Scientific Method
Scientific Method
Scientific Method
What is Science?
Science is a method people use to study the natural world. It is the process that uses observation and investigation to gain knowledge. YOU USE IT EVERYDAY!!!
I use a variety of lessons and activities to introduce students to the process of scientific inquiry. During the two days of the unit, we discuss the unit notes and students complete the "Drops on a Penny" lab. During the lab, students investigate cohesion as they try to fit as many drops of water as possible on one side of a penny. As we discuss the lab results, I ask students to identify the various steps involved in the experiment (hypotheis, testing, analysis, and conclusion) and challenge them to evaluate the reliability of the collected data. I use the SpongeBob worksheets (described below) to discuss variables and controls as well as relate the concepts to the "Drops on a Penny" lab. We also discuss safety rules for the science classroom to lay the "ground rules" for future lab work. I have also provided worksheets for Independent Investigations, which are used throughout the remainder of the school year to provide opportunities for students to use the scientific method. More information about the Independent Investigations has been provided in that section below. Scientific Method Unit Notes - Scientific Method Notes (pdf) - The note worksheet I use to introduce a basic version of the "scientific method". The download includes a student worksheet as well as an answer key that can be used to make an overhead master. This page is just one of the unit note pages. I have students staple other worksheets from this unit to the note page. At the end of the unit, they have a set of notes that will help them complete the unit review and prepare for the unit exam. NOTE: I emphasize that there are several different versions of the "scientific method". While there are similarities and differences between the scientific methods available, all the versions
describe an organized process that helps us find answers to questions. The other worksheets provided for this unit may be adapted to fit the scientific method you use for your unit. Pendulum lab Overview: Students will use the scientific method to solve a problem. They have the freedom to design, conduct, and gather their data and draw their own conclusions. Instructions: 1. Show a pendulum to the students (simply a weight attached to a string). Swing the pendulum. 2. Ask students the following: Does the number of times the pendulum swing depend on the weight attached to it, or the length of the string? 3. Students then work in pairs to develop a way to answer the question. You may need to remind them of controls and variables. That they should test one variable (length or weight) while leaving the other variable constant. 4. Students test their hypothesis to answer the question. They should organize their data onto a chart or graph. Materials given to students: -String -Masking tape (to secure pendulums- warn students not to hold the pendulums in their hand) -Various weights (paper clips can also work) 5. Students will then write their conclusions based on the data they gathered and turn in a report 6. Report should contain the following: --Introduction, question and hypothesis --Description of how you designed your experiment --Data tables or graphs -- Conclusions Other worksheets available for the Scientific Method .. Scientific Method Review Puzzle (pdf) - I use this crossword as a review page for my Scientific Method unit. Scientific Method Word Search (pdf) - I use this word search as an extra credit assignment. The page also includes a make-a-word challenge using the letters in "Scientific Method". Scientific method (real life examples worksheets) Simple worksheets for variables LAB: Float an egg Independent Investigation worksheets- Independent Investigation Lab Worksheet (pdf), Independent Investigation Guidelines (pdf) , and Independent Investigation Grade Rubric (pdf) At the end of my scientific method unit, I challenge my students (usually working in pairs) to create an experiment of their own using pennies and drops of water by following the basic steps in the scientific method. A few ideas ... Which will hold more drops of water: cold penny or hot penny; new penny or old penny; and head side or tail side? Student groups have also created experiments to test different substances: different brands of soaps, shampoo/conditioners, or other safe household liquids. I always emphasize the need for safety! Each group must have my permission before attempting any part of the experiment. If a group has not addressed possible errors or safety rules, I have them rewrite the lab until it meets with my approval. Other ideas ... I give the students several chances throughout the year to create their own experiments using the Independent Investigation format. I provide only the topic and allow the students to create a question and design an experiment to find an answer. My students have experimented with bouncy balls, Hot Wheels cars, tops, yo-yos, and other toys that are easily available. For example, students work in pairs to create a question about bouncy balls, such as "Does the diameter of the ball influence the height of the bounce?" Students design the experiment by completing the first few sections on Ind. Investigation worksheet and have the experiment approved by me before they attempt the lab. If time is available after the labs are completed (or as an extra credit on-your-own-time project), I have the groups exchange experiments. After the experiments are completed, the groups meet to discuss the results, which provides a great opportunity to discuss problems related to the design of the experiment or data collection. Many times the groups come up with different results and the kids ask to repeat the experiment to see who is right! It is great to see them taking the initiative to experiment on their own and develop ways to address errors that could cause unreliable data - all without prodding from me! Don't miss this one ... Want great ideas for your students to investigate? Visit the COIILS Science Experiments Page for lots of great experiment ideas! My 7th & 8th grade students have participated in this online project for the past few years and it has been a great challenge for them. One of the best things about the project is the online database. Students can add their data to the database as well as view or download data from schools in all parts of the country! Consumer's Challenge (T. Trimpe, Havana Junior High, Havana, IL) My students work in research teams (2-4 students) to challenge the claims of products available to consumers. From paper towel advertisements to powerful battery claims, my students take the lead in their learning and investigate their world using the scientific method. During the first part of the project, students choose a product, create their question/hypothesis, and develop their procedure. They are required to incorporate methods to ensure reliable results and to address safety concerns. Before the experiment day, teams list the materials needed and gain final approval from me. After the experiment, students use their data to construct a graph and write a conclusion. Each team is required to create a presentation to report their findings to their classmates. The students earn two grades: one for the experiment portion and another for their group work.
While I determine the grade for the experiment portion of the project, the students help determine the member grades (effort and participation) by completing a Group Rating form. The form allows them to assess the effort and participation for themselves as well as for their classmates. The scores are averaged to calculate the individual grades for each team member. Student Worksheets: Consumer's Challenge (pdf) - Includes all the worksheets and grade rubrics for this activity.
My Problem is - "I need a date for Friday Night". Step 2: Research the problem. What will it take to solve my problem? What do I know, and need to know, about my problem? To solve my problem, "I need someone to take out Friday Night". Who can I take? - Examine the possibilities. - Eliminate poor choices. - Consider likely choices. Step 3: Form a hypothesis. A possible solution to my problem. The simplest solution is often the best solution! "My date will be ( Name )". Step 4: Test the hypothesis. Perform an experiment to see if your hypothesis works. "Ask ( Name ) for a date Friday Night". Step 5: Draw conclusions from the data.
In its simplest form, there are only two possible conclusions: Conclusion 1 If your hypothesis was correct, you now have a date for Friday. PROBLEM SOLVED!
Conclusion 2 If your hypothesis was incorrect, the experiment failed. DON'T GIVE UP! DO MORE RESEARCH! - What was wrong with your original hypothesis? - Did you make a poor selection? - Was your experiment flawed? - Form another hypothesis based on additional research. - Test the new hypothesis. Continue this process until the problem is solved! Research Links: * Designing and Conducting Scientific Experiments - The Science Room * Mankato State University provides a more detailed explaination of The Scientific Method. * Science For All Americans is a good online book to read. * A detailed explaination of the Uncertainty in Measurement, from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. * Science, Design, and Education - Students' Information Technology (SIT), University of Wisconsin - Madison * Problem Based Learning is part of NASA's Classroom of the Future. * The Center for Critical Thinking will help you understand how to evaluate your learning experience. * Teaching Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method at the Society for Developmental Biology. * The book On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research should be required reading for all Science Students! * There IS such a thing as Bad Science. * Richard Feynman on The Scientific Method and Teaching. * The TWINKIES PROJECT isn't exactly the scientific method, but it's fun. * Galileo and Einstein knew something of the scientific method.
Scientific Inquiry Standards - 12A, 13A, 14A, 15A Communication Standards - 15A, 16A, 17A, 18A, 18B English Content Standards - 1A, 2A, 2B, 3A, 4A, 5A, 10A, 11A, 11B, 12B, 13A