Treadmill shred
Directions: Complete a proper warmup, then work your way through the treadmill workout,
adjusting the speed and incline for the prescribed amount of time.
Directions: Complete the following nine moves in order, with no rest in between. Recover for
one minute between the full circuit, then repeat for a total of four rounds.
Pushup x 30
Chinup x 15
Burpee x 20
Air squat x 30
Bench triceps dip x 20
Squat jump x 30
Bulgarian split squat x 20
Inverted bar row x 20
Lateral lunge jump x 30
Directions: Complete each move quickly, resting 30 seconds between each set. Complete all
three sets of each exercise before moving on to the next.
Directions: Set a timer for four minutes. Alternate between exercise A and B in each superset
until you either finish all three sets or the four minutes are up. Rest one minute before moving
on to the next superset. This will take about 30 minutes.
2A. TRX single-leg squat jump x 8 each side. (Stand so your right leg is centered under the
TRX's anchor point. Place your left heel on the ground to assist as you lower your hips down
and back to squat. Keep most of the weight on your working leg. Drive through your heels and
jump, bracing your landing so you don't jar your knee. Repeat with left leg.)
2B. Medicine ball isolated lunge slam x 8 each side. (Come into a lunge with your right leg
forward, left leg back. Hold a medicine ball by your right hip, then swing it over your head in an
arch to slam it down on the ground on your left side. Hold the lunge for all reps, then switch
Directions: Set a timer for 20 seconds, and perform as many reps of the first exercise as
possible. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat so you perform five total rounds (20 seconds on, 10 seconds
off) for each exercise.
1. Split squat
2. Squat jump
3. Sumo squat pulse
4. Alternating plyo lunge
5. Spiderman plank
6. Plank to pillar
7. V-up
8. High Knee
Round 1A: Complete six sets with 15 seconds of rest between sprints.
- Sprint x 30 sec.
One-minute rest
Round 1B: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
Round 1C: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
Round 2A: Complete six sets with 15 seconds of rest between sprints.
- Sprint x 30 sec.
One-minute rest
Round 2B: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
One-minute rest
Round 2C: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
- Rope drummers - 50 x
- Lateral lunge and press - 12 x
- Jump rope - 25 x
Round 1A: Complete four sets with 15 seconds of rest between sprints.
- Sprint x 60 sec.
One-minute rest
Round 1B: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
- Barbell back squat x 8
- Band pullapart x 15
- Barbell bentover row x 8
- Pushups x 8
One-minute rest
Round 1C: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
- Medicine ball rainbow slam x 12
- Single-arm kettlebell swing x 20
- Jump rope x 25
Round 2A: Complete four sets with 15 seconds rest between sprints.
- Sprint x 60 sec
One-minute rest
Round 2B: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
- Barbell back squat x 8
- Band pull-apart x 15
- Barbell bent-over row x 8
- Pushups x 8
One-minute rest
Round 2C: Complete as many rounds of this circuit in five minutes with proper form.
- Rope slams x 30
- Plank to pillar x 12
- Jump rope x 25
- sweat with Nc 🫡