Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
Solar Radiation
16. The aaount of energy received in unit 22. Angle aade by radial line joining the
tae on a unit area perpendicular to the sunss locaton to the centre of the earth with the
directon at the aean distance of the earth projecton of the line on the equatorial plane
froa the sun is called______ is called ______
a) solar radiaton a) lattude
b) solar constant b) zenith angle
c) intensity of solar radiaton c) hour angle
d) air aass d) declinaton
Ans : b) Ans : a)
17.The aaount of energy received in unit tae 23. Angular distance of sunss rays north or
on a unit area perpendicular to the sunss south of the equator is called _____
directon at the aean distance of the earth a) declinaton
froa the sun is called b) hour angle
a) solar radiaton c) lattude
b) solar constant d) air aass
c) intensity of solar radiaton Ans : a)
d) air aass
Ans : b) 24. By which of the following syabol is solar
declinaton denoted by
18. What is ‘ns in the following solar intensity a) δ b) ρ
foraula? I=Isc{1+0.033cos(360n/365)} c) ∆ d) Ỵ
a) day of the year Ans : a)
b) aonth of the year
c) the year
d) week of the year
25. The angle through which the earth aust 30. The angle being aeasured froa a plane
turn to bring the aeridian of a point directly and which is equal to angle between the
in sunss rays is called _____ beaa of rays and noraal to the plane is called
a) hour angle a) incident angle
b) declinaton b) aziauth angle
c) lattude c) hour angle
d) air aass d) declinaton
Ans : a) Ans : a)
26. The angle between the sunss rays and a 31. The vector sua of the coaponents along
line perpendicular to the horizontal plane the line noraal of the ttled surface in a
through angle the beaa of the sun and directon noraal to the tlted surface is called
vertcal is called _______ as ________
a) solar aziauth angle a) solar intensity
b) zenith angle b) declinaton
c) alttude angle c) incident angle
d) declinaton d) hour angle
Ans : b) Ans : a)
27. The solar angle in degrees along the 32. The tae froa sunrise to sunset is teraed
horizon east or west of north or it is the as ______
horizontal projecton of sunss rays is called a) slope
a) solar aziauth angle b) day length
b) zenith angle c) local solar tae
c) alttude angle d) solar intensity
d) declinaton Ans : b)
Ans : a)
33. LST stands for _______
a) local standard tae
28. Angle aade by plane surface with b) local solar teaperature
horizontal is called _____ c) low surface teaperature
a) slope d) land surface teaperature
b) alttude angle Ans : b)
c) zenith angle
d) hour angle 34. Which type of device is used to aeasure
Ans : a) solar irradiance on a planar surface?
a) pyranoaeter
29. The angle of deviaton of the noraal to b) net radioaeter
the surface froa the local aeridian is called as c) gardon gauge
a) surface aziauth angle d) pyrhelioaeter
b) solar aziauth angle Ans : a)
c) solar alttude
d) hour angle 35. Instruaent used to aeasure direct beaa
Ans : a) of solar irradiance is called ______
a) pyranoaeter
b) net radioaeter
c) gardon gauge
d) pyrhelioaeter
Ans : d)