Lab Manual ENTC376 Fall08
Lab Manual ENTC376 Fall08
Lab Manual ENTC376 Fall08
Table of Contents
Lab Schedule............................................................................................................................................. 3 Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Lab Policy.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Lab #1 & 2: Installation of Strain Gauges ............................................................................................. 7 Lab #3 Tensile Test on United Model SFM Test System.................................................................... 16 Lab #4 Tensile Test on Anisotropic Materials...21 Lab #5 Torsion Tests.............................................................................................................................. 27 Lab #6 Determination of Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio................................................ 32 Lab #7 Stress Concentration ................................................................................................................. 39 Lab #8 Principal Stresses and Strains .................................................................................................. 49 Lab #9 3Point Bending Test on United Model SFM Test System.................................................... 57 Lab #10 Combined Bending & Torsion Test ....................................................................................... 60 Lab #11 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels ................................................................................................ 66 Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 46 Appendix 2 .............................................................................................................................................. 69
Lab Schedule
# 1 2 3 4 5 Date Lab Assignment
09/01~02 Introduction to Strain Gauges Demo / Groups / Rules 09/08~09 #1 Installation of Strain Gauges 09/15~16 #2 Installation of Strain Gauges continued 09/22~23 #3 Tensile Test on United Model SFM Test system #4 Tensile Test on Anisotropic Materials
6 7 8 9
10/13~14 #6 Determination of Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio 10/20~21 #7 Stress Concentration 10/27~28 #8 Principal Stresses and Strains 11/03~04 #9 3Point Bending Test on United Model SFM Test System
10 11/10~11 #10 Combined bending and torsion tests No lab on 11/17 and 11/18 due to Exam 2 11 11/24~25 #11 Thin-Walled pressure vessels
The primary purpose of the laboratory part of ENTC 376 (Strength of Materials) is to show students the experimental methods of determining the magnitudes of stresses and strains acting in a material. These values can be further used to determine other material properties.
In order that students have a fairly good understanding of the theory underlying the experiments, the entire course is designed such that classroom lectures precede lab work. Students are advised to pay close attention in class so that they can perform well in the lab.
Although there are various methods of Experimental Stress Analysis (ESA) we will focus only on Strain Gauge Technique. It is inexpensive and the most widely used ESA technique. Lab1 and lab 2 deal with installation of strain gauges. Students are advised to pay close attention to these labs, as these labs are the foundation of the following labs.
Lab Policy
Groups Students will be formed into groups of three or four on the first lab day. Once a student has signed up with a group, he or she may not change groups without prior approval of the instructor. Lab Reports You will perform the experiment in group, and turn in ONE REPORT PER GROUP. Your report should be self-contained, i.e. an engineering technologist should be able to perform the experiment and duplicate your results by reading your report. DO NOT "adjust" your data to make them fit what you believe to be an acceptable value. Your report should be an accurate description of the experiment. If your results differ significantly from reference values you should check your settings carefully (calibration, wrong units, wrong calculations, etc.), and do the experiment again. Try to explain any discrepancies but do not "adjust" your data. Report Format The report must be typewritten. A report should include the following in order A. A title page, which includes the following information, in order: 1. Course Number and Section Number 2. Experiment Title 3. Names of the Group Members (who contributed to do the lab/report) 4. Due Date B. Objective or purpose of the experiment work. C. Theoretical aspect of the experiment. D. Experimental procedure that explains briefly the procedure of how the experiment was performed and all the equipment used. E. Experimental and /or calculated results. (Include all data you have taken, a sample calculation, and the results) The result table must be presented in tabular form. Also, all calculations and graphical work (e.g. graph) must be hand written/drawn. F. Discussion of results in light of the theoretical predictions. Include an error analysis. Quantify the errors whenever possible. G. Conclusions, wherein you write what you learned from the experiment. Your conclusions must summarize your report and must be based on your experimental results Lab reports are due at the beginning of next lab. Late lab reports will not be accepted. Note: In order to get a good grade in the lab, please follow the instructions listed below: 1. Read about the lab prior to the beginning of the lab. Do each lab with an attitude of learning. 2. Please bring your lab manual to the lab. Each group should have at least one lab manual with them. 3. Students are advised to bring blank and graph papers to the lab, on which you can do calculations and draw graphs. **Remember, the lab grade is 20% of your final grade. Doing well in lab will help you in getting a good overall course grade. Remember, Nothing worthwhile will ever be achieved without deep thought and hard work
Attendance Attendance will be taken at the beginning of every lab session. Make up lab activities will be scheduled only for University approved absences or unless the TA gives prior approval. If you miss more than 3 labs during the semester your grade will be reduced by 1 letter Grade.
Students with disabilities If you feel you are entitled to special accommodations because of a disability, please see me within the first four class meetings. You may also want to review the Americans with Disabilities Act policy statement.
Strength of Materials Lab Policy We want to maintain the high quality conditions of this lab for the students in future years. Thus, it is necessary for you to adhere to the established policy of NO BEVERAGES, FOOD, NEWS PAPERS, MAGAZINES, TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND ANIMALS within the Strength of Materials lab. Safety For your own safety, please wear the pants and shoes that cover toes for this Lab. The safety goggle will be needed for several labs.
Time: ______/______/_2008_
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Member #5:___________________
Objective: To familiarize students with various construction features of bonded type resistance strain gauge and to install strain gauges on real life specimens. Theory: Out of the various experimental stress analysis techniques, strain gauging is the most practical and frequently used because it is inexpensive, easy to handle, easy to install and long lasting. A strain gauge is an electrical resistance gauge which has a very thin metal foil grid made from a strain sensitive material, such as constantan, with an insulating backing. The gauge is carefully bonded to the surface of the component - with a special adhesive - where critical stresses are likely to occur. When the component is loaded, the gauge experiences the same strains as the surface due to which the total length of the gauge wire changes and hence changes the resistance of the gauge. The gauge is connected into an electrical measurement circuit called a Wheatstone Bridge circuit whose measured voltage across the diagonal changes with the change in resistance. This voltage reading can be converted to the experienced value of strain when a calibration factor called the gauge factor is applied. Experiment: Two strain gauges are to be installed on an aluminum beam and two strain gauges are to be installed on a soda can during a two-lab exercise. On the aluminum beam, the gauges should be installed on its two faces, and on the soda can, the strain gauges will be diametrically opposite to each other. In the first lab, install one strain gauge each on the aluminum beam and the soda can along the longitudinal direction (as shown in Fig 1a and 2a) and in the second lab, mount the other strain gauge on the beam and the soda can along transverse direction (as shown in Figures 1b and 2b). The beam with installed gauges will be used in the determination of Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons ratio of Aluminum and the Soda Can will be used in the determination of Hoop and Longitudinal stresses. Procedure: Students will be shown a video about strain gauge installation procedure. The instructions from the video should be followed closely (Some of the instructions in the video are modified as per the lab convenience). They are repeated in the Student Manual for Strain Gauge Technology from Measurements Group. Follow this Manual closely for Strain Gauge installations in lab 1 & 2.
Fig 2 Strain gauge installation on a soda can (the strain gauges are diametrically opposite)
Note: 1. On the aluminum beam (Fig 1), the end with a dent near it will be the free end, and the other end will be the fixed end. So, while installing the strain gauges, please make sure that you dont install them near the free end. Also make sure that the strain gauges are installed at a distance of 2 inches from the fixed end. 2. The longitudinally installed strain gauge i.e., along the length of the beam should preferably be on the dented face of the aluminum beam. 3. Make sure that the terminals are towards the free end of the aluminum beam. 4. On the soda can (Fig 2), strain gauges should be installed at the length of the can; one along the circumference and one along the length.
The aluminum beam install two strain gages on one side and the other, note they are in 900 angles.
The soda can also install two strain gages and with 900 angles.
Thoroughly degrease the gaging area with solvent, such as CSM Degreaser
Abrading is done by using 400-grit silicon-carbide paper on surfaces thoroughly wetted with M-Prep Conditioner A, then dry by slowly wiping through with a gauze sponge. Using a 4H pencil (on aluminum) or a ballpoint pen (on steel), burnish (do not scribe) whatever alignment marks are needed on the specimen.
Now apply a liberal amount of M-Prep Neutralizer 5A and scrub with a cotton-tipped applicator. Scrub slowly until the cross can barely be recognized. With a single, slow wiping motion of a gauze sponge, carefully dry this surface. Do not wipe back and forth because this may allow contaminants to be redeposited.
Using tweezers to remove the gage from the transparent envelope, place the gage (bonding side down) on a chemically clean glass plate or gage box surface. If a solder terminal will be used, position it on the plate adjacent to the gage as shown. A space of approximately 1/16 in [1.6 mm] or more where space allows or application requires should be left between the gage backing and terminal. Place a gage installation tape (transparent one) over the gage and terminal. Take care to center the gage on the tape. Carefully lift the tape at a shallow angle (about 45 degrees to specimen surface), bringing the gage up with the tape as
illustrated above. Position the gage/tape assembly so that the triangle alignment marks on the gage are over the layout lines on the specimen. If the assembly appears to be misaligned, lift one end of the tape at a shallow angle until the assembly is free of the specimen. Realign properly, and firmly anchor at least one end of the tape to the specimen. Realignment can be done without fear of contamination by the tape mastic if transparent tape is used, because this tape will retain its mastic when removed. Lift the gage end of the tape assembly at a shallow angle to the specimen surface (about 45 degrees) until the gage and terminal are free of the specimen surface. Continue lifting the tape until it is free from the specimen approximately 1/2 in [10 mm] beyond the terminal. Tuck the loose end of the tape under and press to the specimen surface so that the gage and terminal lie flat, with the bonding surface exposed. Note: If contaminated, the back of any gage can be cleaned with a cotton-tipped applicator slightly moistened with M-Prep Neutralizer 5A. M-Bond 200 catalyst can now be applied to the bonding surface of the gage and terminal. The adhesive will harden without the catalyst, but less quickly and reliably. Very little catalyst is needed, and it should be applied in a thin, uniform coat. Lift the brush-cap out of the catalyst bottle and wipe the brush approximately 10 strokes against the inside of the neck of the bottle to wring out most of the catalyst. Set the brush down on the gage and swab the gage backing. Do not stroke the brush in a painting style, but slide the brush over the entire gage surface and then the terminal. Move the brush to the adjacent tape area prior to lifting from the surface. Allow the catalyst to dry at least one minute.
Lift the tucked-under tape end of the assembly, and, holding in the same position, apply one or two drops of STEP 8, 9 & 10 should complete within 3-5 sec M-Bond 200 adhesive at the fold formed by the junction of the tape and specimen surface. This adhesive application should be approximately 1/2 in [13 mm] outside the actual gage installation area. This will insure that local polymerization that takes place when the adhesive comes in contact with the specimen surface will not cause unevenness in the gage glueline. Immediately rotate the tape to approximately a 30-degree angle so that the gage is bridged over the installation area. While holding the tape slightly taut, slowly and firmly make a single wiping stroke over the gage/tape assembly with a piece of gauze bringing the gage back down over the alignment marks on the specimen. Use a firm pressure with your fingers when wiping over the gage. A very thin, uniform layer of adhesive is desired for optimum bond performance. Immediately upon completion of wipe-out of the adhesive, firm thumb pressure must be applied to the gage and terminal area. This pressure should be held for at least one minute. The gage and terminal strip are now solidly bonded in place. It is not necessary to remove the tape immediately after gage installation. The tape will offer mechanical protection for the grid surface and may be left in place until it is removed for gage wiring. To remove the tape, pull it back directly over itself, peeling it slowly and steadily off the surface. This technique will prevent possible lifting of the foil on open-faced gages or other damage to the installation.
Before Soldering Mask the strain gage by drafting tape, and tape the lead wire & two small-wire that connect the strain gage and copper-pad
Soldering tip
Remove the drafting tape 13 Apply some rosin solvent on the drafting tape, and then use the brush SLIGHTLY removes the tape.
If there is no value at the LED screen, check the connection & soldering Apply M-Coat A Apply the M-Coat A on the gage area & copper pad area Label the specimen with your group name by the draft-tape
Time: ______/______/_2008_
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Objective: To develop an understanding of stress-strain curves of materials, and learn how to use them to determine various mechanical properties of ductile and brittle materials. Theory: The tensile test provides information on the strength of a material under uniaxial tensile stress. It can be used to obtain the stress-strain curve of a material that will show the relationship between the stress and strain of that material as shown in Figure 3b.
From the stress-strain curve, various mechanical properties of the material, such as Young's Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity), Yield Strength, and the Ultimate Tensile Strength, can be determined. 1. Young's Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity) In the region on the stress-strain curve where the stress changes linearly with the strain, the Youngs modulus (Modulus of elasticity, E) is defined as the ratio of stress and strain. Value of the Youngs modulus is a constant for a given material. 2. Yield point Yield point is a point on the stress-strain curve, after which there is a significant increase in strain with little or no increase in stress. The corresponding stress is called the Yield Strength of that material. For materials that do not possess well- defined yield point, offset method is used to determine it. 3. Proportional limit Proportional limit is the value of stress on the stress-strain curve at which the curve first deviates from a straight line.
4. Elastic Limit Elastic limit is the value of stress on the stress-strain curve after which the material deforms plastically; that is, it will no longer return to its original size and shape after unloading it. 5. Ultimate tensile strength Ultimate tensile strength is the highest value of apparent stress on the stress-strain curve. 6. Elastic Deformation A material under loading is said to have undergone elastic deformation if it reverts back to its original shape and size upon unloading it. 7. Plastic Deformation A material under loading is said to have undergone plastic deformation if it is permanently deformed upon unloading it.
Experiment: A tensile testing machine applies a controlled load on a specimen slowly and steadily, stretching the specimen until it fractures. Fig 4 shows a tensile testing machine connected to a computer and a printer. The user specifies test parameters such as type of test, units, preload, crosshead speed, and extensometer. The computer controls most of the testing process, including recording the applied load, strain and generating the stress-strain curve. Students are required to perform tensile tests for two different materials (brittle and ductile), and then use the stress-strain data to calculate the material properties for each material. The calculated values should then be compared with published material properties. The two different materials used are brass and steel. Brass is a brittle material whereas steel is a ductile material. Equipment: United SFM Test System Extensometer - to measure the elongation in the mid-section of the specimen. Two test specimens (steel and brass) Ruler and micrometer - to take measurements. Procedure: There are six steps involved in each tensile test: 1. Specimen preparation 2. Setting test parameters 3. Running the tensile test 4. Collecting stress-strain data 5. Calculating material properties 6. Evaluating experimental results
Test Parameters: Initial Gage length = 2 = 50.8 mm Thickness = 1/16th of an inch = 0.0625 = 1.5875 mm Width = 0.5 = 12.72 mm Published Values: Esteel = 29 x 106 psi = 200 GPa Ebrass = 16 x 106 psi = 110 GPa Step by Step Procedure: 1. Switch on the computer. 2. Click on the UNITED TESTING icon. 3. Now click on the DATUM 2.7 icon. After clicking on this icon you will come to a table written as MAIN MENU. You will have different options like Specimen Preparation, Testing, Data and Reports etc. 4. Click on Specimen Preparation. 5. You will see different tests listed. Double click on #106 E8 Test. Note that the hardware set for this test is 30000 lb load cell. 6. Enter the customer name, operator name, gauge length and then click on MEASUREMENTS. 7. On the next screen enter the SPECIMEN ID and the measured value of width and thickness of
the specimen. Click on the area button and then on EXIT to exit the screen. 8. Next screen is the TESTING screen. Fix the specimen in the jaws. For proper gripping the entire length of the serrated face of each wedge must be in contact with the specimen. Tighten the wedges around the specimen. 9. The other options on this screen can be exercised by pressing the letter, which is highlighted. For example, to go to SCALES press L. Again type L to get load cell information and select 30000 lbs load cell application. For selecting Extensometer press E. 10. Press Z key to zero. Then hit the T key twice to start the test. The two jaws will exert a tensile load till the specimen breaks. The computer will ask for the new gauge length value. Measure it and enter the value when prompted. Hit O twice if there are no changes to be made in the graph. Hit Q to exit the test screen. 11. On the next screen you will see the tests results. Click on GRAPH to view the graph of Stress vs. Extension of the specimen. 12. Click on REPORT to observe report and graph. Print the report.
Required: On the experimental graph show the following points. 1. Ultimate strength 2. Yield Point (only for steel) 3. Fracture Point 4. Elastic Deformation Region 5. Plastic Deformation Region 6. Proportional Limit
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
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Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: To develop an understanding of anisotropic materials, and learn how the material orientation make the material properties different. Theory: Fused deposition modeling (FDMTM) is a rapid prototyping process that is patented as a technology and commercially marketed by Stratasys, Inc. In this process also, as with most rapid prototyping process, the part is deposited layer by layer; the layer itself, being deposited strand by strand. The products or the specimens made by the FDM are considered as the anisotropic material, which means the material properties will be different at different directions. The figures below show that the different deposition strategies may cause the different material properties.
Fig. 2. A schematic of the unidirectional (left) and crisscross (right) deposition strategies
Fig. 3. A schematic of the 5 different tensile test specimen configurations The Youngs moduli of five tensile specimens in figure 3 are list below.1 At this Lab, the TN4, TN3, and TN2 specimens are made to do the test.
Young's moduli 1800
Young's modulus (MPa)..
1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 Specimen configuration TN3 TN1 TN2
Monish S. Mamadapur, Thesis(2007): Constitutive Modeling of Fused Deposition Modeling Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene(ABS), Texas A&M
Method The tensile test provides information on the strength of a material under uniaxial tensile stress. It can be used to obtain the stress-strain curve of a material that will show the relationship between the stress and strain of that material as shown in Figure 4b.
From the stress-strain curve, various mechanical properties of the material, such as Young's Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity), Yield Strength, and the Ultimate Tensile Strength, can be determined. 1. Young's Modulus (Modulus of Elasticity) In the region on the stress-strain curve where the stress changes linearly with the strain, the Youngs modulus (Modulus of elasticity, E) is defined as the ratio of stress and strain. Value of the Youngs modulus is a constant for a given material. 2. Yield point Yield point is a point on the stress-strain curve, after which there is a significant increase in strain with little or no increase in stress. The corresponding stress is called the Yield Strength of that material. For materials that do not possess well- defined yield point, offset method is used to determine it.
Experiment: A tensile testing machine applies a controlled load on a specimen slowly and steadily, stretching the specimen until it fractures. The user specifies test parameters such as type of test, units, preload, crosshead speed, and extensometer. The computer controls most of the testing process, including recording the applied load, strain and generating the stress-strain curve. Students are required to perform tensile tests for these anisotropic tensile specimens, and then use the stress-strain data to calculate the material properties for each specimen. The calculated values should then be compared with each other.
Procedure: There are six steps involved in each tensile test: 1. Specimen preparation 2. Setting test parameters 3. Running the tensile test 4. Collecting stress-strain data 5. Calculating material properties 6. Evaluating experimental results
Step by Step Procedure: 1. Switch on the computer. 2. Click on the UNITED TESTING icon. 3. Now click on the DATUM 2.7 icon. After clicking on this icon you will come to a table written as MAIN MENU. You will have different options like Specimen Preparation, Testing, Data and Reports etc. 4. Click on Specimen Preparation. 5. You will see different tests listed. Double click on #106 E8 Test. Note that the hardware set for this test is 30000 lb load cell. 6. Enter the customer name, operator name, gauge length and then click on MEASUREMENTS. 7. On the next screen enter the SPECIMEN ID and the measured value of width and thickness of the specimen. Click on the area button and then on EXIT to exit the screen. 8. Next screen is the TESTING screen. Fix the specimen in the jaws. For proper gripping the entire length of the serrated face of each wedge must be in contact with the specimen. Tighten the wedges around the specimen. 9. The other options on this screen can be exercised by pressing the letter, which is highlighted. For example, to go to SCALES press L. Again type L to get load cell information and select 30000 lbs load cell application. For selecting Extensometer press E. 10. Press Z key to zero. Then hit the T key twice to start the test. The two jaws will exert a tensile load till the specimen breaks. The computer will ask for the new gauge length value. Measure it and enter the value when prompted. Hit O twice if there are no changes to be made in the graph. Hit Q to exit the test screen. 11. On the next screen you will see the tests results. Click on GRAPH to view the graph of Stress vs. Extension of the specimen. 12. Click on REPORT to observe report and graph. Print the report.
Required: 1. Pick several points from the experimental graph and plot a stress-strain curve of each specimen 2. compare the Youngs moduli and command that the difference from the isotropic materials.
Specimen Name
Difference (%)
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
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Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: To determine Shear Modulus of Elasticity (G) of Steel and Aluminum and develop a relationship among the torque (T), the clamping length (L) and the angle of twist ().
Experiment: Two twist and bent test rigs (shown above in Fig 5) are used to find the Shear Modulus of Elasticity of two different materials; Aluminum and Steel. The specimens are cylindrical. Procedure: Following are the three tasks to be performed on both steel and aluminum shafts. 1. Develop a relationship between torque and angle of twist: Set the span length at 600 mm. The distance between each score mark on the supporting cylindrical struts is 100mm. The distance is measured from the outside of each orange fastening component. The cylindrical test specimen (shaft) is put through the torsional fastening components of the sleeve and locked into the fixed bearing first. The test specimen is then fastened to the lever mounted in bearings so as to be in close contact with the upper limit pin. Set the testing device so that the top of the gauge is just in front of the groove of the lever. The gauge is lowered so that its small hand is at about 10, and the large hand is set to zero by twisting its outer ring. As the interval between the groove of the lever and the center of the test specimen is 57.3 mm, 1 revolution of the gauge pointer corresponds to a twist of 1.
Vary the load as indicated in the table below and note down the angle of twist. Set zero on dial gauge after the weight holder is placed. Zero the gauge for each reading you take. Steel Load (kg) Angle of twist, () 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Aluminum Load (kg) Angle of twist, () 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
2. Develop a relationship between clamping length and angle of twist. Keep the load constant at 0.5 kg and vary the clamping length as shown in the table, and note down the angle of twist. Steel Length (mm) Angle of twist, () 200 300 400 500 600 Aluminum Length (mm) Angle of twist, () 200 300 400 500 600
3. Determine the shear modulus and torsional stress for steel and aluminum. Use the readings taken above to calculate shear modulus and torsional stress for both Steel and Aluminum, using the formulae given below. Compare the experimental results with the theoretical values.
Where, T = Torque (N-mm) L = Span Length (mm) J = Polar Moment of inertia of the specimen (mm4) d = Diameter of the specimen (mm) = Angle of twist () C = distance from the center of the specimen (mm) G = Shear Modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2)
Datasheet: Theoretical values of shear modulus of elasticity Aluminum, G = 26 GPa Steel, G = 80 GPa Required: 1. Plot a graph of T vs. for both steel and aluminum. 2. Plot a graph of vs. L for both steel and aluminum 3. Determine shear modulus of elasticity (G) and torsional shear stress () on the top surface using data from task 1 and formulae 2 and 3, for both steel and aluminum. 4. Compare the calculated value of G with the theoretical value and quantify the errors. 5. All graphs should be hand generated and the x and y axes must be appropriately labeled. Mention the scale and units of measurement on the graph.
Note: Take any reading from task 1 and use it to calculate G and . All the calculations should be hand written.
Graph: T vs.
Graph: vs. L
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
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Member #5:___________________
Objective: To determine the Modulus of Elasticity and Poisons ratio of Aluminum, the specimen being a cantilever beam, and compare them with theoretical values. Theory: 1. Modulus of Elasticity Modulus of elasticity (E) of a material is determined by the slope of the straight-line potion of its stress strain curve. It is the ratio of change of stress to the corresponding change of strain. E is a definite property of a material and is an index of the stiffness of that material. It means that a material having a higher slope on its stress-strain curve will be stiffer and will deform less under load than a material having a smaller slope. For the stress-strain curve shown below in Fig 6, the modulus of elasticity is defined as the slope of the linear portion of the curve.
Poissons Ratio: Modulus of Elasticity and Poissons Ratio are the two material constants relating stress to strain in a biaxial stress field in the linear region. When an isotropic elastic material is subjected to uniaxial stress, while it deforms in the direction of the stress, it also exhibits a deformation of the opposite sign in the perpendicular direction. Poissons Ratio is the absolute value of the ratio of transverse strain to the axial strain in a uniaxially stressed member (Fig 7).
Experiment: A cantilever beam is a common structural element. Examples include airplane wings, overhanging roofs, and front wheel spindles of automobiles. A cantilever beam is a beam built-in and supported only on one end. In this experiment the modulus of elasticity of a material will be determined by implementing the setup shown in Fig 8.
Fig 8 - Cantilever beam with assumed uniform stress distribution (nominal stress)
A cantilever beam with a strain gauge attached in the axial direction on the top of the beam and a strain gauge attached on the bottom of the beam in the transverse direction can be used to determine the Poisson's ratio of a material. A parallel-sided, constant cross-section beam loaded statically may be used. The stress in the beam is uniaxial everywhere on the beam surface except in the immediate vicinity of the load. The absolute value of the ratio of the experimental values from the transversely oriented gauge to the values from the axially oriented gauge will give an experimental Poissons Ratio.
Experimental Setup:
Connections: 1. the connections between strain indicator and balance unit are as the above photo 2. Strain gage #1 (on top of the beam), single wire goes to RED terminal at CH#9, two ground wires go to the WHITE & YELLOW terminals. 3. Strain gage #2 (on bottom of the beam), single wire goes to RED terminal at CH#10, two ground wires go to the WHITE & YELLOW terminals.
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 2
1. 2. 3. 4.
Press AMP ZERO, check if that is 0.000 2 Press GAGE FACTOR, and set it to 2.075 Place the WEIGHT HANGER Press RUN, switch to the CHANNEL #9, and use the BALANCE KNOB at CH#9 to balance the strain value to 0 for strain gage #1.
5. Switch to the CHANNEL #10, and use the BALANCE KNOB at CH#10 to balance the strain value to 0 for strain gage #2. 6. Add weights and take down the strain reading. (NOTE that the reading is in , 1 = 1 106 )
2. Theoretical Modulus of Elasticity, E = 10*10 psi or 69 Gpa 3. Theoretical Poissons Ratio, = 0.33 4. Gauge factor of the gauge = 2.075
Observation Table: Take readings for four different loads. Increase the load in steps of 0.5kg. Remember all the strain values are in micro strain. Load (kg) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Load (N) Stress (N/mm2) Experimental Longitudinal Strain long-exp Experimental Lateral Strain lat-exp Poissons Ration ()
Where, M = bending moment at gauge centerline, in-lbs (N-mm) c = semi-thickness of beam, in. (mm) I = moment of inertia of beam cross section, in4 (mm4) P = load, lb. (N) L = effective beam length, that is, length from gauge centerline to applied load, in (mm) b = beam width, in. (mm) t = beam thickness, in. (mm) Required: Students are required to submit the following items in the lab itself. In case we run out of the time you can take this as homework. 1. Plot the stress () vs. strain (long-exp). Determine the experimental Modulus of Elasticity (E) from the curve. Find the average value of Poissons ratio () from the table above. 2. Compare the experimental values of Modulus of Elasticity & Poissons ratio with the published ones for the aluminum beam. 3. Quantify the errors and discuss the results.
2 & 3.
Experimental Result Load (kg) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Load (N) Stress (N/mm2) Exp. Long. Strain long-exp Exp. Lat. Strain lat-exp Youngs Modulus (E) Poissons Ration () Theoretical Value Youngs Modulus (E) Poissons Ration () Error (%) E
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
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Member #5:___________________
Objectives: (1). To understand the importance of stress concentration and to determine the stress concentration factor for an aluminum cantilever beam that has a hole in it. (2). To plot the strain distribution in the vicinity of the hole for different loads.
Theory: Stress concentration is caused by the presence of any geometric irregularity in the shape of a loaded mechanical part or structural member. The trajectories of the stress are impeded, causing them to crowd together and thus increasing the stress above the nominal stress level (Fig 9). Closer the discontinuity, higher is the stress level, while the stress level is closer to the nominal level as we move farther away from the discontinuity. These higher stresses must be considered while designing the member. The presence of stress concentration generally means that the member is more likely to fail in the area around it because of, well, the higher concentrated stress. In order to take into account the effect of stress concentration, a factor called the stress concentration factor Kt is introduced. It is defined as the ratio of maximum stress to nominal stress. Kt includes the effects of removal of the material and discontinuity. It depends on the geometry of the member in the vicinity of the discontinuity.
Experiment: An aluminum cantilever beam, which has a hole in it, is subjected to point load at its free end. The beam has a constant cross-section in all areas except where the hole is present and the stress is uniaxial everywhere on the beam surface except in the immediate vicinity of the load and the area around the hole. The stress distribution due to stress concentration around a discontinuity can be determined by reading the strain at several known distances from the geometric discontinuity. The nominal stress is the average stress at the cross-section. The maximum stress divided by the nominal stress will give an experimental stress concentration factor. Since the nominal stress at both sections of the beam, and the peak stress at the edge of the hole, are all uni-axial, the strain and stress are proportional, if the proportional limit of the beam is not exceeded (as in our case) in the experiment. Thus, the stress concentration factor is equal to the ratio of the maximum to nominal strains at section B. Connection:
6 5 1 W G 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 4 1 2 3
Black Blue
1. 2. 3. 4.
Press AMP ZERO, check if that is 0.000 2 Press GAGE FACTOR, and set it to 2.075 (this is the gage factor at instrument) Place the WEIGHT HANGER Press RUN, switch to the CHANNEL #1, and use the BALANCE KNOB at CH#1 to balance the strain value to 0 for strain gage #1. 5. Repeat the step#4 to zero the other 3 channels (CH#2, #3 & #4) 6. Add weights and take down the strain readings from CH#1~CH#4. (NOTE that the reading is in , 1 = 1 106 )
Data Sheet Material: Gauge Data: Theoretical Poisson's Ratio, : 0.33 Theoretical Modulus of Elasticity, E: 10*106 psi or 69 Gpa Accepted Stress Concentration Factor, Kt: Gauge Factor, gauge 1: Gauge Factor, gauge 2: Gauge Factor, gauge 3: Gauge Factor, gauge 4:
Gage Factors are labeled on the specimen. Gage #1~#3: 125AD Gage #4: 031DE
Theoretical Calculations:
Computation of Nominal Stresses from the Flexure Formula: Section A: Mc 6 PL4 A( nom ) = = = ___________________ I b1t 2 Section B: Mc 6 PL1, 2,3 B ( nom ) = = = ___________________ I b2 t 2 where, M = bending moment at gauge centerline, lbs-in (N-mm) c = semi-thickness of beam, in (mm) I = moment of inertia of beam cross section, in4 (mm4) P = load, lbf (N) L4 = effective beam length to gauge 4 i.e. length from gauge 4 centerline to applied load, in (mm). L1, 2, 3 = effective beam length to gauges 1, 2, 3 i.e. length from gauge 1, 2, 3 centerlines to applied load, in (mm) b1 = beam width, in (mm) b2 = (beam width hole diameter), in (mm) t = beam thickness, in (mm) d = hole diameter, in (mm) Note:
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Formulae and Calculations: 1. Correction for Gauge Factor
Please refer Appendix 1 at the end of this manual for a detailed discussion of the formulae used herein.
Computation Table: Load (kg) 0.5 C B A Maximum Strain 0 () Nominal ' Strain 4 () Stress Conc. factor Kt
Summation Table: Theoretical Load Nominal Nominal Stress Stress Strain Conc. factor Kt A (kg) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 (Pa) (Pa) () ---
Corrected Experimental Nominal Maximum Stress Strain Strain Conc. factor Kt () () ---
Stress Conc.
Required: 1. Experimental values of Kt 2. Average % error for Experimental Kt and nominal strain when compared with theoretical values. 3. Plot the strain distribution from one the edge of the hole to the side of the beam using the equation above. Comment on the shape of the strain distribution and how it relates to the nominal strain. GRAPH:
Appendix (LAB#6 Stress Concentration) Stress Concentration (Analysis and Presentation of Data) The actual strains in the region of stress concentration will be measured with three very small strain gauges placed in the section B at varying distances from the edge of the hole, with one of gauges directly adjacent to the edge. The strains indicated by the three gauges will be plotted on a graph sheet at the locations of the respective gauge centerlines. A smooth curve can be drawn through the resulting three data points to show the strain distribution in the vicinity of the hole. Since the centerline of the closest gauge to the hole cannot physically coincide with the edge of the hole, it is necessary to extrapolate the data to the edge to obtain an approximate value for the maximum strain. Extrapolation can be done by eye or, more objectively, by the algebraic technique given below. It is not unreasonable to assume that the strain distribution can be represented approximately by an expression of the following form: = A + B*(R / X)2 + C*(R / X)4 Where R is the radius of the hole, X is the distance from the center of the hole to any point on the transverse centerline, and A, B and C are the coefficients to be determined from the measured strains at three different points along the transverse centerline. Thus, 1 = A + B*(R / X1)2 + C*(R / X1)4 2 = A + B*(R / X2)2 + C*(R / X2)4 3 = A = B*(R / X3)2 + C*(R / X3)4 Noting that: R = 0.125 in (3.18 mm); X1 = 0.145 in (3.68 mm); X2 = 0.185 in (4.70 mm); X3 = 0.325 in (8.26 mm) And solving the above simultaneous equations for C, B and A, C = 5.86 * (1 2) 5.44 * (2 3) B = 3.49 * (1 2) 1.20 * C A = 1 0.743 * B 0.552 * C Substituting the measured strains from the table into the first equation of the above three gives C, which can then be substituted into the next equation with the strains to obtain B, etc.
The text for stress concentration is a reproduction from the manual E-104 Stress and Strain Concentration which accompanies the pregauged beam B-104 manufactured by Measurements Group.
Since R / X = 1 at the edge of the hole, 0 = A + B + C (peak strain) The strain (and stress concentration factor is then: Kt = 0 / 4 Where: 4 = the strain indication at gauge 4, corrected as necessary for the gauge factor.
For this Lab, the specimen has, d(hole)=0.25in H(width)=1in h(thickness)=0.25in d d K tn = max = C1 + C2 ( ) + C3 ( ) 2 nom H H h h C1 = 1.82 + 0.3901( ) 0.01659( ) 2 d d h h C2 = 1.9164 0.4376( ) 0.01968( ) 2 d d h h C3 = 2.0828 + 0.643( ) 0.03204( ) 2 d d Theoretical Kt of this specimen is around 1.768
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
Member #2:___________________
Member #3:___________________
Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: To determine principal stresses and strains in a beam made of aluminum and loaded as a cantilever, and compare them with theoretical values. Theory: For a general state of stress principal stresses and planes are defined as follows: Principal Stresses: These are the normal stresses acting on planes of zero shear stress. For a general state of stress there are three orthogonal principal stresses. The three principal directions for the principal stresses are orthogonal. The strains corresponding to principal stresses are called as principal strains. It is customary to order the principal stresses such that 1>2>3 Principal Planes: Principal planes are the planes of zero shear stress. These planes are perpendicular to the principal directions i.e., directions along which the 3 principal stresses act. Experiment: A parallel-sided, constant cross-section cantilever beam with a rectangular rosette will be used to determine the principal strains. The stress in the beam is uniaxial everywhere on the beam surface except in the immediate vicinity of the load. Since the orientation of the principal strains is not generally obvious, placement of a strain gauge will most likely not be on a principal axis. Principal strains and their orientations may be determined by the use of three gauges mounted at known angles from each other. A rosette gauge has an arrangement of three gauges intended to measure strains in three directions. The delta rosette has gauges spaced 120 apart while the rectangular rosette has gauges oriented 45 apart (Fig 11). The equations for calculating the principal strains and their orientation with respect to the rosette are given by the equations in your data sheet.
6 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 R 4 1 2 3
White Green
1. 2. 3. 4.
Press AMP ZERO, check if that is 0.000 2 Press GAGE FACTOR, and set it to 2.075 (this is the gage factor at instrument) Place the WEIGHT HANGER Press RUN, switch to the CHANNEL #1, and use the BALANCE KNOB at CH#1 to balance the strain value to 0 for strain gage #1. 5. Repeat the step#4 to zero the other 3 channels (CH#2 & #3) 6. Add weights and take down the strain readings from CH#1~CH#3. (NOTE that the reading is in , 1 = 1 106 )
Data Sheet Material: Aluminum Theoretical Poissons Ratio, : 0.33 Theoretical Modulus of Elasticity, E: 69 Gpa Gauge Data: Gauge Factor, gauge 1: Gauge Factor, gauge 1: Gauge Factor, gauge 1:
Gage #1~#3
Observation Table:
2. Computation of Maximum Principal Stress For a biaxial state of stress perform following calculations from Flexure Formula:
M = bending moment at gauge centerline, in-lbs. (N-mm); c = semi-thickness of beam, in (mm); I = moment of inertia of beam cross section, in4 (mm4); P = load, lb. (N) L1 = effective beam length, that is, length from gauge centerline to applied load, in (m) b = beam width, in (mm); t = beam thickness, in (mm) 3. Computation of Principal Strains (Rectangular Rosette): Maximum Principal Strain (p) and Minimum Principal Strain (q) are given by:
Computation Table: Theoretical Data Load (Kg) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0 0 0 0
Poissons Ratio ()
Summation Table: Theoretical p q Load p (Kg) (Pa) (Pa) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33
Error (%)
0 0 0 0
Required: Calculate % error for Poissons ratio, Principal Stresses and Principal Strains.
The stress due to moment should be uniform far away from the point load, so the stress should uniformly act on x-axial at the strain gage area.
y y
Using strain measured from Rectangular Rosette to find the Principal Strains The strain data from the Rosette Gage#1, Gage#2, and Gage#3 are 1, 2, and 3 respectively. By using the transformation function2 that the strain state can be calculated at x & y coordinate. x' = 1
Please refer Chapter 10-5 Strain Rosettes (p.541) of the book Mechanics of Materials (7th Edition) by R.C. Hibbeler
p ,q =
x' + y'
x' y'
)2 + (
x' y'
)2 (2)
tan 2 p =
Hookes Law
1 [ x y ] E 1 y = [ y x ] E 2(1 + ) xy = xy E
x =
Principal Stress
p ,q =
x + y
x y
) 2 + ( xy ) 2
x For a stress system of Lab #7, the stresses at strain gage area are 6 PL x = = 2 , y = 0, xy = 0 . Substitute the values into (4) to find the strain, and then use the bt 6 PL equation (2) to find the theoretical principal strains. Also, by using x = = 2 , y = 0, xy = 0 and bt the equation (5), the theoretical principal stresses can be found.
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
Member #2:___________________
Member #3:___________________
Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: To understand the importance of beam deflection and perform a 3 point-bending test on an aluminum beam. Theory: The axis of a beam deflects from its initial position under action of applied forces. Accurate values of these beam deflections are sought in many practical cases, e.g., elements of machines must be of sufficient rigidity to prevent misalignment and to maintain dimensional accuracy under load; in buildings, floor beams cannot deflect excessively to avoid the undesirable psychological effect of flexible floors on occupants and to minimize or prevent distress in brittle-finish materials. Likewise, information on deformation characteristics of members is essential in the study of vibrations of machines as well as of stationary and flight structures. Deflections are also used in analyses of statically indeterminate problems. In short, an understanding of how to compute beam deflections is important.
For a simply-supported beam with a point load P at its center, maximum deflection is given by:
Where, P = load in lbs. (N) L= Span Length (mm) E= modulus of Elasticity (N/mm2) I= Moment of Inertia of the cross of the beam. (mm4) Note: The product of E and I is called Beam Stiffness.
Experiment United SFM Test System applies a controlled load on a specimen slowly and steadily, thereby bending it. The user specifies test parameters such as type of test, units, preload, crosshead speed, and extensometer while the computer controls most of the testing process, including recording the applied load, deflection and the load-deflection curve. Procedure There are five steps involved in each tensile test: 1. Specimen preparation 2. Setting test parameters 3. Running the 3 point bending test 4. Collecting load-deflection data 25 5. Evaluating experimental results.
Steps for operating the computer 1. Switch on the computer 2. Click on the UNITED TESTING icon. 3. Now click on the DATUM 2.7 icon. After clicking on this icon you will come to a table written as MAIN MENU. You will have different options like Specimen Preparation, Testing, Data and Reports etc 4. Click on Specimen Preparation. 5. You will see different tests listed. Double click on #110 D790 Test. Note that the hardware set for the test is 30000 lb load cell 6. Put the customer name, Operator name, span and then click on MEASUREMENTS 7. On the next screen enter the SPECIMEN ID and then width and thickness of the specimen you have measured. Click on the area button and then on EXIT to exit the screen 8. Next screen will be the TESTING screen. Place the specimen on the supports. The other options on this screen can be exercised by pressing the letter, which is highlighted. For example, to go to SCALES press L. Again type L to get load cell information and select 30000 lbs load cell application. Press L again and then type E and select 920516-type extensometer. 9. Press Z key to zero. Then click the T key twice to start the test. The load cell will exert load till the specimen fractures at its outer surface or it reaches the maximum strain. Hit O twice if there are no changes to be made in the graph. Hit Q to exit the test screen. 10. On the next screen you will see the tests results. Click on the GRAPH to view the graph of Deflection vs. Load for the specimen you broke. 11. Click on REPORT to observe report and graph. Print the report.
Required: Each student is required to submit the following: 1. Experimental load vs. deflection curve for the specimen PL3 2. Use the formula y max = for the deflection. Calculate the deflection at the middle of the 48EI beam, as a function of load P and find out the maximum deflection taking maximum load. Also calculate the value of beam stiffness. 3. Plot a theoretical deflection vs. load curve, taking 10 data points. That is, for loads choose your own values ranging from 0 to maximum load (which you can get from the experimental graph) and for deflections (by the formula). Take E = 10*106 psi. 4. Compare the theoretical graph with the experimental graph.
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
Member #2:___________________
Member #3:___________________
Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: Determination of principal stresses in an L-shaped shaped steel lever in combined bending and torsion, and comparing the results with theoretical values. Theory: An L-Shape test specimen can be loaded as a cantilever in such a manner that it is in a state of combined bending and torsion as shown in the Fig 13 below:
We are interested in the state of stress at the point A close to the place where the specimen is fixed. The load P acts vertically downwards (in this top view it goes into the plane of paper), thus applying bending load as well as torque at point A.
Bending Moment at point A M = P * L1 Torque at Point A T = P * L2
Do & Di being the outside and inside diameter of the pipe respectively
Theoretically, principal stresses at point A for a two-dimensional stress element are given as:
The principal stresses can also be found by drawing Mohrs circle for the stress element at point A
1. 2. 3. 4.
Press AMP ZERO, check if that is 0.000 2 Press GAGE FACTOR, and set it to 2.10 Place the WEIGHT HANGER Press RUN, switch to the CHANNEL #1, and use the BALANCE KNOB at CH#1 to balance the strain value to 0 for strain gage #1. 5. Repeat the step#4 to zero the other 3 channels (CH#2 & #3) 6. Add weights and take down the strain readings from CH#1~CH#3. (NOTE that the reading is in , 1 = 1 106 )
1. Computation of Principal Strains (Rectangular Rosette) Maximum Principal Strain (p) and Minimum Principal Strain (q) are given by:
1 ( )
2 ( )
3 ( )
Required: Calculate % error in principal stresses and we will discuss the results in the class itself.
Time: ______/______/_2008_
Member #1:___________________
Member #2:___________________
Member #3:___________________
Member #4:___________________
Member #5:___________________
Objective: Stress analyses of a soda can (A thin-walled pressure vessel). Theory: Internal pressure causes stresses in the walls of pressure vessels. Basically there are two types of pressure vessels, thick-wall pressure vessels and thin-wall pressure vessels. Most of the pressure vessels you will encounter in your career are likely to be of the thin-wall type. A vessel is thin-walled pressure vessel if it satisfies the following criteria.
Dm = Mean diameter in mm t = Thickness in mm
Cylinders are frequently used for pressure vessels; for example, as storage tanks, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, and for piping of fluids under pressure. In this lab, we will do two separate analyses for a soda can, which is cylindrical in shape. In one case, the tendency for the internal pressure to pull the cylinder apart in a direction parallel to its axis is found. This is called longitudinal stress. Next, a ring around the can is analyzed to determine the stress tending to pull the ring apart. This is called hoop stress, or tangential stress. Theoretically, longitudinal stress and hoop stresses are given by:
Longitudinal Stress:
Hoop Stress:
Data Sheet: Thickness of can, t = 0.1 mm Modulus of Elasticity, E = 69 GPa Poissons Ratio, = 0.33
Note: 1 & 2 will show a negative reading on the strain indicator but take the absolute value for calculations. Calculations: Experimental longitudinal and hoop stresses can be calculated using following formulae: Longitudinal Stress
Hoop Stress
Pressure inside the can be calculated using either the longitudinal or hoop strain. Using Longitudinal Strain
* Note that the above two values should be equal Required: 1. Calculate pressure from hoop and longitudinal strains. Take the average of the two pressures and then use it to calculate hoop and longitudinal stresses theoretically. Finally compare the experimental and theoretical results. 2. Study the effect of a 10 % error in Poissons ratio on the pressure calculated from the longitudinal and the hoop strain and discuss these results in the class.
Please refer Appendix 2 at the end of this manual for a discussion about thin-walled pressure vessels.
Internal pressure, , acting directly on the wall of a cylindrical vessel with a circular cross section, produces a circumferential ("hoop") stress, , in the wall. If the thickness of the wall, , is small compared to the radius, , of the cylinder: (1) Accordingly, small pressures generate large hoop stresses in these thin-walled pressure vessels. The pressure acting on the ends of the vessel also produces an axial , in the wall. If the length of the cylinder is ("longitudinal") stress, large compared to the radius, the longitudinal stress away from the ends is half the hoop stress: (2) By using Hooke's law for isotropic materials in the linearly elastic range, the strains produced by these stresses can be expressed in terms of the geometry of the vessel, its mechanical properties, and the pressure of the fluid it contains:
(4) Where is the modulus of elasticity and is the Poisson's ratio of the vessel material. Unlike the materials-independent 2:1 ratio of stresses, the corresponding hoop strains are nearly five times larger than the longitudinal strains in vessels made of aluminum alloys having a Poisson's ratio of 0.33. The preceding stresses and strains are either in the plane of, or tangent to, the cylinder wall. All have a positive sign (are "tensile") and each has the same magnitude at all points in the cylinder wall. Accordingly, these are "membrane" stresses and strains that produce increases in the length and circumference of the vessel under pressure. But, despite a change in the radius of curvature, the stresses remain uniform throughout the thickness of the wall and negligible bending moments are present.