Cert Application Utility Specialist
Cert Application Utility Specialist
Cert Application Utility Specialist
Application Guide
ISA Certification is a voluntary program that tests and certifies the expertise represented by your credential.
your achievement of a professional level of knowledge and skill Achieving a specialty level of ISA Certification also builds
in the field of arboriculture. When you become an ISA Certified your self-image. By studying for and passing the certifi-
Arborist Utility Specialist®, you are recognized by your peers and cation exam, you demonstrate a dedication to your own
the public as a tree care professional who has attained a spe- professional development and the advancement of proper
cialty in utility arboriculture with a generally-accepted level of tree care practices. The process of becoming ISA Certified
knowledge in other areas within the tree care profession, such as and maintaining the designation provides you with per-
tree biology, diagnosis, maintenance practices, safety, as identi- sonal incentive to continue your arboricultural education
fied through periodic job task analyses. Hiring an ISA Certified and training. Presenting your ISA credential to potential
Arborist Utility Specialist® provides tree owners and government employers makes you more competitive in the job market,
decision makers the opportunity to become better informed and for employers, encouraging ISA Certification is a tool to
about proper tree care and their selection of services based on assist in training their existing tree care personnel.
Which Areas of Knowledge Will the ISA Who Is Eligible to Apply for the ISA Certi-
Certified Arborist Utility Specialist® fied Arborist Utility Specialist® Exam?
Exam Cover? The ISA Credentialing Council requires a candidate to be an ISA
Certified Arborist® and have at least 2,000 hours of verifiable
The certification examination is developed by a panel of industry work experience directly within electric utility vegetation man-
experts representing all aspects of utility vegetation manage- agement over the past two years or one of the following:
ment. Questions are derived from a job task analysis survey
filled out by arborists from around the world. Questions are • Full-time employment as an electric utility arborist,
continually analyzed by the ISA Certification Test Committee forester, or vegetation manager for at least 36 cumulative
using the latest test statistics, and new questions are always being months during the past 10 years;
developed and tested for satisfactory performance. Updated • Full-time employment on a project as an electric utility
examinations are created on a regular basis. vegetation management contract employee/consultant for
at least 36 cumulative months during the past 10 years.
The written exam content for the ISA Certified Arborist Util-
Documentation of work experience is required with submittal of
ity Specialist® is divided into five areas of knowledge, and the
application. Letter(s) of reference from your current or previous
percentage next to each area below reflects the percentage of
employer(s) is acceptable. If you are self-employed or own your
questions associated with that area. These are subject to change
own company, you will be required to submit three letters of
when a new job task analysis is completed for the exam.
reference with your application. References may be in the form
1. Electric Utility Pruning—12% of copies of invoices, contracts, and/or business licenses. The
2. Program Management—19% documentation provided must include the practical experience
3. Integrated Vegetation Management—31% and outline the dates of work required for eligibility. Please con-
4. Electrical Knowledge—23% tact ISA for other possible forms of verification.
5. Customer Relations—15%
Examples of experience sources include, but are not limited to,
the following:
What Are the Objectives of the ISA
• system forester
Certification Program? • vegetation management inspector, planner,
ISA’s objectives for offering professional credentials are to: or specialist
• Advance the knowledge and application of safe work • transmission/distribution forester
practices in all arboricultural operations; • vegetation management instructor or researcher
• Improve technical competency of personnel in the tree care • municipal employee performing relevant tasks
industry; • vegetation management consultant
• Create incentives for individuals to continue their • division, district, or regional forester
professional development; • utility contractor supervisor or manager
• Provide the public and those in government with a means • utility contractor or technical support service employee
to identify professionals who have demonstrated by • utility arborist
passing a professionally-developed exam that they have By submitting your application, you authorize ISA to contact the
thorough knowledge and skill in tree care practices. practical experience reference(s) named on your application to
substantiate your eligibility.