well
Fast Fast
Hard Hard
Early Early
Long Long

Thirty fifth lesson
Living the life to the full

1. Grandpa, tell us, what did you do when you were a child?
2. Well, as in that time there wasn’t much money, my friends and I had to work
to buy us the things we wanted.
3. I remember we used to work at the greengrocer’s that was opposite the
church of the town. I remember the owner used to give us sweet potato that
we used to eat with honey and milk.
4. At the weekend, we used to go to the playground that was behind the
market. Also, we went to the forest where we liked making campfires, fishing
and climbing trees. Once, my friends and I were telling scary stories when a
bear appeared, we were very scared. Fortunately, the bear went fast and let
us have a great time.

Money [moni] dinero, greengrocer’s [gringrousers] verduleria, owner [auna] dueño, sweet
potato [suit poteitou] camote, honey [joni] miel, milk [milk] leche, at the weekend [at
wuikend] el fin de semana, playground [plai graund] juegos, to fish [tu fish] pescar, to climb
[tu climb] trepar, tree [tri] arbol, once [uans] una vez, to tell [tu tell] contra, to appear [tu
apir] aparecer, fortunately [fortunateli] afortunadamente, to have a great time [tu jafv a greit
taim] divertirse (expression).

Trigesima quinta lección
Viviendo la vida al maximo

1. Abuelo, dinos, qué hacías cuando eras niño?

2. Bueno como en ese tiempo no había mucho dinero mis amigos y yo
teníamos que trabajar.
3. Recuerdo que trabajamos en una verdulería que estaba enfrente de la
Iglesia del pueblo. Me acuerdo que el dueño nos regalaba camote, el cual
comiamos con miel y leche.
4. El fin de semana íbamos a los juegos que estaban atrás del mercado.
Tambien íbamos al bosque donde nos gustaba hacer fogatas y escalar
árboles. Una vez mis amigos y yo estábamos contando historias de terror
cuando un oso apareció, estábamos muy asustados. Lo bueno es que el
oso se fue rapido y nos dejó pasarla bien.


1. What did his grandpa do when he was a child?

2. Where was the green grocers?
3. What did his friends and him do at the weekend?
4. What did appear?

Used to

I used to study English at school We use “used to” with all the people.
I didn’t use to football at park we use didn’t used to for negating
Did you used to 10 hours a day? We use Did … used to for asking?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t


We use “used to” in general to translate the “preterito imperfecto” del español.

I used to drive long hours when I used to work as a taxi driver

“conducia largas horas cuando trabajaba de taxista”

We do not use “used to” with the expression “When I was/you were/etc”

When I was a child, I used to play football at school team.

Not When I used to….

We can change used to for the past simple without change in the meaning”

I used to drive long hours when I used to work as a taxi driver

I drove long hours when I worked as a taxi driver


Escriba uno de los mejores recuerdos que tengas de tu infancia. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

What time did you use to wake up when you were a child?

What time did you use to go to school?

What did you used to do?

What time did you use to go to bed?

What did you use to do at the weekend?

Thirtieth lesson
Looking for meal

1. There was a good restaurant in Thomson road, but yesterday I drove by it

was closed.
2. Perhaps, it went bankrupt like everything in this city.
3. Don’t be so pesimistic. So, where do we go?
4. I’ve heard there was a new stand where they make excellent French food at
Marchall avenue, why don’t we go there?
5. No, I’m tired of eating out, why don’t we eat in tonight?
6. That’s a great idea!
7. Mm, but I don’t feel like cooking, why don’t we order something?
8. That would be great; the telephone number of that pizza shop we like is on
the fridge.
9. Here it is.
10. Thank you for calling Jack’s, the best best chinese restaurant in the city,
please bear on the line.
11. What did they tell you?
12. It was wrong number. Well, I think we’ll have to make something here.

Unwelcome [onguelkom] inesperado, yesterday [yesterdei] ayer, to drive by [tu draifv bai]
pasar (en carro), perhaps [praps] tal vez/ quizas, to go bankrupt [tu gou bankropt] ir a la
quiebra, everything [efvrithing] todo, city [siti] ciudad, other [oda] otro, place [pleis] lugar, to
be sick and tired [tu bi sik and tairt] estar harto, to eat out [tu it aut] comer afuera/salir a
comer, tonight [tunaigt] esta noche, That’s a great idea [dats a gud aidia] es una buena
idea, to feel like [tu fil laik] tener ganas de, to order [tu order] ordenar, something
[somthing] algo, that would be great [dat gud bi greit] estaria bien, finish [finish] finlandes,
fridge [fridch] refri, wrong number [rong nomba] numero equivocado, let’s go [lets gou]
vamos, street [strit] calle, pizzeria shop [pitseria shop] pizzeria, together [tugueda] juntos.

Trigesima lección
Buscando comida

1. Habia un buen restaurant en la calle Thomson, pero ayer que pasé estaba
2. Tal vez, quebro como todo en esta ciudad.
3. Bueno, a donde vamos?
4. Escuche que habia un nuevo puesto donde venden exelente comida
francesa en la Avenida marchall, porque no vamos?
5. No, estoy cansado de comer en la calle, porque no comemos en casa esta
6. Es una Buena idea
7. Mm, pero no tengo ganas de cocinar, porque no ordenamos algo?
8. Estaría bien, el numero del telefono de ese restaurant Italiano que nos
gusta esta junto al refri.

Algunos minutos despúes

9. Que te dijeron?
10. Me dijeron que era numero erquivocado.
11. Entonces, creo que vamos a tener que hacer algo aqui.


1. What is there in Thomson street?

2. What do they sell in the new stand?
3. What is on the fridge?
4. What did they tell him?

There was/were

Singular Plural
Affirmative There was a bank in that There were trees in this
street avenue
Negative There was not/wasn’t a bank There were not/weren’t trees
in that street in this avenue
Interrogative Was there a bank in that Were there trees in this
street avenue

There was (hubia/hubo)

There were (habian/hubieron)


Imagine que fue de vacaciones a otro país. Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le
digas que es lo que habia (50 words)



Ask your partner:

What was there in your neighbourhood?

Was there a hostital, cinema, museum, etc?

Has it changed?

What is there now?

What isn’t there no

Thirty forth lesson
San Valentin’s day

1. How was your day, son?

2. It was good, my girlfriend and I walked through the city. In the morning, we
went to the them park and in the afternoon we went to the city centre and to
the cinema. We were going to go to the river, but we thought it was late to
go there.
3. If you wanted to go to the river, you should’ve gone earlier.
4. We thought it, but we prefered going to the city centre because there was an
art exposition there and we wanted to visit the British museum and the
Buckingham palace too.
5. Ok, and what did you give to her?
6. I was going to give a tree puzzle to her but at the end, I gave her a teddy
bear and some roses.
7. And what did she give you?
8. She made a pizza to me.
9. A pizza?
10. Yes, because she knows my heart is hers, but my stomach is of the food.

Valentin [fvalentin] Valentin, To walk through [tu walk θru] pasear en, three [θri] arbol,
puzzle [putsel] rompecabezas, at the end [at di end] al final, teddy [tedi] de peluche, bear
[ber] oso, heart [jart] corazon, stomach [stomak] estomago.

Trigesima cuarta lección
14 de febrero

1. Cómo estuvo tú dia, hijo?

2. Estuvo bien, mi novia y yo anduvimos por la ciudad, fuimos al cine, al centro
y al Palacio de Buckingham. Ibamos a ir al rio pero pensamos que ya era
3. Que le regalaste?
4. Le iba a regalar un rompecabezas en forma de árbol pero al final le di un
oso de peluche.
5. Y qué te dio ella?
6. Me hizo una pizza.
7. Una pizza?
8. Sí porque sabe que mi corazón es de ella pero mi estómago es de la


1. How was his San Valentin’s day?

2. Where did they go?
3. What did he give to her?
4. What did she give to him?

Personal Object Pronouns as indirect Object

The indirect object is the person, animal or thing that doesn’t receive the action of
the verb but that is beneficiated by the action of it.

Subject Verb Direct object Indirect object

My mom Bought A cake To the class

In the last sentences, we know that the indirect object is the class because the
action of the verb “buy” fall into the cake, her mom didn’t buy the class, but the
class was beneficiated by the action of the verb.

Sometimes we can omit the direct object, but we recognize it by the preposition (to)

I wrote to you (I wrote something to you)

I wrote you (I wrote in your body)

In informal speech this difference is disapering and people usually say I wrote you
in both cases.


Un amigo tuyo te pregunta como estuvo tu cumpleaños. Escribale un mensaje

donde le digas todo lo que hiciste incluyendo lo que te regalaron. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

What time did you give to your couple last San Valentin’s day?

What did they give you?

What did they give you in your birthday?

Have you ever written a letter? To whom?

Sixth Unit
The Future

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about the future

 To talk about your future plans
 To talk about a polemic topic
 To do an essay.


 Future simple
 There will be
 Modal verbs in the future simple
 Substitution personal object pronouns
 To be going to
 Present continuous and present simple for the future
 Future simple, going to and present simple
 Connectors of addition and contrast
 Comparative and superlative of adverbs

Vacation’s plans

1. What are you going to do this vacation, Mathew?

2. I’m going to go with my cousins to Cardiff.
3. What are you going to do there?
4. We’re going to go swimming and go surfing.
5. Cool!
6. Would you like to come?
7. I’d like but I’ve got to work.
8. Where do you work?
9. I work in a multimillionaire international company.
10. It must be a good place to work.
11. Yes, if you like burgers.
12. Come on!
13. I’m telling the truth, I work in the fasf-food restaurant that is next to the
14. How long are you going to work there?
15. Only this vacation.
16. That’s good, so, you’ll have the afternoons free to play with us in the
basketball team.
17. Yes, I think this year will win the league.
18. Yeah. I have to go, if you change your mind, call me!
19. Ok, see you!
20. See you!

Vacations [fvakeishions] vacaciones (periodo intersemestral), multimillionaire

[multimilioner] multimillonaria, international [internashional] internacional.

Trigesima octava lección
Planes de vacaciones

1. Qué vas a hacer en las vacaciones, Mathew?

2. Voy a ir con mis primos a Cardiff.
3. Qué van a hacer?
4. Vamos a ir a nadar.
5. Que padre!
6. Quieres ir?
7. Me gustaría pero tengo que trabajar.
8. Dónde trabajas?
9. Trabajo un empresa multimillonaria internacional.
10. Debe ser un buen lugar para trabajar.
11. Sí, si te gustan las hamburguesas.
12. Vamos!
13. Te digo la verdad, trabajo en un restaudante de comida rapida que esta
junto a la tienda de la esquina.
14. Cuanto tiempo vas a trabajar ahí?
15. Solo estas vacaciones.
16. Tengo que irme, si cambias de opinion, llamame
17. Ok, nos vemos.
18. Nos vemos.


1. What is he going to do in his holidays?

2. What is he going to do in Cardiff?
3. What did he say to Mathew?
4. Where does Mathew work?

Going to

Personal subject Verb to be Going to Verb in the base

pronoun form
I Am
You Are Going to
He/she/it Is Eat
We/you/they Are

We make the negative and interrogative form of going to in the same way we make
it with the verb to be.

I’m not going to go to Hawaii

Are you going to eat out?

Yes, I am

No, I’m not


We use the structure to be going to (ir a) to talk about:

1. Plans and intentions

I’m going to major in law.

2. Predictions based on we can see or know

She’s going to have a baby.

3. Ambitions that we have for the future

I’m going to buy a new house

Note: In informal English, going to is often pronounce /gona/. In informal texts, you
can find it written as “gonna” instead of “going to”.


Haz una invitación para un amigo donde le preguntes si quiere ir de vacaciones

contigo. Escribale todo lo que hará (100 palabras)


What are your plans for this year?, are you going anywhere?

Forty seventh lesson
A touristy city

1. There are many places to visit in London.

2. The most famous place in London is the Big Ben, but remember it’s just the
clock which is named Big Ben, the name of the tower is Ann Tower.
3. Another place to visit is the Buckingham Palace, place where United
Kingdom’s queen lives. There’s another place to visit in London, the London
eye, also known as the “Millennium Wheel”, which is placed beside the
River Thames.
4. If you don’t have enough presupposition to visit these places, don’t worry,
London has many attractions which are free to visit, including the Victoria
and Albert Museum, Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens.
5. If you come to London, don’t forget to eat some Fish and Chips or take a
cuppa in one of its magnificent restaurants.

Cuadragesima sexta leccion
En Londres

1. Hay muchos lugares que visitor en Londres.

2. El más Famoso es el Big Ben, pero recuerda que es solo el reloj el que se
llama Big Ben, el nombre de la torre es Ann Tower.
3. Otro lugar que visitar es el palacio de Buckungham, lugar donde la reina de
inglaterra vive.
4. Hay otro lugar que visitor en Londres que es el London Eye, tambien
conocina como rueda del milenio, la cual se encuentra junto al rio Tamesis.
5. Si o tienes suficiente dinero para visitor estos lugares, no te preocupes,
Londres está llena de atracciones que son gratis, incluyendo el Museo
Victoria y el Museo Albert, Hyde Park y los jardines Kensington.
6. Si vienes a Londres, no olvides comer unos Fish and Chips o tomar una
tasa de té en uno de sus magnificos restaurantes.


1. What is the Big Ben?

2. Where does the king of England live?
3. How is called the London eye?
4. What can you visit if you do not have enough money?

Relative pronouns

Relative pronoun Usage Example

Who Que (when we refer to She is the girl who won

a person) the first prize.

Which Que (when we refer to It is the car which I sold

anything that should them
not be human)

When Que (when we refer to I won’t forget the day

time) when I met you

That Que (for joining to She told that she was

independent going to be here

Who and which means “(el) que, (la) que, ect.”

We can use that instead of who and which in informal style.

The girl who is wearing a white dress is my sister. (formal)

The girl that is wearing a white dress is my sister (informal)


Escriba un articulo de tu ciudad. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

What are the most famous places in your city?, do you visit them?, what places
can a forenger to visit?, what is your favourite part of your city? What place do you
prefer going to?

Thirty-six lesson
At the supermarket

6. Dear, what else do we need for the party?

7. We need veggies for the soup and the salad. Take some carrots, spuds and
an onion.
8. How much do we buy?
9. One kilo of each one.
10. Done! What else?
11. We need a tin of pinapple, a melon and a packet of cherries for the fruit
12. Will we take grapes?
13. Yes, take a bunch.
14. Do we need any cheese and eggs?
15. Yes, take a half kilo of cheese and a dozen of eggs.
16. Will we take a bottle of wine?
17. No, I think Brenda will bring one.
18. Ok, what else?
19. We need half kilo of ham for the sandwiches.
20. OK, I’ll ask it. Good morning, could you give me half kilo of ham.
21. Certainly, sir, here you are!
22. Thank you, what else do we need?
23. We’ve got the fruits, the veggies, the kitchen oil, the bag of carbon, the
matches and the paper serviette. That’s it.
24. Ok, let’s go to the checkout!

Supermarket [supermarket] supermercado, for dinner [for dina] para cenar, carrot [karrot]
zanahoria, tomato [tomeitou] jitomate, onion [onion] cebolla, soup [soup] sopa, what else
[uat else] que mas, banana [banana] platano, apple [epol] manzana, melon [melon] melon,
fruit [fruit] fruta, each one [ich uan] de cada uno, orange [oranch] naranja, That’s it [dat si]
eso es todo, checkout [chekaut] caja, pound [paund] libra, penny [peni] centavo, to forget
[tu forguet] olvidar, wallet [gualet] cartera, to swear [suer] jurar, last time [last taim] ultima

Trigesima sexta lección
En el supermercado

1. Queriza, que necesitamos para la comida?

2. Necesitamos vegetales para la sopa y la ensalada. Llevemos zanahorias,
papás y una cebolla.
3. Cuanto compramos?
4. Un kilo de cada una.
5. Listo! Que más necesitamos?
6. Necesitamos una lata de piña, un melon y un paquete de cerezas para el
7. Llevamos uvas?
8. Sí, toma un racimo.
9. Necesitamos queso y huevos?
10. Sí, lleva medio kilo de queso y una docema de huevos.
11. Llevamos una botella de vino?
12. No, creo que Brenda va a llevar una.
13. Ok, que más?
14. Es todo.
15. En la caja
16. Buenos dias, señor, encontro todo lo que buscaba?
17. Sí, cuanto es?
18. 10 libras y un centavo.
19. Aqui tiene.


1. What did they take to dinner?

2. What else did they need?
3. How much did they buy of each thing?
4. How much were they?

Future simple

Personal subject pronoun will Verb in the base form

I Call
You Think
He Come
She will Eat
It Go
We Sleep
You Study
They Buy


We use the future simple:

1. To talk about predictions on base we think, believe or imagine.

She'll probably be here tomorrow. (She didn’t that she was going to come)

2. With on-the-spot decisions.

We've run out of milk; I'll go and buy some.

3. With promises.
I'll be on time, don't worry!

4. With offers and requests.

I'll do the wash the dishes after dinner.
Will you buy the milk when you come back home?

5. With threats and warnings.

I’ll kill you!
I won't speak to you again if you continue speking aloud.


Reescriba el dialogo cambiando la comida y las cantidades. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Where will you live in 10 years’ time?, what will you do?, will you have children?,
will the man live on other planets? Will the society be the same?

Thirty seventh lesson
The future

1. The life in the forth millenium

2. Many persons attended to the future fair which took place in the centre of
London. In this fair they show us how the life will be in the future according
to the scientist, but how will it really be?
3. In my opinion, in the future there will be flying cars which will take us to our
homes on the moon. Also, there will be spaceship which will be able to take
us to the farthest places of the universe. Here, on earth, the hunger and the
sickness will be something of the past because the scientists will have
developed super seeds which will be able to grow in less time and which will
be able to resist any climate and we will also have medicines that will be
able to heal any illness in days.
4. It looks like the future is going to be good for everyone, I only hope that they
will continue selling Whiskey!

Flying car [flaying kar] auto volador, to teleport [tu teleport] teletransportarse, universe
[iunifvers] universe, moon [mun] luna, earth [erl] tierra, hunger [junga] hambre, scientist
[saientist] cientifico, to develop [defvelop] desarrollar, super [sopa] super, seed [sid]
semillas, to grow [graou] crecer, to resist [resist] resistir, climate [klimate] clima, medicine
[medisin] medicina, illness [ilnes] enfermedad, to retire [ritair] retirarse, no problem [no
problem] no hay problema, whiskey [guiski] whiskey, any way [ani guei] de cualquier

Trigesima septima lección
El futuro

1. Creo que habrán autos voladores en el futuro.

2. Las personas serán podrán teletransporse a lugares lejanos en el universo.
3. También habrán ciudades en la luna y naves espaciales para llevarnos a
cualquierlugar que quedramos.
4. En la tierra no habrá hambre ya que los científicos habrán desarrollado
súper semillas que podrán crecer más rápido y resistirán cualquier clima.
5. a tendremos medicinas que podrán curar cualquier enfermedad en días.
6. Señor
7. Que?
8. Pienso que ya ha bebido demasiado, puede retirarse por favor.
9. No hay problema, de todos modos habrá una botella de whisky
esperándome en mi casa.


1. What will there be in the future?

2. What will the people be able to do?
3. What will we have?
4. What will be waiting for him?

There will be

We use there will be to talk about something that will exist.

There will be flying cars in the future

There will be fewer trees in the forest.

We use there will not/won’t be in negative sentences

There won’t be enough food for all.

There won’t be as many species animals as today.

We use will there be in interrogatives sentences

Will there be more poor people in the future?

Yes, there will

No, there won’t

To be able to/ to be capable to

We use to be able to in the future, and perfect tenses instead of can

Say: I will able to do it

Don’t say: I can do it

We use to be capable to in the same way that in Spanish.


Escriba un articulo para una revista donde escribas como crees que será la vida
en 10 años. (100 palabras)


Ask your partner:

What things will there be in the future?, will there be flying cars?, what other
intentions will there be in the future?, will there houses in others planets? what will
the human be able to do?

Forty-first lesson
Meeting with friends

1. Hi, Steve, hi, Sahra!

2. Hi, Laura, hi Jack, how are you?
3. We’re fine, what about you?
4. All right.
5. What are you doing tonight?
6. We’re going to the cinema.
7. What film are you going to see?
8. We’re seeing Peaches’ Season.
9. What’s it about?
10. The plot said it was a man’s story that fells in love with a woman, while he’s
got a passion with another one while he’s got a girlfriend.
11. What story! I suppose it’s a romcom.
12. In fact, it said it was a thriller.
13. I don’t like thrillers, I find them boring, I prefer horror films.
14. So do we, but this time we want to see something different.
15. I see.
16. Would you like to come?
17. What time does the film start?
18. At 8.
19. We can’t, at that time we’ll be busy. We’re going to see an opera in the
Modern theatre.
20. Don’t worry, we’re going to the romantic film marathon next week.
21. You’re right, we’ve already buy the tickets.
22. Ok, see you!
23. Bye!

Peach [pich] Durazno, season [sison] temporada, plot [plot] sinopsis, to fall in love [tu fol in
lofv] enamorarse, romantic [romantik] romantico, in fact [in fak] de hecho, thriller [θrila]
pelicula de suspenso, horror [jorror] de terror, so do we [so du güi] a nosotros tambien,
busy [bizi] ocupado.

Trigesima novena lección
En el cine

1. Hola, Steve.
2. Hola, Laura, como estás?
3. Bien, y tu?
4. Bien.
5. Que vas a hacer este fin de semana?
6. Vamos a ir al cine.
7. Que película van a ver?
8. Vamos a ver Peaches’ Season.
9. De que se trata?
10. La sinopsis decía que era la historia de un hombre que se enamoro de una
mujer, mientras tenia una pasión con otra mientras tenia novia.
11. Que hostoria. Supongo que es una pelicula romantica.
12. De hecho, decia que era una pelicula de suspenso.
13. No me gustan las peliculas de sispenso, se me hacen aburridas, prefiero
laspeliculas de terror.
14. Nosotros tambien, pero esta vez queremos ver algo diferente.
15. Ya veo.
16. Quieren ir?
17. A que horas empieza la pelicula?
18. A las 8.
19. No podemos, a esa hora wstaremos ocupados.
20. Ok.
21. Nos vemos.
22. Adios.


1. What are they do this weekend?

2. What film are they seeing?
3. What is it about?
4. What do they prefer?

Present continuous and present simple to express the future

In some cases we can use the present continuous and the present simple to talk
about future events

Present continuous

Personal subject pronoun Verb to be Gerund

I Am Going
You Are Playing
He/she/it Is Studying
We/you/they Are Dying

We use the present continuous to talk about fixed arrangements (cosas que estan
en la agenda)

I’m seeing the dentist on Monday (we’ve already make an appointment)

Present Simple

We use the present simple to talk about future with timetables and schedules.

The film starts at 8 o’clock

The train leaves at 17.


Escriba un articulo para un periodico donde digas que te parecio una pelicula. (100

Ask your partner: What time does your favourite program start? What kind of films
do you like? What’s your favourite film?

Forty-second lesson

1. Be careful! You’re driving wrong!

2. I’m driving carefully!
3. No, you’re not. You’re not respecting the signals, you almost didn’t respect a
traffic light an Ow, you’re speeding.
4. Well, but If I continue driving so slowly, we’re not going to be on time to your
friend’s wedding.
5. That’s not the point, you shound be more responsable and not to drive so
fast if you don’t want a policeman to stop...
6. Good morning, sir, may I see your driver’s licence?
7. Certainly!
8. Here you are!
9. Thank you!
10. Do you know why I stopped you?
11. No, officer.
12. I stopped you because you broke the the speed limit.
13. I’m sorry officer, I didn’t realize that I was speeding.
14. Of course you were. I’ll give you three fines. One for speeding, one for not
wearing the seat belt and another one for having an out of date driver’s
licence. Have a nice day!
15. Thank you! , officer.

Forty-second lesson
Getting married

16. Hallo, love!

17. Who is speaking?
18. It’s me Michel.
19. I’m sorry, I didn’t recognise your voice, I’m very nervous because of the
20. Don’t worry. Love, have you told your parents how many invitations they
21. My mum told me we reserved 4 for her and other fifty for her friends.
22. So, I’m going to call to the buffet people to tell them that there’s going to be
a hundred guests.
23. Are all of them arriving at the church?
24. Some of them are arriving at the church and others to the wedding hall.
25. What time is the civil registry judge arriving?
26. At noon.
27. Have you talked to the pray?
28. No, I’ll call him this afternoon.
29. Right, have you talked to your bridesmaids?
30. Yes, they’re wearing a purple dress. And have you talked to your friends?
31. They’re wearing a black suit.
32. Right, so see you later.
33. See you later, love.
34. I love you
35. Me too.

Guest [guest] invitado, list [list] lista, invitation [infviteishion] invitacion, to reserve [riserfv]
reservar, buffet [bufet] buffet, close [klous] cercano, wedding [guedind] boda, civil [sifvil]
civil, registry [reshyistri] registro, wedding hall [gueging jol] salon de bodas, pray [prei]
padre, bridesmaid [bridesmeid] dama de honor, see you later [si yu leita] nos vemos al

Trigesima novena lección
Lista de invitados

1. Entonces, Beth, ya le dijiste a tus padres cuantas invitaciones quieren?

2. Mi mamá dijo que le reservaramos para ella y otras cicuenta para sus
3. Entonces, vamos a llamarles also del buffer para decirles que van a ser cien
4. Invitamos a todos a la iglesia?
5. No se, que piensas?
6. Creo que va a ser mejor si solo invitamos a los más cercanos a la iglesia y
a los otros al salón bodas.
7. Va allegar el juezadel registro civil a la iglesiao al salon?
8. A la iglesia, ya hablé con él.
9. Ya le llamaste al padre?
10. No, le voy a llamar en la tarde.
11. Bien, ya hablaste con tus damas de honor?
12. Sí, van a llevar un vestido morado. Y tu ya hablaste con tus amigos?
13. Van a llevar un traje negro.
14. Bien, entonces nos vemos al rato.
15. Te amo.
16. Yo tambien.


1. How many people will there be?

2. Are they going to invite all the guest to the church?
3. What time is the judge arring at the church ?
4. What are his friends wearing?

Present continuous, future simple and going to

Sometime these three tenses can be confused, so we can analysis them by the
distance in the future and the probability something happen.

Tense Usage Example

We use the future The man will visit other galaxies in the future.
simple to talk about
things that will
happen in a long
future (more than
one year).

Future simple
When we are doing I will get married next year. (You do not have a girlfriend)
something to come
true we want to do, I’m going to get married next year (you’ve already got
we use going to. girlfriend but you haven’t talk about it or you are talking
about it but you have not decided when.

We use going to to I’m going to buy a new car in March.

Going to talk about things
that will happen in a
near future (less
than a year but
more than a week)

We use the future I will buy a car in march

simple when (you do not have money to buy it)
something is not
sure that will

What are doing this weekend?

We use the present I’m meeting my friends
simple to talk about I’m getting married Saturday evening
Present future events in a
continuous very near future.
(Maximum one

When we have
already made the I’m getting married next year
appointment we can
use the present
continuous to talk
about longer future


En una hoja escriba cuales son tus planes a corto, mediano y largo plazo. (100


Ask your partner:

What are you doing tonight? What are you doing this weekend?, are you moving
this year? Are you looking fo a new work? Will you get married this year?

Seventh Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about wishes

 To say how to arrive at a place
 To give instructions


 Subjunctive present
 Subordinated conjunctions
 Personal object pronouns (two objects)
 Imperative
 Indefinite pronouns
 Relative pronouns
 Comparative and superlative of advebs

Forty third lesson
A good tip

1. Hi, Roger, I read your message about you felt terrible and I want to give you
some tips so that you feel better.
2. When I feel dizzy, I’ve got stomachache and diarrhoea it’s because I ate out
something rotten. I recommend you take plenty of mint tea and eat in only.
Just eat beef or chicken steak with salad while the inflamation of your
stomach go down and stay in bed for a couple of days.
If you continue feeling bad, you must go to the doctor or with your GP, I
believe the club center is also open on Sundays.
3. I hope you get better, write me if you’ve got any other question,

Sexta leccion

Un buen consejo

1. Hola, Roger, leia tu mensaje de que te sientes muy mal y quiero xarte
algunos consejos para que te sientas mejor.
2. Cuando me siento mareado, tengo dolor de estomago y diarrea es porque
comi en la calle algo hechado a perder. Te recomiendo que tomes mucho te
de manzanilla y que comas solo en tu casa. Come solo bistec de res o de
pollo y ensalada mientras la inflamación en tu estomago baja y reposa dos
Si te sigues sintiendo mal, ve al doctor o al GP, creo que el centro de salud
está abierto el domingo.
3. Estero que te sientas mejor, escriveme si tienes otro pregunta,


1. What has John got?

2. Where did he eat?
3. What does the GP says he’s got?
4. What does the GP recommend to him?


We use the subjunctive to express wishes, desires, and hopes.

Main Subordinate clause

Informal you go to tge doctor
(more use in I you don’t do it
UK) recommend that
he goes to the doctor
he doesn’t do it

Notice that it is said “I recommend that you ” and not “I recommend you that “

That can be omitted in the spoken language.

In informal speech, we can omit the “that”.

I recommend that you should go to the doctor. (formal)

I recommend you should go to the doctor. (informal)

Verbs with special constructions in the subjunctive

The verbs want, tell, ask, advise and the expressions would like to and “it’s time”
have a special construction

I want you to buy some chicken Quiero que compres pollo

He tells me to wait him Me dice que lo espere
We ask you to stay more time Te pidieron que te quedaras mas
They advise us not to drink too much Nos recomiendan no tomar mucho
It’s time us to go Es hora de que nos vayamos


Un amigo tuyo no sabe si terminar su relacion o no. Escribale un mensaje donde le

digas tu punto de vista. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Do you go to the GP or to a private doctor?, how often do you get sick?, what are
the most commons illness that you have?, do you prefer normal medicine or
natural medicine?, is going to the doctor cheap in your country?

Forty forth lesson
Looking for accomodation

1. Good morning, sir, how can I help you?

2. We want to see the houses that you sell.
3. Okay, we have some luxurious houses with kitchen, dinning room, living
room, two bathrooms, master bedroom and child’s bedroom.
4. Yes but …
5. We don’t want anything in the city, we’re looking for something in the
6. Well, if you like the country, we also sell lovely cottages next to the lake.
7. How much does it cost?
8. It cost 120000 pounds. If you pay a deposite in advance, the payments will
be 300 pounds per month.
9. My husband and I are thinking of something less expensive.
10. Well, if you want something less expensive, we sell two-bedroom flats with
balcony and cityscape on the mountain.
11. We were thinking of a studio flat, do you have?
12. I’m sorry, they sold out of all that we had. If you want something cheaper, I
recommend that you should buy a house next to the forest, the payments
are not very high and the worth of the house will increase in next years.
13. What do you think, love?
14. I think we should continue looking for.

Cuadragesima cuarta leccion
Buscando alojamiento

1. Buenos dias, como puedo ayudarles?

2. Queremos ver las casas que vende.
3. Está bien, temenos algunas casas lujosas a 5 minutos caminando del
centro con cocina, sala, dos baños, recamara y recamara para niños.
4. Sí pero…
5. Pero si a ustedes les gusta el campo vendemos unas encantadoras
cabañas junto al lago.
6. Estamo pensanddo en algo menos caro.
7. Bueno, si quieren algo menos caro, tambien vendemos departamentos con
dos recamaras con balcon.
8. Estabamos pensando en un estudio, tiene?
9. Lo siento, se vendieron todos los que teniamos, pero si estan buscando
algo barato, les recomiendo comprar una casa en los suburbios, los pagos
no son muy altos y el valor de la casa subirá en los siguientes años.
10. Que piensas amor?
11. Pienso que debemos seguir buscando.


1. What do they want?

2. Where are the cottages?
3. What rooms do the flats have?
4. What does she think?

Subjunctive conjunction

Because Ya que
Puesto que
Unless A no ser que
A menos que
Salvo que
Since Dado que
Desde que
So De manera que
So that De modo que
De tal suerte
In order for De forma que
In a way De tal modo que
De tal forma que
So that Para que
In order to A fin de que
That Que
Before Antes de que
Until Hasta que
While Mientras que
After Despúes de que
Whenever Siempre que
Without having to Sin que
For fear that Por miedo de que
Despite Pese a que
In spite of


Imagine que acabas de comprar una casa. Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le
digas como es tu nueva casa. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

How many rooms does your house have?, what are they? how’s your ideal
house?, would you like to have it in the city or in the country?, Where would you
like to be?

Forty ninth lesson
Childhood memories

1. I remember when I was a child, I used to live in a small village by the sea. I
lived with all my family. I used to like walking along the beach and sailing in
my dad’s boat. Once, I was on the boat with my sister and I fell into the
water. My sister laughted a lot, but I was very scared.
2. In that time, there wasn’t a road that conected the village to the rest of the
country, we had to cross over an old bridge that was outside of the village to
take a ferry to take us to the closest city. I remember my friends and I used
to like going to the bridge because we could fish and jumped into the water
from it.
3. As I lived in a cliff, I used to like looking through the window how the ships
arrived at the port. I remember also I used to have a cat, I liked her a lot, I
can still remember how she played onto my mum’s desk with her toy mouse.
I found it very funny, but my mum always told me to take her down.
4. When I grow up, I moved to Cambridge because I got a scholarship to study
the university, but I still remeber when I lived in my town. There were good

Cuadragesima novena leccion
Recuerdos de la infancia

1. Recuerdo que cuando era niño, vivia en un pequeño pueblo junto al mar.
2. Me gustaba caminar por la playa y navegar en mi barco.
3. EN ese entonces, no habia camino, entonces tenias que cruzar un viejo
puente para salir del pueblo.
4. Me acuerdo que en ese entonces, no habia Carretera, asi que teniamos que
cruzar un viejo puente que estaba afuera del pueblo. Recuerdo que a mis
amigos y a mi nos gustaba ir allí a pescar y a saltar al agua.
5. Como vivia en un risco, me gustaba ver traves de la Ventana como los
barcos llegaban al Puerto.
6. Reecuerdo que tenia un gato, me gusta mucho, todavia puedo recordar
como le gustaba jugar en el escritorio de mi mamá con su ratón de juguete.
Se me hacia divertido pero mi mamá simpre me decia que lo bajara.
7. Eran buenos tiempos.


1. What happened when he was with her sister?

2. What was not there?
3. What did his friends and he do?
4. What did he find funny?

Prepositions of movement

Into En
Onto En
Up Hacia arriva
Down Hacia abajo
Along A lo largo de
Through Atraves de
Toward Hacia

Forty-eight lesson
On holidays

1. Dear, are you sure we’ve got everything what we need for the trip?
2. Yes, we’ve got the plane tickets, the reservation of the resort and the map.
3. Shall we exchange the money before flying?
4. Better there, I believe we can find better prices.
5. Dear, have you seen my trunks and my towel?
6. I gave you them, maybe they’re in your suit case.
7. Here they are. The taxi of the app is here, so let’s go!

At airport

8. Hurry up, if not, the plane is going to take off without us!
9. I’m walking as fast as I can, where are the depertures?
10. Over there, next to the baker’s.
11. Good afternoon! Where are you flying today?
12. Cancún.
13. May I have your passport, please?
14. Here you are!
15. May I see your boarding passes?
16. Certainly!
17. Are you checking any bags?
18. Just this one.
19. OK, please place your bag on the scale.
20. We have a stopover in New York, do we need to pick up our luggage there?
21. No, it’ll go straight through to Cancún.Your flight leaves from gate 15A and
it’ll begin boarding at 13:20. Your seat number is 26E.
22. Thank you!
23. Don’t mention it!

Cuadragesima octava leccion
De vacaciones

1. Querida, estas segura que ya temenos todo para el viaje?

2. Si, temenos los boletos, la reservacion del hotel y el mapa.
3. Deberias cambiar el dinero antes de irnos o despúes?
4. Mejir allá, creo que Podemos encontrar mejores precios.
5. Querida, has visto mi traje de baño y mi toalla?
6. Esta en tu maleta.
7. Ok, vamonos.

En el aeropuerto

24. Buenas tardes, a donde van hoy?

25. A la Ciudad de México
26. Puedo ver su pasaporte, por favor
27. Aqui tiene!
28. Puedk ver su pase de abordar?
29. Seguro!
30. Algo que tengan que declarer?
31. Solo esta maleta.
32. Esta´bien, por favor coloque la maleta en la escala.
33. Voy a hacer escala en Nueva York, tengo que recoger mi equipaje allá?
34. No, llegará directamente a Mexico. Aqui tiene sus pases de abordar, su
vuelo sale del angar 15A y comenzarán a abordar el vuelo a las 13:20. El
numero de su asiento es 26 E.
35. Muchas gracias!
36. De nada!

1. When are they going to exchange the money?

2. Where ar they going?
3. What does the policeman ask them?
4. Where is the baggage arriving?

Personal Object Pronouns (two objects)

Personal Verb Direct objet To Indirect object

I Made A cake To You
Personal Verb Indirect object - Direct object
I Made You - It


Reescriba el dialogo cambiando algunas cosas.



Ask your partner:

How often do you fly?, do you prefer driving, flying or taking a coach in your
holidays? Have you ever gone abroad? Where? When? Have you ever been to
another continent? What? What country would you like to visit?

Forty fifth lesson
A TV program

1. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another edition of our
program Cooking in Britain.
2. Today, we’re going to learn how to cook Cornish pasty.
3. First, place the flour, salt, and butter into a large bowl.
4. Using your fingertips, rub the butter into the flour and salt until the mixture
resembles fine breadcrumbs, working as quickly as possible to prevent the
dough from becoming warm.
5. Add the cold water to the mixture and, using a cold knife, stir until the dough
binds together, adding more cold water a teaspoon at a time if the mixture is
too dry.
6. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and chill for a minimum of 15 minutes and
up to 30 minutes.

Start making the Cornish pasty.

7. Gather the ingredients. (onion, potato, rump steak)

8. Heat the oven to 220 C/425 F/Gas 7.
9. Divide the pastry into 4 equal pieces and roll each piece into rounds the size
of a tea plate - approximately 6 to 7 inches in diameter.
10. Place the onion, potato, swede and meat into a large mixing bowl and
combine thoroughly. Season well with salt and pepper.
11. Divide the meat mixture evenly among each pastry circle and place to one
side. Brush the edges with beaten egg.
12. Fold the circle in half over the filling so the two edges meet. Crimp the two
edges together to create a tight seal. Brush each pasty all over with the
remaining beaten egg.
13. Place the pasties on a greased baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes until
golden brown.
14. Serve hot or cold and enjoy!

Cuadragesima cuarta leccion
Programas de televisión

1. Buenos dias, dams y caballeros y vienvenidos a otra edicion de nuestro

program Cooking in Britain.
2. Hoy, vamos a aprender como hacer pastes.
3. Primero, coloque la harina, la sal y la mantequilla en un tazon grande.
4. Usando las puntas de los dedos, embarre la mantequilla en la harina y la
sal hasta que la mezcla quede como bolas, haciento esto lo más rapido
possible para que la masa no se caliente.
5. Añada agua fria a la mezcla y usando un cuchillo frio, corte la maza, añada
más agua fria, una cucharadita a la vez si la mezcla está demasiado seca.
6. Envuelva la masa en plastic para envolver y enfrie unos 15 minutos como
minimo y 30 como maximo.

Empezar a hacer los pastes.

7. Ingredientes necesarios. (cebolla, papá, bistek de cordero)

8. Caliente el horno a 200C/425F/Gas 7.
9. Divida los pastes en cuatro pieza y doble cada una, debe ser del tamaño de
un platito, aproximadamnte de 6 a 7 pulgadas de diametro.
10. Coloque la cebolla, la papá, el rabano y la carne en un tazon para mezclar y
combine. Sasone con sal y pimienta.
11. Doble el circulo para juntar las dos puntas. Embarre cada paste con lo que
quede del huevo batido.
12. Coloque los pastes en una hoja encerada para hornear 45 minutos hasta
que queden doradas.
13. Sirva calientes o frias y disfrutelas!

1. What ingredients do you need?

2. How long do you have to ut in on the refrigerator?
3. What other ingredients do you need?
4. How long do you have to bake it?


Verb Imperative
To do Do

We make the imperative by taking out to.

We make the negative imperative by adding do not/don’t to the affirmative



Don’t do


Escriba como hacer tu receta favorita. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

What do you usually eat in your country?, what meals do you believe that are
famous abroad?, what ingredients does the most famous of your country have? do
you prefer healthy food or junk food?, what’s your favourite junk food?

Fifty fifth lesson
On land

1. At last, we’re here. What do we do now?

2. We need to find my friend Carlos and after that we can go to eat.
3. Ok!
4. So let’s to find my mate. There he is. Morning, Carlos.
5. Morning, Simon, I haven’t seen you for a while.
6. Yes, since I moved back to the United Kingdom.
7. Yes, and who’s the good-looking girl that is next to you?
8. Oh I’m sorry. Carlos, this is my wife Ann.
9. Nice to meet you!
10. Nice to meet you too.
11. Have you taken your baggage yet?
12. Yes, we have.
13. So, let’s go.

On the move

14. I’m sorry for being late, the plane fell behind because there was a
15. It always happens at this part of the year. And what would you like to do?
16. We want to go to the city centre, do you believe there are a lot of people?
17. I drove downtown this morning and it was crowed.
18. I see, Carlos, do you know a place to eat, we’re starving.
19. If you want, I can take you to the place where my wife and I eat. Do you like
20. Are you joking?, that’s the reason that we’re here.

Quinquagesima quinta lección
De vacaciones

1. Hola, Carlos.
2. Hola, Simon, cuanto tiempo sin vernos.
3. Sí, desde que regresa a Inglaterra.
4. Sí, y quien esta hermosa joven que esta junto a ti?
5. Perdon! Carlos, ella es mi esposa Ann.
6. Gusto en conocerla!
7. Igualmente!
8. Ya agarraron su equipaje?
9. Sí
10. Entonces, vamonos.
11. Porque llegaron tarde?
12. Lo siento, nuestro avion se atrazo porque habia una fuerte tormenta de
13. Sí, eso siempre pasa en esta parte del año.
14. Y que quieren hacer?
15. Queremos ir al centro a caminar, crees que haya mucha gente?
16. Pase en la mañana y estaba lleno.
17. Ya veo, carlos sabes a donde Podemos ir a comer, temenos mucha
18. Sí quieres los puedo llevar a donde mi esposa y yo vamos.
19. Es una Buena idea.
20. Les gustan las Gorditas?
21. Bromeas, esa el la razon por la que estamo aqui.


1. What did he heard?

2. How’s the city centre?
3. Where are they going?
4. Why are they in México?

Relative pronouns II

Where Donde That is the house

where the girl I like

Whose Cuyo (to indicate something or This is the man

someone belongs to someone) whose son is a

What Lo que That is what I was


Why Por la que (when we say the That was the reason
cause) why I was late


Reescribe el texto cambiando algunas cosas.



Ask your partner:

In what mean of transport do you like to travel the most? Why? What country would
you like to visit? Why? What do you take with you when you go on holiday? Why?
Do your prefer eating tradicional dishes or normal meal when you are on holiday?

Forty lesson
Go camping

1. We could walk faster if you didn’t complain all the road.

2. I’m sorry, but the mosquitos are biting me and I can’t stand this tropical
3. So why did you come?
4. Because I wanted to know another place. How long does it take us to arrive
at the campsite?
5. About 10 minutes.
6. And what are we going to do when we arrive at there.
7. Today, I could do with spending my time going swimming and surfing.
Tomorrow, I’m going to kayak.
8. You really like warter sports.
9. Yes, I loved them since I was at secundary school. And you? What are you
going to do?
10. I’m going to play bolleyall and ride a horse and tomorrow I’m going to hike in
the rainforest.
11. That’s a good plan. Well, we’ve already arrived. We’d better look for a good
to put the tend.

To advance [tu adfvans] avanzar, overpopulation [ofverpopuleishion] sobrepoblacion, to

interview [tu interfviu] entrevistar, nowadays [noguadeis] actualmente, lack [lak] falta,
resource [risours] recurso, transport [transport] transporte, so much [so moch] tanto,
because of [bikous of] debido a, jam [shyam] embotellamiento, rush hour [rosh aua] hora
pico, several [sefveral] varios, mein of transport [min of transport] medio de transporte,
such as [soch es] como, exceed [eksid] exedido, quantity [kantiti] cantidad, main [mein]

Cuadragesima segunda lección
Ir de campamento

1. Podriamos caminar más rapido si no te quejaras todo el camino.

2. Lo siento, pero los mosquitos me estan picando y me choca este
clima tropical. Cuanto tiempo nos falta para llegar al campamento?
3. Como 10 minutos.
4. QUe vas a hacer cuando lleguemos allá?
5. Hoym, tengo muchisimas ganas de pasar el tiempo iendo a nadar y a
surfear. Mañana, voy a hacer kayak.
6. Realemte te gustan los deportes acuaticos.
7. Sí, y tú? Que vas a hacer?
8. Voy a jugar bolibol y montar a caballo y mañana voy a hacer
caminata en la selva
9. Ese es un buen plan. Bueno, ya llegamos. Será mekor que
busquemos un buen lugar para poner la tienda.


1. Who are they going to interview?

2. What’s the biggest problems in the big cities?
3. What problem does she speak about?
4. What mean of transport does London has?

Comparative and superlative of adverbs

Adverb Comparative Superlative

Strongly More strongly Most strongly
Fast Faster Fastest

11. We make the comparative by adding more to the adverb.

I walk more slowly than you (camino mas lento que tu)

12. The adverbs fast, hard, early and soon make the comparative by adding –
I run faster than you

13. We make the superlative by adding the most to the adverb.

I walk most slowly (soy el que camina mas lento)

14. Adverbs which have the same form that the adjective add –est.
I run the fastest

15. The adverbs well has an irregular form.

I play the guitar the best

16. The adverbs which have an irregular form maintain the irregular form.
he eat least meat in our family

Irregular adverbs

Adverb Comparative Superlative

Well Better Best
Badly Worse Worst
May/much More Most
Little Less Least


Escriba una lista de los problemas que tiene tu colonia y escriba cuales son sus
posibles soluciones . (100 palabras)


Ask your partner:

What problems does your city have?, is the transport in your city good? What
means of transport does your city have?, how can you get faster to your house, on
foot or by car? What can be done to improve the quality of live in your city?

British culture

Londres, Birminham, Leeds, Glasgow y Shelfield son las cinco ciudades del Reino
Unido con mayor numero de habitantes. En total, Londres cuenta con una
poblacion de 9388000 habitantes.

Eihth Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about natural laws

 To make hypotheses


 Conditional type 0
 Conditional type 1
 Conditional type 2
 Definite and non-definite clauses
 Infinitive
 Gerunds
 Past participle and present participle

Fifty seventh lesson
At high school

1. Good morning!
2. Good morning, Mister Rhodes.
3. Have you done your homework?
4. Yes, we have.
5. So let’s to see how much you’ve learned.
6. If anyone drops a stone from a 98-height building, how long does the stone
last in arriving at the floor?
7. I work out it can get to ….
8. Don’t speak in that way, you’re at school.
9. Ok, I reckon it arrives at the floor in 10 seconds.
10. You’re right, next. If you put a glass of water outside your house in winter, to
what temperature does the water become ice?
11. If it’s winter, it becomes ice at 0 degrees.
12. Correct, and the last question, If I sleep during the class, how much will the
teacher score me in the subject?
13. Zero.
14. It’s correct.
15. (Rings the bell) – Ok, the class is over. For homework you have to the
exercices of the pages 64 and 65 of your books. Remember next week
we’re having the class in the physiscs laboratory, it’s between the chemestry
laboratory and the biology deparment.
16. Have a nice weekend!
17. Thank you!

Quinquagesima septima lección
En la preparatoria

1. Buenos dias!
2. Buenos dias, señor Rhoder.
3. Hicieron su tarea?
4. Sí
5. Entonces vamos a ver que tanto han aprendido.
6. Si un hombre lanza una Piedra desde un edificio de 98 metros, cuanto
tiempo tarda la Piedra en llegar al suelo?
7. Calculo que puede llegar …
8. No hables asi, estas en la escuela.
9. Ok, calculo que llega en 10 segundos.
10. Tines razon. Siguiente. Si pones un baso de agua afuera de tu casa en
invierno, a que temperature se Vuelve hielo.
11. Si es invierno, se vuelve hielo a los 0 grados.
12. Correcto. Y la ultima, si duermo durante la clase, cuanto me pondrá el
maestro en la materia?
13. Cero.
14. ES correcto.


1. Where are they?

2. What does the teacher told to his pupil?
3. How long does a stone last in arriving at the floor?
4. What temperature does the water becomes ice?

Conditional type Zero

If Present simple , Present simple

If You heat water , It boils

We use the conditional type zero to:

1. Talk about things that always happen.

If he drinks, he gets drunk.

2. Talk about natural laws.

If you take out a fish from water, it dies.


a. We can change the order of the sentence by putting the if-clause at the

If you heat water, it boils = Water boils if you boil it

b. We can change in the conditional Zero if for when.

If you take out a fish from water, it dies = when you take out a fish from
water, it dies.


Write a letter for a university where you say why you want to enter and the schools
were you have studied. (150 words)



Ask your partner:

What was the most difficul subject for you in the high school? Why? Do you believe
that maths are difficult? Why? Do you believe that is better that pupils learn to write
in a keyboard to write with a pencil? Why?

British Culture

La Received Pronunciation es el acento con la que se dan generalmente las

clases en el Reino Unido, de ahi su nombre literal “pronunciacion recibida”.
Actualmente, esta forma de hablar solo es usada por el 2 por ciento de la
poblacion en el Reino Unido.

Seventy forth lesson

1. Hi, John!
2. Hi, Sahra!
3. Can you pass me your last week’s notes and homework?
4. Sure, the sociology professor let a project for next month, the history
professor asked us a slide presentation about Second War World. The
politics professor wrote down something on the whiteboard but I didn’t write
down it, but here are the photocopies he gave us and economics exam is
next week.
5. Well, I think I must study very hard if I want to catch up in. Do you believe
you’ll pass the exam?
6. I don’t know, I failed last exam.
7. You should study harder if you want to pass the exam.
8. No, I’m going to drop out of uni and I’m going to set up my own business.
9. As you want. But, if you leave, you’ll lose a scholar year.
10. I don’t care.
11. Well, what’s that?
12. It’s a poster of a lecture on the policies that the government is applying in
health care.
13. Go!
14. Why bother, it’s only for post-graduated.
15. Damm!

Seventy forth lesson
Compañeros de clase

1. Hola, John.
2. Hola, Sahra.
3. Puedes pasarme tus apuntes y la tarea de la semana pasada?
4. Si, el maestro de sociologia dejo un proyecto para el siguiente mes, el
maestro de historia nos pidio una presentación sobre la segunsa guerra
mundial. El masstro de politica escribio algo en el pizarron pero no lo anoté,
pero aqui estan las fotocopias que nos dio y el examen de ecojomia es la
siguiente semana.
5. Bueno, pienso que tengo que estudiar muy duro si quiero ponerme al
corriente. Crees pasar el examen?
6. No se, reprobe el examen pasado.
7. Deberias estudiar más duro si quieres pasar el examen.
8. No, voy a dejar la universidad y voy a hacer otra vez el examenmpara
entrar a la universidad.
9. Como quieras. Pero, si dejas la universidad, perderás un año.
10. No me ikporta.
11. Bueno, que es eso?
12. Es un poster de la conferencia sobre las politicas que el gobierno esta
aplicando en el sector salud.
13. Vamos!
14. Para que, es solo para alumnos de maestria.
15. Demonios.

Conditional type one

, Future simple
If Present simple Going to
Modal verbs
If You do not save , You’ll forget where
your papers in a they are
specific place You can forget
where they are
Don’t forget where
they are

We use the conditional type one to:

5. Express a real or very probable situation in the past or in the future

If you don’t study, you won’t find a good job.


a. We can change the order of the sentence by putting the if-clause at

the final.
You won’t find a good job if you don’t study.

b. We can change in the conditional Zero if not for unless.

Unless you study, you won’t find a good job.


Write an article for a magazine where you say your opinion about the poaching and
its effects in the near future. (150 words)



Ask your partner: What can we do to reduce the greenhouse gases? Is it a good
idea to use hydraulic energy? Why? Do you believe that the recycling help our
planet? Why? What do you do to help to reduce the rubbish?

Fifty ninth lesson
A TV show

1. Welcome again to another edition of our program “Knowing England” the

phone-in most famous program about UK culture. Today in the studio we
have Brenda.
2. Brenda, how do you feel today?
3. Very excited about being here, John.
4. Brenda, tell us, what would you do if you won the big prize?
5. If I won the big prize, I’d buy a car.
6. And what would you do with a car?
7. Well, If I had a car, I’d travel around the country.
8. Ok, Brenda to win your jackpot, you need answer correctly these questions.
What’s the first and second the most drunk drink in the United Kindgdom?
9. The tea and the ale.
10. Right!
11. Is it true that in the United Kingdom rains more than in other European
12. False!
13. Right!
14. And last question, how many countries are there in Great Britain?
15. Four, England, Scotland, Wales and the north of Ireland.
16. Correct! Congratulations, Brenda, you’ve won the jackpot.

Quinquagesima novena lección
Programas de televisión

1. Bienvenidos otra vez a otra edición de nuestro programa “conociendo

Ingalterra”, el programa de llamadas mas Famoso sobre cultura britanica.
Hoy en el estduio temenos a Brenda.
2. Brenda, como te sientes hoy?
3. Muy emocionada de estar aqui, John.
4. Brenda, di nos, que harias si ganaras el primer premio?
5. Si ganara el primer premio, lo primero que haria seria comprar un carro.
6. Y que harias con un carro?
7. Bueno, si tuviera un carro, viajaria por todo el pais.
8. Ok, Brenda, para ganar tu carro, necesitas contester correctamente
estaspreguntas. Cual es la primeray la segunda bebida más consumida en
el Reino Unido?
9. El té y la cerveza.
10. Correcto.
11. Es cierto que en el Reino Unido llueve más que en otros países europeos?
12. Falso!
13. Correcto!
14. Y la ultima pregunta, cuantos países hay en la gran Bretaña?
15. Cuatro, Inglaterra, Escocia, Gales e Irlanda del norte.
16. Correcto! Felicitaciones, Brenda, ganaste el primer premio.


1. What would she go if she won?

2. What does she want a ship for?
3. Does it rain more in the United Kingdom?
4. Did she asnwear well all the questions?

Conditional type Two

If Past simple , Could
If I had money , I’d buy a house

We can change the order of the sentence by putting the if-clause at the final.

If I had money, I’d buy a house = I’d buy a house if I had money

We can use were instead of was.

If I were/was you, I’d do another thing.


We use the conditional type two in the same way that in Spanish.


Write an articule for a newpaper where you say how you think Mexico would be if
Texas and California continued being of Mexico. (150 words)



Ask your partner: If you were president, what would you change in your country?
What would you do if you were famous?, What would you do if you won 1 million
pounds? Would you change anything in your country if you could? What? If there
were more education in your country, would it change anything?

Sixtith lesson
How’s the weather?

1. I’m hungry, have you got any pizza?

2. Yes, just look for it in the fridge.
3. There isn’t left. Lend me your bike to go for one.
4. Take it!
5. Do you know what time Anna’s plane gets to the airport?
6. I didn’t know she was going to come.
7. Don’t you get on well with her?
8. Yes, but I haven’t seen her since we were at uni.
9. Why don’t you call her, use my cell phone if you want.
10. Later, she must be still on the plane.
11. It’s just starting raining, you shouldn’t go for the pizza, you can catch a ‘flu.
You’re right.
12. While, let’s see what’s on TV.
13. Ok.
14. What’s on it?
15. There’s a soap opera, a documentary and an old cartoon. Do you know
what time the soccer matches start?
16. They start till the weather forecast finishes.
17. Ok, and did you buy the e-book you told me you were going to buy?
18. Yes, I were.
19. What’s it about?
20. It’s ‘bout IT.
21. I though it was on Hi-tech medical advances.
22. No.
23. I don’t rememeber how your sister is.
24. There’s a photo of her next to the tube.
25. She looks like your grandma. Now it’s only drezzling, I’ll risk going to the
pizza shop.
26. Bring some ice from the newsagent’s too.
27. Where’s the newsagent’s?
28. It’s next to the PUB, across the house where the vet lives.
29. Ok.

Sexagesima leccion
Como esta el clima?

1. Tengo hambre, tendrás pizza?

2. Sí, busca en el refri.
3. Ya no hay. Prestame tu bici para ir por una.
4. Agarrala!
5. Sabes a que hora llega el avión de Ann al aeropuerto.
6. No sabia que iba a venir.
7. No te llebabas bien con ella?
8. Sí, pero no la he visto desde que estabamos en la universidad.
9. Porque no le llamas, usa mi cellular si quieres.
10. Al rato, dede estar todavia en el avión.
11. Acaba de empezar a llover, no podrás ir por la pizza. Puedes resfriarte.
12. Tienes razón.
13. No te preocupes, vamos a ver la tele. Hay una telenovela, mm, sabes a que
horas empieza el Partido?
14. Creo que empieza hasta que termine el pronostico del tiempo.
15. Compraste el libro electronico que me dijiste que le ibas a comprar a tu
16. Sí
17. De que es?
18. Es un libro de informatica.
19. Pensé que era sobre los avances médicos de alta tecnología.
20. No.
21. Esta chispeando. Me arriesgaré a ir a la pizzeria.
22. Trae helado de la tienda también.
23. Ok


Formal Shortenings
About ‘bout*
Advertisement Ad
Aeroplane Plane
Application App
Boob tube Tube

Briton Brit
Copper (de uso vulgar) Cop
Exchange ‘Change
Goodbye Bye
Influence Flu/’flu
Newspaper Paper
Okay Ok
Photography Photo
Popular Pop
Refrigerator Fridge
Technology Tech
University Uni
Until Till*
Vegetable(s) Veg
Veterinary Vet

Bicycle Bike
Christmas Xmas (informal y escrito)
Electronic E-
Father Dad
Mother Mum
Grandfather Grandpa
Grandmother Grandma
Television TV/Telly

All right Alright (informal y escrito)

Cellular phone Cell phone
Cup of tea Cuppa
Curriculum CV
General practioner GP
Fourteen nights Fortnight
High technology Hi-tech
Ice cream Ice*
Information technology IT
Mobile phone Mobile
Of the clock O’clock
On-target earnings OTE (usada en el ambito comercial)
Personal assistant PA
Political party Party

Public house PUB
Public relations PR
Thank you Thanks
University Degree Degree
United Kingdom UK
Version original V.O.

*With these words, you can also use the forms “about”, “ice cream” and “until”


Reescriba el dialogo usando diferentes formas cortas . (150 palabras)



In partners, make 3.5-minutes length dialog where you use at least 15 acotations

Sixty first lesson
At primary school

1. Do you bring the sheets, the scissors and the colour pencils which the arts
teacher asked for us?
2. No, I haven’t.
3. Don’t worry, the last class is English.
4. Good morning, children.
5. Good morning, mister Smith.
6. Ok, today we’re going to see the non-personal forms of the verb.
7. Who can tell me what the non-personal forms of the verb are?
8. The infinitive, the gerund and the participle.
9. Correct!
10. And why are they non-personal?
11. Because they don’t tell us what the subject is.
12. Correct, Ann.
13. Who can tell me three examples of the infinitive?
14. To sing, running and sleep.
15. Very good, Oliver.
16. Who can tell me three examples of gerund?
17. Me, me, teacher. Eating, drinking and chewing.
18. Right, but why all of them are related with the food?
19. Because it’s already the lunch time.
20. You’re right, see you after lunch.

Sexagesima primera lección
En la primaria

1. TRaes las hojas, las tijeras y los colores que el maestro de artes nos pidio?
2. No.
3. No te preocupes, la ultima clase es inglés.
4. Buenos dias niños.
5. Buenos dias, señor Smith.
6. Ok, hoy vamos aver las formas no personales del verbo.
7. Quienuede decirme cuaes son las formas no personales del verbo?
8. El infinitive, el gerundio y el participio.
9. Correcto!
10. Y porque son no personales?
11. Porque no dicen cual es el sujeto.
12. Correcto. Ann.
13. Quien puede decirme tres ejemplos deinfinitivo.
14. Cantar, corer y dormir.
15. Muy bien, Oliver.
16. 4Quien puede decirme tres ejemplos de gerundio?
17. Yo, yo maestro. Comieno, bebiendo y masticando.
18. Correcto, pero porque todos estan relacionados con la comida.
19. ¨Porque ya es la hora del recreo.
20. Tienes razón, nos vemos regresando del recreo.


1. Where are they?

2. Why are the infinitive, gerund and participle non-personal forms of the verb?
3. Did all students answer correcly?
4. Why doesn’t the class continue?


The infinitive is the form of the verb which expresses an action without indicating
the person and the tense. In English exist three kinds of infinitive (the To Infinitive,
The bare Infinitive and the Ing- infinitive)

To Infinitive

Around 85 percent of the English verbs use the To Infinitive. We use the to
infinitive :

a. With most of the verbs

I want to go to the park.

b. After the “would like” structure.

I would like to have a cup of coffee.

Bare Infinitive

We just use the bare infinitive with:

a. the modal verbs

I can do it
b. the verbs let and make.
Don’t let me go

Ing infinitive

We use the gerund:

1. When the verb is the subject of the sentence.

Painting is a good activity.


Write a letter for the academic coordinator of your degree where you say to him
what subjecs would be added to the new study plan. (150 words)


Ask your partner: Why do you study your major? Do you believe is a good idea to
have a master degree? Why? Do you believe that is better study abroad than in
your country? Why?

Sixty first lesson
Likes and dislikes

1. Hi, guys, what are you doing?

2. We’re trying to decide what to do today?
3. What do you like doing.
4. I like collecting coins but he can’t bear doing it.
5. He likes playing bolleyball but I hate it.
6. So do I. Why don’t you look for an activity that you both like.
7. Why don’t you see a film?
8. That’s perfect, seeing films is my favourite hobby.
9. It’s mine too. But what kind of film do we see?
10. A western?
11. No, I find them boring and dumb. What about a crime film?
12. I love them, but today I want to see something different.
13. What about a biopic, I’ve heard there’s one good now in the cinema.
14. Perfect! So let’s go.

At the cinema

15. Hurry up! The film is about to start and we haven’t buy the tickets.
16. Calm down, there’s still time.
17. Good evening, can you buy me three tickets for Beatle’s biographical
picture, please!
18. I’m sorry but we don’t have tickets anymore for that film.
19. OK, so give 3 tickets for .


To infinitive Gerund
Drink Drinking
Arrive Arriving
Die Dying

The gerund is a verb form that is used:

1. to indicate that an action is in progress

I am drinking

Notice: gerunds can be used as adjectives.

2. We use the geround as noun.

Paiting is a relaxing activity.

3. After prepositions
I use the knife for cutting the meat

4. After the expressions hate and can’t help

I can’t help laughing at it

5. With just the verbs admit, appreciate, avoid, bother, consider, continue,
delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, go (when we refer to activities), hate,
imagine, involve, keep, like, love, mind, miss, postpone, practise, prevent,
quit, resent, risk, save, spend, suggest and stop.
I can’t imagine being with you


Write an essay where you talk about the use of motorbikes in your city. (150



Ask your partner:

Does your city have problems of traffic? Why? Do you believe that in your city is
secure to drive? Why? Do you believe that there must be more sanctions to the
people who do not respet the traffic regulations? Why? Do you believe that is a
good idea that there is more bus lines in your city? Why?

Thirty-Ninth lesson

1. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this conference about
environment. My name is Jack Smith and I’ll be your expositor of this
2. As everyone knows, the global warming is a problem which has caused that
the level of the sea and the temperatures rise and the poles melt. Despite
the efforts of guvernamental and non-governamental i stitutions, the levels
of pollution continue raising making the global warming problem worse. The
main contaminants are the emissions of the cars, the waste of the
companies, and in the case of the see the oil spills.
3. Fortunately, this is changing. We’ve seen that the new regulations for car
and companies are doing that in the big cities the air pollution desdend
almost until the minimum acepted. Also the recycling and consciousnesses
campaigns have paid dividends. Now, the persons separe their rubbish in
recyclable and non-reciclable and put materials such the glass, the plastic
and the metal in another rubbish bins.
4. Another thing which also has helped us is that the renewable energies have
become cheaper and cheaper and the persons worry more and more for
having a green life.
5. In all, there’s still a long way to go across, but we’re on the way.

Environment [enfvairoment] medio hambiente, lady [leidi] dama, gentlemam [shyenglemn]

caballero, global warming [global guarming] calentamiento global, to cause [tu kaus]
causar, level [lefvel] nivel, temperature [temperchia] temperature, to rise [tu rais] aumentar,
pole [poul] polo, to melt [tu melt] derretirse, effort [efort] esfuerzo, institution [institushion]
institucion, pollution [polushion] contaminacion, main [θrila] principal, contaminant
[kontaminant] contaminante, emissons [emishon] emission, rubish [robish] basura, case
[keis] caso, oil spills [oil spils] derrames petroleros, recycling [resaikling] reciclaje,
consciousnesses [konsiusneses] concientisacion, campaign [kampein] campana, pay
dividends [pei difvidents] dar frutos, renewable [riniubol] removable, energy [enershi]
energia, to go across [tu gou akros] atravesar.

Cuadragesima primera lección
Medio hambiente

1. Buenas noches, damas y caballeros y bienvenidos a esta conferencia sobre

el medio ambiente.
2. Como todos saben, el calentamiento global es un problema que ha causado
que el nivel del mar y las temperaturas suban y los polos se derritan.
3. A pesar de los esfuerzos de diferentes instituciones, los niveles de
contaminación continúan aumentando.
4. Los rincipales contaminantes son las emisiones de las empresas, la basura,
y en el caso del mar los derrames petroleros.
5. Sin embargo, hemos visto que las campañas de reciclaje y de
concientizacion han dado frutos.
6. También, algo que nos ha ayudado es que las energias renobables se han
vuelto cada vez más baratas y que las personas se preocipan más por
llevar una vida verde.
7. En conclusion, hay todavia un largo camino que recorrerm pero estamos en
el camino.


1. What is the conference about?

2. What does the global warmig cause?
3. What are the main pollutants?
4. What are cheaper?

Indefinite pronouns

People Things Places

Some Someone Something Somewhere
(alguien) (algo) (en algun lugar)
No No one/No-one Nothing Nowhere
(nadie) (nada) (en ningun lugar)
Any Anyone Anything Anywhere
(cualquiera) (cualquier cosa) (en cualquier lugar)
Every Everyone Everything Everywhere
(todos) (todo) (en todos lados)

Notice: Some and No becomes any in:

a. negative and interrogative sentences.

I do not know anyone Not I do not know no one

Do you know anyone? Not I do not know someone

b. With negative words in formal language.

I never go anywhere Not I never go somewhere

c. With the conditional

Call me if anyone calls Not Call me if someone calls

Note: The world “one” can be change for “body. (somebody, anybody, nobody,


Escriba una pequeña historia. Trata de usar la mayor cantidad de Indefinite

pronouns que puedas. (100 palabras)



Ask your partner:

What would you feel if you were in a country where you know no one?, did you live
anything special when you were younger?, what?, have you ever have found
something on the street? What? When?

Nineth Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about your holidays

 To use the phrasal verbs


 Present continuous
 Stative verbs
 Past continuous
 Phrasal verbs
 Future continuous
 Relative pronouns II
 Connectors of addition and contrast

Tips seccion

Desde este punto, es necesario que escuches grabaciones para el nivel B1 de

inglés. Puedes conseguirlas en librerias de idiomas o en internet. Asegurate que
sean para el nivel B1 y que tengan el simbolo CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
También ve documentales de la BBC, escucha canciones simples de la variante
que estas aprendiendo y series de la variante que estas aprendiendo.

Para mejorar tu lectura y adquirir vocabulario, te recomendamos leer tus lecciones

del libro, además de leer canciones con su transcripcion y traduccion al español.

Para mejorar tu producción oral, por el momento solo repasa en privado o con
alguien las preguntas que vienen en el libro.

Para mejorar tu producción escrita, busca alguien de tu nivel de inglés con quien
puedas mensajearte usando la lengua.

Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante, aprende la lista de phrasal verbs
que viene en los anexos del libro.

Fiftieth lesson
Old friends

1. Hi, John!
2. Hi, Daniela, how are you?
3. I’m well, what about you?
4. All right.
5. What have you been to? I hadn’t seen you since we won the regional
football cup.
6. Yes, there were good times.
7. Do you go on playing football?
8. No, I changed it for the uni. Now, I’m studying architecture.
9. Where do you study?
10. I study at Cambridge. I could get a scholarship and I moved to there.
11. And where do you leave?
12. I live in a study flat with a friend of mine that is studying there too. Now, i’m
here because is vacation. But, what about you?, Do you go on playing
13. No, I’ve never liked it a lot, now I play basketball and baseball.
14. Do you work or study?
15. They both.
16. Wheareabouts do you work?
17. I work in a German corporate as manager, but it won’t be long because I’m
moving next week to the United States to come true my dream to become a
surf instructor.
18. I didn’t know you wanted to become a surf instructor.
19. Yes, since I was a child.
20. Well, I’m sure you’ll be able do it.
21. I hope so. It’s getting late, we’d best go, do you want me to give you a ride
to your home?
22. No, thank you, I’m waiting for my parents.
23. Ok, I hope to see you soon.
24. Me too! Send me off a postcard and a shark tooth.
25. A shark tooth?
26. Yes, don’t you know, there are a lot of white sharks in California.

Quincuagesima lección
Viejos amigos

1. Hola, John!
2. Hola, Daniela, como estás?
3. Muy bien, y tu?
4. Bien.
5. No te habia visto desde que ganamos la copa de football regional.
6. Sí, eran buenos tiempos.
7. Sigues jugando football?
8. No, lo cambie por la Universidad. Estoy estudiando arquitectura. Y tu?
sigues jugando?
9. No, nunca me gusto mucho, ahora juego basketball y baseball.
10. Estudias o trabajas?
11. TRabajo.
12. Donde trabajas?
13. Trabajo en una empresa alemana como gerente de negocios
internacionales, pero no será por mucho porque la siguiente semana me
voy a mudar a Estados Unidos para Volver realidad mi sueño de ser
maestro de surf.
14. Espero que puedas Volver realidad tu sueño.
15. Yo tambien, se esta haciendo tarde, será major que nos vayamos.
16. Tienes razón, espero verte pronto.
17. Yo también
18. Enviame una postal y un diente de tiburón.
19. Un diente de tiburón
20. Sí, hay muchos tiburones blanco en California.


1. When was the last time that they see each other?
2. What does the man do?
3. Will he working there for long?
4. Why is he moving to California?

Present Continuous

I Am
You Are
She Is Eating
You are

We make the negative and interrogative form of the present continuous in the
same way we make it with the verb to be.

You are not eating

Are you eating?

We use the present continuous to talk about:

1. Actions that are happening in a specific moment in the present.

I’m drinking water (at this moment)

2. Temporal situations.
We are eating less while I find another work.

3. For things that are changing or developing while we speak.

The global warming is becoming a topic each time more important.
The scientists are discovering new species every year.

4. With the adverb of frequency to express anger or irritation.

He is always making me angry.

5. With fixed arrangements in the near future.

I’m traveling to Barcelona next week.


Imagina que eres su amiga. Escribe una postal para tu amigo preguntandole como
le va en Estados Unidos y que planes tiene usted para las vacaciones.



Ask your partner:

Do you practice a sport? why do you practice it?

Is it a good idea to practice a sport? why?

Should the schools give more time to their pupils so that they practice a sport?

Fifty first lesson
Planning a journey

1. Dear parents,
We’ve had a great time here in London, at the beginning, it was difficult to
get used to the folk, the costumes and the climate but we no longer miss
badly Mexico. In fact, your grandchildren are happy to be here and they look
to get on well with the British children. Now, we’re thinking of going on
holiday. We want to go sightseeing to Europe. We want to visit Portugal,
Spain, France and if we haven’t run out of money, by then, Germany and
Italy. We’ve been saving up money by cutting down some expenses, so we
think we’ll have plenty of money for doing the trip. María told me to book a
hotel room but I told her it wouldn’t be a good idea because most of the
time, we’ll stop over on the road. Anyway, I hope there isn’t a lot of traffic
because the car broke down last week and we’re not sure if it’ll be able to
support the long journey.
2. I hope you can drop in on us shortly,
3. Your son Miguel

Quincuagesima primera lección
Un largo viaje

1. Queridos padres,
2. Hemos estado bien aqui en Londres, al principio fue dificil acostumbrarnos
a la gente, a las costumbres y al clima pero ya no extrañamos México. De
hecho, tus nietos parecen estar felices de estar aqui y parece que se llevan
bien con os niños britanicos. Ahora estamos pensando en irnos de
vacaciones. Que remos hacer un viaje por toda Europa. Quremos visitar
Portugal, España y Francia y si no nos hemos acabado todo el dinero para
entonces, Alemania e Italia.Hemos ahorrado dinero reduciendo algunos
gastos, asi que pensamos que tendremos suficiente dinero para hacer el
viaje. María me dijo que reservará un hotel pero le dije que no era una
buena idea ya que la mayor parte del tiempo nos estaremos deteniendo en
hoteles que encontremos en nuestro camino. Como sea, espero que no
haya mucho trafico porque el carro se descompuso la semana pasada y no
estamos seguros de que pueda aguantar el largon viaje.
3. Espero que puedan visitarnos pronto,
4. Miguel


1. What countries will they visit if they have not spent all the money?
2. How did they save money?
3. Why did he tell his wife that it was not a good idea to book a hotel?
4. Why are they not sure if the car will support the trip?

Stative Verbs

Some verbs cannot be used in a progressive structure; these verbs ones are called
stative verbs.

Stative verbs are:

a. The verbs which express sense (see, hear, smell, taste, touch), except feel.
b. Verbs related with the mind (know, believe, understand, realise, remember,
c. Verbs which express feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes (like, love, hate,
enjoy, prefer, detest, desire)
d. Some other verbs (be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter, cost, own,
want, own, weight, wish, have and keep)

Verbs which have a progressive form which change in the meaning

Simple form Continuous form

Think Creer Thinking Pensar
Have Posesion Having Tener
See Ver Seeing Verse con


Write a letter to a friend where you tell to him what your plans for the next holidays
are. (150 words)



Ask your partner:

What country would you like to visit?, Why? What mean of transport do you prefer
to travel, the car or the airplane? Why? Is it secure to travel in your cointry? Why?
Where do you like travelling? Why?

Fifty second lesson
A frightening moment

1. It had happened weird things to me, but the weirdest of them happened a
snowy day of winter. I was going back to the airport because I’d forgotten to
pick up a packet that my boss had sent me off when I saw a young woman
walking along the road.
2. As I was afraid of the poor woman was very cold, I decided to do a U-turn
and help the poor young woman. I came her up slowly and I pulled up the
car next to her, when I did it, she looked up. I asked her if she needed some
help, and she told me if I could give her a lift to the city. I said yes to her and
she got on. After having pick up the package, we went on our way to the
city. On the way, I asked her if she wanted to call someone up but she said
no. As I felt a bit of fear, I turned on the radio but she told me immediately to
turn it off.
3. When we were about to get to the city, the young woman suddenly
4. When I got to a petrol station, I said what had happened to a man that was
there and he told me that it's been a woman’s ghost that had died in the
road 20 years ago.

Quincuagesima segunda lección
Una momento horripilante

1. Me han pasado cosas raras, pero la cosa más rara ocurrio una noche
obscura de invierno.
2. Estaba regresando del aeropuerto porque habia olvidado recoger un
paquete que mi jefe me habia enviado cuando vi a una joven caminando en
el camino.
3. Temiendo que la pobre mujer tuviera frio, decidi hacer una Vuelta en U e ir
hacia la pobre chica. Me acerque lentamente y estacione el carro junto a
ella, cuando lo hice, subio su cara, su cara estaba cubierta por una
capucha. Le pregnte si necesitaba ayuda, y ella me diko si podia darle un
aventon a la ciudad. Le dije que si y se subio al carro.
4. Despues de recoger el paquete, Continuamos nuestro camino a la ciudad.
En el camino, le pregunté si queria llamar a alguien pero dijo que no.
Sintiendo un poco dermiedo, prendi la radio pero ella me dijo
inmediatamente que la apagara.
5. Cuando estabamos a punto de llegar a la ciudad la juven subitamente
desaparecio. Cuando llegué a una gasolinera, le conte a un señor que
estaba ahí lo que habia ocurrido. Él me dijo que ese era el fantasma de una
mujer que habia muerto en la carretera hace 20 años.


1. Why did he go to the airport?

2. Why did he do a U-turn?
3. What did he stop again?
4. Who did he told what had happened?

Past Continuous

I Was
You Were
He Eating
She Was
You were

We make the negative and interrogative form of the present continuous in the
same way we make it with the verb to be.

You were not eating

Were you eating?


We use the past continuous:

a. To talk about actions in the past in progress at the same moment

I was watching the T.V. while she was cooking.

b. to talk about things which were happening when we talk about a story.

It was raining, so I decided to take the bus.

In all the other cases, we use the past continuous in the same way than in


Escribe la historia más aterradora que hayas vivido. (150 words)



Ask your partner:

Do you believe in ghosts? Why?

Forty sixth lesson
An incredible story

1. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome again to another edition
of our programme “It happened to me too”, the phone-in programme where
the people tell us personal stories about the topics we talk about, today the
question is “How do I get my pet”, I hear a call, hello, who is this?
2. Michel, from Glasgow.
3. Good evening, Michel, do you want to tell us your story?
4. Sure, everything started a cold day of December. It had been a long day
and the only thing which I thought was sleeping in. When I arrived at home, I
only had some biscuits for dinner and went to bed.
5. When I was about to fall sleep, I heard a noise which came from the
downstairs floor. I got up and I went downstairs. I looked for everywhere, but
I couldn’t find out where the noise had come from. When I was in the
dinning room, I heard again the noise. It came from the bathroom.
6. As I thought that perhaps a buglar had broken into the house, I took a knife
and went slowly to the bathroom. When I entered, there was nobody,
suddenly, I heard a noise which came behind me, I turned the head fast and
when I saw it was only a kitten which had entered by the window. It was like
this as I got my cat.
7. What an interesting story!, follow us tomorrow to hear more interesting
stories as this.

Forty sixth lesson
An incredible story

1. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome again to another edition
of our programme “It happened to me too”, the phone-in programme where
the people tell us personal stories about the topics we talk about, today the
question is “How do I get my pet”, I hear a call, hello, who is this?
2. Michel, from Glasgow.
3. Good evening, Michel, do you want to tell us your story?
4. Sure, everything started a cold day of December. It had been a long day
and the only thing which I thought was sleeping in. When I arrived at home, I
only had some biscuits for dinner and went to bed.
5. When I was about to fall sleep, I heard a noise which came from the
downstairs floor. I got up and I went downstairs. I looked for everywhere, but
I couldn’t find out where the noise had come from. When I was in the
dinning room, I heard again the noise. It came from the bathroom.
6. As I thought that perhaps a buglar had broken into the house, I took a knife
and went slowly to the bathroom. When I entered, there was nobody,
suddenly, I heard a noise which came behind me, I turned the head fast and
when I saw it was only a kitten which had entered by the window. It was like
this as I got my cat.
7. What an interesting story!, follow us tomorrow to hear more interesting
stories as this.


Rewrite the text by using formal language. (150 palabras)



Ask your partner:

Do you believe in the love at first sight? Why?, Do you believe in the eternal love?
Why?, Have you ever had a uncommon relationship style? Why? Do you agree
someone can get married with two people?

Fifty forth lesson
At the train station

1. Don’t worry dear, by this time tomorrow we’ll be lying down on a beautiful
sandy beach.
2. Yes, I know, but I feel bad about letting the cat alone.
3. Come on! It’s a cat, he knows to take care of himself. You’ll see you’ll feel
better as soon as we get to the beach.
4. I believe you’re right.

On the train

5. Are you continue feeling bad?

6. Not really, I believe the anxiety wore off after I took that Tequila.
7. I told you it was going to help you.
8. Dear, what time have we got to check in?
9. At 3.
10. And check out?
11. On Sunday at 11.
12. Did your mate book into the resort I’d told you?
13. Yes, stop worrying, we’re about to get, look, I can see the coast.

At the train station

1. At last, we’re here.

2. Yeah! We just need to let the baggages at the resort and after that we go to
the city centre, I feel like visiting the history museum and the cathedral.
3. I come up with it’s better we go to beach, it’s fine and sunny and later we
won’t be able to swim because we’re going to go to the carnival.
4. You’re right, so just hurry up to let the baggages at the resort.

Quinquagesima cuarta lección
En el avión

1. No te preocupes querida, a esta hora mañana, estaremos acostados en la

hermosa y arenosa playa.
2. Lo se, pero me la idea de estar a 10000 metros sobre el nivel del mar me
3. Lo se querida, pero ya verás que te sentiras major en cuanto el avión haya
despegado, solo trata de calmarte.
4. Tienes razon.

En el avion

5. Te segues sintiendo miedo?

6. No, creo que el miedo se me quito despúes de que me tome ese Tequila.
7. Te dije que te iba a ayudar.
8. Querida, a que hora temenos que registrar la entrada?
9. A la 1
10. Y a que hora temenos que registrar la salida?
11. El domingo a la 1.
12. Tu amigo reservo el hotel que te dije?
13. Sí, trata de calmarte, estamos a punto de aterrizar.

En tierra

1. Al fin estamos aqui. Ahora que hacemos?

2. Primero, encontrar a mi amigo Carlos. Luego, se me ocurre que podemos ir
al centro.
3. Ok!
4. Entknces, vamos a buscar a mi amigo.

Future Continuous

She Will be Eating

We make the negative and interrogative form of the future continuous in the same
way we do it in the future simple.

You will not be eating

Will you be eating?

We use the future continuous to talk about an action that will be in progress in the

At this time tomorrow, we’ll be lying down on the beach.


1. Why is she scared?

2. What did he tell her when she told him that she was scared?
3. What did she do to not to be scared?
4. What is she happy?


Write a similar story. Try to use as many indefinite pronouns as possible. (150



Ask your partner:

Do you like travelling by airplane? Why? What do you think is more secure,
travelling by car or by airplane? Why?

Seventy forth lesson
Advanced technology

1. The computer will survive the smart age

2. This essay has been written in order to discuss about if computers will
survive to the existence of latest inventions as tablets and smartphones. It
considers the velocity in which these devices work and the quantity of RAM
memory that they can have.
3. In my opinion, computers will survivive to the existence of the smartphones
and tablets because they have more memory than these ones because their
hard-disk is much bigger than the internal memory that tablets and
smartphones have. Also, computers can be easily modify in order to raise
the space and RAM memory that they have, what it is very difficul to do with
nowadays notebooks and smartphones.
4. On the other hand, tablets, smartphones are becoming more and more
sofisticated and each time they have more internal memory and RAM
memory, what is good because it let us have more files without being in
front of a screen.
5. In conclusion, I think that computers will be with us a long time because they
have more space than tablets and smartphones and because they can
become faster than these ones due to the capacity that computers have of
being modified easily, what is very useful, mainly for persons and institutions
who requires to store and process a great quantity of data as gamers and
the army.

Seventy forth lesson
Tecnologia avanzada

1. Las computadoras sobrevivirán a la epoca inteligente

2. Este ensayo sido escrito para hablar sobre si las computadoras sobrevivirán
a la existencia de las nuevas invenciones como tabletas y telefonos
inteligentes. Este ensayo considera la velocidad en la cual estos
dispositivos trabajan y la cantidad de memoria ram qje estos puedan tener.
3. En mi opinion, las computadoras sobrevivirán a la existencia de los
telefonos inteligentes y las tabletas porque tienen mas memoria de
almacenamiento debido a que su disco duro tiene más espacio que la
memoria interna que las tablets y los telefonos inteligentes tienen. Tambien,
las computadoras pueden ser facilmente modificadas para aumentar el
espacio y la memoria ram que tienen lo cual es muy dificil de hacer con las
tablets y telefonos inteligentes de estos dias.
4. Por otro lado, las tablets y los telefonos inteligentes se estan volviendo cada
vez más sofisticados y cada vez tienen más espacio de memoria y memoria
ram lo cual es bueno porque nos permite disponer de más archivos sin
tener que estar en frente de una pantalla.
5. On the other hand, tablets, smartphones are becoming more and more
sofisticated and each time they have more internal memory and RAM
memory. What is good because it let us carry out with more files withoout
being in front of a screen.
6. En conclusión, pienso que las computadoras estarán con nosotros un largo
tiempo debido a que tienen más capacidad de almacenamiento que las
tabletas y los telefonos inteligentes y a que pueden ser más rapidas que
estos debido a la capacidad que tienen las computadoras de ser facilmente
modificadas, lo cual es muy util, sobre todo para las personas que
necesitan almacenar y procesar una gran cantidad de datos como las
personas que juegan videojuegos y el ejercito.

Connectors of addition and contrast

Tough (informal) Aunque

Although (neutro)
Even tough (formal)
Even when Aun cuando
But Sino
However Sin embargo
Even so No obstante
To the contrary Al contrario
On the contrary
To the contrary Por el contrario
On the contrary
In spite of A pesar de
Even though Si bien
Despite that Con todo y eso
More like Mas bien
Rather (formal)
Instead En cambio
However Ahora bien
Regardless De todas maneras
Anyway De todas formas
In any case De cualquier forma
Neither Tampoco
Nevertheless Aun asi
On the other hand Por otro lado
In addition Ademas
In addition to Ademas (de)
As well as
Even Incluso
Equally Igualmente
By the same token
Furthermore Es mas
What is more
Therefore Por lo tanto
Whereas Mientras que
No matter how No importa como
Regardless Sin considerer
Or Ni
In all En conclusion

More importantly Otro elemnto importante


Escriba un articulo para tu periodico escolar donde digas que piensas del cambo
climatico. (100 palabras)


Ask your partner:

What can you do for making a greener planet?, do you use reneable energies?,
what reneable energies do you use? Does your city do something against the
global warming?


1. What did he heard?

2. What did he do when he heard the noise?
3. What did he think?
4. What was the noise?

Likes II

1. Michel, have you heard this song yet ?

2. Yes, I’ve heard it several times, it’s very good.
3. Do you like Rock music ?
4. Yes, in fact, I’ve already heard all songs of the most important bands.
5. Have you heard Jamiroquai’s songs ?
6. Yes, I’ve heard all of them. What about you ? Have you heard their songs ?
7. No, in fact, I don’t like music a lot, I prefer seeing films.
8. Have you seen Emma Warson’s films ?
9. Yes, I’ve seen all of them twice.
10. Have you seen Harry Potter’s films ?
11. Are you joking, they’re the basic films you have to see with her.
12. Have you read all Harry Potters’s books ?
13. Not all of them.
14. Do you think they change a lot from the film.
15. Just a bit, there are parts that are the same in the book and in the film but
other ones are the same. And waht about you ? Have you read them ?
16. No, I prefer reading Shakerspear’s, Mary Shelley’s, Charles Dikens’s, Arthur
Ignatius Conan Doyle’s works.
17. You’re really a learned man !

Trigésimo novena lección

1. Michel, ¿ya escuchasté esta canción?

2. Sí, yà la he escuchado, es muy bella.
3. Te gusta el Rock ?
4. Sí, de hecho, ya he escuchado todas las canciones de las grandes bandas.
5. ¿Ya escuchaste todas las canciones de los Beatles?
6. Sí, las escuché todas. Y tú, Marie ? Yà las escuchaste todas ?
7. No, de hecho, me gusta más el cine que la musica.
8. ¿Ya has visto las películas de Marion Cotillard?
9. Sí, yà las he visto todas.
10. Ya visté Big Fish ?
11. Sí, yà la vi docientas veces !

Past Participle

Infinitive Past participle

General rule Work Worked
Ending in -e Like Liked
Ending in -l Cancel Cancelled
Consontant vowel Drop Dropped
Consonant + y Fry Fried

Irregular past participle

Been Sido/estado Told Dicho

Done Hecho Drunk Bebido
Taken Tomado Slept Dormido
Seen Visto Read Leido
Had Tenido Got Obtenido
Gone Ido Found Encontrado
Made Hecho Felt Sentido
Bought Comprado Put Puesto
Written Escrito Spoken Hablado
Thought Pensado Begun Inicidado
Come Venido Broken Roto
Said Dicho Brought Traido
Known Conocido Been able to Podido
Eaten Comido Run Corrido
Given Dado Woken up Levando


Write an article for a linguistics magazine where you say what are the most
common errors that the people of your city make when they speak. (150 words)



Ask your partner:

Is knowing the grammar of your mom tongue important when you want to learn a
forenger language? Why? Is important to kwong the grammar terminology for a
person who studies by himself? Why? Is it important to preservate the native
languages of your country?

Tenth Unit
The world

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about the places you have visited

 To talk about your work experience
 to talk about what you want to do before dying
 to use the correct form of the past tenses


 Present perfect
 Already, yet, ever, never, since, for
 Past perfect
 Slang
 Future perfect
 Relative pronouns III
 Other comparative structures

Sixty forth lesson
A job interview

1. Hello, could I speak to William Gupta?

2. This is William Gupta speaking. Who is this?
3. My name’s James Mathew, I’m human resources manager at Travel &
linguas. I’d like you to come to an interview with our company.
4. When would you like to come?
5. As soon as possible.

Next day Bill goes to the interview

6. Tell me, mister Gupta,

7. How old are you?
8. 29
9. Where do you live?
10. I live here in London.
11. Are you single or married?
12. Single, but I’m in a relationship.
13. Where did you studied?
14. I studied at Cambridge. I graduated in administration.
15. How many years of experience do yo have?
16. 5
17. Have you ever worked in the touristy field?
18. Yes, I worked for 6 years in a company which made tours in the Riviera
Maya, I was responsable of several holiday resorts in Playa del Carmen.
19. What was his last job?
20. It was one in a travel agency in La Paz.
21. What did you do there?
22. I worked as tour guide.
23. How much did you earn there?
24. They pay me 700 pounds per month plus comitions.
25. How long were you there?
26. For a short time
27. Why?
28. We can say they was going to pay me 500 pounds to take a group of tourist
to see the sharks and at the end they only pay me 200.
29. Ok, thank you. I believe I’ve heard everything I need. If it’s necessay, we’ll
make contact with you.

Sexagesima cuarta lección
Una entrevista de trabajo

1. Bueno, me comunica con William Gupta?

2. Soy William Gupta, quien es?
3. Me llamo James Mathew, soy el encargado de recursos humanos de Travel
& linguas. Me gustaria que viniera a una entrevista a nuestra empresa.
4. Cuando le gustaria venir?
5. Tan pronto como sea possible.

Al siguiente dia Bill va a una entrevista

6. DIgame, señor Gupta, donde vive?

7. Vivo aqui en Londres.
8. Es soltero o casado?
9. Soltero, pero estoy en una relación.
10. Donde estudio?
11. Estudie en Cambridge. Estudie administración.
12. Alguna vez ha trabajado en el sector turistico?
13. Si, trabaje 6 años en una empresa que hacia tours en la riviera Maya, fui
responsable de varios resorts en Playa del Carmen y trabajé como guia
turistico por un corto tiempo en una agencia de viajes en La Paz.
14. Cuanto ganaba ahi?
15. Me pagaban 700 libras al mes.
16. Ok, gracias. Yo creo que he escuchado todo lo que necesito. Si es
necesario, nos contactaremos con usted.

Present Perfect

Personal pronoun Have/has Past participle

I Have
You Have
She Has Eaten
You have

We make the negative form of the present perfect with have not/ haven’t

I have not/haven’t seen the movie

We make the interrogative form by inverted the have/has.

Have you been to Cancún?


We use the present perfect in the same way tan in Spanish, but there are some
cases that change. These cases are:

1. Past actions when we specified the exactly time.

I have gone to see the Doctor (when we do not know)

2. Things or situations that we can still do.

I have not gone to school (Maybe I can tak still one class)

3. When we talk about actions which passed in the past but whose result is still
visible in the present.
I have broken my arm (I fell in the past and broke my arm, my arm
continuous broken)


Escriba una carta a una empresa donde te gustaria trabajar donde digas tu
experiencia laboral. (150 palabras)



How’s your ideal job?

Where would you like to work?

Where have you worked?

Do you prefer a part-time or full time job?

Do you prefer working in the morning or at night?

Sixty fifth lesson
A wild trip

1. Lenny, you’ve already been to America, right?

2. No, I’ve never been to that such as horrible place.
3. Lenny!
4. I’m sorry, but I don’t get on well with Americans, they’re fat, dumbs and
5. Well, if you could travel, where would you like to go?
6. I’d like to go to Yucatan.
7. Why?
8. Because I’ve always liked the hot climate, last year, for example, I flew to
Brazil and I liked it a lot.
9. This year Ann and me are going backpacking there, what recommendations
would you give to us?
10. You definitely must take a pair of sunglasses and sun cream.
11. Should we take plenty of water water?
12. Yes, because it’s boiling hot.
13. If you want to walk in the rainforest, I recommend you take an insect
repellent and a compass case you get lost.
14. Is it all?
15. Yes, the Amazon has got loads of dangerous animals, so I recommend you
take binoculars to see them from far.
16. Thanks for your recommendations Lenny.
17. You’re welcome.

Sexagesima quinta lección
Un viaje salvaje

1. Lenny, tú ya has estado en Estados Unidos, no?

2. No, nunca he estado en tan horrible lugar.
3. Lenny!
4. Lo siento, pero no me llevo bien con los estadunidenses, son gordos,
stupidos y presumidos.
5. Entonces, a donde te gustaria ir?
6. Me gustaria ir a Yucatan.
7. Porque?
8. Porque siempre me ha gustado el clima caliente, el año pasado, por
ejemplo, me fui de mochilero a Brasil y me gusto mucho.
9. Este año Ann y yo vamos a ir alla, que recomendaciones nos darias?
10. Deben llevar unos lentes de sol y creama solar.
11. Debemos llevar mucha agua?
12. Si´, porque hace mucho calor.
13. Si quieres caminar en la selva, les recomiendo que lleven repelente de
insectos y un compass en caso de que se pierdan.
14. Es todo?
15. Sí, el amazonas tiene muchos animales peligrosos, entonces les
recomiendo que lleven binoculars para verlos desde lejos.
16. Gracias por tus recomendaciones Lenny.
17. De nada, y saludenme a los canibales.


Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le digas cuales han sido las mejores
vacaciones que has tenido dandole detalles (alojamiento, actividades que
realizaste, comida, etc. (150 palabras)



What has been the best place that you have visited? how long where you there?

What did you do there?

Where did you stay?

How was the climate?

Would you recommend that place?

Sixty-sixth lesson

1. Grandpa, tell us again the story about how you met the grandma.
2. Ha, ha, It was a fun story that started 50 years ago.
3. I’d just been 24 years and I wanted to know another place, so I made some
applications for schoolarship. As I’d studied portuguese at high school, I
sent my applications to Brazil and soon I found myself walking throught
Rio’s streets.
4. One day, while I was at Ipanema neighbourhood, I ran into, by hasard, my
old friend from school, Haide. I hadn’t seen her since I came back to
England. We talked about what we’d done in those years. When I asked her
why she’d gone to Rio, she told me that she did it because she was
following her love. I smiled to know that my old friend was still as I
remember her.
5. As it was getting dark, and she had still classes, I offered to go with her. She
acepted and we went to her classroom.
6. Grandpa, go to the most important thing!
7. Ok, I met your grandma because a jelly.
8. A jelly?
9. Yes, a jelly that her grandma had given to me to save it while she was at her
class and that I’d already eaten before she went in to the classroom.

Sexagesima sexta lección

1. Abuelo, cuentanos otra vez la historia de como conociste a la abuela.

2. Ja, ja. Es una historia divertida que comenzó hace 40 años.
3. Acababa de cumplir 24 y queria conocer otro lugar porque ya habia
conocido todos los rincones de Inglaterra, entonces hice una solicitud para
estudiar en el extranjero. En ese tiempo, habian becas para estudiar en
Brasil y como habai estudiado portugués en la escuela, envié mi solicitud y
en menos de lo que canta un gallo estaba caminando en las calles de Rio.
4. Un dia, mientras estaba en la colonia Ipanema, me encontre de casualidad
a mi amiga de la preparatoria, Haide. No la habia visto desde que me fui de
México. Estuvimos hablando de lo que habiamos hecho en esos años. Me
dijó que habia viajado a lo largo del mundo probando todo tipo de comida y
conociendo nuevas personas. Cuando le pregunte porque habia ido a Rio,
me dijo que lo habia hecho porque estaba siguiendo a su “love”. Sonrei al
saber que mi vieja amiga continuaba siendo como la recordaba.
5. Como era tarde y ella tenia clases, me ofreci a acampañarla a la
universidad donde ella estudiaba. Ella aceptó y fuimos a su salón.
6. Abuelo ve a lo importante.
7. Correcto, conoci a su abuela por una gelatina.
8. Una gelatina?
9. Sí, una gelatina que su mamá me habia dado para que la cuidadá porque
su professor no dejaba entrar con comida al salón y que yo ya me habia
comido antes de que entrara a su salón

Pretérito mais-que-perfeito Composto

O Pretérito Mais-que-perfeito composto forma-se com o auxiliar ter pretérito

imperfeito mais um particípio passado.

Pronome Ter -ar -er

No pretérito -ir

Eu Tinha

Tu Tinhas

Você, Ele, Ela. Tinha Amado Corrido

Nós Tínhamos Partido

Vocês, Eles, Elas Tinham


Usa-se para falar duma ação no passado que aconteceu antes de outra ação no

O filme já tinha empeçado quando eles chegaram.


Dejando solo los numeros 1 y 2. Reescriba el texto anterior cambiando la historia.

(150 palabras)



What had you done before being 20 years?

Had you participated in any competition?

Had you been abroad?

What places of your country had you visited?

Where had you learnt English?

Sexagesima octava lección

1. Hay muchas ocupaciones en el Reino Unido.

2. Puedes ser doctor, abogado o ingeniero.
3. Pero todo depende de donde quieras trabajar. Por ejemplo, si tu quieres
trabajar en el sector salud, puedes trabajar como enfermera, psicologo,
dentista o como conductor de ambulancia!
4. Si tu quieres trabajar en una oficina pero no quieres trabajar dde una
manera tradicional, el trabjaao de diseñador grafico o arquitecto puede ser
Bueno para tí.
5. Alguos trabajos como el de Contador o economista requieren formación
universitaria, pero otros como el de tecnico o economista no.
6. Si no quieres trabajar en una oficina, puedes ser albañil, carpintero o
7. Puedes trabajar medio tiempo o tiempo complete, en el sector privado o en
el sector publico, ganando desde el salario minimo hasta casi el salario del
primer Ministro, pero recuerda, no importa donde quieras trabajar, no
olvides estos simples consejos cuando vayas a una entrevista:
8. Lleguen temprano a la entrevista, major prevenir que lamenter.
9. Revisa tus datos de contacto en tu curriculum.
10. Envia una carta al entrevistador diciendo cuando te interesa el trabajo.
11. Si despúes de seguir estos simples consejos, no encuentras trabajo, no te
preocupes, siempre puees unirte aa los miles de desempelados que hay en
el Reino Unido.


Escriba una carta como la que aparece en la lección anterior. (150 palabras)



Where did you study? Do you have a university degree, master degree or

Where have you worked and how many years of experience do you have?

What skills do you have?

What can you tell me about yourself?

What are your plans for the future?

Sixty nineth lesson
On the plane

1. What’s wrong, darling?

2. I’m scared about being 10000 over the sea level.
3. Don’t worry, we almost land.
4. Ok, but I still am scared about about hurricanes.
5. Don’t worry, love, by the time we get there, the hurricane will have already
6. You’re right, but what if there’s an earthquake.
7. Don’t worry love, there aren’t earthquakes in Hawaii.
8. But I’ve heard there has been a Tsunami recently.
9. Darling, it was in Asia, and it was only a small flood. You shouldn't worry
about it.
10. Yes, you’re dead right. I just muss sit and smell the flowers.
11. Yes, above all, because when we get there, there will be a volcanic
12. That’s not funny.
13. I’m kidding, just chilly out, we’re about to land.

On the news

14. Good afternoon, everyone, this is James Harrison, and this is today’s news.
15. This morning a lorry didn’t respect a red light causing a crash in Palmer
16. In Russia, 300 persons were killed after their aeroplane suffered engine
failure while it was taking off.
17. Across of Atlantic, in Florida, there was a shoot-out in a shopping centre.
After a long time the shooter was arrested and interrogated by the police.
18. Those are all today’s news. See you tomorrow.

Sexagesima novena lección
Desastres naturales

1. Que pasa querida?

2. Nada, solo que estoy asustada por los huracanes.
3. No te preocupes, amor, para cuando lleguemos alla, la temporada de
huracanes ya habrá terinado.
4. Tienes razón, pero y si hay un terremoto.
5. No te preocupes, amor, no hay terremotos en Hawaii.
6. Pero escuche que ha habido un Tsunami recientemente.
7. Querida, eso fue en Asia, y fue una pequeña inundación. No te preocupes
por eso.
8. Creo que tienes razón. No deberia preocuparme por nada.
9. Sí, tienes toda la razón. Solo debo sentarme y relajarme.
10. Sí, sobre todo, porque cuando lleguemos, habrá una erupción volcanica.
11. No es divertido.
12. Estoy bromenado, solo relajate, estamos a punto de aterrizar.

En las noticias

13. Buenas noches a todos, mi nombre es James Harrison, y estas son las
noticias de hoy.
14. Esta mañana un camión se paso un alto en la Avenida Palmer causando un
15. Hablando de choques, en Rusia, 300 personas murieron despúes de que el
avion donde viajaban tuviera una falla en el motor.
16. Del otro lado del Atlantico, en Florida,hubo un tiroteo en un centro
commercial, el tiraddor fue arrestado e interrogado por la policia.
17. Esas son todas las noticias de hoy, buenas noches.

Future Perfect

I Called
You Thought
He Come
She Will have Aten
It Gone
We Slept
You Studied
They Bought


We use always the future perfect to talk about a future action that will happen
before other future action.

I’ll have finished the homework before Monday.


Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le digas que piensas que habrás hecho antes
de cumplir 30 años. (150 palabras)



What have you done before being 30?

What will you have done before dying?

What countries will you have visited by 2040?

What will you have done by next week?

What things will you have done by tonight?

Sixty eighth lesson

Cambridge University 28 August 2022

Foreing language department

Dear Sir or Madam,

1. I am writing in response to your recent advertisement for a Spanish
2. After graduating in foreign languages from the Nacional Autonomus
University of México two years ago, I worked as Spanish, English, French
and Italian teacher at Superteacher where I could positionate as the best
languages teacher in London’s area having until 10 new clients per week
and having in consecuence an incoming up 2600 pounds per month. Then, I
worked as freelance giving counsel to universities and developping
curriculums for the Bachelors of Languages and for Master of Translation.
3. I am a methodic person, focused in results and compromised with the
education and the learning process. Despite being a person to whom likes
working by himself, I get on well with people and I have exellent teamwork
Therefore, I consider myself as a good element for you and your institution.
4. Thank you for your time,
Yours faithfully, .
Miguel Martinez

5. P.S.: I enclosed a copy of my CV.

Sexagesima octava
Curriculum vitae

Universidad de Cambridge 28 de Febrero de 2022

Departamento de lenguas extranjeras

A quien corresponda,
1. Escribo esta carta con motivo de su reciente anuncio de profesor de
2. Después de graduarme en enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras de la
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México hace dos años, trabajé como
profesor de español, inglés, francés e Italiano en Supertecher donde
pude posicionarme como una de los mejores profesores de lenguas en
Londres teniendo hasta diez nuevos clientes por mes teniendo por
consiguiente un ingreso de 2600 libras sl mes. Luego trabaje como
trabajador independiente ayudando a universidades dando asesorías y
desarrolando planes de wstudio para la licenciatura en idiomas y para la
maestria en treaducción.
3. Soy una persona metódica, encofada a resultados y comprometida con
la enseñanza y el proceso de aprendizaje. A pesar de ser una persona a
la cual le gusta trabajar independiente, me llevo bien con la gente y
tengo exelentes habilidades de trabajo en equipo.
4. Por tanto, me cosidero un buen elemento para su institución.
Gracias por su tiempo.
Sinceramente suyo,
Miguel Martinez

5. Post data: Le anexo una copia de mi curriculum

Connectors of cause and effect

To Para
In order to Para (formal)
So as to
In order not to Para no
So as not
So that Para + oracion
For Para (para que se usa algo)
In case + past tense Para que
Because of A causa de
In order to A fin de
So Así que
Even when Aun cuando
With the purpose of Con el fin de
On the occasion of Con motivo de
In case En caso de
In case En caso de que
Thanks to Gracias a
So Por lo tanto
Although Si bien
As a result (of) Como resultado (de)
Because of Por (debido a)
Consequently En consecuencia

Forty lesson

Means of transport

1. The more the time advance, the more we can see the effects caused by the
2. Let’s to interview the specialist in environment Melanie Mateo.
3. Thank you, nowadays the overpopulation is one of the main problems in the
big cities and London isn’t an exception.
4. Melanie, could you tell us what some of the problems that the
overpopulation causes are?
5. Of course! The main problems that overpopulation causes are the pollution,
the lack of resources and transport.
6. Melanie, could you tell us more about one of these problems that affect so
much to us?
7. Of course, we take the problem of the transport. Because of the traffic in the
city, we have reach the point where in some parts of the city at the rush
hour, you can arrive faster at your job by walking than driving.
8. Talking about the transport, it’s true that we count with several means of
transport such as the underground, the buses and the train in the city.
However, these are easily exceed because of there are more and more
persons who used them as an alternative to avoid the traffic jams.
9. In all, there’s still much to do in main of overpopulation

Cuadragesima segunda lección

Una hermosa ciudad

1. Entre más avanza el tiempo, más podemos ver los efectos causados por la
2. Vamos a entrevistar a la especialista en medio ambiente, Melanie Mateo.
3. Muchas gracias, en estos dias la sobreoblación es uno de los proncipales
problemas en las grandes ciudades y Londres no es la exepción.
4. Melanie, podrias decirnos cuales son algunos problemas que caisa la
5. Los principals problemas que la sobrepoblación causa es la contaminacion,
la falta de recursos y de transporte.
6. Melanie, puedes decirnos más sobre uno de estos problemas que afecta
tanto a los Londinenses?
7. Por supuesto, tomemos el problema de el transporte.
8. Debido al ttrafico y los embotellamientos, hemos llegado al punto donde en
algunas partes de la ciudad a la hora pico puedes llegar más rapido a tu
trabajo caminando que conduciendo.
9. Hablando del transporte, es verdad que contamos en la ciudad con varios
medios de transporte como el metro, los camiones y el tren. Sin embargo,
estos son facilmente exedidos por la enorme cantidad depersonas que los
usan cada dia.
10. En conclusion, todavia hay mucho que hacer en materia de sobrepoblación.

Proportional sentences

The more I learn, the less I know (entre mas aprendo, menos se)

The city

In this unit you will learn:

* Prepositions of movement
*Connectors of cause and effect
*Neither, either, both / Exclamations
*Slang II
*Would rather/would prefer
*Like, as / Modal verb might
*Other comparative structures

Seventy first lesson
Home, sweet home

1. Why so angry, Jack?

2. I’ve been looking for a place to live all the morning but I haven’t found one.
3. What are you after?
4. A spacious self-conteined studio flat or a large furnished flat, both with all
mod cons.
5. It sounds dear. What if you move to a flat-share or a house-share?
6. No, I don’t want to have flatmates.
7. Why not?
8. Because one winds up fighting with them and sometimes they borrow your
tings without permission.
9. You’re right. Why aren’t you after anything in small ads?
10. No, I’m sick and tired. I’ll do it tomorrow. Mm, It’s freezing.
11. Yes, It's been freezing all the week. Why don’t you turn on the heating?
12. It broke down last week and the technician hasn’t come to fix it.
13. What a pity! Why don’t we watch a flick?
14. You’re right, I’ve been working very hard these days.
15. Why don’t you take a sabbatical year?
16. Don’t be daft, you know the difficult that is to find a well-paid job in this city.
17. Too right I would, why aren’t you after a job in another city? Maybe
18. No, I’ve already known the highways and byways of England. I believe I’ll go
19. Where would you like to go?
20. Well, I’ve wanted to go to Spain for dankey's years because there they sell
tons of yummy food.
21. Just take the plunge!
22. I’ll do! As soon as the motorway defrost.

Septuagesima primera lección
Hogar, dulce hogar

1. Porque estas tan enojado, David?

2. He estado buscando un lugar donde vivir toda la mañana pero no he
encontrado uno.
3. Que estas buscando?
4. Un estudio independiente y espacioso o un departamento compartido
grande, ambos con todos los servicios.
5. No, estoy harto. Mm, está helando.
6. Sí, ha estado hacienda mucho frio toda la semana. Porque no prendes la
7. Se descompuso la semana pasada y el tecnico no ha venido.
8. Que pena! Porque no vemos una pelicula?
9. Tienes razón. He estado trabajando muy duro estos dias.
10. Porque no te tomas un año sabatico?
11. No digas incoherencies. Sabes lo dificil que es encontrar un trabajo bien
pagado en esta ciudad
12. Cierto, porque no buscas trabajo en otra ciudad? Tal vez, Liverpool.
13. No, ya conocsco todos los rincones de Inglaterra. Creo que iré a otro país.
14. Es una Buena idea, a donde te gustaria ir?
15. No sé, desde hace un buen, he tenido ganas de ir a España.
16. Porque España?
17. Hablo catalán y venden mucha comida deliciosa.
18. Tu mero mole.
19. Está decidido, iré a cataluña tan pronto como la carretera se descongele.

Present perfect continuous

Personal pronoun Verb have Been Gerund

I Have
You Have
He/she/it Has Been Playing
We Have
You Have
They Have

We use the present perfect in the same ways that in Spanish.

Present perfect or present perfect continuous

We use the present perfect to indicate an action which started in the past and
continue in the present without being interrupted.

It has rained all the week On Monday rained, not Tuesday, but
Wednesday and Thursday yes, but
Friday and Saturday not and today it
could be possible.
It has been raining all the week Every day it rained

British culture

En este dialogo podemos encontrar por primera vez en este libro un acento
regional, en este caso el acento de una persona de York. Como se puede
observer, este acento omite la h inicial. Otras caracteristicas que tiene este acento
las iremos aprendiendo en las lecciones donde aparesca este acento. Por el
momento observa como right sustituye a very en la frase “It’s right cold”


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado haciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?, How long have you been learning English?,
What are your hobbies? How long have you been practiced them?, How long have
you been with your couple?

Fifty third lesson
Getting away

1. Hi, how are you guys?

2. Alright, what about you?
3. Well. What are you guys going to do when the semester breaks up?
4. I don’t know, I think I’ll stay in or maybe I’ll get away with my parents.
5. I’m going to Oxford to drop in on Sally. Do you guys want to come?
6. When are you going to drop in on Sally?
7. Next week.
8. I can’t. I’m going to my auntie’s wedding. Haven’t you guys got a costume
that lend me, I have to dress up, by any change?
9. No, I haven’t. And You Tom, do you like to come?
10. Yes. Anyway, I didn’t feel like being at home.
11. Why not?
12. My mum punished me for turning up the radio too loud while she had an
online lesson.
13. Well, who else do we invite?
14. How about Mike?
15. No, he’s working at the present and his day-off is on Monday.
16. Well, I guess we’ll be only we both. What do we take to eat?
17. I’ll take a roast chicken, bangers and spuds.
18. Ok, I’ll take some beers and some crisps.
19. Perfect. I have to go, if anyone changes his mind, give me a ring.

Quincuagesima tercera lección
Ir de vacaciones

1. Hola, como están?

2. Bien, y tu?
3. Bien. Que van a hacer cuando termine el semester?
4. No se. yo creo que estar en casa o ir de vacaciones con mis papás.
5. Voy a visitor a Sally en Oxford. Quieren ir?
6. CUando vas a visitarla?
7. La siguiente semana.
8. No puedo. Voy a ir a la boda de una tia. No tienen un traje que me presten
porque tengo que ir de gala.
9. No. Y tu Tom, quieres ir?
10. Sí, como sea, no tengo ganas de estar en mi casa.
11. Porque no?
12. Mi mamá me castigo por por subirle al radio a todo volume cuando estaba
en una clase virtual.
13. Bueno, a quien más invitamos.
14. A Mike?
15. No, esta trabajo y su dia libre es el lunes. Bueno, creo que seremos solo
nosotros dos. Que llevamos para comer?
16. Yo llevaré un pollo rostizado, salchichas y papás.
17. Yo llevaré la cerveza y las papás.
18. Perfdcto. Me tengk que ir. Si alguien cambia de opinion, llamenme.


1. Why did he go to France?

2. Why wa he ashamed?
3. Why was he embarrased?
4. What did they do at the end?

Phrasal verbs

A phrasal verb is a verb to which a preposition has been added to change its

Come Venir
Come back Regresar
Come up Acercarse
Come around Volver a casa

Most of the phrasal verbs are informal.

I improve my habilities. (formal)

I pick up my habilities (informal)

End up, come in, wake up, get up, and find out are exeptions.

There are phrasal verbs that requires to put the object obliatory in the meiddle.

Three-part phrasal verbs never split.

Seventy forth lesson
Improving the life

1. Dear sir or madam,

2. I write this letter to you in order to inform you about the recent insecurity
problems that we have had in my neighbourhood because of the lack of
3. A suggestion which I think so that resolve the problem is to put more
ilumination in the main streets and avenious with the purpose of there will be
fewer places where the criminals can act.
4. Another idea which could be useful would be sending 3 more patrols to the
zone, so the security raise and the people who live in the neigbourhood will
feel calmer.
5. All in all, there are solucions to resolve this problem and the sonner we take
action, he better the things are going to be for everyone. Thank you for your
time and I expect that you take this propouses in consideration,
6. Miguel Sanchez

Seventy forth lesson
Improving the life

1. Dear sir or madam,

2. I write this letter to you in order to inform you about the recent insecurity
problems that we have had in my neighbourhood because of the lack of
3. A suggestion which I think so that resolve the problem is to put more
ilumination in the main streets and avenious with the purpose of there will be
fewer places where the criminals can act.
4. Another idea which could be useful would be sending 3 more patrols to the
zone, so the security raise and the people who live in the neigbourhood will
feel calmer.
5. All in all, there are solucions to resolve this problem and the sonner we take
action, he better the things are going to be for everyone. Thank you for your
time and I expect that you take this propouses in consideration,
6. Miguel Sanchez

Clauses of purpose

To Para I bought a house to give my children a

better quality of life
In order to/ so as to Para I bought a house in order to/ so as to
(formal) give my children a better quality of life
So that + can/will Para I give you the money so that you can
(puede ser buy your books, not you to buy sweets.
usado para
With a view to + ing Para (con The city bought the house with a view to
la becoming it a museum.
fin de)
In order not to/ so as not Para no I did it in order not to/ so as not to bother
to (formal) you.
Prevent + noun/pronoun Para que Put the ice cream on the fridge prevent it
+ ing no (cuando melting.
hablas de
algo que

Seventy third lesson
Emergency room

1. What do we have?
2. Middle-age man with a strong pain in the chest, it looks to be a heart attack.
3. Does anyone come with him?
4. Yes, the ambulance brought him and his brother.
5. And what happen with the patient?
6. We had to practice an urgent surgery to save him.
7. Ok, What else do we have?
8. A boy fractured his arm while he cycled. We’ve already injected him
morphine and we made him X-ray.
9. Is it all?
10. No, a 55-years-old man cut his hand and he was bleeding for 2 minutes
11. Is he stable?
12. Yes, but he lost much blood.
13. Ok, keep an eye on him.

In hospital

14. Hi, Ted.

15. Hi, Simon.
16. How’s your health?
17. I’m better, thanks. Though, I’ve broken my arm and my whole body is still
aching a bit.
18. How was it possible?
19. Last night, when I was coming back to my house, I ran into a truck.
20. How come didn’t you see it?
21. The problem was I’d been working all the day because I had to hand over a
report and I felt exausted.
22. Yes, but it doesn’t explain why you ran into. You’ve always work overtime
and you’d never run into.
23. Well, also, I’d been drinking a bottle of Tequila that I found in my desk to
calm down myself.

Septuagesima tercera lección
Sala de emergencia

1. Que temenos?
2. Hombre de 55 años con un fuerte dolore n el pecho, parece que es un
3. Alguien viene con él?
4. Sí, la ambulancia lo trajo a él y a su esposa.
5. Qué mas temenos?
6. Un niño se fracturo su brazo mientras andava en su biblicleta. Ya le
inyectamos morfina y le hicimos unos rayos X.
7. Es todo?
8. No, un hombre de 32 años se cortó l mano y estuvo sangrando 5 minutos.
Está estable?
9. Sí, pero perdio mucha sangre.
10. Ok, mantenlo en observación.

En otra sala

11. Hola, Ted.

12. Hola, Simon.
13. Como sigués?
14. Estoy major
15. Que pasó?
16. Me fracture la pierna.
17. Como fue posible?
18. Anoche, cuando regresaba a mi casa, choque con un camion.
19. Comó no lo viste?
20. Bueno, habia estado trabajando toda la noche porque tenia que entregar un
reporte y me sentia cansado. También, habia estado bebiendo una botella
de Tequila que encontré en mi escritorio.

Past perfect continuous

Personal pronoun Verb have Been Gerung

He/she/it had Been Playing

We use the past perfect continuous in the same ways that in Spanish.


Escriba un articulo donde digas tu opinion acerca del sistema de salud de tu país
(200 palabras)



Have you ever gone to hospital?, Do you think that the medical sistem in your
country is good?, Do you agree or disagree with the idea about being a doctor is
synonym of being able to have a well income?

British culture

Dentro de los equipos más importantes de football en el Reino Unido estan el

Liverpool, el Arsenal, el Chelsey y el Manchester United.

Eighty forth lesson
Gengers of music

1. Hi, Michael, what are you doing?

2. I’m playing Real Kings’s remastered album.
3. What album is it?
4. Things 'bout you.
5. Play it!
6. "I knows you already know this, but I wanna tell you that I've fallen in love
with you since the first time I see you, I've fallen in love with you since the
first the moment we talked, laughted and played.
I tell you this 'cause you and me will be one and there won't be nothing we
can't do together. There's lots and lots of things to do, there's lots and lots of
places to visit and I'm pleaseda be abla do this with you"
7. It sounds great.
8. Yeah, it’s one of his greatest hits.
9. Just play the next song.
10. Hi, my girl, I gotta tell you if you go away, I won't be blue, I'll be down in the
dumps 'cause I love you and I don't wanna lose you ‘cause I can’t do without
you. I know I never did the things in the right way, but I know that with you to
my side, I can pick up and doin' this, we’re gonna be ok.
11. What other songs does the album have?
She done things I never expected
I ain't not him
I got no-one
She don’t love as you
12. All those titles sounds good. I’ll buy the album tomorrow.
13. There isn’t left on sale, they sold out.
14. Well, it’ll be in another time.

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
Gengeros musicales

1. Hola, Michael, que estás haciendo?

2. Estaba a punto de poner el nuevo album que acabo de comprar.
3. Que algum es?
4. Cosas de tí
5. Ponlo!
6. Se que ya sabes esto, pero quiero decirte que me enamore de ti desde el
primer momento en que te vi, me enamoré de tí desde el momento en que
hablamos, reimos y jugamos.
Te digo esto porque tu y yo seremos uno y no habra nada que no podamos
hacer juntos. Hay muchas y muchas cosas que hacer, hay muchos y
muchos lugares que visitar y estoy feliz de hacerlo contigo”
7. Suena muy bien!
8. Pon la siguiente canción.
9. Hola, mi chica, tengo que confesarte que si tu te marchas, no estaré triste,
estaré deprimido porque no te quiero y no quiero perderte. Se que no hice
las cosas bien, pero se que contigo, puedo mejorar y haciendo esto, las
cosas van a estar bien.
10. Que otras canciones tiene el album?
11. Ella hizo cosas que no esperaba
Cantando una canción de amor
No tengo a nadie
No ama como tú
12. Todos esos titulos suenan bien. Voy a comprar el disco mañana.
13. Se acabaron.
14. Se acabaron!
15. Sí, fue porque este es una edición especial, tiene 3 canciones secretas.
16. Mm! Bueno, será en otra ocación
17. Hablando de canciones. Que canción vas a tocar para el concierto?
18. No se.
19. Porque no cantas “No soy nada sin mi guitarra”
20. La canté el año pasado. Creo que este año cantaré covers.
21. Es una buena idea.


Escriba en lenguaje informal los estractos de canción que aparecen en la lección.



What slang words had you known yet?

Why do you think that is important learning slang?

Where do you think that you’ll find the slang?

What slang words are there in your mother tonge?

What do they mean?

Seventy fifth lesson
In the deep space

1. How long is it going to take us to get to Mars?

2. At this speed, we’ll be arriving at Pluton in two years’ time.
3. Impossible, you mean that by June we’ll have been travelling for two years and
we hardly be passing the asteroid belt.
4. I’m afraid yes.
5. I’d change of work if it weren’t the only way I have to earn a living. And what are
those fools of the another ship doing?
8. They’re on the lookout a new solar system in a galaxy which is two hundred light
years from the earth.
9. And how will they do that going in their ship like a turtle.
10. In fact, they made a satellite to do their job.
11. That’s a case in point of how to spend estimate in dumb things.They should’ve
gone in their ship. If I were them, I’d got at there like a shoot.
12. Captain, do you believe we should have taken more provision in Venus.
13. I haven’t the fuggiest. I only know we should’ve bought more things to suit our
pocket. Well, I’ll take a snap, I didn’t sleep a wink and I felt exausted.
You’re in charge, take care of the ship and don’t do anything dumb.
14. I promise you I won’t do it, again…

Setenta quinta lección
En el espacio profundo

1. ¿Cuánto tiempo nos llevará llegar a Marte?

2. A esta velocidad, llegaremos a Pluton dentro de dos años.
3. Imposible, quieres decir que en junio habremos estado viajando por dos
años y difícilmente pasaremos el cinturón de asteroides.
4. Me temo que sí.
5. Cambiaría de trabajo si no fuera la única manera de ganarme la vida. Creo
que deberíamos haber agrupado nuestros recursos con esos vertederos de
la otra nave. Hablando de ellos, ¿qué harán?
6. Están al acecho de un nuevo sistema solar en una galaxia que está a
doscientos años luz de la tierra.
7. ¿Y cómo lo harán en su barco como una tortuga?
8. De hecho, hicieron un satélite para hacer su trabajo.
9. Ese es un caso en el punto de cómo gastar estimación en cosas estúpidas.
Deberían haber ido en su nave. Si yo fuera ellos, estaría allí como un rodaje
10. Capitán, ¿cree que deberíamos haber tomado más provisiones en Venus.
11. No tengo el más fuggiest. Sólo sé que deberíamos haber comprado más
cosas para adaptarse a nuestro bolsillo.. Bueno, voy a tomar un chasquido,
no dormí un guiño y me sentí cansado.
Tú estás a cargo, cuida de la nave y no hagas nada estúpido.
12. Te prometo que no lo haré, otra vez...

Future perfect continuous

Personal pronoun Verb have Been Gerund

He/she/it will have Been Playing


We use the future perfect continuous to talk about an action that will be in progress
since a specific point in the future.

By next year, we’ll have been living here for two years.


Ganasté un concurso donde el primer premio era ir a la estación de la luna. Envia

una carta a un amigo donde le digas cual fue tu experiencia (200 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea of the goverments spend a lot of money in
spacial research?

Until where do you think that the human will be able to travel in the space by the
end of this century?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about colonize other planets?

Do you think that more money would be spend in health and education instead of
special research?

What do you think about the countries send their rubbish to the space?

Seventy forth lesson
A terrible restaurant

The best cookiery in Britain Jenuary 28, 2020

Human resourses

Dear Sir or Madam,

1. I am writing this letter to complain about the bad service that my family and I
received at your restaurant “The best cookery in Britain”
2. We went to your restaurant for a birthday treat on Tuesday 16th May but
when we arrived they told us that there was not any table booked with my
name when they have already sent me the confirmation. Then, I asked to
the waiter if he could give us a table but he told us that they were fully
booked when it could be seen from outside that there were free tables
available. When we began to eat, the meal was dreadful, there was just one
kind of meat in the buffet and it looked to be old and the milk they served to
my daughter was sour.
3. The worst of all was the bill, it was 100 pounds for a meal for three persons
and when we asked a reduction for the bad service they told us that they
could not do it because it was forbidden.
4. I would like your restaurant give us a reimbursement for the terrible
experience that we had or at least a letter apologising about the bad service.
5. Thank you for your time and I hope to recieve your prompt reply.
6. Yours truly, .
Miguel Martinez

Septuagesima cuarta lección
Un mal servicio

The best cuisine in Britain 28 de febrero de 2020

Recursos humanos

A quien corresponda,
1. Escribo esta carta para quejarme por el mal servicio que yo y mi familia
tuvimos en su restaurante “The best cuisine in Britain”.
2. Fuimos a su restaurante para la celebración de un cumpleaños el martes 16
de mayo pero cuando llegamos nos dijeron que no habia ninguna mesa con
mi nombre cuando ya me habían enviado la confirmación. Luego, le
pregunté al mesero si podía darnos una mesa pero nos dijó que estaban
llenos cuando se podía ver desde afuera que habían mesas disponibles.
Cuando empezamos a comer la comida estaba espantosa, solo habia un
tipo de carte en el buffet y parecía estar vieja y la leche que le sirvieron a mi
hija estaba agria.
3. Lo peor de todo fue la cuenta, fueron 140 libras por una comida para tres
personas y cuando les pedimos una reducción por el mal servicio nos
dijeron que no podían hacer eso porque estaba prohibido.
4. Me gustaría que su restaurant nos diera un rembolso por la mala
experiencia que tuvimos o por lo menos una carta de disculpa por el mal
5. Gracias por su tiempo y espero una respuesta suya.
6. Atentamente,
Miguel Martinez

Fifty sixth lesson
Meeting the neighbours

1. What do you think about the next door neighbours?

2. I think the Hensons are the simplest people I’ve ever known.
3. Yes, and their son is the cleverest kid I’ve seen, he could resolve the
Rubik’s cube in just one minute!
4. Yes, and their puppy is the friendliest puppy I’ve ever played with and meal
they’ve given us was the tastiest I’ve ever tried out.
5. By the way, where are they from?
6. Mistress Henson said she had grown up in Cardiff and I Mister Henson is
originally from up north.
7. We haven’t gone to York for a while. Why don’t we get away this weekend?
8. That’s a great idea! On Friday is a public holiday, it means it’s going to be a
long weekend.
9. Perfect!
10. Are we driving or are we flying?
11. I’d prefer us to fly.
12. Ok! I’ll go to the travel agency to book the flights right now. Look, it kicks off
13. Yes, the weather forecast said it was going to snow today.
14. I’ll have to go another day.

Quinquagesima sexta lección

1. Que piensas de los nuevos vecinos?

2. Pienso que los Hensons son las personas más simples que haya conocido.
3. Sí, y su hijo es el niño más listo que haya visto, él pudo resolver el cubo
Rubik en solo un minuto.
4. Sí, y su perro es el perro más amigable with el que haya jugado.
5. Sí, tienes razón y la comida que nos dieron ha sido la comids más rica que
haya probado.
6. Hablando de ellos, de donde son?
7. La señora Henson dijo que crecio en Cardiff y el señor Henson del norte.
8. No hemos ido a York desde hace mucho, porque no vamos este fin de
9. Es una buena idea. El viernes es dia feriado, eso significa que será puente.
10. Perfecto!
11. NOs vamos en carro o en avión?
12. Prefiero irme en avión.
13. Ok. Voy a ir a la agencia de viajes para reservar los vuelos ahora mismo.
Mira, empezo a nevar.
14. Sí, el reporte del clima dijo que iba a nevar hoy.
15. Tendré que ir otro dia.


1. What does she think about the new neighbours?

2. Why the neighbour’s kid is the clevest kid that he has seen?
3. What does he think about the neighbour’s dog?
4. Why would you like to go to the south?

Other comparative structures

The adjectives clever, common, friendly, gentle, pleasant, polite, shallow, simple,
stupid and quiet have two comparative and superlative forms.

More simple = simpler

Most simple = simplest

We can use the expressions much with the comparative.

He’s richer than you

He’s much richer than you

Comparative and Comparative

The car is going faster and faster


Write an article the best place to where you’ve gone. (150 words)



Ask your partner:

Do you believe in ghosts? Why?

Twelfth Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To speak about different topics


 Present perfect continuous

 Order of the adjectives
 Past Continuous
 Plural of the compound nouns/ collective nous
 Future perfect continuous
 All, whole, every
 Past simple, used to and would

Seventy first lesson
A luxurious restaurant

1. Excuse me, could you bring us the menu, please!

2. Certainly! Here you are, madam.
3. What’s on the menu, dear?
4. Seasoned baked lamb, sweet and sour fried chicken, juiced beef steak with
boiled vegetables, and chilly grilled fish with salad.
5. Do you want the bittersweet chicken?
6. I’d rather eat something lighter.
7. Why won’t you have the fish.
8. No, I prefer meat to fish.
9. Can I take your order?
10. Yes, I’ll have the baked lamb.
11. And you, madam?
12. I’ll have the grilled fish.
13. Would you like something to drink?
14. What do you have?
15. Tonight, sir, we have wine, bear, juice, coke, mineral water, coffee and tea.
16. By hasar, do you have red wine?
17. I’m sorry sir, there isn’t red wine left, we only have white wine.
18. I’ll have the beer. And you, dear?
19. I’ll have a cup of white wine.

20. Later

21. I’m on the mood something sweet. Excuse me, waitress, do you have any
22. We have only chocolate cake, will you have one?
23. No, I’d prefer not to have anything. Or well, I’ll have a cup of coffee!
24. Coming up!

Seventy first lesson
Un restaurante de lujo

25. Disculpe, puede traernos el menu , por favor.

26. Si, aqui tiene, señorita.
27. Que hay en el menu?
28. Cordero al horno sasonado
29. Pollo frito agridulce
30. Jugoso bisteck con vegetales herbidos y pescado a la plancha chiloso con
31. Quieres el pollo agridulce?
32. Prefiero comer algo más ligero.
33. Porque no comes el pescado.
34. Jo, prefiero la carne al pescado.
35. Puedo tomar su orden?
36. Sí, quiero el cordero al horno.
37. Y usted, señorita?
38. Quiero el pescado a la plancha,
39. Quieren algo de beber?
40. QUe tienen?
41. Esta noche, señor, tenemos vino, cerveza, jugo, refresco, agua mineral,
cafe y te.
42. De casualidad, tendrá vino tinto?
43. Lo siento señor, ya no tenemos, solo tenemos vino blanco.
44. Quiero una cerveza, y tu querida?
45. Quiero una copa de vino blanco.

46. Mas tarde

47. Se me antoja algo dulce. Disculpe, mesera, tiene algun postre?

48. Tenemos solo pastel de chocolate, quiere uno?
49. No, prefiero que no me traiga nada. O bueno, traigame una taza de café.
50. Enseguida!

Countable and Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns are countable which can be counted.

One apple, two apple, thee apples, etc.

Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot be counted.

Water, meat, sugar, etc.

Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be counted. They just have a singular
form and they cannot be used with numbers or with the article a/an.

Uncountable nouns are:

1. Liquids
2. Meals
3. Small things
4. Powder
5. Materials
6. The words money, information, news, advice, rubbish, accommodation,


Uncuntable nouns cannot be next to a/an, the or a number

Seventy seventh lesson
At the gift shop

1. Dear, what do you think about this wooden whale for the kids?
2. We can buy it at the toyshop.
3. What about this doll?
4. I’m not sure, it’s better this teddy turtle, look at it, it’ so lovely.
5. Okay, we’ll take it for Sam, but what do we take to Tym?
6. How about this glass ship?
7. It’s very dangerous for him. Why don’t we buy this toy guitar to him?
8. You’re right. So we’ve already got the gifts for the kids, but what do you take
to my parents?
9. Just buy a mug and a bottle of Tequila for your father, and a skirt and a pair
of shoes for your mother.
10. Which skirt do you believe she likes best, this one [the yellow] or this one
[the red]?
11. The yellow one.
12. And the shoes?
13. I think these ones fit her well.
14. Ok, so do we have everything that we need, do we?
15. Yes, so let’s go to the cash desk.

At the cash desk

16. Good morning, sir!

17. Good morning, how much are they?
18. They are 15 pounds and 50 pence.
19. I have only 5 pounds and 49
20. Dear, can you lend me a penny?
21. Yes, here you are!
22. Thanks, dear.
23. Here you are!
24. Have a nice day, sir.

Septuagesima septima lección
En la tienda de recuerdos

1. Querida, que piensas de este oso de peluche para los niños?

2. Podemos comprarlo en la casa.
3. Que te parece esta tortuga de peluche?
4. Es encantadora.
5. Muy bien, se lo llevaremos a Sam, que le llevamos a Tym?
6. Que te parece este barco?
7. No creo que le guste, porque no le compramos una guitarra?
8. Que le llevamos a mis papás?
9. Compra le una taza y una botella de tequila a tu papá y una falda y un par
de zapatos a tu mamá.
10. Que falda crees que le guste más, esta [la amarilla] o esta [la roja]?
11. La amarilla.
12. Y los zapatos?
13. Pienso que estos le quedaran bien. Bueno, entonces ya temenos todo,
vamos a la caja.

En la caja

14. Buenos dias, señor!

15. Buenos dias, cuanto es?
16. Son 5 libras y 50 centavos.
17. Solo tengo 5 libras y 49 centavos.
18. Querida, tienes un centavo?
19. Sí, aqui tienes.
20. Gracias, querida.
21. Aqui tiene!
22. Que tenga un buen dia señor.


We can use “one” to substitud something that was already said.

Do you have a pen?

There was one on the table.

Demonstrative II

We use this one, that one, these ones, those ones to take about soething we have
already spoken.

Which cap would you like?

This one

We use which one in the same way.

I want a scooter.

Which one would you like? (which of all of them)


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado hciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

Forty lesson

Asking for permision

1. Dad, can I go camping this weekend?

2. Who are you going with?
3. With the friends I went out last month.
4. Oh, with the guys you went to the movies. Ok, you can go.
5. Do you need something?
6. I only need the tent, my sleeping bag and a piece of cord.
7. All that is in the garage. The piece of cord is next to the axe I cut the wood
8. Thanks, dad.
9. And where are you camping to?
10. To the mountain.
11. And how long are you staying there?
12. Three days
13. The weather report it’s going to rain a lot, you should take a raincoat an a
pair of boots.
14. OK, dad.
15. And what are you eating?
16. We’re going to buy the meal in a takeaway which is in a campsite 10
minutes driving from the place we’re staying.
17. Take 50 pounds, thanks dad, good night!
18. Good night!

Forty lesson

Asking for permision

1. Dad, can I go camping this weekend?

2. Who are you going with?
3. With the friends I went out last month.
4. Oh, with the guys you went to the movies. Ok, you can go.
5. Do you need something?
6. I only need the tent, my sleeping bag and a piece of cord.
7. All that is in the garage. The piece of cord is next to the axe I cut the wood
8. Thanks, dad.
9. And where are you camping to?
10. To the mountain.
11. And how long are you staying there?
12. Three days
13. The weather report it’s going to rain a lot, you should take a raincoat an a
pair of boots.
14. OK, dad.
15. And what are you eating?
16. We’re going to buy the meal in a takeaway which is in a campsite 10
minutes driving from the place we’re staying.
17. Take 50 pounds, thanks dad, good night!
18. Good night!

Relative pronouns III

We use the preposition at the end of the relative sentence.

That is the woman (who/that) I saw him with.

This is the knife (which/that) I cutthe meat with.

The relative pronouns cannot be omitted when they are the subject of the relative

She showed me photos of the gorilas (which/that) she had studied.

She showed me photos of the gorilas which/that lived with.

One hundred and fourteenth lesson

1. I don’t’ wanna be all day sprawled here. What do we do?

2. Why don’t we start doing the exposition that the latin teacher asked us.
3. I don’t feel like doing that now.
4. Neither do we.
5. So what do we do?
6. Why don’t we go for some bitters to Jack’s?
7. That’s a great idea, but how do we go there?
8. We can go in Jenny’s dad’s car. She got the keys.
9. Ok, so let’s go!

On the move

10. Jenny, did you bring the money?

11. No, I’ve forgotten it.
12. Where did you let it?
13. On the tabla the dinning room.
14. So, what are we gonna do now?
15. Does any of you guys got money?
16. No, I’m broken.
17. I got 100 quid, but I got them in my place.
18. So, what we do?
19. I dunno, why don’ we drive to Gloria’s place? They’re havin’ a party.
20. Yeah, and we can take some beers.
21. Ok, so, let’s go.

22. What’s wrong with you Gabriel?

23. Nothing, it’s just I felt uptight ‘cause I haven’t seen Gloria since we broke up.
Don’t worry, Maybe, you got the oportunity to talk to her and make up the
things, you’re right.

At the party.
24. HI, Brayan, what are you doin’?
25. Hi, guys, I’m after there aren’t any gate crasher, there’s bags of folks that
wanna come to drink just ‘cause we’re gonna give free beers. But, just come
in, feel yourselves at home.
26. Thanks!

Octogesima octava lección

1. Era un dia normal, mi amigo Miguel, mi amigo Carlos, mi amiga Jenny y yo

estabamos acostados en el sillón del papá de Jenny.
2. Ese dia, nos habiamos visto en la casa de Jenny para hace una exposición
para el maestro de latin. Como nadie queria hacer nada, decidimos ir por
una cerveza.
3. Juntamos el dinero que teniamos y tomamos el carro de la mamá de Jenny.
4. En el camino, le pregunté a Jenny:
5. -Traes el dinero?
6. -No, se me olvido.
7. -Donde lo dejaste?
8. -En la mesa de la cocina.
9. Entonces, que vamos a hacer?
10. Alguien tiene dinero?
11. Yo tengo 100 libras, pero los tengo en mi canton.
12. -Entonces, que hacemos?
13. -No se, porque no vamos al canton de Gloria. Están haciendole una fiesta.
14. Sí, y podemos tomar unas cervezas.
15. -Ok, entonces, vamonos.
16. Fuimos ala casa de Gloria, pero, en el camino, me senti nervioso, no la
habia visto desde que terminamos.
17. Cuando llegamos, vimos a Brayan en la Puerta. Estaba viendo que no
hubieran colados.
18. Lo saludamos y nos dejó entrar. Cuando estaba entrando me dijó:
19. -Que estás hacienda aqui? Te dije que no te queria ver aqui otra vez.
20. –Solo estoy tratando de pasar un buen rato.
21. -Si mi hermana me dice que le haces algo, te mato.
22. -Ok
23. Una vez que entramos, nos sentamos, nos dieron una mesa junto a los
tanques de gas y nos dieron unas cervezas pero no quise beber, en mi
mente solo habia espacio para Gloria que estaba bailando
majestuosamente en medio del corridor usado como salon de fiestas.
24. Más tarde, me encontré a Lupe, quien me ofrecio ir a uno de los cuartos
que estaban ahí para “calentarnos”, pero le dijé que no, esa noche estaba
reservada para Gloria. También, no podia olvidar que por causa de Lupe y
sus besos, Gloria y yo habiamos terminado.
25. La voz del DJ se escucho, “y aqui está ella”
26. Regrese a la mesa.

27. Hey, what are you doin’ here? I told you I never wanteda see you here
28. I’m just tryina have a good time.
29. If my sister tell me you did somethinga her, I’ll kill you.
30. Ok.

31. Over here, this is your table.

32. Thank you!
33. I don’t like this table, shut up, we should be thanked to come in without
34. Don’t you want to drink Gabriel?
35. No, I don’t feel like.
36. Are you thinking of Gloria?
37. Yes, I am.
38. Why don’t you forgive her?
39. ‘cause she’s the woman I’ve always wanted and for dumb I’ve lost her.
40. Well, if you wanna see her, she’s dancin’ over there. She’s dancin’ very well.
41. Yes, she’s takin’ dancin’ lessons. I’ll be back.
42. Where are you goin’?
43. I wanna go to the gent’s.

44. Mm, these WCs very dirty.

45. Where are you going without greeting me?
46. Hi, Lupe.
47. Hi, handsome man.
48. I need to go.
49. Why, don’t you wanna stay with me, maybe, we can go to one of the rooms
to “warm up ourselves, it’s cold.
50. You know the last time it happed, Gloria found out us and for that reason
she dumped me.
51. “And here you are her”.
52. I gotta come back to my table.
53. I’ll be waiting for you.

Octogesima octava lección

1. Era un dia normal, mi amigo Miguel, mi amigo Carlos, mi amiga Jenny y yo

estabamos acostados en el sillón del papá de Jenny.
2. Ese dia, nos habiamos visto en la casa de Jenny para hace una exposición
para el maestro de latin. Como nadie queria hacer nada, decidimos ir por
una cerveza.
3. Juntamos el dinero que teniamos y tomamos el carro de la mamá de Jenny.
4. En el camino, le pregunté a Jenny:
5. -Traes el dinero?
6. -No, se me olvido.
7. -Donde lo dejaste?
8. -En la mesa de la cocina.
9. Entonces, que vamos a hacer?
10. Alguien tiene dinero?
11. Yo tengo 100 libras, pero los tengo en mi canton.
12. -Entonces, que hacemos?
13. -No se, porque no vamos al canton de Gloria. Están haciendole una fiesta.
14. Sí, y podemos tomar unas cervezas.
15. -Ok, entonces, vamonos.
16. Fuimos ala casa de Gloria, pero, en el camino, me senti nervioso, no la
habia visto desde que terminamos.
17. Cuando llegamos, vimos a Brayan en la Puerta. Estaba viendo que no
hubieran colados.
18. Lo saludamos y nos dejó entrar. Cuando estaba entrando me dijó:
19. -Que estás hacienda aqui? Te dije que no te queria ver aqui otra vez.
20. –Solo estoy tratando de pasar un buen rato.
21. -Si mi hermana me dice que le haces algo, te mato.
22. -Ok
23. Una vez que entramos, nos sentamos, nos dieron una mesa junto a los
tanques de gas y nos dieron unas cervezas pero no quise beber, en mi
mente solo habia espacio para Gloria que estaba bailando
majestuosamente en medio del corridor usado como salon de fiestas.
24. Más tarde, me encontré a Lupe, quien me ofrecio ir a uno de los cuartos
que estaban ahí para “calentarnos”, pero le dijé que no, esa noche estaba
reservada para Gloria. También, no podia olvidar que por causa de Lupe y
sus besos, Gloria y yo habiamos terminado.
25. La voz del DJ se escucho, “y aqui está ella”
26. Regrese a la mesa.

Slang II

Verb to be

In very informal English, we use “ain’t” or “in’t” instead of am not, is not (isn’), are
not (aren’t).

He is not intelligent (formal)

He isn’t smart(neutral)

He’s ain’t smart (very informal)


We use them instead of those.

Pass me those papers. (neutral)

Pass me them papers. (very informal)

Present simple

We can use the third person with I.

I play football (neutral)

I plays football. (very informal)

We do not use the third person with he/she/it.

He plays football (neutral)

He play football (very informal)

We can use don’t instead of “doesn’t”

He does not know (formal)

He doesn’t know (informal)

He don’t know (very informal)

Reflexive pronouns

We use theirselves instead of themselves.

They cut themselves (neutral)

They cut theirselves (very informal)

Past simple

We use never instead of did not/didn’t.

I did not do it (formal)

I didn’t do it. (informal)

I never did it (very informal)

Past participle

We can use the past participle instead of the past.

I did it (Neutral)

I done it (very informal)

Relative pronouns

The relative pronouns who and which can be replaced by what in very informal

He is the neighbour who lives on the corner (formal)

He’s the neighbour that lives on the corner (informal)

He’s the neighbour what lives on the corner. (very informal)

Indefinite pronouns

We can use nothing, no one, nobody and nowhere in negative statements in very
informal English.

I do not anything.(formal)

I don’t know anything (informal)

I don’t know nothing. (very informal)


ReEscriba el texto utilizando lenguaje informal.



Do you think that learning slang is important to learn a foreign language?

Why do you think that slang is not taught?

Have you ever used slang?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea that a language must be taught by teaching
formal rules?

Seventy seventh lesson

1. The right honorable friend, all of us agree with your proposition of cutting the
taxes, especially in these moments of crisis, but why do you think we ought
to look for the way to cut the prices of the electricity and gas?
2. That’s a good question the right honorable friend, as I grew up in a
houseshare in the suburbs of London I know the expensive that can be
living in one of the crowest and expensives cities in England, there are head
of household who have to have another job to pay all modern conveniences
of a house.
3. For those reasons I think we ought to look for the way to cut these services.
4. Your design is good, I can’t deny it, but those reasons aren’t enough to do
what you propose.
5. It is interesting that that comes from you, my right honorable lady, being you
grew up in one of poorest and most dangerous neighbourhoods of
6. Don’t speak to me in that way, the right honorable gentleman, I know you
were brough up in the best universities, but it doesn’t give you the right to
reveal personal things, less in this sacred facility.
7. We must vote, who agrees with the design given by the Chancellor of
Exchequer go to the Aye Chamber, those are not, go to the Nein Chamber.

Septuagesima septima lección

1. Mi muy honorable amigo, todos estamos de acuedo con su propuesta de

reducer los impuestos, especialmente en estos momentos de crisis, pero
porque piensa que deberiamos buscar la manera de reducir el precio de la
electricidad y del gas?
2. Esa es una buena pregunta mi muy honorable amigo, naci y creci en una
pequeña casa en los suburbios de Londres se lo caro que puede ser vivir
en una de las ciudades llenas de gente en Inglaterra, hay jefas de familia
que tienen que tener otro trabajo para pagar todos los servicios de la cas.
3. Y eso no es todo, la educacion en Inglaterr se esta volviendo cada vez más
cara. Hay personas que tienen que hipotecar sus casas par enviar a sus
hijos a la universidad.
4. Por estas razónes pienso que deberiamos buscar la manera de reducir el
costo de estos servicios.
5. Su propuesta es buena, no puedo negarlo, pero estas razones no son lo
suficientes para hacer lo que usted propone.
6. Es interesante que eso venga de usted, mi muy honorable dama, siendo
que usted crecio en uno de los vecindarios más ricos de Manchester.
7. No me hable de esa manera, mi muy honorble caballero, yo sé que studio
en las mejores universidades, pero eso no le da el derecho a revelar detlles
personales, menos en este recinto Sagrado.
8. Debemos votar. Don’t speak to me in that way, the right honorable
gentelman, I know you were brough up in the best universities, but it doesn’t
give you the right to reveal personal things, less in this sacred facility. Quien
esta deacuerdo con el Proyecto dado por el Ministro de Finanzas dirijase a
la camara del Aye, los que no, dirijanse a la camara del Nein.

All, whole, none, both

In English “All” can’t be used alone when we refer group of people.

All of us agree with your idea.

Not All agree with your idea.

All or whole

We use whole with singular noun, whereas we use all with plural nouns.

The whole company is moving.

All the companies are moving.

Note: we use the whole business to say (todo el negocio)

None of Ninguno de
Both we/you/they Ambos


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado hciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

Ninetieth lesson

1. Azteca Theatre
2. Dear Sir or Madam,
3. The aim of this report is to outline what can be seen in your theatre and
to make some recommendations on how the theatre could attract more
4. The theatre mainly contains items connected with the theatre industry.
Generally, these objects are shown in glass cabinets with explanations
on tiny bits of card. These are difficult to read and some are placed too
high so that small children can read them. Also, the lighting inside the
building is poor.
5. This permanent exhibition will remain unappealing to visitors unless it is
updated. It is therefore recommended that a video animation is
developped to illustrate the process. In addition, the theatre could run
regular afternoon independent functions, where independent directors
can show their works.
6. Most visitors take it for granted nowadays that a theatre will include a
coffee shop and a forum where the persons who are studying theatre
can show their abilities. Azteca has neither of these, which could partly
explain the low attendance figures.
7. To sum up, Azteca theatre would have a brighter future if its displays
were improved. Furthermore, it needs to create a more welcoming

Ninetieth lesson Informes 1. Teatro Azteca 2. Estimado señor/señora, 3. El
objetivo de este informe es describir lo que se puede ver en su teatro y hacer
algunas recomendaciones sobre cómo el teatro podría atraer a más visitantes. 4.
El teatro contiene principalmente elementos relacionados con la industria del
teatro. Generalmente, los objetos se muestran en vitrinas con explicaciones en
pequeños trozos de cartulina. Estos son difíciles de leer y algunos están
demasiado altos para los niños pequeños puedan leerlas. La iluminación dentro
del edificio también es pobre. 5. Esta exposición permanente seguirá siendo poco
atractiva para los visitantes a menos que se actualice. Por lo tanto, se recomienda
que se desarrolle una animación de video para ilustrar el proceso. Además, el
teatro podría realizar funciones independientes regulares por la tarde, donde los
directores independientes pueden mostrar sus obras. 6. La mayoría de los
visitantes dan por sentado hoy en día que un teatro incluirá un café y un foro
donde las personas que están estudiando teatro pueden mostrar sus habilidades.
Azteca no tiene ninguno de estos, lo que podría explicar en parte las bajas cifras
de asistencia. 7. En resumen, el teatro Azteca tendría un mejor futuro si se
mejoraran sus exhibiciones. Además, necesita crear un ambiente más acogedor.

Ninety-eighth lesson
To let

1. Good morning!
2. Good morning, sir, may I help you?
3. I’m calling to enquire about the flat for rent. Is the flat still vacant?
4. Of course!
5. How much is it?
6. The cost is 600 pounds.
7. It’s per calendar month, isn’t it?
8. Yes!
9. How’s the flat?
10. It’s large, light and very airly.
11. And does it have three bedrooms?
12. Yes, and it has a balcony with a worderful sigh of the cityscape.
13. Where is it located?
14. It’s located in a quiet residential area pass the stadium. It’s close all
amenities and is within walking distance of the railway station.
15. And one more thing. Does it has all modern conveniences?
16. Yes, it does.
17. And are they include in the rent?
18. Of course!
19. So I wouldn’t have to pay the running water, the gas, the electricity and the
internet conection, would I?
20. Only the internet conection.
21. Ok, thank you!
22. You’re welcome

At home

23. Dear, you go to see the appartment that was in the ads of today’s paper,
didn’t you?
24. Yes!
25. And what happened?
26. The owner said we had to pay 4 months’ rent in advance plus a deposit for
gas and electricity.
27. He must be crazy, we’d better look for in another place.

Noventa y ocho lección
Se renta

1. ¡Buenos días!
2. Buenos días, señor, ¿puedo ayudarle?
3. Llamo para preguntar por la casa en alquiler. ¿La casa sigue vacante?
4. ¡Claro!
5. ¿Cuánto es?
6. Tque cuesta es 600 libras.
7. Es por mes calendario, ¿no?
8. Sí
9. ¿Y tiene tres habitaciones?
10. Sí.
11. ¿Tiene todos los servicios?
12. Sí, así es.
13. ¿Y están en el alquiler?
14. ¡Claro!
15. Así que no tendría que pagar el agua corriente, el gas, la electricidad y la
conexión a internet, ¿no?
16. Sólo la conexión a Internet.
17. ¡Vale, gracias!
18. De nada

En casa

19. Querida, fuiste a ver el departamento que estaba en los anuncios del
periódico de hoy, ¿no?
20. Sí
21. ¿Y qué pasó?
22. El propietario dijo que tuvimos que pagar 4 meses de renta por adelantado
y un depósito por gas y electricidad.
23. ¿Pero le dijiste que no podíamos pagarlo, no?
24. No exactamente,le dije qje estaamos buscando algo más barato y me dijo
que tenia algo perfecto para nosotros.
25. ¿Y qué fue?
26. Una caravana
27. Pero le dijiste que no queríamos vivir en una cosa tan pequeña, ¿verdad?
28. No exactamente...

Tag questions

We use the tag questions when we are not sure about the information we have and
we want that the person who we are talking tell us if we are right or wrong.

70 % + 3o% = 100% of probability

You were my student , weren’t you?
+ -
70 % + 3o% = 100% of probability
You didn’t do the , did you?
+ -

We build the tag question using the auxiliary of the main clause.

You are Miriam, aren’t you?

If the main clause is affirmative, the tag question is affirmative and vice versa.

You are British, aren’t you?

You aren’t from Glasgow, are you?

Special cases

We use aren’t you instead of am I.

I am the new manager, aren’t I?

We use will with the imperative

Help me move the sofa, will you?

We use shall with let’s go


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado hciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?


In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about past probability


 Conditional type 3
 If only, as if, as though
 Wish clauses
 Formal English
 Modal verbs with have
 Gerund composed
 Question tags
 Polite questions
 Would, used to and past simple
 Get used to, be used to

Tips seccion

Desde este punto, es necesario que escuches grabaciones para el nivel B2 de

inglés. Puedes conseguirlas en librerias de idiomas o en internet. Asegurate que
sean para el nivel B2 y que tengan el simbolo CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
También escucha la radio inglesa, ve peliculas con diferentes acentos ingleses y
escucha canciones más complejas de tu variante y con acentos regionales.

Para mejorar tu lectura y adquirir vocabulario, te recomendamos leer tus lecciones

del libro. Lee libros graduados para el nivel B2.

Para mejorar tu producción oral, habla con personas nativas con diferentes

Para mejorar tu producción escrita, busca alguien de tu nivel de inglés con quien
puedas mensajearte usando la lengua, inscribete en un foro de algo que te guste.

Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante, aprende la lista de idioms que
viene en los anexos del libro.

Seventy-eighth lesson
A bad decision

1. I believe we should never have shopped online this notebook, it was

expensive, heavy and slow and it doesn’t run the programme I need to work
from home.
2. If we’d known it wasn’t going to work, we’d have bought one at the computer
shop that was next to the florist’s, I believe there were good ones on sales.
3. The minute I saw the design of the mark, I had a feeling that this was going
to go on but I think it’d been worst if we’d have gone to the shopping centre.
4. Yes, they’d sold us a screen, a Bluetooth mouse and a keyboard before we
could go out the shop.

In another place

5. What’s wrong, Sahra?

6. I’m annoyed, this computer doesn’t work. I’ve tried for ages to log in to my
on line Russian lessons, but I can’t because it doesn’t work.
7. Have you tried to turned it off and then turned it on?
8. I’ve tried everything, I’ve already unplugged it and plug in it , I’ve logged out
and logged in, even I’ve changed my password and it goes on without
9. You should phone to the technical assistance.
10. I’ve already done it, but they hanged me up.
11. Mm, you’d better go to the factory directly and change it, has it got
12. Yes, it came with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty.
13. And where’s the factory?
14. In China.

Lección setenta y octava

1. Creo que nunca tuvimos que haber comprado en línea este portátil, es caro,
anticuado y lento.
2. Sí, si hubiéramos sabido que no iba a funcionar, lo hubieramos comprado
en la tienda de computadoras, creo que habían buenas en rebaja.
3. En el momento en que vi el diseño de la marca, tuve la sensación de que
esto iba a suceder, pero creo que hubiera sido peor, si hubiéramos ido al
centro comercial.
4. Sí, nos hubieran vendido una pantalla, un ratón Bluetooth y un teclado
antes de poder salir de la tienda.

En otro lugar

5. ¿Qué pasa, Sahra?

6. Esta computadora no funciona.
7. He intentado durante años iniciar sesión en mis clases de ruso, pero no
puedo porque no funciona.
8. ¿Has intentado desconectarla y luego conectarla?
9. He intentado todo, ya la apagué y prendi, ya he cerrado mi sesión y la he
vuelto abrir, incluso he cambiado mi contraseña y continúa sin trabajar.
10. Debe llamar a la asistencia técnica.
11. Ya lo hice, pero me colgaron.
12. Será mejor que vayas a la factorya y la cambies, ¿tiene garantía?
13. Sí, viene con una garantía del factoryante de un año.
14. ¿Y dónde está la factorya?
15. En China.

Conditional type 3

If Past perfect , Would have

Could have
Should have
Might have
If I had known what , I would have done
I know now another thing.

In informal English, we use would’ve (/gudof/) instead of would have.


We use the conditional type 3 in the same way that in Spanish.


Escriba una carta a un amigo donde le digas que hubieras hecho si hubieras
estudiado otra Carrera (200 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea that Mexico would be better if it has not lost

Do you regreat about something? What do you think that would have happened if
you had takaen another desition?

Seventy-nineth lesson

1. If I only had paid more attention this wouldn't have happened.

2. What’s going on?
3. Hi, Jack, today, when Sarah was coming back from her supermarket she got
mugged by a man.
4. Are you well?
5. Yes, I am, he only mugged my handbag.
6. What did you have there?
7. My notebooks and my ID. The right thing is I didn’t carry my wallet, if not, I
would’ve lost all my money.
8. This city is becoming more and more insecure.
9. Yes, yesterday I heard on the news that a high-street bank and a jeweller’s
were robbed and nobody knows who did it.
10. Well, what do we do now?
11. I think you’d best go to the police station and make the report.
12. That’s a great idea. I’ll go with you.

At the police station

13. What’s the matter, Roger?

14. It was terrible, today we found a body in the woods, the murder have
apparently killed his victim with a sword, it was terrifying.
15. What about you?
16. Today we arrested two men that wanted to mug an old woman, we think
they had another accomplice but neither of them wanted to talk during the
17. At least we’re not David, he was shot this morning while he was on the
patrol. Fortunately, the dog that was with him moved fast, if not, I don’t know
what would’ve happened.
18. Don’t worry about him, David has always been a lucky man.

Lección setenta y nueve

1. Si hubiera prestado más atención esto no habría pasado.

2. ¿Qué pasa?
3. Hoy, cuando Sarah regresaba de su trabajo fue asaltada por un hombre en
una moto.
4. ¿Estás bien?
5. Sí, lo soy, sólo asaltó mi bolso.
6. ¿Qué tenías ahí?
7. Mis cuadernos, mi celular, mi identificación. Lo correcto es que no llevaba
mi billetera, si no, habría perdido todo mi dinero.
8. Esta ciudad es cada vez más insegura.
9. Sí, ayer me enteré de las noticias de que el banco fue robado.
10. Y escuché que los carteristas y la estafa telefónica están subiendo.
11. Sí, bueno, ¿qué hacemos ahora?
12. Creo que será mejor que vayas a la comisaría y hagas el informe.
13. Buena idea. Voy contigo.

En la comisaría

14. ¿Qué pasa, Roger?

15. Fue terrible, hoy encontramos un cuerpo en el bosque, el asesinato parecía
haber matado a su víctima con un cuchillo, fue aterrador.
16. ¿Y tú?
17. Hoy arrestamos a dos hombres que querían asaltar a una mujer, creemos
que tenían otro cómplice pero ninguno de ellos quería hablar durante el
18. Al menos no somos David, le dispararon esta mañana mientras estaba en
la gasolina, afortunadamente, el perro que estaba con él se movió rápido, si
no, no sé qué habría pasado.
19. No té preocupespor él, David siempre ha sido un hombre afortunado.

If only, as if, as though

If only Si tan solo If only I could speak French, I could go to Paris

As if Como si As if/as though those things can happen
As though
As if! Si, como no! As if! I don’t believe you
What if Y si What if we go to the cinema?
If so De ser asi If so, you’ll have to say the truth
Even if Aun cuando Even if you’ve handed all the exercises, you
don’t pass the course
Exept if A menos que Exept if you do exercise, you’ll get fat.


Escriba una carta al encargado de seguridad de tu colonia donde le digas los

problemas de seguridad que tiene tu ccolonia y le pidas que los solucione (200



Have you ever been mugged?

Do you consider your neighbourhood secure? Why?

What are the biggest problems related with security in your country?

What can be done to improve the security in your neighbourhood?

Eightieth lesson

1. I wish I were a nature photographer, so I’d have more free time.

2. Isn’t being a nature photographer a hard work?
3. Aye, you must be right patient, adventurous and above all you must enjoy
your job.
4. I think you’re right.
5. And what about you? Wouldn’t you like to try anything?
6. Of course!
7. If you hadn’t graduated in marketing, what would you have liked to become?
8. I believe I’d been a ‘igh school principal, top-notch researcher or maybe a
9. Why soldier?
10. I’ve forever been keen on weapons, and since I was a lad I’ve wanted to
become a pilot fighter. I wish I hadn’t been short, so I’d been able to do the
test to enter to the army.
11. Well, I’d not change my job for all the tea in China, the minute I made the
application for the uni, I knew I wanted to become a surgeon, even so, I’d
like to have a job where I didn’t work at nights.
12. Too right I would. I wish I wouldn’t have to work at the weekend for spending
more time with my family.
13. For the likes of you and me, the only we can wait is that the government
doesn’t goes up the taxes.
14. Mind you!

Lección de octavo año

1. Desearía tener un trabajo que me da más tiempo libre, así que podría
trabajar como fotógrafo de naturaleza a tiempo parcial.
2. ¿No es un trabajo duro ser fotógrafo de naturaleza?
3. Sí, debes ser muy paciente, aventurero y sobre todo debes disfrutar de tu
4. Creo que tienes razón.
5. ¿Y qué hay de ti? ¿No te gustaría probar algo nuevo?
6. Por supuesto! Lo haría, pero ahora tengo mucho trabajo en marketing y no
tengo tiempo.
7. Si no hubieras estudiado marketing, ¿qué te hubiera gustado ser?
8. Creo que había sido director, investigador o tal vez un soldado
9. ¿Por qué soldado?
10. Siempre me han gustado las armas, y desde niño he querido pilotar caza.
11. Desearía haber sido más alto, así que podría haber tenido mi prueba para
venir al ejército.
12. Bueno, no cambiaría mi trabajo por todo el té en China, en el momento en
que hice la solicitud para la universidad, sabía que quería ser cirujano, aún
así, tendría un trabajo donde no tengo tanto trabajo.
13. Demasiada razón. Desearía no tener que trabajar los sábados por tener
más tiempo con mis hijos.
14. Para los gustos y yo, lo único que podemos esperar es que el gobierno no
suba los impuestos.
15. No te preocupes.


We use wish + past simple to talk about something we would like to be different in
the present or something we don’t like or what we regret in the present.

I wish I had a bigger house. (como qusiera tener una casa)

We use wish + would to talk about something we would like to be different in the
present or something we don’t like or what we regret in the present and that we
can change just by doing it.

I wish I would have more free time (you can do it, you’re your own boss)

We use wish + past perfect to talk about something we would like to be different in
the past or something we didn’t like or what we regreted.

I wish I hadn’t eaten as much. (Como quisiera/como (no) se me ocurrio haber

comido tanto)


Un amigo tuyo te envoi un mensaje donde te pregunta cuales fueron tus

propositus de año nuevo. Escribale una respuesta donde le digas cuales son tus
planes, deseos y cosas que quieres hacer este año (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?, How long have you been learning English?

British culture

En esta lección, encontramos otra caratcttistica del ingés de Yorkshire, Aye es una forma
de decir Yes que se utiliza en escocia y en el norte de inglaterra.

Seventy forth lesson
It’s greek to me

1. David, could you ‘elp me, I can’t start season.

2. It’s just to enter your ID name and enter your keyword.
3. ‘ow smart you are!
4. Come on, it was nothing.
5. Well, now I’ll be able to look up the word that I can’t understand.
6. What diccionary do you use?
7. I use Cambridge’s e-diccionary.
8. Why don’t you just google it?
9. No.
10. Don’t you like it?
11. No, they both are good, but I prefer using Cambridge’s diccionary when I
look for the definition of a word. ‘ave you ‘eard the latest, Sahra is ‘aving a
party next week in Oxford.
12. When?
13. I don’t know.
14. I ‘ope it’s on Saturday, if not, none of us will be able to attend.
15. Why?
16. Because your only day-off is on Saturday and I’m moving to London next
17. I’d forgotten you were going to move there. Why are you moving?
18. Because my fiancée went there to study the university and we thought that
the better I moved there to spend more time together and because I got a
job there.
19. How are you going to earn a living there?
20. I’m going to be policeman.
21. Good look, with that. ‘ave you packed all you need?
22. Aye.
23. ‘ow are you going to there?
24. By couch, I hate flying.
25. Remember that you can only take with you not more than 25 on the coach.
26. I’m taking only with me two small suitcases and my laptop.
27. I believe I’ll miss you!
28. Don’t worry, we can continue being in touch, we just need to open an
account in that social media that everybody is talking about and ready.
29. I don’t like social medias, better e-mail you.

Dialectal English

Eighty first lesson
At court

1. Do you believe his co-worker has done it?

2. I doubt it, he was away when the victim was killed, so he can’t have been
3. I think his boss might have been, he was very near his van when he was
killed, but he has a very good alibi and his kind of blood don’t match which
we found in the crime scene with.
4. It must have been the gardener, he was in love with her wife and he debt
money to him. It must have been him, but we need to find the murder
weapon to be absolutely sure that he comitted the offence.
5. Yes. Let’s return to the laboratory. I expect they has already the DNA results
that we asked for.

At court

6. Stand to receive the honourable judge Rhoder.

7. Sit, please.
8. What are the charges?
9. First-degree murder
10. What does the accused have to say?
11. Your Honour, I’m innocent, I wasn’t there that night.
12. He’s lying!
13. Wait your turn lawyer! Clerk of the court, what do you have?
14. The murder weapon was found in his flat and his fingerprints match with
which were found in the cottage of the victim. Also, his print foots match with
which were found in the crime scene.
15. What does the jury say?
16. We find the accused guilty.
17. Mister Barnes, on base the raised evidence, this court sentence you to 25
years of prison for the crime of murder in first grade without right to bail.
18. You can take the accused.

Ochenta primera lección
En la corte

1. ¿Crees que su compañero lo haya hecho?

2. Lo dudo, estaba fuera cuando mataron a la víctima, así que no puede haber
sido él.
3. Creo que pudo ser su jefe, estaba muy cerca de su auto cuando lo mataron,
pero era una coartada muy y su tipo de sangre no coincidía con la que
encontramos en la escena del crimen.
4. Debe haber sido el jardinero, estaba enamorado de ella y le compuso
dinero. Debe haber sido él, pero necesitamos encontrar el arma.
5. Va a ser muy difícil, tal vez fue un infarto.
6. ¡Claro! Un infarto causado por un cuchillo en el corazón.

En la corte

7. Ponganse de pie para recibir al honorable juez Rhoder.

8. Siéntese, por favor.
9. ¿Cuáles son los cargos?
10. Asesinato en primer grado
11. ¿Qué tiene que decir el acusado?
12. Su Señoría, soy inocente, estuve allí esa noche.
13. ¡Está mintiendo!
14. ¡Espera tu turno abogado! Secretario de la corte, ¿qué tiene?
15. Encontramos el arma homicida en su casa y sus huellas coinciden con las
cuales fueron encontradas en la casa de la víctima. Además, sus pies de
impresión no coinciden con los que fueron encontrados en la escena del
16. ¿Qué dice el jurado?
17. Encontramos al acusado culpable.
18. Señor Johson, debido a las pruebas planteadas y a los testimonios de
varios testigos, este tribunal lo condena a 25 de prisión por el delito de
asesinato sin derecho a fianza.
19. Puedes llevarte al acusado.

Modal verbs to express deduction

Must be Deber ser

Might be* Pudo ser
Can’t be Puede ser

May/might have To say that something can have

happened but we are not sure.
Could have To say that something could have
happened but it did not happen

Must have Positive deduction in the past

Can’t/couldn’t have Negative deduction in the past

Should/ought to have To give a piece of advice or regret

about something that happened in the

Needn’t have To say that you did something that was

not necessary but you did it anyway


We cannot use “can be” or “may be” when we want to express probability.


Escriba un dialogo que tengaa de lugar de desarrollo un tribunal (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

Eighty second lesson
A busy day

1. Having said goodbye to his parents, the young man got himself ready to
commence this trip which would do accompanied by his friends, the
objective, to visit the most important countries in Africa. The speaker was
already heard announcing that the ship was about to leave. So, the young
man entered the ship. When he looked through the window of his cabin, the
remember of her fiancée came to his mind while the ship left the port. While
arriving at South Africa, their car, which had hired in an unknown car
agency, was already waiting for them but it was not until they entered the
car when the problems commenced. The steering while did not turn well, the
seatbells were old and the enginee sounded wird. One of the adolescents
said “There’s no problem, it can support the journey”
2. In their way to the beach, the adolescents wondered with the beauty of the
rainforest and with the breathtaking seascape. When they were halfway the
car broke down.
“The car has broken down, what a surprise!” said one of the adolescents.
“Don’t be so pessimistic, it was only a wheel, we only gotta get it fixed”
answered the young man. The poor adolescents have to walk along the
road under the powerful heat of the sun which made that their mouth dried
up and their front filled with sweat. When they arrived at a petrol station, the
mechanic looked at them and asked them “How can I help you?”.
“It’s the wheel, could you fix it? Said tye young man.
“You got money?” Said the mechanic.
“No, but we can give you the life jackets, the torch and the first aid kit we
have with us” Said the young man.
“Ok” Said the mechanic after thinking of it a moment.
3. Having resolved their problem, the adolescents finally could continue with
their journey. When they reached the beach. They hurried up seeing the
sutset. Fortunately, they were on time to see how the sun dissapeared into
the sea. Having finished seeing the sunset, the adolescents decided to take
a boat next day to go to an isle which was in front of the beach without
knowing that something was waiting for them.
4. To be continued …

Ochenta segunda lección
Un día ocupado

1. Habiendo se despedido de sus padres, el joven se preparó para comenzar

este viaje, acompañado de sus amigos, el objetivo, visitar las principales
capitales de los países de América Latina.
2. El orador ya se escuchaba anunciando que el vuelo estaba a punto de
salir. Entonces, el joven entró al avión.
3. Cuando miró a través de la ventana, el recuerdo de su amor vino a su
4. Cuando llegaron al aeropuerto, su coche, que había alquilado, los estaba
esperando y fue cuando comenzó el problema.
5. En su camino a la playa, el coche se descompuso.
6. El joven dijo: "Cómo es posible que el coche se haya averiado"
7. A lo que uno de los jóvenes respondió: "No te preocupes, es sólo una
rueda, tenemos que llevarla al mecánico para que la arreglen.
8. El pobre joven caminaba por el camino bajo un poderoso sol que mi que su
boca se secó y su frente se llenó de sudor.
9. Cuando llegaron a la gasolinera, el mecánico los miró y les preguntó,
¿cómo puedo ayudarte?
10. A lo que el joven dijo"Es la rueda, ¿podrías arreglarlo?
11. ¿A lo que dijo el mecánico "tienes dinero?"
12. A lo que el joven dijo "No, pero podemos darle los chalecos salvavidas, la
antorcha y el kit de primeros auxilios que tenemos con nosotros para usted"
13. El mecánico, después de pensarlo, dijo: "Ok"
14. Después de haber resuelto su problema, los jóvenes se apresuran a llegar
a la playa. Afortunadamente, llegaron a tiempo para ver la puesta de sol.
15. Después de haber terminado de ver la puesta de sol, los jóvenes decidieron
tomar un barco al día siguiente para ir a la isla que estaba frente a la playa
sin saber que algo les estaba esperando.
16. continuará...

Gerund composed

Having arriving Habiendo llegado


We use composed gerund to replace a phrase with “relative pronoun + continuous


Who is the girld being intervied = Who is the girl who is being intervied?

In all the other cases the composed gerund is used in the same way than Spanish.

Indirect questions

An indirect question is a polite way to ask a question.

Direct question Where’s Adam street?

Indirect question Do you know where Adam street is?

Where is my cat?

I wonder where my cat is?


Escriba una parafrasis sobre lo que se trata la historia. Usa lenguaje informal. 200



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

Seventy forth lesson
Arsenal v. Chelsea

1. Excuse me, sir, may I ask you a question?

2. Of course!
3. Do you agree with what they say about you’re a good football player?
4. Ma’am, I ain’t a good football player, I’m the best.
5. Do you think that you and your team are going to win the match?
6. We aren’t just going to win the match. We’re gonna win the ligue.
7. But the another team have one of the best strykers.
8. I’m concious it’s going to be difficult, more ‘cause it’s raining cats and dogs
and the field is dead wet, but I’m sure we’ll win.
9. Pardon mof my comentary, but this would be a case in point of the phrase
“don’t sound your own trompeth”
10. I haven’t the fuggiest, but we’ve training very hard these months learning
new tecnics and strategies. Last but not least, we’ve done some estrategic
changes in our team to claim we’ll win, you know, better safe than sorry.
11. What do you think about another team’s idea about your team doesn’t know
how to play?
12. What they know about being good at this game. Unfortunately, I never had
the opportunity to play against them last championship ‘cause I was
recovering from a lesion but I’ve seen their captain to play and he play like a
newborn baby. So, I believe they should concentrate more in theirselves
instead of critizise other ones.
13. Do you believe this will be a great match?
14. I hope so, after all, there’s lots of folks that had attended looking forward to
seeing a good game. Could you pass me those trainers?
15. Certainly! Another question.
16. I’m sorry, ma’am, but I got a gama win.

Seventy forth lesson
Una entrevista

1. Disculpe, señor, puedo preguntarle algo?

2. Por supuesto!
3. Está de acuerdo con lo que dicen sobre que usted es un buen jugador de
4. Señora, no soy un buen jugador de football, soy el mejor.
5. Cree que su equipo y usted van a ganar el partido?
6. No solo vamos a ganar el partido. Vamos a ganar la liga.
7. Que piensa de la declaracion del otro equipo sobre el hecho que no saben
8. Que saben ellos de ser buenos en este juego. Desafortunadamente, no
tuve la oportunidad de jugar con ellos. El campeonato pasado, no pude
jugar porque me estaba recuperando de una lesion pero he visto a su
capitan jugar y juega como un bebe recien nacido. Entonces, creo que
deberian concentrarse más en ellos que incriticar a otros.
9. Cree que va a hacer un buen Partido?
10. Espero que si, despúes de todo, hay muchas personas que han venido
esperando ver un buen juego. Puede pasarme esos tenis?
11. Seguro! Otra pregunta.
12. Lo siento, señora, pero tengo un juego que ganar.

It’s his bread and butter Es su mero mole
To be born and bread Crecer en un lugar (toda la vida)
For dankey’s years Desde hace un buen
Last but not least Por ultimo (pero no menos importante)
Don’t blow your own trumpet No cantes victoria antes de tiempo
Don’t be daft No digas mamádas
Like a shoot Devolada
If x is your thing Si x es lo tuyo
Too right I would Sin duda alguna
To be on the look out Estar en la busqueda
To pool our resources Unir fuerzas
A case in point Un buen ejemplo
To have your say on Decir tu opinion de
As the old saying goes Como dicen
To coin a phrase
For the likes of you and me Para la gente como nosotros
Mind you Eso si
Wrong Pues no
What a marvellous No mames
Wait a minute aguanta
To be keen on Ser aficionado a
To be on the mood Atojarse
I didn’t sleep a wink No pude dormir
I didn’t get a wink of sleep
Nonsence No digas mamádas
No importa
To hit on hike Pedir aventon
Damn Que la chingada (como cuando se te
cae algo)
O que su puta madre (como cuando se
te cae algo)
Otherwise know as Tambien conocido como
The so-called Denominado
To suit your pocket Que se adapte a tu presupuesto
I haven’t the fuggiest no tengo la menor idea
you’re warm, but not quite here Cerca pero no tanto
To take the lead Ponerse a la cabeza
I haven’t got a clue No tengo idea
What a pity Que pena
money can’t buy everything El dinero no compra la felicidad
To earn a living Para ganarse la vida
To do a living Para vivir
To take a sabbatical year Tomar un año sabatico
The minute Desde el omento en que
For all the tea in China Ni por todo el oro del mundo

It’s (just) Greek to me Esta en Chino
Here and there De aqui y de alla
Know what I mean Sabes a lo que me refiero
A real chip off the old block De tal palo tal astilla
Don’t cross your bridges before Todo a su tiempo
A picture is worth a thousand words Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
Better safe than sorry Mas vale prevenir que lamentar
You live and learn Todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo
What’s got with Brian? Y ahora que tiene Brian?
To be in very high spirits Estar de muy buen humor
To be on cloud nine Andar bien emocionado
Can’t take Chocar
To be off his rocket Perder la cabeza
What’s all this about? Y eso de que
To tell you umpteen times Decirlo un millon de veces
Here catch Toma
What time are you off? A que horas te vas
Last drink Ultima copa
What’s is name Como se llame


In this unit you will learn:

 To write a review


 Fornal English II
 None of/ all and whole, most
 Modal verbs II
 Enough/ such as, each/every
 Rather/ Do emphatic/quite
 Word building
 Purpose clauses
 Question tags /So do I/ neither do I
 Definite and non-definite clauses

Eighty-nineth lesson
Literary critics

1. The book “Peaches’ Season; by Mauricio Mateo is one of the jewels of the
21st century fiction. It is actually a series of 5 short stories, all focusing on
the same character – João– who has many adventures with his friends in
different parts of the word. Each story is set, in a different part of the time life
of the character; there are three which take place during the time in which
the character studies the secondary school, one when he studies the high
school, one when he is at university and so on.
2. Many aspects of the things that the human being experiment during his life
are describad, such as the first love, the lost of friends and the dislove,
although the book is not completely true to life. This is perhaps its greatest
strenght. This book has a unique mixture of realistic events and bizarre
ones, which often take the reader by surprise.
3. One particular story features the pain that is felt by a person when he
decides to leave a relationship. João who has gone to another state where
he knows, good friends and the pleasures of a good life, all this until he
receives a letter. In the end, he takes a decision which will change the
direction of his life for ever. The story closes with João letting a message to
his girlfriend and retourning to his home town.
4. If you are looking for a romantic novel with plenty of action, I strongly advise
you to choose this book. You won’t be able to take it down.

Octogesima novena leccion

1. El libro Temporada de Duraznos; por Miguel Martinez es una de las joyas

del la ficción del siglo 21. Es de hecho una serie de 5 historias cortas, las
cuales se centran en el mismo personaje – João- quien tiene muchas
aventuras con sus amigos y novias en diferentes partes de el mundo.
Cada historia es centrada en una parte diferente de la vida del protagonista,
hay tres que suceden durante el tiempo en el que el personaje estudia la
secundaria, una cuando estudiaba la secundaria, etc.
2. Muchos aspectos de las cosas que el ser humano experiemnta durante su
vida son decritas, como el primer amor, la perdida de un amor, la Perdida
de amigos, el desamor, aunque el libro no competamente cierto para la
Esto es tal vez su más grande fuerza. Tiene una mezcla unica de eventos
realistas y extraños, los cuales seguido sorpren al lector.
3. Una de las cosas que la historia explora es el dolor que experiementa una
persona cuando decide dejar una relación. João que ha ido a otro estado
donde el conoce, buenos amigos y los placers de una Buena vida, todo esto
hasta que el recibe una carta. Al final toma la desición que cambiará su vida
para siempre. La historia termina con João dejando una carta para su novia
y regresando a su ciudad natal.
4. Si estas buscando una novela romantica con mucha acción, te recomiendo
leer este libro. No podrás dejar de leerlo.

Sixtieth Lesson
Higher education

1. Daniela, could you read the next examples of non-definiting sentences.

2. Roger Dickens, whose first work was The Posthumous Papers of the
Pickwick Club, was born in Portsmouth 1812.
3. Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon, who was Spain’s King’s daughter,
in 1509.
4. York, which was once the place from where the Roman empire was
governed, was founded in 72 d.c.

5. In the United Kingdom, children and youngsters have to pass several

academic levels before they can get a university degree.
6. The school starts at three years when children are sent to the kinder.
7. After they go to the primary school, where they learn subjects like English,
history, and maths.
8. After primary school, the british children enter the secondary school where
they are tough about more advanced subjects like physics, chemistry and
9. High school is not obligatory in the United Kingdom, so the british
youngsters can decide if they want to go to the high school or not.
10. When they finished the high school, they go to the university or to a college
of higher education.
11. Among the most important universities in the United Kingdom are
Cambridge, Oxford and St Andrews. After three years or more of degree
course, those who enter university are ready to get their university degree
and enter the labour market.

Sexagesima lección
En la universidad

1. Daniela, puedes leer los siguientes ejemplos de non-definiting sentences.

2. Roger Dickens, cuya primera obra fue “The Posthumous Papers of the
Pickwick Club”, nacio en Portsmouth en1812.
3. Henry VIII se caso con Catherine of Aragon, quien era la hija del rey de
España, en 1509.

4. En el Rerino Unido, los niños y jovenes deben de pasar varios niveles

academicos antes de que ellos puedan tener su titulo Universitario.
5. La escuela empieza a los tres cuando los niños son enviados al kinder.
6. Despúes ellos van a la primaria, donde aprenden materias como Inglés,
historia y maematicas.
7. Despúes de la primaria, los niños britanicos entran a la secundaria donde
se le senseñan materias más avanzadas como fisica, quimica y biologia.
8. La preparatoria no es obligatoria en el Reino Unido, entonces los jovenes
britanicos pueden decider si ir a la preparatoria o no.
9. Cuando terminan la preparatoria, los jovenes brotanicos van a la
universidad. Entre las universidades ma´s importantes en el Reino Unido
estan Cambridge y St Andrews.
10. Despúes de tres años de Universidad, los jovenes britanicos están listos
para recibir su titulo universitario y entrar al mercado laboral.


1. How old the United Kingdom children when they enter school?
2. What do they learn in the primary school?
3. What are the most important universities in the United Kingdom?
4. What can they do when they finish the university?

Defining/non defining clauses

Relative clauses are divided in two: defining relative clauses and non-defining

Defining relative clauses are clauses join two sentences.

This is the dog (that/which) I bought.

Non defining clauses give more information about the subject.

My dog, whose name is Blackly, is very friendly.

This information can be omitted without affect the meaning of the main sentences.

My dog is very friendly

We cannot change that for which or who in non-definite sentences

His house, which was inherit, is very beautiful.

Not His house, that was inherit, is very beautiful.

Difference between definite and non-definite sentences

Definite clauses are needed to know who the subject is.

He is the neighbour who lives in the corner.

Not He is in the corner. (who?)


Write a letter for a university where you like entering. Tell why you want to enter
that universy, what are your studies and what your master’s degree proyect is.
(150 words)



Ask your partner: What is the best university in your country? Why? Do you agree
with the schools give homework to the pupils? Why? What subject do you believe
would be tough in the school? Why?

Ninety-seventh lesson

1. Hello, everyone, we have in the studio Jack Smith author of the book “Mary
blue” Jack, how did you imagine so successful and brilliant book?
2. Well, I were tired about the novels which show the typical story about a man
who falls in love with a woman and they live happily for ever. So, I decided
to write this story where the main character, a knowledgeable middle-age
townie man finds his infance love while he has fiancée and has to decide if
coming back with his infance love or marry his fiancée.
3. What was your first best-seller?
4. It was without doubt My Girl, of which over 15 million of copies where sold.
5. What’s it about?
6. It is the story about
7. And where can we buy this masterpiece?
8. You can buy it in your nearest bookshop or you can buy its e-version in my
9. Jack, what do you think about poet and rewarded writer Luis’ opinion about
your works are inconclusive?
10. What’s he going to know that illiterate deceitful and narrow-minded man
about a good literary work. His timeless works are careless and most of the
time they are pointless.
11. And what do you think about your his idea about young writes “are just a
load of out-going irresponsible youghters who only like wasting their time
and wearing snoopy clothes”?
12. Well, I believe that I can’t give an opinion about that because I haven’t
spoken to many people from that generation, but those to whom I’ve spoken
have been down-to-earth learned with fresh ideas about the art, thought, I
can’t deny they need to mature more, being more hard-working and being
less self-fish.
13. Thank you for your time, Jack.
14. Don’t mention it.

Noventa y siete lección

1. Hola a todos, tenemos en el estudio David ___ David? -Sí- Autor del libro
"El Retorno" David, ¿cómo te imaginaste este libro?
2. Bueno, estaba cansada de las novelas que muestran la típica historia sobre
un hombre que se enamora de una mujer y viven felices para siempre. Así
que decidí escribir esta historia donde el personaje principal, un experto
hombre de la edad media, encuentra su amor de la vida sin saberlo.
3. David, ¿qué opinas de las obras de Shakespeer?
4. Desafortunadamente, no he podido estudiar profundamente las obras de
Shakerspeer, pero creo que deben ser de la misma calidad de Charles
Dickens, otro gran autor de la literatura británica.
5. ¿Qué opinas de la opinión del escritor Luis sobre tus obras no es
6. Lo que va a saber ese analfabeto, engañoso y de mente estrecha sobre
una buena obra literaria. Sus obras atemporales son descuidadas y la
mayor parte del tiempo no tienen sentido.
7. ¿Y qué opinas de su idea de que los escritores milenarias “son sólo un
montón de outgoing jovenes irresponsables a los que sólo les gusta perder
el tiempo y usar ropa descuidada?
8. Bueno, creo que no puedo dar una opinión sobre eso porque no he hablado
con mucha gente de esa generación, pero a quien he conocido, han sido
personas centradas que tenían ideas frescas. Sin embargo, no puedo negar
que necesitan madurar y son más trabajadores y menos egocéncidos.
9. Gracias por tu tiempo, David.
10. No lo menciones.

Prefix and suffix

Prefix Meaning Rule Base word Word with

Un General rule Happy Unhappy
In (words with Possible Inpossible
a latin origin)
Il No Words which Legal Illegal
begin with “l”
Ir Words which Regular Irregular
begin with “r”
Self- Auto Noun Service Self-service
Over Sobre Without rule Population Overpopulation
Mis Mal Without rule Understood Misunderstood
Dis No Verbs Agree Disagree

Sufix Meaning Base word Word with

-aholic Adicto a Noun Work Workaholic
-ful Lleno de Noun Beauty Beautiful
-less Sin Noun Colour Colourless
-like Como Noun Pig Pig-like

-er - Verb Work Worker

-hood Dad Noun Brother Brotherhood
-ness Dad Adjective Happy Happiness

-en - Noun ended in Depth Deepen

-th or -ht



Escriba una critica de un libro que no te haya gustado. Ocupa por lo menos 10
palabras compuestas. (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

British culture

El sufijo -ham que aparece en los nombres de algunas ciudades Cosham significa
pradera. Mientras que el sufijo -chester que aparece en el nombre de algunas
ciduades como Maschester viene del latin castra que significa “campamento fortific

Ninety-fifth lesson
Art critics

1. Art styles?

2. Since the dance until the architecture, the arts have always been part of the
humanity, however, can we consider the latest forms of art as art?, the
opinion of a server is a complete no.
3. All the arts, with the exception of the architecture and the literature, have
had a decrease in their quality since the beginning of the century. For
example, the music has decreased so much in its quality that you cannot
know if you are listening to someone singing or someone complaining about
a terrible stomach ache. The painting is not very far from it, at museums and
arts galleries of all the country are shown paintings and sculptures that look
which were done by a 5-years-old artist! Cinema is the worst of them, after
having had a great success with films like, “Don’t look back” and “The Rail
Way Children”, the studios of our country began to change as much the plot
of the films with the idea of “revolutionize the industry” that they ended up
shooting films that no one wants to see.
4. I think that the directors, musicians, dancers, and all the persons who work
in the arts must improve their works. I agree with the idea that each one
must look for his own style, but I think that this style must agree with the
purpose of the art that is delighted the sences, if they do not do this, we will
continue having this kind of things in our theatres, arts galleries and

Noventa y quinta lección

1. Desde la danza hasta la arquitectura, las artes siempre han sido parte de la
humanidad, sin embargo, ¿podemos considerar las nuevas formas de arte
como arte?, la opinión de un servidor es un completo no.
2. Todas las artes, con la excepción de la arquitectura y la literatura, han
tenido una disminución en su calidad desde principios de siglo. Por ejemplo,
la música ha disminuido tanto su calidad que no puedes saber si estás
escuchando a alguien cantando o alguien quejándose de un horrible dolor
de estómago.
3. La pintura no está muy lejos de ella, en museos y galerías de todo el país
se muestran pinturas y esculturas que parecen hechas por un pintor de 5
4. El cine es el peor de ellos, después de haber tenido un gran éxito con
películas como, Don’t look back y The Rail Way Children, los estudios de
nuestro país comenzaron a cambiar tanto la trama de las películas con la
idea de "revolucionar la industria" que terminaron rodando películas que
nadie quiere ver.
5. Creo que los directores, músicos, bailarines y todas las personas que
trabajan en las artes deben mejorar sus obras y estoy de acuerdo con la
idea de que cada uno debe buscar su propio estilo, pero creo que este
estilo debe estar de acuerdo con el propósito del arte que está encantado
con los sences, si no lo hacen, seguiremos teniendo este tipo de cosas en
nuestros teatros, galerías y cines.

Formal English II


Informal Formal
A/an + number One + number (more formal)
A + day/week/etc. Per + day/week/etc.
(more formal y escrito)
A little A little
A bit
A lot of Much
A lot of
Although/ Though Even though
Auntie Aunt
Rotten Rotten
Banger Sausage
Beautiful Fair
Because For
Between __ to __ Between __ and __
Breath/Wind Breath
Body Corpse
Bye Goodbye
Bye Bye
Chemist’s Pharmacy
Child Child
Kid (less used)
Clout Influence
Clout Punch
Company (they) Company (it)
Correct/Right Correct
Daft Silly
Dead Completely
Deal Agreement
Dessert Dessert
Pudding (informal y raro)
Dire Very bad
Dole Unemployment
Dumb Stupid

Expensive/Dear Expensive
Each other Another one (two people)
Each one (three or more people)
Elegant (clothes) Elegant
Smart (clothes)
Dad Dad
Film/Flick Film
Fine/Well Fine
Fix coffee (Cup of) coffee
Fringe Outlast
Feeble/weak Weak
Foggy Vague
Foible Weakness (de caracter)
Food Meal
The folk(s) + verb in plural People
Gents Restroom
Had better Had better
Had best (less used)
Inhabitant City Dweller
Intelligence Intelligent
Jobless Unemployed
Lad Young man
Libel (oral) Defamation
Slander (wr)
Less Less + uncountable
Fewer + countable
Mum Mom
Nuts Crazy
Only But
Perhaps/Maybe Perhaps (more formal)
Position Vacancy
Pretty + adj/adv Quite
Private eye Private Investigator
Production/output Production
Profile Review
Starving/ Ravenous Starving
Roomy Spacious
Scouser Liverpudlian
Stuff Things

Pupil Pupil
Student (a veces usado)
So + person + say/write So + say/write + person
Backbone Spine
Spud Potato
Sure Certainly
Terrible/disastrous Dire
Thank you Thanks
Tip Advise
Thin Rare
Tube Underground
Undertaker Gravedigger
Uptight Nervous
Vacant/ Opening -
Yes Yes
What/which What (general)
Which (options)
Whereabouts Where
Wise (Informal y raro) Malevolent
Worker Employee


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado hciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)




How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English?

British culture

Las public houses o pubs, no son lugares para beber, comer y jugar sino también
son lugares para convivir. A los pubs que venden exelente comida se les llama

En Gran Bretaña puedes encontrarte con la tradicional Ale (una cerveza con
mucho lupulo llamada de alta fermentación) la cual es una cerveza que se bebe a
temperature ambiente. La Ale más comun es la bitter. A las cervezas rubias se les
conoce con el nombre generico de lager.

Cuando vayas a un pub recuerda siempre precisar la cantidad, despúes el tipo de

cerveza y generalmente, por ultimo el nombre de la Cerveceria o de la marc

Seventy second lesson
At clothing shop

1. What do you think, Cathy?

2. I believe that red woollen hand-made sweater suits with your long new silk
3. Yes, and it fits me perfectly. Mm, I think you should buy some gloves.
4. Yes, they’ll suit well with your outfit.
5. What do you think about these ones?
6. They’re good hot Italian gloves, but they’re not made of fabric.
7. Yes, but they’re only cost 5 pounds, they’re really a bargain.
8. So, take them .
9. Well, I’ve already got the scarf the sweater and these gloves, what else do I
10. How about a pair of boots?
11. There are good ones in the footwear section.
12. Try on these black boots!
13. They’re too tight and they look old-fashioned.
14. Ok, so try on these ones.
15. They look well and they are made of leather. I’ll buy them.

At jeweller’s

16. Good morning, madam, how can I help you?

17. Could you show me these diamond earrings?
18. Of course!
19. They’re very beautiful.
20. Also, we have excellent Mexican silver rings in sales.
21. No, could you show me that gold necklace?
22. It’s gorgeous.
23. It’s in sales.
24. Ok, I’ll take it. Do you take cheques?
25. No we don’t, but we accept all mayor credit cards.
26. Perfect! Here you are my credit card!
27. Thank you for your purchase!
28. Thank you!

Septuagesima segunda lección
En la tienda de ropa

1. Que piesnas, Ann?

2. Creo que esa nueva larga bufanda de seda portuguesa encaja con tu suiter
de lana hecho a mano, pero pienso que deberias comprar guantes.
3. Sí, estarán bien con mi outfit.
4. Que piensas de estos?
5. Son guantes calientes Italianos, pero no son de tela.
6. Bueno, ya temenos la bufanda y el suiter, que más compro?
7. Que te parece un par de botas?
8. Hay unas buenas en la sección de calzado.
9. Que piensas de estas botas?
10. Se ven bien y están hechas de cuero. Las compraré.

En otra parte de la tienda

11. Buenos dias, señora, como puedo ayudarte?

12. Puede mostrarme estos aretes de oro?
13. ¡Por supuesto!
14. Son muy hermosos.
15. También temenos exelentes anillos Mexicanos de plata en rebaja.
16. No, puede mostrarme ese collar?
17. Es precioso.
18. Tiene un 30 por ciento de descuento.
19. Ok, me lo llevó

Order of the adjectives

Position (from Kind of adjective Example

left to right)
1 Opinion Lovely, beautiful
2 Size Big, small, tall
3 Physical quality Thin, rough
4 Shape Round, square, rectangular
5 Age Young, old
6 Colour Blue, red, pink
7 Origin Japanese, turkish
8 Material Metal, gold, plastic
9 Type (con guion) General-porpouse, four-sided,
10 Purpose (para/de) Cleaning, clothing, cooking

She beautiful Tall thin young white Scottish woman

was a
1 2 3 5 6 7

The adjectives always go on the left of the noun.


Escriba un articulo donde digas porque es importante la ropa tradicional de tu país

y porque es importante mantener esta ropa.



What do you like wearing? (used at leat 4 adjectives per answear)

What’s the traditional clothes in your country?

Discuss, do yu believe that the clothes will be in the same way in the future?

Eighty third lesson

The time flies

1. Darling, do you remember when you moved from York to London.

2. ‘ow to forget it, that day was the happiest day of my live because it was the
day when I started my life with you.
3. OoooooH. What a pretty! Tonight, I’ll make your favourite dish. And wouldn’t
you like to move back?
4. Sometimes in autumn, when the sheets come down from the trees, I miss
when I used to go fishing with my dad to the loch.
5. I didn’t know you went fishing to the loch with your dad.
6. Aye, even once we were on the lookout of Nessie, but obviously, we didn’t
find it.
7. And what else did you do when you lived there?
8. I used to work part-time in a cake shop which was near to the college. I
remember I would spend a lot of time studying computer studies because I
wanted to develop a piece of software which ‘elped to pick up the graphics
of the videogames.
9. You were very keen on videogames, didn’t you?
10. Are you kidding? Once I fell out with my elder sister just because she used
my console one minute more of which my mum ‘ad said.
11. Your mum must have punished you.
12. Aye, and we ‘ad to do the ‘ouse work a whole week.
13. When we go there only for visiting?
14. We can go at Christmas, the lads will be on holiday and we can stay there a
15. That’s a great idea!
16. Well, now, let’s ‘ave dinner

Ochenta tercera lección


1. Querida, ¿recuerdas cuando te mudaste de York a Londres? 2. Cómo olvidarlo,

ese día fue el día más feliz de mi vida porque era el día en que empecé mi vida
contigo. 3. OooooooH. ¡Qué hermoso! Esta noche, haré tu plato favorito. ¿Y no te
gustaría volver? 4. A veces en otoño, cuando las sábanas bajan de los árboles,
echo de menos cuando solía ir a pescar con mi padre al lago. 5. No sabía que ibas
a pescar con tu padre. 6. Sí, una vez que estuvimos al acecho de Nessie, pero
obviamente, no loencontramos. 7. ¿Y qué más hiciste cuando vives allí? 8. Solía
trabajar por la tarde en una cafétería que está junto a la universidad. Recuerdo
que pasaría mucho tiempo estudiando informática porque quería desarrollar un
software que ayudara a mejorar los gráficos de los videojuegos. 9. Estabas muy
interesado en los videojuegos, ¿no? 10. ¿Estás bromeando? Una vez me caí con
mi hermana sólo porque usó mi consola un minuto más lo que mi madre había
dicho. 11. Debe haberte castigado. 12. Sí, y tuve que ayudar a mi hermana con su
tarea toda la semana. 13. Y cuando nos vamos, sólo para visitar. 14. Podemos ir
en Navidad, los niños estarán de vacaciones y podemos quedarnos allí dos
semanas. 15. ¡Buena idea! 16. Bueno, ahora, cenemos

Ninetieth third lesson
A love story

1. It was the 1994’s summer, the semestre had finished and my friends and
I were anxious to commence new adventures. As I did not want to stay
home all the summer, I asked my parents for permission to go to France.
They told me yes and in two weeks, I was arriving at a hotel room which
my mother had booked me into. One day, while I was walking throught
the streets of the Quartier Latin looking for something for eating, I came
across a girl who was carrying some eggs, which were broken when I
ran into her. Feeling ashamed for which had happened, I offered her to
pay the eggs and invited her a cup of coffee to make up for which had
happened but the reality was that we ended up in a public house. When
we were at public house, we introduced each one. She told me that her
name was Haide. I asked her why she was in Paris, but the only thing
she told me was that her father had sent her there to dwell with an aunt.
As it was late, I offered her to meet next day in my “flat”. She agreed and
I gave my address to her. Next day she went to my room. We danced all
the night even when I did not know and turned up the music at full
volume. While we were laughing in the balcony, she told me if I would
like to go to a dance which would take place in a castle on the outskirts
of the city, I said yes.The day of the dance I felt very embarrassed,
perhaps, for I had never dressed up or for I was going to date with a girl
who I had met one week ago. Be that as it may, the dance was very
good, I had much fun and could have a great time with her.
2. As the dance finished, everyone returned to his house, as I did not feel
like going to my room, I asked her if she wanted to go somewhere. After
having come up with where we could go, we decided to go to the river.
3. While we walked along the Sena, I kissed her what she did not put up a
4. One week later, I returned to England but something told me that it was
not going to be the last time that I would see her…

Quincuagesima tercera lección
Una historia de amor

1. Era el Verano de 1994, el semester habia terminado y mis amigos y yo

estabamos ansiosos de comenzar nuevas aventuras.
2. Como no queria quedarme en casa todo el veranom le pedi persimo a mis
padres para ir a Francia. Ellos me dijeron que si´y en dos semanas estaba
llegando a un cuarto de hotel que mi mamá me habia reservado.
3. Un dia, mnientras estaba caminando por las calles del barrio Latino
buscando que comer, me trapeze con una chava que estaba cargando unos
huevos, los cuales se rompieron cuando choque con ella.
4. Como me senti avergonzado por lo que habia pasado, le ofreci pagar los
huevos y lainvite a tomar una copa de café para hacer las pases por lo que
habia pasado, perola realidad fue que terminamos en un bar.
5. Mientras estabamos en el bar, nos presentamos. Ella me dijo que su
nombre era Haide.
6. Le pregunte porque estaba en Paris, pero lo unico que me dijo fue que su
padre la habia enviado a vivir ahí con su tia.
7. Como era tarde, le ofreci vernos el siguiente dia en mi departamento. Ella
acepto y le di mi dirección. El sigyiente dia, ella fue a mi departamento.
Bailamos toda la noche aun cuando no sabia y subimos la musica a todo
volume. Mientras estabamos riendonos en la cama, me dijo que si queria ir
a un baile que tendría lugar en un Castillo a las afueras de la ciudad, le dije
que sí.
8. El dia del baile me sentia muy nervioso, tal vez porque nunca me habia
vestido de gala o porque iba a salir con una chica que acababa de conocer
hace una semana. Haya sido como haya sido el baile estubo bien, me
diverti mucho y pase un buen rato con ella.
9. Cuando el baile termino, todos regresaron a sus casas, como yp no queria
regresar a mi cuarto, le pregunté a Haide si queria ir a algun lugar. Despúes
de pensar a donde ir, decidimos ir al rio.
10. Mientras caminabamos por el Senar, la besé a lo cual no puso recistencia.
11. Una semana más tarde, regresé a Inglaterra pero algo me decia quer esa
no iba a ser la ultima vez que la iba a ver…

Modal verbs II

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about an historical building


 Passive voice of the simple tenses

 Passive voice of the continuous tenses

From this point is a good idea that you study the vocabulary verb that is at the end
of this book.

Eighty-five lesson
A little of history

1. London, United Kingdom’s capital, was founded by Romans around 47-50

2. Londinium, as it was known the city in that time, was under the Roman
control until the fifth century when the city was taken by the Saxons.
3. London was chosen by William the Conqueror as the new capital.
4. London grew to be one of Europe’s greatest cities and trading centres and
still today is one of the most important cities around the world.
5. But in 1665 the disaster struck: thousands of persons were killed by the
plague, and the following year hundreds of buildings were destroyed by a
terrible fire.
6. But it was not the end of London. In that year, a leading architect, Sir
Christopher Wren, was asked to redesign the ruined city.
7. Many of the buildings that you can see today were put up in the nineteenth
century to reflect London’s status as the capital of the British Empire.
8. Nowadays, London is one of the most touristiest cities in the world, just
before of Bangkok. The city is full of tourist attractions and places to visit
such as Camden Town, Piccadilly Circus and British Museum. London is
also one of the biggest cities in the United Kingdom being this, the
economical and political centre of the country.

Octogesima quinta leccion
Un poco de historia

1. Londres, capital del Reino Unido, fue fundada por los romanos entre los
años 47 y 50 D.C. En este lugar decidieron construer un Puente el cual fue
el primer Puente que cruzo en rio Tamesis.
2. Londinium, como se conocia a la ciudad, estuvo bajo el control del imperio
romano hasta el siglo quinto cuando la ciudad fue tomada por los Sajones.
3. El Desarrollo de Londres realmente comenzo en el siglo 11 cuando William
el conquistador lo nombro como su capital.
4. Londres crecio para ser una de las más grandes ciudade y centros
financieros y es todavia hoy una de las más importantes ciudades del
5. Pero en 1665 el desastre ocurrio, miles de personas murieron por la peste
bubonica y al año siguiente cientos de edificios fueron destruidos por un
terrible incendio.
6. Pero no fue el fin de Londres. Un año despúes, a un arquitecto, el señor
Christopher Wren, se le pidio la reconstruccion de la ciudad en ruinas.
7. Muchos edificios que pueden se vistos hoy fueron construidos en el siglo 19
para reflejar el estatus de Londres como capital del imperio Britatico.
8. Hoy en dia, Londres es una de las ciudades más visitadas en el mundo,
solo despúes de Bangkok. La ciudad está llena de atracciones turisticas y
lugares que visitor como Camden Town, Piccadilly Circus y el museo
Britanico. Londres es tambien una de las más grandes ciudades en el Reino
Unido siendo esta el centro economico y politico del país.

Passive Voice

We use the passive voice to indicate that the object is more important than the

We use too the passive voice to sound polite.

My favourite toy has been broken = You/he/she/it/they have broken my favourite


Passive voice of the simple tenses

We make the passive voice of the simple tenses by putting the object and the
beginning of the sentence, adding the verb to be I the tenses of the sentences
and changing the verb to the past participle form.

Active voice Passive voice

We build cars The cars are built
We built cars The cars were built
We will build cars The cars will be built

The personal object pronouns become personal subject in the passive.


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. Who started the real development of London?
4. According with the text, was London always an important city?


Write an article for an electronical history magazine. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What do you think about thousands of pounds are spent in space researche?, what
do you think about more nuclear weapons are developed?, do you believe that
moon cities will be built in this century? Do you believe that the man will live better?

British Culture

En 1536 Wales (Gales) se une al Reino Unido.

Eighty-sixth lesson
An important discussion

1. Good afternoon, everyone, today we´re having a debat about animals’

2. In this side, we have Melanie Mateo, P.H. doctor of environment and in this
side we have John Turner, owner of one of the biggest food companies in
3. Sir, could you give of your arguments?
4. Of couse! I will begin with this article, published by the magazine Natures,
which says that the animals which are used for human consume no longer
suffer maltreat in industrial farms, on the contrary, they have a much better
life than the animals which are bred in common farms.
5. That’s not true, according to researches made by non-governmental
organisations, animals like cows, chickens and pigs in industrial farms suffer
more than the animals which are in common farms because they are
obligated to live in tiny cages. And not only farm animals which are bred in
industrial farms suffer because of industrial farms action. Each year the
thousands of kilometers of rainforest are cut down due to the industrial
farms need each time more and more space to breed their animals.
6. Of course, the companies need each time more and more space, it is
obvious because the food necessities rise each year, but , you can’t say that
we’re the main responsables of the disappearance of the rainforest. In my
opinion, this problem is caused more by the increase of the population than
by the food companies.
7. Yes, but that doesn’t take off your responsabily, above all, when it has been
demonstrated that the chemist that you use in your industry are affecting the
animals which live in coral reefs like crabs, sea-horses and turtles.
8. Any conclusion?
9. I just want to say that despite the fact that it’s true that many animals were
being mistreated in the past, the food industry has done many changes in
order to improve animals’ life.
10. Doctor, your conclusion?
11. I think it’s true that animals in the industrial farms are being less mistreated
than in the past, but the companies must make more efforts to avoid this
12. Well thank you for having participated and I hope that this helps all we are
here to reflect about this important topic.

Cuadragesima novena leccion
A favor o en contra

1. Buenas tardes a todos, hoy vamos a tener un debate sobre los derechos de
los animales
2. De este lado temenos a Melanie Mateo, doctora en medio hambiente y de
este otro lado temenos a John Turner, dueño de una de las companies
alimentarias en Asi.
3. Señor, puede decirnos sus argumentos?
4. Por supuesto, comenzare con este articulo publicado por la revista Natures,
que dice que los animales que son usados para el consume humano en las
granjas industriales ya no sufren de maltrato y que por el contrario tienen
una mejor vida que los animales que son criados en granjas comunes.
5. Eso no es cierto, segun investigaciones hechas por organisaciones no
gubernamentales, los animals como vacas, pollos y cerdos sufren más en
las granjas industrials ya que son obilgados a permanecer en jaulas
pequeñas. Y no solo los animales de granja que son criados en las granjas
industrials sufren por las acciones de estas. Cada año miles de lemures,
tucanes, puercoespines entre otros animales que viven en la selva se
quedan sin espacio debido a que las granjas industrials necesitan cada vez
más espacio para criar a sus animales.
6. Por su puesto que las empresas necesitan cada vez más espacio, esto es
obio debido a que las necesidades alimentarias aumentan cada año, de
hecho, nosotros predecimos que en los siguientes años la demanda de
carne aumentara considerablemente pero no pueden decir que somos los
prinicpales responsible de la desaparicien de la selva. En mi opinion, este
problema es causado más por el incremento de la población que por las
empresas alimentarias.
7. Sí, pero eso no les quita a ustedes su responsabilidad en ese problema, sobre todo cuando
se ha demostrado que los quimicos que utilizan en su sector están afectando a los
animales que viven en los arrecifes de coral como cangrejos, caballitos de mar y tiburones.
8. Alguna conclusion?
9. Yo solo quiero decir que apesar de que muchas animales fueron maltratados en el pasado,
el sector alimentario ha hecho muchos cambios para mejorar la calidad de vida de los
10. Doctora, su conclusion?
11. Pienso que es cierto quee los animales en las granjas industrials son menos maltratados
que en el pasado, pero las empresas deben seguir hacienda esfuerzos para evitarlo del
12. Bueno, gracias por participar y espero que esto eyude a los presententes a reflexionar
sobre el tema.

Passive voice of the continuous tenses

We make the passive voice of the simple tenses by putting the object and the
beginning of the sentence, adding the verb to be I the tenses of the sentences
and changing the verb to the past participle form.

Active voice Passive voice

We are building cars The cars are being building
We were building cars The cars were being building
We will be building cars the cars will be being building


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. Who started the real development of London?
4. According with the text, was London always an important city?


Write an article for an electronical history magazine. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What do you think about thousands of pounds are spent in space researche?, what
do you think about more nuclear weapons are developed?, do you believe that
moon cities will be built in this century? Do you believe that the man will live better?

Eighty-seventh lesson

1. How to dispose of our technology rubbish

2. During the last century more inventions have been created than in the last
three centuries. Every of us is familiar with inventions such as toasters,
blenders, coffee makers and other goods that we have in our houses, but
what happen when these inventions that all of us love go to the rubbish.
3. Well, most of them end up in the land fills where they are buried under
thousends of kilos of land. For several years this had been the perfect
solution for the technologic rubbish until it was discovered that the materials
with which were made objetcs as microwaves and televisions were polluting
the subterranean waters.
4. So, what to do when you want to relieve yourself of these objets. Firstly, see
if the material with which they are made is recyclable. Objects as kettles and
irons have a big quantity of metal for which they can be recyclable easily. If
anything contains microchips or another electronic component, the best is to
take them to a recycling plant, this is also a good option for the batteries,
remote controls and the cellular phones. Lastly, if you do not want anymore
any good, destroy it completely. Some persons take them from the rubbish
to sell them as if they were brand new.
5. The problem of the technology rubbish is a problem of which all of us have
responsibility, maybe, thus, this problem will be a problem of the past.

Octogesima septima leccion
Como deshacerse de la basura tecnologica

1. Durante el ultimo siglo se han creado más inventos que en los ultimos tres
2. Todos estamos familiarizados con inventos como tostadores, licuadoras,
caféteras y otros articulos para el hogar que todos temenos en nuestras
casas, pero, que pasa cuando estos inventos que todos amamos van a la
3. Bueno, lo más comun es que terminen en los basureros donde son
entarrados bajo cientos de kilos de tierra. Por muchos años este habia sido
la major forma para deshacerse de la basura provocada por los desechos
que la tecnologia dejaba hasta que se descubrio que algunos de los
materiales con los que estaban hechos computadoras, microondas y
televisions estaban contaminando las aguas subterraneas.
4. Entonces, que hacer cuando uno se quiere desahacer de estos objetos.
Primero, vea si el material con el que estan hechos se puede reciclar.
Objetos como las teteras y las planchas de hierro tienen una gran cantidad
de metal por lo que estas pueden ser recicladas con facilidad.
5. Si algun objeto contiene un microchip u otro componente electronico, lo
major es llevarlo a las plantas de reciclado, esto también es una Buena
opcion para las baterias de controles remotos y telefonos celulares.
6. Finalmente, si ya no quieres un electrodomestico, destruyelo. Algunas
personas los toman de los basureros y los venden como si fueran nuevos.
7. El problema de los desechos tecnologicos es un problema del cual todos
somos responsables, tal vez de esta manera, en el futuro este sea un
problema del pasado.

Passive voice of the perfect tenses

We make the passive voice of the simple tenses by putting the object and the
beginning of the sentence, adding the verb to be I the tenses of the sentences
and changing the verb to the past participle form.

Active voice Passive voice

We have built cars The cars have been built
We had built cars The cars had been built
We will have built cars the cars will have been built


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. About what kind of rubbish talks the text?
4. In the past, nothing was being done to destroy the technology rubbish?


Write an article where you talk about the technology rubbish and what it is done in
your country about it. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What do you think about the companies make goods that only last 2 years? Do we
have to destroy the goods in order to they do not appear in flee markets? What do
you think about the most of the goods are done in undeveloped countries?

Eighty-eighth lesson
Losing weight

1. Meal or fast-food?

2. In recent studies, it has been comprovated that there has been an increase
in people with overweight. This happens because most of the persons prefer
eating fast-food instead of eating meal, but, how couldn’t this happen if the
modern life does not let us neither a minute to prepare our meal?
3. In the last decadates, the traffic in the big cities has done that each time is
more difficult and more difficult to find a time to cook. But, not all are bad
news, in the last years, many technologies have been being developing to
let us eat something fast, delicious and at the same time healthy. The
problem is most of these technologies are only used in the cuisine and most
of them are too expensive so that they fit to the pockect of most of us, but, if
you want to have a healthier way of life, here there is some advice to help
you to manage it.
4. One of the main things that I always say to my clients is that they change
the cooking oil for olive oil. This will reduce the quantity of fats that they
consume. Also, I say to them that change their burgers with chips and their
potato mash with fried chicken for a big tin of sardine or tuna or for a big
bowl of salad. If they do not like very much the flavour of the vegetables,
they can always add to their salad a little of dressing. Last, but not least. Try
always to carry a piece of fruit with you or any thing which is rich in vitamins
and minerals.
5. In sum, I believe that if all of us follow this simple advice, by Christmast, all
of us will be as fit as a fiddle.

Eighty-eighth lesson
Comida o comida rapida

1. En estudios recientes, se ha comprobado que ha habido un aumento en las

personas con sobre peso. Esto ocurre debido a que la mayoria de las
personas prefieren comer comida rapida, la cual contiene un alto contenido
de grasas y carbohidratos, en lugar de comida. Pero, ¿como no podria
pasar esto si la vida moderna no nos deja ni un minuto para preparar
nuestros alimentos?
2. En las ultimas decadas, el crecimiento de la poblacion en las grandes
ciudades ha hecho cada vez más dificil encontrar un momento para cocinar.
Pero no todo parecen malas noticias, en las ultimas decadas se han estado
creado tecnlogias que nos permiten comer algo rapido, delicioso y al mismo
tiempo saludable. El problema es que estas tecnologias son actualmente
solo usadas en la alta cocina, debido a que la mayoria de ellas cuestan más
de 500 libras, por lo que se salen del presupuesto de la mayoria de
nosotros, pero si quieres tener un modo de vida más saludable, aqui hay
algunos consejos que te pueden ayudar a lograrlo.
3. Una de las principales cosas que les recomiendo a mis clientes es que
cambien el aceite por aceite de oliva. Esto reducirá la cantidad de grasas
que consumem.
Cambia tus hamburguesas con papás a la francesa y tus pures de papá con
pollo frito por una gran lata de sardinas o atun y un gran plato de ensalada.
Si no te gusta mucho el sabor de la lechuga, los tomates y las zanahorias,
siempre puedes agregarle a tu ensalda un poco de aderezo.
Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante. Intenta siempre cargar fruta
o cualquier cosa que sea rica en vitaminas y minerales
4. Creo que siguiendo estos simples consejos, para navidad, habrás estado
disfrutando por lo menos de seis meses de buena salud.

Passive voice of the perfect continuous tenses

We make the passive voice of the simple tenses by putting the object and the
beginning of the sentence, adding the verb to be I the tenses of the sentences
and changing the verb to the past participle form.

Active voice Passive voice

We have been building cars The cars have been being built
We had been building cars The cars had been being built
We will have been building cars The cars will have been being built

The passive voice of the present perfect and the present perfect continuous are not
normally used.


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. Who started the real development of London?
4. According with the text, was London always an important city?


Write an article for an electronical magazine where says what you think about more
houses are being built near natural zones. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What do you think about thousands of pounds are spent in space research instead
of humanitarian programs?, what do you think about more nuclear weapons are
being developed?

Ninetieth lesson
Headlines and articles

1. Hi, there!
2. ‘i, Karen, ‘ow are you?
3. I’m in very high spits today. Today, I got my driver’s licence.
4. Congratulations. Now you can be early at work.
5. How fun! And you? What were you doing?
6. I were reading the paper.
7. Did you find anything interesting?
8. Not yet. Wait, ‘ear this ‘eadline “NIGHT NOISY SCARES OWNERS”
9. It must be another article ‘bout cats fighting in the roof. What else?
11. Another man dresses up alien. What else?
13. What does the article say?
14. Monday afternoon, thousands of employees were dismissed after the Prime
Minister’s announcement about the reduction of the public spends in a 30
per cent owing to the low tax collection of last year. Several demonstrations
have been reported in several big cities such as London, Manchester, York,
among others. Yestarday, the representans of the government and the
unions of the different branches of the government met to talk the problem
and one of agreetments to which they arrived was to remploy a few of the
employees who were dismissed and give them a rise in their payment an a
new contract with a duration of one year.
15. That’s terrible. Hundreds of workers will be on the dole.
16. Aye. And I don’t believe the government respect its deals.

Ninetieth lesson

1. Hola!
2. Hola, Karen, como estás?
3. Bastante bien, y tu?
4. Estoy de muy buen humor. Hoy obtuve mi licencia de conducir.
5. Que bien. Ahora podrás llegar al trabajo temprano
6. Sí
7. Y que estabas hacienda?
8. Estaba leyendo el periodico.
9. Encontraste algo interesante?
10. Todavia no. Espera, escucha este encabezado
17. Pretty well. What about you? “RUIDO NOCTURNO ASUSTA
18. Debe ser ora historia de gatos peleando en la azotea. Que más?
20. Otro hombre disfrasado de extraterrestre. Que más?
21. It must be another story about cats fighting in the roof.
24. El lunes en la tarde, miles de empleados fueron despedidos despúes del
anuncio del primer ministro sobre la reduccion del gasto publico en un 30
porciento debido a la baja redaudacion fiscal del año pasado. Varias
manifestaciones pudieron ser vistas en grandes ciudades como Londres,
Manchester, York, entre otras. Ayer, los representantes del gobierno y de
los cindicatos de las diferentes ramas del gobierno se reunieron para hablar
del problema y uno de los acuerdos a los que llegaron fue la recontratacion
de algunos de los empleados que fueron despedidos, un aumento de su
salario y un Nuevo contrato con durcion de un año. También, se les darán
cheques a los trabajadores que no puedan recuperar su trabajo.
25. Es horrible, cientos de trabajadores estarán desempleadas.
26. Sí. Y no creo que el gobierno respite sus acuerdos.
27. Hablando de eso. Ya encontraste trabajo?
28. Todavia no. Hoy en la mañana fui a la farmacia que me dijiste, pero me
dijeron que ya no tenian la vacante. Creo que empezare una nueva Carrera
como investigador privado.
29. Es mucho mejor que no tener trabajo.
30. Y que lo digas.

Newspaper English


In headlines, present simple is used both to neither talk about present nor talking
about the past.


American city)

Many headlines are made only with nous.

WOMAN COOKS BURGER SPACESHIP FORM (A woman cooked a burger with a

spaceship form)

To infinitives are often used to refer to the future

RESEARCHERS TO LOOK FOR LIVE IN MARTS (Researchers will look for live in

The auxiliary verbs of passive structures are usually dropped.

THOUSANDS WORKERS DIMISSED (Thousands of workers were dismissed)

Verbs can be used as nouns too and nous can be used as verbs

Word Meaning Word Meaning

Ban To prohibit, Prohibition Probe Investigate, investigation
Bid To attempt, attempt Row Argue, argument
Curb To restrict, restriction Snub To insult, to reject, insult
Jail To imprison, prison

Special vocabulary used in newspaper language

Word Newspaper English Meaning

Story Article, Case
To axe (used in media) Eliminate, Reduce


Write an article for a newspaper using newspaper English. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What are the most importan newspapers in your country? Do you believe in them?

Do you believe your country let the journalist write the truth?

Eighty-ninth lesson
News bulletin

1. Good evening, everyone, my name is John Brown, and this is the lastest
2. An old man was about to get drown in Wales. According to the report, the
man feeling suffocated by the strong heat that could be felt around midday,
went to the river to refresh when the strong current of the river caught him.
Fortunately, he was seen for two men who were passing for the zone.
3. In Scotland, a child was stopped by the police after being found driving a
car, it’s thought that the child could have got in the vehicle by opening the
door with his father's car keys.
4. And in England, three of the lines of the underground had to be closed after
a big fire which was registered in one of the energy generators around
16:00. The fire has been already extinguished but the firefighters say that
more works need doing before the lines can be open.
5. Breaking new, the piece of news which roled today in the social networks
about Prime Minester’s reelection was confirmed as fake news this
afternoon by the parliament.
19. This is all for today. Join us tomorrow at the same time or follow us in our
new application for mobile phone or tablet which will be available shortly.
Good night!

Cuadragesima novena leccion

1. Buenas tardes a todos, soy John Brown y estas son las ultimás noticias.
2. Un hombre estuvo a punto de ahogarse en Gales.
3. Segun el reporte, el hombre sintiendose sofocado por el fuerte calor que
pudo sentirse alrededor del medio dia fue al rio a refrescarse cuando la
fuerte corriente del rio lo atrapo. Afortunadamente fue visto por dos
hombres que pasaban por la zona.
4. En Escocia, un niño fue detenido por la policia despúes de ser encontrado
conduciendo un auto. Se piensa que el niño pudo haber entrado al carro
abriendo la puerta con las llaves de su padre.
5. En Inglaterra, tres lineas del metro fueron cerradas despúes de que se
registrara un gran incendio alrededor de las 16 horas. El incendio fue
extinguido con exito pero los bomberos dicen que deben hacerse más
trabajos antes de abrir otra vez las lineas.
6. Noticia de ultima hora, la noticia que cirlulo hoy acerca de la reeleccion del
primer ministro fue confirmada esta tarde como una noticia falsa por el
7. Eso es todo por hoy, buenas noches.

Passive voice of the modal verbs

We make the passive voice of the simple tenses by putting the object and the
beginning of the sentence, adding the verb to be I the tenses of the sentences
and changing the verb to the past participle form.

Active voice Passive voice

We can build cars The cars can be built
We should build cars The cars should be built
We must build cars The cars must be built


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. Where the lines close all day because of the fire?
4. Were all the news true?


Write the transcription of an imaginary piece of news. Try to use the passive voice
with modal verbs as much as many as possible. (200 words)



Ask your partner:

Do you believe that the news that you see in your countries are true?, Do you
believe that the fake news have become a problem? Do you believe that the news
of your country which are written abroad are more reliable than which are done in
your country?

Ninety-seventh lesson
A pleasure trip

1. It has passed 4 years since I arrived at this ignoble place and I have not got
used to dwell yet in this isle that in my despair moments I arrived at consider
as a paradise. On the morrow, I spend my time writing and thinking of my
fiancée “Will she be fine”, “Has she forgotten me? “Will she forgive me? All
this I wonder while I walked along a colourful clean beach with view towards
the horizont.
2. Once, while I was sitting on the beach seeing the sea waves, I saw
something gilt which brighted between the sand. It was the screw top of a
bottle which rended when I try to open it. Inside of it, there was a message
written with a hand which I could not understand. I wondered from whence a
1994 wine bottle had come, I smiled while thinking that perhaps my foes had
sent me a present for my birthday, after all, they had sent me to this isle.
3. Despite the tranquillity of the place and the felicity that can be seen on the
face of its few inhabitants, sometimes the sadness and loneliness seize me.
4. -What If I get back?
5. -Not, it’s too soon”
6. -But after all err is human, is it not? - Anyhow, I can’t go on living in this way.
7. -I agree with you.
8. -So, when do we get back?
9. -Today, before that the sunrise denounces my scape.

10. As I could, I reached the continent, the desire to see again my land and its
people was stronger than everything. While I was drying myself on the
beach, I could see a couple of backpackers. I approched them and I asked
them if they knew where I was. They told me that I was in Italy. I did not
think that I were so far from my home. Fornunately, the hadyakers were
ready to give me a lift to the coach station and gave me some coins. It took
me a few days, but, finally, I could reach a cottage in Paris where I had
hidden the gold which my grand-father had inherited to me. But there was
still a long journey to arrive at the High Lands.

Despite the hunger, tiredness and the strong clime, I could arrive at High Lands.
While arriving, so tired was I, that I fell sleep on the snow. While waking, I felt such
as cold, that I had to refugied in a cave that I had found. Next morrow, I went to my
fiancée’s house, they were having a

Noventa y siete lección

1. Han pasado 4 años desde que llegué a este horrible lugar y todavia no me
he acostumbrado a vivir en esta isla que en mis momentos de
desesperación llegó a considerar como un paraíso.
2. En la mañana, paso mi tiempo escribiendo y pensando en mi novia “¿estará
bien? ¿seguirá enojada? ¿me habrá perdonado? Todo esto pienso mientras
camino en una bella, colorida y limpia playa con vista hacia el horizonte.
3. Una vez vi algo dorado que brillaba entre la arena. Era la tapa de una
botella que se rompió cuando intenté abrirla. Dentro de ella, había un
mensaje escrito con una letra que no pude entender. Me pregunte de donde
habia llegado una botella de vino de 1994, sonreí al pensar que tal vez mis
enemigos me habían enviado un regalo para mi cumpleaños, después de
todo, ellos me habían enviado a este lugar.
4. A pesar de la tranquilidad del lugar y la felicidad que se puede ver en el
rostro de sus habitantes, a veces venia a mi mente el recuerdo de mi pais,
su gente y su clima.
5. -¿Qué pasa si vuelvo?
6. -No, es demasiado pronto"
7. -Pero después de todo equivocarse es humano, ¿no es así? De todos
modos, no puedo seguir viviendo así.
8. -Creo que estamos de acuerdo.
9. -Entonces, ¿cuándo vuelvo?
10. -Hoy, antes de que el amanecer denuncie mi escape.

11. Como pude, logré llegar al continente, apesar de los peligros que habian en
el agua, el deseo de ver otra vez mi pais y a su gente era más fuerte que
todo. Mientras me secaba en la playa, pudé ver una pareja de pasiantes.
Me les acerque y les pregunté si ellos sabian donde estaba. Me dijeron que
estaba en Francia. No sabia que estaba tan lejos de casa.
Afortunadamente, los paseantes estuvieron dispuestos a darme un aventón
a la central camionera y me dieron algunos francos. Despues de algunos
dias, pude llegar a la cabaña en Lkndres donde habia escondido dinero.
Pero, aun habia un largo viaje para llegar a las High Lands.

12. Apesar del hambre, el cansancio y el clima extremo, pude llegar a las High
Lands. Al llegar, estaba tan cansado que me quede dormido en la nieve. Al
despertar, senti tal frio, que tuve que refugiarme en una cueva que
encontré. En la mañana, fui a la casa de mi novia, estaban haciendo una

11. party. As there were many people, I decided not to approched. At midnight, I
climbed to her room, she was combing herself. I open the door of her room
and I approched her. When she saw my reflection in the mirrow, she could
not believe that it was I, it seemed she had seen a phantom, but after that,
her face became red.

12. Why on the earth are doing here?

13. This is my home, as it’s yours.
14. It let be your home since you went away to travel all around the world.
15. Did they tell you that?
16. Yes, why my best friends lied to me.

17. I spent all night explaining to her what had really happen and how much I
had soffered while being in an isle far from everything what I knew. When
she understood what had happened, she put her head in my breast and
hugged me.

18. The sunshine entered to the room where lied down my fiancée and I. When
we woke, we both knew what we had to do. We put all our things to the van
and started our way to a happy life. When I was about to get into the car, I
heard a shot, behind me, it was Eduard and the major and the sheriff.

19. If you was clever, you wouldn’t have come back.

20. I can’t go without saying goodbye to you.
21. This is gonna be expensive for you.

We saw each other. Suddenly, Eduard taked out a gun a tried to shoot me, but I
was faster and took the shotgun that I have in the van and I could shoot him and
the sheriff, who also wanted to shoot me. The mayor to see the scene scaped.
While Eduard and the sheriff were in the ground, my fiancé and I used that time to
get in the van and to go. I do know if I did the right thing to let them bleed in the
ground, but what I know now, it is that I am now free.

1. Fiesta. Como habia mucha gente, decidi no acercarme. A la media noche,
escale hacia su cuarto, ella estaba peinando. Abri la ouerta de su cuarto y
me aproxime a ella. Cuando ella vio mi reflejo en el espeko, no podia creer
que era yo, parecia que habia visto un fantasma, pero despues, su rostro se
torno rojo.

2. Que estas haciendo aqui?

3. Esta es mi casa, coko es la tuya.
4. Dejo de ser tu casa el dia en que te marchaste para recorrer el mundo.
5. Eso fue lo que te dijeron?
6. Sí, porque mis mejores amigos me mentirian.

7. Pase toda la noche explicandole lo que realmente habia pasado y lo mucjo

que sufri al estar en una isla lejos de todo lo que conocia. Cuando entendio
lo que habia ocurrido, puso su cabeza en mi pecho y me abrazo.

8. The sunshine entered to the room where lied down my fiancée and I. When
we woke, we both knew what we had to do. We put all our things to the van
and started our way to a happy life. When I was about to get into the car, I
heard a shot, behind me, it was Eduard and the major and the sheriff.

9. If you was clever, you wouldn’t have come back.

10. I can’t go without saying goodbye to you.
11. This is gonna be expensive for you.

We saw each other. Suddenly, Eduard taked out a gun a tried to shoot me, but I
was faster and took the shotgun that I have in the van and I could shoot him and
the sheriff, who also wanted to shoot me. The mayor to see the scene scaped.
While Eduard and the sheriff were in the ground, my fiancé and I used that time to
get in the van and to go. I do know if I did the right thing to let them bleed in the
ground, but what I know now, it is that I am now free.

Passive voice with two objects

With the structure “subject + verb + direct obeject + to + indirect object” there are
two options.

I gave some flowers to my mother (active sentence)

Some flowers were given to my mother (passive sentence)

My mother was given some flowers (passive sentence) (second version)

Verbs with different voice in English

Some verbs can have a different voice in English that in Spanish.

Verb Verbo
To be born Nacer
To be called Llamarse
To be killed Morir(se) (en accidente)


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. Who started the real development of London?
4. According with the text, was London always an important city?


Escriba una parafrasis sobre lo que se trata la historia. Usa lenguaje informal. 200



Ask your partner:

What do you think about thousands of pounds are spent in space researche?, what
do you think about more nuclear weapons are developed?, do you believe that
moon cities will be built in this century? Do you believe that the man will live better?

Fifteenth Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To talk about what a person said.


 Direct speech/ Indirect speech

 Indirect speech with questions/ reported speech
 Reported speech with special introductory verbs
 American English I
 Mixed conditionals
 Have/get something done
 Formal English III

Tips seccion

Desde este punto, es necesario que escuches grabaciones para el nivel C1 de

inglés. Puedes conseguirlas en librerias de idiomas o en internet. Asegurate que
sean para el nivel C1 y que tengan el simbolo CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS.
También, escucha la radio, ve peliculas, escucha canciones de diferentes paises
de habla inglesa.

Para mejorar tu lectura y adquirir vocabulario, te recomendamos leer tus lecciones

del libro, además de leer libros, revistas, foros de diferentes paises de habla

Para mejorar tu producción oral habla con personas de diferentes paises de habla

Para mejorar tu producción escrita, inscribete a foros, metete a un curso gratuito

de alguna cosa que te guste.

Por ultimo, pero no por eso menos importante, aprende el vocabulario formal.

Ninety-sixth lesson
Gossipy interviewers

1. Have you ever thinking of being millionerd? Have you ever dreamed about
being famous? Have you ever wished to go to exotic places in the world on
a luxurious yacht?
2. Today with us, two of the persons who have done all this and more. With
you the film star Leon Smith, and the actress -actor- actor Fernanda Lobato.
3. Thank you!
4. Fernanda, tell us, what do you feel about being famous?
5. Well, it can sound good to be famous, but, as a matter of fact, it can be
bothering because the most of the time you have to take care of the
papáratsis, the reporters and of not doing anything which can appear in the
cover of a gossip magazine.
6. I undestand. And what do you feel about being in the public eye?
7. Well, I believe that you have to get used to this if you want to do this job.
8. Leon, tells us, was it easy for you when you started your carrier in cinema?
9. No, it wasn’t.
10. Why not?
11. Well, like any another graduated, it was difficult for me to find a place where
to work. At the biginning, I had to be content with jobs as stuntman and
helper. After, I started acting in indies, in musicals and giving my voice for
animated features.
12. Leon, what did your parents tell you when you say to them that you wanted
to be an actor?
13. Well my father said: “If you’re gonna waste your time reading arts, better get
a Mcjob”
14. And what did your mother say?
15. She told me that if I wanted to come in to the actuation university, I had to
practice a lot to pass the acting exam”
16. So, did she decide to support you?
17. Yes, but, even with her help, I had to look for a job. I waited for tables for
two years in the public house where my agent lastly found me.
18. Do you believe that all your effort was worth it?
19. Definitely, I believe it worth when I see my mansion, I visit exiting places and
when my chauffer opens the door of my limousine.
20. Thank you for your time, guys.
21. You’re welcome!

Noventa y seis lección

1. ¿Alguna vez has pensado en ser millonario? ¿Alguna vez has soñado con
ser famoso? ¿Alguna vez has querido ir a lugares exóticos del mundo en un
yate de lujo?
2. Hoy con nosotros, uno de los hombres que ha hecho todo esto y más. Con
ustedes la estrella de cine Leon Smith.
3. ¡Gracias!
4. León, cuéntanos, ¿qué sientes por ser famoso?
5. Bueno, puede sonar bien ser famoso, pero de hecho, es lo que más
molesta el tiempo porque hay que cuidar la papáratsis y no hacer algo que
pueda aparecer en la portada de una revista de chismes.
6. León, ¿fue fácil para ti cuando empezaste tu portador en el teatro?
7. No, no fue así.
8. ¿Por qué no?
9. Bueno, como cualquier otro graduado, fue difícil para mí encontrar un lugar
donde me dieran un buen papel, tenía que contentarme con trabajos como
doble y ayudante.
10. León, ¿qué te dijeron tus padres cuando les dijiste que querías ser actor?
11. Bueno , mi padre dijo: "Si vas a pasar el tiempo estudiando artes, mejor
consigue un Mcjob"
12. ¿Y qué dijo tu madre?
13. Me dijo que si quería entrar a la universidad de actuación, debía practicar
mucho para pasar la prueba"
14. Entonces, ¿decidió apoyarte?
15. Sí, pero incluso con su ayuda, tenía que estar buscando trabajo, esperé dos
años en el bar donde mi agente me encontró.
16. ¿Crees que todo tu esfuerzo valió la pena?
17. Definitivamente, creo que vale la pena cuando vi mi mansión, voy a lugares
exóticos y cuando mi chofer abre la puerta de mi limusina.

Direct speech

We use the direct speech to say the exactly words who someone says.

Copernic said “The world resolve around the sun”

Reported speech

We use the reported speech to say what someone else said.

Copernic said that the earth resolved around the word.


We do not change the tense when the introductory verb is in present, future or
present perfect.

Mum has said, “Dinner is ready”

Mum has said that dinner is ready.

We use “tell + to infinitive” with the imperative and the verb to order.

Buy a litre of milk

She told me to buy a litre of milk

In all the others cases, it is the same than in Spanish.


Escribea la bibliografia de su actor o cantante favorito (250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Ninetieth second lesson
A unique day

1. We entered school, my friend Manuel, my friend Miguel and I.

We had met on the morrow for make an exposition for the Spanish
teacher without come to a satisficing conclusion. When we arrived at
the playground, we came across our friend Manuel, we greeted him
and he told us that there would be a match in the afternoon at lunch
hour and he asked us whether we wanted to participate what we said
2. As only few pupils had attended that day to school, the teachers put
all who had attended in only one group and took us to the auditorium
of the school. As I did not see well, I went ahead. Once I had sat, I
closed my eyes, when I opened them, I could see my friend Tamaris,
she was finishing the last details of the ofrendas of the school. I had
not seen her since we were changed of classroom. The light turned off
by letting just the light of the candles to see. A noise was heard, then,
from behind the scenery principal of the school left. She approched to
the dais and thanked the persons who were there. After that, she
explained the origin of the Day of the Dead to us, I could see Tamaris
between the shadows, she looked very fair. While I was looking at her,
a mixture of fear and nervous roaded my body while knowing that that
day would be the day where I would confess Tamaris my love.
3. We left from the auditorium and went to the playground. As the
physics teacher did not attended, my friends and I spent the time
walking through the corridors of the school, one floor up, one floor
down, one floor up, one floor down until the sub principal told us to not
to do it. Having returned to the playground, we came across Manuel
again. He asked us whether we would participate what we said yes.
We teamed up and went to the pitches. I felt myself nervous because I
had heard that in the Segundo K group were the best football players
of the secondary school. The match commenced, and the first goal did
not wait, I could only see how Chucho, our porter, jumped to try to
stop the segundo k’s strike. The rest of the match, we concentrated on
stopping Segundo k’s attack.

Nonagesima segunda lección
Un día común

1. Entramos en la escuela, mi amigo Manuel, mi amigo Miguel y yo.

Nos habíamos reunido por la mañana para hacer una exposición para
el profesor de español sin llegar a una conclusión satisfecha.
2. Cuando llegamos al patio de recreo, nos encontramos con nuestro
amigo Manuel, lo saludamos y nos dijo que iba a haber un partido por
la tarde a la hora del almuerzo y nos preguntó si queríamos participar
lo que dijimos que sí.
3. Como poca gente había ido ese día, los maestros pusieron a todos
los que habiamos ido ese día juntos y nos llevaron al auditorio. Como
no veia bien, me hize hacia adelante. Cuando me senté, cerré los
ojos, cuando los abrí, pude ver a Tamaris, ella estaba terminando los
últimos detalles de la ofrenda de la escuela. No la había visto desde
que nos cambiaron de aula.
4. Las luces se apagando dejando sólo la luz de las velas para ver. Se
oyó un ruido, entonces, desde detrás del estrado salio la maestra
Daniela dejó. Ella se espació a la margarita y agradeció a las
personas que habían asistido. Después de eso, explicó el origen del
Día de Muertos, pude ver a Tamaris entre las sombras, se veía muy
hermosa. Mientras la miraba, una mezcla de miedo y nervios en la
carretera de mi cuerpo al saber que ese día sería el día en que
confesaría a Tamaris mi amor.
5. Salimos del auditorio y fuimos al patio de recreo. Como el profesor de
física no llegó, mis amigos y yo pasamos el tiempo caminando por los
pasillos de la escuela, un piso arriba, un piso abajo, un piso arriba, un
piso abajo hasta que el subdirector nos dijo que no lo hiciéyáramos.
6. Después de haber regresado al patio de recreo, nos encontramos con
Manuel de nuevo. Nos preguntó si participaríamos lo que dijimos que
sí. Hicimos los equipos y fuimos a los campos. Me sentía nervioso
porque había oído que en el "Segundo K" estaban los mejores
jugadores de fútbol de la escuela.
7. El partido comenzó, y el primer gol no esperó, sólo pude ver cómo
Chucho, nuestro portero, saltó para tratar de detener el golpe k del
8. El resto del partido, nos concentramos en detener el ataque de
Segundo k.

9. In one move, my friend Carlos passed me the ball, when he passed
me it, I felt very nervous because I had never played well. I throwed
the ball as I could, the ball rose fast, I did not believe it would enter but
at the last moment it did a curve and entered. When I turned the head,
I could see Tamaris leaving the auditorium. She looked very fair.
When I saw her, I felt a feeling of calm which all of a sudden mastered
10. The lunch time finished, and my friends and I went to our classroom.
There was no one, some minutes afterwards, the Spanish teacher
arrived. He told us that we were not going to expose that day. The
next two hours, my friends and I spent the time walking in circles in
the classroom as animals in a cage and looking at the roof. As I was
bored, I asked to the teacher whether I could go to the rest room. He
said me yes and I went. As I was leaving the rest room, I could see
Tamaris. She was filling a bottle of water. I approached her and
greeted her. Despite the fear I had, I asked her if I could see her after
classes. She said yes and told me that we met in the entrance of the
auditorium. After that, I returned to my classroom.
11. The nervous became greater and greater while the minute hand
approached to the end of the class. The bell rang, I left the classroom
and I went fast to the auditorium, the nervous and the fear became
greater while I approached. I arrived at the auditorium, she had not left
yet. While I was waiting outside, I felt how the nervous and the fear
became still greater and greater. She left and I saw her, without
thinking, I said her whether she wanted to be my girlfriend. Some
years later, I still remember that day and even when I have not been
with Tamariz and Berenice’s and Lidia’s shadows drew in the horizon,
I still remember that day as one of the best of my life, not for the great
stories that were written that day, but for the simple things that made
that day unforgetable.

Indirect speech with questions

When the direct question begings with an auxiliary we cam use if or whether.

He asked me if/whether I was going to go

Reported orders

We use the vers tell or order to report orders in reported speech.

He ordered/told me to go


Escriba una parafrasis del texto. Usa lenguaje formal. 250 palabras



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Seventy forth lesson
Business matters

Utopic September 28, 2020

Human resourses

Dear Mr. Smith,

7. I am writing this letter to you in order to inform you about some issues
related with tomorrow’s meeting.
Firstly, the manager wants to hear brilliant ideas about how we can avoid
downsizing hundreds of employees in our factories in Africa due to most of
them are in danger to go bankbroke owning to the economical problems that
they are having at the present.
8. Sencondly, the manager has asked us to do a report about the state of the
production and output of the factories that the company has in Asia so that
we know if it is convenient that we continue doing bussiness there or if we
should move to other markets. The manager insisted on your working in
team to do this task.
Thirdly, the chief executive manager are to attend to the meeting and he
wants to know what company’s real state of the finances is. The boss
suggested you should do this with a slide presentation.
9. Finally, I would like to remember that for this meeting, you are to attend for
this time to the officines of the headquarters which are in the city centre.
10. I hope that this give you all information that you need.Thank you for your
time, yours sincerely,
11. Ann Craddock

Seventy forth lesson
Asuntos de negocios

Utopic Abril 28, 2020

Recursos humanos

Estimado señor Smith,

12. Le escribo esta carta informarle sobre algunos asuntos relacionados con la
junta de mañana.
13. Primero, el gerente nos a pedido hacer un reporte sobre el estado de
producción de las factoryas que estan en India y que le digamos cual ha
sido su rendimiento en los ultimos seis meses.
14. Segundo, el director general estará en la junta y quiere escuchar ideas de
como podemos evitar la bancarota o el despido de cientos de empleados de
nuestras factoryas en Africa debido a los problemas economicos que estan
experimentando actualmente.
15. Finalmente, quisiera recordarle que la junta será en las oficinas de los
cuarteles generales los cuales se ubican en el centro de la ciudad.
16. Espero que esto le de toda la información que necesita. Gracias por su
17. John Craddock

Special introductory verbs

We use say + a sentence.

He said that he would be here

We use say to and tell with a personal object pronoun.

He said to/ told us he would be here

Ask We asked if we could have more training

We asked to have more training
Complain We complained that the service was very slow
Insist He insisted that we stay at his house
He insisted on our staying at his house
Warn She warned me that credit cards were expensive
She warned me not to use credit cards
She warned me about using credit cards

The verbs agree, promise, threaten can be used with that or with the to infinitive.

He agreed that our money would be refunded = He agreed to refund our money

The verbs deny, recommend, regret, suggest can be used with that or with the ing

She denied that she had taken the credit card = She denied taking the credit card


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Eighty-sixth lesson
For or against

1. Do we have a soul? Do the angels exist? Is there life after death? With me
to discuss these questions and many others is John Reynolds, specialist in
spiritual matters from the University of India.
2. John, tell us, what do you think about the religion?
3. I think the religion is part of the human being and it is a fundamental part of
his life.
4. Do you really believe that everybody has a spirit?
5. I do believe that everybody has a spirit, if we hadn’t one, we wouldn’t be
humans. The spirit is the part which all living being has and that can’t be
touch, something like the software of a computer, and I’m not the only who
believes this, psychologist and psychiatrist also believe in a force
unconnected to the body, but they call to this force “psyque”
6. Do you think that talking with pray is better than going with a health
professional when a person suffers of a mental illness?
7. Of course not, one thing is having spirit problems such as lack of faith,
values, so on and another is having one of the many mental illness that
there are in our world such as anxiety and depression.
8. So, don’t you think that religion is better than psychology?
9. I don’t think that neither of them is better than the another one. I think that
both of them make an excellent work helping persons to overcome their
faults, traumas and to wear off the pain cause by loved one’s death. In my
opinion, both are good options to help persons to go on.
10. Well, thank you for your time, John.
11. No, thanks to you for having invited me.

Octogésima sexta lección

1. ¿Tenemos alma? ¿existen los ángeles? ¿Hay vida después de la muerte?

Conmigo para discutir estas preguntas y muchas otras está John Reynolds,
especialista en asuntos espirituales de la universidad de la India.
2. John, cuéntanos, ¿qué opinas de la religión?
3. Creo que la religión es parte del ser humano y es una parte fundamental de
su vida.
4. ¿Realmente crees que todos tenemos un espíritu?
5. Creo que todo el mundo tiene un espíritu, si no lo hubiéramos hecho, no
seríamos humanos. El espíritu es la parte que el ser vivo tiene y que no se
puede tocar, algo así como el software de una computadora, y no soy el
único que cree esto, psicólogo y psiquiatra también creen en una fuerza
desconectada del cuerpo, pero llaman a esta fuerza "psyque"
6. ¿Crees que hablar orar es mejor que ir con un profesional cuando una
persona sufre de una enfermedad mental?
7. Por supuesto que no, una cosa es tener problemas espirituales como la
falta de fe, valores, etc. y otra es tener una de las muchas enfermedades
mentales que hay.
8. En su opinión, ¿la idea de la psicología de ir con una persona a hablar
sobre los problemas de uno es nueva?
9. No, de hecho, religiones como el cristianismo, el judaísmo y el islam lo han
hecho desde hace miles de años.
10. Entonces, ¿crees que la religión es mejor que el psicólogia?
11. No creo que ninguno de los dos sea mejor que el otro, solo digo que son
formas diferentes de ver la realidad y que ambos hacen un excelente
trabajo ayudando a las personas a superar sus faltas, traumas y el dolor
cuando un ser querido muere. En mi opinión, ambos son buenas opciones
para ayudar a las personas a seguir adelante.
12. Bueno, gracias por tu tiempo, John.
13. No, gracias a ti por haberme invitado.

Formal English III


We use "beside” instead of “next to”.

She lived beside a church. (formal)

She lived next to a church.

In formal English we say “at” instead of “at the”.

I’m at restaurant. (formal)

I’m at the restaurant (informal)

Personal object pronouns (indirect object)

Formal English always use “to” with the indirect object.

I wrote to you (formal)

I wrote you (informal)

Modal verbs

In formal English we use have to instead of “have got to”

I have to go (formal)

I have got to go (informal)

In formal written English we use “ought to” instead of “should.

I ought to go (Formal written) (rare)

I should go (neutral)


Subjunctive has a different form in formal English.

Formal Informal
You go to the doctor You go to the doctor
You should the doctor
She go to the doctor She goes to the doctor
I suggest She should go to the doctor
You not go to the doctor You don’t go to the doctor
You shouldn’t go to the doctor
She not go to the doctor She doesn’t go to the doctor
She shouldn’t go to the doctor

We use be in subjunctive instead of am, are, is.

I do not believe that he be in Paris. (formal)

I don’t believe (that) he is in Paris. (informal)

Connectors of contrast and effect

Even tough Aunque

Rather Mas bien
By the same token Igualmente


In formal English we always use a verb in the third person with neither.

Neither of us likes it (formal)

Neither of us like it (informal)


In formal English we always use a verb in the third person with none.

None of us is going (formal)

None of us are going (informal)


In formal written English we write “let us (not)” instead of “let’s (not)”.

Let us for a burger (formal written)

Let’s us for a burger (informal/formal spoken)

Would rather

In formal English we use the subjunctive with would rather when we decide for
another person.

I’d rather she wear another thing. (formal)

I’d rather she wears another thing (informal)


We use “have” instead of “get” in formal English.

I have my hair cut (formal)

I get my hair cut (informal)


We never use right instead a tag-question in formal English.

You went to school, didn’t you? (formal)

You went to school, didn’t you/right? (informal)


In formal English we cannot omit the auxiliary in questions

Do you know? (formal)

You know (informal) (rare)


Escriba una carta al escritor del articulo donde le diga su opinion sibre lo que dice
en su texto.


Ninety-first lesson
Keeping in touch

1. From: María
To: Brenda

2. Hi, Brenda, I hope you’re alright. My husband and me are having a great
time here in Ocenia. The tour has already roaded Australia, New Zeland and
now we’re on the move to Asia to visit Japan. You were right while telling
me to contract a package tour, we haven’t had to spend nor a penny.
Anyway, I write you this e-mail to thank you again for looking after the kids,
it has been very kind of you. Don’t worry if you take something from the
fridge or use the BBQ, even you folks are welcome to use the swimming
pool. Just try to not to get dirty it a lot because we’ve just got it cleaned.
3. We’ll have got back by Monday afternoon or maybe by Tuesday morning
because we’ve got to get the house painted by weekend. Anyhow, we will
be saying this week to you what day we’ll get back.
4. In case something goes on, send me a message or e-mail me because I
have got to put mobile in silence mode while the guide explain the
curiosities of the places we go to us and sometimes I don’t recieve the calls.
5. Lots of love.
6. María

7. P.S. The rabbit eats three times a day.

Its tins are in the cupboard which is over the sink.

A text message

8. María, tomorrow, I won’t be able to look after your children in the afternoon
because I’m going with the dentist because I’ve got a terrible toothache. I’m
going to phone a baby-sitter so that she looks after them while I’m in the
dentist. I hope you understand. Anything, we’re in touch.
Seen 18:20

Nonagesima primera leccion

1. Hola a todos, espero que esten bien. Mi esposo y yo nos la estamos

pasando bien aqui en Oceania. El tour ha ya recorrido Australia, Nueva
Zelanda y ahora estamos iendo a Japon. Les escribimos esto para
agradecerles una vez más por haber cuidado a nuestros hijos. Nos e
preocupen si toman algo del refrigerador o usan la parrilla, incluso pueden
usar la alberca, solo no la ensucien mucho porque la acaban de limpiar.
2. Vamos a regresar el lunes en la tarde o tal vez el martes en la mañana
poruqe temenos que tener la casa pintada para el fin de semana. Como
sea, les diremos en la semana cuando llegaremos.
3. Si algo pasa, envienme un mensaje o mandenme un correo porque
tenemos que ener el cellular en modo silencioso mientras el guia nos
explica las curiosidades de los lugares a los que vamos.
4. Con mucho amor,
5. María
6. P.D. El conejo come tres veces al dia.
Sus latas estan en la alacena que está sobre el lavabo.


Personal Pronoun Have Noun Past Participle

I Have My hair
You Your hair
He His hair Fixed
She Has Her hair Cut
It Its hair
We Our hair
You Have Your hair
They Their hair

We use the causative to say that someone has done something that we cannot do
or we cannot do by ourselves.

I have my hair cut (someone cut it for me)

I have my house painted (someone has paited it for me)

We use get instead of “have” in informal English.

I get my hair cut.


1. What kind of text is this?

2. What is the intention of the autor?
3. When are they retourning?
4. What does she ask for her at the end?


Imaguine que usted es María. Envie un mensaje respondiendo al mensaje de su

amiga (200 words)



Ask your partner:

What do you think about the parents do everything for the children?, what age do
you believe a child can start to be independent? What do you think about the
robots do everything for us?

Eighty-seventh lesson
Contrats and laws

1. Hi, there!, how are you?

2. Terrible.
3. What’s the matter?
4. The owner of the flat that Lenny is renting didn’t tell him that he had to pay
five months of rent in advance, and now he doesn’t know what to do.
5. How come didn’t you read all the clauses? Let me take a look:
6. This agreement between Lenny (hereinafter “the Lessor”) Julio (hereinafter
“the Lessee”) applies to the rental or hire of a three-room flat and it shall
come into effect at the signature date.
7. The flat shall be used primarily for personal purposes but may, under certain
circumstances, be used commercially.
8. Where the flat is used as shop, the fare of the rent will be increased in 20
9. The Lessee shall have the right to use the flat as dwelling and/or as a shop.
10. The Lessee shall pay for normal wear and tear and other incidental
expenses regardless of whether such damage is superficial or structural.
11. Both parties agree and intend that the terms of this agreement are governed
by the principle of good faith.
12. This agreement is subject to the English legal system and disputes shall be
referred to the commercial tribunal.
13. However, should either of the parties find that the other party is not fulfilling
some or all of its obligations hereunder or if a party is caught in breach of
the terms hereof it may apply to a higher court to have the other party fined
and seek damages.
14. I believe you’ll have to kick off saving up money. Well, I’m off, I’ve got an
15. Break a leg!

Octogésima séptima lección

1. Hola, ahí!, ¿cómo estás?

2. Terrible
3. ¿Qué pasa?
4. El dueño de la casa que Lenny está alquilando no le dijo que tenía que
pagar cinco meses de alquiler por adelantado, y ahora no sabe qué hacer.
5. ¿No te dijo que leyeras todas las cláusulas?
6. Si me lo hubiera dicho, no estaría furioso.
7. Permítanme echar un vistazo,
8. Este acuerdo entre Lenny (en adelante "el Arrendador") Julio (en adelante
"el Arrendatario") se aplica al alquiler o alquiler de un piso de tres
habitaciones y entrará en vigor en la fecha de firma.
9. El piso se utilizará principalmente para fines personales, pero puede, en
determinadas circunstancias, utilizarse comercialmente.
10. Cuando el piso se utilice como tienda, la tarifa del alquiler se incrementará
en un 20 por ciento.
11. El Arrendatario tendrá derecho a utilizar el piso como vivienda para él o su
familia y/o como tienda.
12. El Arrendatario deberá pagar el desgaste normal y otros gastos
incidentales, independientemente de si dichos daños son superficiales o
13. Ambas partes acuerdan y pretenden que los términos de este acuerdo se
rijan por el principio de buena fe.
14. Este acuerdo está sujeto al sistema legal inglés y las disputas se remitirán
al tribunal comercial.
15. Sin embargo, si cualquiera de las partes encuentra que la otra parte no está
cumpliendo con algunas o todas sus obligaciones en virtud del presente o si
una parte es sorprendida en incumplimiento de los términos del presente,
puede solicitar a un tribunal superior que la otra parte sea multada y busque
daños y perjuicios.
16. Creo que tendrás que empezar ahorrando dinero. Bueno, me voy, tengo
una entrevista.
17. Buena suerte.

Mixed conditionals

If + Past perfect Would + bare infinitive

If I had got the job ,I would not be looking for one

To talk about something that did not happen in the past and it is the reason for
something happening in the present.

Past simple Would have

If I had a job ,I would not have asked you for money

To talk about a past action that would not have happened if something in the
present were different.

Other form of conditional

Present simple Going to
Present continuous Modal verb
You will go to the party
If you have money You are going to go to the party
You should go to the party
Go to the party!

Past simple/ Could
Past continous Should
If I had money , I’d buy a house


Rescriba el texto (250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with people is desalogated when they don’t have paid
the rent because they loose their job?

British culture

Al sistema juridico que se utiliza el el Reino Unido se le llama Common law. En Escocia, a diferencia
de México y del resto del Reino Unido, existe una categoria más para las personas que a las que no
se les ha comprobado que han cometido un acto pero que tampoco esta comprovado que no lo
relaizarón, esta es not proven (no provado).

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
Ye olde England

1. Hi, David!
2. ‘i, Brenda. What are you doing?
3. I’m writing a poem for my English poesy course.
4. Good! ‘ave you finished yet?
5. Not yet but listen this!
6. “My olde England, what would I do without your long range of
mountains which go thought your misterious valleys and forests.
7. Land loses between 2 seas, of which north sea is the beautiful sea in
which I have ever sailed.
8. England, land full of culture and history. Country which was once cot
of the most powerful empire in the world.
9. Country with snow-capped peaks, mist-shrounded lakes, magnificent
coast and mysterious moors. England I don’t want you never to leave
from me”
10. What do you think?
11. It’s good but I believe you should add more things, it’s too short.
12. You’re right. I’m ravenous.
13. So am I. Why don’t we go to the gastro PUB that is on the corner of
the cathedral?
14. No, I’m on the mood something sweet like a piece of cake, a load of
bread or a hot chocolate.
15. We can go to one of the coffee shops that are close to the multiplex or
going to Mario’s, I’ve ‘eard they sell the yummiest puddings in the
16. What if we go to the bistro that is next to the butcher’s.They sell much
more moreish and inexpensive desserts and they sell cooking like
homemade too.
17. That’s a great idea, but it’s a great deal farther from ‘ere. Shall we ask for a
taxi with the app or do we go by bus?
18. I borrowed my father’s car.
19. Ok, so, let’s go.

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
La vieja Inglaterra

1. Hola, John!
2. Hola, Jack, Que estas haciendo?
3. Estoy escribiendo un poema para mi clase de inglés.
4. Bien! Ya terminaste?
5. Todavia no pero escucha esto!
6. “Mi vieja Inglaterra, que haría sin tus largas cadenas montañosas que
atraviesan tus misteriosos valles y bosques.
7. Tierra perdida entre 4 mares, de los cuales el mar del norte es es más
hermoso en el que haya navegado
8. Inglaterra, pais llena de cultura y de historia. Tierra que fue alguna vez la
cuna del imperio más poderoso del mundo.
9. Pais con picos cubiertos de nieve, de misteriosos lagos, de magnificas
costas y de misteriosos paramos. Inglaterra no quiero que nunca te vayas
de mi”
10. Que piensas?
11. Es bueno pero creo que deberias agregar más cosas, es demasiado corto.
12. Tienes razón. Tengo hambre.
13. Yo tambien. Porque no vamos al gastro pub que esta en la esquina?
14. Tengo ganas de algo dulce.
15. Entonces, podemos ir a alguno de los cafés que estan cerca de la catedral,
o ir a Mario’s, he escuchado que ahi venden los postres más deliciosos del
16. Es una buena idea, pido un taxi o nos vamós en el camión?
17. No, traje mi carro.
18. Entonces vamonos.

Comparative and superlative

We can use a bit, a good deal, a great deal, much, a litlle,rather, a lot and
slighly with the comparative.
I’m much faster than you.
You’re slighly taller than him.

We can use by far, easily, much and quite with the superlativo.
He’s by far the fastest.


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Sixteenth Unit

In this unit you will learn:

 To write in formal English.


 Prepositional regency
 Verbal predication
 Adjective regency
 Expressions that are not as in Spanish
 American English II
 Do emphatic/rather/quite
 Modal verbs II
 Special future structures
 Was/were able to

Ninety-ninth lesson
Starting out

1. How to forget those times when I used to travel around the country on the
lookout of new clients. I would say that being on business is my second
passion in the life, the first one is without doubt the cuisine, but, at the
beginning, it was not in that way. At the beginning, I did do it just to salt
some money away, but it was there when I found out that bringing home the
bacon was not so easy cake as I thought but it is no time to cry over spilt
2. With the time I salted away enough money to kick off my own business, but
of what? A friend of mine recommended that I set up a food-related
business. I thought that the idea was good, so I decided to open a bakery on
the skirts of my charming city. By then, I was already 25.
3. My bakery became very famous due to it was there where the crispiest and
the most bakery-fresh bread of the county was sold. In that time, I learned
loads of important things as you have to keep as cool as a cucumber if you
want to have success in the business or that everything can go pear-
chapped in a moment as it happened. It was the Second War, and a lot of
shops went bankrupt including mine.
4. When my bakery went bankrupt, the first though I had was hit the sauce,
fortunately, I ate humble pie before I did something dumb. In spite of being
broken, I didn’t give up and worked hard to salt money away again to set up
again a shop. It was when I was 30 when I met the woman who would be
the apple of my eye, but it was not a piece of cake, I had to date a lot of time
with her before she gave me the “Yes, I do”
5. After several years, I was able to set up a shop again, this time it was an
Indian takeaway on the corner of my house, which with the years turned into
in a big restaurant and which at the present, is known for serving the tastiest
and the most exotic dishes in the country and I am proud of it.
6. On most, I think that all the effort I put in these years have paid dividends.

Noventa y nueve lección

1. Cómo olvidar aquellos tiempos en los que solía viajar por el país en
busca de nuevos clientes. Yo diría que estar de negocios en diferentes
condados fue mi segunda pasión en la vida, la primera fue sin duda la alta
cocina, pero al principio no fue así. Al principio lo hice solo para ahorrar un
poco de dinero, pero fue allí cuando descubrí que llevar el pán a la casa no
era tan fácil como pensaba, pero no es momento de llorar por lo que ya
7. Con el tiempo me ahorre suficiente dinero para poner en marcha mi propio
negocio, pero ¿de qué? Un amigo mío me recomendó que estableciera un
negocio relacionado con la comida. Pensé que la idea era buena, así que
decidí abrir una panadería en las afueras de mi encantadora ciudad. Para
entonces, ya tenía 25 años.
8. Mi panadería era muy famosa porque era allí donde se vendía el pan más
crujiente y fresco del condado, incluso sus anuncios aparecían en la
televisión y en la radio. Aprendí muchas cosas, como que tienes que
mantenerte la mente fria si quieres tener éxito en los negocios o que todo
puede ir mal de un momento a otro como sucedió. Era la Segunda Guerra,
y muchas tiendas quebraron, incluida la mía.
9. Cuando mi panadería quebró, lo primero que pensé fue enviar todo al
ddemonio, afortunadamente, pude recapacitar antes de hacer algo tonto. A
pesar de estar sin un centavo, no me di por vencido y trabajé duro para
ahorrar dinero nuevamente y establecer nuevamente un negocio. Cuando
tenía 32 años, fue cuando conocí a la mujer que sería la niña de mis ojos,
pero no fue fácil, tuve que salir mucho tiempo con ella antes de que me
diera el "Sí, acepto"
10. Después de varios años, pude volver a poner mi negocio, esta vez fue un
puesto de comida francesa en la esquina de mi casa, que con los años se
convirtió en un gran restaurante y que en la actualidad, es conocido por
servir los platos más sabrosos y exóticos del país y estoy orgulloso de ello.
11. En la mayoría, creo que todo el esfuerzo que puse enestos años dio sus

Prepositional Regency

The regency is what complement can follow a verb, a noun or an adjective.

In time Con tiempo

On time A tiempo
On line En linea
On the move En camino
On the road En la autopista
At least Por lo menos
On campus En el campus
On the skirts of A las afueras de
On the right A la derecha
On the left A la izquierda
On the corner En la esquina
On one condition Con una condition
By the way A proposito
At last Al fin
On most En general
At the beginning Al principio
At the cash desk En la caja
On Monday El lunes
Delay on Retardo en
Sorry about Perdon por
Information on Informacion de
On holiday De vacaciones
On the cost En la costa
On business De negocios
At the party En la fiesta
On the telephone En el telefono
On diet A dieta
By car En carro
In fact De hecho
At this time of year En esta parte del año
At the moment En este momento
On the cell phone En el cellular
On the TV/radio En la television/radio
On the net En la red
By then Para entonces
At the other end of Al otro lado de
At the back of Hasta atras de


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Eighty fifth lesson

1. Hi, how are you?

2. I’m fine. What about you?
3. I’m exited because I’m moving to York.
4. Great. When did you decide it?
5. This week.
6. And what are you going to do for a living?
7. This and that. Maybe, I’ll be again a baby-sitter. I’ve forever been good at
taking care of children.
8. This morning I was after a new dishwasher in the morning paper and I read
an ad you can be interested in.
9. Have you the paper here?
10. Yes, catch it!
11. Wanted, Baby-sitter to look after two children in the afternoon 5 days per
week. The flat is in a tower block located on 30 minutes driving from York.
Payment per hour.
12. It sounds good, but, it’s very far.
13. OK, What about this?
14. If you want to work in one of the most fascinating and popular in the UK this
advertisement is for you. For expanding, we are looking for someone who
wishes to work in our new boutique hotel located on five minutes from
Yorks’s city centre. The person who is contracted will have to show that
he/she has experience working on high executives. If you think that this
advertisement is for you, call us to the number 55116798 or e-mail us with
your application with your contact details to the e-mail
15. Perfect. It’s exactly what I need.
16. Perfect. And when are you moving?
17. I think of moving in mid July, after the children have broken up the scholar
18. That’s a great idea. Well, I’ve got to go. Bye bye!
19. See you! Take care of yourself!

Ochenta y quinta lección

1. Hola, ¿cómo están?

2. Estoy bien. ¿Y tú?
3. Estoy feliz porque me voy a mudar a York.
4. Que padre. ¿Cuándo lo decidiste?
5. Esta semana.
6. Y de que vas a trabajar?
7. De lo que sea. Tal vez, volveré a ser niñera. Siempre fui buena para cuidar
8. Esta mañana estaba buscando un lavavajillas nuevo en el periódico de la
mañana y leí un anuncio que te puede interesar.
9. ¿Tienes el periódico aquí?
10. ¡Sí, atraparlo!
11. Si quieres trabajar en uno de los lugares más populares y facinantes del
Reino Unido, este anuncio es para ti. Por expansión, estamos buscando a
alguien que desee trabajar en nuestro nuevo hotel ubicado a cinco minutos
de York. La persona contratada tendrá que demostrar que tiene experiencia
trabajando con altos ejecutivos. Si cree que este anuncio es para usted,
llámenos al número 55116798 o envíenos un correo electrónico al correo
electrónico bristolshotel@mail.com
12. Perfecto. Es exactamente lo que necesito.
13. Perfecto. ¿Y cuándo te mudas?
14. Pienso en mudarme a mediados de Julio, después de que los niños hayan
terminado el ciclo escolar.
15. ¿Y qué vas a hacer con tus cosas?
16. Las voy a vender. No quiero gastar en el camión de mudanzas.
17. ¿Por qué no le pides a Bill su camioneta?
18. Buena idea. Bueno, tengo que irme. ¡Adiós!
19. ¡Adiós!

Verb regency

Depend on Depender de
Ask for Pedir
Bet on Apostar en
Located on Localizado en
Pay for Pagar
Spend on Gastar en
Think of Pensar en
Work on Trabajar con
Worry about Preocuparse por

Adjective Predication

Good at Bueno para


Imagina que eres la amiga que quiere el trabajo. Envia una carta depresentación
al hotel donde le digas tu experiencia laboral.



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Ninety-ninth lesson
Going out

1. Hi, David!
2. ‘i, there, folks, I’ve not seen you folks for dankey’s years
3. Ow, nothing interesting. What about you? What have you been to?
4. The day before yesterday, I played in a concert in York.
5. I didn’t know you were a musician. What instrument do you play?
6. I play the bass and the drums.
7. I though you played the keyboard.
8. No, my step-brother is who plays the keyboard. And what are you doing this
9. We’re having a party.
10. Cool!
11. If you want, you can go.
12. Mm, I’m a bit party-out, but, ok, what time is it?
13. It’s at four.
14. At that time, I’ve got a Chinese lesson. I think I’ll be there about six.
15. Ok, are you going with Cathy?
16. No, I broke up with ‘er last week.
17. What happened?
18. Well, the things have gone wrong, so I decided the best was to brake up
with ‘er.
19. What a bad thing! Well, see you on Saturday.
20. Cheers!

At party

21. David, please go in, make yourself at home. I’m finishing making dinner.
22. Do you need that I ‘elp you?
23. Now, you mention it, could you lay the table, please?
24. Of course. And where’s Brenda?
25. She went to walk the dog, she’ll be here shortly.
26. I’ve finished laying the table. What else do I do?
27. Could you turn on the telly and put the match, please?
28. Sure! Mm, Is there any problem with I’ve parked the car opposite your
29. That space is reserved for the ambulances of hospital that is on the corner.
30. Ok, so, I’ll go to move ‘er to another place.

Noventa y nueve lección

1. Hola, Fred
2. Hola, ¿Qué ha sido de tí? No te he visto por un tiempo.
3. Nada interesante. ¿Y tú?
4. Antier toqué en un festival de música en York.
5. No sabía que eras músico. ¿Qué instrumento tocas?
6. Toco el bajo.
7. Pensé que tocabas el teclado.
8. No, mi hermano es el que toca el teclado. ¿Y qué vas a hacer este fin de
9. Vamos a hacer una fiesta.
10. ¡Qué padre!
11. Si quieres, puedes ir.
12. ¿A qué horas es la fiesta?
13. A las cuatro.
14. A esa hora, tengo clases de español. Creo que estaré allá como a las seis.
15. Ok, ¿vas con Cathy?
16. No, nos separamos la semana pasada.
17. ¿Y eso?
18. Bueno, las cosas comenzaron a ir mal, así que decidí dejarla.
19. ¡Qué malo! Bueno, nos vemos el sábado.
20. ¡Adiós!
21. ¡Adios!

En la fiesta

22. Fred, por favor entra, siéntete como en tu casa. Estoy terminando de hacer la
23. ¿Necesitas que te ayude?
24. Ahora que lo mencionas, ¿podrías poner la mesa, por favor?
25. Claro. ¿Y dónde está Brenda?
26. Ella fue a pasear al perro, estará aquí pronto.
27. Ya terminé de poner la mesa. ¿Qué más hago?
28. ¿Podrías encender la tele y poner el juego, por favor?
29. ¡Seguro! Mm, ¿Hay algún problema con que haya estacionado el coche frente a tu
30. Ese espacio está reservado para las ambulancias del hospital que está en la
31. Ok, entonces, iré a moverlo a otro lugar.

Some expressions that are not as in Spanish

Pay attention Poner atencion

Have a party Hacer una fiesta
Be right Tener razón
Make a mistake Cometer un error/equivocarse
Play + instrument Tocar + instrument
Tell the true Decir la verdad
Save money Ahorrar dinero
Make the bed Tender la cama
Walk the dog Pasear al perro
Have lessons Tomar clases
Play the CD/DVD Poner el disco/DVD
Go wrong Ir mal
Get on well Llevarse bien
Lay the table Poner/acomodar los platos

For a while For un tiempo


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

One hundred and fifteenth lección

1. Buenos dias, busco al primer ministro.

2. Quien lo busca?
3. El embajador de Estados Unidos.
4. El primer ministro está en una reunion. Si lo desea, puede tomar asiento
mientras el primer ministro sale.
5. Muchas gracias.

6. Primer Minsitro, Buenos dias, como se encuentra el dia de hoy?

7. Estoy bien. Muchas gracias. Y usted?
8. Me encuentro bien. Primer Ministro, podemos hablar mañana sobre el
nuevo tratado commercial entre nuestras dos naciones?
9. Lo siento, pero mañana, regreso a mi ciudad natal.
10. Puedo preguntarle dde donde es usted?
11. Soy de Liverpool.
12. Liverpool es una ciudad moderna y hermosa. He estado haya tres veces.
13. Si quiere que hablemos, por favour, vaya a mi oficina para que le hagan
una cita para la siguiente semana.
14. Con quien tengo que hablar.
15. Con mi secretaria.

16. Buenas tardes, como puedo ayudarlo?

17. Quiero haacer una cita para la siguiente semana para hablar con el primer
18. Quien es usted, señor?
19. El embajador de los Estados Unidos.
20. Seguro, señor embajador.
21. Podría ser el jueves en la mañana?
22. Lo siento, el primer ministro tiene una reunion a esa hora.
23. Podria ser el Jueves en la tarde?
24. Seguro, señor. Su cita es el siguiente Viernes en la mañana.
25. Muchas gracias.
26. De nada.

Very formal English


We use “might” to ask for permission in very formal English.

Might one go to the bathroom? (very formal)

May I go to the bathroom? (formal)

Can I go to the bathroom? (informal)


“wish” instead of “want to” in more formal situations.

I wish to go to your party. (very formal)

I want to go to your party (formal)


Neutral Very formal

If it was not for But for
Please If you please
Who Whom


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

One hundred and twelfth lesson
New York

1. Hey!
2. Hey!
3. Where were you?
4. Sorry, I tried to get sooner, but the subway was crowed.
5. Don’t worry, the good thing is that we can still get to the movies.
6. Actually, I’d like you to go with me to buy a sweater for my mom, tomorrow
is her birthday and I wanna buy her something.
7. Where would you like to go?
8. I was thinking of going to the downtown, there’s a fall sale in a very big store
in Thomas avenue, but it’s very far from here.
9. Don’t worry, we can go in my motorcycle.

At downtown

10. Well, we already got the present of your mom. What do we do now?
11. I’m dying of hungry, where do we go to eat?
12. Across the street is Central Park, why don’t we go there and buy some
hamburgers and French fries.
13. And don’t forget the hot-dogs!

In the park

14. It was delicious, but I feel like a soda.

15. Take mine, but don’t throw the can to the trashcan, I collect them.
16. How much were they?
17. 5 dollars and 50 cents.
18. It was very expensive.
19. Well, I got still money to buy some candies.
20. I got a cookie in my backpack, do you wanna it?
21. Sure!


22. I ate a lot, I believe I’ll go to the pharmacy for a pill to the stomach.
23. Ok, but don’t do a lot of noise, the kids are sleeping.
24. They must be very tired, they spent all the vacations in the summer camp.
Maybe, we can go next summer to California, I feel like surfing. We can stay
in the ranch of my family, I believe my parents will be happy to see the kids.

Ciento duodécima lección

Nueva York

1. ¡Hola!
2. ¡Hola!
3. ¿Dónde estabas?
4. Perdón, traté de llegar antes, pero el metro estaba abarrotado.
5. No te preocupes, lo bueno es que todavía podemos llegar al cine.
6. En realidad, me gustaría que fueras conmigo a comprar un suéter para mi
7. ¿A dónde quieres ir?
8. Estaba pensando en ir al centro, hay una venta de otoño en una tienda muy
grande en la avenida Thomas , pero está muy lejos de aquí.
9. No te preocupes, podemos ir en mi moto.

En el centro de la ciudad

10. Bueno, ya tenemos el regalo de tu mamá. ¿Qué hacemos ahora?

11. Me muero de hambre, ¿a dónde vamos a comer?
12. En frente está Central Park, ¿por qué no vamos allí y compramos unas
hamburguesas y unas papás a la francesa?
13. ¡Y no te olvides de un hot-dog!

En la feria

14. Estaba delicioso, pero se me antoja un refresco.

15. Toma el mio, pero no tires la lata a la basura, yo las colecciono.
16. ¿Cuánto fue?
17. 5 dólares y 50 centavos.
18. Fue muy caro.
19. Bueno, todavía tengo dinero para comprar dulces.
20. Tengo una galleta en mi mochila, ¿quieres?
21. ¡Seguro!

En casa

22. Comí mucho, creo que iré a la farmacia por una pastilla para el estómago.
23. Ok, pero no hagas mucho ruido, los niños están durmiendo.
24. Deben estar muy cansados, pasaron todas las vacaciones en el campamento de
verano. Tal vez, podamos ir el próximo verano a California, tengo ganas de
surfear. Podemos quedarnos en el ranch de mi familia, creo que mis padres
estarán felices de ver a los niños

American English II


American British
Words ending in “er” are Faster /faster/ Faster /fasta/
pronounced /er/
Words ending in “ture” Architecture Architecture
are pronounced /chur/ /arquitekchur/ /arquitekchia/

Some common words have a different pronunciation in American English

American British
Cousin /kousin/ /kasin/
Culture /kulchur/ /kolchia/
Doctor /doktor/ /dokta/
Fire /fair/ /faia/
Flower /flauguer/ /flagua/
Here /jir/ /jia/
Hour /auer/ /aua/
Lesson /leshon/ /leson/
Man /man/ /mn/
Mexican /meksikan/ /meksiken/
Sir /sir/ /sar/
Sure /shur/ /shor/


British American
Words written with “our” Colour Color
in british pass to
American English as “or”
Centre Center

Irregular verbs

Some irregular verbs are normally used as regulars in american English.

Verb British American

Burn Burned - burned
Dream Dreamt - Dreamt (most common) Dreamed – Dreamed (most common)
Dreamed – Dreamt Dreamt - Dreamt

Get is the only irregular verb which is different to the birtish English.

Get – Got – gotten (Am)

Get – got – got (UK)

Have just

In American English we use the structure “Past simple + just” instead of “Past
perfect + just)

I cleaned just the floor (Am)

I have just cleaned the floor (UK)


Reescribe el texto utilizando exclusivamente inglés britanico. 250 palabras



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?


Do emphatic

Do is used as an auxiliary in the affirmative form of the present simple for give
emphasis to the actions.

I believe it Lo creo pero puedo cambiar de opininon

I do believe it Aunque me demuestres lo contrario no dejare de
I love you Te amo pero si encuentro a alguien major te dejo
I do love you Seras el peor pero aun asi te amo

In the same way we can use did in the past simple.

I believed it Lo creia pero cambie de opininon

I did believe it Lo creia fiel mente.
I loved you Te ame pero encuentre a alguien major y te deje
I did love you Eras el peor pero aun asi te amaba

Also do can be used with the imperative.

Do come in (por favor, pase)


Imagina que eres una persona que escucho esta participación. Escribe una carta
para el expositor donde le digas tu opinión sobre el tema (250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

One hundred and nineteenth lesson
My girl

1. An exited young man walks throught a stand which sells presents. It is San
Valentin’s day and the colours of the love can be seen everywhere. The
young man commences to see what is sold, teddy bears, box of chocolates,
cards. The young man does not believe that he have enought money to buy
any of this things, but, all of a sudden, right in front of him, a bouquet of
roses appears. A label beneth the bouquet says “20 per cent off”. The young
man hurries to take out two coins from his pocket and buy the roses. The
young man gets away from the stand and goes to the queue to enter school.
The young man relaxes , for he had already bought the present that he was
not sure if he could buy.
2. While he is standing on the queue, his legs commece to tremble because of
the nervous that he feels about giving for the first time a San Valentin’s
present. While he tries to calm, his friend, who has just arrived, said to him
in a sarcastic way “First time”, to what the young man says “Yes”. The
young enfuriates because of the sarcastic comentary of his friends, but
after, he remembers that thanks to his friend and his “He’s a bit daft, but he
does love you” he and his girfrield have a week together after having been
separated because of a misunderstood that they had. The caretaker opens
the door of the school and the youngsters commence to enter one by one.
When the young man enters, he goes to the tree where he usually meets
with his girlfriend. When he arrives at there, he finds her girlfriend with her
back facing to him. He approches to her and huges her. When she feels that
she is huged, she feels fear, but when she hears her boyfriend’s voice she
relaxes, turns happily and huges him strongly. The young man separates
from her and gives her her roses, the face of his girlfriend illuminates. After
that, he takes off his schoolbag and from there, he takes out a teddy bear
that he had brought from his house.
3. He does not believe she like it, but the face of his girlfriend illuminates still
more, all of a sudden, she lets her presents on one side, she jumps to him
and kisses him.
4. The young man thinks “Mission complete”

One hundred and nineteenth lesson
Mi novia

5. Un joven emocinado camina hacia un puesto ambulante que vende rosas y

chocolates. Es el 14 de febrero y los colores del amor se ven en todas
partes. El joven comienza a ver que venden, osos de peluche, cajas de
chocolates, cartas. El joven no cree que tenga dinero para comprar alguna
de estas cosas, pero, de repente, justo en frente de él, aparece un ramo de
rosas. Una etiqueta debajo de él dice “20 por ciento de descuento” el joven
se apresura y lo compra. El joven se aleja del puesto y se dirije a la fila para
entrar a la escuela. El joven se relaja porque pudo comprar el ragalo que el
pensaba que no iba a alcanzar a comprar. Mientras esta en la fila, sus
piernas comienzan a temblar por los nervios de dar un regalo de 14 de
febrero por primera vez.. mientras trata de calmarse, su amigo, quien acaba
de llegar, le dice de forma sarcastica “Primera vez”, a lo cual el joven dice
“Sí” el joven se enoja por el comentario sarcastico de su amigo pero luego
recuerda que gracias a su amigo y a su “Está un poco tonto, pero te ama”,
el y su novia estaban cumpliendo una semana juntos despues de haber
terminado por un mal entendido que tubieron. El conserje abre la puerta de
la escuela y los jovenes comienzan a entrar uno a uno. Cuando el joven
entra, se dirige al arbol donde normalmente se reune con su novia. Cuando
llega ahí, la encuentra de espaldas. Se acerca a ella y la abraza. Cuando
ella siente que la abrazan, siente miedo, pero al oir la voz de su novio se
relaja, se da la vuelta felizmente y lo abraza fuertemente. El joven se
separa de ella y le da sus rosas, la cara de su novia se ilumina. Despues de
eso, se quita su mochila y de ahí saca un oso de peluche que habia traido
de su casa. El no cree que le guste, pero la cara de su novia se ilumina aun
más, de repente, ella deja sus regalos a un lado, salta hacia él y lo besa. El
joven piensa “Misión cumplida”

Subjunctive II

There are two other forms of the subjunctive. They both are formal.


Main clause Subordinate clause

You should go to the doctor
I recommend You shouldn’t do it
He should go to the doctor
He shouldn’t do it

You should go to the doctor

I You shouldn’t do it
recommended That
He should go to the doctor
He shouldn’t do it

This structure is the second most common form of the subjunctive.

Present subjunctive

Main clause Subordinate clause

You go to the doctor
You not do it
I recommend that He go to the doctor
He not do it

You go to the doctor

I You not do it
recommended That He go to the doctor
He not do it

This structure is the third most common form of the subjunctive. It uses the bare
infinitive of the verb.


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Ninety-ninth lesson
The media

1. What are you doing, David?

2. I’m reading the paper, they say that the Chancellor of Exchequer has left
from his party.
3. Let me see! MINISTER QUIT PARTY He was a big cheese in the party, why
did he leave?
4. According to the article, ‘e kept a finger in many pies related with corruption.
5. Well, he’d better find a good lawyer, otherwise, he’ll be for a long time in
prision. What other headlines are there?
6. They are all.
7. So, just turn on the radio!
8. The day before yesterday, the Minister of education gave a speech in the
House of Commons to speak about the changes that there are to be in the
basic and high education of our country.
9. “I’m glad to announce that, from now on, the pupils and students will not
have to worry about the quality of his or her studies. With this project, the
estimate which is given to schools and universities are to rise, and with this,
they are to be able to buy better equipements and they are to be able to rise
the payment of their teachers and professors”
10. The day after tomorrow, the Minister is to give another speech in the House
of Lords to speak about this important topic. Both the Prime Minister and the
Queen agree with this project and it is expected to be santionated this
mproject both by the House of Commons and by the House of Lords this
11. Turn it out. It doesn’t matter me.
12. So, what do we do?
13. Turn on the tube, maybe that Mexican opera soup is. I’ve heard that today it
started its new season.

Noventa y nueve lección
Los medios de comunicación

1. ¿Qué estás haciendo David?

2. Estoy leyendo el periódico, dicen que el ministro de Economía se salió de
su partido.
de los meros meros del partido, ¿por qué se saldría?
4. Según el periódico, estaba metido en varios asuntos relacionados con
5. Bueno, será mejor que encuentre un buen abogado. ¿Qué otros titulares
6. Pues en la primera plana aparece "SINDICATOS CHOCAN JEFES"
7. Debe ser otro caso de falta de pago. ¿Qué más?
8. Son todos los titulares importantes.
9. Estoy aburrido, enciende la radio para ver que hay.
10. A Continuación en la BBC “Noticias para ti”
11. Hola a todos "Este es John Brown dándoles las últimas noticias.
Pasado mañana, el ministro de Educación va a dar un discurso ante la
cámara de los comunes y otro ante la cámara de los Lores para hablar de
los cambios que va a haber en la educación básica y superior de nuestro
12. "Me complace anunciar que, a partir de ahora, los estudiantes no tendrán
que preocuparse por la calidad de sus estudios. Con este proyecto, el
presupuesto que se les da a las escuelas y universidades aumentará, y con
esto, estaspodrán comprar mejores equipos y podrán aumentar el salario
de sus maestros y profesores"
13. Tanto el primer ministro como la reina están de acuerdo con este proyecto y
se espera que se apruebe tanto por la cámara de los comunes como en la
cámara de los Lords este miércoles".
14. Apeguala. No me importa.
15. Entonces, que hacemos?
16. Prende la télé, tal vez ya este esa telenovela Mexicana, escuché que hoy
va a empezar la nueva temporada.

To be infinitive

We use “be + infinitive” in formal speech:

1. In rules
Employees are to clean the equipment that they use in the laboratory.

2. In instructions
The human recourses department of the company is to organise employees’

3. In official plans
The president is to visit Europe next week.

This structure is manly found in news reports.

Was/were able to

We use “was/were able to” to:

1. Talk about an achievement

He was able to climb the Himalayas.

2. Talk about something was done with difficulty

After a long time, he was able to walk again.

3. Express that someone could do something in an specific situation

Were you able to go to the graduation with Katy?


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about the midia can’t say all the time the

British conture

Dentro de los medios de comunicacion el periodico The Gardian y la televisora BBC son de los más
recocidos a nivel mundial.

One hundred and eleventh lesson
News from America

1. Dear Ann,
2. The first days I was here were very difficult. At the beginning, I was very
confused because I said something and the people looked at me as I didn’t
speak English.
3. The problems started as soon as I got off the airplane, I was one hour
looking for where the taxis left until a cop told me they call “cabs” to the taxis
4. Then, when I got to the building where I was going to live I had problems too
when I asked to the superintendent where was my flat and he told me that
my appartement was on the second floor and that I had to take the elevator.
5. And the stuff got worse when I went to the mall to buy clothes. I went for a
pair of trousers and pullover, and the costumer didn’t know what I was
talking about. At the end, she could understand I wanted a pair of “pants”
and a “sweater”, even she suggested I buy a pair of “sneakers”.
6. America is very beautiful and american people love to watch the football,
this is the way the people here refer to the American football in. Last year, I
went to the Super bowl, and there I noted the big diversity of people that
there are in America, I could see white people, black people, latin people,
even I could saw a Navajo.
I hope to see you soon, you can visit me whenever you want and you can
stay here as long as you want. We can go to a jazz club or to a bar. If you
don’t feel like going out, we can watch a movie or some series in my 50
inches screen or maybe we can go to the beach, it’s only 2 miles from my
place and we can go in my motorcycle.
7. E-mail me soon. I look forward to hearing from you,
Your friend John

Ciento undécima lección
Noticias de América

1. Querida Ana,
2. Los primeros días que estuve aquí fueron muy difíciles. Al principio estaba
muy confundido porque dije algo y la gente me miró porque no hablaba
3. Los problemas comenzaron tan pronto como bajé del avión, estuve una
hora buscando dónde salían los taxis hasta que una gorra me dijo que
llaman a los taxis "taxis".
4. Luego, cuando llegué al edificio donde iba a vivir, también tuve problemas
cuando le pedí al superintendente donde estaba mi departamento y me dijo
que mi departamento estaba en el segundo piso y que tenía que tomar el
5. Cuando fui a la tienda, tuve problemas para comprar algunas galletas.
6. Y las cosas empeoraron cuando fui al centro comercial a comprar ropa. Fui
por un par de pantalones y un jersey, y el cliente no sabía lo que estaba
tomando. Al final, ella pudo entender que quería un par de "pantalones" y
un "suéter", incluso ella sugirió que comprara un par de "tenis".
7. Algo así sucedió cuando fui a un restaurante de comida rápida, pedí unas
papás fritas y una hamburguesa y me dijeron que solo tenían papás fritas y
8. América es muy hermosa y a los estadunidenses les gusta mucho ver el
fútbol, esa es la forma en que la gente de aquí le dice al fútbol americano.
El año pasado, fui al Super Bowl, y allí noté sobre la gran diversidad de
personas que hay en Estados Unidos, pude ver a personas blancas,
negras, latinas, incluso pude ver Navajo.
9. Espero verte pronto, y puedes venir a visitarme en vacaciones, podríamos ir
a un club de jazz o a un bar. Si no tienes ganas de salir, podemos ver una
película en mi pantalla de 50 pulgadas. Tal vez podamos ir a la playa, está
a solo 4 millas de mi casa y podemos ir en mi motocicleta mientras
comemos algunos dulces como en los viejos tiempos.
10. Envíame un correo electrónico pronto. Espero saber de tí.

American English

Here a list with the most common differences beteen English vocabulary and
American English vocabulary.

British English American English Meaning

Aeroplane Airplane Avion
Flat/apartment Apartment Departamento
Aerial Antenna Antena
Dialling code Area code Codigo postal
Barrister, solicitor, lawyer Lawyer/ attorney Abogado
Sticking plaster Band aid Curita
Pub Bar Bar
Dressing gown Bathrobe Bata
Billion = million million Billion = thousand Mil millones
Grill Broil Parrilla
Engaged (phone) Busy Ocupado
Taxi Cab Taxi
Tin Can Lata
Sweet Candy Dulce
Sweet shop Candy store Dulceria
Bill (restaurant) Check/bill Cuenta
Purse Coin-purse Monedero
Cupboard Closet Alacena
Wardrobe Closet Closet
Biscuit Cookie, cracker Galleta
Sweet corn /maize Corn Maiz
Cot Crib Cuna
Mad Crazy Loco
Pedestrian crossing Crosswalk Cruce peatonal
Sofa Davenport/sofa Sofa
Van Delivery truck Camion repartidor
Receptionist Desk clerk Recepcionista
Nappy Diaper Pañal
Doctor’s surgery Doctor’s office Consultorio
City centre Downtown Centro de la ciudad
Curtains Drapes Cortinas
Chemist Druggist El señor de la farmacia
Chemist’s (shop) Drugstore/pharmacy Farmacia
Stupid Dumb, stupid Estupido
Semi-detached Duplex De dos pisos
Lift Elevator Elevador

Rubber/ eraser Eraser Goma
Autumn Fall, autumn Otoño
Tap Faucet/tap Llave (del agua)
ground floor first floor Primer piso
Torch Flashlight Lampara
Chips French fries Papás a la francesa
Rubbish Garbage/trash Basura
Dustbin, rubbish bin Garbage can/trashcan Bote de basura
Petrol Gas/gasoline Gasoline
Main road/motorway Highway/freeway Autopista
Crossroad Intersection Crucero
Angry Mad Enojado
Nasty Mean Molesto
Motorbike Motorcycle Motocicleta
Film Film/film Pelicula
Cinema films, film theatre Cine
Newsagent News stand Donde venden los
Surgery Office (doctor’s/dentist’s) Consultorio
Single (ticket) One-way (ticket) Boleto de ida
Trousers Pants, trousers Pantalones
Car park Parking lot Estacionamiento
Road surface Pavement Pavimento
Zebra crossing Pedestrian crossing Cruce peatonal
Handbag Pocketbook/purse, Bolso
Crisps (potato) chips Papás
State school Public school Escuela publica
Railway Railroad Via
Rise Raise Aumento (salario)
(public) toilet Rest room, bathroom Baño
CV Resumé Curriculum
Return (journey/ticket) Round trip Boleto de ida y regreso
Shop assistant Sales clerk/sales girl Dependiente
Timetable Schedule, timetable Horario
Pavement Sidewalk Banqueta
Trainers Sneakers Tennis
Shop Store, shop Tienda
Tube/underground Subway Metro
Pullover Sweater Sueter
Van, lorry Truck Camioneta
Pants Underpants Calzones
Holiday Vacation Vacaciones
Windscreen Windshield Parabrisas
Postcode Zid code Codigo postal


Reescribe la carta utilizando inglés britanico. 250 palabras



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Seventy sixth lesson
At the antique shop

1. What are you going to buy, Tom?

2. It’s a present for my half sister.
3. What does she like?
4. Dolls, toys, things like that.
5. In this shop they only sell antiques.
6. What do you think about this fire-fly lamp for her bedroom?
7. No way!
8. What about this doll house?
9. She’s over 18, I don’t think they like it.
10. Why don’t we go to another shop, there’s one near the Tube station.
11. No, it’s getting dark, and I’m in a hurry.
12. What do you have to do?
13. I have got to go to the hairdresser’s.
14. Ok, but, finally, what do you think about this telescope. With it, she could
see the full moon and the stars.
15. I don’t think so.

16. Is the boss in?

17. No, he’s away.
18. What’s that?
19. It’s a present fot the assistant of the secretary.
20. Where did you buy it?
21. I shopped it online. I’m on the mood something hot, I believe I’ll take my
coffee fix. You want a coffee?
22. Aye, bring me one white, please.
23. There’s only black left.
24. Okay. Have you seen the loudspeaker that was on my desk?
25. The secretary took it to the demonstration outside of the headquarters
againts the reduction of the staff.

Setenta lección sexta
Una tienda muy especial

1. ¿Qué vas a comprar, Tom?

2. Es un regalo para mis cuñadas.
3. ¿Qué les gusta?
4. Muñecas, juguetes, cosas así.
5. En esta tienda sólo venden antiguedades.
6. ¿Qué opinas de esta lámpara de vuelo para su dormitorio?
7. ¡No!
8. Hay otra tienda cerca de la estacion del metro, ¿por qué no vamos allá?
9. No, es tarde, y tengo que cortarme el pelo.
10. Mira este telescopio. ¿No crees que les guste? Con él podían ver la luna
11. No creo.

12. ¿Está el jefe?

13. No, está de vacaciones.
14. ¿Qué es eso?
15. Es un regalo para la asistente de la secretaria.
16. ¿Dónde lo compraste?
17. Lo compré en línea. Se me antoja algo caliente, creo que voy a tomar mi
café, ¿quieres uno?
18. Sí, tráeme uno blanco, por favor.
19. Sólo queda negro.
20. Bien. ¿Has visto el altavoz que estaba en mi escritorio?
21. La secretaria se lo llevó a la manifestación fuera de los cuarteles generals
en contra del recorte de personal.

Collective nouns

They can take a singular (when you see them as a group) or plural verb (when you
see them as each member.

My family has a house (hay una casa para todos)

My family have a house (cada uno tiene su casa)

Plural of compound words

Type Rule Singular Plural

Noun (plural) + Tennis shoe Tennis shoes
noun The last element
Adj + noun is modifiying Assistant Assistant
headmaster headmasters
Noun + adj Sergeant major Sergeants major
Noun + The first element Mom-in-law Moms-in-law
preposition + noun is modifying
Noun with of Assistant secretary Assistant
of state secretaries of
Noun + noun Both elements are Woman-doctor Women-doctors


Imagina que no has visto a un amigo en mucho tiempo. Escribale una carta donde
le digas que has estado hciendo en este tiempo, que cosas han pasado y que
cosas quieres hacer (200 palabras)



How long have you been working?

How long have you been learning English


In this unit you will learn:

Was/were able to/ would rather have/ would prefer to

Passive voice (advanced points) / Other passive structures/ Special uses of the
passive voice
Interpreting and comparing
Very formal English
Connectors of cause and propose II
Participle clauses
Lenguage of persuasion/ Hypotesing

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
Situacions vacant

1. Hi, David, what are you doing?

2. I’m after another job.
3. Don’t you like working as policeman?
4. Not at all. I want to try something new as translator, cook or perhaps private
eye. Also, I don’t earn much money as cop.
5. And what have you found?
6. Hear these ads!

7. We are looking for new talent who wants to work with us in our headquarters
located on Manchester. We are looking for a person having knowledge of
data processing and website development. The successful applicant must
have good teamwork skills. Competitive basic wage plus overtime. After the
training period, there is a two-months trial period.

8. We are looking for sales executives having worked in Bed and Breakfast.
The candidate must speak English and German fluently or being native
speaker of one or both languages. Also, the candidate who wants to work
with us must have a UK driver’s license and must be articulate, outgoing
with excellent interpersonal skills. Part-time and full-time positions are
Wage: 720 pounds per month plus commitions

We have an opening for a website designer to start working at once. The

person who wants to work with us must be a team player. Our officines are
in London for which the person who wants to apply for this position must live
in London. The salary will depend on qualifications and experience.
Master degree required. Two days off per week. Commissions and company

9. All of them sound good. Yes, I believe I’ll call all of them first thing tomorrow,
I’m boring about sitting around.
10. Well, if you want to start not feeling bored, I’ve got the perfect activity for
11. Which one?
12. Cleaning up the kitchen of the flat.

Ciento decimocuarta lección
Ofertas de empleo

1. Hola, David, ¿haces?

2. Estoy buscando un nuevo trabajo.
3. ¿No te gustó el trabajo de periodista?
4. No del todo. Quiero probar algo nuevo como traductor, cocinero o soldado.
5. ¿Y qué has encontrado?
6. Escucha estos anuncios.

7. Estamos buscando nuevos talentos que quieran trabajar con nosotros en

nuestra sede ubicada en Manchester. Estamos buscando una persona que
tenga conocimientos de procesamiento de datos y desarrollo de sitios web.
El candidato seleccionado deberá tener buenas habilidades de trabajo en
equipo. Salario básico competitivo. Después del período de entrenamiento,
hay un período de prueba de dos meses.

8. Estamos buscando ejecutivos de ventas que hayan trabajado en resorts. El

candidato debe hablar español y francés con fluidez o ser hablante nativo
de uno o ambos idiomas. Además, el candidato que quiera trabajar con
nosotros debe tener una licencia de conducir del Reino Unido y debe ser
articulado, extrovertido con excelentes habilidades interpersonales. Hay
puestos disponibles a tiempo parcial y a tiempo completo.
Salario: 720 libras al mes. Comisiones y coche de la empresa.

9. Tenemos una oportunidad para que un diseñador de web comience a

trabajar de inmediato. La persona que quiere trabajar con nosotros debe
tener buenas habilidades para trabajar en equipo. Nuestros officinas están
en Londres, por lo que la persona que quiera solicitar este puesto debe vivir
en Londres. El salario dependerá de la experiencia y de las cualidades. Se
requiere maestría.Dos días de descanzo a la semana.

10. Todos ellos suenan bien. Sí, creo que los llamaré a todos a primera hora de
mañana, me aburre estar sin hacer nada.
11. Bueno, si quieres empezar por no sentirte aburrido, ¿por qué no empiezas
por limpiar el baño del departamento?

Participle clauses

Participle clauses are used above all in written text, particulary formal, journalistic,
academic and literary style. They are used to:

• to replace a time clause (when, while, after, etc. + subject +verb).

Looking through the things in my drawer, I came across some old photographs(= While I
was looking ... )

• to replace a clause of reason (because, as, since+ subject +verb).

Feeling extremely tired, I decided to rest under a tree. ( = Because I felt ... )

• to replace a relative clause.

The girl talking to Jim is my sister. (= ... who is talking ... )

The past participle is used:

•Passive Voice. Shocked by the tragedy, they didn't know what to say. (=They were
shocked by the tragedy and didn't know ... )

• to replace a relative clause in the Passive Voice.

Clothes made in France and Italy are very elegant. (=Clothes which are made ... )

• to replace the if-clause in a conditional sentence containing Passive Voice.

Stored in the fridge, the pudding will keep for up to one week. (=If it is stored in the fridge
... )

Sometime the participle clause can mean “como” o “porque”

It being too late, I couldn’t find a taxi anywhere.

(como era muy tarde, no pude encontrar un taxi)


Escriba un mensaje a un amigo donde le digas que encontraste una tienda de

antiguedades donde venden cosas interesantes y que tal vez sea ahi donde
encuentre un regalo para sus papás (usa por lo menos 5 sustantivos compuestos)
(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the idea about recycling all the technologic rubbish?

Do you agree or disagree with the idea about destroying monumens that are not
very famous in your city?

Sixty second lesson
Pros and cons

1. Living in the city is correct

2. This essay discusses the advantages and disadvantages of dwelling in the

city instead of the countryside. It considers the time it takes a person to
arrive at his office, the savings which can be made in transportation and the
pollution of the city.
3. Nowadays, there are many people who have to take the bus, the
underground or even the train to arrive at their offices. This journey can
make that many of these people suffer stress at levels unbelievable, above
all, when it is the rush hour. So why don’t they leave their ways of life in the
city and they decide to go to the countryside instead? Well, perhaps, some
persons argue that is because in the city you can have a better quality of life
but I don’t agree! You end up having a worse quality of life because you
breathe the polluted air that the factories and the cars of the city produce.
Also, you end up paying more because the cost of the transportation in the
city is more expensive than in the countryside because you have to take
more means of transport to go to one place to another one.
4. On the other hand, finding a job is absolutely much easier in the city
because most of the companies and factories are in the big cities. I guess
for this reason it is preferable to dwell in the city to dwell in the countryside,
but only if you can avoid spending more than 2 hours a day in the public
5. In conclusion, yes, it is better dwelling in the city than in the countryside.
However, not enough is being done to improve persons’ quality who dwell in
the city and this need to be addressed urgently.

Sexagesima segunda lección
Puntos de vista

1. Este ensayo discute las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en la ciudad en

lugar del campo. Considera el tiempo que tarda una persona en llegar a su
oficina, los ahorros que se pueden hacer en transporte y la contaminación
de la ciudad.
2. Hoy en día, hay mucha gente que tiene que tomar el autobús, el metro o
incluso el tren para llegar a sus oficinas. Este viaje puede hacer que
muchas personas sufran estrés a niveles increíbles, sobre todo, cuando
conducen sus coches en la hora punta.
Entonces, ¿por qué no dejan sus formas de vida en la ciudad y deciden ir al
campo en su lugar?
Bueno, tal vez, algunas personas argumentan que es porque en la ciudad
se puede tener una mejor calidad de vida, ¡pero no estoy de acuerdo!
Acabas teniendo una peor calidad de vida porque respiras el aire
contaminado que producen las fábricas y los coches de la ciudad. Además,
terminas pagando más porque el costo del transporte en la ciudad es más
caro porque tienes que tomar más medios de transporte para ir de un lugar
a otro.
3. Por otro lado, encontrar trabajo es absolutamente mucho más fácil porque
la mayoría de las empresas y fábricas están en las grandes ciudades.
Supongo que por esta razón es preferible vivir en la ciudad quee vivir en el
campo, pero solo si se puede evitar pasar más de 2 horas al día en el
4. En conclusión, sí, es mejor vivir en la ciudad que en el campo. Sin
embargo, no se está haciendo lo suficiente para mejorar la calidad de vida
de las personas que viven en la ciudad y esta necesidad debe abordarse
con urgencia.


1. Why are the peoplke stressed?

2. Why don’t the people want to go to the country?
3. What are the advantages of living in the city?
4. Why is better dwelling in the city?

Reason, result and propouse

So as to Con el objetivo de
Because of Por
Owing to Debido a
To have led to Haber llebado a
Will result in Resultará en/dará como
To steam from Se origina en
To be based on Basarse en
The aim of El objetivo de
The reason why La razón por la cual
As result of Como resultado de
With the result that Teniendo como resultado

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
An ambitious plan

1. What’s on the box today?

2. Where’s the remote control?
3. It’s underneath those magazines.
4. The best year of the century to invest or tumbled economy? Here’s our
business correspondant, Roger Gupta, to explain.
5. This year the raise of the importations and the investments have done that
the economy in the country is in the best moment of its whole history but
some people fear that after this moment of buoyant economy comes a
period of slowdown.
This morning, when I speak to Sir Michel Barnes, stockbroker and economy
analyst, this was he told me:
6. “Although is true that the exportations are beginning to go down because of
a low in the output, we’re prerared to face this and any problem. For this
reason, we’re trigging some measures to incentivate the UK companies to
export, unfortunately, we’ll hardly know if these measures are working until
next year”
7. Sir Barnes, could tell us about any of these measures?
8. “As first move, we’ve reduced the cost of exportations by buying the bulk of
materials here in the United Kingdom. With this, we expect that our
companies become more competitive and that they can sell their products
overseas without soar the cost of these”
9. A last question. Do you believe that it’s a good moment to invest in the stock
10. “Absolutely, even I’d dare to say that if one don’t buy blue chip shares at his
moment, it’s because one don’t want his money to grow”
11. Thank you for your time.
12. “Don’t mention it!”
13. Despite this, an ever growing number of investors and high street
companies are changing his money for foreign currencies as the dollar and
the euro owing to the specialists expect that the prices of oil tumbles. That’s
all the economic news we have for you today. Join us again at the same
time tomorrow for another edition.
14. Well, I think it’s time to save up money.
15. Are you kidding?, it’s time to mortage our house and invest in Wall Street.

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
Noticias de economia
1. Que hay en la tele hoy?
2. Donde está el control?
3. Está abajo de esas revistas.
4. El mejor año del siglo para invertir o economia caisa? Aqui esta nuestro
corresposal de negocios, Roger Gupta, para explicarnoslo.
5. Este año el aumento de las importaciones, las inversiones y el producto
interno bruto han hecho que la economia del pais este en mejor momento
de la historia pero algunas personas tienen miedo de que despues de este
momento de crecimiento economico venga un periodo de reduccion del
Esta mañana, cuando hable con el señor Michel Barnes, corredor de bolsa
analista economico, esto fue lo que me dijo:
“Aunque es verdad que las exportaciones estan comenzando a disminuir
debido a la baja en la producción, estamos preparados para hacer frente a
este y a cualquier problema. Por esta razón, hemos puesto en marcha
algunas medidas para incentivar a las empresas britanicas a exportar,
desafortunadamente, dificilmente sabremos si estas medidas estan
funcionando hasta el siguiente año”
6. Señor Michel, podria decirnos alguna de estas medidas?
7. “Como primer medida, hemos reducido el costo de las exportaciones
comprando la mayoria de las materias primas aqui en el reino unido. Con
esto, esperamos que nuestras empresas se vuelvan mas competitivas y
puedan vender sus productos en el extranjero sin elevar el costo de estos”
8. Una ultima pregunta. Usted cree que sea un buen momento para invertir en
la bolsa de valores?
9. Absolutamente, incluso me atreveria a decir que si no compras acciones de
una gran empresa, es porque no quieres hacer que tu dinero crezca”
10. Gracias por su tiempo.
11. “De nada”
12. A pesar de esto, muchos inversionistas y empresas estan cambiando su
dinero por divisas extranjeras como el dolar y el euro debido a que los
especialistas esperan que caigan los precios del petroleo.
13. En noticias internacionales. Del otro lado del Atlantico, la FED anuncio que
aumentaria la taza de interes en 10 puntos. Estas son todas todas las
noticias sobre economia que tenemos para usted hoy. Sintonicenos otra
vez mañana a la misma hora para otra edición.
14. Bueno, pienso que es momento para ahorrar dinero.
15. Bromeas, es hora de hiponecar nuestra casa e invertir todo en Wall Street.

Very formal English and correct English

In grammatically correct English we put the preposition next to the wh-question.

In what classroom are you? (very formal/grammatically correct)

What classroom are you in? (informal)

In grammatically correct English we use did not use/didn’t use to in negative

sentences and Did + personal pronoun + use to? In interrogative sentences.

I didn’t use to walk along the beach.

Did you use to eat much pizza?


In correct English we use “whether” instead of “if” in the reported speech.

He told us whether we want to play. (correct)

He told us if/whether we want to play. (formal)


In formal English we do not use the contractions in the questions tags.

We’re going to the party, are not we? (culto)

We’re going to the party, aren’t we (neutral)

We’re going to the party, right? (informal)


Neutral Culto
Self-taught Autodidactic
Disgusting Ignoble
A lot/lots of Much
Much Many
I, we One
To use (proceso) To employ

More formal Formal

Perhaps Maybe
Someone Somebody
A little + comparative A bit + comparative

One hundred and nineteenth lesson
The retourn

1. Under the shadow of a huge apple tree did a man lie down without fretting
about anything more than enjoying the wonderful view that the forests and
the hills of his land offered to him. Beside him, it was his fiancée, Marían, to
whom he had known in his childhood and with whom, for questions of the
life, he had refound to married her.
2. While they both lied down, a sound in the distance interrupted their
tranquillity, it was the lout of their servant who brought an important
message to the man.
The man said: “What happen, Ted, you know I detest being bothered”
The servant looked down and replied “A letter has arrived, my Lord”
Furious the man said to him:
“For this reason you bother me”
To what the servant said:
“It’s a letter from Athens, the messenger said that it was important”
The man said:
“Ok, retourn to the mansion”
Once his servant had given the letter to him, the man commenced the
difficult work to find out who had sent it to him.
“Who will have sent this letter?” Wondered the man.
After a long time thinking of it, the man realised that the letter had been sent
in a such tiny, dirty and simple envelop that no one of the royal family in his
sane juice would have sent it, for which the man said “It’s been my uncle
who has sent this letter, it’s the only relative who still lives in that land.”
The man opened the letter and effectively it was one of his uncle’s letters.

3. “Dear, nephew, if you’ve received this letter it means that I’ve already died,
but as I’ve told you umpteen times when I were alive, “the life goes on”. As
you will know, I’ve never had lads which I decided to come into all me
enormous fortune to you for. Also, I let you me collection of guns, memories
when I were a private eye. You can find all the papers that you need to
come into me fortune under the giant whale statute that I got built by the sea
where your dad and me fished. I expect that you can have a long beautiful
calm life as I had and that you can be as ‘ard as the steel after having
reading this letter, see you later,
Your uncle David.”

After having reading this, the man did not say anything, he only said “ have
my ship ready, we will commence a voyage”.

Ciento diecinueve lección
El regreso
1. Bajo un enorme manzano se acostaba un hombre sin preocuparse por nada
más que disfrutar de la maravillosa vista que los bosques y las montañas de
su tierra le ofrecían. A su lado, estaba su prometida, Marían, a quien había
conocido en su infancia y con quien por cuestiones de la vida se había
reencontrado para tener los días más felices de su vida. Mientras ambos se
acostaban, un sonido en la distancia interrumpió su tranquilidad, fue el
amante de su sirviente, quien trajo un mensaje importante al hombre.
2. El hombre dijo : "Qué pasa, David".
3. A lo que el sirviente respondió "ha llegado una carta, señor"
4. Furioso el hombre le dijo" Por esta razón me molestas"
5. A lo que dijo el sirviente "Es una carta de Atenas, el mensajero dijo que era
6. El hombre dijo "Ok, vuelve a la mansión"
Después de que su sirviente le dio la carta, el hombre comenzó el difícil
trabajo para averiguar quién le había enviado la carta.
"¿Quién me habrá enviado esta carta? Dijo el hombre.
Después de mucho tiempo pensándolo, se dio cuenta de que la carta había
sido enviada en un sobre tan pequeño y sucio que nadie de la familia real
en su jugo cuerdo la había enviado, por lo que el hombre dijo "ha sido el tío
de mi padre quien ha enviado la carta, era el único pariente que todavía
vivía en esa ciudad.
El hombre abrió la carta y efectivamente era una de las cartas de su tío.
7. "Querido, sobrino, si has recibido esta carta significa que ya he muerto,
pero como te he dicho enésimas veces cuando estaba vivo, "la vida
continúa". Como sabrás, nunca he tenido hijos por los que decidí entrar en
toda mi enorme fortuna para ti. Además, te dejo mi colección de armas,
recuerdos cuando era detective privado. Podras encontrar todos los
papeles que necesitas para entrar en mi fortuna debajo del estatua del
perro gigante que me construi frente al mar donde tu padre y yo solíamos
pescar. Espero que puedas tener una larga y hermosa vida tranquila como la
que yo tuve y que puedas ser tan duro como el acero después de haber leído esta
carta, hasta luego,
Tu tío David
Después de haber leído esto, el hombre no dijo nada, solo pidió tener su caballo
listo para comenzar el viaje a la casa de su tío.

While the man sailed with direction to Greek Isles, the man remembered
when he went to his uncle’s house while he saw a ruined city which was on
the top of a mountain. As he reached his uncle’s house, the man felt
exhausted and starving, for which he ordered to the servants to bring meal.
8. After having dinner, the man went bed to one of the rooms of the mansion,
when he looked through a window, the memories of his infancy came to his
mind, specially, the memories of someone came to his mind…

9. To be continued

Mientras navegaba en dirección a las islas griegas, el hombre recordó cuando fue
a la casa de su tío mientras veía las ruinas de una antigua ciudad en la cima de
una montaña. Cuando llegó a la casa de su tío, el hombre se sintió agotado y
hambriento, por lo que ordenó a los sirvientes que trajeran comida. Después de
cenar, el hombre se fue a la cama a una de las habitaciones de la mansión,
cuando miró por una ventana, le vinieron a la mente los recuerdos de su infancia,
especialmente, los recuerdos de alguien vinieron a su mente.

Easy confused words

Word Meaning Word Meaning

Examen Exam Examen escrito Test Examen
Policia Policeman La persona Police La institución
Politica Politics La ciencia Policy Las acciones
que se hacen
Seguridad Safe Seguridad de Security Seguridad de
una persona equipos e
Salario Salary Salario de un Wage Salario de
profesionista cualquier otra
Viaje Trip Viaje Journey Viaje (trayecto)

Ninety-seventh lesson
In my opinion or according to you

1. Have we dug our own grave? Are we responsible of the extinction of the
species? Can we do anything to resolve this? With me to discuss these
questions and many others is John Reynolds owner of an oil plant and John
Rosenverd, environment activist , researcher and doctor of prehistoric
2. Mister Reynols, could you tell us what you think about if we have caused the
last global extinction?
3. I think that is ridiculous. It is normal that there is a global extinction from time
to time due to extraordinary situations, like the meteorite which fell 65
millions of years ago in Mexico and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs,
or something so insignificant as a slight change in the sea currents.
4. Of course!, it’s true that animals can become extinct, but what do you say
about the evidence which show that since the human being is on the earth,
he has been responsible of the extion of animals so ancient such as the
woolly mammoth and the sabre-toothed tiger until animals so moderns like
the Tasmanian Tiger, whose last specimen died last century.
5. It’s true that some fossil and archeological evidence show that human
being’s arrival is related with the extinsion of some animals, but the
evidence that has been found is not enough to conclude that the human
being was the only responsible of these extincions. Also, those data omitte
the evidence which suggest that the climatic changes could have been the
main factors which contributed to these extintions.
6. Well, I believe this discussion is going to take us a long time, we’re going to
have a rest.

Noventa y siete lección

1. ¿Hemos cavado nuestra propia tumba? ¿Somos

responsables de la extinción de las especies?
¿Podemos hacer algo para resolver esto? Conmigo
para discutir estas preguntas y muchas otras está John
Reynolds doctor en animales prehistóricos y, John
Rosenverd, activista ambiental e investigador de la
Universidad de Oxford.
2. Doctor Reynols, ¿podría decirnos qué piensa acerca de
que hemos causado la última extinción global?
3. Creo que es ridículo. Es normal que haya una extinción
global de vez en cuando, ya sea por situaciones
extraordinarias, como el meteorito que cayó hace 65
millones de años en México y provocó la extinción de
los dinosaurios, o algo tan insignificante como un ligero
cambio en las corrientes marinas.
4. ¡ Por supuesto!, es cierto que los animales pueden
extinguirse, pero qué dices de la evidencia que
demuestra que desde que el ser humano está en la
tierra, ha sido responsable de la extinción de animales
tan antiguos como el mamut lanudo y el tigre dientes de
sable hasta animales tan modernos como el tigre de
Tasmania, cuyo último ejemplar murió el siglo pasado.
5. Es cierto que algunas evidencias fósiles y
arqueológicas muestran que la llegada del ser humano
está relacionada con la extinción de algunos animales,
pero la evidencia que se ha encontrado no es suficiente
para concluir que el ser humano fue el unico
responsable de estas extinciones. También, esos datos
omiten la evidencia qu sugiere que los cambios
climáticos podrían haber sido los principales factores
que contribuyeron a esas extinciones.
6. Bueno, yo creo que esta discusión nos va a llevar
mucho tiempo, vamos a tener un descanso.

Language of persuasion

Ing infinitive II

1. After the phrases “it’s no use, it’s worth, it’s no good, be busy, what’s the
use of, have difficulty (in)”.

Styles of life
One hundred and fifteenth lesson
International matters

1. Good morning!
2. Good morning, with whom do you wish to speak?
3. I’m looking for the Prime Minister.
4. Who is looking for him?
5. The Ambassador of the United States.
6. The Prime Minister is in a meeting. Should you want, you may take a sit
here while the Prime Minister leaves.
7. Thank you very much!

8. Prime Minister, good morning, how are you today?

9. I’m fine. Thank you very much. And you?
10. I’m fine. Prime Minister, could we speak tomorrow about the international
commercial treaty between our two nations?
11. I’m very sorry, but tomorrow, I’m returning to my home town.
12. Might I ask you from which city you are?
13. I’m hail from Liverpool.
14. Liverpool is a modern and charming city. I’ve been to there three times.
15. Should you wish that we speak, if you please, go to my office and tell my
secretary to make you an appointment for next week.

16. Good afternoon, might I help you?

17. I wish make an appointment for next week to speak to the Prime Minister.
18. Certainly, mister ambassador.
19. Might it be on Thursday morning?
20. I’m very sorry, the Prime Minister has a meeting at that hour. Would
Wednesday afternoon be convenient?
21. I can’t at that hour. Could it be Friday morning?
22. Certainly, mister Ambassador. Your appointment is for next Friday morning.
23. Thank you very much!
24. Don’t mention it!

Seventy forth lesson
Going shopping

1. What do you think about this strypped multi-colour sweatshirt and this pair of
broken jeans ?
2. They fit me perfectly but I can’t wear sloppy clothes, it’s a formal dinner. I
have to be smartly dressed.
3. Here they only sell second-hand clothes.
4. And some of them look badly-made and faded.
5. And to add insult to the injury, they are dear.
6. We’d better go to another place.
7. What do you think about the boutique that is across the shop.
8. That’s a great idea, but we’d best put our skates on because the boutique
closes at 9:00.

At boutique

9. Good afternoon, madam, how can I help you?

10. I’m looking for something smart for a formal dinner.
11. Certainly, madam, we have silk hand-knitted evening dresses. We have
them in bright colours. Also, we have designer colorful hats which suit
perfectly with these dresses.
12. How much does the dress cost?
13. It cost 100 pounds.
14. It’s costly.
15. What do you thing?
16. Take the plunge and try it on!
17. OK, where’s the fitting room?
18. What do you think?
19. You look very outrageous and sophisticated.
20. Yes, but, it’s a bit baggy.
21. Do you have this dress in another size?
22. Certainly, madam, what size do you take?
23. Twenty-two.
24. Much better, I’ll take it!
25. Perfect, madam.
26. Well, now I have to buy some casual black shoes, a short-sleeved V-neck
shirt and a pair of casual trousers to my husband.

27. Why don’t you buy a long-sleeved polo neck shirt to him?
28. No, V-neck shirts make him look old and they’re not his thing.

Interpreting and comparing

Eighty fifth lesson

1. Darling, what movie do we see?

2. I take a fancy of a crime film or a block-buster.
3. I’m not sure. What does the London listings guide recommend us?
4. Let me see. It says there’s a free classical concert in the concert hall today,
an open-air abstract art exibition in Golden art gallery and hear this article.
5. Read it out aloud!
One of the best films that I have arguably seen is Peaches’ Season: Iris
Flower, starring Miguel de la Torre. His performance as João Gilberto is
frightening realistic and cleverly illustrates how a young man’s behaviour is
at university. Alongside him, newcomer Fernanda Lobato displays some
excellent acting skills as the young Brazilian João’s love, who is studying
graphic design in Brazil at the same time that the protagonist is reading law
and who eventually becomes his lover.
6. Brazil has some amazing landscapes and the film's interesting location
show us the real beauty of the country. The fascinating storyline based on a
novel by journalist Mauricio Mateo, blends fact and fiction in a very clever
way, sweeping us along with the events which lead the protagonists to leave
his girlfriend. There are a number of scenes of shocking tension and the film
is frequently disturbing because of this, but at the same time it is totally
gripping, highly recommended.
7. Last but not least, there is a tremendous soundtrack with a wide range of
Brazilian music that will have you dancing in your seat at times.
8. It seems to be a good indie.
9. Ok, so we’ll see that film.
10. The showing starts at 9. So, we’d best put our skates on, otherwise, we’ll be
11. So, let’s go.

Ochenta y quinta lección

1. Querida, ¿qué película vemos?

2. Tengo ganas de ver una película policica o una película comercial.
3. No estoy seguro. ¿Qué nos recomienda la revista?
4. Déjame ver. Escucha esto:
Una de las mejores películas que sin duda he visto es Peaches’ Season:
Iris Flower, protagonizada por Miguel de la Torre. Su actuación como João
Mateo es aterradoramente realista e ilustra hábilmente cómo es el
comportamiento de un joven en la universidad. Junto a él, la recién llegada
Fernanda Lobato muestra excelentes habilidades de actuación como el
amor del joven brasileño João, quien estudia diseño gráfico en Brasil al
mismo tiempo que el protagonista está estudiando derecho y que
finalmente se convierte en su amante.
5. Brasil tiene algunos paísajes increíbles y las interesantes localizaciones de
la película nos muestran la verdadera belleza del país. La fascinante trama
basada en una novela del periodista Mauricio Mateo, mezcla realidad y
ficción de una manera muy inteligente, barriéndonos junto con los
acontecimientos que llevan a los protagonistas a dejar a su novia. Hay una
serie de escenas de tensión impactante y la película es a menudo
perturbadora debido a esto, pero al mismo tiempo es totalmente
6. Por último, pero no menos importante, hay una tremenda banda sonora con
una amplia gama de música brasileña que te hará bailar en tu asiento a
7. Parece ser una buena película independiente.
8. Ok, entonces veremos esa película.
9. Lo mejor es que nos apresuremos, si no, no llegaremos al cine.
10. Amor, será mejor que te pongas un suéter. Hace frío afuera.
11. No te preocupes por eso. El pronóstico decía que no iba a nevar hoy.
12. Ok, entonces vámonos.



Escriba una reseña de tu pelicula favorita.


Seventy forth lesson
A good adviser

1. Dear, María, I hope you have had a great time in your tour around in Asia.
I’m writing to ask you advice.
2. Ted and I had been fighting for a while because he quite often gets home
late from work and when he gets early, he prefers watching TV or playing
videogames than spend time with me. Other thing we argue for is because
he’s always using my notebook when he knows he may not use it because
it’s company’s notebook.
The final strike was when we fought because he got away with his friends
without saying anything to me and he told me he was boring about giving
explanations and he told me it was over.
3. Now, we’re getting divorse, but I continue without understanding how he can
forget 2 years of engagement and 2 years of marrige only for a dumb fight.
I’d been so depressed than I haven’t taken a shower for days and I continue
without knowing how to fix this.
What should I do?

4. Dear Cathy,
5. Thanks for your letter. I was sorry about hearing that you and your husband
are getting divorse . I’ve got a couple of ideas which I hope can help you.
6. Firstly, don’t speak each other until it has passed some time. Now, he must
be furious, so, even if there’s a solution for your problem, he’s not going to
hear it. For this reason is a better that you wait until he keeps his cool.
7. Secondly, take this time that you’re going to be alone to reflect if you really
want to stay with him because you’ve been fighting for a while. Also, last
time we met, you told me you were sick and tired about he were an
irresponsable childish and unconcious man and you said you hated he were
a gambler and an alcoholic. I believe it’s a good moment to think about what
you want.
8. Well, I have to go now, because I have to pick up my children from school, I
hope this ideas help. Write me or send me a message if there’s anything
else that I can do.
Best wishes,

Modal verbs III


Can’t is used to talk about a thing that is wrong in the present based on

This ticket can’t be right, it says 10 pounds for a cup of coffee.

Can’t have

Can’t have is used to talk about a thing that is wrong in the past based on

This ticket can’t have been right, it says 10 pounds for a cup of coffee.


We use can/could is used to talk theoretically/hypothetically.

Our company can/could produce 1000 cars in a month.

May/might/could be

We use “may/might/could be + ing” to speculate about events or situations in the

present or the future.

It’s 7. They can be watching the T.V. (son las siente, deben estar veindo la


Imagina que tu eres la amiga a la que le envió Ann la carta. Escriba una carta
donde le aconsejes que hacer (250 palabras)


Seventy forth lesson
Breaking the ice

1. What are you doing, David?

2. I’m filling in a page with my personal information to enter to a website for
looking for a couple. look, I could enter.

3. Hi, my name is Elizabeth but my friends call me Beth. I’m 24 years and I live
in London. In my free time, I like painting and taking photos. I think they’re
very relaxing free time activities. I’m looking for an easygoing handsome
generous and above all loyal man. If you’ve got all or some of these
characteristics me let me know and maybe we can take a cuppa someday.

4. 33-years-old thin black woman looks for a good-looking of medium height

man with beard and short curly black hair. I’m a very funny and extrovertive
woman. My pet hobby is watching music videos on the net. I love jazz
music, blues music and indie music. I’m after a smart kind man with a good
sense of humour and that likes going to stand-up shows and going to music
By the way, I detest jelaus lazy and rude men.

5. Hi, my name is Samantha, I’m originally from up north and I’m not a typical
woman. First of all, I’m an animal activist, for this reason I usually attend to
meetings that talks about this important topic. Secondly, I’m crazy about
doing outdoors activities. In my spare time, I always practice windsurfing or I
hike and from time to time I go camping. I’m looking for an adventurous
brave non-smoker man that likes extreme sports and camping. If you like
the same as me, I wait for you to chat.

6. Who are you going to choose to, David?

7. I believe the first one, she was the woman I liked the best.
8. Ok, so, send her a message.
9. Let me come in to ‘er profile and done! Now, we just ‘ave to wait.

Connecting words


Imagine que es Ted. Escriba un mensaje a la mujer que más le agrade diciendole
como es usted fisica y emocionalmente, diciendole cuales son tus hobbies y
explicandole el porque deberian de verse. (250 palabras)


Would rather have/would prefer have

We use “would rather + Subject + Present simple/past simple” when we decided

for sone one else.

I’d rather she doesn’t/didn’t dress it.

Past simple is more formal.

We use “would prefer + it if + Subject + Past simple” when we decided for some
one else.

I’d prefer it if she didn’t dress that dress. (preferiria que no vistiera ese vestido)

Past simple is more formal.

We use “would rather + have + past participle” to say that we had preferred to do
another thing.

I’d rather have gone there instead of here. (preferiria haber ido)


Escriba una parafrasis de lo que se trata la historia. Usa lenguaje formal. 250


Fifty eighth lesson
At lecture theatre

1. Good evening everyone and welcome to XIV conference about the

environment. Tonight, we’ll speak about the nature, but first, we’re going to
give a warm welcome to Melanie Mateo, specialist in wild fauna.
2. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for having invited me to give this
3. As all of you know, in the last 15 years, the poaching has done that most of
the animal species have reduced, mainly the species which was already in
danger as such the Mexican wolf, the koala bear and the white rhinoceros. If
we continue thus, in 5 years’ time, we’ll have lost the 30 percent of their
4. This is not the only problem which has made that the populations of the
animals have decreased.The wildfires produced by the persons joined to the
illegal logging have contributed this problem become larger. Above all the
that legal logging that each year is responsable that thousands of trees are
cut down reducing significantly the space which has animals like monkeys,
jaguars and foxes to breed their offspring. If this continues, we’ll lose more
than 50 per cent of the rainforest and forest of our planet.
5. And the problem is more visible in the poles where the melting of the ice
caps has made that polar bears have to approach to the cities on the
lookout for food because there isn’t in their natural habitats.
6. In short, we must make policies to protect the animals and natural habitants
if we want to have them with us in the future.

Quinquagesimaoctava lección
Medio hambiente II

1. Buenos dias a todos, y bienvenidos a la XIV conferencia sobre el medio

ambiente. Esta noche, hablaremos de la naturaleza, pero primero, vamos a
darle una calida bienvenida a Melanie Mateo, especialista in fauna silvestre.
2. Gracias, gracias y gracias por haberme invitado a esta conferencia.
3. Como todos saben, en los ultimos 15 años, la caza ilegal ha hecho que la
mayoria de las especies hayan reducido su numero, principalmente
especies que ya estaban en peligro como el lobo Mexicano, los koalas y los
rinocerontes blancos. Si continuamos de esta forma, en cinco años,
habremos perdido el 30 porciento de sus poblaciónes.
4. Esto no es el unico problema que ha hecho que las poblaciónes de los
animales hayan decrecido.
5. Los incendios producidos por las personas unido a la tala ilegal de arboles
han sido otros factores que han causado este problema. Cada año miles de
arboles son talados para contruir casas y muebles reduciendo
significativamente el espacio que tienen animales como los monos, jaguars
y zorros para criar a sus crias. Si esto continua, habremos perdido más del
50 porciento de las selvas y bosques de nuestro planeta.
6. El problema es aun más fuerte en los polos, donde el derretimiento de las
capas de hielo ha hehco que los osos polares hayan tenido que acercarse a
las ciudades en busca de comida porque no hay en sus habitats naturales.
7. En conclusion, debemos hacer politicas para proteger a los animales y sus
habitat naturales si queremos tenerlos con nosotros en el futuro.


1. What species have reduced its number?

2. What other problems have affected the animals?
3. What animals have been affected for the cutting down of trees?
4. Why have the polar bears approached dto the cities ?


Escriba en una carta a la persona que dio la conferencia donde le digas cuales tu
opinion sobre lo que expuso (250 palabras)


Literary English


Informal Literary
Calm Tranquillity
Chest Breast
Climate Clime
Country Land
Enemy Foe (used in poesy)
From now on Forth
Golden Gilt
Handwriting Hand
Happiness Felicity
Heavens Sky (used in the religion)
Heaven Paradise
In this way Thus
In the morning On the morrow
Island Isle
Disgusting Ignoble
Morning Morrow
Peak Fullness
Royal Kingly
Secular Unhallowed
So that So ____ that
To break To rend
To renovate To furbish
To delight To wonder
To worry To fret
Where from Whence

Latin words

Informal Formal
Adolescent Teenager
Childhood Infance
Childish Infantile
Devilish Diabolical
Friendly Amicable
Inner Internal (body)
Lower Inferior
Lying Mendacious
Momly Maternal
Dadly Paternal


Escriba una parafrasis de lo que se trata la historia. Usa lenguaje formal. 250



Do you agree or disagree with is important that children read at school.

British culture

Tanto el inglés literio como el inglés formal utilizan muchas palabras de origen
latino, esto se debe a los años que estuvo conquistada Inglaterra por extranjeros
despues de la conquista normanda de inglaterra.

Normalmente las palabras latinas se utilizan en el lenguaje formal, mientras que

las palabras de origen germanico se utilizan en los registros informal y vulgar.
Como para los anglofonos es dificil entender las palabras de origen latino, han
existido campañas como la Plain English que buscan que los politicos, los juristas
y las empresas utilizen palabras germanicas en lugar de latinas cuando realizana
un discurso al public en general.

Seventy forth lesson
A learned man

1. What are you doing, Steve?

2. I’m reading a magazine.
3. What’s it about?
4. It’s about diferent topics, sports, arts, IT.
5. Let me see it!

6. After a difficult game and despite any forecast Arsenal win. We interviewed
Lenny Gallagher, Arsenal’s stryke and super start and this was he told us:
How do you feel about having won the game. “I’m really surprised, when I
came out onto the field, I never believed we were gonna win but at the end,
we won by a nose”. Do you believe that other’s team lack of experience
helped your team to win? “I don’t think so. I believed the mistake of the
another team was to sent its most brilliant player to the pavilion. That gave
us the advantage on the field. And what’s the next step in your carrier? I’ll
continue trainin’ till comin’ in the national team, and after that, training a lot
harder till winnin’ the World Cup”.

7. One of the worst films which I have ever seen has been without doubt the
“Funny Tiger” helmed by Teddy Gupta. The comedy is poorly plotted,
hammily acted and excruciatingly unfunny. I could not stand staying in my
seat more than necessary. The feable script combined with a cast mainly
composed by beginner actors such the actress Paula Smith, who was
miscasted as the forest queen, was another factor which makes you cannot
enjoy the film. The only thing which made I did not leave from the cinema in
the first 30 minutes was actress Fernanda Lobato’s cameo. In summe up, I
believe that its director ought to think of retiring once and for all from movie-
making before he shoots another film which makes his carrier sinks still

8. The new software system will be available soon and will bring a new
interface which will be more friendly with people who is not computer-
literated. The box also will come with a new graphic card which will let watch
videos in ultra HD. The packet will have a free UK mainland delivery, for
which the most of us will not have to worry to pay and extra fee for delivery.

9. You really are a learned man!

Complex and adverbial clauses


Escriba un articulo donde hables de la situación laboral en tu país. (150 palabras)



What do you do and why did you decide to be it?

What are the most studied mayors in your country?

What are the most dangerous jobs in your country?

What befefits the companies in your country give to the employees?

What another profession would you like to have

1. Pasajeros del vuelo 813 con destino a Cancún, favor de acercarse a la puerta
número 4. Estábamos ahí, mi amigo Miguel, mi amigo Daniel y yo. Nuestro amigo
Chucho había querido acompañarnos en este viaje por Latinoamérica, el objetivo,
llegar a Brasil para ver el mundial, pero se había fracturado un brazo una semana
antes y no había podido venir. En su lugar nuestro amigo Luis iba a ir con
nosotros. Ya se escuchaba la voz del speaker diciendo que abordásemos el avión,
así que procedí a despedirme de mis familiares. En el avión el recuerdo de
Vanessa vino a mi mente junto con una ligera tristeza. Llegamos a Cancún y al
salir del aeropuerto, encontramos a Laura, una amiga de un primo mío quien nos
llevaría al hotel donde nos alojaríamos. Laura era una chava bonita de cabello
chino de preparatoria de ascendencia indígena quien tenía una forma ser que
hacía que los que estuviesen a su alrededor se sintieran felices, cosa que se veía
que le venía bien a Luis, quien siempre tenía una cara de amargado. Los días que
estuvimos en Cancún nos dedicamos a ir a las playas cercanas al hotel. Durante
los trayectos en el camión, me dedicaba a leer un libro de frases en portugués que
mi madre me había dado antes de irme. Como a mis padres les había costado
mucho dinero el viaje, ellos optaron porque me matriculase en la universidad de
Rio de Janeiro en lugar de que fuera allá y me regresase. El ultimo día que
estuvimos en Cancún, mis amigos y yo hicimos una super fiesta con un grupo de
amigas que Miguel había encontrado. Al día siguiente, a penas podíamos
despertarnos pero el ver la hora en el reloj hizo que nos levantáramos. Teniendo
un poco de tiempo de sobra, nos fuimos tranquilos al aeropuerto, pero al intentar
ingresar a la sala de espera la señorita que se encontraba en la puerta para hacer
el check-in nos dijo que no podíamos pasar, al parecer nuestro avión había salido
una hora antes debido al cambio de uso horario. Cuando le preguntamos a una
señora que estaba en el mostrador de boletos si se podía hacer algo, nos dijo que
no se podía hacer nada porque el avión ya había despegado. Le pedimos a la
señora si nos podía vender otros boletos pero nos dijo que ya no había boletos
para Honduras pero que había un barco que salía desde el puerto de la ciudad en
dos semanas. Como no teníamos otra opción compramos los boletos para el
barco lo cual hizo que tuviéramos que gastar la mayor parte del dinero que
llevábamos. Despues de comprar los boletos, nos pusimos a pensar en que
íbamos a hacer. Como no teníamos dinero suficiente para quedarnos en un hotel
las dos semanas ya que nuestros padres nos habían enviado el dinero para
continuar con el viaje directamente a un banco en Brasil nos sentiamos
desesperados. Afortunadamente, Laura, quien nos había llevado de regreso al
pueblo, nos ofreció que nos quedásemos en su casa. Después de hacer una
llamada para consultarlo con su madre, nos dijo que si podíamos quedarnos pero
nos dijo que su madre le había dicho que le tendríamos que dar dinero para los
gastos de los servicios que ocupásemos. No teniendo otra opción, aceptamos.
Durante los días que estuvimos con ella, recorrimos muchas playas y lugares

típicos de la zona que no sabíamos que existían, un día fuimos a unas ruinas
mayas con las cuales Luis se maravillo por los escritos en piedra de las paredes,
yo nunca lo había visto tan contento, siempre lo había visto con su cara de
amargado y ahora lo veía feliz con la vida desde que conoció a Laura y le dio ese
beso en el patio de su casa. Ya estábamos recogiendo nuestras cosas para subir
al barco cuando Luis nos dijo:

-Me ha gustado mucho estar con ustedes en este camino pero no debo seguir.

Cuando le preguntamos el porque, él nos dijo:

-Nunca antes había sentido lo que siento al estar aquí, al estar rodeado de la
playa y la selva, siento que he vuelto a regresar a mis raíces. Subimos al barco y
se despidió desde el muelle agarrado de la mano de Laura. Más tarde, mientras
iba en el barco vi el horizonte, me recordó a Vanessa.

Como Daniel se había mareado mientras estábamos en el barco, decidimos

continuar nuestro viaje en tren, así que fuimos a la estación de trenes para
comprar unos boletos. Como ya casi nomteniamos dinero, decidimos que para
ahorrar dinero nos quedaríamos dos semanas en Honduras y de ahí partiríamos
directamente hacia Brasil. Como al salir de la estación nos dio hambre, fuimos a
un bar que estaba en frente de la estación de trenes. Ahí, conocimos a dos
meseras, yo no les presté mucha atención ya que no se me hacían atractivas en lo
particular, sin embargo Miguel y Daniel se maravillaron con ellas. Un día, de
regreso en el hotel, el portero entrego un telegrama para mí, era una carta de mi
amiga Dulce, a quien le había enviado uno cuando llegamos a Honduras. El
telegrama decia:

“Hola, Mauricio, espero que estes bien, te envio este telegrama porque el novio de
Dania la dejo y está muy deprimida. No ha querido salir de su casa, no ha querido
bañarse e incluso no ha querido comer. Yo se que es dificil, pero si puedes, ven a
consolarla, ella confia mucho en ti y se que tu presencia le ayudará, aunque si ko
puedes venir lo entenderé. Saludos.

Despues de leer el telegrama, senti la necesidad ir a verla, asi que tomé el dinero
habia guardado dinero para alguna emergencia y que no le habia dicho a mis
amigos que tenia para ir San José. Al llegar allá, y después del regaño de mi
madre por haber regresado sabiendo cuanto habían gastado ella y mi padre para
pagar el viaje, me dirigí a la casa de Dania. Cuando llegué, las cosas estaban peor
de lo que pensaba, Dania estaba completamente destrozada pensando en como

Daniel despues de 3 años la habia dejado. Mientras lloraba desconsolada, no
pude evitar pensar el hecho de que ya sabía que esto iba a pasar desde que veía
como Daniel se distanciaba poco a poco de Dania y de cómo Dania sufría por eso.
Me quedé con ella hasta que sentí que se había recuperado y regresé a
Honduras. Antes de irme, ella se despidió con un fuerte abrazo. Al llegar a
Honduras las cosas ya habían cambiado. Al parecer Miguel y Daniel se habían
peleado causando que Daniel se fuese. Le ofrecí a Miguel continuar con el viaje
pero me dijo que no, al parecer se había enamorado de una de las camareras que
habíamos conocido aquel día en el bar. No pude más que sentirme bien por él, él
había sido como mi hermano, aun recuerdo cuando me dijo que le llevara rosas y
chocolates a Berenice para el 14 de febrero, ya que yo nunca había tenido novia y
de como me dijo que nadie había tenido la culpa de que termináramos Berenice y
yo el día en que su padre se la llevo a vivir con él a Veracruz, así que lo abracé y
le deseé éxito. Corrí hacia el tren que ya estaba partiendo y me fui decidido a
terminar el viaje.

Había logrado llegar a Brasil. Pero en el camino había sido detenido por dos
policías por no haberme pasado la calle en el semáforo. Mientras estaba en la
delegación, hablé con un güey a quien también habían detenido por no pasar la
calle en el semáforo. Mientras hablábamos, entraron unos policías con Daniel
gritando, al parecer lo habían detenido por pelear en un bar. Después de que los
policías nos dejaron ir, nos presentamos. El chavo nos dijo que se llamaba Julián.
Nos dijo que había dejado su casa en Nicaragua para poder ir al mundial. Como
teníamos el mismo objetivo, llegar a Rio de Janeiro para ver el mundial, decidimos
ir juntos. Después de una rápida visita al banco, ya que ya no teníamos dinero
para seguir el viaje, nos fuimos a la central de camiones donde compramos unos
boletos para seguir el viaje. Un día, mientras estábamos comiendo pollo frito en un
restaurante, Daniel dijo que porque no íbamos a Manaos aprovechando que
estábamos ya en Brasil para ir a ver anacondas. Despues de meditarlo un poco.
Decidimos ir . A los tres días ya nos encontrábamos en medio de la selva en un
tour. Uno de los guías nos dijo que la mejor forma de ver a los animales era sobre
las bases de madera que se encontraban sobre algunos arboles pero como a
Daniel no le pareció pagar los cinco cruzeros más por el equipo de seguridad,
tuvimos que irnos por un sendero que rodeaba la selva que no estaba ni siquiera
en el mapa. Mientras estábamos en medio de la selva, una roca cayó de un risco
dejando a Julián con la pierna atrapada debajo de ella, como no sabíamos que
hacer Daniel y yo nos limitamos a tranquilizar a Julián quien gritaba por el dolor,
aunque Daniel y yo sabíamos que iba a morir ya que necesitaba un médico con

urgencia y el pueblo más cercano que aparecía en el mapa se encontraba a 25
kilómetros de donde estábamos. Como no había mucho-nada que hacer por
Julián, solo encendimos una fogata para asustar a los animales y poder dormir. Al
día siguiente despertamos, pero Daniel ya no estaba y habia se habia llevado
todas las tradiciones que faltaban. Mientras estábamos sentados esperando el
inminente fin de Julián, se escuchó el sonido de un helicóptero, era Daniel, al
parecer había logrado llegar a la ciudad. Después de una semana en el hospital,
pudimos seguir nuestro viaje. Cuando llegamos a Rio de Janeiro, le preguntamos
a un señor que estaba por ahí donde era el mundial y nos dijo “O mundial foi há
duas semana”

Algunos meses despues

Hbían pasado tres meses desde que Daniel, Julián y yo habíamos llegado a Rio y
para entonces cada quien había tomado su camino. Yo me encontraba estudiando
la universidad. Un día, mientras buscaba a mi amiga de la preparatoria Haide,
quien también se encontraba estudiando en mi escuela, vi a una chava sentada en
el suelo; cabello café, bonito cuerpo, sexy, se llamaba Lidia.

In this unit you will learn:


*Literary English

*Literary English II

*Enphasis / Emphatic do

*Range of grammar structures

*Connecting words / Complex sentences and adverbial clauses

One Hundred and thirteenth lesson
An elegant party

1. Tell me, my right honorable friend, how are you today?

2. One feels delight, the party has been pleasant.
3. One thinks the same. Would you like something to eat?
4. One would much rather a beverage.
5. Waitress, could you bring us two cups of champagne, please?
6. Certainly, sir.
7. Prime Minister, what are you going to do on holiday?
8. One wishes to go to an art gallery in Paris. They say that it has the most
modern and beautiful paintings in whole Europe. And you, my right
honourable friend, what are you going to do?
9. One wishes go to Africa, one has never been there. Have you ever been to
Africa, my right honorable friend?
10. Yes, last year, one was in Egypt. one enjoyed much the warm climate, the
pyramids and the camels. Definitely, riding camels was the best part of the
11. You must speak Arabic very well.
12. In fact yes.
13. How did you learn it?
14. One is autodidactic, one learn by reading books with their translations,
listening to the radio and by using applications for learning languages.
15. My right honorable friend, do you mind if one asks you another question?
16. Later, it seems that the chairman of our political party is going to give a
17. Ladies and gentlemen, one wishes to inform you that our political party has
won the elections. It seems that the persons of the another political party
believed that they were better than we were. But at the end, they have learnt
that no one is as strong as we are.

Ciento trece lección
Una fiesta elegante

1. Buenas noches, mi muy honorable amigo.

1. Buenas noches, primer ministro. ¿Cómo está?
2. Muy bien, la fiesta ha sido agradable.
3. Uno piensa lo mismo. Primer Ministro, ¿Y qué va a hacer usted, en
4. Deseo ir a un museo de arte en París. Dicen que tiene las pinturas más
modernas y bellas de toda Europa. Y usted, mi muy honorable amigo, ¿qué
va a hacer?
5. Quiero ir a África, nunca he estado en el desierto del Sahara. ¿Alguna vez
ha estado en Egipto?
6. Sí, disfruté mucho del clima cálido, las pirámides y los camellos.
Definitivamente, montar en camello fue la mejor parte de mi viaje.
7. Debe hablar muy bien árabe.
8. De hecho sí.
9. Debe haber ido a la mejor escuela de idiomas del país.
10. De hecho no.
11. Entonces, ¿cómo puede hablar tan bien árabe?
12. Soy autodidacta. Aprendo leyendo libros con sus traducciones, escuchando
la radio y usando aplicaciones para el aprendizaje de idiomas.
13. Primer ministro, ¿podría hacerle una pregunta?
14. Más tarde, parece que nuestro muy honorable amigo va a dar un discurso.

Damas y caballeros, les informar que nuestro partido político ha ganado las
elecciones. Parece que la gente del otro partido político creía que eran mejores
que nosotros. Pero al final, han aprendido que nadie es tan fuerte como nosotros.

Special uses of if

We use “if + will” in polite request.

If you will wait for Mister Roger, he’ll arrive in 5 minutes.

We can use “would” instead of “will to sound more polite.

If you would wait for Mister Roger, he’ll arrive in 5 minutes.

We can change “for” for “should in very formal and literary English. This can be
done only when “if” is at the beginning of the sentence.

Should we go to York, we’ll arrive at there at midday.

We use “if + was/were + to infinitive” to talk about imaginary future situations.

If the machines were to be more intelligent, they could conquest the world.

We can use given, otherwise and provided instead of if.

Given the enormous quantity of people who attended to the concert, the band
decided to open other dates.


Escriba un texto como el que aparece en la lección. Utiliza por lo menos 10

caracteristicas del lenguaje muy formal (250 palabras)


Seventy forth lesson
Small heros

1. Daddy, can you read me a tail?

2. Sure!
3. Once upon a time, a big and affluent kingdom which was ruled by a wise
king, ‘is beautiful wife and their two children, Charles prince and ‘er little
sister Princess Brenda. Everything went well in their life until the war came.
An enemy that ‘ad come from the Middle East commanded by a powerful
magician attacked the kingdoom. To protect their children, the king ordered
to one of his servants to take them to a tiny secret passage so that they
could get away. But the servant turned out to be a traitor. The queen
realized this and go to help ‘er children. After the queen saved them, she
told them to go to another passage that take them to a waterfall where they
‘ave to wait for his cousin. The prince didn’t want to go because ‘e ‘as
always been scaredy-cat, but ‘is mum told ‘im to not be afraid.
4. After several ‘ours walking almost in the darkness, the children reached the
waterfall. They waited for their cousin during days and just when they were
abou to give up on, their cousin arrived with a huge army.
The prince came up ‘im and told ‘im the situation. ‘is cousin wanted to attack
inmediatly but the prince took into ‘im to plan the attack. They thought of the
plan and after thinking of it, they thought the best was to go ahead his plan
that night. When midnight got, the three cousins and ‘is army got around to
not to be detected.
5. The battle lasted ‘ours. Finally, the prince decided to finish everything. So ‘e
went uptairs till the top of a tower where ‘e found the magician, that turned
into a dragon.
6. After a long battle, the prince was able to win the dispute. After this, the
peace came back to the kingdom and the three children tourned into ‘eros
and were remembered for ever. The end

Phrasal verbs II

Some phrasal verbs do not change the meaning of the verb. In other cases, the
phrasal verbs expand the meaning of the verb.

Bit Morder Bit off Morder (arrancar)

Clean Limpiar Clean out Limpiar (a profundidad)
Cut Cortar Cut off Cortarm(completamente)
Cut Reducir Cut down, cut Reducir
Eat Comer Eat out Comer (todo)
Save Ahorrar Save up Ahorrar
Start Empezar Start out Empezar (enfasis en el
Write Escribir Write off Escribir (para pedir algo)

Phrasal verb with two positons.

Some phrasal verbs can be split or not.

Two-position phrasal verbs always split with personal object pronouns.


ReEscriba el texto en lenguaje formal.



Reescriba el texto utilizando exclusivamente lenguaje formal.


Seventy forth lesson

Dear sir Miguel Sanchez,

1.I write to you this letter because I want to say you what my opinion about his
latest book is and perhaps with this, I can encourage you to write more novels.

2.To begin with, I would like to say that I am not a real fanatic of the lecture, in fact,
most of my life I had hated reading until I read your novel “A unique day”. Since
that, I have not been able to stopped reading, for this, I consider that is a shame
that according with your words, you do not consider to write more books. In my
opinion, you ought to continue writing because you write in a way in which it makes
you retourn to the age in which the story of your novel take place. I really felt as if I
were at secondary school again while I read your book. Also, you could do a good
and interesting story in few pages. I read many books at school and I always got
bored because you had to read hundreads of pages, and you in only 90 pages
could write an incredible master-piece.

Furthemore, I consider that with your writings, you could do that tbe youghters get
interessed by the lecture, thing that needs our society urgently because a society
which does not read, is a society of ignorant persons, because the way in which
you write (simple and in a lenguage which everyone can understand in which you
write) makes that you enjoy the story because you can read it without being
bothered by any of the thousands learned words which other writers use.

3.In conclusion, I believe you ought to continue writing because I consider, by all
what has been explained above, that you have the skills to become one of masters
of the literature.

Thank you in advanced,

Gabriel Sanchez

One hundred and sixteenth lesson
Peaches’ Season

1. First day of school, everyone’s felicity to return to the school could be seen
in the middle of the atmostphere accompanied by the heat of the sun and
the fresh breeze of the summer. Forth semester of the university, one step
more to our life together, I though, while Lidia and I entered school. Never
have I thought to be so long with someone and there we were after four
semesters, it is incredible what a jelly can do. We entered school and as all
the semesters I went with her to her classroom. After having let her in her
classroom, I went mine. There, I came across my friends Julian and Hernan,
I had not seen them for ages, but it was good, the adventure was about to
commence … That day, as most professors were absent, Lidia and I went to
my house. When we arrived at there, we realised that my mother and my
sister were not, on a table, they had let a note which said that they had gone
to the supermarket.
2. There was a silence, our faces found one to the another, she stooped her
face letting me see her love, her sensibility and her loyalty.
3. I approached her, I took her from the waist and kissed her, the love
appeared, we went to my parent’s room, and there, we dedicated to express
our love physically.

4. The sandy of the beach burned my feet while I went to the edge of the sea.
That day, my friends and I had left early from the university and as we did
not have anything to do, we decided to go to the beach. When we arrived at
there, we devoted to play football and eating. My friend Luis made a grill
with some steams that he had found there and cooked some delicious fish.
It was a good time. It was nearly four, and everyone was preparing his
things to go. As I wanted to see the sunset one last time, I decided to stay. I
went to some rocks which were over there. The view was stupendous.
5. When I noticed, I could see a young woman who was also watching the
sunset. She was very fair, with an exceptional body. I approached shily to
her. She saw me with those eyes which made my legs trembled. I asked her
name. She told me that her name was Paula and that she attended at the
same school as I. I was not good at talking girls, but as I could, I asked out
her. She accepted and we arranged to meet next day at Veloso’s coffee

One hundred and sixteenth lección
Temporada de Duraznos

1. Primer día de clases, la felicidad de todos, de regresar a la escuela, se

hacía notar en el ambiente acompañado por el calor del sol y la brisa fresca
del verano.
2. Cuarto semestre de la universidad, un paso más hacia nuestra vida juntos
pensé, mientras entrábamos Lidia y yo a la escuela. Nunca pensé durar
tanto con alguien, y ahí estábamos después de cuatro semestres, es
increíble lo que una gelatina puede hacer.
3. Entramos a la escuela y como todos los semestres la acompañe a su salón.
Llegando allá me despedí de ella y me fui a mi salón. Allá encontré a Julián
y a Hernán, no los había visto desde hace un tiempo, pero estaba bien, el
desmadre iba a estar bueno.
4. Ese día como no habían asistido todos los profesores, Lidia y yo nos fuimos
a mi casa. Cuando llegamos, advertimos que mi mamá y mi hermana no
estaban, en la mesa, habían dejado una nota que decía que habían ido al
5. Hubo un silencio, nuestras caras se encontraron la una a la otra, ella bajo
su cara haciendo un gesto que me hacía entre ver su sensibilidad, su amor
y las ganas de estar conmigo. Me le acerque, la agarre de la cintura y la
bese, el amor se hizo presente, nos fuimos a la habitación de mis papás, y
ya ahí, nos dedicamos a expresar nuestro amor físicamente.

6. La arena de la playa quemaba mis pies mientras me dirigía a la orilla del

mar. Ese día mis amigos y yo habíamos salido temprano de la escuela y
como no teníamos nada que hacer, decidimos ir a la playa. Llegando allá,
nos dedicamos a jugar footenis y a nadar. Eran casi las cuatro, y todos ya
se estaban yendo. Decidí quedarme un poco más porque quería ver una
última vez el mar, así que me dirigí a unas piedras que estaban por ahí. La
vista se veía estupenda. Cuando me di cuenta, pude ver a una chava que
estaba viendo también el atardecer, era muy guapa, de cuerpo excepcional.
Tímidamente me le acerque. Ella me miro con esos ojos que hacían que me
temblaran las piernas. Como pude le pregunté su nombre. Me dijo que se
llamaba Paula y que iba a la misma escuela que yo. Yo no era muy hábil
para el ligue pero como pude, la invite a salir. Ella acepto y quedamos de
vernos al día siguiente día en el café Veloso.

6. It was almos six and as Paula did not arrive, I decided to go. When I was
leaving from the coffee shop, Paula appeared running. While recovering,
she told me that she was late for her sister had asked her to help her to do
some things at their house. Being late, and I was going to see with Lidia, I
told her that we went to walk. We traversed whole Ipanema until arriving at
an ice-cream parlour. We talked about many things, as she was studying
photography and that she wanted to work in a museum. She also told me
that her favourite flower was Iris, unknown flower for me by then. In the
afternoon, we said goodbye, she said goodbye with a soft kiss in the cheek
and I went.

1. They were March holidays and as in all March holidays, I had gone to Lidia’s
house. I did not have problems with it, I got on well with her mother and her
sister, even I was teaching Spanish to her niece. The only problem was her
stepfather who always watched me with a suspicious view, but, exept that,
everything was going well in my life with her.
2. That day, we decided to go to a party which would take place in the square
in front of the municipal building. So we hurried to let her niece slept and we
went: Lidia, I, her sister and her boyfriend. When we arrived at there, we
separated, Lidia and I went to the hoops games where I won a teddy snake,
to which we decided to baptize as our reptilian daughter. Later, we went to
the square where there was a fireworks display. All the sky illuminated with
the colours of the fireworks. At midnight, the major appeared from a balcon
of the municipal building and pronounced a speech, of which I only
understood “Live the heroes of our patry”. After this, everyone returned to
his houses. When we arrived at Lidia’s mother’s house, I installed my bed in
the sofa, Lidia so brought me some sheets that I slept better. Before
climbing to her room, she gave me a kiss. Next day, Lidia rose early to give
me a morning surprise. When we had breakfast, I dared to tell her that I had
fallen in love with someone else. When I told her it, she infuriated, and she
told me that I had got bored of her, which hurt me.
3. I told her that I had not let love her, just I had fallen in love with another
person and I asked her whether she still wanted to be with me.
4. Next time that I was with Paula, I feared that the things with Lidia were not
the same, but for my surprise, next weeks were like honey on flakes with
Lidia and I descending from the top of a hill which gave towards the Pão de
Acuçar and my “Corazón”, with whom I liked staying at night until she went
to bed.

7. Ya eran casi las 6 y como no llegaba, decidí irme. Cuando salía del café,
Paula apareció corriendo. Agitada, me dijo que había llegado tarde porque
su hermana le había pedido que se quedara a ayudarle con algunas cosas.
Como ya era tarde y la tarde estaba estupenda, decidí llevarla a pasear,
recorrimos todo Ipanema hasta llegar a una heladería donde le compré un
helado. Hablamos de muchas cosas, que estaba estudiando fotografía y
que quería trabajar en un museo. También me comento que su flor favorita
era Iris, flor desconocida para mi hasta entonces. Ya en la noche nos
despedimos, ella se despidió con un beso en la mejilla y me fui.

8. Eran las vacaciones de marzo, y como todas las vacaciones de marzo,

había ido a la casa de Lidia. No había problema, me llevaba bien con su
madre y con su hermana, incluso le estaba enseñando español a su
sobrina, el único problema era su padrastro, quien me veía siempre con una
mirada de desconfianza, pero, exceptuando eso, todo iba bien en mi vida
con ella.
9. Ese día decidimos ir a la fiesta del pueblo, así que nos apuramos a dejar a
su sobrina dormida y partimos; Lidia, yo, su hermana y el novio de esta.
Llegando allá, nos separamos, Lidia y yo fuimos al juego de aros donde
gané una serpiente de peluche, a la cual decidimos. Más tarde, fuimos a la
plaza a ver como lanzaban cuetes. El espectáculo era magnifico, todo se
iluminaba con los colores de los cuetes en el cielo y todo el mundo se
divertía. A la media noche salió el alcalde al balcón del palacio municipal y
pronuncio su discurso, del que solo entendí “que vivan los héroes de la
patria”. Después de esto todo el mundo regreso a sus casas. Llegando a la
casa de Lidia, instale mi cama en el sillón, y me prepare para dormir. Lidia
me había bajado unas cobijas para que durmiera mejor, y antes de subir a
su cuarto me dio un beso. Al día siguiente desperté, Lidia había bajado para
darme el “mañanero”. Mientras desayunábamos, me atrevi a contarle que
me habia enamorado de alguien más, a lo cual se mostró muy enojada
diciendo que ya me había aburrido de ella, lo cual me dolió.
10. Le dije que no me había dejado de quererla, simplemente me gustaba
alguien más y le pregunte si quería seguir conmigo.
11. La primera vez que estuve con Paula sentía miedo de que la relación con
Lidia no fuera la misma, más para mi sorpresa, las siguientes semanas
fueron como miel sobre hojuelas, con Lidia y yo rodando desde lo alto de
una colina, y mi “corazón”, en la noche, con quien me gustaba quedarme
despierto hasta que se iba a dormir.


We use the inversion to emphasise a phrase. This structure has the same form
that the interrogative form.

Never in my life had I felt so embarrassed.

Nowhere did he find peace.

The inversion can go in the middle of a sentence.

He had been in prison but rarely did he mention it.

With the words never, never before, rarely, seldom, hardly (ever), no sooner ___
than, the inversion is obligatory.

Never thought I that he did that.

With the words no sooner ___ than, only, not only ___ but also, not (even) once,
not until, on no account, under no circumstances, by no means, in no way,
nowhere, little can be used or not the inversion.

Under no circumstances can he go. = Under no circumstances he can go

The expression “it is/was” can be omitted in the inversion when it is used with only

Only after I had children that could I understand my parents. (formal and literary)

It was only after I had children that I could understand my parents. (neutral)

The expressions so + adjective _ that, only after and not only have a special order.

So happy was he that we gave all her money to the town.

Only after he grew up could he understand his parents.


Realiza una parafrasis verbal de esta parte de la historia. Usa lenguaje formal. 250



Do you agree or disagree with there should be more money to support writers?

One hundred and eighteenth lesson
Peaches’ Season (The end)

1. It was almost the middle of the semester and the exams were close, but the
most important is that was Paula’s birthday, 28th April, I remember well it
because that day Vanessa also tourned years, I saw that my two loves
reached the same day as a signal from the sky. That day, Paula and I had
arranged to meet in the bridge which was between the language building
and the stairs before entering the Italian class, in which we were there
together, to give her birthday present, so I hurried to shower and to dress
and I left. When I arrived at there, she had not arrived yet, I waited a while
and she arrived. I took out her letter from my schoolbag and I gave it to her,
it was a small letter involved in a small envelope, with a wax stamp with
three poem sheets inside with purple petals, with an Iris flower in the middle.
As I felt embarrased, I decided to go. In the distance, I could see how Paula
read my letter and how suddenly she moved her hand to her chest giving
me to understand that my letter had arrived at the deepest of her soul. In the
classroom, Paula sat beside me, as I felt very nervous, I decided to go to
buy some sweets. When I returned to the classroom, I gave a sweet to Lidia
and another one to Paula, when I gave her sweet to Paula, she applauded
as a girl when they gave a present that she has expected for a long time, I
liked it much. The class terminated, Paula had left earlier because she had
to do a project, what made me sad. We left from the classroom, Lidia and I.
On the way, I told her that I had given a letter to Paula, which made she
infuriated. I let her in her classroom and I went. Later, as we were on the
bus to return to our houses, I felt her a little distant, but for my surprise,
when we were on the underground, she gave a letter to me which said:


2. I know you do love me, you always show me it, I don’t know how you make
it but every day, each day that passes, you demonstrate me all your love
and it’s very beautiful because I never imagined there was somebody that
loves me so a lot, that takes care of me, protects me, support me and that is
always with me in the bads and the goods, I LOVE YOU like you’re, I don’t

One hundred and eighteenth lección
Temporada de Duraznos (El final)

1. Era ya casi mitad de semestre y los exámenes estaban próximos, pero

lo más importante es que era el cumpleaños de Paula, 28 de abril, lo
recuerdo bien porque ese día cumplía años Vanesa, yo lo veía como
una señal del cielo que mis dos amores cumplieran años el mismo día.
Aquel día, me había quedado de ver con Paula en el puente que
quedaba entre el edificio de idiomas y las escaleras antes de la clase
Italiano, en la cual estábamos los tres, para darle su regalo de
cumpleaños, así que me apure a bañarme y a vestirme y me fui. Cuando
llegue todavía no llegaba, espere un poco y llego. Saqué su carta de mi
mochila y se la di, era una pequeña carta envuelta en un sobre
pequeño, con un sello de cera con tres hojas de poema y pétalos
morados, con una flor de Iris en medio.
Como me dio pena, decidí irme, desde lo lejos pude ver como Paula leía
mi carta y como súbitamente movió su mano hacia su pecho dándome a
entender que mi carta le había llegado a lo más profundo de su ser.
En el salón, Paula se sentó junto a mí, como me daba nervios tenerla
junto de mí, decidí ir a comprar unos dulces. Ya de regreso en el salón,
le di un dulce a Lidia y uno a Paula, cuando le hube dado su dulce a
Paula, ella aplaudió como una niña chiquita cuando le regalan algo en
su cumpleaños, me gustó mucho.
Acabo la clase, Paula había salido antes porque tenía que hacer un
proyecto de la escuela, cosa que me entristeció. Salimos de la clase,
Lidia y yo. En el camino a su salón le conté lo de la carta de Paula, lo
cual provocó el enojo de ella. La deje en su salón y me fui. Más tarde,
cuando íbamos de regreso en la micro, la sentí un poco distante, más
para mi sorpresa, cuando íbamos en el metro, me dio una carta que
decía así:


2. Yo se que me amas demasiado, me lo demuestras siempre, no se como

le haces pero diario, cada día que pasa me demuestras, me expresas,
me trasmites todo tu amor y es muy bonito porque nunca imagine
encontrarte, nunca imagine que te cruzarías en mi vida y formarías parte
de ella, no imagine que existiera alguien que me ame tanto, que me
cuide, proteja, apoye, consuele, que este siempre a mi lado tanto en los
momentos buenos como en los malos. TE AMO como eres, no kiero

change you anything because I love you in that way, I LOVE YOU so. I try to
understand you, to understand that with our love is possible that you wanna share
it with other people that we’re and we’ll be happier but it is difficult for me this
because I’ve always thought that the couples are of two, I’ve never thought that
you could try to be happy not only with one person but with many people. I liked
you had said to me you wanted to be with more people because you’ve got the
courage, confidence and honesty to tell me what you really want. I believe this has
got more worth because it talks me ‘bout you and thought it’s hard to me I wanna
support you, I wanna accept this, I know that in this way you’ll be happier and by
sharing this with me we’ll be very happy, I just want you to know that I really Iove
you, I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I love you a lot and I’m very happy
with you.

When I finished reading her letter, I felt aims to throw it thought the window of the
underground, huge her and tell her that I already knew it and that I love her too.
But I didn’t. When I arrived at home, I lied down on my bed looking at the roof
feeling satisfaction about what had happened in the day.

3. The sunlight illuminated my room while I was keeping a teddy bear that I
had bought to Paula. It was already the end of the semester and
everyone was nervous for the exams, but I was more nervous because
that day would be the day when I would confess my love to Paula. I had
arranged to meet her at Science Faculty beside the fountain. I was
scared about the weather was bad but for my surprise the day was
stupendous with a wonderful blue of the sky and an extraordinary view. I
was a long time seeing the sea until Paula appeared. We were a long
time talking and while we were watching how the first star appeared in
the firmament I confessed my love to Paula what she answered me that
she has already boyfriend, it destroyed me. That night, I could not sleep,
the pain seized me every time that I remembered the moments that I
spent with her, the time when I gave her letter and how I had met her at
the rocks. I could not continue. Next day I took my things and took the
bus to Leblón, place where my “Amor” dwelled. While I was on the bus, I
saw how the sun hid into the sea while I was going to an uncertain
destiny. I arrived at the block of flats where she dwelled and I rang the
bell. When she opened the door, I was prepared to end the relationship
when she jumped crying and hugged me strongly. She was in that way a
long time until I felt that she had cried all she was inside of her. Still
wetted by her tears, she separated from me, she looked me straight in
my eye and said “I’m pregnant”.

cambiarte nada porque así me gustas, así TE AMO, soy muy feliz contigo. (patita
de gato) Yo trato de entenderte, de entender que con nuestro amor es posible que
tu kieras compartirlo con mas personas que así somos y seremos mas felices pero
me cuesta trabajo aceptar que y seremos mas felices pero me cuesta trabajo
aceptar que puedo compartirte con alguien mas, me cuesta adaptarme a esto
porque siempre he pensado esto, (el que las parejas sean de dos) nunca me paso
por la cabeza que puedes intentar ser feliz no solo con una persona sino que
compartir tu amor con mas personas, pero también pienso que es mejor que sea
así, que tu tengas el valor, confianza y honestidad de decirme lo que realmente
quieres con esto me dices como eres, no me lo ocultas creo que a veces es mejor
esto a que seas engañado o engañada, creo que eso cuenta mas porque me
habla de ti y aunque me cueste trabajo quiero apoyarte, quiero aceptar esto, se
que así serás mas feliz y al compartirlo conmigo seremos muy felices, solo quiero
soy muy feliz a tu lado. Cuando la leía, me dieron ganas de aventar su carta por la
ventana del metro y decirle que ya lo sabía y que yo también la amaba, lo cual no
hice. Llegué a mi casa y me acosté mirando al techo sintiendo satisfacción de lo
que había pasado en el día.

3. Los rayos del sol iluminaban mi recamara mientras guardaba en mi mochila

un oso de peluche que había comprado para Paula. Era ya final de
semestre y todos estaban nerviosos por los exámenes, pero más nervioso
estaba yo porque ese día sería el día en que le confesaría a Paula mi amor.
Había quedado de verla aquel día en la Facultad de Ciencias junto a la
fuente. Tenía miedo de que el clima estuviera feo más para mi sorpresa el
día se mostraba estupendo con un azul del cielo hermoso y una vista
extraordinaria. Estuve largo tiempo viendo el mar hasta que Paula apareció.
Estuvimos platicando hasta que oscureció y mientras mirábamos como la
luz de la primera estrella aparecía en el firmamento le confesé mi amor a lo
que ella respondió que ya tenía novio desde hace un mes, me destrozo.
Aquella noche no pude dormir, el dolor se apoderaba de mi cada vez que
recordaba los momentos que pasamos, la vez que le di su carta y como la
había conocido ese día en las rocas. No podía más, al siguiente día tome
mis cosas, agarre un camión y me dirigí hacia Leblon. Mientras iba en el
camión, veía cómo el sol se ocultaba en el mar mientras me dirigía hacia un
destino incierto. Llegue a su casa y toque el timbre de su departamento.
Cuando salió, me dispuse a terminar la relación, cuando salto llorando y me
abrazo. Estuvo así un largo rato hasta que sentí que ella había vaciado todo
lo que tenía adentro. Aun mojada por sus lagrima se separó de mí, me miro
a los ojos y me dijo “estoy embarazada”

Literary English II


In literary English we use “shall” instead of will with I and we

I shall go to the party. (very formal/literary)

I will go to the party. (formal)

I’ll go to the party. (informal)


In very formal and literary English we can change “if” for “should” at the beginning
of the clause.

Should you go to the party, I’ll go. (very formal/literary)

If you go to the party, I will go (formal)

If you go to the party, I’ll go. (neutral)

In formal and literary English, we can invert the verb instead of using if.

Come you, tell me! (lit)

If you come, tell me! (neutral)

In this cases negative are not contracted.

Had I not gone, this wouldn’t have happened.


In literary English, we sometimes use the inversion with as, than and so +

So tired was I that I arrived at home and I fell sleep. (literary)

I was so tired that I arrived at home and I fell sleep. (formal)

The people are stronger than do you think so. (literary)

The people are stronger than you think so. (formal)

We often use the invention with the verbs said, asked, suggested etc when these
follow a direct speech (exept when the subject is a pronoun)

What did you think? Asked Henry. But What did you think? He asked.

We often the inversion with adverbial expressions of place.

Under the tree sat I. (lit)

I sat under the tree (formal)

I sat down under the tree (inf)


Transforma la lección a lenguaje formal. (250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with modern literature is better than old literature?

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
The confession

1. I shall tell you a story that perhaps you have already heard but perhaps not.
It is a story between you and I. I consider that everything commences when
I meet you. When I enter throught the door and I see you for the first time,
you do not generate any special feeling on me, I just enter and sit beside
you. The class finished and I left from the classroom and when I spotted that
you are looking at me, but I do not tell you anything.
2. The weeks pass and I commenced feeling something for you, maybe it was
your brown eyes as mountains, your white skin as the snow or your such a
magnificent way of being, whatever has been, something on you made that I
absolutely fell in love with you, the problem was that when I was about to tell
you what I felt for you, as a huge wall which has been built all of a sudden
between us, you tell me that you have a boyfriend. I think that there is not
any problem, however, there is a story with another young woman which
has not been told until now. The months pass and everything goes in the
same way, the semesters begin and break up, you are still with your
boyfriend and I make another month with my girlfried, even I commenced
thinking of what we are going to do for our third anniversary. All of a sudden,
one day, you tell me, during our dairy conversation, that you has left your
boyfriend. I must confess that I do not remember much of this part, the only
thing which I remember is that little by little you commenced opening the
door of you to me, I think that that conversation about you ought not to feel
guilty about I have a girlfriend pay dividents. Little by little you commenced
accepting the beautiful nickname that I put you and you commenced
answering my good night huge and your front kiss that I sent to you. By this
point, I decide to tell my girlfriend that I have fallen in love with you. At the
begining, she enfurated but she ended up accepting it and she tells me that
she does love me. The proper drama commences when is moment to tell
you that I did really love you, I tell you stupidly, and this has been probably
the reason why you have gone, that you were not as importat as my
girlfriend was.
3. As a matter of fact, you were more important for me than she was because
with you I felt a proper deep love that I never felt for her. I imagined with you
a life that never did I think with her.
4. Now that I have told this, and even when I feel sad and lonely without you, I
only can say to you that it is wonderful that you has found someone so
generous corageous and honest as you say that your boyfriend is and I am
just very happy for you.

One hundred and fourteenth lesson
La confesión

1. Te contaré una historia que tal vez ya hayas oido pero tal vez no. Es una
historia entre tú y yo. Considero que todo comienza cuando te conosco.
Cuando entro atraves de la puerta y te veo por primera vez, no generaste
algo especial en mi, solo entro y me siento a tu lado. La clase termina y
salgo del salón de clases y cuando me doy cuenta, me estás mirando, pero
no te digo nada. Las semanas pasan y comienzo a sentir algo por ti pero
cuando estoy a punto de decirtelo, como un muro que se ha construido de
repente entre los dos, me dices que tienes novio. Pienso que no hay
problema, como sea, hay una historia con otra chica que no se ha contado.
Los meses pasan y todo sigue igual, tu estás todavia con tu novio y yo
cumplo otro mes con mi novia incluso empieso a pensar en que vamos a
hacer para nuestro tercer aniversario. De repente, un dia, me dices, durante
nuestra conversación diaria, que has dejado a tu novio. Debo confesar que
no recuerdo mucho de esta parte, lo unico que recuerdo es que poco a
poco comienzas a abrir la puerta que da hacia a tí a mi, pienso que esa
conversación de que no deberias sentirte mal de que tenga novia dio frutos.
Poco a poco comienzas a aceptar el apodo que te puse y comienzas a
responder mi abrazo de buenas noches y el tu beso en la frente que te
enviaba. Para este punto, decido decirle a mi novia que me he enamorado
de ti. Al principio, se enoja pero termina aceptandolo y le digo que la amo.
Pero es aqui donde el problema comienza, cuando el momento de decirte
que te amo llega, te digo, y tal vez esta sea la razón por la que te fuiste, que
no eras tan importante como ella. Diciendo la verdad, eras más importante
que ella. Y ahora que he dicho esto, puedo irme sabiendo que estas con
alguien que te pudo decir esto.


There are many ways to emphasis in English. Some of them are:

1. Using so and such with adjectives.

“He’s such a nice man, you should marry him?

I’m so happy to see you

2. Using exaggerated vocabulary.

We’re starving.

3. Using intensifying adverbs.

She’s absolutely wonderful.

4. Using simile.

Her eyes as blue as the sky.

12. Changing the order of the words.

My brother cut down the apple tree (without emphasis)

It was my brother who cut down the apple tree (emphasis in the brother)

It was the apple tree that my brother cut down (emphasis in the tree)

13. Using the expression “on Earth”

Why on Earth did you say that?

14. Using invertion

Under the apple tree did a boy play with his brother.


ReEscriba el texto de la lección agregando por lo menos diez ejemplos de enfasis.

(250 palabras)



Do you agree or disagree with the people is speak using words of other

Seventy forth lesson
On the force

1. It was 1993’s winter. I found myself drinking my morning coffee in a café

when it was heard on the radio that the favourite candidat to win the
presidencial elections has been assassinated. While I saw persons’
confused face around me, I could not avoid thinking that the person who
had shot had been I. I left from the café to go to pick my children to school,
while I did it, I remembered my first days in the academy. It was 1994’s
winter, I had just returned from Rio and I was looking for work. While I was
walking along a street, I saw a sign which said “We’re hiring people to enter
our forces, over 18”. As it seemed a good job, I decided to attend next day
to an interview and in two shakes of a lab’s tail I was patroling the streets of
the city. One day, while my couple and I were having lunch, we saw how a
young woman was being mugged, we went fast to help the girl and put out
down the alleged agressor. The young woman thanked us and she invited
us to her house. I did not know if going or not, but before my couple and
young woman’s insistence, I accepted to go. Next day, my couple and I
went to the adress which the young woman had given us. It was a brazilian-
style large elegant mansion with large stairs in the middle from whence the
young woman appered. The young woman, who had already identified last
day as Rosalba Luna, was a fair slim woman with a wavy long brown hair.
She looked very similar to Paula. The young woman greeted us and she
invited us to enter his father’s officine. It was there when I met mister Smith,
a strong of middle-height man commissioner of the public safty. He thanked
for having saved her daughter and he told us that he would give us a reward
for our exellent last day work. While he was saying this, I could see that the
young woman looked me out of the corner of her eye.

They have passed several months since we rescued that beaufitul girl from the
hands of those muggers and that they had transfered me to special forces police.
By then, I dated with mister Smith’s daughter. It was very pretty to date with her,
she was a tender girl that in some way filled with cheerfulness my broken heart.
One day, while we were in a party that mister Smith has organized, mister Smith
approched me and he told me:

-João, you know that I appreciate you, since you started going out with my
daughter, I consider you as a son, for this I need that you make me an special

Era el invierno de 1993. Me encontraba bebiendo mi café de la mañana en una
cafétería cuando se escuchó en las noticias de la televisión que habían asesinado
al candidato favorito para ganar las elecciones presidenciales. Mientras veía la
conmoción de la gente que estaba alrededor al escuchar la noticia, no pude evitar
pensar que quien habría dado ese disparo hubiese sido yo. Mientras salía de la
cafétería, para recoger a mis hijos de la escuela, recordé mis primeros días en la
academia. Era el invierno de 1971, acababa de regresar de Rio y estaba buscando
trabajo. Mientras caminaba por la calle, vi un letrero que decía “estamos
contratando gente, para unirse a nuestras fuerzas, 18 años en adelante”. Como
parecía un buen empleo, decidí presentarme al día siguiente y en menos de lo que
canta un gallo ya estaba patrullando las calles de la ciudad. Un día mientras mi
pareja y yo estábamos comiendo tacos en un puesto de la calle, vimos como una
joven estaba siendo asaltada, rápidamente fuimos en su ayuda y sometimos al
agresor. La joven nos agradeció y nos invitó a su casa. Yo no sabía si ir, pero ante
la insistencia de mi pareja y de la joven quien me miraba con una mirada especial,
acepté ir. Al día siguiente mi pareja y yo nos presentamos en la dirección que nos
había dado aquella chica que habíamos salvado el día anterior. Era una casa
grande elegante de estilo brasileño con unas grandes escaleras en el medio de
donde la chava apareció. La joven quien ya se había identificado como Rosalba
Luna el día anterior, era una joven guapa, delgada de cabello café muy similar a
Paula. La joven nos saludó y nos invitó a pasar al despacho de su padre. Fue ahí
donde conocí a Don Aduufo, un hombre alto, fuerte, comisionado de seguridad
pública. Don Aduufo, nos agradeció por haber salvado a su hija y nos dijo que nos
daría una ratificación por nuestro excelente actuar el día anterior. Mientras decía
esto, pude ver que la joven me veía de reojo.

Habían pasado varios meses desde que rescatamos a aquella bella joven de las
manos de aquellos rateros y de que me habían otorgado el cargo de Capitán de
equipo de investigaciones. Para entonces, salía con la hija de Don Aduufo. Era
muy lindo salir con ella, era una chava muy dulce-tierna que de cierta manera
llenaba de alegría mi dolido corazón. Un día mientras estábamos en una comida
que Don Aduufo había organizado, Don Aduufo se me acerco y me dijo:

-João, tú sabes que te aprecio, desde que empezaste a salir con mi hija te
considero como un hijo, por eso te pido este

favour. I need that you capture the lider of a drug band who is workind in the area
of my dear Guzman. I want you to catch him, but remember, I don’t want him in jail.
I would rather have desired that mister Smith asked me any another thing, but I
apreciated mister Smith, not only for having given the job in the special forces, but
for having let me go out with her daughter, for which I did not doubt in make what
he had asked me for. Next day, my men and I commenced with the preparatives
for the operation. We were planning it for a week and at last we had found out a
way to raise to the hill where mister Smith has told me that the leader of the band
operated. It was a small street which raised along the hill until the back part of a
house which faced to the square where mister Smith told me that there would be a
drug exchange.

My men had the strict order of descharge to discreation while hearing the first shot.
When the persons who we indentified how the persons that mister Smith had
discribed us, I waited a moment to identify the leader, afterwards, I took my
weapon and I did the first shot, to which my men’s shots followed it. The sound of
the shots resounded in the walls of the houses round the square. At the end, the
result was of 8 persons dead and a injuried policeman. When I was about to arrive
at mister Smith’s house to tell him the results of the operation, I could see how
some stretcher-beared took out mister Don Aduufo’s and Rosalba’s corposes,
someone had informed to the criminals that mister Smith had given us the
information. After mister Aduufo’s and Rosalba’s death, I left the police and I
moved to the north without knowing that the biggest challengers which I faced were
about to commence.

favor. Jõao necesito que agarres al líder de una banda que está operando dentro
del área de mi querido Guzmán. Por eso quiero que lo atrapes pero recuerda: no
lo quiero en la cárcel. Hubiera preferido que Don Aduufo me pidiera cualquier otra
cosa, pero apreciaba a Don Aduufo no solo por haberme dado el cargo de
Capitán, sino por haberme permitido salir con su hija, por lo cual no dudé en
realizar lo que me estaba pidiendo. Al día siguiente mis hombres y yo empezamos
con los preparativos para la operación. Estuvimos planeando la por una semana y
por fin habíamos descubierto una manera de subir al cerro en el cual me había
dicho Don Aduufo que operaba el líder de la banda. Era una pequeña calle que
subía por todo el cerro hasta la parte trasera de una casa que daba hacia la plaza
donde Don Aduufo nos había dicho que iba a haber un intercambio de droga. Mis
hombres tenían la estricta orden de disparar a discreción después de que
escucharan el primer disparo. Cuando llegaron las personas que Don Aduufo nos
había dicho que eran los encargados de distribuir droga en esa zona, realice el
primer disparo, al cual le siguieron los disparos de mis hombres. El sonido de las
balas resonaba en las paredes de las casas que rodeaban la plaza. Al final, el
saldo fue de 8 personas muertas. Cuando llegaba a casa de Don Aduufo para
contarle los resultados del operativo, pude ver como camilleros sacaban dos
cuerpos de la casa Don Aduufo, eran los cuerpos de Don Aduufo y Rosalba,
alguien les había avisado que Don Aduufo nos había dado el soplo.



It’s his bread and butter Es su mero mole

To be born and bread Crecer en un lugar (toda la vida)
For dankey’s years Desde hace un buen
Last but not least Por ultimo (pero no menos importante)
Don’t blow your own trumpet No cantes victoria antes de tiempo
Don’t be daft No digas mamádas
Like a shoot Devolada
If x is your thing Si x es lo tuyo
Too right I would Sin duda alguna
To be on the look out Estar en la busqueda
To pool our resources Unir fuerzas
A case in point Un buen ejemplo
To have your say on Decir tu opinion de
As the old saying goes Como dicen
To coin a phrase
For the likes of you and me Para la gente como nosotros
Mind you Eso si
Wrong Pues no
What a marvellous No mames
Wait a minute aguanta
To be keen on Ser aficionado a
To be on the mood Atojarse
I didn’t sleep a wink No pude dormir
I didn’t get a wink of sleep
Nonsence No digas mamádas
No importa
To hit on hike Pedir aventon
Damn Que la chingada (como cuando se te
cae algo)
O que su puta madre (como cuando se
te cae algo)
Otherwise know as Tambien conocido como
The so-called Denominado
To suit your pocket Que se adapte a tu presupuesto
I haven’t the fuggiest no tengo la menor idea
you’re warm, but not quite here Cerca pero no tanto
To take the lead Ponerse a la cabeza
I haven’t got a clue No tengo idea
What a pity Que pena
money can’t buy everything El dinero no compra la felicidad
To earn a living Para ganarse la vida
To do a living Para vivir

To take a sabbatical year Tomar un año sabatico
The minute Desde el omento en que
For all the tea in China Ni por todo el oro del mundo
It’s (just) Greek to me Esta en Chino
Here and there De aqui y de alla
Know what I mean Sabes a lo que me refiero
A real chip off the old block De tal palo tal astilla
Don’t cross your bridges before Todo a su tiempo
A picture is worth a thousand words Una imagen vale mas que mil palabras
Better safe than sorry Mas vale prevenir que lamentar
You live and learn Todos los dias se aprende algo nuevo
What’s got with Brian? Y ahora que tiene Brian?
To be in very high spirits Estar de muy buen humor
To be on cloud nine Andar bien emocionado
Can’t take Chocar
To be off his rocket Perder la cabeza
What’s all this about? Y eso de que
To tell you umpteen times Decirlo un millon de veces
Here catch Toma
What time are you off? A que horas te vas
Last drink Ultima copa
What’s is name Como se llame

Irregular verbs

Here a list of the most common irregular verbs in British English.

 be (am, is, are) – was, were – been

 bear – bore – borne
 beat – beat – beaten
 become – became - become
 begin – began – begun
 bend – bent – bent
 bet – bet – bet
 bind – bound – bound
 bite – bit – bitten
 bleed – bled – bled
 blow – blew – blown
 break – broke – broken
 breed – bred – bred
 bring – brought – brought
 build – built – built
 burn – burnt/burned – burnt/burned
 burst – burst – burst
 buy – bought – bought
 can – could – (been able to)
 catch – caught – caught
 choose – chose – chosen
 cling – clung – clung
 come – came – come
 cost – cost – cost
 creep – crept – crept
 cut – cut – cut
 deal – dealt – dealt
 dig – dug – dug
 do – did – done
 draw – drew – drawn
 dream – dreamt/dreamed – dreamt/dreamed
 drink – drank – drunk
 drive – drove – driven
 eat – ate – eaten
 fall – fell – fallen
 feed – fed – fed
 feel – felt – felt
 fight – fought – fought

 find – found – found
 Fit – fit/fitted – fit/fitted
 flee – fled – fled
 fling – flung – flung
 fly – flew – flown
 forbid – forbade – forbidden
 forget – forgot – forgotten
 forgive – forgave - forgiven
 forsake – forsook – forsaken
 freeze – froze – frozen
 get – got – got
 give – gave – given
 go – went – gone
 grow – grew – grown
 hang – hung/hanged – hung/hanged
 have – had – had
 hear – heard – heard
 hide – hid – hidden
 hit – hit – hit
 hold – held – held
 hurt – hurt – hurt
 keep – kept – kept
 know – knew – known
 lay – laid – laid
 lead – led – led
 lean – leant/leaned – leant/leaned
 learn – learnt/learned – learnt/learned
 leave – left – left
 lend – lent – lent
 let – let – let
 lie – lay – lain
 lose – lost – lost
 make – made – made
 mean – meant – meant
 meet – met – met
 pay – paid – paid
 prove – proved – proved/proven
 put – put – put
 quit – quit – quit
 read – read – read
 rend – rent – rent
 ride – rode – ridden
 ring – rang – rung

 rise – rose – risen
 run – ran – run
 saw – sawed – sawn/sawed
 say – said – said
 see – saw – seen
 seek – sought – sought
 sell – sold – sold
 send – sent – sent
 set – set – set
 shake – shook – shaken
 shoot – shot – shot
 show – showed – shown
 shrink – shrank – shrunk
 shrive – shrove – shriven
 shut – shut – shut
 sing – sang – sung
 sink – sank – sunk
 sit – sat – sat
 sleep – slept – slept
 sling – slung – slung
 slink – slunk – slunk
 smell – smelt/smelled – smelt
 speak – spoke – spoken
 spell – spelled/spelt – spelled/spelt
 spend – spent – spent
 Spill – spilt/spilled – spoil/spilt
 Spoil – Spoilt/spoiled – Spoil/spoiled
 spread – spread – spread
 spring – sprang – sprung
 stand – stood – stood
 stave – staved/stove – staved/stove
 steal – stole – stolen
 stink – stank – stunk
 strike – struck – stricken
 swear – swore – sworn
 swim – swam – swum
 swing – swung – swung
 take – took – taken
 teach – taught – taught
 tear – tore – torn
 tell – told – told
 think – thought – thought
 throw – threw – thrown

 thrust – thrust/thrusted – thrust/thrusted
 wake – woke – woken
 wear – wore – worn
 weep – wept – wept
 win – won – won
 wring – wrang/wrung – wrung
 write – wrote – written


Here are the 400 most common English verbs.

Verb Meaning
Ta abandon Abandonar
To embrace Abrazar
To open Abrir
To bore Aburrir
To accept Aceptar
To advise Aconsejar
To remember Acordar
To act Actuar
To accuse Acusar
To guess Adivinar
To admire Admirar
To accept Admitir
To adore Adorar
To warn Advertir
To affect Afectar
To affirm Afirmar
To thank Agradecer
To drown Ahogar
To love Amar
To announce Anunciar
To appear Aparecer
To separate Apartar
To applaud Aplaudir
To contribute Aportar
To lean Apoyar
To appreciate Apreciar
To learn Aprender
To approve Aprobar
To pull Arrastrar
To repair Arreglar
To regret Arrepentir
To arrest Arrestar
To risk Arriesgar
To murder Asesinar
To assassinate
To secure Asegurar
To attend Asistir

To scared Asustar
To attack Atacar
To attract Atraer
To catch Atrapar
To cross Atravesar
To increase Aumentar
To advance Avanzar
To shame Avergonzar
To help Ayudar
To dance Bailar
To bath Bañar
To whip Batir
To drink Beber
To kiss Besar
To tan Broncear
To fall Caerse
To calm Calmar
To change Cambiar
To walk Caminar
To cancel Cancelar
To tire Cansar
To sing Cantar
To marry Casar
To dig Cavar
To hunt Cazar
To close Cerrar
To earn Cobrar
To cook Cocinar
To fuck Coger
To place Colocar
To colour Colorear
To combine Combinar
To begin Comenzar
To eat Comer
To share Compartir
To complete Completar
To repair Componer
To behave Comportar
To buy Comprar
To understand Comprender
To compete Concursar
To trust Confiar
To confirm Confirmar
To drive Conducir
To conjugate Conjugar

To know Conocer
To conquer Conquistar
To get Conseguir
To maintain Conservar
To consider Considerar
To build Construir
To count Contar
To answer Contestar
To continue Continuar
To control Controlar
To copy Copiar
To correct Corregir
To run Correr
To cut Cortar
To cost Costar
To create Crear
To grown Crecer
To believe Creer
To cover Cubrir
To recover Curar
To damage Dañar
To give Dar
To say Decir
To tell
To decide Decidir
To declare Declarar
To dedicate Dedicar
To defend Defender
To let Dejar
To spell Deletrear
To demonstrate Demostrar
To disappear Desaparecer
To develop Desarrollarse
To unplug Desconectar
To describa Describir
To discover Descubrir
To neglect Descuidar
To destroy Destruir
To wish Desear
To disobey Desobedecer
To detest Detestar
To undress Desvestir
To draw Dibujar
To apologize Disculpar
To discuss Discutir

To enjoy Disfrutar
To design Diseñar
To provide Disponer
To distinguish Distinguir
To amuse Divertir
To hurt Doler
To divorce Divorciar
To donate Donar
To sleep Dormir
To doubt Dudar
To last Durar
To choose Elegir
To push Empujar
To bewitch Encantar
To find Encontrar
To deceive Engañar
To anger Enojar
To enrich Enriquecer
To practice Ensayar
To teach Enseñar
To understand Entender
To give Entregar
To train Entrenar
To send Enviar
To climb Escalar
To choose Escoger
To listen Escuchar
To write Escribir
To wait Esperar
To hope
To study Estudiar
To avoid Evitar
To dig Excavar
To exist Existir
To experiment Experimentar
To explain Explicar
To explore Explorar
To express Expresar
To miss Extrañar
To import Importar
To fail Fallar
To form Formar
To fry Freír
To work Funcionar
To smoke Fumar

To win Ganar
To guarantee Garantizar
To spend Gastar
To shout Gritar
To keep Guardar
To guide Guiar
To like Gustar
To talk Hablar
To do Hacer
To make
To boil Hervir
To injure Herir
To bake Hornear
To flee Huir
To sink Hundir
To identify Identificar
To imagine Imaginar
To begin Iniciar
To register Inscribir
To inspire Inspirar
To try Intentar
To interest Interesar
To interrogate Interrogar
To flood Inundar
To invent Inventar
To research Investigar
To go Ir
To invite Invitar
To pull Jalar
To play Jugar
To swear Jurar
To regret Lamentar
To hurt Lastimar
To wash Lavar
To read Leer
To clean Limpiar
To call Llamar
To arrive Llegar
To fill Llenar
To cry Llorar
To rain Llover
To achieve Lograr
To fight Luchar
To maltreat Maltratar
To send Mandar

To order Mandar (dar
To drive Manejar
To support Mantener
To mark Marcar
To cheaw Masticar
To kill Matar
To measure Medir
To improve Mejorar
To memorize Memorizar
To lie Mentir
To mix Mesclar
To put Meter
To look Mirar
To wet Mojar
To bother Molestar
Mirir Morir
To show Mostrar
Move Mover
To swim Nadar
To need Necesitar
To negate Negar
To snow Nevar
To obligate Obligar
To watch Observar
To hide Ocultar
To hear Oír
To forget Olvidar
To order Ordenar
To tidy Ordenar (poner en
To hate Odiar
To organize Organizar
To offer Ofrecer
To pay Pagar
To stop Parar
To participate Participar
To split Partir
to leave Partir (irse)
To pass Pasar
To ask Pedir
To beat Pegar
To attach Pegar
To comb Peinar

To fight Pelear
To think Pensar
To loose Perder
To forgive Perdonar
To allow Permitir
To put Poner
To prefer Preferir
To ask Preguntar
To worry Preocupar
To present Presentar
To borrow Prestar
To lend (a alguien)
To prevent Prevenir
To prove Probar
To produce Producir
To prohibit Prohibir
To promise Prometer
To pronounce Pronunciar
To protect Proteger
To stay Quedar
To complain Quejar
To burn Quemar
To want Querer
To take Quitar
To receive Recibir
To reject Rechazar
To protest Reclamar
To collect Recoger
To recommend Recomendar
To recognize Reconocer
To remember Recordar
To laugh Reír
To give Regalar
To repair Reparar
To distribute Repartir
To repeat Repetir
To rescue Rescatar
To resist Resistir
To resolve Resolver
To answer Responder
To review Revisar
To steal (general) Robar

To mug (en la
calle o en el
transporte publico)
To rob (banco)
To break Romper
To know Saber
To jump Saltar
To leave Salir
To greet Saludar
To save Salvar
To dry Secar
To follow Seguir
To sit Sentar
To feel Sentir
To ask Solicitar
To sound Sonar
To smile Sonreír
To dream Soñar
To blow Soplar
To support Soportar
To surprise Sorprender
To survive Sobrevivir
To raise Subir
To highlight Subrayar
To happen Suceder
To suffer Sufrir
To suggest Sugerir
To suppose Suponer
To throw Tirar
To call Telefonear
To finish Terminar
To touch Tocar
To play Tocar
To take Tomar
To work Trabajar
To translate Traducir
To bring Traer
To try Tratar
To use Usar/utilizar
To see Ver
To sell Vender
To come Venir
To win Vencer
To dress Vestir

To travel Viajar
To visit Visitar
To live Vivir
To fly Volar
To become Volver (se)

Phrasal Verbs

Here are the most common phrasal verbs in English.

Ask out Inviter a salir I asked out Rachael

Be into Ser lo tuyo
Be off Irse (en el momento) I’m off
Estar de vacaciones
Be over Acabar It’s over
Be up Ser de What have you been up?
Blow over Derribar [con aire] The wolf blew over the house
Blow up Explotar [una bomba] A bomb blew up in a ship
Book into Reservar [para alguien mas] The agency travel booked us
into a hotel on the beach
Break down Descomponerse The car broke down
Break into Entrar (a una casa [robar]) The robber broke into the
Break up Salir de las escuela (terminar I break up the semester in
las clases) november
Terminar el semestre
Cortar (relacion) Ann broke up with his
boyfriend yesterday
Break off Poner fin a the treaty broke off several
years of conflicts
Bring about Provocar
Bring (a)round Reanimar
Bring up Educar (una persona)
Sacar el tema de/hablar de
Call back Llamar (regresar la llamada) I have to go. I call you back
Call for Requerir I call for you send me the
Call off Cancelar (un evento The concert was called off
preprogramado) because of the rain
Call up Hechar una llamada Call up Ann to know if she’s
Carry off Sacar adelante He carried off his family by
Carry on Seguir (haciendo algo)
Carry out Cumplir I always carry out my

Carry through Llevar acabo The police carried thought an
operation agains the crime
Calm down Calmarse Calm down!
Catch out Cachar [haciendo algo]
Atrapar [haciendo algo]
Catch up on Ponerse al corriente
Catch up with Alcanzar (igualar)
Check in Registrarse (un hotel)
Check out Registrarse de salida (de un
Check up on Comprobar (informacion)
Investigar (algo o a alguien)
Clean out Limpiar a fondo
Close down Clausurar
Come across Encontrarse (alguien o algo
por accidente)
Come down Caer
Come down with Estar enfermo de
Tener (una enfermedad)
Come in Entrar
Come into Heredar
Come out Salir
Salir a la venta
Come round Volver en si
Come up Acercarse
Come up with Sugerir/pensar/encontrar/prop
oner una idea, un plan o una
Cut back Reducir (el consumo de algo)
Cut down Talar
Reducir (+ verbo)
Cut down on Reducir (+ sustantivo)
Hacer recortes en
Cut off Cortar (completamente) I cut off mi finger
Die down Calmarse/tranquilizarse The wind died down
Do up Remodelar We’re doing up my flat
Do with Se me antoja
Do without Vivir sin
Drag along Arrastrar
Draw back Hacerse para atras
Dress up Vestir (de gala) I dressed up for Mary’s

Drop in (to) Visitar (a) I drop in (on) my parents on
Drop out Abandonar I dropped out when I was 22
Eat in Comer en casa
Eat out Comer afuera
Eat up Comerse (todo)
End up Terminar I ended up going on foot
Face up with Afrontar
Fall apart Desacerse The robber tried to fall apart
of the evidence
Fall behind Atrasarse The plane fell behind
Fall out Pelear(se) The two men fell out outside
the house
Feel like Tener ganas de I feel like a cup of coffe
Fill in Llenar (un espacio en
blanco/una forma)
Find out Descubrir
Fit in Caber The sofa doesn’t fit in the
living room
Fit with in Encajar
Get ahead Salir Adelante
Get around Moverse (desplazarse de un
lugar a otro)
Get away Escapar (de un peligro)
(salirse de un lugar incomodo)
Irse de vacaciones
Get away with Salirse con las suya
Get by Arreglarselas
Get down Ponerse a
Get down to Ir al grano
Get from Escaparse (de alguien)
Get in Entrar (carro)
Get into Meterse [en un problema o
Get back Regresar
Get off Bajarse (carro)
Get on Llevarse bien
Lazarse (hacer algo o ir a un
Continuar hacienda algo que
ya no se hacia o que se tiene
miedo de continuar)
Go out Andar (novios)
Get out of Irse/ salir (con necesidad)
Levantarse (de la cama)

Evitar hacer algo que no
quieres, especialmente
poniendo escusas
Get over Recuperarse
Mejorarse (enfermedad)
Get over with Hacer/terminar (algo que no
quieres hacer)
Get through Terminar (algo)
Get up Despertarse
Give away Donar
Give in darse por vencido
Give off Emitir
Give out Distribuir
No resistir
Give up Rendirse
Give up on Perder la fe
Google down Tragar
Go ahead Llevar acabo
Go around Ir por ahi
Go back Ir de regreso
Go by Pasar (el tiempo)
Go downstairs Bajar (las escaleras)
Go in Entrar
Go in for Encantar
Go for Elegir
Go off Explotar (una bomba)
Dejar de gustar
Go on Pasar
Go out Salir
Go over Darle vueltas
Go through Ir mal
Tener que pasar
Go up Aumentar
Go upstairs Subir (las escaleras)
Hang around Pasar (el tiempo con alguien)
Hang up Colgar (telefono)
Hit back Atacar a alguien que te ataco o
te critico
Hit it off Llevarse bien (la primera vez
que se conocieron)
Hold back Aguantar(se)/contener

Hold on Esperar (telefono)
Agarrarse (sujetarse)
Hold up Hacer esperar
Hacer que alguien llegue tarde
Keep away Mantenerse lejos
Keep on Insister
Keep in Castirgar (un niño)
Keep down Disminuir
Keep to Seguir adelante con
Keep up Seguir el ritmo
Key in Teclear
Knock out Noquear
Knock down Demoler
Let off Quedar libre
Lit up Iluminar
Live up to Estar a la altura
Log in Iniciar session
Log off Cerrar session
Look after Cuidar
Look down on Ver por debajo
Look for Buscar
Look forward to Tener muchas ganas de (que
algo pase)
Look into Investigar
Look thought Leer (normalmente
Look up Buscar (en el diccionario o en
el directorio)
Look up to Admirar
Lumb for Escoger
Make for Dirigirse hacia
Make out Alcanzar a ver/escuchar/
Poder entender
Make up Hacer las pases
Make up for Compensar
Miss out Perder (la oportundiad de
hacer algo)
Move in Mudarse
Pass away Fallecer
Pass off Hacerse pasar por
Pay off Liquidar/pagar (una deuda)

Pick up Aprender (un idioma o
Pull away Arrancar
Pull on Vestirse (rapidamente)
Pull up Detenerse (carro)
Put up with Soportar
Put down Bajar (algo que estas
Put off Desalentar
Put out Apagar (fuego, luz)
Put through Pasar (por telefono)
Put together Armar (algo)
Put up Protestar
Dar alojamiento
Quedarse (en un lugar
temporalmente o de
Put up with Tolelar
Run away Huir
Run into Encontrarse (a alguien)
(con algo sin querer)
Run out of Quedarse sin
Save up Ahorrar
Sell out Agotarse (algo en venta)
Venderse (acabarse)
Sell out of Vender todo
Send off Enviar
Set about Ponerse a
Set aside Dejar de (momentaneamente)
Set back Retrasar(se)
Set off/out Salir de viaje
Set up Poner (un negocio)
Sew up Conseguir
Shrugg off Ignorar She shrugged off me when I
greeted her
Shut down Cerrar (un negocio)
Slip on Ponerse (algo rapidamente)
Slip out Salirse (comentario)
Stand out Resaltar
Start out Empezar a trabajar

Empezar (poniendo enfasis en
el inicio)
Stem from Derivarse de
Step down Renunciar
Step out Intensificar
Stock up Hacer la compra
Stop over Quedarse (en un lugar camino
una o dos noches cuando se
va en camino a otro lugar o
de regreso a casa)
Take after Parecerse (a alguien de la
Actuar como/ser como (alguien
de la familia)
Take back Regresar
Take in Captar (entender)
Engañar (passive)
Take off Despegar
Take on Hacerse cargo de
Take out Sacar
Take over Encangarse de
Take up Empezar (un nuevo hobby o
Ocupar tiempo)
Talk into Convencer (a alguien de que
haga algo)
Team up Hacer equipo
Tell apart Distinguir
Tend to Ocuparse de
Think up Idear
Tidy up Recoger (cuarto)
Turn back Regresar (un camino cuando
se tiene un mal
Turn down Bajar (el volumen) Can you turn out the radio?
Turn into Convertirse en
Turn off Apagar
Turn on Prender
Turn out Acudir
Turn up Subir (volume)
Calentarse (maquina)
Wake up Despertarse

Wear off Desaparecer (sentimiento o
efecto de algo)
Write down Anotar
Write off Escribir (para pedir algo)
Write up Escribir (cuando se saca la
informacion de varias fuentes)
Work in Incorporar
Work on Hacer (algo que se lleva rato
haciendo o que se esta
Work out Calculary


0 Zero 10 Ten
1 One 11 Eleven
2 Two 12 Twelve
3 Three 13 Thirteen
4 Four 14 Fourteen
5 Five 15 Fifteen
6 Six 16 Sixteen
7 Seven 17 Seventeen
8 Eight 18 Eighteen
9 Nine 19 Nineteen

Numbers from 20 to 99

20 Twenty 60 Sixty
30 Thirty 70 Seventy
40 Forty 80 Eighty
50 Fifty 90 Ninety

The numbers with ten and unit are built by putting the ten + hyphen + unit.

Example: 21 = Twenty-one

32 = Thirty-two

Numbers from 100 to 999

100 One hundred 600 Six hundred

200 Two hundred 700 Seven hundred
300 Three hundred 800 eight hundred
400 Four hundred 900 Nine hundred

500 Five hundred

One can be changed for a in informal speech.

The numbers with hundred has got ten, unit or they both, it puts “and” between the
hundred and the rest of the number.

Example: 100 = One hundred

101 = One hundred and one

121 = One hundred and twenty-one

Numbers from 1000 to 1000000

1000 One thousand

1002 One thousand two
1032 One thousand thirty-two
1432 One thousand four hundred and thirty-two
15432 Fifteen thousand four hundred and thirty-two

When we talk about years, we pronounce the numbers as they were separated

Ex. The year 1994 is pronounced as nineteen ninety-four, and not “one thousand
nine hundred and ninety-four.

Numbers from 100000 to 1000000

100000 One hundred thousand

100001 One hundred thousand one
100021 One hundred thousand and twenty-one
100321 One hundred thousand three hundred and twenty-one

104321 One hundred and four thousand three hundred and
154321 One hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and
1000000 One million


Unit 1
Country Pais
United States Estados Unidos
Mexico México
England Inglaterra
Spain España
France Francia
Italy Italia
Germany Alemania
Russia Rusia
China China
Japan Japón
Canada Canadá
Brazil Brasil
Australia Australia
Scotland Escocia
Ireland Irlanda
Holland Holanda
Greece Grecia
Thailand Tailandia
India India
Adjective Adjetivo
Happy Feliz
Strong Fuerte
New Nuevo
Young Joven
Tall Alto
Hot Caliente
Big Grande
Cheap Barato
Long Largo
Beautiful Bonito

Fast Rápido
Rich Rico
Slim Delgado
Sad Triste
Weak Débil
Old Viejo
Short Chaparro
Cold Frio
Small Pequeño
Expensive Caro
Short Corto
Ugly Feo
Slow Lento
Poor Pobre
Fat Gordo
Profession Profesion , oficio
Lawyer Abogado
Professor Profesor
Teacher Maestro
Doctor Doctor
Architect Arquitecto
Engineer Ingeniero
Accountant Contador
Designer Diseñador
Psychologist Psicólogo
Builder Albañil
Pilot Piloto
Carpenter Carpintero
Plumber Plomero
Electrician Electricista
Seller Vendedor
Taxi driver Taxista
Driver Conductor
Cook Cocinero
Housewife Ama de casa
Number Numero
- Vocabulario de los números
Basic phrases
Hello Hola
Hi Hola (informal)
What’s your name? Como se llama?
My name is Me llamo
How are you? Como estas

How are you? Como te va
Fine Bien
Bad Mal
So-so Mas o menos
How old are you? Cuantos años tiene
Where are you from? De donde es
I’m from Soy de
Where do you live? Donde vive
I live in Vivo en
Goodbye Adiós
See you Nos vemos
See you later Hasta pronto
Animal Animal
Cat Gato
Dog Perro
Bird Pájaro
Mouse Ratón
Fish Pez
Horse Caballo
Elephant Elefante
Giraffe Jirafa
Pig Cerdo
Shark Tiburón
Whale Ballena
Turtle Tortuga
Tortoise Tortuga (terrestre)
Monkey Mono
Lion León
Bear Oso
Duck Pato
Ant Hormiga
Cow Vaca
Snake Víbora
Adjectives II
Lazy Flojo
Patient Paciente
Calm Tranquilo
Hard-working Trabajador
Educated Educado
Rude Grosero
Show-off Presumido
Extroverted Extrovertido
Shy Tímido
Tender Cariñoso

Friendly Amistoso
Funny Divertido
Comprehensive Comprensivo
Jealous Celoso
Brave, Courageous Valiente
Kind Amable
Introverted Introvertido
Responsible Responsable
Compromised Comprometido
Lying Mentiroso
Unit 2
Colour Color
Green Verde
Red Rojo
Orange Naranja
White Blanco
Purple Morado
Yellow Amarillo
Black Negro
Blue Azul
Brown Cafe
Grey Gris
Pink Rosa
Golden Dorado
Silver Plateado
Colourful De colores
Light Claro
Dark Obscuro
Family Familia
Father Padre
Mother Madre
Grandfather Abuelo
Grandmother Abuela
Brother Hermano
Sister Hermana
Son Hijo
Daughter Hija
Grandson Nieto
Granddaughter Nieta
Uncle Tío
Aunt Tía
Nephew Sobrino
Niece Sobrina

Cousin Primo
Cousin Prima
Dad Papá
Mum Mamá
Great grandpa Bisabuelo
Parts of the body
Body Cuerpo
Head Cabeza
Hair Cabello
Eye Ojo
Mouth Boca
Lip Labio
Tooth Diente
Ear Oreja
Nose Nariz
Neck Cuello
Shoulder hombro
Arm Brazo
Elbow Codo
Hand Mano
Nail Uña
Finger Dedo
Leg Pierna
Knee Rodilla
Foot Pie
Back Espalda
City Ciudad
Restaurant Restaurante
Hotel Hotel
Hospital Hospital
Airport Aeropuerto
Port Puerto
Coach station Central camionera
Park Parque
School Escuela
University Universidad
Bank Banco
Shopping centre Centro comercial
Market Mercado
Cinema Cine
Monument Monumento
Museum Museo
Avenue Avenida
Street Calle

Castle Castillo
Church Iglesia
House Casa
Flat Departamento
Block of flats Unidad habitacional
Tower of flats Torre de departamentos
Living room Sala
Dining room Comedor
Kitchen Cocina
Bathroom Baño
Room Cuarto
Attic Ático
Basement Sótano
Garden Jardín
Garage Cochera
Floor Piso
Stairs Escaleras
Door Puerta
Window Ventana
Table Mesa
Sofa Sillón
Armchair Sillón chiquito
Classroom Salon
Chair Silla
Pen Pluma
Pencil Lápiz
Notebook Cuaderno
Rubber Goma
Sharpener Sacapuntas
Book Libro
Rucksack Mochila
Colour Color
Case Estuchera
Sheet Hoja
Stapler Engrapadora
Durex Diurex
Scissors Tijeras
Ruler Regla
Brand text Marcador de textos
Draft Borrador
Whiteboard Pizarrón
Concealer Corrector
Animals II

Eagle Águila
Crocodile Cocodrilo
Camel Camello
Kangaroo Canguro
Tiger Tigre
Rabbit Conejo
Bee Abeja
Spider Araña
Donkey Burro
Scorpion Escorpión
Ken Gallina
Cock Gallo
Bull Toro
Fly Mosca
Mosquito Mosquito
Penguin Pingüino
Fox Zorro
Sheep Oveja
Octopus Pulpo
Zebra Cebra
Unit 3
Routine Rutina
To wake up Despertarse
To get up Levantarse
To have breakfast Desayunar
To take a shower Bañarse
To comb Peinarse
To make up Maquillarse
To get dressed Vestirse
To leave from home Salir de casa
To have lunch Comer
To come back home Regresar a casa
To have dinner Cenar
To go to bed Dormirse
Art Arte
Music Música
Song Canción
Musician Musico
Painting Pintura
Painter Pintor
Sculpture Escultura
Sculptor Estultor
Theatre Teatro

Work Obra
Actor Actor
Actress Actora
Literature Literatura
Novel Novela
Tail Cuento
Writer Escritor
Dance Danza
Dancer Bailarin
Architecture Arquitectura
Guitar player Guitarrista
Bass player Bajista
Music instruments
Instrument Instrumento
Guitar Guitarra
Piano Piano
Bass Bajo
Drums Batería
saxophone Saxofon
keyboard Teclado
Flute Flauta
Double bass Contrabajo
Triangle Triangulo
Jazz Jazz
Blues Blus
Rock Rock
Indie Independiente
Classical music Musica clasica
Pop music Musica popular
Country Country
Techno Tecno
Rap Rap
Reggae Rege
Climate Clima
Boiling hot De 35 grados en adelante
Hot De 30 a 34 grados
Warm De 25 a 29 grados
Fine Rico
Cool De 15 a 19 grados
Chilly De 10 a 14 grados
Cold De 5 a 9 grados
Freezing cold De menos 5 para abajo
Rainy Lluvioso
Windy Con viento

Snowy Con nieve
Wet Húmedo
Cloudy Nublado
Sunny Soleado
Season of the year Estacion del año
Spring Primavera
Summer Verano
Autumn Otoño
Winter invierno
Millennium Milenio
Century Siglo
Hour Hora
Minute Minuto
Second Segundo
Clock Reloj
Watch Reloj (de pulsera)
Year Año
Month Mes
Week Semana
Day Dia
Morning Mañana
Afternoon Tarde
Night Noche
Night Madrugada
Monday Lunes
Tuesday Martes
Wednesday Miercoles
Thursday Jueves
Friday Viernes
Saturday Sabado
Sunday Domingo
Means of transport
Means of transport Medios de transporte
Underground Metro
Train Tren
Aeroplane Avion
Ship Barco
Motorbike Moto
Bus Camion
Taxi Taxi
Helicopter Helicóptero
Horse Caballo
On foot A pie
Tram Tren via

Bicycle biclicleta
Coach Autobus
Van Camioneta
Cycle-rickshaw Bicitaxi
Cart Carreta
Monorail Monoriel
Gondola Gondola
Rickshaw Rickshaw
Clothes Ropa
Shoe Zapato
Sock Calcetín
Trousers Pantalón
T-shirt Playera
Shirt Camisa
Costume Traje
Dress Vestido
Trainers Tenis
High heels Zapatilla
Sweatshirt Sudadera
Jacket Chamarra
Tie Corbata
Button Botón
Hat Sombrero
Cap Gorra
Scarf Bufanda
Skirt Falda
Jeans Pantalón de mezclilla
Shorts Short
Unit 4
Climate II
Rain Lluvia
Wind Viento
Sunny Sol
Snow Nieve
Cloud Nube
Fuggy Con niebla
Fog Niebla
Tropical wet tropical humedo
tropical dry tropical seco
desert desertico
Mediterranean mediterraneo
Humid subtropical humedo subtropical
Humid oceanic humedo oceanico
Humid continental humedo continental

Artic artico
Health Salud
Illness Enfermedad
Sick Enfermo
Cold Resfriado
Flu Gripe
Fever Fiebre
Vomit Vomito
Diarrhoea Diarrea
Pain Dolor
Headache Dolor de cabeza
Throat pain Dolor de garganta
Stomach ache Dolor de estomago
Itch Comezón
Fracture Fractura
Runny nose Escurrimiento nasal
Dizziness Mareo
Medicine Medicina
Pill Pastilla
Injection Inyección
Plaster Yeso
Sin vocabulario
Single room Cuarto para una persona
Double room Cuarto doble
Air conditioning Aire acondicionado
Facilities Instalaciones
Swimming pool Alberca
Room service Servicio a la habitación
All include Todo incluido
Break-fast include Desayuno incluido
Bellhop Botones
Luggage Equipaje
Reception Recepción
Spa Spa
Resort Resort
Sea Mar
Beach Playa
See view Con vista al mar
Housekeeper Mucama
Receptionist Recepcionista
Towel Toalla
Regulations Reglamento

Food Comida
Fruit Fruta
Orange Naranja
Banana Plátano
Apple Manzana
Pear Pera
Melon Melón
Watermelon Sandia
Pineapple Piña
Guava Guayaba
Strawberry Fresa
Cerise Cereza
Vegetable Verdura
Potato Papá
Tomato Jitomate
Carrot Zanahoria
Lettuce Lechuga
Lemon Limón
Avocado Aguacate
Chilli Chile
Onion Cebolla
Food II
Meat Carne
Beef Carne de res
Pork Carne de puerco
Ham Jamón
Chicken Pollo
Sea fruit Mariscos
Fish Pescado
Octopus Pulpo
Lobster Langosta
Shrimp Camarón
Drink Bebida
Water Agua
Coffee Café
Tea Te
Juice Jugo
Beer Cerveza
Bitter Cerveza (obscura)
Wine Vino
Coke Refresco
Milk Leche
Condiment Condimentos
Salt Sal
Pepper Pimienta

Sugar Azúcar
Cinnamon Canela
Bread Pan
Dairy Lácteos
Cheese Queso
Cream Crema
Pasta Pasta
Egg Huevo
Flour Harina
Rice Arroz
Bean Frijol
Seasoning Aderezo
Mayonnaise Mayonesa
Ketchup Capsu
Coffee shop Cafetería
Waiter Mesero
Reservation Reservación
Menu Menú
Entrance Entrada
Starter Entremés
Main dish Plato principal
Dessert Postre
Plate Plato
Bowl Plato hondo
Glass Vaso
Bottle Botella
Glass Copa
Cutlery Cubiertos
Knife Cuchillo
Fork Tenedor
Spoon Cuchara
Serviette Servilleta
Tasty Sabroso

Medium-size Mediano
Unit 5
Adjectives II
Wide Ancho
Thin Flaco
Sport Deportivo
Hard Duro
Easy Fácil
Fine Fino
Free Gratis

Thickness Grueso
Good-looking Guapo
Pretty Lindo
Attractive Atractiva
Modern Moderno
Dead Muerto
Old-fashioned Pasado de moda
Heavy Pesado
Possible Posible
Naughty Travieso
Noisy Ruidoso
Quiet Silencioso
Alive Vivo
Sin vocabulario
City II
Public house Bar
Night club Antro
Mail office Oficina de correos
Delegation Delegación
Police station Estación de policía
Firefighter station Estación de bomberos
Building Edificio
Jail Cárcel
Cemetery Cementerio
Aquarium Acuario
Zoo Zoológico
Stadium Estadio
Cathedral Catedral
Library Biblioteca
Neighbourhood Colonia
Skyscraper Rascacielos
Office Oficina
Prison Prison
Parking Estacionamiento
Personality Personalidad
Nice Agradable
Active Activo
Adorable Adorable
Polite Amable
Learned Instruido
Sweet Dulce
Educated Educado
Mature Maduro
Ordinated Ordenado

Optimist Optimista
Pacific Pacific
Sensitive Sensible
Sincere Sincero
Sociable Sociable
Rational Racional
Out-going Que guste de salir
Human body II
Eyebrow Ceja
Eyelash Pestaña
Cheek Cachete
Of Medium-high Estatura media
Of medium weight De peso medio
Thin Complexión delgada
Dick Anchita
Potbellied Barrigón
Chubby Llenito
Straight Lacio
Wavy Ondulado
Curly Rizado
Curly Chino
Bald Pelón
Bald Calvo
Freckle Pecas
Wrinkle Arrugas
Weist Cintura
Thumb Pulgar
Toe Dedo del pie
Stationary shop Papelería
Baker’s, bakery Panadería
Book shop, book-shop Librería
Butcher’s Carnicería
Ice cream parrot Peletería
Greengrocer’s Verdulería
Toyshop, toy-shop Juguetería
Hairdresser Peluquería
Jeweller’, Jewellery Joyería
Coffee shop Cafetería
Florist’s Florería
Cake shop Pastelería
Optician’s shop Óptica
Fishmonger’s Pescaderia
Shoe shop Zapatería
Perfumery Perfumería

Shop Tienda
Clothing shop Tienda de ropa
Car agency Agencia de autos
Laundry Lavandería

Ciudad IV
Them park Parque tematico
Fair Feria
Fountain Fuente
Art gallery Museo de arte
Palace palacio
Ruins Ruinas
Petrol station Gasolinera
Dock Muelle
Concert hall Sala de conciertos
Opera Opera
Department store Tienda departamental
Pizzeria, pizzeria shop Pizzeria
Bus terminal Central camionera
Square Plaza
Botanical garden Jardin botanico
Night club Antro
Arcade Centro de videojuegos
Unit 6
Food III
Sauce Salsa
Walnut Nuez
Raisin Pasa
Jam Mermelada
Soft toffee Cajeta
Honey Miel
Snacks Antojitos
Pizza Pizza
Burger Hamburguesa
Hot-dog Hot-dog
Chips Papás a la francesa
Ice cream Helado
Cake Pastel
Jelly Gelatina
bread roll Baguet
Cornflakes Cornflakes
Measure Medida
Kilo Kilo
Gram Gramo
Litre Litro

Invention Invento
Television Televisión
Cell phone Celular
Smartphone Telefono inteligente
Tablet Tableta
Video games Video juegos
Computer Computadora
Laptop Laptop
Notebook Laptop chiquita
Internet Internet
Camera Cámara fotografica
Camera film Cámara de video
Radio Radio
Satellite Satélite
Antenna Antena
Satellite dish Antena parabólica
Telescope Telescopio
Solar cell Selda solar
Light bulb Foco
Microscope Microscopio
- Sin vocabulario
Environment Medio ambiente
Global warming Calentamiento global
Greenhouse effect Efecto invernadero
Climatic change Cambio climático
Ozone layer Capa de ozono
Pollution Contaminación
Melting of the poles Derretimiento de los polos
Rising sea levels Aumento del nível del mar
Renewable energies Energías renovables
Solar energy Energía solar
Wind energy Energía eólica
Nuclear energy Energía nuclear
Oil spill Derrame petrolero
Rubbish Basura
Extinction Extinción
Fossil fuel Combustibles fósiles
Deforestation Deforestación
Recycling Reciclaje
Temperature Temperatura
Natural resources Recursos naturales
Sport Deporte

Football Futbol
Baseball Beisbol
Basketball Basquetbol
Tennis Tenis
American football Futball americano
Volleyball Bolibol
Golf Golf
Surfing Sorfeo
Swimming Natación
Climbing Escalar
Windsurfing Sorfeo en vela
Cycling Ciclismo
Snorkelling Esnorkear
Scuba diving Bucear
Hockey Joqui
Skiing Esquiar
Ice-skating Patinaje en hielo
Skating Patinaje
Hiking Caminata
Rafting Rafting
Timetable Horario
Function Función
Entrance Entrada
Hoarding Cartelera
Popcorn Palomitas
Seat Asiento
Plot Sinopsis
Film Pelicula
Horror De terror
Action Acción
Thriller Pelicula de suspenso
Love Amor
Romantic Romántica
Western Pelicula del oeste
Science fiction De ciencia ficción
Indie Independiente
Crime De policias
War De guerra
Biographical picture Pelicula autobiografica
Block-buster Pelicula de mucho
presupuesto y de
espectaculares efectos

Wedding Boda
Husband Marido
Wife Mujer
Husband Esposo
Wife Esposa
Groom Novio (de altar)
Bride Novia (de altar)
Fiancé Novio (de mucho tiempo)
Fiancée Novia (de mucho tiempo)
Boyfriend Novio
Girlfriend Novia
Maid of honour Dama de honor
Guest Invitado
Marriage Matrimonio
Engagement Noviazgo
Priest Padre
Judge Juez
Wedding hall Salon de bodas
Civil registry Registro civil
Wedding anniversary Aniversario
Unit 7
Health II
Hiccup Hipo
Bruise Contusion
Weal Roncha
Bruise Moreton
Blow Golpe
Poisoning Intoxicacion
Burn Quemadura
Tablet Tableta
Antibiotic Antibiotico
Serum Suero
Dressing Vendaje
Stich Puntada
Analgesic Analgesico
Rest Reposo
Syrup Jarabe
Vaccine Vacuna
Thermometer Termometro
Syringe Jeringa
Blood Sangre
Analysis Analisis
House II
Bedsit Cuarto
Studio flat Cuarto con cocina y baño

Flatshare Departamento compartido
Houseshare Casa compartida
Cottage Cabaña
Residential area Area residencial
Suburbs Suburbios
Roof Techo
Two-floor De dos pisos
Two-bedroom De dos recamaras
Ensuite bathroom Baño propio
Balcony Balcon
Terrace Terraza
Bedroom Recamara
Master bedroom Recamara para padres
Child’s bedroom Recamara para niño
Fireplace, chimney Chimenea
In rent Se renta
Rent Renta
Deposit Deposito
Flatmate Compañero de
Roomie Compañero de cuarto
Neighbour Vecino
Cook Estufa
Refrigerator Refrigerador
Freezer Congelador
Oven Horno
Microwave Microondas
Liquidiser Licuadora
Frying pan Sartén
Pan Olla
Ladle Cucharon
Smoothie Licuado
Coffee maker Cafetera
Cupboard Alacena
(kitchen) sink Fregadero
House III
Lamp Lampara
Sink Lababo
Bath Tina
Mirrow Espejo
Wardrobe Ropero
Carpet Alfombra
Rug Tapete
Curtains Cortinas

Desk Escritorio
Bookcase Librero
Fish tank Pecera
Pot(flower) Maseta
Vase Florero
Mattress Colchon
Blanket Cobija
Sheet Sabana
Pillow Almohada
Bedspread Colcha
Adjectives IV
Congested Congestionada
Deserted Desertica
Picturesque Pinturesca
Multi-shore De varios pisos
Well-kept Bien cuidado
Unspoilt Puro
Touristy Turistico
Historical Historica
Traditional Tradicional
Ancient Antiguo
Cobbled Empedrado
Trendy A la moda
Enchanting Encantador
Impressive Impresionante
Lively Animado
Quaint Pintoresco
Remarkable Notable
Extraordinary Extraordinario
Touristic place Destino turistico
Airplane ticket Boleto de avion
Passport Pasaporte
Seat Asiento
Airline Compañia aerea
Arrival Llegada
Boarding pass Boletos de embarque
Carry-on luggage Equipaje de mano
Cockpit Cabina
Crew Tripulacion
Customs Aduana
Delayed Atraso
Departures Salida
Destination Destino
Emergency landing Eterrizaje de emergencia

Flight number Numero de vuelo
Gate Puerta (para abordar)
International flight Vuelo internacional
Landing Aterrizaje
Baggage Maleta
Cities of the world
Mexico City Ciudad de Mexico
London Londres
Rome Roma
Paris Paris
Lisbon Lisboa
New York Nueva York
Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro
Moscow Moscú
Tokyo Tokio
Madrid Madrid
Munich Munich
Sidney Sidney
Beijing Pekin
Amsterdam Amsterdam
Athens Atenas
Unit 8
Subject Materia
Physics Física
Chemistry Química
Biology Biología
Maths Matemáticas
Geography Geografía
History Historia
Literature Literatura
Sociology Sociología
Politics Ciencias políticas
Journalist Periodismo
Law Derecho
Psychologist Psicología
Medicine Medicina
Philosophy Filosofía
Economy Economía
Computer science Computación
Pedagogy Pedagogía
Translation Traducción
Dentistry Odontología
Homework Tarea

Project Projecto
Presentation Presentacion, exposición
Essay Ensayo
Tesis Tesis
Grade Calificación
Subject Materia
Schoolar year Año escolar
Vacation Period intersemestral
Class Clase
- Sin vocabulario
- Vocabulario de la lección
Noun Sustantivo
Pronoun Pronombre
Adjective Adjetivo
Verb Verbo
Adverb Adverbio
Preposition Preposición
Conjunction Conjunción
Locution Locución
Onomatopoeia Onomatopeya
Interjection Interjección
Infinitive Infinitivo
Participle Participio
Gerund Gerundio
Sentence Oración
Grammar Gramática
Phonetics Fonética
Morphology Morfología
Syntaxes Sintaxis
Tense Tiempo
Mood Modo
Cinema II
Heist movie Pelicula de atraco
Independent Independiente
Slashed Pelicula de terror muy fuerte
Animated feature Animada
Swashbuckler De espadas
Weepy/weeper Pelicula que te hace llorar
Sword and sandals Epica
Romantic comedy Comedia romantica
Full stop Punto
Comma Coma
Colon Dos puntos

Semicolon Punto y coma
Question mark Signo de interrogacion
Exclamation mark Signo de admiracion
Inverted commas Comillas
Hyphen Guion
Accent mark Acento
Apostrophe Apostrofe
Parentheses Parentesis
Slash Barra
Capital letter Letra mayuscula
Lowercase letter Letra minuscula
Unit 9
Sport Deporte
Parachuting Saltar en paracaidas
Snowboarding Snowboarding
Running Correr
Rafting Rafting
Rolling blading Patinaje
Snowboarding Snowboarding
Box Box
Yoga Yoga
Golf Golf
Skiing Ski
Cycling Ciclismo
Hunting Caza
Marathon Maraton
Country II
South Africa Sudafrica
Portugal Portugal
Netherlands, Holland Holanda
Norway Noruega
Sweden Suecia
Finland Filandia
Switzerland Suiza
Czech Republic Republica checa
Egypt Egipto
Israel Israel
United Arab Emirates Arabia saudita
India India
North Korea Corea del norte
Argentine Argentina
Greece Grecia
Vietnam Vietnam
Denmark Dinamarca

Cuba Cuba
Peru Peru
New Zealand Nueva Zelanda
Country País
State Estado
County Municipio
Region Region
Pueblo Pueblo
Village Aldea
Resort Resort
Caravan Casa rodante
Guesthouse Casa de huespedes
Bed and breakfast Hotel con desayuno incluido
Chalet Cabaña
5-stars hotel Hotel 5 estrellas
Youth hostel Hostal
Point of the compass Puntos cardinales
North Norte
South Sur
East Este
West Oeste
North-west Noreste
Frightened Aterrado
Anxious Ansioso
Scared Asustado
Uneasy Inquieto
Content Content
Petrified Petrificado
Tense Tenso
Delighted Deleitado
Pleased Agradecido
Terrified Aterrorizado
Learned Culto
Clever Listo
Satisfied Satisfecho
Annoyed Enojado
Relief Aliviado
Surprised Sorprendido
Exhausted Exausto
Grateful Agradecido
Road Carretera
Motorway Autopista

Route Camino
Driver’s license Permiso de conducir
Adjectives V
Gentle Caballeroso
Pleasant Agradable
Shallow Poco profundo
Simple Simple
Stupid Estupudo
Quiet Callado
Daring Querido
Athletic atlectico
Fun-loving Amante de la diversion
Creative Creative
Artistic Artistico
Clumsy Torpe
Helpful Servicial
Careful cuidadoso
Self-confident Seguro de si mismo
Understanding Comprensivo
Personal objects
Binoculars Vinoculares
Map Mapa
Sun cream Protector solar
Cool box Hielera
Insect repellent Repelente de insectos
Sunglasses Lentes de sol
Rucksack Mochila
Snorkel Snorkel
Life jacket Salvavidas
Money belt Cangurera
Compass Compass
Passport Pasaporte
Tent Tienda
Googles Gogles
Flipper Aleta
Leader Cuerda
Mountaineering Cuerda para montañismo
Money belt Cangurera
Helmet Casco
Rucksack Mochila de excursionista
- Sin vocabulario
Environment II
Greenhouse gases Gases de efecto
Carbon dioxide Dioccido de carbono

Fertilizer Fertilisantes
Hydraulic energy Energía hidráulica
Thermal energy Energía térmica
Ecological Ecológico
Chemical products Productos químicos
Diesel Diesel
Petroleum Petróleo
Oil Aceite
Target gas Gas metano
Degradable Degradable
Organic Orgánico
Inorganic Inorgánico
Plastic Plástico
Glass Vidrio
Paper Papel
Plastic bottle Envase de plástico
- Sin vocabulario
- Estudiar lista de
English Inglés
Spanish Español
French Francés
Italian Italiano
German Alemán
Russian Ruso
Portugues Portugués
Chinese Chino
Japanese Japón
Scottish Escoses
Irish Irlandés
Dutch Holandés
Turkish Turco
Greek Griego
Thai Tailandés
Arabic Arabe
Finish Finlanades
Swedish Sueco
Hebrew Hebreo
- Sin vocabulario
- Vocabulario de la lección
Unit 10
Curriculum vitae Curriculum
Vacant Vacante

Full-time Tiempo comleto
Part-time Medio tiempo
Per hours Por horas
Office Oficina
Firm Empresa
Position Puesto
Salary Sueldo
Well-paid Bien pagado
Underpaid Mal pagado
Redundancy Despido
Social security Seguro social
Vacancy Vacante
Opening (inf)
Worker Trabajador
Employee (formal)
Interview Entrevista
Self-employed Trabajador independiente
Human resourses Recursos humanos
Boss Jefe
Manager Gerente
Nature Naturaleza
Desert Desierto
Rainforest Selva
Forest Bosque
Mountain Montaña
Coast Costa
Field Campo
Island Isla
Lake Lago
River Rio
Ocean Océano
Golf Golfo
Meset Meseta
Mountain range Cordillera
mountain range Cadena montañosa
Reef Arecife
- Vocabulario de la lección
Natural disasters
Disaster Desastre
Earthquake Terremoto
Seism Sismo
Maremoto Tidal wave
Tornado Tornado
Hurricane Huracan

Typhon Tifon
Inundation Inundacion
Conflagration Incendio
Volcanic eruption Erupcion volcanica
Plane crash Desplome de un avion
Dreadful crash Choque de varios carros
Robbery Asalto
Theft Robo (en general)
Burglary Robo (a una casa)
Robbery Robo (a un lugar)
Drought Sequia
Explosion Explosion
Building collapsed Edificio colapsado
Crash Choque
Work II
Employment Empleo
Work (inf)
Unemployment Desempleo
Redundancy rate Taza de desempleo
Economically active population Población economicamente
Home office Trabajo en casa
Workforce Fuerza laboral
Home-based worker Trabajador que trabaja
desde casa
Flexible time Horario flexible
Fixed-term employee Persona que trabaja por
contratos de tiempo
Sick pay Es el pago que se le da a
una persona que esta
Statutory minimum wage Salario minimo establecido
por la ley
Working hours Horas de trabajo
Interpersonal skills habilidades interpersonales
Basic wage Salario base
Pension Jubilacion
Application Solicitud
Human resources Recursos humanos
Teamwork skills Actitud para el trabajo en
Self-started Emprendedor
Sales-driven Facilidad de venta

Sociology Sociologia
Society Sociedad
Social movement Movimiento social
Historical event Evento historico
Conquest Conquista
Background Antecedente(s)
Social class Clase social
Overpopulation Sobrepoblación
Poverty Pobreza
Illness Enfermedad
Crime Delincuencia
- Sin vocabulari
Unit 11
- Sin vocabulario
- Vocabulario de la lección
Sin vocabulario
Sports III
Match Partido
Game Juego
Referee Arbitro
Coach Entrenador
Player Jugador
Team Equipo
Pitch Cancha
Field Campo
Flavour Sabor
Sweet Dulce
Salty Salado
Chilly Picoso
Bitter Amargo
Sweet and sour Agridulce
Fishy Pescadoso
Creamy Cremoso
Greasy Grasoso
Raw Crudo
Fried Frito
Boiled Herbido
Grilled Asado
Roast Rostizado
Baked Horneado, al horno
Pan-fried Frito al sarten
Smoked Ahumado
Steamed Al vapor

Professions II
Flight attendant Aeromoza
Farmer Agricultor
Actor Actor
Firefighter Bomber
Cashier Cajero
Barman Cantinero
Surgeon Cirujano
Dentist Dentista
Nurse Enfermero
Hairstylist Estilista
Farmer Granjero
Computer technician Informatico
Retired Jubilado
Baby-sitter Niñera
Baker Panadero
Hairdresser Peluquero
Journalist Periodista
Policeman Policia
Veterinary surgeon Veterinario
Shoemaker Zapatero
- Vocabulario de la lección
Unit 12
House IV
Two-bedroom De dos recamaras
Laundry room Lavadero
Mortgage Hipoteca
Furnished Amueblado
Unfurnished Sin muebles
Refurbish Remodelado
Airy Ventilado
Light Iluminado
Spacious Espacioso
Quiet Tranquilo
Sloppy Descuidado
Central Centrica
Rustic Rustica
Luxurious Lujoso
Noisy Ruidoso
Abandoned Abandonada
Elegant Elegante
Rundown Destartalada
Dilapidated Deteriorada
Clothes II
Footwear Calzado

Jeweller Joyeria
Headgear Accesorios para la cabeza
Bracelet Bracelete
Earring Arete
Necklace Collar
Ring Anillo
Crown Corona
Brooch Broche
Pearl Perla
Charm Dije
Diamond Diamante
Gold Oro
Silver Plata
Fabric Tela
Silk Seda
Cotton Algodon
Fur De piel
Synthetic Sintetico
Sweatshirt Sudadera
Human body III
Bone Hueso
Crain Cráneo
Muscle Musculo
Organ Organo
Heart Corazón
Brain Cerebro
Lung Pulmón
Kidney Riñon
Liver Higado
Back La espalda
Rib Costilla
Chest Pecho
Wrist Muñeca
Thumb Pulgar
Beard Barba
Moustache Bigote
Chin Barbilla
Chin Mentón
Tongue Lengua
Throat Garganta
- Leer vocabulario de la
Universe Universo
Planet Planeta

Galaxy Galaxia
Star Estrella
Solar system Sistema solar
Mercury Mercurio
Venus Venus
Earth Tierra
Mars Marte
Jupiter Jupiter
Uranus Urano
Neptune Neptuno
Pluto Pluton
Sun Sol
Moon Luna
Meteorite Meteorito
Falling star Estrella fugas
Spaceship Nave especial
Astronaut Astronauta
Alien Alien
- Sin vocabulario
- Sin vocabulario
Unit 13
Keyboard Teclado
Mouse Maus
Software Software
Hardware Hadware
Programme Programa
User Usuario
Password Contraseña
Application Aplicacion
Interface Interfas
Broadband Banda ancha
Browser Navegador
Desktop Escritorio
Hard disk Disco duro
Folder Carpeta
Virus Virus
Home page Pagina principal
Antivirus Antivirus
Key Tecla
Key word Palabra clave
Petrol Patrulla
Police station Estacion de policia

Crime Delito
Body Cuerpo
Accomplice Complice
Fine Multa
Homicide Homicidio
Violation Violacion
Kidnapping Secuestro
Extortion Extorcion
Subornation Soborno
Fraud Fraude
Narcotraffic Narcotrafico
Terrorism Terrorismo
Scam Estafa
Murderer Asesino
Assassin Asesino (de personas
Rapist Violador
Terrorist Terrorista
Swindler Estafador
Drug trafficker Narcotrafico
Professions III
Technician Tecnico
Cameraman Camarografo
Photograph Fotografo
Film director Director
Instructor Instructor
Pet sitter Cuidador de mascotas
Miner Minero
Glazier Vidirero
Receptionist Recepcionista
Counsellor Abogado de oficio
Mechanic Mecanico
Soldier Soldado
Biologist Biologo
Crown Payaso
Chemist Quimico
Fisherman/fisher Pescador
Dustman Señor de la basura
Psychiatrist Psiquiatra
Researcher Investigador
Miner Marinero
Travel agent Agente de viajes
- Estudiar vocabulario de la

Court Corte
Jury Jurado
Accused Acusado
Sentence Sentencia
Verdict Veredicto
Victim Victima
Evidence Prueba
Evidence Evidencia
Murder weapon Arma homicida
Crime scene Ecena del crimen
Innocent Inocente
Guilty Culpable
Witness Testigo
Law Ley
Article Articulo
Code Codigo
Life sentence Cadena perpetua
Court Tribunal
Bail Fianza
Hearing Audiencia
- Sin vocabulario
Video games
Console Consola
Control Control
Video game Videojuego
Graphic Grafico
Multi-player Multijugador
Suitable for all ages Para todas las edades
Gamer Jugador de videojuegos
Screen Pantalla
Artificial intelligence Inteligencia artificial
Joystick Palanca de mando
Memory card Tarjeta de memoria
Unit 14
- Vocabulario de la lección
Politics Politica
President Presidente
King Rey
Minister Ministro
Member of parliament Diputado
Senator Senador
Governor Gobernador
Mayor Alcalde
Civic Ciudadano

Politician Politico
Elections Elecciones
Vote Voto
Political party Partido politico
Government Gobierno
Monarchy Monarquia
Democracy Democracia
Communism Comunismo
Socialism Socialismo
Candidate Candidato
Constitution Constitucion
- Sin vocabulario
Adjectives V
Colourful Colorido
Colourless Incoloro
Knowledgeable Culto
Inconclusive Inconclusa
Illiterate Analfabeta
Deceitful Falso
Narrow-minded De mente cerrada
Down-to-earth Centrado
Timeless Atemporal
Careless Descuidado
Pointless Sin sentido
Learned Instruido
Out-going Que sale mucho
Forgetful Olvidadizo
Bearable Soportable
Bluntness Franqueza
Useful Util
Unlimited Ilimitado
Godliness Virtud
- Sin vocabulario
Amenities Amenidades
Gas Gas
Electricity Electricidad
Internet connectivity Internet
Running water Agua
All mod cons Con todos los servicios
Close all amenities En zona centrica
Walking distance to A 5 minutos de
Estate agent Vendedor (de casas)

Detached Independiente
Education Educación
Kinder garden Guardería
Kinder garden Kínder
Primary school PriMaría
Secondary school Secundaria
High school Preparatoria
Postgraduate Posgrado
Master’s Maestría
Doctorate Doctorado
Faculty Facultad
Basic education Educación básica
Upper secondary education Educación media superior
Baccalaureate Bachillerato
Higher education Educación superior
University degree Titulo
Graduate Licenciado
Course Carrera
Study plan Plan de estudios
Campus Campus
Bachelor Licenciatura
Unit 15
Culture Cultura
Temple Templo
Pyramid Piramide
Wall Muralla
Cave Cueva
Amazing Incredible (informal)
Fascinating Facinante
Ancient Antiguo
Traditional Tradicional
Enchanting Encantador
Stone Piedra
Brick Ladrillo
Marble Marmol
Steel Acero
Concrete Contreto
Wooden De madera
Glass Vidrio
Silk Seda
Cotton Algodon
Prehispanic Prehispanico
Medieval Medieval

Roman Romano
Germanic Germano
Viking Vikingo
Mayan Maya
Empire Imperio
Conqueror Conquistador
Ancient ruins Ruinas antiguas
Animals III
Wolf Lobo
Panda (bear) Panda
Hippopotamus Hipopotamo
Squirrel Ardilla
Insect Insecto
Butterfly Mariposa
Roach Cucaracha
Bird Ave
Pigeon Paloma
Dove Paloma (blanca)
Ostrich Aveztruz
Turkey Pavo
Hummingbird Colibri
Reptile Reptil
Lizard Lagartija
Amphibian Anfibio
Frog Rana
Dolphin Delfin
Bat Murcielago
Marsupial Marsupial
Toaster Tostador
Blender Licuadora
Fan Ventilador
Coffee maker Cafeteria
Kettle Tetera
Iron Plancha
Vacuum cleaner Aspiradora
Sandwich toaster Sanwichera
Food V
Fat Grasa
Protein Proteina
Vitamin Vitamina
Carbohydrate Carboidrato
Mineral Mineral
Purée Pure

Olive oil Aceite de oilivo
Olive Aceituna
Sardine Sardina
Boiled egg Huevo hervido
Lentil Lenteja
Starving Hambriento
Thirsty Sediento
Medium Medio de comunicacion
Television Television
Radio Radio
Press Prensa
Newspaper Periodico
News Noticia(s)
Fake news Noticia falsa
Breaking news Noticia de ultima hora
News bulletin Noticiero
Radio station Estacion de radio
Social network Red social
Internet Internet
Message Mensaje
Mail Correo
E-mail Correo electronico
Chanel Canal
- Sin vocabulario
Happiness Felicidad
Strength Fuerza
Novelty Novedad
Youth Juventud
Height Altura
Heat Calor
Beauty Belleza
Speed Rapidez
Wealth Riqueza
Slimness Delgadez
Sadness Tristeza
Weakness Debilidad
Smallness Pequenez
Ugliness Fealdad
Slowness Lentitud
Fatness Gordura
Falling in love Enamoramiento
Hunger Hambre
Unit 15

Famous Famoso
Celebrity Celebridad
Papárazzi Papárazzi
Mansion Mansion
Limousine Limosina
Gossip Chisme
- Sin vocabulario
Sin vocabulario
Vocabulario de la lección
Continent Continente
America America
Europe Europa
Asia Asia
Africa Africa
Oceania Oceania
Sculptor Escultor
Dancer Bailarin
Director Director de cine
Helmed Dirigido
Highly recommended Muy recomendable
Hammily acted Sobreactudado
Script Guion
Plot Trama
Cast Reparto
Role Papel
Box office Taquilla
See it Hay que verla
Masterpiece Obra maestra
Credit Credito
Credits at the end Creditos finales
Cameo Aparicion
Places to eat
Fast-food restaurant Restaurante de comida
Takeaway Lugar de comida para llevar
Café Café
Confectioner’s Dulceria
Cake shop Pasteleria
Picnic area Area de picnic
Bistro Lugar de comida estilo
Stand Puesto
Gastropub Restaurante-bar

Public house Bar
Unit 16
Vocabulario de la lección
Vocabulario de la lección
Music instruments
Music instrument Instrument musical
Acoustic guitar
Electric guitar Guitarra Acustica
Bass guitar Bajo
Double bass Guitarra electrica
Piano Piano
Keyboard Teclado
Double bass Contrabajo
Flout Flauta
Saxophone Saxofon
Trumpet Trumpeta
- Vocabulario de la lección
Religion Religion
Bible Biblia
Spirit Espiritu
Good Dios
Goddess Diosa
Angel Angel
Devil Diablo
Faith Fe
Paradise Paraiso
Saint Santo
Sin Pecado
Soul Alma
Christianity Cristianismo
Judaism Judaismo
Buddhism Budaismo
Islam Islam
Christ Cristo
Coran Coran
Mass Misa
Baptism Bautizo
Contract Contrato
- Sin vocabulario
- Sin vocabulario
Unit 17
Abogado de oficio
Contract Contrato

Sin vocabulario
Sin vocabulario
Vocabulario de la lección
Economy Economia
Money Dinero
Coin Moneda
Banknote Billete
Cash Dinero en efectivo
Stock exchange Bolsa de valores
Stockbroker Corridor de bolsa
Investment Inversion
Investor Invencionista
Business Negocios
Foreign currency Divisa
Exportation Exportacion
Importation Importacion
Salary earner Asalariado
Wage earner
Earnings Ganancias
Production Producción
Gross domestic product Producto interno bruto
Animals VII
Tail Cola
Beak Pico
Wing Ala
Fang Colmillo
Paw Pata
Palaeontologist Paleontologo
Dinosaur Dinosaurio
Woolly mammoth Mamuth lanudo

- Sin vocabulario
Mode Moda
Short-sleeved De manga corta
V-neck Cuello en V
Spotted Con manchas
Baggy Guango
Long-sleeved De manga larga
Polo neck De cuello de Tortuga

Plain Sencillo
Checked A cuadros
Leggings Leggins
Old-fashioned Pasado de moda
Multi-coloured De colores
Stripped Rayado
Second-hand Segunda mano
Faded descolorido
Hand-knitted Tejido a mano
Outrageous Extravagante
Sophisticated Sofisticado
- Vocabulario de la lección
Lonely Solo
Depressed Deprimido
Miserable Extremadamente triste
Awful Horrible
Upset Molesto
Annoying Enojado
Self-centred Egoista
Aggressive Agresivo
Bossy Mandon
Serious Serio
Mean Tacaño
Shocked En shock
Childish Infantil
Disappointed Decepcionado
Impulsive Impulsivo
Alone Solo
Insensitive Insensible
Vain Vanidoso
Arrogant Arrogante
- Sin vocabulario
Police II
Private detective Detective privado
Spy Espia
Animals IV
Kitten Gatito
Koala beard Koala
Puppy Perrito
Leopard Leopard
Peacock Pavo real
Wasp Avispa
Dragonfly Libelula
Iguana Iguana

Polar bear Oso polar
Lemur Lemur
Sea-horse Caballito de mar
Tiger Tigre
Anaconda Anaconda
Capybara Capibara
Tucan Tucan
Racoon Mapache
While shark Tiburon ballena
Orca Orca
Cobra Cobra
Armadillo Armadillo
Porcupine Puerco espin
Unit 20
- Sin vocabulario
Fairy tail Cuento de hadas
Tail Cuento
Magitian Mago
Spirit Duende
Gnome Nomo
Witch Bruja
Fairy Hada
Giant Gigante
Diplomacy Diplomacia
Diplomatic Diplomatico
Treaty Tratado
Ambassador Embajador
Nation Nación
International relations Relaciones internacionales
Border Frontera
Commerce Comercio
Flag Bandera
Embassy Embajada
Policy Politica
Right Derecho
Guerra War
Army Ejercito
United Nations Organización de las
naciones unidas
Volunteer work Voluntariado
Refugee camp Campo de refugiados
War relief Ayuda humanitaria
Medical supplies Utensilios medicos

Interjection Interjección
Mm Mm
Er Mm (pensando)
Wow Guau
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Damm A vale verga
Oh no O que la (como cuando te
acuerdas de algo)
- Vocabulario de la lección
Exagerate adjectives
Giant Gigante
Wonderful Maravilloso
Exquisite Esquisito
Magnificent Magnifico
Furious Furioso
Huge, enormous Enorme
Tiny Diminuto
Starving Hambriento
Terrible Extremadamente mal
Circle Circulo
Triangle Triangulo
Square Cuadrado
Rectangle Rectangulo
Oval Ovalo
Round Redondo
Circular Circular
Triangular Triangular
Rectangular Rectangular
Oval Ovalado
In bold Negritas


Michael Swan (2005), Practical English usage, 3ra. Ediciòn

Raymond Murphy, Essencial Grammar in Use, Cambridge

Raymond Murphy, Grammar in Use, Cambridge

Martin Hewings, Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge

H.Q. Michell, Traveller A1, MM Publications

H.Q. Michell, Traveller A2, MM Publications

H.Q. Michell, Traveller B1, MM Publications

H.Q. Michell, Traveller B2, MM Publications

H.Q. Michell, Traveller C1, MM Publications

Anthony Bulger (2015), El inglés, Assimil

David Applefield (2017), El inglés americano, Assimil

Anthony Bulger (2013), Inglés perfeccionamiento, Assimil

Claude Chapuis/Peter Dunn/Alfred Fontenilles (2013), Inglés de los Negocios, Assimil

Annette Capel/Wendy Sharp, Objective First, Cambridge University Press

Felicity O’Dell/Annie Broadhead, Objective Advanced, Cambridge University Press

Los datos culturales han sido todamos de diferentes fuentes y corresponden a

informacion obtenido en los años 2021 y 2022. También, esta informacion cultural

puede estar basada en la informacion y los conocimientos que tiene el autor de
este libro.

Sobre el autor

Mauricio Mateo ha estudiado más de cinco idiomas en instituciones como el

Instituto Politécnico Nacional, el Centro Cultural Brasil en México, la Weslley
University and la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. Tambén ha recibido
formación docente de universidades como la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
México y la Arizona State University. Ha trabajado como profesor de inglés y
francés en la licenciatura de Idiomas y ha enseñado cursos de cuatro habilidades,
de comprensión de lectura, de conversación y de preparación para los examenes

Cursos y certificaciones

 Arizona State University TESOL (ASU)

 Teaching Knowledge Test Module 1 (Band 3)
 Certificate Teach English Now! Teaching Language Online (Arizona
State University)
 Certificate Teach English Online (Cambridge University)
 Certificate Upper-Intermediate English: Business (Universitat de Valencia)
 Constancia de posesión del idioma inglés (UNAM)
 Constancia de comprensión de lectura en inglés (UNAM)
 Gramática del inglés B1
 Taller de conversación en Ingles avanzado
 TOEFL Test Preparation: The Insider’s Guide

 CELPE-BRAS Intermediario Superior

 Constancia de posesión del idioma portugués (UNAM)
 Curso de Cultura y Civilización lusófona

 Constancia de posesión del idioma Italiano (UNAM)
 Certificate Italian Language and Culture: Advanced (Weslley)
 Taller de Letteratura Italiana contemporanea


 Constancia de posesión del idioma alemán (UNAM)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and the

North of Ireland


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