GO (P) No 535-2011-Fin Dated 14-11-2011

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G.O.(P)No.535/2011/Fin. Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 14th November 2011.
Read:- 1. G.O.(P) No.661/ 10/Fin, dated 04.12.2010
2. G.O.(P) No.37/11/Fin, dated 18.01.2011
3. G.O.(P) No.85/11/Fin, dated 26.02.2011
4. G.O.(P) No.87/11/Fin, dated 28.02.2011
5. G.O.(P) No. 180/11/Fin, dated 11.04.2011.
6. 0. M 1(14)/2011 EII(B) dated 3/10/2011 from the Department of Expenditure,
Ministry of Finance, Government oflndia
7. O.M F.No.42115/2011- P& PW(G) from the Department of Pension & Pensioner's
Welfare, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensioners, Government of
In the Office Memoranda read above, Government of India sanctioned revised
rate of DA/DR to Central Government Employees, Pensioners and Family
Pensioners with effect from 01.07.2011.
2. On the basis of above orders the rates of Dearness Allowance payable to
the State Government Employees, Teachers, Staff of Aided Schools, Private Colleges
and Polytechnics, Full time Employees borne on the contingent and work charged
establishments and employees of Local Bodies will be revised with effect from
01.07.2011 in the revised scale as shown below:
I Date from which payable
Percentage increase of
Consequent Revised D.A I
31% J
In respect of those continuing in the pre-revised scale of G.O (P) No.145/2006/Fin
dated 25.3.2006, the rate of Dearness Allowance will be as shown below:
Date from which payable I Pe'centage i n c ~ a s e of I Consequent Revised D.A.I
01.07.2011 12% I 118% I
3. (i) In respect of teachers coming under UGC/ AICTE/Medical Education
Schemes (in whose case DA upto 50% has been converted as Dearness Pay) the DA
will be revised with effect from 01.07.2011 as shown below:
Date from whkh payable Pm2ntage in a ease of Consequent Revised D.A.I
r-----oc-1.--:co-=7,--,. 2:-:o:--:1--:c1-- --+-----1:-:. I 1 2 7% =
(ii) In respect of the teaching staff commg under UGC/ AICTE/Medical
Education Schemes who have changed over to revised UGC/ AICTE scale from
01.01.2006 or thereafter and Judicial Officers the D.A will be revised with effect
from 0 1. 07.20 11 as shown below:
Date from which payable
Percentage increase of
Consequent Revised D.A.
4. The additional expenditure on this account in respect of Local Bodies will
be met by them from their own funds.
5. The revised rate of DA will also be applicable to Part-time teachers and
Part-time contingent employees on the basis of pay drawn by them.
6. The employees of State Public Sector Undertakings/Statutory
Corporations/ Autonomous Bodies on State DA pattern, are also eligible for the
enhanced rate of DA, subject to the following conditions:
i) This will apply only to the Public Sector Undertakings, Statutory
Corporations, Autonomous Bodies etc., where State D.A. or
Central D.A. (with 50% merger) is in force. This will not be
applicable where variable D.A. is in force.
ii) Shifting from one DA system (ie., State D.A., variable D.A, Central
D.A.) to another requires separate and specific prior approval of
the Government. Orders in this regard are to be issued by the
Administrative Department in consultation with Planning &
Economic Affairs (BPE) Department and Finance Department.
Such migration cannot be allowed on the basis of this
Government Order.
iii) Those organizations which are already on State D.A. can release
the revised rates of D.A. to their employees without reference to
Government. However, a decision on this has to be taken by the
Board of Directors of the organization, keeping in mind the ability
of the organization to pay for the increase from its own
resources. If the organization cannot meet such expenses on its
own, and has to get funds from the Government for this purpose,
prior approval of the Government must be taken. (Order in
Government can be issued by the Administrative Department
only in consultation with Planning & Economic Affairs (BPE)
Department and Finance Department.) The condition that those
organizations which require funds from the Government to pay
the DA instalments need to take prior Government approval will
not apply to organizations such as Universities, Kerala Water
Authority, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and
Environment etc. where more than 90% of the salary expenses
are met by Non Plan grant from the Government. They can
release DA installments without prior approval of the
Government but with the approval of the
Committee etc.
7. For those who are continuing m the 1997 pay scales even after
01.07.2011, DA will be sanctioned (up to the date of effect of option under Pay
Revision 2009) as follows:
Date of effect Percentage Increase of Consequent Revised DA
12% 177%
8. The rate of Dearness Allowance admissible to those employees in Public
Sector Undertakings who were getting pay and allowances based on the scales of
pay admissible under 1992 Pay Revision shall be enhanced as shown below with
effect from 01.07.2011.
Date of effect Pay Range
Rate of DA pee l

Basic pay up to Rs.3500 p.m. 588% of Pay
01.07.2011 Basic pay above Rs.3500 up to
Rs.6000 p.m.
491% of Pay subject to
minimum of Rs.

Basic pay above Rs.6000 452% of Pay subje ct to
L__ _____ .._j____ _ ___ _jl-=m=inimum of Rs. 29,460/-
9. The accounting and drawal of arrears of DA will be regulated as follows:
(a) The revised rate of D.A. due from 01.07.2011 will be paid in cash with the
salary due for the month of November, 2011 onwards.
(b)(1) The arrear for the period from 01.07.2011 to 31.10.2011
will be
drawn and credited to the PF account of the employee along with the
salary bill for the month of November 2011 to May 2012.
(2) The permission to draw arrears along with the salary bill 1s giVen m
relaxation to Rule 176 of Kerala Treasury Code .
(c) The procedure as stated in para 9(a) and (b) will also be applicable to the
employees continuing in the pre-revised scale even after the 2009 Pay
Revision and also to the employees continuing in the pre-revised scale
even after the 1996 UGC/ AICTE/Medical Education Scheme .
(d) Where the employee is not eligible to subscribe to any PF account
before 31.10 .2011, the drawal of arrears of DA shall be deferred. As and
when the PF account is opened, it shall be drawn and deposited in it.
(e) For claiming the salary for the month of June 2012, a certificate shall be
attached to the salary bill to the effect that "The arrears as per DA revision
from 01.07.2011 to 31.10.2011 have been claimed and credited to the PF
account of the employee".
(f) The procedure as stated in para 9 (e) above will also be applicable to the
employees continuing in the pre-revised scale of pay even after the 2009
Pay Revision and also those continuing in the pre-revised scale of pay even
after the 1996 UGC/ AICTE/Medical Education Schemes pay revision.
(g) Interest on D.A. credited to PF account will accrue from the 1st day of the
month in which the bills are passed by the Treasury.
(h) No withdrawal, other than final withdrawal, shall be made before the date
specified below, from the arrears of DA credited to PF account
Date on which the amount will be
permitted to be withdrawn
Arrears for the period from 30.09.2015 or retirement whichever
01.07.2011 to 31.10.2011 is earlier
(i) The condition mentioned under clause (h) above will be applicable
"mutatis mutandis" to Provident Fund other than General Provident Fund
also. In regard to Contributory Provident Fund, however, there will be no
matching contribution from the Government in respect of the arrears of
10. In the bill as well as in the PF schedule, the arrears of D.A. from
01.07.2011 to 31.10 .2011 may be indicated separately. Accordingly, the amount
of arrears of D.A. to be credited to Provident Fund Account should be shown as a
separate entry in the Provident Fund schedule as shown below:
Subscription proper Refund of Advance Arrears of Amount I
Amount Month to No. of Amount
Month to From Total
which it instalments which it 01.07.2011
related relates to
(8) (9) (10)
31.10.2011 I
11. The following categories of employees will be paid arrears of DA in cash:
(i) Those, in whose cases, it is not obligatory to maintain PF
(ii) Part-time teachers
(iii) Those who have opted not to subscribe to the PF account during
the last one year of their service prior to retirement.
12. Government are also pleased to revise the rate of Dearness Relief with
effect from 01.07.2011 to State Service Pensioners and Family Pensioners whose
pension/family pension has been revised as per G.O.(P) No.87 / 11/Fin, dated
28.02.2011 as follows:
Date from which payable Percentage increase of Consequent Revised D.R.I
DR =1
0 1. 07 --=. 2--:0:-1:-1,...----

--- ---+---- --3.,.--:-IO,.-Yo __ _
13. Government are also pleased to revise the rate of Dearness Relief with
effect from 01.07.2011 to State Service Pensioners and Family Pensioners whose
pension/family pension has not undergone revision as per GO(P)No.87/11/Fin
dated 28.02.11, and also to the Pensioners/ Family Pensioners coming under
UGC/AICTE/Medical Education Schemes (who retired prior to 01.07.2004 and
whose pension or family has been revised as per G.O.(P) No.Sl/07/Fin. dated
28.02.2007 and whose has not undergone revision as per GO(P) 211/2011/Fin
dated 7/5/2011) as follows:
Date of effect Percentage mcrease of Revised Dearness Relief
Dearness Relief payable
01.07.2011 12% of Pension/ Family 118% of Pension/ Family
Pension Pension
14. For the retired State Judicial Officers (who are drawing Dearness Relief at
Central Rates and whose pension or family pension has not been revised as per
GO(Ms)No.236/10/Home dated 02/11/2010 ) and the pensioners /family
pensioners coming under the category UGC/ AICTE/Medical Education Schemes
(who retired after 1 j 7 j 2004 and whose pension /family pension has been revised
as per GO(P)No.84/07 /Fin dated 01/03/2007 and has not undergone revision as
per GO(P) 211/2011/Fin dated 07 /05/2011), the rate of Dearness Relief will be
revised with effect from 01 I 07/2011 as follows:
Date of effect Percentage mcrease of Revised Dearness Relief payable
Dearness Relief
01.07.2011 12% of Pension/ Family 127% of Pension/Family Pension
15. The pension structure of Ex-Chairman and members of Kerala Public
Service Commission had been modified and the rate of Dearness Relief admissible
to them has been changed vide G.O.(Ms)No.169/09/GAD dated 16.07.2009. The
rates of Dearness Relief payable along with pension to different categories of Ex-
Chairman and members are furnished below:
Category Date of termination Rate of DR
of service
Chairman and Members who were Prior to or after 118%
appointed from outside 01.07.2004
Government service
Chairman and Members having Prior to 01 .07.2004 118%
pnor service 1n Government and
opted benefits for combined service.
Chairman and Members having On or after 127%
prior service in Government and 01.07.2004 but
opted benefits for combined service. before 01.01.2006
The rates of Dearness Relief admissible with effect from 01.07.2011 to the Ex-
Chairman and members of Kerala Public Service Commission who had prior service
under Government and opted pension for combined service who retired on or after
01.01.2006 will be the rate of Dearness Relief as applicable to those who retire in
between 01.07.2004 and 01.01.2006 till the issuance of Government Order revising
their pensionery benefits.
16. In respect of the teaching staff coming under UGC/ AICTE/Medical
Education Schemes who have changed over to revised UGC/ AICTE scale from
01 .01.2006 and for those retired thereafter and to all retired State Judicial Officers
whose pension has been revised as per G.O (Ms) No.236 / 10/ Home dated
02. 11 .2010, the rate of Dearness Relief will be revised with effect from 0 1. 07.2011
as follows:
Date of effect Percentage mcrease of Revised Dearness Relief
Dearness Relief payable
01.07.2011 7% 58%
This rate will be applicable only after the issuance of Government Order
declaring the pension revision of those who have retired after 01.01.2006.
17. In respect of the pensioners/family pensioners whose pension has not
undergone revision as per G.O.(P) No.180/06/Fin. dated 18.04.2006 and are
drawing the Pension/ Family Pension as per pension revision 1997, and in respect
of pensioners/family pensioners coming under UGC/ AICTE/Medical Education
Schemes whose pension has not undergone revision as per G.O.(P) No.81/07 /Fin.
dated 28.02.2007 or G.O.(P) No.84/07 /Fin. dated 01.03.2007, the Dearness Relief
will be sanctioned as follows .
Date of effect Percentage mcrease of Revised Dearness Relief
Dearness Relief payable
01.07.2011 12% of Pension/ Family 177% of pre revised Pension/
Pension Family Pension
This will be applicable only till such time as the date of effect of option for
Pension Revision 2004, after which the Dearness Relief payable will be as indicated
in para 13 above and after the date of effect of option for Pension Revision 2009,
Dearness Relief will be payable as indicated in para 12 above.
18. The revised Dearness Relief due from 01.07.2011 along with the arrears
up to November 2011 will be released in cash along with the pension of December
2011. Payment of Dearness Relief involving fraction of a rupee shall be rounded off
to the next higher rupee.
By Order of the Governor,
Secretary (Finance)
The Principal Accountant General [Audit], Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
The Accountant General [A&E], Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
All Heads of Departments.
All Departments [all sections] of the Secretariat.
The Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission [with C.L.].
The Registrar, University of Kerala/Cochin/Calicut [with C.L.].
The Registrar, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam [with C.L.].
The Registrar, University of Sanskrit, Ernakulam [with C.L.].
The Registrar, Kerala Agricultural University, Mannuthy, Thrissur
The Advocate General, Ernakulam [with C.L.] .
The Secretary, Kerala State Electricity Board [with C.L.].
The Managing Director, Kerala State Road Transport Corporation,
Thiruvananthapuram [with C.L.J.
All Principal Secretaries, Secretaries, Additional Secretaries, Joint
Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries and Under Secretaries to Government.
The Secretary to Governor.
The Private Secretaries to Chief Minister and other Ministers.
The Private Secretary to Speaker.
The Private Secretary to Deputy Speaker.
The Private Secretary to the Leader of Opposition.
The Additional Secretary to the Chief Secretary.
The Secretary, State Election Commission, Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
The Registrar, Kerala Lokayukta, Thiruvananthapuram.
The Secretary, Kerala Human rights Commission, Thiruvananthapurarn.
The Ombudsman for Local Self Government Institutions,
Thiruvanantha puram
The Director of Information and Public Relations, Thiruvananthapuram.
vrhe Nodal Officer, www.finance.kerala.gov.in
Forwarded By Order
~ ~ N J A
Section Officer.

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