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Aut Aut Research Journal ISSN NO: 0005-0601

A framework for implementation of Green Marketing towards

Sustainability in Eco-Tourism Destinations of Odisha
Dr. Shwetasaibal Samanta Sahoo 1 Mr. Mukunda B G 2

The tourism industry has evolved into a formidable and dynamic sector that legitimizes a
systemic approach to its structure and development. Its impact and influences as a social and
economic force has been registered in various ways, especially, in the context of environment
and sustainability discourse. There is ample evidence of positive and negative environmental
impact of tourism, as well as, influencing the process and objectives of sustainable
development. The ―sustainability‖ concept has been embedded in tourism industry‘s
dynamism in order to reduce the negative environmental impact of so called the number one
industry in the world. Numerous mechanisms and planning techniques have been developed
and designed to address these issues. Green marketing has gained greatest importance in the
modern market. It is one of the most important concerns of competitive destinations as it
considerably influences the tourists‘ choice of a destination, the consumption of products and
services there and the decision to visit the destination in future. Green marketing is the
process of producing goods and services to satisfy the customers who prefer products of good
quality, performance and convenience at affordable prices, which at the same time do not
have detrimental impact on the environment. Tourism entrepreneurs are considered as
architects of tourism development and consequently contribute to sustainable tourism.
Therefore, it is there corporate social responsibility to remove the negative image of tourism
and alleviate negative impacts of tourism particularly environmental degradation. Keeping
this in view, the paper attempts to study the green marketing practices to be adopted for the
sustainability of the eco-tourism destinations of Odisha.

Keywords: Green Marketing, Green Tourism, Sustainable Development, Sustainability and

Environmental impact

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, Sri Sri University, Sri
Sri Bihar,Ward No-3, Godi Sahi, Cuttack, Odisha
Assistant Professor, Department of Hospitality and Tourism, Indian Academy Degree
College, Hennur Cross, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Volume XI, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:466

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Tourism development is seen as a way of improving a country‗s economic and social well-
being, but if this development is not handled carefully, tourists will migrate to competing
destinations or attractions. There is a greater need to develop tourism products with a
sustainable focus, helping to fit in with the local environment and ensure its preservation. To
remain competitive, major world-class destinations are diversifying to attract environmentally
oriented tourist segments. The environmentally oriented segments are growing at a very high
rate. It is estimated that the demand for ecotourism is growing by approximately 20%
annually on the international market. Ecotourism is a form of tourism created in cooperation
with nature and is a sub- component of the field of sustainable tourism. Its marketing
approach therefore must focus on satisfying three types of needs: the needs of the guest in a
temporarily changed environment, the need to preserve the natural environment, and the
needs of tourism offer providers. As all of these needs are interrelated, the tourism product
that can satisfy them also has to be integrated. This is, indeed, where the role of green
marketing lies, particularly in the ecotourism sector seeking to reap benefits of green
marketing. The tourism sector is an important part of the economy especially in developing
tourist destinations like Odisha where it is seen as a major source of income. Green marketing
concept has attracted attention globally as a result of the increasing awareness to conserve the
environment and the benefits that accrue when the consumers consume environmentally
friendly products. Sustainable tourism development based on natural resources and on
historical and cultural heritage is the basis of the future national tourism strategy that will
define how tourism in Odisha is to develop and grow.
"Green Marketing" refers to holistic marketing concept wherein the production, marketing
consumption and disposal of products and services happen in a manner that is less
detrimental to the environment with growing awareness about the implications of global
warming and other harmful pollutants. However while the shift to "green" may appear to be
expensive in the short term, it will definitely prove to be indispensable and advantageous
even cost-wise too, in the long run. The term green marketing is relatively new concept
which came into limelight in the late 1980‘s .Lionel Robinson believes that green marketing
is inevitable because of limited resources and unlimited human wants, forcing companies to
adapt these techniques for the effective utilization of resources. Although green marketing is
of a recent origin but it has got much prominence in the last few decades because of fulfilling
stricter environmental standards.

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In the current scenario green marketing has emerged as an essential tool for the protection
and promotion of environmentally friendly products. Entrepreneurs round the globe are
increasingly adapting green marketing practices because of the rising demand from
consumers, who prefer to use these products for multiple specifications like good quality,
better performance and cost affordability, among others. So with this regard companies are
striving hard to influence the consumers by changing production process and improving
advertising & packaging techniques, thus modifying products as per the needs of consumers.
Green marketing companies are defined as the companies which adapt several environment
friendly techniques like use of biodegradable waste, minimal use of plastic material, greater
use of hydroelectricity and smaller emission. There are various associations and bodies
around the world called for conserving the environment to make it a safe place to live for us
and for the future generations. In the second half of the eighties of the last century, there
appeared a new pattern within the committed marketing, called as green marketing, which is
focused on a powerful commitment to the environmental responsibility in exercising all the
marketing activities, thus the business organizations adopted the conception of green
marketing due to its large benefits. Green marketing is part of the social marketing concept
and can be described as follows: Product, price, promotion, and distribution are the way to
understand the customer needs and the reciprocal relationships between the planning,
implementation and control policy that simultaneously meet the objectives of the
organization and minimize the negative effects on the natural environment.
In a marketing perspective, the primary goal of marketing is the creation of value for
consumers (tourists). The formulation and implementation of the strategy must always be
consumer-oriented (consumer oriented), the understanding of the tourists should be done as
well as possible. Community grouping or market segmentation strategy, the creation of a
positioning position is also done to manage and serve the group of tourist community. Stages
of marketing development in the strategic level should be a unity of the segmentation stage,
targeting market positioning and branding and marketing mix.

A successful marketing strategy must be developed based on two main points. First, the
marketing strategy must be built from five tourism variables, namely; (1) destination location
development, (2) time, (3) accessibility, (4) tourism product portfolio, (5) education and
socialization for all stakeholders. Second, the marketing strategy should be built on the
awareness that tourism provides a number of benefits primarily; (1) ensuring the
sustainability of tourism destinations, (2) economic benefits are highly dependent on the

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well-maintained and well-preserved environment appeal, (3) avoid or reduce unnecessary

investment and investment expenses as a result of environmental degradation, (4) meet the
expectations of tourists who have a higher awareness of environmental issues, (5) make the
environment as a tourism competitiveness and (6) the realization of the environment tourism
business environment that benefits all parties .

Green tourism as an important part of tourism business sustainability. The potential of green
tourism is regarded as an effective tool for sustainable development and hence the reason for
developing countries to use this concept in economic and conservation development
strategies. In the business context, green tourism is an alternative tourism, involving visits to
natural areas to learn or to implement a range of environmentally friendly activities that have
a positive contribution to the local economy and social community. Its main focus is on
finding experiences and learning about nature, its flora, fauna and its habitat as well as
cultural artifacts of a particular region.

Application of Green Marketing in Tourism

Green marketing strategies can be the crucial element in adapting to new consumer
requirements and can be a source of competitive advantage at national or regional levels in
the long term. Short-term investments can be seen in technology costs, staff qualifications,
and monitoring of production processes, but by reducing consumption of energy and raw
materials, green marketing strategies can help firms to become competitive in the long term
by providing economic benefits. We, therefore, reach a win-win situation in which both
environmental benefits and increased competitiveness are obtained concurrently;
(1) Obtaining/producing the product has to preserve the environment (no pollution and
(2) Price is usually higher, but green consumers accept it;
(3) Placement (distribution) includes ecological packaging, but also longer-term storage of
(4) Promotion focuses on environmental issues.

Green marketing is a group of activities designed to generate and facilitate any exchange
aimed at satisfying human needs or wants in a way that meeting these needs and wants has
the least possible negative effect on the natural environment. It can be seen to serve the
purposes: to develop products that strike a balance between the requirements of consumers

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for quality, practicality, performance and affordable prices, and ecological acceptability in
terms of minimum environmental impact and to create an image of high quality, including
environment friendliness that relates to the properties of the product, as well as to the
manufacturer and its achievements in the field of environmental protection.

Green marketing practices implies cooperation between suppliers and sellers, partners as well
as rivals, in order to achieve environmentally sustainable development throughout the entire
value chain, while at the same time, it internally calls for the cooperation of all business
functions in finding the best possible solutions for two major guiding principles: profit and
long-term, positive contributions to the environment society and the natural surroundings.
Hence, green marketing has emerged as a ―natural result of the social marketing concept.

The application of green marketing calls for a pro-active approach towards both customers
and other stakeholders, as well as towards the legislator. To gain all the strategic advantages
that green marketing has to offer requires the willingness to rethink the very foundations on
which the mission, vision, strategy and goals of a business are based. This entails
commitment and focus not only from top management but also from each individual within a
business. This applies equally to all businesses within the aggregate that comprises tourism
supply, considering that the tourism product offering is based on the principle of aggregate
supply referring to individual partial products with regard to both material and immaterial
integral tourism products, thus implying the level.
Eco friendly products
The products those are manufactured through green technology and that caused no
environmental vandalism are called green/eco friendly products. Promotion of green
technology and green products is necessary for conservation of natural resources and
sustainable development. Green products can be defined by following measures:
 Products those are originally grown
 Products those are recyclable, reusable and biodegradable,
 Products that have eco-friendly packaging i.e. reusable, refillable containers etc.
 Products containing recycled contents, non-toxic chemical,
 Products contents under approved chemical,
 Products that do not harm or pollute the environment,
 Products that will not be tested on animals,
 Products with natural ingredients,

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Review of Literature
The paradigm of sustainable tourism emerged and is still evolving as a result of developments
both internal and external to the tourism industry over several years ago. Ecotourism is a
practical as well as theoretical construct. Its aim is to change real-world operations in the
tourism industry, as well as improve the understanding of tourism as a social phenomenon.
Sustainable Development (SD) grew to prominence in the 1980‘s. It has since then become
―the watch-word for international aid agencies, the jargon of development planners, the
theme of conferences and learned papers, and the slogan of developmental and environmental
activists‖ (Sharachchandra, 1991). Ecotourism development commenced with the
environmental movement of the 1970‘s and 1980‘s during which time environmental
awareness and a desire to travel to natural location as opposed to build up tourists location
made it desirable (Honey,1999). Green tourism is increasingly hailed as a sustainable
development option for rural communities, capable of spurring economic development and
environmental protection at the same time. If there is no integrity of environmental, economic
and social sustainability, then the activity is not green tourism (Bansal, Kumar, 2011).
Green Marketing is the marketing of products that are supposed to be environmentally safe.
Consequently, green marketing integrates an extensive variety of doings, including product
modification, changes to the production process, packaging changes, as well as modifying
advertising. According to the American Marketing Association, there are three ways to
describe Green Marketing: Retailing Definition: The marketing of products that are presumed
to be environmentally safe; Socially Marketing Definition: The development and marketing
of products designed to minimize negative effects on the physical environment or to improve
its quality; Environment Definition: The effort by organization to produce, promote, package
and reclaim products in a manner that is sensitive or responsive to ecological concerns (Das,
Green marketing doesn‘t only refer to the promotion or advertising of products with
environmental characteristics. We tend to associate this concept to terms such as: recycling,
environmentally friendly, or for example refillable. However, regarding Henion and Kinnear
(1976) this concept is wider, as it also involves product modification, changes in the
production process, brand adaptation (e.g. logo, packaging), and alteration and improvement
of the advertising approaches

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The literature on green practices of tourism has occupied different ways. The primary
objective of any businesses is profit maximization while trying to reduce costs. The studies
have indicated that there is a positive relationship between green practices and financial
performance of a hotel (Kasim, 2007; Rodriguez and Cruz, 2007; Tari, et. al., 2010; Garay
and Font, 2012). According to Graci and Doods (2008), hoteliers who operate in a highly
competitive market need to focus on financial savings. As hotels are spending a large amount
of money for energy, water and waste disposal, the resource consumption can be reduced by
20 to 40 percent without decreasing their operational performances by switching to
sustainable practices – waste reduction, energy and water conservation, recycling, etc., (Graci
and Doods, 2008). It is quite apparent that the success of any tourism destination is
considered and measured quantitatively using its financial performance in terms of
contribution to GDP. However, this green marketing has all the abilities to increase the
economic sense of a tourism destination unnoticeably by improving its brand image as green
(Punitha and Roziah, 2013). Manaktola and Jauhari (2007) stated that marketing a
destination‘s environmentally friendly practices can increase its competitiveness by helping
to position it differently in the competitive arena. At the same time, a green image is believed
to play a critical role in customers‘ decisions and intentions to purchase (Lee et. al., 2010,
Han et. al., 2011) in addition to other desired attributes of a destination such as service
quality, security, dependability, reputation, staff behaviour, price, the appearance of facilities,
and location (Chan and Wong, 2006). In the words of Meler and Ham (2012), the role of
green marketing in green tourism is primarily derived from the fact that green marketing has
at its disposal the knowledge referring to environmental awareness, ways of enticing and
raising this awareness, as well as its operationalization in terms of relevant environmentally
oriented behaviour. Such environmentally oriented behaviour refers both to the choice of
destination and type of tourism, and the behaviour during one‘s stay and travel to the tourist
Green marketing practices in tourism sector do not require vast capital outlays and
investments making it an ideal industry for fostering economic growth in countries with
natural resource abundance and capital scarcity (UNEP, 2012). Conservation practices
undertaken in green marketing can reduce costs, lower risk and often secure a license to
operate. Environmentally savvy tourists are seeking out green tourist destinations — those
that make a proactive effort to address critical issues such as carbon emissions, biodiversity
conservation, waste management, and water supply. The concept of sustainability is
embraced by the marketing professionals that develop a long term vision for the growth and

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development of companies as well as for a sustainable future. The recent changes in

marketing has raised the need to develop a holistic perspective of green marketing ―that
embraces all aspects of the company, the product, and the means of production, consumption,
and disposal‖ so that opportunities to make substantive progress towards sustainability can
lead to minimizing a transaction‘s negative impact on the natural environment and a change
in corporate thinking towards environmental commitment (Peattie and Crane, 2005;
Polonsky and Rosenberger III, 2001).
Green products are characterized by energy efficiency, recyclability, eco-friendly packaging,
non-toxic material, biodegradability, etc. (Mangun and Thurston, 2002; Bearse et al., 2009;
Dangelico and Pontrandolfo, 2010; Massawe and Geiser, 2012). These green products are
expected to be designed and manufactured embracing procedures and processes that are
energy efficient and less physical resource intensive during their entire life cycle
(Shamdasami et al., 1993; Janssen & Jagey, 2002). These products also have environmentally
sound content and/or packaging (Elkington and Makower, 1988; Wasik, 1996).

Objectives of the study

 To offer insights about green marketing;
 To explore the importance of green marketing in tourism industry;
 To offer suggestions for implementing green marketing strategies in ecotourism
destinations of Odisha for sustainability.

Research Design
Based on the background of problems raised in the selected research approach is qualitative
research. Qualitative data obtained from interviews with respondents to obtain description
different practices towards the implementation of Green Tourism program.

Study Location
The study area is located to Odisha State and research was conducted in the following eco-
tourist destinations of Odisha:
 Similipal Tiger Reserve
 Bhitarkanika Sanctuary
 Tikarpara in Satkosia Tiger Reserve

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 Chilika Lagoon
 Nandankanan Zoological Park

Methods of Data collection

The type of data used in this study is qualitative data comprising of primary data in the form
Observation, interview and interaction with various stakeholders such as the Department of
Tourism, Odisha Tourism Development Corporation, Private Sectors, local community and
other relevant agencies. Secondary data has been gathered from the brochures and
departmental report of Department of Tourism and Odisha Tourism Development
Corporation. . In addition to this, data has been also collected from other trusted sources like
departmental websites, journals, articles and newspaper.

Eco-Tourism in Odisha – An Overview

Odisha with its rich bounties of nature and scenic natural beauty has immense potential to
occupy a place of pride in the eco-tourism map of the country. Odisha‘s Protected Area
Network is restricted to within 4.25% of the total geographical area of the state, which
comprises 2 National Parks, 19 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 3 Tiger Reserves. Most of the eco-
tourism destinations are located within these pristine areas. The State‘s population is a very
crucial factor in the preservation of the unspoiled tranquillity of Nature. Even then, whatever
of that archetype still resides in some of our forest tracts is still very attractive to anybody
who has the freshness of mind and the longing to explore and appreciate its values. The
ecotourism destinations of Odisha covered under the study are illustrated below. Without
green marketing strategy , these destinations cannot be promoted and sustained as ecotourism
Similipal Tiger Reserve in Mayurbhanj district is known as the land of roar and trumpet and
a Biosphere reserve. Vast stretch of luxuriant vegetation, predominantly with Sal and more
than 1150 plant species, offers ideal shelter for wild animals. The landscape, beautifully
studded with numerous small and high hills like Meghasini (1163m) and Khairaberu
(1168m), is densely covered with vegetation. Waterfalls like Joranda (150m) and Barehipani
(400m) are the two most scenic places in Similipal. A visitor to Similipal can see animals like
elephant, crocodile, sambar, barking deer and wild pig. Orchidarium at Gudugudia, crocodile
conservation programme at Ramatirtha and Khadia tribes in the forest draw the attraction of
the visitors.

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Bhitarkanika Sanctuary in Kendrapara district is at a distance of 162 kms from

Bhubaneswar. This deltaic region of Brahmani, Baitarani and Dhamra rivers is a unique
natural habitat with mangrove vegetation on the sites of creeks and tidal mudflats only next to
the Sundarbans in West Bengal. Bhitarkanika is home to the largest population of salt water
crocodile, water monitor lizard, king cobra, python and many other reptiles and amphibians
besides herbivores. World‘s largest nesting and breeding area of the endangered Olive Ridley
sea turtle is in Gahirmatha marine sanctuary, the sea front of Bhitarkaniaka. Migratory birds
like bar-headed goose, brahminy duck, pintail, shoveller, gadwall and pelican are prominent
among winter visitors. The heronry at Bagagahan is unique where more than 50,000 resident
and local migratory wetland birds nest during rainy season. The area is a treasure trove for
botanical and zoological studies and research. The floral diversity of this landscape is known
to be the largest in India and second largest after Papua New Guinea in the world.
Tikarpara in Satkosia Tiger Reserve is 60 kms from Angul and 190 kms from
Bhubaneswar and famous for the natural habitat of gharial and mugger crocodiles in the
Satkosia gorge of Mahanadi. It is also a home of tiger, leopard, gaur, giant squirrel, sambar,
barking deer, large number of elephants and birds. Bhimdhara waterfall, Mahanadi River,
gorge and dense deciduous forest, sighting of crocodiles, giant squirrels and migratory birds
attract many tourists during winter season. Ecotourists are provided with tented
accommodations at Tikarpara, Purunakote and Chhotkei, whereas Forest Rest Houses are
available to them at Tikarpara, Purunakote, Pampasar, Labangi and Raigoda.
Chilika Lagoon is one of the internationally renowned Ramsar sites for its conservation as
wetland ecosystem. Visitors rush to the lagoon to witness large number of migratory birds
and Irrawaddy dolphin and to enjoy food prepared out of brackish water prawn, fish and crab
from October to March, although it can be visited throughout the year. Boating in the lagoon
while searching for dolphins near Satapada is a memorable experience. Visiting of Kalijai,
Bhagabati and Narayani temples add excitement to the visitors of Chilika.
Nandankanan Zoological Park is famous for its white tigers. Being located at a distance of
only 13 km from Bhubaneswar, the park remains densely crowded in every weekend. Kanjia
lake and State Botanical Garden are also visited by tourists for boating, ropeway ride and
night halts. Large number of wild animals and birds are kept in enclosures for enhancing
wildlife awareness among the people and educating the students. Some of the added
attractions are nature interpretation centre, lion safari, white tiger safari, deer park, water bird
aviary, nature trail, Reptile Park, nocturnal house, aquarium, and elephant ride.

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Findings and Discussion

Tourism can be sustainable if able to meet the needs of tourists and local communities while
protecting future opportunities. Green tourism offers benefits to local communities,
conservation, development and experience of resource-based education .It tourism requires a
combination of conservation and economics that benefits local people on an ongoing basis.
The aim of this paper was to explore the importance of green marketing in tourism industry.
Green marketing enables tourism entrepreneurs to use such practices that are environmentally
friendly for attracting and satisfying customers. At one end, tourism is an important
contributor to the economy, at the other it contributes to the environmental destruction
significantly. So, it needs an approach that can bring further growth in this industry without
any harm or less harm to the environment. The eco-tourism destinations identified and
covered under are not been marketed properly from green marketing point of view. The
study in this regard, the study offers the following suggestions:

 First of all, tourism entrepreneurs and other policymakers must conduct a professional
baseline analysis, investigating both the strengths and weaknesses of the destination and
ecosystem. This analysis will be a starting point for understanding the issues they need to
address immediately, as well as those that may become obstacles on the road to a
complete green transformation.
 Awareness about environmental problems among the local community of different
destinations is essential for protecting nature and environment. The Government must
adopt induced community participation approach towards green tourism promotion.
 The tourism industry at different tourism destinations can play a key role in providing
environmental information and raising awareness among tourists regarding environmental
consequences of their actions.
 Consumption of natural resources should be reduced. The hotel sector in tourism industry
is energy intensive. Therefore, solar technology should be adopted as environmentally
friendly and cheaper energy source
 An adequate and healthy water supply is crucial to any destination‘s long-term
environmental sustainability. A smart water conservation policy like waste water
treatment should be adopted. Investment in creative and technological solutions can help
destinations to clean and reuse waste water, increase water capacity and reduce sewage
and pollution.

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 To control the pollution and destruction of the ecosystem of Chilika Lake and other water
bodies under the study sites should be improved. Drainage water purification system
should be implemented and steps should be taken to stop the flow of drainage water to the
rivers and lakes.
 The climate change that we are currently experiencing is due to carbon footprint. Since,
hotels in the tourism sector consume a lot of energy day in and day out, they have
significant carbon footprint. The best way to lower a hotel‘s carbon footprint is by
switching to an alternative form of energy, something that is more ecologically friendly
with a lower carbon output. Utilizing solar power, hydro technology or wind energy are
all ideal ways to improve the carbon footprint and move towards green tourism.
 Use of less pollutant and less noise vehicles should be allowed during safari at Similipal
Tiger Resreve, satakosia tiger Reserve and Nandankanan.
 Further, the deforestation should be avoided and efforts should be made for massive
afforestation. All the development and constructions of tourism facilities should be
monitored by authorities to prevent the adverse effects on forests. Inherent trees and
shrubs should be conserved and protected from the processes of construction of roads,
resorts and buildings and other tourism and recreational facilities.
 All the destinations should be plastic free and strict action must be taken the Govt. in this
regard. More number of Biodegradable products should be encouraged in all the tourism
destinations to attract and protect the destinations and make pollution free.
 The Government should collaborate with the Private entrepreneurs in creating the
awareness about the Green sustainable practices in the destinations through workshops
and nature clubs.
 The Entrepreneurs and Staffs working in the destinations are to be trained with the Green
products and their uses in more sustainable manner in the tourism destinations.
 The usage of Natural lighting and Natural energy resources to be encouraged in the
destinations by saving the energy resources in the effective manner.
 The Government should make the mandatory to adopt the green practices in the major
tourist destinations across the India to protect and save the tourists and environment in the
sustainable manner.

If followed properly, all the above mentioned suggestions would be good green marketing
strategies for tourism industry in Odisha.

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The most important step to take in order to promote green marketing and to encourage the
usage of green products and green tourism, is to educate people by utilizing national media,
newspapers and conferences, so they are familiarized with the concept of urban and natural
environment preservation and conservation, and the importance of aforesaid practices. Policy
makers and stakeholders need to be aware of benefits and challenges of green marketing and
greening. Green Tourism's marketing position in Odisha is currently in a "Growing and
Developing" position so that the strategy to be implemented is market penetration through
increased promotion and publicity, market development strategy through cooperation with
travel agent, and product development strategy by maintaining price but offering product
quality which is more applicable to tourists. Alternative strategies and marketing programs
that can be done is by consolidating tourist destinations, improving product quality and
human resources, promoting promotion, enhancing cooperative relationships, engaging local
people, highlighting program excellence, creating security, pricing products without suffering
losses, and consistency of rules and execution.

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 UNEP & UNWTO. (2012). Tourism in the green economy: Background report. Madrid,

Volume XI, Issue IX, September/2020 Page No:479

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