Ri 24 Incident Reports
Ri 24 Incident Reports
Ri 24 Incident Reports
Approved: DD 11/06; SC, CIC, MEC, P&P Effective Date: 04/84
1/07; CC, P&P 6/07; 05/10; DD, MEC 09/11
P&P 10/11, 09/12
Attachments: Revised Date: 06/03, 3/05; 06/05;
A Incident Flow Chart 02/06; 12/06; 6/07,
05/10, 09/11, 09/12
Forms: Reviewed Date: 03/04
RI24F – Incident Report Form
PR12F – Disclosure Tracking Log Form
I. Criteria for Completion of Incident Reports
A. Any occurrence that threatens the safety or well-being of patients or
visitors, or which results in an injury to patients or visitors, must be
reported on Incident Report Form (RI24F). Such incidents may involve falls,
Code Blue, medications, lab, medical imaging, elopement,
equipment/device, safety, privacy and other/miscellaneous.
B. Any “near miss”, an event that would have constituted an unintended event
in the system of care with potentially negative consequences to the patient,
but which was intercepted at the point of patient care service before it
actually reached the patient.
C. Any significant deviation from policies and procedures or the normal
routine of the hospital that could adversely affect quality of patient care.
D. Any patient complaint that warranted follow-up by a department director
will be entered into the incident report database. Unresolved complaints
are forwarded to the patient representative or hospital administration per
policy RI 26 Patient Concerns or Complaints.
II. Certain incidents are required by law to be reported to the CDPHE/HFEMSD
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RI 24
within one business day. These incidents as defined below will be immediately
reported to the Vice President of Clinical Services or Vice President of Patient
Care Services to complete the report to the CDPHE/HFEMSD.
III. Any employee that has concerns about the safety or quality of care provided
a patient in the hospital may report these concerns to the Joint Commission (1-
800-994-6610), the CDPHE, or other agencies. Hospital employees have the
right to speak out on behalf of a patient’s safety without fear of disciplinary
action, retaliation, or loss of employment.
A. Staff member observing the incident/near miss will promptly complete all
information on the electronic Incident Report Form (RI24Ffound on the
“Forms” section on the Craig Intranet site within 24 hours (unless immediate
notification is required. (see II). The form will be submitted to administration
when the staff members clicks the submit button.
1. If a patient is involved, the physician and nurse are notified as
appropriate and the physician’s name is so indicated on the form.
2. Check the incident or near miss box and then check appropriate
category of event. If the incident or near miss type is not listed, report
as “other” and describe the type of incident/near miss in the “other”
3. Provide a brief description of the incident, near miss or patient
complaint. Be factual on what is reported. Do not include personal
opinions, feelings or suspicions. Do not place blame.
4. Complete the summary of medical condition/outcome, rating the
patient’s condition following the incident on the severity scale.
5. For patient complaints, summarize the follow-up activity under the
outcome section.
II. In order to efficiently report specific occurrences (incidents) and data as required
by regulations of the CDPHE, all hospital departments and staff need to
communicate to the Vice President of Clinical Services or Vice President of Patient
Care Services immediately, and submit an electronic Incident Report (Form
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RI 24
1. Any occurrence that results in the death of a patient or resident of the
facility and is required to be reported to the coroner as arising from an
unexplained cause or under suspicious circumstances;
3. Missing Person: Any time that a resident or patient of the facility cannot
be located following a search of the facility, the facility grounds, and the
area surrounding the facility and there are circumstances that place the
resident’s health, safety, or welfare at risk or, regardless of whether such
circumstances exist, the patient or resident has been missing for eight
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Incident/Near Miss Occurs
RI 24
Monthly, quarterly and annual
summaries of trends and opportunities 5 of 5