COVID Monitoring
COVID Monitoring
COVID Monitoring
Travel Recommendations
Travel comes with a risk of contracting and/or spreading COVID-19. Now, there are
increased concerns about travel as cases of the more-transmissible COVID variant are
appearing in more states, including our own. Postponing travel and staying home is the best
way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. If you must travel, we urge you to follow
guidelines from MDH and the CDC.
Monitoring at Home
Please use this chart to help determine if your student should come to school or stay at
home for illness. If your child has even one of these symptoms, please keep them home and
consider getting them tested for COVID-19. If you as a parent has any of these symptoms,
please reach out to the school to determine if it is safe for your child to come to school while you
are sick. We do understand how difficult it is to have a child home sick for an extended period
of time due to COVID-19, but if we don’t do this then there is no way we can safely have
children in the building during this time.
Monitoring at School
Staff will monitor students for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and encourage
self-monitoring throughout the school day. Students and staff who develop signs or
symptoms of COVID-19 during the day will be moved to a designated space for
assessment. This space will be separate from the health office space, where well-student
care is delivered and will accommodate distancing of at least six feet. This space will be
cleaned between uses. Staff members who become ill at school will be advised to go home
Students and staff with any of the following symptoms will be sent home:
Exclusion Criteria
PiM will follow the Minnesota Department of Health’s Decision Tree for People with
COVID-19 Symptoms to determine when a student, staff member, or household member
must stay home and when they may return to school. It is important to know the two types
of symptoms:
● More Common: fever greater than/equal to 100.4F; new onset and/or worsening
cough; difficulty breathing; new loss of taste or smell
● Less Common: sore throat; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; chills; muscle pain; excessive
fatigue; new onset of severe headache; new onset of nasal congestion or runny nose
Students/staff members with NO symptoms but a positive COVID-19 test are required to
stay home for at least 10 days from the date of the positive test.
Students/staff members are required to quarantine (stay home while healthy) for 14 days
from the date of last contact with someone who tests positive for COVID, unless they have
been fully vaccinated.
Students/staff members with only ONE of the following symptoms (and who do not
develop a second symptom) are required to stay home until the symptom resolves and are
encouraged to talk to their health care provider about testing for COVID-19:
○ Excessive fatigue
○ New onset of severe headache
○ New onset of nasal congestion or runny nose
○ Chills
○ Muscle pain
○ Sore throat
○ Gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, or nausea)
Potential Exposures
The Minnesota Department of Health recommends COVID-19 testing for all people with
symptoms consistent with COVID-19 and for asymptomatic people who have been in close
contact with someone with COVID-19.
MDH considers the infectious period to begin 48 hours prior to symptoms developing in a
symptomatic individual or on the test date for an asymptomatic individual. In order to
evaluate the case and determine next steps, the MDH case investigation team will consider
several details, such as how long the person was on-site while potentially infectious, who
the person came in contact with, and the level of interaction the person had with others.
PiM will notify all identified close contacts of their exposure to a confirmed case of
COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with state and federal law.
PiM will follow Minnesota Department of Health guidelines for determining when exposed
students and staff members may return to school.
● Close Contacts with no further contact with the infected person and who do not
develop symptoms themselves may return after 14 days.
● Close Contacts who have continued exposure to the infected person do not begin
their 14 day quarantine until the infected person is no longer contagious (10 or more
days). These Close Contacts may return after a minimum of 24 days (10 days or
more of illness + 14 days of quarantine) if no symptoms develop in the close
● If a Close Contact develops symptoms, they begin the 10+ period of isolation.