Chapter 1 - Auditing and Internal Control
Chapter 1 - Auditing and Internal Control
Chapter 1 - Auditing and Internal Control
Advisory Services
Management is held liable for violations such as Mandated after the Enrol, WorldCom, and
software piracy if raided by the software police Adelphia large financial frauds and the resulting
and sufficient evidence of impropriety is found. losses are suffered by stockholders. SOX Act of
2002 is made to protect the public from such
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of 1977
US business executives use organization’s funds
SOX requires the implementation of an adequate
to bribe foreign officials, having internal control
system of internal controls over their financial
issues, formerly of little interest to stockholders.
reporting process
The FCPA requires the companies registered
Section 302 requires:
with SEC to:
Corporate management (including the
Keep records that fairly and reasonably
CEO) is required to certify the
reflect the transactions of the firm and its
organization’s internal controls on a
financial position.
quarterly and annual basis.
Maintain a system of internal control that
provides reasonable assurance that the
External auditors must perform the
organization’s objectives are met. following procedures quarterly to identify
*Violation of the FCPA could lead to heavy fines any material modifications in controls
and imprisonment. that may impact financial reporting:
o Interview management regarding
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations any significant changes in the
(COSO) – 1992 design or operation of internal
control that occurred subsequent
Savings and Loans Scandals of the 1980s
to the preceding annual audit or
A committee to address these frauds (Formerly prior review of interim financial
called as Treadway to COSO) information
o Evaluate the implications of
Sponsoring Organizations misstatements identified by the
Financial Executives International (FEI) auditor as part of the interim
Institute of Management Accountants review that relate to effective
(IMA) internal controls
American Accounting Association (AAA) o Determine whether changes in
American Institute of Certified Public internal controls are likely to
Accountants (AICPA) materially affect internal control
Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) over financial reporting
Believes that best deterrent to fraud was strong Section 404 requires the management to assess
internal controls. Therefore, they focus on an the effectiveness of their organization’s internal
controls. This means they must provide an Modifying Procedures
annual report addressing the following:
Four modifying principles that guide designers
Understand the flow of transactions, and auditors of internal control systems:
including IT aspects, in sufficient detail to
Management responsibility –
identify points at which a misstatement
establishment and maintenance of a
could arise.
system of internal control is a
Using a risk-based approach, assess both
management responsibility.
the design and operating effectiveness of
Methods of Data Processing – the internal
selected internal controls related to
control system should achieve the four
material accounts
broad objectives regardless of the data
Assess the potential fraud in the system
processing method used (manual or
and evaluate the controls designed to
computer based). The specific techniques
prevent and detect fraud
used to achieve these objectives will vary
Evaluate and conclude on the adequacy of
with different types of technology.
controls over the FS reporting process.
Limitations – every system of internal
Evaluate entity-wide (general) controls
control has limitations on its
that correspond to the components of the
COSO framework.
(1) Possibility of error - No system is
Recommended model of SEC: COSO Framework perfect
(2) Circumvention – personnel may
PCAOB (Public Company Accounting
circumvent the system through
Oversight Board) Auditing Standard No. 5
collision or other means
endorses COSO as the framework for
(3) Management override – management
control assessment.
is in position to override control
There are other suitable frameworks that
procedures by personally distorting
have been published; any framework
transactions or by directing a
shall encompass all of COSO’s general
subordinate to do so
(4) Changing conditions – conditions may
Internal Control Objectives, Principles, change over time so that existing
effective controls may become
and Models
An organization’s internal control system Reasonable Assurance – internal control
comprises policies, practices, and procedures to system should provide reasonable
achieve four broad objectives: assurance that the four broad objectives
are met.
1. To safeguard assets of the firm o The cost should not outweigh the
2. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of benefits.
accounting records and information
3. To promote efficiency of the firm’s The PDC Model
Preventive controls
4. To measure compliance with
management’s prescribed policies and First line of defense in the control
procedures structure.
Designed to reduce the frequency of Procedures of delegating responsibility
occurrence of undesirable events. and authority
Preventing errors and fraud is more cost- Management methods for assessing
effective than detecting and correcting performance.
the problems after they occur. External influences
Organization’s policies and practices for
Detective Controls
managing its human resources.
Second line of defense
SAS 109 requires that auditors obtain sufficient
Designed to identify and expose
knowledge to assess the attitude and awareness
undesirable events that elude preventive
of the organization’s management, BOD, and
owners regarding internal control.
Reveals specific type of errors by
comparing actual occurrences to pre- Risk Assessment
established standards.
Organizations must perform a risk assessment to
Corrective Controls identify, analyze, and manage risks relevant to
financial reporting.
Must be taken to reverse the effects of
detected errors. SAS 109 requires that auditors obtain sufficient
Corrective controls actually fix the knowledge of the organization’s risk assessment
problem exposed by detective controls. procedures to understand how management
For any detected error, there may be identifies, prioritizes, and manages the risks
more than one feasible corrective action, related to financial reporting.
but the best course of actions may not
Information and Communication
always be obvious.
The accounting information system consists of
COSO Internal Control Framework
the records and methods used to initiate,
The Control Environment identify, analyze, classify, and record the
organization’s transactions and to account for
Foundation for other four control
the related assets and liabilities.
Sets the tone for the organization and The quality of information that the accounting
influences the control awareness of its information system generates impacts the
management and employees. management’s ability to take actions and make
Important elements of the control environment:
SAS 109 requires that auditors obtain sufficient
Integrity and ethical values of
knowledge of the organization’s information
system to understand:
Structure of the organization
Participation of the organization’s board Classes of transactions that are material
of directors and the audit committee, if and how those transactions are initiated.
one exist. Accounting records and accounts that are
Management’s philosophy and operating used in the processing of material
style transactions.
Processing steps involved from initiation day-to-day activities. (Example:
of a transaction to its inclusion in the Programmed procedure in
financial statements. ordering inventories)
The financial reporting process used to o Specific authorizations – case-by-
prepare FS, disclosures, and accounting case decisions associated with
estimates. non-routine transactions. This is
usually a management
Management must determine that internal Segregation of Duties – segregation of
controls are functioning as intended. employee duties to minimize
incompatible functions. (The
Monitoring is the process by which the quality of authorization for a transaction is separate
internal control design and operation can be from the processing of the transaction,
assessed. responsibility of asset custody should be
separate from the record-keeping
This may be achieved by integrating special
responsibility, and the organization
computer modules in the information system
should be structured so that a successful
that capture key data and/or permit tests of
fraud requires collision between two or
controls to be conducted as part of routine
more individuals with incompatible
Another method is through timely reports. Well- Supervision – management must
designed management reports provide evidence compensate for the absence of
of internal control function or malfunction segregation controls with close
supervision (compensating control)
Control Activities – policies and procedures Accounting records – accounting records
used to ensure that appropriate actions are consist of source documents, journals,
taken to deal with the organization’s identified and ledgers. These records capture the
risks. Grouped into two: economic essence of transactions and
Physical Controls – primarily human activities provide an audit trail of economic events.
employed in accounting systems. Access control – ensure that only
authorized personnel have access to the
May be purely manual or they may firm’s assets. Indirect access control is
involve physical use of computers to accomplished by controlling the use of
record transactions or update accounts. documents and records and by
Human activities that trigger and utilize segregating the duties of those who must
the results of those tasks. access and process these records.
Independent verification – verification
Six categories of physical control:
procedures are independent checks of the
Transaction authorization – ensure that accounting system to identify errors and
all material transactions processed by IS misrepresentations. This takes place after
are valid and in accordance with the fact, by an individual who is not
management’s objectives. directly involved with the transaction or
o General authority – granted to task being verified.
operations personnel to perform
May occur several times an hour or weak over financial reporting to be
several times a day. In some cases, weak, but conclude through
verification may occur daily, weekly, substantive tests that the
monthly, or annually. weaknesses did not cause the FS to
be materially misstated.
IT Controls
PCAOB Standard No. 5
Applications controls – are to ensure the validity,
completeness, and accuracy of financial Requires auditors to understand transaction
transactions. flows, including the controls pertaining to how
transactions are initiated, authorized, recorded,
General controls (also known as general
and reported
computer controls and information technology
controls) – not application-specific, but rather, Select accounts that have material
apply to all systems. They include controls over implications for financial reporting.
IT governance, IT infrastructure, security and Identify the application controls related
access to operating systems and databases, to these accounts.
application acquisition and development, and
The reliability of application controls rests on
program change procedures.
the effectiveness of the general controls that
*General controls are needed to support the support them.
functioning of application controls, and both are
Upon SOX Legislation:
needed to ensure accurate financial reporting.
Auditors are responsible on detecting
Audit Implications of SOX
fraudulent activity and emphasize the
Prior SOX: importance of controls designed to
prevent or detect fraud that could lead to
External auditors were not required to
material misstatement of financial
test internal controls as part of their
attest function. They were required to be
familiar with the client organization’s *Management = implementation of controls
internal control, but had the option of not
*Auditors = Test these controls
relying on them and thus not performing
tests of controls. PCAOB Standard No. 5
Upon SOX Legislation: Management and auditors must use a risk-based
approach rather than one-size-fits-all approach
Attest the quality of the client
in the design and assessment of controls. (size
organizations’ internal controls.
and complexity of the organization needs to be
Issuance of a separate audit opinion on
considered in determining the nature and extent
the internal controls and opinion on the
of controls)
fairness of the financial statements.
Qualified audit opinion on internal
controls and unqualified opinion on the
FS is possible.
o It is technically possible for
auditors to find internal controls