Group 4 Hospitality Management-1
Group 4 Hospitality Management-1
Group 4 Hospitality Management-1
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All Praise we pray to Allah SWT due to His grace a guidance, the authors can
complete the assignment of Speaking of Tourism entitled “hospitality Management” in
accordance with agreed time. In writing this paper, the authors tries to explain the material as
optimally and effectively as possible, in order to make it easier for readers to understand the
essence of this paper.
However, the authors realize that this paper is still far from being perfect in term of
sentence structure and grammar. Because in fact perfection belongs solely to Allah SWT.
therefore, the author accepts and appreciated who are willing to provide suggestions and
constructive criticism, to improve this paper. The authors sincerely hopes that this paper can
be useful for readers. Aamiin.
In the end, the authors thank all those all who have contributed to the completion of
this paper.
FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 4
A. Background ..................................................................................................................... 4
B. Problem Formulation ...................................................................................................... 4
C. Purpose............................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................... 6
A. Hospitality Industry ........................................................................................................ 6
B. Hospitality Management Studies .................................................................................... 8
C. Hospitality Service .......................................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION................................................................................................ 15
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 16
A. Background
Hospitality is not only about hospitality as in the narrow sense of language
(hospitable). But, hospitality which is a complex knowledge and art of selling
services, namely services with a service that is full of respect and full of humanity
according to the needs of the human soul who wants to be respected and valued as a
whole human being who has reason and mind. The hospitality business is not just
about selling elite class hotel rooms, or selling good food to just fill your stomach.
However, the hospitality business is a business that requires a soul or spirit in its
operational joints. Hospitality is about hoe to make dead products come alive, so that
they can directly touch the feelings of customers as human beings who also have a
In hospitality, serving whole heartedly is the key in providing service to
customers, including helping themselves actualize to fulfil a true human soul. Such
whole hearted service must be able to be applied by business actors who provide good
services. Apart from being interpreted as a verb concept, namely “garden friendly.”
Hospitality more generally is also often known as a name of form of business so that
tourism is a specific. The general view is that the hospitality business, including
accommodation business, food and beverage business, resorts, attractions and
recreation business, tourist park business, cinemas, games and gambling and many
more. In addition to what is mentioned above, we can agree that every form of service
business has an obligation to apply hospitality in every service, so we can call every
service business that requires direct contact between people as a hospitality business.
Based on the problem, the writer will display an explanation about hospitality
industry, hospitality management studies, and hospitality service.
B. Problem Formulation
Based on the description on the background, it can be formulated deep
problems this paper examines what is meant by the hospitality industry, hospitality
management studies, and hospitality services.
C. Purpose
This paper aims to find out about the hospitality industry, hospitality
management studies, and hospitality service.
A. Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within service industry
that includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and
additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a multibillion-
dollar industry that depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income.
A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or an amusement park consists of
multiple groups such as facility maintenance and direct operations (servers,
housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, management, marketing, and
human resources etc.).
The hospitality industry is all manifestations of the types of business related to
the provision of accommodation in lodging, food, and beverages as well as various
types of services or the hotel business itself which are interconnected and the form of
service is shown to guests, whether using hotel lodging facilities only or those who
only use services in the hotel industry and how to manage the business system to
manage administration in the hotel. Usage rate, or its inverse “vacancy rate”, is an
important variable for the hospitality industry. Just as a factory owner would wish a
productive asset to be in use as much as possible (as opposed to having to pay fixed
costs while the factory is not producing), so do restaurants, hotels, and theme parks
seek to maximize the number of customers they “process” in all sectors. This led to
formation of services with the aim to increase usage rate provided by hotel
consolidators. Information about required or offered products are brokered on
business networks used by vendors as well as purchasers.
In looking at various industries, “barriers to entry” by newcomers and
competitive advantages between current players are very important. Among other
things, hospitality industry players find advantage in old classics (location), initial and
ongoing investment support (reflected in the material upkeep of facilities and the
luxuries located therein), and themes adopted by the marketing arm of the
organization in question (for example at theme restaurants). Also very important are
the characteristics of the personnel working in direct contact with the customers. The
authenticity, professionalism, and actual concern for the happiness and well-being of
the customers that is communicated by successful organizations is a clear competitive
In the hospitality industry, the hospitality business does not only provide lodging
or hotel services. Generally divided into 4 types, including:
1. Food and Beverage
The FnB business is a business engaged in the food and beverage sector, of course
this business will never die with time, because basically humans need to eat and
drink. In the hotel business as well, the fnb business is estimated to provide 50%
of the food and drinks that are included in the hotel. In the FnB business in
general, we will provide the best service for customer satisfaction. Starting from
ensuring the use of quality food and drinks, the taste of the dish, and of course the
cleanliness and hygiene of the food or beverage products offered.
2. Recreation
Recreation is an activity to refresh the body and mind. All activities of course
focus on relaxing and having fun. Examples of the hospitality business from the
recreation industry include cinemas, recreational parks, children's playgrounds,
and entertainment facilities such as water booms or others. Usually in the
recreation business, giving souvenirs or having a membership, building facilities
and customer service and bonuses for entering recreation areas are quite
promising efforts to run a recreation business.
3. Travel and Tourism
Travel and tourism are often synonymous with services related to a tourist
destination, using transportation such as buses, taxis, planes, ships, trains, and so
on. Travel and tourism is included in the hospitality business. The travel and
tourism business functions to facilitate people who travel when they want to go on
vacation, business matters and whatever it is. To give satisfaction to its customers,
in this business it is usually an offensive strategy by carrying out promotions,
advertisements, etc. at strategic locations. Apart from that, advertising, promotion,
and other services can be received directly on each customer's device via e-mail.
4. Lodging
Lodging or lodging is a hospitality business that provides lodging for a certain
period. Apart from the hospitality industry, there are campsites, villas, etc. to
provide a place to spend the night. In this business, the target market is usually
foreign tourists, local tourists on vacation. Comfort and cleanliness must be
considered in developing this business, because in order to give the impression of
satisfaction and comfort to customers so there is a possibility to return to using the
services provided.
The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research completed an analysis of the
top ten hospitality and tourism programs in the world. The results appeared as
1. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR
2. Cornell University, USA
3. Michigan State University, USA
4. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
5. Pennsylvania State University, USA
6. University of Surrey, United Kingdom
7. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA
8. Purdue University, USA
9. Oklahoma State University, USA
10. University of Central Florida, USA
C. Hospitality Service
In 1949 Bob Luitweiler founded the first hospitality service called Servas
Open Doors as a cross-national, nonprofit, volunteer-run organization advocating
interracial and international peace. In 1965 John Wilcock set up the Traveler’s
Directory as a listing of his friends willing to host each other when traveling. In 1988,
Joy Lily rescued the organization from imminent shutdown, forming Hospitality
Exchange. In 1966, a hospitality service for Esperanto speakers called Programo
Pasporto was created. This became Pasporta Servo in 1974.
In 1966, a hospitality service for Esperanto speakers called Programo Pasporto
was created. This became Pasporta Servo in 1974.
In 1977 U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced the formation of Friendship
Force International, which has chapters in 57 countries today. In 2000 Veit Kuhne
founded Hospitality Club, the first such Internet-based hospitality service. In 2004,
Casey Fenton started CouchSurfing, which is now the largest hospitality exchange
organization. In 2013 Mandy Rowe founded Broads Abroad Travel Network, which is
the only online hospitality exchange network for women.
In the Scout Movement, home hospitality (“hoho”) refers to Scouts living for a
few days with a host family to experience everyday life in that community. This often
takes place before or after a jamboree and is usually organized by the organization
running the jamboree.
Room Booking
Room reservation procedures are divided into two parts, namely;
1. Book a room manually
a. Room reservations that have been received are recorded in the agenda book
b. The data ordering agenda is transferred to the reservation form.
c. Data from the reservation form is transferred to the reservation form slip.
d. Enter the reservation slip into the reservation rack.
e. Fill in the reservation chart/plan.
f. Send a confirmation letter to the room booking maker.
2. Computerized room booking procedures
a. Orders made with any media are included in the book reservation schedule
b. The reservation agenda is transferred to the reservation form later entered into
the computer.
c. Complete data enters the computer until all the reservation data already
d. Save all reservation document data in the filing cabinet.
e. Sends booking confirmation receipts to guests.
Receive guest
The check-in procedure for group guests is different from the handling procedure
individual/ individual guest check-in. This is due to the number of rooms that ordered
more and require special attention in handling. The specific matters referred to above
are as follows:
1. The check-in location can be in the lobby, in the restaurant or in the function
room. All of it depending on the size of the group, the number of guests in the
group come, it also depends on the facilities owned by the hotel.
2. Delivery of group guests to the room, not all guests can be delivered one at a time
one, specifically only those who really need it because not know the location of
the room or difficult to explain verbally.
3. Guest goods, if it is a group from afar and carrying goods quite a lot of luggage,
then one by one must be matched with the tour leader, and ensure that each item
has the same luggage tag indicating the name of the guest and the room occupied.
It is for facilitate delivery and avoid lost or exchanged items with other guests.
4. Sometimes there are also groups whose goods arrive a few hours before guests
come, because they are from abroad or far away so Luggage is arranged separately
from arriving guests. If there is a case Thus, the concierge must provide a luggage
store, for keep all the guest's belongings. If the place of storage of goods If it does
not fit, the item will be stored in the area near the concierge counter/bell desk but
given a delimiter.
guests (Flambee), make a salad or offer dessert from the stroller (dessert cart),
while the commis de rang (bus boy) takes food orders to kitchen, bringing
food that has been prepared by the chef from the kitchen. Dishes or food are
placed on a platter that has been decorated by the chef, shown to guests before
serving. Then a platter containing the dish is placed on the stroller, and the
chef de rang transfer the dish to the guest's plate. Hot dishes can be reheated in
front of guests by using a heating device (rechaud) and half-cooked dishes are
cooked (in flambee) in front of guests.
c. Russian service
Russian Service is almost the same as French service, therefore it is also called
modified French service, and Americans often call it just French service.
Russian service is only used in lux restaurants or expensive restaurants, the
method of presentation is: first the waiter/waitress serves empty plates in front
of the guests from the right, and then serves the dishes from the left. The
waiter moves the dishes that have been arranged on the platter by the chef or
the guests take the dishes served by the waiter themselves. Russian service is
also widely used at official banquets or state functions or banquet receptions.
d. American service
The American style of service is also called plate service or ready plate
service. The waiter/waitress serves dishes that are ready on plates and have
been decorated by the chef. American service is easy and practical, does not
use a lot of personnel and doesn't require a lot of space. American service is
used in small restaurants, large and even widely used in banquets in a hotel.
3. Self service
Various kind of self service, as follows:
a. Cafetaria service
Services that are usually carried out in crowded areas, namely guests taking
their own dishes, where dishes are prepared at the counter and guests pay for
their dishes at the cashier, dishes are priced according to what guests take.
b. Buffet service
Dishes are placed on the buffet table; guests take the dishes they like.
Waiters/waitresses help serve bread, butter and ice water and take empty
plates. In this buffet service, sometimes grilled items are served which are
placed at the back of the buffet or placed separately. Usually given a price
(charged) after guests have finished eating.
c. Take out service dishes are taken out of the restaurant or wrapped. Take out
service is usually done by telephone or delivered by the restaurant to the
Hotel classification
Hotels are classified in various categories, as follows;
1. Hotel classification based on level or star factors
a. One Star Hotel
Existing facilities include the number of standard rooms, a minimum of 15
rooms, bathroom inside, minimum standard room area of 20 m2
b. Two Star Hotel
Existing facilities include the number of standard rooms, a minimum of
20 rooms, suite room minimum 1 room, bathroom inside, standard room
size minimum 22 m2 Minimum suite room area is 44 m2
c. Three Star Hotel
Existing facilities include the number of standard rooms, a minimum of 30
rooms, suite room minimum 2 rooms, bathroom inside, standard room
area, minimum 24 m2, suite room area, minimum 48 m2
d. Four Star hotel
Existing facilities include the number of standard rooms, a minimum of 50
rooms, suite room minimum 3 rooms, bathroom inside, standard room
area, minimum 24 m2, suite room area, minimum 48 m2
e. Five Star Hotel
Existing facilities include the number of standard rooms, a minimum of
100 rooms, suite room minimum 4 rooms, bathroom inside, standard room
size, minimum 26 m2, suite room area, minimum 52 m2
2. Hotel classification based on hotel size
a. Small hotel is a small hotel with less than 150 rooms
b. Average hotel with number of rooms between 190-299 rooms
c. Large hotel is a hotel classified as a large hotel by number minimum 600
The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within service industry that
includes lodging, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional
fields within the tourism industry. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or an
amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance and direct
operations. In the hospitality industry, the hospitality business does not only provide lodging
or hotel services. Generally divided into 4 types: Food and Beverage, Recreation, Travel and
Tourism, Lodging.
Ayu, Ida kade Werdika Damayanti, Solihin, Made Suardani. 2021. Pengantar hotel dan
restoran. Penerbit Cv. Eureka media aksara.
Faizal, Hamzah, etc. 2018. Pengantar manajemen hospitality. Penerbit NEM.
Murphy, Jamie. Peter O’Connor. 2004. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
23(5), P. 473-484
Walker, Lucius. Tourism and Hospitality Management. New York: Library Press, 2017.