Image Pro

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1.The relationship between the intensity of incident light is falling on one side of processed film and intensity of light
transmitted through the film is measure.
2. An increase of atleast 30% mAs is produce an increase in.
3. Density taken from densitometer is out acceptable diagnostic range.
4. Increase in film density increase in Mas.
 mAs
5. Most opaque.
6. Technologist radiography PA chest, using air-gap technique, which of the ff. should be use.
 6 inch OFD
7. Which of the ff. will have a dramatic effect?
 Change in grid ratio
 Change in kVp (15%)
 Decrease in field size
8. When a long wavelength interact with a thin body part, what is the resolution?
 Short scale resolution
9. Which of the ff. will affect contrast?
 Grid ratio
 Focal spot size
10. The film has a numerous shades of similar density is called a film that has.
 Long scale contrast
11. An increase in OFD magnifies the image and decrease.
 Contrast
12. A change from medium speed and high speed screen, will result in a decrease in necessary number of exposure.
 Increase detail
13. The TONAL relationship of the density to contrast.
 Radiographic contrast
14. Which of the ff. radiographic exposure factors would result to long scale contrast.
 200 Ma, h/s, 85 kVp
15. A change from 200 Ma, %s, 65 kVp to 200 Ma, 1/8s, 75 kVp would result to.
 Long scale contrast
16. In order to 2x magnification for a cranium in the lateral position with a 40 inches FFD, OFD should be.
 20 inches
17. In order to overcome magnification when employing a 6-inches OFD air gap technique in chest radiography, FFD
should be.
 84 inches
18. Method of producing motion and decrease the effect of fatty tissue.
 Using compression device
19. Geometric unsharpness of margins in radiographic image.
20. Which of the ff. is one of the major cause of magnification.
21. Size distortion increases with increasing.
22. Unrelated to incidence of penumbra.
 High kVp
23. Controlling factor for distortion.
24. Magnification distortion increases with increasing.
25. Penumbra may be lessened with increasing.
 mAs
26. A supine chest 40” SID would result to.
 A larger heart size
27. Unrelated to incidence of penumbra.
 Larger effective focal spot
28. Motion common in seriously injured patients.
 Involuntary motion
29. Unrelated to recorded detail.
 Immobilization
30. Detrimental to recorded detail.
 Non screen film
31. A smaller effective focal spot result in.
 Greater tube heat capacity
32. Has the best contrast improvement factor.
 Crosshatched grid
33. Diagnostic useful portion of characteristic curve is.
 Straight line portion
34. Main component of radiographic noise.
 Quantum mottle
35. Sharpness of detail in radiograph is best increased with use of.
 Small effective focal spot
36. High spatial resolution is controlled by.
 Focal spot size
37. Increasing temperature at which a film is processed will.
 Decrease the time required for temperature
38. Panchromatic film defined as.
 Primarily receptive to red
39. Film should be stored at.
 10 to 21 degrees Celsius
40. The phrase “First in, first out” means,.
 The oldest film should be used first
41. The primary advantage of small focal spot than a large focal spot is the.
 Better spatial resolution
42. The “base plug fog” means.
 Inherent density in the film base to manufacturing process plus fog produced by spontaneous development
of silver halide crystal, without exposure.
43. On a standard sensitometric exposure, each radiographic step is approximately how much greater than the proceeding
 40%
44. Primary purpose of filter.
 Reduce skin dose
45. Manifest image is composed of potassium.
 Potassium bromide crystal
46. Poor screen film contact will result to.
 Reduce definition
47. High speed film and IS will result.
 Lowest mAs value
48. Active layer of IS is
 Calcium tungstate
49. High humidity will result to decrease in
 Reticulation
50. Intensification factor of IS referred to as.
 Density
51. Skull requires a kV of approximately
 65 kVp
52. Which of the ff. will attenuate x-rays more.
 Psoas muscle
53. The wetting agent is used to.
 Remove the fixer solution
54. Hardener in fixer.
 Potassium hydroxide
55. Which of the ff. requires a decrease in factor.
 Atrophy
56. Which of the ff. exerts greatest control to radiographic definition?
 Size of the focal spot
57. Radiographic definition is lost when a film is demonstrates excessive.
 Motion
58. Which of the ff. is a lost during a change of 100 Ma, h sec to 200 Ma, % sec.
 Overall density
59. 300 mA is obtained by.
 450 mA, 2/3 sec
 1200 Ma, % sec
 600 Ma, ¼ sec
60. Combination of milliamperage and time which ideal for uncooperative and irrational patient required for KUB xray?
 1000 Ma. 1/1000 sec
61. Which of the ff. technique factors has the greastest quality photons?
 600 Ma, 2/5 sec
62. Optical range of the density.
 0.4 to 2.75 density units
63. Combination of best contrast and latitude.
 Screen film with IS & non screen film
64. Wedge filter is.
 Compares varies thickness
65. Quantum detection efficiency (QDE) refers
 Ability to absorbs more xray
66. Advantage of the rare earth screen over calcium tungstate.
 High speed
67. Rare earth screen higher absorption xray than calcium tungstate screen.
 Intermediate xray energy range
68. Rare earth
 Higher xray absorption rather than calcium tungstate
69. Increase in high speed in the rare earth
 Conversion effiency
70. Field size increase, scattered radiation
 Increase
71. Remnant radiation
 Exit from the patient towards the IR
72. One factor that influence the production of the scattered radiation.
 Patient thickness
73. The routine care of screen requires.
 Periodically cleaned
74. Rare earth intensifying screen
 More expensive than calcium tungstate
75. The comparison of the calcium tungstate, rare earth screen
 3 to 5 times as many xrays
76. Orthochromatic is sensitive to
 Green light
77. When green emit rare earth screen is used to properly match is.
 Safelight is required red
78. Which of the ff. used in radiographic image receptor?
 Film screen
79. Which of the following is least important characteristic in screen film?
 Cost
80. Penumbra can be lessened by increasing
 MAs
81. Which of the ff. will change that will affect the dramatically affect in radiograph
 Change grid ratio
 Change kv (15%)
 Decrease size distortion
82. Screens are cleaned
 According to manufacturer’s specification
83.Synergistic reaction.
Ans: Time of fixation
84.Replineshment most important
Ans: Developer Solution
85.Double capacity can process film is in
Ans: 180 sec.
86.Damp film in receiving bin least likely
Ans: Reduced Transport Time.
87.Minimum flow of wash water
Ans: 3 Gallons Per Minute.
88.Primary purpose of circulation system
Ans: Agitate The Chemistry.
89.Under replenishment of developer result to
Ans: great decrease in contrast.
90. which of the following does not greatly affect imaging quality but is expensive?
-Over replenishment Of Fixer
91. what solution is carried over the tanks into a wire to a drain?
92. what system which keeps solution at proper strength and extends solution life?
92. which of the following does not include in a replenisher system?
-Heat Exchanger
93. in a department without a central replenishment facility, developer and fixer tanks holds how much gallon of each solution?
94. what developer agent produces upper scale density?
95. what developer agent produces intermediate densities?
-Phruidone (Phenidone)
96. what agent is an activator of the developer or a source of alkali?
97. when is the time/period does the change of processing solutions of an automatic processor?
-Every 3 Months
98. what device evaluates The Sensitometric Films From A Processed Image?
99. what filter is available in a photofluorographic film and cine-fluorographic panchromatic film?
-Dark Green
100.The Light Output Of Calcium Tungstate Is In What Light Spectrum?
101.Poor Screen Contact Will Result In
-Blurring Of Radiographic Image
102.Poor Screen Contact Will Result In
-Decrease In Sharpness Of Detail In Radiographic Image
103. The Back Of The Cassette Is Made Of Material Opaque To Xrays Because It Tends To Prevent Fogging Of Film From
Scatter Behind The Cassette
104. The Sharpness Of Detail Is Increased By The
-Use Of Non Screen Film
105. Factors which affect film sensitometry include
1. time of development
2. temperature of the developer
3. activity of the developer
-1,2, & 3
106. Average gradient refers to;
-Slope of a curve
107. Warped Cassette
-Decreased Definition
108. Screen Contact is used
-Making an exposure of a fine wire mesh placed on the top of the cassette and screen
109. Common cause of transitory poor screen contact
-Air trapping within the cassette
110. Phosphor commonly used in manufacturing I.S.
-Calcium Tungstate
111. Newer phosphor used in manufacturing I.S. is all of the following; Except
- Cesium Iodide
112. Increased in calcium Tungstate screens is obtained primarily by,
- Increased in Phosphor thickness
113. Gadolinium oxysulfide is in what light spectrum?
- Green
114. Dyes are added to I.S primarily to,
- Control lateral dispersion of light
115. A 100 mA, ½ sec at 80 kV will produce the same density using 100 mA, 1/8 sec at
-92 kV
116. A 200 mA, ½ sec at 86 kV, the new kV is 80. What is the new exposure time?
-1/4 sec
117. A 200 mA, 1/5 sec at 60 kV produce a satisfactory density will produce the same density using 400 mA, 1/20 sec at
- 70 kV
118. A 20 mAs, 80 kV, 72 in. distance will have the same density if there is a change of 52 in. distance. What is the new mAs?
- 8 mAs
119. Quantum mottle increases in using
- Rare – Earth screen
120. Mostly affect the scatter radiation
- Patient
121. Invisible image that is formed by exposure to white light and x-rays.
-Latent Image
122. Which of the following grid ratio is used in 125-150 kV?
- 8:1
123. Which of the following examination uses table top?
- Close reduction; 9-cm lateral elbow
124. Primary reason in using grid is to
- Control scatter radiation
125. Which of the following is the efficiency grid to reduce scattered radiation is related to
- Grid Ratio
126. The device used that reduces radiographic contrast.
- Filter
127. Added filtration influences the selection of _____.
- Higher Energy x-rays
128. Which of the following least important indicator grid performance?
- Grid Strip Height
129. Simplest type of grid
- Linear Grid
130. Which of the following is one of the three major classification of moving grid?
- Reciprocating Grid
131. The most common reason in contaminated developer
- Dripping fixer from fixer rack into developing tank when removing or replacing fixer rack.
132. The fixer time in automatic processor
- About twice in a developing time
133. What part of the developing density is most affected by changes in temperature?
- Phenidone
134. Replenishment rate of the development is
- 60-70 cc/film
135. Crossover rack is located
- At the top of the vertical rack ascending
136. How often should cross-over be cleaned
137. Which of the following most helpful in attenuation backscatter
- Low mA and High kV
138. Close collimation will help
- With the use of large focal spot
139. Unabsorbed radiation which is also called
- Secondary
140. Which of the following are not applying to grids
141. A 16:1 grid compare to 8:1
-Will absorb more soft x-rays
142. Which of the following is a grid line in only one direction?
- Lumbar Grid
145. The use of grids helps
- To absorb long wavelength x-rays
146. Which of the following used for absorbing scattered radition?
147. This type of grid has a 0.25mm and 4 mm height
- 8:1 grid
148. Produce short contrast
- 74 kVp, 6 inches, 6 inches FOD
149. Which of the following thinner than 5 micrometer?
- Emulsion & Super coating (Please Note changes)
150. If the mA will reduce from 200 mA to 100 mA. The kV could be increase to maintain the same density from 100 kV at
- 115 kV
151. The density on the radiographic can be double by
- Increasing kV by 15%
152. An adjustment in the kV from 60-80 can produce
-Increase Latitude
-Less Patient Dose
-Shorter wavelength
153. To maintain the same density a technique of 250 mA at 78 kV could be converted to 90 kV. How much is the mAs?
- 125 mAs
154. A technique of 100 mA, ½ sec, 80 kV , 50 mA, 2 sec, What radiographic technique would you choose to maintain the same
- 92 kV
155. A technique of 200 mA, ½ sec and 75 kV. 400 mA and 80 kV, What is the exposure time?

156. If an mA selector was set 300 mA and the mAs produced was 15 mAs, what is the exposure time?
- 1/20 sec
157. Not a factor of controlling exposure rate of the x-ray beam?
- Filtration
158. Produce the greatest photon density
- 600 mA, 2/5 sec
159. To convert in maintaining the same density from a non-grid 60 mAs, 70 Kv 80 inches FFD, 6:1 grid with 40 inches FFD and
2.25 mAs , what is the new kV?
- 80 kV
160. If 74 kV was set, with minimum change would occur in order to produce a noticeable increase in density?
- 7 kV
161. Radiographic technique that would produce the greatest radiographic density?
- 300 mA / 2/5 sec
162. A technique with most density
-400 & 3/20 sec.
162. To convert, maintain the same density, the technique of non-grid , 60 mAs , 70 kVp , 80 inches FFD to 6:1 grid, 22.5 Ma.
What is the kilovolts required?
- 8o Kv
163. In standard of 300 mA, 1/20 sec 80 kv adjusted to 75 Ma, 1/5 sec, what kV IS required?
- 80 Kv
164. Air-Gap technique improve
- Edge gradient
165. In standard of 100 Ma, 1/5 sec , 80 kV adjustment of 50 mA, 1/20 sec. What is required kilovoltage?
- 92 kV
166. Lateral cervical vertebrae radiographed at 10 mA, 1/5 sec and 70 kV, If the kV reduced 65 kV what exposure time required
to maintain the same density?
- ¼ sec
167. If the milliamperage is reduced from 200 mA to 100 mA, the kV is increased to maintain the required density from 100.
- 115 kV
168. Solution that is not part of the developing system.
168. Step in processing
169. Purpose of stop bath
170. Synergistic reaction
171. Focal spot blur can be reduced by
172. High spatial resolution affected primarily by
173. Primary cause of motion blur is movement of the
174. Sharpness of detail in radiograph can be improved by
175. Considered as storage arftifact
- radiation fog
176. Artifacts that is distinctive and identifiable
- pi lines
177. Wet pressure sensetization occur
- in the developing tank
178. Guide shoe will be visualized on the
- ( leading and trailing end) -of radiograph
179. Quantum detection efficiency refers to:
-ability to absorbs x-ray
180. Increase film screen speed with increasing
- phosphor thickness
181. Quantitative measurement of the response of the film to exposure and development is known as
- Sensitometry
182. Term erroneously substituted for direct exposure technique
- Non-Screen
183. Film that respond to fluorescent light and given off by activated intensifying screen
- Intensifying Screen
184. What artifact which occur because of rapid movement in the darkroom?
- Static Artifact
185. Ideal temperature of storage of fresh and unexposed film.
- 60 – 80 degre F
186. Temperature of radiographic film after processing
- 90 – 95 degree F
187. Minimum size and space between object, can be visualized on the final image.
- Line pairs per millimeter
188. Reasons why blue tint is added
- Reduce parallax effect
189. Other term for flood replenishment
- Timed
190. Not affect film base fog of film
- Panchromatic Emulsion
191. Not used in comparing base of polyester to base cellulose triacetate
- Thicker
192. Cause of abrasion
- Dirty rollers
193. 350 mA and 120 mn providing
- 42 mAs
194. Lateral edges of the film loss of density, indicators that the
- Tube is not perpendicular to the grid
195. Type of grid that is not grid placement error
- Air Gap Grid
196. Which of the following is not related to high incidence of penumbra?
- High mass
197. Decrease in kilovoltage
- Osteomalacia
198. Grid frequency refers to
- the number of lead strips per centimeter
199. What is not normally found in the intensifying screen?
- Emulsion
200. What is not found in the emulsion?
- Silver Nitrate
201. When a film passes through the fixing tank and wash tank it will see through the
- Receiving Bin
202. A high contrast emulsion is characterized by
- Small, uniform grain size
203. A common material of the developer that keeps the unexposed crystals of the developing agent
- Potassium Bromide
204. Which of the following of processor chemistries that beat control the image on the image of the radiograph in the density
range that is so important?
- Phenidone
205. A developer agent that controls pH is
- Sodium Carbonate
206. Which of the following is NOT found in fixer?
- Glutaraldehyde
207. Which of the following is NOT found in developer?
- Clearing agent
208. The filter in diagnostic x-ray is primarily used for
- Reduce patient dose
209. The total filtration (including inherent filtration) in diagnostic x-ray of 70 kV.
- 2.5 mm Al
210. The purpose of added filtration in added in collimator used to
- Absorb some wavelength of x-rays
211. High ratio grids in radiographic quality
- Cleans up scatter radiation
212. Wedge filter is used
- Compensate for varying densities
213. A bucky using a focused grid if the lateral edges has low density it is casued by
- FFD is incorrect
214. Potter Bucky diaphragm and stationary grids
- Are used to remove large portion of scatter radiation
215. A decrease in image sharpness is due to
- Motion
216. Geometric unsharpness is primarily controlled by
- Decrease OID
217. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
- Solution in manual processing have longer life than automatic processing
218. What chemicals acts as a buffer and source of alkali?
- Hydroxide
219. What is the average silver halide crystal size in radiographic emulsion
- 1 micrometer
220. What is the active ingredient of radiographic emulsion?
- Silver Halide
221. Which factor does NOT influence the basic fog level of radiographic film
- Film Speed
222. What is/are primary agents of developer?
-Phenidone Reducing
223. What agent is used to minimize fog and maintain chemical balance between fresh and seasoned chemicals?
- Potassiom Bromide
224. Which of the following can cause oxidation and diminished activity?
- Exhaustion
225. What material of intensifying screen is used to reduce attenuation 0/000bn and permits reduction of patient dose?
- Bakelite
226. Quantum mottle is
- The source of noise in the image
- It is caused by too few x-ray photons hit to IR 1,2,3
- Salt and pepper appearance
312. which is not found in the fixer
313. which is not found in the developer?
clearing agent
314. the step in processing designed to?
soften the emulsion
315. what is the purpose of stop bath?
remove excess developer from the emulsion
316. the stage in processing in synergistic reaction
time of fixation
317. replenishment in which tank is the most important?
318. when films in the receiving bin are damp, least likely cause is?
reduced transport time
319. double capacity films are processed in?
180 sec
320. the minimum flow rate of wash water is?
3 gallons per minute
321. the primary purpose of circulation system?
agitate the chemistry
322. underreplenished developer will result to?
- great decrease in contrast

323. what artifacts are caused by raised nick on rulers scratching films as it passes by?
- pi lines
324.what is the flexible support of the gelatin material?
- base
325. what is the very good vehicle for silver halide crystals?
- emulsion
326. substratum also refers to
- adhesive layer
327. non-flammable polyester
- film base
328. what color is the radiographic film base to minimize effect of ambient light passing through large unexposed areas on a
- tinted blue
329. orthochromatic film is sensitive to wavelength:
- less than 620 nm
330. panchromatic film is sensitive to?
- whole visible spectrum
331. 100 screen speed intensifying screen is matched with 100 speed radiographic film, what is the rate?
- 100
332. Under replenishment of developer will result in
- greater decrease in contrast
333. Control of replenishment system is accompanied by the
- microswitch
334. Approximate developer condition of 90. sec automatic processor
- 95°F, 22 sec
335. Circulation of developer rate of approximately______ will ensure adequate agitation.
-15 1/m
336. Transport system include all but
- drying chamber
337. 3 in master roller transport is part of
- turn around assembly
338. When the radiograph turns yellow during storage will result in
- improper washing
339. In 90 sec processor immersion time of the developer is
- 20 sec
340. Classification of artifact includes all except
- Location artifact
341. Handling artifact
- Kink marks
342. Distinct pattern of static artifact include all except
- Finger static
343. Cellulose nitrate
- has been employed as a film base
344. Photographic emulsion in a radiograph film is consist of
- gelatin & silver halide
345. Common base of contemporary film
- polyester
346. In the manufacture of radiographic film
- direct exposure has thicker emulsion layer & more silver halide crystal than the scree film.
347. Dimensional stability has the property of maintaining the size & shape of the - base
348. Purpose of gelatin in the emulsion is to
- support silver halide crystal uniformly
349. Conventional xray film has
- emulsion coated on both side of a film
350. Usually thinner than 5um
- supercoating/overcoat
351. Conventional radiograph screen is approximately
- 0.25mm thick
352. Special imaging properties of crystal known as photographic effect are thought to be due to
- silver sulfide
353. Migrating secondary electrons involved in latent image formation comes from all but which of the following
- Gelatin.
354. Most commonly employed radiologic image
- screen film.
355. Not a characteristic a tech to considers in selecting a film
- light emission
356. Fast film differ to slow film principally in______silver halide crystal
- concentration
357. Spectral response to emulsion refers to
- absorption of visible light.
358. Calcium tungstate screen emit
- blue light
359. Sensitivity speck refers to
- emulsion contaminants
360. Latent image is actually formed in
-silver halide crystal.
361. Manufacture of emulsion molecule that is particularly light sensitive
- AgBr
362. Formation of manifest image follows many sequential steps, first of which is
- ionization.
363. If other factors remain constant, which of the following will have the highest radiographic density?
- 200ma 500ms,90cm SID
364. The general purpose of x-ray tube usually have a inherit filtration of ___.
- 0.5 mm Al
365. General purpose of xray tubes have inherent filtration
-0.5 mm Al
366. The principal advantage of a small focal spot compared to a large focal spot is
-better spatial resolution
367. If others factors remain constant which of the following would result the highest radiographic density ?
-100 mA, 500 ms, 90 cm SID
368. In a radiographic examination of the lumbar spine which of the following techniques would result the greatest exposure to
the patient
-70 kVp/200 mAs
369. Sharp resolution of a radiograph is improve by the use of
-slower screens
370. Sharpness of detail on a radiograph is principally improve by
-reducing patient motion
371. Principal cause of a motion blur is movement of the
372.Which of the following radiographic techniques is likely to produce the best visualization of low contrast structures
-72 kVp,100 mA,100 ms
373.High spatial resolution is affected principally of which of following
-focal spot size
374.Focal spot blur can be reduce by
-decreasing OID
375.The best way to control the focal spot blur without affecting optical density is the use of
-very small focal spot
376.The sharpness of detail in a radiograph is best increase by the use
-small effective focal spot
377.Main component of the radiographic noise is the
-Quantum mottle
378.The diagnostically useful portion of the characteristics curve includes the
-straight-line portion
379.In general which of the following has the greatest contrast improvement factor
-crosshatched grids
380.Which of the following is not a grid positioning error
-air gap grid
381.One factor that does not affect the percentage of a scattered radiation reaching the image receptor is the
382.Which of the following would be including classification of the moving grids
-reciprocating grids
383.The undesirable absorption of the primary beam xrays by a grid is called
-linear grid
384.Which of the following is the least important indicator of the grid performance
-grid strips height
385.Filtration influences absorption of
-high energy xrays
386.The use of the following devices will reduce radiographic contrast
387.One helpful feature of light localizing collimator is
388. Simplest type of beam restricting device
-Aperture diaphragm
389. The primary function of intensifying screen
-reduce patient dose
390. Invisible image composed of
- metallic silver grain
391. Not included as an artifact?
- Location
392. Any unwanted images?
- Artifact
393. Chemical that prevents reduction
- NaCO3

394. Static artifacts include

- Tree, Crown and Smudge
395. Primary reason for developer contamination
- Splashing
396. Orthochromatic , other term
- Green Sensitive
397. Primary reason for the use of grid
- Increased radiographic contrast
398. The use of grid result;
- Controls scatter radiation
399. The efficiency of the reduction of scatter radiation is related to
- Grid Ratio
400. Device that is used that reduces radiographic contrast?
- Filter
401. Added filtration influences the selection of ______.
- High Energy x-rays
402. Which of the following is least important indicator for grid performance?
- Grid Strip-Height
403. Grid that has only one direction
- Linear Grid
404. One of the factor that does not affect the scatter radiation reaching patient.
- mAs
405. Sharp resolution of detail in the radiograph
- Slower screen
406. In a radiograph of the lumber spine, which of the following would result in the greatest exposure to the patient/
- 70 kv/200 mAs
407. In other factors remains the same, which of the following would result in highest density?
- 200 ma/500 ms/90cm SID/FFD
408. Most factor which affect film sensitivity
- Time of development
- Temperature
-Activity of the Developer
409. Edge gradient refers to
- The slope of a curve
410. Warped cassette result in
- Blurring of radiographic Image
411. Screen film contact refers to
- Making exposure of a fine wire mesh on the top of the cassette and screen.

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