Expt. 04-Ph. Cology-II-SRD
Expt. 04-Ph. Cology-II-SRD
Expt. 04-Ph. Cology-II-SRD
Aim of the experiment: To screen the study drug for diuretic property in albino rat.
Diuretics property of given drug can be demonstrated both in-vivo and in vitro experiment.
The in vitro method includes isolated perfuse kidney of Dog, Guineapig, Rabbit &in vivo
method are performed in Dog, Rat, Mice &Rabbit. Both anaesthetized and unanaesthetised
group are preferred as they not interfere by anaesthetics. Recently punctured analysis and
micro perfusion technique has been developed for screening of drug for diuretic properties.
The healthy albino rat of either sex was weighed (about 150-200gm) and divided into 2
groups. Each group consisting of 4 albino rats. One group was treated as control and other
one is test. All the albino rats were deprived for water and food. However, they are
administered normal saline 25ml per kg body weight orally with the help of feeding tube.
After few minutes the test drug frusemide was administered intraperitonially at the dose of
5 mg kg body weight, to the test group of animals and drugs administration time was noted.
But in control group animals no drug is administered. The animals were placed in metallic
cage. The volume of urine in each group was calculated at an interval of 30 minutes to the
period of 2 hours.
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Experiment No: 04 Date:
Urine volume Urine volume Urine volume Urine volume Total Urine
GROUP S. No. after 30 min after 60min after 90min after120min volume
(ml) (ml) (ml) (ml) (ml)
Report: From the above observation it was observed that frusemide enhances the diuretic
properties. Hence the supplied drug frusemide produces diuretic effect in albino rat as compare
to the control group.
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