Diagnostic 4
Diagnostic 4
Diagnostic 4
______1. What is the sequence of events involving characters and a central conflict called?
A. Climax B. Plot C. Denouement
______2. It is a type of character that supports the main character throughout the story.
A. Dynamic B. Foil C. Confidante
______3. What is the genre that involves answering special cases or looking for a treasure in a fictional world?
A. Fantasy B. Mystery
______4. What is the narrative poem intended to be sung? They are shorter than the epics and they usually tell stories
about a particular person.
A. Lyric B. Haiku
______5. On what era did the Filipino writers involved underworld characters such as aswang and manananggal?
A. Japanese Occupation B. American Colonial C. Pre-colonial
______6. Who is the author of Footnote to Youth?
A. Paz Marquez Benitez B. Narciso Reyes C. Jose Garcia Villa D. Graciano Lopez Jaina
______7. Poems written were amateurish and mushy, which phrasing and diction is awkward and artificial.
A. American Colonial B. Pre -colonial C. Japanese Occupation D. Spanish Colonial
______8. What is the form of prose and the common theme of which is about the origin of a thing, location or name?
A. Fable B. Parable C. Legend D. Short Story
______9. What is the real name of Dr. Jose Riza?
A. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Y Alonzo Realonda C. Jose Rizal Jennelyn Mercado Y Bea Alonzo
B. Jose Alonzo Mercado Rizal Y Protacio Realonda D. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado Alonzo Y Realonda
______10. The rhyme that sounds in consonant repeatedly is called.
A. Assonance B. Alliteration C. Onomatopoeia D. Cliché
______11. What is the narrative that describe and portray in symbolic language the origin of the basic elements and
assumptions of a culture?
A. Play B. Literature C. Poetry D. Prose
______12. It is the element of poetry that sets the choice of words in accordance to the imaginative meaning.
A. Diction B. Connotation C. Denotation D. Option Ka Lang!
______13. What form of fiction is the movie entitled “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”?
A. Literary Fiction B. Novel C. Novella D. Short Story
______14. Who is the author of “Child of Sorrow” and was the first Filipino novelist?
A. Zoilo Galang B. Zolio Galang C. Ziloo Galang D. Zooli Galang
______15 Who is the author of “Katapusang Hikbi ng Pilipinas”?
A. Emilio Aguinaldo B. Andres Bonifacio C. Emilio Jacinto D. Apolinario Mabini
______16. It consists of fourteen (14) lines, made up of three (3) quatrains (stanzas of 4 lines each) and a final couplet
(two-line stanza).
A. Haiku B. Sonnet C. Free Verse
______17. 10-foot line with stressed and unstressed syllables.
A. Iambic Pentameter B. Diadic Pentameter C. Gigatic Pentameter
______18. The pattern of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line. Rhythm can be
regular or irregular.
A. Mood B. Tone C. Rhythm
______19. Tell what is good and what is bad about a work of art or performance.
A. Critic B. Review C. Reaction
______20. How many major elements of a story?
A. 5 b. 6 C. 7 D> 8