NOBS JULY 2022 D Wbleed

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JULY 2022

The Print Newsletter

The Tent Pole That Everything Else In Your Business Revolves Around…

Inside this issue:

Winning Direct Mail
Postcard Copy In Action

You Can Order The

Lifestyle You Want

From Fired To On Fire!


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JULY 2022

Featuring Dan Kennedy,

Founder of Magnetic
Why Every Business — Bill Glazer
Should Publish A Print Dear Magnetic Marketers,
by Dan S. Kennedy I want to take you back in time…back to when I first entered the GKIC
pg #6 (Glazer Kennedy Insider’s Circle) world, because I want to give you the same
epiphany that I had after I really started to understand the business model
that Dan and Bill had perfected.
Magnetic Marketing
In Action Looking from the outside in, I saw a lot of what they were doing to grow
by Darcy Juarez
their company. They had live events, they had courses, they did product
pg #17 launches, they had a paid print newsletter, and more. For years, I had
admired the business from the outside but didn’t really understand.
Member Spotlight:
The Art Of Showing Up After joining Bill Glazer’s mastermind group, I had some pretty unique
by Ryan Staley discussions with Bill that opened my eyes to what was really happening.
pg #21
At dinner after one of the mastermind meetings, Bill asked me, “Do you
know what business I’m actually in, Russell?”

Copywriting Secrets:
I didn’t really know how to answer that question. “Um, you’re in the
Want More Sign-Ups?
Offer Better Bonuses! business of selling marketing advice?”
by Jim Edwards
“No, I’m in the ‘two things’ business. The first thing is getting members,
pg #22
and the second thing is keeping members. That’s it. Everything else is just
appendages to those two things.”

Condensed Philosophy: After that, I started to look at everything that Bill and Dan were doing
Thought-Inspiring through a different lens. I started to realize (as Dan will talk about later in
Epigrams this newsletter) that membership to their paid print newsletter was the
by Napoleon Hill “foundational tent pole around which everything else revolved.”
pg #24
I noticed that ALL of their marketing efforts lead towards their MIFGE offer (the Most Incredible Free Gift
Ever offer that got people to join their paid membership). Every YouTube video, podcast interview, blog post,
and content that was posted anywhere online all pushed to this front-end offer—aka GETTING MEMBERS.

Every product launch, as well as products they sold at their live events, had two price points: a more expensive
option for non-Members and a huge discount for those who would upgrade and become a Member.

< As I was preparing for this issue, I went through

the archives and found an old presentation from
Bill called “The Newsletter Marketing Blueprint”
where he spent over 40 minutes teaching “the
how and the why” behind having a newsletter
in your business. I wanted to include this
presentation as a gift for you.

Scan The QR Code To Begin See The Video!

After talking to Bill and understanding the purpose of a print newsletter and where it should fit into a business, in
2007, I decided to start my first newsletter, which was called DotComSecrets. (This was YEARS before I ever wrote the
book by the same title.) For the next 15 years, I published a monthly print newsletter as the tent pole of my businesses.
It has changed its name a few times (DotComSecrets > DotComSecrets Labs > Funnel University > Behind The Scenes).

It’s also one of the main reasons that we

decided to acquire Magnetic Marketing
last year, to give us access to this print
newsletter and the ability to craft and
send ideas, messages, and training
directly to you—bypassing spam filters,
and getting it hand-delivered to our best
customers, directly in their mailboxes.

In the DotComSecrets book,

I shared this image showing the
seven phases of a funnel. >


Phases #1 and #2 are focused on traffic, Phases #3–#5 because they only got the marketing materials that
are all about the funnel, but the last two steps—the were sent to people inside of their particular bucket,
ones that most people miss, which happen to also but he put all his Titanium Members on his “seed”
be the MOST PROFITABLE steps in this process—are list, so we got to see every marketing piece that they
Phase #6, where you are strengthening relationships would send to all of the groups.
with your customers, and Phase #7, where you are
changing the selling environment. If you were a Gold Member, each month you would
get multiple promotions trying to get you to ascend
Plugging a paid print newsletter into the back end of up to Diamond. As soon as you upgraded to Diamond,
all of your funnels gives you the ability to do Phases you were pulled off of the Gold list segment, and all
#6 and #7 in a way that NONE of your competitors of the communications you got moving forward were
will be willing to do. Getting your messages hand- focused on getting you to upgrade from Diamond to
delivered to your customers each month, where they Peak Performers. Each bucket you moved into would
can read them away from their phone or computer in pull you off the ascension campaigns from that bucket
an intimate setting (that is, NOT on a computer with a and move you into the next one.
million distractions) will give you…
After purchasing Magnetic Marketing and rethinking
• Access to their mindshare, which will solidify through all of the strategies and structure that Bill
that relationship had put into place over a decade ago, I realized that in
my own business, despite the fact that I had learned
• The ability to upsell and ascend them into other
those lessons, I had forgotten them. I would sell
products or services that would benefit them
someone something and then randomly try to sell
them the next thing. There was no process or path for
The Power Of Ascension
Members to ascend—just random selling, hoping to
The other really powerful lesson that I learned by close the next deal.
watching Bill and Dan and their newsletter business—
which I think most people miss…including the other The past few months, I’ve been redesigning the value
investors who purchased Magnetic Marketing before I ladders in my companies to look at what step or tier
did—was how Bill had structured the ascension inside they are on and keep them in a marketing bucket where
of their membership. the only goal is to get them to ascend up to the next
level. Extreme focus on one simple goal: ascension.
They didn’t just have one tier of membership; they
had several. There was a Gold Membership level
($97/month), a Diamond tier ($297/month), the
Peak Performers group ($600/month), the Platinum
Masterminds ($1,800/month), and a Titanium
Mastermind ($2,500/month).

When people came into the GKIC world, they

would usually enter into one of those buckets, and
Bill’s goal was to ascend them from one bucket
up to the next tier. Most people didn’t know this,

As you keep reading through this month’s issue, I hope It is an old axiom: publish or perish. If you aren’t on
that the core things you pull from it are these: their desks or kitchen tables, on a table next to an
easy chair, even taken with them into the “reading
• The POWER of adding a print newsletter/
membership as the foundational tent pole that room” you exist at all? Elsewhere, in comments
everything else you do revolves around obtained from me via interview included in this
issue, and in a video masterclass on this subject, I
• Understanding how to design your newsletter in have argued the Case For The Monthly Customer/
a way that creates customers for life Client/Member/Patient Newsletter. Here I’ll
emphasize the Case For PRINTED, ENVELOPED, AND
• Thinking through your different levels of MAILED, and describe the seven effects that have
ascension and creating marketing messages to been goals of mine for such newsletters, my own
help move someone up your value ladder and others designed for clients. It’s important to
understand that this is not simply about informing
As with everything we teach, we attempt to practice
and/or educating; it is about how you can make
what we preach. If you’re reading this newsletter,
people feel.
then you are currently a Gold Member. My #1 goal
now is to ascend you from Gold to Diamond.
1. Christmas Morning Effect. Why are Christmas
presents wrapped? Because there’s fun in the
You can see the special ascension offer we
unwrapping. In surprise. In finding both the
created that is SO IRRESISTIBLE that I think
expected and the unexpected inside. Receiving
anyone would be CRAZY to not immediately
and unwrapping a monthly newsletter
ascend (ha ha) at
package is a physical, tactile experience that
subconsciously triggers recalled pleasure and
You’ll notice that we also created a new type of MIFGE
excitement of unwrapping packages ’neath the
offer to get you to ascend. One of my FAVORITE parts
tree. Gives something to the inner child. This
of this offer is the Dan Kennedy Diamond Faxes book.
can’t be replicated online.
I created this for myself, because I wanted all of Dan’s
Diamond faxes in one spot, and now we give it to
2. Cracker Jack Box Fun Effect. The hundreds of
people FOR FREE when they ascend!
millions of boxes of Cracker Jack sold are as
much thanks to “the toy surprise inside” as to
TOTALLY THINK YOU SHOULD), LOOK AT THIS the caramel corn itself. Kids’ breakfast cereal
AS A MODEL OF HOW YOU CAN HELP YOUR has used the same tactic. Over the years, I
CUSTOMERS TO UPGRADE AND ASCEND. have often included a toy surprise with issues
of my newsletters—little leprechaun dolls in
Why Every Business March, lucky rabbits’ feet in April, candy corn
in October, a little hinge (that swings big doors)
Should Publish A glued onto Page 1, funny photos, a mousepad
Print Newsletter: The with Dan’s sayings, and more. I want my tribe

7 Effects Of High, to wonder, “Is there a toy surprise inside? And

if so, gee, what WILL it be?”
Sustained Influence
3. “Funny” Letter From Camp Effect. Some-
by Dan S. Kennedy where, maybe on YouTube, find an old comedy


recording by Allan Sherman called “Hello Muddah, to be indistinguishable, hard to stand out, and
Hello Faddah.” It’s his letter home from a time tempting to ignore. There’s NO power in this.
when all kids got sent off to summer camp for The key is to Stand Above & Apart. To be
two weeks. If you’ve ever read Gary Halbert’s or special, extraordinary, exclusive. Ad man Jack
Doberman Dan’s newsletters, or my monologues Trout of Ries and Trout and Positioning fame
or “rants” in my past newsletters, you’ll see the warned, “Differentiate or die!” It is harder and
“letter from camp” in play. harder to differentiate with product or service.
The opportunities to differentiate lie largely in
Letter-writing between friends, family, peers PROCESS, such as with ClickFunnels, and with
is something of a dead art, so depending on RELATIONSHIP.
your age, it may be entirely unfamiliar to you. It
is, however, still very effective. You may still get 6. Obligation Effect. Attention (readership) is
a few Christmas letters from distant relatives the essential first hurdle to leap, to get to
or others cataloging their year’s experiences, communication, influence, interest, response,
changes, hobbies, kids’ marriages. We make retention, and referrals. The goal is to be He
fun of them, like fruitcake—but we read them! Who Cannot Be Ignored. “Dropping by” in a way
PEOPLE READ (LONG) LETTERS FROM FRIENDS that obviously cost you thought, time, effort,
AND RELATIVES. And you want to be a friend “like and money creates “good guilt” in good people,
family” in a relationship with your customers. obligating reciprocity, an obligation discharged
by giving you attention—thus giving you the
4. Arrival Effect, Not “Come Here” or “Fetch.” opportunity you need to (again) interest them
Digital deliverables don’t arrive so much as in you and what you provide. (For this same
they get posted for you to come to read or see reason, I often have my clients use FedEx to
or fetch ’n download. ARRIVAL is your drop-by send lead generation or sales letters, even when
visit, with a new story to tell, adventure to there is no actual timing sensitivity involved.) If
report, discovery to share, gossip to whisper. you haven’t read Robert Cialdini on this kind of
You arrive at the front porch or backyard fence psychology, I recommend his book Influence.
or at the office or shop, and you are welcomed,
given a chair, a cup of Joe or bottle of beer, 7. “Look At The Time!” Effect. I want to suck
and attention. You don’t tack stuff up on some up a lot of my customers’ time! There is an
community bulletin board for your buddy or evidenced proportional relationship between
neighbor to go and get. You show up. the amount of time a customer gives you
and the depth of the relationship, expressed
5. Apart & Above Effect. These days, every fool is in purchases, frequency of purchase, price
a broadcaster, OVERsharing all over the place— elasticity, and retention.
TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Anybody can
do it. Everybody does. It’s a cacophony of noise, With my most successful online product
a mess of images, an unrelenting demand for launches, the buyers came to a series of short
response—likes, retweets, etc.—in which you (15- to 45-minute) lead-up videos over days,
stand hip to hip, elbow to elbow, with way too sometimes downloaded a “free report,” got
many other Annoying Pests. In this, it is easy sent postcards or letters, all culminating in a

three- to four-hour “live” webcast: total time around which everything else can revolve, and sort of
consumption at least seven hours. My most a customer-subsidized marketing vehicle. Even simple
successful sale-by-free-seminars business put paid subscription newsletters that are not raised to
doctors into three-hour evenings. the level of membership with a lot of things revolving
around them are typically done for these purposes as
In my copywriting business, I have a potential well as the direct profit from the subscription revenue.
client with me for an entire day of consulting In the traditional newsletter business, where you
before securing the project. I want their time subscribe for one year or two years or three years…
invested in me. I also want them to get so good, better, best prepaid subscription in the
engrossed in their time with me—reading and healthcare category, investment category, business
listening or watching—that they lose track category, there’s no profit to the publisher from the
of the time, and suddenly notice the day has subscription revenue until the renewal.
gone from light to dusk, hours have passed
when they intended a quick skim, and they say, So if you look at it like a big newsletter business,
“Wow, look at the time!” The printed newsletter smaller than it was but still fairly big—bottom-line
plus accompanying enclosures provides the boardroom reports built by Marty Edelston and
opportunity for this effect every month. Brian Kurtz, that whole empire, if you will—the first
dollar of profit from subscriber revenue was in the
Investing in publishing a really great print news- renewal. This makes those businesses somewhat
letter imposes important discipline on you capital intensive. They’re hard to bootstrap. And I
and provides your customers with expectancy, was never about that myself; I was about the other
constancy, and frequency thus relationship. three objectives principally.

Q&A With Dan

Russell Brunson: I would love to start off with just
having you explain why you picked the newsletter
business, and why that was the driving force behind
your business for the past 20 or 30 years.

Dan Kennedy: The first newsletter was started in

1975. And I’ve had at least one ever since. The one
you’re familiar with most, the NO B.S. Marketing
Letter, started in 1994. There were others before
that, and there were others after it that you would
be familiar with. There was a separate NO B.S. Info
Marketing Letter for many years, and then there
was a separate Marketing to the Affluent letter for For you and me to have a relationship of any kind—
a number of years. and for you to consider it a relationship, for you to
feel like it’s a relationship—there has to be some
For most businesses, including mine, it is the best regularity to our chatting, to our conversation, and
combination of a relationship foundation tent pole some familiarity to our personalities.


So even if you see somebody irregularly—every And so I’ve sort of always viewed my newsletters and
year or twice a year at a big conference, only a those that I’ve helped others construct as fulfilling
couple or three times a year in the context of that purpose of the monthly or bimonthly visit. The
business—and you do that for any period of time term newsletter is industry standard, and we sort of
and sort of pick up your conversation where it left all understand what that means in physical form. But
off, everybody knows everybody and we each know a better term for it would be visit letter.
what we’re about and sort of know what to expect.
Its second purpose then is the tent pole around
A better analogy is with more frequency. I always which everything else you do with your customers
thought of it as the equivalent of dropping by revolves. In a business, there has to be a center point
somebody’s house or somebody’s office every so through which you and your customers connect and
often but not with big extended gaps, and being stay connected, where you’re able to communicate
welcomed, sitting on the porch or in the office, and what’s going on and can continue to bond with them
picking up our conversation where we left it off the and continue to have a relationship. So your events,
last time. your seasonal sales, your trips and excursions, your
new or “new and improved” product launches—all
I spent some young adult years in the Amway these things are connected to the tent pole.
business and, unlike many, I actually had a pretty
good-sized retail business. Probably at its peak, 200 For me, that has always been the newsletter. It’s the
retail customers got product delivered to them. place to put the collected customer, and it’s the place
They have a direct-ship, but that’s not what was to continue to interact with the collected customer.
going on in the 1970s. (And it shouldn’t be today
either, but that’s another conversation…) And then another purpose is a financial one.
Without abusing the privilege, it’s the opportunity
For most of that, the ongoing purchasing was to advertise, market, promote, and sometimes sell
because of the personal relationship much more to the customers with…
than because of the consumer’s preference for the
products. In fact, they were tempted all the time A. Their preexisting permission and willingness
when they went to the supermarket to get other to pay attention to that advertising, marketing,
stuff, like to grab a box of Tide detergent if they promotion, or selling AND
were getting low on Amway SA8, or to grab a new
spray cleaner they had seen advertised on TV. B. The ability to do it at their expense rather
than yours.
So keeping them…“loyal” is the wrong word, but
keeping them purchasing without wandering off the So if you are a chiropractor, the newsletter gives you an
reservation—it was all about relationship. And with opportunity 12 times a year to talk about 12 different
most customers, that required not just calling up conditions that some family member or friend of
and saying, “You need more X and more Y and more the patient may have, thereby stimulating a referral.
Z, and I’m gonna deliver on Thursday,” but then on Offering a free report on migraine headaches one
Thursday, also petting the dog, maybe doing a little month and one on chronic back pain the next month
magic trick for the kid, and sitting down and talking
with the customer as if they were a friend.

and insomnia the next month—all done within the There are exceptions though, and they tend to be
context of the newsletter, which guarantees better very high-end and have very limited circulation.
readership and responsiveness, because they’ve pre- Like in the investment world, a few newsletters are
agreed to pay attention. in the $1,000 to $10,000-a-year subscription range,
and they are nothing but information. They tend to
And if it’s a paid subscription, you’re doing it at the have a very small number of subscribers. But they
expense of the customer. In our case, in my case, are the exception, not the rule.
it’s always been a paid membership, so all this is
occurring at the expense of the Member. Instead of The newsletters that have a high retention rate—
ME paying for printing and postage, the Member is help with the retention rate of the customer overall,
paying for the printing and the postage. help increase frequency of purchase by customers,
help with ascension of customers in those kind
So in addition to establishing relationships and of environments, help with referrals in those kind
customer-subsidized marketing, another purpose of of environments—the class continuation of the
publishing a newsletter is the direct revenue, if in instruction and the information may be as little as
fact it creates direct revenue. Which again, if you’re 10% to no more than 20% of the overall content.
doing continuity, it may be the fourth month, the
fifth month, the six month before there’s a profit And I’ve often done the exercise with mine, in a
against the cost of acquisition; if you’re doing term, mastermind group or in a seminar, where we take
it’s probably the renewal where there is direct profit different color highlighters and we go through an issue.
after cost of acquisition. We mark things like…

Russell Brunson: I remember when I first came into • What is rant?

your world and I first started getting the newsletter. • What is personal story?
Shortly afterward, I was like, “I’m gonna start my own
newsletter!” So I started one and Bill kept telling me, • Adventure story?
“Russell, you’re just trying to teach people a whole • What is intended to be comedic?
bunch of stuff. You need to weave personality and
• What is philosophical?
stories more into it, as a way to increase consumption
and get people to actually read it.” • What is motivational?
• What is a demonstration that what we do
When we did the first issue of the NO B.S. Letter, the works, by showcasing examples and people’s
first thing you faxed back to me was like, “Hey, you
need to put more personality and stories into it.” So
I’m curious—what’s the balance of how that works? • What is how-to-do-it information?

Dan Kennedy: So let me go back and say again When you do that exercise, people are usually
that it’s a visit—it’s not a class. And within that in shocked at the realization of how little in a
a business or value setting, some of it has to be a complete issue I was teaching and how much of
continuation or reinforcement of the class. So yes, everything else I was doing.
some “how to do it” information has to be there.
But because this is designed to be gluey, sticky, And so you’re exactly right. One mistake people will
relationship-y, that can’t be the predominant content. make is they will pack it full of how-to information,


attempting to pack it full of value, and they will wind Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet because of
up being boring, uninteresting, and unexciting. This his policies. He and Jimmy Carter will be the two
is the exact opposite of the person who visits you on most disliked Democrat presidents of my lifetime
your porch or at your office, or who you go to lunch for exactly the same reason. Carter was a train
with once a month, who you know is gonna have a wreck. He famously, more than once, would come
bunch of cool stuff to share. on TV and give us all the dour bad news, tell us that
there was really nothing much he could do about
They’re gonna have another story of conquest or it. A famous evening was him all wrapped up in a
frustration, or sallying forth one way or another to big sweater in a chair in the White House, telling
have caught the biggest fish or lost the biggest fish everybody that they were gonna have to get used to
that you can’t wait to hear. They are going to make turning their thermostats colder in the winter and
you laugh. They are gonna make you gasp and say, hotter in the summer, and driving around less and
“Jesus…I can’t believe he said that!” They are gonna using less gas, and basically shrinking their lifestyle.
be in philosophical agreement with you. And oh, by the way, there was nothing he could do
about inflation or all the hostages in Iran.
In the media business, the guru business, it’s called
“preaching to the converted.” You wanna go to lunch And I watch Biden now kind of shuffling around
once a month for three hours with somebody who telling us that there’s really nothing much he can do
you agree with, and not with somebody you disagree about much of anything, but particularly inflation
with. There’s a shared philosophical base that keeps and gas prices and crime. And we should just kind of
coming up and coming back. And maybe that person buck it up and not whine…and put on our sweaters,
also has a great idea. and drive less, and shrink our lifestyles.

When it’s all over with, you feel better than you This is not what we want from a leader. We are not
did before. Maybe certain ideas or practices you’re reassured, we’re not motivated. We feel worse after
engaged in, you feel reinforced that you’re on the we watch it than we did before we watched it. It all
right track, you’re doing the right stuff, this stuff seems sort of like your Uncle Fred, the retired CPA,
works. You feel reinvigorated, motivated, and you who you took the car keys away from six months ago
have something you can’t wait to tell somebody else. and occasionally puts his hat in the refrigerator. We
“I had lunch with Bob, and you won’t believe what don’t feel good about that, right? We don’t want
he told me about X!” And you have some ideas. That deadly dull and boring either. People thought they did
was a great visit. halfway through the Trump administration, but they
really don’t.
And because my relationship with our Members
is not a peer relationship—it’s a mentor/mentee, And so you have to think about how you are a leader
motivator/motivatee, teacher/student, leader/ through your newsletter, what effect you have. And
follower one (and I don’t mean this disrespectfully, it is never just about what somebody knows that
but it’s the nature of the relationship)—they want they didn’t know before they read it or needed to be
you to be a little more interesting than they are. reminded of. It’s never about knowledge; it’s more
They want you to be kind of larger than life. about how they feel after the visit.

One of the great litmus tests of a newsletter is I’m the guy who would be happy with the eight
when yours arrives, are people so excited about it pages crammed full, but there’s not many of
that they drop whatever they’re doing, take their us. And so the same mistake is made, it’s just
phone and lock it in the trunk of their car, get a rat-a-tat-tat-tat—information, information,
cup of coffee, then eagerly sit down to go through information, information…how to do this, how to
it? At least a quick skim to see what’s there. And do that…the list of the five things here, the five
then say, “Tonight, when I have more time, I’m things there—and you fail miserably.
gonna read the whole thing word for word.” Is that
how they react? Robert Henry used to quote an old line about
professional speaking. He’d say that one of the
If they don’t, then that’s the equivalent of you things a new speaker will often ask is “Gee, do
dropping by for a visit and—instead of being I have to be funny?” And the answer is “Only if
invited to sit down on the porch and them saying, you want to be paid!” And there’s kind of a little
“I’ll finish cleaning the garage later” or “Yeah, come rule that you need to make ’em laugh at least
on into the office. Susan, I’ll finish signing these every five to seven minutes. And you need to go
documents later”—you are told, “Ahh gee, I’m too into stories, not just facts.
busy today. We’ll just have to skip it.”
So again, if you took a highlighter to my
So the reaction you get every month when you Magnetic Marketing speech transcript…
arrive depends on how they feel about the visit
when it’s over. And if all you do is load them up If you went through it and assigned one
with information, no matter how valuable it may color to information, it would be like “You
be, they are not gonna feel like they can’t wait need a unique selling proposition, and here’s
for the next visit so when it arrives, they’re gonna what it is…”
jump into it.
And another color for how to do something:
Gary Halbert had this effect on most subscribers “Step one, step two, step three…”
who got his letter. And again, if you take four
or five of those and you take a highlighter to Then other colors for other things—stories
’em—you mark information in one color and how demonstration that this is important and
to do something in another color and everything it works, proclamations of life-and-death
else in other colors—in many issues, you’re gonna importance, humor, et cetera…
be down to a paragraph of information and a
paragraph of how to do something out of eight …you would find the 75-minute version of that
pages. But you’re gonna have a great visit, and speech probably as 15 minutes tops of information
you can’t wait for the next one. and how to do something, and the rest of it is
everything else. And if you did it with an eight-
So you’re right about the common information hour seminar, you would find percentage-wise
mistake. By the way, the same mistake is made by kind of the same mix.
people early on when they start public speaking,
or when they start giving seminars. The exact When the private equity group first bought what
same mistake is made. I made it early, because was then the Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle


(GKIC), which then became NO B.S. Magnetic Russell Brunson: I’d love to transition a little bit
Marketing, its CEO came from corporate training, here. We’ve covered the purpose behind news-
the world where you license a bunch of training letters and structuring the content. But especially
to IBM for an annual fee and then everybody can for people getting started, or even someone like me
use it (by the way, nobody does). Her ideal was who has something already going, what are some of
to turn us into that—moving up the food chain, if the best ways you’ve found to increase the number
you will, from small business and entrepreneur to of subscribers to a newsletter?
mid-sized companies and even big corporations.
They actually put a couple people in charge of going Dan Kennedy: Well, if you are really good at it,
through my products and, as they put it, “stripping then the free trial and conversion is a strategy that
out all the unnecessary stuff”—meaning stories, can work. It’s dangerous—often the pitch can be
examples, redundant examples, demonstration, and sexier than the deliverable. I mean, sexier in the
motivation—and just getting to the information. broad term, more exciting. And so the free trial,
the free sampling, only works if the free samples
And when I stopped laughing, I said, “It’ll be like blow people away. If they do, then that is a really
putting a watermelon through a juicer. You’re gonna effective strategy, because you’ve created a very
have three seeds left in the glass.” So all this is low threshold for somebody to step over to get
gonna come down to like four pages. Now it’s not started. They don’t have to give you any money, or
that dramatic, but it’s a core misunderstanding they’re giving you some token amount of money
and reality of what the business is and what most for shipping and handling.
businesses are. If they are exceptional in terms
of customer engagement, involvement, retention, But what you bought with that is permission
ascension, lifers, all of that—doesn’t matter if it’s an to sell. You bought attention long enough to
ice cream shop or if it’s our business. demonstrate that you are interesting and exciting
and provocative and fun…and informative and
They are relationship businesses first and foremost, instructional and motivational…and that a monthly
and then they are whatever their deliverables are. visit with you will be one of the high points of
Most people confuse their deliverables with their their month. Whereas a pitch is either said yes or
business, but if you wanna make a lot of money, no to or ignored. If there’s a higher hurdle to get
they’re actually two separate things because over, a higher threshold like giving you money, the
deliverables can almost always be commoditized. response to that is typically much lower.
And in today’s world, information has become really
commoditized—just go to YouTube. The other way to get more subscribers faster is if
you are forcing it onto a transactional purchase of
So the mistake that you’ve identified that happens something somebody really, really wants and they
with people when they start our newsletters, which will tolerate force—whether continuity or a one-year
really is the same mistake they make with seminars subscription of a newsletter to that item. Then again,
and when they speak, is that it reflects a core you now have an opportunity to make that work, to
misunderstanding of the business, if it is to be a show up in a way that they can’t wait for you to show
great business. up every month and will miss you if you’re gone.

Another way is that you can play parasite with end sale. And so the compensation that’s usually
somebody who already has a bunch of your used for that is some version of our MIFGE (Most
customers but for one reason or another they don’t Incredible Free Gift Ever) offers, where the six free
do a newsletter (are too lazy or too cheap to do reports on six very specific subjects are giving you
one). In your issue that you’ll fulfill to the people immediate gratification or a book that has 29 things
you get from their customers, you’ll put a one-page you can do immediately to create a cash-flow surge
insert in every month for them. One way or another, is giving you immediate gratification.
you get to play parasite. That often has a lot to do
with who you are, who you’ve made yourself be What is your big, fat book of all the website
in the shared world. Does somebody feel like they samples?
benefit from standing next to you and promoting
you or not? Russell Brunson: The 74 Funnel Swipe File.

I was recently offered (and it was hard to say no Dan Kennedy: Yeah. So bonuses like that wind up
to) the context of me doing a financial investment driving most newsletter subscriptions. Now when
newsletter. I was recently offered free use of it’s couched in membership, it is a little sexier to
another newsletter publisher’s list, which was start with, ‘cause we have other Member benefits to
substantial—80,000 give or take—for free with an talk about, but still it’s a tough first transaction. So
endorsement. And that’s like having gold bricks over when it is the first transaction, it’s usually loaded up
here at one end of the office and not bothering to with stuff or it’s tied to a different first transaction,
go over and pick ’em up. I have my reasons, but or you’ll find it happening in the back end of
that’s the situation. somebody’s business. Which of course, now you’re
having to chase every first transaction buyer and get
It is not, in most cases, a great front-end product. In them to now make a second purchase.
the traditional newsletter world, the compensation
you see for that is usually a big bundle of immediate But the other answer to your question is the answer
gratification stuff you get when you subscribe; the to every info product question. What will get
premium is driving that sale. The reason it’s not a you the biggest, fastest results on its acceptance,
great front-end product is because I’m essentially purchase, subscription” is having the tightest
asking you to walk up to the altar, say vows, and get possible message-to-market match. So ideally
married for a year or two or three, and we haven’t these businesses and these products are about
even gone on a date. You don’t know if I slurp the audience, the customer, before they are about
my soup or whatever. And whatever information anything else.
category we’re in, to the buyer, the subscriber, what
you want is immediate gratification—an immediate So the question is, whoever you have access to here
solution, immediate resolution, immediate gain, that you want to bribe, what visit do they want every
immediate profit. month that is already rolling around in their head that
they would be orgasmic about? What would that be?
You don’t really want a 12-month, 24-month,
36-month journey with me, particularly if we don’t If you broaden for a second and you think about
know each other. You want the six magic words and the late, great Rush Limbaugh, his entire business
the meme to put on your website that instantly was “preach to the converted,” and it was a daily
doubles conversions. So it’s an unnatural front- visit. The average listener accepted that visit three


to five times a week. It’s really remarkable when So that’s really the answer to all these questions.
you think about it. If you were to go back and pick And if you take it out of the info context and
out random five broadcasts, get ’em transcribed, you’re doing this for influence with patients…or
and go through ’em with a highlighter, you could for customers at the local brick-and-mortar level…
quickly understand what Limbaugh was doing and or the financial advisor, the carpet cleaner, any of
what his checklist was for the items to include in a these kind of businesses, the question is really the
great visit in every broadcast. same. It is above and beyond the deliverable—the
cracking of the back, the cleaning of the tooth, the
But overarchingly, what his listeners wanted managing of the money. What relationship do they
desperately was a paternal, authoritative, want? And what do they want out of their visits
motivational figure to tell them that they were with you that will further strengthen and cement
right—that their thinking, mostly criticized by that relationship?
many around them, was right. Limbaugh got them
ready for the Thanksgiving dinner where they Russell Brunson: One last question. I know that
were the only conservative in the room. I’ve often people are paying for the newsletter. Obviously it’s
used Limbaugh schtick about that—preparing the a tool to be able to sell to people, but also they pay
entrepreneur for being the only entrepreneur at the to get it. So how do you balance that line between
Thanksgiving dinner table in his family. He also had selling stuff and giving them this free experience?
a very successful paid newsletter business built on
the back of the radio program. He knew exactly what Dan Kennedy: You can’t really abuse the privilege.
his listeners and readers wanted from him in his visit, However, it really is the same as what happens if
and he gave them that. you sell at a seminar they paid to be at: how they
feel about that mostly has to do with how they
So all these info-product decisions—whether feel about the whole relationship. If there’s a lot of
they are the collection of courses and products unhappiness about it, the unhappiness is really not
you put in front of someone or they are a about that; the unhappiness is about everything,
sequence of things or seminars or your newsletter and it just gets focused on that. If on the other
subscription—they all are best originated with the hand, the relationship is really, really, really good,
audience. What does the audience want? then you have more permission to essentially say,
“Here’s something you need to know about that
Take my very successful midyear Dan-only seminar we’re doing, or that somebody else is doing, which
events. Different subject every year, but mostly I think could be really important to a bunch of you.”
the same format. Like the newsletter is the same
format and the same mix of information: step In terms of ratio, it can’t dominate the pages,
one, step two, step three; usable take-home tool; but because it is a newsletter, there’s a place
checklist, story, comedy, philosophy. Like 80% of in almost every case for a calendar and events
the attendees were lifers. I knew exactly what they page. What are we doing? What’s coming up?
wanted. I built and I delivered it. And we routinely And that can be promotional, not just factual. It
booked 50%+ of everybody in the room for next should be promotional, not just factual. There’s
year’s. It’s very little effort because of how they an opportunity to report on the cool thing that
felt about the three-day visit. just happened, that you were either a part of or

(dummy) you weren’t, but you don’t wanna miss You can interview somebody who is going to be at
out on the next one. the grand opening of your second store or is gonna
be doing health classes at your chiropractic clinic
“Here’s the two-page spread of photos from our time next month. You interview ’em this month. And that
at South Fork Range in Dallas, when we had our doesn’t abuse the privilege—it’s content. So there’s a
event there. Here are our Members riding the bowl…” lot of ways to skin that cat without four pages of your
That’s Member news; people are perfect with it. You eight-page newsletter being an overt sales letter.
can—and I’ve always been good at it, got really good
in the last 10 years or so when I didn’t really have Russell Brunson: I love that—getting them to raise
control of it anymore, but I contributed to it—use their hand and then pull them out and sell them in
what I call “mention marketing,” which is really lead other places.
generation in your own media.

And so it is literally something like “The midyear

“Fax” From
The Past
event is coming up and it’s about X. If you want the
information packet, here’s how to get it…” That
takes a paragraph, right? Then the selling of that
thing is only done to the people who ask to be sold
to, and you’re not burning everybody with all that Weekly Fax: Week 02 of 2013
selling. Same thing with a drive to an online video.
The Lifestyle You Ordered Is
Take the financial advisor, for example. Not every- Currently Out Of Stock
body reading his newsletter is interested in “1031
Exchanges Of Long-Owned Real Estate,” but some by DAN S. KENNEDY
are, and some will know somebody who is. So
without abusing them, we could certainly put a For many years, the Sears catalog was called the
resource box or a paragraph in about a free video Wish Book. If you dealt with catalog ordering for
that’s up for the next 30 days all about that. holiday shopping, you’ll appreciate this:


The Lifestyle You Ordered Is In Hollywood, when a scene is going badly, they
Currently Out Of Stock yell, “Rewrite!” We do the same when filming TV
infomercials. Nobody thinks twice about doing
Glenn Turner always said that most women say they rewrites. No big deal. Part of the process. It seems
have no interest in owning a mink coat, but it is still to me we make a much bigger deal out of it with our
dangerous to have any woman try one on. Most of business and personal lives than it needs to be. If
the people who decry the rich still buy Powerball it ain’t working, why not rewrite it? Don’t dream ’n
tickets. If they could go to Amazon and order fortune drool over a Wish Book; write a “Get It, Got It” book.
and fame at a bargain price of 6,000 easy payments
delivered to their door, they ALL would. If you didn’t take time during your holiday break
to sort through what’s working for you and what
isn’t, and either do or at least outline your rewrites,
there’s no better time to do it than now.

Oh, and you actually can order in the lifestyle you

want. There’s no such thing as any particular lifestyle
being out of stock. The universe, the marketplace
of ideas, the marketplace of goods and services,
will yield to any clear order from you. It will ask a
reasonable price that can be paid as you see fit. Truth
is, most people don’t even try placing their orders.

A lot of people want a life and lifestyle very different
from the one they’ve got, but few are willing to do Marketing In
everything that is actually necessary to achieve the
replacement. The new year, the first quarter of the Action
year, is the time most people think about this most.
Me too, but my list of things I don’t like about my by DARCY JUAREZ
life is now pretty slim. Not that I couldn’t spend
$100 million on upgrades, but I don’t bother buying Each month, we bring you examples of how real
Powerball tickets, no matter the size of the jackpot. entrepreneurs and businesses are using Magnetic
Marketing every day.
I have, in the past, rewritten my life on several
occasions. I was once a road warrior, at the airport In the February 2022 issue of the NO B.S. Magnetic
every Monday, getting almost all my money from Marketing Letter, Dan said, “We found that as we
manual labor in distant places. I once ran companies used direct-response marketing to bring people into
with employees and a full range of managerial our world, what got them to stick was different. They
responsibilities. I was once a daily heavy boozer. I came for the product or service (aka the offer); they
was once fat. stayed for the perceived relationship.”

What I love about Magnetic Marketing is that it is helped create for a friend of his in the carpet cleaning
principle-driven. Understanding the principle will business. Trent is the cofounder of and
allow you to determine your strategy, and then, which uses automation and SMS
your strategy allows you to determine your tactics. messages to help business owners create a unique
Unfortunately, most people jump straight to the customer journey. He described the process as this…
tactics without understanding their strategy or,
worse yet, the principle. 1. Day before the clean: Send a text message with
“5 things to prepare for your carpet-cleaning
I have seen a rise in the number of automated text experience” along with the frequently asked
messages, like the one below, which are starting to questions about the cleaning (such as “Do
give text-message marketing a bad name. It’s exactly you move furniture?” or “What if my pets are
what happened with email marketing before it and home?”). [Communicating like no one else is do-
with fax blasts before that. People hear about the ing, showing up like no one else]
latest and greatest tactic or tool and jump in with-
out creating a strategy or determining how it fits 2. Day of the clean: Send a heads-up text, like
into their overall strategy. “I’m on my way” or “I’m running a few minutes
behind” to ensure that there is constant commu-
For example, here is a common text message I receive nication.
after working with many service providers.
3. When they are finished cleaning the carpets: The
technician leaves a pineapple on the counter with
a note. The name of the company is Pineapple
Carpet Cleaning. [Unexpected gift; reciprocity
and showing up like no one else]

4. The evening of the clean: Send a personal text

message like “Hi, just wanted to check in on how
your carpets are doing. It should take between 4
and 8 hours to dry completely, but they should
be dry to the touch within a few hours. If you
have any questions or spots that come back, I’m
And it’s very likely that they are constantly com- happy to come back for free—just let me know.”
plaining about how they can’t get a lot of reviews.
The tactic is using a text message to request a review. 5. A few days after the clean: Send a request for an
BUT as Dan has shared this month, we are really in online review that is personalized.
the relationship business.
6. One week later: Send a personal check-in mes-
Example #1 for this month is someone who under- sage to follow up again and add something like:
stands the business we are really in and uses text “I’m wondering if you know any neighbors, friends,
messaging with very successful outcomes as a or family members who are looking for a good
result. I recently saw long-time Member Trent Chap- carpet cleaner. If you do, I would appreciate you
man describe a system of personal touches that he sending them my way!”


By focusing on the RELATIONSHIP over the transaction, your customer’s view of you and your business
changes. This is how you go from transactions to relationships. This is a great example for understanding
the principle of magnetic attraction, the strategy of relationship, and the tactics of text messaging, reviews,
and referrals.

This month, Dan explored the power of the newsletter as the tent pole around which everything else you
do with your customer revolves. One of the keys was that your reader feels like they are having lunch with
someone in philosophical agreement with them.

Example #2 is from Gold Member Rodger Friedman’s evergreen first-edition newsletter. This component
piece is an introduction to who they are working with and allows him to showcase the philosophies that
will be shared by his ideal clients.

Example #3 is from Insiders’ Circle Member Andrew Hibbard, who owns Medicare Management of WNY.
He has created a three-step postcard campaign that is sent out to 1,000 prequalified prospects each month.
Postcard #1 received 20 responses, postcard #2 received 10 responses, and postcard #3 had 5 responses.
That is a 3.5% response rate! The average direct-mail campaign produces a .5% response, so he is at 7X the

I am sharing postcard #1 and highlighting some of the great direct-response principles that we see in it.
Postcards #2 and #3 are the same copy with “Second Notice” and “Final Notice” flags. Often, we overthink
and become paralyzed in trying to come up with more copy. The power is in the follow-up. People need to
be reminded, life gets in the way, you are not the most important thought of their day. In this example, he
almost doubled his response through the follow-up, which is a common expectation.

• Attention-grabbing headline:
“Warning! Don’t Sign Up For
Medicare Until You Read This”

• Calls out his specific qualified

target and uses their language

• He has written a book;

nothing says you are an
expert like a book

• Reveals the benefit to the

reader for responding


• Uses scarcity for urgency A few years earlier, I had discovered Russell
Brunson’s work, which revealed a path to serving
• Piques interest in what mistakes they will others through my gifts instead of slogging through
discover and ties those mistakes to what will a career for a politically charged, money-hungry
happen if they ignore it; provides specificity corporate machine. I began to work on my brand
with page numbers by creating content and delivering webinars, when
• Very clear call to action the CEO I worked for took exception. Even though
I was a leader in his organization and had grown a
• Includes a code, which allows him to track and business unit as a Vice President of Sales from $0
also allows the page to show the price and the to $30 million, it wasn’t enough anymore, and our
reader to receive a discount by using the code relationship became frayed.

Postcards are not easy, because you are very On March 30 of 2020, my CEO told me that I could
limited in the space available to tell your message, no longer run webinars if I wanted to stay employed
but Andrew is maximizing the available space us- in my role. The following day, after our board
ing direct-response principles and seeing 7X the meeting, he said, “You can’t work here anymore.”
average response! After nine years, they showed me the door.

If you have an example of Magnetic Marketing in This happened two weeks after the three most
action to share with the community, send it to us at significant stock market drops in US history. In This could be addition, ALL office buildings were shut down
an example of yours or one that you come across. because of widespread fear, panic, and uncertainty
And you just might be featured in an upcoming that the pandemic created.
No B.S. Magnetic Marketing Letter!
Thankfully, a month and a half earlier at Funnel

Member Hacking LIVE, I had enrolled in the 2CCX coaching

program. The program guided me on how to start a

Spotlight business in the virtual world. At the same time, the

community offered tremendous emotional support
as I endured the uncertainty of starting a new

The Art Of Showing Up business at the height of a pandemic.

by RYAN STALEY I tried multiple offers to numerous markets, but

initially NOTHING took off. I then started a show
I was always attracted to the thought of becoming (#DoWhatRussellSays) and completed a virtual
an entrepreneur, but I never could pull the trigger. I summit. After 30 interviews for the summit and
grew up in a lower-middle-class household in the over 50 additional interviews for my podcast, I
Midwest and worked in corporate America for over discovered my new audience and an ultra-high-
20 years, until finally I hit my breaking point. ticket consulting offer that converts!

I decided to stop playing small, because there was • Partnerships
an opportunity for me to create an upside-down
value ladder. In simple terms, I started with my • Future products
highest-priced offer first and then worked down a
Imagine what a show could do for you!
descension path. This was the same strategy Elon
Musk leveraged when he launched Tesla. He pre-
Okay, you’re probably thinking, “This sounds great,
sold his highest-priced product (and only product
Ryan, but I don’t have the time for a show” or “I am
at the time)—the Tesla Model S—in June of 2012
not yet ready.” Well, at least those were my reasons
for a base cost of $107,300.
for not doing it initially.

My podcast was a vehicle to make this a fast

I have to admit, I didn’t start sooner because I
reality! By targeting my best prospects and Dream
thought it took too much time. But then I realized
100 partners as interview guests, I created a
that in just 90 minutes a week, I could create an
continuous flow of new B2B consulting revenue
engine to fuel my upside-down value ladder if I did
and joint-venture opportunities.
four things:

My brand and identity expanded because I inter- 1. Be consistent weekly.

viewed the top SaaS founders and thought leaders
in the world, while also repurposing my interview 2. Get great guests.
content for social media.
3. Ask thought-provoking questions.

In addition, this is paving the way for future product 4. Evaluate and refine weekly based on the
development at the bottom of my value ladder. In receptiveness of my guests and audience.
Plata O Plomo (“the bullet or the bribe”), Russell
Brunson states, “Start with the back end first, do That’s all it takes! Sometimes the best answers are
the big thing (like a live event or workshop), and the simplest ones.
then from there, pull things out as assets.”
If you have a unique skill set that big companies
So I am now leveraging this strategy to turn my crave, feel free to model this and take the easy way
consulting/coaching engagements into future mid- to grow your business exponentially. I know you will
and lower-ticket products. make it happen, and I look forward to seeing you
walk across the stage to receive your Two Comma
Hosting a podcast a show provided the following Club award!
benefits for me:
If you want to check out the podcast that helped
• Continuous prospects and revenue me create my upside-down value ladder, subscribe
• Social content to The Scale Up Show HERE:
• Mindset and identity development or connect to me on LinkedIn for daily content.
• Confidence Ryan Staley, Founder of Whale Boss.


Copywriting of this point. Spend 90% of your time crafting a super-
seductive, mouth-watering, anticipation-building

title for your bonus…then just make sure you actually
fulfill the promise in the bonus material you deliver.

Sold 300–500 Million Books
Want More Sign-Ups? Based On Titles Alone!
Offer Better Bonuses!
E. Haldeman-Julius was a master at selling the print
“The premium drives the sale!” That is a quote I have equivalent of ebooks. He built a publishing empire
heard Dan Kennedy say a number of times over the by selling what he called his Little Blue Books. E.
years. Whether it’s for a physical product, an info Haldeman-Julius sold hundreds of millions of
product, a newsletter, or a membership site—the copies of his short books based on titles alone—
premium drives the sale. NO sales copy whatsoever.

What does that mean? Well, look at it this way. People sent him money for books on various topics
When you ask people to sign up for your newslet- based on advertisements with checkboxes next to a
ter, you’re basically asking them to commit to a new list of titles (NO other sales copy for the books). They
monthly bill. Right along with the electric bill, the chose a minimum number of titles, sent their money,
cable bill, the car payment, the child support, the and received these little pamphlet-style books.
water, and the Netflix, you want them to commit to
another dip into their already thin wallet. Obvious The key point to grasp here is that E. Haldeman-
truth: People don’t like to sign up for monthly bills. Julius sold between 300 and 500 MILLION books on
They do however, LOVE to get an immediate result titles alone. He tested those titles like a fiend, all
they really, REALLY want! without the benefit of a computer and little more
than a ledger and a pen to track results. That’s the
That’s where using a bonus—or a “stack” of bo- power of titles to drive people to action.
nuses—to get people to sign up for your newsletter
comes in extremely handy. People want an imme- Which titles for your bonuses
diate result—RIGHT NOW! They don’t like to wait, and premiums work best to
and they sure don’t want to sit around waiting for a drive people to action?
newsletter that might address their pressing issues
at some unknown point in the future. They want Titles targeted toward a specific group of people
results…and they want them right now. You can use that promise a single, tangible, immediate, fo-
this to your advantage when offering bonuses, to en- cused result work best. Titles that focus on fears,
tice them to sign up immediately for your newsletter. hang-ups, problems, or objections people have
for getting results in your newsletter’s area of
From a copywriting perspective, what’s the most concentration make great bonuses. Each bonus
important part of a bonus? The title. The title of your should only address one specific area, and do so
bonus is everything. I can’t overstate the importance in a way that promises an easy push-button fix.

Great overall topics for bonuses include… • The Millionaire Investor’s Hot Stock
• Make money Research Shortcut

• Save money • The Super Mom’s Virus Protection Shortcut

• Save time • The Special Forces Operator’s Shortcut To

• Avoid effort Crush Your Fitness Test

• Escape pain
The + Timing + Result + Hack
Within those categories, you want to list off the • The 30-Minute Dog Potty-Training Hack
most critical objections, problems, hang-ups, and
• The 7-Minute Abs Hack
excuses people have for NOT getting results
and then create a bonus with an emotionally • The 3-Hour Book-Writing Hack
compelling title that solves the problem. Here are
Bottom line: Make every title emotionally compel-
a number of title formulas you can employ imme-
ling and timely. People want the magic button. They
diately to create emotionally compelling titles for
want to take a pill, wake up tomorrow at their ideal
your bonuses.
weight (lying next to a supermodel), while some-
one brings them a bushel basket full of cash along
Premium Bonus Title Templates
with their favorite breakfast. You might not be able
Payoff + Code to do that, but you can use the same principles to
• High-Converting TikTok Ad Code create premium titles that drive people to sign up
for your newsletter.
• Million-Dollar Subscriber Code
• High-Ticket Sales Funnel Code Dance with the one
who brung ya!
Ideal Identity’s + Topic + Shortcuts


Also, don’t forget about the people who already enthusiasm. It is a poor compliment to a man to
subscribe to your newsletter. Yes, use bonuses as have it said of him that anyone who will stand and
a sign-up strategy. But also use those bonuses as a listen may know all that he knows, yet this might be
stick strategy. truthfully said of 95% of us.

In this digital age, it doesn’t cost a thing to deliver

Today I met a beggar on the street whom I
a digital bonus, but it could mean everything for
recognized as a man I had known twenty-odd years
subscriber retention. Use these formulas to cre-
ago. He was then a famous man—famous for his
ate amazing bonus titles, and then TEST new ones
ability to gather and dispense all the scandal of the
every quarter. Use those new tests (even if they
neighbor. He knew the “past” of every other man
don’t beat the originals on sign-up conversions)
in the camp and saw to it that everyone else found
as premiums to reward existing members with an
it out. Incidentally, he departed from his place of
extra bonus. And remember, in virtually all cases,
employment and from the community by “invitation”
“The premium (title) drives the sale!”
because he built nothing but tore down all he could,
including the confidence existing between the
By the way, if you haven’t already, grab a free copy
employer and his men.
of Copywriting Secrets at—
it’ll show you even more formulas for hypnotic titles,
bullets, headlines, and more! As I looked this fellow over, I learned more from
a single glance than I could have gathered from a

Condensed year’s study of the theory of failure. Time will tell.

They go up and on or down and out, but Time sees

Philosophy to it that they “move on” one way or the other. The
direction is usually determined by the standard
a man sets or the lack of a standard; by the plan
by NAPOLEON HILL he adopts or the lack of a plan. Whether he drifts
Thought-Inspiring Epigrams or climbs against the resisting forces of a practical
world, he moves on.
(Part 3 of 5)
Republished from a 1922 issue of Napoleon Hill’s
Magazine If failures and mistakes and enemies and scandal-
mongers do not cause a man to come up fighting,
I am convinced that one of the evilest of evils is with a firm determination to turn adversity into
that of talking too much and listening too little. By a force which he can use as a power to carry him
tactfully drawing people into conversation, which is toward his objective in life, it is a safe bet that he is
by no means a difficult task in most cases, you can but a part of that great mass of human “void” which
find out what is in the mind of another. By keeping constitutes the riff-raff of unfortunate humanity;
your own mouth shut and your ears open, you that his name will never mark a monument to
surround yourself with a tremendous advantage achievement or be coupled with the blazing of a
over the fellow who talks with unguarded trail through the wilderness of originality.

We are all enthusiastic “starters,” but most of us is a constant reminder of the danger of wealth
poor “finishers.” We start to save money, but quit; when it is in the hands of a man who has not the
we start to create a higher position in life, but quit; strength of character to use it intelligently. But
we start to render more service than we are paid to for the $80,000 a year which a foolish old woman
render, but quit; we start to be loyal to our friends, gave Harry Thaw, the Thaw-White tragedy of
but quit; we start to achieve some worthy end, but fifteen years ago would never have happened. I
quit. However, there is one quality which we possess am wondering how many people there are who
rather liberally; it is the ability to create a perfect could keep themselves in the straight and narrow
alibi for the things we do not accomplish, the money path if such a sum of money as this were handed
we do not save, the position in life we do not attain. over to them without effort on their part. Do not
bemoan your poverty-stricken condition too loudly
until you have determined whether or not you
You are the sum total of the thoughts you think,
have learned what to do with wealth when you
the books you read, the company you keep, the
get it. This may seem like a foolish effort to create
words you speak, the aim in life to which you
sound thought on a timely subject, but it isn’t!
aspire. In this moving world, where everything is
constantly in a state of flux, you resemble most the
strongest and most impressionable influences of Poverty is an experience through which practically
your daily environment. No man can escape the every great and useful servant of mankind has
effects of environment, but he can change and passed. The man who masters poverty and learns
modify that environment, so that it, in turn, may how to use wealth to constructive ends is seldom
modify and change him. a snob or an idler.

Any man can, by writing out a Definite Aim and

a definite plan for attaining it and concentrating his
mind upon it day after day, finally attain that aim if it
is within the possibility of attainment by a man of his

Wealth carries with it a responsibility which not

all men are prepared to assume. There is but one
thing which a man can do when poverty-stricken,
but there are many things which a man of wealth
may do if he chooses, wherein may be found the
reason why so few people can handle wealth
without doing more damage than good.

This writer helped to raise a young man to great

wealth, and he destroyed himself with that wealth
in less than a year. The room in which these lines are
being written, formerly occupied by Harry K. Thaw, or go to


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coaching sessions, quarterly two-day “intensives” to get your marketing projects DONE, the Whole Enchilada (a huge
collection of all the most important Dan Kennedy training courses), and the Dan Kennedy “search engine” with the back
archives of the many newsletters he has written over the decades!
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Diamond Membership | You’ve already learned the principles to market and create a successful business.
Now learn how to be an elite entrepreneur! As a Diamond Member, you’ll get more tools to help you gain momentum
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Become a Diamond Member today at
Gold Membership | Want to take Dan’s tested and proven marketing principles and use them in a cutting-edge way to
grow your business online? Inside the Gold membership, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes peek at what is working in the
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Behind The Scenes Letter from Russell Brunson, both chock-full of marketing strategies and principles that you can use
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three months’ newsletters. No theory, no fluff—just proven examples that you can model for your business, no matter
what industry you’re in.
Join the Gold membership at

Read Magnetic Marketing | Want to learn how to attract a flood of new customers that pay, stay, and refer others? The Magnetic Marketing book has the
core frameworks that Dan Kennedy created to help companies in over 136 different niches, business categories, industries, and professions to grow in very
untraditional ways. Magnetic Marketing is a radical, dramatically different way to look at business…with no academic theories, no vague “ideas,” no fads, and NO
B.S. Inside this book, Dan challenges entrepreneurs and business owners to DUMP the boring corporate marketing they are doing that commoditizes them into
“sameness” and has them chasing customers and begging for business.

Get the Magnetic Marketing book at


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Your level of success in attaining results through the methods and tactics described herein cannot be guaranteed by the
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