Cox's Bazar
Cox's Bazar
Cox's Bazar
Tourism Development: Cox's Bazar is a growing hub for tourism, and researchers
often examine how to sustainably develop the region. Studies may focus on the
economic impact of tourism on local communities, infrastructure development, and
tourist behavior.
Community Impact: The impact of tourism on the local community, including
income generation, employment, and social changes, is another area of study.
Researchers often explore the balance between benefiting locals and minimizing
disruptions to their way of life.
2. Environmental Studies
3. Humanitarian Research
Rohingya Crisis: Cox's Bazar has been a central focus of research related to the
Rohingya refugee crisis. Since 2017, it has hosted one of the largest refugee
populations in the world. Researchers have explored topics such as the humanitarian
response, refugee health, education, sanitation, and mental health services.
Health and Nutrition: Research on the health and nutrition of both the local
population and the Rohingya refugees includes studies on malnutrition, infectious
diseases, maternal and child health, and access to healthcare.
4. Fisheries and Marine Research
5. Sociocultural Studies
Cox's Bazar is a site of rich and diverse research opportunities across multiple disciplines,
from tourism and environmental sustainability to humanitarian efforts related to the refugee
crisis. Researchers working in the region are addressing some of the most pressing challenges
in coastal conservation, refugee management, and sustainable development.